ruv up your engines, Brian says Scotty my automatic lexus is 300
takes forever to shift between first and second the RPM stay high and then jerks on
next gear is my transmission dying, yes it is everything eventually breaks, like
somebody said to me one time, oh Scotty he always talked about Toyota's they don't
break everything, breaks eventually because of friction it's just a matter
of the time frame, now if you have a car and it took thirty years or five hundred
thousand miles to break you got your money's worth right, but if you buy a car
like a Chrysler and it falls apart at 70,000 miles and it's six years old or
four years old, you didn't get your money's worth, so you know it all
depends on how long it takes friction to break the thing down and that's just
flat wearing and they do cost a fortune to rebuild correctly on those lexuses there's
no arguing that but, the fortune Invader says Scotty what do you think of buying a
2007 Porsche 911 as a weekend car it has low mileage I heard they're reliable is this
true, I don't know who you're listening to, now here's the thing if you can get
it cheap they have one of the worst resale values in the world, so if you get
that thing cheap and you want it as a weekend car go right ahead
just realize you don't want to pay much, I'll give you a perfect example, I got a
Customer that bought that same car and he bought that car and they paid like seventeen
thousand dollars for it and they thought they got a deal, I said deal, I said
I wouldn't give him five grand for that car, because they're endless money pits
as they age, but if it's a toy and you find a guy like me to check it out
before you buy it, don't ever buy one of those without having a mechanic check it
out, I've got fancy equipment and all mechanics do like, my scan tool here that's
a five thousand dollar scan tool, when we hook these things up we can
look at all the data, see what kind of shape, but it might be a good shape but
don't pay much cuz they're endless money pits as they age and they have no resale
value, so if you can get it cheap and you want a toy, just don't buy it and drive
it everyday if it's just a weekend toy and it runs good don't pay too much
though, because even the book value on that thing is inflated, pay a lot less than
people are asking for them, Sean Ling says Scotty I got 1990 Celica the RPM goes
up and down a little bit when it's idling is that normal Thanks, well it's
normal for a vehicle that's what that thing is
twenty nine years old, what you want to do is, I've got a good video for that
that's called, make your engine run better with a little spray cleaner you
get 2 cans of cleaner that cost like $14 for both of them
combined and follow the directions on that to clean them, the other thing is if
you have a vacuum leak it'll do that, when you get a vacuum leak in your
engine, it sucks air so the computer keeps trying to compensate for the idle
so it will go up and down a little as a sucking air, so check for leaks especially
on an old thing like that, a lot of times it's just one of those stupid rubber
vacuum hoses they get old and then they crack and shrink and fall off and you
can have a simple vacuum leak it's pretty typical on a car that's that old,
page Foster says why does a 2003 Civic Hybrid CVT with 80,000 miles shudder on
initial takeoff, okay unfortunately you got a hybrid CVT, odds are you got a
problem in the CVT transmission shuttering, that's one reason I tell
people not to buy used hybrid cars or expect to keep them for a really long
time, you said that's a 2003 okay it's a sixteen-year-old hybrid when
those CVT transmissions break down or the hybrid drive system breaks down
you're gonna be spending thousands and thousands and thousands, I had a guy was
one of those and I told him get rid of it you're nuts so he wanted to fix it so he
ended up taking it to the Honda dealer and it ended up costing him like $6,500 to fix it, the car wasn't
even worth near that, so you know take it to any good mechanic who knows cynics
and hybrids and have them hook up that fancy machine like I just showed and see
what he says, but from my experience with those it's the CVT going out and it's
more money than the vehicles worth to fix it and if it shutters a little but goes okay
otherwise, just drive it that way, Sky dog says I got an 2003 f-150 4.6 it
keeps losing oil pressure and there's engine noise would it be the oil pump, well
that's the most obvious thing, what you want to pray is, have somebody drop the
oil pan, put a new oil pump and pray it's just the oil pump, if it still
doesn't once you put a new oil pump in, that would mean the engine bearings are
worn, then you'd have to rebuild the entire engine
and in that case if you like the truck your better just putting another engine
in, then you are fixing that one, August 24 why does my Nissan Micra k12 2005
burned so much oil, because it's a Nissan Micra you kind of answered your own
question, they're kind of cheaply made engines, now what you want to do is
change your PCV valve, they don't cost much and if it is stuck open that will
suck oil from the crankcase and burn it more and those don't cost much, change
that but from my experience with those things, the piston rings wear out
the valve seals wear out and then they burn oil because the engine isn't sealing
anymore, if you want to find out how it's actually worn out, the video I have is about
how to do a compression test on your engine, watch that video, you use a
compression tester and you can see how worn out the engine actually is or pay a
mechanic to do the same test, so if you never want to miss another one of my new
car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!
For more infomation >> Why All Cars Eventually Break Down, Even Lexus - Duration: 5:04.-------------------------------------------
Nadia Batson - So Long (The Purple Heart Riddim) "2019 Soca" (Trinidad) - Duration: 3:04.
Nadia Batson - So Long (The Purple Heart Riddim) "2019 Soca" (Trinidad)
Marco da Paz em Ubatuba e Padre José de Anchieta - O que fazer no centro de Ubatuba - Ep#04 - Duration: 2:59.
