# 204 Curves and Advanced by R's
No, it's not these ...
Now is when I remove the stickers ...
I give way to colleagues ...
Yes, ALL greeting!
Send me a postcard when you arrive!
See you in the next chapter!! Vsssss
Il n'y a que 7 sortes d'âmes dans le monde. Laquelle est la vôtre ? - Duration: 5:02.-------------------------------------------
Felipe y Letizia, primera escapada a la ópera como reyes - Duration: 2:30.-------------------------------------------
Alejandra Rubio promociona el disco de María Teresa Campos y Edmundo Arrocet - Duration: 1:30.-------------------------------------------
NINJA | Draw My Life ¿El mejor jugador de Fortnite del mundo? - Duration: 4:58.-------------------------------------------
My 5 Favorite Art Supplies - Duration: 2:18.My most used medium is watercolors
I use Windsor Newton's palette as they have intense pigments and also let me create translucent layers
As you may notice in my work
I don't always use translucent,
and adding Higgins waterproof drawing ink
helps me create
matte an opaque layers on my painting
For my favorite details gold and silver ink
by Winsor & Newton are my obsession.
It's made with bronze suspended in a gum solution
to create the perfect balance of thickness to make intense colors,
but watery enough to be used
with brush and fountain pens
Teeny tiny brushes are a must of my type of work
Princeton is my favorite brand as it's very consistent
precise and affordable
I've made a whole video on pens,
but I have to mention rapidographs
as they are one of my favorite tools out there
They reach very tiny sizes and have a long life of usage
Which makes them eco-friendly
my favorite brands are Rotring and Koh-i-Noor
NO HAY NADIE MAS - SEBASTIAN YATRA - YANNIS GOMEZ Ft CESAR BUITRAGO - COVER - Duration: 3:05.-------------------------------------------
Chico Bandana - Gucci Versace [ Latin Trap Video Oficial ]. 🎩 - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
¿Final para la relación de Shakira y Piqué? - Duration: 3:46.-------------------------------------------
Mónica Antonópulos y Marco Antonio Caponi fueron padres: nació Valentino - Duration: 2:36.-------------------------------------------
Últimas noticias de Catalunya, Puigdemont y el Parlament - Duration: 5:58.-------------------------------------------
Arriesgarse William Arthur Ward - Voz Feneté - Eng. Subs. - Duration: 2:03.
To laugh is to risk appearing the fool,
To weep is to risk being called sentimental.
To reach out to another is to risk involvement.
To expose feelings is to risk showing your true self.
To place your ideas and your dreams before the crowd is to risk being called naive.
To love is to risk not being loved in return,
To live is to risk dying,
To hope is to risk despair,
To try is to risk failure
But risks must be taken,
because the greatest risk in life is to risk nothing.
The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing.
He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn,
feel, change, love or be alive.
Chained by his certitude, he is a slave;
he has forfeited his freedom.
Only the person who risks
is truly free.
Thanks for watching. Share it
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Sánchez y la vía Brown - Duration: 1:43.-------------------------------------------
El juez Llarena saca la artillería con Rovira y Gabriel para evitar la extradición fallida - Duration: 5:48.-------------------------------------------
Alan Tacher nos da tour detrás de cámaras de su nuevo programa - Duration: 4:29.-------------------------------------------
Today, I'm going to be creating
a very fun, colorful, spring look.
I can't wait.
It's going to be a super simple, easy tutorial,
and let's get into it.
So the product I'm going to be working with today
are the Justice Holographic Shimmer Stick,
in the strawberry scent.
I thought this was really cool.
This is the Shimmer Fruit Punch Flavored Lip Gloss,
but in like a lipstick form.
How cool is that?
Like, that's crazy cool.
Okay, next we have the Holographic,
next and last, sorry,
we have the Holographic Sparkle Just Shine Eyeshadow Palette
and it has a bunch of sparkly colors.
I can't wait to work with this,
and let's get into the tutorial.
Okay, so it comes with the little applicator,
and I'm going to be using that today.
Wow, there's so many colors, what do I want to start with?
So, I'm going to go in with this middle color right here.
There are no names,
but I'm just going to go with the middle color.
And we're going to apply that,
I'm going to apply that to my brow bone,
and blend it out with my fingers.
Just like that.
Oh, it looks really good.
Now, what do I want to do?
I want to do something really bright, colorful,
we're going to go in with this hot pink,
it's right next to the color we were just using.
It's like the brightest color ever.
We're going to go in with that right next to it,
and we're going to put that on the lids.
Oh, so it's like, it's like glitter on top,
but when you get into it, it's like shimmer.
If that makes sense.
This reminds me of Easter, 'cause it's like a pastel color.
That's super cool.
All righty.
This is bright, I'm loving this.
I literally love this.
Now, what I want to do, I want to do something with blue.
So, I'm going to take this bright blue over in the corner.
What do I want to do with this though?
I think I just want to put this on my outer corner.
Just like that.
And we can
blend it in.
Oh, we can wing it out.
There we go.
Literally, this is so cool,
but it's not blue anymore, it's kind of purple,
which is okay.
Now, we're going to move on to this,
this is honestly probably like my favorite.
This Shimmer Stick.
Hmm, smells so good.
Let me put this on my arm first.
So like, we could use this as like,
we don't have a blush, so let's use this as a blush,
and it doubles as a highlighter 'cause it's like a balm.
I don't know why I put that on my lips, but it works.
Oh, so it's like a tinted balm.
Is is a balm?
It's a Shimmer Stick, so we can use it as a blush,
and it looks really cool.
That's cool, and my cheeks smell good now .
Now, we're going to go in
with this Shimmer Fruit Punch Flavored Lip Gloss.
Okay, so this is a lip gloss.
Okay, so it's not in a lipstick form,
it's like it's a lip gloss, but like it's like a lipstick,
ugh, how do I explain this?
You guys will see it in a second, but gotcha.
Well, gotcha.
It has this
gorgeous gold tint to it.
Like literally,
I love this.
So this is the finished product, I love it so, so, so much.
I had so much fun hanging out with you guys,
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
If you did, make sure to give it a thumbs up,
and subscribe to the Justice channel,
for more awesome videos.
See you next time, bye.
Sin Dudas esto te Sera Util - Duration: 11:38.-------------------------------------------
EL HOMBRE ENAMORADO DE LOS PÁJAROS -Chelovek ukhodit za ptitsami- de Khamrayev 1975 ruso y sub espa - Duration: 1:27:24.-------------------------------------------
Maze Runner: The Death Cure-------------------------------------------
Understanding Killing In The Name - Duration: 8:28.hey welcome to 12tone!
Rage Against the Machine once shut down the New York Stock Exchange while filming a music
video illegally.
that has very little to do with the rest of this video, but it's an amazing story and
besides, intros are hard.
anyway let's talk about their first single, Killing In The Name.
it starts by playing this (bang) four times in a row, and while it looks a bit daunting,
it's actually just a big power chord.
power chords are chords with just two distinct notes: the root, in this case D, and the 5th,
A, and this is just those two notes played in three different octaves at once.
harmonically, then, this isn't doing much: it's just telling us that we're probably in
the key of D. but the harmony isn't the point.
using such a large voicing and letting it ring for such a long time sets the stage for
what's to come: it's big, dramatic, and in your face.
it's not trying to do anything complicated, it's just punching you in the face with sound.
next we get the bass playing this (bang) and the note choices here are interesting.
we've got a D and an Eb, but, well, this seems like a long way to go, doesn't it? if we're
already on this D then there's an Eb right next door.
if we'd used that one instead, we'd get this (bang) where the two notes are a half-step
apart, which is a really common technique for creating tension and fear.
you're probably most familiar with it from the soundtrack to Jaws, where it's the main
theme for the shark.
but they don't do that.
instead the bass jumps up an octave to the next Eb, creating an interval called a minor
9th. so… why?
well, large leaps are often associated with a sense of power and openness, and by using
a minor 9th they get to tap into some of that without losing the tension from the half-step
you still feel the dissonance, but you also get a sense of strength to go along with it.
it's a really effective result from just two notes.
then the guitar comes in, playing this over the riff.
(bang) the first half is the same thing as before, but where things get really interesting
is when the bass goes to Eb. these two notes are the 7th and 3rd degrees of an Eb minor
7 chord, while these two notes are the 7th and 3rd of Eb major 7.
the 3rd and 7th degrees of a chord are called its guide tones, because they're the most
important notes in defining that chord's quality, so seeing two conflicting pairs of guide tones
here makes a strong statement that there really isn't any recognizable harmony, or at least
that whatever harmony there is is at war with itself.
that point is driven home by the rhythm, or rather, rhythms: the guitar is playing 4 evenly
spaced notes in the same time it takes the bass to play 3. this is a little hard to hear
on the original song because I'm pretty sure they recorded it without a metronome so the
rhythms aren't always perfectly synchronized, but the overall effect is what's called a
polyrhythm, where two different pulses are played at the same time, and it creates an
even stronger sense of conflict.
they also occasionally play this (bang) where the G is a bit more emphasized, but the same
basic analysis still applies.
after cycling through some variations on that theme, we wind up in the verse, which sounds
like this (bang) and the first thing to address is the tempo, because we've slowed down pretty
this is what's called a metric modulation, where we shift from one tempo to another,
related one.
but tempos are just numbers, what does it mean for them to be related?
well, here's what a quarter note sounds like in the intro tempo, (bang) and here's what
a quarter note triplet sounds like in the new one.
