Durga Puja Vs Kali Puja DJ Song
Shishe Ki Umar Pyale Ki || Metal Dance DJ Song
Dj Setup Special Hard Drum Mix
DJ Song
DJ Remix
Matal Dance DJ
Out Of Control
Dance Special DJ
Hindi Dj Song
Metal Dance DJ Song || Dj Setup Special Hard Drum Mix
For more infomation >> Durga Puja Vs Kali Puja Matal Dance Special DJ Remix Song || Hard Bass DJ || Dance Mix DJ 🔥🔥🔥 - Duration: 4:43.
Your Wonderful Wednesday Straight Razor Shave Of The Day with Tabac Original Shaving Soap - Duration: 28:38.
Welcome to Your Wonderful Wednesday Shave Of The Day! Hey Eric here with
Adventures In Wet Shaving and welcome back it's good to see you my One Word is
heart and I put my heart into everything I did we're helping 10,000 straight
razor shavers so if you're interested in learning how a straight razor shave
go ahead and hit that subscribe button then click on the bell next to it to be
notified when I upload videos so that way you won't miss a thing
in tonight's shave I am using my Parker and this is the Best Silver Steel and
this is Swdeish Steel it is a nice shape and razor that's quarter hollow and
really interesting yeah you check that out Swdeish Steel yeah very nice alright
now for our soap night because it's starting to cool off here I am going
Tabac yeah so this is going to be Tabac shave of course I've had it blooming
and I know sometimes that's not always the most popular but I do it so I like
it i use it as a pre-shave and it works for me so we're just gonna work that up
and get that on
oh yeah nice yeah and this is when I say it's getting a little cooler here so
once we start getting some nice colors in the trees I will take some pictures
and let you see some of that too and I am using my Alpha T-400 yes but this is
a Maggard razor 24 millimeter brown knot yeah so I used that extra ferrule that
it came with and I put this Maggard razor 24 millimeter brown in it I
thought since the Tabac is brown with the lid I'm gonna go with a brown brush and I
thought I don't have this color so I thought why not go ahead and just give
it a try now it hadn't been soaking because it is a synthetic so now I'm
just gonna get a wet and get most of that water out of it then we're gonna
load it up yep okay we made it to the midweek shave okay yep which is always
good it is it's always good because middle of the week weekends right around
the corner which is awesome yep always and hopefully your work is
good if you work right and if you're retired
that's even better yeah and you know you're in high spirits world I hope is
treating you well whether you work or not yeah yeah you're
getting some good shakes mm-hmm that's important it is
so let's see this is all you like the second time I have built a lather or
even tried to load this brush so hopefully we're gonna do good tonight
yeah mm-hmm I think we're fine I'm going to stop no yeah I'm going to stop right
there we're gonna stop right there we're going
to clean up around that bowl and just see just see how it goes I've had really
quite good luck with these synthetic not so this shouldn't be any different right
mm-hm there we go we just put on that extra
just like that yeah get those hands dry it off now
there you go check out that beautiful brush with a beautiful load of tobacco
on it mmm so let's get down on and get going yeah
that's nice now I did set this knock in as because I
could one this brush so we'll see how that goes really having some interesting
conversations with subscribers and viewers down in the comments it is
awesome there's a fella Ross that has been
leaving some comments he is so inspiring he really is he's 72 years old you know
that bid electric razors de cartridge razors did de for like the last 15 years
in just recently and started switching over to straight razors he had done a
little bit of shavette shaving and he wanted to go all the way at 72 I'm
telling you Ross you're amazing that is so inspirational for all of us
let me just encourage everyone follow Ross because he is doing this at 72 if
he can do it you can do it okay that is awesome so you know let's just keep
going with this and you know if you're on the fence in your wondering if you
want to try this just do it just do it yeah okay wonderful wonderful lather
yeah there we go now this is past one which for me is with the grain for the
most part so let's go ahead and do this
yeah that is nice very nice yeah like I say just follow us as an
example I'm telling you it is awesome this guy is invincible he is just full
of common sense and can just make it happen
it is so good follow its example I'm telling you you can't go wrong
that blowing through those whiskers I'm telling you this Parker is a fine razor
and I do like the quarter hollows they are really comfortable quite nice
I'm shed but it's not the brush it's me
maybe hit a little bump right there I'm having a run with that huh oh well no
big deal it'll be fine yeah
here we go nice yeah go ahead get that cleaned off
yeah I hit a couple box right there sure enough hmm oh well it's fine no big deal
there we go pass one complete let's get that cleaned off see how we
did I think we're gonna be fine and it's just blowing through those whiskers
which is good and it has been a while down and think about it since I hold my
razors I got that one which maybe I should have used tonight but yeah got a
little spot right there all right so Helen on that spot we're
gonna get there a little bit wet and we're just gonna work that in just like
that and it's gonna be fine no big deal yep all right now I've almost forgot I
did I do these shave in the day videos every Wednesday and Sunday so stop on by
and check them out now down in the description I have a whole bunch of
links to videos and playlists which I think you will find interesting all
right so go ahead and check that out and see what you find down there that you
think would be interesting to watch because there's a bunch is there much
down there so you can check that out
yeah yeah getting the water on this kick this
up a notch here
nice like that we'll do it almost really can take a bit more water see if we can
get a little more water in there so nice and creamy
there you go I get there
all right now I do straight razor inch Friday specials on the first and third
Friday of every month you could click on this card to see my last one which
really was good you give that a checked out and then this Friday I have got a
new one coming out and this was requested by Sean so it's going to be a
good one it is he had a really good idea and I'm going to spend some time talking
about something that doesn't get talked about a whole lot which I think would be
good for you I do so you check that out this Friday
you can check out last Friday in that card that was up there all right now I
get my ideas for these string razor and Friday specials from you so down in the
comments give me a comment give me a question give me a suggestion maybe even
an idea for an upcoming straight razor and Friday special and we'll do that for
you this is past - it is primarily for me
going to be against the grain let's do this
nice ride now you'll switch hands get this other
here we go now go ahead get this other side
yeah there it is
nice yeah yeah that's good
there you go past to complete yeah that's it
yeah let's get that washed off see how those cheeks are I think I did great on
those cheeks off oh wow yeah yeah those cheeks are
brilliant right where they are yep that's good now here's the thing with
this soap literally all you have to do is get it wet again and that is super
slick it is that is super sleigh so that's good that is not only does this
have big cushion it is nice sleek soap as well which is really what I'm looking
for in a soap is I like the cushion for a couple of reasons actually the I think
the cushion that stays and doesn't dissipate my some soaps I think that's
good because not only does they kind of give that straight razor or cushion as
far as having that blade against the skin but you know when it's nice and
thick like that I think what it helps I think on my part is it helps get more of
more time actually I guess more time for your whiskers to stay hydrated
and not dry out while you're shaving in my opinion I think that is what's going
on there and if it is that's great which I think it is because normally
when I'm in the shower I don't just lather my face with Bassel with my hands
and leave it there until I'm done with the shower and then that's the last
thing I rinse off so I think it has more time for the hydration to soak into
those whiskers all right now this is the half pass you can click on this card to
see the half past reveal this is basically going to be against the grain
on my jawline my neck so let's do this let's get going on
and that sweetness really helps right there with the Buffy we you need to bust
that slickness being there does do a really good job for you
just like that Wow Wow that is brilliant I'm telling you that is like BBS
brilliant boy this is going to be good shave
nice Wow I'm telling you we're doing it tonight this is outstanding really is
here we go now this is shave off
all right now shave in the books yeah and this is a good one
hmm yes it is nice oh wow BBS don't change it but it does happen
now we're doing alum everywhere
and that spot is fine no big deal now we're gonna dry that off okay poor
aren't aftershave kind of thing I'm using Thayer's and this is the rose
petal very nice very nice and I think it's gonna be fine if this so so let's
just do it good for the skin mmm-hmm yeah and I just put that everywhere I
did it's fine in my opinion anyway and now for kind of aftershave Cologne
ething we're going to back because we used to back so we're gonna get some of
that out yeah put that on
that's good it is yep that is really good now for Mom we're going on Nivea
and this is the post shave yes it is so we are switching back a little bit here
the cooler weather yeah yeah that's gonna help the skin yeah nice very nice
right you can click on this card right here to see my latest series how to
start straight razor shaving right from the beginning really good stuff I think
you'll like it click over here to see my latest video
click down here on the video especially picked out for you click over here on me
subscribe like comment share this video with friends have a great shave and a
good day and I will see you next time on Adventures In Wet Shaving!
Filipina British Couple: BUHAY LDR+ NAG VLOG SI MISTER |Mia Sandoval - Duration: 14:04.
【PCシージ】てけとーに配信 - Duration: 18:00.
