Toys Play Time Power Rangers SQUAD Rescue Paw Patrol vs Bad Guys Toy Story Short Action Movie 2018
日産「スカイラインGT-R R32」が大阪・泉佐野市にて僅か1分半で盗まれる。改めて「GT-R」は盗難被害がなぜ多いのか考える - Duration: 4:18.-------------------------------------------
Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
Paul Ryan retreats following ill-advised fight with House chaplain - Duration: 3:14.Paul Ryan retreats following ill-advised fight with House chaplain
The trouble started with, of all things, a prayer. In November, as Republicans were moving forward with their regressive tax cuts, the Rev.
Patrick Conroy, a Roman Catholic priest and the House chaplain for the last several years, delivered a prayer on the chamber floor urging lawmakers to ensure that the tax plan's benefits be "balanced and shared by all Americans.".
House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), who is also a Roman Catholic, privately expressed his dissatisfaction to the chaplain. As Conroy recalled to the New York Times, the House Speaker told the priest, "Padre, you just got to stay out of politics.".
Ryan ultimately asked for Conroy's resignation – a first in American history for a House chaplain – and the Jesuit obliged, assuming he didn't have much of a choice.
But following an "old-fashioned religious feud" on Capitol Hill, the chaplain changed his mind, un-resigned, and effectively dared the GOP leader to fire him. Yesterday afternoon, the Speaker retreated.
Speaker Paul Ryan reversed himself Thursday and said that the Rev. Patrick Conroy, the chaplain of the House of Representatives whom Ryan forced out of his position last month, can keep his job.
Ryan's announcement came shortly after Conroy told Ryan that he was rescinding his resignation…. "I have accepted Father Conroy's letter and decided that he will remain in his position as Chaplain of the House," Ryan, R-Wis., said in a statement Thursday.
By any fair measure, that was the appropriate decision, though the resolution doesn't change the fact that Ryan picked a pointless fight for no reason – and lost badly.
When the Speaker first tried to push the chaplain out, neither Ryan nor his office offered a public explanation for the decision.
Indeed, it wasn't altogether clear whether the Speaker even has the authority to unilaterally tell a House chaplain his services are no longer required.
Eventually, Ryan said about decision, "This was not about politics or prayers, it was about pastoral services. And a number of our members felt like the pastoral services were not being adequately served, or offered.".
And while that may sound like a vaguely legitimate reason, according to Conroy, who has no incentive to lie, that wasn't the explanation the Speaker's office gave him.
In his letter to congressional leaders yesterday, retracting his resignation, the chaplain told Ryan, "While you never spoke with me in person, nor did you send me any correspondence, on Friday, April 13th, 2018, your Chief of Staff, Jonathan Burks, came to me and informed me that you were asking for my letter of resignation.
I inquired as to whether or not it was 'for cause,' and Mr Burks mentioned dismissively something like 'maybe it's time that we had a Chaplain that wasn't a Catholic.' He also mentioned my November prayer [about taxes] and an interview with the National Journal Daily.".
He added, "I have never been disciplined, nor reprimanded, nor have I ever heard a complaint about my ministry during my time as House chaplain. One gets the sense Conroy has some concerns about the accuracy of Ryan's version of events.
So what are we left with? A retiring Speaker with waning power tried to oust his chamber's chaplain, creating an unnecessary and divisive religious controversy, and he may not have been entirely truthful about his motivation.
Ryan promptly faced a bipartisan backlash from House members, only to eventually back down when the chaplain defied the Republican leader's wishes.
Keep in mind, the Speaker could've easily avoided the entire mess, leaving his successor to help choose the next House chaplain. But Ryan picked this fight anyway, for reasons that remain unclear.
The Wisconsin congressman has faced some pressure about stepping down before the end of his term, but the Speaker has insisted that won't happen. I wonder if, right about now, he's giving his options a second look.
Postscript: I continue to believe this controversy should serve as a reminder that it's time for a debate about why there's a taxpayer-financed chaplain in Congress.
