Saturday, October 20, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 20 2018

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for more daily Fortnite videos from Cinema Of Gaming

Before the video starts, we want to let you all know that we are doing our biggest giveaway for our 500,000 Subscribers Special

Check out the top comment down below if you want to know how to enter this massive giveaway

Good luck and Enjoy the video!

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Pampita publicó una tierna foto de su infancia - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Pampita publicó una tierna foto de su infancia - Duration: 2:14.


n u a g e s - Dreams (Lyrics in CC) - Duration: 5:34.

Let's suppose that you were able every night to dream any dream you wanted to dream,

and you would naturally as you began on this adventure of dreams, you would fulfill all

your wishes.

You would have every kind of pleasure, you see,

and after several nights you would say, "well that was pretty great."

But now let's have a surprise, let's have a dream which isn't under control.

Well something is going to happen to me that i don't know what it's gonna be.

Then you would get more and more adventurous, and you would make further and further out

gambles as to what you would dream, and finally you would dream where you are now.

If you awaken from this illusion, and you understand that black implies white,

self implies other, life implies death.

You can feel yourself, not as a stranger in the world,

not as something here on probation, not as something that has arrived here by fluke,

but you can begin to feel your own existence as absolutely fundamental.

What you are basically, deep, deep down, far, far in, is simply the fabric and structure

of existence itself.

For more infomation >> n u a g e s - Dreams (Lyrics in CC) - Duration: 5:34.


La experiencia religiosa que marcó a Joaquín Méndez durante sus vacaciones - Duration: 7:29.

For more infomation >> La experiencia religiosa que marcó a Joaquín Méndez durante sus vacaciones - Duration: 7:29.


[REUPLOAD] XQC MEDIA DAY STREAM (17.) - XQC Reacts to Funny Videos ! - Duration: 19:12.

XQC Media Day Monday Stream - With Chat

For more infomation >> [REUPLOAD] XQC MEDIA DAY STREAM (17.) - XQC Reacts to Funny Videos ! - Duration: 19:12.



For more infomation >> QUÉ ES UN CANALLA / ÉLIDA FERNÁNDEZ - Duration: 2:56.


PT Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #51: Advanced Hands and Knees - Duration: 1:40.

Hello! My name is Amy Sturkey. I an here with Myla, who is 16 months old now. She

has low tone and Down syndrome. I am going to try vault, which is on your hands

and knees with one knee up, to work on that weight shift in hands and knees

position. So wish me luck! She's a lot squirmier and stronger than before

Let's put her down on her hands and knees and attempt to get one knee up. I know it.

I hear you. Heavens to Betsies. Oh! Okay. Look! Going down! Okay. Okay. Okay.

Okay. Okay. There you go. Alright. So for the camera, one knee is

up and for the moment two hands were down. There you go. No I am going to lose.

I hear you the struggle is a good thing Okay! I hear you!

Okay. It does not look like I am going get it for long...but we've got it for now

There you go, Myla. Not so bad. Myla says, "Can we finish that one?" All right? Thank

you! I hope you enjoyed that easy exercise.

Try it with your kids see how it goes! Thanks! Bye!

For more infomation >> PT Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #51: Advanced Hands and Knees - Duration: 1:40.


[basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅗ - 오 o(o/oː) - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅗ - 오 o(o/oː) - Duration: 0:33.


[temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅗ - 오 O(o) - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅗ - 오 O(o) - Duration: 0:33.


Los rostros del Mucho Gusto confesaron quien es su "objeto de deseo" dentro del programa - Duration: 8:15.

For more infomation >> Los rostros del Mucho Gusto confesaron quien es su "objeto de deseo" dentro del programa - Duration: 8:15.


Parker - Tu no sabe na' [Prod Lp Records] - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Parker - Tu no sabe na' [Prod Lp Records] - Duration: 3:30.



Be sure to subscribe to our channel if you're new

turn on notifications and watch the full video

for more daily Fortnite videos from Cinema Of Gaming

Before the video starts, we want to let you all know that we are doing our biggest giveaway for our 500,000 Subscribers Special

Check out the top comment down below if you want to know how to enter this massive giveaway

Good luck and Enjoy the video!

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[basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅗ - 오 o(o/oː) - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅗ - 오 o(o/oː) - Duration: 0:33.


🇩​🇮​🇸​🇨​🇴​🇷​🇩​ - Duration: 0:10.

For more infomation >> 🇩​🇮​🇸​🇨​🇴​🇷​🇩​ - Duration: 0:10.


sweet caramel potato (subtitles) - Duration: 4:41.

When you think of sweet potatoes caramelated,

that's exactly what you imagine ... Hi guys how are you

I'll bring it to you today. the recipe for sweet potato caramel, a

mouth watering treat, a recipe traditional, just the way we

here in the South of Brazil, and now So you know how to make this delicious

Come with me ... this recipe is to stop a pound of sweet potatoes,

you can make bigger or smaller proportionally,

we'll also need a cup of sugar or 250 grams and only 50 ml of

Water. the first step is to peel the potatoes,

put them in the water for that are not darkened, then cut

the sliced, maximum of two centimeters


Very well now let's cook. sweet potato, already with the stove connected in

medium heat, start in a pan making layers with

the sweet potatoes, I already did the first layer and now I go

put a little sugar on each one of the potatoes, with a spoon about

3 spoons per layer make a second layer, with sweet potato with slices

repeat the process sowing sugar over all of them again,

once again we will make a third layer of sweet potato, three layers is the

ideal for cooking in the pan, place one more time about them and now

a little bit of water,

the sweet potato contains a lot of water, so we will use only 50 ml of water, just to

moisten, close your pan and cook in average fire for 20 minutes, keep

always closed, you do not need to do not break the sweet potatoes,

in another video I'll teach you how to do this steak

fifteen minutes later, see that already begins to caramel and now I put more

two tablespoons of sugar on the surface of potatoes candy

and two tablespoons of water over the sugar that you just put,

with 20 minutes of cooking see that the caramel has formed, I already turned off the

stove and the potato is cooked, tender, caramel, ready to sweet potato

caramelized, mouth-watering ... easy to make a traditional recipe here from

South of Brazil and now you already know how doing is very easy ...

I hope you have enjoyed that you can do with success,

leave it like, share it comment, subscribe to the active channel and also the

bell of notifications, Thank you so much, God bless you all.


For more infomation >> sweet caramel potato (subtitles) - Duration: 4:41.


[temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅗ - 오 O(o) - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅗ - 오 O(o) - Duration: 0:33.


SMG4: If Mario Was In... Starfox (Starlink Battle For Atlas) REACTION! - Duration: 13:19.

Drop like on this video if you guys enjoyed

Comment down below your thoughts in your opinions about the video. Make sure to subscribe

With host indications on so you stay down fight on every single video also follow my social media

So they tuned for updates for incoming videos. Thank you

What's up guys still crash here walk back to another reaction so will be reckoned to SMG for if Mario wasn't

starfox in


Starling battle for Atlas


We'll be reacting to this his new as when you for

blooper video and it came out

Like an hour and a half ago almost that well, it's over an hour ago. So

Yeah, we'll be

Reacting to this new video. I hope you guys enjoy chopped. Alright come down below and subscribe to the channel

Don't forget to turn on temple sanitation belt to stay notified on new videos. So we're gonna now

Let's get to started in three two one. Let's go

Yes, very very sexy charities

Please talk off. I'm sick with both disease polygraph. Is that a spaceship?

Oh right at Bob my god

Oh, why did he do that?

Right aliens by aliens. Oh man

What in the world you just

Wear the species

Mario was in Star Fox StarLink battle. I

Guess not almost good to say it's not again, but

Oh boy Oh No

Mamma Mia what you know world's

First down no

Of that race

Teach him you're doing good

Yeah, it is nice




Sitting there happy

Right in the world, how could it just dude I shit?

