"heart touching love story video"
A Fazenda 10: Gabi Prado Passa Mal e é Socorrida por quem menos Esperava e Preocupa a todos - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Em Mãi Là Người Thay Thế - Trương Linh Đan [ MV LYRIC ] - Duration: 4:31.-------------------------------------------
Irmão de Bruno Gagliasso briga com Giovanna Ewbank, detona a atriz, e expõe dívidas e conversas - Duration: 2:58.-------------------------------------------
Video Per Guardare La Pioggia Attraverso La Tua Finestra - Video Rilassante - Duration: 1:00:27.-------------------------------------------
YUI (FLOWER FLOWER) - Mannequin (LEGENDADO) - Duration: 6:07.-------------------------------------------
Audiolibro: "Orgullo Y Prejuicio" Jane Austen - Voz Humana - Parte 5 - Duration: 32:01.-------------------------------------------
Hindi music collection Phalguni Pathak - 10 best hindi songs - Duration: 45:54.Thanks for watching Do not forget to LIKE AND SHARE this video if you like it.
CAMPANHA DE ZEMA VAI A R$ 2,9 MI, SENDO R$ 600 MIL SEM IDENTIFICAÇÃO DE DOADORES - Duration: 3:17.-------------------------------------------
La «guerre» entre Mélenchon et les médias fait réagir les internautes - Duration: 4:57.-------------------------------------------
"heart touching love story video"school life love story full video song |love story|true love story - Duration: 4:27."heart touching love story video"
Gainful - Personalized Protein-------------------------------------------
(SPOILERS) 'Hero or Villain?' The Walking Dead Talked About Scene Ep. 903 | The Walking Dead - Duration: 2:10.After Rick ended it,
we went along because we didn't think we had a choice.
Until you hung Gregory.
That's when we knew.
Rick's rules aren't the only rules.
You showed us the way.
It was time.
You did this...
because of me?
[Crying] They murdered...
my mother.
She shot my brother right here.
And they took everything because they could.
[Crying] Please.
It's not like that anymore, okay?
I'm -- I'm one of you now.
Did you do it?
Simon would've killed me, too!
Cyndie: You asked me to beg for his life!
He was crying, and you smiled!
I told you I loved him.
I needed him!
He was only 11 years old.
And what did you say?
I-I don't remember.
[Sniffles] Say it!
What did you say?
"No exceptions."
[Crickets chirping]
Oh, no. Daryl, Maggie!
Daryl, you can't do this!
I've changed!
'Maggie's Plans For Negan' Sneak Peek Ep. 904 | The Walking Dead - Duration: 1:23.Didn't realize you were back from the camp.
Just came in this morning.
Another letter from Georgie just came in.
I was gonna put it on your desk,
but here you are.
Will you put it in the drawer for me
with the others?
I'll read it later.
You're headed back already?
I just came to pick up a few things.
That crowbar being one of them?
You've done a good job taking care of things here.
I'm gonna need you to keep doing that.
While you're someplace other than the camp.
I'm gonna make things right.
Like we talked about.
Like you did with Gregory.
Only, we never talked about that.
I'm not asking you to agree with me.
There was a time I did.
Look, Negan deserved to die when it ended.
Rick was wrong because he made a call
that wasn't his to make.
I just want to be sure that you're not wrong
in the same way that he was.
And I want you to be sure.
(SPOILERS) 'Abandoned House of Walkers' Making of Ep. 903 BTS | The Walking Dead - Duration: 2:58.♪♪
We are in Greenville, Georgia,
and we're at this abandoned house.
I love my Easter eggs, you know?
I love my little tribute moments.
I'm thinking, "Okay, farmhouse, zombies."
It felt right out of "Night of the Living Dead."
We found a burned-out gas pump and burned-out truck,
and we put a couple skeletons around it.
You see, like, this weird, metal flap.
Wind is blowing, so all these walkers are drawn to it.
We got to take it out before it draws more.