(bang) it's the same pulse, we've just changed what that pulse represents.
anyway, to understand the notes here, we have to do what's called a reduction, which is
where you strip away all the bells and whistles to look at the riff's skeleton, and I think
that skeleton goes something like this: (bang) it doesn't sound nearly as cool, but it does
a good job showing us what's happening.
we're sitting on D for most of the bar, then stepping up to E and dropping back down.
this is a fairly common approach to riffs: you're building motion not from harmonic relationships,
but from simple proximity.
we get a sense of rising and falling because the notes are literally rising and falling.
so why do I think this is the right reduction?
well, let's look at our original riff. the first three beats of the bar are mostly playing
either a high or a low D, especially in prominent rhythmic spots like beat 1 and beat 3. and
even when there's other notes, they're mostly C and F, the guide tones for D minor 7.
the only thing that stands out is this F#, which is a brief allusion to another tonality,
but given that nothing else supports it there, it mostly just sounds like a piece of dissonant
then we get to beat 4, and see this (bang) which is a classic device called a trill,
where we start on one note, step away, then quickly step back.
trills are mostly just decoration too, so we can pretty safely reduce this beat to just
one sustained E.
next comes the prechorus (bang) which should sound fairly familiar: the start of this riff
(bang) is borrowed directly from the verse. it's the exact same thing, it's just instead
of completing the whole riff, they jump up to this high B. then they do it again with
a Bb, and finally an A. this gives us that same foundation on D that we saw earlier,
but with an added descending line on top to create another bit of motion.
then we end on this (bang) which feels to me like an elaborated version of the trill
we saw earlier, and again I think this can be boiled down to just an E. this gives us
the same D, D, D, E structure we had in the verse, just spread out over twice as long.
then we hear this (bang) which is the same thing but we end on C instead.
much like E is the note above D, C is the note below, so this creates a pretty similar
sense of motion, just in the opposite direction.
that leads us into the chorus (bang) which, as you can hear, is pretty simple.
it's just D. the guitar starts scratching after a bit, which is where you mute the strings
with your hand so all you get is a short, percussive hit, but beyond that, it's just
the one note.
there's still something interesting going on here, though: the rhythm.
they've switched to what's called swung 16ths, where each pair of 16th notes gets stretched
a bit, with the first one becoming longer and the second becoming shorter so they resemble
16th-note triplets.
this gives it a slightly more bouncy feel, which lets the vocals carry a bit more interest
during the long silences from the rest of the band.
then we go to this (bang) which is an elaborated version of that chorus line, featuring a cool
walk-up at the end.
this seems to be drawn from D minor pentatonic (bang) which is a simplified version of the
D minor scale that drops a couple of the more complex notes.
it skips the A, though, giving us a larger leap from G to C, which helps propel us back
to the start of the riff.
then we get to the solo.
I'm gonna be brief here 'cause understanding a Tom Morello solo requires a lot of talk
about guitar tones and, honestly, that's not my area of expertise, but I can talk about
the note choices.
he starts by playing a descending line, again, in D minor pentatonic.
(bang) he uses what's called a whammy pedal, which shifts the notes he's playing up by
two octaves, giving them a shrill, squealing sound that he switches on and off throughout
the line to give it more motion.
the first time through, he ends by jumping up to A, the 5th degree of the scale, while
the second time he just steps up to D. as we mentioned, these two notes are the most
stable notes in the key, so ending on them helps ground the solo before moving forward.
after that he starts playing some trills, first on a high C, then dropping down to a
low A. C is one of the more colorful notes in D minor pentatonic, and then A is, again,
very stable, so the two give a bit of contrast without leaving the confines of the scale.
then we end with this (bang) where we have D, the root, which steps up to E, the second.
this breaks from the minor pentatonic sound, reintroducing us to the full minor scale before
going to Ab, the tritone. this is especially interesting because it's at the very end of
the solo, where we'd expect resolution, but instead we get probably the most dissonant
available note, which denies us a chance to rest before moving into the next section.
speaking of which, that section is a really long, slow build that sounds incredibly busy,
but at its heart, it's really just playing this: (bang) yeah, it's a walk up the D minor
again, though, harmonic complexity isn't what they're trying to do here.
the rising line, coupled with the frantic strumming on the guitar, the chaotic, almost
random drum fills, and the lyrics I'm not gonna repeat because 12tone is a family show,
create a constantly building sense of tension in a way that's immediately recognizable.
and that's pretty much it.
the rest of it is just that embellished chorus riff again, then we end with this (bang) which
calls back to the intro.
I think this song is a great example of how writing with riffs can be a completely different
animal than traditional harmonic models, and I had a lot of fun trying to wrestle with
it, so hopefully you learned something too.
anyway, thanks for watching, and thanks to Patreon patron Skylar J Eckdahl for suggesting
this song! if you'd like to see your favorite song analyzed, just head on over to Patreon
and pledge at any level.
you can also check out our store, join our mailing list, like, share, comment, subscribe,
and keep on rockin'.
Gaming for Everyone: Women in Gaming Rally Power Up Lunch Welcome - Duration: 13:24.>> I'm first.
So, I'm Jolie Menzel, up there.
I am the Lead Narrative Designer
at Ubisoft San Francisco.
There is a Ubisoft San Francisco.
I was the lead on South Park: The Fractured But Whole,
if anyone play that.
I've been in the industry for about seven years now.
And I love it because I get to tell
stories and help other people tell stories,
and just empower people to do that,
and use the medium to talk about themselves,
and about the world. Yeah. Who's next?
>> Hi, everyone. My name is Crystal Sanchez.
I'm a Principal PM at Xbox.
I'm also part of the Women In Gaming Leadership Team.
I've been in gaming for 14 years.
I started my career in
a very small start-up studio in Santa Cruz, California.
I'm a Bay Area native,
so it's really nice to be home from Seattle.
And I worked 12 years at
EA and I started in game development
on The Godfather which was our first E M-rated,
open world game, and then I worked on the Sims
which was awesome because it was like 50% women.
So yeah, that was super fun and I really am inspired
by all of you in what we're doing in our industry today.
I feel like there's not a better time to be a woman
and a woman of a diverse background than right now today.
So, I look forward to everything that you guys build and
create as we move forward in gaming.
>> Hi, I'm Farah Ali from Electronic Arts.
I'm a Senior Director of Engineering.
I've been in gaming for about three years,
but I've been a gamer my whole life.
And I'm particularly inspired by my dad,
because he, from a very young age,
introduced me to gaming,
and gave me the freedom to pick and choose,
and be inspired by games as a way to develop.
I think there's culturally also
something that wasn't seen around me.
I grew up in Pakistan,
and so I think that that's
something that really triggered my passion.
I'm really excited to be here,
really excited to share my experience,
really excited to hear from all of you.
So, thank you for having me.
>> Thank you. I'm Samantha Ryan
and I'm a Group GM over at Electronic Arts.
I have BioWare, Maxis,
and I have all our mobile studios under me.
I've been in the industry,
I'm an old timer for almost 25 years,
and yes long time.
And I don't know if anybody will remember this one,
but my first game as
a producer was a little game called No One Lives Forever.
Anybody remember that old schoolers?
Back in the day, I worked
at Monolith which was an independent developer,
and I started as a producer,
worked my way up to
the head and worked there for 10 years.
Then, I went to Warner Bros. and ran all of
their studios for about eight years
and I've been at EA for three years.
And I'm super happy to be here.
I love interacting with people
that are new in the industry,
and love sharing my stories,
and helping them wherever I possibly can. So, thank you.
>> Hi. I'm Katie Stone Perez and I'm the Director of
Mixer Interactive and Developer Success.
So, Mixer is our game broadcasting platform
at Microsoft if you're not familiar with it.
I actually got to join Xbox 17 years ago.
So, if you remember Fuzion Frenzy at all,
that was the very first game I worked on.
So, my background is a little different.
I actually have my degree in child psychology.
So, I didn't realize I would find
myself in the video game industry,
but I have loved it,
specifically the creativity that
we got to bring into our jobs every day.
And I've had the opportunity to really
be in the incubation space a lot.
So, I help create the Xbox Live,
Xbox Live Arcade products,
if you guys are familiar with
that digital gaming downloads.
Very cool, some fans back there.
Geometry Wars came from that,
just so you know, some good ones,
lots of Behemoth and all that stuff.
And then additionally, I've gotten to help do
other technology in an incubation,
so including helping work on Kinect and then HoloLens.
I helped run the day-to-day publishing of
ID@Xbox for several years,
and then now getting to do Mixer.
So, it's super exciting for me to get to be here.
One of my passion area is especially
I think having that psychology background
is actually really growing people and getting
more women specifically into technology.
So, congratulations.
Thank you for just showing up to be here.
You guys are in an amazing room full of other peers,
so I just look forward to
the conversations today. Thanks.
>> Hi. I'm Helen Chiang and
I head up the Minecraft Studio.
I've been in Xbox for 11 years.
I always hate saying that because it
dates me on how old I am,
especially looking around the room with so many young,
fresh faces of people just talking at
my table with people who are here at
GDC for the first time.
I'm so excited to see all the women in
this room and all of the supporter of women in this room.
I'm incredibly passionate about girls being in games.
I have two young daughters,
and so when I think about what motivates me,
and why I'm here is to show them about
what girls can do, and so that's why I'm here.
And so thank you for all
participating in the Women in Gaming Rally,
and I'm excited for
everybody that I'm going to meet today.
