Saturday, October 20, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 21 2018

"In the beginning was the Word

and the Word was with God,

and the Word was God.

In the beginning He was with God;

the Word was the true Light

that illumines all humankind,

and the Word became flesh and lived among us

and we saw His Glory,

a Glory that He has from the Father, as the only Son,

full of Grace and of Truth,

because of His fullness we all receive, Grace by Grace."

In this last chapter about the Sacraments,

we wanted to remember Holy Thursday,

a climactic moment in the life of Our Lord

and decisive in the whole spiritual evolution of humanity.

At the moment in which all of Creation contemplated the Planet

because Creation itself would be recreated

by the Great Love that Our Lord would give forth

in the consummation of His mission in that time,

through His Passion, death on the Cross, and Resurrection.

On that day, when the Heart of our Lord experiences loneliness

and in the Void of God,

and knew that His hour had come,

He washed the feet of His disciples,

celebrated the Last Supper, and instituted the Eucharist.

The Rite of Foot Washing is that which the Lord, through the Revelation of His Divine Word

to this group, has instituted as a Sacrament;

it is the practice which Jesus Himself carried out with His apostles

in the moments previous to the institution of the Eucharist.

"And today you will wash your feet, as I washed those of the apostles,

who at that moment

did not understand the humility of the Master of Light,

because in the humiliation and renunciation of those who wash the feet of their siblings

is to be found the existence of the Love and of the Life that unifies them with the Universe.

And thus, everything is renewed, as I renewed it on the Cross for you and for the World.

So I want you to do it always and that you experience it as long as you are able,

because who washes their feet, washes their past,

heals their wounds, and rekindles their soul in the Light of God,

expelling the impure, exorcising everything that is not of the Light.

This mystery evokes the Humility of the Son of God

and on facing Him, we must bow our head

in gratitude and reverence,

because it brings one of the most deep

and important teachings to our consciousnesses.

"That is why, when you receive the Foot Washing, be prepared,

for it will be the moment of the great surrender and of the Victorious Defeat."

After the Foot Washing,

Our Divine Lord gathered with his apostles

to celebrate the Last Supper and the institution of the Eucharist.

His heart, deeply united with God,

was completing the surrender of his whole consciousness for human salvation.

A surrender that would be consummated on the Cross

to generate the reconciliation of all souls with God.

In inner prayer,

let us accompany Our Lord in the Last Supper.

With the twelve apostles and many more on the inner planes,

in the presence of the Most Holy Trinity,

the Lord celebrated the ceremony

so that souls could constitute a Perfect Unity with God

through Unity with the Son of God

in Communion with His Glorified Body.

On that night, Jerusalem was in reclusion.

It was a night of deep silence.

In the celebration of the Holy Supper,

a Mystery would be unveiled to souls, to angels, and to archangels,

when Love would be the premise, to generate the salvation

and redemption of humanity.

"Father, accept the offering of Your Son

for the conversion of sinners

and the redemption of the wicked.

He blessed that element,

and the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God

spoke through My Mouth and I said to the Apostles,

'All take and eat of It,

for this is My Body,

which will be given for you, for the forgiveness of sins'.

The Divine Breath of the Spirit of God

blessed the Chalice

and accepted the offering of His Only Begotten Son,

and in that moment,

the Divine Word expressed to all those present at that time:

"All take and drink of It,

for this is the Chalice of my Blood,

the Blood of the new and everlasting Covenant

between the peacemakers and God,

which will be poured out by your Master and Lord

in atonement of the sins and the salvation of mortals.

until I return to the world a second time'."

The celebration of the Eucharist

means the announcement of a New Life,

renewed by the Holy Spirit,

which rekindles the Flame of Love in the creatures who accept Him.

"Our Lord gives of Himself in the Eucharist

so that hearts and souls, through this Sacrament,

feel only Love.

A Love that penetrates the very depths of consciousness,

reaching the cells and even the atoms of those who allow it.

This is the True Mystery of the Holy Eucharist,

changed into the Body and the Blood of your Lord."

The Christians of the second century

called it the breaking of the Eucharistic Bread.

In Greek, the word Eucharist

means Thanksgiving

and points to the most important aspect of Communion.

It was an Offering of Gratitude for the Sacrifice.

When we commune,

we spiritually re-experience this Sacrifice

through Praise, Prayer, and Thanksgiving.

On raising up the bread and wine,

Christ granted Graces for the Gifts of God for all of humanity;

Graces that are renewed from period to period, since the patriarchs.

He granted Graces, because He, the Living God,

surrendered in Sacrifice for the forgiveness of all the errors of humanity,

from Adam to the end of times,

by offering Himself up for human redemption.

"In My Sacred Eucharistic Body is reflected the gratitude to God,

which is transmitted to all souls,

because He allowed Me to incarnate in this world and in this humanity,

so that all spirits,

in all times and in all ages,

may know the greatness of being worthy children of God."

Eating the transubstantiated bread means to eat the Bread of Life,

the Glorified Body of Christ.

Eating the Consecrated Bread means a kind of union,

where life becomes part of a greater Life.

From the earth comes the wheat,

as a product of work,

and from the wheat is born the flour

so that the Bread of Life may emerge;

the Bread also invites us to remember the origin.

The memory that we arose from the All, and to the All we will return.

There we will merge with the Essence of God.

The grape is also the product of the earth and the work of humankind,

"I give you to drink of the Renewal,

of the Transfiguration,

of the Transubstantiation of impure particles,

which are part of the planetary consciousness."

The bread and wine changed into the Body and Blood of Christ

represent the possibility of the transfiguration of the cells

so that the True Essence is revealed

and so we learn to love each other,

as He loves us.

"Father, the Hour has come.

Glorify Your Son,

so that Your Son may Glorify you;

and that through the Power You have given Him over all flesh,

give Eternal Life to all who join with Him.

I gave them the Glory that You gave Me,

so that they be one, as We are One;

I in them, and You in Me,

so that they may be perfect in Unity

and so that the world may recognize

that You sent Me and You loved them as You loved Me.

Praise be O Lord,

for You have allowed Your most beloved Son

to incarnate among humankind

so that Your Love, Your Grace,

and Your Mercy could descend again,

so that every being on this planet

may achieve their redemption."

The Holy Spirit of God

is a mystery that transforms our opinions,

our feelings, and our actions.

It represents the Divine Attributes

that fill each space of our consciousness.


is the Sacrament of Redemption,

of Renewal, and of Healing so that humanity,

through experiencing the Sacraments, may experience Christ.

It is to fulfill in the self the realization of Love.

To experience the Sacraments

is to Contemplate the Infinite with the eyes of the Heart,

to recognize the Origin and to seek Surrender above all.

Through them,

one learns to meditate and to rest in the Love that created us.

Through the Sacraments, the Holy Spirit fills us.

This moment can be re-experienced when we remember and celebrate

this precious moment in daily life.

This will vivify the presence of the Spirit of God in us,

which means to penetrate the mystery of this Presence.

"With the Sacraments, a path of renewal begins.

As the Lord says:

Blessed are those who are called to avail themselves of My Sacred Sacraments.

"Adonai, Eli, Eli,

Olam, El Shaddai, Yod He Vau He!

Resurrect, Lord, the spiritual life of Your children.

Resurrect, Lord, in Your Sacred Fountain.

Your fallen stars at the four points of the Earth.

the suns that have gone out through suffering and pain.

Resurrect, Lord, with Your Power,

by the offering of Your divine Son,

by His divine and painful Passion,

all those who do not deserve to be before You,

those who have turned their back on Your Holy Face.

As I said on the heights of the Cross:

"Forgive them, Lord, for they do not know what they do",

forgive them Father, and conceive in them,

in the Fount of Your Mercy,

that the doors to evil be closed

and the doors of Your Divine Kingdom be open,

so that Your creatures of this Earth,

together with the Resplendent

ones and the twelve Archangels,

proclaim Your Sacred Name of Savior,

for You are Blessed, Adonai.

You, Father, are our infinite Love, our sublime Power.

You are the flame that guides us in the darkness.

You are the Light that ignites within us.

Eli, Adonai, Yod,

Eli, Eli, El Shaddai, Olam, Vau He,

Abba, Shekinah, Shalom, Yod!

Express Lord, in this Universe,

the Power of Your Mirrors,

and reflect, in this solar system,

Your powerful and sublime Energy,

so that everything may be purified,

so that the unredeemed may be converted,

and the New Christs awaken,

sowing the bases of a New Humanity on Earth.

Amen. Amen. Amen!

May these Sacred Powers also be received today

by those who will receive the sacrament,

so that the Glory of the Father may also be expressed in them

and they may serve God as worthy children of the Universe."

For more infomation >> Divinos Sacramentos - Parte 4 - Duration: 22:49.


What to Eat in Vancouver - Duration: 9:30.

Welcome to Canada!

This is Vancouver, a gorgeous city

on the west coast of my home country.

A city where nature is always within easy reach.

The mountains,

the ocean,

the beach - it's all here.

And the quick access to outdoor activities is very welcome

when you're eating your way around the city as we do in this video.

I'm going to show you what I ate in Vancouver as well as some of my other favourite spots.

But first, I just have to show you the mountains to work up an appetite.

Weekend hiking is definitely a thing in Vancouver

so we headed to the Dog Mountain trail in North Vancouver with our friends.

The hike is 5km round trip located on Mount Seymour,

one of the mountains that keeps watch over Vancouver.

This particular trail is a tangle of tree roots

stretching out from the deep green forest around you.

This was a picture perfect day

with the sun even sparkling on the little pond we passed.

Once you reach the look out point, you have an incredible view looking south over Vancouver.

Marc and I had a moment of Canadian pride and just pure joy,

breathing in the mountain air and taking in such a beautiful scene.

When you get down from the mountain,

you can have brunch with the scores of other Vancouverites

who are either fuelling up pre hike or maybe winding down post hike.

I suggest heading to 33 Acres.

It started as a brewery in 2013

and you can now find delicious food and coffee here too.

It's bright and minimalist inside

and you can feel the hum of happy weekend energy vibrating off of everyone.

There's not a ton of seating, but we snagged a table

and tucked into coffee and brunch.

Marc had the 'beer' waffles which are different every week.

His particular dish was macerated strawberries, mint, white chocolate chunks,

whipped cream, and a dark chocolate drizzle.

The rest of us got the Avocado Smash:

avocado, of course, along with feta, radish, cherry tomatoes, and pea shoots on sourdough toast.

It's all topped with a soft boiled egg

where the yolk is exactly the right amount of runny.

So satisfying.

The sourdough bread is locally made in the historic Gastown neighbourhood

at a cafe called Nelson the Seagull,

so named for Nelson Mandela as the cafe's owners originally hail from South Africa.

Sourdough and Nelson the Seagull are synonymous in Vancouver

and this is one of my favourite spots to sit.