We're gonna sneak and try to kill all these walkers
and get this flap off this roof.
An added bonus to this scene
is that we get to call back to the pilot.
-Yeah, you are. -I need my --
That infamous scene of the fingers coming through
the cafeteria doors in the hospital,
and what we're doing here is sort of
putting them between the boards of this farmhouse.
We're gonna have wooden boards that bend
as you see the fingers trying to get out.
Our special effects team, they have this breakaway wood
that they're installing.
Her stunt double is doing the full falling.
It'll just be sudden, quick, and hopefully, very effective.
-[Grunts] -Cyndie's fall
causes the walkers to try harder,
and the wood will actually break.
[Walkers snarling]
And suddenly, six walkers turns into 12 walkers,
turns into 22 walkers.
[Walkers growling] [Grunts]
Liu: Cut!
She presses her palm against the walker,
and all this goo oozes out.
We have this prosthetic
where her hand is gonna sink into his neck.
Park: Then, it gets very close to my face.
[Snarling] [Whimpering]
The challenge always is, you see a walker,
and then somebody walks up and kills it,
and they kill them so easily that
that threat kind of waivers a little bit,
and we want to make sure that threat of the zombies
is still alive and it's still very present.
We really want to make sure that those faces are striking
and that those faces are visual so when you see it,
it's got to instill some terror and some fear.
Rainbow Dash's Precious Book - Part 14 (MLP in real life) - Duration: 2:07.Is that all you got?!
Gonna make me do this the hard way, huh?
Take that!
And that!
Just head on back to where you belong!
Push, Nevada Episode 1 + Ben Affleck interview about Push, Nevada on Regis and Kelly on Primetime - Duration: 47:33.-------------------------------------------
Crapsack Wonderland The Boulder - Duration: 7:23.So you're saying that whether or not we have free will
wouldn't change the outcomes of our actions?
I'm saying it's like a blind man searching for a black cat in a dark room.
And guess what? It isn't there.
Why wouldn't the room be there?
I know you think you understand what you thought I said
But I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Are you saying you didn't mean what you said?
I mean, what I said is no match for what you thought I meant.
If achieving the goal isn't and can't be the purpose of the pursuit
then the reason defaults to the activity itself.
Wait, why make him blind?
He's already in a dark room.
It's a collection of redundancies on purpose.
Intentional, superfluous, excess, deliberately?
Check out the big brain on Brett.
And wouldn't being blind give an advantage over someone who relies on sight?
Redundancies there to emphasize futility.
And why a black cat?
If the room is dark, the cat could be any color.
There is no cat in the room to begin with, so it doesn't matter.
If it were a race, I bet the blind person would find the cat before the person with perfect vision.
Clearly we need a different example.
And furthermore...
Imagine the world ended!
This is similar how?
Whatever caused it to end is entirely unknown to you.
Why? Because I don't watch the news?
There is no news. You woke up one morning and the world had come to an end.
How long was I asleep?
Was I in a coma?
If you lived the rest of your life not knowing what caused the end of the world, would it matter?
I would first need to know how the world ended.
Did you not hear the question?
No, no, no, no, not in the hypothetical, I mean now.
I mean, before answering, "If what caused the world to end would matter"
I would first need to know what caused the world to end.
So, you're not even gonna try to answer that?
What if it were a zombie apocalypse?
That seems like vital information for survival, which would make it matter.
It's not a zombie apocalypse, the world just ended.
Or a virus?
Or a virus.
Or asteroid.
Solar flare.
Ice nine...
Regardless of what it was
knowing the answer would have no bearing on the rest of your life.
So there's no cure for the virus?
You're immune, alright?
Okay, I'm starting to see how these are similar, but I would still want to know.
Tilting at windmills, your favorite pastime.
Because I think knowing whether or not we have free will would change the outcome of our actions.
Pick one.
What are they?
To whether or not we have free will.
Do you know?
However, be aware that whichever one you pick the other will be destroyed
and you will never know what it said.
So you're saying I have two and only two options here?
