what's going on guys magic here bringing you a brand new video today we got
another killer video for you guys full of information today we're gonna be
talking about is back to postponed until December we're also be looking at Power
Ledger litecoin stellar and tons of other news that went on in the
cryptocurrency space but guys before we can start with that if you want to enter
a chance to win some free Bitcoin all I guys have to do is number one be
subscribe to channel and have your notifications turn on number 2 get this
video a thumbs up and number 3 leave a comment down below saying something
related to the video also if you guys are interested in making money trading
cryptocurrencies even while the market is down make sure you check out the
first link in the description or the first link in the comments for the
cryptocurrency trade alert group so far I've had tons success with an over 90%
success rate on our trades ranging from both all coin trades to Bitcoin
leveraged trading so no matter what type of trading you are interested in there
is something in there for you I post every single one of my trades that
brought me from zero to six figures of cryptocurrency so you don't have to do
any of the work you don't have to know how to do technical analysis you don't
have to have the time to do technical analysis you can copy my exact trade at
the same time that I am entering it we've had people make up to two Bitcoin
in one single day as well as countless other people make an extra 100 500 1000
dollars in one single day our most recent trade that hit another target was
horizon so Ziyi and hit another one of our targets so very happy with the
results we are seeing it is up five point seven nine percent today actually
so again very successful trade very happy with the profits and overall
getting a ton of a ton of messages from people who are enjoying the profits now
let's get started with some news the first one is about fake news so Elon
Musk's flamethrower company isn't accepting Bitcoin now there was a big
thing going around that apparently the boring company which is a Elan musk
company that was selling the flamethrower they were apparently
accepting Bitcoin a lot of people apparently fell for this turns out this
was not the case this is another time that Elon Musk's name has been used to
for a cryptocurrency scam apparently it works really well so there's no reason
for them to stop using his name his name is
one that generates a lot of traffic to people trust his name so they're
interested in those things and overall all it led to is people getting scammed
now don't get me wrong I wish it was accepting cryptocurrency because I would
love to pick up a boring company not a flame thrower take a look at that thing
looks pretty cool I wouldn't mind picking one up let me
know your guys's thoughts in the comments down below should I pick up
even though we can't buy with cryptocurrency should we still look to
pick up a flamethrower and not a flamethrower and bring that on to a
video on the channel let me know your guys thoughts are down below I'm not
gonna lie it sounds pretty cool now the next news is about Tron and etherium so
trunk trumped etherium in daily transactions for the first time now one
thing we're gonna preface this with is it's just so we don't spread Fudd its
number one this was an anomaly right so it was you guys can tell that there was
an anomaly and Tron did indeed have more transaction more daily transactions than
aetherium Tron had five hundred ninety nine thousand three hundred fifty four
while aetherium had five hundred and sixty-five thousand seven hundred and
ninety one so still was close but truant did beat aetherium then again obviously
we had just the Sun tweet out saying this the first time Tron has surpassed a
theory of in daily transactions it's just the beginning now the reason for
this people are speculating is probably because of the partnership with Bay do
now they did put partnership in quotation we're gonna talk about that in
just a little bit but they do say that that could be what led to the spike in
transactions and that it's not something that should or that we will see happen
again that you know the next day and the next day the next day it was an anomaly
as of right now no this brings up a lot of controversy because I know there are
a lot of trans of Tron supporters up there and there are a lot of Tron haters
out there there are both sides and it basically comes down to I've noticed
most the time is do you like Justin son that's usually the big thing behind is
do you trust in Justin son do you believe in Justin son now he does have
his specific marketing techniques which is like we said the whole partnership
with Bay do was interesting and if we take a look at the criticism that
came out we remember that he tweeted finally first time to partner with tens
of billions of US dollar valuation industry giant guess the name now
according to another tweet that came that came at him after they released the
information about it assuming the below is accurate this deserves to be called
out as misleading marketing if I buy a computer with Microsoft Windows
installed I should not claim to have a partnership with Microsoft without
clarifying the limited nature of the partnership so again another time that
Tron has hyped up or that Justin son has hyped up a partnership for Tron and
either it under delivers or it doesn't seem to be exactly what he hyped it up
to be and that's what causes a lot of people to dislike Tron however the
project I think is growing in popularity I think a lot of a lot of influencers in