The tall ceilings, long wooden tables, and marked up floors

give it a kind of lived in elegance I love.

This is where you find good looking people

eating good looking food.

There are lots of baked goodies on offer,

but Marc and I kept it classic and shared an order of avocado on toast

and poached eggs on buttered sourdough.

This is definitely a firm favourite.

A new Vancouver favourite is called Federal Store

where they also bake their own sourdough.

It's a repurposed convenience store that's come back full circle

because it actually began as a bakeshop in 1922.

It was constructed by architect John Coville

who built a lot of the homes in this Mount Pleasant neighbourhood.

The Coville Bakeshop was run by his wife, Hannah, until 1964

when it became a convenience store called Federal Store,

named for a federal building across the street.

The current owners kept the name and the sign

as well as all of those can't-be-bought touches of charm and collective neighbourhood memory.

You can feel the good energy here,

like the building has exhaled and is happy to have reclaimed its identity.

I had the coconut granola and yogurt with candied ginger and honey

and Marc had a buttery breakfast biscuit

that comes with bacon or feta, egg, avocado, and garlic-tomato butter.

Federal Store isn't too far from the relaxed neighbourhood of Kitsilano -

a must visit whenever I'm in Vancouver.

The local beach - known as Kits - is one of the city's most popular.

It's full of people sun bathing and relaxing,

swimming, and doing other water activities.

It feels decadent to be able to look up at mountains

while wriggling your toes in the sand and ocean water.

If Kits puts you in a beachy state of mind,

there's a place called Hoké Poké close by

where, as you might guess, poké bowls fill the menu.

Originally from Hawaii, these fresh seafood bowls have moved to the mainland

and they're especially popular on the west coast.

All the bowls at Hoké Poké - I just want to say this name as many times as possible -

come with a scoop of crab salad, seaweed salad, and ginger

and you can pick a base of either rice or greens.

I got the Ohana which includes sweet shoyu dressing,

sweet onion, green onion, cucumber and a dry Japanese seasoning.

For the fish, I went for two scoops of salmon.

Marc had the Ala Moana with chipotle, cilantro, pico de gallo, and fish eggs called masago.

New favourite thing, new favourite dance: hoké poké.

I'm going to be dancin' that all day.

If you're craving a post-poké coffee,

head down the street to Their There.

It's a cafe dug out below the sidewalk

which seriously ups the cozy factor

and makes for perfect people watching through the huge windows.

The vibe here is Scandi minimalist

with concrete floors,

upcycled milk crate stools,

feathery plants,

and stone tabletops.

They have a selection of baked treats

along with buttermilk fried chicken sandwiches and Cubanos.

The food sounded tempting but we opted for lattes

and just enjoyed sipping on our drinks and soaking in the calm atmosphere.

One of my favourite Vancouver ice cream parlours is also nearby in Kitsilano: Rain or Shine.

They use good quality, local ingredients

and I love the story of how the owners started experimenting with a home ice cream maker in 2011,

which led them to eventually opening their own shop.

They have seasonal offerings like Berry White

and Pink Peppercorn Lemon Thyme Sorbet

and a year round menu with stand outs like London Fog and Blueberry Balsamic.

They have vegan options,

gluten free cones,

and pints you can take home so everybody's happy!

I got honey lavender and their most popular flavour: malted milk chocolate honeycomb.

I personally love my ice cream with lots of bits in it and this delivers.

You guys.

This is good ice cream.

Ah it just dripped on your shirt.

Aww man.

Marc's having some difficulty with the melting situation.

A lot of problems.

I got the meltiest ice cream they have.

A stone's throw away is Sophie's Cosmic Cafe,

a beloved neighbourhood fixture since 1988.

If the Roots store next door doesn't give you the Canadian warm and fuzzies

then the antlers, Canadian flags, and super friendly staff will.

Here you get exactly what you want at a diner brunch:

big comfy booths to slide into,

a bottomless cup of coffee,

and the clatter of cutlery and chit chat.

The sign outside says: 'This is a good place to start your diet.

This is a good place to end your diet.'

And that pretty much sums it up.

When you look at the specials board and see the words 'guacamole' and 'benny' together,

you order that.

So Marc and I both had the guacamole and tomato benny.

His came with home fries and mine with fruit.

Another neighbourhood spot is Cafe Zen.

Just follow the sea breeze back towards Kits Beach.

The cheerful yellow awning

and small light-filled patio beckon from the street

and the feeling inside is relaxed and casual.

Marc had his brunch favourite - huevos rancheros -

and I had the eggs benny with BC smoked salmon.

Ordering a benny is always a nice treat

and having fresh salmon when in British Columbia is a no brainer.

The portions are also generous for the price which feels like good value.

Another beach that's a little further west from Kitsilano is Spanish Banks.

It's a great spot to gather

and offers a beautiful look back at the Vancouver skyline.

You can also see the opposite view of the Mount Seymour hike lookout point.

Pretty cool to see the mountains from the beach

and the beach from the mountains.

That is Vancouver.

Spanish Banks is located at one end of the Seawall

also known as the world's longest uninterrupted waterfront path.

Construction on the Seawall began in 1917

and this walking and cycle path is now 28 kilometres long.

You can start at Spanish Banks and take the Seawall back downtown

seeing the amazing city views,



and birds along the way.

If you follow the path back towards downtown,

head to Café Medina for Belgian waffles and lavender lattes.

Liberally apply chocolate sauce, obviously.

Even though the waffle's not warm, it's still really good.

But the sauce is the best part.

There are lots of great places to eat,



and relax in Vancouver.

Of course, this is just a taste.

But it's been really fun to show you around this corner of Canada.

Check out our other videos for lots more foods around the world.

I hope you enjoyed this video!

Give it a like if you did

and make sure to subscribe for more travel adventures.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> What to Eat in Vancouver - Duration: 9:30.


SYNTH 1 - Una alternativa GRATUITA a SYLENTH 1 [+100 BANKS] - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> SYNTH 1 - Una alternativa GRATUITA a SYLENTH 1 [+100 BANKS] - Duration: 2:57.


Testimonio de Fe - Fitsum - 05/09/2018 - Duration: 9:34.

Testimony of faith

My name is Fitzung Tekbzgui. I come from Eritrea, now I live in Sweden.

I came as a refugee to Sweden, because I was changing...

I needed to better life. In my country there a lot of conflicts.

It is very hard to come to Sweden from my country.

You must travel from country to country, from country to country and finally I get to Sweden.

I have been in Sweden four years, but one year is left to get resident.

I hope so, after that I can travel all over the world.

I remember it was Saturday, at night when I see my internet, suddenly I see

apparition of Christ in YouTube.

Then I began to look it.

The first time I didn't believe it, because I could not imagine

how God is to talk to some people, to translate…

I didn't believe for almost two weeks,

then I tried to see deeply and deeply, the messages…

the messages were very amazing!

Then I began to look, and I believe it. Finally I believe it.

When I believe it, I started again, I read and I followed this program.

I see in the internet, I see which date it´s coming.

When I began to see this program, I was studying,

suddenly I began to copy every program from

One hundred and fifteen pages. It's a lot of.

After have seen these messages I changed completely.

I changed of a way, of how I live, of how I think.

Before I see this, I think a lot. I get some little depression, but when I get this,

I'm very amaze! I can find the meaning of life.

Christ says in His Message:

"If you call Me, I will be here with you. If you want Me, you can find Me.

If you call Me, I will answer you."

It's very powerful!

It´s every message… talk about life, about us.

That is... I love these messages.

But in simple things if you compare how many people live in... It´s eight billion!

If eight billion receive this grace… its very amazing!

I hope everyone to listen, everyone to benefit from these messages.

Place in My Heart what you most need.

Open your heart to receive My Mystery,

the deepest revelation of My Love for you

and quench the thirst of your spirit with the Fount of My Heart.

Wrap yourself in My Mantle during the harsh winters of the desert.

Warm your soul with My Fire and transform all doubts into Light.

Remove from within yourself all that weighs you down

and embrace Me tightly to feel My Strength.

Embrace Me with joy so that I can empty you.

Dissolve from within yourself all that which still does not want to transform.

Take refuge in Me and feel the joy of living in God.

When I see the pilgrimage which come back to Europe…

I was very happy: I will go!

I don't know how to explain… to get blessed is very important for me.

To be blessed once. If I have chance, more. But once is very important, you know?

To bless, God to bless in front of you, to stand in front of that…. Uff!

I cannot imagine. Yeah, yeah, there are no words…

The experience of the sacraments is very… it's very nice.

You know… you feel something very deep.

I washed also my feet. It´s remember how God is humility…. It´s remember, Yeah!

I feel very deeply. You know… Christ washed our foot.

How God in His greatness becomes small? You think… yeah, it's very hard.

I hope so, people they can know… they look the Truth. Love is truth.

Where there is Love there is Truth also.

Only love is the biggest thing!

Prayer in Eritrean

Ab semayat Atnebr Abona Smka ykedes

mengstka tmtsa-aa fkadka kemti Ab semayat

kemu wun Ab mdri ykun Nay alete

Angerana lomi habena nhna nzbedeluna bedelom kem

zhadegnalom bedelna hdegelna kab kfu-aa adhnena

amber ab fetena Aytetwena Mengstn, hayln, kbrn

nzelaalem natka yu mo Amen

For more infomation >> Testimonio de Fe - Fitsum - 05/09/2018 - Duration: 9:34.


[basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅐ- 애 ae(ε/εː) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅐ- 애 ae(ε/εː) - Duration: 0:31.


[basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowelsㅣ- 이 i(i/iː) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowelsㅣ- 이 i(i/iː) - Duration: 0:31.


Leila Bekhti sur RTL : Le Grand Bain ressemble beaucoup à Gilles Lellouche - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Leila Bekhti sur RTL : Le Grand Bain ressemble beaucoup à Gilles Lellouche - Duration: 3:59.


[temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harflerㅣ- 이 İ(i) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harflerㅣ- 이 İ(i) - Duration: 0:31.


[temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅐ- 애 Ê(ɛ/ê) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅐ- 애 Ê(ɛ/ê) - Duration: 0:31.


アン・ソンジュ 首位スタートも大きくスコア崩す 2位と1差 - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> アン・ソンジュ 首位スタートも大きくスコア崩す 2位と1差 - Duration: 1:13.


Laeticia Hallyday-ses tendres retrouvailles avec le mari de Mireille Darc - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday-ses tendres retrouvailles avec le mari de Mireille Darc - Duration: 2:41.


