Empty your cup.
Do you wake up every day to work to pay debts, to improve the lives of your children,
or maybe to amass capital, to generate a corporate legacy?
Or perhaps you study to get a piece of paper that entitles you to compete in the market?
Or maybe you knock your brains out trying to come up with a new product that will be a success of the capitalist market?
Do you fill your life with irrelevant pleasures and indulgences?
Can you hardly wait until the day ends to lay on the sofa, gorge yourself of junk food
and idiotize yourself with the TV signal of the mind control box?
You are partaking of your own destruction and of your loved ones.
If you wish to continue wasting the divine spark that has been granted to you, go ahead
the mind control box is waiting for you with ball games and soap operas.
Or go ahead and waste your value playing stupid video games or just living to get green federal reserve notes,
struggling to belong to a bourgeoise or just cushioning the nest of the handful of individuals who you consider your family.
Or even watching the local news to just insult and complain from your comfortable sofa,
with the conviction that all conflicts are due to a wrong political model or corrupt authorities,
without ever wondering about the true and ancient causes of the problems.
Know yourself,
know the rules of the game,
and know your adversary.
THE AWAKENING: CHAPTER 03 "Obfuscation and Human Nature"
Culture is a spawn of evil, it is an executive branch of authority and authority in turn is unnatural, it is pure evil.
There is no such thing as authority of any being over another, it is an illusion imposed by dominators.
It is mind control that employs violence, man´s law and culture as tools.
Culture drives us into ignorance into a sleepwalking state, herd mentality,
into anxiety of belonging to a social group by eliminating all questioning and moral judgment.
The herd is easy to maintain docile, it has been indoctrinated to restrict its own freedom.
Just as religion entitles guilt and blind faith as virtues, culture entitles subjugation, obeying man´s law as virtue.
The acceptance of the system without questioning it, to be a well behaved zombie model.
The dark cult, the cult of the black sun, wants us confused, they want us to ignore our own slavery,
they want us defenseless clamoring for laws, authorities and controllers.
The enslavers use false authority, culture and obfuscation as fundamental methods of mind control.
To obfuscate means to shadow concepts and to associate erroneous references to language and knowledge.
Reality transcends our expression, but we do our best to describe and constitute our understanding of reality
through words, we set up our thoughts with words.
If we don't know meanings or assign conceptual arbitrariness to these foundational blocks,
foundations of what we build, the building will collapse.
Language is an egoic construction, however, was created with noble purposes
and is a tool to express ourselves.
Many words of contemporary languages were created hundreds of years ago with certain meanings.
Many times, they mutate, their initial meaning changes.
If we allow the words to mutate without consciousness we build a never-ending tower of Babel.
In certain cases, this mutation is not something that just happens,
dark social engineers use obfuscation to alter definitions with ulterior purposes.
Gradually they achieve that what originally meant a term or concept is obscured and thus spread confusion.
Subsequently the definition is even changed in official language texts and respected as unquestionable dogma.
Therefore it is important to bear in mind the etymological root of certain important terms,
to maintain conceptual clarity.
We will analyze some examples of obfuscation, I invite you to think
or to take notes on the first words you associate with the following concepts:
1. Freedom
1. Freedom 2. Esoteric
1. Freedom 2. Esoteric 3. Normal
1. Freedom 2. Esoteric 3. Normal 4. Controversial
1. Freedom 2. Esoteric 3. Normal 4. Controversial 5. Anarchy
1. Freedom 2. Esoteric 3. Normal 4. Controversial 5. Anarchy 6. Occultism
What is Freedom?
Common answer: "Doing what I want when I want it".
Freedom is the absolute value of the being,
it is the essential property of the sapient being in the objective choice between right and wrong.
The property of the exercise of conscience, of moral judgment.
Sentient beings like animals are inherently free because they are inherently moral,
sapient beings are only free when they exercise moral judgment.
Something particular about this word is that it comes from the Latin "libertatem" that means freedom
and the adjective to describe a free man is "liber" which also means book.
A very accurate association: Book = Freedom!
Ignorance and freedom are antitheses.
If we choose ignorance, we renounce to freedom. You cannot be a free ignorant!
What is Esoteric?
Typical response: divination, witchcraft and deception, absence of science.
Esoteric comes from the Greek "esoterikos" composed by the prefix "Eso" that means internal
and "Teros" of the same origin as the contrastive.
Esoteric is that concerning the internal vs. the exoteric meaning outer.
Unfortunately, institutionalized religion rots the mind of man with exoteric aspects, superficiality,
fantastic stories and dogmatic rituals and denies the symbolic explanation, the esoteric meaning.
What is Normal?
Common, average, right.
Normal comes from the latin "normalis". It means made according to a mold,
subscribed to a norm, a square ruler.
Normal is not correct, the subscription to norms does not mean morality.
Norms are mostly spawns forged by rulers and culture. Being normal is to fit in the mold,
which tends to be a mold of zombie slaves. Being normal is to follow the herd.
What is Controversial?
"Debatable, polemic, of contradictory opinions".
Etymologically it is composed by the Latin "Contra" which means to face
and "Verso – Versare" that means to change, to turn, to revolutionize.
Controversial is not something debatable, something subject to opinions.
Regardless of what a contemporary dictionary says it originally meant to face change,
A controversial issue is something that forces us to change, for example
some truth that reveals incoherence is controversial, it leads us to face change.
What is Anarchy?
The inescapable answer: Chaos.
