Saturday, October 20, 2018

Youtube daily report w Oct 20 2018

It's late at night and you're feeling sleepy.

As you tuck into bed, you start getting drowsy and slip off into a deep slumber- but suddenly

instead of a pleasant dream you find yourself in a dark, steamy boiler room... and standing

in front of you is a familiar figure with a black fedora and bladed glove.

Do you stand a chance against him?

That's what we'll find out, in this episode of The Infographics Show- You vs Freddy Krueger-

Could You Defeat Him?

Freddy Krueger was a normal family man with a loving family; though under this secret

facade, he was a depraved serial killer who stalked the children of his former classmates,

all of whom had taunted and ridiculed him throughout school, making his life hell.

Torturing and killing the children, he spread their remains throughout town and became known

as the Springwood Slasher.

Eventually he was caught by the police, though a faulty arrest warrant saw him released on

a technicality.

The town took justice into their own hands and burned Freddy alive in his boiler room,

though as he succumbed to the flames, he was approached by three Dream Demons who offered

him the power to stalk and kill through dreams.

Accepting, Freddy became a Dream Demon himself, empowered by fear and gaining power by absorbing

the souls of his victims.

So, say you find yourself face to face in the middle of a nightmare with the fabled

Dream Demon Freddy Krueger- how could you defeat him?

The first strategy will be to remain awake as long as possible, as Freddy is powerless

in the real world and can only strike at you from within your own dreams.

One good way to stop yourself from falling asleep is the use of amphetamines such as

aderral or speed.

As a stimulant, amphetamines speed up messages traveling between the brain and body, and

taken in large doses have the side effect of making it very difficult to go to sleep

while retaining a decent amount of energy.

If illegal drugs aren't your thing, you can try legal drugs such as Modafinil, or perhaps

just take your chances popping caffeine tablets.

However, too much caffeine in your system can lead to irregular heartbeat and seizures,

and staying awake for too long can lead to serious mental disorders such as paranoia,

depression, hallucinations, and even psychosis.

So you're staying awake via a steady stream of caffeine pills or a few hits of amphetamines

every few hours- what now?

Well your first tactic could be to try to find Freddy's remains and have them blessed

by a priest.

As Freddy still has the soul of a man, he is technically being possessed by the Dream

Demons, and as such vulnerable to a Rite of Exorcism.

It's not as easy as just sprinkling some holy water on a bunch of burnt bones though- due

to a rise in the demand for exorcisms in recent years, the Vatican recently held a week long

conference to address the rising tide of exorcisms and discuss concerns over the uneven skills

of the Vatican's current exorcists.

The church warns that would-be exorcists should apprentice under an experienced exorcist,

and the risks of conducting an exorcism while unprepared can be dire.

Perhaps though you can use the threat of exorcism to lure Freddy into the real world.

As a Dream Demon, Freddy has no more power in the real world than you do, and luring

him into reality- or forcing him into it- will completely take away his powers.

However, be warned- he may not have supernatural powers anymore, but he is still armed with

a very dangerous glove full of razor sharp knives.

You can try and take Freddy out one-on-one with some karate skills, but we recommend

instead something far simpler: a Smith & Wesson Model 629.

Armed with a .44 Magnum round, the 629 is a highly portable and extremely powerful sidearm

carried by many American hunters for self-defense against bears in the wild.

Capable of creating an exit wound several inches wide, simply follow the old shooter's

adage: two in the chest and one in the head, and Freddy will be no more.

But suppose you accidentally fell asleep and Freddy lured you into one of his signature

nightmares- what then?

The best, and simplest defense against Freddy is actually quite simple: don't be afraid

of him.

As a Dream Demon, Freddy is unable to harm his victims without first cultivating an aura

of fear.

Freddy accomplishes this by haunting his subjects for weeks, gradually building a sense of dread

within them that empowers him.

Once the fear has grown strong enough, it's a simple matter for Freddy to kill his victim.

So your best defense is to simply not be afraid of him.

The best way to overcome your fear is 6 tricks used by military veterans around the world:


Prepare and Practice- by mentally preparing yourself for your confrontation with Freddy

you can diminish the fear once it actually goes down.

Per US Navy SEAL Platoon Commander James Waters, Navy SEALs spend 75% of their time training

for a deployment, and 25% of their time on the actual deployment.

Once in the midst of a confrontation you've been preparing for, you'll naturally slip

into a state of preparedness, greatly reducing fear.


Laugh- A Stanford University study revealed that people who were trained to make jokes

in response to disturbing images dealt with them in a much better way than those who didn't.

Laughing can also release feel-good chemicals such as endorphin in the brain, furthering

lightening your mood and decreasing the fear.

Maybe try picturing Freddy naked.... or on second thought, maybe not.


Breathing- Fear manifests itself physically with a racing heart and pouring sweat.

You can fight these physical manifestation by lapsing into a pattern of very deep breaths.

Inhale for four seconds and exhale for four seconds, calming your nervous system and putting

you back in control.


Voice in your head – We've all experienced the nagging voice of doubt deep in our brains

during stressful times.

In moments of fear, that voice can become amplified and completely override your own


Tell it to shut up.

Mentally shout over these thoughts like many soldiers, who shout words like "faster"

to themselves in order to shift their focus from the fear.


Worst Case Scenario- Much like the first tip to prepare and practice, imagining the worst

case scenario that can happen can mentally prepare you for the emotions that you're bound

to experience, lessening the intensity once they actually manifest.

So picture Freddy ripping your guts out, imagine what it would feel like to have those six-inch

long blades of his in your soft flesh- and then when the time comes to actually confront

him you'll find that the fear you're facing is kind of familiar, and easier to overcome.


Push your comfort zone- Fear typically comes from experiencing the unknown or dangerous.

A simple way to defeat fear then is to constantly push your boundaries and expose yourself to

unknown and dangerous circumstances.

Just like exposure therapy can combat phobias, exposing yourself to more and more scary things

can actually lessen the effect that fear- from any source- can have on you.

So you're not afraid of Freddy anymore- perfect.

Now you're in control of the dream, and Freddy can be your plaything.

While dispatching him in the Dream World isn't a guarantee that he'll stay gone, if Freddy

can't make you afraid anymore odds are he's not going to be coming back anytime soon.

Although we still recommend the Smith and Wesson.

So, how would you defeat Freddy?

Have any tips on overcoming fear?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Also, be sure to check out our other video You vs 100 People - Could You Defeat Them.

Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> YOU vs Freddy Krueger - Could You Defeat Him? (A Nightmare on Elm Street - Halloween Special) - Duration: 6:46.


Бинокль Pentax 9x28 DCF LV обзор и отзыв - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Бинокль Pentax 9x28 DCF LV обзор и отзыв - Duration: 1:21.


Trump Catches Entire Nation Off Guard With Announcement On ENDING Federal Ban - Duration: 6:33.

For more infomation >> Trump Catches Entire Nation Off Guard With Announcement On ENDING Federal Ban - Duration: 6:33.


Ex-BBB Emilly Araújo Assume NAMORO com Empresário e Fãs Comemoram - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Ex-BBB Emilly Araújo Assume NAMORO com Empresário e Fãs Comemoram - Duration: 1:03.