Hello, InGen Bot, how are you? this is the first time I come to this
channel and would like you to visit our InGen aircraft pages and the
jen and also before you go we would like to say that the channel vote
Jurassic Clips and boat and all channels affiliated to this bolsonaro 17
now stay with video
omega the auro deny them aurus book kandir and the big greek lizard o
great feat was a theropod dinosaur carnivore and biped which lived during the
average Jurassic period from eight to nine meters in length and weighed around
of two tonnes an unusual feature of this
dinosaur is short and very short neck strong
adapted to sustain its enormous head had a giant jaw and
force of a terrible predator had large, sharp shaped teeth
of saw and claws on forelegs to shred his prey point was
found in the slate mines said toner fielden oxfordshire in england
in 1818 denying them auro lived in the region which is today Europe in the middle of 1676
was found in england the first fossilized dinosaur bone
however at the time nobody had idea that it was an animal
pre-historic period then considered the bone as being from a giant man
mentioned in the bible later in 1815 william in what tangue
studied fossils discovered in the same region but knowledge was already
mature enough to understand that such bones belonged to a large
prehistoric animal christened to deny it sauros on the bone of 1676 never again
I heard news but everything seems to treated the femur of a deny them auro
adult thus denying them auro was the first
dinosaur to be discovered besides being the first dinosaur
scientifically described in the year 1824 by its discoverer william of the clan to
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URS Qawwali 2018 - ख्वाजा खबीर हसन - Dekhlo Shakal Meri Kiska Aaina - Duration: 8:15.
Dekhlo Shakal Meri Kiska Aaina
China's reaction: China is confused with the UK in the future Hong Kong problem? - Duration: 6:02.
China is confused with the UK in the future Hong Kong problem? (Translated by
Chinese media reported that a reporter for a Chinese broadcasting station, CCTV, was released after being charged unfairly.
At the annual meeting of the British Conservative Party, a female reporter from China 's Central Broadcasting Service was arrested on suspicion of further violence in the Hong Kong symposium.
The Chinese Embassy in the UK and the Central Bureau protested by announcing the statement.
As a result, British police reported that the Chinese embassy had been released in a short period of time under pressure from solemn expressions and public opinion.
The official of the Central Broadcasting Station pointed out that "any attempt to divide China is irrelevant to the flow of history."
"Britain spreads the freedom of the press on the job, but it is not accepted at all, as it interferes with the Chinese reporter's question and binds the recruits."
"We demand the Conservative Party human rights commission to suspend the intervention of China's internal affairs and do not reach out to Hong Kong's affairs, and the person in charge of the meeting asks the Chinese reporter to apologize."
At the same time, he said to the British side, "We seek to ensure that journalists take appropriate measures to ensure that such incidents do not take place by guaranteeing legitimate rights."
Chinese media are calling for the independence of Hong Kong and Hong Kong, which raised the Hong Kong-related issues by the Conservative Party Human Rights Committee and the NGO Hong Kong Watch.
The main Chinese media have not reported that this reporter has been arrested for violence and violence after wielding violence against student volunteers.
Article Source:
China's reaction
What is the responsibility of the person who brave his country?
It is only once under the influence of the unsportsmanlike conduct that causes China to divide by doing anti-China activities outside the country.
The reporters of the Central Station of the Central Station are bones, so the people of the country praise you very much.
A warrior of truth who boldly shouted!
Human rights violations! This is a suspicious Western democracy!
I was tearing this news! Praise the people's heroes.
I support this reporter by supporting the central station!
I love the professionalism of a patriotic journalist who keeps the dignity of his country, keeps the national innovation interests, and brawls bravely with the hostile counterparts.
I want to know the contents of the case.
Some Western empire schemes that cause China to collapse never change. The Chinese are very alert!
Britain is so hostile to China that it is unreliable in the country, and it is like the United States to do its whole heartedness.
Trade is only a means of making money, and you have to have a sense of bounds and stick to each other. It is a badger in the same hole as the United States.
It assumes that it does not interfere with the internal affairs of other countries. If other countries interfere with the internal affairs of China, we have a reason to interfere with the internal affairs of other countries.
We can also invite people from Northern Ireland, Scotland and Falkland Islands.
Britain must apologize for this.
Not to tell the chicken is unknown news. Was this reporter accused of doing something outside of the country?
There is no causal relationship of things, and everyone is in a position that does not know the truth.
Comment from:
Editing impressions (Japanese editor's thoughts)
It is my impression that it is England in the future while disturbance with Sweden still continues.
This is probably a very small part, and I think that all kinds of disputes are all over the world.
Even so, this incident is a part of China that is extremely sensitive and can not be tolerated in China.
The British Conservative Party invited the founder of the Hong Kong clock claiming Hong Kong rights and discussed Hong Kong's phenomenon.
It is said that the reporter of the central station ran in what opinion of Hong Kong independence autonomy and critical opinion to the Chinese central government would have faded away.
It is said to have climbed in so-called place, but seems to have been annoyed because it began to criticize beyond the rim of the sidewalk.
At some point she says, "You are a liar. It is halfway. We are trying to separate China. I can not even speak Chinese. It is all traitor "and sold.
It is report of Hong Kong South China Morning Post that volunteer student beat 2 ball to push her out of meeting place.
The role given to reporters in China is not to condemn it, but to report facts.
