Thursday, May 3, 2018

Youtube daily report May 3 2018

Empty your cup.

Do you wake up every day to work to pay debts, to improve the lives of your children,

or maybe to amass capital, to generate a corporate legacy?

Or perhaps you study to get a piece of paper that entitles you to compete in the market?

Or maybe you knock your brains out trying to come up with a new product that will be a success of the capitalist market?

Do you fill your life with irrelevant pleasures and indulgences?

Can you hardly wait until the day ends to lay on the sofa, gorge yourself of junk food

and idiotize yourself with the TV signal of the mind control box?

You are partaking of your own destruction and of your loved ones.

If you wish to continue wasting the divine spark that has been granted to you, go ahead

the mind control box is waiting for you with ball games and soap operas.

Or go ahead and waste your value playing stupid video games or just living to get green federal reserve notes,

struggling to belong to a bourgeoise or just cushioning the nest of the handful of individuals who you consider your family.

Or even watching the local news to just insult and complain from your comfortable sofa,

with the conviction that all conflicts are due to a wrong political model or corrupt authorities,

without ever wondering about the true and ancient causes of the problems.

Know yourself,

know the rules of the game,

and know your adversary.

THE AWAKENING: CHAPTER 03 "Obfuscation and Human Nature"

Culture is a spawn of evil, it is an executive branch of authority and authority in turn is unnatural, it is pure evil.

There is no such thing as authority of any being over another, it is an illusion imposed by dominators.

It is mind control that employs violence, man´s law and culture as tools.

Culture drives us into ignorance into a sleepwalking state, herd mentality,

into anxiety of belonging to a social group by eliminating all questioning and moral judgment.

The herd is easy to maintain docile, it has been indoctrinated to restrict its own freedom.

Just as religion entitles guilt and blind faith as virtues, culture entitles subjugation, obeying man´s law as virtue.

The acceptance of the system without questioning it, to be a well behaved zombie model.

The dark cult, the cult of the black sun, wants us confused, they want us to ignore our own slavery,

they want us defenseless clamoring for laws, authorities and controllers.

The enslavers use false authority, culture and obfuscation as fundamental methods of mind control.

To obfuscate means to shadow concepts and to associate erroneous references to language and knowledge.

Reality transcends our expression, but we do our best to describe and constitute our understanding of reality

through words, we set up our thoughts with words.

If we don't know meanings or assign conceptual arbitrariness to these foundational blocks,

foundations of what we build, the building will collapse.

Language is an egoic construction, however, was created with noble purposes

and is a tool to express ourselves.

Many words of contemporary languages were created hundreds of years ago with certain meanings.

Many times, they mutate, their initial meaning changes.

If we allow the words to mutate without consciousness we build a never-ending tower of Babel.

In certain cases, this mutation is not something that just happens,

dark social engineers use obfuscation to alter definitions with ulterior purposes.

Gradually they achieve that what originally meant a term or concept is obscured and thus spread confusion.

Subsequently the definition is even changed in official language texts and respected as unquestionable dogma.

Therefore it is important to bear in mind the etymological root of certain important terms,

to maintain conceptual clarity.

We will analyze some examples of obfuscation, I invite you to think

or to take notes on the first words you associate with the following concepts:

1. Freedom

1. Freedom 2. Esoteric

1. Freedom 2. Esoteric 3. Normal

1. Freedom 2. Esoteric 3. Normal 4. Controversial

1. Freedom 2. Esoteric 3. Normal 4. Controversial 5. Anarchy

1. Freedom 2. Esoteric 3. Normal 4. Controversial 5. Anarchy 6. Occultism

What is Freedom?

Common answer: "Doing what I want when I want it".

Freedom is the absolute value of the being,

it is the essential property of the sapient being in the objective choice between right and wrong.

The property of the exercise of conscience, of moral judgment.

Sentient beings like animals are inherently free because they are inherently moral,

sapient beings are only free when they exercise moral judgment.

Something particular about this word is that it comes from the Latin "libertatem" that means freedom

and the adjective to describe a free man is "liber" which also means book.

A very accurate association: Book = Freedom!

Ignorance and freedom are antitheses.

If we choose ignorance, we renounce to freedom. You cannot be a free ignorant!

What is Esoteric?

Typical response: divination, witchcraft and deception, absence of science.

Esoteric comes from the Greek "esoterikos" composed by the prefix "Eso" that means internal

and "Teros" of the same origin as the contrastive.

Esoteric is that concerning the internal vs. the exoteric meaning outer.

Unfortunately, institutionalized religion rots the mind of man with exoteric aspects, superficiality,

fantastic stories and dogmatic rituals and denies the symbolic explanation, the esoteric meaning.

What is Normal?

Common, average, right.

Normal comes from the latin "normalis". It means made according to a mold,

subscribed to a norm, a square ruler.

Normal is not correct, the subscription to norms does not mean morality.

Norms are mostly spawns forged by rulers and culture. Being normal is to fit in the mold,

which tends to be a mold of zombie slaves. Being normal is to follow the herd.

What is Controversial?

"Debatable, polemic, of contradictory opinions".

Etymologically it is composed by the Latin "Contra" which means to face

and "Verso – Versare" that means to change, to turn, to revolutionize.

Controversial is not something debatable, something subject to opinions.

Regardless of what a contemporary dictionary says it originally meant to face change,

A controversial issue is something that forces us to change, for example

some truth that reveals incoherence is controversial, it leads us to face change.

What is Anarchy?

The inescapable answer: Chaos.

Etymologically it consists of "An", Latin prefix of negation + "Arkhon - Arcon" that means ruler.

If "mono" means 1, monarchy means ONE ruler.

Anarchy means WITHOUT a ruler, it has nothing to do with chaos.

Dominators want us to associate our sovereignty with chaos,

so that we accept external authority as order. In other words: Anarchy = Freedom.

The anarchist is neither violent nor chaotic; he is an awakened being

who recognizes the truth that there is no authority of a being over another

and that real order can only emerge from this truth.

What is Occultism?

Inevitably the most common answer is: evil.

Occultism comes from the Latin "Occultō", which means hidden.

Occultism is not evil, it is hidden knowledge, that's all.

And it just happens to be that it comprises the most important knowledge, the most hidden from mankind,

the most denied to the shaved biped.

Knowledge of the self, the micro and macro cosmos, universal laws, absolute truths.

Precisely what the dark cult does not want you to know.

"Eyes that do not see, heart that does not feel". Ignorance is the father of fear, destroyer of consciousness.

Ignorance does not exempt you from guilt, it is a voluntary circumstance.

Nescience is not knowing due to circumstances beyond the capacities or reach of the being.

For example, a baby is nescient, not ignorant.

The vast majority of shaved bipeds are not nescient, are ignorant, ignore, voluntarily reject knowledge

that is available, and generally at our reach just a click away.

Ignorance and freedom are antithesis. You are free to choose ignorance,

but by doing so you lose freedom, meaning you are free to choose chains, to chose slavery.

"Human Nature"

"Original sin", human nature, we come to the world with factory flaws.

"We are evil by nature, we are born with the gene for evil."

This is one of the biggest pieces of crap that we have been made to swallow. An obfuscated and poisoned concept.

Less than 1% of the population is born with a real defect in their limbic system,

that is showing symptoms of psychopathy in first grade (from birth), in other words the inability to feel empathy.

All the rest of psychopaths in second grade, which by the way are abundant,

are the result of media, rotten culture, of bad parenting.

We are epigenetic beings, meaning we respond to external stimuli. Our genes have nothing to do with it,

they are only banks or information, codes activated or deactivated according to conscious or unconscious signals.

We are born with instincts of survival and coexistence and we adapt to collaborative environments.

The son of a religious priest raised in a prison is likely to grow to be a rotten apple.

At the same time the son of a genocide raised in a family with morals can become a good man.

"We are not taught to be thinkers, but reflectors of our culture.

Let's teach our children to be thinkers" - Jaque Fresco (The Venus Project)

Let's imagine a social experiment: leaving a group of children on a deserted island without any other humans,

very young children not perverted yet by the rotten media, babies,

of course assuming that shaved bipeds were able to survive on our own in the first years of life.

Let's return several years later; we'll learn a valuable lesson from them,

a community of progress, of beings who know their value and the value of their fellows,

who practice cooperation instead of competition.

Competition is not healthy, it is not favorable, nor does it promote progress,

it sinks us into egoism, into the abyss, cooperation does promote true evolution.

Greed, envy, hatred, are NOT in our genes. They are in the ego, they are in culture.

The nature of the shaved biped is that of a programmable animal, since most of us are asleep,

we are aware less than 5% of the time, the remaining 95% we are mechanical animals

run only by the subconscious. A number of egoic programmed commands, as software with a CPU.

If we load a disastrous software in our cranial recorder we will manifest chaos.

And it just happens to be that the programs executing on our brain CPUs are designed by dark social engineers,

By the dark cult.

The sense of persecution, the fear of the most dangerous beasts, the urban predators

is something that the dark cult uses to enslave. The exploitation of primary fears.

In this way they use authority executed through violence, the "forces of chaos",

controllers, bipeds without conscience to catch and keep

the beasts away from the defenseless and ignorant zombies.

Generally, most people are "good", not really good, they simply do not want to hurt others, at least consciously.

We are asleep, we are mechanistic, egotistical, ignorant, apathetic and cowardly.

But most of us with ordinary degrees of psychopathy, at least do not intend to hurt others.

We have been brainwashed with the idea that everyone is spoiled, that we must be cautious of everyone

and especially that we need more control, controllers to protect us, the forces of chaos, laws and external authority.

This obfuscation of human nature is a technique of mental control

that keeps the sapiens under the stranglehold of fear.

It transforms the shaved biped leading it to act upon this fear, that is to say in a survival mode,

seeking advantage, taking advantage upon others, watching over its own egoic interests above all.

It´s true that the shaved biped is asleep, our essence is asleep, we do not know who we are and our purpose

and we are easy prey to fear and the false self, the false self is the ego.

Nevertheless to be egoic is not our nature, that is why every being with some minimum awareness

recognizes that there is something wrong in the world.

"Human Nature"

"Ego, education and culture"

"Divine Will" is over "Ego, education and culture"

You can change it all, you are responsible. You can overcome the ego and the nefarious mental programming.

Another poisoned aspect of human nature: "the average sapiens is silly, not able to understand the universe".

That is false, we are able to understand the universe.

Remember the truths that matter most are simple, not cute, not easy, they are simple.

Question it all, the three-dimensional construct in which we inhabit is overrun by illusion, manipulation and obfuscation.

We are beings of light, nurturing, education and incomparably more important

Conscious Determination or Divine Will graduate our luminosity.

Images, videos and audio extracted to communicate concepts, with educational purposes. Apologies to the authors.

For more infomation >> 03. Ofuscación y la Naturaleza Humana - Reeditado - - Duration: 21:53.


Esposa de Bill Cosby defiende al comediante acusado de agresión sexual y critica a la justicia - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Esposa de Bill Cosby defiende al comediante acusado de agresión sexual y critica a la justicia - Duration: 0:33.


El tenso primer encuentro entre Maluma y Piqué - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> El tenso primer encuentro entre Maluma y Piqué - Duration: 3:44.


HAND CUT Dovetails - Made Stupidly EASY - Duration: 10:12.

For more infomation >> HAND CUT Dovetails - Made Stupidly EASY - Duration: 10:12.


Los reyes también lloran: las peores peleas de Felipe y Letizia - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> Los reyes también lloran: las peores peleas de Felipe y Letizia - Duration: 4:51.


El próximo encuentro en el que Letizia y Marie-Chantal Miller se verán las caras . - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> El próximo encuentro en el que Letizia y Marie-Chantal Miller se verán las caras . - Duration: 5:09.