B A A T H W A V E - long live the arab Ba'ath - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> B A A T H W A V E - long live the arab Ba'ath - Duration: 1:14.


Após descobrir a verdade, Valentim não perdoa Karola e a expulsa de casa - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Após descobrir a verdade, Valentim não perdoa Karola e a expulsa de casa - Duration: 2:45.


Whindersson Nunes comenta término de Bruna Marquezine e Neymar Jr. - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Whindersson Nunes comenta término de Bruna Marquezine e Neymar Jr. - Duration: 2:47.


Indicados 5 rifles 'mais perigosos do planeta' e o russo AK-47 está na lista - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Indicados 5 rifles 'mais perigosos do planeta' e o russo AK-47 está na lista - Duration: 1:59.


SHROUD HELPS OUT SKA! STEWIE2K TAKES AN L! CS:GO Twitch Clips - Duration: 10:13.


For more infomation >> SHROUD HELPS OUT SKA! STEWIE2K TAKES AN L! CS:GO Twitch Clips - Duration: 10:13.


My First Time Drawing On a Chinese Tablet (Graphic Tablet GAOMON M106K) - Duration: 6:09.

Do you want to win an incredible tablet to make your drawings?

At the end of this video, I'll teach u how to do this

The Gaomon sent me graphic tablet for a review

A M106k one

Then I decided to make an unboxing to show you guys this product

Disclaimer: This videos isn't a paid patnership. Then everything that I tell about this product is my real opinion

At the first look at the tablet's box is already possible to realize how big this tablet is.

On this part my camera is defocused, But is there on the box some information like the pressure points levels (2048) and the size of this tablet (359.6 x 240 x 10.5mm)

For further information Check the Gaomon's links bellow on description

First let's take a look at this small things that come inside the box

Here we have some extra nips and a nips remover tool

Here is the user guide (this guid are on english)

And in this compartment at the left side are the pen, the USB cabe and the pen charger

This product have an enormous cost-benefit ratio

Big Size and 12 ExpressKeys for a small price

Is in it a mini USB interface

OS Supports Windows 7/8/8.1/10, MAC OS 10.10 or later

Its a size comparation between my Wacom Intuos Draw and the Gaomon m106k

This two tablets are in almost the same price range , but the M106k is a little bit cheaper and have more features.

The links with 13% off for this tablet are on description. Its avaliable on UK and ES

Just check there, is a good idea take a look

If you don't are of one of this countries don't be sad

Cuz you already have the chance to be prized with a GAOMON PD1560

In the end of this video I will tell more abou it for you guys

The GAOMON pen need a charger, but his battery autonomy is 350 Hours ish.

this pen have a automatic sleep system that is activated after 10 minutes of inativity

The drivers don't come with the box

You need to make The download on the Gaomon's website

The instalation process is really easy

You Just need to click in "support" "driver Download" and select your tablet model.

Then I finally start my illustration process

I just did some rough sketches to adapt a bit

I decided to draw a boku no hero fanart

Midoriya x Uraraka

I've been uploading a lot of arts on my instagram, follow me there <3

When you draw with a big tablet you can do more acurrate lines , and this is really cool

It Is almost like to draw with a stabilizer tool

but a large object obviously occupies a large space

If you have a small table probaly this product don't will be a big deal for you

Draw on big tablets is more tiring

Cuz you need to do largest moviments

Some time you can get tired out of drawing

Now I will tell to you guys about how to have the chance to prized with a GAOMON screen tablet

The GAOMON company has promoting a mascot contest

And the prize of this contest is a PD1560 tablet

And the coolest thing about it is that you don't need to be a super illustrator to make part of it.

you need to design two characters ,and One of these characters is meant to be more complex than the other

The gaomon exemple is on screen now...

They don't are looking for a super detailed character

They want simples and creatives designs

You can also add a description of the personality of both characters

The link with further information about this contest is on description.

I'm just Saying things to brazilians guys now... You can jump to minute 5:54 to see the result

For more infomation >> My First Time Drawing On a Chinese Tablet (Graphic Tablet GAOMON M106K) - Duration: 6:09.


Falafel Burger Recipe - Falafel Burgers With Tahini Sauce - Garbanzo Beans/Chickpeas - Duration: 9:27.

what is up everybody this lyle with no hippie barbecue and what I would be

doing in this video is I'm going to be making some falafel burgers this falafel

burger sandwich recipe is a joint venture between myself and another YouTube channel by

the name of the meat stall and Ricky over at the meats table came up with an

idea that we come up with a crazy burger so this right here is mine I'm going to

go ahead and leave a link to Ricky's channel in the iCard above and

description below run by there and take a look at his channel and his burger

recipe he's coming up with this part of this now this recipe isn't going to be

authentic or anything like that if I wanted to make it authentic I would use

dried chickpeas chickpeas or garbanzo beans we're going to be using the cans

today rather than talk about it let's take a look at these ingredients these

are the ingredients that we're gonna need for the actual patty so what we

have is we have some garbanzo beans and these are canned garbanzo beans we have

red onions that are minced finely garlic that's been minced finely cilantro and

parsley mince finely salt and pepper to taste that's about a teaspoon and a half

each lime juice tahini and we have some garbanzo flour if you don't have

garbanzo flour any regular flour will work as far as the tahini tahini is just

basically sesame seed paste we're gonna be using some cumin and we have some

cayenne pepper as well so really all that I'm gonna do is we're gonna start

mixing this stuff up this is basically going to make our burger once we're done

with our burger we're gonna get on to our sauce first thing I'm gonna do is

we're just gonna go ahead and get a rough mash on these garbanzo beans and

they don't need to be broken down too much we will be kind of mash them down a

little bit more down the road so that's good right there we're gonna go ahead

and just add the rest of our ingredients for now sort onion or parsley cilantro

red pepper or cayenne pepper cumin or

garlic lime juice a salt and pepper and I'm gonna go ahead and mix this up now

and we're gonna go ahead and add our garbanzo bean flour and our tahini down

the road okay so that is got everything incorporated into this I'm gonna go

ahead and get some gloves on then we're gonna go ahead and add our garbanzo bean

flour and our tahini and that's what's gonna bind this burger together now that

we have our gloves on it's time to have some fun so let's go ahead and add our


our garbanzo flour now we're just gonna mix now we're gonna want this to thicken

up almost kind of like a meatloaf or like this I was very steak we're gonna

want to be able to form patties out of this so this has got right where we want

it we can go ahead and form patties with it now all we're gonna do is we're gonna

go ahead and form whatever size patties you like and I'm gonna set them on a

piece of wax paper we have over here

and once I'm done forming all these patties they're gonna go in the

refrigerator for about an hour get on to the sauce recipe for this will be in the