Вязание крючком. ТУНИКА. РАЗБОР УЗОРА+СХЕМА+ВЫКРОЙКА - Duration: 14:35.-------------------------------------------
Toy Guns Box of Toys NERF Guns Zombie Flipfury - Duration: 4:49.Toy Guns Box of Toys NERF Guns
Inizia il giro d'Italia da Gerusalemme 4-5-2018 - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 208 BLUE LION 5DRS. 82 PK.|NAV|DAB+|CRUISE C.|AIRCO| - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Come Home Soon-------------------------------------------
Sbagliare a vedere: i sei ciechi e l'elefante - Duration: 2:19.-------------------------------------------
Template Elementor WordPress | Como salvar importar e exportar templates - Aula 5 - Duration: 12:54.-------------------------------------------
Meteo di Maggio altro che rose e fiori, è tra i più estremi dell'anno | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:57.-------------------------------------------
Porsche Panamera 4 E-Hybrid 觸了電的Panamera(內嵌字幕)|TopGear極速誌 - Duration: 12:50.-------------------------------------------
Donna di 87 anni cambia postura e vita grazie allo yoga - Duration: 6:31.-------------------------------------------
Gleici fez uma revelação inusitada e ser a 'coitadinha' do BBB18 II ANDYTRON3000 - Duration: 3:48.-------------------------------------------
Pranking Johnny… And Chiquis? | The Riveras | Universo - Duration: 2:46.-------------------------------------------
Anticipazioni Uomini e donne del 4 maggio: è finita tra Ida e Riccardo - Duration: 4:00.-------------------------------------------
Infuso di banane per contrastare l'insonnia. I risultati ti sorprenderanno - Duration: 4:15.-------------------------------------------
O timo: mediador do bem-estar e do sistema imune - Duration: 7:47.-------------------------------------------
Uomini e Donne: i primi commenti post-scelta di Marta - Duration: 3:59.-------------------------------------------
5 indovinelli per stimolare il "pensiero laterale" e la creatività - Duration: 9:42.-------------------------------------------
SFIDA MAKEUP CHALLENGE IN 3 MINUTI - FT. MARIANNA MAKEUP89 E JEGGIA CHANNEL - Duration: 6:34.-------------------------------------------
Torrent reta al Tribunal Constitucional e impulsa la ley para investir a Puigdemont - Duration: 7:03.-------------------------------------------
Che tipo di pancia avete e come ridurla - Duration: 8:19.-------------------------------------------
As 10 ARANHAS mais PERIGOSAS do MUNDO - FATOS CURIOSOS - TOP 10 - Duration: 16:41.-------------------------------------------
Cármen Lúcia, do Supremo, rebate Gilmar Mendes e revela a quem defende na Corte - Duration: 4:18.-------------------------------------------
Paroles d'élu.e : Marie-Annick Dezitter - Duration: 2:46.-------------------------------------------
Luísa Sonza exalta autoaceitação ao mudar visual e adotar long bob: 'Se liberte' - Duration: 4:10.-------------------------------------------
👊#Sousplat Natural Brilho com Pérolas - Pink Artes Croche by Rosana Recchia - Duration: 48:33.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Golf 1.2 TSI Highline R-Line exterieur 110PK Automaat, LMV, Stoelverwarming, PDC V+A - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
The Quiet Room 🎙️ Horror Sci-Fi Short Story 🎙️ by Melissa R. Mendelson - Duration: 16:36.Tall Tale TV! Sci-Fi and Fantasy Short Stories.
The Quiet Room by, Melissa R. Mendelson
August 21, 2050. 5 p.m. They brought her in. She was bloody, disoriented, and hysterical.
She mumbled incoherent sentences as they pulled her past me. Like a doll, she was thrown inside,
and then the white wall came crashing down, cutting her out from this world. A hand print
pressed against the panel. Infinite, which was strange for the ones mostly brought here
lasted anywhere from a day to a few years. There was one that was of different circumstances
that remained behind the white wall for over ten years, so was she the same?
I knew better than to ask questions. I received their paperwork, and without a word, they
left. They reminded me of a pack of wolves but in corporate wear, so I definitely knew
better than to ask them anything. Sure, I wanted to know, but the last guy to ask questions
was found shortly later in an alleyway with not only his tongue cut out but also his prized
jewels. I valued mine, so I would be quiet. I would be as quiet as these quiet rooms.
Now, to business. I dropped the paperwork for the newcomer on the nearly visible desk
that liked floating right behind me. I lost track of how many times I bumped or bruised
into it. It was better when desks didn't float. Computers were now the size of dimes,
so why couldn't desks be the same? And the desk swallowed her paperwork and spat out
those waiting to be released from confinement. It was funny releasing those cut from this
world. They reminded me of children. They all wore long, white gowns with fuzzy, white
slippers. They were clean from the condensing showers inside. Not one germ touched their
pale skin, and their eyes shined from the fluorescent lights. They looked at me but
didn't say a word. I gestured to the panel for their handprint, and they followed my
lead. And then I would lead them to the waiting area, where someone normally would await them.
