Saturday, October 20, 2018

Youtube daily report w Oct 20 2018

there are a lot of things that DPS mains do and other means for that matter that

really make me rage when I play support my name is nate and welcome to Blizzard

guides, hopefully you guys can learn a little something from this video even if

you don't play DPS it still should be pretty useful I'm obviously gonna give

you guys some great examples but I'll also be teaching you a little bit as

well so that you don't become that annoying Ally DPS and turn into that

annoying enemy DPS but before we get into the video though be sure to check

out our discord on your way out if you've got any questions about this

video or you just want to meet some other overwatch players who go click the

link in the description down below anyway though let's hop into this video

number 5 the DPS just has no clue where the heck his support is I don't think

this happens all too much anymore but you still occasionally get that DPS man

who has absolutely zero awareness and decides that he's strong and independent

and doesn't need a healer only to die and quickly flame

please if you're a DPS player just don't do this

I don't play as much support as I used to but when I do this is probably one of

the most annoying things on the planet before you type on chat or just use

voice think about where your healer is if they're not far away or you know

maybe they're getting beat to death by the enemy Brig consider maybe not

flaming them they're not actually going to be able to teleport to you and heal

you wherever you are so maybe before you go on an attack just make sure that you

actually have your heals near you or you just don't expect them if your heels

aren't there it's not a particularly difficult thing to do but yet here we

are in 2018 and I still see this in my ranked games I understand that sometimes

your support is gonna miss shots but there's still no reason to flame unless

it's a consistent thing just don't blame your support the first death that you

get at number four we've got those DPS mains who just don't peel for their

support before I keep going let me explain quickly what peel means I

know that one of you was gonna ask if I didn't explain so this one's for you

random guy in the comments peeling is just basically protecting or helping

your ally out so if you're peeling for your support you're just using resources

to try and keep them from dying so it's either healing allies stunning

enemies killing enemies or just providing a way for your ally to escape

something like that if your mercy has a Genji on her try and give her a way to

fly away or start harassing the Genji it kind of makes me sad when I'm on Ana

getting beat around and nobody comes to my rescue this kind of applies to tanks

too but DPS are particularly good at peeling for their supports since

sometimes tanks have more important duties to tend to if you're a DPS and

your support is dying a lot maybe it's not your supports fault and nobody's

actually trying to kill the person killing your support

obviously there are cases when you're more you're a suddenly thinks that she

can one v-6 the entire team but in those cases where you're Moira is actually

behind your team and still dying you probably should be peeling for your

support if you're that guy on support getting destroyed by the enemy DPS you

can either go a different support that can escape a bit better or you can just

ask a specific team member if they can stay back a bit to help you out so if

you have a tracer passing you maybe your McCree might be able to help you out

that kind of thing at number three it's those DPS mains who

complain about solo heels dude you're playing Genji with the Hanzo

and a widow on your team and you get mad at me for playing support I mean if you

want to healers just go heals otherwise just don't ask like I understand that

you might not be familiar with other healers but really you've had two years

to pick up one healer I mean okay solo healing can work but I don't think

asking about another healer is really the move if you're the one on DPS kind

of simple thing I would have guessed but here we are there's a few things that

you can do at least first if you're on support just go a main healer even if

your DPS should be the one switching after all you just want to win so

switching here is a good idea if you're already on main healer trying to heal

the people that are actually doing well just mute the person that's complaining

at least that's what I usually do if you're on DPS either just switch

obviously or you can just start playing passively if you don't want to switch

focus on super protecting your support and just stop flaming I feel like this

advice is already understood by good DPS players though so unfortunately the bad

apples are runing to punch in this scenario at number two when the DPS ask

for a pocket but then die without the pocket for more than one second if

you're on Farah and you have a mercy pocket that does not mean you're

invincible mercy still does have to heal other people as well so don't try and go

too far deep with that said though if you're on support don't just leave them

alone for the entire fight if you agree to pocket them I feel like there's a

healthy balance here to be found if the teamfight is goin majorly south

there's a good chance that you're not going to get pocketed heavily anymore if

the teamfight is going well there's a good chance that you're going to be

pocketed heavily life is about finding balance and overwatch is certainly no

exception if you're pocketed just don't go too crazy and don't complain to your

support when you die without heels for that one second that you were put alone

pay attention to the fight and just be a little bit more mindful

and finally last but not least at number one it's that Genji that won't stay off

of you you thought that this was going to be entirely about the Allies but this

isn't limited to that you fools I can't stand it when I'm just minding my own

business like the mom of my team only to have the enemy Kenji never leaving me

alone please DP s mains I'm sorry for my transgressions please just stop focusing

me so hard I don't have any money and I just want to live if I'm on mercy my gun

kind of sucks so let me at least get a head start or something just please

life isn't fun when you spend it dead I guess this message goes to you DPS mains

out there if you can successfully harass the enemy supports into leaving the game

you've entered the mental meta game of overwatch tilting the crap out of each

other until somebody gives up in all seriousness though just for real

focusing somebody down and constantly hunting them down is a really good way

to keep the enemy on their toes just don't overextend and end up as number 5

on the list oh and an honorable mention that one Genji that just can't help

constantly double jumping when he really needs hills and then flames Deana for

not shooting him anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this video is a bit more of a

fun one a bit more different than the normal things that we do here but I hope

you guys enjoyed it if you did feel free to drop a like and let me know why in

the comments down below if you didn't like it also feel free to let me know

why in the comments down below I really appreciate your guys feedback if you

guys want to join the blizzards community be sure to check out our

discord and our Twitter and our Instagram the Twitter is @Blizzard_guides and the Instagram is at overwatch guides so if you guys want

to see the latest updates about the channel you guys should definitely check

those out if you want to see more tips and tricks videos just like these or

you'll want to see our twitch weekly highlight videos you can get subscribed

and notified so that you never miss an upload anyway I hope you guys enjoyed

this video have a nice day my name is Nate and this was Blizzard guides.

For more infomation >> 5 Things DPS Do That Make Support Mains RAGE (Overwatch) - Duration: 7:16.


Nissan Terrano 3.0 DI 5DRS LUXURY 7 ZITS 141243 KM - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Nissan Terrano 3.0 DI 5DRS LUXURY 7 ZITS 141243 KM - Duration: 1:07.


Uomini e Donne, frecciatina di Gianni Sperti a Mara Fasone: "Questa foto parla da sola" - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, frecciatina di Gianni Sperti a Mara Fasone: "Questa foto parla da sola" - Duration: 4:32.


Lua de Mel Carlos e Célia - Duration: 43:32.

For more infomation >> Lua de Mel Carlos e Célia - Duration: 43:32.


Uomini e Donne, Andrea Cerioli ritorna sul trono? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Andrea Cerioli ritorna sul trono? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:50.


Jasmine Carrisi, la figlia di Al Bano e Loredana Lecciso cade nella trappola di Barbara D'Urso - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Jasmine Carrisi, la figlia di Al Bano e Loredana Lecciso cade nella trappola di Barbara D'Urso - Duration: 1:59.


Um Gesto de Amor Próprio - Outubro Rosa - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Um Gesto de Amor Próprio - Outubro Rosa - Duration: 1:46.


Alguém por favor? - Curta contra o Bullying - Duration: 7:46.

Pedro Sá & Tânia Sousa presents: "Someone please?"


It was all I had left every day and even that I had lost.

I look back with a sense of defeat

With the feeling that I should have changed something, but now it's too late.

There's no turning back and the only way out is to end what should have never existed...


Turn here, look at us!

But even now, trapped, the lack of courage prevents me from finishing my story.

Come here! I'm going to finish with you today. With your race.

Did you hear?

I thought of all the ways and a few more

Through the afternoon all those thoughts that have been haunting me without anyone noticing

Seemed to hurt me more and more as time went by...

I asked myself why I was delaying the end

Probably because I wanted to believe that someone could still appear.

If all this time no one had appeared

Why should they appear now?

It's so ironic to think that when I wanted to be alone I was not allowed

And now that I wanted someone I'm like this...

Hey! You there



Are you afraid?

Turn here, look at us!

Look, don't run away!