description below as well first off we're starting with some mayonnaise and

I hit it with our minced garlic our olive oil our cumin and our cayenne

pepper and our lemon juice now let's just go ahead and stir this in and I

want to incorporate this before I add our tahini and our parsley and you could

use a an immersion blender or a blender or something like that if you'd like

okay that's mixed in go ahead and add our

tahini mix this in okay so that's well incorporated let's go ahead and add our

now this is a mix of parsley and cilantro I'm just gonna add a little bit

at a time where I'm not going to add all of it let's just put that way so this

right now is a little bit thicker than we want so what I'm gonna do so I have a

little bit of warm water here we're just gonna thin it out a little bit so there

we go that is about it I'm gonna go ahead and set this aside I'm gonna hit

go ahead and get our skillet heat it up in about another 15 20 minutes and get

cooking now that these have had a chance to chill out and refrigerator for about

30 minutes we've got our sauce made I've sliced up some onions some cucumber and

some tomato for our toppings let's go ahead and cook up a couple of these now

all we need to do is cook these until they're browned on both sides and I'm

using a scrap pack I'm going to cook three of these I'm using a grapeseed oil

in this because it's a nice high temperature oil so that's been about two

minutes on that side let's go ahead and flip it see that nice golden color we're

looking at right there that's kind of what you're going for and another two

minutes should be fine on this side as well so that's another two minutes I'm

going to go ahead and set these on a paper towel just to kind of drain off a

little bit and like way to turn this down and I might as well just going to

toast some of these bones my oil is kind of over here something to try to avoid

that when I'm just gonna let those cook for about 30-40 seconds all right so

let's start building these burgers like I said these are gonna be very simple

burgers I'm just gonna go with the patty on the bottom and they get some of this

teeny sauce on the top bun we're going pretty generous with that

go ahead and set this aside let's go some onions can't ever have enough

onions actually I could probably use more than that

few of these cucumbers


and that is a wrap let's taste

so that is it that is my entry for the crazy burger challenge but the meat

stall listen like I said run over check out the me style links in the iCard

above the description below let's see what I think about this

is my man Jules from pulp fiction was saved that is a tasty burger seriously

this right here it's good to go especially to be vegetarian no meat I'm

all into this anyway I like to thank you guys to stop my nose hippie BBQ I do

appreciate it Falafel sandwich recipe - vegetarian falafel burger

For more infomation >> Falafel Burger Recipe - Falafel Burgers With Tahini Sauce - Garbanzo Beans/Chickpeas - Duration: 9:27.


GF Vip 3, urla fuori dalla casa, due ex concorrenti rischiano .... - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> GF Vip 3, urla fuori dalla casa, due ex concorrenti rischiano .... - Duration: 2:51.


Raquel Argandoña se sincera sobre la fuerte pelea de sus hijos: "Me lo lloré todo" - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> Raquel Argandoña se sincera sobre la fuerte pelea de sus hijos: "Me lo lloré todo" - Duration: 5:25.


[#19] Grand Conte de Noël 2 - Le Feutre en Haut - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> [#19] Grand Conte de Noël 2 - Le Feutre en Haut - Duration: 3:13.


Beautiful anticipazioni dal 22 al 27 ottobre: Ridge vuole denunciare Bill, Liam confuso - Duration: 8:20.

For more infomation >> Beautiful anticipazioni dal 22 al 27 ottobre: Ridge vuole denunciare Bill, Liam confuso - Duration: 8:20.



For more infomation >> MAX POWER COMO USAR - Max Power - MAX POWER RECLAME AQUI - Duration: 12:50.


YOU vs Freddy Krueger - Could You Defeat Him? (A Nightmare on Elm Street - Halloween Special) - Duration: 6:46.

It's late at night and you're feeling sleepy.

As you tuck into bed, you start getting drowsy and slip off into a deep slumber- but suddenly

instead of a pleasant dream you find yourself in a dark, steamy boiler room... and standing

in front of you is a familiar figure with a black fedora and bladed glove.

Do you stand a chance against him?

That's what we'll find out, in this episode of The Infographics Show- You vs Freddy Krueger-

Could You Defeat Him?

Freddy Krueger was a normal family man with a loving family; though under this secret

facade, he was a depraved serial killer who stalked the children of his former classmates,

all of whom had taunted and ridiculed him throughout school, making his life hell.

Torturing and killing the children, he spread their remains throughout town and became known

as the Springwood Slasher.

Eventually he was caught by the police, though a faulty arrest warrant saw him released on

a technicality.

The town took justice into their own hands and burned Freddy alive in his boiler room,

though as he succumbed to the flames, he was approached by three Dream Demons who offered

him the power to stalk and kill through dreams.

Accepting, Freddy became a Dream Demon himself, empowered by fear and gaining power by absorbing

the souls of his victims.

So, say you find yourself face to face in the middle of a nightmare with the fabled

Dream Demon Freddy Krueger- how could you defeat him?

The first strategy will be to remain awake as long as possible, as Freddy is powerless

in the real world and can only strike at you from within your own dreams.

One good way to stop yourself from falling asleep is the use of amphetamines such as

aderral or speed.

As a stimulant, amphetamines speed up messages traveling between the brain and body, and

taken in large doses have the side effect of making it very difficult to go to sleep

while retaining a decent amount of energy.

If illegal drugs aren't your thing, you can try legal drugs such as Modafinil, or perhaps

just take your chances popping caffeine tablets.

However, too much caffeine in your system can lead to irregular heartbeat and seizures,

and staying awake for too long can lead to serious mental disorders such as paranoia,

depression, hallucinations, and even psychosis.

So you're staying awake via a steady stream of caffeine pills or a few hits of amphetamines

every few hours- what now?

Well your first tactic could be to try to find Freddy's remains and have them blessed

by a priest.

As Freddy still has the soul of a man, he is technically being possessed by the Dream

Demons, and as such vulnerable to a Rite of Exorcism.

It's not as easy as just sprinkling some holy water on a bunch of burnt bones though- due

to a rise in the demand for exorcisms in recent years, the Vatican recently held a week long

conference to address the rising tide of exorcisms and discuss concerns over the uneven skills

of the Vatican's current exorcists.

The church warns that would-be exorcists should apprentice under an experienced exorcist,

and the risks of conducting an exorcism while unprepared can be dire.

Perhaps though you can use the threat of exorcism to lure Freddy into the real world.

As a Dream Demon, Freddy has no more power in the real world than you do, and luring

him into reality- or forcing him into it- will completely take away his powers.

However, be warned- he may not have supernatural powers anymore, but he is still armed with

a very dangerous glove full of razor sharp knives.

You can try and take Freddy out one-on-one with some karate skills, but we recommend

instead something far simpler: a Smith & Wesson Model 629.

Armed with a .44 Magnum round, the 629 is a highly portable and extremely powerful sidearm

carried by many American hunters for self-defense against bears in the wild.

Capable of creating an exit wound several inches wide, simply follow the old shooter's

adage: two in the chest and one in the head, and Freddy will be no more.

But suppose you accidentally fell asleep and Freddy lured you into one of his signature

nightmares- what then?

The best, and simplest defense against Freddy is actually quite simple: don't be afraid

of him.

As a Dream Demon, Freddy is unable to harm his victims without first cultivating an aura

of fear.

Freddy accomplishes this by haunting his subjects for weeks, gradually building a sense of dread

within them that empowers him.

