Saturday, October 20, 2018

Youtube daily report w Oct 20 2018

Hi! I'm Susana from Pink & Fun

and how can you perceive, by my voice,

I caught a cold

but even so, I want to show you

the crafts material I received from "La Tienda de las Manualidades"

for my next projects

I already opened the box

but I did not open any of the packages

to do it with you

One of the things that comes in every order of "La Tienda de las Manualidades"

are the candies

that I'll leave to eat at the end of the video

because they maybe have the vitamin C

that I quite need for the flu :D

Another thing I received

is this brad setter

from We R Memory Keepers

I have one, in yellow

it has two ends: this one to pierce the paper

and then this to spread

and flatten the brads

to place them

I use this tool a lot

but to help me removing die die cuts from the dies

and I already broke the end...

Now I have a new one and much more beautiful

Another thing I received

is this modeling clay, from Stamperia

Extra Light Soft Clay

and it's really light

I was curious to try

and I can do it

because I also got the moulds to use it

it says here that they are

flexible PVC moulds

and are lovely

I'm very curious to try these two things.

I also received a set of photo corners

perfecto to apply photos to our albums

And papers!

Four kits of papers that I will show you ... by one

I'll start with this one

by Marisa Bernal

It's called "Joie de Vivre"

it's more beautiful live

than on the internet

I also received this baby one

from La Tienda de las Manualidades

called "Sweet Bunnies"

and it's very, very cute

Also from the same collection

I received this set images to fussy cut

with bunnies

this is the same...

it comes with three of each

three with the same design

very cute...

I received a collection that I really love

with unicorns

from Stamperia

It's called Wonderland.

it comes with 10 double sided papers

and it has beautiful colours

The last kit I received is also from Stamperia

It's called Pink Christmas,

it has cats

So I guess I'll love it!

And from the same collection

they sold

card kits

24 double sided cards with 11.4 cm x 16.5 cm

and I'll also show you

And thats it! This haul is finished

I could stay here for the rest of the day :D

I loved everything La Tienda de las Manualidades sent me for the next tutorials

I hope you liked too,

Thank you for watching,

Kisses and see you next video!

For more infomation >> Scrapbooking Haul - La Tienda de las Manualidades - Duration: 9:04.


Renault Master T35 2.3 dCi 170PK L3H2 Energy Airco/navi/Schuifdeur L+R (nr.7122) - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Renault Master T35 2.3 dCi 170PK L3H2 Energy Airco/navi/Schuifdeur L+R (nr.7122) - Duration: 0:53.



For more infomation >> SEVGİLİME 100 TL İLE ESPOR HESABI DİZDİM! - ZULA - Duration: 10:03.


MUKBANG Q&A SPECIAL | 목방 | 닭 튀김 | 회 - Duration: 50:08.

Hey, what up?

Ryan Gelatin asks -

What's the best album you listened to

from your high school days?

Krantek asks -

What choice for the leaving cert

do you regret the most?

Loekash asks -

If you guys had a character theme song,

which one would it be or how would it sound?

Carinam asks -

In one of the old episodes Bryan said he'd love

to be in a sandwich between Ryan Gosling

and Jake Gyllenhaal.

Which two celebs would Niamh and John

want to be in a sandwich between?

Hobartastic asks -

If doing creative work was out of the question,

what careers would y'all pursue?

GradyBaby asks -

Which one of you is trained in first aid?

And also, feelings on mayonnaise?

Neon Love asks -

What's the most food you've eaten in any given occasion?

Tacowavable asks -

What's one food or condiment you absolutely

hate but others seem to enjoy?

Tacowavable also asks -

If each of you goes to the grocery store

with the same list of 20 items,

in what order do you arrive back?

Tacowavable also asks -

Do you prefer to have desert immediately

after the meal or an hour or two afterwards?

Allie, Yea! asks -

Best and worst moviegoing experiences?

Special Episode asks -

What are your thoughts on private / boarding

or all boys / all girls schools?

Special Episode asks -

What is the most disappointing game you've ever played?

And there is a general consensus that

No Man's Sky and Firewatch don't count.

Sauced asks -

In a fight to the death with a weapon of your choice,

who would win amongst you guys?

Notmicrowavesafe asks -

What culinary norms do ya'll have that would

weird out non Irish audiences?

Conversely, things non Irish people do

to their food that weird you out?

Notmicrowavesafe also asks -

Is a hotdog a sandwich?

One final one from Notmicrowavesafe -

What is your favourite "old internet" content?

And they suggest pre 2005.

David Hamon aks -

What inspires you the most in terms of drawing,

making videos, working out, etc?

David W Nicols asks -

Niamh, what is your favourite kind of dish

to cook and why is it your favourite?

SharkyKrunk asks -

If you could only cook one dish perfectly every time

but all other food burned instantly when you try to prepare it,

what would that dish be?

They also ask -

How do you all deal with the sun and heat in general?

Hibi the Stronk asks -

Who is your favourite Yu-Gi-Oh character?

They also ask -

How would you all, especially John,

feel about a girl beating you up?

One last question from Hibi the Stronk -

Your all time favourite western animated work?

Fabuloussenpai asks -

Have any of the boss cast members tried fencing?

What do you guys think of it?

JoDioSan asks -

Are you guys able to eat while watching something with

extreme gore or gross? If so, what is your limit?

GIO GIO asks -

Favourite food to eat at 2am?

Also favourite alcoholic beverage?

PaulRudd asks -

So he asks -

If you guys could choose any person to be your personal

grim reaper to take you to the afterlife, who would it be?

PaulRudd also asks -

Who would win, Dante or Bayonetta?

Libeccio asks -

How would you guys sum yourselves up in one sentence?

MagpieMirrorTest asks -

What pieces of media do you all share a deep love for?

MagpieMirrorTest also asks -

I'd love to hear you all talk about media literacy,.

how to develop it, it's importance etc.

TheClashAtDemonhead asks -

If you could be a pro at any

sport / game / activity what would it be?

They also ask -

What is your favourite kind of monster girl?

One last question from TheClashAtDemonhead -

What is you most regrettable impulse purchase?

Silentrein asks -

What food / meal do you all eat most often

when making food and when eating out?

Well that's perfect because we've got our last question.

Zenkaijordan asks -

If John, Niamh and Bryan were all giant robots

what would your special attacks be and who would win?

For more infomation >> MUKBANG Q&A SPECIAL | 목방 | 닭 튀김 | 회 - Duration: 50:08.


Развела братика на С*КС?!| Аниме приколы под музыку #204 | Anime COUB | Смешные Моменты Из Аниме - Duration: 10:39.

For more infomation >> Развела братика на С*КС?!| Аниме приколы под музыку #204 | Anime COUB | Смешные Моменты Из Аниме - Duration: 10:39.


Matthew Blake feat Katie Boyle - Saved Me Now (LYRIC BY TMSC) - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Matthew Blake feat Katie Boyle - Saved Me Now (LYRIC BY TMSC) - Duration: 5:01.


Renault Clio 1.2-16V Drive / RIJKLAARPRIJS / 5DRS / AIRCO / ELEK.PAKKET - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio 1.2-16V Drive / RIJKLAARPRIJS / 5DRS / AIRCO / ELEK.PAKKET - Duration: 1:04.


Suzuki Wagon R+ 1.3 gl Airco - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Wagon R+ 1.3 gl Airco - Duration: 1:10.


Volkswagen Golf 1.6 16V * 5DRS* - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.6 16V * 5DRS* - Duration: 0:53.


WITHOUT WEAPONS / Don't Starve Together | Hardcore) - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> WITHOUT WEAPONS / Don't Starve Together | Hardcore) - Duration: 2:01.



For more infomation >> LANDINGS AND DEPARTURES AIRPORT GUARULHOS - PART 188 - Duration: 16:06.



For more infomation >> IBOPE: HADDAD SALTA 28 PONTOS E LIDERA COM 33% NA BAHIA - Duration: 2:56.





how to use E-dnevnik - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> how to use E-dnevnik - Duration: 3:22.


Citroën C4 Cactus e-THP 110pk SHINE ** Navi, Camera, Lage KM-Stand ** - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus e-THP 110pk SHINE ** Navi, Camera, Lage KM-Stand ** - Duration: 1:10.


Dia do Aviador e da Força Aérea Brasileira - Duration: 6:45.

For more infomation >> Dia do Aviador e da Força Aérea Brasileira - Duration: 6:45.


The Saint who found a Satyr and a Centaur - Duration: 6:37.

Hello friends and friends How are you? Today I will share with you the

a curious encounter that Saint Anthony the Abbot would have had, a figure venerated by the Catholic Church,

Orthodox and Anglican, with two surprising beings and very own of mythology, a centaur and a satyr.

According to the stories of Jerónimo de Estridón, written in the year 374 approximately.

San Antonio Abad, 90 years old, was doing penance in the desert, he thought

that there was no other hermit as devoted as he was. But through a dream "it was revealed to him"

that there was another more dedicated, living in another part of the desert. That's how then

He left in search of this man who was San Pablo, the first hermit.