What are you doing?
Two choices, if you will?
Are you trying to bait me?
When in fact there's a third option.
And here we go.
[IN UNISON]: I choose neither!
Wait, what!?
Glad I didn't waste my time writing anything on these.
So ... They were blank?
I guess you'll never really know.
That ... isn't fair.
Alright, I get your point.
I don't think that you do.
I do, and that's where we disagree.
That's where we disagree?
You know, people only disagree for one of four reasons.
This should be great.
People have different information.
People have different skills for comparing.
People have different superstitions.
And, people have selfish interests.
I suppose cognitive dissonance is easier to spot when it's happening to someone else.
You don't agree?
Let's go down your list and find out.
We have different information.
Or we have different amounts of information.
Is that different?
I can't compare examples to information I don't have.
Which means you would have to rely on your superstitions to fill in the blanks.
Or, I could accept I don't know everything and be open to new information.
Right, because that idea doesn't go entirely against selfish interests.
And who doesn't have those?
See, your structure assumes that all humans are in search of an empirical truth.
Why wouldn't you be?
Well, if at any point that information didn't line up
it would be cause for an investigation
not a disagreement.
So you're saying that people are just inherently terrible at communicating?
Know why?
Enlighten me.
Imagine I were a genie.
You kinda look like a genie.
You look like the captain of the S.S. Don't Get It
So you don't screw this up, I'm going to tell you what to wish for.
You're a bad genie.
You have no idea.
Fine. What am I wishing for?
I'm sure the answer you want is one million dollars?
Condragulations! You are now the proud owner of one million dollars of Monopoly money.
But that's not what I wished for.
Doesn't matter.
Wait, is this one million dollars worth of Monopoly money
or one million dollars in Monopoly money?
Now you're catching on.
I don't follow.
You provided no context, therefore I could give you anything that closely resembled your wish
So I should have wished for one million dollars American?
Now you have one million dollars American, encased in cement.
I didn't ask for it to be encased in cement.
You didn't ask for them not to be.
I didn't think I had to.
The point you're missing is that you're projecting your worldview with out realising it.
Are you calling me egocentric?
I'm saying you have a framework of unconscious expectations based on previous experiences.
And that's how you think choices are made?
Intuition, bias, common sense, these are all learned responses.
Yeah! Learned responses that can't be directly observed in a subject!
In one's self or in others?
Drink that.
What is it?
It's a toxin that will make you painfully ill for a day.
Then definitely not.
However, if you drink it I'll give you a million dollars.
I already have enough Monopoly money.
Welcome to the conversation.
I don't see anything. What's really in there?
Are you serious? It's empty. This is hypothetical.
Right ... I knew that.
So do you agree to drink it
And there's the catch.
There's always a catch.
You only have to intend to drink it by tomorrow afternoon.
Alright, I'll have it with lunch.
However, in the morning you can choose not to drink the toxin.
Do I still get the Monopoly money?
You do.
Then I win!
This feels like a trick.
What did you just do?
Prove to me that you intended to drink the toxin before you changed your mind.
I said I would.
And then you didn't.
You said I didn't have to.
I also said you needed to intend to drink it.
Which I did.
But you can't prove.
You were there when I said I would.
At the very start you said you didn't want to.
And I changed my mind.
Why did you change your mind?
Because you said I didn't have to!
But I also said you had to intend to.
And I have the unique ability to dislike
and therefore try to avoid pain.
At some point you may have intended to drink
but the moment I said you could choose not to
your intention changed.
I just changed ... my mind.
That does nothing to prove to me or anyone else that you intended to drink it.
But it proves it to me!
I felt it!
You can feel intentions!
But you can't share them therefore the only real value are the results.
Is this just reverse psychology?
Reverse psychology doesn't work.
Yeah it does.
Are you trying to trick me into drinking this toxin?
Again, the vial is empty and there is no toxin.
Like there's no cat!
And this is why I must imagine Sisyphus happy.
You are my unending torment.