Jason come on

Come on oh, this is not good I do hey

Hey, shut up

This is nuts those things again God oh


screaming in Italian

Are you just raving like it's like not really

Yo, oh my god, you're I was sick oh my god

You know what this reminds me of Star Wars

This kind of reminds me of Star Wars. I know it's not Star Wars. It kind of reminds me of

That's sick that's like an action I love this

So what team are you just say Oh God

I will be the one to take you down


Some money place I

Could say this was a really great video

especially I loved how much like I like the action and I like that it kind of reminds me of

Star Wars a little bit that makes this even better

so and also the other thing what I liked about this, it's

It's like um when the aliens and Mario was dancing that was my favorite part also


Elena to action and the fact that it reminds me of Star Wars and the Mario and aliens


Devils great. I

Enjoyed it man. I I could've meant so other than that guys

I hope you guys enjoyed the video like comment subscribe turn on post on occasions. You guys will see no fun on every video

I hope it got dinner. Enjoy my video and

I hope you guys will

Have a great Saturday. I show will also saw all that guys

Hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you guys next time. Goodbye, everyone

For more infomation >> SMG4: If Mario Was In... Starfox (Starlink Battle For Atlas) REACTION! - Duration: 13:19.


New Zealand Fur Seal - 4:3 - Nature Meets Paper - Duration: 6:44.

new zealand fur seals are the longest divers of all the fur seals

hi what's going on everybody my name is Brandon I'm a marine biologist and an

artist welcome to nature meets paper the place

where we go on an adventure to discover the world of marine biology I love

sharing my experiences with aquatic animals with you through art nature

meets paper is a place where we discover aquatic animals through science stories

and art today we'll be discovering the New Zealand fur seal are you ready let's

dive in the New Zealand fur seal is known as the Australasian fur seal long

nose fur seal or Kekeno in Maori it is located along the rocky coast of

Australia New Zealand and Antarctic Islands they prefer rocky shores and

beaches the first seal has different habitat preferences depending on the sex

of the animal males like swimming and foraging in deep water off the

continental slope females spend most of their time on the continental slope and

closer to the coast

what are we looking for when identifying the New Zealand fur seal I get fur seals

and sea lions mixed up all the time I shouldn't what I do one is large and

light brown and the other is dark with a pointy nose and long whiskers the New

Zealand fur seal reaches lengths of two meters long weighing 126 kilograms

females are smaller reaching lengths of 1 to 1.5 metres weighing 30 to 50

kilograms they also show sexual dimorphism males are larger than females

but the males also have a thick fur mane the females don't fur seals are Otariids this means that they have ear flaps and long hind flippers that can rotate

underneath their body so that they can walk on land fur seals are dark brown to

black in color with long whiskers they also have extremely long thin flippers

fur seals use their front flippers for propulsion

they are acrobatic swimmers they love swimming in loops and upside down it is

common for fur seals to swim circles around divers it is also common to see

them resting drying out warming up or taking a nap on beaches rocks boats

docks park benches and anywhere that they can fit if you see this happen do

your best to leave the seal alone they're covered under the Marine Mammal

Protection Act of 1978 this makes it illegal to interact or touch a seal

before we get into the diet and population health of the fur seal I want

to talk about the differences in swimming habitat that I mentioned

earlier males swim off the continental slope up

to deep water they regularly dive for 15 minutes up to depths of 380 meters

females have seasonal differences in behavior they typically spend up to nine

minutes at depths of 312 meters they dive deeper during the fall and Austral

winter when they have pups on land they spend as little as five minutes

underwater when in a rush the fur seals will swim

fast to do a behavior called porpoise behavior this allows the seals to fly in

the air to increase the speed when they land in the water

why would they go through this extra work to get different food what is

causing the fur seals to have different habitat ranges the answer is food food

is a great motivator it even works on human swimmers tell your athletes that

they get to go home and eat after practice and they will be more likely to

swim harder and faster than if you don't if you are a competitive swimmer like I

am you know this to be true the fur seal eat cephalopods

fish and occasionally birds they commonly eat octopus arrow squid

anchovies Barracuda flounder hagfish red cod

lamprey and occasionally penguins so how are the New Zealand fur seals doing the

IUCN Red List has them listed as Least Concern they are increasing in

population size this is great sometimes the fur seals will interact with

humans but it is best to leave them alone if you see someone who is

bothering a seal without proper authorities I give you my permission

to stop them let's get into personal stories my sister was on a hike in the

Zealand with her class they saw tons of fur seals hauled out on the beaches

they were respecting the distance laws set by the Marine Mammal Protection Act

of 1978 this is wonderful I love it when people follow the rules it turns out

that some tourists don't know these rules give animal space don't harass and

generally just leave marine mammals alone

from what my sister told me there were a few tourists that wanted to get the

picture of a lifetime they walked up to a group of seals and proceeded to take

pictures by the Seals please don't do this 'cause are stronger and even

faster than you might think they might attack you if they feel threatened

luckily the group of students yelled at the tourists to stop and stay back

whether they listened or not I can't remember but my sister wanted me to tell

this story to you she loved her adventure and wants to

share with everyone I will call this adventure finished

thanks for watching this video if you think I deserve it click subscribe and

ring the notification bell this way you know when I post new content I do my

best to post every single weekend but sometimes life just gets in the way or

my paintings are too detailed to get to finish in a week I sell my art in the

forms of originals and museum quality prints just contact me if a piece

catches your eye and we can work out the details I also sell apparel on teespring

links are below deck if you would like to support this channel consider

becoming one of my patrons on my patreon page for those who don't know patreon is

a platform where I can give you extra content from this free content here it's

a paid subscription and it helps this channel grow thanks again I've been

Brandon and I'll see you in our next adventure

For more infomation >> New Zealand Fur Seal - 4:3 - Nature Meets Paper - Duration: 6:44.


Ilary Blasi brutto colpo per la conduttrice: ecco cosa è successo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Ilary Blasi brutto colpo per la conduttrice: ecco cosa è successo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:36.


Jerry Calà umilia Mara Venier, Barbara D'Urso le dà la mazzata finale | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Jerry Calà umilia Mara Venier, Barbara D'Urso le dà la mazzata finale | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:27.


Dance Moms: Kalani's Solo "Dance Till I Die" (Season 5) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: Kalani's Solo "Dance Till I Die" (Season 5) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:18.


I CAN'T BELIEVE WE DID THIS | Absolutely Blake - Duration: 6:34.

What's going on guys my name is absolutely Blake and welcome back to my channel a long long long time ago

I filmed a video where I cloned my willy and a lot of you were upset that I wasn't fully erect while I did it

So today I thought that I was gonna do that again

so my friends over at cloning Willy sent over this lovely hot pink owner Willy kit and we're gonna get down and

Try and get a fully erect dildo built out of this today, but I'm not doing it alone

I got my friend Katie here. Would you get well I had to go with the neon purple because you know

Why not?