Etymologically it consists of "An", Latin prefix of negation + "Arkhon - Arcon" that means ruler.
If "mono" means 1, monarchy means ONE ruler.
Anarchy means WITHOUT a ruler, it has nothing to do with chaos.
Dominators want us to associate our sovereignty with chaos,
so that we accept external authority as order. In other words: Anarchy = Freedom.
The anarchist is neither violent nor chaotic; he is an awakened being
who recognizes the truth that there is no authority of a being over another
and that real order can only emerge from this truth.
What is Occultism?
Inevitably the most common answer is: evil.
Occultism comes from the Latin "Occultō", which means hidden.
Occultism is not evil, it is hidden knowledge, that's all.
And it just happens to be that it comprises the most important knowledge, the most hidden from mankind,
the most denied to the shaved biped.
Knowledge of the self, the micro and macro cosmos, universal laws, absolute truths.
Precisely what the dark cult does not want you to know.
"Eyes that do not see, heart that does not feel". Ignorance is the father of fear, destroyer of consciousness.
Ignorance does not exempt you from guilt, it is a voluntary circumstance.
Nescience is not knowing due to circumstances beyond the capacities or reach of the being.
For example, a baby is nescient, not ignorant.
The vast majority of shaved bipeds are not nescient, are ignorant, ignore, voluntarily reject knowledge
that is available, and generally at our reach just a click away.
Ignorance and freedom are antithesis. You are free to choose ignorance,
but by doing so you lose freedom, meaning you are free to choose chains, to chose slavery.
"Human Nature"
"Original sin", human nature, we come to the world with factory flaws.
"We are evil by nature, we are born with the gene for evil."
This is one of the biggest pieces of crap that we have been made to swallow. An obfuscated and poisoned concept.
Less than 1% of the population is born with a real defect in their limbic system,
that is showing symptoms of psychopathy in first grade (from birth), in other words the inability to feel empathy.
All the rest of psychopaths in second grade, which by the way are abundant,
are the result of media, rotten culture, of bad parenting.
We are epigenetic beings, meaning we respond to external stimuli. Our genes have nothing to do with it,
they are only banks or information, codes activated or deactivated according to conscious or unconscious signals.
We are born with instincts of survival and coexistence and we adapt to collaborative environments.
The son of a religious priest raised in a prison is likely to grow to be a rotten apple.
At the same time the son of a genocide raised in a family with morals can become a good man.
"We are not taught to be thinkers, but reflectors of our culture.
Let's teach our children to be thinkers" - Jaque Fresco (The Venus Project)
Let's imagine a social experiment: leaving a group of children on a deserted island without any other humans,
very young children not perverted yet by the rotten media, babies,
of course assuming that shaved bipeds were able to survive on our own in the first years of life.
Let's return several years later; we'll learn a valuable lesson from them,
a community of progress, of beings who know their value and the value of their fellows,
who practice cooperation instead of competition.
Competition is not healthy, it is not favorable, nor does it promote progress,
it sinks us into egoism, into the abyss, cooperation does promote true evolution.
Greed, envy, hatred, are NOT in our genes. They are in the ego, they are in culture.
The nature of the shaved biped is that of a programmable animal, since most of us are asleep,
we are aware less than 5% of the time, the remaining 95% we are mechanical animals
run only by the subconscious. A number of egoic programmed commands, as software with a CPU.
If we load a disastrous software in our cranial recorder we will manifest chaos.
And it just happens to be that the programs executing on our brain CPUs are designed by dark social engineers,
By the dark cult.
The sense of persecution, the fear of the most dangerous beasts, the urban predators
is something that the dark cult uses to enslave. The exploitation of primary fears.
In this way they use authority executed through violence, the "forces of chaos",
controllers, bipeds without conscience to catch and keep
the beasts away from the defenseless and ignorant zombies.
Generally, most people are "good", not really good, they simply do not want to hurt others, at least consciously.
We are asleep, we are mechanistic, egotistical, ignorant, apathetic and cowardly.
But most of us with ordinary degrees of psychopathy, at least do not intend to hurt others.
We have been brainwashed with the idea that everyone is spoiled, that we must be cautious of everyone
and especially that we need more control, controllers to protect us, the forces of chaos, laws and external authority.
This obfuscation of human nature is a technique of mental control
that keeps the sapiens under the stranglehold of fear.
It transforms the shaved biped leading it to act upon this fear, that is to say in a survival mode,
seeking advantage, taking advantage upon others, watching over its own egoic interests above all.
It´s true that the shaved biped is asleep, our essence is asleep, we do not know who we are and our purpose
and we are easy prey to fear and the false self, the false self is the ego.
Nevertheless to be egoic is not our nature, that is why every being with some minimum awareness
recognizes that there is something wrong in the world.
"Human Nature"
"Ego, education and culture"
"Divine Will" is over "Ego, education and culture"
You can change it all, you are responsible. You can overcome the ego and the nefarious mental programming.
Another poisoned aspect of human nature: "the average sapiens is silly, not able to understand the universe".
That is false, we are able to understand the universe.
Remember the truths that matter most are simple, not cute, not easy, they are simple.
Question it all, the three-dimensional construct in which we inhabit is overrun by illusion, manipulation and obfuscation.
We are beings of light, nurturing, education and incomparably more important
Conscious Determination or Divine Will graduate our luminosity.
Images, videos and audio extracted to communicate concepts, with educational purposes. Apologies to the authors.
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