How to Make Container Garden Step by Step | Grow Plants in Container | Garden Ideas//GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 5:53.

welcome to my channel

today i'm going to make a container garden

its a large size container pot

now i just put the coco husk on the base of this container


filling the potting soil in half of container


placing the plant into the pot and add the soil

its a big size container so i'm going to plant some low light and growth plants in this

the plants names and soil mix listed in the description box

after planting i just put the fine sand on the top soil

now i'm going to to make another one

i just do the same work on this containern


spray watering is suitable to this container garden so i just water thoroughly with a garden sprayer


we can place these container garden indoor or partial shade ares or outdoor or bright sun light areas

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> How to Make Container Garden Step by Step | Grow Plants in Container | Garden Ideas//GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 5:53.


Jerry Springer Show (October 20, 2018)Seth has slept with Graber's girlfriend, sister and mother.... - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (October 20, 2018)Seth has slept with Graber's girlfriend, sister and mother.... - Duration: 4:08.


Jerry Springer Show (October 20, 2018)Seth has slept with Graber's girlfriend, sister and mother.... - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (October 20, 2018)Seth has slept with Graber's girlfriend, sister and mother.... - Duration: 5:45.


Dragon Ball Heroes Episode 5 The Mightiest Warrior! Episode Airing Timing and Updates - Duration: 1:41.

Dragon ball heroes episode 5 is titled as

The mightiest warrior!

Super saiyan 4 vegetto

Episode is scheduled to start streaming at sunday, 28 october 2018

In the ending of episode 4 we saw goku transforming into his super saiyan god form and cumber

was about to recognize goku as someone but the episode ends there.

So, the next episode will reveal about something related to SSG hair maybe something about

another super saiyan god or About Yamoshi...

And then we will get to see xeno vegetto ssj4 in action for the first time.

We already saw xeno goku in the first episode of the anime but in episode 5 we will get

to see xeno vegeta super saiyan 4 with xeno goku super saiyan 4 and not only this, we

will get to see amazing battle of the two strongest warriors vegito and cumber.

Episode length will be same as of other dragon ball heroes episodes and there won't be any

new changes in streaming timing of the episode.

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball Heroes Episode 5 The Mightiest Warrior! Episode Airing Timing and Updates - Duration: 1:41.


Jerry Springer Show (October 20, 2018)Seth has slept with Graber's girlfriend, sister and mother.... - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (October 20, 2018)Seth has slept with Graber's girlfriend, sister and mother.... - Duration: 6:02.


Jerry Springer Show (October 20, 2018) - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (October 20, 2018) - Duration: 6:06.


2018.09.06 Monkey Capuchin Masyanya. On the seas. We are closing the season. - Duration: 15:46.

Hello! We are again at sea and this time it is the Sea of ​​Azov.

And a trip to the sea is always a joy! But not at this time. Summer is ending, gold is waiting for us,

but no longer sunlight, but September leaf fall.

This is the closing of the season.

And we came to say goodbye.

The sea is storming again. We are very unlucky at sea this year. But we think that tomorrow the sea will calm down

and we can swim.

Cool water.

Cool? Yes cool.

But I thought in the Azov Sea some water would be warmer.

Well, I saw some waves.

Masyanka for the first time in the Azov Sea.

Mas, come here! Are you afraid of the sea? Are you afraid of the sea ???

Masyankaka on the sea! Yes? How not? At sea, this is the sea! What not? Yes! At sea, at sea!

Will you go swimming? Will you go swimming? Not? Dont go? And what will not go?

Let's go swimming? Will you go swimming? Masyanya, how not? How not?

Go swimming go go swimming, go go swimming, well go go swimming! Go swimming. Does not want. Go kiss!

I think the Azov Sea coast is a godsend for creative people.

There are a lot of different shells, different colors.

I think a lot of things come up. There is nothing edible. On!

Ay, Masenka curious! Here is such a wonderful home of raccoons is the village of Golubitskaya.

Of course, they won't let us in there. If you rest here,

be sure to go and see. Little raccoon. Had a fight.

Had a fight.

Masyanka, look what! Now he will come to you! Look, he came to you! Look!

Nose black what! The raccoon came to you.

That feeling when the monkey is outside, and the children inside. Look, what a nose, look, he crawls to you.

He crawls to you. Go take a look. Look, he came to you, Masyanya! Look how cool!

Whose pens? Caught! The second came, look how curious, Masyanka!

Where is your nose? Spout! Spout! Pens!

What pens cool!

Also in the village of Golubitskaya there a wonderful farm of live butterflies.

You can go with these butterflies together, I do not even know, not fly, they fly around.

You can hold them.

This is a crocodile farm. Also in this village. Here you can go on a tour.

And look at these ancient and wonderful reptiles.

They are alive, right? Well, of course!

Look how interesting Maska is! Mas, look there lizards what! Oh, lizards are sitting there! Large lizards, yes? Crocodiles what!

Crawled away! Crawled, look, Masya, crawled crocodile, look!

Today is the second day of our marine adventures. The weather is great today!

But we are on the Black Sea coast already. This is Veselovka and now we are on the salt lake.

We will go there a little closer. And here we want to show you - therapeutic mud, hydrogen sulfide.

They say it is good for joints, good for the skin. People smear.

They walk in black latex suits. Well, let's go closer to the salt.

Let us show what a salt crust looks like on this lake.

In general, sucked. We must somehow get out. Flip flops pick up. Give me a slap.

In general, like this, the legs go. See what a crust of salt.

And this is not the thickest crust. There the salt will be thicker further.

Maska is not particularly happy. Says where you dragged me! Feet dirty ...

This is useful! This is useful? I already feel like I am eating away ... Yes, it's better not to walk barefoot here, because salt ...

She can...

What is it hot! Yes hot! It is hot ... Everything, and they took my slippers ...

All legs can be cut ... Next, let's go? It makes no sense?

It's hard!

What the hell am I locked in there !?

i eat groot

In short, you need to go to the sea to wash the feet!

Come, go swim!

Cool! And no jellyfish!

She wants to swim!

Masyanka is swimming, right?

Masyanechka bathes!

Oh, oh, oh, wet! Are you a wet kitty?

Wet kitty! Yes Yes.

Everything, and I splattered all, yes!

Let's go to the towel now? In the towel go lie? Let's go to!


Have Masyanka your vacation!


Now I'm in the sand ... Give me a shell! Masyanya, give me shell!

Go get dressed!

Come here, well, go get dressed. Oops!

Little hat! Say, little hat!

Not my size!

Guys, look who's in the sea? Learned? Yes, these are the Black Sea bottlenose dolphins.

They are so close to the shore eat fish!

Have you ever met dolphins? Write to us in the comments.

Masyanka hungry?

Masyanya, you're a pig! Yes!

Masyanka learns to go to sea. The sea is big, terrible ...

But warm!

Cheated! Fooling Maska!

Come on, sit in a towel. Where is the towel?

Sit in a towel! Come on! Sit down Well done!

Come in, go in for a swim, come in!

Drown, Masya!

Will you swim, Masyanka?

Itself, let yourself swim, come on.

Ah, well done! Ah, well done! Swam, swam, swam !!!

Well done, well done, well done!

Like this! Oh, umnichka!

Oh, umnichka!

Ku-ku, Masenka!

You steal stones, right? Pebbles?

Do you have pebbles there? She hid.


Are you sly?


You're sly, yes. And pebbles to itself rakes!

To the wind did not contribute.

Did not fit.

Look, puree is there! Open handles!

Open up. Here it is. Like this.

Let's cover me, come on. There is garbage. Take it. So, raise it to the top.

When will you be ready to go swimming with me? She herself is ready in the sink, in the bathroom is not ready.

Too big for her.

So, it is necessary to wash the sand.

Masya today on the beach running?

No, come on handles, no, no, no!

Sit down and what do you want? Sit down. Like this.

So we finished the swimming season. We're going home.

Again we have rain.

The weather pleases. We're going home.

Happy is not hot. So all is well!

We are driving along the Taman Peninsula. It seems that the Azov Sea separates us. And through him ...

There is already seen the Crimean peninsula.

We were there recently.

Well, the weather has improved and we are almost at home. It remains quite a bit.

We decided to visit this beautiful lotus pond and watch the sunset.

Thank you all for watching! That's this summer is over ... We have closed the season.

But do not be sad! Guys let u each of you every day will be warm and sunny !!!

But do not forget to stock up on fragrant tea and a warm rug.

To cool evenings, it was cozy to watch our videos.

And do not forget to comment on them, put your finger up, subscribe.

And, of course, share our videos with friends. See you later meeting

For more infomation >> 2018.09.06 Monkey Capuchin Masyanya. On the seas. We are closing the season. - Duration: 15:46.


[basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅐ- 애 ae(ε/εː) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅐ- 애 ae(ε/εː) - Duration: 0:31.


[basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowelsㅣ- 이 i(i/iː) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowelsㅣ- 이 i(i/iː) - Duration: 0:31.


Man Utd news: BBC Sport reporter reveals why Jose Mourinho is so eager to beat Chelsea - Duration: 2:43.

 Manchester United boss Mourinho has taken his side to Chelsea today as the Red Devils aim to secure a vital three points

 The 55-year-old's future remains uncertain at a time where former Real Madrid boss Zinedine Zidane has been heavily linked with the job

 Mourinho had spent two spells at Chelsea throughout his career, winning three Premier League titles

 With Manchester United in disarray, the need for results is paramount. And BBC Sport reporter Phil McNulty thinks that is motivating Mourinho now more than ever before

 "Jose Mourinho appears to have reached the stage at Manchester United where his future can be debated after every game - so he will want a big result on his return to former club Chelsea," he said

 "Mourinho's second Chelsea reign ended in what the technical director Michael Emanalo described as "palpable discord" between players and manager

 "It does not appear as if everyone has been singing from the same songsheet at Old Trafford this season so Mourinho, spared further speculation by that dramatic 3-2 win against Newcastle United, must conjure up some of the old Stamford Bridge magic today to build on that momentum

"  Zidane has been strongly linked with the United job. But Guillem Balague has told Express Sport he is unlikely to take over

 "If he was offered the job tomorrow, I do not think he would take it," Balague said

 "I just don't think it is what he wants to do tomorrow. "I think for the next few months he is quite happy to just take a break

" Chelsea are currently unbeaten. And they go into the United match having won their last three matches against the Red Devils on home soil

 Mourinho's side did, though, win 2-1 at Old Trafford last season.

For more infomation >> Man Utd news: BBC Sport reporter reveals why Jose Mourinho is so eager to beat Chelsea - Duration: 2:43.


[temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅐ- 애 Ê(ɛ/ê) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅐ- 애 Ê(ɛ/ê) - Duration: 0:31.


[temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harflerㅣ- 이 İ(i) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harflerㅣ- 이 İ(i) - Duration: 0:31.


[Hot] Hướng Dẫn Mod Rank CAO THỦ Mùa 8 Liên Quân Mobile - Duration: 4:34.


