Hello, I present the first job, from several jobs that I'm going to do with
this material, ornament for the wall or for the window.
it is easy to perform, the materials that use are in the description. the
can leave in one color or decorate with diamond.
we painted the toilet paper tube by inside and outside in green. flatten
the sides, we mark a centimeter
well we mark. here too.
we join these marks to form the strips and cut.
11 strips of toilet paper tube. we cut a strip both sides
we stick the sides.
we hold with a pin until Dry the glue.
of this figure we form 10.
we fold two strips in half.
We put glue and put it like that, we leave a space of one centimeter.
we hold with the pins until Dry the glue.
of this figure we form 10.
we stick this figure to the center, and we leave a space of one centimeter.
We put a pin until it dries glue.
We cut a red strip, one side. with the wooden stick we roll up.
we put the glue,
this side we flatten it like this, a pin until the glue dries.
of this figure we form 10.
on a plastic we paste the figures.
we put glue in the union of figures
we stick the pieces on this side.
between two figures we arrange.
We hold with the pins between two figures, until the glue dries.
we paint to cover the color of the tube toilet paper.
to hang up you can use a figure how is this or put a cord tie?
you can leave it in this color and put varnish, or diamond powder.
we put a paper to collect the diamond the glue,
first we apply a color, already dry that color, we continue with the next.
and here it is ready, I hope you like it, thank you very much for watching the video!
For more infomation >> CHRISTMAS DECORATION WITH HYGIENIC PAPER TUBES - Duration: 4:35.-------------------------------------------
Lo que piensan los inmigrantes de la caravana | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 0:51.
UPSIDE DOWN ROOM! SUE PEA! JARVIS! Luigis Mansion 3DS 2 Player Coop Part 10 - DarkLightBros - Duration: 17:09.
She went to bed yo, what's your the killer?
For what just to be on the roof? Okay. Well, there's plants and good call
None of these to work on them
Well, it's to excellent yeah, there's a hard just pumping up there might be some small pants up here that unless you
Get my pears
All good fire goes no high school. I suppose we need fire. There's a campfire, right? Yeah, okay
You know grab the pirate enormous thing
You would you please you see this thing rolling?
Wish to run fallen to me, though
Here, I'll get the part. I am I'll get the part you destroyed
those digging
Those chasing you got it
Your boys can even climb I
Don't like you I'm going for there's nothing in those things, okay
So I think you
Step on a campfire at the station
So we have to go around it what the hey you saw it like a drop of tea
Actually go over here to the right. You never have to go back around don't hit me goes. Peace
I can tell you're your rent next to me over
We have to go up here
Not to jump down a chimney whirs hey Maura look upset
Hurt us, you're gonna need more to be senticles
Okay, I think this room has a bill goes I mean
There's a lot of trips, isn't it sir now a lot of people missed us in the first pickup loose or not
All right, I think it's at this one
Well, we're just lead to y'all, oh man well it's that room exposed optional ghost
Paper and plastic that's a wedding
Whereas we mess will get that often goes
various other percent so everybody
All right, so here
Let's check Dover or just the darkness executors now, which is immersive Harry just dander mister
near the clockwork soldiers
What block to a tightly wound talk elated but now they marked on their own
Without anyone. All right
We're trapped in here distant room, wasn't it?
Was not real play it has to be maybe it's not already sprayed into
Those candle in the back I thought
Oh my god, what's happening Oh
What do I get fired cuz I'm the candle do the thing
We are free free from this mess take this
No, no
What the heck is something guestroom
What where's what's new so it's starting Tuesday didn't I try to wake you
I'm scared. So we need a water but I got water. Okay. So reader harder first though. Yes opposed. Oh my gosh
Right. She's like I
Want what the bed I promise you. Yeah you pros
Alright so we actually have to play your game here
Yeah, so let's be the room because we can't do anything
So without holding
able to do that
Did your like what?
It's funny get him in there. This took cold
Soup eat what was meant to be a short nap seemed to have turned into eternal rest. That is mister. Oh my god
All right, let me know we're back so
Only have a little spray healthy enough
There's more water in this fishbowl though
I'll take some too, you know, yeah
If you can
That's right
Okay, all right so that way up to the head back up so we'll see you there
All right. We're Becky here
diamond door
Into this hallway, but now we're going to the left
So we have to do is just ring Oh,
We're getting mean been in the living you go so long
All right, you're like, oh boy checked everywhere I'm gonna expect the statues though you gotta watch that if someone who can like flick down
Like right there
I did know six of these children here
And here we go
Nice on our key. Thank you
Sorry, that's now all the way in a basement
Justin so we could go down but we want to actually do this first
Howdy ders new planting here right? No both do it. So it's easier Oh No
Okay, what just happened? Can you triggered it?
Really we can't just let you look at me free no wait, can we if you like to get majority Bessie and a challenge
Come on, baby. See how many that you can teach me with things. Did you teach me seven times in you reduce me?
