(Singing) I know my God has made the way for
me. I know my God has made the way for me.
KENNETH: "There sat a man at Lystra, impotent
in his feet, being a cripple from his mother's womb,
who never had walked." He heard Paul speak, or
he heard him preach, the Gospel. And Paul, "steadfastly beholding
him, perceiving that he had faith to be healed, He said with
a loud voice, Stand up on your feet. And up on his feet he
came." AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Praise God. Now, he must--thank
You, Father. Yes, sir. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: He had to have
heard. Now, what--what do we already know from Paul's
preaching? What do we already know? We already know what he
wrote the church at Philippi--at Galatia, excuse me, "how Jesus
was made a curse for us, for it is written, Cursed is everyone
that hangeth on a tree: so that the blessing of Abraham might
come on the Gentiles through Christ Jesus." AUDIENCE: Amen!
KENNETH: I believe that's what he was preaching. AUDIENCE:
Amen. KENNETH: I mean, that's what the man preached. AUDIENCE:
Yeah. Amen. That's right. KENNETH: You see, they didn't
think no more than we do today. I--the Lord doesn't give me a
message and I just preach it once and then wonder what in the
world I'm going to preach next time. I preach that until He
says, "Preach something else." (Audience Agrees) And sometimes
it may be a few days, sometimes it may be a few months.
I--sometimes it may be a year. I'm not going to go off and
change, not without direction-- (Audience "Amens") --because it
don't ever come out the same way twice anyway. (Audience Agrees)
And if you'd have heard it twice, well, you needed to hear
it twice. (Laughs) Amen. (Audience "Amens") So the thing
we need to understand here, He wasn't preaching something that
didn't include healing. AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH:
He's preaching the Gospel. Well, if you're preaching the Gospel,
you're going to be preaching healing. (Audience Agrees) If
you're preaching the Gospel, you're going to be preaching
prosperity. (Audience Agrees) You can't cut any of the
threefold chord out, because it's part of it. (Audience
Agrees) Amen. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Now, let me--let
me--just for instance here, this'll help you in your Bible
study. You remember when Philip went down--where'd he go?
Samaria. And what did he do? AUDIENCE: He preached the
Gospel, but he saw the-- KENNETH: Now, wait a minute.
Said he preached Christ. "Well, that's the Gospel." I know, I
know, I know, I know. Whoa. Hold it. MALE: It's the anointing.
KENNETH: Jesus preached Christ. "Christ" is a Greek word,
translated. It's the Greek translation of the Hebrew word
"messiah," which means anointed one or anointing. Amen.
(Audience "Amens") And Jesus preached, "The Spirit of the
Lord is upon me because he has anointed me." Now, wait a
minute. Errk, honk, hold it. (Laughter) He could have said,
Greg--it could have been translated this way, "The Spirit
of the Lord is upon me for he has christened me." MALE:
AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: It'd be the same Word. AUDIENCE:
That's good. That's good. KENNETH: Ah. You see something,
don't you? Now, Philip was preaching the same message that
Jesus preached-- AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: --"How God anointed
Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power, who went about
doing good and healing all that were--" AUDIENCE: Oppressed.
KENNETH: "--oppressed of the devil." AUDIENCE: Uh-huh.
KENNETH: And people started getting healed. Ha-ha, he's
preaching Jesus. He's preaching Christ. (Audience Agrees) But we
struggle with that and say, "Yeah, he preached Christ.
Ah-ah-ah." Well, what'd he preach? "He preached Christ."
What did he say? "I don't know." Yeah, you do, you just didn't
know you knew it because Jesus preached that everywhere He
went, everywhere. The Scripture proves it. He's--that He
preached that Word throughout all Judea. That was His text
everywhere, how, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for
he has anointed me to preach the gospel!"
Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo. Glory! Now we're back to Philip
preached the Gospel. AUDIENCE: Yes! KENNETH: Hallelujah.
AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. Glory! KENNETH: I don't know about you,
but I'm plumb excited. I'm plumb up to here, hallelujah, in
insight into this book and what's going on here tonight.
Hallelujah. (Audience Agrees) So many things are happening in
your spirit right now, baby. Things are happening out--things
are happening to you out there on the network. Things are
happening to you online out there. Praise God. (Audience
"Amens") Amen. (Audience "Amens") Thank You, Jesus.
(Audience Agrees) Hepatitis C was healed right then. Praise
God. (Audience Agrees) I literally heard that in my
spirit. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: Glory to God. AUDIENCE: Glory to
God. KENNETH: Rheumatic fever, I heard the Lord say that is being
healed. Hallelujah. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Faith cometh.
Faith cometh. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Well, when faith
cometh, then words cometh. (Audience Agrees) Words cometh.
Words come in, faith cometh, words go out. (Audience Agrees)
People are saved. People are healed. People are delivered by
hearing words. AUDIENCE: Yes. Yeah. KENNETH: Glory to God.
Hallelujah. AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. Amen. KENNETH:
Philip preached Christ. Yeah, he preached Christ. He preached
Jesus' sermon. AUDIENCE: Yeah. KENNETH: What do you think they
were all preaching when they left there? They all went out
preaching that same message. They didn't change it. They
didn't say anything else! The apostle Paul was the first one
to ever come along that had anything else to say other than
that-- AUDIENCE: Mm-hmm. KENNETH: --of that group.
What--if you--hey, if you're part that 12, you think you'd be
out preaching something on your own? You don't know anything but
what you heard him preach for three years. That's all you
know. (Audience Agrees) That's where Philip got it. Hallelujah!
AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. KENNETH: That's the reason he's preaching
it. AUDIENCE: Yes. Yes. KENNETH: Well, the apostle Paul comes
along and he preached the same thing. Amen. (Audience "Amens")
But he brought revelation from heaven into that mix.
Hallelujah. AUDIENCE: Yes. Hallelujah! KENNETH: He had to
establish the New Covenant. It had to be someone. It had to be
someone that was not part of that 12. And he knew it. Jesus
had already--Jesus--the--Jesus doesn't do things--He's a man of
great equity. He doesn't--He doesn't do things that are
unfair. AUDIENCE: Right. KENNETH: Jesus said, "I have
shown him the things he must suffer for my name's sake." Now,
there's more to that than just the fact that, you know, he just
preached in the name of Jesus. No, no, no, no. No, no, no. For
the sake of the authority and integrity of that name that's
above every name that's named that He has--that God exalted
Him and has given Him His name. Amen. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH:
But that had to be proven in the field. And He did it. AUDIENCE:
Yes, sir. KENNETH: He proved it would work. He proved it in the
deep night and day. AUDIENCE: Yeah. KENNETH: He proved it by
being killed a couple of times. I mean, come on, man. Amen.
Yeah, or at least once, we know. Hallelujah. AUDIENCE:
Hallelujah. Amen. KENNETH: For that namesake and that
authority, this apostle took it to the field and won the
battles. Glory to God. (Audience Agrees) Oh, hallelujah. Come on,
somebody. Come on. Get in here. (Cheers & Applause) Hallelujah!
AUDIENCE: Glory to God. Glory. KENNETH: Amen. Ain't it
wonderful? (Audience Agrees) Isn't this Gospel absolutely
marvelous? (Audience Agrees) But you can't--you--had you been
there hearing the apostle Paul preach that Gospel, you would
have had to have mixed your faith with it. It wouldn't
happen just because it's the apostle Paul. (Audience Agrees)
It wouldn't happen. No. You'd have had to mix your faith with
it just like this man did. And because there were unusual signs
and wonders at their--by the works of their hands, obviously,
a lot of people did, but the Holy Spirit saw fit to give us
this one so we could see and understand what the Word of
faith is built to do--(Audience "Amens")--with that. AUDIENCE:
Hallelujah! (Cheers & Applause) KENNETH: Like that, hallelujah.