So much talk and now you don´t do nothing!

Let me go!

Come here! I'm going to finish with you today. With your race.

Did you hear?

You will get much more beautiful!

Stop it idiots!

Come on, talk there now

It will be all over.

Maybe it was my mistake

Maybe I failed...

Why did they not realize that I just needed someone?


It was so simple, a hug would have been enough!

But now maybe it's too late...

Maybe no one will show up

Maybe this is the way to go...

Giving up!

Or maybe not!

A film by


Recorded in Recorded with


For more infomation >> Alguém por favor? - Curta contra o Bullying - Duration: 7:46.


Assim como Bruna e Neymar, relembre 7 casais que viveram um namoro iôiô com idas e vindas - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Assim como Bruna e Neymar, relembre 7 casais que viveram um namoro iôiô com idas e vindas - Duration: 1:42.


Giovanna Ewbank faz convite para ex de Gagliasso, Thaís Fersoza, e ela agradece mas não vai - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Giovanna Ewbank faz convite para ex de Gagliasso, Thaís Fersoza, e ela agradece mas não vai - Duration: 2:19.





Uomini e donne: 'Gemma Galgani disperata in lacrime, Rocco la lascia per… | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne: 'Gemma Galgani disperata in lacrime, Rocco la lascia per… | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:21.


La Verdad Oculta De Matrix - Duration: 6:33.

For more infomation >> La Verdad Oculta De Matrix - Duration: 6:33.



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[FREE] "BADBREED" 🏝 Dancehall x Afrobeat x Wizkid Type Beat Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 4:27.

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Steamed Hams But Starring the Medical Heart and Sid the Squirrel from "Me & Fatha" - Duration: 2:53.

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For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅓ - 어 Ô(ə/ô ) - Duration: 0:33.


[basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowelsㅓ- 어 eo(ʌ/əː) - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowelsㅓ- 어 eo(ʌ/əː) - Duration: 0:33.


5 Things DPS Do That Make Support Mains RAGE (Overwatch) - Duration: 7:16.

there are a lot of things that DPS mains do and other means for that matter that

really make me rage when I play support my name is nate and welcome to Blizzard

guides, hopefully you guys can learn a little something from this video even if

you don't play DPS it still should be pretty useful I'm obviously gonna give

you guys some great examples but I'll also be teaching you a little bit as

well so that you don't become that annoying Ally DPS and turn into that

annoying enemy DPS but before we get into the video though be sure to check

out our discord on your way out if you've got any questions about this

video or you just want to meet some other overwatch players who go click the

link in the description down below anyway though let's hop into this video

number 5 the DPS just has no clue where the heck his support is I don't think

this happens all too much anymore but you still occasionally get that DPS man

who has absolutely zero awareness and decides that he's strong and independent

and doesn't need a healer only to die and quickly flame

please if you're a DPS player just don't do this

I don't play as much support as I used to but when I do this is probably one of

the most annoying things on the planet before you type on chat or just use

voice think about where your healer is if they're not far away or you know

maybe they're getting beat to death by the enemy Brig consider maybe not

flaming them they're not actually going to be able to teleport to you and heal

you wherever you are so maybe before you go on an attack just make sure that you

actually have your heals near you or you just don't expect them if your heels

aren't there it's not a particularly difficult thing to do but yet here we

are in 2018 and I still see this in my ranked games I understand that sometimes

your support is gonna miss shots but there's still no reason to flame unless

it's a consistent thing just don't blame your support the first death that you

get at number four we've got those DPS mains who just don't peel for their

support before I keep going let me explain quickly what peel means I

know that one of you was gonna ask if I didn't explain so this one's for you

random guy in the comments peeling is just basically protecting or helping

your ally out so if you're peeling for your support you're just using resources

to try and keep them from dying so it's either healing allies stunning

enemies killing enemies or just providing a way for your ally to escape

something like that if your mercy has a Genji on her try and give her a way to

fly away or start harassing the Genji it kind of makes me sad when I'm on Ana

getting beat around and nobody comes to my rescue this kind of applies to tanks

too but DPS are particularly good at peeling for their supports since

sometimes tanks have more important duties to tend to if you're a DPS and

your support is dying a lot maybe it's not your supports fault and nobody's

actually trying to kill the person killing your support

obviously there are cases when you're more you're a suddenly thinks that she

can one v-6 the entire team but in those cases where you're Moira is actually

behind your team and still dying you probably should be peeling for your

support if you're that guy on support getting destroyed by the enemy DPS you

can either go a different support that can escape a bit better or you can just

ask a specific team member if they can stay back a bit to help you out so if

you have a tracer passing you maybe your McCree might be able to help you out

that kind of thing at number three it's those DPS mains who

complain about solo heels dude you're playing Genji with the Hanzo

and a widow on your team and you get mad at me for playing support I mean if you

want to healers just go heals otherwise just don't ask like I understand that

you might not be familiar with other healers but really you've had two years

to pick up one healer I mean okay solo healing can work but I don't think

asking about another healer is really the move if you're the one on DPS kind

of simple thing I would have guessed but here we are there's a few things that

you can do at least first if you're on support just go a main healer even if

your DPS should be the one switching after all you just want to win so

switching here is a good idea if you're already on main healer trying to heal

the people that are actually doing well just mute the person that's complaining

at least that's what I usually do if you're on DPS either just switch

obviously or you can just start playing passively if you don't want to switch

focus on super protecting your support and just stop flaming I feel like this

advice is already understood by good DPS players though so unfortunately the bad

apples are runing to punch in this scenario at number two when the DPS ask

for a pocket but then die without the pocket for more than one second if

you're on Farah and you have a mercy pocket that does not mean you're

invincible mercy still does have to heal other people as well so don't try and go

too far deep with that said though if you're on support don't just leave them

alone for the entire fight if you agree to pocket them I feel like there's a

healthy balance here to be found if the teamfight is goin majorly south

there's a good chance that you're not going to get pocketed heavily anymore if

the teamfight is going well there's a good chance that you're going to be

pocketed heavily life is about finding balance and overwatch is certainly no

exception if you're pocketed just don't go too crazy and don't complain to your

support when you die without heels for that one second that you were put alone

pay attention to the fight and just be a little bit more mindful

and finally last but not least at number one it's that Genji that won't stay off

of you you thought that this was going to be entirely about the Allies but this

isn't limited to that you fools I can't stand it when I'm just minding my own

business like the mom of my team only to have the enemy Kenji never leaving me

alone please DP s mains I'm sorry for my transgressions please just stop focusing

me so hard I don't have any money and I just want to live if I'm on mercy my gun

kind of sucks so let me at least get a head start or something just please

life isn't fun when you spend it dead I guess this message goes to you DPS mains

out there if you can successfully harass the enemy supports into leaving the game

you've entered the mental meta game of overwatch tilting the crap out of each

other until somebody gives up in all seriousness though just for real

focusing somebody down and constantly hunting them down is a really good way

to keep the enemy on their toes just don't overextend and end up as number 5

on the list oh and an honorable mention that one Genji that just can't help

constantly double jumping when he really needs hills and then flames Deana for

not shooting him anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this video is a bit more of a

fun one a bit more different than the normal things that we do here but I hope

you guys enjoyed it if you did feel free to drop a like and let me know why in

the comments down below if you didn't like it also feel free to let me know

why in the comments down below I really appreciate your guys feedback if you

guys want to join the blizzards community be sure to check out our

discord and our Twitter and our Instagram the Twitter is @Blizzard_guides and the Instagram is at overwatch guides so if you guys want

to see the latest updates about the channel you guys should definitely check

those out if you want to see more tips and tricks videos just like these or

you'll want to see our twitch weekly highlight videos you can get subscribed

and notified so that you never miss an upload anyway I hope you guys enjoyed

this video have a nice day my name is Nate and this was Blizzard guides.

For more infomation >> 5 Things DPS Do That Make Support Mains RAGE (Overwatch) - Duration: 7:16.


Nissan Terrano 3.0 DI 5DRS LUXURY 7 ZITS 141243 KM - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Nissan Terrano 3.0 DI 5DRS LUXURY 7 ZITS 141243 KM - Duration: 1:07.