For more infomation >> [Hot] Hướng Dẫn Mod Rank CAO THỦ Mùa 8 Liên Quân Mobile - Duration: 4:34.


Will I Be an Angel? - Duration: 28:31.


When a Christian dies, do

they become an angel?

When God decides that your

time is up or someone you

love passes on, do they

watch over us as angels in


Pastor Jon Enter is going

to answer those questions

next on Time of Grace.



At Thanksgiving this last

year, my wife and I took

our four daughters and we

flew from where we live in

South Florida up to the

Midwest to go visit our

grandparents - well, the

kid's grandparents; our


Follow that commandment of

the Lord: "Honor your

father and mother," right?

Bring the kids on the

plane and bring them up


It seems backwards.

When it gets cold up here,

most people leave here and

they go south and we went

the opposite way, north,

but it's a lot of fun.

It's great to get together

with our parents, our

siblings, have the cousins

play together and have a

great time.

But my wife and I also

wanted to experience

culture; have our kids

also get to know where we

grew up and experience

some new things in life.

So I went online and

started searching what is

going on?

Maybe there's a festival

or something new in the

area that I didn't know

about and I discovered

something and I was not

taking my kids to it.

A short drive away from my

parent's where I grew up

is the Axe Murderer House.

And apparently what

happened was back in 1912,

eight people were in this

home and someone came in

and murdered all of them,

apparently with an axe,

and it was an open case;

it still is not solved.

Someone bought this crime

scene of a home and they

turned it then into this

moneymaking machine where

you can come in and you

can tour it and hear the

stories of how it's


There's dozens and dozens

of low budget cable

television shows where

they're hunting the ghosts

and they're out there

trying to find it and

there's such confusion

that is out there in the


And then movies?

Oh, movies are bad; bad

about this!

Like the Sixth Sense or

the movie Ghost?

You're nodding your heads

going, "Yes, I remember


If you didn't watch the

Sixth Sense, I won't ruin

it for you, but Bruce

Willis is talking with a

little boy and this little

boy apparently sees dead


Do you remember that from

the movie?

But these people

accidental death, or

they're murdered, and then

they were stuck aimlessly,

angrily, walking around

life and suddenly this

little boy could see them

and that boy was trying to

help them find rest and

balance in their life so

they could go on to the


And this is being infused

into our minds, our

culture, our

understanding, which is

not what the Bible says.

And then there's the movie


The highest grossing movie

of the 1990s.

You've got Patrick Swayze,

you've got Demi Moore.

It made $505 million - I

think it was like $22

million they made the

movie on; I think about

$17 million of that was

making Patrick Swayze

hologram form, you know,

when he's walking around.

But if you've seen that

movie, Patrick Swayze gets

murdered, he's stuck here

in a state of unrest, you

know exactly whodunit but

he goes sleuth style to

try to right wrongs, he

fights bad guys, he makes

a coin levitate through a

room, and then he

possesses Whoopi Goldberg.

You know, normal after

death stuff [Pastor:

Laughter] You picked up on

my sarcasm with that,


[Audience: Laughter] But

there's a lot of


So the goal today that we

have is to clear up that

confusion; the goal today

is to gain for you a

greater joy for those who

have died and gone before

us in faith.

And a greater peace for

you in God's powerful

love, his incredible

mercy, that he's given to


Now in order for us to do

that, we've got to have a

pretty tough conversation;

a pretty difficult

conversation because we've

got some things messed up

in our minds.

Here's the first thing:

When we die, we

immediately and

permanently leave this


That's what the Bible


We're not stuck here in a

state of unrest.

On the day of our death,

Hebrews 9:27 says this:

"People are destined to

die once and then after

that to face judgment."

There's no indication of

there being a time lapse.

You die, you face


And so then we go and we

stand before our Almighty

God in heaven in judgment.

Now that might sound a

little scary but it's not

because the Bible says how

that works out.

If you have faith in God,

faith in Jesus' amazing

grace and forgiveness for

you, no matter how long

you've had that faith, how

deep that faith is, if you

have faith, God says,

faith as small as a

mustard seed, faith in God

and Jesus, you have


But for those who don't

believe, there's hell and

that happens immediately

on that day.

Think about the thief of

the cross for a second;

that man who was so rotten

and so evil he's being

executed publicly for all

of his sins.

And he comes to faith by

God's grace right before

the end.

If there's ever someone

who's going to need to

stick around here for a

while in a state of

unrest, it's the guy who

got murdered, killed by

the government.

If ever there's a guy

who'd want to stay here

and right wrongs now that

he's a Christian believer,

it'd be the thief on the


If ever there's a guy

who's going to want to go

talk to his loved ones and

tell them about Christ,

it's the thief on the


But yet, what does Jesus

say to him?

"Today, you will be with

me in paradise." Because

when we die, we

immediately and

permanently leave this


We stand before our Lord

in judgment.

Those who have faith in

Jesus go to heaven; those

who do not have faith in

Jesus end up going to


That is how the Bible says

this works.

We're not stuck here.

You're not going to make

guest appearances on low

budget cable television

shows about ghost hunters.

You're not going to make

things go bump in the


But instead, you're going

to stand before your God

with the faith that you

have that the Holy Spirit

has placed in your heart,


Heaven is yours!

Now, the devil doesn't

want you to think that.

The devil wants to trick

you and he's dastardly

dirty, this devil, that he

goes after us in our

moments of big weakness

when we have lost a dear

loved one and we're

longing for that

connection there.

And so he swoops in,

trying to convince us that

our loved ones who have

died and gone to heaven,

that they have power, that

they have presence over

this earth.

That we should trust in

them, talk to them,

instead of trusting our

Almighty God.

And the devil loves this

because any way he can

take your attention, my

focus, off of our God and

place it on anything else,

he's winning and he's

happy and that's because

of our confusion of death

and the afterlife.

So now the next thing we

need to understand here is

that when someone dies -

and we know now they die

and it's immediate and

permanent; they're gone -

they go up to face God,


Those who do not have

faith go to hell.

Now those who are in hell,

those who are in hell have

no power, they have no

presence on this earth.

They can't pass from hell

up to this earth, which

means if there is

paranormal activity going

on, it's not from the

souls that were murdered


Do you know who it is?

It's evil angels.

That's scarier by far!

So why in the world would

we as Christians go, "Oh,

haunted this?

Let's go over there!"

You're starting to crack

your heart open towards


Don't play with evil.

Just don't do it.

Those who are in hell, in

unbelief in hell, they are

in hell; they cannot leave

from hell.

They have no power here,

they have no presence


Think of Luke 16, the

famous account in the

Bible where it's the rich

man and Lazarus, okay?

And the rich man in this

life has all the glorious

things here but then he

doesn't have faith in God,

so he goes to hell.

And then there's Lazarus

who has absolutely nothing


He's destitute, he's got

open sores, the dogs are

licking his wounds.

You know we complain about

our healthcare system but

how would you like that

for your healthcare


Dogs lick your wounds.

That's what he had but he

had faith!

He had faith in Jesus and

so he's in heaven and if

you remember this account,

Jesus is telling this and

he says the rich man in

hell is pleading; he wants

someone to go to those

here on earth to warn them

because he can't.

Those who are in hell have

no power; they have no

presence here on this


Same thing is true though

for those who are in


They have no power or

presence on this earth, as


And that's the point of

that account of the rich

man and Lazarus that the

message comes back to the

rich man and says, "Hey

man, they have the Bible.

They have everything that

they need.

Even if someone did come

from heaven to earth and

that's not their job, they

wouldn't believe them

anyway." Believers who are

in heaven have no power,

have no presence, on this


Their job, your job when

you get to heaven, your

loved ones who've died in

faith, do you know what

their job is right now?


Sign me up for that!

Celebrate the power of the

forgiveness of our

Almighty God.

That is their job.

But the devil has been

tricking millions and

millions and millions of

Christians for a long,

long time into thinking

that we should pray to

believers in heaven asking

them to have power and

presence over our lives.

But the Bible instead, the

Bible says this.

This is 1 Timothy 2:5:

"For there's one God and

one mediator between God

and mankind, the man

Christ Jesus." God says

that our prayers are to go to

and through Jesus - that

our prayers are only to go

to our Almighty God,

Father, Son and Holy

Spirit and to trust that

the believers who are in

heaven have power and

presence over this earth -

goes exactly against what

God says.

We've got one mediator,

one helper, that is to

help us in our needs.

But that's not what's

taught in some Christian


They're taught - and I

don't understand why

because it's not in the

Bible - that if you want

to sell your house, pray

to this believer in heaven

and trust that they will

then help you but that's

not in the Bible.

It's not there.

If you've got problems in

your marriage, pray to

this believer in heaven

who's good at marriage and

they will help you.

If your son is an

alcoholic, pray to this

believer in heaven and

that believer will help


But the Bible says

believers in heaven have

no power, have no presence


Instead, the Bible says we

have one God and one

mediator between God and

mankind; the man Christ


Now maybe that's news to

you; maybe you never heard

that that is something

that's taught out there.

But even if you're not

coming from a church

background that's there,

it filters its way into

many people's hearts

because the devil knows

that we long for our loved

ones that have died.

I would love to have a

connection still with my

dear, dear grandparents.

I would love to be able to

talk to my son that we

lost; many of you know

that my son died and his

twin sister survived.

And she's been a huge

heart healer for us but I

would love it - I long to

have that connection with

my son and the Bible says

someday I will.

But someday, someday.

And what a glorious day

that will be!

But right now, the one who

has power, who has

presence on this world,

it's our Almighty God,

which is better by far.

Why ever would we think

that our loved one who is

in heaven has power or

presence here?

I've actually had someone

tell me that they were

running late to a job

interview and they got in

their car and they're

like, "I'm going to be


I'm not going to get this

job." And they got every

green light and got there

on time, just in time.

They got the job and they

went, "Man, my dad, my dad

who is in heaven, gave me

green lights all the way


Dad got me that job." And

I looked at that person

and I said, "You're right

but your Father in heaven

who loves you, who wants

the best for you because

he has power, he has

presence here on this

earth." But there's such

confusion that's out there

that when grandma died, we

say, "Well, grandma got

her wings," and "Grandma's

an angel now." And when

our son died, we had so

many people that told us,

"Well, now he's an angel."

We decorated our daughter

who survived, Maggie, we

decorated her nursery in

angel wings but we told

everyone that came in it's

not because we believe our

son is an angel but that

he's now with - with - the


And that's something else

we need to understand.

It says it here in Luke

20: "For those who are

considered worthy of

taking part in the age to

come and in the

resurrection from the

dead, will neither marry

nor be given in marriage

and they can no longer die

for they are like the

angels." It doesn't say

that our loved ones who

die are angels; it says

that our loved ones who

die and in faith in Jesus

in heaven are like angels.

Now what does that mean?

