Monday, May 7, 2018

Youtube daily report May 7 2018

hi guys welcome to my channel my name is Kat and this is Dani and today we're

gonna be talking about some differences between the US and Spain

okay so let's just get on with the video

okay number one is the way they dry their clothes here in Spain it's a very

trivial thing with us one of the first things I noticed when I came to Spain is

that not very many people have a dryer they hang their clothes to dry and this

it was kind of funny to me because my grandmother who you know she was born

probably money thirties or something she hangs her clothes still to this day to

dry but in Spain that everyone does that it's a pretty normal thing yeah so we're

still like your grandmother I think it might be because of space it might also

be for energy purposes it's kind of unnecessary because you Spain is very

dry and hot well for most of the year so you can just hang your

clothes and it dries in a few few hours but I like it I like it I like it

ok number two is coffee the way your coffees served how you order a coffee

and also the sizes of coffee are completely different in Spain and then

in the United States not just a coffee everything is bigger in the States it

wasn't different in Spain they kind of make fun of Americans and our coffee

about how it's very weak for them it's more like a milkshake and a coffee here

the coffee is very strong it's like it's just coffee so you have this little shot

of coffee and they just drink it with some milk and well it depends on there

are many different kinds of coffee so you can order it with

milk with a little bit of milk with hot milk cold milk

or coffee hot coffee cold coffee coffee with milk

it depends on because there are different ways. expresso or corto. Corto que es? Es Coffee. corto is

just a little bit of milk on it okay so the variations in milk and coffee

because in the u.s. you have syrups and sugars and flavors and lots of different

types of variations one day you'll go with me oh thank you there yeah

number three is that the pharmacy here is kind of like the doctors not exactly

the doctor but in the US the pharmacy can never just give you a prescription

whereas here the pharmacy can so it's so great because you don't have to make an

appointment to go to the pharmacy for example this winter I had a lot of

information with my hands I didn't know what was going on and I just went to the

pharmacy they told me exactly what I have chilblains and they gave me exactly

what I need a prescription so here in Spain you actually can take out the

middleman the doctor a lot of times and you save money you save time and it's

just it's just great I love it interesting yeah did you know that I

don't know number four is that supermarkets are on every corner in the u.s. we have

a lot of problems with food deserts entire neighborhoods that don't have

grocery stores here that does not exist like there's literally so many grocery

stores in just this area how many grocery stores do we have quite possibly

at least in like a five-minute one 10 minutes walking we how about five

grocery stores and they also have fresh fruits and vegetables unlike a lot of

places that you you know where you live like you might

not have really good quality fruits and vegetables very difficult to start over

here number five is that they're sometimes are children and bars like

families like if a family is out of bar drinking their kids like we're running

around on the ground or playing or doing whatever and it's it's very different

because in the u.s. kids in bars are like you would never bring a kid into a

bar and here I've seen many times where our family goes into a bar have a treat

or whatever and their kids are just like we're playing on the floor or whatever

and it's interesting yeah okay bringing our mom here number six going off of

bars here they don't card to you I haven't I think I've been carded in my

three years of Spain probably one time in the u.s. obviously anywhere you go

that has alcohol or there's an age limit you get carded whereas here like here

you just buy alcohol and nobody nobody questions your ATAR I mean obviously

this unless you're very pretty small you know knows what you're young they ask

you for the ID card I mean my students in high school they would always have

alcohol with them just in the streets drinking it because like nobody cards

you number seven is their greetings are a

lot different and one of them that was very different for me is when they say

see you later absolutely though they say it all the

time everywhere and I find it kind of funny like for example if you exit an

elevator there like a little likes you later to the person and when I was

working at my school every time you would leave the room they would be like

ah so little and I just thought it was really funny because in the u.s. we're

not so we just leave you just walk away nobody really is like oh let's see you

later because in the elevator you're never

gonna probably and at school you know you're

gonna see them later so why say it so it's just a little different yeah oh me

here maybe yeah there's always those clothes yeah it's fine it's fine okay

number eight is that they eat a lot of bread with their meals on now you eat

them right now I eat a lot of bread they have baguettes and it changed my life

yeah for fun tomorrow I'm tamaco I love ya they eat a bowl of bread

number nine is the PDA okay before anybody says anything I'm from Nebraska

okay so it's a very conservative state don't even see really people walking

hand in hand walking down the street it's very like no big touches each other

so for me that was like a big culture shock to see people are very open with

themselves here and they'll just be making out and I mean to the point where

you're walking in the park and you see people like straddling each other and

like Mickey now and it just like okay well you love each other everyone now

there was bad that's okay yeah I think the sprite people are more oppressive

definitely in other countries Brie open-minded and don't hide anything

definitely don't yeah number 10 this was huge for me is how split checks here are

not a vein so this is something that we actually have kind of got into it a few

times because in the u.s. when you have a group of people everyone pays for what

they eat well here in Spain it's more normal that you just divide it how many

people if there's if the bill is a hunter and there's five people everyone

pays 20 euros and that's it doesn't matter if you spent only 10 or 15

everyone just paid same also if you ask the registrant to

split the check we're okay you do your bill that's 15 in - 10 they don't do

that here they just are like you guys figure it out and just have to get used

to it number 11 is I feel like here they're a

lot more environmentally friendly in general than the Americans I have came

across the United States for example it's very common here in Spain that

people did not turn on the lights during the day at all until like the Sun Goes

Down practically so we don't even turn the lights until like 7:00 p.m. and

that's a very normal thing here as well as hanging your clothes to dry as I'm

using a dryer they also do is very common to do sailors showers here where

you always turn off the water while you're washing your body and it's very

short showers so that's always really nice number 12 is that they always have

a second dish for their meals so for example I cook dinner for honey I always

he's always like oh the second dish where's where's the second dish that's

right and the u.s. is not common like you just have a big plate of food a huge

place thank you maybe a few to play but here you have a first a second post

today always you don't drink yeah where they're posted a well it

desert three comments issues one desert one dream a little bit in every meal

right every meal so he's always like where's the second dish no way there

isn't a second dish where did you hide it like look in the fridge okay number

13 the last one on my list is that they peel the the skin off the fruit not

everybody not everybody it's pretty common pretty cool it's very common like

I know when IO paired and also living with other Spanish people they were just

like oh you should take off the skin of the fruit because they were took on

worms they thought it was because of worms hmm well they were telling me

about you to take off the fruit because worms you can see the worms but I'm like

yes that makes sense because the bowl the vitamins are in the English skin so

it doesn't make sense to read it I think when I met you you to love them the skin

too okay so that's all my 13 differences

between the US and its Fame and if you have found any other differences in

Spain and new us put them down in the comments or actually pretty curious to

know what other differences you found and like and subscribe if you want to in

the next video bye

For more infomation >> Differences between the USA and Spain - Duration: 10:59.


Puigdemont y Urkullu se burlan de España - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> Puigdemont y Urkullu se burlan de España - Duration: 5:04.


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Kellyanne Conway Rightfully Punches Man In The Face Outside Event – 'Not Happening Here!' - Duration: 3:37.

Kellyanne Conway Rightfully Punches Man In The Face Outside Event – 'Not Happening


If there was any question that President Trump picked the perfect Senior Aide with Kellyanne

Conway, this would be the proof.

Nothing can stop this unapologetic woman including two men twice her size after what she caught

them doing which resulted in one of them getting their face rightfully rearranged.

The days of passivity in the presidency are over now that we have an assertive leader

who hand-select a team of proactive people who do whatever it takes to get things done,

including putting two men in their place while wearing formal attire.

Kellyanne Conaway was in a formal dress when she saw what two men near her were trying

to get away with and brutally ended it on her own with her fist.

While at the black-tie Liberty Ball in Washington, D.C., two men within close proximity to Kellyanne,

caught her attention.

Without a second of hesitation, Trump's right-hand woman jumped in and did what needed

to be done.

The male guests of the event dressed in tuxedoes were taking the class out of the ball when

they went to brawls and started punching each other.

With no other options on how to put an immediate end to their debauchery, Kellyanne jumped

in and allegedly knocked the instigator out, then got back to the celebration as if nothing

happened, Page Six reported.

Fox Business Channel's Charles Gasparino was the shocked witness to the incident who

took to Facebook to describe what he saw Kellyanne do moments after he and a friend were personally

attacked outside the formal event by rabid protesters.

He explained that the whole interaction between the senior aide and the two men lasted just

a few minutes, and nobody was seriously hurt, except perhaps the man's ego who got his

face pummeled by a woman who doesn't pull any punches — literally.

The Daily Mail explains more about what precipitated this fight and unfolded after:

When it became apparent that the two men were not going to stop fighting, Conway stepped

in and punched one of them with a closed fist in the face at least three times, a witness

told the News

There was no word as to what precipitated the fight.

The witness' account was corroborated by a Fox Business Channel reporter who said that

Conway punched the man several times in the face with a closed fist.

