Sunday, May 27, 2018

Youtube daily report w May 27 2018

Władysław Łoziński (1843-1913) was a Polish novelist and historian

and researcher of Polish culture,

and also an art collector.

He was the secretary of Ossolineum.

He was a member of the Historical Society in Lviv,

as well as the House of Lords of the Austrian State Council, and finally a member of the Parliment National Parliament of Galicia.

He was closely connected with Lviv,

where he was honored with the title of doctor honoris causa of the University of Lviv,

as well as the honorary citizenship of the city of Lviv.

He wrote, among others "Black Hours", "The Eye of the Prophet, i.e. Hanusz Bystry and His Adventures",

"Storytelling by Mr. Wit Narwoja, Captain of the Crown Guard Corps",

"Orthodox church painting in Russia",

"Patricians and the Lviv bourgeoisie

in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries ",

"Right and left. Description of customs in Red Russia

in the first half of the 17th century "(1903).

Today we present the most important work of Łoziński

"Polish life in former centuries" (from 1907)

and in addition in two editions:

the first comes from the Altenberg publishing house from Lviv in 1912.

and contains tables illustrated outside the text,

It is a work with a beautiful decorative frame.

The second one appeared in Krakow in 1958.

in Wydawnictwo Literackie, also with numerous colorful and black and white illustrations.

In his colorful description Łoziński showed a picture of customs

prevailing in castles and palaces, mansions and Polish manor houses.

He described clothes and everyday life (the art of conversations, home ceremonies,

neighborly relations, games, banquets, games, hunting, duels,

customs and appearance of the Polish salon),

as well as culinary art and travel customs of Poles.

Very rich illustration material

consists of, among others from the reproduction of old engravings

(includes, for example, "The entrance of the solemn Jerzy Ossoliński to Vienna in 1633"),

including according to Eimmart's prints and Stefan della Belli.

Please visit for the history of Poland section.

For more infomation >> Prezentujemy główne dzieło Władysława Łozińskiego „Życie polskie w dawnych wiekach" (z 1907 r.) - Duration: 2:34.


Talking Tom Candy Run HD - Talking Tom VS Talking Angela VS Talking Ginger - 37-40 Level - Duration: 10:01.

Talking Tom Candy Run

Android Gameplay

Games for kids on TUTURUTU

For more infomation >> Talking Tom Candy Run HD - Talking Tom VS Talking Angela VS Talking Ginger - 37-40 Level - Duration: 10:01.


【PC】シージ カジュアル  てけとーに配信 - Duration: 42:36.

For more infomation >> 【PC】シージ カジュアル  てけとーに配信 - Duration: 42:36.


Things Get Tricky On The Hook

For more infomation >> Things Get Tricky On The Hook


Dawrah e QuranTafseer Quran Trjuma e Quran Parah 13 by Farhat Hashmi urdu hindi - Duration: 1:17:36.

Zakat Ki Fazilat by Dr Farhat Hashmi ذکوتہ کی فضلیت

Ramadan Muazzaz Mehman by Dr Farhat Hashmi رمضان معزز مہمان

Ramadan Ki Tayyari by Dr Farhat Hashmi رمضان کی تیاری

Dil Ki Khushi Ka Raaz by Dr Farhat Hashmi دل کی خوشی کا راز

Ramadan Awr Tajdid e Iman by Dr Farhat Hashmi رمضان اور تجدید ایمان

For more infomation >> Dawrah e QuranTafseer Quran Trjuma e Quran Parah 13 by Farhat Hashmi urdu hindi - Duration: 1:17:36.


Dawrah e QuranTafseer Quran Trjuma e Quran Parah 13/2 by Farhat Hashmi urdu hindi - Duration: 1:00:31.

Zakat Ki Fazilat by Dr Farhat Hashmi ذکوتہ کی فضلیت

Ramadan Muazzaz Mehman by Dr Farhat Hashmi رمضان معزز مہمان

Ramadan Ki Tayyari by Dr Farhat Hashmi رمضان کی تیاری

Dil Ki Khushi Ka Raaz by Dr Farhat Hashmi دل کی خوشی کا راز

Ramadan Awr Tajdid e Iman by Dr Farhat Hashmi رمضان اور تجدید ایمان

For more infomation >> Dawrah e QuranTafseer Quran Trjuma e Quran Parah 13/2 by Farhat Hashmi urdu hindi - Duration: 1:00:31.


Anticipazioni Amici 27/5: tanti super ospiti e una sorpresa per Einar - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Amici 27/5: tanti super ospiti e una sorpresa per Einar - Duration: 4:42.


Baggio - Dibattito sulle periferie con Mirko Mazzali e Simona Fregoni - Duration: 2:06:01.

For more infomation >> Baggio - Dibattito sulle periferie con Mirko Mazzali e Simona Fregoni - Duration: 2:06:01.


Loredana Lecciso e la foto della discordia: è di nuovo amore con Al Bano? - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> Loredana Lecciso e la foto della discordia: è di nuovo amore con Al Bano? - Duration: 5:35.


LMC Maestro 470 E - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> LMC Maestro 470 E - Duration: 1:07.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 220 CDI CLASSIC ecc cruise lmv nw apk nette - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 220 CDI CLASSIC ecc cruise lmv nw apk nette - Duration: 0:54.


