Hello mates, my name is Risk
Welcome back to another episode of "God's Basement" where we...
Do godly stuff...
I got nothing guys. Okay. Stop looking at me like that
I just want to start the game and I don't know how to start it. So stop looking at me like that
I have no smart pun.
I'm just gonna go through and hope my grieving grandmother is not gonna get mad at me for...
I don't even know.
All right. Oh, there is a bunny here.
Oh, that's the donkey from the TV. Do you remember when we play the TV?
There was a picture of the donkey it could belong to Kevin
Considering it appeared when there was an article about Kevin dying
But that's just a game theory
I'm just gonna read this
Okay Neil.
You do you.
I mean, you don't do you, you show your grandma right now the grandson
Otherwise, she gonna get mad and hunt me in God's basement because that what she's doing
Room still locked huh..
Step away from then a little bit
Wait, she's over there?
That's teleporting you know that cheating right?
What is this box? Why is...
It's not some sort of reference to a black box right?
Huh, there is another box right here.
It's a power box
Is the box moving?
There is no way there is a baby inside, babies don't kick boxes like that
If a baby was locked inside he wouldn't be moving
Not because he's dying because he doesn't have power to push the box like that.
I'm sorry, but logic
Welcome to game theory! Sorry.
I say that when I get nervous
God damn it if I was a Matt Pat right now, I would be a sweaty Matt Pat
Because of all the scariness
Is scariness a word? I don't know guys.
Let me know in the comments below
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Where am I now?
Okay, so before we proceed
if you want to see more of "God's Basement"
Let's shoot for around 200 likes
if we reach anywhere around that I'll definitely continue playing more of this game
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appreciate that
Time to use my game theory skills
Okay, it's that kind of a...
So we have to go investigating for the code.
By the way, how many digits is that?
Four, okay
Maybe grandma will tell me? I mean...
If you still love me that is.
I mean, yeah, I probably never seen my grandmother but...
But come on, she's supposed to be mad at my parents. Not me.
I didn't hide myself from her. What is that?
That doesn't sound good
That doesn't sound good at all
1 out of 6 huh?
I thought it had something to do with the red labels if I had to be honest with you, so...
I almost got something. All right, number two
If I can only reach to it
Now when I picked up the first note I heard something moving
So I'm not really sure...
Maybe I'm in some time here. Maybe there was like a
small space of time where I'm supposed to do this without dying?
I mean probably right? Oh, I found another piece
I have the code
So I can leave
But I'm very curious to see what the full note says.
We're only missing two pieces that is.
I Think I'm gonna build up the notes real quick and have a look at it.
Maybe it will have some information the operator is holding out on us
There you go. Just one more piece of the paper.
I actually have it
Can I structure anything? Can I build it?
Because I definitely cannot inspect it
Whatever this video game says.
I don't know.
I would really like to just form this now.
Oh, I can
Oh no...
Is he gonna leave without?
I don't know man.
I really don't know.
Like, once you leave without like showing her it's like...
It's a dead giveaway, you don't want her around at all
and that you blame her.
Like that's what it is. It's an admission to...
"Hey, I do blame you for this accident."
There's the donkey again.
Actually, it's a rabbit. I don't know why you keep calling it donkey
This door, I'm not even able to interact with it.
Okay, this room is locked.
Hey, what?
can I see him?
that's no good.
Sorry, it's occupied lady. occupied! Can I not take a shit?
This is a toilet!
I think I need to leave
I think I need to leave
Okay, let's just hope the locked door does its job
and stays locked.
See, you did a good job.
So this is definitely left by the grandmother
There is nobody behind me, right?
Okay, let's go forward. So far, my grandmother is terrorizing me.
I feel so terrorized
There is so much terror in my eyes.
Oh come on that's just fucked up
That's just screwed up.
She's just sitting there...
in the darkness like so far away in the corner of the room
staring directly at me and OH! That was...
Wait, why is everything dark all of a sudden?
Yeah, that was not...
That was not worthy of the most creepy award.
What are you talking about?
Oh gosh
This door here is not even interactable guys
What's the sound?
Oh God
Oh God's Basement
is jthis gonna end well for me?
Is it?
Somebody is... Oh, it's two police.
I was about to say somebody's having a party over there.
