Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Youtube daily report w Oct 2 2018

Last week was a Batman week on the channel where I covered Batman: Arkham Asylum and

Arkham City games.

This week we're starting off with the last Batman game that I'll be covering until

a new one comes around.

This is a 2.5-D Batman video game that might not be so popular but is worth a shot.

So, today I'll be showing you how to get more of much-needed frames-per-second and

improve the general performance of Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate.

So, before you do anything else, simply head over to my website and download this little

software which is called the Low Specs Experience.

Download link is posted in the description of this video.

Low Specs Experience is a free tool that I developed that will allow you to go above

and beyond anything possible in-game video options.

After you download it, simply install it and you will get these shortcuts on your Desktop.

Start it and then go to the optimization catalog section.

Once you find yourself on this page, simply select Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate from

this drop-down menu and then press load the optimization package.

Now select the destination folder where your game has been installed.

Simply select the destination folder of your game and then press OK and this window will


Here select the method of optimization and resolution you would like to run your game


After you did that simply press the optimize button and then start your game.

Feel free to experiment with resolutions and optimization methods to find what suits your

system the best.

That's all I had to share with you fine folks for this video.

I'm leaving you now with the rest of this gameplay to enjoy.

Please do like and subscribe if you found this video useful.

Dislike it if you feel the complete opposite.

I'll see you guys next time with a whole new video.

Till next time, take care and fly safely.

For more infomation >> Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate - How to Reduce Lag and Boost & Improve Performance - Duration: 7:54.



For more infomation >> FRIEND TRIES FOLLOWING MY MAKEUP TUTORIAL! | Part 2 - Duration: 16:17.


Что мешает изменить свое мышление. Почему ничего не получается в жизни? - Duration: 6:53.

For more infomation >> Что мешает изменить свое мышление. Почему ничего не получается в жизни? - Duration: 6:53.


BYD K9 Electric Syntus AllGo MAN Buses at Station Almere Centrum in 2018 - Duration: 0:38.

Almere Centrum

For more infomation >> BYD K9 Electric Syntus AllGo MAN Buses at Station Almere Centrum in 2018 - Duration: 0:38.


Kia Venga 1.4i Pluspack 5drs. +TOP SELECTIE+ - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Kia Venga 1.4i Pluspack 5drs. +TOP SELECTIE+ - Duration: 0:52.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-play 5drs - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-play 5drs - Duration: 0:49.


Deedar-e-Mustafa (saw) Ummati Honay Ki Shart | ALRA TV | Younus AlGohar - Duration: 15:26.

For more infomation >> Deedar-e-Mustafa (saw) Ummati Honay Ki Shart | ALRA TV | Younus AlGohar - Duration: 15:26.


Redentor (live) - Altomonte (ft. Anderson Dantas e Zoe Lilly) - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Redentor (live) - Altomonte (ft. Anderson Dantas e Zoe Lilly) - Duration: 4:11.





Training session #1 ''FUERZA Y FLUIDEZ''. - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> Training session #1 ''FUERZA Y FLUIDEZ''. - Duration: 6:04.


APOIE A ARTE E CULTURA NO BRASIL E NO MUNDO: Agora o Malabarize-se está no apoia.se! - Duration: 1:40.

It's been more than 6 years that I release a video a week here on Malabarize-se. every Tuesday!

and Along with the Just Freestyles there are already over 850 public and free videos

Perhaps one of the channel art-videos has inspired you to train a new juggling style,

you learned a new trick in a tutorial

or even unveiled a meeting or a juggling convention because of the videos you've seen here!

Now we have a campaign on Apoia.se

the link is there in the description and clicking it you'll already understand how everything works.

You contribute to the channel to keep happening

and in return you get some pretty cool rewards!

Malabarize-se already reaches jugglers, circus people and artists worldwide

and I want to continue working on the channel and making this content available for free!

but unfortunately the work I do here is not completely sustainable,

youtube for example pay about 50 dollars each month.

Which doesn't even come close to paying for all the video editing work.

Some videos on the channel take more than 20 hours to produce.

and now you can contribute directly to the development of circus, juggling and culture

becoming a supporter of Malabarize-se!

Take a look there!

even only 1 real per month can already make a big difference to the project!

We also have an instagram now: @malabarizese

already with several cool and exclusive things there

and if you want to enter the SOURCE, the channel's newsletter,

just leave your email below or click on the link

other ways to support the project are also buying something in our store!

or by patreon, which there's already a link here for a while

ok? Thanks a ton, thanks for the support.

I'm Lucas Abduch

and i'll see you in a bit!

Let's value art and culture because if it is to depend on the politicians we're lost...

For more infomation >> APOIE A ARTE E CULTURA NO BRASIL E NO MUNDO: Agora o Malabarize-se está no apoia.se! - Duration: 1:40.


Comando da Marinha americana está preocupado com ascensão marítima da Rússia e China - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Comando da Marinha americana está preocupado com ascensão marítima da Rússia e China - Duration: 2:39.


The Trial of Hon. Daniel E. Sickles for Shooting Philip Barton Key, Esq. - Duration: 2:44.

From the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. The Law Library

of Congress holds a collection of trials

in its rare book collection.

This particular trial was a sensation and is often thought

of as the trial of the century for the 19th century.

It started when the wife of Rep.

Daniel Sickles, Teresa Sickles, had an affair

with Philip Barton Key.

Philip Key was the son of Francis Scott Key,

who you may know as the author of the Star Spangled Banner.

It has been said that all of Washington society knew

of his wife's affair except for Sickles,

until one day he received a mysterious note signed "R.P.G."

that revealed the affair and how Key contacted Teresa.

Sickles confronted Teresa

and made her write a handwritten confession

that was later published.

As Sickles and his friends were discussing what to do

about the situation, they spotted Key signaling Teresa

from the street with his handkerchief.

Sickles confronted Key in the street.

Armed with two derringers and a revolver,

Sickles fired upon Key, but only grazed him.

Key reached into his own coat for a means of defense,

but found only opera glasses, which he threw at Sickles.

Key wrestled with Sickles, and Sickles dropped his gun.

Freeing himself from Key's grip, Sickles produced another gun,

and Key began to stumble backwards, crying,

"Don't shoot me, don't murder me!"

Sickles fired, striking Key in the groin.

Key fell, and Sickles drove a point-blank shot

into Key's chest.

Finally, Sickles put a gun to Key's head

and pulled the trigger, but the gun misfired.

A group of men arrived on the scene,

and Sickles was led away while Key lay dying.

Key quickly died and Sickles confessed to shooting him.

It would seem Sickles would almost certainly be convicted

of murder, but he was defended by a team of prominent lawyers,

including the future Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton.

The defense successfully argued that Sickles was in a state

of temporary insanity.

Sickles later served as a Union General at the Battle

of Gettysburg where he was struck by cannon fire,

resulting in the amputation of his leg.

Sickles' leg is periodically displayed at the National Museum

of Health and Medicine.

This has been a presentation of the Library of Congress.

Visit us at loc.gov.

For more infomation >> The Trial of Hon. Daniel E. Sickles for Shooting Philip Barton Key, Esq. - Duration: 2:44.


I Got A Lime Green Wig For The First Time | Hair Me Out | Refinery29 - Duration: 6:03.

This is like, a blooper.

This sh*t hard to open!

You gotta hit it with some hot water.

Alright, we got it now.

Hi, my name is Raven, and this is Hair Me Out.

I'm going to be getting a lime green wig.

Before we get into the transformation, don't forget to subscribe below.

As someone who is natural and has had so many hair changes, it's so important for me to

retain the length that I have.

I had dreadlocks for 11 years of my life, so that was like, limited experimentation.

I could only do so much.

And then, when I was a junior in high school, I completely shaved my head.

It was just like, me taking control over how I was expressing myself with my hair.

After shaving my head, I went through all of the weird transformations of like, having

relaxed hair, wearing weaves, wearing protective styles...

And what worked best for me was protective styles.

It helped me retain my length, not destroy my curl pattern, and not have to deal with

all the single-strand knots and tangling that most natural girls have to deal with.

But once I'm lime green, it's a whole new bag.

I've never had real color, and she's gonna get real color.

So, besides the fact that I'm just happy to be going lime green, I'm super excited that

Ebanks is going to be doing it for me.

Ebanks has done the hair of some of my favorite artists...

Cardi B, Asian Doll, like, I mean...

Why wouldn't I want the same hands in my head?

I'm thrilled to be getting this done.

What made you wanna do a bright color?