As he crossed the dry and barren desert, he felt the scorching heat of the midday sun.

Suddenly he saw a creature "half horse, half man, called by the poets hippocentauro".

Surprised, Antonio crossed himself, and then asked the creature where he could

to be living a servant of God. The creature, trying to speak, issued some statements

little understandable, but then pointed in one direction with his right hand. So, the

creature ran towards the desert and the saint followed the indication ...

"Soon, in a small rocky valley closed on all sides, he saw a dwarf

snout-shaped snout, horns on forehead and limbs like goat legs.

Upon seeing him, the creature exhibited signs of kindness, tending him "Fruit of the palms" for

Help Antonio on his trip. Then the saint asked the creature who it could be.

"The response he received was:" I am a

be mortal and one of the inhabitants of the desert to which the Gentiles rendered worship under various

deceptive forms, with the names of fauns, satyrs and incubi. They sent me to represent

to my tribe. To pray for the favor of your Lord and ours, as we have learned,

he came once to save the world, and whose voice resonates throughout the Earth. "

"Antonio. Hearing this, he broke down crying and was glad to understand the language

of the satyr. He rejoiced for the Glory of Christ and the destruction of Satan, marveling

at the same time that he could understand the language of the satyr. Hitting the ground with

His staff exclaimed: "Woe to you, Alexandria, who instead of God have worshiped

to monsters! Woe to you, harlot city, in which the demons of the world have come together

whole! What will you say now? The beasts speak of Christ, but you, instead of worshiping God,

you idolize monsters.

"I had barely finished speaking when the savage creature fled as if it were endowed with wings ..."

And this concludes these incidents, which add an extra seasoning to the encounter between these

two saints that finally materializes in an emotional way.

But what can these beings be? For skeptics, these beings like

that many miracles, should be considered rather as allegories or literary devices.

However, Jerónimo, apparently assuming that some might doubt this story

to the future, insists adding in the first part of the story:

"Let no one feel scruples in believing this incident; its veracity is endorsed by what happened when Constantine occupied the throne, a fact that everyone witnessed. For you must know that a man of that kind was taken alive to Alexandria, to be exhibited before the marvelous eyes of the people. When he died, his body was embalmed with salt, to prevent the summer heat from decomposing him, and thus he was presented to Antiochus, so that the emperor could see him. "

Assuming that this happened, for some theologians these beings could be demons.

The faun trying to terrorize the saint, while the satyr recognized the overthrow of the false gods.

But there are also those who think differently,

being able to be these beings of another nature, since of to see been demons what the saint

had in front, I would have recognized them as such in the end. Not being the case,

it only became clear to the one who the centaur tried to show him the way to his destiny and the satyr

He ended up asking for the blessing in order to obtain redemption.

Already in the first part of the story, the narrator, Jerónimo does not seem to agree on

to the nature of these beings, and leaves a record of it when he writes "if it was the Devil

the one who took this form to terrorize him, or if the desert, which is known to abound

in monstrous animals, it engenders that kind of creatures too, we can not know it. "

Undoubtedly it is a curious and fascinating fact, but as we know we study this

type of meetings, adapts very well to the faeistic casuistry and Fortean encounters.

Could these beings, linked to mythology, be faerie beings or part of a daimonic reality, as Patrick harpur would say?

But you, what do you think about it? I would like to read your opinion in the comment box ...

He sent a big greeting and I said goodbye ... I'm Jonathan janshon, and see you in the next adventure.

For more infomation >> The Saint who found a Satyr and a Centaur - Duration: 6:37.


Live PD: Talking Nonsense (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Live PD: Talking Nonsense (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 3:57.


Como Fazer Orelha de Turco / How to Make Turkish Ear (Biscuit) - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> Como Fazer Orelha de Turco / How to Make Turkish Ear (Biscuit) - Duration: 6:05.


Room makeover sub. english||sweet ari butera - Duration: 3:03.

HI guys welcome to this new video, I'm sweet ari butera and this is a room makeover

was for many years that I wanted to redoing my room and I finally did it!

yesterday I removed all the things from my room

now we're going to buy some light purple paint and yeah

when I was at home, my bedroom was like that

at 7pm we had finished and the room was like that

the next day we painted again

after we have fixed everything

I still have to finish, but that's enough for today

I hope u liked this video, if u want some room decore please leave a like, and yeah, bye!

For more infomation >> Room makeover sub. english||sweet ari butera - Duration: 3:03.


Combat Arms - Deliri Notturni... - Duration: 7:51.

For more infomation >> Combat Arms - Deliri Notturni... - Duration: 7:51.


DIY spooky halloween soap - Duration: 1:58.

Welcome back to my video

and in this video I am gonna show you how to make halloween soap

We will need

gylcerin, form, old teapot

spiders and some aroma

just put glycerin into the mug and place it intomicrowave for 30 second

I put 2 spiders to the mold

Now just put there your glycerin ad put it into the freazer, It is really important to put it into the freazer to make the spiders web effect

For more infomation >> DIY spooky halloween soap - Duration: 1:58.


Power Rangers & Marvel Toys Pretend Play | Spider Hulk & Super Hero vs White Venom Villains Amry - Duration: 12:15.

Power Rangers & Marvel Toys Prentend Play | Spider Hulk & Super Hero vs White Venom Villains Army

For more infomation >> Power Rangers & Marvel Toys Pretend Play | Spider Hulk & Super Hero vs White Venom Villains Amry - Duration: 12:15.


Best English Songs Acoustic Cover 2018 - Pop Songs World 2018 - Best Songs of 2018 #Vol.01 - Duration: 1:03:24.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Best English Songs Acoustic Cover 2018 - Pop Songs World 2018 - Best Songs of 2018 #Vol.01 - Duration: 1:03:24.





PR_Miniaturas mais visitadas Google Chrome ausente Como restaurá-lo. - Duration: 1:49.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about. How do I fix google chrome most visited

website thumbnails disappeared? Or you may need to change chrome background, and restore the old chrome

thumbnails back First make sure you are using Chrome 69. To check this, click the Chrome 3 Dot Menu Icon,

then choose Help, Then About Google Chrome. Reload the Page to check for a new Version.

You may try reverting to the old Thumbnails by disabling this two Flags. chrome://flags/#ntp-icons.

chrome://flags/#ntp-custom-links. The new NTP New Tab Page Layout uses Icons instead of Website Thumbnails.

This is a major change in the new Design. The same Layout is used on mobile Chrome. In addition, the redesigned NTP Page offers

two new Features. Change background. Click the Wheel Icon on the bottom right, to

choose a Background Image for the NTP Page. You may upload your own, or choose from a List offered from Google.

Follow the steps as shown below. Create your own Link Shortcuts. Follow the steps as shown below.

Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> PR_Miniaturas mais visitadas Google Chrome ausente Como restaurá-lo. - Duration: 1:49.


AMIGOS DISTANTES... - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> AMIGOS DISTANTES... - Duration: 2:05.


O Quê é o THE FOOLS? Explicação - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> O Quê é o THE FOOLS? Explicação - Duration: 4:36.


Boo - Duration: 0:12.

Are you insane like me?

Been in pain like me?

Bought a hundred dollar bottle of champagne like me?

Just to pour that motherfucker down the drain like me?

For more infomation >> Boo - Duration: 0:12.


Brazilian Vlog in Bahia - Duration: 2:32.



What a random.

*Singing - O preço by Charlie Brown Jr.*

I clicked the link and went.

Because of the e-mail that you made out?

What was the vessel that helped the dinossaurs from scape the flood?


The Ark DINOe

What a crap!

''Television'' "Look at this"' It 's ... a entertainer

"It's getting on fire, dude" "This beast there, dude"

Tv entertainer Yes!


The movie that the guy get stocked in the video game.

His dad...

Bro, look how excited I was playing "who am I?''

... Disappear and.. TRON !

Yes! Holly shit!

I'm going to get out of here

Get down No way

So I made this video with my friends,

my childhood friends, and it was a video that...

put like a variety, you know?

I don't have already...

...a defined subject.

And for now I won't have, yet I can't say:

"Guilherme only makes videos about "X" subject"

I will make videos about everything that I like, things that I find interesting...

and I assure you that if you're are watching this video

I already have another one finished and making other

I will try at list...

I wont promise two videos per week or something like...

...two videos at the week.

But I will try at list one per week

And this time I wont let a month without video or something like that

So... that's it

We're all together! And see you soon.

Back off, stupid ant!!

For more infomation >> Brazilian Vlog in Bahia - Duration: 2:32.


Volvo V40 1.6 D2 115PK R-Design - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 1.6 D2 115PK R-Design - Duration: 1:12.


Renault Master T35 2.3 DCI 170PK L2H2 Airco/navi/schuifdeur L+R (nr.7084) - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Renault Master T35 2.3 DCI 170PK L2H2 Airco/navi/schuifdeur L+R (nr.7084) - Duration: 1:05.


Renault Master T35 2.3 DCI 170PK L2H2 Airco/navi/schuifdeur L+R (nr.7085) - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Renault Master T35 2.3 DCI 170PK L2H2 Airco/navi/schuifdeur L+R (nr.7085) - Duration: 1:05.