The Liberty Ball was one of the inaugural galas held in the capital to celebrate Trump's

taking the oath of office just hours earlier at the US Capitol.

As the fight began to escalate, Conway is said to have stepped in and supposedly threw

"mean punches" at one of the combatants."Inside the ball we see a fight between two guys in

tuxes and then suddenly out of nowhere came Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway who began throwing

some mean punches at one of the guys," Fox Business Channel's Charlie Gasparino wrote

on his Facebook page.

"Whole thing lasted a few mins no one was hurt except maybe the dude she smacked.

Now I know why Trump hired her."

Barack Obama compromised America's status as the greatest and most powerful nation in

the world by his lame duck style of leadership and staff who was more focused on feelings

than on defending freedom.

While this incident between two potentially drunken male party attendees may not seem

significant to some, it proves the exact kind of backbone that's been missing from our

leadership and the hands-on approach to getting things done, and not waiting for others to

do it for you.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> Kellyanne Conway Rightfully Punches Man In The Face Outside Event – 'Not Happening Here!' - Duration: 3:37.


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ROUND TWO: Mueller Suffers More Humiliation After Another Judge SLAMS The Gavel On Him - Duration: 4:05.

ROUND TWO: Mueller Suffers More Humiliation After Another Judge SLAMS The Gavel On Him.

Does anyone recall the 13 Russian trolls who supposedly caused election interference?

And Mueller's special counsel found it necessary to ensure they were on the record for causing

chaos and throwing the election away from Hillary Clinton?

And so Mueller wasted tax payer dollars to indict foreigners?

Never-mind, that the American people voted Donald J. Trump in as President with a landslide

electoral college victory!

But according to Mueller et al, American's were all influenced by 13 low-level Russian

trolls on the internet.

And this is completely insulting to Trump voters.

Well, well, well.

Look who gets the last laugh!

A Second Federal Judge in as many days rebukes the Mueller Special Counsel team.

On Fox and Friends this morning, another blockbuster story broke in the wee hours!

Pete Hegseth opens with, "Yet another District Judge rejects what the Mueller team is trying

to do.

The Judges name is Dabney Friedrich.

A D.C. District Judge.

You remember…those 13 Russians and three Russian companies that were indicted by Bob


Pete continues to tell what happens, "Well, it turns out…one of those companies actually

got representation.

They got a couple of lawyers to represent them.

No-one expected that to happen.

Because when you indict Russians who live in Russia you expect them to say, 'we don't

abide by your laws at all.'

But as Pete explains, "In this case, the company came before the court.

And said 'Okay, we get discovery.

We get to hear what's going on, too.'"

Then Pete said, "Then Mueller team asked for more time!"

And the Judge said, 'No, you don't get more time!'"

Furthermore, it is discovered in the segment that the Mueller team is asking for time because

the Judge is asking for more evidence!

Additionally, the hosts continue, "and the Mueller team is like 'we need a few more

weeks, we need more time to gather all of this.'"

Which arguably is laughable.

More time to collect the evidence they never had in the first place?

Fox and Friends continues, "and remember there's a Federal Judge just the other day

saying: 'you have unfettered power.

You don't really want Paul Manafort, you just want to get the President.

To either impeach him or come up with some kind of charges.'

So this is the second rebuke within just a couple of days.

"Mueller's Russian troll farm indictment could face an 'embarrassing dismissal'

after yet another judge questions his scope."

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

USA facts today.

For more infomation >> ROUND TWO: Mueller Suffers More Humiliation After Another Judge SLAMS The Gavel On Him - Duration: 4:05.


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In this mutual fund Q&A video, we answer viewer questions related to MIP, long term capital gains tax and regular investments for goals

Raghu Nandan asks for best MIPs funds

We would like to suggest ICICI Prudential MIP 25 and Aditya Birla Sun Life Monthly Income Plan II-Wealth 25 Plan

They typically invest 75% in debt and the remaining amount in equities

These schemes have done well in the last few years

Suraj Kumar Khatri wants to know how to accumulate Rs 6 crorw through regular investments over 40 years

Suraj Kumar Khatri wants to know how to accumulate Rs 6 crorw through regular investments over 40 years

He wants to know how much to save every month

You need to invest about Rs 5,100 every month for this period assuming an annual return of 12%

You can have single mutual fund investment or ideally, some mutual fund investments in diversified equity funds

Ranjit Mathew asks whether it is more tax efficient to pay Rs 1 lakh annually for Rs 3 lakh capital gains made or should one do a SWP of Rs 7,000 perr month?

With the yearly exemption being Rs 1 lakh, both the options mentioned work well

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subscribe and follow us for more recipes

subscribe and follow us for more recipes

subscribe and follow us for more recipes

For more infomation >> مفرزنات تحضيرات رمضان رقائق السمبوسك الجاهزة باللحم والجبن في الفرن مع مطبخ فايرفوركس Samosa In Oven - Duration: 3:31.


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I Swapped Makeup Routines With My Mom | Beauty With Mi | Refinery29 - Duration: 7:13.

You use this to put your eyeshadow on?

Hey guys, it's Mi-Anne and this is Beauty with Mi.

Mother's Day is just around the corner.

In fact, it is just a week away and I am lucky enough to have my mom here in studio.

The last time we filmed an episode together it was the DIY skincare challenge and we did

masks together.

Do you remember that?

Today we are upping the ante.

We are going to swap makeup routines for three days.

But first, don't forget to subscribe!

Hit the little red button down below.

Beauty With Mi comes out every single Monday at 11am.


So this is pretty much everything that I'd wear on any given day.

I switch it up on the eyes and the lips but it is usually this many products.

Well, mine.

There's like one, two, three, four, five, six, seven products there.

How many do I have?


How long does your makeup routine usually take you in the morning?

Less than five minutes.

Well it takes me around 15 to 20.

So this is all of my makeup that I wear on a pretty daily basis.

Do you feel like my makeup style has changed a lot since I was a kid, since I was in high

school or middle school?

Oh, yes yes.


In what way?

Well you hardly put on makeup when you were in school.

Like in middle school and high school?

Remember I went through a phase when I only wore bottom eyeliner?

Remember? I went through a Bare Minerals foundation phase, remember that?

You bought me for Prom?

It was Bare Minerals and Clinique.

Yeah, for prom.

So how about your makeup style?

Did you ever wear foundation?

No, ever.

Alright well, this is a lot.

I know you probably don't remember everything.

No, I don't.

So I wrote you a little step-by-step routine.

Oh no!

A quick 14 steps and you're out the door.

Did you make me a little recipe too?

Yes I did, look!

How many steps are there?

It's five.

So tomorrow is a brand new day and you're going to have to do this look.

Let me keep this then.

Yeah, you can keep this.

If you don't have it you will forget.

Well let me take a picture!

No, you can have the paper!

Alright, without further ado,

we will see you guys tomorrow.

Hi guys!

Day One of the Mom Swap Makeup Challenge.

I'm just gonna put some moisturizer on my face cause nothing else goes on it.

You have to put foundation on.

Oh, okay.

Let's see, which one's first?

This is overwhelming!

My personal makeup artist.

Next up is concealer.

I usually just put it under my eyes and around my nose.

Where do you feel like you want to put it?


So what I like to do is I like to just squeeze a little bit from the top, tap, and then brush

it onto my cheeks and blend it out like that.

I'm gonna start my routine, and it starts with eyebrows, right?


So we just finished doing our makeup swap.

I finished in like two minutes.

This is the look.

How long would you say yours took?

I don't know, 10?

I think it was — no.

It was like 25 minutes.

It was 25?

But it was fun!

I think for me, mostly, it's just like I feel really weird without mascara and without the


I wear mascara every single day.

So I'm very curious to see if anyone at work will notice.

Okay, well today I didn't do too much.

I just walked walked along Fulton Street, but on the way there I had two people say

hi to me.

I'm wondering "Hmm, is it just me or is it Mi-Anne's makeup?"

I don't know.

Gotta say, the day was pretty uneventful.

I got a couple of comments about how I should blend my eyeshadow more.

One thing that I did like was that I could touch my face and nothing's gonna come off

on it.

Hey guys, so it is Day Two of the challenge and this is what I'm working with today.

I stayed up really late last night so I'm kind of puffy, and this is the time that I

would usually call upon a little bit of extra concealer, a little bit of highlighter.

But my mom doesn't wear any of those things, so my face is completely exposed.

This is the makeup done.

It's Mi-Anne's makeup.

It took a little bit longer than my usual thing.

But it's way faster than the first day.


I think I can get used to this!

Hi guys.

It is the third and final day of the mom makeup swap.

Yeah, and it's my last day here.

I know, sad.

Today she's rocking a bit of a more intense look.

I'll bring you closer.

Close your eyes.

So she's got some blue eyes on top, some red on the bottom, and it's actually kind of inspired

by a look I did it on my Instagram a few months ago.

I'm really into the blue eye shadow and the red lip look, which is kind of similar to

what you might have worn the 80s, huh?