I've never really committed and like, had fun color-wise.

I was ready.

This is the wig! Oh my gosh!

I am so excited for her!

I did what most girls who don't understand their hair do...

I put a perm in it!

Perms don't work for everybody.

I ended up having over-processed hair, and my hair started to fall out.

So, coming out of that and being able to actually grow my hair back, grow my edges back, make

sure my curl pattern was still there...

I'm just not gonna let my hair be touched by anybody.

So, when I'm picking a hair stylist, like, it's serious business.

Any black woman would know that.

Any woman knows that.

Hair is deep.

Anytime I get a new hairstyle, I am a little nervous.

The lime green has to look green.

It can't even skew yellow.

I don't want yellow on my head.

I'm also a little worried about what my mom is going to think.

She's worried about what people may think about me when they don't truly know me, they

just see this girl with lime green hair.

But, to that I would just be like, "Mom, you know, it's trendy, she's living her best life.

You only go around once..."

There used to be a lot of stigma around wigs and wearing wigs.

Even the word "wig" like, people wouldn't use it. They would say "unit" or a "lace front."

Now, wigs are so trendy because all of the celebrities are now wearing wigs.

Every upcoming artist pretty much has a wig on her head.

And that's because what's underneath is more important.

There's so many options now in haircare and hair is a lot bigger.

The industry is a lot bigger than it was.

It's a lot more tangible.

It's a lot more affordable.

So now, wigs are like, an everyday thing.

I'm about to bless her with some baby hairs on this unit right now...

Major key.

Who doesn't love baby hairs? Right?

As a black woman, I change my hair a lot, and it has to do with like, expressing myself.

But, it also has to do a lot with versatility.

When you change your hair, it's just a way to boost your self confidence.

I'm so, so, so, so excited.

It's going to be the boldest hairstyle that I've had in a long time.

Ready to take a look?

So ready!

It's lit!


Oh, my gosh!

I cannot believe this.

This is sickening.


This is amazing.

I'm so in love with this.

Like, look at my...


But no, I real life like, am so in love. This was fun!

This is incredible!

Thank you so much!

This hair is amazing.

I'm obsessed with this color.

The way that Ebanks installed this look, it's absolutely secure.

I can do anything that I want with it.

It is magnificent.

I mean, look at my baby hairs.

They are laid!

My hair is daring, it's bold, and it definitely cannot be missed.

My lime green wig has birthed an entirely new Raven.

Thank you guys so much for watching!

If you have any other ideas for videos, comment down below.

To subscribe to Refinery29, click here.

And to watch more videos, click here.

For more infomation >> I Got A Lime Green Wig For The First Time | Hair Me Out | Refinery29 - Duration: 6:03.


U.A.I. - WELL & BPROBLEMX - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> U.A.I. - WELL & BPROBLEMX - Duration: 2:22.


Man Stabbed To Death In Rose Bowl Parking Lot - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Man Stabbed To Death In Rose Bowl Parking Lot - Duration: 1:56.


Trame, 'Una Vita': Higinio e Maria vogliono rubare tutta l'eredità di Casilda , Replica Grande - Duration: 8:36.

For more infomation >> Trame, 'Una Vita': Higinio e Maria vogliono rubare tutta l'eredità di Casilda , Replica Grande - Duration: 8:36.


How To: Shift a Road Bike - Duration: 3:25.

The left shifter…


Knowing how to shift your gears not only helps you ride faster.

It also makes riding more fun.

So, let's talk about how shifting works and when to change gears.

We'll start by taking a look at the parts.

Shifters are found on the front of the handlebars.

They control the bike's derailleurs, which move the chain from gear to gear across the drivetrain.

The left shifter controls your front derailleur, which moves the chain between the chainrings on your crankset.

Shifting with your left hand will cause more dramatic changes and is helpful for riding on hills.

By pushing the whole left-hand lever inward, the derailleur will push the chain up to a harder gear.

A harder gear takes more effort to pedal, but your wheel moves farther per pedal stroke.

Pushing only the small inner lever inward will pull the chain down to an easier gear.

This makes pedaling easier, but you won't move as far or as fast.

Your best bet is to use the smaller chainring, or the easiest gear, when pedaling up-hill.

Use the big-ring, or hardest gear, when you're riding downhill.

Your right shifter controls the rear derailleur, shifting the chain across cogs in the cassette.

In the back, the smaller size cog is actually the harder, faster gear.

The bigger cogs make for easier pedaling but slower speeds.

This means your right hand shifter works backwards of your left hand.

By pushing the whole right hand lever inward, the derailleur shifts the chain to an easier gear.

Pushing the small inner lever will shift the chain to a harder gear and faster speeds.

Compared to front shifting, the difference between gears is much smaller out back.

With practice, you'll find that front shifting is helpful for big changes on hills.

Rear shifting is good for fine tuning until you're pedaling at a comfortable rate.

There are 2 gear combinations to avoid.

This is when you're in the hardest gear on one shifter, and the easiest in the other.

We call these "cross-chaining", because you're running in opposite extremes.

Cross-chaining puts a lot of strain on the chain and often causes the chain to rub against the front derailleur.

This makes a lot of irritating noise and can be rough on your gear.

So what gear combination is best?

It's a matter of personal taste.

What we're really after is the most comfortable and efficient rate of pedaling, or "cadence".

In general, most riders find a cadence of about 90 pedal rotations per minute to be the most efficient and comfortable.

A slower cadence can feel like a struggle.

A faster cadence feels like you're pedaling like crazy but going nowhere.

If you're interesting in measuring your cadence, many cycling computers or apps can read this with a sensor.

Using a sensor to measure your cadence can be a great way to learn when it's a good time to change gears.

Finally, you need to keep pedaling while shifting, and it works best when you're pedaling lightly.

If you've got a lot of pressure on the pedals when shifting, the change tends to be clunky and abrupt.

If you see a hill coming up, shift to an easier gear before you start climbing.

And that's the 101 of shifting gears.

If you're totally new to this, it helps to practice shifting in an empty parking lot.

If you'd like more help: pedal over to your local Trek dealer for some personalized advice.

For more infomation >> How To: Shift a Road Bike - Duration: 3:25.


EĞLENCELİ 7 SANİYE CHALLENGE !! ( kardeşimin suratina tükürdüm ) - Duration: 10:22.

For more infomation >> EĞLENCELİ 7 SANİYE CHALLENGE !! ( kardeşimin suratina tükürdüm ) - Duration: 10:22.


5 Melhores jogos de mundo aberto | Canal da Lu - Magalu - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> 5 Melhores jogos de mundo aberto | Canal da Lu - Magalu - Duration: 3:38.


🍅🌿Tomato Spinach Cake [스윗더미 . Sweet The MI] - Duration: 9:13.

Hi this is Sweet The Mi!

Today I'm back with a very unique cake.

It's called the Tomato Spinach Cake.

I've seen this cake selling at bakery store in Japan

Thought I might try bake it on my own.

Let's go.

First blanch the spinach slightly

Get rid of water from the spinach

Blend with milk with a food processor.

Now let's make cake sheet.

Add in sugar and eggs and whip hard.

When it all whipped add the flour through a strainer.

Add butter, milk, salt and blended spinach in a pot and heat until all the butter is melted.

When the butter is melted mix it with batter.

Pour the batter into a cake pan with a parchment paper at the bottom Bake for 35 minutes at 160℃ (320℉)

Turn the cake upside down and let it cool for awhile Seal the cake and set the cake in the fridge for about 6 hours.

Slice the cake in 3 layers and slice the tomatoes for next step.

Add in sugar and heavy cream and whip.

Now let's build the layers with spinach cake sheet, sliced tomatoes and whipped cream.

Sand the thin layer of whipped cream on top of the sheet and line the sliced tomatoes on top.

Sand the layer of whipped cream again.

Place the spinach sheet and repeat the previous step.

To icing the cake first flat the side of the cake with a spatula.

Make sure your whipped cream is clean from the cake clumps.

Set a extra bowl next to cake to get rid of cream with cake clumps for clean icing.

Nowadays lots of people prefer natural looks of icing then clean look.

I like to expose side of cake layers

o I did not cover the side completely and let cake layers expose.

I've decorated top of cake with whipped cream in a piping bag for extra touch.

Our Spinach Tomato Cake is done!

I was not sure tomatoes will go well with sweet cake but it was awesome.

With spinach in a cake layer gives extra color and fragrance too..

Texture of cake was also unique from other cakes.

I hope you try this at home!

