I'm chef Mike Moses and welcome to my kitchen coming up steak au poivre and
they can't have steak au poivre without peppercorns yeah let's go with
peppercorns thank you because without peppercorns it's not steak au poivre it
can't be Archer vibe like definition so we're
gonna make a beautiful steak au poivre coming up
steak au poivre is a very decadent dish to make it's a steak with pepper sauce
and to do that we're going to need some special ingredients we're going to need
first of all a very nice piece of steak we're going to need some demi glass some
peppercorns a little bit of cognac shallots butter a little bit of heavy
cream and of course some grapeseed oil normally I would use olive oil but I
need a high heat for this and olive oil smoke point is very low so we're gonna
use some grapeseed oil to get a nice crust on the steak with our steak first
thing we want to do is trim it now as you can see from the steak here it's
room temperature by the way you get a have your steak at room temperature
there's a line of bristle that goes all along the back and I want to remove that
there we have a beautiful piece of steak now we're not gonna throw this gristle
out because I want the fat we have our steak prepared and we have our fat now
we need the peppercorns what the peppercorns and I'll move other things
here so I don't spill them if you have a spice mill you can use that if you don't
you can ground them up in a mortar and pestle put in my peppercorns and start
grinding away you want a rough grind on them I have a mixture of peppercorns
here I have some red pepper corns and some green peppercorns our pepper is
ground so now before we get our steak ready let's get our cast-iron frying pan
up to temperature as with any meats you want to season
so we'll do the salt
and the peppercorns
put them right over top run them around press them in and bring them to the
bottom press them in what you want is a nice pepper cording
and that's gonna form a really nice crust
don't forget the edges our steak is now crusted depending upon the thickness of
your steak you may only would put it on the frying pan for three minutes aside
for medium-rare the frying pan is uh it's just getting warm the pans at
medium-high now we're gonna turn the heat up to high so we can get it nice
and hot and I'm also gonna add my grapeseed oil but a teaspoon may be a
little bit more not quite hot enough yet okay I have some smoke coming so I'm
gonna add the fat
and then I'm gonna add my stake remember always away from you and I'm not gonna
touch it that snakes gonna go for three minutes
and I'm not going to touch it fat is rendering off from the bits and
pieces that I cut out as well the steak is getting a nice crust on it this is
important because when we make our out flop sauce we're gonna use the drippings
and everything else out of this out of this pan alright that's looking gorgeous
flip it over another three minutes and the reason I got the tin foil and the
plate out you have to let your meat rest after let it rest for at least at least
ten minutes okay I would say we have a nice medium-rare and put the steak
on the pan had a butter on the steak and we're gonna cover it with some tinfoil
that has to rest for ten minutes I've reduced my heat down to medium-low
probably wondering what this is for I'll show you in a moment
and I'm also going to take out the other bits take out the fat if you have a dog
let this cool down and you'll love you for it okay so now we have to deglaze
the pan and first of all we use about a quarter of a cup of demi-glace
then we had our con yak away from the eat and we'll flambe it
there that burns off all the alcohol
a - Alex
and our clean
and what we want our cream to do is reduce down to half and you'll be able
to tell when it will coat the back of a spoon at this time it also does not hurt
the season a little bit salt and you don't need to
put pepper in because there's already pepper there just keeping an eye on my
keeping an eye on my temperatures but I don't want my cream to burn and here's
how to tell if your sauce is done back here spoon if you can take your finger
and go food and it doesn't come together it's done o-hall boy does that ever
taste cool okay turn the heat off on that remove it from
the heat oh boy doesn't that look good
doesn't that look good now you can serve it this way if you like just as the
whole steak on the plate or you can slice it I think what I'm going to do is
slice it bhana
pour your drippings back on the pan never hurts
Plus that adds some more butter you probably can't see that but that's just
take my steak and we'll take our a plop sauce and there you have steak au poivre
Archer style with the side of risotto if you liked this video please don't forget
to give me a thumbs up and that folks videos like this every week so please
subscribe also if you'd like more information head over to my blog the
personal chef blog where I post this recipe that you can print off thank you
very much for watching I look forward to helping you cook better eat healthier
and shop smart
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