I CAN'T BELIEVE WE DID THIS | Absolutely Blake - Duration: 6:34.

What's going on guys my name is absolutely Blake and welcome back to my channel a long long long time ago

I filmed a video where I cloned my willy and a lot of you were upset that I wasn't fully erect while I did it

So today I thought that I was gonna do that again

so my friends over at cloning Willy sent over this lovely hot pink owner Willy kit and we're gonna get down and

Try and get a fully erect dildo built out of this today, but I'm not doing it alone

I got my friend Katie here. Would you get well I had to go with the neon purple because you know

Why not?

So today guys

We're gonna go through all the steps on

why it's difficult to do it cuz I learned the first time I did it what could be bad and how could go wrong and

We're gonna teach Kennedy and see who's got a bigger penis

We're gonna open up see what's inside and I'm gonna explain how to do it and what not to do

So every single kit from Colona really comes with a moulding powder

This is what you use to make the cast

Originally and a vibrator in case you want to make it vibrate and make it more intense

Ah, yeah, you can't not have that this piece of paper is the instruction list

Which will go through the moment comes with a stir stick to stir up the silicone, which you can see

I've got hot pink and yeah temperature gauge thing


So the first thing that you have to do when you're cloning you really is

measure out the tube to make sure that when you're fully erect you want it to be one inch longer than that whether what if

I'm bigger than

Something that can go wrong in this because it happened to me the first time that a ver como really is

I've put my penis in this side and then cut this so it's actually too short and I had a duct tape it and I

Had a hole on either side

So when you are measuring make sure that you have the closed and against your body use a marker

I want it soft, you know, it's for cuddling

While we wait for Jordan to measure his size and then I'm gonna go do it

I'm gonna go through some things that you guys need to watch out for when you're doing this some tips because when I first did

It it was very difficult. And just so you guys don't waste your money

I want to make sure you're able to do it properly

If you have the extra dollar to spend pick up a couple extra molding powders

Because the first time I did it it took me three attempts second time I ever did this it took me seven attempts

it's very difficult to get it proper unless you're following the instructions to achieve which we're gonna go through another difficult thing is when I

Did this in the first video you can see that I was mixing the water and trying to do it on camera

It was very difficult to make sure that the water was 90 degrees because it has to perfectly be that otherwise the mold

Won't get hard too quick or it just will be too liquidy and won't get hard at all

So you definitely want to make sure that you had the privacy of doing it yourself so that you don't

To rush to do it and you can make sure that the water is perfectly 90 degrees which is why they give you a temperature

Stick make sure that you aren't microwaving or boiling the water though. Just use the water straight out of the tap

It should get warm enough. The only other main thing is make sure you stay hard. It's fucking difficult

It's hard to stay hard, but it's doable because I've done it ten times

We're back for measuring and getting hard on our own somebody's outside that makes it really weird for me

But we're just gonna finish off and cut our tubes and compare like I mean, alright, hopefully mine's bigger

Make sure you cut the right side guys double-check that the right side. They're fairly close man

We notice that it's getting really dark and we don't want the video quality to be poor. So we're gonna finish this up

I mean, it'll be a fucking second for you guys, but we're gonna actually film it in a couple days

So we'll see you guys in two days for us, but one second for you

What's going on guys? We're back. It's day two. You can see I shaved my face wearing different t-shirts

We're just gonna go through

Step by step how you clone your with this kit and then we're gonna show you the results of ours

Then we're gonna compare and see who's bigger. And since I think they both glow in the dark

It might have like a Star Wars war look off. I got our tubes cut. Mine's a little bit bigger. Just a tiny bit

It's all about great. So we're here

My bathroom hasn't done like quality pretty fucking shit

But I'm gonna show you guys how to mix the water and powder properly important thing

You don't want to shoot off at least because it will mess up your clothes

So make sure you got your thermometer and your stir stick your powder your measuring cup

Alright guys, so we have our water at 90 degrees temperature and it tells you to the powder and mix it in a bowl

But it's really hard to get into the tube

So a trick that I learned we're doing this the first time if I actually put the powder into this tube fill it up with

The right amount of liquid and then use a longer spoon to stir it and then just insert your erection right away

Double-check that you're at 90 degrees and you want to do one eighth cup and 3/4 one of these recorders have fuck you

Say that of water

And you have 45 seconds to stir this up

You might be concerned with a little bit too low, but once you insert your erection

It does raise all the way to the top so I wouldn't be worried about that

so there's a couple ways that you can actually stand when you're holding the tube to make sure that your erection is not touching any

Of the sides the easiest option is this one?

But obviously people are gonna have to do it differently to make sure that it just works out for the shape of their penis

So for me personally

This is how I had to do it the first time I did it

That's pretty much how you get prepared to clone you Willy

And as you saw in the first video that I filmed it took me three attempts to do because I tried doing it while recording

so there's

Jordan and I are actually gonna go off camera

Clone our Willie's but we'll be back when I show you how to do the silicon and then again

We'll be back. Once we wait the full 24 hours for it to harden. I will compare who's bigger. Okay, welcome to my laboratory

Look at that purple every last bit of that in there

Alright now I gotta let it sit for 24 hours. First of all, I just want to say I'm pretty fuckin proud of myself

I did it on my first try

Which I've never done before but now it's all into the final step where you gotta mix the silicone

Make sure you get all of it out

You want to mix both these bad boys that come inside the clone willy tube and stir those bitches together

Alright, so then you want to pour this in really slowly set the air bubbles

This is still warm so that the air bubbles pop as you pour it out does have to be to slow

It as much of it in there as you can for extra added length and then let that sit marinate for 24 hours

So I'll put it right next to my friend George. Alright guys, so due to us moving to a new place

Check it out

It has been about two weeks since we said we were gonna wait 24 hours and we still haven't opened these bad boys up

So we're about to see who's large and in charge

Alright guys, so unfortunately, they don't blow in the dark like my first one did so we don't have any Star Wars battles today

I really just have to stop like that

And so yeah guys these are our code Willy's

the main

It is pretty detailed. This is my best one that I've ever made so far. I think you said you're a half cup

I'm happy with the half chub, you know

It's definitely a difficult process to do guys

But if you want to try it yourself

make sure you follow our tips head over to Kona Willy comm where you can use the discount code Blake for

20% off your own order. Alright guys, so if you enjoyed this video, please give it a big thumbs up go

Follow Jordan on Instagram. It makes you follow me out

Absolutely Blake and don't forget to subscribe for a new video every single Thursday and Saturday. It's starting

For more infomation >> I CAN'T BELIEVE WE DID THIS | Absolutely Blake - Duration: 6:34.


How To Find A GOOD Engine Machinist | What YOU Can Do [HPA Q&A] - Duration: 1:54.

- Matthew has asked, what's the best way to check if a machinist has done

his work properly?

And this is a really good question because as I started with at the beginning

of the webinar, not all machinists are created equal.

So first of all we definitely want to be doing our research and making sure

that we are dealing with a quality machinist with a good reputation.

That can be a little tricky in itself to find but a good way of doing this

is by dealing with maybe local car clubs, find some guys that are building

high performance engines and find who they're using as an engine


Getting some referrals in that way is a really good way of finding some

good guys to start with.

But here's one thing that is a really good tip here.

If your machinist knows that you are going to be checking on their work,

if they know that you're going to be checking all of the clearances,

all of the tolerances, all of the specifications when you get the parts

back from them, generally you'll find that they don't wanna be shown up,

so you actually end up getting a better quality result.

Now of course you do need to be a little bit careful here,

as a first time novice engine builder you don't wanna go into an engine

machinist that you've never met before and start spouting off about how much

you know and how you're gonna be checking up on their work.

Obviously you need to be a little bit subtle with this.

But as you build up a bit of a relationship with the engine

machinist and they know that you're not a tyre kicker and you're

out there trying to do really good quality work,

you're going to find that that's gonna help you get the best out of your


That question was taken from one of our free live lessons.

If you like free stuff, and you're the type of guy who wants to expand

your knowledge, click the link in the description

to claim your free spot to our next live lesson.