I'll catch you guys in next video~ Bye!

For more infomation >> 🍅🌿Tomato Spinach Cake [스윗더미 . Sweet The MI] - Duration: 9:13.


必看❗️日本夾娃娃陷阱⁉️😱這種機台看似容易其實...💦💦東京夾娃娃集中地〖第二集〗來了💫[CC字幕] - Duration: 6:35.

For more infomation >> 必看❗️日本夾娃娃陷阱⁉️😱這種機台看似容易其實...💦💦東京夾娃娃集中地〖第二集〗來了💫[CC字幕] - Duration: 6:35.


The Best Alternative to Google Ads (My #1 Growth Hack) - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> The Best Alternative to Google Ads (My #1 Growth Hack) - Duration: 4:17.


Самые лучшие фильмы летнего сезона 2018 - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> Самые лучшие фильмы летнего сезона 2018 - Duration: 5:07.



Hey guys!

It's Jana!

And today I gotta get some laundry done I got a couple loads

for well hmm might be three loads for the adults

couple for the kids and I have my leftovers from not unpacking from my trip

still got to do that

so I hope this inspires you to get some laundry done today

go ahead and hit subscribe thumbs up check all the links down below

let's get our laundry done today

alright guys the laundry is done put away folded hung

whatever, it's done that's all that matters

so I hope this inspired you to get your laundry done today

go ahead and hit subscribe thumbs up check all the links down below

and I will see you next time

For more infomation >> LAUNDRY DAY | WASH FOLD REPEAT | SPEED CLEANING ROUTINE - Duration: 11:57.


睡兩晚還給拍拍拍!雞排妹東京伴遊價曝光 網暴動瘋搶 - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> 睡兩晚還給拍拍拍!雞排妹東京伴遊價曝光 網暴動瘋搶 - Duration: 1:43.


Японская сказка : Лентяй-черепаха - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> Японская сказка : Лентяй-черепаха - Duration: 6:31.


Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate - How to Reduce Lag and Boost & Improve Performance - Duration: 7:54.

Last week was a Batman week on the channel where I covered Batman: Arkham Asylum and

Arkham City games.

This week we're starting off with the last Batman game that I'll be covering until

a new one comes around.

This is a 2.5-D Batman video game that might not be so popular but is worth a shot.

So, today I'll be showing you how to get more of much-needed frames-per-second and

improve the general performance of Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate.

So, before you do anything else, simply head over to my website and download this little

software which is called the Low Specs Experience.

Download link is posted in the description of this video.

Low Specs Experience is a free tool that I developed that will allow you to go above

and beyond anything possible in-game video options.

After you download it, simply install it and you will get these shortcuts on your Desktop.

Start it and then go to the optimization catalog section.

Once you find yourself on this page, simply select Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate from

this drop-down menu and then press load the optimization package.

Now select the destination folder where your game has been installed.

Simply select the destination folder of your game and then press OK and this window will


Here select the method of optimization and resolution you would like to run your game


After you did that simply press the optimize button and then start your game.

Feel free to experiment with resolutions and optimization methods to find what suits your

system the best.

That's all I had to share with you fine folks for this video.

I'm leaving you now with the rest of this gameplay to enjoy.

Please do like and subscribe if you found this video useful.

Dislike it if you feel the complete opposite.

I'll see you guys next time with a whole new video.

Till next time, take care and fly safely.

For more infomation >> Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate - How to Reduce Lag and Boost & Improve Performance - Duration: 7:54.



For more infomation >> FRIEND TRIES FOLLOWING MY MAKEUP TUTORIAL! | Part 2 - Duration: 16:17.


Yeni BMW 3 Serisi | Daha Büyük Daha Teknolojik | İlk Bakış (English Subtitled) - Duration: 4:02.

Finally, the long waiting is over.

The last gen BMW 3 Series is here with its


At the first glance, it is easy to realize it is a 3 Series model.

With its new design cues G20 codnamed machine

differs from its predecessor. New bulgy

kidney grill, front headlights with Peugeot-esque

graphics at the middle of it and new bumper design

which changes with trim level

are the first things we noticed.

New 3 Series also gained 76 mm of height.

If you look at the sides, you noticed that

the logo on the 19 inched wheel

is turning like a Rolls-Royce model.

Plus, its wheelbase stretched 41 mm but

cargo hold is still same at 480 L.

Let's look at the back. There is a little spoiler on the trunk lid.

However I know you are already looking at the new

sleekly looking LED backlights. It looks like a Lexus model.

What do you think?

What do you think is the most beautiful car among these?

BMW 3 Series? Audi A4?

Mercedes C-Class? Or Jaguar XE?

Let us know at the comments.

For more infomation >> Yeni BMW 3 Serisi | Daha Büyük Daha Teknolojik | İlk Bakış (English Subtitled) - Duration: 4:02.


Careful What You Wish For! Dems' FBI Probe Into Kavanaugh About To Backfire BRUTALLY On Them - Duration: 5:37.

The Judge Kavanaugh controversy has been hitting headlines.

Democrats and Republicans are eating each other alive in the Senate Judiciary Committee

over the issue.

Now that a Federal Bureau of Investigation investigation has been issued new developments

are in store.

After Senator Jeff Flake indicated that he would only vote for Kavanaugh on the full

Senate Floor if there was a committee vote the investigators started chasing down leads.

However, there was more Senate input on the issue.

Senator Bill Cassidy put himself in the fray by commenting on the FBI investigation to

the media.

Breitbart News reported, "Just like their other tactics throughout

this confirmation process, Senate Democrats' demands for an FBI investigation have never

been about getting the facts or finding the truth.

If they were, they would have alerted law enforcement months ago, as soon as they learned

of the claims.

Instead, they waited until the last minute to leak them in order to delay the vote.

That is why any FBI investigation of the allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh should include

potential coordination between the Democrat operatives and lawyers that assisted in bringing

them forth.

What Senate Democrats really want is more time to smear Judge Kavanaugh, regardless

of the toll it takes on his wife, his daughters, and our country.

Democrats will not suddenly require evidence to declare Judge Kavanaugh guilty of being

the worst kind of criminal.

They will not suddenly abandon their assumption that all accusations against Republicans are

credible and to be believed.

If the FBI turns up nothing significant, they will say what Joe Biden said in 1991, that

the FBI does not reach conclusions.

They will say the FBI did not have enough time to conduct a thorough investigation.

What they will not do is admit they were wrong to accuse Judge Kavanaugh of being a gang

rapist, or a rapist, or a sexual assaulter, or a drunk, or a perjurer, or a hothead unfit

for the bench.

If the delay facilitates new allegations from Michael Avenatti or someone else, it will

not matter how ludicrous they are.

Democrats will instantly call them credible, demand more delays, more FBI resources, and

more hearings.

They will attack anyone who disagrees.

Delay, delay, delay.

That's all they want, because their goal is to do anything and everything to smear

any nominee — anyone — and block Republicans from appointing another justice to the Supreme


We cannot and should not let that happen."

Think Progress reported, "On Saturday morning, Sen. Bill Cassidy

(R-LA) responded to news that the FBI will investigate sexual assault allegations against

Brett Kavanaugh by calling for an investigation of Democrats — in particular, whoever was

responsible for leaking a letter written by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford detailing her story

of being assaulted by Kavanaugh.

Echoing the evidence-free conspiratorial language Kavanaugh used during Thursday's hearing

about the origins of Ford's accusation, Cassidy suggested some sort of Democratic

plot is at work.

This is part of a broader Democratic strategy to coordinate, and in that coordination, to

seek to delay," Cassidy said on Fox & Friends.

"How many more charges can be brought out to smear this man, to create legitimate doubts

in the minds of some of the American public?"

"There are other things the FBI should do, but it should investigate whether indeed there

is this intent to coordinate, and in fact, the actual coordination," Cassidy added.

Cassidy singled out Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA), calling for her to be interrogated under oath.

Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, denies playing any role in leaking

the letter Ford wrote to her detailing her story of being assaulted by Kavanaugh at a

party in 1982.

"Let's actually investigate.

Ask Diane Feinstein under oath, did she leak it, then ask her aide," he said.

The Intercept, which broke the story about Ford's letter, denies that Feinstein and

her staff were responsible for the leak.

Ford actually praised Feinstein for the way she and her staff handled her accusation during

Thursday's hearing.

Nonetheless, later during Saturday's Fox & Friends, co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy went

as far as to smear Feinstein as "the real villain" of the Kavanaugh scandal.

