Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 2 2018

the turtles had a huge growth and popularity as pets worldwide

in the eighties by the ninja turtles, this is because the 4 members of their group,

They are red-eared turtles, which leads many children to want one for

pretend they were one of these heroines. which meant that many of them were

taken by people all over the world and that in the end it brings, that when growing too much

and not being able to have them released in different streams and displacing other animals

of its territory, becoming a plague in places where they are not endemic, until

the point of becoming one of the 100 most dangerous invasive species on the planet.

even with this people are still looking for them as pets so it is necessary to know them

take care before having one. as a starting point, they are endemic to

north of america, south of the united states and in mexico, this because they belong to a

warm weather and with this it is necessary to know that they require a temperature and humidity

constant, but they also adapt to temperate climates.

the first thing to have one, is to have a fish tank, pond, terrarium or space where they go

to live, this place must be thought of in the future, as turtles will grow with the

time and most are acquired with a size that barely exceeds 7 centimeters,

so it is necessary that they have an area of ​​60 square centimeters, but you have to

consider that they are semiaquatic, so a portion must contain water,

ideal is that the amount of water at least cover the turtle completely but as

maximum that does not exceed 20 to 30 centimeters and a portion where you have land to be able

be when you want it, you should never put it in a tank full of water, because you can

suffocate by getting tired of going up and down to breathe. the water must be potable preferably

and be prepared to change it as the fence is dirty, because in a short time

this place will stink, since most of the times they fulfill their needs in

the aquatic environment. you can put stones and dirt so that

can move more easily, especially in the dry portion, the water should be

to maintain at a temperature of 23 degrees to 26 and the terrestrial portion of 24 to 27

degrees Celsius. To keep your temperature constant you can put a source of

insulated heat to prevent burning or electrocution. besides that they need

sunlight, this is usually provided with natural light or in the event that it is not

can from a special focus of ultra violet rays.

they are omnivorous animals, that is they eat everything but depending on whether they are juveniles

or adults, when they are small they eat more vegetables and occasionally

fish, when they are adults it is the inverse, for their feeding they can be provided with plants

well-washed aquatic or vegetable remains such as lettuce, and should have food such as

Charales, this movement encourages them to marry and eat, because you can give

the case that when you provide them with commercial food, do not pay attention to them. if they get to

dying the fish should be removed before the water spoils, it should be clarified

that some turtles prefer to consume dead prey, which is deposited in the bottom. avoid

over-feeding, as they may be overweight, if this happens, which is easily

observable when portions of their shoulders and legs come out of the shell when hiding,

they should decrease the amount of food, where it should be considered that they do not eat all

the days, norrête is spaced for 3 to 7 days, and never give them pizza.

you can clean the shell, especially if they are filling with algae, this

is achieved with a hard bristle brush, such as a toothbrush, for

Remove and clean your exterior, passing it gently to avoid hurting them, plus

that with this they are helped to remove the plates of scales that are moving.

of behavior are somewhat timid with people, most of them manipulate them hide

in its shell, reaching to expel urine from the cloaca as a defense, some scratch

or they will bite. to prevent that, they should be secured from the lateral ends of the shell.

when it is cold you can get to bury to hibernate so it is common for

disappear in the winter and come back to find them until the weather is warmer. arrive

to scale, even if its appearance indicates otherwise, being usual that if

put in a pen these are out when climbing the bars. you should not join with others

animals, especially dogs, as it is common for the latter to bite them and break them

the carapace, or join large specimens with small ones since there can be cannibalism

or aggressions, especially in small spaces. the interaction with the owner is almost

null and one should wash their hands after handling them, as they can transmit diseases,

Salmonellosis is one of the most common that inhabits normal bacterial flora in them.

to make a differentiation between females and males, it can be done with the length of

the tail and how far is the sewer, which is complicated, you can also

give the case that one day you find an egg of them, which is alone or with other

females, is infertile. they can have a life expectancy

in captivity of 20 to 40 years, being very long lived, where they must reach their size

of adults around 12 to 18 months of age, where they should detect some

questions, if it presents a soft shell, lethargy, lack of appetite more than usual, mucus,

abnormal color, swelling, abnormal stools or other conditions that perish strange,

It is necessary to take them with a veterinarian. you must take into account that in some countries

your sale and possession is punishable, so you should consider this to avoid problems

with justice. If you have one and can not have it anymore, you should look for a place where

receive them or someone who wants them, never release them to nature.

an animal that people can have in small spaces, which became popular

the cartoons and that in some countries are a problem, so it is necessary to have them

and take care of them if you have them, those are the red-eared turtles.

I hope you liked the video, if it was like that, I like it, if you know someone who

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thanks for watching this video, we are seeing each other until later.

For more infomation >> Red-eared slider | Between pet and plague | (Pets) |Pet Care| - Duration: 7:42.


Cnco y sus Ex Novias reales - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Cnco y sus Ex Novias reales - Duration: 2:05.


¡David Bisbal explotó contra la madre de su hija! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> ¡David Bisbal explotó contra la madre de su hija! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:00.


Cardi B fue arrestada por una pelea en un club nocturno | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Cardi B fue arrestada por una pelea en un club nocturno | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:19.


¡El Komander ayuda a sus "paisanos" de Sinaloa! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> ¡El Komander ayuda a sus "paisanos" de Sinaloa! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:20.


¡Conoce la historia del verdadero Spider-Man Boricua! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> ¡Conoce la historia del verdadero Spider-Man Boricua! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:26.


Descubre la mejor rutina de ejercicios para los glúteos | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> Descubre la mejor rutina de ejercicios para los glúteos | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:45.


¡Todos en Exatlón EEUU extrañan a Jennifer Salinas! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> ¡Todos en Exatlón EEUU extrañan a Jennifer Salinas! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:29.


Guatemala: Ilusiones que el Volcán de Fuego no se llevó | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> Guatemala: Ilusiones que el Volcán de Fuego no se llevó | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:40.


Confirmado: Videojuegos promueven conductas agresivas | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Confirmado: Videojuegos promueven conductas agresivas | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:08.


El Proyecto Olvidado para unificar el continente Americano en una sola Nación. - Duration: 7:19.

(Dont forget visit the english subtitled videos playlist in the channel!)

The Americas are a continent that since its existence was revealed in the 15th century, has housed many races or ethnic groups of human beings, resulting in

a composition of mix between Europeans, Amerindians, Afro-descendants, among others, at the same time this continent is home to great nations

like the United States of America, the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Republic of Chile, among others, and likewise, has had in the past, many movements or nations of the Independence

like the Gran Colombia, the Peru-Bolivian Confederation, the United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata, and some other nations that we have already spoken about in this channel, however

Although it may sound hard to believe, there was once an irrendentist project that leaves any of the aforementioned nations in diapers

we are talking about a project that would cover from the United States, in the territory of Oregon, to Argentina, in Tierra del Fuego, a project that went unnoticed for many years, and of which today, I will speak to you in this video.

In 1826, the War of Spanish American Independence, had already culminated de facto, and one of the main leaders of this conflict, Simón Bolívar, had more projects as a politician in mind

this personage had already created a famous irrendentista project, the Gran Colombia, os the union between the New Granada, Venezuela, Guayaquil and Panama, nevertheless

Bolivar had something much, much more ambitious in mind, a project so incredible that borders on the utopian, and that went unnoticed for many years, Bolivar inspired by the Anfictionic League of Ancient Greece

had in mind the creation of a decentralized confederation with all the independent American countries at that time, and for that, in 1826, he organized the Panamanian Amphictyonic Congress

and sent an invitation to each and every one of the countries mentioned above, however, things did not go well for Bolivar and his Project, then the causes.

Bolivia, at the time governed by Antonio José de Sucre accepted the invitation, however, due to internal political conflicts at that time, Bolivia failed to organize a diplomatic delegation in time, and the congress culminated without Bolivian participation.

Argentina, or the United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata, at that time governed by Bernardino Rivadavia, received the invitation, however, this country struggled to keep the country united at the hands of the caudillos

to normalize relations with the United Kingdom, and to recover the Eastern Province that was in the hands of Brazil, so I reject the invitation.

Chile, governed by Ramón Freire, did not have much sympathy for Bolívar, was striving to establish commercial relations with the United States and the United Kingdom

and also that I already had some fights between liberals and conservatives, so I reject the invitation.

Paraguay was governed by the dictator José Gaspar de Francia, and this year had sent a letter to Bolívar where he defended

the Paraguayan isolation and flatly denied any diplomatic or commercial relationship with Bolívar, so this country was not invited.

Brazil at that time a monarchy governed by Pedro I of Braganza, did not show sympathy for any of its neighboring republics, however this wanted at all costs to maintain the neutrality between the new republics and the old European monarchies

So, upon receiving the invitation, I agree to attend the congress. However, after the conflict with Argentina in the Eastern Province became more acute, it changed its position and did not attend the congress.

The United States, at that time governed by John Quincy Adams, did not have very good relations with Bolivar, however, these were also invited, this invitation had very little support in the Southern States

They were very slavish, and they knew about Bolívar's anti-slavery position, but despite this, this country accepted Bolívar's invitation, however, he instructed his delegates to only seek trade agreements with the new republics.

and avoid compromising the United States in any union or confederation of Bolivar, however, like Bolivia, the US delegation did not arrive on time, and the congress ended without US participation.

Mexico, at that time governed by Guadalupe Victoria, received the invitation and agreed to attend the congress.

Peru at that time ruled dictatorially by Simón Bolívar obviously had an assured assistance.

and Central America at that time unified and governed by Manuel José de Arce, I also agree to attend the congress.