Scrapbooking Haul - La Tienda de las Manualidades - Duration: 9:04.

Hi! I'm Susana from Pink & Fun

and how can you perceive, by my voice,

I caught a cold

but even so, I want to show you

the crafts material I received from "La Tienda de las Manualidades"

for my next projects

I already opened the box

but I did not open any of the packages

to do it with you

One of the things that comes in every order of "La Tienda de las Manualidades"

are the candies

that I'll leave to eat at the end of the video

because they maybe have the vitamin C

that I quite need for the flu :D

Another thing I received

is this brad setter

from We R Memory Keepers

I have one, in yellow

it has two ends: this one to pierce the paper

and then this to spread

and flatten the brads

to place them

I use this tool a lot

but to help me removing die die cuts from the dies

and I already broke the end...

Now I have a new one and much more beautiful

Another thing I received

is this modeling clay, from Stamperia

Extra Light Soft Clay

and it's really light

I was curious to try

and I can do it

because I also got the moulds to use it

it says here that they are

flexible PVC moulds

and are lovely

I'm very curious to try these two things.

I also received a set of photo corners

perfecto to apply photos to our albums

And papers!

Four kits of papers that I will show you ... by one

I'll start with this one

by Marisa Bernal

It's called "Joie de Vivre"

it's more beautiful live

than on the internet

I also received this baby one

from La Tienda de las Manualidades

called "Sweet Bunnies"

and it's very, very cute

Also from the same collection

I received this set images to fussy cut

with bunnies

this is the same...

it comes with three of each

three with the same design

very cute...

I received a collection that I really love

with unicorns

from Stamperia

It's called Wonderland.

it comes with 10 double sided papers

and it has beautiful colours

The last kit I received is also from Stamperia

It's called Pink Christmas,

it has cats

So I guess I'll love it!

And from the same collection

they sold

card kits

24 double sided cards with 11.4 cm x 16.5 cm

and I'll also show you

And thats it! This haul is finished

I could stay here for the rest of the day :D

I loved everything La Tienda de las Manualidades sent me for the next tutorials

I hope you liked too,

Thank you for watching,

Kisses and see you next video!

For more infomation >> Scrapbooking Haul - La Tienda de las Manualidades - Duration: 9:04.


Renault Master T35 2.3 dCi 170PK L3H2 Energy Airco/navi/Schuifdeur L+R (nr.7122) - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Renault Master T35 2.3 dCi 170PK L3H2 Energy Airco/navi/Schuifdeur L+R (nr.7122) - Duration: 0:53.



For more infomation >> SEVGİLİME 100 TL İLE ESPOR HESABI DİZDİM! - ZULA - Duration: 10:03.


MUKBANG Q&A SPECIAL | 목방 | 닭 튀김 | 회 - Duration: 50:08.

Hey, what up?

Ryan Gelatin asks -

What's the best album you listened to

from your high school days?

Krantek asks -

What choice for the leaving cert

do you regret the most?

Loekash asks -

If you guys had a character theme song,

which one would it be or how would it sound?

Carinam asks -

In one of the old episodes Bryan said he'd love

to be in a sandwich between Ryan Gosling

and Jake Gyllenhaal.

Which two celebs would Niamh and John

want to be in a sandwich between?

Hobartastic asks -

If doing creative work was out of the question,

what careers would y'all pursue?

GradyBaby asks -

Which one of you is trained in first aid?

And also, feelings on mayonnaise?

Neon Love asks -

What's the most food you've eaten in any given occasion?

Tacowavable asks -

What's one food or condiment you absolutely

hate but others seem to enjoy?

Tacowavable also asks -

If each of you goes to the grocery store

with the same list of 20 items,

in what order do you arrive back?

Tacowavable also asks -

Do you prefer to have desert immediately

after the meal or an hour or two afterwards?

Allie, Yea! asks -

Best and worst moviegoing experiences?

Special Episode asks -

What are your thoughts on private / boarding

or all boys / all girls schools?

Special Episode asks -

What is the most disappointing game you've ever played?

And there is a general consensus that

No Man's Sky and Firewatch don't count.

Sauced asks -

In a fight to the death with a weapon of your choice,

who would win amongst you guys?

Notmicrowavesafe asks -

What culinary norms do ya'll have that would

weird out non Irish audiences?

Conversely, things non Irish people do

to their food that weird you out?

Notmicrowavesafe also asks -

Is a hotdog a sandwich?

One final one from Notmicrowavesafe -

What is your favourite "old internet" content?

And they suggest pre 2005.

David Hamon aks -

What inspires you the most in terms of drawing,

making videos, working out, etc?

David W Nicols asks -

Niamh, what is your favourite kind of dish

to cook and why is it your favourite?

SharkyKrunk asks -

If you could only cook one dish perfectly every time

but all other food burned instantly when you try to prepare it,

what would that dish be?

They also ask -

How do you all deal with the sun and heat in general?

Hibi the Stronk asks -

Who is your favourite Yu-Gi-Oh character?

They also ask -

How would you all, especially John,

feel about a girl beating you up?

One last question from Hibi the Stronk -

Your all time favourite western animated work?

Fabuloussenpai asks -

Have any of the boss cast members tried fencing?

What do you guys think of it?

JoDioSan asks -

Are you guys able to eat while watching something with

extreme gore or gross? If so, what is your limit?

GIO GIO asks -

Favourite food to eat at 2am?

Also favourite alcoholic beverage?

PaulRudd asks -

So he asks -

If you guys could choose any person to be your personal

grim reaper to take you to the afterlife, who would it be?

PaulRudd also asks -

Who would win, Dante or Bayonetta?

Libeccio asks -

How would you guys sum yourselves up in one sentence?

MagpieMirrorTest asks -

What pieces of media do you all share a deep love for?

MagpieMirrorTest also asks -

I'd love to hear you all talk about media literacy,.

how to develop it, it's importance etc.

TheClashAtDemonhead asks -

If you could be a pro at any

sport / game / activity what would it be?

They also ask -

What is your favourite kind of monster girl?

One last question from TheClashAtDemonhead -

What is you most regrettable impulse purchase?

Silentrein asks -

What food / meal do you all eat most often

when making food and when eating out?

Well that's perfect because we've got our last question.

Zenkaijordan asks -

If John, Niamh and Bryan were all giant robots

what would your special attacks be and who would win?

For more infomation >> MUKBANG Q&A SPECIAL | 목방 | 닭 튀김 | 회 - Duration: 50:08.


Развела братика на С*КС?!| Аниме приколы под музыку #204 | Anime COUB | Смешные Моменты Из Аниме - Duration: 10:39.

For more infomation >> Развела братика на С*КС?!| Аниме приколы под музыку #204 | Anime COUB | Смешные Моменты Из Аниме - Duration: 10:39.


Matthew Blake feat Katie Boyle - Saved Me Now (LYRIC BY TMSC) - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Matthew Blake feat Katie Boyle - Saved Me Now (LYRIC BY TMSC) - Duration: 5:01.


Renault Clio 1.2-16V Drive / RIJKLAARPRIJS / 5DRS / AIRCO / ELEK.PAKKET - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio 1.2-16V Drive / RIJKLAARPRIJS / 5DRS / AIRCO / ELEK.PAKKET - Duration: 1:04.


Suzuki Wagon R+ 1.3 gl Airco - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Wagon R+ 1.3 gl Airco - Duration: 1:10.


Volkswagen Golf 1.6 16V * 5DRS* - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.6 16V * 5DRS* - Duration: 0:53.


WITHOUT WEAPONS / Don't Starve Together | Hardcore) - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> WITHOUT WEAPONS / Don't Starve Together | Hardcore) - Duration: 2:01.


Poor Timo hungry angry cry coz mom don't baby milk & eat food with her | Monkey Daily 1942 - Duration: 10:20.

For more infomation >> Poor Timo hungry angry cry coz mom don't baby milk & eat food with her | Monkey Daily 1942 - Duration: 10:20.


Intentions Don't Get Things Done! - s1e197 - Duration: 10:54.

intentions never accomplished anything I'm Bill Snodgrass welcome to episode 197.