But how overall have you liked the experience switching makeup with me?

Well it still takes a little bit more time than usual.

I don't particularly like the foundation because I don't think it makes a difference.

I like the different color eyeshadow.

That's the most fun part.


And she's taught me this new trick to bring out my cheekbones

With the highlighter?

Yeah, with the highlighter.

You like the highlighter.

I like the highlighter.

I gave her a new highlighter that she can use.

Well for me I'd be very excited to go back to wearing more like this and playing with

more colors because I think it's definitely a way that I express myself and I really just

want to be able to–I have so much makeup, right?

Yeah, you do.

I want to be able to use it.


Well that was the whole challenge.

I hope you guys enjoyed it and we'll see you next time.

Hopefully we can get her in another video soon.



Thanks so much for watching us, guys.

Let us know what you want to see next on Beauty With Mi in the comments down below.

Click here to subscribe to Refinery29 and click here to watch another episode of Beauty

With Mi.


For more infomation >> I Swapped Makeup Routines With My Mom | Beauty With Mi | Refinery29 - Duration: 7:13.


Fashion Portraits with Cellophane - A Great DIY Tool for Your Studio - Duration: 6:55.

In this video I am going to take you behind the scenes with some yellow cellophane, a

beautiful model, a fan, and an amazing makeup artist - stay tuned!

Hey gang!

I'm always on the lookout for things that I can drape around a model, or turn into an

outfit, or place over a light source to change the color of the light, or even turn into

a background.

As a result - I make frequent trips to local fabric stores and arts and craft stores like

Joannes, Michaels and A.C. Moore and I am always digging through the clearance sections

to see what I can make use of without breaking the bank.

On a recent trip to Michaels, I found these bright colored rolls of transparent packaging

wrap for just $4.99 a roll.

These are basically 30" wide by 25 ft long rolls of colored cellophane and at five bucks

a roll that's a steal when you think of all the things you could do with it - including

making your own custom gels for your LEDS, speedlights or studio strobes.

Sometimes when i find stuff like this it immediately gives me an idea for a shot and other times

- I just now it's something I'll find a use for.

In the case of the colored cellophane, I had no idea what I would do with it - but I knew

it would be fun

Sure enough a week later, my makeup artist - came up with this very colorful makeup look

that had lots of different colors and geometric shapes.

Now you frequently hear me talk about the idea of working your shot to make sure that

you haven't missed a potentially great idea.

I've also shared some of my failures to show you how I come up with these shots.

In this case - I honestly had no idea how to shoot this look.

There were so many colors and so much detail, that I was struggling to come up with something

in my head that really got me excited.

When that happens to me - I have learned to just pick an idea - don't second guess myself

and begin shooting - begin shooting knowing that I will work the shot and keep exploring

until it all comes together in a way that excites me.

When my model came on the set for the first shot, I decided to go with this idea of draping

some gold material over her head.

You can see I also draped some gold colored tulle around her neck just to add an additional

texture at the bottom of the frame.

I hated this look.

Then I took a step back and thought maybe I keep it real simple and go with just the

girl and the gold tulle on the bottom.


Then I second guessed myself and went back to the shiny gold material draped over her

head and looked for ways to also use the dull side of the material… maybe aiming some

light though it - Nope

The I tried wrapping the material around her head - nah

Then I went all the way back to the beginning and tried to finesse the shiny gold material

draped over her head.

Still not working.

Then I remembered the roll of yellow cellophane and it all came together in my head.

This was a basic clamshell lighting setup using 320ws Interfit Honey Badger strobes

mounted in Medium Sized Photoflex Lite Dome softboxes.

I used the grids on the boxes to keep as much of the light on my subject as possible and

to prevent it from reaching the white background.

I had an additional Honey Badger on the floor in front of the Savage Universal White seamless

paper backdrop to make sure that I had a pure white background.

Once I added the cellophane to the shot I placed a yellow gel on the background strobes

to turn the white background to a bright yellow and then added two more Honey Badgers - one

on each side and aimed back towards my model - also with yellow gels to create the rim

lighting that would accent her face and makeup.

So the finished shot was a total of five 320ws lights.

It is important to understand that you could do this shot with speedlights or pocket flashes.

And if you have enough space you could actually pull this shot off with just three lights.

The shot was made with my Olympus E-M1 Mark II and the M. Zuiko 45mm f/1.2 PRO lens which

is a 90mm full frame equivalent.

The ISO was 200 which is the base ISO for the Mark II and the shutter speed 1/250th

of a second and the aperture was set at f/8 .

I was shooting tethered with the TetherPro cables from Tether Tools and using the Olympus

Capture software to manage the camera and downloads.

For camera support I used a Benro carbon fiber tripod with an Acratech Ballhead mounted on


Now that I had the yellow gels creating a yellow background and yellow rims, I started

by adding a collar of cellophane around my models shoulders.

I left the gold tulle in place to have just a little extra texture.

At this point I know I was onto the right idea, but it still needed more.

Since I am a gluten for punishment - when I am looking for that little something extra

and I am not quite sure what it is - I tend to go for chaos and look for something that

will surprise me.

So I added a fan on the floor behind my model.

I also moved my Digital ala Cart case with my laptop behind the model so that I could

see the shots as they were downloading and I had Monae, my makeup artist - move behind

the camera to coach the model on her expression and head tilts.

The I took a section cellophane that was about six feet long and started letting the fan

blow it around to see what kinds of shapes and textures, I could create just behind the


I am triggering the camera using a Vello wireless remote control.

I did try a few frames without the background lights so that the white background turned

dark gray and while it is cool how dramatic it feels - I still preferred the bright yellow

that you see here in my finished shot.

The final images required very little post production beyond the usual color, contrast

and sharpening and of course removing of blemishes - I say this just as reminder of the importance

of great hair and makeup.

So there you have it.

Sometimes you just have to fake it till you make it.

It's not as hard as it looks unless you allow yourself to be afraid.

Fear of failure is the biggest obstacle to being creative.

You simply have to keep shooting.

Work the shot - try things - even things that seem ridiculous.

Your model will always respect your effort - you will learn lots of new things and your

photography will head in directions that you hadn't previously imagined.

I hope this gives you some ideas, take this idea and run with it - go create and show

me what you come up with.

Until next time, Please hit that thumbs up and subscribe so that you don't miss any

videos and don't keep all this cool stuff to yourself - please share it with your photography


Remember - photography is not a competition - its a passion to be shared.

Now go pick up that camera and shoot something because your BEST shot - it's your NEXT

shot, so keep learning, keep thinking, keep shooting.


For more infomation >> Fashion Portraits with Cellophane - A Great DIY Tool for Your Studio - Duration: 6:55.


How to Get Over a Breakup Fast - Heal Your Broken Heart. - Duration: 12:36.

In this video, you will learn 8 strategies based on the latest psychological science

that will help you get over a breakup and heal your broken heart.

So don't go anywhere because we're starting in 4 seconds.

hi everyone..

I'm dr Antonio Borrello, Welcome to another video.

I'm a psychologist and relationship coach and I make weekly dating and relationship

advice videos.

This channel is all about helping you build great relationships so you can grow happy

with the people you love.

So, if you're interested in making your love life the best part of your life, start

now by clicking the subscribe button and the bell notification so you aren't missing


OK… on the eight steps to getting over a breakup and healing your broken heart..

Having a broken heart and missing someone doesn't just hurt, it can feel overwhelming…

it has been called the greatest of emotional pains...

it can feel impossible and leave you feeling helpless.

Along with the pain, you'll have So many questions like..

How can I move on?

How do I get through this?

Will it ever get better?

Yeah, having a broken heart sucks!

And it can suck for a long time…but there is good news,

The good news.. is that there really are things you can do to speed the mending of your broken

heart and make it a lot less painful in the meantime.

But first we need to understand what heartbreak is from a biochemical perspective and understand

what's happening that makes heartbreak so painful and so difficult to get over.

And that's what I want to address first.

That romantic love is very much a natural addiction..

When we are in love with a person, we are chemically addicted to that person.. in fact,

falling in love has similar effects on the brain as cocaine does on the brains of a user.

So when we are going through a break up….. we will experience the same types of withdrawal

symptoms and cravings that an addict feels when they are coming off of a substance.

Brain studies have shown that the withdrawal of romantic love activates the same mechanisms

in our brain that get activated when addicts are withdrawing from substances like cocaine.

Think about that for a moment …. A heartbroken lover experiences symptoms of drug withdrawal,

including protest, crying spells, lethargy, anxiety, insomnia, loss of appetite or binge

eating, irritability, and loneliness.

And heartbroken Lovers, like addicts, also often go to extremes, sometimes doing degrading

or physically dangerous things to win back the beloved.

They beg and plead.... they try anything and everything to win back the affection of the

person they love, even when their lovers are exceedingly clear that the relationship is


And heartbroken people relapse the way drug addicts do.

Long after the relationship is over, events, people, places, songs, or other external cues

associated with their ex can trigger memories and renewed craving for that person.