Peugeot 208 1.4 e-HDi 2Tronic 68PK 5-DRS Active - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 1.4 e-HDi 2Tronic 68PK 5-DRS Active - Duration: 1:08.


Sicurezza stradale e... guida creativa - #DdVotr 216 - Duration: 9:39.

For more infomation >> Sicurezza stradale e... guida creativa - #DdVotr 216 - Duration: 9:39.


Notizia bomba: Al Bano e Romina di nuovo sposi? Gli indizi - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Notizia bomba: Al Bano e Romina di nuovo sposi? Gli indizi - Duration: 5:12.


HUNTIK 5D - Rainbow MagicLand 2018 - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> HUNTIK 5D - Rainbow MagicLand 2018 - Duration: 5:04.


Rang Gora Kerny K 6 Kamyab Azmooda Desi Herbal Ghrelu Nuskhy | By Ashraf Health Care | - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Rang Gora Kerny K 6 Kamyab Azmooda Desi Herbal Ghrelu Nuskhy | By Ashraf Health Care | - Duration: 2:54.


Is Josh & Bamui BTS's choreographers?! (BTS comeback show reaction) - Duration: 6:01.

Eng Sub will be updated on 29th of May. Thank you for waiting!

For more infomation >> Is Josh & Bamui BTS's choreographers?! (BTS comeback show reaction) - Duration: 6:01.


Toyota Auris 2.2 D-4D Luna Business full nav - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Toyota Auris 2.2 D-4D Luna Business full nav - Duration: 1:12.


Successo ed emozioni questa sera con Albano e Romina Power su Rai 1 all'Arena di Verona - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Successo ed emozioni questa sera con Albano e Romina Power su Rai 1 all'Arena di Verona - Duration: 3:47.


Talking Tom Candy Run HD - Talking Tom VS Talking Angela VS Talking Ginger - 37-40 Level - Duration: 10:01.

Talking Tom Candy Run

Android Gameplay

Games for kids on TUTURUTU

For more infomation >> Talking Tom Candy Run HD - Talking Tom VS Talking Angela VS Talking Ginger - 37-40 Level - Duration: 10:01.


Gli Animali in Inglese per Bambini | VIDEO 3D impara Nomi e Suoni Animali ZOO con Elefante Giraffa - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> Gli Animali in Inglese per Bambini | VIDEO 3D impara Nomi e Suoni Animali ZOO con Elefante Giraffa - Duration: 4:53.


Pocoyo em Português | O show mágico de Pocoyo | Novos Episódios 2018 - Duration: 6:15.

For more infomation >> Pocoyo em Português | O show mágico de Pocoyo | Novos Episódios 2018 - Duration: 6:15.


Anticipazioni Amici 27/5: tanti super ospiti e una sorpresa per Einar - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Amici 27/5: tanti super ospiti e una sorpresa per Einar - Duration: 4:20.


"Addio". UeD: il pianto disperato di Gemma Galgani - Duration: 4:05.

  Il trono over suscita sempre molto interesse da parte del pubblico. In particolare, le vicende legate a Giorgio Manetti e Gemma Galgani

Un tira e molla senza fine che fa sempre sperare i fan del programma di Maria De Filippi

Un bel colpo di scena ha fatto sospirare tutti durante l'ultima puntata registrata

Ancora una volta al centro dell'attenzione la dama di torino, che sarà la vera protagonista indiscussa di questo finale di stagione del dating show con la sua attesa scelta finale

Anche per Gemma, infatti, arriverà il momento di prendere una decisione finale e questa volta la lascerà tutti senza parole

Chi ha seguito le ultime puntate di Uomini e Donne sa bene che la dama si stava frequentando con Marco, un aitante cavaliere arrivato in trasmissione apposta per conoscerla

La relazione tra i due stava procedendo nel migliore dei modi fin quando non si è intromesso di nuovo Giorgio Manetti, che nella scorsa puntata ha chiesto di poter parlare nuovamente con Gemma

Il cavaliere ha fatto un discorso generale che ha colpito il cuore di tutti. (continua dopo la foto) Marco ha voluto parlare della loro storia d'amore e ha sottolineato che per lui le emozioni provate con Gemma rimarranno sempre vive nel suo cuore

Parole molto forti che hanno fatto ricadere Gemma in un vortice di disperazione. Subito dopo la puntata, infatti, Gemma si è lasciata andare al suo ennesimo pianto a dirotto e ha ammesso che non riusciva a non pensare a ciò che le era stato detto da Giorgio, il quale però al tempo stesso ha precisato e ribadito per l'ennesima volta che non intende tornare con lei e quindi concederle una possibile seconda chance

Tuttavia la dama non si riesce a dar pace e ad oggi continua ad essere convinta del fatto che Giorgio abbia solo 'paura' di rivelare apertamente i suoi sentimenti

Ecco perchè gemma nell'ultima registrazione del trono over ha fatto una scelta finale che lascerà senza parole

(continua dopo le foto) Stando così fatti la dama torinese deciderà di gettare alle ortiche la sua conoscenza con Marco, ritenendo che non è quello che in questo momento desidera e dal suo modo di parlare ha lasciato intendere quasi che da questa frequentazione con Marco si aspettava proprio una reazione da parte di Giorgio

A quel punto Marco non ha sclta se non quella fdi andare via e sloggiare dallo studio di Uomini e Donne, convinto di essere stato solo 'sfruttato' dalla Galgani

Una scelta importante per la dama, la quale ancora una volta lancerà un messaggio importante a Giorgio, facendogli capire il suo reale interesse

Ti potrebbe interessare anche: 

For more infomation >> "Addio". UeD: il pianto disperato di Gemma Galgani - Duration: 4:05.