Oh God
I'm gonna close the door behind me because I'm a nice guy
Okay, I guess they're gonna close behind me the door cuz I'm just that nice.
So there is three doors.
Let's start with the left one.
Why not?
let's start with the right one.
Why not?
Okay, I'm heading to the middle one.
They're all flickering too, okay.
Why not? Well, all of them are locked, so why not?
Okay, this one over there is dark this one...
to the right is dark and in front of me
The light is just about to give in
And I'm alone at the darkness. Great.
I feel like I should backtrack
Cuz I mean, I don't have any other idea of what I should do.
I'm just sitting here waiting for something to happen.
I cannot even backtrack
Lady do you think you actually scare me?
I was just surprised there was somebody in this room with me. That's all.
I would never be scared from a...
Scary game.
Those are some high-quality apples I must say
and I'm off to bed
And I wake up
Good, so, I'm no longer in God's basement
seems like I'm... in the room
Just a room
So does this have anything to do with God?
Since when...
Hey, look at that
You got pranked boy.
You got pranked by God
Come on, man. Give me a break.
Well, I'm not really one to...
you know, I don't really have...
Any knowledge as a policeman
But I mean
based on the way that the victims were killed I would say this
Was a bit personal.
I mean if it was burglary
It would be just a few stabs
I mean this one
is they stabbed him so much that you they're faces is messed up .
And I mean, they're obviously dead.
You didn't have to mess up their faces too
Obviously the killer despised them
is what I'm trying to say
I'm looking at your grandma.
I'm looking at you.
There is a note here now
I mean I looked at this note before guys there was nothing written here
just before we read the note on the... Thingy.
No, it's from the TV I can turn it off
Well, yeah, what am I supposed to do?
You know what? I guess I'm just gonna sit next to the TV and listen to it.
Okay, so it was a reflection of the door behind me slowly opening and then when it fully open
the door behind me started opening
I like that.
Man look at this house.
What a lovely house.
Okay, so this letter was...
I wonder if that's gonna develop into something more.
Is it just gonna be a disease or self negligence?
Just an empty note
Somebody playing with my memories now?
why is that note erased?
The notes represent my thoughts, aren't they?
I'm able to interact with it. So we definitely had something.
Okay. I got a hint to look at the paintings
So I'm just supposed to keep looking at the paintings
What? I didn't even see a letter
It definitely doesn't say me.
There is a lot of space between them.
Oh no.
Oh no guys.
I think I know what it spells.
Let's just get one more letter, you know what maybe it can spell something else maybe it can...
Mustard yes, maybe can spell that
Come on man.
Okay.. Good.
What do we have?
Mustard doesn't end with a...
R. I can't even find anything.
Well scratch that I found something
Maybe it spells Mudder, okay
You don't know that
I don't know what mudder is
But you don't know that it doesn't
Are you suggesting it spells "Murder"?
And that grandma killed everybody.
I don't think so.
I think you're bluffing.
Are you kidding me?
Are you telling me the police never find a single note?
I mean from the notes alone
you know there is a lot of tension between the grandmother and the parents.
So they didn't find the notes?
It spells "Murder"
I told you
I told you it spells murder. Nobody listened to me.
You guys thought it was mustard or mudder
What the hell is a mudder?
What are you, 4?
All right, let's go in.
There is a note here in the bench
well it's not really a bench.
I don't hope her condition improves, I hope
"Welcome home"
What does it say?
Does it say something?
On top of it is the Jesus picture it seems like there is something underneath it.
Oh wait, there it is It's right there.
Something about this picture
Right? It was the center of attention.
Did it change?
Yeah, yeah, of course it changed there is somebody next to it now.
Not that I see her or anything like that.. Hey!
Okay the chair.
I thought the chair is like..
Slowly sliding away.
Well, I don't see the grandmother anywhere.
Don't tell me she's thinking about killing me too.
Man, that's just not right.
I Mean killing my parents that automatically makes you a monster
Oh No
the hell is going on man?
Oh No, man.
This grandma is hiding something from her son.
But what happens once I find out?
I don't know.
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Thank you so much for watching the video too.
And 200 likes if you would like to see another episode of "God's Basement"
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I'm gonna see you guys in the next time.
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