HOLA HOLA: LA VIDA SIN MÓVIL NI TABLET – Cuentos infantiles – CUENTACUENTOS Beatriz Montero - Duration: 4:28.


Hello, Mom - said Lidia.

Hello! said her mother

without looking up from the computer.

Lidia went to see her dad.

Hello, Dad

said Lidia.

Hello -said dad without looking up of his mobile.

Lidia went then to see her little brother.

Hi, Max

said Lidia.

But her brother did not stop looking at the tablet.

Lidia sighed.

The wind opened the house door

and a leaf entered into the room.

Hummm ...

The leaf left the house and Lidia followed it.

Hello, leaf - said Lidia.

The leaf flew around her.

And more leaves came closer to Lydia.

A ladybug began to flutter around her.

Hello, ladybug - said Lidia.

Lydia kept walking and saw a lot of flowers.

Hello, flower - said Lidia.

And the flower opened its petals.

Hello, World!

Lidia shouted running through the field.

On the river she saw a horse drinking water.

Hello …. horse?

Hi, Lidia

replied the horse.

Lydia got on top of the horse and together they toured the field

full of flowers accompanied

by the leaves flying around her,

and the ladybug.

And a deer joined,

Hello, deer.

And a buffalo,

-Hello, buffalo.

And they joined a chicken, a mouse, an orangutan,

an ostrich, a giraffe, and a dinosaur,

a lion, a beaver, a frog, some little fish of colors,

another frog, an octopus,

a bat, an immense whale,

Hello, hello, hello, hello everyone ...

Suddenly Lydia stopped.

Her cell phone was ringing.


- Lidia said.

It was her dad and her mom

They called her worried.

-But where are you?

We are looking for you and we do not see you.

Lydia ran to her house.

There her mother and father were waiting for her.

-Hi, Mom

And Lidia gave her an autumn leaf in exchange for her mobile.

-Hello, Dad

Lidia gave her dad another leaf and turned off his phone.

-Hi, Max.

Lidia gave Max a ladybug in exchange for his Tablet.

Hello, Hello

Her dad, her mom and Max told her.

And they all went out together to walk in the countryside.

They greeted the autumn leaves.

And they toured the flower field.


And they toured the flower field.

Her mom was riding on a giraffe,

her dad on top of the immense whale,

Max on top of the dinosaur

and Lidia on top of the beautiful horse.

Goodbye, phone.



by Matthew Cordell.

Editorial Juventud.

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See you soon.

For more infomation >> HOLA HOLA: LA VIDA SIN MÓVIL NI TABLET – Cuentos infantiles – CUENTACUENTOS Beatriz Montero - Duration: 4:28.


Indignación por las polémicas imágenes de un bisabuelo atando a un niño autista con cinta adhesiva - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Indignación por las polémicas imágenes de un bisabuelo atando a un niño autista con cinta adhesiva - Duration: 0:58.


Amaia y Alfred ya vuelan hacia Portugal. - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> Amaia y Alfred ya vuelan hacia Portugal. - Duration: 4:43.


Amaia y Alfred: "Nos da miedo el día después de Eurovisión... '¿Y ahora qué?" - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Amaia y Alfred: "Nos da miedo el día después de Eurovisión... '¿Y ahora qué?" - Duration: 2:59.


Receta de tiramisú de chocolate con avellanas - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Receta de tiramisú de chocolate con avellanas - Duration: 4:25.


"Apaguemos la televisión cuando empiecen a cantar Alfred y Amaia, España te lo agradecerá" - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> "Apaguemos la televisión cuando empiecen a cantar Alfred y Amaia, España te lo agradecerá" - Duration: 5:15.


Amaia y Alfred estarán solos en un escenario sin instrumentos ni elementos escenográficos. - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Amaia y Alfred estarán solos en un escenario sin instrumentos ni elementos escenográficos. - Duration: 4:03.


Al ser escogida como 'maestra del año', esta profesora le entrega a Trump cartas de niños inmigrante - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Al ser escogida como 'maestra del año', esta profesora le entrega a Trump cartas de niños inmigrante - Duration: 0:40.


Types of Friends * Typical End * | Sketch | @Los_Shake ft. Karla, Camilo and Bratshan - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Types of Friends * Typical End * | Sketch | @Los_Shake ft. Karla, Camilo and Bratshan - Duration: 4:32.


Peppa Pig 🐷Con La Familia Y Amigos // Peppa Pig 🐖 With Family And Friends🐽 - Duration: 10:22.

For more infomation >> Peppa Pig 🐷Con La Familia Y Amigos // Peppa Pig 🐖 With Family And Friends🐽 - Duration: 10:22.


Morty Malvado Origen Rap || Evil Morty Canción CrispyXtreme [Prod. IsuRmX] - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Morty Malvado Origen Rap || Evil Morty Canción CrispyXtreme [Prod. IsuRmX] - Duration: 3:18.


La hija de Jackie Chan vive en la calle y acusa al astro de homofóbico - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> La hija de Jackie Chan vive en la calle y acusa al astro de homofóbico - Duration: 4:49.


Saray sigue arremetiendo contra Mayte y Fernando - [VER DETALLES VIDEO] - Duration: 3:00.

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Remedios con aguacate perfectos para el cuidado del cuerpo y la salud - Noticias del Vida - Duration: 12:43.

For more infomation >> Remedios con aguacate perfectos para el cuidado del cuerpo y la salud - Noticias del Vida - Duration: 12:43.


New Nick Digital Series

For more infomation >> New Nick Digital Series


The Law of Attraction WORKS! Ft. Rafael Eliassen (The Secret is Not Giving Up!) - Duration: 9:42.

For more infomation >> The Law of Attraction WORKS! Ft. Rafael Eliassen (The Secret is Not Giving Up!) - Duration: 9:42.


Don't forget to shred sensitive personal information - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Don't forget to shred sensitive personal information - Duration: 1:45.


Altered Scale - 3 Great Pentatonic Solutions (Easy And Powerful) - Duration: 9:50.

- Hi everybody, my name is Jens Larsen.

Finding some good ideas when you're improvising

over an altered dominant can be quite difficult.

Often, you just end up running up and down the scale

without playing anything that's really that interesting.

In this video, I'm going to show you three different

pentatonic scales within the altered scale that

you can use when you're improvising over an

altered dominant, and that's a really easy way to

get some interesting and quite strong

melodic ideas into your playing.

I really like using pentatonic scales in my playing.

It's a sound that I associate more with modern jazz

since pentatonic scales didn't really appear in jazz

until the end of the hard bop era.

If you wanna learn more about jazz guitar,

about improvising over chord changes,

checking out some interesting arpeggios or chord voicings,

then subscribe to my channel.

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then click the little bell notification icon

next to the subscribe button.

(plays guitar)

G7 altered is the same as A flat melodic minor.

That means that the notes that we have available here are

A flat, B flat, B, D flat,

E flat, F, G,

and then the A flat on top, on the octave here.

I'm thinking of this from a G7 point of view,

and that's why I'm calling it a B and not a C flat

because if you're thinking of this as an A flat minor scale,

then it would actually be a C flat.

Since we're thinking G7, then the B is

a little bit more close to home

because that's the third of the chord.

We only have one minor pentatonic scale

within this scale, and that's the one from B flat.

So we have B flat minor pentatonic.

That's B flat, D flat, E flat, F, A flat, and B flat.

That's the one I'm using in this first example.

Of course, you will probably know this position already,

(plays scale)

which is kind of like a second position

B flat minor pentatonic.

Another way of playing it that I use quite a lot

where I'm using three notes per string on

some of the strings is to play it with

three notes on one string and then one note

on the next string, and then continue that pattern.

That could be something like this.

(plays scale)

The reason for doing this is really just that,

in that way, we can easier get to some of

the larger intervals within the scale.

One of the things I really like about

the pentatonic scale is that if you use some of these

larger intervals, then you get a really nice, open sound.

The first part of the line, you could look at it as

being a D flat six or a B flat minor seven arpeggio.

So I'm starting on the D flat, and then up to the F,

A flat, B flat, D flat.

That's all pretty much (mumbles).

(plays scale)

D flat six arpeggio, in this case.

Then I'm skipping up to the F, and then pulling off

down to the E flat.

This idea of mixing picking and legato is something that's

actually quite important for me when I'm

using these pentatonic scales.

I'm gonna come back to that

a little bit later in this video.

I'm doing the pull-off down to the D flat again,

then up the D flat major triad.

(plays notes)

I'm using two times, three notes per string idea,

so first, just three notes on one string.

(plays notes)

And then the next string,

starting on the E flat. (plays note)

Here, I'm using a large intervals.

I'm skipping up a fourth up to the A flat

(plays note)

and then down the scale from here.

(plays notes)

Then resolving that to C major on the G,

(plays note)

and then just a short fragment where I'm going from

D to E and B to A

(plays notes and chord)

to resolve to the 13 on the C major seven.

This next lick is using a different pentatonic scale,

which I find is really useful if you wanna

play over an altered dominant, and actually,

anything you wanna use with melodic minor,

but especially the altered dominant because it's also

closely related to the tri-tone substitution.

I'm also gonna go over a small exercise that's gonna

help you develop your ability to mix legato and picking

because I find that that's really essential and really

useful if you wanna play these

two-note-per-string patterns fast.

(plays notes)

In this example, I'm using an

A flat minor six pentatonic scale.

That's the same as an A flat minor pentatonic scale,

except I've exchanged the flat seven with a major six.

So that means that we have A flat, B, D flat,

E flat, F, and then A flat again.

You can play that something like this.

(plays scale)

Another way of looking at these notes is to

order them differently and then think of them as

a D flat seven with a nine arpeggio.

So then we have D flat, F, A flat,

B, and then E flat.

In that way, we actually have this relationship to

the G7 because it's related to a D flat seven,

which is a tri-tone substitute of G7.

That's the kind of sound that I'm using in the lick as well.

The first part of this lick is really just

the D flat seven arpeggio.

I'm just playing an ascending

D flat seven arpeggio from D flat.

(plays notes)

Once I'm on the octave here, I'm pulling off

down to the seventh, (plays notes)

skipping up to the third, (plays notes)

and then down to the root again,

and then up to the fifth, (plays notes)

down to the third, (plays notes)

up to the seventh, and then pulling off

down to the fifth, (plays note)

and then up to the ninth, (plays notes)

down to the root, (plays notes)

again with a pull-off,

up to the third, (plays notes)

and then I'm resolving to the C major seven

by playing this small fragment of the C major scale,

(plays notes)

ending on the 13 of the C major seven.

This lick really illustrates a cornerstone in

my technique, which is that I'm combining

legato with picking really often.

I find that that's really useful, both for

solving difficult things for my right hand,

because if I'm using legato, then I'm buying my

right hand some time to move from string to string,

for instance, and it's also really a nice way of

just giving some natural-sounding accents to

certain notes within the line.

It's also a good way of just getting

some good phrasing across.

Pentatonic scales are really great for practicing this

because they're two notes per string and they

lend themselves really well to having these

exercises where you play patterns,

and some of the patterns are gonna be

easy to play if you use legato.

An example of this, if we take the

A flat minor six pentatonic, would be to play it in

groups of three notes.

To do that descending, that could be something like this.

(plays scale)

The next lick is using a pentatonic scale that's

maybe a little bit more exotic, but is also

really great for getting some of the

core melodic minor sounds out.

In this lick, I'm also really demonstrating how I

use economy picking quite often.

Besides that, it's also a really great showcase of

how you can use an E seven sus four arpeggio

on a C major seven.

(plays notes)

Here, I'm using the E flat major,

flat six pentatonic scale, so that's E flat,

F, G, B flat, B, and then back to E flat.

This is a scale that has an augmented triad in there,

so we have ... (plays notes)

That's really a core part of the sound of melodic minor.