LOOK AWAY Official Trailer (2018) India Eisley, Teen Horror Movie HD | Movie Trailer |Pinnacle Media - Duration: 3:49.
Please Don't forget to: LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE for the Upcoming Movies Trailers 2018
L40: Java Script |JavaScript Object| Array Object in JavaScript |String Object in JavaScript Example - Duration: 15:53.
Volkswagen up! 1.0 move up! BlueMotion 5Drs - Duration: 1:08.
MTA Провинция***Смотрим автобусы. - Duration: 6:52.
A Fazenda 10: Nadja Pessoa e Sandro Pedroso estão na Roça, Quem deve ficar? - Duration: 1:29.
Implante dentário – Para que ele serve, as suas indicações e também os cuidados pós cirurgia. - Duration: 7:58.
Teste de doenças transmissíveis... – Pata que serve, indicações e também qual o seu custo. - Duration: 7:52.
Gisele Bündchen desabafa e conta o que sentiu ao descobrir que Tom Brady engravidou a ex - Duration: 5:05.
Peugeot 208 1.4 E-HDI BLUE LEASE | Automaat | airco - Duration: 1:07.
Duda Nagle se incomoda com casa lotada e Sabrina Sato se muda com ele para outro bairro - Duration: 3:59.
Grazi Massafera e Tata Werneck trocam elogios nas redes sociais e se tornam 'melhores amigas" - Duration: 3:45.
O baile da Mahmundi para dias ruins e dias de verão - Duration: 3:50.
Hello what's up? This is Alan, I am a journalist and this is Ingresse na Arte, my culture channel on YouTube.
In this video, I talk about music and about singer Mahmundi.
From 2016 until the beginning of 2018, many things have happened in the professional life of Marcela Vale or Mahmundi as she is known.
In this period, she released her first studio album titled "Mahmundi", won a Best New Artist award by Associação Paulista dos Críticos de Arte,
her song "Hit" was chosen the best of 2016 by Rolling Stone magazine, she played at the Lollapalooza Festival in Sao Paulo,
and was nominated for lists of artists we should listen to. In addition, she has signed a contract with Universal Records.
Assimilating all these experiences, she released the album "Para Dias Ruins", her second album last August,
something that all her fans, who danced very much "Calor do Amor" from her first album,
and press which would like to confirm that Mahmundi is really a great artist and not just an "hype" artist, were waiting to hear.
If on the first album Mahmundi masterfully explored the influences of pop form the 1980s, sometimes being compared to singer Marina Lima,
on the album "Para Dias Ruins" she wisely explores new rhythms and musical genres flirting, for example,
with blues and funk in "Outono" and with "guitarrada", percussion from Bahia and electronic music in "Felicidade".
At the debut concert of the album "Para Dias Ruins" that took place at the Sesc Pompeia, in the city of Sao Paulo,
Mahmundi said she would like to turn her concerts into an amazing party for everyone to enjoy and dance.
In fact, she does that, although her concert is short. It usually lasts only one hour or so.
She makes the whole audience dance, sing and enjoy thanks to the set list of her concert.
From the album "Para Dias Ruins", it is worth highlighting the song "Qual É a Sua?",
an awesome reggae that could be sung by Vanessa da Mata for example, and "Imagem", a funk melody song.
In an interview published in the newspaper "OGlobo" to talk about the release of "Para Dias Ruins",
Mahmundi said that she always wanted to have her music as a soundtrack for people. Well, I guarantee that she is on her way to this.
A tip: try listening to "Leve", from her first album, on the beach…. Mahmundi music is for bad days and summer days…
This is it. Next Friday, there will be a new video on this channel.
If you like this video, share this idea, talk to your friends about this channel
and follow Ingresse na Arte on Instagram (@ingressenaarte), in which I give cultural tips. See you soon. Bye bye.
How I saved $6,460 on Designer Clothes || SugarMamma.TV - Duration: 11:52.
Hi everyone. So for this video I'm combining finance with fashion. One of
the ways that I have been able to save thousands of dollars and put those well
saved dollars to really good use for the thousand dollar project. Where I saved
and invested over thirty two thousand dollars in twelve months and did it
again in thirteen months where I did thirty six thousand dollars is by buying
pre-loved clothes. Now more often than not when I'm wearing one of my favorite
secondhand pre-loved dresses I get asked heaps of questions. Like where I got it
from? And when I openly and honestly tell people actually I bought it secondhand I
then get all these questions as to like. But how did you know to trust the person?
How did you know it was gonna fit? How you know was the right color? So I
thought I had better share this money saving tip with you as quickly as
possible so that you can save some money. But also you can help save the
environment because you buy pre-loved you're also reducing your consumption on
this plane. Now these are the rules that I follow when buying pre-loved clothes
and not only have they helped me save a lot of money but I have absolutely loved
these items. Now as a special treat I'm actually gonna share with you my
favorite dresses that I have bought pre-loved.
And I'm going to share with you the story behind them how much money I
actually saved, and also let you know that some of these dresses I've decided
to let go of. I'm actually gonna sell them and pass them on. Now for the
dresses that I'm definitely holding onto, I have managed to find some of these
dresses on the second-hand market. So I will share those links with you, and if I
haven't been able to I found you something pretty darn close which is
just as good. So I really hope you enjoy this video and listen up to these
fantastic money-saving tips. Alright rule number one I stick to the brands that I
know. I'm a really fussy shopper there are only a few brands that I shop from. And
the reason behind this is because I know the quality. I know the fabric. I know how
well they wear. I know the color scheme and the pallets that they use. But most
importantly I know what size I am. When you're buying a new brand or a brand
that you're not that familiar with how do you know what size you are? You might
be a size 6 with one brand or an 8 or a 10 with another it really does open up a
lot of risks. So only by pre-loved clothes from brands
that you have a lot of purchasing experience with. The second rule that I
follow is they asked to see photographs of the person wearing this item. I will
never go buy a flat lay. The reason why is when something's actually worn it may
hang quite differently. Or the fabric might be quite stiff, or the fabric might
be really quite sheer. When I have gone to buy something and I've quickly asked
for a photograph of the person wearing it, and I've seen it and I've gone 'oh
hang on that's too short' or 'that looks like it would be too tight on me' or 'that
just isn't right the right color'. It makes a huge difference and it has
stopped me from so many disastrous purchases where I would have ended up
wasting money. Now if it is impossible to get a photograph of that person wearing
that particular item. What I will go and do is google that item. So for example
you might take a lover denim dress. And when I find it online, not only do I get
to see real pictures of the dress with no filters and lots of different angles.
I also get to see how other people have styled and wore on that particular item.
So I get inspiration myself the third rule that I follow is, I will
stick to trustworthy websites websites such as eBay, Vestiare Collective, The Real
Real and high-end on Facebook. And I always use my PayPal account to pay for
these things. Because then I have that layer of protection through the
insurance so if something goes missing in the mail, or it turns up not looking
as described. I've got a point of contact someone that can help me get my money back
and return the item. Fifth and final rule that I follow that not only helps me
save money, but also helps me earn and make and hustle some extra cash to put
back into the thousand dollar project. Is when I'm done with that dress so it
doesn't fit me anymore. Or I don't use it as much as I thought I would. I simply
put it back on the second-hand economy. I sell that dress on and I pass it on. And
it's a great way of bringing in some extra cash that I can use to put towards
another second-hand dress. Or as I said put it towards the thousand dollar
project. All right now let me share with you what I've bought and how much money
I have saved. Starting with this Lover dress. I bought this dress on high-end on
Facebook. Now this is a closed group on Facebook so if you want to be a part of this
you need to add me as a friend on Facebook. So I can get you to join this
group. It is lover, it was the size that I knew
I'd actually tried this on this shop previously but didn't buy it because it
was really expensive. But I have worn this dress so many times it's fantastic
dress you can dress up and down. And I think I saved about $400 by buying this
pre-loved. The next dress I bought was actually for the races. This is one that
I saw online never actually went in and tried on because it sold out so quickly.
When it came up again on high-end, I think I picked it up for like $200. Lover
do this cut year, after year, after year. So I knew that would always stay in
fashion. Now it's a neoprene fabric it's stretchy so I knew I was quite safe with
the size. Being long-sleeve I knew I could wear this as it gets colder for
racing season. And it's just a great dress and a great color scheme to
wear with nude shoes. Which is what I have as part of my capsule wardrobe
collection. So again I probably saved, I think at least three hundred and fifty
dollars by buying this secondhand. The next dress that I bought I reckon I
saved about $1,200.And I bought this from someone who I've bought dresses
from in the past. She must have a really similar like body shape to me her
dresses when they arrive and I buy them from her always fit perfectly.
This is actually an Alex Perry dress I think it's retails for about eighteen
hundred dollars and I think I paid a little less than six hundred dollars for
this dress. It's got a zip all the way at the back which is really quite elegant.
