What's up guys and welcome to my channel I'm Natalie and I blog at NatalieBacon.com.
New background going on as you can see I just moved in with my cousin I
put my full-time job I moved out in my apartment to cut expenses to a blog
full-time and I'm doing it. I am making it happen so that is actually what
today's the video is about during my moving week which was terrible planning
I launched my first course and I made $5,000 in five days. Now rewind to a last
year at this time and I was making about three grand month. I was working
full-time making 3 grand a month you know which sounds like a lot of extra
side also money but when you have expenses and you pay taxes out of that
and you're really hustling for this money you know it's not that much it's
definitely not enough to live awful time so fast forward to now I am this month
and last month I've made a $14,000 each month. So I'm hoping the momentum keeps
up and I'm going to continue to create courses to try to make that happen.
That's how I made the 5 grand in 5 days last month I launched my first course
Design Your Dream Life Academy. I don't recommend starting a course unless you
have a strategy because I know a lot of people who have launched courses and
they kind of hope and pray that it works and then it doesn't and it's actually
not that the content is bad it's just that it's not going to sell there has to
always be a product to market match so your product has to be wanted by a lot
of people and not only wanted but they have to want to pay for it so it's
really interesting is now that I'm getting better at this I can tell like
pretty quickly someone's idea if it's actually going to
be profitable. I was not born this way I learned that and mostly I learned it
from Six Figure Blogger. You guys have heard me talk about Six Figure Blogger
before what I did was I took that course last summer I have a rule in my life
that I have a one coach one course at a time I don't learn anything else
intentionally during that time and then I implement it all because
otherwise that would just be like a course junkie and that's just passive
action not massive action so I learned everything I passively like listen took
the course I did everything even things that I was like why would I do that but
they're the pros they made a hundred grand last year over that from their
online businesses so I knew better than to listen to myself I implemented
everything from the course and it worked so I'm very excited and I'm very proud
that I can happily promote that course I love Six Figure Blogger. One thing I
will say is that be very strategic when you create a course and always provide
more value than you expect in return. I think this is key you know you want to
price yourself high that's fine then you better freaking over deliver. I have over
95 video lessons in my course it is worth way more than $297
which is what I priced it at and then I had a 40% off discount for
the launch making it $178 so that was a
steal and I know this because it's freaking good I'm very proud of it so
keep that in mind when you create your courses. Creating courses if you've never
done it before sounds daunting to say the least and I will say there's like a
temptation to outsource or to just not do it like that's the two extremes I see
like oh I'm not ready for that or oh I'm gonna pay someone else to do this I
suggest not doing either I think not doing it because you're scared is a
cop-out and if you want to make money online and you want to do it right you
really need to start getting into creating your own courses I also don't
think that you should outsource everything and pay a lot of money
because you won't have the success you will if you do it yourself
now you know if you've created a bunch of courses is already yourself and
they're successful then you outsource you don't start by outsourcing because
too many things need to be changed and fixed and reworked that it will become
unaffordable for you to change and make it profitable if you're always having to
ask someone else to do it. So besides Six Figure blogger I use
many many tools to kind of make this and I just want to run through some so
you know which I use and which I swear by. Convertkit is number one it is the
jam for email marketing it's so good like it's just made for bloggers so if
you're not using Convertkit I don't know what you're doing.
Second is Teachable that's the platform that I post my course on which is the
most affordable and easiest to use highly recommend Teachable I also use
Optin Monster which is the software that allows me to have these exit intent
pop-ups on my blog with images in the background they look very professional
and at Traffic and Conversion Summit earlier this year I learned that images
in your exit intent pop-ups convert much better and I'm seeing that as well so
you can look at NatalieBacon.com and kind of scroll for a little bit and like
try to leave the site and it will pop up you'll see what I'm talking about. Next I
want to talk a little bit about marketing and how the $5,000
in five days was able to happen. If I would have created this exact same
course using the exact same tools and launched it a year ago I would not have
made $5,000. And it's really hard to see why but I really
really want to point it out so that you know what I actually have been doing the
last year and it has been targeting a specific customer a specific audience I
have a new kind of brand - design your dream life - but most importantly besides the
branding it is me serving a new audience. All I've been doing is thinking about my
you know target customer target avatar and finding ways to connect with them
and serve them and provide good customer service and be active in my Facebook
group and really make sure that I'm nurturing my audience in a way that I
know that they love me and they're getting tons of value from me and when
this happens you realize that it's a win-win for everyone. You get to make
money online and you get to give them so much of value and that is something that
if you're not really sure how to do I highly suggest you start listening to
the I Love Marketing podcast from the getting from 2011 listen to least like
the first ten episodes it's a little long each episodes over an hour but
these are like the OGS of marketing and you will learn like everything I mean
I'm not kidding you it just clicked like I get it now I'm not worried about
online anything making money like I get it and it's all marketing and until you
really understand the difference between brand marketing and direct response
marketing I think you're going to struggle to make money and I highly
encourage you to explore direct response marketing more because that is where you
can go become very profitable but you're not going to be that like influencer as
much which I'm totally fine with I always remember the the little phrase
profitability is greater as an popularity and that's what I'm going for.
Okay now I want to talk about the mistakes that I made during my launch
because it was not smooth sailing at all. The first mistake that I made it was not
having my launch email set up and ready to go. I didn't even really know what a
launch was I was launching it I was sending emails out and the end. Okay
let me tell you what a launch is. A launch is when you release your product for a
discounted price over a set amount of days and you are promoting your course
or whatever your product is to your email list for those set days.