the space a lot of youtubers initially weren't fans of truant they didn't like
it and again it was because of Justin's son so something to keep in mind however
I'm noticing more and more people are shifting into it I think it is aiming to
do a lot and if it does succeed it could be a very very good project comparing
itself to aetherium right now I think obviously aetherium
is at the top what of who who they're trying to compete with so it makes sense
that they have aetherium on their radar but I don't think aetherium has that has
Tron on their radar yeah I think there still is some growing to do and that
spike in daily transactions was a one-time thing not I'm not saying in the
future it can't pass a theorem but I'm saying right now it was also a little
overhyped as the reason to why it happened was because of the bay du
partnership but anyways let me know your guys thoughts are on the partnership
down below I know we have a lot of tron supporters in of as subscribers to this
channel as viewers to this channel and as you guys know I also do hope to see
Tron and patron perform and I hope to see them accomplish what they want to
accomplish and I do have a part of my portfolio invested in Iran so we're
gonna see how all that plays out now let's talk about back to because I got a
lot of questions about this asking me is back to postponed until December now
this was a an article released by Kelly who is the CEO at back now they were
talking about the team the launch and every
that was going on so first of all they have gotten coin based veteran as you
guys can see right here in the article they have confirmed a coin based veteran
has joined ICS crypto platform back now it's really cool to see again having a
big name that's already in cryptocurrency come in here and join
what i seee is trying to do they believe that ICS new venture will be the
catalyst for those institutional investors that have been waiting on the
sidelines and trust me guys that is a lot a lot of money to enter the crypto
space he quoted as saying that in 2017 I saw a big shift the interest in Bitcoin
and other currencies started changing from retail to the institutional side
but the level of infrastructure of the existing trading sites often didn't meet
their expectations so once that mean they waited on the sidelines and are
waiting to find the optimal opportunity one low prices and to when they think
things are a little more secure to come in when things are easier for them to
jump in to commit and that's what I see is trying to do that's what ice is
trying to do get institutionalize make it easier for institutional investors to
come in the market as well so white went on to tell fortune that he believes
traditional banking giants have been waiting for crypto Trading security
standards to reach the mark of more traditional markets such as the equity
market or bonds claiming that's why I joined back so that's why he joined and
again they have a veteran on there from coinbase
which is always good to see now in terms of the actual lunch and what is going on
the the stuff going on in November what I understood for me is that November
will probably be a softer launch so they're saying we're taking a
transparent approach to engage across the industry as we begin testing and
onboarding in November and then what everyone's talking about December
that's when trading and warehousing that's when that is expected to launch
now again this is subject to CFTC approval now the good thing is that
these guys are being very transparent with what is going on when they're
trying to have everything happen how they're trying to have everything happen
that is all being very very transparent which I like and it makes it easy for us
to keep up to date with everything that's
going on like I said for those of you asking if it's been postponed until
December not really it looks like November is going to be these like I
said soft launch and then in December they're gonna have the trading and the
warehousing so again very interesting stuff a lot of people expecting this to
be the catalyst that will bring Bitcoin back to over $10,000 start us in the
bull ranks as you guys know 10,000 above ten thousands well I think we'll
solidify the fact that we are in another bull run break 10,000 get in that bull
run start seeing all-time highs and bring all the excitement back into
cryptocurrency and hopefully once we get more excitement in and once we get more
education and people knowing what they're investing in knowing why they're
investing we're gonna see a little bit more of a stable market without having
to have that one too big huge spike and then the correction that came to fall
out for the several months we have to wait that happens back still looks
really really good I'm very excited again not enough people are talking
about this especially the beginning when it first was announced I was
highlighting the fact that nobody is talking about how big this is now we're
starting to pick up a little bit more attraction which is always good to see
and I'm very excited for how things continue to play out 2019 even maybe the
end of 2018 but 2019 should see a lot of money
entering cryptocurrency and again 2019 2020 2021 2022 I expect things to just
continuously improve in terms of development continue to grow continue to
grow interest continue to grow adoption education all that part and
continue to help the market grow and grow so I'm very excited to see what
happens next year and I'm even more excited to see what happens five to ten
years from now let's take a look at the overall cryptocurrency market two