But it's a really classic style I knew that I could wear this a lot. I could
wear it for a cocktail party. I can wear it to the races. I could wear it on
channel 9. It's a really comfortable dress and
again that savings is fantastic. And I don't think I would ever pay eighteen
hundred's for a dress, so it's such an honor to be able to wear something as
beautiful as this. And I get so many comments when I wear this. Now this is
another dress it's a Victoria Beckham dress, and again
I think Victoria Beckham dresses like go up like over $2,000. Again I think I paid I
think around about $600 or $650 for this dress. Again similar
and it's got a zip down the back it's a stretchy fabric it's incredibly classic.
I've worn this to the races and I've worn this on channel 9 lots of times
and it's a really simple classic dress that will never go out of style. So even
though it cost me $600. It's a designer brand and I know that it's gonna last a
lifetime it will never go out of style Next dress I want to share with you is
actually really interesting I bought this from girl from high-end and she we
actually kind of did a bit of a trade. She messaged me and said I've been
wanting to come in and see you and talk to you about my finances. And have a
consultation. So we did a bit of a trade where she bought the dress in. And she
got to sit and talk to me about her finances and it was great. Now this dress
would have cost probably her about I think $500 to $600. And I think I ended up
buying it from her for about $120. And again it is very
elegant really chic it's lace I'm really comfortable nice and long perfect for
winter time I absolutely love it. Next dress is another fantastic savings
I bought this from eBay. it is Dion Lee. Now Dion Lee's dresses
is one of my favorite brands but they are really expensive. Like between $650 to,
like some of his dresses now got $1,800. I bought this for one hundred and twenty
dollars from eBay. It is so comfortable and it is again so classic and chic. I've
worn this to the races I worn this to cocktail parties, I've worn this with a
blazer over for work because it's just so stylish and elegant. And I have
actually managed to find the exact dress on eBay for you so I will put all the
links in the video description box below. Next one is Scanlan & Theodore. This is
again one of my other favorite brands. Now one of my girlfriend's has this
dress my saw it on her. I was like oh I love your dress so much. And she was getting
so many comments about how beautiful it was. I said to her if you ever decide to
get rid of it I will like I want first options to be able to buy it from you.
Anyway she said no way this dress is too good so. I held a little faith and knew
that because the secondhand economy is so big and so many girls do sell their
dresses. Not three months later I managed to get this
dress buy it on eBay and again. I think I saved another three hundred dollars by
buying it secondhand. And it turned up pretty much brand new as did all the
other dresses I've bought. I think was like worn once or twice. And again
stretchy fabric so nice and safe. Because I'd seen it on my friend I knew the
color and the fabric would be perfect and I'm familiar with this brand. It has been
a great buy. And I reckon I've worn this dress probably about like 18 times. So
my cost per wear is really low with this and I'm definitely not parting with it
anytime soon. But I have found this in a range of other colors. As well as this
one for you so check the links in the video description box below. Next dress
is a Lover. Another brand that I'm really familiar with and know what size I am.
Again beautiful cute short fun cocktail dress. Fantastic for the colder months
with the long sleeves, but breathes a lot with the lace. A really comfortable a
dress. Timeless, chic and elegant and again I think I picked this up for about $200 .
Now this brand as I said it can be quite expensive you can go up to $650 if not
more for these dresses so again. I saved at least $300 if not more by buying
secondhand. Then the final one that I want to share with you it's an Alice
McCall dress. Now I actually tried this on in the shop
when it first came out. Came out in black as well and I umed and arrd for so long.
And then finally, because I'm such a fussy shopper when I finally went to go and
buy this dress. It had sold out. But again I had faith in the second-hand economy. I
had a feeling this dress would turn up again and, believe it or not about three
weeks later or if not less. I found someone selling the exact dress that I
wanted for about three or four hundred dollars less than what it had sold for
in the store. Now this is one of the dresses that I'm actually deciding I'm
gonna let go of. So I will link directly my eBay account where you can see this
for yourself and decide if you want to buy it. But it's an incredibly
comfortable dress. So chic and so elegant and I really actually loved having this
dress. But I've got too many white dresses so I decided I need to do a
little bit of a cull. So with a heavy heart I'm letting this dress go to the
second-hand economy. All right everyone I
hope you've enjoyed this video please make sure you go and check out all the
links below, and have a look at any of the clothes that I'm selling on eBay. It
is a fantastic way of saving money never turn your nose up and buying pre-loved.
You will save so much money and it also feels so good when you sell these items
and pass them on. You're giving a beautiful dress a new adventure and a
new journey. Have a great week everyone and don't forget you can follow me on my
personal account @cannasass on Instagram or @sugarmammatv for the
sugar mama account. Caio for now.
Exatlón | Exatlón Estados Unidos, Capítulo 68 | Entretenimiento - Duration: 20:56.
Cartoon - Stepmothers are Worth Our Respect | AmoMama - Duration: 2:30.
Alice hated her stepmother
You are not my mom! Let me go!
Help me with me cleaning
you are not my mom! Get Off!
What is she doing here?
I'm leaving
Alice rejected all her stepmother's attempts to be friends
Dad, I want her to go away!
I want to be only with you
Choose me or her
But I love you both!
And one day Alice crossed the line
She stole my mother's necklace!
Don't lie, Alice!
If you love her more than me, I'm leaving!
She stole her father's car to get back at him
But her courage lasted for only 5 meters
Father will kill me
Alice couldn't even guess who would save her
Alice! You will be punished!
It's me! I was afraid to tell you earlier!
You are not my mom. Why did you stand up for me?
I'll never be you mother
But I will do my best to be your friend
Stepmothers are worth our respect
The can love someone else's child just like their own!
Вся правда про фильм Чужие среди нас - Duration: 5:02.
XXXTentacion - Moonlight (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:47.
XXXTentacion - Moonlight (Lyrics) | JulyNice Music 2018
Peugeot 208 1.4 E-HDI ACTIVE NAVI ECC PDC AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:04.
Ege'nin Hamsisi / Aegean Anchovy Trailer - Episode 12 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:49.
We would like to ask for your daughter Zeynep's hand for our son Deniz.
Don't ever think about it!
I mean it would be difficult to ask for a girl's hand in our side.
- The reason for our visit is obvious. - Don't say it!
Should we go slowly regarding this asking for permission phase?
What is with this Black Sea act anyway?
- Should it come? - Let it come!
Do you think I can acquire a laz* identity? * Laz: an ethnic community in Black Sea region
Get out of the water!
Don't shoot Fiku, don't shoot me.
Don't hold me! Let me go!
You will feel happy, you will live your life. That is the best revenge!
My dear Mr.Nuri!
- Let me help, let me help you. - Let go! I told you to let go!
Brother Şevket, let me help.
Let me help. Leave it to me.
What is this?!
アウディe-tronに見るEV販売の難しさ。北米の初回割当はわずか99台 - Duration: 7:31.
Avalara TaxJar Taxify | Best Sales Tax Tools for Ecommerce Sellers - Duration: 13:30.