If you're coming just you're coming just to check the weather in Northwest

Indiana today it was it is 28 degrees my eye started watering as soon as I hit

the icon for the weather app

over the years I'm taking a lot of sunrise pictures and I usually they

usually catch them something like a time to make a fresh start or let the Sun

Rise on your dreams and getting things done usually there's some vector within

my captions on sunrise pictures that says it's time to get going it's time to

do something and and that's what we're gonna be exploring in this episode I've

got him I got a credit part of the the

motivation inspiration to this video to a YouTube friend a prime glass dish that

just did a video called everything is gonna be different and I've put it up

here for you this video he says you know he's been

intending to do things I never got around to doing and I'm intending to

drink that coffee in just a minute but the the idea that I have things that I

intend to do but I always just keep putting them off stands in the way of us

reaching the things that we want to reach we've got to get past the

intention stage to the doing stage

I was gonna do it I'm about to start I just you know fixing the fixing to get

this thing done and then out then I will I meant to get it done your intentions

are not actions intending to do something is not the same as doing

something intentions are like somewhere between you recognize that something

needs to happen and you make a plan to do it and then you don't just stop with

the plan intentions are not actions if you live in your intentions you're

always gonna live in the the landscape of what might could have someday been

but it isn't it isn't done because you only intended to do it you probably tell

that Brian's video kind of got me you got me riled up this morning

rock riled-up is a really really good word riled up I'm riled up I don't even

know it's probably probably from my growing up roots

I don't know um when I was probably in elementary school my dad went to a

conference a Work Conference thing with Zig Ziglar and Zig Ziglar said that

people don't do anything because they don't have around to it they they always

are gonna say well I'll do this once I get around to it once I get around to it

so was executory a these little wooden squares they were round like it like

about the size of a quarter and then you wrote on it the word to it tu IT and

they gave that to everyone the Karma said now you've got around to it you can

go ahead and start I think that was a value that really really excited my

father because he came back and it was it was it was all those things that he

he really put some time and effort into sharing what he had learned with us as

kids my sister myself my brother and and it was one of the things that made an

impression on me we don't just we don't just say we're gonna do something when

we and we and we delay and we delay and we delay we have to we have to get to

the action part of the plan we'll talk about that a little bit more probably at

lunchtime because I got some things I have to get around to now that I need to

get ready what what do we do to go from I've I'm somewhere between my intention

and my plan and then now I want to move to I got it done so that that's what

we're gonna pick up on in the next recording moment segment place whatever

during my lunch when I'm leading my crackers and drinking my tea so see

Emily my protein bar doing my coffee now next time I'm

not always eating I just happened to record when I'm on my free time I had 20

minutes before the meeting today so I'm gonna use that 20 minutes to get ready

for the meeting so I keep saying so like I got something

else to say and I'm actually kind of done so I will you know catch up catch

up with you at lunch time I did the head nod I don't even know I don't even know

well we got lunch time going here and I thought I would thought I would kind of

draw the meaningful message of this video to an end here's what

differentiates between intentions and actions and this is this is gonna be one

of those moments where I must say this you're gonna go well of course well I

can't believe you know of course you're not gonna be surprised

an intention stands there it's like I really think you know I really need to

lose weight clean my camera lens check the batteries

mow the yard I really need to intention I really want to I really I have the

intention of doing this thing then then there becomes the phase where you start

planning you start playing and the the tipping point the plan is only a plan up

to the point that you schedule it and then it becomes an action you schedule

it now schedule might be like keeping your hands like I really need to get

some this cleanse where I use the bathroom I really need to get it I

really need to get it and it yesterday I intended to get some I intended to get

the bathroom cleanser guess what I didn't get it I forgot and then make it

onto my schedule I intend to do that today and on my way home my photography

club today so after photography club is over on my way home I'm gonna go to the

the store and I'm gonna get the I'm gonna get the cleanser that's that's how

you go from intention and action intentions alone

nothing intentions plus a plan plus scheduling it now you're gonna

accomplish something accomplishments come when the intention gets scheduled

in between the intention and the schedule is a plan and the plan can be

complex or the plan can be I'm gonna go to the store park once I'd

get to I'm not gonna write out a complex plan that ultimately means I went to the

store and bought some cleanser I am gonna write a complex plan that says I'm

gonna move to another state and find a new job that is a complex plan it's

gonna require a lot of thought and effort I'm not really planning I don't

have the intention to do that I was just using that as an example if you have no

intention of doing something then you obviously don't have a plan and if you

have a plan obviously you're not gonna schedule

something that doesn't just the difference between an intention and an

accomplishment is that you go through the planning and you and you schedule it

Wow the brilliance the brilliance I told you you weren't gonna be surprised you

may have just not connected all those dots even though you knew it in your

head you may have not connected those dots

Photography Club today tomorrow is Friday I'm shooting this on Thursday all

right let's bring this episode to a close thank you for watching hope you

enjoy this video please click the like button subscribe at the channel sign up

for notifications leave me a comment a question a suggestion an idea any kind

of response I love interacting with you down in the comments section of the

videos so please please leave me a comment that's all I got for this one I

will see you in the next

hey I just want to bounce back in real quick for a like a little technical tip

for some of the folks in those small creator we have a Facebook group and one

of the things that has come up recently about it's like forgetting to turn your

microphone on I have made it like a new a new procedure in my recording to turn

the microphone on before I plug it into the camera so that I know at a glance if

it's plugged in I turned it on and so far I've been doing this for a couple of

months weeks I've been doing that for about two or three weeks I'm probably

you know about 90% not messing up when I do that when I when I maybe 95 percent I

don't know how many if I've made that many sample videos so I turned the

microphone on and then plug it in this is just like a little way of staying on

top of that microphone being on

For more infomation >> Intentions Don't Get Things Done! - s1e197 - Duration: 10:54.


The Benefits Of A Low Protein Diet - Duration: 8:02.

hey guys so in today's video I'm gonna be talking about the benefits of a lower

protein diet right so if you know my channel very well I'm a big advocate for

eating a lot of protein and I'm going to explain why I advocate for that in a

second but first I want to talk about protein and how it's perceived by most

fitness enthusiasts so most guys out there think that protein is the most

important macronutrients and the right to an extent protein is incredibly

important and relevant if your goal is building muscle losing fat maintaining

on to your muscle while you lose fat protein is key

however protein is incredibly overhyped which I've talked about in my video on

protein powders and that's one reason why it's overhyped it's because of the

supplement industry because of people trying to push protein powders onto you

to make money so they overhyped the importance and the benefits that you can

get out of consuming protein so very quickly the three reasons why protein is

important is because one it helps you recover from your workouts build muscle

maintain Ahn's muscle - it's gonna help decrease your appetite because of

certain effects it has on hormones and three it's the most thermogenic food

meaning it requires the most energy to burn out of carbs fat and protein that

means eating more protein increases your metabolism so what on earth could the

benefits be of a lessening this magic macronutrients so the first thing that

the research has shown us is that to build muscle you know if you're in a

calorie surplus the amount of protein you need isn't as much as most people

think it's between point seven to one grandpa pound of body weight of protein

which is about one point six to 2.2 grams per kilogram so there are a lot of

guys who will consume well over grandpa pound of bodyweight of protein per day

and an effort to build more muscle there's a sort of myth out there that

the more protein you eat the more that turns into muscle it's like people think

muscle tissue protein a more protein I build muscle that's true to an extent

the daily recommended amount of protein to consume for the general population is

actually far too little and that amount for people who are resistance training

and trying to maximize athletic performance and build muscle is way way

way too low so in in that circumstance increasing

in sake is gonna help you recover better and get better results however there are

people pushing well over a grand per pound of body weight 1.3 1.4 1.5 and

this amount of protein can actually be useful if you're in a very very big

calorie deficit in order to prevent muscle loss but usually it's unwarranted

here's one reason why it's about testosterone so protein is actually

important for testosterone but research has shown when people are consuming too

much guys tend to have a decrease in testosterone now this isn't due to

protein per se it's simply due to the lack of the carbohydrates and fat that

you would otherwise be getting if you were consuming a more moderate amount of

protein so both carbs and especially fat are important for testosterone research

has shown that when you acutely decrease carbohydrates testosterone decreases and

likewise low fat compared to high-fat diets tend to foster lower testosterone

levels in men so it makes sense because you're gonna be able to consume more

carbs it's gonna give you more energy for the gym more fat may mean more

testosterone and overall it also makes sense

from a sustainability perspective so by decreasing protein intake you're gonna

get more carbs in they may help your performance in the gym more fats from

olive oil for example may help to increase testosterone a bit but that

isn't the main reason why I think it's good to sometimes lower protein intake

it's more for the variability and your food selection but you don't really hear

people over feeding on protein and eating way too much price stuff myself

with protein you don't really hear about that it's usually people stuffing

themselves with foods which have a lot of carbs and fat those are the tasty

foods so if you have more options with your food it's gonna be more sustainable

as a diet you can follow a long-term that's gonna be more enjoyable I mean

you don't really want to just be eating chicken breast and eggs all day you want

to be consuming some other foods as well and if you're consuming way too much

protein because you have this idea that more is better you're gonna miss out on

a lot of foods and that may simply make the diet you're doing unsustainable long

term and that's not what you want yes consuming a ton of protein short term

can be incredibly effective fat loss one because it's so satiating to your

metabolism is gonna increase so much so because of this you can lose fat rapidly

but not something sustainable long-term and

it's not gonna be good for your hormones you're not gonna have a high libido on a