hundred and nine billion dollars in market cap with a fifty three point
seven percent Bitcoin dominance so it looks like we're
kind of leveling off right here not too much movement going on in the market
again we had a little bit of a downward pattern but as of right now barely any
change Bitcoin change point four percent this looks like a stable coin this looks
like the stock market I don't like it when things move 0.4% we've gone to use
to those crazy ups and downs trust me I don't mind if it's up or if it's down we
can make money trade either way with that but trading
sideways is the most boring thing to look at for Bitcoin 0.4% change
absolutely sucks but if you look at the biggest winners salt is up 30% bytom is
up almost 17 eternity wax raving coins e cash is another one that has been
performing very well and one that I think will continue to perform actually
picked up a bit more recently and already seeing some nice returns from
that basic attention to open another one that I'm very very bullish on and I have
picked up as well and I talked about that a little bit yesterday zero X's up
as well overall it looks like a majority of the market is in the green with only
a handful in the red such as futures is down Komodos down polymath is down drop
those down myth rolls down but only a handful and not much losses but again
even in the green we see a lot of these very very small percentages which
overall indicates that we're having more of a sideways day than anything else and
a few cryptocurrency of course outperforming the market because of news
coming out and so on Power Ledger however Power ledger is ranked number 88
there are they are in the green of almost 2.5 percent today they won
Richard Branson's extreme tech challenge 2018 that is really cool to see Richard
Branson is one of my favorite entrepreneurs out there definitely
someone that I look up to and follow in terms of what he's accomplished very
successful guy always looking at innovation always looking at what's next
and so he's been looking at the blockchain technology and cryptocurrency
we talked a little bit about that he is interested in it I don't think he's
necessarily jumped into it maybe he has maybe he hasn't they haven't disclosed
that yet obviously he hasn't disclosed his his investment or a lack of
investment yet but either way para Ledger won this year's extreme a Tech
Challenge hosted by Richard Branson very very cool to see right here it also saw
a little bit of a jump in terms of market cap went up to rank number 86 I
believe it is still somewhere around that range now maybe a 88 I don't
remember what we just saw it at but these crypto currencies guys a good
crypto currency one that again I've been invested in for a while now
not a huge investment I wish I had more of an investment in it but obviously you
can't I can't put as much as I like you to everything because there are a lot of
good products out there but I do have a small chunk invested that I invested
some time back and overall I am holding on to this and excited to see what the
project continues to bring I heard good stuff from it before and again this is
only more confirmation and congratulations to the power Leger team
for winning next up light coin I've talked about
this as well a lot like coin always had that they've been developing a non-stop
they've been working on adoption non-stop in the bear market as a lot of
cryptocurrency either one died down or two haven't done much like one has been
one of the few and again the base few are the ones that I'm really looking at
that are making developments that are making improvements and preparing for
the bull market they're doing all the all the tech side all the adoption side
you know all the dirty work behind the scenes work they're doing that in the
bear market well their fees are about to get reduced ten times with the new
litecoin core launch due to a surge in its fees after like when hit its
all-time high at three hundred and twenty dollars like Quint is down a lot
from that and this could possibly be a cows for light point to have a little
bit of a run as well to continue to have maintained its spot in the top ten I
believe it's number five right now number seven right now sorry about that
number seven right now good cryptocurrency overall again a
relatively safe one because it is high up there and Charlie leave behind it
like you guys can like memory you guys can dislike him given you know his
selling of his light coin but the guy is smart and he knows what he is doing now
lastly stellar has been outperforming the market a ton they've been up there
actually up a ton this week they're up today as well over two and a half
percent they hiked again by 4% to round off a weekly growth of 17% so stellar
lumens xlm has been surprising it's hard less with the impromptu price hikes over
the last week now this is another good cryptocurrency one that I have invested
more into stellar and XRP both ones that I'm very bullish on and I have I
I have invested and I can disclose that I have invested a good amount into as I
do think they will continue to perform well especially when the bull market
comes but guys that's gonna be it for this video hopefully you guys did enjoy
if you did don't forget to leave a thumbs up and leave a comment down below
in order to enter a chance to win some free Bitcoin and of course be subscribe
and have your notifications turned on so you can check back in to see if you did
win so you can go ahead and claim it but guys thank you so much for watching I'll
see you guys tomorrow for another video
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