Once the fear has grown strong enough, it's a simple matter for Freddy to kill his victim.

So your best defense is to simply not be afraid of him.

The best way to overcome your fear is 6 tricks used by military veterans around the world:


Prepare and Practice- by mentally preparing yourself for your confrontation with Freddy

you can diminish the fear once it actually goes down.

Per US Navy SEAL Platoon Commander James Waters, Navy SEALs spend 75% of their time training

for a deployment, and 25% of their time on the actual deployment.

Once in the midst of a confrontation you've been preparing for, you'll naturally slip

into a state of preparedness, greatly reducing fear.


Laugh- A Stanford University study revealed that people who were trained to make jokes

in response to disturbing images dealt with them in a much better way than those who didn't.

Laughing can also release feel-good chemicals such as endorphin in the brain, furthering

lightening your mood and decreasing the fear.

Maybe try picturing Freddy naked.... or on second thought, maybe not.


Breathing- Fear manifests itself physically with a racing heart and pouring sweat.

You can fight these physical manifestation by lapsing into a pattern of very deep breaths.

Inhale for four seconds and exhale for four seconds, calming your nervous system and putting

you back in control.


Voice in your head – We've all experienced the nagging voice of doubt deep in our brains

during stressful times.

In moments of fear, that voice can become amplified and completely override your own


Tell it to shut up.

Mentally shout over these thoughts like many soldiers, who shout words like "faster"

to themselves in order to shift their focus from the fear.


Worst Case Scenario- Much like the first tip to prepare and practice, imagining the worst

case scenario that can happen can mentally prepare you for the emotions that you're bound

to experience, lessening the intensity once they actually manifest.

So picture Freddy ripping your guts out, imagine what it would feel like to have those six-inch

long blades of his in your soft flesh- and then when the time comes to actually confront

him you'll find that the fear you're facing is kind of familiar, and easier to overcome.


Push your comfort zone- Fear typically comes from experiencing the unknown or dangerous.

A simple way to defeat fear then is to constantly push your boundaries and expose yourself to

unknown and dangerous circumstances.

Just like exposure therapy can combat phobias, exposing yourself to more and more scary things

can actually lessen the effect that fear- from any source- can have on you.

So you're not afraid of Freddy anymore- perfect.

Now you're in control of the dream, and Freddy can be your plaything.

While dispatching him in the Dream World isn't a guarantee that he'll stay gone, if Freddy

can't make you afraid anymore odds are he's not going to be coming back anytime soon.

Although we still recommend the Smith and Wesson.

So, how would you defeat Freddy?

Have any tips on overcoming fear?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Also, be sure to check out our other video You vs 100 People - Could You Defeat Them.

Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> YOU vs Freddy Krueger - Could You Defeat Him? (A Nightmare on Elm Street - Halloween Special) - Duration: 6:46.


Бинокль Pentax 9x28 DCF LV обзор и отзыв - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Бинокль Pentax 9x28 DCF LV обзор и отзыв - Duration: 1:21.


Trump Catches Entire Nation Off Guard With Announcement On ENDING Federal Ban - Duration: 6:33.

For more infomation >> Trump Catches Entire Nation Off Guard With Announcement On ENDING Federal Ban - Duration: 6:33.


Never Day Trade Stocks

For more infomation >> Never Day Trade Stocks


Leaked Emails Show Republicans BRAGGING About Gerrymandering Helping Them Win - Duration: 3:21.

According to a lawsuit that was filed late last Friday evening, Republicans in the state

of Michigan intentionally gerrymandered the state's district so that they could hold on

to Republican majorities.

Now, here's the thing about this lawsuit.

We know that Republicans in states Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, now, we know why Republicans gerrymander

and, honestly, in some cases, Democrats do it as well.

It's to maintain their majority in Congress in that particular state, to make it to where

the districts are so weirdly drawn and maneuvered that they can't lose.

That's why gerrymandering is even a thing.

But here's the thing about this Michigan lawsuit.

We've always known that's why they do it, but these idiot Republicans in the state of

Michigan were dumb enough to say these things in emails with one another, and those emails

were actually filed as evidence with this lawsuit against the Secretary of State Ruth

Johnson in the state of Michigan.

Those emails were filed.

And here is what some of the emails said.

You can get the full list.

There's a link in the description of this video, but I just want to read a couple quotes

from these emails that have been filed in this lawsuit.

"Can we still have the map makers draw a favorable Republican district with the points all together?"

"I had to walk him back from a cliff, to be honest.

He just hated it.

He just doesn't want to lose a Republican county like Grand Traverse."

"We will accommodate whatever Dave wants in his district.

We've spent a lot of time providing options to ensure we have a solid nine, five delegation

in 2012 and beyond."

Those are three different little clips from three different emails sent among Republican

officials and, of course, major Republican donors in the state of Michigan.

Now, this lawsuit against Michigan's Secretary of State Ruth Johnson is absolutely going

to be a slam dunk.

You can't overcome evidence like that.

I mean, that's how most of the major pharmaceutical litigation in this country, that's how you

pop them for it for $500 million, because they were dumb enough to say something in

an email or an internal memo that said, "Wow, this particular drug sure does kill a lot

of people, but, oh, well, let's put it out there anyway."

That's essentially what we're looking at here in terms of evidence.

These Republicans admitted they were doing this to keep their donors happy, to keep the

Republican politicians happy, and to make sure that they didn't lose their Republican

majorities in the State House and in their House seats in Congress.

These Republicans in the state of Michigan are absolutely going down, and hopefully,

this lawsuit creates a roadmap for other states that have been gerrymandered to hell and back

by Republicans.

Hopefully it gives them a roadmap to hold their elected officials accountable so that

maybe Republicans won't be able to cheat to win after this year.

For more infomation >> Leaked Emails Show Republicans BRAGGING About Gerrymandering Helping Them Win - Duration: 3:21.


B A A T H W A V E - long live the arab Ba'ath - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> B A A T H W A V E - long live the arab Ba'ath - Duration: 1:14.


What If SpaceGodzilla Was Real? - Duration: 6:35.

What If SpaceGodzilla Was Real?


The King of Monsters turned intergalactic, hell bent on destroying original Godzilla

and draining the earth of its core.

As a movie, SpaceGodzilla sounds pretty hilarious, but things wouldn't be so funny if the deathdino

was real, would they?

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, the channel that likes to answer a plethora

of queries on a range of topics including science, science fiction, space, history,

politics, pop culture and beyond.

I am your host, Rebecca Felgate and today I am asking What if Space Godzilla was real?

SPACEGODZILLA, my goodness!

So for those of you who aren't aware of the 1994 Japanese masterpiece, SpaceGodzilla

is a mutant Godzilla, who was already a mutant dinosaur itself in the first place.

Soo, yeah, SpaceGodzilla is a mutant, mutant dinosaur who came to be when Godzilla cells

were brought into space and were exposed to the radiation of a black hole.


The mutant then destroys a space station on its way back to earth and then hijacks Fukukoa

Tower as a power converter to turn the earths core into an absorbable energy source that

will make it even stronger.

Okay, glad you are up to speed.