Of the 8 nations that were invited to the Panama Amphictyonic Congress, only 3 attended without counting the Gran Colombia, however this congress was a total disaster, all the parties did not reach agreements and beyond promoting an equal union

each defended their interests, Mexico and Central America had frictions for the territory of Soconusco, and Gran Colombia and Peru, for Jaén, Tumbes and Maynas

the Treaty of League, Union and perpetual Confederation, was only signed and ratified by a single country, the Great Colombia, this project failure ended by completely disillusioning Bolivar

who would end up losing his influence, be expelled from Peru and Venezuela, and die four years later due to illness.

Clearly the Hispano-American independences were, beyond a project to bring freedom to the Spanish provinces in continental America, a trick orchestrated by the British and Anglo-Saxons in General

to divide and weaken their main rivals, the Spaniards and the Hispanics in General, however, also speak of a confederation or union on such a large scale, and in an age with such instability

It is quite ambiguous and could give multiple conclusions depends on which point of view you see, and depends on what factors you have in mind, however, what do you think of this confederation ?, would have agreed that the confederation of the Americas take finished?

or do you prefer things as they happened in the real story ?, leave your opinion in the survey at the top, or in the comments, at the bottom

If you like the video, please, like and subscribe, share this video with your friends, and see you next time.

For more infomation >> El Proyecto Olvidado para unificar el continente Americano en una sola Nación. - Duration: 7:19.


How To: Shift a Road Bike - Duration: 3:25.

The left shifter…


Knowing how to shift your gears not only helps you ride faster.

It also makes riding more fun.

So, let's talk about how shifting works and when to change gears.

We'll start by taking a look at the parts.

Shifters are found on the front of the handlebars.

They control the bike's derailleurs, which move the chain from gear to gear across the drivetrain.

The left shifter controls your front derailleur, which moves the chain between the chainrings on your crankset.

Shifting with your left hand will cause more dramatic changes and is helpful for riding on hills.

By pushing the whole left-hand lever inward, the derailleur will push the chain up to a harder gear.

A harder gear takes more effort to pedal, but your wheel moves farther per pedal stroke.

Pushing only the small inner lever inward will pull the chain down to an easier gear.

This makes pedaling easier, but you won't move as far or as fast.

Your best bet is to use the smaller chainring, or the easiest gear, when pedaling up-hill.

Use the big-ring, or hardest gear, when you're riding downhill.

Your right shifter controls the rear derailleur, shifting the chain across cogs in the cassette.

In the back, the smaller size cog is actually the harder, faster gear.

The bigger cogs make for easier pedaling but slower speeds.

This means your right hand shifter works backwards of your left hand.

By pushing the whole right hand lever inward, the derailleur shifts the chain to an easier gear.

Pushing the small inner lever will shift the chain to a harder gear and faster speeds.

Compared to front shifting, the difference between gears is much smaller out back.

With practice, you'll find that front shifting is helpful for big changes on hills.

Rear shifting is good for fine tuning until you're pedaling at a comfortable rate.

There are 2 gear combinations to avoid.

This is when you're in the hardest gear on one shifter, and the easiest in the other.

We call these "cross-chaining", because you're running in opposite extremes.

Cross-chaining puts a lot of strain on the chain and often causes the chain to rub against the front derailleur.

This makes a lot of irritating noise and can be rough on your gear.

So what gear combination is best?

It's a matter of personal taste.

What we're really after is the most comfortable and efficient rate of pedaling, or "cadence".

In general, most riders find a cadence of about 90 pedal rotations per minute to be the most efficient and comfortable.

A slower cadence can feel like a struggle.

A faster cadence feels like you're pedaling like crazy but going nowhere.

If you're interesting in measuring your cadence, many cycling computers or apps can read this with a sensor.

Using a sensor to measure your cadence can be a great way to learn when it's a good time to change gears.

Finally, you need to keep pedaling while shifting, and it works best when you're pedaling lightly.

If you've got a lot of pressure on the pedals when shifting, the change tends to be clunky and abrupt.

If you see a hill coming up, shift to an easier gear before you start climbing.

And that's the 101 of shifting gears.

If you're totally new to this, it helps to practice shifting in an empty parking lot.

If you'd like more help: pedal over to your local Trek dealer for some personalized advice.

For more infomation >> How To: Shift a Road Bike - Duration: 3:25.


¡Google Maps te dejará organizar cenas con tus amigos! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> ¡Google Maps te dejará organizar cenas con tus amigos! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:00.


George spoils Pepa's Tea Party | Animation Cartoon for Children - Duration: 12:43.

For more infomation >> George spoils Pepa's Tea Party | Animation Cartoon for Children - Duration: 12:43.


Les plantes à alcaloïdes : faut-il en avoir peur ? - Duration: 10:50.

For more infomation >> Les plantes à alcaloïdes : faut-il en avoir peur ? - Duration: 10:50.


Resumen - Libro de Amós - 📝 (Subtítulos) - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Resumen - Libro de Amós - 📝 (Subtítulos) - Duration: 2:17.


Knitting dogs Cane Corso. #canecorso - Duration: 10:06.

For more infomation >> Knitting dogs Cane Corso. #canecorso - Duration: 10:06.


How To: Shift a Road Bike - Duration: 3:25.

The left shifter…


Knowing how to shift your gears not only helps you ride faster.

It also makes riding more fun.

So, let's talk about how shifting works and when to change gears.

We'll start by taking a look at the parts.

Shifters are found on the front of the handlebars.

They control the bike's derailleurs, which move the chain from gear to gear across the drivetrain.

The left shifter controls your front derailleur, which moves the chain between the chainrings on your crankset.

Shifting with your left hand will cause more dramatic changes and is helpful for riding on hills.

By pushing the whole left-hand lever inward, the derailleur will push the chain up to a harder gear.

A harder gear takes more effort to pedal, but your wheel moves farther per pedal stroke.

Pushing only the small inner lever inward will pull the chain down to an easier gear.

This makes pedaling easier, but you won't move as far or as fast.

Your best bet is to use the smaller chainring, or the easiest gear, when pedaling up-hill.

Use the big-ring, or hardest gear, when you're riding downhill.

Your right shifter controls the rear derailleur, shifting the chain across cogs in the cassette.

In the back, the smaller size cog is actually the harder, faster gear.

The bigger cogs make for easier pedaling but slower speeds.

This means your right hand shifter works backwards of your left hand.

By pushing the whole right hand lever inward, the derailleur shifts the chain to an easier gear.

Pushing the small inner lever will shift the chain to a harder gear and faster speeds.

Compared to front shifting, the difference between gears is much smaller out back.

With practice, you'll find that front shifting is helpful for big changes on hills.

Rear shifting is good for fine tuning until you're pedaling at a comfortable rate.

There are 2 gear combinations to avoid.

This is when you're in the hardest gear on one shifter, and the easiest in the other.

We call these "cross-chaining", because you're running in opposite extremes.

Cross-chaining puts a lot of strain on the chain and often causes the chain to rub against the front derailleur.

This makes a lot of irritating noise and can be rough on your gear.

So what gear combination is best?

It's a matter of personal taste.

What we're really after is the most comfortable and efficient rate of pedaling, or "cadence".

In general, most riders find a cadence of about 90 pedal rotations per minute to be the most efficient and comfortable.

A slower cadence can feel like a struggle.

A faster cadence feels like you're pedaling like crazy but going nowhere.

If you're interesting in measuring your cadence, many cycling computers or apps can read this with a sensor.

Using a sensor to measure your cadence can be a great way to learn when it's a good time to change gears.

Finally, you need to keep pedaling while shifting, and it works best when you're pedaling lightly.

If you've got a lot of pressure on the pedals when shifting, the change tends to be clunky and abrupt.

If you see a hill coming up, shift to an easier gear before you start climbing.

And that's the 101 of shifting gears.

If you're totally new to this, it helps to practice shifting in an empty parking lot.

If you'd like more help: pedal over to your local Trek dealer for some personalized advice.

For more infomation >> How To: Shift a Road Bike - Duration: 3:25.





Top One Toyota Car Price In Bangladesh /Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Top One Toyota Car Price In Bangladesh /Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 4:54.


How To Make - DIY Ghost piñatas Halloween | Halloween ideas - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> How To Make - DIY Ghost piñatas Halloween | Halloween ideas - Duration: 4:24.


Knitting dogs Cane Corso. #canecorso - Duration: 10:06.

For more infomation >> Knitting dogs Cane Corso. #canecorso - Duration: 10:06.


Wie funktioniert online Shop AUTODOC? - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Wie funktioniert online Shop AUTODOC? - Duration: 1:02.


10 điểm mới trong điều trị bệnh van tim - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> 10 điểm mới trong điều trị bệnh van tim - Duration: 7:16.


Man Utd news: Barcelona feel Lionel Messi will stop Paul Pogba transfer for one reason - Duration: 2:42.

 Manchester United midfielder Pogba has been heavily linked with a move to Barcelona amid his ongoing troubles at Old Trafford

 The France international has been at loggerheads with his manager ever since February, with their spat dating back to a 2-0 defeat to Tottenham at Wembley

 Pogba is keen to leave Manchester United behind with Barcelona among the frontrunners to snap him up

 However, ESPN say the La Liga giants feel Messi may stop any potential transfer - because of his contract

 At the moment, Barcelona will struggle to sign Pogba. The Catalan side supposedly feel their chances of signing the France international are hindered by their massive wage bill

 Messi's own contract is seen as an issue with the Argentina international pocketing a bumper £500,000 a week

 Sergio Busquets and Samuel Umtiti have also signed improved deals over the last year

 Barcelona feel Pogba can be their commercial replacement for Neymar, who left for PSG a year ago

 But, at the moment, ESPN claim a United stay looks likely. Another club linked with Pogba are Juventus, where he spent four years between 2012 and 2016

 But Juve director Luciano Moggi has ruled out a move while he continues to spar with Mourinho, while also denying interest in Lazio's Sergej Milinkovic-Savic

 He told Calciomercato: "Pogba and Milinkovic-Savic? It is too early to talk about the summer because that is so far away, and certainly Juventus will not do any business in January

 "Both would work with [Massimiliano] Allegri's tactics, even if the Serbian wouldn't serve the Bianconeri quite so well at the moment because he is not the champion that made such a difference like last year

 "The same goes for Pogba, who thinks more about arguing with Mourinho in Manchester than playing

" Pogba could feature when United face Valencia in the Champions League tonight.