It's at the door
All right
I covered down here. Never
Gives up warming matters Arthur
Know how old you know you got me seven times I can literally
Give me any fish straight for sure. I said boy you fancy give stuff to one of these yours Oh God
Get him yes like
But he went into the hallway dude, there's no point I guess it's one customers came in to lick this
Leave is 30 frames per second ass
It was like if it's in the dark hallway, he only takes like one damn damn you saw it too to cover
Me really pretty girl stop pissing over
All right, we have to get this ghost now, yeah where else he's gonna be a problem yeah, this is part of the experience
Get in there - yeah, you have to be at the left side with the doors open
Okay back to Jarvis's room all right back here I
Ain't even hit the trigger
That was a gimmick on your friend hat
Legend of the floating gold brick
Some days I just know so there are G human
So you checked all this
Alright now we have to head damn I think there's a stroke. Oh, you know see cuz imagine did have it to go
Here he is in America y'all this is you open I
Don't know man, I cancer
Look actually that's some shit
Gainful - Personalized Protein
Audiences Don't Care About Screenplay Formula - Gordy Hoffman - Duration: 9:05.
Film Courage: So you've just given us five minutes and 18 seconds of advice to someone that's
never written a screenplay if you took that same advice. Let's say it's 1995,
you're in your cab you're listening to like Alanis Morissette I don't know, it's
Chicago you see the woman at the gas station the pump which has sparked this
idea you didn't even know it was gonna be a thing yet if somebody had been sort
of this Jiminy Cricket in your ear squeezing in as well you've got to know
this structure and you need to read this book do you think you would have
abandoned the idea? Gordy Hoffman, Founder and Judge of BlueCat Screenplay Competition: I don't know, that's sort of a sad thing to think
about but I think that there's a lot of people that get discouraged today
because they do feel like they're doing something wrong and there is that
element out there on the message boards on podcasts very popular podcasts that
talk about black and white define things in black and white and it's dangerous
it's less like it's like you know people have tried to figure out where this
industry is going and where storytelling is going in our culture all the time
since I've been working to write screenplays or whatever and I've seen
all the different iterations of like well you're not able to write shouldn't
write anything period you shouldn't write anything about the industry you
shouldn't do this you shouldn't do that and all of its been blown up you
shouldn't write anything I mean you know like an online bookseller an online
bookstore it wins like Oscars now you know it's like like no don't tell me
what anything black and white is anymore so it's dangerous and so we we can talk
about like the rules of why people care about movies and like the the sort of
the laws of emotion and and and and I think no one's gonna really get freaked
I think that's sort of organic stuff but when I started off I read Michael
Hague's book and but his book and you know I didn't even remember he I don't
think he talked a lot about formulas or B cheats he might have talked about the
only thing I remember him talk the only thing I remember from Michaels book was
encouragement like he just empower he gave me hope he gave me and he
definitely encouraged me and so that's what I always responded to
and I responded he seemed to have a sense oh it's like that people it was
rare for something good to be written and buddy but he did find it possible
and there were things that he he was very much it was a hopeful book so I
think that's the only thing I got I think that was the only screenwriting
book that I ever read a lot from I don't know if I read the whole thing through
but I would often refer to it but then when I started I just was like you know
I'd literally just I was like okay and I knew something something about page 30
and page 60 or whatever and I sort of tried to follow that but and I didn't
find it difficult to remember that something was supposed to happen or
something like that but I was very much on my own and I wrote whatever you know
so but I I that's why I think that we you know it's very important for people
to remember you don't have to learn the rules to break them you can just ignore
them if you feel like you're being expressive and something it's cool that
you're writing something is cool and then you start showing it to other
people and other people think it's cool then that's the only thing we care about
because we would not have any we would not have any Fellini we would not have
Orson Welles we probably would not have Kurosawa
you know eventually people have to stop listening to what people are suggesting
and nowadays you know people being told they can't direct you know women people
of color diverse you know voices that are like have been scourged or whatever
and all those people I just like be like get out in my face I'm gonna I want to
say what I want to say and that's the only way we move forward you know with
this art form is when people just say I don't care what I'm supposed to be doing
or who's supposed to be directing or who's supposed to be writing you know
the only time we move forward when we when people are like well let's follow
and Bob page 23 this is supposed to happen that's when everyone wants to
blow their brains out it's like I want something new and that's why things like
streaming and like episodic television did grow probably in response to
formulate a feature writing it's probably one of the reasons because if
people were like and I watch something else that doesn't
feel like everything else and it's because of formula and because people
were following what they were supposed to be doing and it's like not good but
some people have sort of a punk-rock ethos and that's in them and they've
been that way all their lives and others are the one in the front seat of the
class they raise their hand and be the teacher's pet and so some people never
want to rock the boat or as others are fine having people be totally pissed off
at them it's not about rocking the boat it's just realizing that emotionally
that audiences don't care about when what page number a scene is on all the
audiences are responding to is emotional veracity if they want to be sucked in
they want to feel a part of the universe people go into with have you ever
thought about this people walk into a theater to watch other people on a
screen act out stuff from life and they just watch it like why are they watching