>> Hi, everyone. I'm Shannon Loftis.
Thank you.
I was there at the first dinner.
Kiki was there, Bonnie Ross, Laura Fryer,
Heather Burgess, and that was 18 years ago,
and we decided it was the most sane moment of the,
I think it was E3 at that point, right?
When E3 was in Atlanta.
And the next year,
we decided that we would each invite
a friend to see whether or not there was any uptake,
and we had so many people interested.
We had to reserve an entire restaurant,
and we knew then that we had something that
was much bigger than just a few friends
getting together for dinner before a primarily masculine,
and at the time like horribly, horribly sexist event.
So, I look around
this room and I consider the fact that it's
a full day of WIG rally and my mind is completely blown.
I cannot think Angela Hession, Jem Panetton,
Nicole Fawcett, Shelley, like there are
just so many incredible people who put
so much time and effort into pulling this together.
And the thing that makes me most proud
this year is the fact that it is not
just a Microsoft-only event that there are Ubisoft,
like we have other corporate sponsors which is wonderful.
Broadening this to make it industry wide,
and then I'm just going to throw it out there.
Right now, there's two organizations, WIGI and WIG.
My goal is to bring those together as well.
There's no reason for us to be separate.
So anyway, I'm super excited for today.
Thank you all for coming.
Thanks for bringing your energy,
and thanks for being in the industry,
and stay in the industry.
>> Hi. I'm Anat Shperling from Toya. I'm super excited.
I'm not a native speaker,
so I'm going to read.
I'm not from the US.
I'm from Tel Aviv in Israel.
Yes, I know we face the same challenges.
I feel it's a pivotal moment where we can rise and
move forward from reasons we all share and aware of.
I've been working for the advancement of women in
the film industry in my country for more than 15 years.
And we have made
a significant change in the representation of women
from three percent to
almost 30 and with budgets accordingly,
with hard work of the parliament.
I believe this shift is
happening in the gaming industry as well.
I have co-founded Toya two years ago.
And we are two female entrepreneurs.
Toya is a content creator developing games and media,
all inspired by the stories of
exceptional women who changed
and keep changing our world.
We want to make her voice heard, and for us,
Minecraft is the perfect game to implement all this as
it encourages you to
explore without boundaries in a safe environment.
I'll be happy to talk to all of you about challenges,
and successes, and failures I've had. Thank you.
>> Hello, everyone. I'm Stephanie Perotti.
And as you can maybe guess by my accent,
I'm French. I'm from Ubisoft.
I've been in the gaming industry
with Ubisoft for more than 20 years.
And today, I'm adding online services,
but also casual games division.
So, we are developing
brands such as Just Dance, Mario + Rabbids,
and a lot of cool things
that's fits pretty well within all,
more traditional, Triple A portfolio.
So, I'm very excited by that actually and
by making that switch every day
between online services and
casual and making sure that we can also
bring with all creations but also
all services or players closer to what we do,
and I would say that's probably the thing and the
most passionate about what they do today,
is how we build an inclusive community and as
we bridge on the gap
between all developers and all players.
I'm super happy to be there and
I'm expecting great discussions with all of you.
>> Hi. I'm Kiki Wolfkill.
I'm the Studio Head for- ahh,
that's so sweet, thank you, -for Halo Transmedia,
and what that is it's really how we expand
the universe and create stories and
experiences that allow players and viewers to
engage with Halo outside of the games,
and really thinking about how we build
emotional connection with the universe and
our characters in different ways.
I've been in game development for over 20 years.
The entertainment side of it,
it's a little bit new for me,
over the last years, which
has been an exciting challenge.
But I'm really passionate about storytelling.
I'm really passionate about
the idea of shared experiences,
and how people connect with each other,
and with story, and games, and I love gaming.
So, this has always been my favorite part of GDC.
It's so energizing for me personally both
because I get to see
all these fabulous ladies once a year,
but also because this room has so much potential.
And when I think about what we can do as an industry,
the power of all of you is so palpable, and so important.
And so for me, I always come out of this,
really sort of energized
about what we can all do together.
So, thank you. I look forward to our conversations.
>> Hello.
Hi. I'm Cierra McDonald.
I am a Program Manager for a group called Xbox ATG.
Thank you.
And so we work closely with
game developers to help them make their games,
help them get their games working
successfully on our platforms.
And specifically, I work on game developer education.
So, I've been on this team for about six months.
Before that, I'd been in various parts of
Xbox, most recently Achievements.
And I've been at Microsoft for 14 years,
in Xbox for nine and a half.
And one of the things that really inspires me, I guess,
about being in the game industry is
that time before I came into the industry myself,
I actually didn't really know what it
meant to work on games.
I thought it was graphics and AI,
and I was like, "I don't want to do either of
those, so no thanks."
So, I just played games,
but then once I joined Xbox,
I actually came through doing marketplace stuff,
because I previously worked on payment systems.
And so, then I was like, "Oh my God!"
There are so many jobs in the game industry,
and so many opportunities
for people definitely in engineering,
but even in non-engineering things.
So, that's one of the things that's important to me is to
help bring that awareness to other people,
other women, young girls,
to show them that
whatever it is you're interested in doing,
there's probably space for you
in the game industry to do it,
so come on over here.
So, I look forward to meeting you guys.
Thank you.
Sorry - Halsey ( Cover by Janjus) | My way of saying sorry - Duration: 2:06.Ηello guys
Today i am doing this short video
to say sorry
in my way
to a person that i hurt
so i hope that will inspire you
to do the same
say sorry to the people that u care about
and dont put ur ego first
I've missed your calls for months it seems
Don't realize how mean I can be
Cause I can sometimes treat the people
That I love like jewelry
'Cause I can change my mind each day
I didn't mean to try you on
But I still know your birthday
And your mother's favorite song
So I'm sorry to my unknown lover
Sorry that I can't believe that anybody ever really
Starts to fall in love with me
Sorry to my unknown lover
Sorry I could be so blind
Didn't mean to leave you And all of the things that we had behind
this is my freestyle xD . . " I wanted to say.. Iam so sorry today... "
I realize my mistake.. I hope you do the same * for you guys.. *
Steven Gerrard explains why he left Liverpool for 'challenge' at Rangers - Duration: 5:22.Steven Gerrard explains why he left Liverpool for 'challenge' at Rangers
Steven Gerrard is confident his ability will outweigh his inexperience as he vowed to meet the challenge of being Rangers manager head on.
The 37-year-old dismissed claims his appointment on a four-year contract was a risk and welcomed the intense pressure that will come with his high-profile introduction to management.
The former Liverpool captain got a special feeling when given the opportunity to speak to Rangers and decided the time was right to quit his role as Anfield Under-18s coach and take a leap of faith.
Gerrard, who confirmed Gary McAllister as his assistant, said: I have confidence in myself, in my ability.
I have weighed the gamble up and the risk and I understand other people thinking it is because it is my first job in management, but I have confidence in myself that I can deliver for these supporters.
That's the only thing that matters to me: do I think I can do a good job as the manager of Glasgow Rangers? In my mind, it's yes.
I love a challenge.
My parents brought me up in life to always front a challenge—if you feel like that challenge is the right one for you, go for it.
Go and front it up and give it your best shot.
That's exactly what I'm going to do here.
I have been around a big football club for a long time, I've been around big matches, I've watched big managers perform and I've worked under big managers.
I can't do anything about having no experience where I sit right now.
There's only one way to go and get experience, and that is to believe in yourself that you have the right characteristics to take the challenge head on.
Gerrard will take charge on June 1 and will watch from a distance as Rangers battle for second spot in the Ladbrokes Premiership with Aberdeen and Hibernian.
The scale of his task was apparent as Celtic thrashed Gers 5-0 on Sunday to seal a seventh consecutive title but Gerrard appeared to relish the intensity of the rivalry and the demands that will be placed upon him as he goes head to head with his former Anfield boss, Brendan Rodgers.
Pressure's not a bad thing for me, he said.
I played under pressure, I have lived under pressure since I left school.
In football, if you are working under pressure you are in a good place.
Since I stopped playing football, I have missed that pressure of fighting for three points at the weekend.
Being Rangers manager, I know there will be a lot of scrutiny and pressure but that's what I love about being involved in football.
Bring it on.
I don't mind being under intense pressure.
I knew that before I decided to be Rangers manager and I'm up for the challenge..
Gerrard, who brushed off questions about the finances available to him, admitted the opportunity had intrigued him.
When the call came it was a no-brainer for me," he said.
I got a different feeling in my stomach from the previous opportunities I've had in terms of being a number one.
There were a lot of things to think about but from that phone call I got a special feeling and I knew Rangers was for me.
This opportunity doesn't come around all the time.
Clubs of this size with the stature, history and tradition.
But the key was the opportunity.
I believe I can come in here and improve things and I believe I can make these fans happy.
Learn Animals Name And Sound On The Farm With Alien Flying Saucer - Duration: 1:51.Learn Animals Name And Sound On The Farm With Alien Flying Saucer
ONE SHOT Photoshooting behind the scene English titles - Duration: 4:11.Hi I am Almira MasteR
Almira MasteR Photographer
if you thought I was just doing the roles, you're wrong
I'm still a photographer
When I buy something
I like to see what I buy, I like to show it to me
Since I want to show it to me
I guess now I need to show you those shot shoots
half hour , with me
on photoshooting
with same equipment, same quality
same angles, same poses
but without postproduction all on cd
What I do today
you will see behind the scene
than you will see the result
it's important in which hand
is camera
whit what kind a feelings you are working
and with what ideas
ideas, creativity, will and love for all of this
it's something that move me
I am going on shooting. Neska will be in fron of camera
Photoshooting is finished
photos look like this
Powerful Panel Discussion Tip #149 with Susan Morris: What Drives Her Crazy About Panel Discussions! - Duration: 1:43.Susan, what drives you crazy about panels?