If nobody was there, and there were those situations, I would have to call in Assistance.
And those people were never too friendly. They acted like these lost souls were the
burden of society and treated them as such, getting them ready to go outside just to throw
them to the curb. It was disgusting, and I despised them. But I never said a word.
There were four today. One was here for a day. Another a month. Two had been confined
for almost two years. I wondered what they had done to deserve that sentence, and like
the newcomer, they came in wild. And now they were porcelain dolls standing before me and
hoping to be part of the world once again, and who am I to deny them that? They suffered
enough, so I led them to the waiting area, where all but one had someone waiting. Great.
Now, I had to call in Assistance, and with gritted teeth, I did just that.
What else was on the agenda? Nothing. Once Assistance dragged off that last soul, I was
left to do my normal routine. The quiet rooms reminded of that labyrinth tale, the one with
the minotaur at the end, Theseus, I believe. I loved drifting across those jagged corridors,
thinking nothing, listening against the soft, white walls for life inside. Mostly, I heard
nothing, and if I heard something, it was crying. It was always crying. They just couldn't
stand to be alone, and the thought of isolation shivered through me. I would hate to be them.
Most of them came here because of drugs, and in this world, rehabilitation was a street
hoar at the corner giving you the low dose stuff. So, they came here. The others were
just crazy, but I know that you're not supposed to use that word. But I don't care. Which
one was the newcomer, and like the others, she was crying too.
A month passed. She was always crying. When she wasn't crying, she was screaming. Half
the time, I couldn't understand her. The other half was crazy talk. Murder. Conspiracy.
Lies. Betrayal. It was the stuff of novels, and as I drifted around in-between errands,
I found myself drawn to her room. If I was a writer, I would capture her words, but I'm
not. I was never good with words, which was one reason why I came here. They wanted people
like me. They knew I would not ask questions, and I didn't. I might be curious but not
dangerously curious, so they watched me less. And when I did need something, I would tap
on the security cameras twice, and someone would come. But that rarely occurred.
Four months later. She was the last newcomer. That caused me to fear. The last place like
this that was shut down was covered in conspiracy. The staffer like me had disappeared. Some
patients vanished too because the shutdown was prior to their release date. Some whispered
that they were all murdered, cleansed out. Some said that they were dropped off onto
one of those islands far, far out to sea to never be heard from again. That wouldn't
be so bad to be stranded on an island, but I doubted those words. They were dead. If
this place goes, so do I. I had started checking her panel often. She
showered once a day. She slept six to seven hours. She read when she was awake. The crying
and screaming had finally ceased. She seemed more hungry now than before. Strange. Their
appetites mostly diminished here, but hers had increased. It was like she was eating
for two, but that couldn't be right. They did medical checks before bringing them here,
but what if they missed something with her? My curiosity itched. Part of me wanted to
open the white wall, but that was forbidden. That was certain death, and her panel was
red locked. If I dared to open it, it would sound the alarms. I wouldn't even have time
to run. Her life was not worth mine, so I ignored the itch. But it grew, and a few months
later, I felt nearly consumed. I pressed my ear against the white wall, wishing
I could peer inside. I could feel her on the other side. Did she know I was there? I could
talk to her or at least try, but I was never good with words. I knocked once against the
soft surface, and then I glanced anxiously at the cameras overhead. They were watching.
I knew better, but I couldn't help it. Something was off. I felt it. Since she arrived here,
it wasn't right, and even if they never returned, I knew they were close. One wrong
move, and it was all over. "Hello?" I jumped back. "Hello?" I crept forward
and knocked on the white surface in response. "Please. Please, help me. They're going
to kill me. Please." I opened my mouth, but no words escaped. "I'm pregnant." My mouth
slammed shut. "They'll come for me when they… If they discover that. I'm sure
you noticed I'm eating more, and I've heard about these rooms. When blood touches
the floor, the alarms will sound, and they'll come for me."
She was right. The utensils the computer provided was plastic, but one managed to slice their
wrists open with a plastic knife. Blood sprayed everywhere. There were no alarms at that time,
and when his release date arrived, the smell that escaped that room was horrific. His body
was slumped against a wall, and his white gown was brown. And his face… The last staffer
threw his lunch up and then some. After that, new security protocols were put into place,
and if a single drop of blood touches the padded floor, the alarms would scream.