Cassidy's comments are a page out of the playbook that team Trump has been using to

deflect from damaging revelations in the FBI's investigation of the Trump campaign for possible

collusion with Russia.

Rather than responding to new revelations on their merits, Trump and his Republican

enablers have raised concerns about process and called for the investigators to be investigated."

For more infomation >> Careful What You Wish For! Dems' FBI Probe Into Kavanaugh About To Backfire BRUTALLY On Them - Duration: 5:37.


Что мешает изменить свое мышление. Почему ничего не получается в жизни? - Duration: 6:53.

For more infomation >> Что мешает изменить свое мышление. Почему ничего не получается в жизни? - Duration: 6:53.


BYD K9 Electric Syntus AllGo MAN Buses at Station Almere Centrum in 2018 - Duration: 0:38.

Almere Centrum

For more infomation >> BYD K9 Electric Syntus AllGo MAN Buses at Station Almere Centrum in 2018 - Duration: 0:38.


Kia Venga 1.4i Pluspack 5drs. +TOP SELECTIE+ - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Kia Venga 1.4i Pluspack 5drs. +TOP SELECTIE+ - Duration: 0:52.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-play 5drs - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-play 5drs - Duration: 0:49.


New Music Video from Elyse Therose

For more infomation >> New Music Video from Elyse Therose


Merri warn Timo don't play sit on Jessie | Merri also warn don't try get my food | Monkey Daily 1850 - Duration: 10:41.

For more infomation >> Merri warn Timo don't play sit on Jessie | Merri also warn don't try get my food | Monkey Daily 1850 - Duration: 10:41.


Are You Drinking Toxic Tea? Here's How To Avoid... - Duration: 2:04.

Nowadays, with all of the sugar and additives and preservatives found in our processed foods,

people tend to be a little more careful when choosing something to eat or drink.

They avoid sodas and packaged cookies or cakes and lean more towards teas and fruits, but

the truth is that more times than not these options are just as bad as the very things

they were trying to avoid.

Although these "healthier" options may not contain all of the same preservatives,

dyes and cancer-causing artificial sweeteners, they are grown or manufactured with pesticides

riddled with man made chemicals which are not at all intended for human consumption.

There are, of course, safe amounts of these chemicals and unsafe ones, and the truth is

that many tea brands have passed the safe levels and are now in the red zone.

Cheap tea brands are the worse, so don't try to save money when it comes to your health.

If the tea bags haven't been handled properly, or sanitized in the correct way there's

no telling what you might be drinking.

One study pointed out that people who live in the UK generally have much higher intake

levels of fluoride then what is recommended, and this can lead to serious health issues.

The fluoride was, of course, traced back to their love of tea, and connected with weak

bones and teeth and kidney problems.

Another thing to watch out for is old tea, which loses nutritional value and absorbs

more fluoride as time goes on.

Over half of the teas on the market exceed the limit of toxins allowed, but this doesn't

mean that we have to stop drinking tea altogether.

We just have to make healthier, more conscious decisions about what tea we want to buy, and

always give preference to organic brands.

You can also buy loose tea and brew it yourself.

For more infomation >> Are You Drinking Toxic Tea? Here's How To Avoid... - Duration: 2:04.


How To Make a Cannabis Cookie Dough Chocolate Cups 🎂 Amazing Chocolate Cupcake Cake Decorating - Duration: 11:33.

How To Make a Cannabis Cookie Dough Chocolate Cups

For more infomation >> How To Make a Cannabis Cookie Dough Chocolate Cups 🎂 Amazing Chocolate Cupcake Cake Decorating - Duration: 11:33.


Kia Rio 1.0T-GDi ComfortPl.Line Navigator +DEMO AUTO+ - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.0T-GDi ComfortPl.Line Navigator +DEMO AUTO+ - Duration: 1:04.


Athletic Gear You Didn't Know Existed... | Funded in America - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> Athletic Gear You Didn't Know Existed... | Funded in America - Duration: 5:11.


Kia Stonic 1.0T-GDi ComfortPlusLine Navi +DEMO AUTO+ - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Kia Stonic 1.0T-GDi ComfortPlusLine Navi +DEMO AUTO+ - Duration: 0:52.


100+ Garden Projects using Sticks & Twigs | DIY Garden - Duration: 12:13.

For more infomation >> 100+ Garden Projects using Sticks & Twigs | DIY Garden - Duration: 12:13.


Cute Cats And Dogs Doing Funny Things 🐾 Funny Cats & Dogs Videos Compilation 😹 - Duration: 11:11.

For more infomation >> Cute Cats And Dogs Doing Funny Things 🐾 Funny Cats & Dogs Videos Compilation 😹 - Duration: 11:11.


Sea level rise is so much more than melting ice - Duration: 6:09.

- So, we do lots of climate and environment stories,

and we've run up against one concept

all the time, sea level rise.

This probably isn't news to you,

but as the planet warms the average sea level is rising,

and it's threatening coastal populations around the world.

But we got tripped up by one thing.

Here in New York, the sea level is rising

one and a half times as fast as the global average.

And we thought, how is that possible?

How are different parts of the ocean at different heights?

So we did what we always do, we called an expert.

- Yes, I'm Dr. Andrea Dutton, and I work at the Department

of Geological Sciences at the University of Florida.

- And instead of that call clearing things up,

it got so much weirder, so we're going to use

New York City as an example, and explore sea level rise.

Because honestly, it made us see

the whole planet differently.

(electronic music)

So the big picture here starts with climate change.

Temperatures are on the rise, and that does

a couple global things to the oceans.

- As you warm up the planet, we're going

to melt a lot of the ice that's sitting on land,

so the large ice sheets as well as

the smaller mountain glaciers that go into the ocean.

And you're going to heat the ocean as a whole,

which causes that water to expand,

and that causes some amount of sea level rise as well.

- The easy analogy is pouring water into a bathtub.

Turn on the faucet and the water level in the tub rises.

But don't get too attached to that comparison.

- Sea level rise is not like turning on the faucet

to a bathtub and watching the water rise at a uniform rate.

So it turns out that if, on the surface of the ocean today,

the surface is not perfectly flat,

there's a topography to the ocean surface.

- That's one reason you can have more sea level rise

in New York, oceans just aren't flat.

There are hills and valleys of water out there.

Seriously, look at this topographic map

of the ocean surface.

There are a few reasons for this, first...

- Well turns out gravity is some of the problem, right?

So if you have large ice sheets, or even large

masses of continents and land, right,

all that mass can attract the water to it.

- The Earth's mass is not evenly spread around.

It's a patchwork of continents, ice sheets,

and other huge masses, and those masses exert

a gravitational pull on everything around them, even water.

In Antarctica for example, there's so much ice

that its gravity actually pulls ocean water towards it,

raising the sea level around the continent.

But, as the ice in Antarctica melts,

its mass shrinks, and its gravitational pull weakens.

Which means the sea level goes down near Antarctica,

but rises up as far away as New York instead.

Another big cause of ocean topography are currents.

And currents are driving up the sea level in New York too.

One of the dominant currents in

the Atlantic is the Gulf Stream.

Andrea describes it like a conveyor belt,

continually moving water away from the East Coast

and up across the Atlantic, where it releases

its heat and sinks to form deep water.

The sinking action keeps the conveyor belt moving,

but melting glaciers are a factor here too.

As the ice melts, lots of fresh water

gets added to the current.

That lowers the density of the water,

prevents it from sinking as readily,

and jams up the whole Gulf Stream conveyor belt.

- As the Earth continues to warm, we expect this rate

of water moving north to slow down,

we expect the conveyor belt to slow down.

And as you do that, you'll be piling up water,

literally, against the East Coast of the US.

- So the actual amount of water amassed

on a coastline can change from place to place.

But there's one other big cause of sea level rise

that has nothing to do with water, and that's land.

- So the thing about sea level

is it's always relative to land.

- If coastal land sinks, the relative sea level

there will rise, and vice versa.

Land can move up or down for all sorts of reasons.

Shifting tectonic plates in California,

for example, can cause uplift there.

- So as land rises, if this is the ocean, and the land

is rising up, sea level is falling along that coastline.

- Whereas parts of Louisiana are sinking.

The Mississippi River is dumping so much sediment there

that the land is compressing under the weight of it all.

The land under New York is sinking too,

but it's a little more complicated.

- And I anticipated this question.

The best way to do this is with

a picture, so I have a picture for you.


I could have gotten up with my whiteboard,

but my whiteboard's a mess, so I'm not gonna do that.

Okay, so.