Why did she start to criticize her feelings beyond a line? I can not help saying that there is a problem with the quality of the reporter.
Asking critical questions is a natural right, but if you make a disturbing place, you will not be able to keep it as an organizer.
And Chinese media still giving apology to the people of China, but only a fragmentary report.
In this way, the relationship between the two parties has worsened.
It is a recurrence of the failure of the Swedish problem.
Thank you for watching.
I would appreciate your evaluation of the video if you do not mind.
It is fortunate that you can give me a favorable rating, bad value, and no specifications.
In addition, please register in channel if you are ok.
Salmos | SALMO 20 - "Oração A Favor do Rei" - Duration: 1:41.
Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 3D Active|AIRCO|MISTLAMPEN VOOR|EL.RAMEN|BLUETOOT - Duration: 0:52.
Carro siena com defeito intermitente no ventilador interno. Como resolver! - Duration: 2:07.
Joan Boyce 2pack Sequin Ray Tank Top - Duration: 8:36.
Laureta diz ao pai que matou Galdino por vingança - Duration: 2:58.
Laureta confessa crime para o pai — Foto: Globo Um segredo de muito tempo acaba de vir à tona: Nestor (Francisco Cuoco) e Laureta (Adriana Esteves) são pai e filha
Diante do caixão de Galdino (Narcival Rubens), a cafetina assume que matou o capanga por vingança e revela ter sofrido: "Eu comi o pão que o diabo amassou na mão de Galdino e da turminha dele, depois que o senhor foi preso! Imagine, eu, filha única, órfã, no meio deles!" A cafetina diz que agiu por vingança — Foto: Globo Nestor a ouve e se mostra ressentido: "Você mesma foi a culpada disso tudo! Eu só fui pego porque você, minha própria filha, me denunciou! E depois ainda se juntou a Galdino e sua turma! Você serviu a todos eles, de todas as formas!" Laureta afirma que, apesar de tê-lo entregado, ela foi uma vítima do grupo e implora pelo perdão do pai
Mas Nestor duvida da filha e pergunta o motivo dela ter mantido Galdino por tanto tempo como seu empregado, já que diz que o odiava tanto: "Eu queria humilhar esse verme, que ele pagasse dia após dia
Queria descontar todo ódio de uma vida, tudo que ele me fez, tudo que ele fez pro senhor, meu pai! Mas sinta-se vingado! Eu matei esse verme por nós dois!" Nestor não esconde o ódio que tem da filha — Foto: Globo Nestor se apavora com a filha e diz que não a considera mais: "Você foi a minha maior decepção, a minha maior derrota na vida, Laureta! Minha única filha, um monstro, uma psicopata sem sentimento algum por ninguém!" 03 Out Quarta-feira Laureta confessa a Nestor que assassinou Galdino para vingar os dois
Nestor questiona Laureta sobre sua mãe. Gorete e Clóvis planejam seu casamento, e Badu vibra
Dodô contrata Natalino para trabalhar no bar, e Gorete se desespera. Doralice desabafa com Naná sobre o pedido de separação de Ionan
Maura e Ionan vão juntos a um curso para gestantes. Nice e Maura desconfiam do comportamento de Agenor
Jennifer cobra mais dinheiro a Laureta para se passar por Emily. Severo confirma a Laureta que escondeu os diamantes contrabandeados para incriminar Roberval
Luzia lamenta com Groa e Cacau a morte de Galdino. Viana prende Roberval por tráfico de diamantes
Beto apresenta Emily a Luzia. Confira o resumo completo do dia e da semana! QUER FICAR POR DENTRO DE TUDO O QUE ROLA EM 'SEGUNDO SOL'? 👍 Veja como é fácil saber o que vai bombar em cada capítulo de Segundo Sol! O Gshow prepara podcasts diários para você acompanhar tudo o que acontece na trama em áudios de MP3
E tem mais: todos os sábados, após a exibição do capítulo, um resumo completo do que rolou na semana e muitos spoilers do que está por vir! Veja como é fácil: clique aqui para conferir os podcasts de Segundo Sol! Mais lidas do gshow 1 vem por aí Karola descobre que Remy está vivo e eles se unem contra Laureta 2 vem por aí Carmen descobre que Samuca sofreu acidente 3 Segundo Sol Resumo de 'Segundo Sol' da semana de 1 a 6 de outubro 4 vem por aí Rochelle diz que armou para cima de Roberval e eles selam a paz 5 vem por aí Michael e Santiago se encontram pela primeira vez após troca de cartas
Opel Corsa 1.4 90pk 5d Favourite - Duration: 0:58.
Volkswagen Caddy 1.6 TDi / AIRCO / R.ZIJDEUR - Duration: 1:07.
10 Chances: VW Tiguan é equipado e anda bem, mas espaço decepciona | Avaliação | Best Cars - Duration: 6:45.
PUBG а у тебя как дела ? - Duration: 11:54:57.
Opel Grandland X 1.2 Turbo 130pk Online Edition - Duration: 1:11.
Opel Mokka X 1.4 Turbo 140pk Start/Stop Online Edition - Duration: 1:11.
Opel KARL 1.0 Easytronic 75pk ROCKS Online Edition - Duration: 1:09.
Volkswagen Polo 1.2TSI/90PK ! 5DRS COMFORTLINE 35dKM - Duration: 0:49.