So today guys

We're gonna go through all the steps on

why it's difficult to do it cuz I learned the first time I did it what could be bad and how could go wrong and

We're gonna teach Kennedy and see who's got a bigger penis

We're gonna open up see what's inside and I'm gonna explain how to do it and what not to do

So every single kit from Colona really comes with a moulding powder

This is what you use to make the cast

Originally and a vibrator in case you want to make it vibrate and make it more intense

Ah, yeah, you can't not have that this piece of paper is the instruction list

Which will go through the moment comes with a stir stick to stir up the silicone, which you can see

I've got hot pink and yeah temperature gauge thing


So the first thing that you have to do when you're cloning you really is

measure out the tube to make sure that when you're fully erect you want it to be one inch longer than that whether what if

I'm bigger than

Something that can go wrong in this because it happened to me the first time that a ver como really is

I've put my penis in this side and then cut this so it's actually too short and I had a duct tape it and I

Had a hole on either side

So when you are measuring make sure that you have the closed and against your body use a marker

I want it soft, you know, it's for cuddling

While we wait for Jordan to measure his size and then I'm gonna go do it

I'm gonna go through some things that you guys need to watch out for when you're doing this some tips because when I first did

It it was very difficult. And just so you guys don't waste your money

I want to make sure you're able to do it properly

If you have the extra dollar to spend pick up a couple extra molding powders

Because the first time I did it it took me three attempts second time I ever did this it took me seven attempts

it's very difficult to get it proper unless you're following the instructions to achieve which we're gonna go through another difficult thing is when I

Did this in the first video you can see that I was mixing the water and trying to do it on camera

It was very difficult to make sure that the water was 90 degrees because it has to perfectly be that otherwise the mold

Won't get hard too quick or it just will be too liquidy and won't get hard at all

So you definitely want to make sure that you had the privacy of doing it yourself so that you don't

To rush to do it and you can make sure that the water is perfectly 90 degrees which is why they give you a temperature

Stick make sure that you aren't microwaving or boiling the water though. Just use the water straight out of the tap

It should get warm enough. The only other main thing is make sure you stay hard. It's fucking difficult

It's hard to stay hard, but it's doable because I've done it ten times

We're back for measuring and getting hard on our own somebody's outside that makes it really weird for me

But we're just gonna finish off and cut our tubes and compare like I mean, alright, hopefully mine's bigger

Make sure you cut the right side guys double-check that the right side. They're fairly close man

We notice that it's getting really dark and we don't want the video quality to be poor. So we're gonna finish this up

I mean, it'll be a fucking second for you guys, but we're gonna actually film it in a couple days

So we'll see you guys in two days for us, but one second for you

What's going on guys? We're back. It's day two. You can see I shaved my face wearing different t-shirts

We're just gonna go through

Step by step how you clone your with this kit and then we're gonna show you the results of ours

Then we're gonna compare and see who's bigger. And since I think they both glow in the dark

It might have like a Star Wars war look off. I got our tubes cut. Mine's a little bit bigger. Just a tiny bit

It's all about great. So we're here

My bathroom hasn't done like quality pretty fucking shit

But I'm gonna show you guys how to mix the water and powder properly important thing

You don't want to shoot off at least because it will mess up your clothes

So make sure you got your thermometer and your stir stick your powder your measuring cup

Alright guys, so we have our water at 90 degrees temperature and it tells you to the powder and mix it in a bowl

But it's really hard to get into the tube

So a trick that I learned we're doing this the first time if I actually put the powder into this tube fill it up with

The right amount of liquid and then use a longer spoon to stir it and then just insert your erection right away

Double-check that you're at 90 degrees and you want to do one eighth cup and 3/4 one of these recorders have fuck you

Say that of water

And you have 45 seconds to stir this up

You might be concerned with a little bit too low, but once you insert your erection

It does raise all the way to the top so I wouldn't be worried about that

so there's a couple ways that you can actually stand when you're holding the tube to make sure that your erection is not touching any

Of the sides the easiest option is this one?

But obviously people are gonna have to do it differently to make sure that it just works out for the shape of their penis

So for me personally

This is how I had to do it the first time I did it

That's pretty much how you get prepared to clone you Willy

And as you saw in the first video that I filmed it took me three attempts to do because I tried doing it while recording

so there's

Jordan and I are actually gonna go off camera

Clone our Willie's but we'll be back when I show you how to do the silicon and then again

We'll be back. Once we wait the full 24 hours for it to harden. I will compare who's bigger. Okay, welcome to my laboratory

Look at that purple every last bit of that in there

Alright now I gotta let it sit for 24 hours. First of all, I just want to say I'm pretty fuckin proud of myself

I did it on my first try

Which I've never done before but now it's all into the final step where you gotta mix the silicone

Make sure you get all of it out

You want to mix both these bad boys that come inside the clone willy tube and stir those bitches together

Alright, so then you want to pour this in really slowly set the air bubbles

This is still warm so that the air bubbles pop as you pour it out does have to be to slow

It as much of it in there as you can for extra added length and then let that sit marinate for 24 hours

So I'll put it right next to my friend George. Alright guys, so due to us moving to a new place

Check it out

It has been about two weeks since we said we were gonna wait 24 hours and we still haven't opened these bad boys up

So we're about to see who's large and in charge

Alright guys, so unfortunately, they don't blow in the dark like my first one did so we don't have any Star Wars battles today

I really just have to stop like that

And so yeah guys these are our code Willy's

the main

It is pretty detailed. This is my best one that I've ever made so far. I think you said you're a half cup

I'm happy with the half chub, you know

It's definitely a difficult process to do guys

But if you want to try it yourself

make sure you follow our tips head over to Kona Willy comm where you can use the discount code Blake for

20% off your own order. Alright guys, so if you enjoyed this video, please give it a big thumbs up go

Follow Jordan on Instagram. It makes you follow me out

Absolutely Blake and don't forget to subscribe for a new video every single Thursday and Saturday. It's starting

For more infomation >> I CAN'T BELIEVE WE DID THIS | Absolutely Blake - Duration: 6:34.


Tech Scammer VS FAKE Syskey HE WASNT EXPECTING THIS!!😂 - Duration: 8:42.

okay now just give me a moment okay now you can see on your screen that my mouse

is moving or your desktop do you see oh yes so I have a control of the computer

now so just give me a moment so let me see that what problem you are facing the

computer okay okay you'll see yourself like how slow it is like it slowed down

a lot I'm sorry I said it slowed down on why it used to be really fast but no

it's working fine right now but let me go ahead and check it that's why you got

that alert okay on this week okay just give me a moment we know that how old is

this computer I'm not sure I got it as a guest someone gave it to me they got a

my brother got a new one and he gave me this one okay just give me a moment now

now let me go ahead and diagnose the problem to check out that what problem

you are facing your computer and mean of that which purpose you're using this

computer for your schoolwork no that's my brother's that's his old stuffy head

on here how did use that uh like watch Netflix and stuff like that go to


alright not just give me a moment so let me go ahead and diagnose the problem

detector that what's obvious is in the computer okay let me go ahead and drag


my older the computer I'm not too sure I just told you that how many times you're

gonna ask him the same question okay it's getting a little bit annoying I'm

sorry I said how many times are you gonna ask me that question I'm starting

to get annoyed by it write it down write it down let doc you go look do this

alright write it down that way you won't have to ask me again you can just refer

back to your notes mmm no I'm just asking you just because you know that

your computer got hacked and some hackers is connected with your computer

oh shit your IP address got infected yes IP address got infected

please leave your mouth so I can go ahead and type it for you okay you're

not touching your mouth a curse is connected is to connected with your

computer okay and you can see the lots of errors and warning is still running

new comm page right there isn't 146,000 warning is the running and the thing is

yes sir let me tell you the thing is that there

is in foreign addresses established in your computer okay and they are

connected with your comp agent they are using your computer without your

permission right how do we get a Maus

for that you need to pay $200 okay it will go into college and then 99.99 USD

which to compete okay I'm not paying you anything at all today

just fix it for free you're already on here oh hi

what the thing is free no sir it's not free let me tell you the thing is that

the problem which are facing your computer the hackers disconnected in

your computer and I will purchase some anti hacking tool to pick out all the

person from your company oh no you're not you're trying to open my chat with a

trainee of shortcut why are you doing that you're here to fix my computer

you're not today so I'm not doing this might be the hackers doing this is

connected in your computer when I open all the things

hackers close all the things just give me a moment hurry up man fucking day

just give me a moment do one thing just you know just shut down your computer

just shut down your computer and then turn it back on how about you go fuck

yourself did you give anybody permission before

now there's no give anybody permission before you're the only one connected to

this computer there's no one else connected to this computer

you're just an idiot scammer you're a moron you're a dumb-dumb

hello hello shit yes Adair yes I'm there I'm there sir are you there what are you