"Are you there? I know you're there. Help me. Please!"
I wanted to. I really did. My life was not much. I too was cut early from this world,
and this place fit me like a glove. I did not want to disturb that. I couldn't disturb
that, but I felt something. It was no longer curiosity. It was something else, something
that I had not felt in such a long time. Humanity. I forced myself away. I couldn't help her.
They were watching. If I acted out of the ordinary, they would descend upon me like
hungry hounds. I forced myself to cruise the jagged edges that I once called home, and
again, I bumped into that damn desk. I was able to keep this way for maybe another month
or two, but now whenever I passed that room, she was talking. She was having conversations
with herself, but she imagined talking to me. And I started to listen.
She was not a lost soul. She was someone important. She never did drugs. She wasn't corrupt.
She wasn't crazy or bloodthirsty. Her only crime was love. The man she loved was dangerous,
and it was his fault that she was here. He made too many enemies, but his bloodline was
important, powerful. The baby would be wanted, but she wouldn't be. She was right. Once
the baby came, they would kill her. "Do you hear me? The baby will be here soon.
Can you live with my death?" I knelt against the wall, touching the white surface. "What
kind of human are you to live with such a heavy burden?" I flinched. "Let me out. Let
me go. Please. I know this means your death, but you would have saved two lives. Two lives.
Please," and a tear surprised my pressed lips. "Do you hear me?"
I did. I couldn't respond, but I did. Again, I forced myself away. I walked and walked,
trying to forget her words, but they haunted me. I couldn't tune them out. I couldn't
focus on routine. I was her prisoner, and yet, I held her keys to freedom. Two lives,
she said. I would save two lives, but I would surely die. They too would find me in alleyway,
but maybe not with my tongue and jewels cut out. They would find me in a worse way. Was
there a worse way? That I did not want to think about, but if I saved her, if I saved
them, then I had to face the music. I would die.
I don't know how much time passed exactly. It could've been a day. It could've been
a week. Maybe but doubtful, a month. I was ready. I was not good with words. I never
was, but I could write. At least, someone would know. At least, someone would remember
me, and I stood before her panel. I had to break protocol by shutting down the cameras,
which would alert security after their timely lunch break, so that gave me about ten minutes.
I had her clothes in hand, and I reached forward, noting the angry red surface. I pushed forward,
springing the white wall up and meeting her face to face.
"Thank you." I handed her the clothes and letter. "What's this?" She held the letter
up for me to see. Then, it dawned on her. "I will," and she surprised me with a kiss
on the cheek. "Thank you," and I glanced down at her belly, confirming her words.
"I… Saved… Two." She nodded. "I will never forget that or you,"
and then she was gone, running as fast as her feet could take her. But I could not go
with her. Ten minutes. The cameras resumed. Her quiet
room was open. Security came running, so did the originals that brought her here. I waited.
They slammed me against the wall, screaming in my face, and pulling me left to right.
I was done. I knew that, and as they dragged me toward the boiler room, I saw him. It was
the new staffer. There was always one on wait, and he was activated. And I would be terminated,
but it didn't matter. I saved two, and I would never be forgotten. No more words needed
to be said.
Thank you. I look forward to having my story read by you, and I don't think the story needs
any revisions. I did revise my Bio to the following:
Melissa R. Mendelson is a Horror and Science-Fiction Author, whose short stories have been published
by Bartleby Snopes Literary Magazine, Sirens Call Publications's The Sirens Call eZines,
Dark Helix Press, and she was recently published in the Autumn's Harvest: An Autumn Fantasy
Anthology. She also has several short stories available on Amazon Kindle for $0.99.
Thanks for Listening! If you want to hear more stories like this, make sure to subscribe
to the channel, and sign up for the weekly newsletter.
I'm Chris Herron and that's it for today's Tall Tale TV.
Toys Play Time Power Rangers SQUAD Rescue Paw Patrol vs Bad Guys Toy Story Short Action Movie 2018 - Duration: 3:51.Toys Play Time Power Rangers SQUAD Rescue Paw Patrol vs Bad Guys Toy Story Short Action Movie 2018
日産「スカイラインGT-R R32」が大阪・泉佐野市にて僅か1分半で盗まれる。改めて「GT-R」は盗難被害がなぜ多いのか考える - Duration: 4:18.-------------------------------------------
Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
Paul Ryan retreats following ill-advised fight with House chaplain - Duration: 3:14.Paul Ryan retreats following ill-advised fight with House chaplain
The trouble started with, of all things, a prayer. In November, as Republicans were moving forward with their regressive tax cuts, the Rev.