super high protein low carb low fat diet it just doesn't work long-term for

performance and mood and energy there are also some animal studies

showing that you know high-protein diets are gonna increase insulin like growth

effect and lead to a decrease lifespan forget about this stuff for now you know

the research on this is incredibly complex it's not something I know about

or I'm going to try explain but what I do know is that a moderate amount of

protein even a high-protein diet which resistance trained guys are consuming

isn't something that's gonna be detrimental to your health long term

there there are no bad side effects of consuming a high-protein diet if

anything it's it's good for your health before I say it point seven to one gram

per pound of bodyweight protein is a good amount

aim for and more than this when you're bulking up isn't really gonna have any

benefits when you're cutting it when you're in a calorie deficit it may be a

bit more important to increase protein intake slightly although there is also

some research showing that your body becomes more efficient with the protein

that you give it anyway you shouldn't really need to go over 1.1 1.2 grams per

pound of bodyweight ever there's never really a need to go to go higher than

that for those of you following the metric system which is most of you I'm

guessing that's like 2.6 grams per kilogram you don't really need to go

above that amount unless just really really really struggling with your

appetite and even in that circumstance I would recommend trying something like

intermittent fasting just so you're able to include a greater variety and your

diet so you don't even need to go that high in the first place I think that

most people if the losing fat and are in a moderate calorie deficit 500 calories

under maintenance you don't really need to go above 1 gram per pound of body

weight of protein 2.2 grams per kilogram there's no need to go higher than that

so here are some facts you need to know about protein protein timing can matter

you know research has shown that it's gonna be most effective when you're

consuming 0.2 to 0.25 grams per pound of body weight of protein over 4 meals

throughout the day however more the research is also shown that protein

timing isn't that important whether you eat all your protein in one meal or six

meals isn't really gonna make the biggest difference to your body

composition long term so eat whatever you want as long as you meet your total

amount for the day we know this from studies looking at people doing fasting

in other people not fasting and the results show that both groups had the

same results and retain the same amount of muscle over the course of several

months basically the message of this video was short and sweet don't obsess

over protein you don't eat protein powders you don't need to constantly eat

protein and protein and protein just eat the amount that you need to eat for the

day you know point seven to one grab the pound of bodyweight and then forget

about it you don't really need to worry about it much more than that don't

overthink the timing and don't think more is better okay as long as you're

getting enough from food you don't need to go and buy supplements you don't need

to consume ridiculous amounts of it alright guys so I hope you guys got some

value out of this video I'll leave a comment down below and let me know what

you think about protein I'm curious to know how much protein on a daily basis

have you found works best for you when you're trying to lose fat all right I'll

see you guys next time

For more infomation >> The Benefits Of A Low Protein Diet - Duration: 8:02.


Hyundai Kona 1.0T Fashion RIJKAAR €23.995,- - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Kona 1.0T Fashion RIJKAAR €23.995,- - Duration: 0:53.


Hyundai Kona 1.0T Premium Two-Tone/Navigatie - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Kona 1.0T Premium Two-Tone/Navigatie - Duration: 1:08.


VENOM EST-IL SI MAUVAIS? - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> VENOM EST-IL SI MAUVAIS? - Duration: 5:25.


I sure like what Matt Risinger has to say about housewrap - Duration: 8:15.

hey what's up guys it's Kyle from RR buildings and I got a little bit of

a special video today because I'm here with my buddy Matt Matt Kyle man how's

it going so I want to phrase this by like kinda letting you guys know that

Matt has no idea really what I'm gonna ask him a little nervous but every Scott

host real quickly like what do you do and why would I want you to do this

video with me because at least you know that not to tear that muds column and

build her down in Austin Texas call myself a general contractor so we do new

builds and remodels my kind of shtick is that I'm a building science guy yep and

I build to kind of a higher standard for efficiency and durability I build houses

that I think are gonna last for long periods of time like to build a house

last year that that uses a concept that house should be around for 500 years

so I'm really big into efficiency and durability right so now that he said

that the biggest thing that I really wanted to reach out to Matt was now that

I've shared so much with you guys on the channel I get a lot of feedback as far

as the efficiency of a post frame like maybe the building methods that we're

using and I really use the channel to try to better the industry to make new

ways of doing things you talk about longevity like we went from post in the

ground to post on a concrete pier take away rot like try to do it as efficient

as possible with also like the sustainability absolutely well the next

step is efficiency nobody wants to pay to heat their building yep so we try to

over do it right so if you're not you know I know you're familiar with what we

do but our post frame buildings big sheds they're like cavernous spaces so

let's try to make them tight people want them tight now if I'm gonna go ahead and

tag a video cuz you dare tell you yes you did a really good video about air

tightness and whether or not a house should breathe right so that's what

really all the time it piqued my interest I wanted to know in my business

like are we concerned with tightness on a garage or should we because it's a

cavernous dark space that potentially is not climate control are we worried about

that do we not you know we need to think about it man that's a great question so

your buildings are different than mine in that most of my buildings are all

residences and much more square footage wrangling than what you're used to

building and mine are typically air-conditioned and frankly dehumidified

because I'm gonna I'm in a hot humid climate and so really dehumidification

is more important than the then actually the temperature but you know think about

it this way if you were gonna put a piano in one of your buildings

how would that piano work over the next hundred years if it wasn't conditioned

the piano is gonna stay dry number one right yeah it's gonna be out of the

elements it'd probably go out of tune because your community levels are gonna

rise and fall so you have to retune that piano but other than that a piano in the

middle of one of your buildings would probably last no problem 100 years right

okay so you got the durability down you you're shedding the rain you're not

leaking rain is our number one enemy so if you take care of the rain first

that's most important okay out right after rain though is air sealing if

we're really trying to build an efficient and durable building we don't

want air leaking in because when air leaks in to a building now this isn't so

much on an unconditioned building it's not as big a deal you know an

unconditioned building turns out to be a you know a shed or a barn right it's

where you're keeping your animals your animals aren't living in an air

conditioned environment it's not a big deal of air leaks into that environment

but if you're building a house or a residence or a conditioned space in

there a conditioned shop let's say okay when that air leaks in it can find a

cold condensing surface potentially if your clients are dealing with metal like

all my skin's are metal there's a lot of metal in there condensation is my

biggest worry yeah and so what happens when water condenses on metal rust

happens for sure and depending on how you're insulating you're bringing that

air in potentially through your insulation if you had an air leak and

that's bad because now you maybe have some airborne insulation especially if

it's like a fiberglass insulation you don't want that airborne in your house

okay and it might have find another condensing service like the back of

sheetrock or some other more sensitive material and when condensation happens

the back of sheetrock what happens okay we mold right nothing good happens

the naqshi right yeah so with that being said I get this okay this becomes an

efficiency vers cost first like need and want right so the next thing that is

always controversial and I know that it could be something that I need to

improve upon and that's where like I look to professionals that guys that

know more so i house rap all my shops okay cuz i want that air blockage i

don't want air penetrating the typical post frame it just hey we're gonna let

it breathe it's gonna be insulated but the air is gonna go right through it

yeah I don't think that's doing anything for us right totally

so I house rap my walls but I don't house rap the gable of the unconditioned

attic space okay so people always at now you're gonna to worry about voice Chur

water no I don't have to worry about that that's what my facade is for

there's not a place for water to penetrate rain right what is your take

on that is attic space need to be conditioned or it need to be house

wrapped no because ultimately what you're doing right is you're building an

air conditioned air tight box within a greater shell I don't if you've ever

seen the photos of my hunting cabin down in South Texas that we've got but we

build up we build a shipping container box and turn it into a hunting lodge and

so it's it's a standard box size I forget if it's a it must be a 30 footer

so it's an eight by 30 standard see can and we cut doors and windows into it

it's got two window Rattlers on on both ends we had a leak really early on after

we put it down there under our hunting property so we built an over roof the

over roof solved that issue and that's basically what you're doing right you've

got an over roof you've got your barn roof that's shedding the rain and

keeping everything dry underneath it but then you've got an airtight box that's

that's airtight and is insulated within that do you ever get condensation or

issues on your every roof no because that's my main goal is proper

ventilation right I want to keep that unconditioned attic space the same as

the outsides right so nothing is condensing keep everything tight on the

on the building yep you know I used to be a home builder I try to treat it like

a house yeah but there's a perception that hey man

you got to let it breathe you've heard it a million times and I say there's a

point where you have to work smarter not just do it to do it

and hey I I really hope you guys take what he's saying because this guy's the

professional he knows more than a simple Midwest barn builder I don't want to

spend money house wrapping a gable if I don't think it's right but it's great to

hear from the guy that knows it I got a great analogy for you on this real quick

I'll be fast on this but think about if you had a Yeti cooler you know yetis

amazing on their marketing you know that you see their marketing and when I moved

to Texas ten years ago 15 years ago now I had a little igloo cooler that was $45

it held ice for maybe 24 hours bro me not then I moved to Texas and yet he

started their company and started advertising now I bought a $300 cooler

but the difference is thick closed cell foam insulation in excellent air sealing

that lid on that Yeti super tight they've got like rubber straps it really

cinches down so that yet he's got good insulation but really good air sealing

okay now if you put that Yeti in one of your barns with an over roof how long

would that ice stay cold a long long time good point and that's really what

you're doing is you're building a Yeti cooler that sits underneath the barn

okay right and your pole barn and in that

structure that metal scheme it's on the outside metal lasts a long long time as

a skin I love it in fact that the house I built that we call the 500 year house

a perfect ball house yeah that has a full metal skin on the outside and it

basically has a kiddie cooler sitting on the incident and that's really what

you're building it's a great analogy Wow hey if you guys want to learn more about

Matt because I'm telling you he knows his stuff he's got an awesome channel

that I will tag down below but I'm you know dude thanks for coming out and

doing this with me so we're gonna stop the comments about house wrap gable

because Matt Rising you're saying donate it we don't need you donated thanks guys

awesome pretty good guys thanks see you later

For more infomation >> I sure like what Matt Risinger has to say about housewrap - Duration: 8:15.