Only angels are the ones

sent from God down to


They have the ability to

go between.

But we're like angels?

What does that mean?

It says that right there;

that when we go to heaven,

we'll neither marry nor be

given in marriage.

Do you know how good that


That in heaven you won't

be married or be given in


That means that when you

walk into heaven with the

pearly gates, there won't

be people trolling the

heavenly gates going, "How

you doing?"

[Audience: Laughter] Our

job when we go to heaven

is not horizontal.

I'm not a - my focus is

not "dad" in heaven; my

focus is not "husband" in


My focus is not "pastor"

or "son" in heaven.

My focus in heaven is to

celebrate; to praise the

Almighty God for his

forgiveness, for his

mercy, for his love.

That's my job and that's

what I want you to leave

one part of this message

with, is knowing that your

loved one's job in heaven

is not to watch out over

you anymore.

Their job is to celebrate!

You ever been to a wedding

where you're at the

wedding and nothing else

matters, you forget

everything else, and

you're just in that moment

and you don't want it to


God calls heaven what?

The heavenly wedding


The joy on top of joy.

And that is what your

loved one is doing.

They don't have power,

they don't have presence


Praise God, because you've

got one better!

You've got God himself who

loves you, who died for

you, who gave his life for


He went through hell.

Jesus went through hell so

that you could have


Jesus rapped himself in

human flesh.

He gave presence here on

this earth by giving his

life, walking here among

us, so that the God of

creation could save his


And that God, your God,

Jesus, has power and

presence over this world,

power and presence over

your life, and gives his

life and all for you.

And so we hear this of our

loved ones who are in


This is Revelation 14:

"Then I heard a voice from

heaven say, 'Write this:

Blessed are the dead who

die in the Lord from now

on.' 'Yes,' says the

Spirit, ' they will rest

from their labors.'" Our

loved ones in heaven,

they're resting; resting

from having to take care

of us here on this earth.

They're celebrating in


Praise God for that

blessing and praise God

for the greater blessing;

that Christ came here

among us.

That Christ crucified his

perfect flesh to forgive

you, to forgive me of our


Our praying to others that

aren't God.

Our thinking our loved

ones can protect us in all

the sins and all the

wrongs that we've ever


Every sin washed clean

away so that your sights

are set where they need to


Not off on someone else

but on the one who loves

you, forgives you, who

protects you, and helps

you, and changes your life

so that you don't fear

death, that you're stuck


That you don't fear what's

happening for your loved

ones; that they're

celebrating in glory.

But have joy as Jesus has

changed everything.

I want to conclude by

sharing with you something

that I've seen in my short

time of being a pastor.

And as I have been out

there and I've been

serving at funerals and

I'm seeing everyone going

through this transition

time of what happened to

my loved one and I miss

them dearly and I can see

the devil prying on their

hearts and trying to steal

the joy, the peace, that

God gives to us.

And every worship service

that we have a funeral, we

speak Psalm 23; most

Christian churches do


But I've noticed as I'm

leading that service that

there's a thud; there is a

hit on the heart while

going through that psalm.

People start out strong

with confidence that the

Lord is my Shepherd; God

is watching out over me.

And then we get to the

part of the psalm where it

says, "Yea though I walk

through the valley of the

shadow of death." And that

thud hits.

And I always pause now and

say there's a word you're

putting the emphasis on

that shouldn't have


We hear the word "death"

and it thuds us.


It's in a prepositional

phrase, which means it's

not the main point of it.

It's the shadow of death

because of the power of

Jesus destroying death on

Easter Sunday, death is

but a shadow to us!

A shadow to our loved one.

It has no power or it is

no essence over us; not at


It's a shadow.

Can a shadow hurt you?


But a shadow can scare you

if you allow it.

Don't be scared of what

happened to your loved


Have joy of what happened

for your loved ones

through Jesus.

They've gone through the

shadow of death and for

you and I who are here,

yea though I walk through

the valley.

When you hear the "valley"

and you feel, oh, this low


But if you're walking

through a valley, what

does that mean?

You're going up.

And that is what Christ

has done for you.

Christ has power and

presence in your life.

Christ gives you more joy

for your loved ones who

are in heaven celebrating

and praising and Christ

gives you more peace that

his power over death has

been given to you.

So celebrate him, trust

him, and know that God

loves you.




NOVOTNY] Sometimes,

Christians panic at that

message; that their loved

ones haven't turned into

angels in heaven.

But here's the incredible

news: Our loved ones who

believe in Jesus are with


They're satisfied,

content, they're rejoicing

in his presence.

And although we miss them

dearly, guess who's

watching over us?

That same Jesus and that

gives us all the hope, all

the comfort, all the joy

that we need.

I'll be back with you in a

moment to pray.

[PROMOTION] Starting this

January, longtime viewers

of Time of Grace will have

a chance to meet a whole

new place - the church

that I love and serve, The

Core, in Appleton,


Now things might look a

little bit different here

at our church but we know

that so many things are

not going to change.

The timeless truths that

we love and appreciate

will continue to be our

message and that's where

you come in.

We need generous

supporters like you to

help us reach our $125,000


By your continual gifts,

your prayers and your

support, you can help

God's grace reach brand

new people in my community

and, we pray, throughout

our nation.

People like Valerie, from


Valerie says, "Time of

Grace has helped me become

more spiritually mature

than I could ever have


Although I still struggle

a lot, I use Time of Grace

to replenish my faith,

strength, and get my back

on track." To thank you

for your gift, we would

love to send you our

insightful and encouraging

book, "Angels," because

everyone loves a mystery,

by Pastor Jon Enter and

Pastor Mark Jeske.

So call the number on your

screen and start making an

impact today and may God

bless you.


NOVOTNY] We here at Time

of Grace are so grateful

for the partnership that

we have with you.

We hope our messages give

you so much of God's grace

and hope and we're so

grateful for your gifts

and your prayers and we

would love to pray for you

in return.

Is there anything in your

life that our team here at

Time of Grace could pray


Are you grieving the loss

of someone you care deeply


And can we lift you up

with a word of

encouragement to our

heavenly Father?

We would love for you to

let us know so that we can

bring this partnership

even further and build the

support we have as part of

the family of God.

Would you join me in a

word of prayer?

Dear God, We thank you for

your promises; that those

who take their last breath

in faith go immediately

into your presence.

I think about the apostle

Paul's words who loved his

mission here on earth yet

he knew it was better to

take his last breath and

to be with you.

God, help us to see heaven

that way - not as a

mediocre or boring place

but a place bursting with

happiness and joy because

you are there.

And when we bury the ones

that we love and when we

grieve, help us to grieve

with hope knowing they are

with you.

We thank you, God, for

your angels and we thank

you just as much for the

promise you have given to

us human beings who die in

the Lord.

We pray this all, Jesus,

in your powerful name,


With Time of Grace, I'm

Pastor Mike Novotny, and

all the hope, all the joy,

all the faith that you

need, it can all start


[PROMOTION] "The truth of

God's word is truth and

yet the way in which you

can share it can be done

in a wide variety of

ways." "We've taken a

modern style but we have

tried to embrace every

page of the Bible and

every topic that people

are dealing with." "When

we founded The Core, we

were going to do

everything with a specific

intent and focus, aimed at

a target audience of

people who were between

the ages of 18 and thirty.

If you're targeting 18 to

30 year olds and what is

the logical time to have


"The founding, you know,

principle of The Core was

to try to reach people

that weren't being reached

and, you know, a lot of

people who, um, maybe

aren't passionate about

church, it's not in their

schedule, they're out with

friends on a Saturday

night, so [laughter], we

have a 9:00 a.m., 10:00


service, some people

aren't rolling out of bed

by then." "So we said

we're going to do night

because they'll be up by

5:00 and figured that was

a great way to try and

create an environment

where they were the focal


That intent was clearly a

part of the evening

service time slot.

The funny stories from the

beginning were we would

tell people, "Hey, we're a

church who's target is 18

to 30," and they'd say,

"But we love what you're

doing and we're passionate

about reaching 18 to 30,"

and we'd say, "Well,

that's great.

Come on, board," and then

we'd get some young

families of people who'd

say, "I know I'm not your

target but we'd love to be

a part of your church,"

and they'd come and begin

worshipping with us and

they'd invite their

friends who had families

and so what you had very

quickly was this large

group of people - some who

were in their sixties and

some who are even older,

in their eighties - and

they come every week."

"It's interesting because

we see more and more

people in our age coming

to The Core.

They'll go to their

traditional service in the

morning at the various

churches they belong to;

then we'll see them here,

too." "I think people our

age, they're probably a

little more reluctant to

change, as I was.

You know, the type of

music that we, you know,

sing and participate with.

Um, but the people, they,

they will embrace change


They will." "The people

love to come to church.

We call it a "get to" at

times, not a "have to."

But when church is a "get

to," the things that make

it a "get to" are the

people." "In the past, my

church attendance was

driving up to the church

three minutes before it

started, walking in the

door, sitting in the pew.

Church would let out, we'd

walk back to our car, go

home, and we didn't even

think about it again until

the next Sunday.

So I think now it's become

a much bigger, a bigger


You know, church is just

more than the actual

service time." "As soon as

the cars start driving in

the parking lot, it's just

an excitement level as you

get to see your friends

again for the week and the

fact that they come half

hour, hour, before church

even starts gives us the

time for fellowship, have

coffee, hang out, and then

the same thing again after

church." "So the church is

more than a building, the

church is more than an

hour, more than a service.

It's people.

And I think one of the

things The Core models

well - we're going to do

two things and do them


One is we're going to do

church and we're going to

do groups where

relationships are

developed, where people

get connected, ah, in a

smaller group setting, and

I think that has just

overflowed in the DNA of

our church." "Fellowship

here at The Core is kind

of ah, ah, a culture of

ours that we have, um.

It's a family so when

we're done with church or

even before church, people

come early and they just

enjoy having that

opportunity to get

together and connect."

"One of the biggest things

about The Core is just the

family atmosphere that is

basically part of our

culture here.

It's kind of engrained in

your DNA that The Core is

a close-knit family and we

can lean on one another

and there's a large

participation in the life

groups." "It's a family.

Um, again, it's not just a

church; it's our family.

And it's so awesome

because we get to spend,

you know, all these

holidays with our whole

family, you know, in

church, which is so - just

so great!

Um, and then the small

groups that we get to be

part of are incredible and

that's where those

relationships really

start, in those small

groups, and it carries

over in church and it's

just such a gift, such a

blessing." "When we talk

about like discipleship or

growing as a Christian,

um, like the spiritual

fruit of love and joy and

peace, um, we talk about

five roots and only one of

them is church; what we

call "gather." And then we

have groups, we have

growing in the word at

home, giving generously,

going out on a mission for


Like if I had a big meal

today and then didn't eat

for seven days, I would

not be a happy person to

be around, you know?

