I keep telling you guys to keep people in your life we tell you what you need
to hear and not what you want to hear so that's what we're gonna do today when
we're talking about Kavos is review of the Shane Dawson series when he's
talking about Jake Paul and Logan Paul so stay tuned what is up everybody this
is Chris from the rewired soul where we talk about the problem but focus on the
solution and if you're new to my channel my channel is all about mental health
and what I like to do is pull things from the YouTube community to teach you
how to improve your mental and emotional well-being so if you're into that kind
of stuff make sure you subscribe and ring that
notification bell so before I get started a huge shout out to one of my
very loyal subscribers giphy actually recommended this to me on this so thank
you so much jiffy anyways I making this video I talked
with my girlfriend she advised me against it but she's like you probably
gonna do it anyways I'm like you're probably right then I talked to my
wonderful editors Zach and he's like no I think that's some good stuff to talk
but the reason why I debated on it is because with what I try to do with this
channel there's a fine line that I try not to cross where it goes you know into
the drama section rather than a mental health session like I think it's
important I think it's important that we talk about this stuff because like one
of the ways that I stay protected mentally and emotionally is by judging
people's character like we talked about how like judging people is bad but it's
actually something that our ancestors had to do for survival so it's embed in
our brain we have to know how to read people right so I think it's important
to discuss this and use this example from the YouTube community so you can
kind of look at who you're watching because you might have other people in
your life who are contradicting themselves or they're not really showing
their true intentions and things like that so I want to kind of give you
examples of this like when I watch things and I'm kind of looking at people
I'm like okay are they or aren't they you know a good person or is this
somebody I would keep close to me and all that because I keep telling all of
you guys that you need to have better friends you need to have better people
in your life if for some reason Kavos you watch this this is no hate at Kavos
like I kind of look at this in the same realm that I look at you know what Shane
sees with Jake Paul is that I don't even know if Kavos knows he's doing it all
right and maybe this will bring some light to him but I really want to help
all of you learn how to read people so you can protect yourself mentally and
emotionally because something that's really important when it comes to our
relationships who you're gonna date who you're gonna hang out with which family
members you're gonna keep close in your life we need to follow people not by
what they say but what they actually do and a lot of this looks at what they say
like I talk a lot but I also listen a lot so I listen for
different contradictions and things like that
to see who people really are and for those of you in the United States I
think that's important too with the midterm elections coming up like there's
a lot of politicians who say one thing and do the other so we're constantly
having to look at these things and seeing if people's words
line up with their actions all right so let's get started into this video so the
first thing I want to bring up the first thing I want to bring up and it's just I
was gonna make a separate video didn't know if I should but I'm just gonna lump
it into this video first I'm gonna bring out there's like
you guys youtubers are manipulating you they're lying to you have really been
monetizing my content so getting sponsors like this it's important that
we show support to them because they're supporting creators and let me make
whatever I want and I just tell you the truth like like okay here's the thing
like Kavos you know was sponsored in this video good for him getting
sponsored is amazing I want to get sponsored we also get sponsored right
like he uses what a lot of youtubers do so this is nothing pointed directly at
Kavos a lot of youtubers do this where they say hey I keep getting D monetized
by YouTube so I have a sponsor right and this is a form of manipulation because
they're trying to make you feel bad so you give them something in return I'm
just about honesty honesty okay does YouTube add money suck yes does
YouTube the monetization suck yes but does YouTube monetization mean that you
don't get any hard bunny no no it does not okay and I don't know why you tubers
are acting like when they get to monetize they make no money like I I
went through some of my t monetized videos and I looked at the ad money I
made and I made money off of them like that little yellow D monetization symbol
does not mean you will not get advertisements it means that advertisers
on their end can say whether or not they want to haven't had on this type of
video or this type of channel so again like I just want to inform all of you -
so like so you can make better informed decisions like kaavo's making money baby
girl like I want all of you to support if you don't support me support somebody
else like watch them ass click on their ads buy their merch you know what I mean