- [Cory] Andrea's picture didn't come through great

on video chat, so here's a reproduction.

Basically 20,000 years ago, New York sat right

on the edge of a huge ice sheet.

It was the end of the last ice age,

and the weight of the ice pushed down

on the Earth's mantle underneath it.

So much in fact that it forced some

of the Earth out past the edge,

which pushed that land up.

New York City's land sat on that peripheral bulge.

- You can think of this as if, when you go home

and sit down on your couch, the same thing happens, right?

- [Cory] Picture what happens to the cushion

when you sit on it, the middle gets smooshed, but the edges?

- [Andrea] It pushes out to the sides, right,

'cause that's the only place it can go.

- But, the climate actually began warming

about 20,000 years ago, the ice started melting

and the whole process reversed itself.

- [Andrea] And then when you stand up, what happens?

It relaxes again back into it's natural position.

- And today 20,000 years later, the land underneath New York

is still slowly sinking, so the sea level is rising.

Humans didn't cause this, it's a 100,000 year process.

So, there you have it, New York City's sea level

is a product of warming oceans, melting glaciers,

Antarctic gravity, Atlantic conveyor belts,

and the world's largest couch cushion analogy.

Measuring sea level rise means a complex accounting

of all of these factors and more.

Andrea says scientists understand these concepts

really well, what they're less sure of is the future.

What happens if all CO2 we put in the air heats

the planet further, melts more ice,

and accelerates many of these changes?

Whatever happens, the Earth will change, it always does.

- It's not a static, fixed ball, the planet. (laughs)

It is dynamic, it is a dynamic Earth.

- Hey everyone, if you like what you saw here,

be sure to check out all the other videos

on our Verge Science YouTube channel,

where we're putting out a new video every week,

and which you should subscribe to, thanks.

For more infomation >> Sea level rise is so much more than melting ice - Duration: 6:09.


Why only individual thinking can reunite America | Tim Snyder - Duration: 4:15.

Well, the whole idea of best interests in the question, "Why do people vote against

their best interests?" is not an objective thing in nature.

It's one of the very problems in the politics of inevitability, is that we think like economists

and we say, "Well, everybody is rational in the narrow economical sense, everybody

knows what's good for them."

And that's just not true, or rather the ability of people to discern what their interests

are depends upon a process of education, which includes not just reasoning mathematically,

which is very important, but also it has to include some kind of humanistic side where

people learn to criticize or think critically about what they hear, learn to make distinctions

among various kinds of media.

Because that notion of "one's best interest" is not at all natural, it's the product

of a certain kind of education.

And that kind of education can be undone, first of all it can not be done, but it can

also be undone, one can deliberately appeal to the parts of the mind which aren't concerned

with the future, with math, with critical thinking, but to the parts of the mind which

think in terms of "us and them," "friend and enemy," and you can draw people into

these cycles.

And the less—and this is how it fits together with inequality—the less people see a good

future for themselves if they think in terms of interests, the more they're drawn into

a different way of thinking where it's not about their individual interests, but it's

more about feeling like they're on the "right team," they're on the "right side."

For a lot of people in the U.S. now I think it's a little bit like they want to ride

the bench for the winning team.

They know that things aren't going well for them personally, but they want to feel

like they're on the right side.

And that helps to explain the appeal of someone like a Donald Trump who, of course, himself

is a failure but has the skills to present himself as a success and can get people thinking,

"Yeah, I want to be on that team.

I'm not going to do any better economically, but I'm going to feel better about myself,

because I'm on the winning team, I'm on what it feels like the winning team."

So the whole thing about best interests has to be seen as a project.

You have to educate people, you have to take anxiety away by providing certain basic things

like schooling and pensions and vacations so people can pause and think a little bit

about themselves and their future.

If you don't provide those basic elements of (I would say) political civilization then

people are too anxious, it's hard for them to get their minds around what their interest

actually are.

And beyond that if you don't educate them positively towards thinking with both math

and with the humanities they're not going to get there anyway.

So it's a project.

A basic thing that we Americans forget—and a basic thing that politics of inevitability

shrouds—is that creating the individual is a project.

It takes a lot of work to create an individual.

I mean we want to have thinking individuals.

We want to have people who know what their best interests are.

We want to have people who go thoughtfully into that ballot box, but that's a project;

we're not born that way.

I mean as a father I can assure you that we are not born that way.

I think it's the noblest and best thing we do, to try to create individuals, but we

can't just leave it to chance, and I think that's where we go wrong.

One of the basic ways we go wrong with the politics of inevitability, we think, "Okay,

automatically we're going to be those kinds of rational people," but we're not automatically

those kinds of rational people.

I mean the irony is if you want to create individuals who can think about their own

best interests you have to, as a society, say, "We agree to make it a project to educate

and form such individuals."

For more infomation >> Why only individual thinking can reunite America | Tim Snyder - Duration: 4:15.


Racket Fury: Table Tennis - Launch Trailer | PS VR - Duration: 1:10.


For more infomation >> Racket Fury: Table Tennis - Launch Trailer | PS VR - Duration: 1:10.


Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse Trailer 2 REACTION - Duration: 5:22.

so just to reiterate I am super excited like I couldn't be more excited about

this movie for three reasons alright three main reasons the first is that I

am a huge Miles Morales fan I've been a fan since issue number one and on a sad

side note it's really a shame you can feel the loss of Brian Michael Bendis

from the title he of course infamously left Marvel for DC it was quite the DC

coup but again I'm sure they'll be able to find somebody who can take over the

title but they haven't found them yet and I think it's gonna be a bit of a

process but you know people I think incorrectly called Myles just a Peter

Parker ripoff right a token character that couldn't be more wrong so I'm

excited for you to properly for many people to properly meet miles and see

what I see also adult Peter Parker how awesome is

that he's been an adult in the comics for quite some time even though he never

seems to grow up in the movies it's awesome so I'm excited for mainstream

audiences to get to see that too inspired choice on his voice and then

also I and this is something many of us have discussed we want to see animated

movies in the West become something that moves it moves beyond being just Family

Fare now make no mistake I think families will hopefully we'll hopefully

families will be interested in this it's coming out at a very competitive time at

the box office but I want adults to see it too and you know for it for animation

to become something that can tackle subjects that have you know great action

sequences and can make bold bold artistic choices again right something

that I think's been missing from animation a little bit these days even

the big movies so so let's take a look I know it's long to put on the movie but I

think you can take it all right here we go oh boy it's almost three minutes

what makes you different is what makes you spider-man spider-man swings in once

a day's little mask and answers to no one I love you

spider-man at least that's what I thought you hear the supercollider

need all of this

amazing hey guys who are you I'm Gwen Stacy another French

it's mine

what makes you different is what makes you spider-man

that is so good oh I hope people see this I'm really nervous people aren't

gonna go please go and see this only on big screens this Christmas I know that

you have a lot of options but as I said this is really important for like a

number of reasons it looks so good I love how everybody has their own unique

awesome style all right we're gonna break this down but I thought it just

looked really really fabulous it's just and I like that again I said bold

artistic choices that's so important and I I just would like to see I'd like to

see that in live-action too quite frankly I mean just cuz something's

mainstream and I hope this is mainstream doesn't mean that you can't do the

absolute best that you can I just think it's amazing I think it's fabulous so

share your thoughts down below thank you for watching with me and of course as

always you can check out some more videos right now

For more infomation >> Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse Trailer 2 REACTION - Duration: 5:22.


Signs That You've Become A Toxic Gamer - Duration: 5:54.

Nothing compares to coming home after a long day of work, grabbing a cold one, and booting

up your video game platform of choice…until your teammate starts cursing you out for no

good reason, of course.

"Jim, are you using the mp40 or the 44?"

"Um, sniper rifle?"

"Sniper rifle?"


Are you playing for the other team?"


You can't...You don't snipe in Carrington!"

Do you have a friend or loved one that suffers from being a total jerk-and-a-half?

Well, he or she might just be a toxic gamer.

And if you find yourself regularly fragging your teammates for a laugh, or busting out

the ol' tea set every now and again, then guess what?

You might be one too.

You're a fanboy

Let's face it: the internet is lousy with fanboys, and fangirls.

From your garden-variety anime Otaku to your Whovian extraordinaire, if it exists, chances

are it has a dedicated fandom somewhere out in the interwebs.

Still, there's nothing inherently wrong with fanboy-ism.

That is, until you apply it to video games.

In the gaming world, a fanboy is almost like a soldier who's been enlisted by their favorite

console to go to war.