So just that idea of

continually needing to be

fed with God's presence

and his word, that's

really huge for what we




The preceding program was

sponsored by the friends

and partners of Time of


For more infomation >> Will I Be an Angel? - Duration: 28:31.


Lewis Hamilton: Toto Wolff reveals US Grand Prix plan - 'I'm going to hate doing it' - Duration: 2:41.

Lewis Hamilton: Toto Wolff reveals US Grand Prix plan - 'I'm going to hate doing it' Wolff was widely criticised by Formula One fans at the Russian Grand Prix because he told Valtteri Bottas to surrender his position at the front of the field to allow Hamilton to win the race. Mercedes secured a one-two finish with Hamilton extending his World Championship lead over Sebastian Vettel. The Brit can now claim his fifth world title this weekend by winning the US Grand Prix, so long as Vettel also finishes third or below.

And Wolff is prepared to tell Bottas to move over once again if the Finn finds himself ahead of his team-mate.     "We have been discussing that and I've been struggling so much with the decision," said Wolff. "Eventually, when it comes to the Sunday, I'll probably go for the points even though I'll hate it. But let's see how Sunday goes." Hamilton was handed a further boost to his title hopes yesterday when Vettel was slapped with a three-place grid penalty.

The German went too quick during a red flag in practice and will definitely miss out on a place on the front row.     But Wolff was disappointed to see the Ferrari man not have a level chance to challenge Hamilton. "It's difficult because there was a decision that I thought was a bit harsh against Esteban [Ocon] last weekend [in Suzuka] and it sets a precedent," said Wolff.

"For the Championship, obviously it's not good if Sebastian would get a penalty, we'd rather have him there and put on a great show." Meanwhile, Hamilton is not getting too carried away ahead of what could be a memorable weekend.   "As a team, none of us are saying how cool it would be if it happened this weekend," Hamilton said. "We're not focussing on 'ifs'.

We're focusing on making sure that we deliver. "There's still 100 points available so you can just never be complacent in life and in the championship as intense as this. "We expect Ferrari to punch back hard this weekend so we can't be relaxed in any way, shape or form. We've got to make sure we come here and raise the bar again.".

For more infomation >> Lewis Hamilton: Toto Wolff reveals US Grand Prix plan - 'I'm going to hate doing it' - Duration: 2:41.


Jerry Springer Show (October 20, 2018) - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (October 20, 2018) - Duration: 6:06.


Jerry Springer Show (October 20, 2018)Seth has slept with Graber's girlfriend, sister and mother.... - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (October 20, 2018)Seth has slept with Graber's girlfriend, sister and mother.... - Duration: 4:08.


Jerry Springer Show (October 20, 2018)Seth has slept with Graber's girlfriend, sister and mother.... - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (October 20, 2018)Seth has slept with Graber's girlfriend, sister and mother.... - Duration: 6:02.


Jerry Springer Show (October 20, 2018)Seth has slept with Graber's girlfriend, sister and mother.... - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (October 20, 2018)Seth has slept with Graber's girlfriend, sister and mother.... - Duration: 5:45.


VẠN thanh niên bạn trẻ TỤ TẬP PHỐ ĐI BỘ NGUYỄN HUỆ CUỐI TUẦN để làm gì I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 29:48.

For more infomation >> VẠN thanh niên bạn trẻ TỤ TẬP PHỐ ĐI BỘ NGUYỄN HUỆ CUỐI TUẦN để làm gì I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 29:48.


塔罗测试:你的情绪不好是你预感到了什么? - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> 塔罗测试:你的情绪不好是你预感到了什么? - Duration: 4:54.


言承旭脫口: 「最要感謝女朋友在拍攝現場的陪伴」,還大曬床照!網友:終於啊! - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> 言承旭脫口: 「最要感謝女朋友在拍攝現場的陪伴」,還大曬床照!網友:終於啊! - Duration: 4:13.


[basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅐ- 애 ae(ε/εː) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅐ- 애 ae(ε/εː) - Duration: 0:31.


What to Eat in Vancouver - Duration: 9:30.

Welcome to Canada!

This is Vancouver, a gorgeous city

on the west coast of my home country.

A city where nature is always within easy reach.

The mountains,

the ocean,

the beach - it's all here.

And the quick access to outdoor activities is very welcome

when you're eating your way around the city as we do in this video.

I'm going to show you what I ate in Vancouver as well as some of my other favourite spots.

But first, I just have to show you the mountains to work up an appetite.

Weekend hiking is definitely a thing in Vancouver

so we headed to the Dog Mountain trail in North Vancouver with our friends.

The hike is 5km round trip located on Mount Seymour,

one of the mountains that keeps watch over Vancouver.

This particular trail is a tangle of tree roots

stretching out from the deep green forest around you.

This was a picture perfect day

with the sun even sparkling on the little pond we passed.

Once you reach the look out point, you have an incredible view looking south over Vancouver.

Marc and I had a moment of Canadian pride and just pure joy,

breathing in the mountain air and taking in such a beautiful scene.

When you get down from the mountain,

you can have brunch with the scores of other Vancouverites

who are either fuelling up pre hike or maybe winding down post hike.

I suggest heading to 33 Acres.

It started as a brewery in 2013

and you can now find delicious food and coffee here too.

It's bright and minimalist inside

and you can feel the hum of happy weekend energy vibrating off of everyone.

There's not a ton of seating, but we snagged a table

and tucked into coffee and brunch.

Marc had the 'beer' waffles which are different every week.

His particular dish was macerated strawberries, mint, white chocolate chunks,

whipped cream, and a dark chocolate drizzle.

The rest of us got the Avocado Smash:

avocado, of course, along with feta, radish, cherry tomatoes, and pea shoots on sourdough toast.

It's all topped with a soft boiled egg

where the yolk is exactly the right amount of runny.

So satisfying.

The sourdough bread is locally made in the historic Gastown neighbourhood

at a cafe called Nelson the Seagull,

so named for Nelson Mandela as the cafe's owners originally hail from South Africa.

Sourdough and Nelson the Seagull are synonymous in Vancouver

and this is one of my favourite spots to sit.

The tall ceilings, long wooden tables, and marked up floors

give it a kind of lived in elegance I love.

This is where you find good looking people

eating good looking food.

There are lots of baked goodies on offer,

but Marc and I kept it classic and shared an order of avocado on toast

and poached eggs on buttered sourdough.

This is definitely a firm favourite.

A new Vancouver favourite is called Federal Store

where they also bake their own sourdough.

It's a repurposed convenience store that's come back full circle

because it actually began as a bakeshop in 1922.

It was constructed by architect John Coville

who built a lot of the homes in this Mount Pleasant neighbourhood.

The Coville Bakeshop was run by his wife, Hannah, until 1964

when it became a convenience store called Federal Store,

named for a federal building across the street.

The current owners kept the name and the sign

as well as all of those can't-be-bought touches of charm and collective neighbourhood memory.

You can feel the good energy here,

like the building has exhaled and is happy to have reclaimed its identity.

I had the coconut granola and yogurt with candied ginger and honey

and Marc had a buttery breakfast biscuit

that comes with bacon or feta, egg, avocado, and garlic-tomato butter.

Federal Store isn't too far from the relaxed neighbourhood of Kitsilano -

a must visit whenever I'm in Vancouver.

The local beach - known as Kits - is one of the city's most popular.

It's full of people sun bathing and relaxing,

swimming, and doing other water activities.

It feels decadent to be able to look up at mountains

while wriggling your toes in the sand and ocean water.

If Kits puts you in a beachy state of mind,

there's a place called Hoké Poké close by

where, as you might guess, poké bowls fill the menu.

Originally from Hawaii, these fresh seafood bowls have moved to the mainland

and they're especially popular on the west coast.

All the bowls at Hoké Poké - I just want to say this name as many times as possible -

come with a scoop of crab salad, seaweed salad, and ginger

and you can pick a base of either rice or greens.

I got the Ohana which includes sweet shoyu dressing,

sweet onion, green onion, cucumber and a dry Japanese seasoning.

For the fish, I went for two scoops of salmon.

Marc had the Ala Moana with chipotle, cilantro, pico de gallo, and fish eggs called masago.

New favourite thing, new favourite dance: hoké poké.

I'm going to be dancin' that all day.

If you're craving a post-poké coffee,

head down the street to Their There.

It's a cafe dug out below the sidewalk

which seriously ups the cozy factor

and makes for perfect people watching through the huge windows.

The vibe here is Scandi minimalist

with concrete floors,

upcycled milk crate stools,

feathery plants,

and stone tabletops.

They have a selection of baked treats

along with buttermilk fried chicken sandwiches and Cubanos.

The food sounded tempting but we opted for lattes

and just enjoyed sipping on our drinks and soaking in the calm atmosphere.

One of my favourite Vancouver ice cream parlours is also nearby in Kitsilano: Rain or Shine.

They use good quality, local ingredients

and I love the story of how the owners started experimenting with a home ice cream maker in 2011,

which led them to eventually opening their own shop.

They have seasonal offerings like Berry White

and Pink Peppercorn Lemon Thyme Sorbet

and a year round menu with stand outs like London Fog and Blueberry Balsamic.

They have vegan options,

gluten free cones,

and pints you can take home so everybody's happy!

I got honey lavender and their most popular flavour: malted milk chocolate honeycomb.

I personally love my ice cream with lots of bits in it and this delivers.

You guys.

This is good ice cream.

Ah it just dripped on your shirt.

Aww man.

Marc's having some difficulty with the melting situation.

A lot of problems.

I got the meltiest ice cream they have.

A stone's throw away is Sophie's Cosmic Cafe,

a beloved neighbourhood fixture since 1988.

If the Roots store next door doesn't give you the Canadian warm and fuzzies

then the antlers, Canadian flags, and super friendly staff will.

Here you get exactly what you want at a diner brunch:

big comfy booths to slide into,

a bottomless cup of coffee,

and the clatter of cutlery and chit chat.

The sign outside says: 'This is a good place to start your diet.

This is a good place to end your diet.'

And that pretty much sums it up.

When you look at the specials board and see the words 'guacamole' and 'benny' together,

you order that.

So Marc and I both had the guacamole and tomato benny.

His came with home fries and mine with fruit.

Another neighbourhood spot is Cafe Zen.

Just follow the sea breeze back towards Kits Beach.

The cheerful yellow awning

and small light-filled patio beckon from the street

and the feeling inside is relaxed and casual.

Marc had his brunch favourite - huevos rancheros -

and I had the eggs benny with BC smoked salmon.

Ordering a benny is always a nice treat

and having fresh salmon when in British Columbia is a no brainer.

The portions are also generous for the price which feels like good value.

Another beach that's a little further west from Kitsilano is Spanish Banks.