So, a lot of things when you're in the audience, right?
But the thing that drives me most crazy is there's this theory that is going around in
the community that people don't come to panels to hear about the topic, but that they come
to panels to see the people on the panel be entertaining.
And I think it comes from a good place and that I think that they know that...
It's that idea that if you meet someone, it's better to be seen as nice and funny than to
try and prove that you're smart to them, because that's never gonna go over well.
You shouldn't try and prove anything, right?
You should want to leave them happy, and it's true.
A panel, you want to leave people happy, but the audience comes there for a reason.
And they came there to hear about that topic, so I feel like it does a huge disservice to
the audience when the panelists are more focused on trying to be entertaining and put on a
show than they are about actually giving usable information.
Likewise, when they go the opposite direction or are critical without giving helpful information,
like, you know, I think it's important to think about what the audience wants when you're
a panelist.
And when panelists don't, it drives me crazy.
Pascol Bigo Live Bokep Open Bra no shirt,Indonesia,Cambodia,Thailand,Vietnam facebook hot,no,imo - Duration: 2:03.Pascol Bigo Live Bokep Open Bra no
Homescapes Level 561 - How to complete Level 561 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:01."Homescapes Level 561"
"Homescapes gmaeplay"
392. КАРТОФЕЛЬ – эксперимент продолжается. Часть 1 (2018 год) - Duration: 10:38.-------------------------------------------
Battlefield 1 - Just Messing Around - Wanna Join? (BF1) - Duration: 0:44.-------------------------------------------
Amazing Nature of Bangladesh | Susang Durgapur, Birishiri, Netrokona | Fun_Entertainment - Duration: 3:32.Shusong Durgapur of Birishiri is located at Netrokona
district about 200 km north from Dhaka. It's not only
blessed by charismatic natural beauty, is also reach
in ethnic culture as there are many ethnic groups like –
Hajong, Garo, Achik and Mandi etc lives here. Many
people around the world come here to learn the ethnic culture and livings.
Battlefield 1 - Just Messing Around - Wanna Join? (BF1) - Duration: 14:04.-------------------------------------------
j cole type beat 2018-"broken...-------------------------------------------
I DON'T LIKE MARVEL MOVIES - Duration: 12:34.Thoughts that should not be controversial. I don't like Marvel movies oh
It is controversial
Oh, No how do I preface this video without getting any hate if you like Marvel movies don't worry
That's your opinion, and I just have my I made a video a few days ago
Saying why I don't like Marvel movies, and I sort of memed it pretty hard and people got really angry, and I didn't realize
People were so passionately defensive about Marvel movies for some reason and since so many people had so many different thoughts around it
I thought why don't I just go a little deeper with my point on why I don't like them or at least why I don't
Like them anymore my first argument was over saturation
I don't know how anyone can really defend this point, but I'll go through it anyway. We have iron man
You had the Hulk I remain again Thor Captain America
Avengers Iron Man again Thor again Captain America again guardians of the galaxy
Avengers again
Civil War Doctor Strange guardians of the galaxy again, thank God spider-man
Thor again and
Black panther oh you thought that was it no no no no no let's not forget about x-men Logan, Wolverine x-men x-men
spider-man spider-man spider-man spider-man
Fantastic Four and Podesta cool. I'm definitely wrong for being tired of Marvel movies. I just don't understand how
How I can I know it's completely unreasonable
To think that way there's just no way at all to come up with this conclusion
I must just be crazy or something now. Don't get me wrong. I really like superhero movies growing up spider-man for example
I thought was so cool to see a
superhero movie that I
recognized on the big screen for the very first time it wasn't something I was familiar with before and I just thought that
Concept was really really cool
But then once you watch one two three four five six you sort of get that
They're all the same movie packaged differently
They all follow the same story and concept at the end of the day sure Deadpool is a very different superhero than spider-man
But at the end of the day all these films can be summarized as superhero has superpowers
Super villain has superpowers super hero ones peace super villain ones destruction they fight and super hero wins
Please direct me to any one of these thirty movies that doesn't follow this form right
You know at the end of the movie where the villain is fighting the superhero, and there's this?
This moment of suspense where you feel like oh shit?
I really want the superhero to win
but then you know oh the movies about to wrap up any minute now because he's about to fight back and
the superhero will win and
There will be a happy shot where everyone is just happy in the end at the end it just removes any form of joy of
Suspense because you they are so painfully predictable if at least one of these movies
Went on a different path at least I would think okay, maybe this one will be different
But it's all the same every single time and digging deeper into the meat and the bone other films
I won't get too much into every single aspect, but one thing that I personally don't enjoy by this Marvel
Movie is that they realize so heavily on special effects
It just feels too unreal it just feels too unrealistic
it's like I'm watching an animated film with nothing really artistically interesting or impressive about it as opposed to Dark Knight for example where
Where you watch this scene and you're like whoa they actually did flip a giant truck in the middle of New York City
That's really cool. There's something interesting and admire about that
You have the John wick films, which I'm not gonna show cuz it'll get demonetized
but you see the talent of Keanu Reeves the actor you see his movement and you see what he does he doesn't need a
Thousand animators working on every single detail of the shot trying to make the person look cool
It's the it's the actor himself
Being cool shits on marble watch his enemy feeling special is Marvel and superhero movies and praises animate shut up Felix
Movies based on comic books are better than your stupid anime shows don't watch superhero films because they're not real
Says the anime Fame. They're for kids since the guy who decorates his room with anime guard
There's just so much wrong with this. I don't even know where to begin first of all
I don't like anime I know I know I know come to him. I love anime
I don't like Shonen anime Shonen anime is what's targeted for teens between 12 and 18
And that's the same thing really with Marvel movies
They're there for teenagers
But for some reason it's still allowed for grown men to enjoy and cry about these films being interesting
It's like watching adults cry about Naruto sure I loved Naruto and I loved one piece and I loved
Bleach when I was a teenager, but then after going through all of them you sort of realized same thing with Marvel films
They're all the same thing
Packaged differently you know what you're going to get you know what you can expect out of these forms of media
So after a while it just doesn't become appealing anymore because you've already
Experienced it you already know what you're gonna get out of it
but even then
If you're gonna bring up the whole concept of anime at least you haven't leaked
hundreds of thousands of people coming up with hundreds of ideas and
Literally only the best ones will truly stick and you have some really interesting and unique
Concepts of characters and all these things instead of just one guy coming up with different area duration zuv basically the same concept
people worship Stanley like he's some sort of godlike creature and which gives me to my
My next point which is the cult surrounding the Marvel movies?
It's freaky. It's me
It's a guy dressed in a suit you're screaming at a guy dressed in a suit
Lot of people said this argument to me as well that
They just grew up with comic books and that's why they gets so excited about it
But I don't really get that either to be honest. I practically grew up playing World of Warcraft
I couldn't care less about the Warcraft movie
I loved watching Star Wars movies as a kid, but now I'm just not interested in them anymore
I just don't understand this point where we got into my next point which I brought up in my original video
Which is we need to stop?
fetishizing the idea of idolizing superheroes
I genuinely think it's damaging and I said this because they're not real and everyone just completely jumped on me saying
So what's my point wasn't that it wasn't real my point is that it's super
They have superpowers right it's not achievable to have superpowers
You're idolizing something. That's impossible
Idolizing a personal trait that just has been giving to them most of the times for free if you want to bring up anime again
Then at least Naruto worked hard to get history
Powers to become who he is he didn't just get superpowers by bidding on a goddamn spider, okay
Let's drop the whole anime point my point is that what's what's so admirable about
Idolizing a superhero. What is the positive message the fact that they want to do something good? Is that what's so?
So great about them that they're striving to make the world a better place
Oh whooping 'i do who does a what about a superhero movie that tackles the idea?
What really is good and what really is evil? Oh wait?
They already did that and he sure as hell wasn't Marvel you either die a hero
Or you'll live long enough to see yourself become a villain
There are a good superhero movies still I'm not I'm not denying that but Marvel
Just are so shallow
They all just rely on looking cool, and having quirky and dumb jokes everywhere and never giving you something actually of substance
That's why I get so bored watching them, and and and don't get me wrong
I'm not even a DC fanboy like I've given up on that as well Congrats to the entire black panther team
Because of you young people will finally see superheroes that look like them
Way to put more emphasis on race than what is necessary at all that's right
I can't idolize anime figures because I'm not Japanese this is impossible
Oh, that's right. I can't idolize Lightning McQueen from cars 1 and 2 because he's a vehicle of Transportation
And I'm just a mere mortal human being why not teach kids that their own morals and values
Comes from themselves and not from their skin instead of oh you look like this person so you can be like this
Because you have the same complexion of skin and even if this idea was so great
Why did it take?
18 films for black panther to come out is it because social politics is more popular than ever and it's actually very
Monetizable or it's because they actually want to do something good and positive
Hmm, I wonder which one and if it's so admirable
Why hasn't there been a female superhero movie yet?
Why I know that's coming out, but it's like after what 20 of them
Why hasn't there been as Mexican superhero yet hmm why not an Eskimo hello?