For more infomation >> Man Utd news: Barcelona feel Lionel Messi will stop Paul Pogba transfer for one reason - Duration: 2:42.


The York University Student Mental Health Conference - Peer Support - Duration: 0:24.

Research has demonstrated that peer supports can help an individual improve

their own mental health.

For more infomation >> The York University Student Mental Health Conference - Peer Support - Duration: 0:24.


Volkswagen Polo New R-Line | LMV Bi-Color | Cruise | WLTP voordeel - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo New R-Line | LMV Bi-Color | Cruise | WLTP voordeel - Duration: 1:08.


How to Tune a Slingshot - Duration: 3:54.

his 2-minute to today last week we talked about what was the best ammo

for your slingshot and there were some interesting questions and comments so

today I'll show you how to tune and match your ammo to the bans by using a

simple common item matching the ammo to your bands is very important when you

want the best performance from your slingshot last week we field tested two

different types of ammo and found that the larger the more heavier em will

crush it every time and the smaller and letter M will feel short and also caused

and slap so let's get started tuning your slingshot the type of band really

doesn't matter when it comes to tuning for the average everyday shooters of

slingshot there are more considerations that you

will be shooting for competition or hunting but today we will focus on the

average shooter you will first start by measuring your draw length in a previous

video we talked about the draw and the anchor point this is a point where you

bring back the pouch with the other arm fully extended and locked into place the

distance from a slingshot to the Anchor Point is measured by using a tape

measure flip the tape measure with your hand that you would hold the slingshot

and use the other one to draw out the tape now use your thumb to point to the

tape measure and hold it there this is well this will be your draw length we

will use the average sweet spot a 500% elongation from the band which works

well with tubes and flats equally my drawers 30 inches so I would divide

this by 5 which is equal to the 500% elongation this equals to 6 inches we

will add an additional half of an inch for attachment to the forks so the

overall length for the port for the tie off point of the slingshot to the

attachment point to the fork is 6 and 1/2 inches this will work well with all

band types regardless of ammo size the last part of tuning your slingshot is

the ammo size I put a list in the description of what ammo size should be

used with what size bands with a slingshot I'm using today it is 3/4 of

an inch wide band and so 3/8 inch ball should be used for optimal performance

there are some other considerations and factors involved here but they are

negligible for the average weekend shooter bands and twos react a little

differently with the number of bands or tubes is a factor as well the greater

the number of bands the greater the force needed to pull back the pouch and

the more energy that will be transferred the general rule here is that greater

the force of the larger the ammo using the lighter amyl either smaller or by

weight or result in hand slap or fork it here's a quick tip and last week's video

we discovered that it is no cheaper to buy two marbles versus steel balls it is

pennies difference so find yourself a good deal on the bulk stuff if you are

so inclined I purchased 500-plus or usable 3/8 inch balls for 2 cents each

that beats 99 cents store a wally world I'll put a link in the description so

that you can check it out tuning your bands and selecting the right ammo for

the types of bands you are using will give you a more endurable experience

with less hand or a fork slap when shooting I place the list of the items I

have used in this video today in the description below also I have included

the links for some of the items for your convenience please like and share this

video with a friend and also subscribe to this channel since you're already

there go ahead and click that Bell icon so that you can get notified of any

updates let me know in the comments section below well

was your favorite part of this video and if you have any video suggestions leave

them in the comments below as well I'm Berlin birch I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> How to Tune a Slingshot - Duration: 3:54.


How to Make an easy Quilters Planner/Journal Cover - Duration: 13:57.

hi I am welcome to Darvanalee Designs Studio my name's Nicole Reed thank you

very much for joining me today and for those that are new here hit that

subscribe button and the little bell icon beside it and that way you won't

miss out on any future posts so you might be wondering what I'm going to be

making this week well this week I had my quilters plan to come in as most people

here in Australia are just starting to receive that and I decided that I was

going to get some of my Tallulah pink fabric that I've been hoarding and

actually make a cover for it and um the measurements that I'm going to use today

will fit your quilters planner but the technique that I'm using to get those

measurements you can use for any diary or any journal that you want to make it

for I'm even making one for the mini quilters planner that I pop into my

handbag so I've got you know my swatches of fabric and all that sort of stuff

last year it got damaged so this year I'm going to be on top of it and I'm

going to get make a cover so they'll be both matching and everything that I make

on here is out of the Tallulah pink except for the lining so let's get

started okay so I have written up all the instructions and all the

measurements that you need and they're over on our blog I'll put a link down

below where you can find that there are a few other things that you're going to

need today you're going to need some wonder Clips a tape measure some pins a

ruler a pair of scissors a rotary cutter a choker pen and a walking foot if your

machine doesn't have built-in one you're also going to need some fusible fleece

some shape flex 101 your quilters planner and that is about all you're

going to need today so we're going to get started on making our cover for our

quilters planner so basically off-camera I've actually

done a few things I've got the fusible fleece and I've attached that to the

outside what is going to be the outside of my planner and I've also put the fuse

the shape flex 101 or violin soft in on and I've put that to the lining and I've

also put the violin on to the flaps which will go over the cover of our

planner so you're going to need two of those

okay so you're gonna take your tape measure and you're going to line it up

on the front cover on the edge and then you're going to take the measurement all

the way around including the ringbinder part of the planner and you're going to

measure it around to the other side and it works out to be 19 and a half so

again I'll just show you how to do that again you just plop it on here you can

use a 1/2 clip to hold your tape in place if you need to okay I've got a

really long one today so it's sliding around on me okay so basically you just

wrap it around and you come around to the other side on the back and that ends

up being nine nineteen and a half okay so what we're going to do is we're

actually going to add three quarters of an inch on to that so that will give you

a measurement of 20 and a quarter inches then what we're going to do is so we

write that measurement down and then we're going to take a measurement from

the top edge to the bottom edge of our planner and it works out to be just on

ten inches and we're going to again add three quarters of an inch to that so

that will become ten and three quarters for our pockets or the flaps so whether

the cover goes into the journal cover we're going to take a measurement now I

took a measurement a measurement of seven inches okay so it's just going to

stop just about there okay and that's enough of it to be in there to hold it

on so then what we do is we've taken that seven inches and we're going to

double that to give us 14 inches and then we're going to add three quarters

of an inch on to that as well so that is going to give us a measurement of

fourteen and three quarters and then you're going to have the measurement of

ten and three quarters for the height of it so what will happen with that is we

write those measurements down and that's what I've done over here I've got my

lining which is measuring the same as my exterior which was

20 and a quarter by 10 and 3/4 and my flaps which I've created here are 14

inches by 10 and 3/4 and as you can see I've put the interfacing on them and I

folded them in half and given them a press and they'll just get added just

like so you're also going to need something to tie it with and okay so

I've just created with my leftovers I've created a couple of ribbons so to speak

made out of the same fabric so all you do with those is just fold them in half

lengthwise and then bring your raw edges into that crease as you can see here and

then give it a good press fold it over on itself and then you'll just top

stitch that close and they will become our ribbons and they measure 2 inches by

14 inches and then we've also got some binding because we'll end up with a bit

of a raw edge so these are 7 inches by 2 inches as well and you'll need 2 of

those and they just fold it in half like so and I'll show you how to put them on

in a moment all right so we can take our for our quilters planner away for now

and now we're going to start on the quilting so you're going to take your

lining fabric and you're fused exterior fabric now I've just used fusible fleece

on mine can use wadding or you can use physical fleece it's that's entirely up

to you so we're going to place them wrong sides together and we're going to

get a couple of pins and pin that in place now I'm not too fussed about about

my quilting here I'm just going to be doing some straight line quilting and

all I'm going to do is grab my quilting ruler and my choco pen now if you're

concerned in any way about your quilting or anything like that you can make this

piece bigger and then cut it down I didn't want to do that I've just left it

as it is and basically all I'm going to do is get my this is a 1 inch ruler and

all I'm going to do is starting from the corner no measuring just going to make

some marks

and as you can see that's how easy it is these choco pens are great for this they

just they've got the little wheel and they just go along and this is just um

yeah like I'm pretty rough with my my diary it's always been picked up and

transported and moved and thrown into bags and stuff like that so I just um

want to make sure that the quilting that I'm doing on it will actually hold up so