And every platform has its own brand of fanboy who champions their favorite brand above all


It's all part of a nonsensical war between gamers, and none of it is constructive.

The truth is, if you write all other platforms off, you're missing a lot of great games.

And you're helping further the narrative that gamers are immature.

It's a really ugly look, you guys.

"The conclusion is that, uhhh… you're ugly."


You talk down to teammates

There are a lot of gamers who look back fondly on the birth of Xbox Live's voice chat feature.

"Dude, they can hear me, and I can hear them!"

"Grasshopper's got his Xbox communicator and so does Road Hog and Oil Slick.

And anyone else who's playing can use one too!"

Fast forward to the present day, and you might be wondering why players don't speak up in

games anymore.

Well, the answer's simple: voice chat has become toxic.

And people who talk down to their teammates are a big part of the problem.

This is most prominent in competitive games like Overwatch.

It's not uncommon for teammates to get on one another's case about the characters they

choose, their play style, or both.

Those who just want to play and have fun will inevitably mute chat and opt out of using

a headset altogether.

And we can't blame them.

There's a reason we play video games, and it's not so we can experience bootcamp without

leaving the sanctity of our living rooms.

Oh well.

At least gamers don't talk like those guys in cringy scripted multiplayer demos.

"Ooooh, there are a lot of Scars down there.

Aw, the Scars have a heavy."

"'Bout time to use that mortar."

You rage quit on the reg

In most video games, quitting isn't that big a deal.

In a Madden game, for instance, you're typically playing a one-on-one matchup, and your opponent

quitting nets you the win you were probably going to get anyway.

Where quitting becomes a problem is in games with many players, where the loss of a teammate

or opponent can make the rest of the game, or even getting into a new game, a torturous


In games with 4-on-4 multiplayer like Destiny 2, having a teammate drop out of a game you're

losing makes snagging a comeback an even steeper uphill climb.

Or, take for instance Friday the 13th: Everyone wants to play as Jason.

Unfortunately, there can be only one.

This leads to players backing out of games until they can play as the villain, slowing

the matchmaking process down for everyone else.

Have some honor.

If you start a game, finish it, if not for yourself, then for the other players rounding

out your experience.

You're a griefer

According to the Oxford Dictionary, which does, indeed, have a definition for this,

a griefer is "a person who harasses or deliberately provokes other players or members in order

to spoil their enjoyment."

These are players who enter into online play not to accomplish anything substantial, but

instead, to get on the nerves of those who have logged on to have fun.

If you've ever wound up with a griefer in your game, you're well aware of what these

people are out to do.

They're the players in Elite: Dangerous who worked to interfere with the final space voyage

of a terminally ill cancer patient.

Or invaded the Minecraft server of a nine-year-old kid.

When it comes to toxic gamers, griefers are the worst of the worst.

If you derive your happiness by making other players miserable, you're one of them.

And you're objectively a bad person.

Shame on you.

We award you no points.

"And may God have mercy on your soul."

You file false reports

Being good at a video game is a double-edged sword.

With victory comes undeniable glory, but some people are just sore losers, and they won't

hesitate to accuse you of cheating or even report you for your alleged shenanigans.

"But I didn't do anything!

I didn't do ANYTHING!!"

The kicker?

There's nothing you can do about it, even if you're totally innocent on all counts.

Xbox Live in particular is ripe for abuse on this front, and the worst part is that

some games herd players with multiple reports together: think of it as a bad place for bad

players to do bad things to one another.

This makes it harder for you to matchmake, all because you were better at a video game

than someone else.

If you've ever reported someone for cheating just because you lost, you're only adding

to the toxic environment so prevalent in games today.

Please stop.

You harass developers

Spewing an endless barrage of obscenities at your teammates is one thing: taking out

your pent-up, juvenile rage on the devs who put their blood, sweat, and tears into making

the games you love is a whole 'nother.

It's not constructive criticism, it's bullying, regardless of any good intentions.

"Am I wrong?"

"No, you're not wrong."

"Am I wrong?"

"You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an a--hole."

Look, we get it: gamers are a passionate bunch, and they've never exactly shied away from

voicing their opinions, especially when that good old-fashioned mob mentality sets in.

But trolling creators for literally no good reason, rallying the troops to wreak havoc

across social media platforms, and even barraging developers with death threats is no way to

get a point across.

In the end, all it does is ruin everybody's day and make gamers look like mindless jerks.

Sooo, thanks for that.

For more infomation >> Signs That You've Become A Toxic Gamer - Duration: 5:54.


Зачем нужен секс? Гипотезы ученых - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Зачем нужен секс? Гипотезы ученых - Duration: 4:02.


Live in the D: Last call for Mega March for Animals! - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Live in the D: Last call for Mega March for Animals! - Duration: 2:34.


You're Doing It Wrong: This Is How To Fold T-Shirts (so you can "file" them in your drawers) - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> You're Doing It Wrong: This Is How To Fold T-Shirts (so you can "file" them in your drawers) - Duration: 1:37.


Words Matter | As You Are - Duration: 1:01.

So coming out in 2012,

one of my biggest fears

was that my coaches, my former teammates,

or anyone who I played with,

whether high school, college or on the pros

would reject me.

I didn't think that being gay,

being black, and being an athlete

could ever coexist.

The world tells you from the time that

you're probably three years old

that being gay has no value.

And one of my teammates specifically asked me,

you know, "Did you not tell me

because of something that I did?"

And I said, "Yeah, you know

you all used homophobic and sexist language.

And whether it was directed at me or not,

it made me feel that the space of sports

would never embrace me for openly identifying as gay."

And what was just so amazing

was that all of them,

you know, accepted me.

And when we make these issues personal

we can truly have change and transformation.

For more infomation >> Words Matter | As You Are - Duration: 1:01.


Kinder Egg Challenge Episode 1 Monster Truck Marker Illustration - Duration: 12:10.

Hello, and welcome back to Jenna Gets Creative. Today we are doing Episode 1

of my brand-new art challenge: The Kinder Egg Art Challenge.

If you're in a country doesn't have Kinder Surprise, or if you can't have candy, and you

still want to participate, by all means! Grab some other blind bag toy situation

substitute that in and participate in this challenge. Get your Kinder

Surprise egg or any other blind bag toy situation as I said, crack it open,

find out what the toy is, and that is your drawing prompt. You can be as

literal or as loose as you like. In this one I got a truck. Now, it is a racing

truck. It's part of a 4-piece collection set where they all have this little

launcher thing that isn't as effective as you might think, but they're not your

typical NASCAR racing cars and trucks, so I decided to be a bit more loose in my

prompt here and just took the prompt of "truck" and I decided to do a tiger themed

monster truck. Despite the fact that I did study engineering for two years, I

am NOT an automotive/ mechanically minded person. I've never really been interested

in the inner workings of cars and trucks. So I am going completely cartoony,

children's book illustration here. I know that the mechanics underneath the truck

that you're gonna see make absolutely no sense. They're not supposed to!

It's a cartoony, children's book illustration monster truck styled to

look like a tiger. Forgive me! I was looking at some reference photos and I

was trying to get all the teeny little details and I'm going "what is that and

where does it go?" and "it joins up where?!"

"which part is actually attached to this part?" and it was just so complicated, and

it was taking so long and it was starting to look so much more

complicated and messy than the other parts of the truck. It just didn't look

good. So I went with this super simplistic nonsense gravity-defying

design in there just to fill up the space and that's ok.

Sometimes that's how art works!

As I said, it's the Kinder Egg Challenge, but you can do any other blind bag toy set up if you

don't have Kinder eggs where you are, or if you can't have chocolate (you poor soul)

It's all good! If you want to do this, let me know, tag me. We're gonna use the

hashtag- will I get sued if I use "Kinder" in it? I guess we're too late. Yeah, let's

do #KinderEggChallenge I don't know, maybe Kinder will sponsor me!

(Are you listening, Kinder? I love your stuff!)

For those of you who have been watching for a while, or who have gone back through

my archive of videos, you may know that I also have the challenge series No-Box

Art Box, and that currently only has one episode in it. I know! I'm sorry! I promise

I will do more of that very soon. I keep intending to do it, but

you see when I invented the No-Box Art Box challenge, I wasn't actually

subscribed to any subscription boxes and then shortly after I conceived of it I

subscribed to ScrawlrBox and then I started trying out SketchBox as well,

and so so much of my schedule for those Tuesday art videos is already taken up

by subscription boxes, and I've got so much going on right now

that my Friday bonus videos are generally other things. So, yeah, I'm

making excuses. But that's what's going on, and we will get back to that. We will

have some more No-Box Art Box soon. I promise! You may also have noticed that

it is now October. This is Tuesday October 2nd and oh my goodness where has

the time gone? Why is it October already? My little girl turns 1 in 9 days! How did

that happen?! But you are here watching an art video,

so that probably means that you know about Inktober. If you don't, Inktober is the

month-long challenge where you make artwork every day of the month -or you

know, as many days of month as possible- using ink. Interpret that how you will.