So, in order to get over a break up and heal your broken heart, you've got to treat the

failed relationship as you would treat any other addiction.

And that begins with number 1

1 Acceptance Accept that the relationship is over so you

can focus on healing.

Much like other forms of grieving, many people struggle with denial… and cannot accept

the reality that the relationship is over.

This is also known as the protest phase….

When the heartbroken person tries anything and everything to win back the affection of

their beloved.

But in order to start healing and moving forward, we've got to accept what we are being told…

we've got to accept that the relationship is over.

It also important to understand why things ended because this is one of the main factors

that helps us with acceptance, letting go, and moving on.

Having a clear understanding helps us to reach closure sooner and it helps us let go of our

hopes and fantasies of reconciliation.

I know it's difficult... accepting that it's over is the last thing you want to

be true, but it's the most important first step.


Go Cold Turkey Going cold turkey is often the best way to

stop an addictive habit, such as drugs or alcohol.

It means that you just totally, completely stop, and never do it again.

Cold turkey also implies that you will have to bear the cravings and pains associated

with withdrawal.

And When it comes to healing a broken heart, going cold turkey means you Stop Communicating,

Negotiating or scheming to get your ex back.

Cold turkey means that you do not initiate communication with your ex… it also means

that you stop following them on social media.

After all, You don't want reminders of your ex popping up on your news feed and Instagram

feed every day.

Remember, you're trying to heal..

And you absolutely must NOT MONITOR their social media sites hoping to see that nothing

in their life has changed.

Doing so is detrimental to your recovery.

Think about it…

Alcoholics and other addicts understand the risk associated with even a single use of

their drug of choice After they have quit.

. For example, one cigarette can reactivate days of intense cravings for nicotine.

It brings them right back into the most intense withdrawal symptoms.

In the same way, indulging in the urge to look at social media of a person who broke

your heart can reactive your addiction to them and set you back to the beginning.

remember, lovers relapse the way drug addicts do.

Long after the relationship is over, events, people, places, songs, or other external cues

associated with their abandoning lover can trigger memories and renewed craving.

Don't do it.. trust me... time heals... but it won't heal if you keep picking at

a wound and re-injuring yourself.

The goal is to spend less and less time thinking about a person who is.

No longer in your life and focus on you.

And that reminds me ..are you struggling with a recent breakup or relationship problem that

you need some help with?

I coach people all over the world both over the phone or though video conferencing.

So if you're interested in exploring the possibility one on one Coachimg, send me an

email at … and perhaps we can work together.

I'll also include my email address in the comment section below.


Give Yourself Permission to Grieve When you're dealing with the loss of a romantic

relationship, there are a variety of competing emotions you might be feeling: shock, sadness,

anger, fear, shame.

Whatever you are feeling is normal for you at that time.

Don't try to suppress them or numb them with drugs or alcohol.

Let yourself grieve the relationship.

This process is necessary for healing and emerging strong….

You've got to go through the feelings… not around them.


Build Your Support System.

This one is huge…super important.

Some people keep to themselves and try to figure it all out … but you can only do

so much inside your own head,

having a supportive network of friends who care about you is incredibly helpful.

So consider recruiting two or three people you can reach out to when you need someone.

Not only will they be your support system, they can also be your accountability person.

"Every time you want to send a text to your partner or are reminded about your ex and

want to reach for them, reach for one of your buddies instead,"

And, It's great to have multiple people so you don't worry about your friend being

tired of having to hear the same things."

Let your friends know that you need their help to get through this.

Keep watching... because this next one is super important To speed up your recovery.


Stop Ruminating Psychologists define ruminating as passive

and repeated focusing and thinking about a situation, its causes and its consequences.

Ruminating is finding yourself caught in a loop, replaying memories and past conversations,

or fantasizing about what you might say to your ex.

After a breakup, you may find yourself ruminating quite a bit and that certainly doesn't feel


So there are a few good ways to handle post breakup rumination.

One way to process your emotions is to write them down.

Or, write an honest letter to your ex…

Include all the things you're grateful for and the things you're disappointed about.

It's a good opportunity to get it out…and there is something about the writing process

that is cathartic.

Write it as if you NOT going to be sending it so that you can be free with your thoughts

and feelings.

let yourself feel your feelings as you write the letter.

After you're done writing you can decide whether sending it is worth it to you.

just remember, the purpose of the letter is to use it for your own grief, not as a last

attempt to get something from your ex.

It takes courage to go deeper into our suffering, and confront how we are thinking and feeling,

yet it is a crucial step to healing and then, letting go.

And secondly, Practice mindfulness meditation..

Another key to breaking free of rumination involves fostering new ways of thinking that

are nonjudgmental.

Mindfulness meditation techniques provide useful, practical skills to help heal after

experiencing the loss of a relationship., if you're coming off of a breakup and are

heartbroken, it pays to keep a clear, focused, and present mind.. because The more you worry

about a slew of potential problems the more it drives you away from a positive, productive


When you keep yourself in the present moment, nothing from the past or future can bother


Right now, is all that matters.

Concerns of how your relationship went wrong or what your future dating life holds are


You focus on your life, in the now, and nothing else matters.

As with any skill, time and attention is required to hone them, but once they are developed,

the techniques can be applied in situations wherein similar emotions or beliefs are triggered.

6 Get to Know the Real You Again.

Give yourself 10-15 minutes of solitude everyday where you simply think about yourself and

your life.

Practice talking to yourself as you would talk to a best friend.

And go easy on yourself!

Soon, talking to yourself this way will be automatic and you'll notice positive changes

in both self-worth and positive self-regard.

Or begin writing your thoughts and journaling about what you really like and dislike, what

drives and motivates you, and your goals and dreams for the future.

Making this time for yourself is one of the best ways of accomplishing the next step…taking

good care of yourself.


Take Good Care of Yourself.

OK, this one is obvious, right?

We all understand the importance of maintaining our physical and psychological health by engaging

in healthy eating, exercising, and overall living.

But taking good care of yourself also involves reflective thinking and being responsive to

your body and to your feelings as the basis for taking action that is best suited for



Take Advantage of Being Single Of course, being single has its perks, like

the ability to be on your own schedule, watch as much dorky TV as you want, save some money

by not buying gifts for your belle or beau, and flirt with people at holiday parties.

But the most amazing advantage of being single is that it allows you time to focus on yourself

and the areas of your life that may need attention, like your health, happiness, or career.

Being more mindful of these things not only helps us to improve the quality of our life,

but your relationship with yourself grows when you focus on it and spend quality time


And when you focus on you, you're more likely to recognize the things that are undermining

your well-being and happiness.

Don't forget that.

Take advantage of your time for yourself — you'll thank yourself later.

So there you have it… eight steps to overcome your broken heart and to a new and improved

you… if you're hurting right now.

I promise that if you practice those eight things, you will feel better.

It doesn't happen overnight, but it will happen.

Take care of you... and nurture your relationships with your friends and family.

So, I'd love to hear from you.

are you hurting and struggling to get over your ex?.

Have you tried any of these suggestions before?

Did they help.

Please leave a comment below and I promise to read and respond to all of them.

And if you know someone who has a broken heart and could benefit by seeing this video, please

share it with them too

Oh, and if you're interested in more videos that will help you build great relationships

so you can grow happy with the people you love, make sure you've subscribed so you

aren't missing anything.

And please hit that thumbs up button to let me know you found this video helpful.

Thanks for watching..

I'll see you in the next video

For more infomation >> How to Get Over a Breakup Fast - Heal Your Broken Heart. - Duration: 12:36.


Koo Koo Kanga Roo - Double Scoop (Dance-A-Long) - Duration: 3:01.

kick it all off with a waffle cone right on top put some ice cream on

do it like that and I'm in the zone Got me DROOLIN, 'scuse me, pardon

Scoop 1 Cookie Dough, no look I've been on it since they called me a rook

Scoop 2 double fudge, by the book this desert is off the hook

One scoops not enough, nah, nah One scoops not enough, nah, nah

One scoops not enough, nah, nah One scoops not enough, nah, nah

Whoop whoop I wanna I wanna Whoop whoop I wanna double scoop

Whoop whoop I wanna I wanna Whoop whoop I wanna double scoop

I see one scoop I get sad inside bet the rest of your life is also "just fine"

gotta lotta nerve walkin round outside that right there is, single-decker pride

Two over one, errbody knows that Got two t's like some twins named matt

I double everything and yo, that is a fact I double everything and yo, that is a fact

One scoops not enough, nah, nah One scoops not enough, nah, nah

One scoops not enough, nah, nah One scoops not enough, nah, nah

Whoop whoop I wanna I wanna Whoop whoop I wanna double scoop

Whoop whoop I wanna I wanna Whoop whoop I wanna double scoop

Ice cream is my best friend Ice cream is my best friend

Ice cream is my best friend Do you want to lick my best friend?