it it's the weirdest thing when you go into a play in a theatre people are
watching people argue on us an imaginary stage we're gonna watch people act out
life it doesn't make any it's like bizarre but the reason why people are
doing it is because it gets them meaning for their struggles they go I've done
that that's me I've fought cancer ice you know my you
know something happened to me I won the state championship I want to be able to
win the state championship I want to be able to come from nowhere I want to
believe I want to fall in love I want to survive the loss of a loved one
this can happen I saw a story about someone I mean this is why it gives us
context so that we're not walking around going why am i doing all this you see
them moving you're like other people have been dumped other people have been
fired other people have been discriminated against other people
there's been injustice I suffered injustice so are they I can live I'm
gonna fight that's why people go to movies so that's that's the only thing
anybody cares about they don't care if you know the point of no-return happens
on page 63 or some crap oh so if you're writing from that place so that's that
punk rock that's just that's just stories
that's storytelling that's conservative storytelling liberal you know yeah it's
not gonna be political but I'm just saying and it's anybody that's any ethos
that is the ethos so if you're going to get in the business of the woman you
know the young lady in the front row who's like the person who gives the
Apple to the teacher she better get it's the it this is the this is the business
of emotion you know it's the business of dealing of human identification with
with authentic stories and that's heavy lifting that requires like sharing of
your life experience it is demanding it's just this is you know a surgeon is
it's emotionally to imagine to be a nurse it's emotionally demanding to be a
trashman because you're like looking at people's trash you like oh my god they
threw out this photo album I mean it's like everybody's got to deal with
something and they're like you know this is the thing and it's like this is the
business this is that business so so you can you know you can't get around that
and when people try and get around that then the great actor becomes the good
actor and the great screenplay becomes an okay movie but when you go there and
you sell the whole thing and you don't shy away then you're Kurosawa then
you're you know then you're Eugene O'Neill then you're writing something
you know then you're doing 12 years of slave then you're fearless then you're
telling that you know you're doing the thing that people go you know that's
awesome black Klansmen just like you know amazing honest movie you know about
the truth you know it's a great movie and it's it's about the truth and it's
like and it's emotional it's disturbing but it's like but that's but that's
where it's Shakespeare you know that's it it's never changed that's not new you
know that's not like avant-garde or anything it's just that's just south and
audiences are still responding to it because we're human beings and we still
are spawning - a good story
Trump still "unsatisfied" with Saudi accounts on Khashoggi - Duration: 1:07.
US President Donald Trump says he's still unsatisfied Saudi Arabia's account
on the killing of journalist Jamal keshavjee but he also said he still
values rianne's investments I don't want to lose all of that investment that's
being made in our country I don't want to lose a million jobs I don't want to
lose a hundred and ten billion dollars in terms of investment but it's really
450 billion if you include other than military so that's very important but he
added that there aren't US intelligence officers in Saudi Arabia and Turkey
working on the case you are scheduled to return home in the next couple of days
and Carissa specs keshavjee was killed inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul
by Saudi agents and his body cut up the Saudis have offered conflicting accounts
with some saying he died in a fistfight and others saying he was killed in a
rogue operation meanwhile turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said
he will release information about the investigation in a speech on a Tuesday
Conrad Doesn't Trust Julian In The Hospital | Season 2 Ep. 5 | THE RESIDENT - Duration: 1:18.
Don't forget your mask! - Duration: 0:07.
How Ted Cruz Sucking Up To Trump Violates The Laws Of Rap Beef | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 7:19.
Don't forget your mask! - Duration: 21:25.
Rob Reiner And Joe Mande On A Fake 'Veep' Ad Becoming Reality | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 5:02.
Peoria couple found dead at the Grand Canyon - Duration: 2:14.
You Probably Forgot To Do This If You Can't Sleep At Night - Duration: 3:52.
【Japanese Manner Lesson】#1 Chopsticks - Duration: 10:31.
Will pressure on the Saudi crown prince impact the humanitarian crisis in Yemen? - Duration: 11:39.
JUDY WOODRUFF: The apparent killing of Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi Arabian agents has roiled
the Middle East like few events in recent years.
And the allegation of involvement by the Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, has put
his leadership role in the spotlight, but not for the first time.
Once again, here's Nick Schifrin.
NICK SCHIFRIN: Thirty-three-year-old Mohammed bin Salman has been praised as a reformer,
but also vilified as impetuous and a human rights abuser.
The government he leads has picked a fight with Canada, kidnapped the Lebanese prime
minister, held members of his own family on house arrest, and sentence activists to death.
And he leads the coalition waging war in Yemen.
The U.N. says 16,000 people have been killed and wounded there, but the U.N. stopped counting
years ago.
The "NewsHour" has reported often from Yemen, but it's not easy.
This summer, special correspondent Jane Ferguson had to smuggle herself into an area controlled
by the Houthi rebels to see the impact of the Saudi-led bombing campaign.
JANE FERGUSON: Life is slipping away from Maimona Shaghadar.
She suffers the agony of starvation in silence.
No longer able to walk or talk, at 11 years old, little Maimona's emaciated body weighs
just 24 pounds.
Watching over her is older brother Najib, who brought her to this remote hospital in
Yemen, desperate to get help.
The nurses here fight for the lives of children who are starving.
MARIAM AL-FAKIH, Nurse, Hajjah Hospital (through translator): Because of the war, she is suffering
from malnutrition.
Her father is jobless.
Most of the families in Yemen are jobless.
JANE FERGUSON: Every day, she says she sees these sorts of cases.