Some people only use pen and ink. Some people use digital ink and basically

just do digital artwork but not doing any painterly style to it. Some

people do marker like this. I guess this counts, even though I did it in September

because I do my videos a bit ahead. Yeah. Make art and ink. Share it with the world

for all of October Now Inktober- there are official Inktober

pages on all of the major social media platforms, so you can easily go find

those and find their official list of prompts for each day. Use that if you

want to. You don't have to. It's not a rule! There are also other renditions.

there's Linktober. Link as in the main character in the Zelda video game

series. So, will I be participating? Heck yes!

I do intend to take inspiration from both of those lists, but some days I'll

do things that aren't on either list well.

We'll see. I'm also participating in a daily themed prompt challenge in one of

the Amino communities that I'm a part of, so maybe sometimes those will be my

Inktober pieces. Now, as I said, my daughter is turning one, so that's an

exciting time and my mother is actually flying in from out of provence to spend

a week with us celebrate that, so there may be some days where I don't end up doing

anything for Inktober, and that would be unfortunate, but it's probably gonna

happen. As I said, I do put my videos up ahead of time, and of course I've got all

that going on, so you won't actually see all that many speedpaint video uploads

that are Inktober themed in October. You'll probably see some spillover into

November, but if you want to see what I'm up to for Inktober just about every

single day, make sure you're following me on Instagram. If I am posting anywhere on

my social media about art, that's where I'm posting. I post on Facebook and

Twitter when I have a new video out, just to make sure people following me there

know about it, but I just I don't get the interaction there that I get on

Instagram and on Amino, so those are the places where I'm sharing my art all the

time, even if it's not a video or not completed yet for a video. So yes, follow

me on Instagram if you want to see what I'm doing for up to Inktober as I'm

doing it, and just follow me on social media in general. Share your art with me!

I love to see everybody else's art. It's so inspiring. It's so much fun and I

would really really like to start sharing other people's art and featuring

other artists and craft artists in my end cards, and in order to do that I need

people sharing stuff with me and giving me permission to do that, so by all means

follow me on social media. I'll link all of my pages down below

and tag me in things, shout me out, and I will interpret that that you want

me to take a look at things and maybe share it when I have stuff to share. I'm

gonna start doing that. I'm gonna start giving people art shoutouts in my end

cards. I'm really looking forward to it. So yeah, come on come, give me content

to share! A random little interlude, here, before I get to the end of the video

stuff. I have been watching Jessica Kellgren-Fozard's series on closed

captioning and how to do that on YouTube, and why you should do it. If you haven't

seen it, I'm gonna link to the first video in her series up in the iCard

right now. Please do go watch it. Did you know that 80% of people using closed

captions on YouTube are not deaf or hard-of-hearing? It's true! There's plenty

of situations where you might need them or they might be useful even though you

can actually hear, and believe it or not having a closed captioning file attached

to your video improves your search ranking because search engines and the

YouTube algorithm can read that content much better than they can read the

actual audio component of your video file. So yeah, it's like having an extra

good, extra long description, and unless you're transcribing everything down in

your description, you're not going to get these results. It's great! Check it out.

All right welcome, to the end of the video. We are almost done here. I will

link my website, my Red Bubble merch shop, and all of my social media platforms

down below. Please go ahead and follow me. Check out my portfolio.

Check out my merch store if you like what I do. If you don't see something up

there that you have seen in my videos and are interested in getting it, shoot me a

message! Remind me to update my store!

Tell me which design you're looking for, what item you want to see it on,

all that good stuff. If you are new here, you probably don't know yet, but I

am running a giveaway. The entry period starts on Friday! The bonus video coming

out on Friday will explain it. It is open internationally, but you

must be subscribed to be eligible, so go ahead and subscribe, ring that bell for

notifications (because hitting subscribe does not do what it used to). If you liked

this video, go ahead and hit like. Leave a comment. It really helps with the YouTube

algorithm, and I love reading your comments. I do make an effort to reply

and I do usually pin a comment, it could be yours! So thank you guys. I will see

you on Thursday. Bye!

For more infomation >> Kinder Egg Challenge Episode 1 Monster Truck Marker Illustration - Duration: 12:10.


Simulation Reveals Spiraling Supermassive Black Holes - Duration: 2:14.


This computer simulation shows two supermassive black holes orbiting each other.

It's helping scientists learn what kind of light a real black hole binary system might produce.


An outer ring of gas surrounds the whole system,

and a mini disk surrounds each black hole.

Streams of gas connect the disks.


Magnetic and gravitational forces heat up the gas,

Producing UV and X-ray light.


The amount of gas flowing in the system

and our viewing angle


can alter what we'll see.


Intense gravity bends space-time.

The light follows a warped path and is distorted, as with a lens.


This also creates an "eyebrow" next to one black hole

caused by light from glowing gas immediately outside the other.


Scientists haven't yet seen a supermassive black hole merger,

but simulations like this are preparing them for what they'll find.



NASA Astrophysics



For more infomation >> Simulation Reveals Spiraling Supermassive Black Holes - Duration: 2:14.


Top 10 Military Planes - Duration: 12:49.

Military aircraft represent the pinnacle of high technology and they're an indispensable

part of modern fighting forces. Air superiority or the ability to control the airspace over

a battlefield is a fundamental part of military strategy. Today's air forces deploy a wide

range of specialized aircraft to carry out specific missions including surveillance,

bombing, and fighting. So here are 10 of the top military planes up in the sky.

Killer Drone

The MQ-1 Predator is probably the weapon system most associated with the Global War on Terror.

Officially the are referred to as remotely piloted aircraft or unmanned aerial vehicles,

but long ago "drone" became the common term used by most military personnel and civilians

alike. Originally these drones were designed for surveillance and forward observations

missions, but their potential as a weapon system soon became clear. The Predator and

other armed drones have been used with impressive and terrifying results over many battlefields

including Iraq, Afghanistan, and Yemen. With pilots sitting in a room hundreds of miles

from the battlefield, Predators can launch missiles at enemy targets with no risk to

the airmen. These relatively cheap aircraft become the bane of any enemy, as that enemy

never know when one of these killers will appear in the skies overhead. The standoff

push-button nature of these weapons has made them controversial in some circles. This seems

odd in a world of increasing automation and artificial intelligence. Since the Predator

was first deployed almost two decades ago many advances have been made in drone technology

including more powerful weapons and sensors and even stealth technology that make them

very difficult for an enemy to defend against.

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Fortress In The Sky

Most of the top military planes are sleek jets that streak through the sky as speeds

approaching the sound barrier. The B-52 Stratofortress is not one of these planes. This venerable

workhorse of the United States Air Force had its maiden flight back in April 1954. The

massive jet plane has a wingspan of 185 feet and is 159 feet long. As a heavy bomber, it

is capable of carrying a payload of up to 70,00 pounds. The Stratofortress can carry

a wide range of deadly munitions including "dumb" gravity bombs, GPS and laser-guided

"smart" bombs and cruise missiles. Since their debut during the Cold War B-52s have also

regularly trained to carry and deliver nuclear bombs over enemy targets. Because this plane

is relatively slow the crew of 5 airmen relies on the plane's ability to fly at over 50,000

feet to stay out of harm's way. To make sure the bomber get through, however, fighter escorts

would likely accompany the bombers on high-risk missions over targets where they would be

in danger of getting shot down. Although not as glamorous as jet fighters this bomber has

more than made up for it with decades of reliable service that has saved many American lives

on battlefields around the world. The B-52 has been flying since the first decade of

the Cold War and with regular modifications and upgrades, it will likely be flying for

decades to come.