doing there boy alright I don't think you're gonna fix my computer because

there isn't anything wrong with it

you're not deleting my icons either what he's doing dude come on man don't delete

my pixels yes never let these guys connect to your real computer I'm not

I'm not doing anything in your computer you know that right

I call you to waste your time because you're scamming piece of fish right no

delicto really yeah you are yeah there's no one connected to this computer but

you you haven't found the latent stuff there what are you doing so you are

doing this kind of thing that's the reason you called that's the reason you

called us yeah because you're an asshole scammer got that right why are busy

because you're an asshole you're trying to why you're abusing theif you're a

lowlife no-good thief is what you are look what's that what happened that's

Ted okay but can you get it what happened I don't know ok buttons moving

on you click it can you get it catch that okay look button you where to

go here it is get it it's not real stupid like I said you're awfully moron

it's fake not real

don't you feel stupid guys thank you for watching this video and I request you

please do not subscribe this guy is bullshit

For more infomation >> Tech Scammer VS FAKE Syskey HE WASNT EXPECTING THIS!!😂 - Duration: 8:42.



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turn on notifications and watch the full video

for more daily Fortnite videos from Cinema Of Gaming

Before the video starts, we want to let you all know that we are doing our biggest giveaway for our 500,000 Subscribers Special

Check out the top comment down below if you want to know how to enter this massive giveaway

Good luck and Enjoy the video!

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Street Artist Gives Maxine Waters Hilarious Starring Role in Hollywood Blockbuster - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Street Artist Gives Maxine Waters Hilarious Starring Role in Hollywood Blockbuster - Duration: 3:41.


WATCH: Protesters Confront Mitch McConnell in Restaurant | - Duration: 3:21.

WATCH: Protesters Confront Mitch McConnell in Restaurant |

A small group of protesters confronted Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as he was eating dinner with his wife in the Havana Rumba restaurant in Louisville, Kentucky last night.

You can watch the confrontation here:.

A man dressed all in black walks over to McConnell's table and says, "Why don't you get out of here? Why don't you leave the entire country alone?" A woman's voice can be heard yelling "Ditch Mitch!".

The same woman's voice can be heard a moment later saying, "I'm going to sell this to TMZ.

" The video later appeared on TMZ.

The crowd at the Havana Rumba restaurant seemed to have been divided.

Some of the people in the restaurant seemed to be arguing with the man who confronted McConnell.

Some of them say, "leave him alone," while others seem to disapprove of the protester's tactics.

A woman says, "He threw their leftovers at them? I didn't know that.".

The woman who shot the video told TMZ that, before she started recording, the protester slammed his fists down on McConnell's table, grabbed the "doggie bag" containing McConnell's leftovers, and threw the Senator's food out the of the restaurant.

The woman also told TMZ that the protester was angry about McConnell's positions on Social Security and on health care.

She told TMZ that, before she started filming, the man was screaming that McConnell was killing people with his views.

TMZ reported that there were four men involved in the protest, although one man was the main agitator.

McConnell has been outspoken about his criticism of the "Democratic mob" and has vowed that Republican lawmakers will not be intimidated by Democratic protesters.

"We refused to be intimidated by the mob of people that were coming after Republican members at their homes, in the halls.

I couldn't be prouder of the Senate Republican Conference," McConnell told reporters after Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed as the newest justice on the Supreme Court.

For more infomation >> WATCH: Protesters Confront Mitch McConnell in Restaurant | - Duration: 3:21.


n u a g e s - Dreams (Lyrics in CC) - Duration: 5:34.

Let's suppose that you were able every night to dream any dream you wanted to dream,

and you would naturally as you began on this adventure of dreams, you would fulfill all

your wishes.

You would have every kind of pleasure, you see,

and after several nights you would say, "well that was pretty great."

But now let's have a surprise, let's have a dream which isn't under control.

Well something is going to happen to me that i don't know what it's gonna be.

Then you would get more and more adventurous, and you would make further and further out

gambles as to what you would dream, and finally you would dream where you are now.

If you awaken from this illusion, and you understand that black implies white,

self implies other, life implies death.

You can feel yourself, not as a stranger in the world,

not as something here on probation, not as something that has arrived here by fluke,

but you can begin to feel your own existence as absolutely fundamental.

What you are basically, deep, deep down, far, far in, is simply the fabric and structure

of existence itself.

For more infomation >> n u a g e s - Dreams (Lyrics in CC) - Duration: 5:34.


[basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅗ - 오 o(o/oː) - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅗ - 오 o(o/oː) - Duration: 0:33.


SMG4: If Mario Was In... Starfox (Starlink Battle For Atlas) REACTION! - Duration: 13:19.

Drop like on this video if you guys enjoyed

Comment down below your thoughts in your opinions about the video. Make sure to subscribe

With host indications on so you stay down fight on every single video also follow my social media

So they tuned for updates for incoming videos. Thank you

What's up guys still crash here walk back to another reaction so will be reckoned to SMG for if Mario wasn't

starfox in


Starling battle for Atlas


We'll be reacting to this his new as when you for

blooper video and it came out

Like an hour and a half ago almost that well, it's over an hour ago. So

Yeah, we'll be

Reacting to this new video. I hope you guys enjoy chopped. Alright come down below and subscribe to the channel

Don't forget to turn on temple sanitation belt to stay notified on new videos. So we're gonna now

Let's get to started in three two one. Let's go

Yes, very very sexy charities

Please talk off. I'm sick with both disease polygraph. Is that a spaceship?

Oh right at Bob my god

Oh, why did he do that?

Right aliens by aliens. Oh man

What in the world you just

Wear the species

Mario was in Star Fox StarLink battle. I

Guess not almost good to say it's not again, but

Oh boy Oh No

Mamma Mia what you know world's

First down no

Of that race

Teach him you're doing good

Yeah, it is nice




Sitting there happy

Right in the world, how could it just dude I shit?

Jason come on

Come on oh, this is not good I do hey

Hey, shut up

This is nuts those things again God oh


screaming in Italian

Are you just raving like it's like not really

Yo, oh my god, you're I was sick oh my god

You know what this reminds me of Star Wars

This kind of reminds me of Star Wars. I know it's not Star Wars. It kind of reminds me of

That's sick that's like an action I love this

So what team are you just say Oh God

I will be the one to take you down


Some money place I

Could say this was a really great video

especially I loved how much like I like the action and I like that it kind of reminds me of

Star Wars a little bit that makes this even better

so and also the other thing what I liked about this, it's

It's like um when the aliens and Mario was dancing that was my favorite part also


Elena to action and the fact that it reminds me of Star Wars and the Mario and aliens


Devils great. I

Enjoyed it man. I I could've meant so other than that guys

I hope you guys enjoyed the video like comment subscribe turn on post on occasions. You guys will see no fun on every video

I hope it got dinner. Enjoy my video and

I hope you guys will

Have a great Saturday. I show will also saw all that guys

Hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you guys next time. Goodbye, everyone

For more infomation >> SMG4: If Mario Was In... Starfox (Starlink Battle For Atlas) REACTION! - Duration: 13:19.


🇩​🇮​🇸​🇨​🇴​🇷​🇩​ - Duration: 0:10.