Creepy Crawly Candy! 13 Days of Halloween Treats - Duration: 10:39.

hi I'm Jillian and I'm Addie of babyteeth4 and welcome to Jillian a daddy's

thirteen days of Halloween treats we're also joined by that all-seeing

all-knowing sage Zoltan remember we just picked something

out of this there have you got a mouth and this this theme today is creepy

crawlies creepy crawly candies oh yeah and the first thing we got was trollee

sour bite if you want me to give it it take a crack at it every day 13 straight

days plus the bonus day after Halloween today what do we go got inside

the skull worms

okay so what are you dressed as have you Triceratops that's Triceratops I'm a

wind-up doll you can't see it but I have like will show that later okay you gonna

share with your sister she's your little gummy where's the creepy crawly things

random ones they were all the same color

I mean yeah that's that satisfying like sour crave like it's not hair oh yeah

this is feathers yeah oh this is the back it's on the back I

see alright so why don't we do a fun factor in flavor yeah flavor was like

really really good no you always do fun factor first you're going backwards fun

factor I'll give it a really good flavor is really good I'd give the fun factor a

1.5 and then the flavor a worm K okay okay boy you guys are harsh 1.5 are

critics we've gotten harsher with our ratings

yeah we know just so people could see some of the set just just so they could

take a peek yeah oh we can see your key on your back - perfect that's some of

the set just to give people okay what's in mr. happy ghost mouth next

sorrow we sour brite dippin' crawlers trolley trolley trolling they're like

they don't have the sour stuff on them and they're like longer and I like these

ones are bendable the other ones weren't and then they have this it's really

really really orange looking oh and I was thinking it was gonna be a gooey dip

but it's not sounds super sanitary guys so we can see it on camera pull it

towards you so we can see it on camera it's too close to the camera guys

there's a pop rocks I don't know I can't tell if this is there's a little physics

energy it's like Pixy Stix maybe yeah oh yeah

with some more sour like wetter feeling they were really playing up the sour

aspect of it here really they're like what's our level like the whole thing in

your mouth it would be pretty sour but oh yeah let me try one

yeah kinda sticks but not really it's almost like those liquor sticks I think

it would

like a gummy things anymore it's like good no I like a jelly very disciplined

okay fun factor flavor I'll give the fun factor for because I

mean it was kind of fun with like that dipping action I guess and then you know

I'll give it a I don't like it I'm just gonna just no no yeah it helps of the

flavors like one or two words I am the fun factor one but it wasn't fun at all

it was a more difficult to try to dip it in the flavor hey what do we have next

in mr. happy ghost's mouth bug tape gummi bug tape I just realize that this is all

gummy well let's show people this there's a reason it's called bug tape

right I like how they put this plastic thing here so it doesn't stick do a job

do it so okay so check flagged a permissive applause strips

I don't know I guess whoa it's gonna be hard that you have maybe a little bite

you know very chewy

the only thing strangely silent do they say a flavor it's a strawberry lemon-aid

okay I'll give the fun factor of five like gummy bug tape and then like I'll

give the for the flavor I'll give it up mmm well delicious because it's really

good I'd give the fun factor a 3 it's not super fun but it's not boring either

and the flavor and fantastic before we move on let's check in with our fortune

teller Zoltan so we can see what's in store for the future I am the great

Zoltan I can see into the future our next episode will be on babyteeth4

stalked by pumpkins part 5 join us won't you

every other day you can find us here on babyteeth more but we're still doing Jillian

and Addie also if you're watching this video right

now this is a Saturday video after you're done you can go right over to

Jillian and Addie there's gonna be a brand new video on the Jillian and

Addie channel okay do you remember how to do an outro Addie oh no no that's all

the time we have for today I accidentally said drink lots of healthy

I thought you liked this video you like the video do you want to see more don't

forget to Like comment and subscribe follow us on Instagram for new pictures

every day what are we changing to I remember we already pushed the other

channels oh yeah eat lots of healthy foods and brush and floss your teeth

regularly and after your brush and floss

get plenty of tooth brushing and exercise regularly

For more infomation >> Creepy Crawly Candy! 13 Days of Halloween Treats - Duration: 10:39.


DIY Lipstick Tutorial 2018 | 25 Easy Lip Art Ideas To Try - Duration: 10:14.

For more infomation >> DIY Lipstick Tutorial 2018 | 25 Easy Lip Art Ideas To Try - Duration: 10:14.


Dog Owner Finds The Cutest Solution To Cheer Up Lonely Pup - Duration: 2:28.

Dog owner finds the cutest solution to cheer up lonely pup

Since she was a little girl a woman in Nova Scotia Canada really wanted a dog of her own

She managed to adopt a new furry friend into her life

But soon found that it was more work than she thought it would be after finding out the pup struggled with being alone

She knew she'd have to come up with a solution

Leeanne wanted a puppy as a child

But her mother had said no when Leeanne was old enough and on her own she decided it was time for a canine friend

It was a perfect idea. She didn't want a family of her own just yet, but still wanted someone to come home to at night

Leeanne was also financially stable and able to afford one as luck would have it she soon ran into a stray out on the street

On a rate of work Leeanne noticed a cute but weak black labrador puppy

Wandering on his own the poor dog was malnourished and suffered from mange

With no one to claim him Leeanne took him to the vet for treatment

She quickly fell in love with him Leeanne decided then and there to officially adopt him and named him Marlo

But the new pump wouldn't come without his share of trouble

After months of treatment little Marlo was feeling a lot better

Leeanne would bring him to work where her co-workers showered him with love and attention

However, as Marlo got bigger Leeanne began leaving it at home

Every night she'd come home to huge messes that Marlo had made

The poor pup suffered from separation anxiety and leanne knew she'd have to figure something out to nip this in the bud

Leeanne tried to find dog sitters but to no avail her vet recommended medication for Marlo

But she refused to take that route instead Leeanne spent months researching and found something

She hoped would be the answer to the problem, but would it be the best solution for Marlo's behavior?

The woman heard great things about good hands boarding kennels

Which housed dogs of all sizes breeds and ages?

During the day the dogs would get to play and run around under the watchful eye of caretakers

It ended up being a perfect fit for Marlo

He now had a bunch of new friends to play with during the day and Leanne's house was still in tact, which she came home


For more infomation >> Dog Owner Finds The Cutest Solution To Cheer Up Lonely Pup - Duration: 2:28.


BOi! - RiDE feat. 隋玲 - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> BOi! - RiDE feat. 隋玲 - Duration: 3:38.


История изучения жизни Будды — Дмитрий Комиссаров - Duration: 12:45.

For more infomation >> История изучения жизни Будды — Дмитрий Комиссаров - Duration: 12:45.


Jurassic World Roarivores Sinoceratops,Proceratosaurus Dinosaur Toys Unboxing Slimed Lava Surge - Duration: 15:05.

our watch as we unbox the sign of Sarah tops impro Ceratosaurus and slide them

with four different colors of slime is disgusting okay here it goes our a

Jurassic World Roarivores Sinoceratops,Proceratosaurus Dinosaur Toys Unboxing Slimed Lava Surge

what a mess look at that Pro Ceratosaurus all

covered in the Wow that is no mess I think for the next slime we're gonna add

in ha skin

what a mess check out Hoskins he is covered and slime in so is Xia ah

yeah ah he escaped nice and clean in our poor pro

Ceratosaurus is covered

what a mess with the pink slime looks like the pro Ceratosaurus got it the

worst hoskins got some on her the Agusta on her arm and her head oh wow what a

mess okay and now we're gonna try the gold slime

okay now we're gonna try the red homemade slime that we made take this

stuff ow ah gross let's put it up here and let her rip

Wow guys what a mess check it out there is red slime coating everything it is

totally awesome and disgusting wow that is a mess today we had two awesome new

dinos to add to our drastic world fallen Kingdom dinosaur toy collection for

Mattel dinosaur toys we have the roar of wars sinuses era tops and we have an

attack Pratt pack Pro Ceratosaurus awesome let's go ahead and check these

and behind them we have giant spinosaurus breaking out of the gates of

Jurassic Park to attack our jurassic world dinosaurs it must be time travel

okay so with the sign of Sarah tops this has some awesome song - okay so it is

Aurora Boris says sign is Sarah tops and this does have a scan point we won't be

scanning both these dinosaurs in our app and we will have 54 of 68 dinosaurs in

our app also okay so once again this guy sounds

and the cool thing is you could keep moving his head and we'll continue the

same sound Rabbitohs starting it do I do like that feature a lot because if you

want to keep him attacking but you want the same sound you wanted to stay the

same that is awesome also guys like I did want to say before I did take a

picture of the scan point of all 54 these dinos so you should also have 54

dinos you could add to your drastic world facts collection if you can't

afford to buy all of these so this guy is awesome I mean his head does move

sideways you could turn his head okay he won't move it as much I do like how if

you turn him his head sort of like tilts to the side when you push the action

button but really cool he's got the big plate like the Triceratops has bunch of

like smaller horns here curved horns here he's got the big like beak mouth

like the Triceratops he's like a darker green like a cream

with orange and dark grey and black accents to him ah great movement on the

legs too does lock into the top in bottom position the front legs moved off

like that so you could if you balanced and bright you could get him like

standing in an attack position like that there is the action button on the back

here it is nicely hit in with the stripe design right through it I like that oh

and no screw bolts so you can tell metell did a much better job than hasbro

and then here is the sound and where you put in the batteries it looks to me like