I'm just going to do a crosshatch design today and as you can see it's that easy

I'm not to stress about the math behind the the crosshatch or anything like that

I'm just using the one inch ruler and just sliding that along aligning on each

mark that I make okay and now what I'm going to do is spin it around and go the

other way so again just lining it up and these

lines just become the guide for me when I start stitching and I'm just going to

do straight-line stitching I'm not going to get too hectic on the the quilting

side of things just trying to make it nice and simple a nice quick project and

the beauty about this you can reuse this a year after year so there you go as you

can see that's just going to give me that diamond effect I can't bring it up

a little bit closer and you can see the marks there so now what I'm going to do

is I'm actually just going to lengthen my stitch up to a three on my machine

that will depend totally on your machine and what you want to lengthen that up

too but I like to have my stitches very defined and lengthened for when I'm

quilting and then I'm just going to pin it all together with my lining and my my

exterior fabric or pinned together and then I'm just going to follow those

lines using them as a guide and I'm not even to stress about how many pins I put

in because it's only a small piece and I know that it's not going to go anywhere

making sure that everything is nice and smooth and I know that it will quilt up

quite nicely so I'm going to head off and do that okay so we've quilted all of

our panel and you can see there I've just used a white thread on mine and

it's got that crisscross happening so now what we're going to do is

assemble our journal cover so you want to find the center of your panel with

the right sides up you just want to fold it in half it's probably the easiest way

to do it and then what you're going to do is you're just going to place one of

your ties in place and you can use your pin or your wonder clips for that and

I've just top stitched these clothes as you can see here all the way down so

making sure that your raw edges are all lining up pop them into place

then what you're going to do is you're going to go and get your flaps that

you've attached your fusible interfacing to and you're going to press them in

half and that's going to give you a nice clean edge on this side and leave your

raw edges over here so again aligning all of your raw edges and then clip into

place and repeat with the opposite side

okay and then what you're going to do is you're going to get your little binding

strips and you're going to align your raw edges and again you're going to clip

them into place at the top and also at the bottom and these measure two inches

wide by about seven inches minor okay so now that that's all in

place what we're going to do is we're going to sew a quarter inch seam

allowance all the way around our journal cover making sure that you where you

start you reverse and when you finish you reverse as well and that'll just

make it nice and secure okay so there we go we've pressed it all made sure that

it was all out I've put a little bit of glue on here just to hold them down

until I'm ready to bind that which I'll do a little bit later but you don't need

to see that today and basically now it's ready to go onto our quilters planner

and I'll just grab that and I'll show you how it goes on so you just slide

your cover into the flaps that we created and you will have to wiggle it a

little bit but it'll go in

making sure it's gone all the way to the end so you'll have to slide that in

there so that's the front cover and now to put the back one on again you just

bend it up and slide it into there and it'll just slide in there okay

making sure that you go all the way to the end now if it feels a little bit

tight it just means that you haven't gone out of the way the end so you can

see there my back cover hasn't gone and it's bent over so it's not going to

close properly it'll still close but you'll feel it a little bit tight so

you'll just have to give it a bit of a wiggle to get it to go in and that's

gone all the way in now and that's it now covers done so I'll bind that bow

and do the last bit of the binding and you've got your ribbons there to match

and tie them in a bow and then that's ready for when the new year rolls around

we're ready to go and as I said earlier you can do this with any journal cover

any diary basically if you follow those techniques you'll end up getting the

correct measurements that you need and then you will have a beautiful cover for

any diary that you have I'm gonna now head off and repeat that with the mini

so it doesn't get damaged like it did last year and I'll have two matching

gorgeous little journals one for my handbag and and one for in the office

well thank you very much for joining me today I hope you really enjoyed this

little tutorial on how to cover your quilters plan a journal for 2019 I would

love to see your creations and your take on it there's a link down below for our

Facebook group where you can upload your photos or ask any questions I'm always

about in there and if not one of the moderators will be if you like this

video today give it a thumbs up and if you new here hit that subscribe button

and the little belt icon beside it and that way you won't miss out on any

future posts my name's Nicole Reed for Darvanalee Designs Studio and I'll see

you all again next time bye for now

For more infomation >> How to Make an easy Quilters Planner/Journal Cover - Duration: 13:57.


Audi A3 1.0 TFSI 116pk S tronic Lease Edition - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 1.0 TFSI 116pk S tronic Lease Edition - Duration: 1:13.


ГОВОРЯЩИЙ ТОМ 2 НОВАЯ ИГРА #3 Мороженое для кота Желейный хомяк виртуальный питомец Друзья Анджела - Duration: 20:11.

For more infomation >> ГОВОРЯЩИЙ ТОМ 2 НОВАЯ ИГРА #3 Мороженое для кота Желейный хомяк виртуальный питомец Друзья Анджела - Duration: 20:11.


Nilufar e Giordano faccia a faccia: falò finale con urla e passione a T.I. VIP | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Nilufar e Giordano faccia a faccia: falò finale con urla e passione a T.I. VIP | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:38.


BYD K9 Electric Syntus AllGo MAN Buses at Station Almere Centrum in 2018 - Duration: 0:38.

Almere Centrum

For more infomation >> BYD K9 Electric Syntus AllGo MAN Buses at Station Almere Centrum in 2018 - Duration: 0:38.


Raffaella Mennoia lancia una frecciatina a Sara Affi Fella: 'Mi incappuccio anche io' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Raffaella Mennoia lancia una frecciatina a Sara Affi Fella: 'Mi incappuccio anche io' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:38.





Jazykové okienko: Plavky a plávky /Miriam Štolfová* - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Jazykové okienko: Plavky a plávky /Miriam Štolfová* - Duration: 4:06.


I Got A Lime Green Wig For The First Time | Hair Me Out | Refinery29 - Duration: 6:03.

This is like, a blooper.

This sh*t hard to open!

You gotta hit it with some hot water.

Alright, we got it now.

Hi, my name is Raven, and this is Hair Me Out.

I'm going to be getting a lime green wig.

Before we get into the transformation, don't forget to subscribe below.

As someone who is natural and has had so many hair changes, it's so important for me to

retain the length that I have.

I had dreadlocks for 11 years of my life, so that was like, limited experimentation.

I could only do so much.

And then, when I was a junior in high school, I completely shaved my head.

It was just like, me taking control over how I was expressing myself with my hair.

After shaving my head, I went through all of the weird transformations of like, having

relaxed hair, wearing weaves, wearing protective styles...

And what worked best for me was protective styles.

It helped me retain my length, not destroy my curl pattern, and not have to deal with

all the single-strand knots and tangling that most natural girls have to deal with.

But once I'm lime green, it's a whole new bag.

I've never had real color, and she's gonna get real color.

So, besides the fact that I'm just happy to be going lime green, I'm super excited that

Ebanks is going to be doing it for me.

Ebanks has done the hair of some of my favorite artists...

Cardi B, Asian Doll, like, I mean...

Why wouldn't I want the same hands in my head?

I'm thrilled to be getting this done.

What made you wanna do a bright color?

I've never really committed and like, had fun color-wise.

I was ready.

This is the wig! Oh my gosh!

I am so excited for her!

I did what most girls who don't understand their hair do...

I put a perm in it!

Perms don't work for everybody.

I ended up having over-processed hair, and my hair started to fall out.

So, coming out of that and being able to actually grow my hair back, grow my edges back, make

sure my curl pattern was still there...

I'm just not gonna let my hair be touched by anybody.

So, when I'm picking a hair stylist, like, it's serious business.

Any black woman would know that.

Any woman knows that.

Hair is deep.

Anytime I get a new hairstyle, I am a little nervous.

The lime green has to look green.

It can't even skew yellow.

I don't want yellow on my head.

I'm also a little worried about what my mom is going to think.

She's worried about what people may think about me when they don't truly know me, they

just see this girl with lime green hair.

But, to that I would just be like, "Mom, you know, it's trendy, she's living her best life.

You only go around once..."

There used to be a lot of stigma around wigs and wearing wigs.

Even the word "wig" like, people wouldn't use it. They would say "unit" or a "lace front."

Now, wigs are so trendy because all of the celebrities are now wearing wigs.

Every upcoming artist pretty much has a wig on her head.

And that's because what's underneath is more important.

There's so many options now in haircare and hair is a lot bigger.

The industry is a lot bigger than it was.

It's a lot more tangible.

It's a lot more affordable.

So now, wigs are like, an everyday thing.

I'm about to bless her with some baby hairs on this unit right now...

Major key.

Who doesn't love baby hairs? Right?

As a black woman, I change my hair a lot, and it has to do with like, expressing myself.

But, it also has to do a lot with versatility.

When you change your hair, it's just a way to boost your self confidence.

I'm so, so, so, so excited.

It's going to be the boldest hairstyle that I've had in a long time.

Ready to take a look?

So ready!

It's lit!


Oh, my gosh!

I cannot believe this.

This is sickening.


This is amazing.

I'm so in love with this.

Like, look at my...


But no, I real life like, am so in love. This was fun!

This is incredible!

Thank you so much!

This hair is amazing.

I'm obsessed with this color.

The way that Ebanks installed this look, it's absolutely secure.

I can do anything that I want with it.

It is magnificent.

I mean, look at my baby hairs.

They are laid!

My hair is daring, it's bold, and it definitely cannot be missed.

My lime green wig has birthed an entirely new Raven.

Thank you guys so much for watching!

If you have any other ideas for videos, comment down below.

To subscribe to Refinery29, click here.

And to watch more videos, click here.

For more infomation >> I Got A Lime Green Wig For The First Time | Hair Me Out | Refinery29 - Duration: 6:03.


Police close I-70EB after body found along roadway - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Police close I-70EB after body found along roadway - Duration: 1:47.


Guster - "Hard Times" [Official Music Video] - Duration: 3:52.