For more infomation >> 🇩​🇮​🇸​🇨​🇴​🇷​🇩​ - Duration: 0:10.


How Jose Mourinho responded to Chelsea fans after being told to 'f*** off' - Duration: 2:30.

 Jose Mourinho responded to Chelsea supporters' taunts by making a gesture to remind them of his success at Stamford Bridge

 The Portuguese was minutes away from guiding his Manchester United side to victory before a stoppage-time equaliser from Ross Barkley sparked chaotic scenes

 Maurizio Sarri's second assistant Marco Ianni leaped off his seat before celebrating in front of Mourinho's face by punching the air

 Blues fans could be heard singing towards the end of the game, "f*** off, Mourinho

"  And the former Chelsea boss responded with a three-fingered gesture before pointing to the turf, signifying the three Premier League titles he delivered for them over two spells at the club

 The point comes off the back off a superb second-half display, with an Anthony Martial double putting United in front after Antonio Rudiger's opener

 But after David Luiz's header cam back off the post deep into stoppage time and David De Gea could not push Rudiger's follow-up to safety, Barkley bundled home the equaliser to draw a close to a sensational game

 Rudiger responded at full-time, insisting emotions were the reason for the scenes

 "I don't know [what happened] I just saw the benches standing up and it was like a fight and speaking," Rudiger told Sky Sports

 "It's emotions, it's football. I didn't see everything and it continued on the pitch but that's emotion

It's OK, at the end of the day we shake hands. "The game was still going on. It's emotion but everything has calmed down now so everyone can go home

"  Whilst pundit Jamie Redknapp criticised the reaction from Mourinho. "He was confronted by the assistant and there is no need to get involved there he has tried to get a rise out of Jose

 "I get that there is passion involved, this is high stakes, he's under enormous pressure. It's not ideal to see a manager reacting like that."

For more infomation >> How Jose Mourinho responded to Chelsea fans after being told to 'f*** off' - Duration: 2:30.


Lottery Fever - PA Super 7 Lottery - Laventhol and Horwath - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Lottery Fever - PA Super 7 Lottery - Laventhol and Horwath - Duration: 2:35.



what's going on guys magic here bringing you a brand new video today we got

another killer video for you guys full of information today we're gonna be

talking about is back to postponed until December we're also be looking at Power

Ledger litecoin stellar and tons of other news that went on in the

cryptocurrency space but guys before we can start with that if you want to enter

a chance to win some free Bitcoin all I guys have to do is number one be

subscribe to channel and have your notifications turn on number 2 get this

video a thumbs up and number 3 leave a comment down below saying something

related to the video also if you guys are interested in making money trading

cryptocurrencies even while the market is down make sure you check out the

first link in the description or the first link in the comments for the

cryptocurrency trade alert group so far I've had tons success with an over 90%

success rate on our trades ranging from both all coin trades to Bitcoin

leveraged trading so no matter what type of trading you are interested in there

is something in there for you I post every single one of my trades that

brought me from zero to six figures of cryptocurrency so you don't have to do

any of the work you don't have to know how to do technical analysis you don't

have to have the time to do technical analysis you can copy my exact trade at

the same time that I am entering it we've had people make up to two Bitcoin

in one single day as well as countless other people make an extra 100 500 1000

dollars in one single day our most recent trade that hit another target was

horizon so Ziyi and hit another one of our targets so very happy with the

results we are seeing it is up five point seven nine percent today actually

so again very successful trade very happy with the profits and overall

getting a ton of a ton of messages from people who are enjoying the profits now

let's get started with some news the first one is about fake news so Elon

Musk's flamethrower company isn't accepting Bitcoin now there was a big

thing going around that apparently the boring company which is a Elan musk

company that was selling the flamethrower they were apparently

accepting Bitcoin a lot of people apparently fell for this turns out this

was not the case this is another time that Elon Musk's name has been used to

for a cryptocurrency scam apparently it works really well so there's no reason

for them to stop using his name his name is

one that generates a lot of traffic to people trust his name so they're

interested in those things and overall all it led to is people getting scammed

now don't get me wrong I wish it was accepting cryptocurrency because I would

love to pick up a boring company not a flame thrower take a look at that thing

looks pretty cool I wouldn't mind picking one up let me

know your guys's thoughts in the comments down below should I pick up

even though we can't buy with cryptocurrency should we still look to

pick up a flamethrower and not a flamethrower and bring that on to a

video on the channel let me know your guys thoughts are down below I'm not

gonna lie it sounds pretty cool now the next news is about Tron and etherium so

trunk trumped etherium in daily transactions for the first time now one

thing we're gonna preface this with is it's just so we don't spread Fudd its

number one this was an anomaly right so it was you guys can tell that there was

an anomaly and Tron did indeed have more transaction more daily transactions than

aetherium Tron had five hundred ninety nine thousand three hundred fifty four

while aetherium had five hundred and sixty-five thousand seven hundred and

ninety one so still was close but truant did beat aetherium then again obviously

we had just the Sun tweet out saying this the first time Tron has surpassed a

theory of in daily transactions it's just the beginning now the reason for

this people are speculating is probably because of the partnership with Bay do

now they did put partnership in quotation we're gonna talk about that in

just a little bit but they do say that that could be what led to the spike in

transactions and that it's not something that should or that we will see happen

again that you know the next day and the next day the next day it was an anomaly

as of right now no this brings up a lot of controversy because I know there are

a lot of trans of Tron supporters up there and there are a lot of Tron haters

out there there are both sides and it basically comes down to I've noticed

most the time is do you like Justin son that's usually the big thing behind is

do you trust in Justin son do you believe in Justin son now he does have

his specific marketing techniques which is like we said the whole partnership

with Bay do was interesting and if we take a look at the criticism that

came out we remember that he tweeted finally first time to partner with tens

of billions of US dollar valuation industry giant guess the name now

according to another tweet that came that came at him after they released the

information about it assuming the below is accurate this deserves to be called

out as misleading marketing if I buy a computer with Microsoft Windows

installed I should not claim to have a partnership with Microsoft without

clarifying the limited nature of the partnership so again another time that

Tron has hyped up or that Justin son has hyped up a partnership for Tron and

either it under delivers or it doesn't seem to be exactly what he hyped it up

to be and that's what causes a lot of people to dislike Tron however the

project I think is growing in popularity I think a lot of a lot of influencers in

the space a lot of youtubers initially weren't fans of truant they didn't like

it and again it was because of Justin's son so something to keep in mind however

I'm noticing more and more people are shifting into it I think it is aiming to

do a lot and if it does succeed it could be a very very good project comparing

itself to aetherium right now I think obviously aetherium

is at the top what of who who they're trying to compete with so it makes sense

that they have aetherium on their radar but I don't think aetherium has that has

Tron on their radar yeah I think there still is some growing to do and that

spike in daily transactions was a one-time thing not I'm not saying in the

future it can't pass a theorem but I'm saying right now it was also a little

overhyped as the reason to why it happened was because of the bay du

partnership but anyways let me know your guys thoughts are on the partnership

down below I know we have a lot of tron supporters in of as subscribers to this

channel as viewers to this channel and as you guys know I also do hope to see

Tron and patron perform and I hope to see them accomplish what they want to

accomplish and I do have a part of my portfolio invested in Iran so we're

gonna see how all that plays out now let's talk about back to because I got a

lot of questions about this asking me is back to postponed until December now

this was a an article released by Kelly who is the CEO at back now they were

talking about the team the launch and every

that was going on so first of all they have gotten coin based veteran as you

guys can see right here in the article they have confirmed a coin based veteran

has joined ICS crypto platform back now it's really cool to see again having a

big name that's already in cryptocurrency come in here and join

what i seee is trying to do they believe that ICS new venture will be the

catalyst for those institutional investors that have been waiting on the

sidelines and trust me guys that is a lot a lot of money to enter the crypto

space he quoted as saying that in 2017 I saw a big shift the interest in Bitcoin

and other currencies started changing from retail to the institutional side

but the level of infrastructure of the existing trading sites often didn't meet

their expectations so once that mean they waited on the sidelines and are

waiting to find the optimal opportunity one low prices and to when they think

things are a little more secure to come in when things are easier for them to

jump in to commit and that's what I see is trying to do that's what ice is

trying to do get institutionalize make it easier for institutional investors to

come in the market as well so white went on to tell fortune that he believes

traditional banking giants have been waiting for crypto Trading security

standards to reach the mark of more traditional markets such as the equity

market or bonds claiming that's why I joined back so that's why he joined and

again they have a veteran on there from coinbase

which is always good to see now in terms of the actual lunch and what is going on