Thank You, Lord Jesus. "He heard Him speak: perceiving he had
faith to be healed, He said with a loud voice, Stand up on your
feet. And he leaped and he walked." Hallelujah. Say, "He
leaped--" AUDIENCE: He leaped-- KENNETH: "--and he walked."
AUDIENCE: --and he walked. KENNETH: "And he was a happy
man." AUDIENCE: And he was a happy man. KENNETH: (Laughs)
Amen! (Audience "Amens") Hallelujah. (Audience
"Hallelujahs") What did he hear? He heard the Gospel. What's the
Gospel? The Word of faith. Thank You, Jesus. Praise God. We've
noticed all the way through this, three weeks of broadcast
now, the inner weavings all the way through the ministry of
Jesus. If you go back and study all 19 of those incidences, you
will find a person's faith mentioned. And what is it? I--I
think something like 12 of them or something. But if you read
and study them, you can--you can find the faith in there on every
one of them. AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: Oh, my, my, my.
AUDIENCE: Glory to God. KENNETH: We've found out--you know, I
hear people say, "Well, sometimes He says, 'Yes,' and
sometimes He says, 'No,' and sometimes He says, 'Wait a
while.'" You know, that's funny. He never has said that to me.
AUDIENCE: That's right. (Claps) KENNETH: But now, here's--turn
over to I John. The key to answered prayer, the key to
receiving from God, always, always, always begins with the
Word. AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: Are you with me?
Believing the Word, believing the Word, starting with the
Word. Look over here in the 5th chapter of I John. "Whosoever
believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: every one
that loves him that begat loveth him also that's begotten of
him," or if you love the Father, you love the children. "By this
we know we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep
his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep
his commandments: his commandments are not grievous.
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this
is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith."
(Audience Agrees) Are you a believer? (Audience Agrees) Then
you have faith--(Audience Agrees)--and you're a world
overcomer. (Audience Agrees) So all you've got to do is get the
Word and start overcoming because you are an overcomer.
You don't become an overcomer and then overcome. No, you--hey,
I'm going to put this country style. You done become an
overcomer. So get your overcoming self up and start
overcoming, you understand? (Cheers & Applause) Hallelujah.
Audience "Hallelujahs") Now, flowing right down this same
line, right here in this same 5th chapter, you come right down
to the place. Now, this is the "God is love" book, right?
AUDIENCE: Right. KENNETH: I John is, "God is love." The apostle
John is the one that revealed God is love, that He doesn't
have love-- AUDIENCE: Right. KENNETH: --He is love. And this
little book--this book is just pregnant with that revelation.
AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Now, come down, Verse 14, "This is
the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything--"
say, "anything." AUDIENCE: Anything. KENNETH: "If we ask
anything--" AUDIENCE: Anything. KENNETH: --anything-- AUDIENCE:
Anything. KENNETH: --anything, "if we ask anything according to
His will--" TOGETHER: "--He hears us." (Cheers) KENNETH: His
Word is His will. (Audience Agrees) There is no way in this
earth or heaven that God would promise you something that was
not His will for you to have. I mean, how stupid is that?
AUDIENCE: Preach! KENNETH: Amen? (Audience "Amens") Oh-ho-ho-ho.
Glory to God. We could read it like this. And you preachers
tell me if you flow with this. We know that He hears us, and
this is the confidence we have in Him. We ask anything
according to His Word. He hears us. (Audience Agrees) All right,
now follow, follow, follow along. And if we know that He
hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have. We have. I
believe I receive it because I know I have it. (Audience
Agrees) I know He heard me because I'm praying His Word
back to Him. (Audience Agrees) "We have the petitions that we
desired of him." We're almost there. We're almost there. How
much time do I got, Tim? Oh, I've got to get--I've got to get
this in here. Hey, you're praying with me, aren't you?
