there are a lot of things that DPS mains do and other means for that matter that
really make me rage when I play support my name is nate and welcome to Blizzard
guides, hopefully you guys can learn a little something from this video even if
you don't play DPS it still should be pretty useful I'm obviously gonna give
you guys some great examples but I'll also be teaching you a little bit as
well so that you don't become that annoying Ally DPS and turn into that
annoying enemy DPS but before we get into the video though be sure to check
out our discord on your way out if you've got any questions about this
video or you just want to meet some other overwatch players who go click the
link in the description down below anyway though let's hop into this video
number 5 the DPS just has no clue where the heck his support is I don't think
this happens all too much anymore but you still occasionally get that DPS man
who has absolutely zero awareness and decides that he's strong and independent
and doesn't need a healer only to die and quickly flame
please if you're a DPS player just don't do this
I don't play as much support as I used to but when I do this is probably one of
the most annoying things on the planet before you type on chat or just use
voice think about where your healer is if they're not far away or you know
maybe they're getting beat to death by the enemy Brig consider maybe not
flaming them they're not actually going to be able to teleport to you and heal
you wherever you are so maybe before you go on an attack just make sure that you
actually have your heals near you or you just don't expect them if your heels
aren't there it's not a particularly difficult thing to do but yet here we
are in 2018 and I still see this in my ranked games I understand that sometimes
your support is gonna miss shots but there's still no reason to flame unless
it's a consistent thing just don't blame your support the first death that you
get at number four we've got those DPS mains who just don't peel for their
support before I keep going let me explain quickly what peel means I
know that one of you was gonna ask if I didn't explain so this one's for you
random guy in the comments peeling is just basically protecting or helping
your ally out so if you're peeling for your support you're just using resources
to try and keep them from dying so it's either healing allies stunning
enemies killing enemies or just providing a way for your ally to escape
something like that if your mercy has a Genji on her try and give her a way to
fly away or start harassing the Genji it kind of makes me sad when I'm on Ana
getting beat around and nobody comes to my rescue this kind of applies to tanks
too but DPS are particularly good at peeling for their supports since
sometimes tanks have more important duties to tend to if you're a DPS and
your support is dying a lot maybe it's not your supports fault and nobody's
actually trying to kill the person killing your support
obviously there are cases when you're more you're a suddenly thinks that she
can one v-6 the entire team but in those cases where you're Moira is actually
behind your team and still dying you probably should be peeling for your
support if you're that guy on support getting destroyed by the enemy DPS you
can either go a different support that can escape a bit better or you can just
ask a specific team member if they can stay back a bit to help you out so if
you have a tracer passing you maybe your McCree might be able to help you out
that kind of thing at number three it's those DPS mains who
complain about solo heels dude you're playing Genji with the Hanzo
and a widow on your team and you get mad at me for playing support I mean if you
want to healers just go heals otherwise just don't ask like I understand that
you might not be familiar with other healers but really you've had two years
to pick up one healer I mean okay solo healing can work but I don't think
asking about another healer is really the move if you're the one on DPS kind
of simple thing I would have guessed but here we are there's a few things that
you can do at least first if you're on support just go a main healer even if
your DPS should be the one switching after all you just want to win so
switching here is a good idea if you're already on main healer trying to heal
the people that are actually doing well just mute the person that's complaining
at least that's what I usually do if you're on DPS either just switch
obviously or you can just start playing passively if you don't want to switch
focus on super protecting your support and just stop flaming I feel like this
advice is already understood by good DPS players though so unfortunately the bad
apples are runing to punch in this scenario at number two when the DPS ask
for a pocket but then die without the pocket for more than one second if
you're on Farah and you have a mercy pocket that does not mean you're
invincible mercy still does have to heal other people as well so don't try and go
too far deep with that said though if you're on support don't just leave them
alone for the entire fight if you agree to pocket them I feel like there's a
healthy balance here to be found if the teamfight is goin majorly south
there's a good chance that you're not going to get pocketed heavily anymore if
the teamfight is going well there's a good chance that you're going to be
pocketed heavily life is about finding balance and overwatch is certainly no
exception if you're pocketed just don't go too crazy and don't complain to your
support when you die without heels for that one second that you were put alone
pay attention to the fight and just be a little bit more mindful
and finally last but not least at number one it's that Genji that won't stay off
of you you thought that this was going to be entirely about the Allies but this
isn't limited to that you fools I can't stand it when I'm just minding my own
business like the mom of my team only to have the enemy Kenji never leaving me
alone please DP s mains I'm sorry for my transgressions please just stop focusing
me so hard I don't have any money and I just want to live if I'm on mercy my gun
kind of sucks so let me at least get a head start or something just please
life isn't fun when you spend it dead I guess this message goes to you DPS mains
out there if you can successfully harass the enemy supports into leaving the game
you've entered the mental meta game of overwatch tilting the crap out of each
other until somebody gives up in all seriousness though just for real
focusing somebody down and constantly hunting them down is a really good way
to keep the enemy on their toes just don't overextend and end up as number 5
on the list oh and an honorable mention that one Genji that just can't help
constantly double jumping when he really needs hills and then flames Deana for
not shooting him anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this video is a bit more of a
fun one a bit more different than the normal things that we do here but I hope
you guys enjoyed it if you did feel free to drop a like and let me know why in
the comments down below if you didn't like it also feel free to let me know
why in the comments down below I really appreciate your guys feedback if you
guys want to join the blizzards community be sure to check out our
discord and our Twitter and our Instagram the Twitter is @Blizzard_guides and the Instagram is at overwatch guides so if you guys want
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those out if you want to see more tips and tricks videos just like these or
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this video have a nice day my name is Nate and this was Blizzard guides.
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