Renault Captur 1.2 TCe Xmod automaat 120 pk R-link navigatie cruise ctr achteruitrij-camera leder af - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur 1.2 TCe Xmod automaat 120 pk R-link navigatie cruise ctr achteruitrij-camera leder af - Duration: 1:10.


Volvo C30 2.4I 170pk Momentum/ R-design/ Dealer onderhouden/ Full map navigatie/ Climate control/ St - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volvo C30 2.4I 170pk Momentum/ R-design/ Dealer onderhouden/ Full map navigatie/ Climate control/ St - Duration: 0:54.


Prezentujemy główne dzieło Władysława Łozińskiego „Życie polskie w dawnych wiekach" (z 1907 r.) - Duration: 2:34.

Władysław Łoziński (1843-1913) was a Polish novelist and historian

and researcher of Polish culture,

and also an art collector.

He was the secretary of Ossolineum.

He was a member of the Historical Society in Lviv,

as well as the House of Lords of the Austrian State Council, and finally a member of the Parliment National Parliament of Galicia.

He was closely connected with Lviv,

where he was honored with the title of doctor honoris causa of the University of Lviv,

as well as the honorary citizenship of the city of Lviv.

He wrote, among others "Black Hours", "The Eye of the Prophet, i.e. Hanusz Bystry and His Adventures",

"Storytelling by Mr. Wit Narwoja, Captain of the Crown Guard Corps",

"Orthodox church painting in Russia",

"Patricians and the Lviv bourgeoisie

in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries ",

"Right and left. Description of customs in Red Russia

in the first half of the 17th century "(1903).

Today we present the most important work of Łoziński

"Polish life in former centuries" (from 1907)

and in addition in two editions:

the first comes from the Altenberg publishing house from Lviv in 1912.

and contains tables illustrated outside the text,

It is a work with a beautiful decorative frame.

The second one appeared in Krakow in 1958.

in Wydawnictwo Literackie, also with numerous colorful and black and white illustrations.

In his colorful description Łoziński showed a picture of customs

prevailing in castles and palaces, mansions and Polish manor houses.

He described clothes and everyday life (the art of conversations, home ceremonies,

neighborly relations, games, banquets, games, hunting, duels,

customs and appearance of the Polish salon),

as well as culinary art and travel customs of Poles.

Very rich illustration material

consists of, among others from the reproduction of old engravings

(includes, for example, "The entrance of the solemn Jerzy Ossoliński to Vienna in 1633"),

including according to Eimmart's prints and Stefan della Belli.

Please visit for the history of Poland section.

For more infomation >> Prezentujemy główne dzieło Władysława Łozińskiego „Życie polskie w dawnych wiekach" (z 1907 r.) - Duration: 2:34.


Talking Tom Candy Run HD - Talking Tom VS Talking Angela VS Talking Ginger - 37-40 Level - Duration: 10:01.

Talking Tom Candy Run

Android Gameplay

Games for kids on TUTURUTU

For more infomation >> Talking Tom Candy Run HD - Talking Tom VS Talking Angela VS Talking Ginger - 37-40 Level - Duration: 10:01.


【PC】シージ カジュアル  てけとーに配信 - Duration: 42:36.

For more infomation >> 【PC】シージ カジュアル  てけとーに配信 - Duration: 42:36.


DC Superhero Girls™

For more infomation >> DC Superhero Girls™


Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T QV Sportiva 170PK / Automaat / Navigatie / Leder / Panoramadak / 18" Velg - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T QV Sportiva 170PK / Automaat / Navigatie / Leder / Panoramadak / 18" Velg - Duration: 1:09.


Daihatsu Cuore 1.0-12V Tokyo/ Airco/ Radio cd/ Airbag/ Stuurbekrachtiging/ Apk t/m 01-2019! - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Daihatsu Cuore 1.0-12V Tokyo/ Airco/ Radio cd/ Airbag/ Stuurbekrachtiging/ Apk t/m 01-2019! - Duration: 1:06.


Saab 9-3 Cabrio 1.8T 150pk Vector/ 17" Lmv/ Pdc/ Lederen int./ Stoelverwarming/ Mistlampen/ Navigati - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Saab 9-3 Cabrio 1.8T 150pk Vector/ 17" Lmv/ Pdc/ Lederen int./ Stoelverwarming/ Mistlampen/ Navigati - Duration: 1:12.


Create Your Own Discounts with Savvy Perks - Duration: 2:44.

Every small business has their own expenses.

These are recurring expenses on a regular, everyday basis.

It could be things that you need for your home office and it could be things that you

need for your clients.

It could be things you need for your employees.

It can be activities, it can be restaurants, it can be services.

It's a wide variety of things that you need for your small business.

But instead of you waiting for those things or those services to come on sale

or looking for a coupon that matches your need,

you can actually request your discounts on Savvy Perks.

Let's show you how to do that.

If you login to your account, the list of things that are available to you will be over

here under the categories section.