If we think of melodic minor as being

the tonic minor sound, (plays chord)

then a part of that is definitely that augmented triad

and the minor, major sound.

That's in there, and that's a really strong,

really powerful sound to use.

One way of constructing this scale that's

really useful is, now we're using it

on a G7 altered.

G7 is, of course, related to C.

In this case, to maybe C minor.

If you take a C minor pentatonic scale like this

(plays scale)

and then you lower the roots of the C down to a B,

then you have this scale.

(plays scale)

That's the E flat major, flat six pentatonic scale.

The first part of this line is really just

using that augmented triad. (plays notes)

I'm picking it using economy picking, so the first note

is a down stroke, (plays note)

and then I'm following that up with two up strokes.

(plays notes)

Then I'm doing the same thing on the next string,

so the B flat and then E flat.

So G and E flat, (plays notes)

and then same idea again from F.

(plays notes)

Now we're going down to a B,

(plays note)

then up to E flat, (plays notes)

now it's more straight, (mumbles) picking.

(plays notes)

That's really just that pattern down the ...

(plays notes)

Down through the scale, resolving to the E

and the C major seven.

Then on the C major seven, I'm first playing this

E7 sus four arpeggio.

(plays notes)

Then going up to the G, (plays note)

then down to the D again, (plays note)

up to E, and then ending on the 13 of the C major seven.

This video touched on using different techniques,

so mixing, legato, and picking.

And also, this last example was economy picking.

If you want me to make more videos on this,

you can of course let me know about that in the comments.

If you wanna learn more about jazz guitar

and this is the first time you see one of my videos,

then subscribe to my channel.

The videos that I publish here every week are on

finding some solid methods and good strategies to

really explore the interesting things about

jazz guitar and improvising.

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That's about it for this week.

Thank you for watching, and until next week.

For more infomation >> Altered Scale - 3 Great Pentatonic Solutions (Easy And Powerful) - Duration: 9:50.


After James Comey Makes Major Claim About Hillary, Rudy Exposes Both Of Them. - Duration: 4:16.

After James Comey Makes Major Claim About Hillary, Rudy Exposes Both Of Them.

In a recent interview, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani had some strong words

for James Comey and Hillary Clinton.

After Comey defended crooked Hillary and made a bogus claim in the process, Giuliani fired

back and exposed both of them.

It's been nearly two years since the Presidential Election, and we're still hearing about

Hillary Clinton.

Most failed candidates tend to recede into twilight.

They either go back to their former careers or they stick to private life.

Not Crooked Hillary.

Since losing, she's been traveling the world, blaming everyone (but herself) for her failure.

Now, with mid-term elections coming up, the insane Democratic Party wants to use her and

her husband Bill Clinton.

The Clintons are raising money to help their corrupt comrades.

Good luck with that.

Meanwhile, disgraced former FBI head James Comey continues to pop up.

He's obviously eager to stay in the limelight for as long as he can.

James Comey is guilty of letting Hillary off the hook for her email scandal.

He's also the one that jumpstarted the bogus Russia collusion investigation.

That's the same investigation — being led by Robert Mueller — that's wasting

American tax dollars and burning through our patience.

Recently, President Donald Trump hired Rudy Giuliani to join his legal team.

Giuliani, former mayor of New York, is a respected and effective legal mind.

He spoke with Sean Hannity about Comey and Clinton.

It was classic Rudy in every way.

He blasted both of these con artists, putting them in their place.

When Rudy learned that James Comey said Hillary Clinton "respected the rule of law," he

lost it.

Rudy blasted the former FBI head, saying, "He's a very perverted man."

That's gotta sting.Rudy is brutally honest about these two crooked insiders.

He exposes Hillary Clinton's pathetic attempts at saving her own skin.

He said, "I know you're very disappointed you didn't win, but you're a criminal."

We all know this.

Even before the election, there was ample evidence that Hillary was breaking the law.

The FBI was investigating her illegal private email server.

While the media tried to downplay it, we knew it was a serious offense.

Clinton ignored federal law and set up a secret email server, and it was all to keep her backdoor

dealings away from the State Department.It was the FBI's job to uncover this and prosecute


But during the election, James Comey announced they would not be recommending charges.


Anyone else would have been thrown in jail.

Hannity spoke with Rudy about a "two-tier" justice system.

Rudy said there is: one set of rules for Hillary, another for the rest of us.

It seems like the former First Lady continues to evade the law, simply because of her connections.

Rudy's reaction to Comey's quote is priceless.

When Hannity quotes Comey as saying Hillary "respects the rule of law," the former

mayor cannot believe it.

His expression is the same that all patriots share when we hear about Clinton's wrongdoing.

Hillary Clinton is the LAST person that respects the law.

Time and again she's bent and broke it to her own advantage.

She's funneled money into her "Foundation" to make herself rich while giving out favors

to foreign powers.

Rewatch what Rudy said about Comey: "He's a very perverted man."

That pretty much sums up most people's feelings about the former FBI head.

He bent the law to protect his colleagues.

Comey looked the other way when Hillary was breaking numerous laws.

But the moment Trump came to power, Comey tried to throw the book at him, despite the

fact that Trump did no wrong.What do you call that kind of FBI leader?

Perverted is a good word for him.

If I were Comey or Clinton, I would be hiding about now.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> After James Comey Makes Major Claim About Hillary, Rudy Exposes Both Of Them. - Duration: 4:16.


'Deadpool 2'Ryan Lennarz "한국으로 이사 나는 아파트를 찾고있다"|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> 'Deadpool 2'Ryan Lennarz "한국으로 이사 나는 아파트를 찾고있다"|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 3:18.


сода и звездочка для повышения потенции в домашних условиях. Рецепты Соды для мужской силы #потенция - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> сода и звездочка для повышения потенции в домашних условиях. Рецепты Соды для мужской силы #потенция - Duration: 2:22.


" 'Dead Pool 2'성공하면 한국 소주 한병을 쏠거야!" 레이놀즈 선언|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> " 'Dead Pool 2'성공하면 한국 소주 한병을 쏠거야!" 레이놀즈 선언|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 2:42.


Uomini e donne,Marta disperata per Nicolò: la triste rivelazione | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne,Marta disperata per Nicolò: la triste rivelazione | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.


UeD anticipazioni: Ida e Riccardo lasciano il programma insieme? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> UeD anticipazioni: Ida e Riccardo lasciano il programma insieme? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:05.


'슈퍼 비'의 '호화로운'일상 생활|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> '슈퍼 비'의 '호화로운'일상 생활|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 2:29.


Homescapes Level 557 - How to complete Level 557 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:43.

"Homescapes Level 557"

"How to complete Level 557 on Homescapes"

"How to play Level 555 on Homescapes"

For more infomation >> Homescapes Level 557 - How to complete Level 557 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:43.


Fanny Bee - Duration: 0:58.

Hello. guys!

It`s me, Larisa Levinskaya.

And today I want to show you

a handmade thing.

This thing I made myself.

I already showed you things

handmade, knitted things.

And today it`ll be a funny bee.

I like it!

I hope

you`ll like it, too.

See you later.

Bye, bye!

For more infomation >> Fanny Bee - Duration: 0:58.


"나는 구원 받았다"... JYP 박진영은 '복음 전도'전도 모임|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> "나는 구원 받았다"... JYP 박진영은 '복음 전도'전도 모임|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 4:08.





Damian Marley - Living It Up

For more infomation >> Damian Marley - Living It Up


I Let My Son Plan His Own Birthday - Duration: 12:56.

- We're going to the horse ride,

going to the horse ride,

- [Jackson] Mama I--

- Going to the horse ride

up he's mad about something.

(upbeat music)

^Hi I'm Hannah, and I'm the world's okayest mom.

Now if you have kids odds are

birthdays are a big deal in your house.

There for sure a big deal in mine.

I try to go all out for the kids

and do really special stuff to make them feel loved.

But for the most part I'm the one planning

the parties and how we celebrate their birthdays.

They'll choose the theme and the cake that they want.

But I'm really deciding when, where, and how we celebrate.

So I wanna try something different this year.

^Jackson's turning six, I want him to decide

^what he wants to do for his own birthday.

^So I'm going to take the money that

I would've spent on his party and give it

to him to use however he wants for his birthday.

Now here's hoping he doesn't choose something

like a new puppy, or 250 bags of M&M's.

But you never know what kids so let's go ask him.

First things first there weren't a lot

of ground rules for this because you know he got

to pick whatever he wanted to do.

But he's five years old, he's a kid.

He doesn't quite understand the value of a dollar

or what you can get for certain amounts of money.

He doesn't know how to budget.

We've gone to lunch and he's been like

don't worry mom I got this, and like opens his wallet

and pulls out a dollar.

And I'm like you are so sweet but that's not how it works.

So of course there's a little anxiety going into this,

But I asked him and this is what he said.

I want to go to Legoland, Legoland, Legoland, Lego.

So for those of you who don't speak kid,

he said he wants to go to Legoland.

(exasperated sigh)

Now Legoland isn't Disney expensive, but it's expensive.

It's about twice as much as I was planning to spend.

I have decided that I will not rest

until we figure out how to make this work.

I feel like theme park trips are something

that families save up for for a while.

So I wasn't really expecting this.

Matt and I are going to spend some time sitting down

and budgeting, and going over everything

to see how we can pull this off.

How could you say no to that face?


^Okay so the kids are asleep and so it's time for us

^to try to budget and figure out how we're

^going to make this trip work.

Here we go.

(upbeat jazz)

Okay so we figured it out so usually we spend

about 250 bucks per kid per birthday party

We realized if we do this for both kids birthdays,

we can swing the two-day pass to the park,

and the aquarium, and get a night at the hotel.

Jackson really really really wanted

^to bring my sister Stella she's like his best friend and so

^I remember like as a kid my parents would let me

do something with one friend for my birthday.

We're going to make it work for her to come too.

^We're Wyatt's only friends (laughs) so he's cheap.

We did it!

- Yeah!

- Go team!

- Oh that's horrible.

- I'm looking, I'm trying to look at the camera.


^Look what I got.


Are you excited?

I'm so excited, I'm so excited.

I think I'm more excited than you.

- We're going to Legoland!

- Whoo! (laughs)

Are you excited for Legoland?

- Eee Da buhda.

- Boogers, you have some boogers.

So Saturday morning we decided to get up super early

so we could try to get to the park when it opened.

Okay we're on our way.

- Whoo!

- We were only a little bit late getting out.

I'm very surprised by how fast we got this done.

And Matt and I have a couple little surprises.

- [Dad] Wyatt.

- We're going to McDonald's for breakfast.

- (everyone cheers)

- [Dad] Yay Wyatt, Jackson!

- Wow we never get McDonald's so this is a big deal

- That tastes really good.

- Mmm it tastes so good.

- Have you guys ever had a hash brown before?

- No I've never had a hash brown before.

- Oh my gosh.

- Not me.

- Matt have you ever had a hash brown before?

- I've had millions.


- So we're in the car, we're on our way.

We got McDonald's for the kids.

They're super excited until about an hour into

the drive I realized something.

I forgot the tickets (laughs) but luckily

I have them in my inbox so we're going to stop

at FedEx so I can print them out

Legoland doesn't accept digital tickets.

You have to like actually print them out

and show them to them and I'm not used to that so my bad.

^We are here.

- Lego, Lego, Lego, Lego

- We are in the park.

One of my favorite parts about Legoland by far

was that it seems like it's designed to wear your kids out.

We just went, and went, and went all the first day.

Whoo hoo Jackson!

We have our 3D glasses on, we're ready to go on the ride.

Woosh woosh.

- Rawr


- We're in Vegas now, so cool.

Watch Wyatt run, oh my God.

Can we just take a minute

to appreciate the way that Wyatt runs.