People have lost work.
Therefore, they have no money.
Therefore, there's just no food in the house.
You were never supposed to see these images of Maimona.
A blockade of rebel-held Northern Yemen stops reporters from getting here.
Journalists are not allowed on flights into the area.
No cameras, no pictures.
The only way into rebel-held Yemen is to smuggle yourself in.
And for me, that means being dressed entirely as a Yemeni woman with a full-face veil just
to get through the checkpoints.
I traveled across the embattled front lines to see what's actually happening inside what
the United Nations is calling the world's worst humanitarian disaster.
The Houthis cautiously welcomed me in and, once I was there, watched me closely.
The hunger here and this human catastrophe is entirely manmade.
Yemen was already one of the poorest countries in the Middle East, and the war has pushed
an already needy people to the brink of famine.
In the midst of political chaos in Yemen after the Arab Spring, Houthi rebels from the north
captured the capital, Sanaa, in 2014, before sweeping south and causing the country's then
president to flee.
Neighboring Sunni, Saudi Arabia, views the Houthis, from a Yemeni sect close to Shia
Islam and backed by rival Iran, as an unacceptable threat along their border.
So it formed a military coalition of countries in 2015, determined to defeat the Houthis
and reinstate the old president.
Crucial military support for the campaign is provided by the United States, a longtime
ally of Saudi Arabia.
After three years of aerial bombardment and fighting on the ground, the coalition has
so far failed to dislodge the rebels.
What the campaign has done is devastate the economy, leaving two-thirds of the population
relying on food aid for survival, and over eight million people on the brink of starvation.
NICK SCHIFRIN: So, what to make of Saudi foreign policy and this moment in the Middle East?
Professor Greg Gause is the head of the International Affairs Department at Texas A&M University's
Bush School of Government and Public Service.
He's written extensively about Saudi Arabia.
And Randa Slim, a senior fellow at the Middle East Institute.
We should mention that, last week, the Institute stopped taking Saudi donations, pending the
outcome of the investigation into Khashoggi's case.
Thank you very much to you both for joining us.
Randa Slim, if I could start with you, there is a lot of external pressure on Saudi Arabia.
But will that translate into internal change?
RANDA SLIM, Middle East Institute: It's difficult to say that at the moment, because the first
reaction from the Saudi government is really -- especially from the king himself -- is
to appoint the crown prince in charge of the reform -- of the committee to reform the intelligence
sector, which is accused of having committed this tragedy and this murder against Jamal.
So far, the king is standing by his son.
On the other hand, the crown prince has angered a lot of constituencies that are important
to the survival of his reign in the future as a king.
He has angered the political establishment, religious establishment.
He has angered the business community.
He has angered members of his own family, royal family.
So it's hard to say whether they will be an internal coup or what.
But as long as the king is standing by his side, I think it's going to be very hard to
imagine or expect a scenario where we're going to have an abrupt change in which the crown
prince will be displayed from his position.
NICK SCHIFRIN: On the other hand, does any of that criticism externally or discussion
internally -- I mean, you used the word coup -- does that reduce Saudi stability and perhaps
Saudi sway in the region and in the world?
RANDA SLIM: Look, I mean, Saudi stability is affected by this climate of impunity.
The fact that you have a crown prince who feels and who felt that he could get away
with murder, that in itself is an element of concern about -- that can affect future
stability in the -- in the -- of the kingdom, but also future U.S.-Saudi relation.
So, I think as we move forward -- and, as you have -- as you have said in the introduction,
this move or this murder by -- of Mr. Khashoggi comes against a background of an accumulation
of decision and incident engineered and led by the crown prince which raise a lot of concern
about his fitness for the job as a crown prince and future as the king.
NICK SCHIFRIN: So, Greg Gause, if there is some concern about the fitness of Crown Prince
Mohammed bin Salman, is that a threat to U.S. priorities in the region, given that U.S.
policy has centered around Saudi Arabia and MBS, as he's known, particularly pressuring
Iran, and perhaps some kind of peace deal with the Palestinians and Israelis?
F. GREGORY GAUSE, Texas A&M University: Those are the things on the agenda right now.
But the United States has had a very strong relationship with Saudi Arabia through a number
of American leaders and Saudi leaders.
I doubt, if there were any changes at the center of Saudi decision-making, even right
now, that there would be a serious redefinition of the Saudi-American relationship.
The more dangerous situation is, if there is no change in Saudi Arabia, that pressures
from Congress, from public opinion and other international pressures could force the United
States to take its distance from Saudi Arabia.
I think that that's the bigger threat right now.
NICK SCHIFRIN: So, to be more specific, Senator Lindsey Graham not only says that there should
be a change in policy towards Saudi Arabia, but that MBS has to go.
I think he said "MBS is done for me."
Is that something that the U.S. administration, the government, should be pushing Saudi Arabia,
to deliver the message that MBS is -- quote -- "done" for the U.S.?
F. GREGORY GAUSE: I think it's really dangerous for the United States to start dictating who's
in and who's out.
I think one of the mistakes the Trump administration made was being extremely public in its patronage
of Mohammed bin Salman, extremely supportive of his rise to crown prince, and publicly
claiming credit for it.