Whoop whoop I wanna I wanna Whoop whoop I wanna double scoop

Whoop whoop I wanna I wanna Whoop whoop I wanna double scoop

For more infomation >> Koo Koo Kanga Roo - Double Scoop (Dance-A-Long) - Duration: 3:01.


Parents' day in Korea 🌸 Making a flower box with $13! - Duration: 5:47.

Hello-! This is Lara

Today I'm making something

In other countries, there are a mother's day and a father's day respectively

but not in Korea

Instead, we have a Parents' day with is called "uh buh ei nal"

Every May 8th, we give presents to our parents

this time I wanted to give a flower box which is a hot popular gift in Korea

but in fact, it was expensive because I'm not doing anything at the moment

I'm just not working, unemployed (in Korean = Baek Soo 백수)

That's why I decided to make a flower box by myself!

I'm not good at making something

but I feel like I can make a flower box, can't I?

Let's see if I can make it or not. Let's go~!

Here I prepared the things I need

Firstly, you need an empty box

and since it's gonna be a flower box,

You need flowers. There are all fake flowers.

You also need clays.

I bought 3 of them

And don't forget to prepare a glue, scissors and a letter

I spent 14,000Won to buy all of these

Which is about $13. It was cheap!

First step, we have to stick the clays on the bottom of the box

so we need to glue the bottom side of the box!

I don't even have to squeeze it. It just comes out easily

It smells terrible gosh

I finished the first step

The whole purpose of gluing was to stick the clays on the bottom of the box

I prepared clays that have this color (like a sand...?)

I'll stretch clays to fit the box size

So this is how it looks It looks.... um.....


Some might think it's much easier to buy a new one instead of making it

but, buying a new one isn't fun at all

'Plz just buy.....'

Tada~ now clays are sticked to the box which look like sand

and this will hold flowers firmly

But as you see, the length of flowers are all different

so we need to cut flowers just about the box's height

I prepared lot of different flowers

but in fact, on Parents' day, this carnation is the representative flower

so giving carnations to our parents is the Korena culture

Sadly where I went didn't have many carnations

so I had to buy roses and others

I think the easiest way to make a flower box

is to stick the biggest flowers firstly

it'll look much better if the flowers are a little bit longer than the box's height

so I'll cut the flower around here

This is how it looks when you cut the fake flower

There was a wire in the stem so it was hard to cut it with scissors

Anyway, let's put it

Okay... it's done

This is the next flower

You can see it has leaves around the flower

We're going to use these leaves too

Finally I finished making it!

It took longer than I expected! (about an hour?)

and it was hard to cut the flowers with scissors because of wires

If you are thinking to make this like I did

it'll be easier if you have good scissors

or just bend the wires rather than cutting it with scissors

Now I'll show you my flower box!

It looks better than I expected!!!

Isn't it really good?

I'm a person who doesn't have an aesthetic sense at all

I didn't even knew where to put flowers

so I put the big flowers first, just like these flowers

then I put the carnation in the middle

and I put these little gypsophilas in the empty spaces

so it looks like it's full of flowers, no empty spaces

also it doesn't look that fake and tacky

but one down side of this

it just smells like clays

I'll spray the floral fragrance after filming

if you want to stick a litte note, it'll look like this

I really didn't expected that I could make this

I'll put these on the table in the morning on Parents' day

along with my letter and gifts

What do you usually give to your parents as a gift?

In Korea, carnation is the main gift of the parents' day anyway

so I made a flower box that has carnations which is a hot trendy gift

don't forget to like this video and share it with your friends!

See you next time! Bye bye~

A letter to my parents

Thank you for everything

and don't worry

There's another gift I prepared.

This is not all

See you next time everyone for real~

For more infomation >> Parents' day in Korea 🌸 Making a flower box with $13! - Duration: 5:47.


Nightcore - Staring at the Sun - Duration: 3:40.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Staring at the Sun - Duration: 3:40.


How To Meet New People (Even If You're An Introvert) - Duration: 3:09.

- When you do find yourself in a full on networking event.

You know, say it's a cocktail party or a happy hour.

One of the most effective tips you can use

is just to shift your mindset.

So instead of the mindset of thinking

what am I gonna say to these people?

Instead go in there and think

how can I make the people around me comfortable?

(upbeat music)

I think the biggest misconception about introverts

is that they're antisocial.

They're not antisocial, they're not misanthropic.

They're differently social.

Introverts in general prefer to invest their energies

into a few close friendships.

Sometimes people ask me, well if you're an introvert

how do you go about making new friends?

And I think the answer really is more or less the same

as it would be for an extrovert

which is we tend to make friends most easily

with people who we feel some kind of connection with.

You know people who feel like a kindred spirit

whether just in terms of what their world view is

or in terms of shared interests and shared passion.

Don't put so much pressure on yourself

to do the ones that you don't like

and instead actively seek out the ones you do.

If you think that you're too introverted

and that's holding you back you'll be so much more powerful

once you really come to terms with who you are.

I see this again and again.

There's a kind of paradox

that the more people have with themselves

the more powerful they are in externally oriented roles

like a job interview or negotiation or something like that.

And if you need to get a sense of that peace

one way to do it is to look for role models

of people who you think have a personality style

similar to yours and who are doing the kinds of things

that you want to do in the world.

I've gone through a real evolution

when it comes to public speaking

because I used to be terrified of public speaking

and I saw it as a terror so profound

that there was no way to overcome it,

but here's the thing, for those of you who feel this way

whether it's about public speaking or any other kind of fear

the way to conquer it is you have to expose yourself

to thing that you fear in very small

manageable bite sized steps.

So you don't begin by giving a Ted Talk.

You have to start really slowly

so you might instead like sign up for Toastmasters.

You know, sign up for your local chapter

where you're gonna be in a setting

of supportive people and it's safe

and it doesn't matter how much you screw up.

And little by little by little

the horror will start to recede

and you'll be able to bring your personality

into the room with you.

Imagine that you're the host

and imagine you go up to somebody.

It is your job to make them feel good

and that's gonna change completely

your demeanor and your body language.

And then if you couple that also

with the idea of every single person has at least one,

usually many more fascinating things about them

and my job is to tap into my natural curiosity

and figure out what that fascinating thing is.

That also is going to serve you really well.

It can be very helpful to prepare a couple of topics

that you might want to talk about or questions to ask,

but really at the end of the day

it's about a shift in mindset.

For more infomation >> How To Meet New People (Even If You're An Introvert) - Duration: 3:09.


Jessica Mauboy - "We Got Love" - Australia | Reaction Video | Eurovision Song Contest - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Jessica Mauboy - "We Got Love" - Australia | Reaction Video | Eurovision Song Contest - Duration: 3:44.


How To Stop Robocallers - Duration: 3:17.

- [Narrator] Telemarketers have been around for decades.

- [Man On Telephone] Long distance service.

- Oh gee, I can't talk right now.

- But in the cell phone era,

they've gotten a lot more advanced.

Robocallers can automatically dial your number

and human doesn't even get involved until you pick up.

For some of you, that probably means several

annoying calls a week.

But there are some things you can do to stop them.

Let's back up for a second though.

How do robocallers get your number in the first place?

There are a lot of tricks they use.

They can get your number from a variety of sources

like dialing 1-800 numbers, filling out forms online,

even charities will sell your phone number to third parties.

There's no fool proof way to prevent robocallers

from getting your number, but there are a few thing

you can do to mitigate the chances of it happening.

Treat your cell phone number like your

social security number or your credit card number.

Don't give it out to a party you don't trust.

If you have to give out your number,

use an alternative like maybe your work landline

or even a landline you have at home that you never answer.

But what if it's too late?

What if robocallers already have your number?

There are a few ways they trick you into answering.

One thing they do is spoof their number so it looks like

it's coming from the same area code.

You're more likely to answer a phone call from a neighbor

than a random number across the country.

Sometimes they'll even block the caller ID

so you're curious enough to pick up.

If you don't recognize the number calling you,

just don't answer.

No matter what trick they use to get you to answer,

it's annoying, but you can fight back.

First, if a robocaller gets to you,

you can block that number from calling you again.

It's actually really easy to do.

On iPhone, go to your recent calls and click on the "I"

next to the robocaller that just called you.

Then scroll down and click "Block this caller."

It's a little bit of a different process

depending on which Android phone you might have,

but go through your call log

and you should see the option to block it.

Android users also get an extra bonus,

Google software can automatically scan a number

before it calls you and let you know if it's spam or not.

Then you don't even have to answer.

The government can help you out too.

The FTC has a national do not call list

that you can enter your cell phone number into

and if a robocaller calls you anyway,

you can report them and they'll get fined.

Most wireless carriers offer tools to block spammers and

robocallers, so ask your carrier what they offer.

If all else fails, there are a few apps you can download

to your phone that promise to block robocallers.

RoboKiller and Truecaller are two popular options.

They charge a monthly fee,

but they promise to block 90% of robocalls.

RoboKiller has a cool feature that lets you send messages

back to robocallers so you can give them

a taste of their own medicine.