So as a park Legoland is a lot smaller than Disneyland

But the lines are short, the rides are quick,

and the height requirement is a lot shorter.

Pretty much for all the rides, both Jackson

and Wyatt could go on them together.

We're going to go on the Lego friends horse ride.

What color horse do you want?

- White.

- [Hannah] White.

- [Stella] Brown.

- Brown, and Jackson what color horse?

- Black.

- Black, I am not going on a horse.

Wyatt is a little too short for a couple of the rides

So he's going to get his face painted

- With Batman!

- With Batman!

- [Face Painter] All right sweetie just rest your head back.

- Wyatt, you look amazing!

So the one thing about Legoland,

it's designed to sell you Legos.

There are Legos everywhere.

Everything is made out of Legos, it's amazing

and it makes you feel like, I want to build this.

I want to do this.

I, like, you.

You're so sweet.

So one of the cool little perks of our room

was there's a big treasure chest

and in order to unlock it you need to complete

a scavenger hunt around the lobby of the hotel.

We're going to do this scavenger hunt

and it's going to unlock the treasure chest

with a prize inside.

So the kids are going around counting things

and it's all Legos everywhere.

So we get up to the room with the combo.

And I'm really anticipating what's

going to be inside this box.

- [Kids] Whoa!

- And we finally opened it and it's like, Legos!

It's your travel guide.

Duh why was I expecting anything different?

It's Legos everywhere, everything's Legos.

But it was really cool that the kids each

got their own little Lego set from that treasure chest.

Because that was one less thing we had to buy.

Quick Parent Pro tip, if you're going to

be bringing your own cake to the hotel

you might want to bring utensils because I didn't.

Everyone wash their hands and eat cake with their hands.

Which I mean we're going to eat the cake.

Like there's no other way.

But the prime example of how Legoland is made for kids

is upon check-in I was notified of

the kids nightclub that's every night from 6 to 9 p.m.

^There is a kids night club inside of Legoland.

Any leftover energy they had from the day, like

that's where it goes.

Jackson I've got to get that kid in dance classes.

He's just letting the music control

his body he was going for it.

And the best part of the kids club.

I got my chardonnay.

That's right there is a bar across the hall.

And they will pour your wine in a plastic cup for you

to take across and watch your kids just get out

the rest of the energy they had left from the day.

So day two, since we've gotten most

of the rides done the first day,

Jackson wanted to do the aquarium on the second day.

So we are in the aquarium now.

We got our coffees.

They actually made it super kid friendly and fun.

- Daddy I found one of your favorite fishes.

- Whoa, look, oh my gosh look at the stingray!

Oh, oh my gosh, hello.

And then the first thing you get when you walk in

is this slide, that's so cool.

Right off the bat there's this really cool jellyfish exhibit

and there's this guy feeding them,

And this one man explaining all different

kinds of jellyfish, and how they eat,

and what they eat and stuff like that.

And so I saw this tank of jellyfish I had never seen before.

So I was staring at them for a long time

and waiting for them to get fed

because I wanted to see what that looked like

but it wasn't til about 15 minutes in

that I look down and realize that

I had been staring at a display of plastic bags.

At least I'm environmentally conscious okay.

So Sunday, our final day, we stayed until the park

closed because you know I'm getting my money's worth

but luckily it didn't close that late

because it's designed for smaller children it closed

at about five, which was perfect for us

to pack up and leave, and get home,

and not have bedtime be super late

because the kids had school the next day.

Goodbye Legoland.

And look what we have here (laughs)

Oh my God literally we haven't even been

on the road five minutes.

So there was one last thing that

Jackson wanted to do before we went home.

So we drove through Anaheim,

on the way back from San Diego.

And there's this really cool place

called Anaheim Packing District.

And they have these bizarre desserts.

I guess you'd call it a dessert.

And it's a rice puff that's soaked in liquid nitrogen.

And so when you put it in your mouth

and breathe out you get a lot of steam coming out.

Like cold air coming out and it's really cold

and you can get about to come out your nose


- Can I have one?

- It's coming out your nose Jackson.

But while the trip was super exciting and fun,

it was really emotional for me

because I mean any other parent can relate.

When your kid gets a year older it's just like,

where did that time go you know?

I feel like I blinked and he's,

oh my God that's so embarrassing.

I feel like I blinked and he's six.

And there was a moment at the buffet

when they brought out the cake

and everyone was singing and he looked

a little embarrassed, and I was just like,

oh that's him getting bigger and he's getting older.

So that, I mean I didn't log this,

but there was a lot of this throughout

the whole trip because for me as a working mom,

time flies so fast and I just I was so grateful

that we were able to give him that experience

and spend all that time together

and have that much fun together

but it's just like why why do you have to grow up you know?

So, sorry, (laugh) mom moment right there.

So how was your birthday?

- I had the best birthday ever.

- You had the best birthday ever?

- Mmmhmm.

- I love you so much.

- Because my mommy is the best.

- Thank you.

- And my dada

So that's all I got for today, I'm cleaning.

And if you had a birthday that you particularly loved,

or a party idea leave it in the comments.

^Or you can always text me, this is a real number

^and I love hearing what you guys have to say

^So go for it.

Now if you'll excuse me

I'm going to go start planning for next years party

Because you can never start to early.

Until next time.

Ugh, sh**

[Hannah] Gotta work on that Lego.

^(playful music)

For more infomation >> I Let My Son Plan His Own Birthday - Duration: 12:56.


Lesbian in Suburbs? - Duration: 16:48.

Babe, this can be our new intro!

Hey guys, welcome back to our chanel!!!

Thank you for checking out our last video ("Touch my body challenge!") and for watching this right now

We post new videos every Thursday

So today is thursday and you are seeing this today hopefully

Todays video is actually going to be us answering a question we got from one of you guys

This is what it says: Hi Nicole and Beri!

I wanted to ask if I could request something for you guys to do in a video

to answer that real quick: YES you absolutely can

so if you come up with anything at all just comment or send it to our insta or snap accounts

Coukd you talk about being Gay in the suburbs(?)

Do you think it is more okay/ not okay and why?

This person thought it was interesting when we touched that subject in one of our Bali vlogs

Not about how it was being gay here but how it was in Bali

So we´ll answer this question in this video

We are both raised in two different parts och stockholm

I am from the most northern parts called Upplands väsby

And I am from the most southern parts called Skarpnäck

Where we live now aswell

And to grow upp in Väsby..

There was not..

There weren´t that many around that you could relate to and think like

oh wow there are more ppl like me

But there were a few that we had heard about and that was very hush hush behind their backs, and alot of rumors

like " so and so is a lesbian, or so and so is a fag"

And it was always in a negative way, with like disgust

it was never like

"guys did you here, this person is gay that´s so cool"

no it was really like

"nah don´t talk to him he´s a fag" or with girls the same way

And to first of all know that okey..

I´m not like everyone else, I am a lesbian

I am gay, you know and you have come to that conclusion after a few years

And to then hear that all the time doesn´t make you feel very safe, it´s not the ideal people to come out to you know

That´s what it felt like for me

and at home..

It was also like with my older brothers

I think I was mostly afraid of what they would think of me

And I would think that they would me ashamed of me in front of their friends

because it was mostly those guys (and all guys in these areas) that would drop these kind of coments

And I´ve been trying to think now that I knew we were taking this subject up, like where is the source of this kind of behaviour?

Why do our kids and young adults have these opinions?

And i think it is simply beacuse we don´t learn enough about it in these parts of our cities

We don´t see it enough

At home your parents might be watching the news from your home country and you´re not going to see it there

And I really think that also in all different suburbs in stockholm and the rest of sweden

We have so many different cultures from all over the world and in most of them

we put honor and pride as a higher priority than in the swedish culture

I mean because homosexuality is negatively speaken of here and in other countries or very hush hush, then offcourse

it will be a negative thing for our parents if their child is homosexual

I know at my house like whenever there would be a gay person on TV or whatever my dad or anyone watching

They would always be like "Oh look at him hahah f*cking fag" or whatever you know

Then offcourse I thought that..

Well now I´m raised by very young parents who

are very young in their ways they´re not very how do we say it...

exactly their not very conservative or traditional

But the honor and pride we talked about

is still there you know like..

They know homosexuality exists but like, you can be gay but you don´t need to show it

back when I came out it was like that, not now. like don´t show it in public

There is something that our cultures have in common that makes us/them feel like this and offcourse that will rub of on the children

and they will then be our young adults

And as a parent, the first thing you want to do might not be to

show your kinds and tell them that "you can fall in love with anyone you want to"

parents do more like "Oh so Danny, do you have a GIRLFRIEND yet" or "Nicole do you have a BOYFRIEND"

"are you in love with thid GUY" you know

from young age they tell you how it should be there hasn´t been anything else here really

Exactly and especially where I grew up there are alot of Kurds there

So we have a little comminity of people from Turkey, Kurdish, albanian, everything really, Syrian

from everywhere really but especially we are alot of Kurds

And so when I came out for my parents, the main thing for them was that I shouldn´t tell anyone because nobody needs to know

Don´t show it to anyone, it´s your business if that´s what you want but people don´t need to know

then I told them that I´ve already told my cousins, they´ve known as long as I have

and so that became a problem and they started saying things like "but why did you tell them? now they´ll tell their parents and they will know ect."

As if I had murdered someone

like this would be our little secret, it stays between these four walls

but I think that what we need in general is more rolemodels in these areas

more rolemodels with different backrounds than swedish in this case

I mean every rolemodel is good but we have to be able to relate to it for it to be helpful and feel like oh that person is like me

something to relate to you know

I can just say from my point of view, in the area I grew up and in this side of stockholm in general

I have seriously not known about anyone who was gay. Or I remember ONE older girl that I´ve known was gay since I was very young

But that person too was a little more tomboy-ish, and nothing I could relate to

So that was how we pictured "a lesbian" and the rest were for example Ellen De Generes and women with that look who were not only tomboys but also blond and blue eyes

And this was nothing I could relate to, nor could any other girl in my friend zone

because I mean you would never hear about or see a more feminine lesbian with another culture that the typical "white" culture, ot that would look like any of us

there was nobody like that

Where I grew up the typical lesbian was also very boyish, you know the typical tomboy

and that´s why I think that you know..

Because I have always been a tomboy since I was little so it was kind of like

It was never a biggie when it came out that I was a lesbian just because of that

but like what if my really femenine friend would be lesbian?

I really don´t see why she can´t in other peoples eyes?

yes that´s why when us femmes come out it´s always like

but whyyy? Nicole you´re so beautiful you can get whatever guy you want!

and it´s like yeah I know that.. but I don´t want a man lol, I aleady know I can

And it´s always so strange for people because I remember when I came out to my friends from here

most of them took it good but it was still very strange because for us here it has never been a thing you know, it´s nothing you see ever it´s like it doesn´t exist

so ofcourse the first reactions were like "okay so... you like licking pussy? that´s gross.."

or like "that´s weird, how? euw"

But I normalised it in a way that

I would start talking about a girl I went out with, let´s say Beri for example

I talked about it in the same way they would talk about guys

you like "she wrote this what should I answer?" or things like that

just in the same way they would talk to me about "oh I met him at this party" or "he texted me this"

and then because me as their friend expected the exact same thing from them as always you know

I wanted their advice, I wanted their hype and so I didn´t give them any space to do other that to deal with it

because you know, that´s what friends have to do right?

then here come the classic thing that if they can´t take it then you don´t want to keep them a your friend either because

you can´t hide who you are for someone else

especially not as you get older

Because when I was younger it was no biggie hiding it from friends or other people

It wasn´t hard to not tell people but when when you meet someone and it gets serioud

That´s when you´ll feel that you don´t want to have anything holding you back from loving that person

you want to hold their hand and hug eachother, kiss eachother

that should not be a thing you know

but unfortunately it is

if we go back to the problems with why these opinions are a major thing is that when you are younger you are very affected by what people around you say and think

I mean if I hang out with people who...

did the camera die...?

no anyways

if I hang out with people who use homosexuality as a bad think like cuss words etc, then I´ll start talking like that too

I mean I´m not gonna lie I´ve been one of those

yeah I mean we have both been that person because you get so affected by the people around you

and i can just imagine how it still today for kids

On the other hand, kids today get to see more

Kids today are defenately more woke than we were

they get to see different people and different relationships on tv shows and on youtube for example

they get to see more couples than only heterosexual ones

and I do belive that change is coming you know

I think that todays children will be alot more understanding

Understanding and also the freedom to find out who they are and who they want to be

and to be able to do this as early as possible because that´s the goal right?