(Audience Agrees) Ooh-ee. "We have the petitions we desired of
him." Amen. Look at the 18th verse, "We know that whosoever
is born of God sinneth not." Errk! What? AUDIENCE: Yes, yes.
KENNETH: Now, wait a minute, don't jump track. Stay on the
same track. "Whosoever is born of love sinneth not; but he
that's born of love keepeth himself, and that wicked one
touches him not." You stay in that love command. You keep
yourself on that love walk. And you love God with all your
heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. And
you love your neighbor as yourself. You just fulfill all
of the law. And if there be any other commandment, it is
fulfilled with that. (Audience Agrees) So you're walking in the
fullness of the commandment. Glory to God. And you can go
over to the first covenant, go over there and find out about
it. Hallelujah. If you walk and kept those commandments, the
Word of God said, "You serve the Lord your God; he'll take
sickness from the midst of you. And the length of your days
you'll have fulfilled." (Audience "Amens") Amen. Doing
those things that are right in His sight. (Audience "Amens")
AUDIENCE: That's right. Hallelujah. KENNETH: Well,
what's right in His sight? Keeping the commandments.
AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: Walking by faith, walking in
love. Amen. (Audience "Amens") And that wicked one touches Him
not. That's the straight and narrow way, that love walk.
AUDIENCE: (Claps) KENNETH: Out here, bam. That's the curse out
there. Keep yourself on that line. Repent. Be quick to
repent, quick to repent, quick to forgive, very slow to anger.
Don't let anger destroy your life. Don't practice it. If you
practice anger, you'll get good at it. Then the way people
practice anger--hey, if you get irritated at a belt loop, you're
too irritated. If you get irritated over your
hair--(Laughter) Praying, praying for the Sunday morning
service, praying for Pastor, praying for you. Oh. Anointing
of God comes on you, and you get mad at your hair. (Laughter)
AUDIENCE: Wow. KENNETH: I'm going to tell you what, you are
about that deep and sinking. AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH:
You don't have any spiritual depth to you at all. Why?
Because you're practicing anger. You get irritated with your car,
get mad at your cell phone and want to throw it in the creek.
"I don't know why that thing does what it does." Because it's
smarter than you are, that's why it does it. (Laughter) That's
the reason they call it a smart phone. If you're having trouble
with your hair, just fix it. (Laughter) Who cares? Amen!
Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. (Applause) Who cares? Glory to God.
Hallelujah. I'm a free man and I'm a man full of joy! Glory to
God. And I'm not going to let anger get in my life. I'm not
going to get anger in my household. Hallelujah. (Audience
"Amens") AUDIENCE: Yes, Lord. KENNETH: I paid a hard price for
that and I'm not going back there ever again. (Cheers &
Applause) AUDIENCE: Praise God. Amen. KENNETH: Hallelujah.
AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. KENNETH: Glory be to God. Glory, glory,
glory, glory, glory. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Come on, let's
stand up. Stand up on your feet. Hallelujah. AUDIENCE:
Hallelujah. KENNETH: Thank You, Lord. (Cheers & Applause) I love
you all. I'm so glad you came. I've had so much fun with
you--(Cheers & Applause)--these last three days. My, my, thank
you so much for coming. You're such a blessing. And I pray the
blessing of the Lord on you. I pray the blessing of the Lord on
all of you that are watching through this radio and
television audience all over the world. Glory be to God. If
you've never accepted Jesus as your Lord, this is the time to
do it. Just say, "Jesus, come into my heart." (Audience
Repeats) "Take my life and do something with it. I receive
You as my Lord and Savior. Thank You. I repent of sin. I
renounce the devil and everything he stands for. Fill
me with your precious Holy Spirit. I receive healing for my
body and peace for my mind. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."
Amen. (Applause) We'll be back in just a moment.
ANNOUNCER: We hope you enjoyed today's teaching from Kenneth
Copeland Ministries. And remember Jesus is Lord.
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