click on their sponsor links all of these things help support your creators
um support them on patreon I don't care it's just that I want people to be
honest about this and yes there are some times when you get no ad money on your
videos but from my experience there's a lot of times we're still making a little
bit of money it's not as much you're still making some and I just don't like
how they make it feel so black and white like you still do make some money off of
it lissa also said and this is the most hilarious part that jake would use the
team 10 angle st. he goes that you know conrick of a team 10 house come see if
you'll be a good fit to bang Instagram models so the first thing we were point
out is like Kavos is like so surprised like you're so surprised it's like Jay
Paul was using his status to like sleep with women like okay yeah is that a
scummy thing yes and this again it's not enough that cosmos like here's the
reason why I talk to you guys about victim mentality and being taken
advantage of and things like that and even more importantly to really get your
values and priorities straight like this has been happening since the dawn of
time people are using their status for sex like this is not new celebrities do
it famous people do it rich people do it people buy nice cars you know they
signal to the world I look at me I'm an important person so they can get people
in bed like this is nothing new so what can we do about this we need to be
smarter about this we need to ask ourselves why am I hooking up with this
person why am i getting with this person why am i hanging out with this person
because in a video not too long ago I talked about self-seeking am i only
doing something to get something in return because if I am I cannot be angry
about the consequences of that right so you have two people who's using each
other for different things one's using one to you know get yeah physically
fulfilled if you will and the other one is trying to get status or money or get
taken care of you know what I mean like if you and hey if it's a mutual
agreement cool like there's a whole like sugar daddy thing you know like a woman
all date a rich guy like if they're both cool with it you do you but
what I'm trying to tell all of you is that you really need to check your
values because if that's not what you want to have happen to you recognize
like oh I'm only hooking up with this person because they have money because
of their status because of their car I don't think they're a good person I'm
only hooking up with them because of this like this is why you really got to
be very mindful of your intentions and your motives so in this clip Carlos like
talks about the Logan Paul diss track and he immediately contradicts himself
which I'm going to talk about in a second
and Logan completely completely shut her down basically got what he wanted out of
her youth her and said he would make about this track regardless of what she
had to say but like here's the thing like he talks about how Logan put the
diss track out after Alissa asked him not to
and Kavos is like telling it saying how Logan Paul's a bad person because of
that Logan Paul is a bad person but not because of this like I mentioned in my
last video she went through all this steps to do this there was a lot of
money time and more people than just Alisa involved in this project so yeah I
wouldn't have taken that down either so like this is this is what separates me
from drama channels because drama channels are one of the reasons I
started this channel we talked about the problem but focus on the solution if you
look at drama channels or a lot of commentators all they do is complain
about stuff they have no solution all they do is just they may have a very
strong negative bias I'm eventually gonna do a video about the neuroscience
of complaining because it makes you more prone to spot the negative and then what
happens is this is why I say Campos might not even be aware he's doing it
all he does is focus on the negative that's all he sees so he's pointing out
with Logan Paul's doing but then he immediately thought to diss himself by
talking about Alissa I need to say my problems with Alissa viola if like you
said in the Shane Dawson documentary you are so regretful about sleeping of Lopes
and why would you hop on a diss track when Logan is literally gloating about
having you on his so you see what I mean right there now we say well Alissa you
should have never done it in the first place but just a second ago you were
blaming Logan like these are people who are going to complain no matter
what and that is one of the biggest problems with the drama community with
the commentator community and one of the reasons why I say we talk about the
problem but focus on the solution so what's the solution for this thing make
smarter decisions at the very beginning and then you don't got to worry about
all the other things that happen happen and one of the reasons that this bugs me
and this is why you need to read people is because commentators and other people
in the YouTube community there's some of the biggest virtue signalers so some of
you who watch my video about thomas Halbert and my virtue signaling
youtubers do this all the time all the time so so Cabos like doing this and
playing both sides of it like this is like him doing this kind of signaling
then let's use logan paul as an example remember in logan paul's video about