Patrick Conroy, a Roman Catholic priest and the House chaplain for the last several years, delivered a prayer on the chamber floor urging lawmakers to ensure that the tax plan's benefits be "balanced and shared by all Americans.".
House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), who is also a Roman Catholic, privately expressed his dissatisfaction to the chaplain. As Conroy recalled to the New York Times, the House Speaker told the priest, "Padre, you just got to stay out of politics.".
Ryan ultimately asked for Conroy's resignation – a first in American history for a House chaplain – and the Jesuit obliged, assuming he didn't have much of a choice.
But following an "old-fashioned religious feud" on Capitol Hill, the chaplain changed his mind, un-resigned, and effectively dared the GOP leader to fire him. Yesterday afternoon, the Speaker retreated.
Speaker Paul Ryan reversed himself Thursday and said that the Rev. Patrick Conroy, the chaplain of the House of Representatives whom Ryan forced out of his position last month, can keep his job.
Ryan's announcement came shortly after Conroy told Ryan that he was rescinding his resignation…. "I have accepted Father Conroy's letter and decided that he will remain in his position as Chaplain of the House," Ryan, R-Wis., said in a statement Thursday.
By any fair measure, that was the appropriate decision, though the resolution doesn't change the fact that Ryan picked a pointless fight for no reason – and lost badly.
When the Speaker first tried to push the chaplain out, neither Ryan nor his office offered a public explanation for the decision.
Indeed, it wasn't altogether clear whether the Speaker even has the authority to unilaterally tell a House chaplain his services are no longer required.
Eventually, Ryan said about decision, "This was not about politics or prayers, it was about pastoral services. And a number of our members felt like the pastoral services were not being adequately served, or offered.".
And while that may sound like a vaguely legitimate reason, according to Conroy, who has no incentive to lie, that wasn't the explanation the Speaker's office gave him.
In his letter to congressional leaders yesterday, retracting his resignation, the chaplain told Ryan, "While you never spoke with me in person, nor did you send me any correspondence, on Friday, April 13th, 2018, your Chief of Staff, Jonathan Burks, came to me and informed me that you were asking for my letter of resignation.
I inquired as to whether or not it was 'for cause,' and Mr Burks mentioned dismissively something like 'maybe it's time that we had a Chaplain that wasn't a Catholic.' He also mentioned my November prayer [about taxes] and an interview with the National Journal Daily.".
He added, "I have never been disciplined, nor reprimanded, nor have I ever heard a complaint about my ministry during my time as House chaplain. One gets the sense Conroy has some concerns about the accuracy of Ryan's version of events.
So what are we left with? A retiring Speaker with waning power tried to oust his chamber's chaplain, creating an unnecessary and divisive religious controversy, and he may not have been entirely truthful about his motivation.
Ryan promptly faced a bipartisan backlash from House members, only to eventually back down when the chaplain defied the Republican leader's wishes.
Keep in mind, the Speaker could've easily avoided the entire mess, leaving his successor to help choose the next House chaplain. But Ryan picked this fight anyway, for reasons that remain unclear.
The Wisconsin congressman has faced some pressure about stepping down before the end of his term, but the Speaker has insisted that won't happen. I wonder if, right about now, he's giving his options a second look.
Postscript: I continue to believe this controversy should serve as a reminder that it's time for a debate about why there's a taxpayer-financed chaplain in Congress.
Вязание крючком. ТУНИКА. РАЗБОР УЗОРА+СХЕМА+ВЫКРОЙКА - Duration: 14:35.-------------------------------------------
Inizia il giro d'Italia da Gerusalemme 4-5-2018 - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 208 BLUE LION 5DRS. 82 PK.|NAV|DAB+|CRUISE C.|AIRCO| - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
KAISER - Solamente Siento (Audio) - Duration: 2:39.-------------------------------------------
Toy Guns Box of Toys NERF Guns Zombie Flipfury - Duration: 4:49.Toy Guns Box of Toys NERF Guns
How I Make Money Online-------------------------------------------
Subway station Globen, Stockholm, Sweden - Duration: 15:38.Line 19 towards Alvik
Line 19 towards Alvik
Line 19 towards Alvik arrives in 9 minutes
Line 19 towards Hagsätra. Short train.
