I React To Alex Costa [0:00:00]
Antonio: Oh, really?
Today, I'm watching Alex Costa's video, Five Stylish Ways to Impress a Girl.
Now, Alex, forget about the ladies, are you going to impress me with your style advice?
Guys, ready to find out?
Let's do this.
[Music] All right, guys, so let's get right into this.
Good intro.
Yeah, I like that really to the point.
I don't know about this jacket.
Alex: You have to set yourself apart from...
Antonio: That jacket, I'm not sure if it's going to imp – I don't know, it's a
little bit fashion forward.
Alex: Number one...
Antonio: Be edgy.
This makes sense now that I'm looking at this jacket here.
Alex: Bad ass.
Antonio: Personally, I think if you wore a colored shirt with that, it would have looked
a lot better.
Alex: So, you have to set yourself apart from them.
Find that upper edge.
Antonio: I agree.
Great point.
You got to set yourself apart.
Alex: You meet some dude and you're like, damn, that dude is definitely cooler than
I am.
Antonio: I don't know about you guys, but that has never happened to me.
I have never seen a guy who's cooler than I am.
Aaron: What's up, gentlemen?
Antonio: I love this, he immediately gets into hairstyles which is what Alex Costa made
his mark.
He has more volume just like in the front of his hair than I have throughout my entire
So, he makes that look easy, I mean now that your hair is done.
Guys, I don't know about you all, but how long does it take you to make your hair look
like what Alex does?
It would probably take me at least fifteen to twenty five minutes at least and then I
don't think I look half as great as he does.
Alex: Maybe go for some dope boots that really stand out.
Antonio: Dope boots.
What is the definition of dope?
I don't use that word very often.
Actually, probably I have never used that word in a sentence, but Alex, he just used
it and I thought he used it pretty well.
And I completely agree with his point about the leather jacket.
I've talked about this before, but the research clearly shows leather is associated with strength
and masculinity.
He does a great job with his videos, I mean the B-roll on this is on point.
Bracelets will make you look cooler than the other guys.
I'm not sure I agree with this because you got to be able to wear the bracelet with confidence.
Now, I talked about this that I have trouble wearing bracelets, maybe I need to find a
bracelet that just suits me one that has a special meaning.
Guys, I'll link to my video about why I can't wear bracelets down in the description
of this video.
So, this denim jacket is definitely edgy and I'm trying to figure out over on his left
elbow, is that tape or what is that on the jacket?
I know if I was next to him, I'd actually try to touch that and figure that out.
I'd ask his permission of course before touching his elbow.
Now, at this point I want to be clear that Alex is a friend of mine.
When I was in London, we've met up at the YouTube space.
He actually showed me around and then, when he came to Atlanta, he was a guest at my event,
And if you have not grabbed your tickets, guys, you need to.
The virtual ticket, we have made this, the price is insane.
Go check this out wherever you're at in the world, you will be able to attend Menfluential
without actually setting foot in the United States.
Guys, go check out our virtual ticket.
I'm actually bringing a team, we're going to be live broadcasting for two days from
the event.
You're going to get all the recordings, but most importantly, during Menfluential,
you're going to be able to ask me questions interact with guys like Alex Costa, Jose over
at Teaching Men's Fashion, Aaron Marino over at Alpha M.
And if you have a viewing party, I encourage this if you've got three or four guys to
come over and you guys watch this together.
We are actually going to work to broadcast you up onto the screen, so that you can interact
with us at the event.
So, guys, I'm really excited if you have not checked out the virtual ticket.
I'm linking to it down in the description.
Now, the price right now is very low.
We're going to raise the price, so grab while they're incredibly cheap.
I want you to be able to join our Facebook group, you get immediate access to our private
Facebook group where you could interact with the guys and they could talk about it and
everyone is super excited about this.
So, I want you to join this.
It could help you become the man you know yourself to be.
Alex: Tip number two is finding a perfect t-shirt.
Antonio: I don't know if this is really going to give you an edge to make you stand
Let's see what else he has to say.
Alex: You need a nice-fitted tee in your closet.
There is...
Antonio: Now, to me, it sounds like he's saying that any guy is going to look great
in a t-shirt, I disagree.
You really need to have the body type for it.
So, if you've got really sloped shoulders or a larger mid section t-shirts, I think
are not going to flatter your body built.
I need to learn to walk like Alex Costa, man.
This guy is amazing.
Now, if you want to learn how to walk like a man, I do have another video you can check
out down in the description on how to walk like a man.
Alex: How many pairs of shoes do girls own?
Way more than any guy out there.
Antonio: Now, this is completely false.
I own more shoes than my wife.
Yes, that is a fact.
Alex: Tip number four.
Antonio: Tip number four, glasses?
So, hopefully he includes sunglasses here because I know a lot of you guys just simply
don't wear glasses.
Alex: The right glasses are going to make you look smarter.
Antonio: He's got a good point, glasses do make you look smarter.
Research has shown that glasses with a strong frame that's a clear outline around the
eyes just draw attention to the eyes and therefore do make you look smarter.
Alex: Nice tailored suit...
Antonio: So, I completely agree with tip number five.
You bet, a tailored suit is going to attract the ladies.
So, he's got a good point.
Custom-made suits in general do look better, but you still want to make sure it fits your
And I did like that combination with that light-colored suit jacket with the t-shirt,
it looks good, Alex.
[0:05:03] What type of suit is this, Alex?
That looks like a track suit with those stripes going down.
I'm not going to say anything, you are definitely pulling it off, but it would be – I don't
know if I could ever pull off a suit and look like that, man.
Alex: Wearing black makes you look more masculine and it never...
Antonio: Wearing black, does it really though impress the girls?
Wearing black actually makes you look more aggressive, it can make you appear to be more
dominant, but does it actually attract women?
I haven't seen any research on that.
All right, Alex, so great job.
You nailed four out of the six, two of them pretty questionable.
I don't know.
What do you guys agree, disagree?
Let me know down in the comments.
And if you want more of Alex's channel, this video right here is absolutely awesome
that is how to dress better than other guys, six grooming secrets.
Check it out, great video.
I just actually watched it before this one and I'm linking to it right down there in
the description.
If you haven't been to Alex's channel, go check it out.
Awesome channel, make sure to subscribe to his channel.
And if you want to meet guys like Alex Costa, Jose over at Teaching Men's Fashion, Aaron
over at Alpha M, you want to get your butt over to Menfluential events in Atlanta, Georgia
this February.
And if you can't make it out here, guys, grab the virtual ticket.
I'm linking to them down in the description.
If it's fitness, if it's about becoming a better man, it's about grooming, it's
about style, we've got you covered at Menfluential and I would love to meet you in person.
That's it, gents.
Take care.
I will see you in the next video.
[0:06:21] End of Audio
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