hey it's patti scharf CPA and co-founder of catching clouds the leader in
e-commerce accounting and I'm starting a new series today about all the different
solutions for e-commerce sellers with respect to everything else in your
business because we know that not everything has to do with accounting a
lot of business has to do with you know delivering products to customers and
things like that so I'm going to just start a series and talk about the
different things that we know all the different research we've done for our
clients and others on different things that make your business what your
business is
so today we're going to talk about sales tax tools because the that is the hot
topic from everybody if you have been living under a rock you need to go watch
these videos right here because this is like the hot topic now things are
changing fast and furiously and if you're going to be filing sales tax in
any or all States you need to get a sales tax tool to help you out so this
is what we're going to talk about today and let's get started
all right so the big three players are avalara tax jar and tax if I before we
talk about those though I want to say that there are actually two things that
we need to pay attention to one is collecting the right amount of sales tax
and the other is remitting and filing your sales tax returns after you have
your sales tax collected all right so the first thing we're going to talk
about with respect to collecting is the sales tax engines so many marketplaces
and shopping carts and all those guys they will collect sales tax for you but
some of the ones like like eBay basically they say how much sales tax
would you like us to collect and you put in a flat number like I don't know six
percent but six percent is not the sales tax rate in all of the states or all of
the counties and cities and whatnot so it's a rough estimate that allows you to
collect at least some of the sales tax but it is by no means spot-on helpful in
all situations all right there are other shopping carts that will have like a
table so maybe it'll have like a list of all the states and you can enter an
amount state-by-state it may or may not be updated for you and again it's more
helpful than not but really the most helpful thing is to get a sales tax
engine and tax chart exif i Avalara they all have a sales tax engine there are
another dozen or more companies beyond that that also do the same thing where
you basically attach it to your WordPress site woo come
Shopify whatever you have and it will calculate the sales tax for you based on
depending on the sales tax engine sometimes they'll do it based on what
the product is but certainly based on where the customer is what the rules are
for the different states and things like that
so Avalara is by far and away like the big player in that arena they've been
around like forever and they've got really good really great
information they've got lots of information on product taxability
they've got lots of information on the different rates in the different states
and jurisdictions County cities and all that so pretty much all of the shopping
carts will have a connection to a velar and in some cases it may be their only
one so like for big Commerce when you sign up to sell on big commerce they
will by default just have you on the Abelar system and you can just use
avalara for low volumes of sales once you hit a certain threshold which I
don't know what that threshold is but once you start picking up and selling in
greater volumes basically you need to sign up with Avalara and start paying
them to use their sales tax engine and they charge like on a per transaction
basis so they charge pennies or whatever every time you sell a product you're
using that sales tax engine to calculate the amount of sales tax you need to
collect you do not have to use the same sales tax engine as you are filing so
you could have Avalara calculating your sales tax and you can be filing using
texture or tax fire or something else all right so let's talk about filing
your sales tax returns like I said there are basically three big players let's
talk about Avalara first Avalara has two main products they've got ab attacks and
they've got a Valera trust file Ave attacks is really for accounting
departments for big companies that are selling all over the place it's it's
super robust like think think along the lines of Xero or QuickBooks Online
compared to NetSuite like a taxes that next sweet level of sales tax
calculations so it's super robust it's really great it comes with a big ticket
price so you can use it it's really expensive but it'll give you good
results however it does not connect to all the different shopping carts that
are out there doesn't connect to Amazon and Shopify and big commerce and Magento
and all of those so for an e-commerce seller it's expensive and it requires a
lot of manual work so it's really not playing in the same space as tech start
AXA Phi and Apple era trust files so this is why they created a bolero chest
file it's been around for a few years like four or five years about the same
as texture and toxify and a Valera trust file the the good news on that one is
that it connects to all the different shopping carts and Amazon and Shopify
Magento and all that stuff the bad news is that from a technological perspective
like from just their ability to manipulate data and things there are
quite a bit behind tax jar and taxa fide they just have never quite caught up to
them so for example like Amazon when you're pulling down information from
Amazon Amazon will keep all the addresses related to the wedding
registries and babies baby registries and things like that in its separate
database so when a Valera trust file pulls that information down it doesn't
have those addresses and so it will just assign the addresses to whatever
wherever your company is which is obviously not correct so so the accuracy
of the information you're getting out of trust file just isn't super great now
let me just say that these tools and all the tools that you see all the cloud
tools that are out there they are developing like crazy like they're just
evolving over time so anything I'm telling you today may or may not
actually be accurate like tomorrow so you need to check in with these
different companies and make sure that you that I'm giving you good information
based on what we've seen the last time we looked at Ewa Lera was about nine
months ago and every time we look at it we check it out a couple of times a year
for the past several years and it just never quite has information that's as
accurate and up-to-date as tax jar and tax Phi so honestly we don't even really
consider it as an option for our clients but I will say that as a company avalara
is really great and I mean if they could like combine Avot acts and their trust
file products together to create something really good for Amazon sellers
or you know ecommerce sellers in general it would be amazing but it's it's just
not there yet so but a velar is a company it's they they've got lots of
experience they've been around the longest they have great resources online
they've got lots of educational resources I would definitely check out
their blog so so they're great they're just not helpful
yet for e-commerce sellers in my opinion the next one I want to talk about is tax
to our tax jar is the most set and forget system of the three if you have
like a standard ecommerce business one that's just selling on Amazon or just on
Shopify or just a couple of different channels like that and you don't have
anything funky going on it's a really great tool especially I think if you
have tax jar as your sales tax engine and as your filing system because one of
the issues with tax jar is it will only file information based on the sales tax
that it calculates it's not going to file it based on what you collect so if
you're using tables or something for your sales tax engine if you're using
tables instead and you're just kind of estimating your sales tax you're not
going to be able to remit what you collected you're going to remit what you
calculate so there might be a discrepancy you might have to come out
of pocket for some of that sales tax which nobody likes to do so so that's
not ideal but it's understandable so if you have sales tax engine and the
violence being the same and it's a standard
system and you don't have anything funky like any tax-exempt stuff or product
product taxability stuff that's like products that are exempt then it's a
really good system the one other issue that we had is we have so many clients
who come to us and they're just like okay I was supposed to be filing sales
tax like six months ago or a year ago and I want to get caught up on those
let's go back in time and pay the penalties and interest and stuff tax jar
doesn't allow you to do that so if like you need to go back in time you're gonna
have to either do all that stuff by hand or whatever they they just they can't go
back there only going forward so if you're like a brand-new company and
you're like starting off clean and you're straightforward like texture is
actually a really good bang for the buck and and worth your while checking out
it's a really good company from the sense that like they they have their
finger on the pulse of both ecommerce and sales tax and they've got some great
information in their blog so I would definitely follow them at a minimum so
the last system I want to talk about is taksa fight aexif is actually the system
that we use when we were looking for a system to use like four or five years
ago they were the only ones that filed in all 50 states and they gave us PDF
copies of the returns they gave us payment confirmations I I think tax jar
does all that stuff now I think takstar just started filing in all 50 states
like last year July of 2017 I believe I could be wrong but I think I'm right but
years ago like we needed a solution right away and tax by like did all that
they're also a lot more flexible so we have a lot of clients who not only do
they sell on these different shopping carts but they may have some
business-to-business sales which are exempt from tax and we can tweak the
information based on the orders we can edit the sales tax returns themselves
before they actually get filed so they're a lot more flexible we really
care about accuracy and so we make sure that we have a system that we can kind
of jury-rigged if we need to if the data is not cooperating so so that's that's
really why we use tax fight the other thing is you can go back in time and
file historical returns so the system is really great for that so like I said
things change on a dime so check out all these different companies the prices are
pretty comparable no matter which system you use whether it's a velar trust file
tax jar or taxa Phi but they do have sliding scales based on your volume so
if you have just a little bit of volume you'll be a smaller fee if you have a
lot of volume you'll pay higher fees so you'll have to check out the pricing
based on your own personal situation that it's you can't tell like I can't
give general advice on what's most cost effective it's all kind of generally
around the same ballpark but hopefully this video helped you kind of narrow
down some of the issues that you might be having and things that you're looking
for I hope that you found this video helpful if you did please like comment
and share if you haven't already please subscribe and I'll catch you later
Após ser acusado por Letícia Almeida de ter cometido estupro, Jonathan Couto entra... - Duration: 3:43.
Citroën C1 1.0 E-VTI AIRSCAPE FEEL AIRCO NAVI - Duration: 1:02.
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Durga Puja Vs Kali Puja Matal Dance Special DJ Remix Song || Hard Bass DJ || Dance Mix DJ 🔥🔥🔥 - Duration: 4:43.
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Shishe Ki Umar Pyale Ki || Metal Dance DJ Song
Dj Setup Special Hard Drum Mix
DJ Song
DJ Remix
Matal Dance DJ
Out Of Control
Dance Special DJ
Hindi Dj Song
Metal Dance DJ Song || Dj Setup Special Hard Drum Mix
Your Wonderful Wednesday Straight Razor Shave Of The Day with Tabac Original Shaving Soap - Duration: 28:38.