the the stuff going on in November what I understood for me is that November

will probably be a softer launch so they're saying we're taking a

transparent approach to engage across the industry as we begin testing and

onboarding in November and then what everyone's talking about December

that's when trading and warehousing that's when that is expected to launch

now again this is subject to CFTC approval now the good thing is that

these guys are being very transparent with what is going on when they're

trying to have everything happen how they're trying to have everything happen

that is all being very very transparent which I like and it makes it easy for us

to keep up to date with everything that's

going on like I said for those of you asking if it's been postponed until

December not really it looks like November is going to be these like I

said soft launch and then in December they're gonna have the trading and the

warehousing so again very interesting stuff a lot of people expecting this to

be the catalyst that will bring Bitcoin back to over $10,000 start us in the

bull ranks as you guys know 10,000 above ten thousands well I think we'll

solidify the fact that we are in another bull run break 10,000 get in that bull

run start seeing all-time highs and bring all the excitement back into

cryptocurrency and hopefully once we get more excitement in and once we get more

education and people knowing what they're investing in knowing why they're

investing we're gonna see a little bit more of a stable market without having

to have that one too big huge spike and then the correction that came to fall

out for the several months we have to wait that happens back still looks

really really good I'm very excited again not enough people are talking

about this especially the beginning when it first was announced I was

highlighting the fact that nobody is talking about how big this is now we're

starting to pick up a little bit more attraction which is always good to see

and I'm very excited for how things continue to play out 2019 even maybe the

end of 2018 but 2019 should see a lot of money

entering cryptocurrency and again 2019 2020 2021 2022 I expect things to just

continuously improve in terms of development continue to grow continue to

grow interest continue to grow adoption education all that part and

continue to help the market grow and grow so I'm very excited to see what

happens next year and I'm even more excited to see what happens five to ten

years from now let's take a look at the overall cryptocurrency market two

hundred and nine billion dollars in market cap with a fifty three point

seven percent Bitcoin dominance so it looks like we're

kind of leveling off right here not too much movement going on in the market

again we had a little bit of a downward pattern but as of right now barely any

change Bitcoin change point four percent this looks like a stable coin this looks

like the stock market I don't like it when things move 0.4% we've gone to use

to those crazy ups and downs trust me I don't mind if it's up or if it's down we

can make money trade either way with that but trading

sideways is the most boring thing to look at for Bitcoin 0.4% change

absolutely sucks but if you look at the biggest winners salt is up 30% bytom is

up almost 17 eternity wax raving coins e cash is another one that has been

performing very well and one that I think will continue to perform actually

picked up a bit more recently and already seeing some nice returns from

that basic attention to open another one that I'm very very bullish on and I have

picked up as well and I talked about that a little bit yesterday zero X's up

as well overall it looks like a majority of the market is in the green with only

a handful in the red such as futures is down Komodos down polymath is down drop

those down myth rolls down but only a handful and not much losses but again

even in the green we see a lot of these very very small percentages which

overall indicates that we're having more of a sideways day than anything else and

a few cryptocurrency of course outperforming the market because of news

coming out and so on Power Ledger however Power ledger is ranked number 88

there are they are in the green of almost 2.5 percent today they won

Richard Branson's extreme tech challenge 2018 that is really cool to see Richard

Branson is one of my favorite entrepreneurs out there definitely

someone that I look up to and follow in terms of what he's accomplished very

successful guy always looking at innovation always looking at what's next

and so he's been looking at the blockchain technology and cryptocurrency

we talked a little bit about that he is interested in it I don't think he's

necessarily jumped into it maybe he has maybe he hasn't they haven't disclosed

that yet obviously he hasn't disclosed his his investment or a lack of

investment yet but either way para Ledger won this year's extreme a Tech

Challenge hosted by Richard Branson very very cool to see right here it also saw

a little bit of a jump in terms of market cap went up to rank number 86 I

believe it is still somewhere around that range now maybe a 88 I don't

remember what we just saw it at but these crypto currencies guys a good

crypto currency one that again I've been invested in for a while now

not a huge investment I wish I had more of an investment in it but obviously you

can't I can't put as much as I like you to everything because there are a lot of

good products out there but I do have a small chunk invested that I invested

some time back and overall I am holding on to this and excited to see what the

project continues to bring I heard good stuff from it before and again this is

only more confirmation and congratulations to the power Leger team

for winning next up light coin I've talked about

this as well a lot like coin always had that they've been developing a non-stop

they've been working on adoption non-stop in the bear market as a lot of

cryptocurrency either one died down or two haven't done much like one has been

one of the few and again the base few are the ones that I'm really looking at

that are making developments that are making improvements and preparing for

the bull market they're doing all the all the tech side all the adoption side

you know all the dirty work behind the scenes work they're doing that in the

bear market well their fees are about to get reduced ten times with the new

litecoin core launch due to a surge in its fees after like when hit its

all-time high at three hundred and twenty dollars like Quint is down a lot

from that and this could possibly be a cows for light point to have a little

bit of a run as well to continue to have maintained its spot in the top ten I

believe it's number five right now number seven right now sorry about that

number seven right now good cryptocurrency overall again a

relatively safe one because it is high up there and Charlie leave behind it

like you guys can like memory you guys can dislike him given you know his

selling of his light coin but the guy is smart and he knows what he is doing now

lastly stellar has been outperforming the market a ton they've been up there

actually up a ton this week they're up today as well over two and a half

percent they hiked again by 4% to round off a weekly growth of 17% so stellar

lumens xlm has been surprising it's hard less with the impromptu price hikes over

the last week now this is another good cryptocurrency one that I have invested

more into stellar and XRP both ones that I'm very bullish on and I have I

I have invested and I can disclose that I have invested a good amount into as I

do think they will continue to perform well especially when the bull market

comes but guys that's gonna be it for this video hopefully you guys did enjoy

if you did don't forget to leave a thumbs up and leave a comment down below

in order to enter a chance to win some free Bitcoin and of course be subscribe

and have your notifications turned on so you can check back in to see if you did

win so you can go ahead and claim it but guys thank you so much for watching I'll

see you guys tomorrow for another video



[temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅗ - 오 O(o) - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅗ - 오 O(o) - Duration: 0:33.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-now - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-now - Duration: 1:06.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-now - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-now - Duration: 1:06.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-play - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-play - Duration: 0:52.


Hyundai ix35 1.6i GDI i-Magine - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix35 1.6i GDI i-Magine - Duration: 1:03.