IMAN Global Chic Power Ponte Ankle Pant with Illusion Se... - Duration: 8:16.-------------------------------------------
Life, Liberty & Levin 10/21/18 10PM | October 21, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 32:44.-------------------------------------------
马思纯打造了一种新式笑法,她这样笑真的很刻意吗? - Duration: 5:47.-------------------------------------------
Selfie from Hell Reaction - Duration: 3:35.Hi pumpkins
It's your girl Queen Chanel and I hope everyone is having a good day in today's video
I am gonna react a short horror film called selfie from hell. I
Have no idea what's it about but I'm gonna go check it out
if you guys don't want to miss any of my
Posts remember to hit that Bell and if you guys are following me on any social media. I will be following you guys back
Let's get to the video. Oh
Hell no
Yo if I see that I'm out
Watch how much she's gonna do it again
Yep called it
Instead of leaving. Oh call 9-1-1 you stay there and be a dumbass
You know, he's there you know he's there
Instead of getting up the house. You just stayed there continued fucked up
See that's what it's gonna it's gonna get you
It's only a selfie. Mm-hmm
Go ahead kitchen. You fucked up. Go ahead. Go ahead
I'm sorry Oh
Hold up
I'm sorry, huh, but she was you know, she was a dumbass
Instead of leaving. Oh call 9-1-1 you stay there and be a dumbass
Two Rezoning Cases at City Council - Duration: 2:50.-------------------------------------------
Arsenal transfer news: Barcelona make Ousmane Dembele decision as meeting claims emerge - Duration: 3:26.Arsenal want Barcelona forward Dembele to be their final signing as they target a crack at Premier League glory under new boss Unai Emery
Over the last few days, claims have emerged suggesting Barcelona would allow Dembele to leave - should they receive a suitable offer
Arsenal chief Sven Mislintat is a huge admirer of the 21-year-old, who he signed for Borussia Dortmund during his time working at the Westfalenstadion
Talk has been rife of Dembele leaving Barcelona following the club's decision to sign Brazilian prodigy Malcom from Bordeaux
But journalist Andrew Gaffney, who works for Catalan newspaper Sport, say Barcelona will not let Dembele go
And he also claims that a meeting between Dembele and Josep Maria Bartomeu took place to avoid the Arsenal target jumping ship
He tweeted: "Also, for those optimistic Arsenal fans out there, Ousmane Dembele *won't* be joining your side this summer
"Barca's President, Josep Maria Bartomeu, met Dembele in person last week to tell him he'd be staying at the club
" Barcelona invested a lot in Dembele a year ago, paying £134million to secure his signature
However, the France international failed to meet expectations, managing just four goals across all competitions
Recently, Ernesto Valverde backed him to come good in his second season. The Barcelona boss said: "Let's hope it's his season
"He is an extraordinary player. The past year has been complicated because of the injuries, but even so he has brought us a lot
"The important thing is that there is competition within the team. There are a lot of matches and we can not handle them with only eleven players
" Arsenal could yet conduct some business before the deadline, however. The Gunners may see Lucas Perez join West Ham, while question marks also remain over the long-term future of Danny Welbeck
Any reinforcements, though, look unlikely at this stage.Who is Barcelona star and Arsenal target Ousmane Dembele? Age: 21 Country: France Honours: DFB-Pokal (2017) La Liga (2018) Copa del Rey (2018) World Cup (2018)
IMAN Global Chic Power Ponte Ankle Pant with Illusion Se... - Duration: 15:16.-------------------------------------------
The kilogram to be redefined using kibble balance in May 2019 - Duration: 1:49.the weight of a kilogram is set to be redefined by May 20 19 while it won't
have that much of an impact on everyday people or in our everyday lives the
redefinition will be crucial and critical for scientists as well as
high-tech industries our park se-young with more scientists have come up with a
new more accurate standard for defining the kilogram the current kilogram
standard is a mass of a cylinder with a high in diameter of just over 39
millimeters made of 90% platinum and 10% iridium
however the processes of oxidation and hydrocarbon contamination have added
mass to the cylinder over the last 130 years the fine change in mass is crucial
to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries from next may the kilogram
will be redefined by a new standard maintained by the kibble balance the