Then if you want something specifically,

you can come up here and click on the magnifying glass.

When you get to the magnifying glass, and for this example we will use office supplies,

so I will type in Staples, which is an office supply store near my house.

It says, "Sorry, there were no results found."

I would like to request that retailer so that I can get discounts now from Savvy Perks.

I'm going to type in Staples and then I'm going to jump over to Staples' website.

I'm going to pull up the information I need to finish filling out that form.

Now up in the corner there are usually a store location.

The store location will be whatever is closest to you.

In this particular instant, this one on Providence Road is closest to me.

I'm going to copy this information and go back to the form so that I can post this in.

I need their phone number.

That's going to be helpful to me as well.

That's this phone number right here.

I can see already that this is Charlotte, North Carolina, and it's 28277, Store 1223.

We need that information to fill in our form.

Here's that phone information.

The zip code is 28277 and the state is North Carolina.

I'm going to do send.

Awesome, that's all it needs in order for a team to then go to work finding Staples

and making sure that they become a member of Savvy Perks so you can get your regular

discounts and savings at that Staples store.

That's easy.

That's as easy as it is.

For more infomation >> Create Your Own Discounts with Savvy Perks - Duration: 2:44.


I pretended to be a guy on Tinder Here's what I thought about it - Duration: 4:21.

SIri, where will I find a boyfriend?

Siri: You can't hurry love. No, you just have to wait.

Hear that, Snorlax?

Siri, I can't find a boyfriend.

Siri: Ah, love.

Siri: It moves like a thief in the night.

Siri, will I find a boyfriend?

Siri: Maybe you're looking for love in the wrong places.

Siri: I can help you find libraries or Apple stores nearby, just ask.

Hi guys! Welcome back to my YouTube Channel!

So thanks to my friend, I amanged to be a guy on Tinder.

By the way, thanks Brent for letting me use your picture.

I hope you're watching my video now

Well, no. Bitch, you'd better watch my video!

It was a change to be a guy on Tinder.

My initial plan was to rate girls' Tinder bios

But I came across girls who didn't write anything in their bios

So, instead, I thought of like just commenting on

how they present themselves on Tinder

Tinder is an app where we meet people

So, it's like a catalogue. You just swipe through it

The products which are human beings

You see they're good looking

if they're like

you know you think like "hmm yeah"

"I'd see myself dating that guy."

"Yeah that girl looks pretty"

"I wouldn't mind getting to know her, you know?"

It's purely physical, obviously.

The main point of Tinder is to meet people.

Today, I'm just sharing my thoughts with you guys.

So, I now get why guys

use Tinder as an easy way to get laid.

because we girls, actually help them to do that.

So, we girls like to complain that guys

only use Tinder to hookup

Sure, we've been complaining a lot


we're also to be blamed. We shouldn't put all the blame on guys

Ok, don't get me wrong.

I'm not judging some of you

I'm not judging those who want to use Tinder to hookup

Like, you do you girl.

Do your thing.

It's just that I was surprised

like, cos I know, we girls always complain

about guys

But, we never thought about us girls doing the same.

I didn't to expect as many girls to be showing off their bodies

just to meet guys.

So, I now get why

guys see Tinder as an easy way to get laid.

So, today I don't have to photos to share.

The usual thing, snapchat IDs, instagram,

song lyrics,


inspirational quote.

like you know, you have to inspire the person who's gonna swipe right for you.

I don't know.

or just no Tinder bio.

and just pictures of their bodies

like that's what I saw on Tinder, as a guy.

I feel for you, yeah.

Generally, dating apps they are good for people like me.

who are lazy.

You know, I was talking to my aunt the other day.

And she was asking me why I'm not dating anyone.

And I told her,

"Well, you know"

"When I come back from work,"

I'm too tired

The only thing I wanna do is just relax

I just wanna be lazy.

So my weekdays are taken by work.

And my weekends are taken by my Youtube.

YouTube, it takes time.

It takes commitment.

I can commit.

Yeah, probably not guys. But yeah.

Editing videos takes a long time!

Like really long.

After editing my videos, then comes to the

publishing. Omg, there's no such feeling

as you know, having your YouTube video being uploaded.

And finished!


Like, an achievement, I'm telling you.

Like, if you ask me,

I'd rather be like uploading my YouTube video

than meeting a guy.

If I have to meet a guy, he needs to be like, actually worth it.

Like making videos makes me happy.

Like, I'm just like talking to the camera.

Yeah, basically, dating apps are good

It helps you see what's out there

You know,

It's like you don't have to move a thumb

and you already know what's out there.

See? It's like we're owning the world, right?

I love making YouTube videos, I love making videos in general.

And it really like, makes me happy

to see that people are actually watching my videos.

So, thank you guys!

If you haven't watched my previous videos

go heeeerre!

And if you haven't subscribed because

you forgot or

I don't know what you're doing with your life.

It's ok. Just go here.


Cool! See you next week!

Thanks, byyyeeeee.

Siri, will I find a boyfriend?

Siri: You shall, you shall.

For more infomation >> I pretended to be a guy on Tinder Here's what I thought about it - Duration: 4:21.


Best Mistake - Ariana Grande feat. Big Sean | Karaoke Higher Key - Duration: 4:08.