You'll learn about performance engine building and EFI tuning,

and you'll also have the chance to ask your own questions which

I'll be answering live.

Remember it's 100% free so follow the link to claim your spot.

For more infomation >> How To Find A GOOD Engine Machinist | What YOU Can Do [HPA Q&A] - Duration: 1:54.


Челси - Манчестер Юнайтед 2-2 Обзор матча • АПЛ 2018/19 - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> Челси - Манчестер Юнайтед 2-2 Обзор матча • АПЛ 2018/19 - Duration: 5:14.


Top 5 Pokemon Ash Shouldn't Have Caught - Duration: 10:27.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Pokemon Ash Shouldn't Have Caught - Duration: 10:27.


The Earth Will Soon Have TWO MOONS - Duration: 5:13.

the year 2020, china is launching an artificial moon into the sky.

This moon isn't just for photo ops, the artificial moon is intended to replace streetlamps

and lower electricity costs, and I'm going to tell you everything you need to know, right

now on IO.

What is happening friends, this is inform overload, I'm charlotte dobre and if you're

sick of the same old news cycle, smash the subscribe for daily updates on dope shit happening

in your world.

And follow us on social media for behind the scenes content, our links are posted down

below in the description.

How cool would it be to look up into the night sky and see more than just one moon?

Well if you live in china, it looks like that's going to become a reality in the next couple

of years.

Chinese news outlets have reported that In the southwestern chinese city of Chengdu,

illumination satellites are being developed, as in, man made moons.

The artificial satellites are going to be launched up into the sky, and light up the

night along with our natural satellite the moon.

The difference is, these artificial satellites are going to be 8 times brighter than our


The first moon is more of an experiment, and it will launch from Xichang satellite launch

center in Sichuan.

If the first experiment goes well, 3 more artificial satellites will come in 2022.

The organization that's responsible for these epic man made moons is the Tian Fu New

Area Science society.

They have huge hopes for their project and expect that they will have great civic and

commercial potential.

Who knows, maybe the rest of the world will follow in china's footsteps, and soon many

major cities will also have their own artificial satellites.

Its no secret that we need to start thinking of ways to reduce energy costs and our environmental


Street lights take up a lot of energy.

Hundreds of thousands if not millions of light bulbs light up our city streets.

But what if we could, instead of having millions of lightbulbs burning up fossil fuels, have

an artificial moon that lights up the street for absolutely everyone, regardless of where

you are in your city?

Sounds like an epic idea to me.

The artificial moons have a reflective coating, that reflects light from the sun back to the

earth, just like our natural moon.

The artificial moons are also going to be a lot closer to earth, about 500 kilometers

or 310 miles away.

Our natural moon is over 380 thousand kilomters or 236 thousand miles away.

Its estimated that these artificial moons could save up to 170 million dollars a year

in electricity costs just for one city, and they will illuminate up to 50 square kilometers.

Another huge plus, is these artitifial moons wont be affected by natural disasters.

Whenever theres a natural disaster like a tsunami or a hurricanee, theres often blackouts.

Hundreds of thousands of people and huge areas lose power, and that makes finding people

need of rescuing that much more difficult.

But with an artificial moon, areas affected by disasters will be illuminated, even during

a blackout.

If you think this idea is way out of left field, china isn't the first country to

try to do this.

Back in the 1990s, Russia launched an orbital mirror that was intended to reflect sunlight

on some of its less sunny northern cities.

But unfortunately, the project failed and was abandoned by 1999 because the mirror didn't

unfold and actually burnt up in the atmosphere.

There are obviously still some concerns.

Like are these artificial moons really such a good idea, and how effective could they

actually be?

Will they damage the environment, disrupt the habitat of nocturnal animals, or cause

unnecessary light pollution, something the earth definitely doesn't need more of.

The artificial moons wont completely wipe out the need for street lights though.

The brightness is still only going to be about one fifth of the brightness of normal street


For now, testing is being done in an uninhabited desert, so that the tests don't interfere

with people or with earth based observation equipment.

But some are concerned that the artificial moon could have a serious effect on wildlife.

Many animals are sensitive to both the light and the phases of the moon.

They live their lives based on the moon, its phases and the light it reflects.

Birds use the moon during mating rituals, they mate during the full moon because of

the light it emits.

Nocturnal eagle owls communicate with each other with throat displays, using white, reflective

throat feathers.

This activity increases during full moon nights because there is more light emitted by the


Another type of wildlife that could be affected by additional moonlight is coral.

Coral species in release their eggs and sperm during the full moon.

If there are two moons, especially another moon that's a constant full moon that's

going to at least double how bright the night is, is that going to confuse the animals and

plant life that are so reliant on the moon?

Well, its definitely possible.

More testing needs to be done to make sure that these man made moons don't have a negative

effect on the environment.

But regardless, its still a cool idea, and im definitely excited to see what happens.

Would you be down for a second moon in your city?

Let me know in those comments.

For now its time to do some comment replies.

Roohoolah Shahrami – Hey!

I am actually so glad you have ears.

Yes, I do have ears.

Thanks for noticing.

Stop Motions – charlotte you are a great narrator, you make all of the potatoes proud.

Ghilex – charlotte sing the potato national anthem.

Oh potato, our favourite vegetable, or is it a starch, who ever really knows.

With growing sprouts we see the rise, out of the cold hard ground.

We love to cook our potatoes, with recipies we've found.

Potato queen, keep us, glorious and free, oh potato we stand on guard for the.

Oh potato we stand on guard for thee.

The video is over, thanks for barign with me for that episode of cringe.

If you wanna keep watching IO, check out this playlist.

And if you liked my song, or this story, leave a like , subscribe and turn on notifications

so I can see you in a future io video.

For more infomation >> The Earth Will Soon Have TWO MOONS - Duration: 5:13.




(LOONA/SHA SHA) Hello! (Hello~)

(LOONA/SHA SHA) Welcome~ Baby!

(Stray Kids/CHANYEOL/MICRODOT) Yeah... Aye! Ready? let's go!

(TWICE/Oh!GG) Lalalalala~ lalala...

(GOT7) Ooh~

(TWICE/Oh!GG) Lalalalala~ lalala...

(Berry Good) I like it what I like~

(TWICE/YOONMIRAE) You and me in the moonlight. (You and me...)

(TWICE) On this festive night of shining stars,

(IN2IT) Forget everything and be ready to dance!

(Oh My Girl) I'm so lucky to have met you.

(IMFACT) I don't want to wake up from this dream that is you.

(BTS/TEEN TOP/The Boyz) You can call me lover! (That's right!)

(BTS/NewKidd02) You can call me "my love~".

(Stray Kids/BIGFLO) Yes, I'm! I'm not a bad boy huh~

(Stray Kids/GreatGuys) Yes, I'm so dazzling, dazzling~

(CHUNGHA) You make me

(Triple H/iKON) Ooh ooh ooh~ It's killing me...

(CHUNGHA/LUCENTE) You make me like my life is yours.

(D-CRUNCH/TWICE) Right now, let's dance the night away!

(GOT7) Sweet talk to me babe. It's magical!

(IN2IT) What other words are needed?

(UNI.T/SEUNGRI) I mean I like you~ (1, 2, 3!)

(Red Velvet) Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah~

(ASTRO/Red Velvet/LOONA) The one I love, -yeah yeah yeah~- it's you, my favorite!

(BTS/UNI.T) Oh oh oh-eh-oh~

(BTS/UNI.T) Hey! Oh oh eh-oh~~

(D-CRUNCH/GFRIEND) Yeah! Let's have a good time~

(TWICE/GFRIEND) Let's dance! Having a good night~

(BTS/UNI.T) Oh oh oh-eh-oh~

(BTS/UNI.T) Hey! Oh oh eh-oh~~

(D-CRUNCH) Yeah!

(UP10TION) Let's dance, trust the music.

(PENTAGON) Follow me!

(SEVENTEEN) What do I do? I like you more each day.

(BLANC7) Ppappa Ppara!

(MAMAMOO) I stayed up all night.

(MAMAMOO) My cooled down head.

(CoCo/BIGFLO) "Boy~ give me a chance baby wuh!"