I am an Eskimo Who am I supposed to idolize Here?
I am so lost last but not least an infinity war apparently a big deal of the movies that a lot of superheroes
Die but I'm not gonna spoiler, which ones or anything like that, but let's just entertain the idea that
Let's say I remind dies in an infinitive war do you actually and people are treating this like?
This is a really big deal, but do you actually think they're gonna just then stop making Iron Man movies?
Do you think that franchise is just somehow completely gone? They're gonna be prequels are gonna be different. You're reiterations different actors
They're still making spider-man movies. That's sort of the point as long as they keep making money
It's not gonna stop and to me personally there's something very unappealing about that it
Sort of lacks any form of artistic integrity sure a lot of animates suffer from this as well
They just don't know when to stop as long as they keep making money then they're gonna keep going
But there's so many other great movies that are completely overshadowed by all these comic book movies that are all to me
The same thing if you're on a teenager I couldn't care less if you like these movies like knock yourself out
I enjoy them as a teenager as well
But seeing the cult of frantic screaming adults crying about these movies still it's insane to me
I think there's something wrong about our culture, and this is not stopping anytime soon
There's so many movies still coming out as you can see here
They already announced half of them who actually cares about the next ant-man like it blows my mind
I don't get it you you literally have a new superhero movie out before the next one even comes out on the DVD
How many superhero movies do you need at the end of the day?
I don't care you you're free to like whatever you want
I like it doesn't bother me if I meet someone that say they like it
I just personally don't agree with it, and here's the reason why I don't like Marvel movies
Thank you for watching this video leave a like if you agree with me leave two likes if you
Disagree with me check out represent calm sigh PewDiePie. It's a great way to support the channel, and we've sold over ten thousand of
The merch so far I am extremely grateful. Thank you to everyone who supported it it really
It's incredible. I'm very very proud and very very thankful
So thank you be free and be happy do whatever you want. I at the end of the day. I don't care
This is just a rant video
I caused a riot in Monaco ? #Busted - Duration: 15:55.Yes, the gnome! He found the gnome!
MiniPog is back!
Rev, rev, rev !
Rev, rev, rev.
I will get in trouble.
Go! Go!
For MiniPog ! MiniPog forever !
He is using his baton
so that people don't pass.
Pog ! Pog ! Pog !
You, follow me.
Bye, bye.
20 minutes later, the police has shut down the roads.
And the peace is back here, at the Fairmont Hotel.
Still, Pray for Pog.
Pog, we love you.
So what happened next ?
I was taken to the police station where I spent two hours.
My car was impounded for 48 hours and I paid a € 300 fine.
Because: "engine noise."
But that's not all...
The police said they might sue me for "contempt of the police".
A Top Marques press officer told a friend of mine:
"Pog is going to be banned from Monaco."
In the Monaco Matin newspaper, one of the organizers of Top Marques stated:
"Pog instigated a riot."
I am the outcast of Monaco.
I would like to introduce to you, the cause of all this:
It's my faithful gnome who accompanied me everywhere for the last two years.
First, I must explain to you the unfortunate disappearance of MiniPog.
I put MiniPog in the back of my car as usual.
He stayed on all night, my car was parked in front of my hotel.
Early in the morning I noticed : no more MiniPog.
Surprise. I was worried.
Nobody saw anything. I asked the hotel, etc.
So, I post a story on Instagram.
And then, yes.
A first car enthusiast who was there told me:
"I saw MiniPog on the ground, he fell, it was right next to your car."
After washing the car, MiniPog wasn't attached properly, so he fell off.
Another carspotter told me"I saw the person who took MiniPog."
"It was a woman who found it on the floor and put it in her bag"
"I photographed it because I thought it was suspicious"
He sent me the photo, and I shared it in a story, and said:
"If you see this woman, ask her to return the gnome to the reception of my hotel"
Because of that, hundreds of carspotters in Monaco, became gnomespotters.
It did not fail. As early as the next morning, the woman was seen by one of the carspotters. 52 00:07:02,500 --> 00:07:05,660 He said to her:"Ma'am, you have to return the gnome."
She said :"No, I do not have a gnome."
So he showed her the photo and said :"Look, that is you."
She said :"OK, here is your Gnome, take it."
The carspotter ran to my hotel with friends and he delivered the gnome to me.
He was in bad condition.
I don't know what happened to him.
Maybe he was abused or maybe an Aventador rolled over him.
But the most important thing is, I have my MiniPog.
He is alive. He is back.
That is what I said at my arrival.
That is why I was so excited in the beginning of the video.
I was going to my hotel to pick up an SD card for my camera.
I didn't know that hundreds of carspotters would be there.
I did not expect to get into that crazy mess.
It just happend like that.
I arrive, there is a bus in front of me so I slow down and stop.
I am there, there's lots of people.
They shout "Pog ! Pog !"
And I respond : "MiniPog is back ! Thank you !
it's thanks to all of you that he was found!"
People were euphoric and so was I.
See, it is wonderful, many people follow my stories
and they worried about the disappearance of MiniPog.
They were sincerely happy with his return.
That's where things get complicated.
Zed also had his beautiful black Huracan confiscated.
Simply because he dared to shift down in the tunnel.
The police said "Stop ! The car is confiscated for 48h."
In total, almost 100 cars were seized in three days.
They made an improvised car impound on the sidewalk.
Because the normal impound car park was full.
It was a funny sight, a public impound.
The tourists wandered between the super cars and took some pictures.
The purpose of all this is to annoy the owners of super cars
so they would conclude :"I'm not coming back here."
This is undeniable.
Some say to me :"Top Marques will be shut down because of you."
Please, come on.
See things how they are.
Some complain about the carspotters as well.
They need to chill about this too.
You can't blame passionate people for being passionate.
In the end, it is the decision of Monaco city.
In my opinion Monaco is not a good place for a big automotive event.
Monaco is a city full of elderly people,
in very expensive apartments,
they live in their tax shelter,
and don't want to be bothered
by loud engines even if it is just two days a year...
It's a resolute "No !"
Monaco is a very paradoxical city that is sometimes very strict and sometimes very lax.
About the behavior of the police.
You saw a policeman, pushing the onlookers full force.
And pulling out his telescopic baton.
At that moment I was shocked.
"He is nervous."
I thought :"Hey ! They are not hooligans !"
They are just carspotters in their twenties,
perfectly harmless.
I was a bit surprised.
In my editing, I put a focus on that by showing it in black and white slow-mo.
This is how I felt about it at the moment, ok.
But you have to be wary of your feelings
And be critical of the images and information you receive.
Because when you think about it :
Ok, there were two policemen and there were 200 people in crowd.
The policemen must represent authority.
If they don't, they are just two people in the crowd.
Beware what we feel and what we see.
In the editing, I magnified the drama.
It does not show what really happend.
Actually they were just doing their job.
And they did a good job.
That shows you how easily facts can be manipulated,
with the right angle, sound, some effects,
Makes you consider !
You also saw...
The policeman grabbed my arm vigorously and pulled it down so that I would stop filming.
I did not know that I was not allowed to film.
I don't know why, it is what it is.
When the policemen escorted me, he was very respectful.
We had a polite conversation.
I told him : "Next to me there was a BMW, making more noise than I was.
However, he drove off quickly and got away."
He answered « We had to set examples. »
POG is a bit known on social media, I'm certainly a good example.
He also said : "I just enforce the rules."
Certainly. He did not say whether he was for or against these rules.
We can imagine everything we want. But that's a his job.
There were some real dangerous moments at the same place.
Just Imagine the bmw driving into that crowd.
That would've been a disaster.
I did not see that car at the impound.
I just hope the strict rules are applied on him as well.
Something very important.
When I came back for my car, two days later...
The police were very cold, rude.
An agent told me : "We will start a procedure against you."
I said: "What kind of procedure ?"
He didn't want to answer me.
Another policeman brought me to the improvised impound. I could talk a bit.
He said to me: "We plan to start a procedure against your for contempt of the police"
"Because you made a fuck you gesture."
"and because you posted on your social media : 'Fuck the police'."
This is the publication that he is probably talking about.
they got me dead to rights. It's written :"Fuck the police", and I do a fuck you gesture.
Except that's not it.
I did not post this.
I did not write « Fuck the police ».
But I am showing a "FUCK YOU" finger to an agent !
Yes.. but no.
You have just one point of view, of a camera.
I will show you the same scene from a different point of view.
Hey wait, I'm not doing "Fuck You".
Just a « V » to someone who called my name.
This is what interests me about this video.
Be careful ! Don't take just one point of view.
Try to hear out all sides before casting a judgement.
It's truly important.
For this little story, it's not that important.
Certainly, in the car world, it is not uninteresting.
But in life, With the ones close to you, with what is really important, be careful...
It's easy to form an opinion
influenced by the way it is presented to you
and to miss the point.
The Top Marques people, who had some very harsh words ...
They heard some things.
They had some preconceptions and cast them on me.
They wanted a name, a scapegoat.
It's perfect :"Pog instigated a riot."
"We must banish Pog from Monaco."
As if you can ban someone for being blocked in by a crowd...
In the end, beyond all these polemics.
That was awesome !
People were happy that Mini Pog was back and so was I.
Things should not have happened there like that, probably.
But it was a great moment and I thank you for that !
I hope there will be many more moments.
The point of views are to be continued. They go in the commentaries.
Write comments, I'm here to answer.
It keeps going, all the point of views are below.
Ciao !