It's a great spot to gather

and offers a beautiful look back at the Vancouver skyline.

You can also see the opposite view of the Mount Seymour hike lookout point.

Pretty cool to see the mountains from the beach

and the beach from the mountains.

That is Vancouver.

Spanish Banks is located at one end of the Seawall

also known as the world's longest uninterrupted waterfront path.

Construction on the Seawall began in 1917

and this walking and cycle path is now 28 kilometres long.

You can start at Spanish Banks and take the Seawall back downtown

seeing the amazing city views,



and birds along the way.

If you follow the path back towards downtown,

head to Café Medina for Belgian waffles and lavender lattes.

Liberally apply chocolate sauce, obviously.

Even though the waffle's not warm, it's still really good.

But the sauce is the best part.

There are lots of great places to eat,



and relax in Vancouver.

Of course, this is just a taste.

But it's been really fun to show you around this corner of Canada.

Check out our other videos for lots more foods around the world.

I hope you enjoyed this video!

Give it a like if you did

and make sure to subscribe for more travel adventures.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> What to Eat in Vancouver - Duration: 9:30.


[basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowelsㅣ- 이 i(i/iː) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowelsㅣ- 이 i(i/iː) - Duration: 0:31.


[VLOG] January 2018 Vlog // Thymine - Duration: 15:02.



I forgot... I forgot what I was gonna say


((A jingle))


My room is a mess.. umm



Do you like these earmuffs I got at Daiso? _(:3 」∠)_

Let's see...

I stopped making vlogs because I started Twitch streaming regularly

but, then I stopped streaming


So, I figured that I should edit these vlogs...

these backlog of vlogs


It's been quite the journey

I've been streaming on and off for two years

and some of you have been here with me for those two years ;0;

thank you everyone for the support!

and just being there

I'm very grateful that I have people supporting me

I never thought I would get to this point where

I have a community of people

and I'm really happy to have regulars

and faces I see and get excited when they pop in my stream

and from that support it just gives me the energy to keep trying

and I'm so so grateful ;0;

and I can't thank you guys enough just for being around and being part of my slime family

thank you all for your support!


It means a lot <3

I'm excited to see where things go in the New Year

and hopefully I'll stream again

and have the courage to stream again

and just do things without being scared

Some things coming up in the New Year --

I have a show..

I have my first solo gallery show in 2018


we're gonna do some time jumping

in these-

this- this vlog.

So, uh...


Enjoy the vlog~

I was editing a vlog,

and I went to go lay in my bed

and I accidentally fell asleep

So, that's why I look like garbo right now _(:3 」∠)_ (笑)

Trying to talk to the camera more


I don't know...

I hate how I look.

2018 & STILL T R A S H


But, yeah I just wanted to say Happy New Year~

Having some left over soup

'cause it's delicious.

(Usually) when we toast these mochis

they like,

they kinda like, explode out of their shell

or whatever

not that they have shells but,

they kinda just expand

They don't lose their shape

so, I thought they weren't like,

I thought something was wrong with the toaster oven.

But, they actually did toast.

I got a letter from Julie



So, I've been down since Halloween

and just...

reading this just made me...

kind of really teary ;0;


I don't know...

I'm very grateful u0u

that I have a community that cares about me ;0;

I haven't been feeling very...

social because I've been feeling down

and I

I kinda do shut down I noticed.

'cause I don't wanna like...

I don't know.

I just...

If I'm sad,

I kinda just shut down most of the time.

and I'm just in my own little bubble..

'cause I don't wanna like, bother people u-u



Also, it's like...

me trying to figure out things for myself.


Idk, seeing stuff like this

it just kinda reminds me that there are people...


that are willing

((nervous laughter))

willing to like, help you ;0;

and, I'm really grateful for that u-u

just the fact that there are people


do care.

You know, I'm not like really special or anything.

I'm just a normal person.


it's really nice to know that you have a community,

you have friends,

and that...

people do... care about you. ;0;

Even though I'm like a random girl on the internet ;-;


Thank you everyone <3

Also, thank you so much Julie for this *beautiful* Poogie~


I love it! Look at it!

It's so cute ;3;


Poogie Pajamas~

Poogie doing art, which is very appropriate!

and uh,

I think I mentioned it before, but Julie streams on twitch as well~

So there's here twitch link~

and she does doodle time where she drawss.

((clears throat))

some key words

and she draws a picture from them.

So this one was -- Green, Blue (x2), Cobalt Blue, Purple, & Poogie


So, a lot of colors.

This is so cute.

I missed seeing this drawn because


I took a break from Twitch


didn't really wanna be social, so I wasn't really on twitch at all.

But, yeah.

Thank you everybody~

Thanks slime family & friends~ <3

So, Kelp just came by, with her mom, & dropped off some DEW.S.A


And it was quite the workout carrying this into the house.

And she also gave me some stuff in this box under it.

So, I'm gonna go look through that.

So, this is the first thing in the box --

Capcom illustrations~

I'm a very simple girl --

I love stationery~


Thank you Kelp~

Gonna have my DEW.S.A in my Nekoastume cup

and I'm gonna try DEW.S.A~

Can't believe Kelp actually got it for me.

Thank you (笑)

((Sweet sounds of DEW.S.A poured into a cup))

Pancho is going to the vet today.

It was quite the effort to get him into the car

so, I have to sit in the back seat with him.

He's so scared ;0;

Pancho ;-;

Look at him shake ;-;

Baby ;0;

Pancho ;0;

You're gonna be ok!


I just dropped off Pancho at the vet


and I'm really sniffly because he was shedding like CRAZY

'cause he was really nervous.

But, we had to leave him overnight

And we're gonna pick him up tomorrow.


Um, hopefully he'll be okay.

((Doggo & car sounds))

((Doggo is happy to be home music))

Poor baby ;-;

(( One Hundred Lifetimes by George & Jonathan ))


Thymine: Whaaat? (笑)

Jerome: Dang

Thymine: I kinda want one (笑)

Oh, when I was like, trying to get my stickers

there was a couple who

were having the hardest time with the Purikura machine because they couldn't read Japanese

So, I went to go help them

and the guy was just really funny

I was like, "Oh, you have to go to this station"

He was like, "Oh, what station? #3?!"

(笑) And he kept wanting to run back to #3

and I'm like, "No, #2"

But, yeah I helped a couple and it was fun/

I got my PS4 today~

It's over there ontop of my slime over there, on my bed.

You would think I would set up my PS4 already but,


However, there's no room on my desk (shelf)

I could probably clear out the top shelf or something...

or move it down

but, yeah, so...

most of my like, streaming stuff is over here

but, it's a mess...

I need to fix it.



So, that's why I have not set it up yet.

Right slime?(笑)


I guess I'll do that tonight, just clear the area

Maaan, I --

I need to get rid of stuff.

Other than the PS4, I got some snacks~

((Bag ruffling))

I got le Mario cereal~

It's Valentine's season which means my favorite gummies are out.

So, I like the SweetTARTS Heart gummies,

and the bunny ones that come out during Easter.

But, yeah

These are really good.

They're one of my favorite gummies.

Cleaning out this area for the PS4 -

I just realized this Gloomy is really old.

Well, it's really old but it's...


The material's like...

so old it's chipping.

Aw, I'm sorry Gloomy :(

I've had this since 2006... I think.

Gonna clean this up and move them.

Alright, I cleaned out this lil' area

for my PS4 & I tidied up a bit.

Yeah, let's go put it in (the shelf)

((Generic Background Music playing -- how are you doing btw? _(:3 」∠)_ ))

Seinfeld is running in the background & it's really loud so,

I'm sorry 'cause I know I talk really quiet too.


Don't - don't mind this.

It's just my face mask

because I was wearing it when I was cleaning out the spot for my...

to place my PS4

'cause there was a lot of dust.

This is my lil' Poog

my little Poogie from Monster Hunter.

He sleeps with me.

He's a lil' weird lookin' right now.

When I went to GDC I brought Poogie with me because Poogie sleeps with me always :3

Feels nice to... to .. uh..

buy my own consoles


just own them :3

I don't feel like

I'm any more of an adult


it feels good to kinda gradually get there _(:3 」∠)_ (笑)

I'm - I'm gonna go set this up.

My new PS4~

Yay~ :D

Let's start it up

PS4: Beep Beep Beep

((Background music))

du du du du

Found this place

and they have --

they have hamburg

and that's like one of my favorite things.

There actually isn't really a good hamburg place in LA.

You have to kinda drive far.

I think there was one in Arcadia that I went to last time.

That was like...

*Really good*


They have Japanese parfaits~!

So, I'm gonna try it with Kelp.

But, yeah I'm waiting for Kelp now & I'm just gonna finish my make-up.

((Puppy Love by George & Jonathan))

Kelp: So, I guess everybody is home uh

Thymine: YUP

Kelp: eating

Both: Eating Pizza


((Music resumes))

((Sizzling action noises))

((Peek-a-Boo by Red Velvet comes on)) - RareThy

Kelp: Feels like I'm excavating


((Likey by TWICE comes on now)) more RareThy

I just hung out with Kelp, and she dropped off some stuff~

Have some Mario Cereal~

Oh, this one --


This one looks fun actually.

Poppin' Cookin' is like, really cute but,

like I mentioned last time some of the things are lik, not amazing...

in taste.

And theeenn...

and we have an Omurice one.

Oh, and I think these are stickers.

These are the joint stickers,

they're like bumper stickers,

that I designed for Kelp's fundraiser show like a few years ago.

But, she still has a bunch.

People ask about these so she gave me some of them.

I considered opening my shop again.

We have CDs~

(笑) Burnt Hello!Project~

Oooh, there's stickers & stuff.

I'm whispering because my brother has work & he's sleeping.

And then, some snacks Kelp got me last time --

uh, peach rings

peach rings & stroopwafels~

Thanks Kelp~!

Gonna try the Super Mario cereal.

((Mario cereal ASMR))

For more infomation >> [VLOG] January 2018 Vlog // Thymine - Duration: 15:02.


Cartoon - Always Take Care of Your Child | AmoMama - Duration: 1:33.

Help Me

You'll manage by yourself!

Help me

You're strong! You'll manage!

You're a wuss!

Mom, we need your help!

It's your child. You'll manage by yourself!

Help me

Help me!

You'll manage by yourself!

Help me!

You're strong! You'll manage by yourself!

Help me!

You're wuss

But shу needs your care!

She always manages by herself

Always take care of your child if you want him to care for you!

For more infomation >> Cartoon - Always Take Care of Your Child | AmoMama - Duration: 1:33.


Hvor er min baby nu? feat. Den Mandige Elg & Vercinger (Taylor Swift parodi) - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Hvor er min baby nu? feat. Den Mandige Elg & Vercinger (Taylor Swift parodi) - Duration: 3:43.