♪ Enter a scene that defies description ♪

♪ They say to open your mind ♪

♪ And take it all inside ♪

♪ One click at a time ♪

♪ We move through fictions ♪

♪ And send our sisters to the sacrifice ♪

♪ A cruel conviction ♪

♪ Sinister systems keep us satisfied ♪

♪ These are hard times ♪

♪ I'm breathing in the oxygen ♪

♪ I'm holding it through hard times ♪

♪ I'm breathing out in the ultrasound ♪

♪ Things come around in hard times ♪

♪ 10,000 miles of the new prescriptions ♪

♪ So we open our mouths and take 'em all inside ♪

♪ One pill at a time ♪

♪ The purist fictions ♪

♪ We send our sisters to the sacrifice ♪

♪ With cruel conviction ♪

♪ Sinister systems keep us satisfied ♪

♪ These are hard times ♪

♪ I'm breathing in the oxygen ♪

♪ I'm holding it through hard times ♪

♪ I'm breathing out in the ultrasound ♪

♪ Things come around in hard times ♪

♪ A new religion ♪

♪ We send our sisters to the sacrifice ♪

♪ And then the audience goes wild! ♪

♪ I'm breathing in the oxygen ♪

♪ I'm holding it through hard times ♪

♪ I'm breathing out in the ultrasound ♪

♪ Things come around in hard times ♪

♪ I'm breathing in the oxygen ♪

♪ I'm holding it through hard times ♪

♪ I'm breathing out in the ultrasound ♪

♪ Things come around in hard times ♪

For more infomation >> Guster - "Hard Times" [Official Music Video] - Duration: 3:52.


World Cup R7/8 - Santiago Del Elstero, Argentina (VLOG) - Duration: 6:01.

We are leaving to Argentina soon for the last World Cup of the season

Are you ready, Niek?

''Coughing'', I'm ready for it as you can see.

The bag is... 22.5kg.


Now the other bag.


I can take the bags with me.

Vamos! (Let's go)

Camera pressure Willie..


You should also do that here. Oh sorry.

We're still in Madrid at the moment,

How long are we traveling already?

We've got a problem..

Next up: a flight of 13 hours..

Excited boys?

Dave is excited.

So Niek, say have a nice trip in Spanish.

Buen viaje.

Muy bien.

Like they would say in Spain:

'Gave a gice trip'

How was your flight?

Well, slept 10 out of 13 hours so it was good.

We are still fit after that long flight.

He is so sweet while he is sleeping.


you ready?

Let's go.

Dave is acting cool..

Will it get harder for me? It's getting boring..

You're so lucky..

Trying 'Maté'

Thank you!

You're welcome.



Oh nooo..

This is not good.

Hair everywhere..

How was your day?

Good, what about you?

Yea, 'kei goed' really good.

'Kai goed'

You are keeping me busy.

When it's not with puzzles, it's when bike maintenance.

Really good!

For more infomation >> World Cup R7/8 - Santiago Del Elstero, Argentina (VLOG) - Duration: 6:01.


Why only individual thinking can reunite America | Tim Snyder - Duration: 4:15.

Well, the whole idea of best interests in the question, "Why do people vote against

their best interests?" is not an objective thing in nature.

It's one of the very problems in the politics of inevitability, is that we think like economists

and we say, "Well, everybody is rational in the narrow economical sense, everybody

knows what's good for them."

And that's just not true, or rather the ability of people to discern what their interests

are depends upon a process of education, which includes not just reasoning mathematically,

which is very important, but also it has to include some kind of humanistic side where

people learn to criticize or think critically about what they hear, learn to make distinctions

among various kinds of media.

Because that notion of "one's best interest" is not at all natural, it's the product

of a certain kind of education.

And that kind of education can be undone, first of all it can not be done, but it can

also be undone, one can deliberately appeal to the parts of the mind which aren't concerned

with the future, with math, with critical thinking, but to the parts of the mind which

think in terms of "us and them," "friend and enemy," and you can draw people into

these cycles.

And the less—and this is how it fits together with inequality—the less people see a good

future for themselves if they think in terms of interests, the more they're drawn into

a different way of thinking where it's not about their individual interests, but it's

more about feeling like they're on the "right team," they're on the "right side."

For a lot of people in the U.S. now I think it's a little bit like they want to ride

the bench for the winning team.

They know that things aren't going well for them personally, but they want to feel

like they're on the right side.

And that helps to explain the appeal of someone like a Donald Trump who, of course, himself

is a failure but has the skills to present himself as a success and can get people thinking,

"Yeah, I want to be on that team.

I'm not going to do any better economically, but I'm going to feel better about myself,

because I'm on the winning team, I'm on what it feels like the winning team."

So the whole thing about best interests has to be seen as a project.

You have to educate people, you have to take anxiety away by providing certain basic things

like schooling and pensions and vacations so people can pause and think a little bit

about themselves and their future.

If you don't provide those basic elements of (I would say) political civilization then

people are too anxious, it's hard for them to get their minds around what their interest

actually are.

And beyond that if you don't educate them positively towards thinking with both math

and with the humanities they're not going to get there anyway.

So it's a project.

A basic thing that we Americans forget—and a basic thing that politics of inevitability

shrouds—is that creating the individual is a project.

It takes a lot of work to create an individual.

I mean we want to have thinking individuals.

We want to have people who know what their best interests are.

We want to have people who go thoughtfully into that ballot box, but that's a project;

we're not born that way.

I mean as a father I can assure you that we are not born that way.

I think it's the noblest and best thing we do, to try to create individuals, but we

can't just leave it to chance, and I think that's where we go wrong.

One of the basic ways we go wrong with the politics of inevitability, we think, "Okay,

automatically we're going to be those kinds of rational people," but we're not automatically

those kinds of rational people.

I mean the irony is if you want to create individuals who can think about their own

best interests you have to, as a society, say, "We agree to make it a project to educate

and form such individuals."

For more infomation >> Why only individual thinking can reunite America | Tim Snyder - Duration: 4:15.


Travel Planning in Notion - Duration: 7:07.

Hello everyone, welcome back to another video it is

Francesco here

So guys today's video is going to be dedicated to travel planning inside of notion

Now i'll know if you guys have been

Half of the crowd alike francesco some notion videos half the crowd alike carry on with the notion videos. I

probably will be doing more notion videos in the next couple of months just because

There are a lot of people out there that needed help. So today's video

We are going to be covering travel plans inside of notion

I've got my notion in front of me here

and what I want to do with you guys is share how I specifically use it to map out a sort of outline or

itinerary of a

occasion or an event I need to go to

It's quite a nice visual way

So hopefully it gives you some insights into how to use it

know a lot of people struggling with the applying it side of stuff because notions so

Open sort of like the layout wise that is sometimes a lot harder to

So you're probably seeing in front of you right now on my new notion layout again

I'll probably do a separate video on this

Into some of the changes and reasons why I've gone to that it's a lot more simple

So hopefully it can you can sort of understand it

So as you can see here inside of my personal I've got travel I use this for another event as well

But I've got two demonstrations here at Barcelona

Which I went to last month and I was a work trip and I've got a personal trip here, too

Which is in bath in the UK, so I want to demonstrate what these both look like

so here is Barcelona and

So as you enter the page the first thing you can see is this lovely cover photo

Although it was a small

Sort of thing

I basically just got an email images photo of Barcelona of the city and I put it on the top of the page

I think that's a nice entrance

This is something I picked up from David Pierce's video. And I also put the logo of the country because obviously it's abroad

It's not in the UK. So it's it's nice to have that Spanish flag there

So as you can imagine

This is a lovely way to enter the page. So up here. I can see obviously Barcelona, September 4th to 6th

and immediately I had this itinerary of

What I actually had there were not so you can see here Tuesday

I had all the timings and maybe could have made this a bit neater by putting the time than left

but I can seal basically here if I wanted to send this to anyone which I did actually I

went over to the top right-hand corner and

I used the export function to PDF and I sent this over to some family members just so they knew my general

Schedule while I was over there in case they needed to get in touch with me

Or they couldn't get in touch with me and wondering why so I've gotten this left-hand panel sort of layout that

I'm not sure why the Google Calendar Google Maps isn't working

But I had this integration working very well so I could go into this page

when it was live and I could just quickly see the

Locations around it like coffee shops and places like that. And then I've got the conference location here. So I've got the right information

I need to know as you enter the page an itinerary that I need down here I have

boy, you've documents

I've got the

Coach information up to the airport the flight information

Insurance information for the flight and a couple more details. I believe that was the past for the actual event

So it's actually quite a nice entrance

I can click into these and it'll bring me to a web page which has the PDF

So that's quite a neat way of doing it again. It totally depends on how you go about

Whether you want to store them here, I didn't necessarily see a need for me storing them here

It was more for convenience when I was there that I could access them

I had them inside of Evernote too, if that's for reference and finally down at the bottom the page

I had a mini checklist of all the stuff that I needed to bring

I'm very like carrier, but it looks fair, but I just had the major stuff that I couldn't forget

So that's essentially a travel itinerary. I've done the same for this upcoming trip that I have and it's very similar

So we start off with the cover photo of the place

I live sort of timings on the right hand side the the place we're staying at

Some of the hotel information like there what's included?

the the number for the hotel the address

And have some restaurants in BAFF that we could potentially visit as recommendations, and these are actual bookmarks

Is quite nice they're like full blue bookmarks. Then I've got the train times and tickets that I have here

They're not actually the exact PDF tickets. They're essentially a screenshot of that

so it's not actually the

Sort of tickets themselves, and then finally what we're planning to do on the Sunday

So it's a quite nice little like itinerary. It's something that I

sort of started to do and

It's sort of been using since so I will be doing it for upcoming work event to the slank frontiers conference

But yeah, it's it's just something really small but I quite like there

I also added the Airbnb icon on icon finder to this top bit

So it kind of stands out a bit as well as a little travel now. I don't travel a lot a travel maybe every

Once or twice a month, so as you can imagine

It's really up to you and depending on how much you travel you travel a lot and like I don't need this or you travel

A lot and you're like I do need this because I get stressed about what I'm actually coming up then this could be a good

Way to plot your itinerary very visually and use the exported function to PDF off to family or friends or even colleagues

but if you don't then I guess

You don't necessarily have to use this but it's a good replication for anything else. Anyway, guys a big

Thank you for stopping by today

Make sure to check out and this is really for the beginners

Sort of intermediates to if you want to understand notion infill. I've got a guidebook. It's on Skillshare

It's free

If you're a brand new Skillshare member plus you get two months of premium - I'll include the link in description

Because I know a lot of people struggling with it if you've got a friend

family member or colleague who's recently started notion and they are freaking out or they want to use it and then

understand how they want to use it, but can't like apply the blocks and elements to

What they're busily?