Cool Toned Makeup Look Sultry Palette - Duration: 16:58.

hey guys what's up welcome back if this is your first time stopping by my name

is Brittany and hello welcome to my channel today I wanted to create a

really nice cool tone and makeup look for you guys obviously yes if you

haven't guessed already using the anastacio saucy palette finally got my

hands on this oh my god guys I've been wanting to get my hands on this ever

since it was at first announced on Instagram but I had to wait for it to

become available in Sephora because the last time that I purchased from the

anastacio website by the time I got it paid for shipping I had to pay for

customs cuz I'm from Canada and it ended up doubling in price by the time I got

it in my hands from the mail person so I promised myself that I was never going

to order from the UH Nastasia website again I would always wait for her

products to become available in Sephora but this was one of the products I was

like come on on stasi like release it in support today okay like come on but I

waited and I got it and it was worth the wait

I loved it I can really really appreciate this palette I'm really happy

that anasazi came out with a palette that has more cool toned eyeshadows than

warm because everybody does warm drives me crazy because you can only do so many

warm eyeshadow palettes before they all start looking the same so I can really

appreciate this palette I'm obsessed with the shimmery shades over here I can

see me creating some really nice holiday looks and even New Year's Eve looks with

this palette and I just wish more people would fall in love with cool toned

eyeshadow looks because a cool toned makeup looks are so sexy I just feel

like some people are just scared to get into them or just don't want to and I

don't understand why because I personally love cool tone makeup looks

and that's just me though I don't know about you but I love them so I

appreciate this palette and I love how this eyeshadow look turned out today I

really hope that you guys enjoyed today's look as well if you haven't

already subscribed to my channel please consider subscribing and hitting all

your post notifications as well so that you notified every single time that I

upload to my channel I upload two to three times a week every single week

sometimes four if I'm feeling lucky so you always have lots of content coming

from me over here and I would love for you to become part of the family anyways

guys if you want to see how I create this really nice cool tone and makeup

look today using the anasazi I saw tree palate then please keep on watching

my right guys I already did go in and do one off camera like I always do and I

have my other lid prep and I have tape on the outer part of my eye because I am

going to go in with a sharp look today not gonna lie I did try to attempt this

look as more of a rounded eye today and it just was not blending well together

so I ended up wiping it off like three times and just saying fuck it and I went

in and did a sharper look instead I'm gonna start off this look by going in

with my morphe m-43 3 brush into the shade dystopian just hope Ian I think is

how you pronounce it's the dark chocolate shade from the palette and

then I'm just gonna pack this right in the crease well know what is with all

these companies coming up with all these super weird names in their eyeshadow

palettes that I cannot pronounce

Statutes down I'm gonna go in with my morphe m56 to brush and I'm gonna go

into the shade twig and then I'm just going to buff this right along the edges

of the last shadow that we place down just so that there's a nice seamless

blend between the shadows one thing I will say though is the shaped wake

appears more ashy on the eyelid than it does in the pan to me so that was one of

the reasons why I think I kept friggin the look up is because it goes on my lid

a little bit differently than what it actually looks like in the pan so I just

found that this way was gonna be a lot easier for me to blend everything out

and make it look right I also have a hard time sometimes doing

rounded eye looks because of the way my eyelids are shape and how good it they

are sometimes I just feel like I just there's no matter what I do even if I'm

doing the proper techniques they just don't turn out so that's why nine times

out of ten I tend to do more sharpie sharpie that's why sometimes I tend to

do more sharp eye looks because I just feel like they turn out better with my

eyelids cuz my eyelids suck now that part's done this let's go on ten times

faster than the other one did I'm gonna go in to my makeup Shack t56 brush and

I'm gonna go into the shade Noir which is obviously the black shade from the

palette and then I'm just going to pack that right on the outer part of the lid

so do you guys own this palette have you tried it yet do you plan on purchasing

it what are your thoughts let me know I was really gravitated towards this

palette because of the cool tone shades in it I'm really glad that anasazi

finally came out with the palette that's more geared toward cool toned eyeshadows

because I love cool toned eyeshadows and I feel like everybody should start

making more cool toned eyeshadow palettes because they are so dope and I

know not everybody loves cool tone looks but I love cool tone looks so I'm just

going in and cutting the lid now with my makeup revolution concealer

next I'm gonna go into the shade ember and get my brush a spray with my skin to

navy a setting spray and I'm just gonna pop that shadow all over the lid

everywhere is where we just place that concealer this is a really really

beautiful shade too like I just don't feel like this shadow is as pigmented or

shimmery as it could be I don't know maybe it's just me

maybe it's the concealer I'm using I don't know what do you think please

leave me a comment in the comment section below but I just feel like it

could be a little bit more pigmented that's just my honest opinion but I mean

I'll still work with it I'm gonna go back in with my makeup Shakti 56 brush

back into the shade noir and I'm just going to buff that black shadow into the

shadow that we just placed on the lid so that there is no harsh lines I will say

this is a really pigmented black tooth oh I'm really impressed with the quality

of the black shadow from this palette for the next step again because I didn't

feel like the shade amber was his pigmented and shimmery as I wanted it to

be I am gonna go in over top of it with my Stila glitter liquid eyeshadow in the

shade is it med you sh did you Shi douche it's a really nice green a

shimmery shade so I'm just gonna take this and literally plop it all over the

lid because I just want a little bit more of a metallic shimmer effect on the

lid and that shadow just was not doing it for me so I opted to go in with this

you can totally skip this part though like don't feel it's necessary if you

don't have this shimmery glitter in your collection I just do you boo and

whatever works for you but I just wanted that little bit of extra pop on the lid

now that that's done I'm gonna go in and create a nice gradual thick liner on the

lid again as you guys know I have been really into doing lately and I am going

to go in today with my next matte liquid liner this is a really good drugstore

liquid liner if you're in the market for a really good affordable eyeliner I

would definitely consider picking up the NYX matte black liner because it's very

comparable to the NY the one that everybody used to rave

about but that one is now discontinued so this is the next best option

in my opinion I just feel like liquid liners perform a better over top of

glitter than a gel liner so that's why I'm going in and using this today hey

now that that parts done I'm gonna go in with my makeup Shakti 63 brush into the

shade fresh it's literally the lightest shade from the palette and then I'm just

gonna dust a little bit of that right in the brow bone area again just to further

blend out that ashy color that we have going on in the crease right now and

then I'm going to go back over top of that again with a little bit more of

twig and then just blend a little bit more twig back into the crease alright

guys so I did go do my foundation powders and concealer and stuff

off-camera and I'm gonna move in now and do underneath the lower lash line so to

do that I'm gonna be going into my Sigma e30 brush and I'm gonna go back into the

shade noir and I'm just gonna focus this black shade on the very outer part of

the lower lash line I'm not dragging it in I'm not even dragging it halfway in

because I don't like to take black shadows all the way in on the lower lash

line I just feel like doing it this way kind of helps keep your eyes a little

bit more open and awake as opposed to taking the black taking the black

eyeshadow all the way in because I feel like that can make your eyes look a

little bit smaller I don't want my eyes to look any smaller so I'm just going in

to give it a little bit of depth on the outer V of the eye and keeping it on the

very outer part of the lower lash line and it with my makeup Shakti 63 brush

and I'm gonna go into this shade dis distopian I think I'm saying that right

I just don't know guys I just don't know I'm the bad pronounce there and I'm just