it uses the cell batteries so like watch batteries

and then the pro Surat is sore ass this guy looks like an evil velociraptor

that's all I could say about this guy he looks awesome

oh yeah okay so he looks like an evil velociraptor without the third ball but

he has a horn on his head sort of like the Ceratosaurus so that is awesome so

maybe that's why he's a pro Ceratosaurus so I don't really know all that much

about these this dino ba I know he is awesome looking his mouth does open

enclosed superb paint job the arms move up and down the legs move all the way

360 degrees you could see he's got like a red horn on his head there superb job

with painting the eyes the teeth they're like individual teeth great paint job

there too so really nice awesome aggressive looking

so just go ahead and start up the Jurassic world facts app it's gonna

bring you to the main map here you're gonna go ahead and if the skin is skiing

right off my picture

and when you do you get design of Saratov 101 awesome so he does look very

similar to his picture except and I see the orange up there other than that it

looks just like it so let's go ahead cap this guy let's see if we can get him

angry come on do something oh maybe he's just too docile let's get

some facts on him she's about 26 feet long and weighs up

to 2 times at 4,000 tons she's an herbivore feeding on palm trees

and marsh plants the name sign of Sarah tops mean means Chinese horned face okay

let's go ahead and okay so Pro Cerreta story I do apologize guys it says it's

already collected but that is because when I was recording I forgot to click

sternum the cameras so here we are again so if you poke him he does get she does

get really aggressive just in fact she was 11 points four feet long and two

point six feet high she's a carnivore feeding on mammals and other small

vertebrae crow Ceratosaurus lived in the middle Jurassic 167 million years ago

cool okay and if we look at our collection we have 55 out of 68 dinos

how awesome is that and if you've been watching my videos

you also have 55 because I took pictures of all the scan points so that you guys

could add them all to your own collection so we have velociraptor one

of 10 of 11 Triceratops - of - allosaurus one of one

ankylosaurus one of one Baryonyx one of two - of two blue one of three three

three Carnotaurus one of one Ceratosaurus one of one Dilophosaurus

one of six two of six three six time or four down one of three - three

Gallimimus one of eight - of a three of a four of a six of eight

eight of them so i have almost all the Galilee this is Herrera Soros one of two

two of to endure after one of two to metric antha Soros one of word mini-me

one of one monolith asaurus one of one Mosasaurus one of one Pachycephalosaurus

one F two to sign of Sarah top 101 Pro Ceratosaurus one of would produce era

tops one of one pteranodon one of seven three eight seven four of seven five of

seven six or seven so trainer downs I'm only missing two spinosaurus one of one

Stegosaurus 101 stinking will lock one of three two

breathe suka - 101

Triceratops one of two Tyrannosaurus Rex one of two t-rex two of two velociraptor

one of eleven two of a level 4 of 11 5 of 11 6 of 11 7 of 11 and that is our

collection so 55 on a 68 dinos guys let's get them all Wow guys that was

totally awesome if you guys enjoyed that video

I do got over a thousand more the majority are Jurassic world

Jurassic Park Godzilla King Kong transformers Power Rangers Ninja Turtles

Scooby Doo and a lot more check out the playlist on my channel or for more

fallen Kingdom videos check out the playlist at the end of this video you

guys are awesome and I will see you soon in today's secret word is no word

go ahead put that in the comment section down below the video I know you remember

my club click the subscribe button below for a lot more fun video also click the

bell button to be notified every time I make a new video click the boxes below

for a lot more fun videos and if you want to see even more go ahead and click

the subscribe button

For more infomation >> Jurassic World Roarivores Sinoceratops,Proceratosaurus Dinosaur Toys Unboxing Slimed Lava Surge - Duration: 15:05.


ASMR Eating ❄️ FROZEN ALOE VERA ❄️ Challenge Mukbang Party - Duration: 5:15.

ASMR Eating ❄️ FROZEN ALOE VERA ❄️ Challenge Mukbang Party

For more infomation >> ASMR Eating ❄️ FROZEN ALOE VERA ❄️ Challenge Mukbang Party - Duration: 5:15.


How To Decorate Halloween Cupcakes 🦇🎃 15 Awesome Cake Decorating Compilation 2018 - Duration: 10:15.

How To Decorate Halloween Cupcakes | 15 Awesome Cake Decorating Compilation 2018

Thank You For Watching! Hope You Enjoy This Video!

For more infomation >> How To Decorate Halloween Cupcakes 🦇🎃 15 Awesome Cake Decorating Compilation 2018 - Duration: 10:15.


Sanllehi reveals Arsenal's January transfer plans amid Almiron & Sarr links - Duration: 3:24.

  Arsenal head of football Raul Sanllehi has hinted at Unai Emery being given funds to improve his squad in the January transfer window

 The Spaniard was fairly active in the summer, signing Stephan Lichtsteiner, Bernd Leno, Sokratis, Matteo Guendouzi and Lucas Torreira in a bid to mould a squad in his image after replacing Arsene Wenger as head coach

 Despite guiding the Gunners to nine straight wins across all competitions, the former Valencia, Sevilla and Paris Saint-Germain boss is being tipped to bolster the squad at the Emirates Stadium even further in the new year

  Among those being linked with a move to north London includes Atlanta United playmaker Miguel Almiron and Bayer Leverkusen wonderkid Kai Havertz

  In addition, the club's pursuit of a winger has triggered rumours of moves for Ismaïla Sarr , Cengiz Under and more recently Barcelona's Malcom as he's struggled for game time following his transfer from Bordeaux in the summer

 So will the Gunners be active in January?   In exclusive interview with BBC Sport's David Ornstein , Sanllehi admits that whilst he's not a fan of the winter transfer window, he insists the Gunners will have "a whole team of professionals constantly analysing what's in the market" ahead of any potential move that Unai Emery wants to make

 "I'm not a strong believer of the winter window, normally it's used for emergency cases when things are not going the way you planned in the summer window," said Sanllehi

 "That doesn't mean we're not going to use it, I don't know yet, it's early in the process

If things go as planned, the winter window should not be as relevant as the summer window

 "First we need to know what the needs could be, what opportunities are in the market

We're not actively looking into that.  "Of course we're always watching the market, we have a whole team of professionals constantly analysing what's in the market, what opportunities could be there, also our head coach analyses what needs he may have

 "We have not reached a point where we've decided whether we are going or not for the winter window

 "But it will always be a decision according to the needs we may have."   Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from football

london via the free app for iPhone and Android . Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

For more infomation >> Sanllehi reveals Arsenal's January transfer plans amid Almiron & Sarr links - Duration: 3:24.


Simply Thankful: SPEEDY DELIVERY by Connie Stewart - Duration: 1:35.

Hey everybody its Connie with simply simple stamping .com here with another

speedy delivery card called simply thankful. We're going to be using two

stamp sets today the sheltering trees stamp set for our focal image and our

sentiments will come from the country home stamp set. We're gonna start with

some fresh fig cardstock at 8 1/2" by 5 1/2" scored at 4 1/4"

and two pieces of very vanilla 3 3/4" by 5"

We're gonna use some scratch paper underneath us here and let's go ahead

and start with a soft suede ink pad we're gonna stamp our sentiment up here

in the upper right corner we're now going to take that tree and we're going

to stamp that in the bottom left corner with some crumb cake ink we're gonna

stamp those great leaves but we are gonna stamp off once I want that to be a

little lighter so that's what that scratch paper is for let's stamp that on

our tree and now we're gonna take the other piece of cardstock and let's stamp

the tree and the sentiment and then our leaves in the exact same way we're going

to stamp off and then add that that'll be our inside image let's add our pieces

to the front and to the inside and then I'm gonna take a glue dot just roll it

between my fingers and you can see that's how I'm going to add a little

linen thread to the front of the card. Isn't that a gorgeous card and oh so

fast and easy?! Now guys if you'd like to order any of the supplies you need to

create this card just head over to simply simple stamping com look for the

October 20th 2018 blog post I'm gonna have everything there for you.