Then do send my course on to them with that link because they'll get the access to it and it will take them through what?

They need to know

Anyway, guys, I will be bringing out more notion videos. The next one will be

probably on

actually two videos, I'm gonna do 23 tips for

Using your notion account and I'm also going to be doing a full tutorial on how to use the template which is quite exciting

Anyway guys a huge. Thanks for stopping by today. I hope you have a lovely evening

and make sure do you keep productive I

Really? That's what he banned. I've forgotten the arm trip. Make sure to have a great week keep productive now

I'll see you guys very very soon

For more infomation >> Travel Planning in Notion - Duration: 7:07.


Section Three, Updating And Reverification - Duration: 3:16.

Narrator: Employers must complete Form I-9

to verify the identity and employment authorization of new employees,

both U.S. citizens and non-citizens.

Employees complete Section 1

and employers complete Sections 2 and 3.

This video shows how employers fill out Section 3

when using a computer to complete a Form I-9

obtained from the USCIS website.

First, employers must ensure

that employees have access to the form,

instructions, and Lists of Acceptable Documents.

Employers must either provide employees with printed copies

or ensure employees have access to them online.

Anyone can access the instructions

from the Form I-9 web page.

When connected to the Internet,

you can access these instructions

directly from the Form I-9

by clicking the instructions button at the top of each page.

Even without Internet access,

employers and employees using a computer

can move the cursor over fields

or click on the question marks to see instructions.

Let's see how employers

or their authorized representatives

must complete Section 3.

When an employee's employment authorization

or certain documentation expires,

employers must reverify that the employee

is still authorized to work using Section 3.

Employers can also complete this section

when rehiring previous employees.

When the employer enters the employee's name at the top of Section 3,

the Employee Name fields in Section 2

are automatically completed.

If the employee's name changed since the last verification

or re-verification,

the employer should enter the employee's new name in Block A.

If the employee's name has not changed,

enter "N/A" in all three spaces.

If the employee was rehired within three years

of original completion of Form I-9,

the employer should enter the date of rehire in Block B.

If not, enter "N/A."

If the employee's employment authorization has expired,

the employee must present new documentation.

The employer must review the documentation

and determine whether it is acceptable for Form I-9.

If acceptable, the employer must enter

the document information in Block C.

Once the employer or authorized representative

completes all the fields and presses "Click to finish,"

fields completed incorrectly turn red

and are highlighted with a bold box.

The form also provides pop-up messages

with instructions on how to resolve problems.

You may edit each field separately

or clear all fields by clicking "Start Over."

The print button at the top of the page

activates your computer's print function.

The form prints as two pages

plus the Lists of Acceptable Documents.

The form may take a few seconds to print as it generates a QR code.

The signature and date fields in Section 3

must be signed and dated by hand

by the person who physically examined the employee's documents

and completed Section 3.

Those fields cannot be filled on a computer.

Also, the employer must file Section 3

with the employee's original Form I-9.

We hope this video helped you understand how to complete Section 3

of a Form I-9 obtained from the USCIS website.

You can find instructional videos

for Sections 1 and 2 also on this page.

If you still have questions, visit the I-9 Central.

Thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> Section Three, Updating And Reverification - Duration: 3:16.


Jak wymienić poduszka silnika w RENAULT CLIO 2 BB, CB Hatchback [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 2:26.

Use a drive socket No.18. Undo the front fastener of the radius rod.

Use a combination spanner No.16. Undo the rear fastener of the radius rod.

Remove the radius rod.

Install the new radius rod.

Use a drive socket No.18. Tighten the front fastener of the radius rod.

Use a combination spanner No.16. Tighten the rear fastener of the radius rod.

For more infomation >> Jak wymienić poduszka silnika w RENAULT CLIO 2 BB, CB Hatchback [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 2:26.


Why I'm Stopping Sharing My Videos on Social Media - Duration: 5:11.

Hi, it's Alex!

This is a bit of an announcement that for the next month,

I am going to experiment with

continuing to make videos,

but not posting them on social media.

And, in this video,

I want to explain why I am making this choice.

And, I hope that by watching this,

you can gain some insight that will enrich your life.

I've found that social media can be a huge time sink.

And I've also found that it's not the most effective way

to share material,

and it's not the most effective way

to market a website, a business,

a youtube channel, or ideas.

Social media giants like Facebook, Twitter,

and to some degree Tumblr,

they all have more or less the same business model,

which is that they make money off advertising,

and they make more money

if they are able to keep people

on their website or app longer.

So the activity that happens on Facebook

generates profit for them,

whereas if people leave Facebook

and go to an external site, like YouTube

or like any other website that you might share,

they're not making money while you're on that other site.

And I think that this creates a bad incentive.

Like, I'm sharing my material on Facebook

not because I want to keep people on Facebook,

but because I want people to come to my channel

and watch my videos.

And what happens?

Well, I have a lot of data from the past several years

of running my channel,

and it shows me, pretty consistently,

that when I share something on Facebook,

there is often a lot more activity on Facebook itself

than on my YouTube channel.

In many cases, more people will like my post

than actually watched the video,

especially if I look at who watches the video

coming from Facebook.

Even more common than this,

far more people are posting comments on Facebook

than on the YouTube channel,

and I really don't like this, because

if you post comments on my post on Facebook,

very few people can read them,

only the people who,

according to whoever's privacy settings are,

only the people who are connected

to that person on Facebook see it.

Whereas when you post it on my YouTube channel,

I feel like it's sharing it there for everyone,

and that's what I want.

I want to create a dialogue that everyone can see.

And, from my perspective, it's not benefitting me,

and it's not in line with the purpose of the channel,

if you just keep that dialogue on Facebook.

Also, I don't like Facebook.

I think Facebook is bad for our society,

I think it's bad for people's mental health,

and when you are engaging in dialogue on Facebook,

you are kind-of "creating content"

that Facebook is then gonna capitalize on,

because when other people read your comment,

including me,

these people are now staying on Facebook,

and that time on Facebook is going to be

time that Facebook can profit off of.

So, basically, this same thing is true of Twitter,

it's true of Tumblr too,

so I want to do this experiment.

I, over the next month,

I'm gonna continue to make videos,

I'm not going to post them on any social media.

If you want to share them, go ahead, go for it.

What I really care about though,

I want people to watch my videos.

Umm, lastly I want to talk a little bit about mental health,

because this is something I struggle with,

and I see a lot of other people struggling with it as well.

I think social media is not great for people's mental health,

and, this is something where I've felt this personally.

When I spend more time on social media,

especially on Facebook,

I find myself getting angry more, and I don't like this.

This has caused some tension

with some of my friends.

I've had a lot of tension because of Facebook dialogues.

And I've noticed that a certain type of conflict

seems to happen pretty consistently

on Facebook dialogues

that doesn't seem to happen in real life.

And so that's yet another reason why

I want to stay away from it.

Now it's like, a lot of this stuff

could go wrong on YouTube too,

but at least YouTube,

you're directly watching my message,

or whatever other thing you're wanting to watch.

It's not like you're getting caught into this

sort-of user-generated content mess.

So, basically that's what I have to say.

I'd love to hear from you,

and I'm gonna emphasize this.

If you want to comment about this,

please comment on my YouTube channel.

And that holds for always.

Please don't comment on my social media posts.

Please add the commentary

on the YouTube video itself,

because that way other people can see it,

and you're not sort of

keeping the dialogue away from my channel,

which is what enriches these social media giants,

and kind of hurts me.

Same goes for when other people share their material.

Yeah, that's what I have to say,

and I hope that you all will stay with me

over the next month,

that you will continue coming to my channel

and watching my videos,

because I really appreciate that.

Thank you!

For more infomation >> Why I'm Stopping Sharing My Videos on Social Media - Duration: 5:11.


How To: Shift a Road Bike - Duration: 3:25.

The left shifter…


Knowing how to shift your gears not only helps you ride faster.

It also makes riding more fun.

So, let's talk about how shifting works and when to change gears.

We'll start by taking a look at the parts.

Shifters are found on the front of the handlebars.

They control the bike's derailleurs, which move the chain from gear to gear across the drivetrain.

The left shifter controls your front derailleur, which moves the chain between the chainrings on your crankset.

Shifting with your left hand will cause more dramatic changes and is helpful for riding on hills.

By pushing the whole left-hand lever inward, the derailleur will push the chain up to a harder gear.

A harder gear takes more effort to pedal, but your wheel moves farther per pedal stroke.

Pushing only the small inner lever inward will pull the chain down to an easier gear.

This makes pedaling easier, but you won't move as far or as fast.

Your best bet is to use the smaller chainring, or the easiest gear, when pedaling up-hill.

Use the big-ring, or hardest gear, when you're riding downhill.

Your right shifter controls the rear derailleur, shifting the chain across cogs in the cassette.

In the back, the smaller size cog is actually the harder, faster gear.

The bigger cogs make for easier pedaling but slower speeds.

This means your right hand shifter works backwards of your left hand.