Assassins Creed: Odyssey - Being Hunted & Getting More Powerful Characters to Kill Themselves - Duration: 8:59.

[Explosive sound effects and music]

Hey everyone! I'm Dominick Evans.

I am a disabled gamer and streamer,

and I just wanted to talk a little bit about this clip before we get into it.

I was playing some Assassin's Creed: Odyssey,

and I was a. level 2, and I accidentally stumbled upon a mercenary that was level 5...

and this guy was unmerciful.

He just kept following and following and following me...

and finally, in this funny little clip, you'll see how I managed to fool him into basically killing himself.


[The sound of a bow and arrow, arrows flying, and the man getting hit as he says, "I just want my reward."]

[Occasional grunting noises, dramatic music in the background, and the sound of pursuit]

Dominick: oh God! oh God! oh God! oh God!

Dominick: oh God! oh God! oh God! oh God!

[dramatic music continues]

Oh my gosh! This is so nerve-racking!

[Water splashing swimming sounds]

Let's see...

[swimming sounds]

[dramatic music]

[climbing sounds and grunting]

[arrow sounds]

[mercenary yelling intelligibly]

[dramatic pursuit music]

[sound of guy jumping to his own death]

Captions from the game read: Kassandra: You should have turned down this bounty, Talos.

[heroic music]

I hope you enjoyed my clip.

If you do, please like and subscribe.


For more infomation >> Assassins Creed: Odyssey - Being Hunted & Getting More Powerful Characters to Kill Themselves - Duration: 8:59.


神秘飛機繞地球400天,對兩國發出無聲警告,俄:或開火擊落 - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> 神秘飛機繞地球400天,對兩國發出無聲警告,俄:或開火擊落 - Duration: 4:36.


Honda Jazz 1.2i V-TEC COOL - Winterbandenset - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Honda Jazz 1.2i V-TEC COOL - Winterbandenset - Duration: 1:11.


[temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harflerㅣ- 이 İ(i) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harflerㅣ- 이 İ(i) - Duration: 0:31.


Honda HR-V 1.5 i-VTEC ELEGANCE - Connect Navigatie - 17" Velgen - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Honda HR-V 1.5 i-VTEC ELEGANCE - Connect Navigatie - 17" Velgen - Duration: 1:10.


Katarzyna Cichopek wstrząsająco o pracy na planie „M jak miłość". Dlaczego to zrobiła? - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Katarzyna Cichopek wstrząsająco o pracy na planie „M jak miłość". Dlaczego to zrobiła? - Duration: 4:50.





Nasceu? Sabrina Sato exibe bebê nas redes sociais e confunde fãs - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Nasceu? Sabrina Sato exibe bebê nas redes sociais e confunde fãs - Duration: 2:58.


Sensual! Juliano Laham exibe novo visual após 'Orgulho e Paixão' e encanta fãs: ''Deus grego'' - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Sensual! Juliano Laham exibe novo visual após 'Orgulho e Paixão' e encanta fãs: ''Deus grego'' - Duration: 2:34.


What to Eat in Vancouver - Duration: 9:30.

Welcome to Canada!

This is Vancouver, a gorgeous city

on the west coast of my home country.

A city where nature is always within easy reach.

The mountains,

the ocean,

the beach - it's all here.

And the quick access to outdoor activities is very welcome

when you're eating your way around the city as we do in this video.

I'm going to show you what I ate in Vancouver as well as some of my other favourite spots.

But first, I just have to show you the mountains to work up an appetite.

Weekend hiking is definitely a thing in Vancouver

so we headed to the Dog Mountain trail in North Vancouver with our friends.

The hike is 5km round trip located on Mount Seymour,

one of the mountains that keeps watch over Vancouver.

This particular trail is a tangle of tree roots

stretching out from the deep green forest around you.

This was a picture perfect day

with the sun even sparkling on the little pond we passed.

Once you reach the look out point, you have an incredible view looking south over Vancouver.

Marc and I had a moment of Canadian pride and just pure joy,

breathing in the mountain air and taking in such a beautiful scene.

When you get down from the mountain,

you can have brunch with the scores of other Vancouverites

who are either fuelling up pre hike or maybe winding down post hike.

I suggest heading to 33 Acres.

It started as a brewery in 2013

and you can now find delicious food and coffee here too.

It's bright and minimalist inside

and you can feel the hum of happy weekend energy vibrating off of everyone.

There's not a ton of seating, but we snagged a table

and tucked into coffee and brunch.

Marc had the 'beer' waffles which are different every week.

His particular dish was macerated strawberries, mint, white chocolate chunks,

whipped cream, and a dark chocolate drizzle.

The rest of us got the Avocado Smash:

avocado, of course, along with feta, radish, cherry tomatoes, and pea shoots on sourdough toast.

It's all topped with a soft boiled egg

where the yolk is exactly the right amount of runny.

So satisfying.

The sourdough bread is locally made in the historic Gastown neighbourhood

at a cafe called Nelson the Seagull,

so named for Nelson Mandela as the cafe's owners originally hail from South Africa.

Sourdough and Nelson the Seagull are synonymous in Vancouver

and this is one of my favourite spots to sit.

The tall ceilings, long wooden tables, and marked up floors

give it a kind of lived in elegance I love.

This is where you find good looking people

eating good looking food.

There are lots of baked goodies on offer,

but Marc and I kept it classic and shared an order of avocado on toast

and poached eggs on buttered sourdough.

This is definitely a firm favourite.

A new Vancouver favourite is called Federal Store

where they also bake their own sourdough.

It's a repurposed convenience store that's come back full circle

because it actually began as a bakeshop in 1922.

It was constructed by architect John Coville

who built a lot of the homes in this Mount Pleasant neighbourhood.

The Coville Bakeshop was run by his wife, Hannah, until 1964

when it became a convenience store called Federal Store,

named for a federal building across the street.

The current owners kept the name and the sign

as well as all of those can't-be-bought touches of charm and collective neighbourhood memory.

You can feel the good energy here,

like the building has exhaled and is happy to have reclaimed its identity.

I had the coconut granola and yogurt with candied ginger and honey

and Marc had a buttery breakfast biscuit

that comes with bacon or feta, egg, avocado, and garlic-tomato butter.

Federal Store isn't too far from the relaxed neighbourhood of Kitsilano -

a must visit whenever I'm in Vancouver.

The local beach - known as Kits - is one of the city's most popular.

It's full of people sun bathing and relaxing,

swimming, and doing other water activities.

It feels decadent to be able to look up at mountains

while wriggling your toes in the sand and ocean water.

If Kits puts you in a beachy state of mind,

there's a place called Hoké Poké close by

where, as you might guess, poké bowls fill the menu.

Originally from Hawaii, these fresh seafood bowls have moved to the mainland

and they're especially popular on the west coast.

All the bowls at Hoké Poké - I just want to say this name as many times as possible -

come with a scoop of crab salad, seaweed salad, and ginger

and you can pick a base of either rice or greens.

I got the Ohana which includes sweet shoyu dressing,

sweet onion, green onion, cucumber and a dry Japanese seasoning.

For the fish, I went for two scoops of salmon.

Marc had the Ala Moana with chipotle, cilantro, pico de gallo, and fish eggs called masago.

New favourite thing, new favourite dance: hoké poké.

I'm going to be dancin' that all day.

If you're craving a post-poké coffee,

head down the street to Their There.

It's a cafe dug out below the sidewalk

which seriously ups the cozy factor

and makes for perfect people watching through the huge windows.

The vibe here is Scandi minimalist

with concrete floors,

upcycled milk crate stools,

feathery plants,

and stone tabletops.

They have a selection of baked treats

along with buttermilk fried chicken sandwiches and Cubanos.

The food sounded tempting but we opted for lattes

and just enjoyed sipping on our drinks and soaking in the calm atmosphere.

One of my favourite Vancouver ice cream parlours is also nearby in Kitsilano: Rain or Shine.

They use good quality, local ingredients

and I love the story of how the owners started experimenting with a home ice cream maker in 2011,

which led them to eventually opening their own shop.

They have seasonal offerings like Berry White

and Pink Peppercorn Lemon Thyme Sorbet

and a year round menu with stand outs like London Fog and Blueberry Balsamic.

They have vegan options,

gluten free cones,

and pints you can take home so everybody's happy!

I got honey lavender and their most popular flavour: malted milk chocolate honeycomb.

I personally love my ice cream with lots of bits in it and this delivers.

You guys.

This is good ice cream.

Ah it just dripped on your shirt.

Aww man.

Marc's having some difficulty with the melting situation.

A lot of problems.

I got the meltiest ice cream they have.

A stone's throw away is Sophie's Cosmic Cafe,

a beloved neighbourhood fixture since 1988.

If the Roots store next door doesn't give you the Canadian warm and fuzzies

then the antlers, Canadian flags, and super friendly staff will.

Here you get exactly what you want at a diner brunch:

big comfy booths to slide into,

a bottomless cup of coffee,

and the clatter of cutlery and chit chat.

The sign outside says: 'This is a good place to start your diet.

This is a good place to end your diet.'

And that pretty much sums it up.

When you look at the specials board and see the words 'guacamole' and 'benny' together,

you order that.

So Marc and I both had the guacamole and tomato benny.

His came with home fries and mine with fruit.

Another neighbourhood spot is Cafe Zen.

Just follow the sea breeze back towards Kits Beach.

The cheerful yellow awning

and small light-filled patio beckon from the street

and the feeling inside is relaxed and casual.

Marc had his brunch favourite - huevos rancheros -

and I had the eggs benny with BC smoked salmon.

Ordering a benny is always a nice treat

and having fresh salmon when in British Columbia is a no brainer.

The portions are also generous for the price which feels like good value.

Another beach that's a little further west from Kitsilano is Spanish Banks.

It's a great spot to gather

and offers a beautiful look back at the Vancouver skyline.

You can also see the opposite view of the Mount Seymour hike lookout point.

Pretty cool to see the mountains from the beach

and the beach from the mountains.

That is Vancouver.

Spanish Banks is located at one end of the Seawall

also known as the world's longest uninterrupted waterfront path.

Construction on the Seawall began in 1917

and this walking and cycle path is now 28 kilometres long.

You can start at Spanish Banks and take the Seawall back downtown

seeing the amazing city views,



and birds along the way.

If you follow the path back towards downtown,

head to Café Medina for Belgian waffles and lavender lattes.

Liberally apply chocolate sauce, obviously.

Even though the waffle's not warm, it's still really good.

But the sauce is the best part.

There are lots of great places to eat,



and relax in Vancouver.

Of course, this is just a taste.

But it's been really fun to show you around this corner of Canada.

Check out our other videos for lots more foods around the world.

I hope you enjoyed this video!

Give it a like if you did

and make sure to subscribe for more travel adventures.

Thanks for watching!

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