Welcome to Your Wonderful Wednesday Shave Of The Day! Hey Eric here with
Adventures In Wet Shaving and welcome back it's good to see you my One Word is
heart and I put my heart into everything I did we're helping 10,000 straight
razor shavers so if you're interested in learning how a straight razor shave
go ahead and hit that subscribe button then click on the bell next to it to be
notified when I upload videos so that way you won't miss a thing
in tonight's shave I am using my Parker and this is the Best Silver Steel and
this is Swdeish Steel it is a nice shape and razor that's quarter hollow and
really interesting yeah you check that out Swdeish Steel yeah very nice alright
now for our soap night because it's starting to cool off here I am going
Tabac yeah so this is going to be Tabac shave of course I've had it blooming
and I know sometimes that's not always the most popular but I do it so I like
it i use it as a pre-shave and it works for me so we're just gonna work that up
and get that on
oh yeah nice yeah and this is when I say it's getting a little cooler here so
once we start getting some nice colors in the trees I will take some pictures
and let you see some of that too and I am using my Alpha T-400 yes but this is
a Maggard razor 24 millimeter brown knot yeah so I used that extra ferrule that
it came with and I put this Maggard razor 24 millimeter brown in it I
thought since the Tabac is brown with the lid I'm gonna go with a brown brush and I
thought I don't have this color so I thought why not go ahead and just give
it a try now it hadn't been soaking because it is a synthetic so now I'm
just gonna get a wet and get most of that water out of it then we're gonna
load it up yep okay we made it to the midweek shave okay yep which is always
good it is it's always good because middle of the week weekends right around
the corner which is awesome yep always and hopefully your work is
good if you work right and if you're retired
that's even better yeah and you know you're in high spirits world I hope is
treating you well whether you work or not yeah yeah you're
getting some good shakes mm-hmm that's important it is
so let's see this is all you like the second time I have built a lather or
even tried to load this brush so hopefully we're gonna do good tonight
yeah mm-hmm I think we're fine I'm going to stop no yeah I'm going to stop right
there we're gonna stop right there we're going
to clean up around that bowl and just see just see how it goes I've had really
quite good luck with these synthetic not so this shouldn't be any different right
mm-hm there we go we just put on that extra
just like that yeah get those hands dry it off now
there you go check out that beautiful brush with a beautiful load of tobacco
on it mmm so let's get down on and get going yeah
that's nice now I did set this knock in as because I
could one this brush so we'll see how that goes really having some interesting
conversations with subscribers and viewers down in the comments it is
awesome there's a fella Ross that has been
leaving some comments he is so inspiring he really is he's 72 years old you know
that bid electric razors de cartridge razors did de for like the last 15 years
in just recently and started switching over to straight razors he had done a
little bit of shavette shaving and he wanted to go all the way at 72 I'm
telling you Ross you're amazing that is so inspirational for all of us
let me just encourage everyone follow Ross because he is doing this at 72 if
he can do it you can do it okay that is awesome so you know let's just keep
going with this and you know if you're on the fence in your wondering if you
want to try this just do it just do it yeah okay wonderful wonderful lather
yeah there we go now this is past one which for me is with the grain for the
most part so let's go ahead and do this
yeah that is nice very nice yeah like I say just follow us as an
example I'm telling you it is awesome this guy is invincible he is just full
of common sense and can just make it happen
it is so good follow its example I'm telling you you can't go wrong
that blowing through those whiskers I'm telling you this Parker is a fine razor
and I do like the quarter hollows they are really comfortable quite nice
I'm shed but it's not the brush it's me
maybe hit a little bump right there I'm having a run with that huh oh well no
big deal it'll be fine yeah
here we go nice yeah go ahead get that cleaned off
yeah I hit a couple box right there sure enough hmm oh well it's fine no big deal
there we go pass one complete let's get that cleaned off see how we
did I think we're gonna be fine and it's just blowing through those whiskers
which is good and it has been a while down and think about it since I hold my
razors I got that one which maybe I should have used tonight but yeah got a
little spot right there all right so Helen on that spot we're
gonna get there a little bit wet and we're just gonna work that in just like
that and it's gonna be fine no big deal yep all right now I've almost forgot I
did I do these shave in the day videos every Wednesday and Sunday so stop on by
and check them out now down in the description I have a whole bunch of
links to videos and playlists which I think you will find interesting all
right so go ahead and check that out and see what you find down there that you
think would be interesting to watch because there's a bunch is there much
down there so you can check that out
yeah yeah getting the water on this kick this
up a notch here
nice like that we'll do it almost really can take a bit more water see if we can
get a little more water in there so nice and creamy
there you go I get there
all right now I do straight razor inch Friday specials on the first and third
Friday of every month you could click on this card to see my last one which
really was good you give that a checked out and then this Friday I have got a
new one coming out and this was requested by Sean so it's going to be a
good one it is he had a really good idea and I'm going to spend some time talking
about something that doesn't get talked about a whole lot which I think would be
good for you I do so you check that out this Friday
you can check out last Friday in that card that was up there all right now I
get my ideas for these string razor and Friday specials from you so down in the
comments give me a comment give me a question give me a suggestion maybe even
an idea for an upcoming straight razor and Friday special and we'll do that for
you this is past - it is primarily for me
going to be against the grain let's do this
nice ride now you'll switch hands get this other
here we go now go ahead get this other side
yeah there it is
nice yeah yeah that's good
there you go past to complete yeah that's it
yeah let's get that washed off see how those cheeks are I think I did great on
those cheeks off oh wow yeah yeah those cheeks are
brilliant right where they are yep that's good now here's the thing with
this soap literally all you have to do is get it wet again and that is super
slick it is that is super sleigh so that's good that is not only does this
have big cushion it is nice sleek soap as well which is really what I'm looking
for in a soap is I like the cushion for a couple of reasons actually the I think
the cushion that stays and doesn't dissipate my some soaps I think that's
good because not only does they kind of give that straight razor or cushion as
far as having that blade against the skin but you know when it's nice and
thick like that I think what it helps I think on my part is it helps get more of
more time actually I guess more time for your whiskers to stay hydrated
and not dry out while you're shaving in my opinion I think that is what's going
on there and if it is that's great which I think it is because normally
when I'm in the shower I don't just lather my face with Bassel with my hands
and leave it there until I'm done with the shower and then that's the last
thing I rinse off so I think it has more time for the hydration to soak into
those whiskers all right now this is the half pass you can click on this card to
see the half past reveal this is basically going to be against the grain
on my jawline my neck so let's do this let's get going on
and that sweetness really helps right there with the Buffy we you need to bust
that slickness being there does do a really good job for you
just like that Wow Wow that is brilliant I'm telling you that is like BBS
brilliant boy this is going to be good shave
nice Wow I'm telling you we're doing it tonight this is outstanding really is
here we go now this is shave off
all right now shave in the books yeah and this is a good one
hmm yes it is nice oh wow BBS don't change it but it does happen
now we're doing alum everywhere
and that spot is fine no big deal now we're gonna dry that off okay poor
aren't aftershave kind of thing I'm using Thayer's and this is the rose
petal very nice very nice and I think it's gonna be fine if this so so let's
just do it good for the skin mmm-hmm yeah and I just put that everywhere I
did it's fine in my opinion anyway and now for kind of aftershave Cologne
ething we're going to back because we used to back so we're gonna get some of
that out yeah put that on
that's good it is yep that is really good now for Mom we're going on Nivea
and this is the post shave yes it is so we are switching back a little bit here
the cooler weather yeah yeah that's gonna help the skin yeah nice very nice
right you can click on this card right here to see my latest series how to
start straight razor shaving right from the beginning really good stuff I think
you'll like it click over here to see my latest video
click down here on the video especially picked out for you click over here on me
subscribe like comment share this video with friends have a great shave and a
good day and I will see you next time on Adventures In Wet Shaving!
Filipina British Couple: BUHAY LDR+ NAG VLOG SI MISTER |Mia Sandoval - Duration: 14:04.
【PCシージ】てけとーに配信 - Duration: 18:00.
LOOK AWAY Official Trailer (2018) India Eisley, Teen Horror Movie HD | Movie Trailer |Pinnacle Media - Duration: 3:49.
Please Don't forget to: LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE for the Upcoming Movies Trailers 2018
L40: Java Script |JavaScript Object| Array Object in JavaScript |String Object in JavaScript Example - Duration: 15:53.
Volkswagen up! 1.0 move up! BlueMotion 5Drs - Duration: 1:08.
MTA Провинция***Смотрим автобусы. - Duration: 6:52.
Comparison Harvest With Sorrow + Fuelpack🚜 | GRowtopia Indonesia - Duration: 12:30.
Hello guys
Welcome back with me, Aipan
In this video, I will discuss about
Does harvest use sorrow and fuel pack, profit or not?
So in this video, I will compare harvest using sorrow + fuelpacks and not using
I have 2 treasure chest farms, 1 farm will be harvested using an ordinary tractor (green tractor)
and 1 more farm will be harvested using harvester of sorrow + fuelpacks
Let's we do the experiment
Oh ya, before we start the experiment, Let's join my giveaway
Let's go to first farm
So in this farm, I will harvest using green tractor
We will farm it until breaking part guys
So we know how much profit seeds we get
Okay in this farm there are 2.600 treasure chest trees
Okay so we got 9.745 treasure chest blocks, and 159 seeds
Let's break!
Now let's check the profit seeds
Now we will farming with harvester of sorrow and fuelpacks
Every 10 trees need 1 fuelpack
So you need 260 fuelpacks for 2.600 trees
For your information, treasure chest seeds price is 9/wl
Okay let's buy 260 fuelpacks
Let's harvest
Still 4 fuelpacks left
Let's go check, how many blocks and seeds we get
This time we get 10.785 blocks and 172 seeds
The difference is quite far, let's go break again
Finished, let's check the profit seeds
195 seeds if we don't use sorrow and fuelpacks, 469 seeds if we use sorrow and fuelpacks
And then let's we sell the seeds on 2 different vends
For 9/wl
Already prepared
Now let's promote in buychests
Let's look at the comparison of the results
From 2.600 trees without using fuelpacks, we got pure profit 21 wls
And from 2.600 trees with sorrow and fuelpacks, we get 52 wls
52 wls - 18 wls (wls that we use to buy fuelpacks)
So we got 34 wls clean profit
21 wls and 34 wls, hmm quite a difference..