For more infomation >> Best Mistake - Ariana Grande feat. Big Sean | Karaoke Higher Key - Duration: 4:08.


Demokratie Abschaffen! Abolish Democracy! - Duration: 1:23.

Can I give you a flyer with some info?

We are working on the topic of Democracy


We are concerned that democracy is going to fall apart suddenly

so we are working towards a sustainable, radical way of getting rid of Democracy.

Abolish Democracy?


You look very reasonable.

I think you probably have the same opinion?

Get rid of Democracy!

Take a flyer!

Abolishment of Democracy!

Get rid of human rights.

Control the press appropriately

Instead of working on the things that don't work

Why should we get rid of it?

That's a joke, right?

No, it's not a joke.

No. Thank you.

Can I give you the information?


I'm serious!

What do you want instead?

We've got to talk about where we should head to:

a dictatorship or an autocracy.



That is completely against what I know and what I think is good.

The right people need to work on the right things...

...and not the wrong people like you....

Look, I am from a country like that.

You know, I grew up there.

It was called East Germany.

I don't want that anymore.

Those camel guys should go back

to where they belong!

There is no place for them here!

And they need to keep quite.

Full stop.

The 'Secretary for human rights' is rubbish – just rubbish.

They just defend criminals.

For more infomation >> Demokratie Abschaffen! Abolish Democracy! - Duration: 1:23.


Monster Truck Hunt You Down | Schoolies Songs For Kids - Duration: 1:06:59.

Monster Truck Hunt You

For more infomation >> Monster Truck Hunt You Down | Schoolies Songs For Kids - Duration: 1:06:59.


Why Do GERMANS CLAP ON AIRPLANES? - Duration: 6:09.


Hey everyone! I'm Dana and you're watching Wanted Adventure Living Abroad.

I've talked about it in a couple videos now: in many situations it seems like

Americans can in general often be somewhat more outwardly expressive about their excitement

than Germans.

Americans, for example, often say things like: great, amazing, awesome.

While Germans often go with things like: good, nice and fine.

But I have noticed one situation in which many Germans can be much more expressive of

their joy and celebration than Americans.

Flying. Flying? Yes, flying. Or rather...okay, more like landing in particular.

Okay, let me set the scene for you. Everyone boards the plane. The plane takes off.

The plane flies through the sky. And then the plane lands in the destination city.

And after that, everyone gets off the plane and goes on their merry little way. Right?

Ehhh, wait a second.

For some Germans there's actually an extra step in there. Clapping.

You heard me right. Clapping. But not always.

The first kind of big vacation that Stefan and I went on together was to the Canary Islands.

We flew there from Munich, and Stefan had booked the vacation through a German website,

so on that direct flight from Munich to the La Palma Airport it pretty much seemed to

me like it was me and all the rest Germans.

The plane touched down at the La Palma Airport, which was when my ears were greeted with a

sound that I had not in the least been expecting.

Cheerful clapping of glee and happiness.

And not just like one or two people clapping, or a couple of kids on their very first flight clapping.

It seemed to me like the entire plane, that everyone on there had suddenly together started

clapping. I was like, did everyone plan this?

How did everybody know that everyone was going to start clapping? Why are people clapping?

I was confused back then.

But from my experience of now living in Germany for around 8 years and having traveled to

different locations from different locations, I think I may have cracked the clapping code,

but I would love to hear from you down in the comments, do I have it right?

Clapping, I believe, is not just about the plane landing, but rather about where the

plane is landing.

The destination location is very important to this.

Clapping, I noticed, usually happens on flights that are going to what are considered

"vacation destinations."

Thus on our flight from Munich to the Canary Islands, the travelers clapped.

But, for example, when I flew from Berlin to Munich, there was no clapping.

And I also do not think that it's only Germans who have a tendency to clap, either.

When Stefan and I flew from Zurich, Switzerland to Miami, Florida last November a large section

of the plane clapped upon landing in Miami.

Okay, I suppose those people could have also been German.

I did not get up and ask them if they were Swiss or German or what, but we had flown

out of Switzerland, so I just kind of guessed that they were probably Swiss.

Following my first rule, about vacation destination, I thought it was very interesting because

I realized that must mean that the clappers considered Florida to be a "vacation destination."

Which of course it is.

It is definitely a vacation destination for people living in the U.S. as well as internationally,

but I think I'd just kind of forgotten about that because I had spent so many years living

in Florida.

I had forgotten that it was a "typical vacation place" because in my mind it was simply

where I'd grown up.

But then as I mentioned in this video here, we spent 6 days, around 6 six days in Florida,

and for us it was definitely a vacation. It definitely felt like such a vacation.

So my question for you is: did I get the clapping rule right?

Have you ever clapped when a plane lands or have you ever been on a plane when other people

have clapped upon landing?

Please let me know in the comments below. Thanks so much for watching.

If you enjoyed this video, please think about giving a like with the like button.

And don't forget to subscribe for more Wanted Adventure videos.

And as of putting this video out, it is still Spargelzeit, and we have a Spargelzeit T-shirt available.

I will put the design here. That's what it looks like.

I will put a link to that down in the description box below if you'd like to check it out.

And also a really, really, really big thank you so much to our patrons on Patreon, who

help make these videos possible. Thank you so much for your support.

If you would like to check out our Patreon page, you can find a link to that down in

the description box below.