Yeah.. because I don´t remember my younger years as gay to be so harmonic for my psyche

it was very hard to grow up in a place where you know that..

you kind of know that you´re about to loose some friends if you tell them about your sexuality

But as you get older it happens automaticlybthat you kind of don´t give a shit what they think

I think that the hardest part of it is being ashamed of who you are

because you think too much about how everyone else are gonna feel and you don´t want THEM to feel uncomfortable because of what gender you are attracted to

you want to protect them from being ashamed of you

like "I don´t want to tell this person because they love me as a friend but they´re gonna be so dissapointed in me"

What?! you know or like

when you have friends who´s parents love you and you don´t want to tell them because you know that if this comes out to their parents they won´t want you to hang out with their daughter anymore

taht´s an example that really has happened

that´s not even a question that you´d think their parents won´t want you there anymore

it´s that shame you know, and it´s still in us all the time, it doesn´t dissapear

because as soon as we come to any of these places we adapt, we don´t hold hands

we do now but it´s almost like we don´t want to because we think like "what if someone sees us"

it´s pretty sick actually that it can have that print on you

it´s still there you know

I remember Beri´s was the first gild that I held hands with where I lived

and I remeber that I did it from day 1 just because I am really stubborn

so I remember beeing really uncomfortable because I really didn´t want anyone to see us holdning hands

and I didn´t know why either, it was simply because I was ashamed, it was embarrassing for me

But i thought to myself that I have to do it anyways because it just has to be this way now

And I was seriously sweating because I was so nervous that someone would see

I remember it being so uncomfortable

But now it´s like nothing for me you know

If people don´t like it they don´t have to look, I really dont care

But people really don´t have the right to think or feel anything about this really

especially not to express their disgust towards us

because where we come from.. we have gotten so many comments from people

especially here in Skarpnäck

people we don´t know have the audacity to come up to us and tell us what is right and what is wrong

there was one dude that came up to us and was like "It´s not POSSIBLE for you two to be together, it´s not possible"

"wait are you a couple? not possible. where I come from that is not allowed"

And that´s when you say stuff like "well this is not where you came from"

it´s so sad because I think about his children

He was with he´s two daughters and I guess he wanted to point out to them that "you can not be like these people" or that this is not the right way

and I feel so sad for these kids who grow up with these parents because

I don´t think they understand what they´re doing to their children

Especially when you come to a country like sweden,with another culture

It´s so problematic to raise your children with the same conservative parts of your own culture. Not in all cases

because we all have beautiful cultures

but when it comes to the conservative parts of them that everything should be in a certain way

That´s where it becomes bad for a child to grow up with 1.Swedens liberal way of seeing things

and then 2. the other cultures way of seeing things, they always collide

our camera is about to die

but I think we covered most of it

just to round it up, what we need more in our suburbs is rolemodels, people that represent us, knowledge

our schools need to take this responsibility

teachers need to talk about this

in our school we had a math teacher who was a lesbian

and nobody cared about that

nobody, because in that way it became normalised

I mean she had kids and a whole family so who could say she was different?

if that was here, we would´ve probably thought it was weird

we would´ve started roumors

and most of the times, people who start these rumors are the ones who have thought of it themselves, who are a bit unsure of their own sexuality

because I remember if I suspected that someone was a lesbian

then I would start these rumors and be like "I think so and so is a lesbian" and people would be like.. what??

I mean they haven´t seen it but i was thinking about it all the time so ofc I saw it

and also to test them a bit to see how they take it

to see what they think about it

that was our answer to that question, I don´t think we can make the video much longer because our batteries are dying

but we hope you liked the video and we hope you guys keep sending us questions because we like answering them in this way

please tell us/comment your experiences and tell us if you can relate or if you have experienced it in another way

and we will see you next thursday!

And don´t forget to LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE! <3333

For more infomation >> Lesbian in Suburbs? - Duration: 16:48.


Rita Dalla Chiesa accusa i fan di Romina Power | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Rita Dalla Chiesa accusa i fan di Romina Power | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:38.


Orange-Spiced Sweet Potatoes – WOW! - Duration: 7:52.

Hello InnerTubers, check it out.

Kind of all fuckin' gourmet this time.

Whaddaya think?

Orange Spiced Sweet Potatoes

with a really fucking gourmet presentation.

You don't have to go all gourmet like I did, and really, it was just for the presentation.

Now this isn't super super easy but it is super super delicious.

One of the cool things about buying butter in sticks

is that it already gives you the measurements.

Four tablespoons of butter.

Now, I don't know what you can use if you're gonna try to veganize this,

but at least it's vegetarian compliant.

I try to have something for everybody.

No unhappy fuckers in GrannyLand.

The second cool thing about having a stick of butter

is you can take some of the paper off

and you can butter your dish this way

without getting that shit all over your fingers.

Oh, and one way to check to see if your dish is completely covered?

Hold it up to the light.

Now I know some of you fuckers are gonna write me back immediately and tell me that you can

melt butter in the microwave.


Go ahead. Do it!

I like to do it this way.

I like to put a little glass bowl in a little bit of water

under a very low heat on the stove.

It just is my way.

Deal with it.

Now is as good a time as any to preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

Yeah, that's fuckin' hot.

So, don't make this in the middle of July if you live in the Northern Hemisphere or

the middle of December if you live in Australia.

Yes, I know there's more to the Southern Hemisphere than Australia, but that's the

one that came to the top of my mind.


I'm gonna check the butter real quick, see how it's doing.

Oh, look.

It's melting so nicely.

Another use for toothpicks is to stir this shit around

without dirtying up a bunch of tools.

You have to peel the sweet potatoes

and then slice them into wedges.

According to the recipe, wedges work best.

I think you could probably do cubes as well.

It's your choice, fuckers.

It is one of those things, however, where size matters.

No big ones and little ones mixed in together.

Everything needs to be about the same size in order to cook evenly.

It's about 2 pounds of sweet potatoes.

Oh, just do your thing and set 'em aside in a bowl.

The recipe called for sweet potatoes and when I bought these at the grocery store, they

looked kinda white.

They're not yams.

Sweet potatoes and yams are two different things.

I really don't care what the fuck you use.

You can use turnips and rutabagas and whatever.

Just deal, all right?

Just let me make my shit and tell me if you like it.

Oh, you see this flexible cutting board?

I LOOVE my flexible cutting board because then you can just scoop the shit right into

the bowl without getting your hands all muckied up.

You can buy that right down below in a link.

And you really only need one unless they come in sets.

Now here's something where you really need a good tool.

This little cutie right here is called a zester.

And you absolutely need one if you're gonna do this right.

I don't know what the fuck you're gonna do if you don't have one of these tools.

The next step in the recipe is to squeeze the juice into a container.

I like this one here because it actually holds the juice for me while I squeeze.

Ohhhh, yeah.

I forgot about how, once you zest an orange and you try to do anything with it, you're

gonna get that shit all over your hands.

So, the next move is to put a paper towel on top of it.

Yeah, fuck yeah.

I can get that handled.

Next step in the recipe is to pour the juice into the zest.

The recipe says 2 full oranges and the juice of one and a half oranges, and the zest of

one whole orange.

So, there you go.

I hope you're writing this shit down, because I'm not gonna put it in the description.

You're grownups. You can do that.

Oh, the pulp that's left behind in the juicer?

You know where that shit goes.

Mmm, yeah.

I know, I do that all the time.

Once you pour the juice into the bowl with the zest, well, break that shit up because

you don't want it all in one bite.

Remember that we're supposed to slice one half of the orange into pretty little slices.

Yeah, isn't that cute?

Look there, my butter is done.

Ohh boy.

This part here is where this recipe really fucked with me.

It calls for honey and that stuff is like molasses.

It doesn't spread well.

It doesn't drip well.

It doesn't do anything well.

One of the tips in the recipe said to spray the spoon with cooking spray

and it will fall right off.

What do you think?

Is that happening?

I don't think so.

And squeezing the container it came in?

That's not for old hands.

I should have thought about maybe heating it up first.

I wonder if that woulda worked.

One teaspoon of vanilla extract: check. Done.

Half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and make sure that the top of the measuring spoon is

smooth against the top of the container.

Now, here's another one where I just had to make do,

and this is how you learn to make do.

I had pumpkin spice in the cupboard,

but I didn't have nutmeg,

so that's what I'm using.

The butter dish is cooled off enough that I can take it out with my bare fingers and

stir it around a little bit before I pour it in the bowl.

Whisk that shit.

Oh my gosh.

This is so interesting.

I thought everything would be all sticky icky with the honey and the juice and the butter,

but it's like salad dressing.

It must be that the orange juice cuts the sticky and cuts the butter and whatever.

You know, this stuff is just whisking up so nice.

And the fragrance.

Oh, my, this is amazing.

Now it's time to combine the potatoes and the sauce and I'm going to use my big-ass

bowl only because it just makes things easier for me and I don't spill.

After I've coated all the potatoes with that amazing mixture, I'm going to transfer

it to two different baking dishes because I wanna save some for home and I wanna take

some for a party.

Oh, look, we'll lay these orange slices on the top, and again, the picture in the

recipe called for puncturing the orange slices with cloves, whatever.

I don't have any and I'm not gonna buy 'em just for this.

So I have some cloves that I can sprinkle.

That's it, guys.

Time to stick this shit in the oven and sit back and wait for about 40 minutes.

Check it at about 30.

We're about 30 minutes right now.

It's time to stir this shit around, make sure that everything is still coated.

Oh, you know what?

I think that 400 degrees is just a little too hot

or else maybe my pan is a little too thin.

I'm not sure, but I'm gonna turn the oven down right now.

Stick it with a fork, fuckers, it's done.

Man, already the aroma has got me in a tizzy.

Actually, I should take a bite right now 'cuz it just came out of the oven.

I'm not generally a sweet potato fan but this looked so fuckin' good in the picture

that I had to.

Oh. My. God!


My. God!


That's all I can tell you is just . . . mmmm . . . I shouldn't be speaking with food

in my mouth.

You guys are gonna love this.

Take the time to make it, okay.

I think if I have this in front of me like this I'll get through all the things I have

to say really quickly so I can take another bite.

Be sure to FOLLOW on the Facebook, and subscribe on the YouTube and check out my Patreon where

you can become a member of my digital family.

And, tinysponsor.

Tinysponsor, thank you so much for helping me with the editors.

Oh, twitter and the instagrammy, do all that, too.

Mmmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmm, mmmmm, mmmmm.

I hate to tell you "gasm" every time I make something but, um, so far I haven't

failed, except for that fuckin' green bean casserole.



I've come back to earth after that last bite and I can't leave without telling you

I love you.

[blows kiss] Granny loves you . . . always.

[background music: "people say I cuss too much, [drums drums drums] but I don't fuckin'


[drums drums drums drums] I don't want borrowed trouble.

I feel good and enjoy the ride.

Surrounded by my favorite people.]

For more infomation >> Orange-Spiced Sweet Potatoes – WOW! - Duration: 7:52.