And I think that that tied the administration much too much to one person within the Saudi
ruling family.
I think that there has to be some kind of communication from Washington, a senior person
whom the Saudis trust.
We don't have an ambassador there now.
But a very senior person, somebody like former Secretary of State James Baker, I think, has
to go and talk to the king about the way forward in U.S.-Saudi relations.
NICK SCHIFRIN: Randa Slim, way forward and U.S.-Saudi relations also runs through Ankara.
Right now, the president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is going to announce the findings of the Turkish
investigation tomorrow.
Do you have any sense that what he announces will be eliminated or, rather, taken by U.S.
All right, I'm told that Randa Slim can't hear me.
All right, Greg Gause, can I turn to you for that question, then?
So, does Recep Tayyip Erdogan control some of the next steps that the U.S. has to take?
F. GREGORY GAUSE: I think Erdogan has played this like a Stradivarius.
He's been a statesman.
And he wants to preserve a relationship with Saudi Arabia, as he's facing his own economic
But he's allowed his press to leak these -- the information out drip by drip to make the Saudis
look bad.
The background of this is that the Saudis and the Turks really don't see eye to eye
on what the future of the region should be, President Erdogan very supportive of the Arab
uprisings of 2011, very supportive of the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Saudis very, very
nervous about any kind of bottom-up politics.
So there's a rivalry between Ankara and Riyadh that I think is underlying President Erdogan's
behavior here.
NICK SCHIFRIN: And, Randa Slim, do you believe that Erdogan's behavior really is going to
make a difference when it comes to U.S.-Saudi relationship?
RANDA SLIM: Look, I think Erdogan is negotiating with both Americans and the Saudis.
And I think his fear is that the Saudis and the Americans will start negotiating with
each other and push him aside.
I think he has a number of demands he would like to get from the Saudis, primarily financial.
He has a number of demands, dealing with domestic agenda, he would like to get from the U.S.,
for example, the issue of the Halkbank, which is a major financial institution in Turkey,
facing billions of dollars in U.S. fines for its alleged violation of sanctions against
-- U.S. sanctions against Iran.
He would like those fines to be either scrapped or to be minimized.
There is also the issue between the United States and Turkey on the PYD in Northeastern
NICK SCHIFRIN: The Kurdish forces that the U.S. has teamed with in Northern Syria, yes.
RANDA SLIM: Correct.
And that -- and that relationship between the U.S. forces and the PYD has been a troublesome
relationship, as far as Erdogan is concerned.
And he would like to make sure that this is put under certain kind of a framework that
he can live with or he can accept.
So there are a number of negotiations that Erdogan would like to engage in with both
of these countries.
And I think that's what is, in my opinion, taking place at the moment.
And, tomorrow, it will -- we will see whether he's going to reveal the whole naked truth,
as he has promised to do, or not.
NICK SCHIFRIN: Randa Slim, Greg Gause, thank you to you both.
Top 19 Cut Crease & Smokey Eye Makeup Looks For Beginners In Halloween 2018 - Duration: 10:11.
Top 19 Cut Crease & Smokey Eye Makeup Looks For Beginners In Halloween 2018
Thank for your watching!
Hope you enjoy this video!
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I DIDN'T CRASH OVER A HUMAN 🚗 - Duration: 9:55.
I'm not going to die without my referral getting processed I will
I am very impatient where I actually fell asleep early I always go to bed
early I don't know why would I talk I have those awkward pauses but I do
what was that is that I looked behind me and there was no body on the ground so I
didn't crash over a human good morning I already went to PT today and it is
only ten o'clock or something I don't know what possessed me to schedule at
8:45 oh so early morning rising and so I already did that and now I need to edit
videos because I was supposed to or I usually put up a video on Mondays and at
least on Thursdays the last week I did all five days but I need to be edited I
haven't been a today I just keep getting distracted instead of editing and then
later I have a pediatrician appointment and yeah I'm going to ask her about my
eternal sore throat I don't even know if it's like throat or what but it hurts
like right here is that my throat trachea baby gonna hurts like right here
right here and I think that's all today hopefully
insurance gets it together and gets their computer sixth so that I'll not be
waiting forever like society that everybody's been waiting for this long
for referrals or whatever because I mean I'm not going to die without my referral
getting processed I will I am very impatient but then like
there's people that might actually like without their referral being processed
could die that's what I was thinking about last night I was like well good
thing I'm not gonna die from this but I am very impatient so I'm gonna edit and
then be really tired today I went to bed really early last night too or I
actually fell asleep early I always go to bed early but usually I just lay
there from nine hours and then like go to bed like one one video is edited
I have drinking my lunch why am I still having the wine up and now I'm watching
crime after crime while it's trying to upload this this is the 10 things I wish
people understood about chronic illness I think that but that title was or is
and it's a really really rambling video very sorry about that
I tried to edit out the most of the rambling as' and the really long awkward
pauses they're just like and then the thought starts again I don't know why
would I talk I have those awkward pauses but I do and yes I'm wearing like my
rubber halfway on but it's also a thing in my life apparently it is only 11:45
so I have four more hours until or
three hours and 45 minutes until I need to drive to the doctor's so probably
edit at least one or two more videos it's just I have to wait for them to
upload before I can edit again and then I do need to work on getting the videos