If I'm going to hell... YOU'RE COMING | Family Feud - Duration: 0:34.STEVE: ALLISON, TWO STRIKES.
Albano e Loredana genitori esemplari che fanno di tutto per i figli! | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:29.-------------------------------------------
9 PROSTYCH I NATURALNYCH SPOSOBÓW NA POZBYCIE SIĘ PAJĄKÓW Z DOMU. - Duration: 3:33.Powiedzmy sobie szczerze: nikt nie lubi pająków. Nawet jeśli są małymi, nieszkodliwymi stworzeniami, lepiej nie mieć z nimi do czynienia, zwłaszcza we własnym domu…
Czy istnieje naturalny sposób, by pozbyć się nieproszonych gości? Ja wyeliminować pająki, jednocześnie nie wyrządzając im krzywdy i nie narażając siebie i swojej rodziny na kontakt ze szkodliwą chemią? Dowiesz się z tego artykułu!
1. Mięta.Wiedzieliście, że pająki nie cierpią mięty? Większość z nas zupełnie nie zdaje sobie z tego sprawy. Prostym sposobem na trzymanie intruzów z dala, jest wypełnienie buteleczki ze spryskiwaczem olejkiem miętowym oraz wodą.
Spryskaj nim swój dom, a nie tylko pozbędziesz się pająków, ale też przyjemnie odświeżysz woje wnętrza..
2. Sprzątanie.Najtańszy sposób pozbycia się pająków, niestety nie należy do najłatwiejszych. By pozbyć się intruzów, utrzymuj swój dom w nieskazitelnej czystości, by nie było w nim kurzu i pajęczyn.
Regularne odkurzanie i sprzątanie bałaganu sprawią, że Twój dom będzie lśnił, a wszelkie insekty trzymać się bedą z daleka.
3. Ocet winny.Ocet winny jest niezastąpiony w każdej kuchni. Ma także wiele innych, pozakulinarnych zastosowań, a jednym z nich jest odstraszanie pająków.
By się ich pozbyć, postępuj podobnie jak z miętą. Wypełnij butelkę ze spryskiwaczem octem i wodą, następnie spryskaj nią wszystkie kąty i szczeliny wokół swojego domu.
4. Kot.Koty są doskonałymi łowcami, którzy skutecznie odstraszają pająki. Z pewnością nie pozwolą, aby jakikolwiek pająk bezkarnie przechadzał się po podłodze. Ich instynkt nie pozwoli im zignorować takiej zdobyczy.
5. Wejście do domu.Doskonałą metodą trzymania pająków na dystans, jest uniemożliwienie im dostania się do domu. Upewnij się, ze w Twoim ogrodzie nie leżą suche liście, skoszona trawa, drewno lub jakiekolwiek inne schronienie dla pająków.
Możesz również sprawdzić, czy w drzwiach i oknach nie ma żadnych szpar, przez które pająki mogłyby wejść. Jeśli zauważysz jakieś szczeliny, czym prędzej się ich pozbądź!
6. Cytrusy.Pająki nie znoszą cytrusów. Miejsca, gdzie pojawiają się nieproszeni goście, potrzyj skórkami tych owoców.
Okna, półki na książki czy listwy przypodłogowe to idealne schronienie dla intruzów, a dzięki cytrusom, nie będą się do nich zbliżać. Odstraszysz je także stosując cytrynowe środki do pielęgnacji drewna.
7. Cedr.W walce z pająkami, pomoże Ci również cedr. Możesz użyć cedrowych wiązek w ogrodzie, aby utrzymać pająki z dala od Twojego domu.
Jeśli posiadasz cedrowe wieszaki lub skrzyneczki w swojej szafie, one również pomogą Ci pozbyć się nieproszonych gości.
8. Kasztany.Pająki nie znoszą kasztanów! Umieść kilka sztuk na parapetach lub przy listwach podłogowych, a utrzymasz pająki z dala.
Wiele osób jest zdania, że ten sam efekt osiągniesz używając żółtnicy pomarańczowej. Zarówno kasztany jak i żółtnicę, nim się zepsują, możesz przechowywać w domu przez długi czas. Jest to sposób, który z pewnością warto wypróbować!
9. Tytoń.Może zabrzmi to dziwnie, ale pająki nie przepadają za tytoniem prawie tak bardzo, jak za kasztanami czy cytrusami. Posyp niewielką ilością tytoniu miejsca, gdzie widujesz pająki.
Możesz także spryskać je wodą, w której uprzednio namoczyłeś tytoń. Ponieważ tytoń jest dość drogi, warto znaleźć mniej kosztowną metodę pozbycia się intruzów.
Chcesz pozbyć się pająków? Oto naturalny, środek, który Ci w tym pomoże: Składniki:
Pająki nie znoszą octu winnego i mięty. Użyj zatem kombinacji obu składników, aby pozbyć się nieproszonych gości.
½ szklanki octu winnego,1 i ½ szklanki wody,20 kropli olejku miętowego (podobnie działa również olejek eukaliptusowy, jednak miętowy ma przyjemniejszy zapach),Buteleczka ze spryskiwaczem.
Sposób wykonania:Dokładnie wymieszaj wszystkie składniki,Przelej ciecz do buteleczki,Zastosuj wszędzie tam, gdzie pojawiają się pająki.
Two injured in I-80 semi crash in Mercer County - Duration: 0:21.-------------------------------------------
Closure at I-20/59 SB - Duration: 0:49.-------------------------------------------
Prince Fox - Time Alone (Lyrics / Lyric Video) feat. The Griswolds - Duration: 3:35.Cause I'm not sure on my own
And I don't know myself, I don't know how else
To be besides alone
So don't let me be your hope
You deserve more than all I own
And I'm missing out, Cause it's not about
Any string of words from your mouth
I just need some time alone
time alone
I just need some time alone
I got a confession, It was not my intention
To be leading you on or treat you cold
And it's not your fault, Cause we had it all
And my games are gettin old
So don't let me be your hope
You deserve more than all I own
And I'm missing out, Cause it's not about
Any string of words from your mouth
I just need some time alone
time alone
I just need some time alone
I just need some time alone
So don't let me be your hope
You deserve more than all I own
And I'm missing out, Cause it's not about
Any string of words from your mouth
I just need some time alone
time alone
So don't let me be your hope
You deserve more than all I own
And I'm missing out, Cause it's not about
Any string of words from your mouth
I just need some time alone
time alone
Coin: "I Don't Wanna Dance" - Last Call with Carson Daly (Musical Performance) - Duration: 3:40.-------------------------------------------
My 5 Favorite Art Supplies - Duration: 2:18.My most used medium is watercolors
I use Windsor Newton's palette as they have intense pigments and also let me create translucent layers
As you may notice in my work
I don't always use translucent,
and adding Higgins waterproof drawing ink
helps me create
matte an opaque layers on my painting
For my favorite details gold and silver ink
by Winsor & Newton are my obsession.
It's made with bronze suspended in a gum solution
to create the perfect balance of thickness to make intense colors,
but watery enough to be used
with brush and fountain pens
Teeny tiny brushes are a must of my type of work
Princeton is my favorite brand as it's very consistent
precise and affordable
I've made a whole video on pens,
but I have to mention rapidographs
as they are one of my favorite tools out there
They reach very tiny sizes and have a long life of usage
Which makes them eco-friendly
my favorite brands are Rotring and Koh-i-Noor
God Will Come: Saint Namarva's Tamil Song - Duration: 5:18.I was just reading [about] Namarva, a saint who kind of drew me to him.
And I did not know there are many, many connections I have with him which are unfolding.
And I'm trying to re-introduce him.
He lived at least a thousand years ago, and according to some of the traditions, several
thousand years ago, but at least a thousand years ago.
And he said that even if you pray without any feelings and without any honesty,
to put it very precisely, even if your prayer is fake prayer and even if your praising the
Lord is fake, God will come.
And that's the song that I am translating it to English, and [I] try to sing it myself,
sing the song myself in a Western tune.
With the Tamil lyric, because the words are important, the sounds are important.
That fortunately happens to be in my own language, Tamil.
So you will have an opportunity to listen to this music, and for some of the people
who are Tamils who are listening to this, and I'm going to give you an opportunity
for you to listen to it.
[Tamil Song: 1:51- 2:38] The song says about, I just praised the Lord,
you know, following that I praised you as nectar, and then Elixir that gives Immortality,
but they are like lip-service, like words coming from the lips.
But what happened he says.
[Tamil Song: 3:03 – 3:16]
He came on his own, responding to my fake
[Tamil Song: 3:25 – 3:46]
He just entered into my body; and he died,
giving all of his powers to me, you know.
That was his sacrifice.
So what happens after that?
[Tamil Song: (4:00– 4:12]
The sky is mine.
The entire earth plane is mine, because the Lord came and merged in me; and I'm the
So that is the song I am working on.
So, you know, I'll try to put it to music.
So the God knows that we are fake because we are sense driven, pleasure driven, not
bliss driven.
If you have God, you will be blissful.
「世界第一」公司進入中國,微信支付寶會出局嗎? - Duration: 10:42.-------------------------------------------
Did "Avengers: Infinity War" COPY Dragon Ball Z? (with SPOILERS) - Duration: 3:55.I think a few days have passed since the release of "Avengers: Infinity War" that I can
make a video about it without worrying about spoilers.
But with that said, if you haven't watched it yet, what are you waiting for!
This video will contain some spoilers, so watch it then come back here!