Oh, wait, and SpaceGodzilla has mind control powers, can fly aaand and can produce crytals

that somehow make him stronger.

Good old SpaceGodzilla.

So if SpaceGodzilla was real, then the first to know about it would be our mates at Nasa

and the International Space Station, although if I were aboard the ISS, I might worry considering

the dino's history of space station destruction.

Presumably, SpaceGodzilla would first be spotted by NASA who may mislabel the mutant as an

asteroid or comet.

Despite being a hefty 80,000 metric tons and 250 metres in flying height - in terms of

a projectile hurtling at the earth, it isn't really that big.

Nasa would probably leave him to it, assuming as an asteroid it would burn up as it entered

the earth's atmosphere, giving nasty old Space Godzilla room to land.

If SpaceGodzilla was real, I would NOT want to live in Japan.

The space monster and its earthbound predecessor always seem to cause riot in Japan, and in

the movie it is the Fukukoa Tower that SpaceGodzilla destroys.

The destructo dino has an aura that causes electrical disturbances, so if it were real,

it could seriously mess with the power grid, causing wide spread outages.

The intergalactic mutant wants to use the earth's core to generate power to sustain

itself, slowly diminishing the cores ability to heat an sustain planet earth.

While this wouldn't be a quick destruction, make no mistake, Space Godzilla would destroy

the earth if left unattended.

This would mean we would need to go into combat with the dastardly dino.

In the Godzillaverse, humans unleash MOGUERA, a destructive robot with an arsenal of weapons.

While we may not go down the robot route, the United Nations would definitely attempt

to attack the pest using whatever means possible.

SpaceGodzilla forms protective and empowering crystals, so we would need to destroy those

and avoid its deathly Corona beam, basically a catastrophic heat ray.

Fighting SpaceGodzilla would come with a number of precarious challenges, not least the fact

that he can float, fly and control minds.

Our best way of defeating him is to get him on the ground and pin down his tail, his little

dinosaur arms are useless at fighting.

We would basically need to trap him so he was facing one direction, then shoot at him

from the back, you don't want to go approaching the fire breathing end.

Should we definitely kill him, though?

That is the question.

Would we know his story, or would we assume he is an alien?

If we did, would we try and negotiate with him.

Would we be worried about aggravating his lineage?

If humans thought Space Godzilla was an alien, would this bring the world closer together?

Alien or not, I think so.

I've honestly thought the only thing needed for world peace would be a recognizable external


What would happen when the threat is eliminated?

How much damage would we need to repair?

I have to wonder if the space Crystals would be precious?

Would we harvest them and sell them for jewellery?

Or, as a mineral, would it be useful to us?

I am certain scientists would want to run tests it to see how it is made and what it

is made of.

Right, now that we have mentioned the science of the whole thing, there are plenty of scientific

questions here.

For example, if SpaceGodzilla is real, does this mean that Godzilla is real and if so,

who created him and why?

In the movies, Godzilla was spawned of radiation, would this be the case in real life?

And of course, SpaceGodzilla was created with space radiation, if this was a thing, what

other mutants could we make and unleash on earth?

Just to get real for a second to end this video, Godzilla as a concept, as a science

fiction mutant, came as a result of the devastating nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The monster was born from a real fear of what nuclear radiation can destroy and what horrors

it create.

Since the nightmarish bombings, the world has staved off fighting world wide wars for

good reason.

We absolutely do not want to know what horrors could come around if we ever started nuking

one another again.

Space Godzilla would be the least of our worries.

So, what do you think would happen is Space Godzilla was real and what would you do about


Let me know in the comments section down below!

Also do leave us a thumbs up to let us know you like these types of video!

What would you like us to bring you next?

We are all ears.

For now, I am going to bust on out of here, I certainly hope we come into contact with

aliens one day, but I hope we can live without coming across Space Godzilla!

I am your host Rebecca Felgate, I'll catch you in the next video, but until then, please

do stay curious, stay alert and never ever stop questioning.

For more infomation >> What If SpaceGodzilla Was Real? - Duration: 6:35.


Democrats' 2020 Platform Released…Should Be GREAT For The GOP! Bring On Red Wave!! - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Democrats' 2020 Platform Released…Should Be GREAT For The GOP! Bring On Red Wave!! - Duration: 4:02.


5 Current WWE Wrestlers Who Are Being Mis-Used - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> 5 Current WWE Wrestlers Who Are Being Mis-Used - Duration: 10:02.


How To Close Apps On iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, & iPhone XR - Duration: 1:45.

Hi guys, David and David here from, and in this video, we're going to show you

how to close apps on your iPhone XS or iPhone XS Max.

Yeah, a lot of people say you should never have to close your apps.

I don't say that.

As a former Apple tech, I've seen a lot of instances where closing apps will make your

iPhone faster and save battery life, because apps don't always behave the way they're supposed


Sometimes they'll crash in the background and you know, totally slow down your phone

and kill its battery.

So closing apps is pretty important!

Yep, especially when you're not using them anymore.

So on old iPhones, you would just double press the Home button, app switched, and swipe them

up off the top of the screen.

But there's no Home button on the iPhone XS, so how do we close apps on the iPhone XS?

Well, swipe up from the very bottom of the screen with your finger, and hold your finger

there until the app switcher appears.

Then you can let go.

As usual, you can swipe back and forth.

But all you need to do is to swipe them off the top of the screen.


So, see you later Google Maps!

That was one of my favorite parts of iOS 12, where the old iPhone X app switcher — you

had to press and hold the apps first then tap the red minus button to swipe them.

Now, you just swipe them up and off the screen.


And if it doesn't work the first time, just make sure that you're swiping from the very

bottom of the screen and holding your finger there right in the middle.

If at first you don't succeed, try, try, again.

So that is how you close apps on your iPhone XS or iPhone XS Max.

Thank you guys for watching this video.

Give it a thumbs up if you found it helpful.

Leave us a comment down below and let us know you think about the iPhone XS.

Yeah, and the app switcher.

Don't close YouTube first!

Yeah, don't close YouTube first, because you need to subscribe to this channel before you

close the app for more awesome iPhone videos.

For more infomation >> How To Close Apps On iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, & iPhone XR - Duration: 1:45.


Trump's New Campaign Slogan Burns Democrats' 2018 Chances Down To The Ground - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Trump's New Campaign Slogan Burns Democrats' 2018 Chances Down To The Ground - Duration: 1:33.


Raiders' Amari Cooper Reportedly Expects Huge Pay Raise | - Duration: 3:59.

Raiders' Amari Cooper Reportedly Expects Huge Pay Raise |

Jon Gruden wasn't interested in pushing to get the 2016 NFL Defensive Player of the year in Khalil Mack paid, so how about a struggling wide receiver? The Oakland Raiders sit at 1-5 entering their bye week and there have been a plethora of rumors and rumblings surrounding the team.

Specifically, the future of wideout Amari Cooper, who's been as hit-or-miss as one can imagine this year.

Over the past week, talks of the Raiders having interest in trading the 24-year-old receiver have ramped up.

And part of that may have to do with the reported contract he's seeking ahead of his fifth-year rookie option.