Ford Fiesta 1.0 EcoBoost 100pk 5drs Titanium Nieuw - Duration: 1:13.
Peugeot 107 1.0-12V XS / 5DRS / AIRCO - Duration: 1:07.
Ford Fiesta 1.0 65pk Style 5drs 1e Eigenaar - Duration: 1:12.
Why Northern Mexican Women Don't Get Harassed - Duration: 8:27.
Talking with the fabulous Loani Anderson and I we've just been chatting a little
bit earlier and but I'm fascinated because you're telling me that in your
town in Mexico which is called something young salty in south tio workplace
harassment is just not a thing that's correct and part of it is because
you're because of the culture of northern Mexican women that's correct
well during the revolution time here in Mexico there was something known as the
Adelitas and now the Lita's were the women who followed their men into the
revolution well the men died because they were the first ones and in the line
of fire so they took over they carried rifles
and you can see in a lot of stereotypical Mexican images and
photographs of women with the cartridges and the rifles in my hand so in the
northern part of Mexico that sheet the personality women in the northern part
of Mexico are very outspoken dare I say loudmouth do a lot of bad words and
there's this tendency that if somebody says something inappropriate or or
something that's just out of the the context of the conversation they will
actually push the guy you know like stop it and physically push them in and it's
something that the men here in northern Mexico are used to but aren't the men in
northern Mexico still physically larger than the women oh definitely definitely
in it and in Mexico we still have the the issue of the macho but I have a
cousin who calls this the in the macho that depends on the mother
so women represent the mother image so her mother says stop it the guy will
stop it so there's a tendency I guess for the
younger girls to to adopt the image of being the the mother and the guys
life so they're very tolerant especially when they're when they're couples of
course some women will go overboard and there's there's quite a few cases of
abuse in this area great hour you mean the men are tolerant of being pushed
around by women yes even though the men are bigger and more physically powerful
than women the culture is such that they just they don't men don't hit women
there's not violence against women very very few cases of it but then there's
always a backup system the friends the mother there's a lot of respect for
women so the you also said that there's a culture of women protecting women or
surrounding a man who is talking to a single law woman yes that's correct we
we normally go out in groups of women when we're single so if we go to a bar
or to a dance club if a guy approaches one of our girlfriends our instinct or
our tendency is to surround both of them and start talking to the guy so if the
guy has ill intentions he'll normally walk away but if he's relaxed he just
wants to have a wonderful conversation then he starts talking to the whole
group and then the rest of us slowly leave them alone Maibaum but let me just
ask this there's no feminist movement in northern Mexico you say are you saying
okay there's a feminist movement from a perspective of those women who are
abused but as in an everyday fight for the quality of salaries that doesn't
happen salaries are very level between men and women and it's not something
that we talk about it's not that I'm a woman and I'm powerful I could say that
maybe in northern Mexico it's given I'm not saying that they're not cases of
abuse I'm not saying that you know bad things don't happen but in a majority
women in northern Mexico are very assertive very knowledgable of their
power unfortunately some go over the limits of course well you
said also that there's is I think you say there's at least as much abuse of
men by women as vice versa yes that's correct that's correct and
how yeah how does that have that occur what does it look like what is the
domestic abuse of a man by his wife his woman look like what does it look like
okay with that with the coming in of large industries into the northern part
of Mexico the automotive industry comes the idea that what they're where there's
more money there's more power so since women are now working in the automotive
industry it's not the traditional stay-at-home mom anymore women are
feeling empowered because they have this economical bad tribute or they have a
lot of money now so they can control situations and of course another thing
that was brought in the difference to the United States is the other motive
industry there you work eight hours and here it's ten to twelve hours per day so
mom comes home she's tired maybe the husband came in an hour to before and he
hasn't done anything concerning the house of the kids and she will get
aggressive she will attack him she will diminish him emotionally which we know
is the first step to what would be the word to destroying somebody first it's
verbal you're not good enough you don't bring enough money home and it slowly
grows and grows and unfortunately I did have a case where she actually hit him
and the guys don't like get violent and drunk and violent and smack their wives
around for diminishing I'm not saying it doesn't have been always but the the
machismo everybody thinks that my cheese more is men go about feeding women and
stepping over them machismo has this thing that you can talk evil about any
woman don't talk about my mother so the macho is always hooked on to his
mother image and if a woman is tricky enough I'm not gonna say smart because I
don't I don't agree with this kind of behavior but if the woman is smart
enough to emulate this mother the image she can a way to get away with anything
so really we're really talking about at least in northern Mexico there's just a
completely different culture boys and girls are raised with a completely alien
that the sense of the roles of men and women than what we are used to here so
do you are you familiar do people here watch like American television do they
know about the meet you movement up here do they know what's going on in the US
and Cavanagh and Trump and all the grabbing of ghent they know about that
yes and so what and so what do they think about what a women in Mexico the
women do your clients are your therapist and you talk to people who have issues
but you have girlfriends and women's friends so what do they think about the
situation between men and women up in the north I had one girlfriend say well
all the women in America should come down for a couple of weeks and we'll
teach them well okay our beloved friend LuAnn Anderson your YouTube channel in
Telugu TV is on will businesses we'll put a link to it right here on this one
and of course you are our beloved friend and fellow follower of the great one
pick professor Peggy mans at the University of Chicago if you and I will
be seeing each other in just a few weeks in San Diego yes in the Society for
Neuroscience well buddy thank you very much for an amazing conversation
mind blown thank you
[YTP] Don't: Dream Simulator - Duration: 2:23.