Line 19 towards Alvik
Line 19 towards Alvik
Line 19 towards Hagsätra
The tram stop is located beside the subway station
Exit towards south west
The tram stop
Then we got snow
The north east entrance (to the tram stop)
The north east entrance (to the subway)
The north east entrance (to the subway)
Hope you liked the movie! Thanks for watching!
Bonus: Globen - Gullmarsplan in snow
Next Gullmarsplan
Scaramucci on Stormy Daniels: Trump didn't break the law - Duration: 25:15.-------------------------------------------
Get @ Reese: Viewers don't agree with comments about seniors and sex - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
Fiat Tipo Stationwagon 1.4 T-Jet 120PK S-Design - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
What Makes a Christian? - Duration: 2:21.The most basic, most essential distinction between a Christian and a
non-christian is not new decisions of the will, not new deeds of the hands, not
new doctrines in the mind, but a new delight in the heart. That's my thesis.
I'll say it again: The most basic distinction between the body of Christ and the world
is not godly decisions, not good deeds, not genuine doctrines, but glad delights
in the glory of God, the beauty of God, the excellence of God, the holy majesty
of God, the marvelous mercies of God, the person of God as revealed in Jesus
Christ supremely. The world is perfectly able to use its willpower to make
decisions for Jesus. Judas certainly did for three years, all the while being a
lover of money and a thief while willing to follow Jesus all day every day.
Secular philanthropists do good deeds. "If I give away all that I have and deliver
my body to be burned and have not love, I am nothing." The devil himself knows more
right doctrine to be true than anyone in this room. But neither the devil nor
secular philanthropists, nor the whole unbelieving world, does or can
delight in the glory of God supremely.
Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 115pk DIG-T XTRONIC Acenta - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T TEKNA NED.AUTO, LEDER, NAVI, CRUISE CONTROL, CLIMATE CONTROL, XENON, CAMERA' - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Kim Jong Un's sister: Things you probably didn't know about Kim Yo Jong (김여정) - Duration: 7:02.-------------------------------------------
[Best Nightcore] Baby Don't Know Why Nightcore 「 Ms.OOJA 」 - Duration: 4:09.Baby Don't Know Why Nightcore
Nightcore - Closer | Lyrics - Duration: 2:04.Hey
I was doing just fine before i met you
I drink too much and that's an issue
But I'm okay
I said hey
You tell your friends it was nice to meet them
But I really hope I never see them again
I know it breaks your heart
Move to the city in a broke down car and
Four years no call
Now you're looking pretty in a hotel bar and
I-i-i can't stop
No I-i-i can't stop
So baby pull me closer
In the back seat of your Rover
That I know you can't afford
Bite that tattoo on your shoulder
Pull the sheets right off the corner
Of the mattress that you stole
From your room mate back in boulder
We ain't ever getting older
Oh oh oh
No we ain't ever getting older
Oh oh oh
No we ain't ever getting older
You look as good as the day I met you
I forget just why I left you, I was insane
Stay, and play that Blink 182 song
That we beat to death in Tuscon, okay
I know it breaks your heart
Move to the city in a broke down car and
Four years no call
Now you're looking pretty in a hotel bar and
I-i-i can't stop
No I-i-i can't stop
So baby pull me closer
In the back seat of your Rover
That I know you can't afford
Bite that tattoo on your shoulder
Pull the sheets right off the corner
Of the mattress that you stole
From your room mate back in boulder
We ain't ever getting older
Oh oh oh
No we ain't ever getting older
Oh oh oh
No we ain't ever getting older
Top 10 Peaceful Freshwater and Marine Aquarium Fish - Duration: 8:29.Looking to keep the aggression out of the aquarium tank or if you are beginner with
fish keeping, then your choice must be the peaceful community fish.
These fish don't attack their inhabitants and keep the aggression to minimum or to almost
They moves in community and shows off good schooling habits.
So here are top 10 most peaceful saltwater and freshwater aquarium fish that you need
for a peaceful community tank.
Number 10, Neon Tetras Neon tetras are freshwater fish which are
natives of Orinoco and Amazon basin.
Not generally recommended for beginner fish keepers however neon tetras are great tank
mates for guppies or other peaceful community fish.