So in my opinion, using sorrow and fuelpacks will be profit IF seeds price below 10/wl
If seeds price 1-10/wl will be profit, but I doubt it if seeds price 10+/wl
I don't recommend using sorrow if seeds price above 10/wl
Okay maybe that's it tips from me
I hope you are inspired by this video, to save buy harvester of sorrow
Don't forget to leave a like❤️️
See you in the next video 😉
BMW X3 3.5i(306pk) xDrive AUT8/NAVI/BLUE T/EL.STOELEN 63.000km - Duration: 1:07.
After Ford's GoFundMe Raises $700K, Juanita Humiliates Kavanaugh's Accuser - Duration: 4:45.
Volvo S80 2.4T WASA LIMITED EDITION ECC, Navigatie, Cruise control, trekhaak geen afleverkosten - Duration: 1:02.
Hyundai i30 1.4 T-GDI Premium 5 drs Trekhaak Navi - Duration: 1:12.
Kia Sportage 1.6 T-GDI DCT7 AWD GT-PlusLine, Full Option met 7jr garantie!! - Duration: 1:04.
Prosperity From the Inside Out - Duration: 19:23.
(Singing) I know my God has made the way for me.
I know my God has made the way for me.
ANNOUNCER: Did you know prosperity is from the inside
out? Today on The Believer's Voice of Victory, Gloria and
Kellie Copeland explore how Jesus on the inside of you is
the only prosperity agent you need. Now, let's join Gloria.
GLORIA: Hello everybody. Welcome to The Believer's
Voice of Victory. Kellie's back with us today.
Got some more good word for us. You don't want to miss
it. Welcome, Kellie. KELLIE: Thank you, Mama. Jesus has made
us free. GLORIA: Yes, I know. KELLIE: I'm not talking about
... I'm not wanting you to develop a sin consciousness. The
Word said you compare yourselves to each other, and that's not
our comparison mode. I could compare myself, not to you
because you're so great, but I might find somebody. You know,
you don't try to compare yourself to people that are more
awesome than you, but sometimes Satan would love that and then
you feel less than. He's good with that. Then if you compare
yourself to somebody that you feel better than, then- GLORIA:
That's not good either. KELLIE: You feel more than, so you're
walking in pride or shame. One of the two. He doesn't care.
They're both a lie because our comparison should not be among
each other. Our comparison should be with the Spirit of the
living God. Jesus himself came into our heart to change what we
look like, change what we act like, change what we sound like.
GLORIA: Amen. KELLIE: And Satan doesn't even care if we-
GLORIA: Change what we are like. KELLIE: Are like, exactly, from
the inside out. Of course, Satan loves it too when we get caught
up in performance or caught up in striving to be this or
striving to be that because he knows as long as we're striving
in our flesh to be awesome in him, in Jesus, we're not going
to be able to do it. If we become one with Jesus, if we
allow him not into our ... If we're born again, he's filled up
our spirit, but it's our soul, our mind and our will and our
emotion. Our soul has so much to do with our life. The Word said,
"Beloved, I wish above all things that you would prosper
even as your soul prospers." There is not going to be any
prosperous until your soul prospers. Because having money's
not being prosperous. People say, "Y'all are just a
prosperity ministry." Absolutely. But we're not
talking about just having ... having money, it's awesome and
it's fabulous and it helps. GLORIA: It does come in handy.
KELLIE: It comes in handy, especially if you need to preach
the Gospel or help people or do things for people. And it's
something that Jesus provided for us. But we're not prosperous
by having money. We're prosperous by having Jesus on
the inside, living on the inside of us, coming out with the love
of God. When relationships prosper, when life prospers,
when your heart prospers, when your heart's not condemning you.
What does it mean for your heart to condemn you? When your
heart's not telling you, "Everybody hates you." When your
heart's not telling you, "You're no good," or, "You should be
ashamed of yourself," or, "You're better than everybody
else." Whatever that message of the enemy that is a lie, that
your heart is consistently filtering your life through. You
could look at it like that. Like someone who's got abandonment
harboring in their heart, that's a lie that the enemy put in
there. You're abandoned. You have no father. Well A,
regardless of your life on the Earth, you have a Father who
loves you and he literally emptied heaven to get you back.
He sent Jesus to win you back. There's not one person that I'm
talking to that does not have a father who loves them. Now, you
have to receive it. You have to receive the love. You have to
receive Jesus. But the Bible tells us if we show we belong to
Jesus, and then he talks about our love and by the way we stop
sinning, we show we belong to Jesus. Those are not the ways we
belong to Jesus, but it shows we belong to Jesus. How do we
really belong to Jesus? He says, if you keep sinning or if you
hate your brother, you say you love God, but you hate your
brother, that shows you really don't belong to Jesus. What does
he mean? Does he mean you're not a Christian? Does he mean you're
not going to heaven? No. What he means is there's a space in you
that doesn't fully belong to Jesus because you're harboring
something else. When I say sin and I'm talking about removing
sin out of our heart, I'm talking about the root of sin.
I'm not talking about that thing you did. That thing you did that
you repented for, that thing came from a root on the inside
of you. The Bible says, "Out of a good treasure of a good man's
heart, there comes good fruit." What comes out of our mouth is
not the beginning of what we have. It's what's on the inside
really is the beginning of what our life looks like. Now, what
comes out of our mouth shows what's in the inside. We can
purposely take God's Word and make it come out of our mouth,
and it will then change what's in the inside. So, God gave us
that ability to change the tree on the inside with the words of
our mouth when they are his words. He's given us words here
to speak. He'll give us words in our heart that have to do with
your life. Like I told the story yesterday of calling somebody to
apologize for a certain thing that Jesus said you need to do
that. I didn't like it. I didn't want to, but I allowed the words
he told me to come out of my mouth and they changed a big
situation for me, because he knew that really mostly it
changed me. When you can allow him to change you, it is less
important to you what everybody else does. When you're a victim,
everybody else can control you. One day, this is an example of
what I'm talking about. One day I was, I don't even remember
what had happened now, but boy somebody lit my fire. Somebody
offended me. I was feeling like they were against me. I was
feeling like they're affecting my ability to do X, Y, Z. It was
just so quiet on the inside of me. The Lord just spoke up and
he said, "Kellie, you're being a victim." I had already
determined in my life, I will be no victim. I am not a victim.
I'm a victor. You can't be a victim and a victor at the same
time. What I'm bringing to you this week and next is just the
thought and the understanding that there's stuff we need to
deal with. Repenting of the thing you did, the lie you told,
the cat you kicked, the whatever it is, the thing you stole, the
way you didn't walk in love, or you were angry or bitter or
whatever. Repenting of that occasion and event is not the
cleansing of it, but when you repent from that thing you did,
you open the door for Jesus to cleanse you from all
unrighteousness. So, that's what I want us to see today. I want
us to really get off of our high horse a little bit. I had to, so
I'm going to assume you do too. If I had to, you do too. In my
thinking that I do need to deal with the root of sin that's
trying to take a home in my life, make a home and speak to
me when it wants to in my soul. We went to Mark 11 earlier in
the week, where Jesus drove out the lie. He said, "My father's
temple is a house of prayer for all nations, and you've made it
a den of thieves." Well our body, our life is the temple of
the Holy Ghost. It's the temple of God, the temple of
Jesus in this Earth. We need to give him a good place to live.
If you let him, he'll do the housekeeping for you. You just
have to say the words and get it out and give him permission to
point things out to you. We talked about Revelation 3. He
wants to sit down with us and tell us the stuff that we need
to remove, and clean us up. Today's the day for it. Now is
the time. He's cleaning his church out. I said the other
day, I started to say this, but I don't think I finished it.
He's coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle. To me,
looking in, looking at myself and looking at the church, we've
got a ways to go before somebody would, before the world would
describe us as a church without spot or wrinkle. Because John 17
says that, "When we get so unified as a body that the world
is going to know how much Jesus loves them, they're going to see
Jesus when we come together." Well, we're not there. They're
not looking at us and going, oh, convinced of their sins and give
me Jesus because the whole body of Christ looks like Jesus, but
we're going there. I was thinking the other day that a
church without spot or wrinkle requires the same thing your
cotton shirt does, some heat, some water, some steam and a
little pressure to get the wrinkles out. Well, that's what
he's doing right now. He's got fire burning on the inside of
us, burning stuff out of us that doesn't belong. Changing our
lives right now more than ever before. He, fire of the Holy
Spirit and the presence of Jesus and the washing of the water of
the Word, and some pressure on us to do it, to let Jesus in and
to open up our heart and to let him come in and push stuff out.