dear shane dawson like he makes such a big deal like oh my god I can't believe
Shane's doing this and putting out there to his young audience like dear Shane
Dawson is the last person who should be talking about being a good example for
the young audience
another example is that dude team star team star is he latches on to drama and
tries to act like you're such a good well-intentioned person right and he's
like oh my god this this better help company is taking advantage of people
with mental illness and it really it really hurts me I cannot believe they're
doing that like I did I I'm so upset I can't even put a sentence of thought
together is such a huge purchasing the way I'll just tell you this I won't die
too much into it but go watch the idubbbz
video content he's manipulative hypocritical makes horrible content
extremely unfunny cringing this is what I'm saying you guys like you need to be
a better judge of character and see if people's actions line up with their
words like when's the last time you saw Mike keemstar donate a bunch of money to
the American foundation of suicide prevention when did you see him donate a
bunch of money to any type of mental health cause in fact if I'm being honest
he saw got a bunch of backlash for talking crap about Demi Lovato on
Twitter after she overdosed but now all of a sudden team star really cares about
people and mental illness oh my god like give me a break like I'm just telling
you guys like I can dude like mental health is a broad subject I can do this
with anything you need to be a better judge of character who you're watching
who you're hanging out with we brought my son on my channel
yesterday and like it's important that we know who our kids are watching like
is this a good role model is this a good influence what are they learning from
this person right because a lot of these youtubers and commentators they're
giving very mixed messages and that scrambles the kids brain out so if we
don't know how to be a good judge of character how can we teach our children
how to be a good judge of character so then Cabos mutants that look at pose
absolutely the water should be looking looking - for being a sociopath
however Logan Paul now that is someone who's clearly showing signs of being a
sociopath but even admitted to having tendencies like Carlos did you not learn
anything from the shane dawson flub like what Kati Morton like this is
this is the thing we keep trying to throw out these diagnoses like so the
last thing I'm gonna talk about and I can make an entire video about this is
the kind of back and forth between the Martinez twins situation and Jake Paul
and this is where Cabos kind of empathize a lot with Jay Paul because
combo says he's been bashed up before like I just I can make an entire video
about joking around and being offended and things like that like this is
something that gives me a lot of social anxiety because I always felt like I was
upsetting people and making people offended and all of that like because
you know and a lot of you have done this right we're like we joke about something
but if somebody else jokes about it then we get offended like we are such a
sensitive culture like it's crazy so something I learned a long time ago
just as a rule of thumb it's like do not joke about the other person unless you
are a thousand percent sure a thousand percent sure because people are fickle
like that right like we gotta just be mindful of that and not everybody is
going to take jokes as well as they give them but again this is why you need to
be a judge of character I do not hang out with people that dish
out jokes but can't take them like I'm a trash talker like me and my girlfriend I
love it we talk trash to each other and we laugh
and we have fun but what if she talked trash to me and when I returned it if
she got all upset about it like our relationship never would have worked out
so this is another way to be your judge of character
do not hang around sensitive people if they're gonna dish it out but not take
it so again I get again this is no hate at Cabos I don't know where he is of
what he may or may not be doing it but the bigger lesson here is that all of
you watching this you need to be a better judge of character of the people
in your life who you're watching on YouTube who you hang out with who your
friends are you know who your co-workers are and all of that see if their actions
line up with their words alright but anyways that's all I got for you with
this video let me know what you thought think down in the comments below let's
do this what do you think that you're a good judge of character or does it feel
like people are constantly pulling a fast one on you were taking advantage of
you alright let's talk about that in the comments alright but if you like this
video please give it a thumbs up if you are new make sure you subscribe and
bring that notification though because tomorrow we are
first charity livestream for the editors that
and a huge huge huge thank you to everybody who is supporting the channel
over on patreon this is a great way to support creators and being honest about
how that supports me so if you would like to support the channel you can
click the tap on that patreon icon right there alright thanks so much for
watching be a better judge of character and I will see you that's that
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