(WJSN) Hurry, tell me.

(LABOUM/WJSN) Tell me you love me~ (Tell me.)

(MINSEO) Standing at the tip of the frozen world,

(100%) All I want is you love me!

(NCT Dream) I need you right here~

(GOT7/S.I.S/Triple H) You make me say yes! (Yeah yeah yeah!)

(S.I.S) Say yes!

(GOT7/Triple H/SHINHWA) You make me just wanna say yeah when you kiss me like that.

(TWICE) Let's dance the night away!

(GOT7) Sweet talk to me babe. It's magical!

(IN2IT) What other words are needed?

(UNI.T/SEUNGRI) I mean I like you~ (1, 2, 3!)

(Red Velvet) Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah~

(ASTRO/Red Velvet/LOONA) The one I love, -yeah yeah yeah~- it's you, my favorite!

(BTS/UNI.T) Oh oh oh-eh-oh~

(BTS/UNI.T) Hey! Oh oh eh-oh~~

(D-CRUNCH/GFRIEND) Yeah! Let's have a good time~

(TWICE/GFRIEND) Let's dance! Having a good night~

(BTS/UNI.T) Oh oh oh-eh-oh~

(BTS/UNI.T) Hey! Oh oh eh-oh~~

(D-CRUNCH) Yeah!

(UP10TION) Let's dance, trust the music.

(PENTAGON) Follow me!


(Sunmi) Can't you see that, boy?! What?

(ROTHY) Strongly burned heart Red and round heart.

(SEMINA) Yeah!

(Sunmi) Can't you see that, boy?!

(FTISLAND) 'Cause I'm missing you~

(SHINee/HYOLYN) I know, cuz you make me go crazy.

(Apink) Bye bye bye!

(JEONG SEWOON) Is the wind blowing or am I being shaken?


(MXM) Ya ya ya ya ya!

(MYTEEN) She's bad bad bad everyday~

(SoRi) Touch touch touch touch body~

(LEO) The more I touch, the more perfectly it rises~

((G)I-DLE) Do you remember you remember Remember what you said?

(Apink) "There ain't nothing!"

(LOONA/SATURDAY) Ooh~ It really hurts...

(LOONA) Yeah~

(DIA) Woo woo woo baby woo~

(LOONA) Hey, yeah~

(Super Junior-D&E/MXM) Even if I get hurt, it's still you, it's you... (Okay!)

(Berry Good/TARGET) Am I dreaming? Is it true? Is it true? Is it true?

(Berry Good) I'll go first and kiss you.

(SF9) Baby, I did it right there!

(TEEN TOP/Oh!GG) You~ give it up! Give it up to me!

(Golden Child) Leave it to me!

(Golden Child) Let me let me let me let me~

(Golden Child) Leave it to me! Let me!

(JESSI) No, I won't let you down!

(HYOLYN/IN2IT) D-D-D-Down! D-D-D-D-D-Down!

(JESSI/HYOLYN) No, I won't let you down down down!

(UNI.T/Red Velvet) Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah~

(ASTRO/Red Velvet/LOONA) The one I love, -yeah yeah yeah~- it's you, my favorite!

(BTS/UNI.T) Oh oh oh-eh-oh~

(BTS/UNI.T) Hey! Oh oh eh-oh~~

(MAMAMOO/GYEONGREE) Braah~ Wanna tell you Wanna tell you, boy~

(GYEONGREE) It's only you, tonight.

(BTS/UNI.T) Oh oh oh-eh-oh~

(BTS/UNI.T) Hey! Oh oh eh-oh~~

(GWSN) This may seem like magic, like a dream,

(GWSN) But now it's in front of me! Yeah!

(Berry Good) Cheeze!

(Berry Good/IN2IT) Ow, oops!

(Dreamcatcher) WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT?

(ASHLEY) Here we are!

(Dreamcatcher) WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT?

(KARD) Can't hide it!

(Dreamcatcher) WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT?

(Jimin) Stop playing.

(SEMINA/Tiffany) You'll come to me~ (I'll be the one to teach ya'.)

For more infomation >> 2018 K-POP MEGA MASHUP (JUL-SEP): DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY | TOTALPOKEDRAMAFAN - Duration: 4:21.


CARTER SHARER KISSED ME 😘!! (finally...) - Duration: 10:04.

what is up guys welcome back to my channel we're out here filming a movie a

movie a movie a movie what are you wearing

I don't know it's called like a bucket hat or something um I think it's like a

fishing hat we'll go fishing woo okay so today for my video

okay so we're actually out here like filming this movie and know that I can't

see day 1 of the movie shoot getting my makeup done right now

okay Carter we have a kissing scene in the movie mm-hmm that's telling me so we

have to probably did we add that in it's been in the movie so we have to practice

right now mm-hmm oh but I had to get ready uh give taps

thank you probably one input obstacle you're just in okay I need some can I

get some can you do it for me okay sure

your lips just so check em hmm all right I don't think I'm ready for my kissing

scene your kissing scene yeah that's over there then they later like no I

don't think there's a kissing scene well well well

what's happening with the practice kissing scene in this movie yes there is

no yeah guys there kissing scene in the movie yes yes see no you just told him

to say yes no I didn't there's no kissing scene Carter do you really think

okay I know you want to kiss me more that I want to kiss you what I can't

even see your face well it's sunny it's the whole point

trying to hide out from the Sun whoa what you kissing me it's so awkward

mm-hmm we have to practice for a kissing scene guys I'm like look you freaking

out about the kissing scene because I've never kissed anybody in my life except

for Millie

okay we finished filming it is like 1,000 degrees outside so I'm like

sweating and stuff trying to get car to kiss me sometime today like you know it

was like an okay day but if Carter gets to me it'll probably the best day ever

okay so I'm gonna order food everybody's so hungry um go to the house maybe jump

in the pool or something I don't know I'm tired

oh I'm so thirsty I need water okay that should I get to eat Oh guys

what should I got to eat you guys are like my best friends ever we are back

and I change out of my gross clothes and into some my Fergus workout clothes

really well I'm gonna go outside and hang out by the pool

I think Carter's day is coming oh and would easily think I got a bug bait

oh look at Millie oh so nice outside whoo yeah that's the coolest thing nope

it's are for easing in there yeah looks fine to me

well I stuff the other day where I pushed him on his sleeping

oh oh and he said was freezing cold so I don't know if I actually go in the water

really it's cold oh okay well go have fun

okay guys so Liz is over there and I think she like wants to like relax a

little bit we're probably that doesn't want to go

in the water cuz it's twofold so I'm gonna go and push her in which shows

inna never simply don't her anything let's go sneak up and like it's kind of

trick her and I'm gonna push her in the water let's go come on

oh yeah is he gonna come down to water here goes

did you follow up on this thing yeah yeah

okay okay let's try it now here we go

oh my gosh I might fall on myself

you're a little bit

don't switch spots with me or something yeah okay you work around okay hey don't

push me in what do you mean it's crappy what do you mean what where's you know

how to swim well

she knows her

whoa whoa hold up did they actually happen I don't think they would actually

go lip to lip oh my goodness I better do a lot of their videos and this is a

shocker Wow are you actually Johnny what's going on but you're slimmer you

said your whole life what's going on Milly was freaking out I was freaking

out too what do you think I did okay

it's all the time okay let's go I need to tell you a secret

a secret hahaha what kind of secret you want really drowning no wait you weren't

no you did that that's all fake pretend

are you serious what no I can't believe you did that just so I would kiss you

you know I worked so hard that I can yeah you did let's go we can do this

For more infomation >> CARTER SHARER KISSED ME 😘!! (finally...) - Duration: 10:04.


Top 10 Scariest Moments In Kids Games - Duration: 9:24.

Games geared towards younger audiences typically steer away from spooky territory.

But every now and then, there's a title that manages to thrust players into pretty

terrifying depths of their story world, whether with just a moment, a character, or a whole

darn level.

So today, we're diving deeper into this occurrence with our list of the top 10 scariest

moments in kids' games.

Objectively speaking, a lot of these games can be enjoyed by players of all ages, so

don't get too caught up in these games being 'geared towards kids'.