We're becoming that church. I believe it's going to happen
quickly. We left off yesterday just talking about John lived
with Jesus, and he wrote this book, he said, so that you and I
can now share in the life that they led with him. They saw him.
They gazed at his face. They could see his eyes when he was
talking to them. They were experiencing the love, the
correction. Just ask Peter. Jesus was correcting him. Why?
Because he thought he was a loser? No, but because Jesus
wanted a home in Peter, so Peter could end up doing what he ended
up doing. Jesus wanted to have a home in there not filled with
the lies that Peter was always walking in the flesh because of
the untruths that were harbored in his heart. Jesus even called
him. He said, "Get thee behind me, Satan." He said, "You don't
have your mind set on what the father wants." Peter wanted his
own way, and we can all be that way. So, let's look here. He
says, talking about Jesus. Actually from about verse five
on, 1 John is talking about sin. Here we are, the most mature
apostle in the faith, and he's talking about sin. He's talking
about the end days. He's talking to the believer, but he's
talking about sin. In Revelation 3, we read it this week, Jesus
was talking to the church, and he's talking about, I'm having
to knock. Why is he having to knock on the door of a heart
that should belong to him? Why is he having to knock on the
door of a heart that he lives in? I had him talk to me about
that. Let me just read it. He said, talking about the door,
"To unlock or remove," this is just what he said to me, so that
wasn't really a total thought, but he's talking about unlocking
the door or even removing the door. He said, "It's not locked,
but everyone has to open the door themselves." You have to
remove the door out of the way before Jesus can come into your
soul and clean it up the way he's talking about. "All that
the father wanted for you is on the other side of me." He's on
the other side of that door. That's why I said, "Seek first
the kingdom of God." That's why I said, "To come in faith, you
must believe that I am." For us to come to him in faith, to
believe him for any of these outer things, we have to believe
that Jesus is the provider in everything that we need. This
song was stuck in my head, this worship song the last few days.
It's Kim Walker Smith singing I Need You More. "I need you more
than yesterday. I need you more than the song I sing and the air
I breathe. I need you more. I need you more." I was thinking
about that song, and that word need, it doesn't mean a word,
and this is the way we're talking about needing Jesus.
It's not a matter of lack. It's a matter of requirement. I don't
lack air, but I need it. I require oxygen to live. I don't
lack oxygen. You don't see me here gagging for breath. I have
it, but I require it. When we say, "I need Jesus more.
I need him more today than I did yesterday. I need him more
tomorrow than I do today." Why? I require him. I require him to
live, not just silently in my heart because I'm a Christian. I
require him to talk to me all the time. He required the father
to tell him every word and every action to do and say, and I'm
telling you, I am pressing to be so full of him. GLORIA: Yes,
amen. KELLIE: I require that now. I never used to think about
that. I thought, I have a Jesus. I didn't think about the
requirement for him to be my everything. I thought he already
was. But when he began clearing me out, I began to see I had
places in my heart that were harboring some untruths, and he
wasn't living in that place. He was knocking to get into that
space. He said, "Those who diligently seek me have the veil
removed and they'll find me." That's what 2 Corinthians 4
says. He says, "Look into my eyes and see yourself. The veil
is taken away, not only from your seeing me, but the veil
between you and I. I have to search for lost sheep because
they have shut the door." Now lost sheep are ones that used to
be his. He goes out and gets them. "This is the only closed
door between you and the father." He said, "I'm the door
and not another." So, we're not going to get to this by any
other means. We're not going to get this door out of the way by
all of our good works. We're going to get this door out of
the way by just opening it. That's a whole lot easier than
having to drive out yourself all the stuff that might be in you.
All you have to do is say, "I open the door in my heart right
now, Jesus. Please come in and start the cleansing process."
Anyway, back to I John. It says, "God is pure light. You
will never find," I'm reading out of the New Living, by the
way. This is the Passion, but a combination on the New Living
and the Passion. GLORIA: What verse are you on? KELLIE: This
is verse five. This is in the Passion. "You will never find
even a trace of darkness in him. If we claim that we share life
with him, but we keep walking in the realm of darkness, we're
fooling ourselves and we're not living the truth." Let me read
that in the New Living. It says, that's verse six. "We are lying
if we say we have fellowship with God, but go on living in
spiritual darkness. We're not practicing the truth." What does
it say in the ... Is that the ... GLORIA: This is just the
King James. KELLIE: That's the King James. What does that say
in verse six? GLORIA: "If we say that we have fellowship with him
and walk in darkness, we lie and do not the truth." KELLIE: It
says if we're living in the light as God is in the light,
then we have fellowship with each other. See, the ways we
don't live with fellowship with Jesus and the sin we allow to
live in our heart comes between me and you, comes between you
and other people. It says, "If we are living in the light as
God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other
and the blood of Jesus, since his son cleanses us from all
sin." The blood of Jesus cleanses ... We have been made
free. He's already done it. We are free. GLORIA: We are.
KELLIE: But now it's time to receive that and be free. We've
been made free, but it's time to be free. GLORIA: Amen. KELLIE:
And as we allow him to come in, as we repent, shorten this.
We're going to pick up here, but I'm just going to read verse
eight and nine. "If we claim we have no sin, we're just fooling
ourselves. If we claim there's nothing in there that's of sin,
of the enemy, a lie of the enemy, we're fooling ourselves.
But if we confess our sins to him, he's faithful and just to
forgive us of our sin and cleanse us from all
unrighteousness." So, this week we're going to talk about how he
can cleanse us from the unright places that are in our heart.
The lies that the enemy has tried to plant in our heart.
We're going to get free of them- GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: In
the rest of these broadcasts. We're going to pick it up in our
next broadcast. GLORIA: Kellie and I will be right back.
ANNOUNCER: We hope you enjoyed today's teaching from Kenneth
Copeland Ministries. And remember Jesus is Lord.
Venom Movie Review - Duration: 8:27.
First off it's a dark and stormy night!
But I've got a Venom review to do!
「经典文摘」林青霞:唯独我知道邓丽君还在人间 - Duration: 14:49.
Cartoon - Stepmothers are Worth Our Respect | AmoMama - Duration: 2:30.
Alice hated her stepmother
You are not my mom! Let me go!
Help me with me cleaning
you are not my mom! Get Off!
What is she doing here?
I'm leaving
Alice rejected all her stepmother's attempts to be friends
Dad, I want her to go away!
I want to be only with you
Choose me or her
But I love you both!
And one day Alice crossed the line
She stole my mother's necklace!
Don't lie, Alice!
If you love her more than me, I'm leaving!
She stole her father's car to get back at him
But her courage lasted for only 5 meters
Father will kill me
Alice couldn't even guess who would save her
Alice! You will be punished!
It's me! I was afraid to tell you earlier!
You are not my mom. Why did you stand up for me?
I'll never be you mother
But I will do my best to be your friend
Stepmothers are worth our respect
The can love someone else's child just like their own!
Viewers shocked by 'TERRIBLE' Meghan Markle MISTAKE in Queen of the World documentary - Duration: 2:34.
The second instalment of the documentary Queen of the World aired last night and fans spotted a glaring repetition of a scene already shown
The scene features the Duchess of Sussex discussing her wedding veil, which has a beautiful design featuring a flower from all 53 commonwealth countries
In the first episode, Meghan was reunited with her wedding dress and delicate silk veil, but the scene went on to be repeated more than once
The second half of the documentary featured a segment about the commonwealth and the scene was shown again
Several people took to Twitter to voice their complaints at the oversight. One fan said: "Who edited this? Now showing Meghan's dress and same clip they already showed at least twice in the first episode
"We don't need to see it again in the second episode!" Another viewer said: "Now I do love a Royal documentary - but whoever made this one needs sacking
"How many times must they show HRH Duchess of Sussex looking at her wedding dress & tell us how all 53 commonwealth countries are embroidered in the veil
"Terrible editing so much repetition." The eagerly-awaited documentary, aired on ITV, features interviews with various members of the Royal Family and focuses on their involvement with the Commonwealth
However, viewers were distracted from the new insights by sloppy editing. One Twitter user said: "Okay guys think we get the picture with the dress already
" Another person driven to comment on the error joked: "Just in case anyone might have missed it 1st time 2nd time, umpteenth time, here it is again!!" Despite this, some were simply glowing about the 92-year-old Queen
One Royal lover tweeted: "What a lovely girl and so polite and so excited to get an audience! - love our Queen
" Another dismissed skeptics, saying: "I just can't deal with anyone who doesn't love the Queen
My Talking Tom NEW 2 GAME #3 Friends Angela cartoon game for children cartoon Game for kids - Duration: 14:10.
Hobbits of Mind, Chapter 1--"Some Unexpected Learning" - Duration: 9:59.
For Frodo
Ow! Owwww!