6 Top Cruising Books For Cruise Lovers - Duration: 4:57.

In this video I'm going to talk to you about cruising books that will help you

find discover and have incredible cruises. I'm Gary Bembridge of Tips For

Travellers. One of the things that I've done is written a couple of books

about cruising. One of the reasons I did that is I struggled to find books that

really helped with cruising. There's lots of resources, videos, blogs, things like

Cruise Critic but there's not many good old-fashioned

books. When I first got into cruising, one of the greatest books that I found

was this book which is the "Berlitz Guide to Cruise and Cruising". It's written by a

guy called Douglas Ward and he basically spends all year on board ships.

It's a great book. It's fantastic because what it does is talks a little

bit about what cruising, talks about the different cruise lines, it

talks about every single ship and rates every single ship. It gives guidance

for every single ship. It's updated every single year. I found it really helpful

and certainly when ever cruising I take it with me and the different

ships that I see in ports I am able to look up and better understand

about those ships and if they are right for me. What I'm going to talk about now

are the books that I've created to try and help cruisers. The first of

these is this book here. This book is called the "Cruise Travelers Handbook".

It's part of a series of handbooks which include things like family travel, solo

travel, volunteer travel, career break travel. The one I wrote is the one about

cruising and in this book what I do is I talk about all different types of

cruising whether it's ocean cruising, river cruising. I also talk about more

unusual types of cruising such as barges and if you want to

go cruising on freight ships. It's a really good guide for first-time cruisers. It

contains all sorts of information about everything from norovirus to seasickness,

to what you'd expect on board, what the role of people onboard is. So it's a really

good guide particularly the first time cruiser. You can find it

both in paperback version and also as a digital download. The next book that

I have is called "Essential Cruise Tips: what every cruiser needs to know". This

goes into much more depth, so whilst the Cruise Traveler's Handbook gives a good

overview of all sorts of cruising, this gets into very specific detail on lots

and lots of areas. So for example in the excursion area it will go

into detail about the different options you can have with

recommendations on different providers. It discusses the pros and

cons and goes into lots of detailing for things like packing and dress codes. So the Cruise Traveler's

Handbook is a great overview, the Essential Cruise Tips goes into lots

of detail. It is only available as a digital download. If you're

interested in river cruising I have a book called "European River Cruising Tips,

Tricks and Advice" that basically talks about European river cruising. It talks

about, in some depth, some of the providers, some of the options and

provides general tips and advice around European river cruising. This book like

the other books that I write is constantly updated and one of the great

things, particularly if you download it digitally, is you should be alerted when

there's new editions or versions available and you can update it with the

latest information. As I learn new things as I experience different cruise

lines or things change in the industry, I update the Essential Cruise Tips and

the European River Cruising books. The next two books are very specific and

they're about Cunard. I have one book which is called "Cruising with Cunard". This

is a very extensive book and it talks about Cunard in great detail. The other

Cunard book I've got is around doing a world cruises with Cunard and the book

here is called "Taking a World Cruise with Cunard Cruise Line", and what this

does is documents a world cruise and takes you through day-by-

day the experience of going on a world

cruise which is what I did. It talks about what happens across each

day and is packed full with lots of advice, lots of tips. All the sort of

things you could expect. It also has chapters on planning for and making sure

you get the most of a world cruise and the things you need to think about to

prepare for like at home and budgeting. As I mentioned if you want to find any

of these books the links are in the show notes or simply on Amazon to search for

"Gary Bembridge". The key books are the Cruise Traveler's Handbook (which is

available in paperback and digital), Essential Cruise Tips (what every cruiser

needs to know), European River Cruising (tips, tricks and advice), Cruising with

Cunard and Taking a world cruise with Cunard Cruise Line. So there you have it. there's some great books about cruising. as I mentioned you have that

book the Berlitz Guide to Cruising and Cruise Ships by

Douglas Ward. It's a fantastic book and the reason I've done many of these other

books is because I just felt there was a real opportunity to create other books on

cruising that I just couldn't find. I hope you've enjoyed this video you found

it helpful. Please as always subscribe to the Tips For Travellers

channel because you get much more travel inspiration, advice and tips.

For more infomation >> 6 Top Cruising Books For Cruise Lovers - Duration: 4:57.


Julia Królikowska sporo schudła i jest piękną dziewczyną. - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Julia Królikowska sporo schudła i jest piękną dziewczyną. - Duration: 1:53.


Gossip: Belen Rodriguez difende Fabri e si scaglia contro i paparazzi - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> Gossip: Belen Rodriguez difende Fabri e si scaglia contro i paparazzi - Duration: 5:36.


I concorrenti contro le decisioni del Grande Fratello: ecco coshanno detto - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> I concorrenti contro le decisioni del Grande Fratello: ecco coshanno detto - Duration: 4:01.


José Zaragoza: "Cal deixar enrere Puigdemont i Rajoy" - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> José Zaragoza: "Cal deixar enrere Puigdemont i Rajoy" - Duration: 2:54.


Teaser Spökjakt i ett Hus i Floda English Subtitles - Duration: 1:25.

I have always known that something is like it should not be here

When I was little I was always afraid of the dark

refused to be left alone

when I was little

i did see upstairs in a bedroom

I saw an older lady

apron and gray clothes

I shouted right out and she just disappeared

and in the same room

so have my mother

that she also saw things there

that she saw a man

In the same bedroom, she has seen another man too

and a younger man who had a dog in his arms

I have always felt discomfort here

never sleeps in this house I totally refuse

I sleep in another house

one time I left here at three o'clock in the night

because I feel such discomfort

so I packed dogs and children into the car and went home

For more infomation >> Teaser Spökjakt i ett Hus i Floda English Subtitles - Duration: 1:25.


Ms Herr On Two Wheels: Heather Gets Inked | Episode One - Duration: 3:57.

Getting new ink!

Its time to get my motorcycle tattoo updated.

<Ms. Herr> Hey!

<Heather> How are you doing?

<Ms. Herr> Good. Great to see you.

This is Heather, another Heather.

She does my ink for me.

Okay, so, uh, I need four segments this year.

<Heather> Excellent.

<Ms. Herr> Yeah.

<Heather> Well, I'm going to go draw that up.

<Ms. Herr> Okay, we'll see you in a bit.


This, right here, every once in awhile I'll actually, particularly, in the last few years

I've gotten the question what is that about, and it is a record of my riding.

About four years ago I actually, because I've been riding four years now, I was craving

some new ink and I'd been riding for about a year, and I wanted something to kind of

document my riding and so I decided on a motorcycle tattoo.

I had all kinds of ideas but I came into Heather for a consultation and what we ended up deciding

on every year I get a new vertical line up my arm and the number of segments in that

line is the number of thousands of miles that I rode on my motorcycle that year.

I wanted something clean, something simple, something elegant, and something repeatable.

Oh, I love it, I mean, I get excited and every year as I get closer and closer to my appointment,

I start like thinking about how many miles and how many segments I'm going to have on

there and if it is lower than what I would want, I'm like, I gotta start riding a lot

more so I can have more segments on my arm!

It is kinda funny.

This is the fill. Yeah.

That, I have no idea yet.

Um, and this is the beauty of a tattoo right?

A little bit of I get to make it up as I go and maybe I do one super thick solid line,

um, and or maybe there's a number in that line to represent miles.

I don't know, we'll figure it out when I hit that point.

Then I have more canvas!

As you can see, there's not a lot of ink on my arm, so I just start a new band.

Its easy.

My guess is I can get between 20 and maybe 30 years on my arm.

So let's hope I fill up the band.

That would be rad.

I always forget to explain and I get called on it when people ask me, "Whats the red spot for?"

In my third year, I did my first one thousand plus mile moto trip.

So I decided to signify, since every segment is a thousand miles, and I had a trip that

was over a thousand, and it was just barely over a thousand, um, I made it red.

<Heather> Allright.

<Ms Herr singing> Thank You.

<Heather> There we are.

I love it.

I'm so excited.

I wait for this appointment every year.

Thank you for following along on this journey.

I'm curious; do you document any of your riding milestones?

If so, let us know in the comments.

For more infomation >> Ms Herr On Two Wheels: Heather Gets Inked | Episode One - Duration: 3:57.


Scoprite i benefici della "dieta del cervello" - Duration: 8:46.

For more infomation >> Scoprite i benefici della "dieta del cervello" - Duration: 8:46.


I'm Back! VIP Kid Has Taken Over My Office/Studio! - Duration: 3:26.

Hey everyone and welcome back to Digging Out of Debt with Lanette. I have not seen

your faces in a few weeks. Truth is we have been going through some

of a transition with my husband's new side hustle and also transitions with my

side hustle and we just took a few weeks to get into a new groove get into a new

routine experience what the new normal is and there's nothing wrong with that

because to me my family my personal and physical well-being are first priority

so if I need to take a few weeks off to focus on my family and focus on my

spiritual and physical health then that's what I need to do so that is what

I did. And as you can see all around me all of this this is my husband's new

side hustle and he is working for VIP Kid and I will certainly put his

referral links in the description box below so that if you're interested in

learning more you certainly can and I don't mind that he has completely taken

over my studio space it actually gives me a very fun and colorful background as

opposed to the ugly white sheet that I was using before so you know what I'm

just gonna roll with it because the content of my videos is way more

important to me than the background of my videos so I just wanted to take a few

minutes to let you know that I have not gone missing and there are certainly

lots more money-saving tips and great videos about money and personal finance

and what to do and not to do with money based on my incredible example those

those videos are coming they're on the way and I just wanted to say hi and

thank you for watching thank you to the new subscribers who in spite of me being

absent for a few weeks I actually got new subscribers and I'm

so blessed by that how cool is that that even when you're not

working people are still finding you I'm blown away by that so welcome

new subscribers and old subscribers and I look forward to sharing much more

money content with you guys in the very near future in the comments below if you

would if you're watching this would you tell me what you want to hear about what

kinds of money things do you want to hear about I've done a series on lots of

grocery budgeting I've done like you know kids clothing how to save money on

kids clothing I've done stuff on like car insurance and and various things

but what do you want to hear about as far as money personal finance budgeting

you know how to make it all work when maybe you're surviving on a low

income so put those things in the comments I would love to be able to

actually answer questions so I would love to do that my videos so in the

comments put down what you would like to see and hear from me and in the meantime

I will get to work. See you soon.

For more infomation >> I'm Back! VIP Kid Has Taken Over My Office/Studio! - Duration: 3:26.


Come prevenire i funghi della pelle? - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> Come prevenire i funghi della pelle? - Duration: 6:14.


📚☀️ Goodreads narzuca mi TBR na wakacje! - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> 📚☀️ Goodreads narzuca mi TBR na wakacje! - Duration: 7:06.


Come trattare i calli in modo naturale - Italy 365 - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> Come trattare i calli in modo naturale - Italy 365 - Duration: 6:06.


10 tossine dannose per i nostri bambini - Duration: 7:40.

For more infomation >> 10 tossine dannose per i nostri bambini - Duration: 7:40.


Doda ogłosiła koniec kariery - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Doda ogłosiła koniec kariery - Duration: 3:56.


Comedy Knockout - Apology: Julian McCullough | truTV - Duration: 1:57.

[ Sighs ] "It's me again, Julian McCullough.

I lost again.

I am now in sole possession of the record

for most apologies ever on 'Comedy Knockout. '

I haven't had a record this bad

since my last comedy album came out on vinyl.

I'm the Buffalo Bills of 'Comedy Knockout'

except with more brain damage."

That was mean.

[ Laughter ]

"Five apologies now.

I've now apologized

more than any straight white man in history.

[ Applause ]

Though to be fair, I only had to beat zero.

It's kind of amazing.

I've now expressed more remorse

to the 'Comedy Knockout' viewers than I have to juries.

And I look like a guy who joins the lacrosse team

just for the sex crimes.