balance measures a force produced by an electric current flowing through a coil
in a magnetic field that's required to support the weight of a standard
kilogram mass because the balance has a fixed value it can precisely measure the
weight of an object Korean researchers are working on reducing the measurement
uncertainty of the domestically developed cable countries without a
standard unit have to go overseas with samples and calibrate the national
prototype kilogram having a standard implies several advantages like the
rapid dissemination of Korean industries the change so standard of mass will be
crucial for the semiconductor and pharmaceutical industries but
researchers say that the change will not have a noticeable effect on our everyday
life park se-young arirang news
Breaking News - Messi teams up with Cirque du Soleil to produce show about his life - Duration: 2:02.Lionel Messi's life in football will be recreated on stage by arguably the world's most famous circus troupe, it has been confirmed
Cirque du Soleil - a French-Canadian group of acrobats and performers known for their spectacular live shows - will produce a show based on the career of the Barcelona superstar
They have previously taken inspiration from real life figures for shows, including Elvis and Michael Jackson - but never previously a footballer
Messi revealed the planned show via Instagram on Tuesday, juggling a clown nose while wearing a Cirque du Soleil t-shirt
Another post revealed more details, including that the show is planned for the stage in 2019
The post read: 'I am honoured to announce my partnership with Cirque du Soleil for the creation of a brand-new show in 2019 based on my life and passion for football
' The fact the 31-year-old Argentinian is the first sports star to have a Cirque show based on his life demonstrates the immense cross-cultural appeal that Messi possesses
The Messi show will travel the world - based out of Montreal, Cirque holds shows in cities ranging from Las Vegas and Tokyo to London and New York City
Past shows based on real people have included 'The Beatles Love', 'Viva Elvis', and two derived from the work of Michael Jackson
Shows generally feature daring high-wire and acrobatic stunts, as well as extravagant costumes and musical performances
Zyxel ZyWALL Security Solution - Defending Networks from Malware Threats, Ransomware and Viruses - Duration: 0:46.Every 40 seconds
a company is struck by Ransomware.
And attacks are on the rise -
up by 36% from last year.
Ransomware isn't going anywhere
and advanced network security
has never been more important.
That's where we come in.
Zyxel has the complete security solution
to defend networks from malware threats
including ransomware and viruses.
Content filtering and VPN connectivity
are included in our software
so your business can run smoothly
and efficiently.
Meghan Markle Pregnant: Kensington Palace refuse to say if father Thomas Markle has been told about - Duration: 1:40.Kensington Palace announced that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are expecting their first child on Monday morning
A statement confirmed the happy news that the couple, who married on 19 May, are expecting their first child in Spring 2019
The palace's statement read that Prince Harry's father, Prince Charles, the Queen, Kate Middleton and Prince William were "delighted" by the news
Meghan's mother, Doria Ragland, also said she was "very happy" and is looking forward to the birth of her first grandchild
There was no mention of Meghan's father, Thomas Markle, in the statement. Top Stories Meghan Markle's mother 'makes secret visit to UK to comfort daughter' Thomas Markle makes shocking claim that it would be 'easier for Meghan' if he DIED When asked if her father Thomas had been notified about the baby news, a spokesperson for Kensington Palace told OK! online that they would not be commenting
Earlier in the year, Thomas opened up about the possibility of Meghan having children on Good Morning Britain
Thomas, 73, said: "She's wanted children for a long time and when she met Harry and she spoke how much she loves him, there's got to be a child in the making, somewhere soon
"I don't think the stork has hit the air soon but I think it will happen soon
Most Popular Pippa Middleton baby name: What has Pippa Middleton called her newborn? Declan Donnelly's wife Ali Astall steps out with baby daughter Isla X Factor: Fans spot fatal flaw in judging system that threatens ENTIRE show "As long as they're happy and they have a great life and have some beautiful children and do good things in the world, I can't ask for more