(digital torture)
(digital torture)
(some digital nonsense)
(joyous day)
(the laughter of one who is dying inside, but unable to express it)
But that's cis
How can you sleep, if you don't sleep?
(slightly less joyous day because depression)
Looks like somebody's having a bad meme!
Can you file these, file these, file these please.
That sounds really boring
Fucking die...
Your voice is music to my fef
Uhh, yeah
I wonder what will happen?
I wonder what will happen?
I wonder what will happen?
I wonder what
I wonder
The Biggest Lesson Niecy Nash Learned in Her First Marriage | Black Love | Oprah Winfrey Network - Duration: 1:22.
The biggest lesson that I learned in my first marriage
was the importance of time.
I spent a lot of time living a lie,
and it was time I couldn't get back.
So standing in my truth, flat footed in that thing,
no matter what it cost me, has been the gift that I'm
taking into my new marriage.
I'm going to always tell my truth.
I'm going to click that light back on at 4 o'clock
in the morning and be like and another thing because I want
to make sure you completely hear me and you understand,
you know what I mean, my being, my point,
my thought processes, why I'm feeling like I'm feeling.
You know, that was a--
I learned it there in the old marriage,
and I flipped it in the new marriage.
So I don't stay silent and I don't have a lot of time
to spend unhappy.
You know, life is short, and so I want to enjoy it and enjoy
my husband all the time.
Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross PURE 1.5 DI-T 163pk 2WD - Duration: 1:12.
Mitch McConnnell Says FBI Report On Brett Kavanaugh Won't Be Public | Hardball | MSNBC - Duration: 4:50.
Rattle Your Bones - Duration: 5:40.
one, two, three, four rattle
one, two, three, your bones
one, two, three, four rattle
gota rattle
Rattle your bones
Rattle your bones
gonna be no more in the shadow
gonna get me up to the light
gonna look at the world through my fingers
gonna say goodbye to the night
gonna get the word to the people
no more underground to hide
gonna shout it out from the steeple
come on everyone we're alive
gotta crawl
gotta walk
gonna run
gotta fly
like a moth
to the fire
like a flash
in the sky
one, two, three, four rattle
one, two, three, your bones
one, two, three, four rattle
gotta rattle
rattle your bones
rattle your bones
Gonna spread the word to the world
some people praying to be free
everybody give it a whirl
get the word out to the street
gonna crawl
gotta walk
gonna run
gotta fly
like a moth
to the fire
like a flash
in the sky
one, two, three, four rattle
one, two, three, your bones
one, two, three, four rattle
gotta rattle
rattle your bones
rattle your bones
one, two, three, four rattle
one, two, three, your bones
one, two, three, four rattle
gotta rattle
rattle your bones
rattle your bones
one, two, three, your bones
one, two, three, four rattle
gotta rattle
rattle your bones
rattle your bones
one, two, three, four rattle
one, two, three, your bones
one, two, three, four rattle
gotta rattle
rattle your bones
one, two, three, four rattle
one, two, three, your bones
one, two, three, four rattle
gotta rattle
rattle your bones
rattle your bones
Kia Picanto 1.0 T-GDI GT-Line Navi Clima Cruise Lmv - Duration: 1:08.
How to Draw Hair w/ The Gotham Sirens | Heroines - Duration: 8:00.
- [Narrator] Welcome back to Heroines.
Today, we're going to focus
on how to draw various, luxurious hairstyles,
using Gotham City's most notorious female criminals,
the Gotham City Sirens, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn,
and Catwoman.
The Batman universe is huge.
It spans across comics, video games,
TV shows, and movies, which all began in 1939,
so, the history and timelines
of these characters are expansive, to say the least.
To keep this from getting too confusing,
let's just start with what we need to know
about this trio.
The Gotham City Sirens were formed
by Harley Quinn's original creator, Paul Dini.
In 2009, he developed the comic book series,
Gotham City Sirens, where Harley, Poison Ivy,
and Catwoman become roommates.
This happens after Ivy rescues Catwoman
from a fight with the Boneblaster,
and Harley Quinn is on a period of separation
from her super abusive, super famous villain boyfriend.
(Harley Quinn yells) We're going to pose
all three in a medium shot,
not only to showcase their iconic outfits,
but to also give lots of room
for their luscious locks.
For this piece, we'll be focusing
on three main types of hair,
short and straight, big curls, and a wavy updo.
Ivy's gonna take the center stage here,
because she has the biggest hair.
When you're starting, it's a good idea to lay down a sketch
for the overall shape of the hairstyle you're going for.
Ivy owns awesome, orange curls,
so, we'll exaggerate this
by giving her hair a dominating, cloud-like shape.
Next, we'll give Harley lengthy, voluminous pigtails,
and Catwoman a sassy pixie cut,
adapted from the Adam Hughes design.
Poison Ivy is a genius eco-terrorist,
obsessed with plants, environmentalism,
and her dominance over mankind.
Originally a botanist from Seattle
named Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley,
she was poisoned by her professor, Marc LeGrand,
after helping him steal ancient Egyptian herbs.