Thanks for being here today! Have a fabulous one we'll see you soon


For more infomation >> Simply Thankful: SPEEDY DELIVERY by Connie Stewart - Duration: 1:35.


Minecraft Tutorial: Super Mario Time Warning Sound with Note Blocks (+Download) - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Minecraft Tutorial: Super Mario Time Warning Sound with Note Blocks (+Download) - Duration: 3:54.


Antonio Reacts To Alex Costa's Video "Stylish Ways To Impress A Girl?" - Duration: 6:22.

I React To Alex Costa [0:00:00]

Antonio: Oh, really?

Today, I'm watching Alex Costa's video, Five Stylish Ways to Impress a Girl.

Now, Alex, forget about the ladies, are you going to impress me with your style advice?

Guys, ready to find out?

Let's do this.

[Music] All right, guys, so let's get right into this.

Good intro.

Yeah, I like that really to the point.

I don't know about this jacket.

Alex: You have to set yourself apart from...

Antonio: That jacket, I'm not sure if it's going to imp – I don't know, it's a

little bit fashion forward.

Alex: Number one...

Antonio: Be edgy.


This makes sense now that I'm looking at this jacket here.

Alex: Bad ass.

Antonio: Personally, I think if you wore a colored shirt with that, it would have looked

a lot better.

Alex: So, you have to set yourself apart from them.

Find that upper edge.

Antonio: I agree.

Great point.

You got to set yourself apart.

Alex: You meet some dude and you're like, damn, that dude is definitely cooler than

I am.

Antonio: I don't know about you guys, but that has never happened to me.

I have never seen a guy who's cooler than I am.

Aaron: What's up, gentlemen?

Antonio: I love this, he immediately gets into hairstyles which is what Alex Costa made

his mark.

He has more volume just like in the front of his hair than I have throughout my entire


So, he makes that look easy, I mean now that your hair is done.

Guys, I don't know about you all, but how long does it take you to make your hair look

like what Alex does?

It would probably take me at least fifteen to twenty five minutes at least and then I

don't think I look half as great as he does.

Alex: Maybe go for some dope boots that really stand out.

Antonio: Dope boots.

What is the definition of dope?

I don't use that word very often.

Actually, probably I have never used that word in a sentence, but Alex, he just used

it and I thought he used it pretty well.

And I completely agree with his point about the leather jacket.

I've talked about this before, but the research clearly shows leather is associated with strength

and masculinity.

He does a great job with his videos, I mean the B-roll on this is on point.

Bracelets will make you look cooler than the other guys.

I'm not sure I agree with this because you got to be able to wear the bracelet with confidence.

Now, I talked about this that I have trouble wearing bracelets, maybe I need to find a

bracelet that just suits me one that has a special meaning.

Guys, I'll link to my video about why I can't wear bracelets down in the description

of this video.

So, this denim jacket is definitely edgy and I'm trying to figure out over on his left

elbow, is that tape or what is that on the jacket?

I know if I was next to him, I'd actually try to touch that and figure that out.

I'd ask his permission of course before touching his elbow.

Now, at this point I want to be clear that Alex is a friend of mine.

When I was in London, we've met up at the YouTube space.

He actually showed me around and then, when he came to Atlanta, he was a guest at my event,


And if you have not grabbed your tickets, guys, you need to.

The virtual ticket, we have made this, the price is insane.

Go check this out wherever you're at in the world, you will be able to attend Menfluential

without actually setting foot in the United States.

Guys, go check out our virtual ticket.

I'm actually bringing a team, we're going to be live broadcasting for two days from

the event.

You're going to get all the recordings, but most importantly, during Menfluential,

you're going to be able to ask me questions interact with guys like Alex Costa, Jose over

at Teaching Men's Fashion, Aaron Marino over at Alpha M.

And if you have a viewing party, I encourage this if you've got three or four guys to

come over and you guys watch this together.

We are actually going to work to broadcast you up onto the screen, so that you can interact

with us at the event.

So, guys, I'm really excited if you have not checked out the virtual ticket.

I'm linking to it down in the description.

Now, the price right now is very low.

We're going to raise the price, so grab while they're incredibly cheap.

I want you to be able to join our Facebook group, you get immediate access to our private

Facebook group where you could interact with the guys and they could talk about it and

everyone is super excited about this.

So, I want you to join this.

It could help you become the man you know yourself to be.

Alex: Tip number two is finding a perfect t-shirt.

Antonio: I don't know if this is really going to give you an edge to make you stand


Let's see what else he has to say.

Alex: You need a nice-fitted tee in your closet.

There is...

Antonio: Now, to me, it sounds like he's saying that any guy is going to look great

in a t-shirt, I disagree.

You really need to have the body type for it.

So, if you've got really sloped shoulders or a larger mid section t-shirts, I think

are not going to flatter your body built.

I need to learn to walk like Alex Costa, man.

This guy is amazing.

Now, if you want to learn how to walk like a man, I do have another video you can check

out down in the description on how to walk like a man.

Alex: How many pairs of shoes do girls own?

Way more than any guy out there.

Antonio: Now, this is completely false.

I own more shoes than my wife.

Yes, that is a fact.

Alex: Tip number four.


Antonio: Tip number four, glasses?


So, hopefully he includes sunglasses here because I know a lot of you guys just simply

don't wear glasses.

Alex: The right glasses are going to make you look smarter.

Antonio: He's got a good point, glasses do make you look smarter.

Research has shown that glasses with a strong frame that's a clear outline around the

eyes just draw attention to the eyes and therefore do make you look smarter.

Alex: Nice tailored suit...

Antonio: So, I completely agree with tip number five.

You bet, a tailored suit is going to attract the ladies.

So, he's got a good point.

Custom-made suits in general do look better, but you still want to make sure it fits your


And I did like that combination with that light-colored suit jacket with the t-shirt,

it looks good, Alex.

[0:05:03] What type of suit is this, Alex?

That looks like a track suit with those stripes going down.

I'm not going to say anything, you are definitely pulling it off, but it would be – I don't

know if I could ever pull off a suit and look like that, man.

Alex: Wearing black makes you look more masculine and it never...

Antonio: Wearing black, does it really though impress the girls?

Wearing black actually makes you look more aggressive, it can make you appear to be more

dominant, but does it actually attract women?

I haven't seen any research on that.

All right, Alex, so great job.

You nailed four out of the six, two of them pretty questionable.

I don't know.

What do you guys agree, disagree?

Let me know down in the comments.

And if you want more of Alex's channel, this video right here is absolutely awesome

that is how to dress better than other guys, six grooming secrets.

Check it out, great video.

I just actually watched it before this one and I'm linking to it right down there in

the description.

If you haven't been to Alex's channel, go check it out.

Awesome channel, make sure to subscribe to his channel.

And if you want to meet guys like Alex Costa, Jose over at Teaching Men's Fashion, Aaron

over at Alpha M, you want to get your butt over to Menfluential events in Atlanta, Georgia

this February.

And if you can't make it out here, guys, grab the virtual ticket.

I'm linking to them down in the description.

If it's fitness, if it's about becoming a better man, it's about grooming, it's

about style, we've got you covered at Menfluential and I would love to meet you in person.

That's it, gents.

Take care.

I will see you in the next video.

[0:06:21] End of Audio

For more infomation >> Antonio Reacts To Alex Costa's Video "Stylish Ways To Impress A Girl?" - Duration: 6:22.


The UNBOXING A real FIN FUN MERMAID TAIL ~ LUNAR TIDE | Theekholms - Duration: 5:12.

Hey guys so today I'm going to be doing an unbagging cuz this is a bag and I got this tail

because I'm on the bird Council and my birthday's soon so soon food sent this

to me for my birthday thanks been fun I think it's called the

lunar tides all like starry and stuff and outer Spacey let's get into it

that close o'clock so whoa whoa whoa whoa I'm seriously like there's starve

on here there's amazing colors and still they added in the scales and just looks


it's like shimmery and outer-spacey like each little shimmer looks like a star in

it it just looks the color just looks so amazing together

I've never smelled a new one I've never smelled it a little bit yes look it has

the new tip protectors where it's like dipped in some sort of protective

coating or not even put my muffin in package of crap okay so I just want to

also explain that well it's no other color waves but monofins are

interchangeable it's being like it says the new monofin will not the new new the

old blue I also never realized there's some sort of like weird texture in the

back it feels nice so this is them often that I've been

using the monofin crow but this model that was in my water color ways where my

tail and they're interchangeable so I could take it from there put it in here

then that also means that you could just have one model fin bunch of skins so

Wow oh this looks amazing like it has like like blues dark blues

and blacks and purples and shimmers and like actual sparkles and scales white

and pink and almost black and if you have a memory tell tell us which one you

have or if you don't tell us which one you'd like to have as soon as ones we

have in our collection video like to tip in

you know what we need to do now you've gotta be

to follow and you better believe it just take a


you better believe it Jagga budget

all the people wanna throw it desires like the streaming with a fish in the

ocean stay away ever come under fire they will never ever show motion

if you like roommate check out my memory job by picking the

picture in the corner your trick and please subscribe

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