from my computer to my hard drive don't know why save them on the hard drive
it's not like I ever go through them but whatever I guess they'll be good to have
one day yeah I ended it I think three videos one of them might need to be
reacted but that's okay I'm getting my shoes and I probably needed to leave
like five minutes ago because I just remembered that school got out or all
the people around here about 10 minutes ago
and so there's gonna be people everywhere that's okay I'm wearing my
fruit salad I top oh yeah so I'll either try to vlog there before she comes in or
just log in the car after it's probably just in the car afterwards because I
don't want to be weird I forgot about you guys and now I'm invading Zeus in
her homework station so tomorrow I will be having a chest x-ray you can see this
she's in the reflection cuz she's working she's always working yeah yeah
yeah but I will be having a chick's chest x-ray because when I lay down I
can't breathe and she wants to make sure that my heart is not gigantic or that my
lungs are not filled with filled with fluid although I think I would know both
of those are have but we do x-rays and things just to make
sure because I was like there's I don't have a science affection and it was a
really bad one oh yeah wait she ditched me her homework is right there I'm done
oh okay so yes and their medicines already what else it'd be sick Oh in my
face numbness thing like this part of my face is numb routinely it was it's
probably just you know my bod and what else
Oh insurance called dad back today and their computer is fixed now but um the
IVIG was not approved after it was approved then they're like no nevermind
so now we might just drive to San Francisco to have it and boost yep I
don't think how it got transferred over so easy but yes hopefully going to San
Francisco every two weeks just so you know not like we don't do that nail so
it's probably really really short vlog unless they come up with some more
things to say I forgot you guys in the car even when I went in so I didn't
obviously I didn't log there and then we went and got men cheese and I didn't
belong there because I forgot you guys are in the car with me oh oh yeah I'm
tired I feel like there was another thing I had to say but I can't remember
anymore so that you drove over a curb hey we weren't talking about that yes
but when we were driving two men cheese from the doctors this is probably why
I'm not sense to drive but I had to do but I felt the cargo problem what was
that is that I looked behind me and there was no body on the ground so I
didn't crash over a human so I was like that's fine so I'll try to make my vlogs
more interesting and by not forgetting you everywhere and they redid my
doctor's office it smells like paint mm-hmm like and they're making it more
sad cuz they've painted over all their animal murals and that like Park mural
thing or fair or carnival and it's just all beige oh I didn't notice that but no
you see it nobody notice it was gone yeah and on the doors the numbers used
to be like a snake in the shape of a 1 or a walrus in the shape of a 2 or
whatever but now those are beige - yeah I notice that I look tired don't I
as I am no I'm just tired as me good night tonight well close it hmm
Mayor refutes reports new police commissioner has been named - Duration: 2:17.
Arsenal 3-1 Leicester City Video Highlights - Duration: 1:46.
All Arsenal fans must be overjoyed tonight because they have got to see an exciting performance from their team as it played Leicester City
Arsenal has gone back into the Premier League top four after getting an emphatic 3-1 win against Leicester City
The Arsenal fans aren't only happy about winning the match but were also pleased with the type of football the players today because it showcased the old Arsenal of the 2000's, where we used to see the players start counter attacks, make precise passes and do some magic with the ball as Mesut Ozil did today
The gunners were the first to concede a goal as Hector Bellerin accidentally scored an own goal but Mesut Ozil equalised for the gunners when the referee was about to blow the whistle for halftime
So the first half ended 1-1. Arsenal won the match in the second half thanks to two goals from Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang
You can watch the video highlights of the match below. This performance was similar to the performance shown against Fulham two weeks ago and the Arsenal fans will want the club to perform like this in their upcoming Europa League match against Sporting Lisbon on Thursday
What Ukrainian Women Want? - Duration: 2:29.
What do you want from your man?
I want him to be understanding, faithful and supportive
What do you want from your man?
I want him to be there for me,
be mentally there for me.
I want him to be supportive,
to have a common goal, similar views on life and family.
Just be there for me and hug me :)
I want him to be supportive
to be a provider for the family, to help both financially and mentally.
I want us to trust each other.
I want him to be faithful,
kind and
I want him to be gallant, understanding
and I want to be loved back.
The most important for me is his attention, mutual understanding and love.
I want happiness from him.
Love. I've got one already,
so I want him to be always with me.
I want him to be supportive and understanding.
I guess that's it.
I want him to love me and
to respect me.
That's it.
A man must be supportive,
so that I can relax and feel I'm a woman.
The most important is confidence in his actions.
He must be caring, gallant, financially supportive,
not all women want to work.
I want us both to be happy.
He must be caring and gallant.
He must be loving and caring.
Good attitude,
care and love.
He must be polite and
He must love children,
be kind, so nothing special.
I have a wonderful man.
There's nothing I want from him.
Of course there's always room for perfection,
but everything's just great.
The artist/creator hate mob (and AdSense, skimmers and stuff) - Duration: 4:44.
If there's one thing that annoys me more than the radical left, and let me
assure you- they piss me off more than anything- it's the artists and YouTubers
who claim that YouTube and patreon skimmers are the enemy, quote-unquote.