It's Raining Bullets

The A-10 Thunderbolt is a unique aircraft among military jets because instead of a plane

with weapons added to it the A-10 was conceived essentially as a giant gun with warplane built

around it. This armored ground attack plane is also known as the Warthog because it is

not known for sleek lines and graceful maneuvers, but for ugly, brute force. Although it often

carries a mix of missiles and bombs, this plane's brute force is mainly provided by

the plane's 30x173 mm GAU-8/A Avenger auto-cannon. This is the Air Force's way of saying it's

a really scary gun that can do a lot of damage. This impressive cannon fires large depleted

uranium armor-piercing shells that can devastate most armored vehicles. These impressive rounds

were designed to penetrate the armor of Soviet tanks in the event that the Cold War turned

hot in Europe. The A-10's effectiveness was demonstrated during the 1991 fight against

Saddam Hussein's armored forces during Operation Desert Sword. Much faster and more advanced

jets continue to come into service, but the A-10 remains a reliable and comforting weapon

that infantry units love to see flying over the battlefield. They have nearly been retired

from service several times, but their effectiveness will likely keep them flying well in the next


Might As Well Jump

Combat aircraft have been flying since World War One and one of their weaknesses are that

most of them need a fairly long runway to be effective. Finally, a British company developed

a revolutionary airplane in 1969 capable of vertical takeoffs and landings. These so-called

jump jets opened up the possibility of operating from smaller ships at sea and primitive landing

zones much as a helicopter is able to do. But this capability doesn't come cheap in

terms of cost and performance and they simply can't match up with more conventional planes

like the F-22 Raptor. The American Marine Corps took an interest in them and flies a

version called the AV-8B Harrier. The USMC flies them from the decks of amphibious assault

ships and uses them in a ground attack role much like the Air Force uses the A-10 Thunderbolt.

Because of their unique ability to take off and land vertically, they had to trade off

other capabilities. These planes usually carry a smaller payload and are not as fast as conventional

aircraft. Nevertheless, these warplanes have performed well in combat have earned the right

to fly with the other top military planes. In the long term, they are slated to be replaced

by a variant of the American F-35 Lightning.

A Dragon Takes Flight

The Chengdu J-20 Stealth fighter made its public debut at an airshow in 2016 and it

officially deployed with Chinese Air Force units in February of 2018. Many aviation analysts

are wondering how China's 5th generation stealth fighter will stack up against America's top

military planes like the F-35 and the F-22. Some analysts have concluded, based on what's

publicly available about the J-20, that it doesn't quite measure up - at least not yet.

The J-20's engines are believed to be inadequate for the size and weight of the fighter and

its stealth capabilities are not at the level of the F-22. One possible solution for these

issues involves the Russians. China has purchased some of Russia's advanced fighters and some

observers believe China intends to harvest the technology from these planes in order

to improve their own technology. Like the F-35 Lightning, the Chinese Air Force wants

the J-20 to fulfill multiple roles as a fighter and interceptor and as a ground attack plane.

Some analysts have contended that although the J-20 is impressive on paper they doubt

that its actual performance will be able to live up to the hype - at least in the short

term. Experts will continue to study the new plane and continue to assess its capabilities

as it evolves. It's true value, however, will only be known if or when it's used in combat.

Bat Wing

The F-117 Nighthawk is a cool looking plane that could be mistaken for Batman's Batwing,

but developers were concerned that the Air Force's best pilots wouldn't want to fly the

strange looking plane. Although the F-117 is in fact designed as and used as a bomber,

it was designated a "Fighter" by its creators. This ploy was used to help coax skeptical

pilots who wanted to fly fighters into giving the ungainly machine a try. The plane is not

built for speed or maneuverability it is built to trick radar operators into thinking what

they're seeing on their screens isn't a plane. The F-117 took advantage of all the state

of the art technology of its day including metallurgy, electronics and even the chemical

composition of paint to thwart enemy radar. However, it is the plane's strange shape with

its many angles that reduce its radar signature. This diamond shape means that only small amounts

of radar energy are reflected back to the radar operative at any given moment so it

would look like a flock of birds on the screen, but not a bomber. The Nighthawk debuted during

the 1991 Gulf War, flying at night over Baghdad to hit sensitive regime targets despite heavy

anti-aircraft defenses designed by the Soviet Union. While this plane had a remarkable record

it was eventually replaced by the bigger and even stealthier B-2 bombers that still fly

missions to this day.

Lightning Strikes

The F-35 Lightning has been criticized from the get-go as too expensive and too complex

to be a viable replacement for some of the U.S. military's aging squadrons. From the

beginning, this plan was designed to replace several different planes. When this happens

is still a question, but versions of the F-35 have been deployed since 2006. Like the F-22

the F-35 maintains its stealth capabilities when fully armed and fuelled because both

are stored internally. There are three main variations of the jet. The standard version

is flown by the Air Force and can carry a heavy load of missiles and bombs. The Navy

variation of this plane has been fitted with a tail hook so they can take off and land

on the deck of an aircraft carrier. The Marine Corps version is capable of vertical takeoffs

and landings. And the USMC version usually is deployed aboard amphibious assault ships

and, much like the aging Harrier, will be able to operate from primitive landing strips.

The F-35 is a compromise between stealth, power, and weapons which makes it a versatile

aircraft. However, it has also made it controversial because some analysts believe this type of

design resulted in a less effective jet than otherwise could have been built. These analysts

point to the F-22 as an example of what can be achieved. This criticism could prove to

be unfair and only time and its performance in combat will reveal its true worth.

Death From Above

Military technology is a long way from developing an actual cloaking device that can make aircraft

disappear like we are used to in science fiction movies. However, until we really can make

things invisible the B-2 Spirit Bomber is a pretty good substitute. Unlike the F-117

with its harsh angles and straight edges, the B-2 uses smooth surfaces and top secret

materials to hide from the searching signals of enemy radar systems. Work on the B-2 Spirit

got underway during the Carter administration in the late 1970's, but the stealth bomber

didn't make its first flight until Reagan's second term in 1989. It remains the only true

stealth bomber in the world and the U.S. Air Force has plans on the drawing board to replace

the B-2 with an even more advanced plane. The B-2 can carry a range of different payloads

including up to 80 500 lb. GPS guided bombs or 16 nukes. Only 20 of this amazing piece

of technology were built due to the end of the Cold War and their high cost which is

reportedly a little over a billion dollars per plane. With aerial refueling the B-2 has

nearly unlimited range and routinely flies to targets several thousand miles from its

base. The Spirit has had a nearly perfect operational record since it was first deployed

during the Kosovo War in 1999. It has since seen combat deployments over dangerous places

like Iraq and Afghanistan.

This Blackbird Sings

If there's a trophy for coolest plane ever than the SR-71 probably ought to get it. This

formidable looking jet was retired from military service years ago, but it still looks ahead

of its time hurtling through the atmosphere more like a starfighter from a movie than

a plane. The SR-71 Blackbird made its first flight in 1964 and was a highly effective

spy plane during the height of the Cold War with the Soviet Union. It was sent on dangerous

missions over sensitive targets like Soviet missile bases. The plane didn't carry any

weapons and relied on its truly impressive speed of Mach 3 that allowed it to outrun

any other plane in the air. The sleek design was an early attempt at stealth to evade enemy

radar. And the plane's dark blue paint (not black despite its name) also helped to deflect

radar signals. This combination of speed and stealth made it very difficult for surface

to air missiles to track and acquire the Blackbird. By the time the enemy radars locked on to

it, the SR-71 was streaking out of range of the missiles. These capabilities proved to

be very effective and no Blackbird was ever shot down during their more than 20 years

of service. Although aircraft technology has evolved greatly since the Blackbird's day

this formidable weapon still ranks as one of the top military planes ever.

Birds of Prey

The F-22 Raptor is the U.S. Air Force's premier 5th generation tactical air superiority fighter.

The Air Force considers this fighter to be superior to all enemy fighters currently deployed

or in development. The plane's advanced stealth capabilities, avionics, and aerodynamic performance

make it the most deadly fighter ever flown. However, its high cost and the fact that it

has no peers to challenge it convinced Congress to limit the plane's production to only 187

aircraft. With Russia and China aggressively rearming, this decision could soon be seen

as very short-sighted. Some critics of the F-22 argue that the F-35 is a good alternative

to the more pricey F-22. While the F-35 is indeed a fine aircraft, it seems odd to deny

the military the very best weapons that are available to them. Many politicians seem to

have calculated that a major war will not break out any time soon and the awesome capabilities

of the F-22 will not be needed. We hope this is true, but it seems a little short-sighted

for a national security policy. In the meantime, this plane made its first combat deployment

over Syria in 2014. Although the Raptor flew a number of bombing missions and at least

one close air support mission, its primary role was reconnaissance. For now, at least,

the F-22 is the top military plane in the world.

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