Until next time, auf Wiedersehen!

I have done now a couple videos.

Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap...

Mr. German Man wants everyone to know for the record that he did not clap on that flight.

It has been said. He did not clap.

For more infomation >> Why Do GERMANS CLAP ON AIRPLANES? - Duration: 6:09.


আসছে বাহুবলি Part 3 | BAHUBALI Part 3 Coming Soon | Latest Movie News 2018 - Duration: 1:29.

News Bangla 360

For more infomation >> আসছে বাহুবলি Part 3 | BAHUBALI Part 3 Coming Soon | Latest Movie News 2018 - Duration: 1:29.


Hands & Feet Whitening Cream ||Hands & Feet Whitening at Home|Formula Cream For Fair & Glowing Hands - Duration: 4:01.

Please SUBSCRIBE Rani G Health & Beauty Tips

For more infomation >> Hands & Feet Whitening Cream ||Hands & Feet Whitening at Home|Formula Cream For Fair & Glowing Hands - Duration: 4:01.


Falcon Family Mystery - Duration: 20:44.

For more infomation >> Falcon Family Mystery - Duration: 20:44.


How to Make PERFECT Chia Pudding-Superfoods Collide Yogurt Chia Pudding - Duration: 3:15.

When super foods collide yogurt Chia pudding is now a thing

it was only a matter of time before these two it foods hoped up to form a happy marriage of

creamy protein pact goodness as evinced by this new bon appétit a dot com recipe

the combo certainly smacks of new age hipster trendiness there's it even a toasted coconut flake carnage though it still looks pretty tasty to

us this isn't the first blacked out recipe to be berthed from a couple of healthy cooling gradients

blockers and big shots alike we're looking at you

Martha Stewart seem to be racing to see who can combine the most trendy foodstuffs into a single byte and some despite their grown were

the names actually may not make you gag others

well you be the judge

Gayle salad with spelt and she a vinaigrette leafy green du jour

check local it an ancient grain

check tiny omega three packed seed that makes an ordinary salad dressing feel at home in the yoga studio cafe

check again it's a lot of hip packed into one salad bowl

sure the we wouldn't be loath to eat it for lunch either

deep fried dates with Schreyer on a male if they'd only called them crispy these dates could have found a home on the snack menu

of any farm to table restaurant worth its weight in flaky sea salt

cheesecake Greek fielder Dan Quinn Olivares A's in a Mason jar I'm creating a slice of creamy New York style cheesecake so I think

I'll mix up some Greek yogurt and Quinn Noah said no one ever

that at least the Mason jar makes it look cute plus it easy to toss into your gym bag for a post soul cycle treat

gluten free match a protein bars what's better than lots of protein

lots of protein in the form of a gluten free bar that's packed with green T sweetened with

steady a and drizzled with a antioxidant rich dark chocolate

for maximum effect consider pairing with a bottle of combo check your choice of vintage

kimchi deviled eggs admittedly

these look very good but they also evoke the image of the weary food editor racking her brain over how to make an already very 2014

gastro pub bite even more right now by folding some spicy fermented cabbage into the mix

because we all need to keep our micro biomes happily fed

right breakfast chickpea cookie dough why bother with going through the effort of making fully cooked breakfast cookies when you can

just eat breakfast cookie dough made from with chickpeas

so much simpler savory out groups and Cale after seeking culinary inspiration via a week and blitz through all of brooklyn's gusty Tory hot

spots this is what Martha came off of just one question

where's the fried farm and

For more infomation >> How to Make PERFECT Chia Pudding-Superfoods Collide Yogurt Chia Pudding - Duration: 3:15.


Volkswagen Jetta 1.9 TDI Comfortline - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Jetta 1.9 TDI Comfortline - Duration: 1:05.


Draw Bed Step By Step For Kids How To Easy Art Lsesson Simple Tutorial - Duration: 2:32.

Draw Bed Step By Step For Kids How To Easy Art Lsesson Simple Tutorial

Draw Bed Step By Step For Kids How To Easy Art Lsesson Simple Tutorial

For more infomation >> Draw Bed Step By Step For Kids How To Easy Art Lsesson Simple Tutorial - Duration: 2:32.


Telling you about my new projects ! - Duration: 11:15.

Hi everyone ! I'm back ! I know

we haven't seen each other

for a while. I'm sorry.

I can justify it with the fact that

I had some exams so I needed to

revise them,

I was

really tired because of them, I was

sick, I was really sick

and I am in holidays and I am

extremely tired. Sorry, and so I also

needed to rest. Those are the excuses

I can give you . I am truly sorry

I did not wanted

to disappear like this. But I really missed you and

I am happy to see you and talk to you and the camera again

I missed it. So I am happy to do it again.

Today, we are doing something particular

You are moving in every direction, you must feel sick. But today we are doing

something particular because we haven't talked for long time.

I thought that, eventually,

I could tell you a bit about what happened in my life

and at the same time cleaning my appartment. So I think, we are going to do this

we are going to talk about some ongoing projects

and also about other projects that

I hope will start soon

and I will be cleaning my house. Let's go!

For more infomation >> Telling you about my new projects ! - Duration: 11:15.


Advanced and Future Treatments for Parkinson's - Duration: 3:12.