Don't get me wrong, I understand that I niggas got bills to pay and faces to
feed, but depending on two unreliable sources of money to make a living is not
only idiotic, but dangerous.
I've always loved the idea of an open exchange of art and art services, but
nowadays, a lot of artists have a massive chip on their shoulder. They think that
they're so good at art that they can wall off their content like some sort of
fucking museum. Just like a museum, you would need to pay them money to access
their art, and unfortunately, a vast majority of these paywallers use
something called Patreon. A few websites, yiff.party just to name one, have
popped up to stick it to the man and make sure that these artists don't blow
up their ego too much. Yiff.party asks people who do support these paywallers
to give them temporary access to their Patreon cookie so that they can take the
art directly from their accounts and republish it to yiff.party for
everyone to see. Now, if I hadn't wasted all my money on useless shit I would
donate some money to them so they can keep on doing what they're doing. The
only people that I will support on patreon don't pay wall their content. If
anything they use their Patreon as a tip-jar of sorts to fill in the
holes in their expenses, and again these are the only types of creators that I
will ever consider supporting. If you're a paywalling artist, depend on the
money that you get from paywalling your content, and complain when somebody sees
your art without paying for it, then I have four words for you-
Get a real job
Paywalling your content, especially if you're not only supporting yourself but
a child or significant other, is not a reliable way of making money and leading
a fulfilling life. One month you may make enough to not only make rent and the
other bills, but go out and have a fancy dinner.
The very next month, you may have to e-beg for commissions and live off Top
Ramen and bread. There's no monetary reliability in paywalling art. I think that
doing art is a great way of making money on the side, but relying on it is a bad idea.
So let's take a moment to talk about my channel a little bit. I don't make a
single cent off the videos that I create, and there's two reasons for it. One is
because I don't have enough subscribers to qualify, and two is because I would
refuse to enable them even if I could. I don't want to waste your time with
advertisements. You already get a crap ton of them when you watch big-name
YouTube channels, and I want to be that sort of reprieve from the cancerous Tik-
Tok and GoPuff ads that we're all haunted with. Plus, with Christmas coming,
they're about to get even more cancerous. But that's not what I want to talk about,
and what I am going to talk about will either go under the radar like most of
what I say, or earn me widespread hate from YouTube content creators and
watchers alike.
YouTube is not a job
unless you actually work for YouTube.
making content on YouTube can make you lots of money especially if you know how
to work the algorithm but it's not reliable enough to depend on entirely
when I hear big-name youtubers like monkey and h3h3 productions complaining
about quote the in Justices of YouTube and how quote they're holding their
livelihoods hostage I can't help just roll my eyes I mean don't get me wrong I
love what they're doing with their channels but I would be more than happy
to support them in creating more content but I feel like it's pretty silly to
call being a youtuber a job last time I checked a real job pays you a certain
amount of money per hour of work on YouTube you could put just as many hours
into writing a script planning a singing recording voiceovers b-roll and other
things but make mere cents off the finished product it goes back to what I
was saying about patreon pay walls sure you can make lots of money in one month
but next to nothing in the next a lot of contact readers refuse to accept that
it's not a viable long-term solution to their financial situations
so what did I talk about in this video in this video I highlighted what I
thought about artists who pay while their content and complain about patreon
schemers and youtubers who complain about the current state of Adsense I
think that both ways of earning money for leading a meaningful life when it's
your only job is silly and in essence the people who complain shouldn't rely
on these things if they can't keep up with their lifestyles if anything I said
in this video resonated with you let me know by hitting that like button down
below this video if you want to check out some more of my videos before you
subscribe and ring the bell I'd recommend these ones that's all the
time that I have so I'll remind you that I love you all to stay safe and to keep
on thinking
Discover It Secured Card - Duration: 8:07.
Okay the discover it secured card. So you might be researching the discover
it secured card. Duane here with how to build credit TV and in this video I'm
gonna give you an update on my experience with the discover it secured
card. But before we get started I have a quick message.
Once again my name is Duane with how to build credit TV. And on this channel we talk
about everything you need to know about credit, credit cards and how to make
money using credit cards. As a matter of fact I was able to make over $1,700
using one credit card. So it sounds like something in which your interested be
sure to subscribe to our Channel and click that notification bell so you
don't miss a thing. Okay so the discover it secured card has been really good
to me. I applied for this credit card back in August 2017 and now it's
currently October 2018. Just to give you an idea of the timeframe that I've had
to discover it secured card. So in that time period I was able to accumulate
quite a bit of cash back because you can accumulate cash back with the discover
it secured card. There also is no annual fee and in
regards to the cashback I've been able to accumulate $1,700 well seventeen
hundred and eighty eight dollars. So that's pretty good of course I make
videos talking about that so this is your first time watching a video by me
be sure to stop by my channel and check out my videos. Especially in regards to
the discover it secured card if you're interested in getting this
particular credit card. Which is good for helping you to build your credit, rebuild
your credit and it will improve your credit score. As a matter of fact I'm
going to show you guys my credit score's journey from when I got the discover
it secured card to right now. So so I was just chillin yesterday and I got an
email last night like 10 o'clock from Discover card. Okay so the email from
Discover card was basically congratulating me that they're now going
to send me back my security deposit. And I deposited twenty five hundred dollars
initially when I open the card I think I had deposited twelve hundred dollars and
then I went ahead and did another thirteen because I wanted to make sure
that I had enough spending power. And you know I can kind of use the card however
I want to accumulate a lot of cash back. So I'll put the email on the screen and
like I said the email basically just says that hey congratulations we're
gonna send you back your money. Which is great news I was going to wait until
April of next year before closing this card because I was like man what's going
on why haven't I got my money back. So that's pretty cool the email says it'll
take between five to seven days for me to get my money back which I am super
excited about. Ok so just real quick what I'm gonna do is I'm going to like I
said I'm gonna show you my credit score's journey since I've had to
discover it secured card. I'm going to jump on my phone I'm gonna start a
screen recording here I should have already started it but bear with me
it'll take me just one second I'm gonna start a screen recording here and show
you guys my credit score or my credit scores journey with my discover it
secure card. If you're interested in getting the discover it secured card
definitely go to the discover site and check it out it's a great credit card.