Ivy not only survived the attempted murder,
she became immune to all poisons and diseases.
In the animated series, Ivy is depicted
as having pale, human skin,
but in the comics, she grew to become more plantlike,
causing her physical body to undergo changes,
and thus, green skin.
Ivy's also the most seductively dangerous
of the three sirens, and she can literally kill with a kiss
by using a lethal toxic serum on her lips.
To reflect this, we're going to illustrate her
with big, sexy eyes, lips, hips, and a chest,
all dressed in an epic plant-based getup
that only she could pull off.
After we've laid down the main shape of her hair,
we can begin to separate it into sections
by drawing different shapes.
Since curly hair is interpreted with curves,
Ivy's hair shape will be mostly circle-based
with long S-shapes to depict her big, loose curls.
There are a ton of types of curls and big hair types,
so, this is only one technique for drawing them of course.
For example, the curlier the hair,
the tighter your S-shapes can be.
You want to carefully consider
what pieces are going to be sectioned together
and what will overlap.
So, when drawing digitally,
consider putting these shapes in different layers,
so you can alter them as much as you need
without damaging your face shape.
Illustrating hair is all about understanding shadows,
mid-tones, and highlights,
because there are two dimensions we're dealing with,
one, the general shadows and dimension
of our subject as a whole,
and two, the dimensions of the hair itself.
It's best to start with a massive mid-tone shape
then go in with a darker color to add our shadows.
A natural shadow will occur around the whole head
and then, the curls will have
their own shadow shapes as well.
Once we're happy with our shapes,
we can go in with highlights to really make it pop.
As a helpful tip, remember that whatever is closest
to the light will appear lightest in color.
So, highlights are naturally seen on the rounded areas
of hair that are most exposed to light.
Next up is Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel, AKA--
- Harley Quinn, pleased to meet ya!
- [Narrator] First appearing on TV
in 1992's Batman: The Animated Series,
and then in comics with The Batman Adventures,
Issue Number 12, in 1993,
she's a sweet little genius, trained psychiatrist,
master acrobat, and fool for love.
Originally working as a psychiatrist in Arkham,
she becomes fascinated with inmate, the Joker,
and later becomes trapped in a twisted love affair
that is anything but praiseworthy.
While her character in the comics is largely defined
by her relationship with the Joker early on,
by the 2000s, we start seeing her move out of his shadow
and become independent with a strengthened relationship
with Poison Ivy.
Harley's an unnatural blonde who generally bops around
in a jester costume until her debut
in the 2009 game, Batman: Arkham Asylum,
where fans see her first official costume design
with Harley in pigtails,
then, in 2011, we see the two-toned dip-dyed pigtails
for the first time in the sequel to Arkham Asylum,
Batman: Arkham City.
Since then, we see her pigtails in many of her designs,
switching between black, red, green, blue, and pink styles.
We're going to use her past designs
as an influence in our piece
to make our own unique Harley.
When illustrating an updo,
we're going to be dealing with the hair being pulled
in different directions,
with some strands being condensed,
in contrast to being down and flowing.
We're leaving out a couple long ringlet pieces upfront
to frame Harley's face
and then, we will pull back the rest of her hair
away from her face, tightly over her skull,
into long-flowing pigtails.
This tight separation will create two different sections
of flowing hair,
her long bangs will create a natural shadow
over the lower parts on the tight section,
and then, radiating out from her hair-ties,
we can fan her hairpieces out.
Since we're using Photoshop for this illustration,
you can create a new layer
and use a Multiply blending mode
with a gradient tool to create volume
and color variation over the main blonde base.
Multiply is a great blending mode for shadows,
and when we're ready to move into the highlights,
we'll switch to an additive layer,
such as Screen, or Linear Dodge.
This is where we can add big strokes
between the shapes of shadows
and use the eraser tool
to create different opacities
and blend the mid-tones, shadows, and highlights smoothly.
Finally joining the Siren party is Selena Kyle,
better known as Catwoman. - I am Catwoman.
- [Narrator] The most stylish, whip-wielding cat burglar
around, she's been here the longest of the three ladies,
originally appearing in Batman, Issue Number One,
in the spring of 1940.
She started as an orphan,
who learned how to get by in Gotham
by thieving everything and everyone.
With the longer she's been around,
she's become known for bouncing
between being a villain and being a hero,
making her a perfect anti-hero.
She's an occasional ally to Batman
and also his longest running recurring love interest.
Catwoman's pixie hair is straight,
therefore the easiest texture to achieve.
Pixies come in many shapes and forms, though.
Sometimes they're straight down
and just wrap around the face,
but Catwoman deserves something much more wild,
don't you think?
We're going in with an edgy cut
that best matches her feisty personality
and sharp cat claws.
She sports black hair and all-black fashion,
but to prevent all this black from muddling together,
we'll use more bluish tones in her outfit
that really set her apart from the green and red hues
we used with Ivy and Harley.
For her hair, we'll use a more natural black,
making it a warmer tone compared to her costume.
Catwoman's pixie flows from the back to the front,
so, we want to make sure we draw her hair
away from her face with that direction in mind.
The Gotham City Sirens comic gives us a unique glimpse
into the way villains perceive Gotham.