As someone who loved Marvel and Dragon Ball Z growing up, I couldn't help but notice
a few similarities between my favorite comic franchise and my favorite anime.
First let's talk about the comparison between Thanos and Frieza.
Both are known to be the strongest in the universe and incite fear to all those who
hear of their names.
And both are purple in case you didn't notice.
Thanos can go through different forms of power dependent upon how many infinity stones are
in his possession and Frieza also goes through different forms, each increasing in power
There's also the similarities between the Infinity Stones and the Dragon Balls.
Both Thanos and Frieza want to acquire these powerful objects for their own good.
Once these bad guys gather all of them, the universe is screwed.
Additionally, Thanos has his group of henchmen called the Black Order while Frieza has the
Ginyu Force who assist him in his evil deeds.
Let's also talk about the fact that Frieza went through a mass murder of killing the
Namekians who are green people and Thanos also killed Gamora's people who are… yes,
green people also.
Okay, now on to the comparison of the Avengers and the Z-Fighters.
So in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy are 2 separate
entities who eventually teamed up to fight against Thanos.
Although their initial meeting was a bit confrontational, they worked together with a similar goal – stopping
In the Namekian Saga of Dragon Ball Z, the Z-Fighters, lead by Goku, teamed up with their
at-the-time rival Vegeta, to stop Frieza.
Just like Infinity War, the Z-Fighters and Vegeta's initial meeting did go well, but
they eventually put their differences aside because of Frieza.
Also unrelated, but Black Widow's new blonde look gave me Android 18 vibes.
That whole silent but deadly femme fatale demeanor was another comparison I had to mention.
So if Black Widow is Android 18, who would be Goku?
Who would be the Marvel equivalent of our favorite Saiyan?
Iron Man?
Captain America?
I had someone else in mind.
Any guesses?
How about Captain Marvel?
So towards the end of the movie when Thanos wipes out half of the universe, many of the
heroes disappear and Nick Fury tries to reach out to Captain Marvel for assistance.
She serves as the last hope for stopping the universe's most powerful bad guy and coincidentally
enough shares the same color scheme as Super Saiyan Goku.
In Dragon Ball Z, Frieza wreaks havoc upon all the Z-Fighters, killing everyone who tries
to get in his way.
Despite this Goku, just like Captain Marvel, serves as the hero the world depends on to
stop the powerful villain.
The same blonde haired hero wearing blue and red - because of course, that's a requirement
if you wanna save the world.
Let me know in the comments what you guys think.
Obviously it's mere coincidence of the similarities and I'm a huge fan of both franchises so
no hate towards Infinity War or Dragon Ball Z.
Are there other comparisons that I may have missed?
Also let me know which characters in Avengers and Dragon Ball Z mirror each other.
I would say Gamora and Piccolo are pretty similar because they are green aliens.
And probably Rocket Raccoon and Oolong.
If you liked this video, don't forget to subscribe and check out YouTube.com/FrankBernard
for more related videos.
Thanks for watching and I'll see you guys in the next video!
美國曾嚴辭拒絕中國進入?如今中國會放美國進入中國空間站嗎? - Duration: 8:17.-------------------------------------------
CORBIN HALE - KALEIDOSCOPE | OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO - Duration: 4:32.-------------------------------------------
The Truth on Ascension and Spiritual Awakening (3 ways to Ascend) - Duration: 17:02.-------------------------------------------
全球最希望移民到中國的3個國家,有一個甚至即將消失 - Duration: 3:07.-------------------------------------------
I pro ed i contro di vari tipi di taglieri. Quale scegliere? - Duration: 5:29.-------------------------------------------
Paul Ryan's Attack On House Chaplain Blows Up In His Face - Duration: 3:23.In the last year, Paul Ryan has picked a lot of fights with people throughout this country,
and he's pretty much lost every single one.
There was the time when he was fighting with Seth Meyers about healthcare.
He sparred with Jimmy Kimmel about healthcare.
He's fought with members of his own party, members of the Democratic party.
The only thing he actually won on was tax reform and that's because his wealthy donors
probably wouldn't have been too happy with him had he failed in that.
However, Paul Ryan is currently involved in a fight where there is no good outcome for
him even if he wins, and that fight happens to be with the House Chaplain, Reverend Patrick
Conroy who is a Catholic Priest.
He is the House Chaplain.
Not that long ago, he announced that he was resigning, effective May 24th, and as soon
as he announced that resignation, many members of the house, most of them Democrats, but
not all, say that the reason the chaplain was leaving was because Paul Ryan was pissed
off at him because he offered a prayer right before they voted on the tax bill saying,
"Please keep the poor in mind when you pass legislation like this."
That pissed Paul Ryan off.
You can't talk about poor people.
You can't pray for poor people, certainly not around Paul Ryan, even if it is your job
to come in and pray for the morons in that chamber every single day as it was Conroy's
Well this week, Conroy said, "You know what?
To hell with it.
I'm withdrawing my resignation.
I'm not going anywhere, and I dare you, Paul Ryan, to come fire me."
So right now, Paul Ryan has a choice.
He either admits defeat, admits that, "Yeah, I was going to fire this guy because he prayed
for the poor, and I thought he was getting too liberal for me."
A move that both Democrats and Republicans are against.
Or, he can roll over, fire him, and then see what happens with the support from this country
when you fire a holy man whose only crime was praying for the poor people.
I don't think that's going to go over well with anybody.
You see, there's probably a lot of members of the Catholic Church that Paul Ryan could've
chosen to fight with.
It's not like the Catholic Church has a perfect history.
There's plenty of bad ones out there, but as far as we know, the one you have as House
Chaplain wasn't one of those people.
He actually seemed to understand the need to care for the poor and care for the sick
and care for the less fortunate in this country, and you wanted to pick a fight with him, Paul
Ryan, because that's just not acceptable to you.
So again, there's no good outcome in this for you at all, even if Conroy ends up being
In fact, that's probably the worst outcome for you is that you win this fight.
You're between a rock and a hard place at this point, and though you may not be seeking
reelection, you've probably caused quite a bit of damage to the Republican party when
the Democrats going out there and start campaigning on the fact that Republicans wanted to fire
the House Chaplain because he had the audacity to care about poor people.
Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...-------------------------------------------
O Alzheimer pode ser evitado? - Duration: 7:47.-------------------------------------------
#04 - DIA DE FOLGA EM TÚNIS (JOUR DE REPOS EN TUNIS) - Duration: 5:50.-------------------------------------------
【ENGsub】원포유(14U)P o. K 비하인드 ① - Duration: 1:59.E.sol ) it's our first time to perform ' Dooroo Dooroo '
B.S ) it's our first time
Gyeongtae ) please look forward for it
Eunjae ) hello i'm Eunjae from 14U
Eunjae ) our rehearsal's going to start
Gyeongtae ) see you later
Sejin ) fighting
performing their best even in their rehearsals
we'll check the stage for a moment
the rehearsal's have stopped
B.S ) when we were dancing , the floor cracked
Woojoo ) maybe because of the " hammer dance "
we probably smashed the floor
how do you feel right now ?
E.sol ) it's our first time performing in this music show
E.sol ) but we broke the stage
E.sol ) we're very sorry
E.sol ) we're happy that we get to perform in this music show
B.S ) we practiced our choreography over night
B.S ) it's almost our turn to perform so i'm nervous
B.S ) we only slept for 3 hours but we may look energetic
we can feel their energy
Eunjae ) where are we right now ?
it didn't match
rehearsal starts again
we will show 14U's performance right after
Quer Ana Clara do BBB18 na sua festa? Saiba qual o cachê da ex-sister - Duration: 1:30.-------------------------------------------
Chico Bandana - Gucci Versace [ Latin Trap Video Oficial ]. 🎩 - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
Mãe de Breno, do 'BBB 18', ganha chinelo e 'ameaça' o filho: 'Vai entrar na linha' - Duration: 1:31.-------------------------------------------
FUT DRAFT REAL!!! 😱 CROMOS MUNDIAL RUSSIA 2018 🔥 - Duration: 18:24.so this one is our 11 too so they want to buy the best
pilots in the base price in this purpose I I have as long as 5% to store using the code
of 2018 all links in the description of the sun and suicide very and 20h
how can you see the new king stadium opening of the world chromium to russia
2018 a new video is people have to look at
my new house as you can see here our new munich team is so much that
I do not have several times to nuno extreme some stories that were in the house
which will have videos that tell what is the our stadium, and now you can
being great is the chrome channel as a channel on youtube personal today has more
a gap of the world's chromosomes you 2 thousand Indians eyes month we will have one of
different we name when we make a fut draft world cup final in madrid yes
dry and we usually play in the 11 million 12 what to do with the best eleven
well today we will try to get closer earns fifa quality the agency will
open 11 athletes and we will only harvest 11 chrome drops ie for example -
ronaldo or messi not even this letter is I just think it's one of those
exact rodents instead if we have for example a bright one state two
radios in one in which the camp with we have the same belt to have a destination
from the minors to the agents near here very golden fifa in the gold markets
the coffees are silver skytrax bronze and 14 personal bronze my challenge for you is
You want to see a future, it's just God. Let's try to beat way more.
much suffering from rap and now It's a personal thing, thank you, everyone.
people beat the 10,000 registered in the channel the sincerely would never be illustrious
He spent 46,000 in so little time a while and came back a short time ago
die early almost half a year and help us four states
Even so, the instant is not home. accept this side portugal only from brazil
the staff there online software such U.S
when you go and also want to dispute if you want a freebie
to like niches you want leave the yes and also leave none
your like busts to much rain that fell in a lot of rain on a light 2000
cinema on blue and also none is the estaminé as itaú sa more photos of the
photo essay seeing father is basically It is closed in general too.