I've had a good time the only problem that I've had with it was like man
what's going on why is it taking you so long you guys actually start reviewing
my credit score and my responsible use of the credit card on the eighth
billing cycle. So why is it taking so long to approve me for the unsecured
card or to promote me to the unsecured card. So anyway I'm alright I started a
screen recording here I'm gonna go ahead and log into my discover account on the
phone here. So I'm using my iPhone 6 here I don't know you guys probably can't see
that too well. Ok I'm going to put my finger touch ID
here. Okay so I'm gonna login and I want to show you guys my journey. Alright so
there's two accounts here as you can see it's the one that's at the bottom. Ok the
discover it with the card number ending in five nine zero three with a twenty
five hundred dollar credit limit that's my Discover secured card so I discover
it secured card. And I'll go ahead and touch on that just to kind of show you
guys. And as you can see here cash back bonus I'm gonna make a video I should
have already made the video regarding the cash back bonus. I've earned one
thousand seven hundred eighty eight dollars and fifty five cents.
Alright so I'm gonna go ahead and touch on FICO credit score here as you can see
so this is your FICO credit score. I'm gonna click on that. Alright so it pulls
it up here and as you can see as of as of October the 10th 2018 my FICO
score according to TransUnion is 743. Now this is the FICO score this is legit.
This is what most banks and you know like car loans, house loans this is a
legitimate credit score. So I'm gonna go ahead and click on let me click on okay
sure I clicked on that. So I'm gonna scroll back here a little bit so I want
to kind of show you guys. So it doesn't have
August I really like I said I got the card in August 2017 but as you can see
it has November 2017. And you can see my credit score there on the screen was 635
and we're just gonna scroll on through here as you can see in April 2018 it
jumped up to 724. And we're just gonna keep on scrolling to now. So as you can
see now in October 2018 my credit score is 743. I applied for the Discover card
and my credit score at the time of that application was actually 771 according
to experian. So that is a FICO credit score, the discover it secured card will
absolutely help you build your credit score ok. Definitely want to make sure
you check out my videos if this is your first time watching my videos I talked a
lot about your credit. I talked about how to tweak it and how the credit score is
made up or what makes up the credit score. So you definitely want to make
sure you get involved in go to my channel and watch the videos and you
know leave me a comment in the below this video if you have any questions and
I'll do my best to get back to you as soon as I can.
Ok so real quickly if you're interested in getting the discover it secured card
like I said definitely go to the website and make sure you're looking at the
secured card ok so you definitely want to make sure you get this if you're
interested in building your credit score, rebuilding your credit score. You
definitely want to make sure that you get this particular credit card from
discover and what I like about it is number one there is no annual fee. So
that's really good but you do have to deposit you know if between you have to
deposit between two hundred dollars up to $2,500. Now my advice would be if
you're just getting started and you're unsure you know go ahead and just do
$200 maybe $500 and then just take it from there and see how that goes. But you
definitely want to make sure that you get the discover it secured card like
I said if you're interested in building your credit score rebuilding your credit
score because you know we all need good credit in order to attain the things
that we need; such as a car, a home, cell phone, electricity. You need a decent credit
score for just about anything. So once again the discover it secured card has
been good to me. If you have any questions leave them in the comments
below and I'll answer as soon as I see the question. Thank you
so much for watching this video about the discover it secured card. If you
liked the video please be sure to give us a thumbs up it helps our channel
quite a bit. And if you want to share this video with somebody that may find
it helpful please feel free to do so as well. If you haven't subscribe to the
channel consider subscribing to the channel because on this channel we talk
about everything you need to know about credit, credit cards and how to make
money using credit cards. If this sounds like something in which you're
interested be sure to subscribe to the channel and click that notification bell
so you don't miss a thing. Once again my name is Duane with how to build credit
TV and I approve this video. I'll see you in the next video. Until next time take
care and be blessed. Peace!
Absolutely Stunning Australia Tiny House Featured on Sanctuary Magazine For Sale - Duration: 4:09.
Absolutely Stunning Australia Tiny House Featured on Sanctuary Magazine For Sale
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