The Sirens know it's a dog-eat-dog city,
where sometimes the only way to survive
is to make complicated unions with fellow criminals.
Are we friends, are we foes, I love you,
but I might kill you, sorry, it's just who we are,
we can't help it, you know, et cetera.
So, there it is, a tough piece
featuring Gotham's fiercest females,
both for their fighting skill and their great hair.
Hair can be one of the most frustrating things
to illustrate, but don't give up.
Just remember, when illustrating stylized
or realistic hair, start with laying down the overall shape,
then add shapes for the sections of hair
and finish it off by paying attention
to mid-tones, shadows, and highlights
by varying dark and light strokes
in the direction your hair flows.
Keep practicing and you'll be as ferocious
as Gotham's Sirens in no time.
Thanks for watching this episode of Heroines.
Let us know who your favorite anti-hero is.
Are you more of an Ivy, Harley, or Catwoman?
Make sure to like and subscribe to GammaRay
across the web and check out more of our artist,
Mikel's art in the links below.
See ya later, puddin'!
Kia cee'd Sportswagon Wagon 1.0 T-GDi Eco 120PK DynamicLine *NIEUW* - Duration: 1:08.
Nissan Micra IG-T 90pk Acenta+Style Pack+Tech Pack+Ext.Pack Plus+Int.Pack Or. - Duration: 1:12.
Why All Cars Eventually Break Down, Even Lexus - Duration: 5:04.
ruv up your engines, Brian says Scotty my automatic lexus is 300
takes forever to shift between first and second the RPM stay high and then jerks on
next gear is my transmission dying, yes it is everything eventually breaks, like
somebody said to me one time, oh Scotty he always talked about Toyota's they don't
break everything, breaks eventually because of friction it's just a matter
of the time frame, now if you have a car and it took thirty years or five hundred
thousand miles to break you got your money's worth right, but if you buy a car
like a Chrysler and it falls apart at 70,000 miles and it's six years old or
four years old, you didn't get your money's worth, so you know it all
depends on how long it takes friction to break the thing down and that's just
flat wearing and they do cost a fortune to rebuild correctly on those lexuses there's
no arguing that but, the fortune Invader says Scotty what do you think of buying a
2007 Porsche 911 as a weekend car it has low mileage I heard they're reliable is this
true, I don't know who you're listening to, now here's the thing if you can get
it cheap they have one of the worst resale values in the world, so if you get
that thing cheap and you want it as a weekend car go right ahead
just realize you don't want to pay much, I'll give you a perfect example, I got a
Customer that bought that same car and he bought that car and they paid like seventeen
thousand dollars for it and they thought they got a deal, I said deal, I said
I wouldn't give him five grand for that car, because they're endless money pits
as they age, but if it's a toy and you find a guy like me to check it out
before you buy it, don't ever buy one of those without having a mechanic check it
out, I've got fancy equipment and all mechanics do like, my scan tool here that's
a five thousand dollar scan tool, when we hook these things up we can
look at all the data, see what kind of shape, but it might be a good shape but
don't pay much cuz they're endless money pits as they age and they have no resale
value, so if you can get it cheap and you want a toy, just don't buy it and drive
it everyday if it's just a weekend toy and it runs good don't pay too much
though, because even the book value on that thing is inflated, pay a lot less than
people are asking for them, Sean Ling says Scotty I got 1990 Celica the RPM goes
up and down a little bit when it's idling is that normal Thanks, well it's
normal for a vehicle that's what that thing is
twenty nine years old, what you want to do is, I've got a good video for that
that's called, make your engine run better with a little spray cleaner you
get 2 cans of cleaner that cost like $14 for both of them
combined and follow the directions on that to clean them, the other thing is if
you have a vacuum leak it'll do that, when you get a vacuum leak in your
engine, it sucks air so the computer keeps trying to compensate for the idle
so it will go up and down a little as a sucking air, so check for leaks especially
on an old thing like that, a lot of times it's just one of those stupid rubber
vacuum hoses they get old and then they crack and shrink and fall off and you
can have a simple vacuum leak it's pretty typical on a car that's that old,
page Foster says why does a 2003 Civic Hybrid CVT with 80,000 miles shudder on
initial takeoff, okay unfortunately you got a hybrid CVT, odds are you got a
problem in the CVT transmission shuttering, that's one reason I tell
people not to buy used hybrid cars or expect to keep them for a really long
time, you said that's a 2003 okay it's a sixteen-year-old hybrid when
those CVT transmissions break down or the hybrid drive system breaks down
you're gonna be spending thousands and thousands and thousands, I had a guy was
one of those and I told him get rid of it you're nuts so he wanted to fix it so he
ended up taking it to the Honda dealer and it ended up costing him like $6,500 to fix it, the car wasn't
even worth near that, so you know take it to any good mechanic who knows cynics
and hybrids and have them hook up that fancy machine like I just showed and see
what he says, but from my experience with those it's the CVT going out and it's
more money than the vehicles worth to fix it and if it shutters a little but goes okay
otherwise, just drive it that way, Sky dog says I got an 2003 f-150 4.6 it
keeps losing oil pressure and there's engine noise would it be the oil pump, well
that's the most obvious thing, what you want to pray is, have somebody drop the
oil pan, put a new oil pump and pray it's just the oil pump, if it still
doesn't once you put a new oil pump in, that would mean the engine bearings are
worn, then you'd have to rebuild the entire engine
and in that case if you like the truck your better just putting another engine
in, then you are fixing that one, August 24 why does my Nissan Micra k12 2005
burned so much oil, because it's a Nissan Micra you kind of answered your own
question, they're kind of cheaply made engines, now what you want to do is
change your PCV valve, they don't cost much and if it is stuck open that will
suck oil from the crankcase and burn it more and those don't cost much, change
that but from my experience with those things, the piston rings wear out
the valve seals wear out and then they burn oil because the engine isn't sealing
anymore, if you want to find out how it's actually worn out, the video I have is about
how to do a compression test on your engine, watch that video, you use a
compression tester and you can see how worn out the engine actually is or pay a
mechanic to do the same test, so if you never want to miss another one of my new
car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!