We only leave with a 71 year old does not pay the invoice of 11 500 represents our
future this personal order castro ours time, nor here is our new one as well.
even the name pans that much we only have here our box of
2018 russia who's a lot of people are opening you?
You know I already opened a box of 50 In one place, the minister will
leave here in the upper right corner there are many who are here in pablo and
You stopped behind our team, right?
I understand that this box that adds that all that was not offered was like
father but bought only for 50 euros voice and are curious food products
As in a hurry, this is just one of them. We saved symptoms here for our fight.
dance 507 or carlos one that here a lot well 123456789 number 443 that are miracle
can bring a new one to leave the place it is not
Okay, we got a sachet there in 697. unit occupies nine games and also
leaving premium issues at the next the cadres want, for example, only one
with 11 Spain is more difficult to do more than
people is not also the 15th of women is normal this is on the 11th
Let's start now to see what we were full but not left
first time the pt nor the Christian ramos allawi zuber and jorge in the chat
that is r 12 look for the hamas between search and the hamas
mohammad or el neny andré silva héctor brown and they tyler in cardona to the sea
open in the state while in environments of Serbia, of course you know that
also with the military, your 11 Darkness for you Shaka rock two
presidents sergio ramos
the meat a field edno hawks
here we have the shoe neny morata a 1 the stadium is from nazaré to the
management leave out personal Are you afraid of Sweden?
in the tab the behind and the 3g is easy
the dell and after birth and the chance and the eliseu and that marked rob and
see again because we have here saints and let's say the transvestite is good
This is good over here in Brazil. What countries are you from?
The state of Brazil in Portuguese sales and we have the gabriel gomes to which he was born
both so sure I'm macho paulo de paula milloy is a chrome
already our goalkeeper who was the invitation and name but no error
I'll leave the power then the package to Our goalkeeper will stay here.
these four will stop here here Quiet, I'll leave it for now.
I saw known that the sergio branches did not It was in this one here in this exact sergio
from this fifth that the demand for other is central
the center-back of the goalkeeper
and do not want to lose here very good player it is not
we have here hector moreno was late that the Spaniard was kind ivanovitch
left that a player has here I do not know afterwards, I do not know
need nature but I do not know what the paw position there will be the attacker
almost sure we will choose the
search in an instant giveaways and a game at each turn and the attacker is
central defender chosen from this then the candidate goes to the side
sergio ramos and projects here so it's oo man entered 2010 comes back to
This candidate will be from here to page make confusion
now we are looking for a defense left and right
the central government who improvise steiner
the video can play from the left
No, please, I do not, please.
Ok ok guys then for right defense
I would choose here the star because of this andré silva and unify it already outside and
taking also precise that the history It's going to stop here and we have a
We do not have to be doing chemistry. body or the canjica for left defense
in 1995 it was more defending the right of central defense but also made many
Sometimes I want to take a good look at people here. Let's start here, people here.
a good team we will play with the
we have here the album falls I want is the Our staff is only using the buscapé to
a matter of chemical choice on buses that make sergio branches that avoid the
as long as possible then here for a medium box-to-box a
people will use the bed
now complicated with the folks going complicated
we have top players here just gonna have to be like this
from the years here to the middle best of the game
Let's use hers. someone here to extend that makes many
Sometimes this paper has something in ball will be our forward and here
on the left
we will use éden hazard unfortunately it got that very good outside
good morata andré silva elizeu but this is our 11 then we have in the
beacon is inviting we have evanovitch sergio ramos
the meat is in the search and in which the singer jorge dos santos
bullet and Delhi chance either nearby from yesterday the top player
of these 11 players and now let's see if people like chemistry is topical or not
only here in the future bm and the me as a thing
The plane is going to totally me not in the fifa 18 we will use then
although those are the case or nothing at all more than the most contained
I use one knows where the goalkeeper torino's substitute was that you
Who knows, I already had to read we have here it does not follow nobody knows is the
brother of leo playing in torino east on here
Vânia Mix knows everything that we do from network one relative silver for our first cd
then we have that Sergio is very We did not see Sergio Branches staying with
chemistry sérgio josé on the floor of the house that
here is that each one gives normal letters Sergio Branches, we have here the
candide has already moved to borussia dortmund at home silver after planting
where we have here at the stadium Juventus players were in charge
of peter drucker try to invade again
ewa new ide we have here you do not make the
move with the sergio branches only here a chemistry is very weak now
promise a lot of commitment and sergio busquets that yes does chemistry with sergio ramos
Do not call and even country later here to this side we will use here then the
jonathan dos santos jonatan dos santos 89 20 and chemistry that still jesus because
here at gokan t
from now onwards from rival bullet
her to the password change agent and then here we were then the
it's going to be late but what with the cocan which is exactly what 46 staff is beautiful
Chemistry, yes, lady, do nothing. so this one is our 11 too
then the point that here are the invitations we had the candide or it's in the ue27
singing 'that plays in real and bullet and not thus keeping a team having our
time but I think in general we have here's a great 11 11
so if you have a good result at most I know a lot better about this side.
we are very close together the idea
Arriesgarse William Arthur Ward - Voz Feneté - Eng. Subs. - Duration: 2:03.
To laugh is to risk appearing the fool,
To weep is to risk being called sentimental.
To reach out to another is to risk involvement.
To expose feelings is to risk showing your true self.
To place your ideas and your dreams before the crowd is to risk being called naive.
To love is to risk not being loved in return,
To live is to risk dying,
To hope is to risk despair,
To try is to risk failure
But risks must be taken,
because the greatest risk in life is to risk nothing.
The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing.
He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn,
feel, change, love or be alive.
Chained by his certitude, he is a slave;
he has forfeited his freedom.
Only the person who risks
is truly free.
Thanks for watching. Share it
Subscribe to my channel
Disminuyen las denuncias hechas por inmigrantes - Duration: 0:44.-------------------------------------------
Tjatjie x ENVR x Skal - Je Bil (prod. OWL) - Official Music Video - Duration: 3:43.-------------------------------------------
Últimas notícia de hoje :Gleisi sai direto da Polícia Federal e revela o estado emocional de Lula - Duration: 4:00.-------------------------------------------
Tratamento de Ronco e Apnéia Obstrrutiva do Sono através da Cirurgia Ortognática - Duration: 7:56.-------------------------------------------
YAMOSHI visits Zeno Sama - Dragon Ball Super - Duration: 5:45.Hello Zeta warriors, today we are going to talk about of a fact that will occur in the new saga
of Dragon Ball super. it's all about, nothing else no less than from the visit of yamoshi to the king
at all, the great zeno sama.
So, leave your like, and let's start.
As we already know, at the end of this year will release a super Dragon Ball movie,
which will deal about the race of the Super Saiyayin, in which very likely, yamoshi
will be the protagonist, since it is the Super Saiyayin original god. as expected,
the new Super Dragon Ball saga will go the hand with the film that premiere this
year, as happened with the previous movies, The resurrection of Frízer, and
the Battle of the Gods, which then formed part of the first Super Dragon Ball saga.
Likewise, the new film that deals with of the origin of the Saiyayin race, will be part
of the next Super Dragon Ball saga, which opens in mid-2019. so,
We will continue to see yamoshi, we will know him to a better one, and as is to be expected, they will
pass things that will be Inevitable, as per example, a match between yamoshi and Goku,
is one of the first things that will happen when appear yamoshi, but do not think yamoshi
is a bad Saiyayin, and that's why he's going to fight against Goku, on the contrary, it is said that
yamoshi, is a pure-hearted Saiyayin, and if you fight with Goku, it's because, it's quite
Obvious that our friend Goku has asked have a friendly fight, to measure
forces, and something that will also happen, is that zeno sama, send for yamoshi to
to appear before him. just as he did with Goku, well, if yamoshi is a being of heart
pure, it's very likely that like Goku, Be friends with Zeno Sama, and this, undoubtedly
would trigger a set of situations that would make the next saga one of the
more exciting something that comes to mind, is that maybe, yamoshi ask the king of
everything that organizes a tournament between pure saiyayines, of different universes. remember that the
18 universes were restored thanks to I wish the number 17 asked the super
Dragon spheres, at the end of the tournament of power.
It is said that, universe number 18, also owned Warriors of the Saiyayin race, and,
For this reason, it is that Yamoshi wants a combat between pure saiyayines, of different
universes. lately I've realized that there are people who think that yamoshi,
is from one of those universes that was restored thanks to wish number 17, and the answer,
is that no, yamoshi is from the Seventh universe, That is, our universe. so that,
yamoshi would be on our side, in the new combat that will take place in the next saga
of Dragon Ball super.
Let's just hope that, Yamoshi is a Saiyayin extremely powerful, that can be at
level of Goku and Vegeta, or even beyond. that would be even more exciting for us,
since, it would guarantee us unique fighting and exclusive of the Saiyayin race.
Before finishing the video I propose this challenge, write in the comments the names
of your favorite Dragon Ball characters, and you can be greeted in the next video.
Remember that I asked Shenlong that the that saw this video subscribe to me
If you are a true dragon ball fan, answer in the comments, who is this character?
The character of the previous video was: if you guessed right, You are a true dragon ball fan.
It's time for greetings, a very special greeting for:
Until the next zeta warriors.
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