For the most part, they're family friendly, or tend to appeal to younger demographics.

So with that in mind, let's jump in!

10 The Piano – Super Mario Big Boo's Haunt is one of the scariest levels

in a Mario game.

It first appeared in Super Mario 64 and made a return in Super Mario DS, and in both games,

it was equally freaky, thanks to this big ol fella.

The haunted evil paino, that once you get near to it, will open up and attempt to eat

you whole.

The whole encounter is pretty jarring when you first enter the space, especially since

the piano seems to be a regular piano, nicely lit by the moonlight pouring through the window


9 Tricky 14 – Lemmings Lemmings was a game that came out in 1991,

a puzzle platformer for various systems of that time.

You essentially guide a group of anthropomorphic lemmings through various puzzles in order

to get them to an exit, getting the assigned number of lemmings out in order to progress.

Out of the 120 something levels in the game, there's one that looks like you're navigating

the depths of hell.

It's disturbing, it's got lots of blood, and lots of other not so fun imagery for children.

Combine that with the fun upbeat music and all of the Lemmings shenanigans, its feels

like a bad acid trip.

Compared that to the other levels in the game, and the bright friendly colourful marketing

of Lemmings, well, you can imagine how well that boded with parents.

8 Mimi – Paper Mario Mimi's true form is something we could have

done without ever seeing.

For context, this character appears in Super Mario Paper, a title that has a very clean

minimalist approach in terms of design, and is generally filled with lots of colour.

Mimi is a master of disguise, and when she's exposed, she decides to let things get real


This initiates a transformation in which she starts twitching, and the sound of snapping

bones is audible.

Then her body starts sprouting spider limbs and everything is horrific and please go away

Mimi, I'd rather pass on your true form, please and thanks.

Worst part is, her previous forms' lifeless body hangs from where her neck used to be.

For something so simple in design, it's pretty darn scary, all things considered.

7 Maniac Mansion Rather than just having a specific moment,

Maniac Mansion is a game full of content that you wouldn't normally expose children to.

A point and click game, Maniac Mansion follows the story of a group of kids who sneak into

a mad scientists' mansion in an attempt to save their friend.

It's a horror game, but because it was made for the NES, it had to be simmered down a

bit, with a lot of its initial content being removed or censored for the game's final


But some disturbing stuff still made the cut.

There's a character in the mansion, the son of the mad scientist, whose name is Weird


You can either befriend him, or just go into his room and steal his hamster.

From there, you either return it to Ed and apologize, or head on down to the kitchen

and toss it in the microwave.

As you can imagine, Ed doesn't have the best of reactions.

6 Sonic CD While there are arguably a few moments throughout

the history of Sonic games that are utterly terrifying, and even mildly disturbing, like

Sonic's drowning animation, there's one particular aspect players of Sonic CD uncovered

that gave many a Sonic fan the chills.

Sonic CD had a bunch of hidden messages and screens, and this one in particular has gone

down as the creepiest.

This message though was unlockable by pressing Down, down, down, left, right A on the title

screen, and then entering these numbers into the sound test.

FM no 46, PCM number 12 and DA number 25, then press start.

This would bring up a screen with a deformed looking Sonic and some spooky sounding music,

with Japanese writing that translates to, Infinite Fun, Sega Enterprises, Image by Majin.

Now in the early days, the translation got butchered a bit, and the image by part was

often lost or paled in comparison to what people thought Majin meant.

Majin often translates into satan or the devil.

But turns out it's just the nick name of developer who created that eerie deformed

sonic image that appears in the background.

All and all, it's the developers having a laugh.

But to many, they believed it was a message from the devil, and that the infinite fun

one got from playing this Sega game would lead to darker events occurring.

5 Hell Valley Sky Trees – Super Mario Galaxy 2

This number is the subject of a Mario creepypasta that has made the rounds on the interwebs.

Known as the Hell Valley Sky Treees, these figures are an eerie texture that appears

atop the hills in Shiverburn Galaxy.

Initially it was believed that they were remains of a Hell Valley Galaxy that was meant to

go in the final game but was ultimately removed.

But then in later Mario games, they reappeared, specifically Super Mario 3D Land in in world


Here, they stand at the back corner at the end of the level, and players claim that they


Regardless of what Nintendo was trying to achieve by having these creepy figures within

the games, who knows, but they're definitely not the happiest sight for players to encounter.

4 The Ghost Girl of Lumiose City – Pokemon X&Y

For a long time, fans of Pokemon X and Y were baffled over the Ghost Girl who appears in

the game in a building in Lumiose City.

Her presence was pretty haunting, and since at the time, for the most part, it was unexplained,

a lot of players got freaked out by it.

When you enter this specific building in Lumoise city, the game's music will stop, the screen

flashes, and then a creepy pale girl walks by you, with her animation appearing as if

she's floating.

Regardless of what you've done in the game, she will always say to you, "no, you're

not the one" and then disappear.

There have been plenty theories that attempt to unravel the truth behind this mysterious

girl, and connect her to other events in other games as well.

But regardless of Game Freak and Nintendo's intentions, needless to say, it's a fairly

spooky moment in the game that has stuck with a lot of players, especially if they were

playing at night.

3 Giygas – Earthbound Giygas is the main antagonist in Earthbound,

and has gone down in the history books as one of the most horrifying villains in video

game history.

The character is an evil alien, who is also known as the embodiment of evil and the universal

cosmic destroyer, and oh boy, does it look exactly like that.

If, you know, you were to imagine what that looked like.

Anywho, the villain's main objective in the game is to sentence all of reality to

the horror of infinite darkness.

Sounds charming, doesn't it?

S*** gets really weird towards the last hour of the game, and when you finally head on

over to Giygas' lair, the Devil Machine, you can't help but notice that it looks

kind of like an endoscopic image of a woman's cervix.

If you're familiar with what an endoscopic image of a woman's cervix looks like.

Well, now you are!

Giygas, during your battle, gradually turns into something that looks like a weird repetitive

fetus painting, which makes sense, considering you basically have to travel back in time

to a point when it's the weakest in order to defeat it.

So basically, when it was a fetus.

Fun fact!

The game's creator, Shigesato Itoi, based the antagonist on a childhood trauma he endured

when witnessing a horrific murder scene in a Japanese film called The Military Policeman

and the Dismembered Beauty.

2 The Moon in Majora's Mask Majora's Mask is arguably the most eerie

of the Legend of Zelda titles.

Many have gauged that the game is one big metaphor for death and the inevitably of time.

Each day, the moon moves closer to Termina during the narrative's three day cycle,

with Link attempting to prevent the moon from crashing into it and killing everyone.

If you don't manage to turn back time before the end of the third day in the game, this

will happen; the moon crashes into Termina, and it's utterly horrific.

Also, just look at the Moon in general.

It's the stuff of nightmare fuel.

1 Bottom of the Well – Ocarina of Time The bottom of the well is a level we've

discussed on many a list on our channel.

It's because it's so unpleasant.

While Ocarina of Time has its oddities and peculiarities, the bottom of the well takes

the cake when it comes to the unsettling.

For starters, you crawl through a small vent to access it, and all of the enemies you face

look like they've crawled right out of a horror film.

This only gets progressively worse, and when you finally come face to face with the level's

boss, Dead Hand, you're going to wish you had skipped the level altogether.

In addition to the horrors of Dead Hand, there's also a room in the upper floor of the level

that contains a big wooden X with a puddle of blood beneath it.

It looks a whole lot like a saltire, which was a torture device, implying that perhaps

the bottom of the well is actually a torture chamber, located beneath the Kakariko Village.

There we have it friends!

Which of these games have you played?

And did these moments or levels creep you out?

Give us a shout in those comments ahead and let us know!

If you dug this video, spread the love, and hit that like button, and be sure to subscribe

to top 10 gaming for more lists, and other great gaming videos, from theories to news

to lets plays and more!

In the meantime though, thanks for watching everyone!

Catch you all in the next video.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Scariest Moments In Kids Games - Duration: 9:24.


Barbie Microscope Challenge Stop Motion - Kira and Rika - Duration: 7:03.

Rika are you ready to film Oh, where did she go?