Advanced and future treatments for Parkinson's while there is no cure for Parkinson's disease

Recent research has led to improved treatments

Scientists and doctors are working together to find a treatment or prevention technique

Research is also seeking to understand who is more likely to develop the disease

in addition

Scientists are studying the genetic and environmental factors that increase the chance of a diagnosis

Here are the latest treatments for this progressive neurological disorder deep brain stimulation in

2002 the FDA approved deep brain stimulation

DBS as a treatment for Parkinson's disease

But advances in DBS were limited because only one company was approved to make the device used for the treatment in June

2015 the FDA approved the Brio neuro

Stimulation system this implantable device helped reduce symptoms by generating small electrical pulses throughout the body

gene therapy

Researchers haven't yet? Found a sure way to cure Parkinson's

Slow its progression or reverse the brain damage it causes

Gene therapy has the potential to do all three

Several studies have found that gene. Therapy can be a safe and effective treatment for Parkinson's disease

neuroprotective therapies aside from gene therapies

Researchers are also developing neuroprotective therapies

This type of therapy could help stop the progression of the disease and prevent symptoms from getting worse

Biomarkers doctors have few tools for evaluating the progression of Parkinson's disease

Staging while useful only monitors the progression of motor symptoms related to Parkinson's disease other

Grading scales exist but they're not used widely enough to be recommend as a general guideline

However, a promising area of research may make evaluating parkinson's disease easier and more exact

Researchers are hoping to discover a biomarker a cell or gene that will lead to more effective treatments neural transplantation

Repairing the brain cells lost from Parkinson's disease is a promising area of future treatment this procedure

Replaces diseased and dying brain cells with new cells that can grow and multiply

But neural transplantation research has had mixed results

Some patients have improved with the treatment while others have seen no improvement and even developed more complications

Until a cure for Parkinson's disease is discovered

Medications therapies and lifestyle changes can help those with the condition live a better life

For more infomation >> Advanced and Future Treatments for Parkinson's - Duration: 3:12.


Study History With Haknyeon PT 1 ENG SUB - Duration: 6:05.

[If you're a high school freshman, study with THE BOYZ using your textbook] Haknyeon(History)

Huh? Hi!

You're here.

I'm studying Korean history right now. Let's do it together.

Come quick!

I'll explain from here.

It's the part about the Bronze Age.

[Jihaksa Korean history p.18-20, "Bronze Age and the formation of a nation"] Mandolin-shaped bronze dagger.

The bronze culture first appeared in the cradle of the four ancient civilizations.

Around 3000 BC, Mesopotamian civilization in Southwest Asia and

Egyptian civilization in North Africa made their appearance.

Around 2600 BC, Indus Civilization was born in the Indus River Basin, Pakistan.

And circa 1800 BC, Chinese civilization appeared around the Yellow River basin of China.

In the northeastern part of China and the Korean peninsula,

a culture of bronze

based on mandolin-shaped bronze daggers appeared at about 1000 BC at the latest.

Mandolin-shaped bronze daggers. Simply put, it's a dagger made of bronze.

Many mandolin-shaped bronze daggers were found in Liaoning and Liaoxi areas in China.

Many hooves were found in Liaoxi area, which shows the development of farming then.

Some people don't know what hooves are.

To put it easily, they're horse hooves.

I'll draw for you since it's quicker to explain through a drawing.

And since I'm good at drawing.

It looks like this.


In the Liaoning area, artifacts related to agriculture were mostly discovered.

The bronze culture in the Liaoxi area became the basis for the foundation of Gojoseon.

Rice was cultivated during the Bronze Age.

In Heunam-ri, Yeoju, traces of cultivating rice in ground fields or slash-and-burn fields were found.

In Songguk-ri, Buyeo, traces of cultivating rice in rice paddies were found.

Agricultural tradition that created paddies and cultivated rice

spread rapidly throughout the southern part of the Korean peninsula.

Let's read the next part.

This is harder than I thought.

Development into a hierarchical society.

The bronze culture, which developed in the area of Liaoning and the north of Cheongcheon River.

started to spread gradually to the south of the Han River.

Key artifacts that represent the Bronze Age,

are the stone coffins and dolmens, which are the burial grounds for the dominant class.

I think I heard of these dolmens a lot.

I'll draw them for you again.

So that it'll be easy for you to understand.

They look like this.

Based on the quantity and the quality of excavations from these graves,

we can see that a hierarchical society developed

from early on in the Liaoning area and the northern part of the Korean peninsula.

The hierarchical society was slow to develop in the southern part of the Korean peninsula.

The size and the structure of the villages and the irrigation system for agriculture

established in the southern part of the Korean peninsula during the Bronze Age shows us that

a hierarchical society with 2-3 classes and rudimentary military gears were created.

Chapter 3. We're almost there. Hang on.

You can do this!

The root of the Korean people is established.

Although there were people living on the Korean peninsula since the Paleolithic Era,

they are different from the Koreans today.

People who came to the Korean peninsula during the Neolithic Era established the root of

the Korean people. For a long period of time,

these people became merged with other people, giving birth to Koreans we know today.

Koreans have many characteristics of the race that lived in Northeast Asia.

Geographically, they mostly lived in northeast China, Manchuria and the Korean peninsula.

People who lived in ancient Manchuria and the Korean peninsula

were called the Han, Ye and Maek people.