And I love sports.

Here I am on my little-league team,

the Sad News Bears.

[ Audience "Awws" ]

[ Laughter ]

I was the only kid on the team who had to molest himself.

[ Laughs ]

Kinda weird to look back on that picture.

I had no idea that this would be the last time

I'd made my parents proud.

[ Laughter ]

I can't be mad about this loss, because my life is a fairytale.

I like my houses like I like my ovens,

and my method for paying for dates, Dutch.

In fact, I am totally prepared

if any of the ladies still want

to come home with me after this...

[ Laughter ]

Full disclosure -- this isn't the only time

I've pitched a tiny tent."

[ Chuckles ]

Tiny is relative!

"I'm Julian McCullough, and I just got knocked out.

Hashtag 'Julian Muckcullough.'"

For more infomation >> Comedy Knockout - Apology: Julian McCullough | truTV - Duration: 1:57.


Jeep Wrangler | WD 40 on BFGoodrich KO2 Tires - Duration: 5:35.

Welcome to mikegolden Games it's finally spring now and as you can see my

tires are really dirty from the winter so I'm gonna be cleaning them up so

here's the product we're gonna be using we're gonna be using the Turtle Wax

wheel and tire clear and wd-40 first we're gonna see how the tire cleaner

does and then I've heard wd-40 is actually really good I'm making the

tires look you know really nice and black and just really clean looking so

anyways here are my tires and as you can see the winter really is rough on your

tires makes them really dirty and just like dirt just grit from the road all

that salt just really makes everything really

nasty looking you can see how dirty these are like let's do this yeah it's

pretty dirty I'm gonna try this Turtle Wax tire clear and see how this is

pull that away we'll just go right into it damn shot look at this shit

child-resistant nozzle to press tab twist open what tab II took this is uh

this is okay we all know how these child locks are they're just for adults that

make them look stupid all right here we go so we're cocked in right and I go

just see how this works oh there we go yes we're just gonna get

it on there we're gonna let it soak for a few minutes I'm not sure how long but

we'll come back in a few minutes after you know just what it's it we'll see

what it looks like let's just get it all on it mmm looks good now this is tire

and wheel cleaners so we are gonna spray it in here as well see how this stuff

works hopefully it works good actually it looks like it's clean them that dirt

up pretty good might be a little hard to see on the camera it should be fine you

can see it's really pulling that dirt off seems like it's doing a really good

job so I'm gonna go around and do this to all the tires so I just gotta finish

spraying the last tire on the other side and as you can see it's just pulling the

dirt off it's looking better already looks like I might need to get some more

up here and then I'm gonna get my hose and wash it off and then we'll see how

they look but all right you could get a cup of water too probably but that'll

take a while so I'm just gonna go you guys all right I got my hose here so

let's go over here and just spray it down

looking pretty good they do have a power washer but that takes a little more time

to set up which I actually did setup yesterday for the first time since you

know last summer or fall

we need to spray some more cuz it's still a little dirty

okay I'm using an iPhone iPhone Ted so I can get it as what as I want it I'm

gonna try not you though just because

that dirt coming off looks like we're gonna need a little more on there but so

far that looks pretty good sprint down one more time hopefully we

can get all the grime off trying to get this back to white the BF goodrich you

know logo or the text used to be white so anyways let's try and get this

sprayed down some more gonna go spray down the other tires is like on this one

still see on the edge there's still some caked on mud so hopefully we can get

this all cleaned off and we'll see what the wd-40 does I'm just gonna use your

quick paper towel and wipe this off really quick see if that works look at

that that is working a lot better okay if you're gonna do this I'd say get a

brush first I didn't get one so I'm just using this paper top I'm just kind of

wipe off the dirt that's on the logo here alright so what I did is I just

kind of wiped it with my hand and that basically made the dirt come off didn't

really stick to my hand either so overall that looks pretty good so now

I'm gonna let it dry for a second here then I'm gonna spray it down with the

wd-40 and that looks got the wd-40 here it's not

completely dry but for the sake of the video I'm just gonna spray it down and

we'll see how it looks so just kind of you know overall just get it what

and let's just spray this whole thing down and see what it looks like what the

entire surface and it's really caked up in here with the road grime and brake

dust even though I am using ceramic brakes you know there's still all the

crap from the road that just gets all caked up onto your tires so it's gonna

need some more cleaning but like I said for the sake of the video let's just do

that and see how it looks and let that sit for a minute and then probably do

one more coat because there is still water on there but overall let's back up

here that looks pretty good I gotta say it looks really nice

alright there we go let her sit for a minute now looking pretty good you'll

see how it is when it dries off alright guys so I'm gonna leave the video here

let me know what you thought in the comments below have a great day guys and

see you next time maybe kids are subscribing if you

haven't already

For more infomation >> Jeep Wrangler | WD 40 on BFGoodrich KO2 Tires - Duration: 5:35.


Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...

For more infomation >> Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...


GetBack - Bezczelny telefon o świcie [NAPISY] - TELEFON z Windykacji #151 - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> GetBack - Bezczelny telefon o świcie [NAPISY] - TELEFON z Windykacji #151 - Duration: 1:44.


Joanna Krupa kłóci się z ukochanym o miejsce ślubu - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Joanna Krupa kłóci się z ukochanym o miejsce ślubu - Duration: 2:42.


Welcome! "o(*^▽^*)o" - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Welcome! "o(*^▽^*)o" - Duration: 1:50.


Entrevista com Caio Carneiro - Duration: 17:29.

For more infomation >> Entrevista com Caio Carneiro - Duration: 17:29.


Maurizio Martina: no a Salvini e Di Maio premier, no ad un percorso con Salvini, Berlusconi e Meloni - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Maurizio Martina: no a Salvini e Di Maio premier, no ad un percorso con Salvini, Berlusconi e Meloni - Duration: 0:40.


O MELHOR EXERCÍCIO PARA PERDER BARRIGA RÁPIDO! (👉Garantido) Como Perder Gordura Abdominal em Casa - Duration: 6:03.

For more infomation >> O MELHOR EXERCÍCIO PARA PERDER BARRIGA RÁPIDO! (👉Garantido) Como Perder Gordura Abdominal em Casa - Duration: 6:03.


Rania de Jordania o cómo ser la más elegante con un look deportivo - [VER DETALLES VIDEO] - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Rania de Jordania o cómo ser la más elegante con un look deportivo - [VER DETALLES VIDEO] - Duration: 2:31.


Joanna Krupa kłóci się z ukochanym o miejsce ślubu - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Joanna Krupa kłóci się z ukochanym o miejsce ślubu - Duration: 2:34.


Caças F-35B do USMC seguirão para o Japão em 2017 - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Caças F-35B do USMC seguirão para o Japão em 2017 - Duration: 1:17.


Rania de Jordania o cómo ser la más elegante con un look deportivo - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Rania de Jordania o cómo ser la más elegante con un look deportivo - Duration: 2:22.


BBB18: Breno e Paula se despedem após passarem o feriado juntinhos - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Breno e Paula se despedem após passarem o feriado juntinhos - Duration: 1:37.


When You Don't Get Nerdy References - Duration: 3:38.

(upbeat music)

- There actually is a cogent argument

for why The First Order is more powerful

than The Empire.

- Okay, hold on, there is no way

that Snoke is more powerful than Palpatine.

- Debatable. Grant, what do you think?

- I haven't seen the new Star Wars.

- No! Fuck you.

- What the hell is wrong with you?

- Learn dork shit.

- Back to the news.

(startling music)

- Grant.

- Me?

- Yes.

- What is this?

- After you.

- After you.

- Okay, well I guess that makes more sense.

- Yeah, I'm definitely gonna follow you, not gonna start in.

(mystical music)

- [Cloaked Figure] Welcome, Grant,

to the Order of the Analog Brotherhood.

- (whispers) What is this place?

- Oh, we're the people who hate all that nerd shit.

- Really? That's great. I thought

I was the only one, I was so lonely.

- Oh no, there's actually a lot of us.

We just hide because we don't wanna be shamed

for not knowing our Harry Potter house.

- I told you, just say Gryffindor, they love Gryffindor.

- Actually, it's Grimbledor.

- Are you sure?

- Yeah, I heard my little cousin talking about it.

- That's the thing! Harry Potter is for little kids.

Why do I have to know it? I'm a man.

(group agrees)

- It's for literal babies.

- It's a lot of books. A lot.

- It's okay, it's okay.

- That's why we created the Order.

So we'd have a place we could go,

where we didn't have to worship

at the alter of Lord of the Rings.

- And talk about anything other

than the annual Spiderman reboot.

- Politics, recipes...

- Cool new condoms.

- The intricacies of little known Civil War battles!

- If you have to.

- And we trade tips we can use to pass.

- Yes, okay, if anyone tries to you about Game of Thrones,

just say "red wedding."

- What's a red wedding?

- No idea. But if you say it,

they'll go into a 10 minute monologue

and you can zone the fuck out.

- It really sets them off. They're like

"Can you believe it? No spoilers! Canon,"

I don't know," I can't.

- Yes, sci-fi and fantasy have come

to dominate pop culture, but here

you can like what you like. Worship as you will.

- So I can say I watched Darkest Hour and I loved it.

- Yeah, and we won't even call you a grandpa.

- How do I find you? Do I get an encrypted message?

Do I follow a trail of symbols?

- Actually we just have a Google group.

- Yeah, I'm the admin, I'll add you.

- Don't forward anything.

- Yeah, I can do that.

- We'll email you about our non-nerd fellowships,

like going to concerts and basketball games.

- Oh yeah, and we'll also talk about all the hot sex

we're having with humans because we're not playing Fallout.

Whatever that is.

- Grant, we're so glad you could join us.

Welcome to the cool kids.

- It's truly an honor to be someplace

where I won't be persecuted for my beliefs.

- Hey, we're gonna go check out a microwave later.

You should come, it'll be dope.

- I can't tonight, I have tickets to Pippin.

(intense music)

- (shouting) You fucking dork!

- Now I'm back to the news.

Hey, it's Grant from College Humor.

Click here to subscribe to the channel,

click here for more fun stuff, and...

Sorry, guys, it feels I'm out. Am I out?

'Cause I can see the top of the camera, so it's...

Is this better?

Alright, it feels worse.

Okay, thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> When You Don't Get Nerdy References - Duration: 3:38.


Últimas notícia de hoje :O eterno retorno do anarquismo - Duration: 8:00.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje :O eterno retorno do anarquismo - Duration: 8:00.





Orange-Spiced Sweet Potatoes – WOW! - Duration: 7:52.

Hello InnerTubers, check it out.

Kind of all fuckin' gourmet this time.

Whaddaya think?

Orange Spiced Sweet Potatoes

with a really fucking gourmet presentation.

You don't have to go all gourmet like I did, and really, it was just for the presentation.

Now this isn't super super easy but it is super super delicious.

One of the cool things about buying butter in sticks

is that it already gives you the measurements.

Four tablespoons of butter.

Now, I don't know what you can use if you're gonna try to veganize this,

but at least it's vegetarian compliant.

I try to have something for everybody.

No unhappy fuckers in GrannyLand.

The second cool thing about having a stick of butter

is you can take some of the paper off

and you can butter your dish this way

without getting that shit all over your fingers.

Oh, and one way to check to see if your dish is completely covered?

Hold it up to the light.

Now I know some of you fuckers are gonna write me back immediately and tell me that you can

melt butter in the microwave.


Go ahead. Do it!

I like to do it this way.

I like to put a little glass bowl in a little bit of water

under a very low heat on the stove.

It just is my way.

Deal with it.

Now is as good a time as any to preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

Yeah, that's fuckin' hot.

So, don't make this in the middle of July if you live in the Northern Hemisphere or

the middle of December if you live in Australia.