Did the macaroni man get my message

Rika I just made my bed, I know it was comfy. I was sleeping. Oh

Hey, I'm Kira and I'm Rika welcome back to another video

Today we're going to be doing a microscope challenge

PS I know it's been a hot second since we uploaded last but school has kind of kicked us in the booty

But we're here and you are - well we have some shoutouts to give like thousands of them

What youtube hold did you people come from? Oh, yes

There are a lot of new people in our notification squad this video shout-out goes to Maya Pat more priori

Whoa, Alan Hanna van darling their den. Marvellous Marie, Jade Mudge fuzzy crusher Cece. You love ro Brittany Rose copycat

Clicky Leonor appear memes in the perfect 5 actually reacts when light glimmer diamond shard o7 purple haired yonder a penguin lover Zira

Sheriff ice-cream fan Rosalind Turner, you cry onions law Mia the unicorn toy lover Alexis Rendell

You know puppy MMD's sisters precious flowers Liv Brunner LPS willow tree pin

Absolutely, a b-gaming wolf anita good references Kiki Adrianna vlog. Kenda twigs the Heaven sisters this little life


Kimmy violet cupcake AG angels 1 2 3 Hannah + Laura Jayden robe la vía Hartman summers dog Linnea Johnson

Alexis mates bacon his life 1 201 miraculous ladybug judy already Dulce is in studio summer singing vlog

Wow, that was a lot

If you would like a shout out in the next video be sure to subscribe with notifications on and comment

Hashtag here

Arica squad and if you want to make me fall down the stairs again

Let's get this video to a hundred thousand like rica fine thumbs up the video if you like lemonade

I'm a grateful potato for anything though. No. No we talked about this

Don't steal my phrase

Don't forget to thumbs up the video if you enjoyed it

That's more like it. Haha. That's more like it

Because they're liking the video. This is like the longest intro of the century

Let's get started

It's time for the microscope challenge and we are challenging you guys to beat us

Kyra and I will be showing different random things under this microscope

We'll be playing as a team

Against you so our points will be combined at the end for every round will be giving hints and if your guess is right

You get a point and if you're wrong, well, you get 0 points, of course

Be sure to comment how many points you got and if you beat us or not

Who's here? I don't know. Hey guys

I made some dairy-free salsa if you want to try it. Hey

Thanks Ruby, but we're kind of filming right now. Oh, okay

round 1

Hmm give me a hint you can find this on a flying animal

Well, whatever it is, it has dirt on it. Uh

Okay, my guess is a wing. Nope. It's a feather really it looks so weird


It's colorful

Give me the hint

They smell good. Okay, what kind of hint is that? A good one? Not everything smells like

Blah blah blah you were gonna say it. No, I was gonna say

Fluffy marshmallows, okay

Think Kyra it looks like it has mini petals. Ooh

a flower

Yep. You got it. Yes, one point for Team Kyra Rica

Really arica I know exactly what that is

Your face. Yep, that'd be my eyeball. Yo. Oh

I see bubbles. What's the hint cleanliness huh? Ah

Hand sanitizer. No, it's soap. Dang it

My turn

Hmm give me that hint. The hint is you can find this in the kitchen and it's pretty sweet

it looks like many ice cubes, but ice is not sweet or

It kind of looks like little baby crystals


Is it sugar you got it? Yes

What in the poo is that scruffy thing you got a gues hint me it's something you can sleep on I

Don't know carpet really carpets. It's my pillow Oh ooh

It's so green. Yep, you can find this outside


Dang it. I know it's either two things, but I don't know which one

You got a guess. Is it a leaf or grass?

Chute. I'm probably helping you guys guess

Come on, Rica

I'm gonna guess a

Leaf, nope, it's grass. Oh, ow


Please I don't even need a hint for this really

Obviously, that's your hair

You got it. Yes that

Was actually pretty cool to see some of those things under a microscope

I mean, I didn't even know some of them look like that right?

I think my favorite was probably the sugar so in total we got four points out of eight

Well, we did horrible. How many points did you guys get comment down below?

We must know well, thanks for watching

we hope you enjoyed the video don't forget to

Now who it's probably just Ruby and her solsa again. Hi sisters. Wait what?


For more infomation >> Barbie Microscope Challenge Stop Motion - Kira and Rika - Duration: 7:03.



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Best Horror Movie Knockoffs - Duration: 4:44.

- Hey guys, it's your old pal Sam Bashor here.

Welcome to Gamma Ray.

I've been on a B-movie kick recently,

watching all my favorite weirdest and worst

movies that the internet has to offer.

And boy, howdy, can it get bad fast.

Here are my top 10 favorite horror movie ripoffs.

Spoiler warning: for these knockoffs,

and the original films.

Let's kick it off with none other than Titanic Two.

Yup, we got a squeak-al.

More like a thriller version of The Titanic,

mixed with Poseidon Adventures, but you get it.

Picture this: you've got your 100-year anniversary

of the The Titanic coming up, how do you celebrate?

By building another Titanic of course,

and having it set sail on the same route as the first one.

Nothing can go wrong.

But of course it tips over 'cause of a tsunami, uh oh,

and the crew and the passengers have to escape.

What a thriller - classic.

Next, number nine: I Am Omega.

Sound familiar, little bit, a lone man in a big city

in the United States must survive cannibal humanoid zombies

while he searches for a cure?

This film hit shelves in 2007, around the same time

as I Am Legend - hmm, coincidence?

No, it's not, not at all, don't worry, kids.

We've got more solid mockbusters comin' up for ya.

Like number eight, AE: Apocalypse Earth.

Wow, I'm excited for this one.

Hitting small screens in 2013, weirdly around the same time

as After Earth, AE: Apocalypse Earth seemed to be

looking to capitalize on the popularity of that film,

with a fairly similar premise.

Bummer for both of those movies for being a big flop.

Number seven, Lady Terminator.

She mates, and then she terminates.

What a great slogan.

This Indonesian horror flick can't help

but make you think back to the days where

Arnold Schwarzenegger was killin' random dudes

for their leather jackets and shotguns.

Lady Terminator is similar, only by name,

since this movie is more of a goddess of the sea

killing dudes for their genitals.

That could have happened in the American

Terminator franchise, I'm not sure,

I may have missed that plot point.

Number six, Snakes on a Train, of course.

I mean, you know, you don't even have to ask.

I remember seeing this at Blockbuster

right next to Snakes on a Plane and thinking:

wow, they really cranked out that sequel quick.

I was a dumb kid.

You almost got me there, Asylum.

The stories differ quite a bit.

To give Asylum some credit, Snakes on a Train

stars a young woman with a Mayan curse

that causes snakes to eat her from the inside out.

Also, somehow more snakes start

showing up on the train and killing the passengers.

What a thrill ride, 10 out of 10.

Number five, Alien Origin, AKA the title that we kinda

recite to ourselves in our head when we think about

Prometheus, which funnily enough, is the same thought

process the makers of this movie had.

Alien Origin is a found footage film

about how a few scientists find evidence

of how life got to Earth - sound familiar?

Getting clever there, Asylum.

Number four: Blood Beach.

Right at the height of Jaws fame,

every studio was trying to take a stab

at making their own beach-themed horror movie.

Let's focus our attention on my personal fav: Blood Beach.

Just when you thought it was safe to go back

into the water, you can't get to it.

A slogan that just rolls off the tongue.

Random beach-goers start being mutilated

and getting sucked into the sand, uh oh.

Who or what could it be?

Basically, it's a giant Venus Fly Trap looking creature.

Also, since it was a knockoff trying to pull in

a wider audience, the film is crazy violent - I'm sold.

Number three, The Day The Earth Stopped.

That was a drum roll.

Another movie I remember fondly at Blockbuster.

Like who were they fooling with this one, or who rented it?

I really wanna know - I will give you guys credit

if you did rent it, since it starred Judd Nelson

and C. Thomas Howell - not too shabby,

but of course, the story is exactly as you'd expect:

giant robots come to judge Earth,

or else it will be destroyed.

Wonder how it turned out.

Number two: Hillside Cannibals.

Alright, now they're getting lazy.