The Hans mostly lived in the central western and southern regions of the Korean peninsula.

The Ye people lived in Manchuria, northeastern part of the Korean peninsula and eastern part of Gyeongbuk.

The Maek people lived in the Liaodong Peninsula and the midstream area of the Yalu River.

Together with the Ye people, they were also called the Yemaek people.

In the Han River basin... Han River?

Finally, a word that I know.

Han River is there. That's Han River.

The Han, Ye and Maek people all lived in the Han River basin.

So basically they all lived around this area. Right?

They developed distinct culture, including earthenware, in various regions.

Through exchanges and by infusing with one another,

they established countries such as Gojoseon, Koguryo, Baekje, Silla, and Gaya.

I'm getting a bit tired.

Let's do this after eating.

Let's do this after eating.

Let's hurry and go.

Let's eat quickly and continue.

Let's go.

For more infomation >> Study History With Haknyeon PT 1 ENG SUB - Duration: 6:05.


La Sardaigne : Paradis de l'Escalade ! (Episode 2/3) ● VLOG #27 - Duration: 7:43.

For more infomation >> La Sardaigne : Paradis de l'Escalade ! (Episode 2/3) ● VLOG #27 - Duration: 7:43.


Pemphigoid - Where Compassion Comes To Die - Duration: 6:10.



Pemphigoid is a rare autoimmune disorder that can develop at any age including in kids, but that most often affects the elderly

pemphigoid is caused by a malfunction of the immune system and results in skin rashes and

blistering on the legs arms and abdomen

Pemphigoid can also cause blistering on the mucous membranes

Mucous membranes produce mucus that helps protect the inside of your body

Temp the Goit can be found on the mucous membranes in your eyes

Nose mouth and genitals. It can also occur during pregnancy in some women

There's no cure for pemphigoid, but there are various treatment options

Types of pemphigoid all types of pemphigoid are caused by your immune system attacking healthy tissue

they appear as rashes and fluid-filled blisters the

types of pemphigoid differ in terms of wear on the body the blistering occurs and when it occurs

bullous pemphigoid in

cases of bullous pemphigoid

the most common of the three types the skin blistering happens most commonly on the arms and legs where movement occurs

This includes the areas around the joints and on the lower abdomen psycho trishal pemphigoid

Psycho trishul been thegood also called mucous membrane pemphigoid refers to blisters that form on the mucous membranes

This includes the mouth eyes



genitals the most common sites affected are the mouth and eyes

The rash and blistering may begin in one of these areas

And spread to the others if left untreated if it's left untreated in the eyes

It may cause scarring which in turn may lead to blindness


Gestation us when blistering occurs during or shortly after pregnancy

It's called pemphigoid gestation

S it was formerly called herpes gestation s although it's not related to the herpes virus

The blistering typically develops during the second or third trimester, but may occur at any time during pregnancy

See, we're up to six weeks after delivery

blisters tend to form on the arms legs and abdomen

causes and risk factors

Pemphigoid is an autoimmune disease

This means that your immune system mistakenly

begins to attack your healthy tissues in the case of pemphigoid

Your immune system creates antibodies to attack the tissue just below your outer layer of skin

This causes the layers of skin to separate and results in painful blistering. It's not fully understood

Why the immune system reacts this way in people living with pemphigoid in many cases?

There's no specific trigger for pemphigoid either in some instances. However, it may be caused by

certain medications

radiation therapy

Ultraviolet light therapy people with other autoimmune disorders are found to be at a higher risk for developing

Pemphigoid it's also more common in the elderly than in any other age group and seems to occur slightly more in women than men

Symptoms of pemphigoid the most common symptom of pemphigoid is blistering that occurs on the arms legs

Abdomen and mucous membranes hives and itching are also common

The blisters have certain characteristics regardless of where on the body they form a red rash develops

Before the blisters the blisters are large and filled with fluid that's usually clear

But may contain some blood the blisters are thick and don't rupture easily

The skin around the blisters may appear normal or slightly red or dark

Ruptured blisters are usually sensitive and painful

diagnosing pemphigoid

Your dermatologist will be able to make a fairly firm diagnosis simply by examining your blisters further

Testing will be needed to prescribe the right treatment

Your doctor may want to perform a skin biopsy which involves removing small samples of skin from the affected areas

Lab technicians will test these samples for the immune system antibodies characteristic of pemphigoid

These antibodies can also be detected in blood so you may need to have a small sample of blood drawn

Treatments for pemphigoid BAMF annoyed cannot be cured but treatments are usually very successful at relieving symptoms

corticosteroids either in pill or topical form will likely be the first treatment your doctor prescribes these

Medications reduce inflammation and can help to heal the blisters and relieve itching

However, they can also cause significant side-effects

especially from long-term use so your doctor will taper you off of the

Corticosteroids after the blistering clears up another treatment option is to take medication that suppresses your immune

system often in conjunction with the


Immunosuppressants help, but they may put you at risk for other infections

Certain antibiotics such as d'être cycline may also be prescribed to reduce inflammation and infection

long term outlook

With comprehensive treatment the outlook for pemphigoid is good

most people respond well to

Medication the disease will often go away after a few years of treatment but pemphigoid may return at any time

Even with proper treatment if you develop any unexplained blistering see your doctor

Prompt diagnosis and treatment will help to manage this condition faster

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