Damn! Ow!
You've ruined the whole shot!
We have to finish this film!
My professor won't give me an extension!
After fifteen takes--this is the best you can do?!
Ah, my gosh!
Can't we just slo-mo it before he fell, cut it--
Morgan--this is supposed to be the epic master shot.
We can't just cut it!
This is my vision!
Sorry, Art.
It was just an idea
Wait, what are you doing?
It's twelve, dude--I gotta go pick up my kids.
Are you serious? Is it already noon?
What? No no no--I need you!
Do we really need him?
I've been watching videos about foley design on YouTube.
Morgan, listen--I don't need any of your ideas.
Just let me figure this out on my own. Okay?
Sorry, Art.
You lousy orc lover.
Hey, you!
Who, me?
Yes--yes, you!
Nah, man--I'm just hear for the snacks.
Look, look--this one arms it, this one records it.
And then you put this over your head. Got it?
Just take it.
Wait, uh, how do you record?
Just do it!
Are you okay?
Hey, do you think you can pull through for this last scene?
I think I should keep off the weight just in case.
But I'll do this--for Frodo.
There we go--I like that spirit.
Good job.
[muffled groans]
Come on.
All right.
We got one last shot at this everyone.
Oh, my god.
Take this.
All right, all right.
And go--
For Frodo.
Well, at least we can dub it into the torture scene.
Uh, I don't think I got that.
Yeah, I definitely didn't get that.
But I'm recording now, I'm recording now.
Oh, wait--no, I'm not.
[exasperated sigh]
I hate you!
I don't know what to tell you Arthur. In one semester
you've managed to lose your scholarship.
But I'm the best director here at this school.
My professor says that I am a younger, thinner, more talented version of Peter Jackson
I don't know who that is--
--and I don't know why you're in my office without any shoes on.
Mr. Jackson directed all six films of the Tolkien hexology
and he never wears shoes!
Okay. Well, George Lucas does wear shoes--
--and Mr. Lucas is the one funding your scholarship. And you knew you had to maintain a 2.0 GPA...
...to keep that scholarship.
I'm a film major.
If my movies are good. Why do my grades even matter?
Because Mr. Lucas was quite insistent
that the recipients of the Valley Filmmakers Fellowship
needed to show academic as well as artistic commitment.
[exasperated sigh]
But I can't afford to go here without that scholarship!
I'm sorry, Arthur. There's nothing more I can do.
Damn you, George Lucas!
Oh, how I wish...
Oh, how I wish...
[coughs dramatically]
Hahaha, oh my goodness.
I'm so glad to see you.
I just locked my freakin' scholarship!
George Lucas said that the recipients have to have good grades.
But let me tell you something--
--in Hollywood, your grades don't mean squat!
It's your movie that matters.
I'm gonna go home
and take a few classes down that Valley JC
just to get my grades up.
And then I'll apply to internships down in LA.
Oh, but I can work on the Aragorn film on the weekend.
Because if that's good enough
I won't even need the internships.
And you can help me out.
Oh, my God.
Doesn't that sound like fun?
What's the matter, babe?
You left this on the quad.
I don't need your ideas, Morgan.
This is my vision, Morgan
I don't sound like that!
You said we were partners,
but you don't listen to a word I say.
There's no way in Mordor
I'm driving down to some podunk
junior college just to stroke your ego!
Oh, my gosh--I think I broke it.
Shut up!
Why did you get your ex to help you with your movie?
You're still hung up on her anyway
[song lyrics] Are you alright?
[song lyrics] Is there something been bothering you?
[song lyrics] Are you alright?
[song lyrics] I wish you'd give me a little clue.
[song lyrics] Are you alright?
[song lyrics] Is there something you wanna say?
[song lyrics] Are you alright?
Bumblebee (2018) - New Official Trailer Reaction - Duration: 4:47.
Hi pumpkins
It's your girl Queen Chanel and I hope everyone is having a good day in today's video. I am gonna react bumblebee
2018 new official trailer I
Love bumblebees so much
She's like pretty much my favorite transformer character and I'm pretty sure a lot of you can relate the same
so I'm gonna check out this trailer and
remember guys
If you guys don't want to miss any of my post remember to hit that Bell and if you guys are following me on any
Social media, whether it's Instagram Twitter snapchat. I will be fond you guys back
Let's get to the video
I'm 18 today. Actually, it's the beetle for sale
Pure skin, happy birthday
You know that car reminds me of
So you have no idea how it's coming this is awesome
Here's the deal people can be terrible. I don't think any person you can show yourself around
There's a war raging on our planet if this criminal isn't found that war may find its way
Sir, anyone who can help you in the family
They're calling an army I've seen firsthand these things really are
There is only one way to end this world
You must protect earth and its people
Take it down
Oh don't look him up this is how we stopped
I'm not going anywhere. Oh
You see this is exactly why bumblebees might be here bitches. Oh
My gosh, oh my gosh, yo that is
It's gonna be it's gonna be it's gonna be so I can't even I can't even speak. Oh
I remember um, oh
I remember I'm saying to you guys what that car reminds me of
That were car reminds me of you know with Amber Swan, you know, has that car and once upon a time
you know, it reminds me of that same car, but
I can't I and it's coming in Christmas. What's
Ice I still can't even speak
LOOK AWAY Official Trailer (2018) India Eisley, Teen Horror Movie HD | Movie Trailer |Pinnacle Media - Duration: 3:49.
Please Don't forget to: LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE for the Upcoming Movies Trailers 2018
How To Get Free Vbucks Fortnite | free season 6 battle pass | Get v bucks in fortnite - Duration: 3:30.
How to get free vbucks Fortnite Season 6
Lindsey Graham Went Ballistic On CNN – Finally Says EXACTLY What We've All Been Dying To Hear - Duration: 5:23.
Feinstein Panics In Public, FBI's New Findings On Kavanaugh Give Her Nasty Surprise - Duration: 5:07.
Best Tip for Adding Clear Sticker to Rubber Stamp - Duration: 3:00.
Hi everyone, I'm Lisa and welcome to Lisa's stamp studio! Today's quick tip is
about mounting your clear mount stamps sets. Now I'm just gonna start off by
telling you that there are a number of ways to do this, this is just how I do it
so I'm gonna go ahead and open up this brand new stamp set. This so Santa stamp
set can be found in the holiday catalog you'll see it here on page 23 down here
at the bottom really some cute images. When you receive your brand-new
clear mount stamp set inside of course you'll have your rubber and there will
be pre-die-cut areas for the images. There's also a sheet of stickers that go
on the back to indicate where the images will be on the other side. I do put my
stickers on my stamps and I get questions about how I'm able to get them
to stick to my clear blocks so well. The secret is keeping your clear blocks
clean so use hand sanitizer and clean them off and you'll find that these
cling very well. So let me show you how this is done. I'm going to take it out of
the case to make it a little bit easier and I work with a larger image here so
that's easier for you to see. I begin by taking off that paper backing that's
here on the image. The images on the sticker sheet- it's a mirrored image- so
what's here is then here
and I'm going to peel off just one half of that image. I find that if you take
the whole thing off you're struggling with a big sticky mess. So holding it
with the paper side I'll go ahead and manipulate this to determine how its
best going to fit and I start by placing down the side that is not sticky because
that's going to help assure me that I have this lined up. So let me put this
down flat and then I'll press this to get all the little air bubbles out from
underneath and I'm going to use my pick up tool and I've happened to have the
paper piercing tip on the end and that's going to help me get right up underneath
here and lift that paper backing up. Be careful you don't want to pierce that
foam. And then I'm going to go ahead and just slide that down and press down the
other side and you can see that the sticker on here is actually mounted
perfectly. I don't have to worry about any overage and then when it's time to
use it I go ahead and I just pull it out of the frame. Now when I go to store
these stamps I do keep the frame of the stamped image inside my case because at
a very quick glance that's going to show me if I have an image that's missing
when I'm stamping with friends. If you don't already have a Stampin Up
demonstrator and you're interested in purchasing Stampin Up products and would
like a copy of the holiday catalog or the annual catalog I'd be more than
happy to send them to you complimentary, just leave me a comment
below. Thanks so much for joining me everyone
I look forward to seeing you next time for another quick tip! Have a great day!
Misali Maan Byta Ho Ya Byti Dono Rab Ki Nemat مثالی ماں - Duration: 32:51.
Zindagi Man Imtehan By Dr Farhat Hashmi زندگی مین امتحان
Nazar e Baad ki Alamat awr Ilaj by Dr Farhat Hashmi نظر بد کی علامات اور علاج
Sabar O Jameel Keya Hy by Dr Farhat Hashmi صبر و جمیل کیا ہے؟
Momin Orat Ki Pehchan By Dr Farhat Hashmi مومن عورت کی پہچان
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