- [Phone Voice] You just called me

in a local training exercise mode.

- [Male Voice] No I did not.

- [Phone Voice] I trained for six months to go onto

America's Got Talent.

- Unfortunately, there's no way to block

100% of the robocalls you receive.

They're constantly finding new ways to get to you.

But if you're smart and proactive,

you can drastically reduce the amount you receive.

- [Phone Voice] So you feel like giving like an honest

opinion on whether you think my voice is nice or not.

Are you cool with that?

For more infomation >> How To Stop Robocallers - Duration: 3:17.


Is Sensory Deprivation The Ultimate Trip? | You Have To See This - Duration: 6:08.

(engines running)

- Scientists are only now proving that

this busy world of screens, alerts, and

push notifications is really making us quite unhappy.

In cities across America, different companies are

coming up with unique ways to unplug.

Here in Chicago I'm gonna try, too.

The first is sensory depravation.

I'm gonna get into a tank of water filled with salts

essentially a subaquatic coffin and hopefully I'll relax.

I'm not really a claustrophobic person,

but I have sort of had some freak outs when I've

tried to scuba dive, I guess I might freak out.

(upbeat music)

- Popularized in the 1970s, sensory depravation is

when someone is deprived of normal external stimuli

such as sight or sound for an extended period of time.

Today, I'm trying float style depravation.

People claim floating can help

insomnia, chronic pain, anxiety,

depression and even addiction.

It's even purported that floating can

lead to psychedelic experiences.

Today I'm trying float style depravation,

which puts you in an epsom salt bath that's

skin temperature and makes you weightless.

So this isn't a tank, this is like a room.

I thought it'd be like a little thing.

- Yeah, if you have any adversity to

small space, we have a couple different types here.

We have a tank, a pod, and this is a cabin,

and as you can see it's very spacious.

So, people who think they have an

adversity to small spaces, they see this and

they're like, oh I can handle this.

- Yeah, this is like a bath, this is fine, okay.

Okay, so the other room looked great,

but I walked by this and my stomach dropped.

So I felt like once that happened, I had to try it.

- So unlike the others, you don't have the

glass door, there's just a whole like

next level of darkness in here.

- Right, right, it's cave dark.

I'm gonna honestly say, now that I'm looking at this,

I don't know if I can make an hour.

How many people, when they do this the

first time, don't make it an hour?

- Very few don't make it an hour.

- Really? - Yes.

- So you think I'm gonna chill out?

- I really do.

- Okay, so now I have to get naked and

I'd rather not do it in front of the cameras.

All right, I'm about to hop in so here we go.

Oh boy, it's very warm and it's very slippery,

so I'm trying not to shoot my new body.

Well, this is kind of awesome actually.

All right guys, I'll see ya on the flip side, okay?

Ah, this is a little harder than I thought it'd be.

I had a, one moment there, ah salt in the eyes.

I don't know how much time just passed,

I honestly thought I'd be able to link up better.

I hit one moment there where I had

everything cut off and I was tryin' to

push through it but I don't know, it's a little much.

I definitely hit a point where

everything was cut off and it was like I was

looking into the universe or something.

And thought I was, like, crap where am I?

The air's kind of thick in there,

my nose got a little stuffy, I'm gonna shower.

(soft music)

- I just got out of the sensory depravation tank and

I'm in a sort of chill out meditation room with a

nice mandala and a warm cup of tea that is very welcome.

Well, right now I feel exhausted and more awake

at the same time, if that's possible.

My body's like Jello, guys.

One thing that I realized was really strange was

at one point I'm laying there and

I realized my eyes were open, not closed,

and they were open and I couldn't see anything.

And in that moment, there's definitely like a

holy shit, what's going on here?

And you forget where that door is.

I know you know it's there, cognitively you

know there's a door there but when

you reach and you don't feel anything,

you could be in the middle of the galaxy, you have no clue.

I'm not sure if I liked it is the truth.

There were monents I hated it and

there were moments that I was at complete peace,

and I sort of found my equilibrium.

I don't think I would do it again on my own.

You're breathing this really sort of thick, hot air.

I'm used to 70 degree, perfect humididy

air conditioning situations.

I would have to come a whole lot,

I think, to overcome that all at the time.

I just don't imagine that happening.

I would probably try it again sometime.

I just totally contradicted myself I know,

but look, I was in a tank of water for an hour,

you do it and try to be lucid.

Okay, so I struggled with sensory depravation,

but that was definitely on the more intense side.

Now I'm gonna try something a little easier, a salt cave.

Honestly, there's not a ton of science on it,

but people do report breating easier,

having clearer skin, even having an

improved mood after visiting a salt cave.

So today I'm at Galo Salt Caves,

which is a salt cave facility.

There's really a meditative feel to this space,

the lights are low, they play really relaxing music.

It's super quiet, the salt is not just

absorbing moisture, I think it's

also absorbing sound pretty well.

Already inside, I can taste the salt on my lips.

Yeah, I think both sensory depravation and this,

they work simply because they cut us off of our busy lives.

These are spaces we can come that

have no screens and no push notifications,

and in that way I think they both really succeed.

It doesn't really matter if you're

hallucinating while floating weightless or

getting some sort of asthmatic benefit by

breathing salt, it's just that it's quiet.

(relaxing music)

For more infomation >> Is Sensory Deprivation The Ultimate Trip? | You Have To See This - Duration: 6:08.


'I'm Dying Up Here' Live Stream: How to Watch Season 2 Premiere Online | SML TV - Duration: 4:49.

'I'm Dying Up Here' Live Stream: How to Watch Season 2 Premiere Online

The second season of I'm Dying Up Here, which is produced by Jim Carrey and stars the likes of Melissa Leo, Ari Graynor, Michael Angarano and Clark Duke, premieres Sunday, May 6, at 10 p.m.

ET on Showtime.

Fortunately, even if you don't have cable, you can still watch Showtime on your computer, phone, or streaming device by signing up for one of the following cable-free, live-TV streaming services.

With all of these services, you can either watch Showtime live as it airs, or you can watch any of Showtime's on-demand content, which will include all I'm Dying Up Here episodes once they air.

Amazon Prime: If you have Amazon Prime or want to start a free 30-day trial of Amazon Prime, you can watch live Showtime and all of Showtime's on-demand library through Amazon Channels.

The Showtime channel, which costs $8.99 per month, also comes with a free trial.

Once signed up for both Prime and the Showtime channel, you can watch I'm Dying Up Here episodes live, or you watch them on-demand after they air.

With either option, you can watch on your computer via the Amazon website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Amazon Video app.

DirecTV Now: Showtime is a $8 per month add-on that can be added to any of DirecTV Now's four channel packages.

You can add it to your existing DirecTV Now account, or if you're a new subscriber, you can sign up for a free 7-day trial of any base package plus Showtime.

Additionally, new subscribers can get $25 off your first three months with promo code "YESNOW3", so if you sign up for the "Live a Little" package and Showtime, you would get 60-plus channels, including Showtime, for just $18 per month for the first three months.

Once signed up, you can watch I'm Dying Up Here episodes live, or you can watch them on-demand after they air.

You can watch on your computer via the DirecTV Now website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the DirecTV Now app.

Additionally, you can also use your DirecTV Now credentials to sign in and watch via HBO Go.

Hulu: Whether you have Hulu or Hulu With Live TV, or you're signing up for a new account, Showtime can be added for $8.99 per month.

With this option, you can watch I'm Dying Up Here episodes live, or you can watch them on-demand after they air.

Once signed up, you can watch on your computer via the Hulu website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Hulu app.

FuboTV: Showtime is a $10.99 per month add-on that can be added to your Fubo channel package.

You can add it to your existing FuboTV account, or if you're a new subscriber, you can sign up for a free 7-day trial of any base package plus Showtime.

Once signed up, you can then watch I'm Dying Up Here episodes live, or you can watch them on-demand after they air.

For either option, you can watch on your computer via the FuboTV website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the FuboTV app.

For more infomation >> 'I'm Dying Up Here' Live Stream: How to Watch Season 2 Premiere Online | SML TV - Duration: 4:49.


How Long Until I Get My Workers' Compensation Settlement Money? – NJ Attorney Sam Gaylord explains - Duration: 2:07.

So, your workers compensation case is settled and your lawyer has told you it's time to

go to court.

Well, do you want to know how long it's going to take to get your money?

Join me and I'll provide you that valuable information.

Hi, I'm Sam Gaylord, disability litigator in the State of New Jersey, managing partner

at the law office of Gaylord Popp, representing injured workers in the areas of workers' compensation,

Social Security Disability, and disability pension appeals.

Your attorney has told you your case is about to settle.

So, how long is it going to be before you see your money?

Well, you're going to have to go to court, at which point, there will be a record made

of the understanding of the resolution of your claim.

From the date that you're in court, you'll get a copy of that court order and the insurance

company has 60 days in which to pay you.

So, once you receive your first payment, there's two ways that you can get your entire award.