As Charles Robinson of Yahoo Sports detailed (h/t Raiders Beat), Cooper is looking to become one of the highest-paid receivers in the NFL.

"As one league source framed it Sunday, if the Raiders were open to dealing the best player on their roster – Mack – anyone outside of Carr is subject to being moved,".

Robinson reported.

"Especially if a player is coming up for a contract extension and doesn't appear to be worth the kind of money he'll seek.

Which would explain the "pocket listed" availability of [Amari] Cooper, who, despite having an up-and-down season, is expected to seek a massive contract extension this offseason.

One that undoubtedly puts him in the realm of the league's highest-paid wide receivers – a bracket that sits somewhere between $15 million-$18 million per season.".

That is a huge chunk of change for a player who's been as inconsistent as Cooper has over the past two seasons.

Amari Cooper's Outlook and Struggles.

The Raiders wideout is set to make $13.9 million on his fifth-year option and based on production, that may even be too much.

Cooper has two games this season with over 100 receiving yards, in those two spots he's combined for 18 receptions, 244 yards and one touchdown.

In the other four games, Cooper has totaled four receptions for 36 yards.

That's brutal to look at, and the fact that the former No.

4 pick only had two games over 100 receiving yards last season also doesn't bode well for him to land top-tier wide receiver money.

Cooper had the same number of games with single-digit receiving yards (five) as outings with 50-plus yards.

For more infomation >> Raiders' Amari Cooper Reportedly Expects Huge Pay Raise | - Duration: 3:59.


Welcome Skul!「Ultimate Chicken Horse 🐔🐴」 - Duration: 1:03:11.

For more infomation >> Welcome Skul!「Ultimate Chicken Horse 🐔🐴」 - Duration: 1:03:11.


Meet the Oilbird: A Bird that Thinks it's a Bat - Duration: 4:02.

Thanks to Skillshare for supporting this episode, and this whole week, of SciShow.

[ ♪ Intro ]

In the tropical rainforests of South America, there's a flying animal that lives in colonies in caves,

emerges at night in search for food, and navigates using echolocation.

And I'm not talking about a bat.

Believe it or not, I'm actually talking about a bird, the bizarre oilbird,

known to locals as the guácharo.

Oilbirds diverged from their closest living relatives 50 million years ago,

and in a lot of ways, they've become more like bats than other birds.

They roost high up in caves, for example.

One oilbird colony can include as many as 20,000 crow-sized birds.

And since there's not a lot of nesting material available in a cave,

they build their funnel-shaped nests out of a mixture of regurgitated fruit and their own feces.

Sounds cozy, yeah?

And like a lot of nocturnal animals, including many bats, for the record,

they have excellent night vision.

They accomplish that by packing their retinas with rods,

the light receptors responsible for vision in dim lighting.

In fact, oilbird retinas have the highest density of rods of any known vertebrate:

one million of them per square millimeter.

Your retina has a max of about 150,000 rods per square millimeter.

These birds have so many rods that there's almost no room leftover for cones,

the other light receptors, which handle visual acuity and color.

That means their view of the world is probably fuzzy and dull.

Even the world record holder for rod density needs some light to see, though,

so the birds eyes are no help in pitch black caverns.

Which might be why they're the only birds that have figured out how to echolocate.

To keep from getting confused in a densely populated cave,

each bird clicks at a slightly different frequency.

And unlike bats, oilbirds' clicks are audible to human ears,

so if you were standing in one of these caves when the birds return to rest, you'd hear quite the cacophony.

Oilbirds' resemblance to bats is a classic example of convergent evolution,

where different animals facing similar pressures from natural selection end up with similar traits.

They're so bat-like, that you would think we'd call them batbirds.

But if you've been wondering where that name came from, yes, there's a story there.

Oilbird comes from the fact that their favorite food is the fatty fruit of the oil palm.

Baby oilbirds in particular become so plump from their palm-rich diet

that indigenous people in Venezuela used to collect chicks so they could render their fat in pots to use as fuel.

You know, the more I think about it, the more I like batbirds instead.

Maybe it's time for, like, a rebranding.

Let's try it out:

Thanks, batbirds, for the reminder of just how weird nature can be!

So I know that you know bats and birds are different classes of life,

but there's still a lot of differences just between species of birds.

All this week we've been sharing Skillshare classes we enjoyed, and thinking about oilbirds,

made me curious if Skillshare offered a class on bird identification.

I found this one called The Casual Birder taught by Sue Pulsipher,

and it's kind of a hidden gem on Skillshare.

It's like if David Attenborough was your sweet aunt and you took a trip to the Galapagos islands together.

At first it seems pretty basic, like a flamingo and a hawk are both pretty easy to identify,

but she goes into really interesting details about all the birds she talks about,

like that bill of flamingoes and how they use it to eat upside down!

And she shares footage of other animals you'll see while birding, like, in the Galapagos, iguanas.

I was surprised by how charming and fun this class was,

and it just goes to show that you no matter what you're looking for,

you can probably find a class about it on Skillshare.

Thanks to Skillshare for supporting SciShow

and for offering all SciShow viewers two months of unlimited free classes.

Click the link in the description to take advantage of this offer,

and support SciShow at the same time.

And if you go birding or take Sue's class, let me know what you saw and learned in the comments.

[ ♪ Outro ]

For more infomation >> Meet the Oilbird: A Bird that Thinks it's a Bat - Duration: 4:02.


22 Lipstick Tutorial October 2018 | Amazing Lip Art Ideas for Beginners - Duration: 10:25.

For more infomation >> 22 Lipstick Tutorial October 2018 | Amazing Lip Art Ideas for Beginners - Duration: 10:25.


Trump Catches Entire Nation Off Guard With Announcement On ENDING Federal Ban - Duration: 6:33.

For more infomation >> Trump Catches Entire Nation Off Guard With Announcement On ENDING Federal Ban - Duration: 6:33.


People Who Loathe Bobby Flay - Duration: 4:05.

Bobby Flay is one of the most successful celebrity chefs working today, but there's something

about this guy that rubs people the wrong way, especially fellow chefs.

Here are just a few people who have publicly expressed their dislike of Bobby Flay.

Ramsay is unimpressed

Gordon Ramsay is not exactly known for keeping his opinions to himself in the kitchen.

"Your 'special' has now become 'not very special,' thanks to d—-face over there.

Hurry up, Giovanni!"

And he also doesn't shy away from letting the world know where he ranks among his fellow

culinary celebs.

Ramsay called Bobby Flay out, in particular, in a 2013 interview with Men's Journal, boasting

that he could easily outcook him, saying,

"I laugh when they say, 'Let's see if [Gordon Ramsay] is a real chef.

Let's get him up against Bobby Flay on Iron Chef.'

I'm like, 'F—-ing do me a favor.

Come on!

I've forgotten more than he's known!'"

Ramsay also called Flay out on The Late Late Show with James Corden over his refusal to

compete against him for a good cause:

"For the last five years, we've been trying to do this cook-off together in Vegas for

charity, and he won't sign the f—-ing contract.

Now, Bobby, sign the contract, you limp d—-!"