Neon tetras are specific about the temperature around 21 to 27 °C and does not breed much
in the tank or their breeding needs sophisticated procedures.
Number 9, Platies and Swordtails Platies and Swordtails comes from the same
group of family and have similar feeding, breeding and environmental needs.
They are found in wide variety of colors and are ideal peaceful community fish for aquariums.
However while pregnant female Platies and Swordtails need plenty of hiding places to
avoid fights.
They prefer warmer water around 25 to 28 °C and breed well in normal aquarium waters.
Number 8, Fancy Guppies Fancy guppies also called million fish or
rainbow fish are peaceful community fish that can be kept in groups.
Breeding of fancy guppies is by polyandry that means single female can mate multiple
males which can cause mild aggressions.
However fancy guppies are most popular tropical fish kept in aquariums and can adapt and thrive
in many different environmental and ecological conditions.
Number 7, Common Hatchetfish Common Hatchetfish have large protruding belly
and hence named Hatchetfish.
They are originating from the South America in the Peruvian and middle Amazon, the Guianas
and Venezuela, it grows to about 2.5 inches.
They prefer temperature around 23 to 27 °C. Known as little greedy fish, they are carnivores
and eat any small insects or worms.
They are also peaceful community fish but have problem of jumping out of aquariums and
hence require aquariums with closed lids.
Number 6, Zebra Danio Zebrafish or Zebra Danio is a popular aquarium
fish originating from Himalayan region.
This fish is widely used for scientific research and known for its regenerative abilities.
They also do well in schools or shoals of six or more, and interact well with other
fish species in the aquarium.
The Zebra Danio was also used to make genetically modified fish and were the first species to
be sold as GloFish.
Number 5, Blenny Fish Blenny fish or Blennioids are small fish with
elongated bodies some almost like eel and have relatively large eyes and mouth.
Several different species of Blennioids have been discovered.
They have continuous and long dorsal fins.
They spend most of the time near the bottom floors and are peaceful fish.
They are reclusive and may burrow in sandy substrates or inhabit crevices in reefs, the
lower stretches of rivers, or even empty mollusc shells.
Number 4, Butterfly Fish Found mostly on the reefs of the Atlantic,
Indian, and Pacific Oceans these are marine fish with beautiful colorations and are popular
aquarium fish.
Most species feed on coral polyps and sea anemones.
Butterflyfish look like smaller versions of angelfish and many have eyespots on their
flanks and dark bands across their eyes, not unlike the patterns seen on butterfly wings.
Number 3, Chalk Bass Chalk Bass is smallest within its family of
bass and great fish for beginners of marine aquariums.
It originates from Caribbean and feeds on meaty items, vitamin enriched brine and mysis
shrimp and flake foods.
A 30-gallon aquarium, with plenty of live rock for hiding, is ideal for the Chalk bass.
They are not aggressive towards other fish, and multiple specimens can be added to the
aquarium, as long as it is at the same time.
They will not pick at corals or sessile invertebrates, and are a great fish for the reef aquarium.
However larger specimens may attack small shrimps.
Number 2, Clownfish Clownfish or anemonefish are most peaceful
marine fish that exist in close symbiotic mutualism with sea anemone each providing
a number of benefits to other.
So aquariums in which you keep clownfish must have anemone as they provide hiding place
and food source for the clownfish.
They feed on leftover of sea anemone and in turn provide Nitrogen from ammonia for tissue
growth and regeneration.
Clownfish can reach 2.8 to 6.3 inch in length depending on the species.
And at Number 1 is Mollies Mollies are one of the most peaceful freshwater
fish due to the fact mollies appear to be a hardy and highly adaptable species.
Some species can be kept in marine waters as well.
Besides Mollies rank as one of the most popular feeder fish due to high growth rate, birth
size, reproduction, and brood number.
Mollies are similar in appearance to their livebearer cousins, the platy, swordtail and
guppies; the molly tends to be slightly larger and more energetic.
Many aquarists note the stronger individuality and aggression in keeping mollies versus platies,
who appear much more docile.
So there it is top 10 peaceful community aquarium fish, do tell me about your favorite fish
or any missing fish.
Like and share the video to your friends and subscribe to watch the upcoming videos.
I will be back very soon till then bye and take care and Thanks for watching.
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Amoli - Official Trailer (Hindi) | Voiced By Rajkummar Rao - Duration: 1:36.The person you cannot see in this picture, is Amoli.