First, you can receive the entire thing in one lump sum check, or you can receive a lump

sum check and then you may receive some payments.

That depends on how your case settles and the value of the case, what you're settling


However, the most important thing to know is that if you do not get your money within

that 60-day window, your lawyer has to go back to court and file a motion to get that

enforced so that you can get your money.

I hope you found this information valuable.

If so, go to our website.

If not, if you have additional questions, contact me at 609-771-8611.

I'm Sam Gaylord, disability litigator in the State of New Jersey.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> How Long Until I Get My Workers' Compensation Settlement Money? – NJ Attorney Sam Gaylord explains - Duration: 2:07.


I'm Not the Only One - Sam Smith (Thairine Cover) - Duration: 2:27.

♫ ♫

♫ You and me, we made a vow ♫

♫ For better or for worse ♫

♫ ♫

♫ I can't believe you let me down ♫

♫ But the proof is in the way, it hurts ♫

♫ ♫

♫ For months on end I've had my doubts ♫

♫ ♫

♫ Denying every tear ♫

♫ ♫

♫ I wish this would be over now ♫

♫ ♫

♫ But I know that I still need you here ♫

♫ ♫

♫ You say I'm crazy ♫

♫ 'Cause you don't think I know what you've done ♫

♫ But when you call me baby ♫

♫ I know I'm not the only one ♫

♫ ♫

♫ You've been so unavailable ♫

♫ ♫

♫ Now, sadly, I know why ♫

♫ ♫

♫ Your heart is unobtainable ♫

♫ Even though, Lord knows, you kept mine ♫

♫ You say I'm crazy ♫

♫ 'Cause you don't think I know what you've done ♫

♫ But when you call me baby ♫

♫ I know I'm not the only one ♫

♫ ♫

For more infomation >> I'm Not the Only One - Sam Smith (Thairine Cover) - Duration: 2:27.


Opel Astra 1.6i Season - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.6i Season - Duration: 1:05.


Hyundai i10 1.2 i-Drive Automaat NW Model APK 3-2020 - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.2 i-Drive Automaat NW Model APK 3-2020 - Duration: 1:07.


Kia Picanto 1.2i-16V Comfort/Exterior Pack 5-Drs Airco Radio-CD/MP3 15"LMV LED - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.2i-16V Comfort/Exterior Pack 5-Drs Airco Radio-CD/MP3 15"LMV LED - Duration: 0:52.


Opel Agila 1.2i-16V Elegance 5-Drs Stuurbekr. Airbags 14"LMV Trekhaak 71.378km - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Opel Agila 1.2i-16V Elegance 5-Drs Stuurbekr. Airbags 14"LMV Trekhaak 71.378km - Duration: 1:10.


Mitsubishi Outlander 2.0i-16V PHEV Premium Autom. ECC Cr.Control PDC 18"LMV 5jr.Garantie - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi Outlander 2.0i-16V PHEV Premium Autom. ECC Cr.Control PDC 18"LMV 5jr.Garantie - Duration: 1:14.


Mitsubishi Space Star 1.0i-12V ISG Bright 5-Drs ECC-Airco CPV 14"LMV PrivacyGlas 5jr.Garantie - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi Space Star 1.0i-12V ISG Bright 5-Drs ECC-Airco CPV 14"LMV PrivacyGlas 5jr.Garantie - Duration: 1:11.


Kia Stonic 1.0i-12V T-GDi/120pk Comfort+Line Airco Cr.Control Navi+Camera 17"LMV 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Kia Stonic 1.0i-12V T-GDi/120pk Comfort+Line Airco Cr.Control Navi+Camera 17"LMV 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 1:09.


Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...

For more infomation >> Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...


Que vozes estão por trás de cada brasileiro? - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Que vozes estão por trás de cada brasileiro? - Duration: 1:56.


O peso do Irã na questão palestina - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> O peso do Irã na questão palestina - Duration: 6:31.



Wiele palących osób, kiedy zapytane o stan zdrowia, powie że nic im nie dolega, a historie o wszystkich chorobach związanych z paleniem to bajki.

Niestety nie do końca tak to wygląda – powie to każdy lekarz. Najlepiej jest pozbyć się tego nałogu i żyć zdrowo. Może do zrobienia tego przekonają Cię suche fakty, które pokazują, że już po kilku dniach od rzucenia palenia, nasz organizm zaczyna pracować o wiele lepiej.

20 do 30 minut po rzuceniu palenia.Poprawia się krążenie krwi oraz obniża jej ciśnienie. Tętno zaczyna spadać, a stopy i dłonie stają się cieplejsze.

8 godzin po rzuceniu palenia.Poziom tlenu we krwi wzrasta, a stężenie tlenku węgla spada.

2 dni po rzuceniu palenia.Twój węch i smak zacznie się wyostrzać. Wszystko będzie bardziej aromatyczne i smaczne. Jest to jedna z najbardziej odczuwalnych zmian.

3 dni po rzuceniu palenia.Twoje płuca i oskrzela polepszą swój stan. O wiele łatwiej będzie Ci oddychać.

2 do 3 tygodni po rzuceniu palenia.Twoja kondycja poprawi się wraz z wydolnością płuc.

1 do 9 miesięcy po rzuceniu palenia.W ciągu kilku miesięcy odczujesz sporo korzyści. O wiele rzadziej będzie występować kaszel, zatkane zatoki oraz infekcje. Płuca będą się regenerować. Ogólny poziom energii również ulegnie poprawie.

1 rok po rzuceniu palenia.Gdyby serce potrafiło mówić, z pewnością usłyszałbyś podziękowania. Po roku od rzucenia palenia ryzyko zapadnięcia na choroby serca spada o połowę.

5 lat po rzuceniu palenia.Po tym czasie ryzyko udaru mózgu spada do poziomu, jak u osoby niepalącej. Poza tym zmniejsza się również ryzyko wystąpienia nowotworów.

10 lat po rzuceniu palenia.Rak płuc to największe niebezpieczeństwo czyhające na palaczy. Dziesięć lat od rzucenia palenia ryzyko wystąpienia tego nowotworu spada o połowę. Poza tym zmniejsza się prawdopodobieństwo wystąpienia raka trzustki i krtani.

15 lat po rzuceniu palenia.Ryzyko wystąpienia chorób serca oraz ryzyko śmierci jest wtedy na takim poziomie jak u osoby niepalącej.

Poza tym zmniejsza się także niebezpieczeństwo wystąpienia cukrzycy. Osoba, która rzuciła palenie 15 lat wcześniej jest o wiele bardziej żywotna, a jej naczynia krwionośne zaczynają funkcjonować w normalny sposób.



Malaquias - Capítulo 4 - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Malaquias - Capítulo 4 - Duration: 1:54.


Amy 'O - Duration: 19:56.

For more infomation >> Amy 'O - Duration: 19:56.


S1/E8 - O Mercado Imobiliário Norte Americano - Qual é o melhor Momento para Comprar? - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> S1/E8 - O Mercado Imobiliário Norte Americano - Qual é o melhor Momento para Comprar? - Duration: 3:28.


Campeã do BBB, Gleice grava cena do último capítulo de O Outro Lado do Paraíso - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Campeã do BBB, Gleice grava cena do último capítulo de O Outro Lado do Paraíso - Duration: 3:22.


Para entrar em O Tempo Não Para, Globo disse que Adriane Galisteu teria que deixar de ser loira - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Para entrar em O Tempo Não Para, Globo disse que Adriane Galisteu teria que deixar de ser loira - Duration: 2:51.


O Outro Lado do Paraíso HOJE Segunda 07/05/18 RESUMO COMPLETO O que vai acontecer na novela - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> O Outro Lado do Paraíso HOJE Segunda 07/05/18 RESUMO COMPLETO O que vai acontecer na novela - Duration: 1:09.


Rozenek już nie lubi Jarosińskiej? "Wiadomo, że chodzi o Radka" || SzokGWIAZDY - Duration: 5:14.

Rozenek już nie lubi Jarosińskiej? "Wiadomo, że chodzi o Radka"

Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan i Monika Jarosińska zaprzyjaźniły się kilka lat temu, gdy Monika w serialu Samo życie grała kochankę bohatera, w którego wcielał się Jacek Rozenek, ówczesny mąż Gosi.

Sama Małgorzata nic wtedy nie znaczyła w show biznesie.

Była po prostu żoną swojego męża.

Znajomość z Jarosińską, aktorką znaną z telenoweli, bardzo jej wtedy pochlebiała.

Chętnie chodziła z przyjaciółką na bankiety i razem z nią pozowała fotoreporterom.

Dla Małgosi był to wtedy jedyny sposób na zaistnienie w rubrykach towarzyskich.

Z czasem, gdy jej kariera nabierała tempa, powoli zapominała o dawnych znajomych.

Cieniem na znajomości z Jarosińską położyły się dodatkowo posądzenia o romans z Radosławem Majdanem.