Morimoto is offended

Japanese chef Masaharu Morimoto competed against Flay on an early episode of Iron Chef, and

his American competitor didn't exactly have a great showing.

Flay declared victory toward the end of the competition, jumping up on his cutting board

in celebration.

Not only was it a jerk move, but it was also a premature one, Morimoto ended up being the

actual winner of the showdown.

Morimoto accepted his win with grace, although he couldn't help but throw a little bit of

shade at Flay.

"By the way, he's not a chef.

Y'know, after finishing, he stood up on the cutting board.

That's not right."

"Cutting boards and knives are sacred to us."

Bourdain was blunt

Late chef, author, and TV host Anthony Bourdain's contempt for celebrity chefs was legendary,

but his take-down of Bobby Flay was especially brutal.

Bourdain openly mocked Flay during a stop on his book tour in Philadelphia in 2016 with

this devastating burn:

"[The Food Network show] Beat Bobby Flay sounds promising until you realize it's about cooking."

The closest Bourdain ever came to complimenting Flay, to the best of our knowledge, is when

he conceded in 2007 that Flay can, quote, "make a better chili than a supermarket ground

beef-bearing amateur", a reference to Flay's pros vs. amateurs competition show Throwdown

with Bobby Flay.

Considering Flay's status in the culinary world even then, that's damning him with faint

praise, to say the least.

Giada was disappointed

They might be friends now, but there was a time when chef Giada De Laurentiis hated Flay.

She was reportedly so angry with him, in fact, that the two didn't speak to each other for

nearly a year.

An episode of Iron Chef is to blame for causing the rift.

The two paired up on the show, competing against Rachael Ray and Mario Batali.

De Laurentiis and Flay lost, which crushed De Laurentiis, but didn't seem to bother her

teammate at all.

De Laurentiis told Delish in 2018,

"We lost, and he thought it was funny; he didn't think it was any big deal that we lost.

I was really disappointed.

[...] I was upset that he didn't seem to care.

[...] I thought, you're a jerk, and I never want to be around you again."

March moved on

Flay is reportedly not the easiest person to get along with, just ask his ex-wife, Law

and Order: SVU actress Stephanie March.

In 2014, March's appendix burst and, instead of staying by her side, Flay, according to

TMZ, sent his assistant in his place, choosing his work over his wife.

Flay's overall track record with women isn't great, if tabloid reports are to be believed.

In addition to the cold-hearted hospital snub, Flay was also accused of cheating on March

with his assistant, which may have been a huge factor in his third divorce to-date.

For more infomation >> People Who Loathe Bobby Flay - Duration: 4:05.


America's News HQ 10/20/18 4PM | October 20, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 32:52.

For more infomation >> America's News HQ 10/20/18 4PM | October 20, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 32:52.


it'sJustDom | LIVE! ~ Games Night w/Dom (20/10) - Duration: 1:13:09.

For more infomation >> it'sJustDom | LIVE! ~ Games Night w/Dom (20/10) - Duration: 1:13:09.


Monster School : GRANNY HORROR GAME CHALLENGE PART 3 - Minecraft Animation - Duration: 10:22.

For more infomation >> Monster School : GRANNY HORROR GAME CHALLENGE PART 3 - Minecraft Animation - Duration: 10:22.


Things People Do Because Of High Functioning Anxiety - Duration: 9:23.