" Kensington Palace announced the news that Meghan and Prince Harry are expecting their first child on social media
A statement read: "Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are very pleased to announce that The Duchess of Sussex is expecting a baby in the Spring of 2019
"Their Royal Highnesses have appreciated all of the support they have received from people around the world since their wedding in May and are delighted to be able to share this happy news with the public
" Top Stories The strict royal pregnancy traditions Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will have to follow Meghan Markle pregnant: Duchess of Sussex baby announcement different to Kate Middleton's Meghan Markle pregnant: Kate Middleton and Prince William 'DELIGHTED' over baby news
Talk About Anger, Not With Anger - Duration: 2:59.Of course I'll always be looking forward to that pun video, Dave! You're a pun
person and you know it! You're right about me being laid back, Dave. I see
being angry as taking oneself too seriously and violating my favorite rule
from The Art of Possibility called rule number six. It's like a tool to help me
maintain awareness of the unhelpful angry cycles before I go into them. The
first thing on my mind about anger is the idea of "getting it out of your
system" and that actually helping, but I don't think it does. It sets up unhelpful
angry reaction cycles and it becomes more a part of our narrative. We rely on
that anger. I think the key is not to use anger for anything at all, if possible.
Once we establish it as fuel we begin seeking out. We begin relying on it for
accomplishing things. Looking for reasons to be angry only confirms the narrative
that I'm a miserable, angry person and that makes me feel worse. And who wants
to be a miserable, angry person? I hope no one does, at least I think so. Better to
remind myself why I care, why I build bridges, even when I have to explain why
things went wrong. If our first go to response is anger from change what does
that show but when we prioritize and what we value? This is one of the reasons I
don't think anyone should ever make decisions in moments of stress,
exhaustion, or intense emotion. They're not likely to be very proactive and
thought-out. Anger also isn't conserved, so it's best not shared instead of
thrown and multiplied. It's so easy to just dump vitriol in someone's lap and
remind them daily what they're angry about and make them more angry. I also
don't think anger helps curiosity, wonder, generosity, creativity and insight. They
don't dwell well together. Have you ever seen an angry wondrous person? Anger
doesn't fuel work better than generosity does. It pushes away possibility, it holds
grudges, and unwelcomes help and it invites more shared of resistance and anger.
Honestly, Dave, I do my best not to use it at all.
I'm really reminded recently of this quote by Seth on anger. I'm gonna leave
it here because it really matches my perspective well. "Shared anger destroys
trust. It eliminates dialog. It activates the lizard brain of everyone within
earshot and produces nothing of value. No credit goes to the person who vents, who
opens his spleen and shares his anger. No points for bravery or honesty or getting
in touch with feelings. Anger shared is not anger ameliorated.
Talk about it, don't talk with it. Point it out, and leave it there on the floor,
where, unengaged, the anger can't help but wither up and die." At most my strategy
for dealing with anger is to become more present and let it go, journal about it,
or talk about it with someone close to me. To see why it's not worth it. To see
it to its current end in the moment I am in. To remain calm and composed, as I
would do in the presence of a bully that's trying to get some angry,
unhelpful reaction and resistance out of me. I think just as we shouldn't give
emotional power over to a bully, we shouldn't give into our lizard brain's
tempting resistance to be angry as if anger solves all of our problems
immediately. I think it really comes down to how much of the story that we tell
ourselves do we want anger to be in charge of or the fuel for. Dave, I
definitely don't want you to be angry over puns and I think that's the point of a
punishment video, which is next. Until I see your punishment video this upcoming
Thursday, I'll keep on mattering to things without using anger as fuel. I
have a great Dave, Dave, and I'll see you then.
Hindi music collection Phalguni Pathak - 10 best hindi songs - Duration: 45:54.Thanks for watching Do not forget to LIKE AND SHARE this video if you like it.
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