Cute Ravenlore Painted Lady Tiny House FOR SALE - Duration: 1:59.
Cute Ravenlore Painted Lady Tiny House FOR SALE
Gorgeous Beautiful Low Country Cottage Park Model RV's by Green River Log Cabins - Duration: 2:39.
Gorgeous Beautiful Low Country Cottage Park Model RV's by Green River Log Cabins
Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI Dynamicline met Navi, Clima, Cruise en 7jr garantie!! - Duration: 1:08.
Citroën C4 Picasso PureTech 130 A/T FEEL Navi/Keyless/SAM/Blacktop - Duration: 0:55.
The Secrets of Fartopia - A Short Film - Duration: 6:18.
Is bigfoot real
Yeah, have you seen Bigfoot? Yeah
You've seen him yourself. Swear to ya. Okay, whoa.
How to find
To reveal the farts through the trees you must start
Man. I'm never gonna get in a Fartopia like this. Wait a minute. That's it!
What the?
I made it! I made it to Fartopia!
Oh my gosh!
This is incredible!
Woo hoo!
Whew! Oh man!
Fartopia is awesome.
Oh man
Oh no...
Ohhhh no.
What the?
Ohh no!
I gotta get back RIGHT now
I guess this is it.
I'm gonna die here
Filled with farts and still under 10000 subscribers
Huh? can talk?
Don't ask questions! In Fartopia, anything goes
But magical tree if anything is possible why can't I fart
Oh ho ho ho!
Well you see my boy, in this world of farts on has no reason to expel gas from their rear ends
I know it's great and all but I'm human.
I'm a human. It's biogilogical nature.
I gotta fart.
Ugh. Fine. You humans are so lame.
Climb on through and I shall return ye.
Woah woah woah!
Not that side sicko!
The other side!
Oh no...
Bravo's Play By Play With Jerry O'Connell: Superfans Weigh In On This Week's Events (S1, E2) - Duration: 7:16.
Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross 1.5 DI-T Pure 18" LMV Ecc-Airco Cr. Control Camera Privacy glass - Duration: 1:08.
Best Apps For Writing A Book - Duration: 2:59.
Hi YouTube author Stefanie Newell and this is The Life Of A Writer channel!
Today's video - Best Apps For Writing A Book. So if you want to connect with
readers and sell more books make sure to subscribe and get new content to your
inbox every Tuesday. But in this video we're going to be discussing the best
apps for writing a book, but before we get started, down in the comment section
share with me the apps that you're currently using in
order to write your book! So this first app is Wattpad. It's
described as a storytelling platform which basically means that you can not
only write your book on this platform, but you can also share your writing with
this community of over 65 million readers and writers. Now this isn't an
app that I personally use but it does come highly recommend it by other
writers. Next up is Final Draft. Now this is a software that I use on my computer
but it's also an app that allows you to write and edit your screenplay on the go.
You can also send or share your files between multiple platforms and backup
your work to Dropbox and iCloud. Now this particular app is going to be really
good for those of you who are interested in writing screenplays, TV sitcoms, and
stage plays. The Otter app is described as a smart note-taking app. Now although
it's not intended for this purpose, it can also be useful to writers who are
unable to type their book. And one thing that I really like about this app is
that the transcriptions are usually pretty accurate. You can export the audio
or the text, and you can share your transcription via email or text. Another
app that is useful for writers is the Kindle app. Amazon's Kindle app allows
you to turn your iPhone or iPad into a Kindle, so you don't even have to
purchase a Kindle you can download this free app and it allows you to read
e-books directly from your phone or your iPad. Now this app will help you to do
research on your genre, target audience, or writing in general. I personally use
this app for research purposes and learning, so use your imagination and
think of different ways that you can help to improve your writing. The List
For Writers app is one that I just found recently but I absolutely love this app
because it allows you to create character profiles.
Now when I say character profiles, I don't just mean the physical
characteristics or the name or occupation of your
character. This app provides suggestions for just about everything that you can
think of as it relates to your characters. So for example: milestones
that they may have during the book, their belief system, and behaviors. And it also
allows you to give consideration to plot and geographical locations. I mean this
app is absolutely extensive and I just started using it with my clients as well.
if you want to connect with readers and sell more books, make sure to subscribe!
But in the meantime, check out my previous video where I share additional
apps for writing a book. As always all of my social media links will be in the
description box below. If you're looking to hire me as your writing coach you
will find that information there as well and I look forward to talking with you
in my next video!
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