That's a launch. When it closes down no exceptions on that last night the end of
the launch is here. Even if like my course is still available for $297 but
anyone who wants to buy it after that launch has to pay full price until the
next sale. So when you have that launch you want to make sure like you are
living and breathing that product you want to make sure you are answering
customer emails you want to be active with your Facebook group you really want
to be engaging with your audience even more than normal not only that to which
I didn't know you want to have your launch emails ready to go you want to
have them set for every single day most likely depending on how long your launch
it and then I've been told by Alex Nerney from Six Figure Blogger that you
want to have two to three emails drop that last day to your list. I
only had a one email go out that last day to my list and each of the days of
my launch I was kind of like scrambling to write an email because I was moving
here poor planning but you know I learned a lot and I highly encourage you
to have a better launch plan than I did. The second mistake I made was that my
email list was really built when I was writing more about budgeting and
nickel-and-diming kind of that frugal living so a lot of
people on my list are from that era of my business now personal development and
designing your dream life and making money online is like a totally different
audience and I will say that my sales probably suffered because of that and I
probably would have made a lot more if I had the right people on my list. So the
next six months I'm going to be focusing hard core I'm building that list with
the right people the third mistake I made was creating and promoting content
during my launch like why did I do that I don't know I did my normal YouTube
video on a Thursday and I sent it out and even though it was a money mindset
video which was is a lesson and the bonus module of the course it still
wasn't really related to my course at all so looking back I will not do that
again in the future you only want to create content during the launch if it
specifically relates to the product you are launching. The fourth mistake I made
of not putting a time zone on the end of my sale I just said at midnight which is
great if you are the East Coast like me not so great if you are on the west
Coast so I did honor anyone who emailed me you know Sunday night trying to buy.
By the way you guys are procrastinators not you I'm sure everyone else.
I've not realized how many people need to wait into the last second to buy. My
mind doesn't work like that I buy right away if I'm going to buy or I just don't
buy. The rest of the world waits until the very last minute and then they buy
so that last day those last hours matter a ton. Which let me bring up another
point not really mistake but kind of a catastrophe was something was wrong with
the Teachable server for a few hours on Sunday night which
was the last day and last hours of my course it was bad. What this meant was
that several people tried to buy multiple times and they couldn't and
then my payment processor was blocking those at saying that they were
fraudulent because there are multiple attempts and then they couldn't get in
and it was just bad it was like not what you want your customers have to go
through but it worked out ok you know I honored everyone's requests to buy who
emailed me and I you know was always emailing with them responding to emails
like making sure I was on top of it but it still was not great. The last thing
that went wrong is during the creation of the course I spilled hot water on my
laptop. Yep. I drink hot water just straight hot water because it keeps me
warm and I spilled it all over my laptop and I had to go buy a new one and I am
so glad I had the iCloud backed everything up so I actually thought
everything was fine besides seeing out the money. It wasn't fine because
the new computer that is so brilliantly like designed is such a clearer screen
that the color of the slides in my presentations looked so different than
the color from the old computer which would be fine if I was just re-saving
and redownloading the slides but it actually turned out that I had to
re-record all of the audio. This is just a long way
of saying that things are going to go wrong and you just gotta suck it up and
take a deep breath and just push forward. It's really the only way to make it
happen and I think that you have to get in the mindset that it's your
responsibility to do this and that's how you get 5 grand in 5 days you don't get
it by outsourcing you don't get it by not doing it. You just get it by like you
know having that grit having that resilience and going all in and making
it happen for yourself despite the things that come up and the hot water
that you spill. Ok the final point that I want to make is about email marketing
and sequencing so I $5k in five days from my blog. I
made this money from launching an online course and how I really did that
was selling to my email list. If you really look at the nuts and bolts on it
of it I sold this course to my email list and they bought it and ahead
affiliates too. But it's not just like I had an email list who I hadn't talked to
in a year or in months and just said hey buy this. I have completely changed my
marketing strategy to direct response marketing instead of brand marketing and
I am so engaged with my subscribers. I am so engaged with my Facebook community
I'm so engaged with my readers that we have a relationship and I'm constantly
trying to serve them so when I sell to them they want to buy so I have nurtured
that relationship they like me they know me they trust me. And how that happens is
you have a sequence of events. I love the dating analogy I first heard it in s
Six Figure Blogger. I've since heard it on I Love Marketing podcasts and a few
other marketing podcasts. The analogy is to dating
if someone met you and asked you to go home with them right away you would
maybe slap them or just turn and run away someone meet you to actually go
home with them like that's a no it's a hard no it's just not going to happen
but if someone meets you and starts chatting with you and after you go out
for a cup of coffee and then get your number and maybe you got to dinner and
you know months of dating or whatever you know it takes time you get to know
them you get to like them you get to trust that and then that you have the sale.
Whether it's a relationship or going home with them or getting married
like it's a progression of a sequence and if you rush that sequence in dating
in life and marketing you will not get the sale. So you have to be clear about
what your sequence is and what your end goal is. If you're if you don't have an
end goal like it's going to be hard to make money online I just put that out
there. So my end goal was like selling this course okay so I had to take that
angle and work backwards. That is the secret
because then you can figure out what the sequence is. So I have someone goes to my
blog you know they search something on Google or YouTube or Pinterest they find
my blog they read my blog and then they see a freebie they sign up for a freebie
they get something super valuable from me another on my email list then I send
them five to ten days of more content that is just valuable content. I invite
them to reply I communicate with them I build a relationship with them they join
my facebook group we're talking we're getting to know each other recording
right and then I might offer them a sale down the road. You know so I'm constantly
just giving to them, and I'm telling you that is when you receive. I love the zig
Zigler quote where he says "you can get everything you want in life if you will
just help enough other people get what they want." And that right there is the
secret to how I made up $5,000 in five days from my blog. I will
link up everything that I talked about if you would please subscribe it would
help me out and then I can deliver more content to you and I will see you in the
next video I thank you so much buh bye!
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