But this story, isn't just about how she disappeared.
This story is about a reality
that has come to engulf every city and every village of our nation.
And yet, we choose to stay blind to it.
Where do these children go?
What happens to them?
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We've got an international flight, which means we've got
to be there early, and I know you sell weed
so you don't care about time.
NARRATOR: The season finale of the best show on TV.
Sorry I'm late.
I'll catch up with you man.
I got your passport.
Bring your keys.
Think I might have packed up the keys.
You are not serious.
Y'all going on tour?
How'd you know?
Opt out!
NARRATOR: Atlanta-- season finale Thursday
at 10:00 on FX and FXNOW.
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Which Ad Network I Would Use If I Could Not Use AdMob - Duration: 3:58.Hey, this is the Daily Overpass, my name is Eric and I make apps!
Now today, I wanna talk about which ad network I would use if I could not use admob.
So today, I'm coming to you once again from Goring which is a beautiful location!
I had to stop here again and do a video today, just because it's so nice outside and it's
nice to be out of the office a little bit.
So today I'm gonna answer a question that came in a few days ago on one of our really
old videos.
This video was called 'Why We Use Admob' and I think it might be three or four years old!
Where I talked about why I stick with admob and I don't use all the other networks except
through mediation.
This question comes from Selvi Productivity Apps, and it said "Hi Overpass Team, I wanna
know what your alternative opinion for admob?
I mean, the second one in the row...Thanks".
And I think what that means is, when we're not using admob, if we didn't have admob,
which one would we use?
Which actually is a good question, because sometimes that comes up!
The answer for me is AppLovin. for me, if I can't use admob, I go straight to applovin,
because that was my go to.
The thing that always surprises me about ad networks, so making money through apps and
everything, is you have to try a lot of the different ad networks.
See I've had people who will use chart boost or facebook audience network who swear by
it, who say "that's the most money I make, everything comes through there, I don't know
why anybody would use anything else!"
Whereas when I use those, and I don't get the same results that they do.
So a lot of the time, it's a lot of trial and error and experimentation and this is
why ad mediation is good!
It's good because you can switch it dynamically without having to keep redeploying your application
and put all the other SDK's in there.
We talked before about SDK-less mediation which has never really been very good so far,
so a lot of the times when you compile your app with these different ad networks, you
have to put those different SDK's in there.
But for me, it's applovin, but I know that's not the case for everybody and I hate to say
that as a general rule.
You know what would be a really good title for a video?
It would be 'The best Ad Network Out There', but I can't make that because I don't know
what it is!
All I can tell you is what works for me, I've tried lots of different ad networks, I can't
even remember them all now because last year I was just sticking with admob, and although
it's been kind of up and down and up and down, it still seems to be the most consistent to
Every time I use another ad network, or if I use too many mediation networks in one go,
the money gets spread out too far and I just don't get the same kind of result.
So this is mostly a question for the rest of you - for me, my second choice after admob
is going to be applovin.
That's just me.
What about the rest of you guys?
What is your backup?
Which one would you go to if you couldn't use admob?
Or even better yet, you might not even be using admob - which one do you find to be
the best ad network for you?
Which ones have you tried and which ones do you stick with?
So anyway, that's it for today, I hope that helps a little bit, but I'm really interested
in hearing what you guys have to say!
That's it for today, I'll talk to you guys again tomorrow!
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NEW FOIL HAT & SPIRIT GUIDE (Only 1 in Game) | Growtopia - Duration: 10:34.500World Lock Giveaway!
jamew7 returns
aye aye
nooo he's back no!!!
Barbed Wire Hand Painted Design - Polycolor Acrylic Paint - Duration: 13:30.-------------------------------------------
Hush Little Baby | Kids Songs and Cartoons by Little Treehouse - Duration: 19:08.Hush, little baby, don't say a word.
Mummy's gonna buy you a mockingbird
And if that mockingbird won't sing,
Mummy's gonna buy you a diamond ring
And if that diamond ring turns brass,
Mummy's gonna buy you a looking glass
And if that looking glass gets broke,
Mummy's gonna buy you a billy goat
And if that billy goat won't pull,
Mummy's gonna buy you a cart and bull
And if that cart and bull turn over,
Mummy's gonna buy you a dog named Rover
And if that dog named Rover won't bark
Mummy's gonna buy you a horse and cart
And if that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town.
Hush, little baby, don't you cry
Daddy loves you and so do I
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