gonna pop that dark brown shadow all underneath the lower lash line this

shadow I am dragging mostly towards the inner part I guess for a little bit of

extra drama I'm going to go into my Maybelline a black gel liner with my

morphe end one seven brush want to pick up some of

that black liner and we are just going to go in and add this to the waterline

because this is such a dramatic look today why not be extra so because the

eyes are cool toned today I want to keep the rest of the face in the cool tone

realm so that it matches so to do that today I'm gonna go into my Smashbox

callee contour palette and I'm gonna go into this cool tone bronzer right here

it's right up my alley it's gonna go perfect with this eye shadow look so I'm

going in with my Real Techniques buffing brush and then I'm just going to buff

that underneath my cheekbone oh my god guys have you have been following me and

you have watched my last couple tutorials you know that I experienced a

really bad exam a breakout on my neck and it was clearing up and it was doing

better but but when I got my Anasazi palette I ended up picking up this cap

re kapo'i coconut melt it said online that it is really good for eczema so I

was like sure like hit me up with it right and I used it last night because I

just got it yesterday and my neck is so irritated today like I put it on last

night and I put on just before I went to bed and before I went to bed like my

neck was like on fire it was so itchy from the product so I went and I wiped

it off before I fell asleep but I must have scratched the hell out of my neck

all night because it irritated me so much and now it's spread more it's oh

it's inflamed more and I'm just pissed because I was doing good and it's

finally starting to clear it up and then this damn coconut melt had to make it

worse like I don't know if it's like a product I should try again in case it

even aggravates it even more like I don't know I just want my examine to go

away okay so for blush today I think I'm just gonna keep it very basic for the

blush as well obviously so I'm just gonna go back into the callee contour

palette and I'm just gonna go into this blush right here

use what I have instead all these other products if you guys are

like a light to medium complexion and you like cool tone bronzers I would

highly suggest picking up the Smashbox calli contour palette I was skeptical at

first when I did my first initial review on this product but the more that I used

it and what not the more I liked it I just wasn't able to use it in the summer

time because I was really tanned in the summer time and somebody who has a

really deep complexion I'll it's not going to work for that's the only

downside to this is that I wish it was more user friendly for people who have

deeper complexions but maybe Smashbox will end up coming

out with one that is more geared towards people with deeper skin tones because I

think they should because I feel like people with deeper skin tones are left

out of the market do you know what I mean like there a lot of people don't

gear the products towards them and I don't understand why because they should

just doesn't make sense off that ramble I did forget to go in

and clean up my contour so I'm gonna be going in with my who to Beauty easy bake

powder in blondie and I'm just gonna go in and chisel the shit out of my contour

while I let that kind of stuff for a minute I am gonna go into my benefit

gimme brow and I'm just going to a buff that a little bit through my eyebrows

just to kind of tame them down a little and to remove some of the powder that

might have flew up into them when I was putting my baking powder underneath the

eyes I really do enjoy this product it really helps to make the eyes and like

your hairs look a little bit more natural I'm just gonna go in and remove

that powder I don't like to leave it too too long

now that that's done guys I'm gonna go in with my skin to navy a setting spray

I'm also gonna go in with my cocktail face is still sopping wet you guys know

the drill I'm gonna go in and do my highlighter so I'm gonna go into my

Milani a Sun glow highlighter today and I'm just going to apply this to the

highest point to the cheek Milan e's highlighters are a really good drugstore

alternative to a really good highlighter they're not overly expensive either

which is really good and they performed so well especially if you go in with a

wet base they are blinding all right guys so now that the highlight is on I

am gonna go do my mascara and my false lashes off-camera while I let the rest

of the face kind of think in and then once that's on I will be right back to

wrap up this look alright guys I'm back lashes are on and it's time to wrap up

this look so I'm gonna go in on the lips today and for that I'm gonna go in with

my Milani color statement lipliner in the shade and number 9

then for lipstick today I wanted to go in with one of my new lipsticks that is

from L'Oreal it's in the color riche collection and it is called full blown

far really beautiful kind of cool toned matte lipstick I absolutely love it and

I'm just gonna put this all over the lips this is like super matte to do

really like L'Oreal lipsticks I just wish that they would change the scent in

them because I cannot stand the scent but it's one of those prices that you

have to pay for a good lipstick stuff and because this lipstick is so mad my

lips are really dry today so it's a little bit uncomfortable I am gonna go

into my a buxom mini lip gloss in the shade dolly and I'm just gonna pop some

of this over top of it it just adds a little bit of moisture into it so that

my lips don't feel so uncomfortable and then you're all good to go alright guys

so that is it for my cool tone a makeup look today using the anasazi of sultry

palette I really hope that you guys enjoyed today's tutorial do you guys

have this palette do you plan on picking it up what do you think of it you like

cool tone eyeshadows do you not like cool toned eyeshadows please leave me a

comment in the comment section below because I'd love to know what you guys

think of this palette personally for me I can really appreciate a lot of these

cool toned shadows in here I do really love cool toned eyeshadow looks I just

know that a lot of people don't really care for them but I really think that

people need to start getting more into them because they are super sexy and

super flattering on a lot of people especially if you just kind of let

yourself get used to it but that's just me I personally love them and will never

get sick of them so I do appreciate the cool toned eyeshadows that are in that

palette and I didn't get a lot of kick up either out of that palette which is

also a big thumbs up for me okay anyways guys I really hope that you guys enjoyed

today's tutorial these consider subscribing before you leave today leave

me a comment letting me know what you'd like to see next on my channel and with

that being said thank you guys so much I love you and I will catch you in my next


For more infomation >> Cool Toned Makeup Look Sultry Palette - Duration: 16:58.


Toyota RAV4 2.0-16V VVT-i Sp.Ed. - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Toyota RAV4 2.0-16V VVT-i Sp.Ed. - Duration: 1:12.


Ouvir a voz de Deus "Como conhecer o caráter de Deus e o resultado de Sua obra" Parte cinco - Duration: 28:28.

For more infomation >> Ouvir a voz de Deus "Como conhecer o caráter de Deus e o resultado de Sua obra" Parte cinco - Duration: 28:28.


[temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅗ - 오 O(o) - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅗ - 오 O(o) - Duration: 0:33.


O melhor de Bebel Gilberto - Bebel Gilberto bateu músicas - músicas de hits dos anos 90 - Duration: 41:46.

For more infomation >> O melhor de Bebel Gilberto - Bebel Gilberto bateu músicas - músicas de hits dos anos 90 - Duration: 41:46.


Cronologia de vinhetas "O Voto na Record - Debate" (2006-2018) - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Cronologia de vinhetas "O Voto na Record - Debate" (2006-2018) - Duration: 0:44.


"The Day After" - Short Film - Duration: 12:22.

For more infomation >> "The Day After" - Short Film - Duration: 12:22.


[basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅗ - 오 o(o/oː) - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅗ - 오 o(o/oː) - Duration: 0:33.


Amaury Junior questiona bissexualidade de Anitta e cantora mita na resposta - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Amaury Junior questiona bissexualidade de Anitta e cantora mita na resposta - Duration: 1:54.


Fãs especulam romance de Bruna Marquezine e Shawn Mendes após término com Neymar Jr. - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Fãs especulam romance de Bruna Marquezine e Shawn Mendes após término com Neymar Jr. - Duration: 3:12.





PT Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #51: Advanced Hands and Knees - Duration: 1:40.

Hello! My name is Amy Sturkey. I an here with Myla, who is 16 months old now. She

has low tone and Down syndrome. I am going to try vault, which is on your hands

and knees with one knee up, to work on that weight shift in hands and knees

position. So wish me luck! She's a lot squirmier and stronger than before

Let's put her down on her hands and knees and attempt to get one knee up. I know it.

I hear you. Heavens to Betsies. Oh! Okay. Look! Going down! Okay. Okay. Okay.

Okay. Okay. There you go. Alright. So for the camera, one knee is

up and for the moment two hands were down. There you go. No I am going to lose.

I hear you the struggle is a good thing Okay! I hear you!

Okay. It does not look like I am going get it for long...but we've got it for now

There you go, Myla. Not so bad. Myla says, "Can we finish that one?" All right? Thank

you! I hope you enjoyed that easy exercise.

Try it with your kids see how it goes! Thanks! Bye!

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