Yes, I know there's more to the Southern Hemisphere than Australia, but that's the

one that came to the top of my mind.


I'm gonna check the butter real quick, see how it's doing.

Oh, look.

It's melting so nicely.

Another use for toothpicks is to stir this shit around

without dirtying up a bunch of tools.

You have to peel the sweet potatoes

and then slice them into wedges.

According to the recipe, wedges work best.

I think you could probably do cubes as well.

It's your choice, fuckers.

It is one of those things, however, where size matters.

No big ones and little ones mixed in together.

Everything needs to be about the same size in order to cook evenly.

It's about 2 pounds of sweet potatoes.

Oh, just do your thing and set 'em aside in a bowl.

The recipe called for sweet potatoes and when I bought these at the grocery store, they

looked kinda white.

They're not yams.

Sweet potatoes and yams are two different things.

I really don't care what the fuck you use.

You can use turnips and rutabagas and whatever.

Just deal, all right?

Just let me make my shit and tell me if you like it.

Oh, you see this flexible cutting board?

I LOOVE my flexible cutting board because then you can just scoop the shit right into

the bowl without getting your hands all muckied up.

You can buy that right down below in a link.

And you really only need one unless they come in sets.

Now here's something where you really need a good tool.

This little cutie right here is called a zester.

And you absolutely need one if you're gonna do this right.

I don't know what the fuck you're gonna do if you don't have one of these tools.

The next step in the recipe is to squeeze the juice into a container.

I like this one here because it actually holds the juice for me while I squeeze.

Ohhhh, yeah.

I forgot about how, once you zest an orange and you try to do anything with it, you're

gonna get that shit all over your hands.

So, the next move is to put a paper towel on top of it.

Yeah, fuck yeah.

I can get that handled.

Next step in the recipe is to pour the juice into the zest.

The recipe says 2 full oranges and the juice of one and a half oranges, and the zest of

one whole orange.

So, there you go.

I hope you're writing this shit down, because I'm not gonna put it in the description.

You're grownups. You can do that.

Oh, the pulp that's left behind in the juicer?

You know where that shit goes.

Mmm, yeah.

I know, I do that all the time.

Once you pour the juice into the bowl with the zest, well, break that shit up because

you don't want it all in one bite.

Remember that we're supposed to slice one half of the orange into pretty little slices.

Yeah, isn't that cute?

Look there, my butter is done.

Ohh boy.

This part here is where this recipe really fucked with me.

It calls for honey and that stuff is like molasses.

It doesn't spread well.

It doesn't drip well.

It doesn't do anything well.

One of the tips in the recipe said to spray the spoon with cooking spray

and it will fall right off.

What do you think?

Is that happening?

I don't think so.

And squeezing the container it came in?

That's not for old hands.

I should have thought about maybe heating it up first.

I wonder if that woulda worked.

One teaspoon of vanilla extract: check. Done.

Half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and make sure that the top of the measuring spoon is

smooth against the top of the container.

Now, here's another one where I just had to make do,

and this is how you learn to make do.

I had pumpkin spice in the cupboard,

but I didn't have nutmeg,

so that's what I'm using.

The butter dish is cooled off enough that I can take it out with my bare fingers and

stir it around a little bit before I pour it in the bowl.

Whisk that shit.

Oh my gosh.

This is so interesting.

I thought everything would be all sticky icky with the honey and the juice and the butter,

but it's like salad dressing.

It must be that the orange juice cuts the sticky and cuts the butter and whatever.

You know, this stuff is just whisking up so nice.

And the fragrance.

Oh, my, this is amazing.

Now it's time to combine the potatoes and the sauce and I'm going to use my big-ass

bowl only because it just makes things easier for me and I don't spill.

After I've coated all the potatoes with that amazing mixture, I'm going to transfer

it to two different baking dishes because I wanna save some for home and I wanna take

some for a party.

Oh, look, we'll lay these orange slices on the top, and again, the picture in the

recipe called for puncturing the orange slices with cloves, whatever.

I don't have any and I'm not gonna buy 'em just for this.

So I have some cloves that I can sprinkle.

That's it, guys.

Time to stick this shit in the oven and sit back and wait for about 40 minutes.

Check it at about 30.

We're about 30 minutes right now.

It's time to stir this shit around, make sure that everything is still coated.

Oh, you know what?

I think that 400 degrees is just a little too hot

or else maybe my pan is a little too thin.

I'm not sure, but I'm gonna turn the oven down right now.

Stick it with a fork, fuckers, it's done.

Man, already the aroma has got me in a tizzy.

Actually, I should take a bite right now 'cuz it just came out of the oven.

I'm not generally a sweet potato fan but this looked so fuckin' good in the picture

that I had to.

Oh. My. God!


My. God!


That's all I can tell you is just . . . mmmm . . . I shouldn't be speaking with food

in my mouth.

You guys are gonna love this.

Take the time to make it, okay.

I think if I have this in front of me like this I'll get through all the things I have

to say really quickly so I can take another bite.

Be sure to FOLLOW on the Facebook, and subscribe on the YouTube and check out my Patreon where

you can become a member of my digital family.

And, tinysponsor.

Tinysponsor, thank you so much for helping me with the editors.

Oh, twitter and the instagrammy, do all that, too.

Mmmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmm, mmmmm, mmmmm.

I hate to tell you "gasm" every time I make something but, um, so far I haven't

failed, except for that fuckin' green bean casserole.



I've come back to earth after that last bite and I can't leave without telling you

I love you.

[blows kiss] Granny loves you . . . always.

[background music: "people say I cuss too much, [drums drums drums] but I don't fuckin'


[drums drums drums drums] I don't want borrowed trouble.

I feel good and enjoy the ride.

Surrounded by my favorite people.]

For more infomation >> Orange-Spiced Sweet Potatoes – WOW! - Duration: 7:52.


Gymnastics with Terry Crews | Kevin Hart: What The Fit Episode 9 | Laugh Out Loud Network - Duration: 13:26.

For more infomation >> Gymnastics with Terry Crews | Kevin Hart: What The Fit Episode 9 | Laugh Out Loud Network - Duration: 13:26.


HOLA HOLA: LA VIDA SIN MÓVIL NI TABLET – Cuentos infantiles – CUENTACUENTOS Beatriz Montero - Duration: 4:28.


Hello, Mom - said Lidia.

Hello! said her mother

without looking up from the computer.

Lidia went to see her dad.

Hello, Dad

said Lidia.

Hello -said dad without looking up of his mobile.

Lidia went then to see her little brother.

Hi, Max

said Lidia.

But her brother did not stop looking at the tablet.

Lidia sighed.

The wind opened the house door

and a leaf entered into the room.

Hummm ...

The leaf left the house and Lidia followed it.

Hello, leaf - said Lidia.

The leaf flew around her.

And more leaves came closer to Lydia.

A ladybug began to flutter around her.

Hello, ladybug - said Lidia.

Lydia kept walking and saw a lot of flowers.

Hello, flower - said Lidia.

And the flower opened its petals.

Hello, World!

Lidia shouted running through the field.

On the river she saw a horse drinking water.

Hello …. horse?

Hi, Lidia

replied the horse.

Lydia got on top of the horse and together they toured the field

full of flowers accompanied

by the leaves flying around her,

and the ladybug.

And a deer joined,

Hello, deer.

And a buffalo,

-Hello, buffalo.

And they joined a chicken, a mouse, an orangutan,

an ostrich, a giraffe, and a dinosaur,

a lion, a beaver, a frog, some little fish of colors,

another frog, an octopus,

a bat, an immense whale,

Hello, hello, hello, hello everyone ...

Suddenly Lydia stopped.

Her cell phone was ringing.


- Lidia said.

It was her dad and her mom

They called her worried.

-But where are you?

We are looking for you and we do not see you.

Lydia ran to her house.

There her mother and father were waiting for her.

-Hi, Mom

And Lidia gave her an autumn leaf in exchange for her mobile.

-Hello, Dad

Lidia gave her dad another leaf and turned off his phone.

-Hi, Max.

Lidia gave Max a ladybug in exchange for his Tablet.

Hello, Hello

Her dad, her mom and Max told her.

And they all went out together to walk in the countryside.

They greeted the autumn leaves.

And they toured the flower field.


And they toured the flower field.

Her mom was riding on a giraffe,

her dad on top of the immense whale,

Max on top of the dinosaur

and Lidia on top of the beautiful horse.

Goodbye, phone.



by Matthew Cordell.

Editorial Juventud.

If you liked this video

click on like, thumbs up,

Share it, and leave me a comment.

See you in other videos on my channel.

Do not miss them, and subscribe.

See you soon.

For more infomation >> HOLA HOLA: LA VIDA SIN MÓVIL NI TABLET – Cuentos infantiles – CUENTACUENTOS Beatriz Montero - Duration: 4:28.



Hello guys, welcome back again,

the lock I have for you today is a bit different

As you can see, it's a European profile but it's not a tumbler lock

it does not have chambers, is a wafer lock lock, like those in the mailboxes

this is the key

it's a Cardale lock, I do not know how to pronounce it

is a garage doors British manufacturer

this type of locks, in European profile, are very unusual here

They are usually round locks

that's why I'm going to make the video because it is very unusual to see this profile

and it's fun to pick, it's not a difficult picking, but it's fun to pick, you have to play with the tension

to move the wafers that otherway tend to get stuck and do not move easily

it's cool

It is not a lock that is well made, it does not have good tolerances

I'm very curious to try to pick

a wafer lock with good tolerances, it has to be very interesting to pick it

it does not have to be easy

well I'm going to show you the biting

seven wafers,

As you can see, alternating highs and lows in the back area

in this area they are all regular

it is interesting that the first four wafers

you have to earn them by raising them,

they stand out from bottom part of the plug

and you have to lift them to put them inside the plug

and the last three wafers protrude from the top

and you have to pick them by lowering them

when putting the key, the key lifts the first four

and press down on the last three

that's why, when I pick it, you'll see me picking the first four like that

and then turn the pick and pick the last three this other way

an interesting lock to explore and restore

and as I say, it is not a difficult picking but it is very fun

let's try to pick it

and if we get it, we take it apart

and we see what it has inside

Let's do it

I'm going to use a specific tensioner to this type of locks

It makes it very easy to perform the tension

it´s spring loaded and get stuck very well in the keyway

and a hook from a cheap Chinese kit

the one that he used habitually, that goes very very well

is the one that gives me the most feedback

Let's do it

we zoom

we do tension and we start from front to back

the first four I have to throw up, I have to raise the wafers

let´s try it, first nothing

second nothing

third is binding

make a click

fourth a slight click and a movement, third seems set



it seems that the first four do not give more feedback

I'm going now for the last one

there it is, the seventh

make a click

sixth nothing


there I have to lower the tension to can move it

is the most complicated of this opening, seventh

there it is, and when I returns to play the fifth

it's open

as you see a quick picking

but that requires playing with the tension

is something more complicated than it may have seemed

because if you work with a lot of tension, the plates get stuck, and there's no way to move them

let's take it apart

and we see what it has inside

Let's do it

I'm going to use...

Well, this is what it has inside, this is the plug

as I said, the three of the back

they have the spring on this side

and move in this direction

occupy one of the parts above the plug

and the other has the springs on this other side,

with which one protrude above and others below, and you have to pick them one on one side, and the other on the other

I do not know why they do it like that

it's interesting

and this is what it takes inside

here are the wafers with their springs

they have a relief here, all of them

I do not know if that is intended to make the picking difficult, or simply are constructive

but they are very simple wafers

this nose pushes the spring to go up and down

and this rectangle, through which the key circulates, is placed in a position another, depending on the biting of the lock

in this case it would be like that

Well, this has been the opening and gutting of this Cardale wafer lock

I hope you enjoyed it, that it will be useful and thank you very much for your time


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