By pushing the whole right hand lever inward, the derailleur shifts the chain to an easier gear.

Pushing the small inner lever will shift the chain to a harder gear and faster speeds.

Compared to front shifting, the difference between gears is much smaller out back.

With practice, you'll find that front shifting is helpful for big changes on hills.

Rear shifting is good for fine tuning until you're pedaling at a comfortable rate.

There are 2 gear combinations to avoid.

This is when you're in the hardest gear on one shifter, and the easiest in the other.

We call these "cross-chaining", because you're running in opposite extremes.

Cross-chaining puts a lot of strain on the chain and often causes the chain to rub against the front derailleur.

This makes a lot of irritating noise and can be rough on your gear.

So what gear combination is best?

It's a matter of personal taste.

What we're really after is the most comfortable and efficient rate of pedaling, or "cadence".

In general, most riders find a cadence of about 90 pedal rotations per minute to be the most efficient and comfortable.

A slower cadence can feel like a struggle.

A faster cadence feels like you're pedaling like crazy but going nowhere.

If you're interesting in measuring your cadence, many cycling computers or apps can read this with a sensor.

Using a sensor to measure your cadence can be a great way to learn when it's a good time to change gears.

Finally, you need to keep pedaling while shifting, and it works best when you're pedaling lightly.

If you've got a lot of pressure on the pedals when shifting, the change tends to be clunky and abrupt.

If you see a hill coming up, shift to an easier gear before you start climbing.

And that's the 101 of shifting gears.

If you're totally new to this, it helps to practice shifting in an empty parking lot.

If you'd like more help: pedal over to your local Trek dealer for some personalized advice.

For more infomation >> How To: Shift a Road Bike - Duration: 3:25.


[Reggae Fusion Type Beat] "Seconds Riddim" (Prod. Benn-i) | Reggae Beat Riddim Instrumental Type - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> [Reggae Fusion Type Beat] "Seconds Riddim" (Prod. Benn-i) | Reggae Beat Riddim Instrumental Type - Duration: 3:44.


I am here. / Je suis ici. / SIMA / Gesgapegiag - Duration: 1:45.

I think we need more empathy.

You know, I think we need to care more about each other as humans, regardless of our backgrounds.

I think we need to understand that not because we live comfortably that it's okay for us

to just go on with our lives and not fight for others.

I remember getting politically involved a bit in 2012, during the student movement in Montreal.

That's why I went into political science, and the more I was in university and I got

to know about different kinds of injustices and oppression, that's when I would say

I started getting involved.

The main mission of my job is we're working against dropout rates, so I'm trying to

create different projects and get the youth involved in different creative ideas.

What you see, and what you're being told about Indigenous people in Canada - and then

you actually come and live on a reserve…

I just realized there is so much misinformation about Indigenous communities out there.

There's so many organizations and there's so many, for example, social mobilization

in the city that can happen, so it's a lot easier for people to go and want to be involved

when you see it in front of you, while here it's a bit different.

It was really hard for me to come here, especially having grown up in the city.

Montreal, or the city, is so fast-paced all the time, here it's more low-key,

"Let's take our time".

You just gotta get out of your comfort zone.

For me it was really taking walks by the water, seeing the sunset, coming here.

Even though my home is forever going to be Montreal, I feel like a little part of me

still is here, and I really like that.

For more infomation >> I am here. / Je suis ici. / SIMA / Gesgapegiag - Duration: 1:45.


9 Fun Facts About Noah Centineo - Duration: 2:48.

- I can do this.

(cheek making flapping noise)

(upbeat music)

- I regret to say that the first love letter

I ever wrote was written after I had received

my first love letter and then that's what inspired me

to write love letters.

Me and my friend love, which is fitting,

would write each other letters.

She wrote me a lot more letters than I wrote her

but, we would just little things, like,

"I love you today."

Or, "I hope you're having a great day."

Or, "Miss you."

Or, "Just remember you're mine."

Heart, smiley face or whatever.

It was, you know, cute little things like that.

Just reminders.

I love candles. - But what does it smell like?

- But this candle, it's like a light blue

which means it's probably sweet

and I don't like sweet candles.

- Wait, you--

- I want like-- - Hint of lavender?

- Like a dark rum. - Oh, okay, okay.

- Smell, like, you know? - More of like a--

- Woodsy.

I've met someone on Instagram

and like I developed this ostensibly intimate relationship

with them and then turns out

they weren't who they were.

As catfishing does.

- I think maybe once or twice they were in the script

but I say whoa, whoa, whoa all the time. (laughing)

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,

whoa, whoa, whoa, okay, relax.

First job was working as a model

at eight years old out of Miami

and it was for a Macey's catalog.

I was a little Macey's baby in the New York Times,

14 years ago. (laughing)

And then I like dry it and I just shake it.

Whenever we're doing stuff like this,

so I can talk to you guys,

there's like this spray, this sea salt spray.

Is that what it is?

Sea salt spray?

That like makes it look like I just got out the ocean.

(ocean waves lapping)

It's all fake.

First thing you do when you wake up?

I go right back to sleep, it's the first thing I do.

I cannot wake up and be like, alright,

today's gonna be fantastic.

I wake up and I go, no.

Not yet.

Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts.

The whole book is very poetic

and it's a journey from deep diving into the abyss

and then coming back from it and transcending

and changing and learning and it's a beautiful read.

- Do you think you're an extrovert?

- I charge introvertedly and then I'm like

(snapping fingers)

super outgoing. - Let it out.

- He really has a great grasp on his personality,

as we can tell.

For more infomation >> 9 Fun Facts About Noah Centineo - Duration: 2:48.


Top One Toyota Car Price In Bangladesh /Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Top One Toyota Car Price In Bangladesh /Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 4:54.


Best Water Filter / Dispenser of 2018 ZeroWater Review (Fills 23+ CUPS!) - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Best Water Filter / Dispenser of 2018 ZeroWater Review (Fills 23+ CUPS!) - Duration: 3:56.


Aggiungi un cucchiaio di zucchero allo shampoo e goditi i benefici - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Aggiungi un cucchiaio di zucchero allo shampoo e goditi i benefici - Duration: 2:38.


Nightcore - Hall of Fame - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Hall of Fame - Duration: 2:50.


Edvard Grieg: TWO NORWEGIAN AIRS Op. 63, I., by L'Orchestre Symphonique Royal, Rabat, Morocco - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> Edvard Grieg: TWO NORWEGIAN AIRS Op. 63, I., by L'Orchestre Symphonique Royal, Rabat, Morocco - Duration: 6:09.


Otofonix Elite Hearing Amplifier | Hearing Aid Reviews - Duration: 8:49.

For more infomation >> Otofonix Elite Hearing Amplifier | Hearing Aid Reviews - Duration: 8:49.


How To Stay Positive When Feeling Down - Duration: 8:26.

If you've spent much time here on the channel, you've probably become one of

those positivity warriors. But how do you stay positive when you're feeling down. I

got some tips for you today. Some of our subscribers have hit me up with this

question: "Dr. Paul, I'm a really positive person. How do I stay positive when I'm

feeling down?" And especially when I've set up this expectation now. Because all

my friends and my family they expect me to be this positive person. You know what?

I can relate. I am Dr. positivity here. And so, people

really expect that for me. -- To stay up. You know, to stay positive, stay cheerful and

there are times when we just don't feel it. When you're feeling down, are you

feeling blue? So, the first disclaimer here: Positivity is an attitude. It is not

your feelings. Now, they're associated and related and they affect each other. But

there's a little difference between attitude and feelings. I got to give a

keynote. Earlier this week at the Utah Air National Guard, a bunch of airmen up

there who... Thank you for your service and for keeping us all safe. And I was

sharing the stage with a pilot. Mark Hasara, retired Lieutenant

Colonel for the Air Force who flew in four wars as a tanker pilot was sharing

the stage with me. What an honor. And I was talking to this retired Lieutenant

Colonel about attitude. Attitude is an aviation term. I said, "Mark, what is

attitude?" And he said, "Well, it's position." Position? Position of the plane.

You know, relative to the earth or the hard stuff down there. If you got a nose

down attitude, you're heading into the hard stuff.

Nose up attitude gives you altitude. Attitude is position. Consider that for

just a moment. If it's our position and not necessarily our feelings then we can

feel whatever we're going to feel and still have a positive position or

attitude about that thing. For example, I was playing basketball. I do this three

times a week. This is my exercise routine. I've been doing this for over 20 years.

About an hour of basketball 3 times a week. And occasionally, I get injured. In

fact, Vicki kind of ribs me about this sometimes. Because most of our emergency

room bills are from my health practices. Basketball specifically. I got injured

this particular morning by coming down on top of someone's foot and my ankle

rolled and it popped. I sprained my ankle. Now, if you've had a sprained ankle, this

is painful. Oh, My heavens. Pain and it's immediate and it's intense. And as I'm

riding on the floor in pain, holding my ankle, I hear myself say, "This is perfect

for me!" And I had a forced smile. Was I feeling pain? Yes, I was. Was I positive?

Yes, I was at the same time. Does that sound weird? It surprised me a little

even. I had worked with clients before about. Just say, "This is perfect for me."

Say, "This is good." Say, "This is just exactly as it should be." You don't even

know if it's all of those things. But you're taking that position. And you

choose it on purpose, that's what positivity is all about. It

has nothing to do with what you're feeling. In fact, what you're feeling is

the weather report. It's kind of like saying it's raining or it's snowing or

sunny. Big whoop! What does that have to do with what I'm going to do today?