Of course, this a Hills Have Eyes knockoff,

but, I mean, that's the best you got for a title?

I mean, come on, my dudes.

Come on, my dudes.

I will say the poster's pretty good.

There's a creative use of severed body parts.

The hand is the nose - big fan of that.

But coming in at number one, this is one of the films

that genuinely tricked me: Paranormal Entity.

To be fair, it was at a movie night with a bunch of friends,

and I wasn't there during the selection process,

everyone was like: oh, we're gonna watch

Paranormal Activity Two, and I was like,

cool, wow, this movie is rough.

Not in the way that you think, though.

It got some actual good scares until a demon

sexually assaults a female lead in the movie.

I guess that's the only way they thought to up the ante when

it comes to knockoffs, but this became just awful, overall.

You almost had me there, Paranormal Entity,

but then you had to ruin it.

But those are my favorite, let me know your top 10

favorite horror movie ripoffs in the comments down below.

Make sure you subscribe, hit that like button,

and I'll see you guys next time.

For more infomation >> Best Horror Movie Knockoffs - Duration: 4:44.


Uomini e Donne, frecciatina di Gianni Sperti a Mara Fasone: "Questa foto parla da sola" - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, frecciatina di Gianni Sperti a Mara Fasone: "Questa foto parla da sola" - Duration: 4:32.


[FREE] "BADBREED" 🏝 Dancehall x Afrobeat x Wizkid Type Beat Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 4:27.

Buy 1 Get 3 Free at:

For more infomation >> [FREE] "BADBREED" 🏝 Dancehall x Afrobeat x Wizkid Type Beat Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 4:27.


Around the World in 5 Minutes.. - Duration: 5:58.

Around the World in 5 minutes, Accents for 5 minutes, Accents for Five Minutes, Enjoy :)

five minutes many accent you try not to well you won't get the engine won't beat

is example can we make a disclaimer but Casilla we don't mean any male hormone

ation about these accents we just like to do an accent seems for fun or no sir

Oh Suzie just gotta be one with the ladies man what are you talking about

the West plus you should equal one you guys you're Distinguished Alumnus

definitely mix two colors together

you're mark Minelli how did I business a bad mood re already women are digging

and I've been working on my Christmas goose you want to look at it you want to

look what I can do look one two

I'm doing this

but is ready to say the school soon all right

don't peel down chocolate chip don't drink let's go chocolate chip don't drip

you cannot eat chocolate in my uber I don't have traffic initially when it

drips yellow yellow can't grab no just eater chocolate chip ten trips shove the

scroll dinner I'm not gonna say please believe drop alive drop down and give a

message let's just keep a clean and if you make sure to subscribe down below

personally I'm all for this personally Papa yo yo ki young people was good

For more infomation >> Around the World in 5 Minutes.. - Duration: 5:58.


Dance Moms: Nia's Solo "Street Star" (Season 5) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: Nia's Solo "Street Star" (Season 5) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:03.


Dog And His Pillow - Duration: 2:49.

Soft music plays

His new favorite place.

So cute! I thought I'd show you guys this. That's the pillow he decided to take. And

those are some of the little sheets. Old sheets, an old shirt, and a little corner

that he's in. Mom made him a makeshift den. And he's absolutely loving it.

I think I may have lost my dog. I think he is now her favorite; or she's his new

favorite person. But I don't think anybody has ever seen a dog sleeping on

a pillow before. Thouht you guys would enjoy seeing this on a; for me, a rainy, cloudy

Saturday morning. And if you enjoyed this and any of my other videos; please feel

free to subscribe, leave a like, share our videos out, and comment below. And I will

get back to you. And I hope you guys have a great day and

an incredible weekend wherever you are. Thanks for watching.

Soft music plays

For more infomation >> Dog And His Pillow - Duration: 2:49.


I Want to Eat Your Pancreas Review in 5 Minutes - Duration: 5:20.


I know what you're thinking.

What a ridiculous title...for a film

and for this review

but I promise that I won't be eating your organs in any minutes or less

however I hope it will only take me 5 to convince you to see this film.

It may be pretty predictable in places,

it panders to a lot of cliches...


and it tugs on the dramatic side at times

but its overarching message is one I've been pondering since leaving the cinema


what does it mean to be alive?

And if I throw that question over to you what would you say?

I'd say this film does a damn good job of making you question that answer.

My name is Isla and this is my review of Studio Voln's I Want to Eat Your Pancreas


If you've read the manga or the light novel or seen the live action

then you'll understand the meaning behind this films name

but I hadn't seen any prior material before going into the anime

so I assumed it was either about a pancreatic disease

or the beautiful artwork was a clever marketing attempt

to hide a film of the cannibalistic variety,

well it was the first

but our secondary protagonist Sakura makes no attempts to hide how much she enjoys eating animal organs

however she goes through great lengths to hide her illness from everyone.

#Slow piano#

Until one day our nameless main character finds her diary

that she's called 'Living with Dying'

Sakura decides to tell him everything

and he promises to keep her disease a secret

but their shared knowledge brings them closer together

and the film follows their growing relationship in Sakura's final months of living.

#Emotive piano continues#

Death is the ever growing, over arching shadow that permeates this movie.

It cuts through each sweet, funny scene that our protagonists share

as the knowledge of Sakura's imminent end is around every corner

making the entire movie feel bittersweet.

But the sadness is always balanced against humour

and the way the extroverted Sakura bounces off our introverted MC makes for some shared lovely scenes

and those moments are a mix in terms of animation.

There are points I was struck by how genuinely life like it felt

such as the way Sakura thumbs through a book

or that moment in the rain


but just when the animation is reaching its peak

it switches to still shot montages that while well drawn

take us out of the animation

going from feeling like a theatrical cinematic experience to a TV Movie.

However if you closed your eyes for a few moments

the quality of voice acting is what shines through -

especially Lynn's

she speaks chemistry without visuals

and is able to portray Sakura's cheerful personality and underlying sadness all at once

notably during the fireworks scene.


This moment is I Want to Eat Your Pancreas's triumph piece

and is set in a place that is so very dear to my heart,

it gave me goosebumps,

made me wish we were heading for a happier ending

and really highlights the talents of not only our leads

but the animation staff,

the composer Hiroko Sebu

and the unlikely writer director of this film Ushijima Shin`ichirou.

#Soft emotive piano#

For a man who has only ever directed episodic action anime

Ushijima is a surprisingly emotive writer,

translating the novels saddest moments into beautiful animated snapshots.

But he's still a work in progress,

the films final half runs on a little long

and could have had a more devastating impact if 20 minutes had been cut off the end.


Yet throughout its almost 2 hour run there are a few smattering moments of brilliance

that made me think...given time

Ushijima could develop a style that sweeps the audience off their feet.

And while this doesn't have the emotional euphoria of a Shinkai film

or the imagination found in Hosadas

or the heart in Yamadas

it does shine brightly enough to move an audience to tears

and powerful enough to deliver its message -

finding meaning in being alive.

#Soft Guitar#

While I Want to Eat Your Pancreas isn't quite the powerhouse that it could have been

it's still more than worth a watch

and is full of small surprises

the most notable in our Nameless Protagonist -

he is without a name for a reason so keep that in mind as you watch this film to the very end

don't skip the credits and don't skip this anime

because I'd like to leave you with three final point

first my recommendation that it is certainly the underdog anime film of 2018,

second I'd like to assure you that the ridiculous name goes on to make sense

and I'd lastly with a quote from Sakura that I can't stop thinking about.

Everyday is worth the same no matter how you choose to spend it.

So spend yours exactly how you want to.

#Sad J-pop song#

For more infomation >> I Want to Eat Your Pancreas Review in 5 Minutes - Duration: 5:20.


Peppa Play with Kitchen New Kids Cartoon - Duration: 11:04.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Peppa Play with Kitchen New Kids Cartoon - Duration: 11:04.


America's News HQ 10/20/18 2PM | October 20, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:31.

For more infomation >> America's News HQ 10/20/18 2PM | October 20, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:31.


*NEW* Nissan 370z TESTDRIVE REVIEW!!!| Ultimate Driving (Roblox) - Duration: 3:39.



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