Oskarżenia o ruch*nie się z Radkiem padły przed czterema laty z ust Dody w warszawskim klubie Show: Czym grozi awantura z Dodą? MAMY OBDUKCJĘ JAROSIŃSKIEJ!.

Przy okazji Dorota życzyła Monice śmierci.

Najgorsze, że klątwa rzucona przez Rabczewską omal się nie spełniła.

Na szczęście przeprowadzona rok temu operacja usunięcia tętniaka uratowała Monice życie.

Biorąc pod uwagę reputację Dody, oficjalnie nikt nie brał jej zarzutów pod adresem Moniki poważnie.

Jednak najwyraźniej niesmak pozostał, bo obecna żona Majdana woli na wszelki wypadek nie widywać się zbyt często z Jarosińską.

Widok Moniki tak bardzo kole ją w oczy, że nabrała zwyczaju stawiania ultimatum organizatorom imprez.

Rozenek stawia sprawę jasno: albo ja albo ona - ujawnia informator Super Expressu.

Nietrudno się domyślić, jak reagują organizatorzy imprez.

Wybierają Małgosię. Ta zaś twierdzi, że Jarosińska jest kojarzona ze skandalami i może zaszkodzić jej wizerunkowi.

Ale i tak wiadomo, że chodzi o Radka. .

Jarosińskiej pewnie zrobiło się przykro, jednak taktownie odmawia komentarza.

Nie chcę się wypowiadać na ten temat, to stare czasy - wspomina dyplomatycznie.

Kiedyś było jakoś fajniej. .

For more infomation >> Rozenek już nie lubi Jarosińskiej? "Wiadomo, że chodzi o Radka" || SzokGWIAZDY - Duration: 5:14.


Toni Soler pide que Puigdemont dé un paso atrás - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Toni Soler pide que Puigdemont dé un paso atrás - Duration: 3:04.


M jak miłość, odcinek 1370: Marcin nie odda Arturowi córki! Jak będzie walczył o Maję? - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> M jak miłość, odcinek 1370: Marcin nie odda Arturowi córki! Jak będzie walczył o Maję? - Duration: 3:34.


Irritado, Francisco Cuoco desabafa sobre preços de planos de saúde - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Irritado, Francisco Cuoco desabafa sobre preços de planos de saúde - Duration: 2:42.


240 VINTAGE PADLOCKS PICKING SERIES - FAAG - sub eng - Duration: 5:53.

Hello guys, welcome back again

the lock I have for you today is this awesome vintage padlock

FAAG brand

It's a 55 millimeter padlock

very cool

It is in good condition

I do not know much about this manufacturer

I've recently seen a couple of padlocks like this one for sale

and it was indicated that it was a Spanish manufacturer and that the padlock was from the 40s

I do not know, it could be

but I'm not sure

and here I show you the keyway

It is very accessible because it is very wide

it has an inscription, "49" that from what I have seen in others corresponds to the key

in this case I do not have the key

It is four pinner

this is the pin that holds the plug in place

very beautiful, very beautiful aesthetically, I like it a lot

and I am very happy to have achieved it

the picking is very easy,

the only difficulty that this one had was that it was very dirty, very very dirty

it had not been used in a long time

it's still dirty

the locking bolt is rusty and to open it is necessary to stretch the shackle

but the plug is already rotating, and you can pick it

let's try to pick it, and see if what we get

Let's try

it's a rare padlock, I have not seen many to the sale

and I am very happy to have it in my collection

I'm going to use a home made wrench from a wiper insert

I will place another tensioner so as not to damage the keyway

and a short hook from a cheap Chinese set

Let's do it

high tension

It is necessary to make a high tension because if you do not feel feedback

let's see if we place the lighting well

there it is

first nothing

second is binding

give us a click

third nothing,

fourth is binding

there it is, one click

we go back to the first, first is binding

make a click, even though the padlock is lubricated, the pins move with a lot of difficulty

second one click

third one click

fourth one click

the first one clicks again, and a slight turn on the core

second a light click

third is binding

make a click

fourth one click, the fourth is very short

first a click and a slight turn on the core

second nothing

and by touching the third one again

it opens

I am going to help it with this other wrench because it is very hard, very hard

the plug is very close to the body, it has also taken blows, as you can see, and it is very, very hard

there it is, now it's gone to the top

the shackle don´t pop up, you have to take it out with the hand

there it is

As you can see, the bolt is stuck because the plug is rotated

and it does not come back by itself

there it is

it's rusty

but I do not like to clean them too for not losing the patina

although this one is pretty clean on the outside

as you see, simple to pick,

but a real jewel for the collection

a very cool padlock

I do not know if it will be from the 40s, but in any case it is quite a few years old

Well, this has been the opening of this FAAG

which I think is from the 40s, from a Spanish manufacturer, which I can not find information

If someone has information, please share it with us

and this has been the opening, I hope you liked it, that it will be useful

and thank you very much for your time

bye ;o))

For more infomation >> 240 VINTAGE PADLOCKS PICKING SERIES - FAAG - sub eng - Duration: 5:53.


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A Shadow Over Freddy's - Fifth Night - Fangame Five Nights at Freddy's [PL/ENG] - Duration: 14:00.

Fifth Night is a little... different than the rest.

The colours are changed, it's red everywhere and... Where is any description, what to expect this night??

Well, hi, Ponguj's here and today we will beat the fifth, final lore night of A Shadow Over Freddy's.

You could already see that a lot is going on here, and we will see even more very soon.

It's quite simple to figure out the problem here. The map is completely chaotic now.

We don't need to know where are we or where are we going, because each time we move on the map, we're transported randomly to any other zone.

There is no logical goal, or sense in what's happening in here. I personally like to imagine that this night Golden Freddy appears and all this confusion is caused by him, due to his power.

It sounds fun, but don't really think about it too much, it's just my headcanon, I like it, but I don't think I'm going to get into this "theory" seriously.

But what's important this night - we have to figure out our goal, and that may be slightly difficult. The game tells us to "escape", but how can we do that if we're thrown randomly all over the map?

My first idea was, that it may be some sort of a labyrinth.

That the passages aren't random, that there is a rule in these. Maybe you're moving two zones forward or maybe these are random but fixed, but well - it didn't take me too much to figure out that it isn't the correct way.

The same passages lead to different rooms after the second, the third try, so yeah, it didn't work. There's no rule or scheme, nothing to help.

My second idea was, that maybe we don't have to reach anything, but we have to survive long enough, survive until 6 AM.

It killed us in the past nights, but maybe this time we've had to do it that way. The thing is, I didn't really understand all the mechanics in the game correctly, theoretically, you can stay in one place for six hours, keep turning around etc.

I thought that you can't stay too long in one place, or the shadows will start being impatient and attack you, but I've just incorrectly interpreted one of the mechanics.

If one of the shadows is already in your zone and you won't scare him for too long, he will attack you, but that way you can stand in one place as long as you want, if you deal with the shadows quickly enough.

So yeah, if I've understood it since the very beginning, it's quite clear that surviving until 6 AM gives you nothing.

6AM run, jumpscare without a screamer

but yeah, I've finished that run and got jumpscared by Freddy, nothing to complain about.

Logically, the correct way to finish the night is to do what the title says. "Escape". But it's not an escape in the way that you have to reach anything or don't get caught.

It's an escape running fast forward, not looking back. Simply worded - you have to hurry. You need to quickly choose the correct ways, and as I've counted, there are 18 passages until you reach the restrooms.

From there, one door more, and we're entering the Safe Room. Maybe I've messed up something with the counting, but it's something around that.

Number 20 makes a lot of sense, so maybe it's 19 passages and entering Safe Room is 20th, or maybe I should count leaving the office, I dunno.

Nonetheless, our goal is to go forward around 20 times from one point to the other and reach Safe Room in the end.

When getting closer, we can hear the music louder and faster, pretty much the same as always, Puppet's music box thing.

And finally, we reach the end. As I've gotten all the plushies in the game, I've gotten the special ending that unlocked Custom Night to me.

And well... Generally... This ending is lame. Honestly it's not even an ending.

That's why the game creator, Phisnom, in the 1.1.0 Update made, that it works differently, he never suspected everyone would find all the plushies in the first run. And a lot of people did that.

Only some rare lucky people who failed to catch em all have encountered the real, legit ending.

So yeah, there's no division into two endings anymore. Whenever you'll take the plushies or not, you'll get the same ending. Let's see how does it look like.

For any personal, final thought, I'll use the final, sixth, custom night. It's generally quite nicely made because it's not 4/20 mode, but 4/20/5 mode.

Custom Night is unlocked by finding all plushies, and thanks to that, we're looking for the plushies in the custom night. But we can be looking for one of them, two, up to five plushies, that's pretty much the whole idea of the custom night, of the 4/20/5 mode.

So yeah, from the lore that's all, the summary will be up in the next episode. Thank you all for watching, that was the complete story of A Shadow Over Freddy's, all the canon nights. See you soon in the next episodes!

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