twelve things others don't realize you

are doing because of your high

functioning anxiety number 12 you take

blame for slow responses when someone

with anxiety is messaging people they

need a quick response back if they do

not receive one they begin to panic and

wonder if they said something wrong this

is another reason why they were whined

past conversations healthy place calm

reports that guilt is one of the many

distressing side effects of living with

anxiety if someone is taking a long time

to reply to a person with high

functioning anxiety all sorts of

scenarios will pop into his or her head

as to why they aren't getting quick

responses this can be attributed to

their constant overthinking number 11

decline invites despite wanting to go

you have received an invite to this big

party and you have been waiting to go

for weeks now but on the day of your

anxiety begins to take up your whole

space a lot of things just people can

vouch for this anxiety over an event can

become so draining that you feel as if

you're lacking the energy to go you

realize that this is happening and you

don't want to be a burden where you're

supposed to go so you end up canceling

everything and staying home avoiding

social situations is a very common

symptom of social anxiety many people

who suffer from social anxiety don't

like being around large groups of people

and will do anything they can to avoid

dealing with those types of situations

are you surprised by some of the things

on this list keep watching to find out

some even more surprising things that

people may not realize you're doing

because of anxiety number 10

obsess over trivial things it could be a

simple word that was used or even

someone glancing your way for a mere

second that will have you rewinding that

moment for days to come the hard truth

is that you obsess over everything that

has happened a week ago or even a month


you may even obsess over a situation

that happened years ago and stay up all

night thinking about it this type of

thinking can affect your daily routine

and really get in the way of

productivity especially at work or at

school these thoughts may even leave you

feeling withdrawn and quiet in social

situations calm clinic calm reports that

obsessive thoughts are a common symptom

of anxiety you probably also obsess over

people that do not respond to you you

texted someone and haven't gotten a

response back and it's been 12 hours you

begin to wonder if they've seen the

message and are just ignoring you

number nine fall asleep late and wake up

early sleeping is the number one problem

for those with high anxiety with so much

racing through their head they find it

very tough to go to bed at a decent time

according to health calm health calm

adds that the reason those with anxiety

are up so early is that the anxiety

clock begins to tick and ring as soon as

they hear their alarm go off once the

anxiety switches on there's nothing they

can do to turn it off so they just don't

go back to bed not only is this a

detriment to a person's physical

well-being but it's also a detriment to

their mental well-being and often turns

into a vicious cycle number eight you're

constantly thinking of the worst

scenario according to health calm rather

than enjoying the moment someone with

severe anxiety will begin to picture and

convince themselves that the worst

scenario is on its way

one example is when they get sick they

will self diagnose themselves and link

their symptoms to the absolute worst

disease they can find number seven -

mentally tired to get out of bed even

though their anxiety wakes them up early

in the morning it still doesn't mean

that they're ready to get up

most days their to mentally and

physically tired to get out of bed and

just wish they could stay curled up

under the sheets according to the Mayo

Clinic number six

don't enjoy meeting new people they will

constantly be worrying will they like me

and if people don't come to them and

converse they will just keep to

themselves or even leave the function or

event altogether the Mayo Clinic states

that people with anxiety will try and

avoid anything that will trigger it so

if you have anxiety and you do not do

well in social situations you will not

enjoy meeting new people

number five constantly rethinking past

conversations explains those

with anxiety will constantly think about

the past no matter how well a

conversation win

those were the anxiety constantly keeper

winding it in their head they fear that

they may have said something wrong so

they try to avoid confrontation at all

costs that constant rewinding can really

drill a hole in their head so constantly

trying to remind themselves that it's

their anxiety tricking their mind is

something they try to work on because

people with high functioning anxiety

often overthink things

they often rethink past conversations

and analyze how the conversation could

have gone better

number four someone's concerns about you

makes you worry even more one of the

biggest triggers of someone's anxiety is

when someone notices that they're not

alright they think if someone else

notices then it must be worse than they


according to WebMD when someone worries

about a person with anxiety and makes it

known to the person he or she will start

to worry about how they look in other

people's eyes


number three the future terrifies you

health calm explains that excessive

worrying is a direct sign of anxiety

most people look forward to the future

but someone suffering from anxiety

becomes intimidated and frustrated by it

dealing with the present is so tough for

them they can't even imagine how much

tougher the future is going to be they

are often also very hard on themselves

when something goes wrong or when they

don't accomplish a certain goal in the

timeline they had set out for themselves

number two constantly comparing success

to others your age a lot of people with

anxiety can vouch for this anxiety you

sometimes come with a perfectionist

complex anxious people may not want to

compare their success to others but

their anxiety makes them constantly

scroll through Facebook and keep up to

date with all the successful things

their peers have done it's not their

peers success that scares them it's

wondering if they will ever succeed that

does social media doesn't help with this

and often gives off the illusion of

grandeur which in all reality is nothing

but a facade

number one you beat yourself up over

every mistake mistakes are a part of

life and a part of growing but the

second someone with anxiety makes a

mistake it will haunt them their anxiety

doesn't know it's a part of life it only

knows it's bad the Mayo Clinic states

that this is a part of having a sense of

impending doom which is a sign of

anxiety as well making mistakes is only

human but that doesn't stop people with

anxiety from feeling bad about it

experiencing that feeling of nervousness

and were eveness is a normal part of

everyday life

everybody frets or feels anxious from

time to time whether it's a busy

schedule or studying for exams a little

bit of anxiety can really help you focus

your attention energy and motivation to

the task at hand but when the anxiety

exceeds its normality a lot of people

don't realize or understand the direct

effects it can have on a person or even

themselves many times people jump to

conclusions and label anxious people as

lazy irresponsible or passive anxiety

can be an overwhelming feeling to deal

with and more often than not most people

don't understand it most of us tend to

tell people who suffer from anxiety that

everything will be okay and that their

overthinking it but anxiety is a

disorder that goes beyond just

overthinking do you suffer from high

functioning anxiety or any type of

anxiety in general what do you think

most people don't know about you because

of your anxiety

let us know in the comments section

below enjoyed this video hit the like

button and subscribe to our channel for

more videos like this thanks for



For more infomation >> Things People Do Because Of High Functioning Anxiety - Duration: 9:23.


Milan In One Day ! - Duration: 3:29.

I had lovely trip to Italy last week and frankly speaking for us Indians Italy

feels just like a home away from home!

Like India Italy has crowded streets and like all Indian drivers Italian drivers treats

road as F1 race track :)

Like Indians Italian loves to talk about corrupt politics and scandals although they

don't really know Italian Queen Sonia Gandhi is :)

Like India major environmental issue that Italy is facing currently in air

pollution Milan's Bosco vertical aka The Vertical Forest is the new approach

to high-rise buildings in which trees and humans coexist!

Like us Indians, Italian thinks their food is the best in the world

if Indians have a idli, dosa, poha. Italian have Pizza, risotto and pasta.

Like India, Italy is very rich in culture, tradition and family values

It's a feast to experience the Italian way of life!

Here are my top five picks from Milano !

Number one, Duomo di Milano. It's a symbol of Milan to the world!

Number two, Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. Window-shopping here is an experience in


Two inside spots. One BIFFI - It's the oldest coffee shop still

functioning right from it's an in-orgaration.

Number two Bulls Round - step onto Bulls balls turn around a circle and make a wish.

This is funny touristy thing ever!

Number three - Castello Sfornisco

Number four - Breda art gallery. It's a good stop for art lovers

and number five - Borsa Italiana .. L.O.V.E Italys stock market with giant middle finger statue

Track down street art around.. Feast like Milanese

I hope this blog gave you

some inspiration to visit Milano!

By the way and celebrating 50

subscribers on youtube today!! Thank you so much for all your support

This is pretty exciting for me! Do you like, share and subscribe

Until next time

For more infomation >> Milan In One Day ! - Duration: 3:29.


Balancing a VFR800F back wheel : 3D printing comes to the rescue - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Balancing a VFR800F back wheel : 3D printing comes to the rescue - Duration: 1:11.


FALL MORNING ROUTINE 2018/Healthy + Productive - Duration: 7:49.

are you ready for breakfast

once I get my lemon water I just sit down on my couch with my Bible in my

journal and this is where I do my gratitude and manifestation and do my

devotional time and quiet time with Jesus and I actually have a full video

on this so I'll put a little link in the top right corner if you guys want to

click that and see this more in detail and how I structure all of this but this

it's hands-down my favorite part of my morning routine

well I'm looking fresh that is my favorite part of my entire mind

excuse me favorite part of my entire morning routine and since I've got Jesus

in my heart now I can start my day except we've got some very important

business to get down to it's time for coffee you know though we have the

important things out of the way like gratitude manifestation spending time

with Jesus it's time for the less important things like yoga yeah I'm

gonna do yoga so I made it a goal for myself at the beginning of the year to

do lots of yoga this year just because I know that my body is too tight and it's

just not good for you in the long run so what I've been doing is I've been

incorporating a ten-minute stretch routine every single morning

so as you guys know I I already talked about it this morning but this product

actually releases to dip its tinted moisturizer with SPF it's vegan and

paraben free it's amazing it smells like lemon live I use this instead of

foundation but Frei release this product today so if you want to purchase it you

can use my coat celeste at checkout and you'll get 25% off your purchase instead

of just the regular 15

my makeup is done and I still don't look pretty so there's that we love ourselves

even if we don't love ourselves that is the motto and there's nothing that a

couple extra coats of mascara can't fix in my right ladies okay so I am all

dressed and ready for the day I've just got some comfy lounge clothes on I

usually like to get dressed when I'm just working from home for the day even

though I'm not really gonna be seeing anyone because it helps me feel

motivated if I sit in my pajamas I feel mmm not so great what I usually do at

this point my morning routine is I'll make a quick healthy breakfast and take

it up to my office and start my workday while I eat my breakfast so I'll show

you guys what I come up with making my breakfast this is three eggs with

sauteed mushrooms spinach peppers and onion and topped with hot sauce so it's

packed full of micronutrients and healthy fats from the eggs and healthy

protein from the eggs as well so this will keep me full and it was much better

than eating a pumpkin doughnut for breakfast if you finish this and then

I'll go up to my office and start my workday and that will conclude my

morning routine I hope that you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure

you give it a thumbs up don't forget to hit the subscribe button down below and

even the notification bell next to it that way you get notified every time I

post a new video of morning routines are so important I'm not even a morning

person I'm not at all but now that I have this routine I feel like I perform

better throughout the day I feel like I can effectively give to other people and

I show it more powerfully in my business with my coaching and I'm just in a

better mood when you start your day with gratitude and journal

and slowness and just healthy habits it puts you in the best possible state of

mind to continue the rest of the day but yeah I hope you guys enjoy D and I'll

catch you in the next video love on someone today and make them feel

extra special because they are by guys Pete's

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