Hardly anything. I am going to go forward with living on purpose. Whether it's

raining or snowing or sunny. It's simply the weather report. So, when you think

about your feelings as the weather report then you can keep a positive

position no matter what. Hopefully this realization will take away some of the pressure.

Feel whatever you're going to feel. The fact that you're a positive person is

totally established. In fact, you're a subscriber here, right? If you're not then

please click on the subscribe. We want you to be in our family permanently. You

are a positive person. You watch Live on Purpose TV. You practice positivity, you

share these principles with other people. You know you're in the group here. You

are a positive person. Now, that being said, you're going to feel a whole range of

things. And they're going to be some days when you wake up and you're just not

feeling it. You know? Those days when it's just like,

"Oh, man", right? Or you'll feel pain or you'll feel sadness or you'll feel down

or blue about something. Let yourself feel whatever you're going to feel. You

are a human being. Welcome to earth. Positivity does not mean we go around

and unrealistically pretend to be happy all the time.

Positivity is a position that we take about our life and about our

circumstances. And we can do that no matter what we're feeling. Let yourself

feel whatever you're going to feel. I wondered whether to share that. I'm going to

share it with you. I was painting our hallway. While I was painting the hallway...

And it takes a little while, you know, get all the paint up there just how you want

it. I was kind of enjoying it. I like to do home improvement projects. But I'm

listening to some music. This country song comes on. I kid you not. Probably

some of you will know this song. The lyrics were these: If you're going

through hell, just keep going. Don't slow down. And I just cracked up. I'm like, "Wow,

that's beautiful." If you're going through, keep on moving and then it finishes up

with, "You might get out of there before the devil even knows you're there." Only

in country music can you get away with lyrics like this. But I love that concept.

If you're going through hell, just keep going. Don't slow down, don't set up camp,

don't pitch your tent here. You probably want to keep on moving. What if we had

that attitude. That position as we go through

the difficult things in life. Yeah, this is the weather report. Here's where I am

right now. I'm not setting up camp here folks, just passing on through. I like

that concept. What if we were to also practice daily habits of happiness.

Positivity success prosperity. And I say practice because it's a skill set. We

know that happiness is a choice. And that is so annoying for people to say that

from the stage or in a trite fluffy way where they don't back it up with the

science of positivity. Yes, we know happiness is a choice and it's a skill

set. And a skill set you get to practice just like playing the piano, playing the

guitar, speaking Spanish or French or Finnish. You get to practice it. Because

it's a skill set. Obviously it's a choice. You have to choose to play guitar but

that doesn't mean you have the skills yet. So, hire an instructor. Put yourself

on a schedule, do some practice, get into the routines of learning the skill set

that allows you to have what you've just chosen to have. Can you choose happiness?

Can you choose positivity? Even when things are getting you down? Absolutely.

And hopefully some of these steps will help you to have the practical way to

actually get yourself there. You got this. I just love that you're here. Love that

you're subscribed, love that you're part of this positivity movement. If you're

new to the channel, make sure you subscribe and check out our personal

development playlist. You're going to love that.

For more infomation >> How To Stay Positive When Feeling Down - Duration: 8:26.


Cancer Prevention: Ann O'Mara, PhD, RN, MPH - Duration: 1:44.


I'm Ann O'Mara, I'm a program director in the Division of Cancer Prevention at the National

Cancer Institute.

And I manage a portfolio of symptom management and palliative care and end of life care.

And within that portfolio is a component of cancer pain management.

And our interest really tied to what patients report to us about their pain experience.

And it's important to understand that patients experience really two different types of pain.

The pain coming from the disease, from cancer itself.

And then the pain associated with cancer treatment.

We work across many institutes here at NIH.

And, for example, the acupuncture trial that was used to treat women with aromatase inhibitor

arthralgia was supported through our sister IC, NCCIH.

And that particular trial was really a collaboration between us and NCCIH because they provided

the funding and the trial was implemented through our [inaudible] program.

In summary, we have a growing portfolio for pain research.

It's in these two areas that I've identified for patients with treatment, undergoing treatment,

and patients with advanced disease.

And, again, we work across the NIH to support our researchers from the many different institutes.

For more infomation >> Cancer Prevention: Ann O'Mara, PhD, RN, MPH - Duration: 1:44.


Doda okrutnie o cenionych polskich sportowcach! „Nie wygrali nic!" - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Doda okrutnie o cenionych polskich sportowcach! „Nie wygrali nic!" - Duration: 4:30.



For more infomation >> ALDI COMPRA do MÊS no SUPERMERCADO mais BARATO de ORLANDO - Duration: 30:40.


Jak wymienić poduszka silnika w RENAULT CLIO 2 BB, CB Hatchback [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 2:26.

Use a drive socket No.18. Undo the front fastener of the radius rod.

Use a combination spanner No.16. Undo the rear fastener of the radius rod.

Remove the radius rod.

Install the new radius rod.

Use a drive socket No.18. Tighten the front fastener of the radius rod.

Use a combination spanner No.16. Tighten the rear fastener of the radius rod.

For more infomation >> Jak wymienić poduszka silnika w RENAULT CLIO 2 BB, CB Hatchback [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 2:26.


COMO ESTÁ O AR QUE RESPIRAMOS? | AU #41 - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> COMO ESTÁ O AR QUE RESPIRAMOS? | AU #41 - Duration: 2:50.



For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : ESQUEMA GLOBO-IBOPE-MORO-PALOCCI FECHA O CERCO AO PT: COMEÇOU A GUERRA - Duration: 2:50.


Top One Toyota Car Price In Bangladesh /Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Top One Toyota Car Price In Bangladesh /Shapon Khan Vlogs - Duration: 4:54.


Alok Summer Mix 2018 🐹 Melhores Musicas Eletronicas 2018 🐹 Música Eletrônica Tomorrowland 2018 - Duration: 1:51:30.

Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Alok Summer Mix 2018 🐹 Melhores Musicas Eletronicas 2018 🐹 Música Eletrônica Tomorrowland 2018 - Duration: 1:51:30.


Quem são as mulheres que apoiam Bolsonaro e pedem o movimento #EleSim - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Quem são as mulheres que apoiam Bolsonaro e pedem o movimento #EleSim - Duration: 4:15.



For more infomation >> CÃIBRAS NA GRAVIDEZ: O QUE FAZER? - Duration: 3:17.


OPINIÃO | O acerto crucial e os 5 erros mais graves da Record com A Fazenda 10 - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> OPINIÃO | O acerto crucial e os 5 erros mais graves da Record com A Fazenda 10 - Duration: 5:59.



For more infomation >> STRESSE MODERADO PODE SER BENÉFICO PARA O FETO - Duration: 1:49.





The Best Alternative to Google Ads (My #1 Growth Hack) - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> The Best Alternative to Google Ads (My #1 Growth Hack) - Duration: 4:17.


Ortopedico, Fisiatra o Neurologo? - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Ortopedico, Fisiatra o Neurologo? - Duration: 2:41.


How To: Shift a Road Bike - Duration: 3:25.

The left shifter…


Knowing how to shift your gears not only helps you ride faster.

It also makes riding more fun.

So, let's talk about how shifting works and when to change gears.

We'll start by taking a look at the parts.

Shifters are found on the front of the handlebars.

They control the bike's derailleurs, which move the chain from gear to gear across the drivetrain.

The left shifter controls your front derailleur, which moves the chain between the chainrings on your crankset.

Shifting with your left hand will cause more dramatic changes and is helpful for riding on hills.

By pushing the whole left-hand lever inward, the derailleur will push the chain up to a harder gear.

A harder gear takes more effort to pedal, but your wheel moves farther per pedal stroke.

Pushing only the small inner lever inward will pull the chain down to an easier gear.

This makes pedaling easier, but you won't move as far or as fast.

Your best bet is to use the smaller chainring, or the easiest gear, when pedaling up-hill.

Use the big-ring, or hardest gear, when you're riding downhill.

Your right shifter controls the rear derailleur, shifting the chain across cogs in the cassette.

In the back, the smaller size cog is actually the harder, faster gear.

The bigger cogs make for easier pedaling but slower speeds.

This means your right hand shifter works backwards of your left hand.

By pushing the whole right hand lever inward, the derailleur shifts the chain to an easier gear.

Pushing the small inner lever will shift the chain to a harder gear and faster speeds.

Compared to front shifting, the difference between gears is much smaller out back.

With practice, you'll find that front shifting is helpful for big changes on hills.

Rear shifting is good for fine tuning until you're pedaling at a comfortable rate.

There are 2 gear combinations to avoid.

This is when you're in the hardest gear on one shifter, and the easiest in the other.

We call these "cross-chaining", because you're running in opposite extremes.

Cross-chaining puts a lot of strain on the chain and often causes the chain to rub against the front derailleur.

This makes a lot of irritating noise and can be rough on your gear.

So what gear combination is best?

It's a matter of personal taste.

What we're really after is the most comfortable and efficient rate of pedaling, or "cadence".

In general, most riders find a cadence of about 90 pedal rotations per minute to be the most efficient and comfortable.

A slower cadence can feel like a struggle.

A faster cadence feels like you're pedaling like crazy but going nowhere.

If you're interesting in measuring your cadence, many cycling computers or apps can read this with a sensor.

Using a sensor to measure your cadence can be a great way to learn when it's a good time to change gears.

Finally, you need to keep pedaling while shifting, and it works best when you're pedaling lightly.

If you've got a lot of pressure on the pedals when shifting, the change tends to be clunky and abrupt.

If you see a hill coming up, shift to an easier gear before you start climbing.

And that's the 101 of shifting gears.

If you're totally new to this, it helps to practice shifting in an empty parking lot.

If you'd like more help: pedal over to your local Trek dealer for some personalized advice.

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