Hey, what's up guys king friendly here this video is coming from Brisbane, Australia
I'm up here for about 10 days working then I also brought the camera
So I got to get a bit better at photography and videography. So hopefully I can deliver some better content for you guys
So this video is going to be about the future now, obviously
you know that I cannot predict it but more specifically about a lot of
Projects that are coming out especially in the music space that are really exciting me moving into the future
I think they're going to be completely game-changing and completely change the way that we view the music industry at the moment
Now I've always been a fan of what's fair and especially in the music industry
sometimes there's a lot of money going around and it kinda is
condensed at the top of the industry
and today I'm gonna talk about a project that is seeking to change all of that make it a lot fairer for all of the
Artists even even the big artists from the little guys to the big guys labels everyone in between
They want to make a much fairer
Ecosystem for everyone to be able to share in the profits of the creations that they make
Not condense in the hands of a few little middlemen and the name of this project is emanated
so what is emanating they call themselves a
Self-governing audio exchange protocol now if you like me and initially thought well, what does that mean?
Basically, the self-governing audio exchange protocol is a computer platform like, you know
A Spotify or a YouTube or SoundCloud?
But it gets much better than that and I'll explain it. The unique thing about emanate is that it's trust computerized
it utilizes something called the blockchain which you've probably heard about with bitcoins and a whole bunch of other crypto currencies and
that's that's the story for a whole nother video and I'll probably even do one on what is a blockchain but for the purpose of
This project we're gonna refer to the blockchain as just trust computerized
It doesn't allow you to be dodgy or it doesn't allow you to you know
Say that you're gonna pay someone a certain amount and then not pay them or say that you're gonna split the royalties
50/50 with someone and then just take the song and name it something else and release it under your own name
Forcing the other artist to have to chase you for it and often you can't afford the legal fees to do that
So why do we even need something like M&A?
well in an environment where
Companies like Spotify that worth 25 billion on the stock market and they have five billion dollars worth of revenue in a year
that's Australian dollars by the way, and
You still have to get I think it's about 250 to 300 thousand streams per month to make minimum wage
So I know there's a lot of artists out there that are getting several million plays and and you know
It will definitely be helping them with their paycheck
But basically it's the people the smaller people and the ones in the middle that you know
Maybe they're in the getting 10,000 or a hundred thousand plays but that should be worth a few hundred dollars
Especially to a company like Spotify who makes so much money every year and they don't actually do anything
all they do is allow you to put your music on it and
Then they sell a product of your music and give you pennies on the dollar for it
It doesn't really make any sense and I'm not hating on Spotify here like like shit I use Spotify
but at the end of the day
There are better options out there and emanate is just filling in that gap in the market there all these streaming platforms
Haven't had to compete because there's no competition at the moment
But this is going to be the future of the music industry and it's going to allow people to get paid even
Just a small amount
you know a lot of musicians out there are struggling and they're not looking for a
Million dollars or ten million dollars in bentleys and all that kind of crap that you see
But they're just looking for you know
50 bucks a week a hundred bucks a week to help them pay their rent so they could spend more time making
Music and then hopefully one day be able to play enough shows and sell their music at the same time to live comfortably
But it's gonna give them that opportunity
There's so many great artists out there at the moment that don't spend any time on their craft because they have to work a 9
To 5 or even more than a 9 to 5. Maybe they have to work a below minimum wage job 10 hours a day
so we're not looking to take all of the money away from the music industry and hand it out to artists freely because they're definitely
You need both sides of the coin
But we just want to distribute it a bit more fairly rather than seeing this huge
Collection of wealth at the top and absolutely nothing at the bottom
Still have an even distribution because the guys getting millions and millions have placed it. They're also touring they're selling merch
Massive ticket sales and they're making most of their money through that
So why can't we make a Faris system for all of those coming up and try and make it a bit more equal?
so the smaller and the medium people can have a shot to support themselves from their art so I know a lot of you might
Be thinking that it's not Spotify as fall or it's not any of the streaming
Platforms fault that these artists aren't getting enough money
Sometimes it's the deals that they sign on with their label and those are to sign up to those deals and often they you know
Extend for several years and it's not Spotify as fault that they're on a bad deal and now although that may be true
This is where M&A adds a lot of value because of the way that the system works
They allow you to kind of like be your own label
You can create contracts with other artists and be able to sell your music
Online and get most of the money for or get whatever
Deal that you decide is best for your music if you get parties to agree to that
This is where the M&A platform really shines because it takes care of all the contracts for you
You don't need a lawyer the platform takes care of that for you in a seamless way
So enough of me ranting and raving about why we need this platform. I'm sure you guys want to see how it works
Well, I'm gonna show you and I'll also include a few little demos, but first I got to pack my bag
I'm heading down the coast to go to a wedding over the weekend, which should be good
I'll try and give you a few little updates there
But I'm not sure
If I'm gonna get any time to but I am coming back up to Brisbane after that
Staying in a new air B&B and I'll give you a few more updates there. I'll see you there
Hey guys, so I'm down a buyer now the drivers alright
And as you can see from the footage before the place is absolutely killer
it's a really nice like cottage in the woods and I'm super excited to spend a few days down here and just chill out and
Go to my mates wedding, which should be a heap of fun
but as I said
I really want to show you the M&A platform some key things to note about it is that it's being built on the eos
Blockchain, which to keep it simple basically just means it allows
superfast transactions to happen
With some of the other crypto currencies like Bitcoin and stuff you may hear issues where it takes a few hours or a few days
or even costs money to transact on the platform EOS was able to get rid of fees on the network as well as make a
really fast transaction speed so as you can see in the demo that I'm about to show you they can actually
Track every two seconds of play time and write that activity to the blockchain
Which means that the artist is going to be paid for that now
I don't actually have a working demo with a platform on my computer
So I'm going to refer to one of the videos that the team has put out
Themselves to show you their working demo and just how exciting this platform is going to be for producers
I'm going to give you a little sneak preview into the demo that we've been building recently
The demo is made up of two parts. The first part is the smart collaborations creator
But I'm not going to show you that today as I don't to spoil the surprise
The part I will show you is the streaming platform
Now each track in this stream is a smart collaboration in itself
so what that means in short is that we hold reference to the artists and all collaborators involved and
as the tracks being listened to
Every few seconds we're paying the artist
Let me repeat that in real time as the artist is being listened to we're paying them every few seconds
Up here we've got a little
Distributed together and that moves up as the artist is being paid
so I've just changed the track and we can see that down here and
Also that the artists being paid has also changed
So I'll keep this short on behalf of the emanate team. I thank you for watching
So that point at the end well, where was it about where's the screen grab
That screenshot is super important to the platform if you see on something like Spotify or YouTube
I'm pretty sure it counts a stream after 30 seconds of play and they would have to be monitored over the week probably
Collected up at the end of the month and then maybe in another month or even longer the artist will receive some revenue for that
now you can see right here that every two seconds that the track is being played a
Very small payment of your M&A token will be going from your account which you will probably pay a subscription
Or you know you load money onto your account
And then as you listen to other people's music your cryptocurrency will flow to them
Giving them value for every two seconds of play time that you give to their track now something else that I think is super
Exciting about this platform is a big problem with a lot of blockchain
Projects is that it's really hard to get adoption
A lot of people don't understand the technology or they're just not interested in having
blockchain projects and I think emanate is positioned really uniquely because they not only have an
Industry of usually pretty technologically savvy people a lot of music producers these days
You know quite savvy with computers music production software on its own is quite a difficult thing to learn
So they have a bit of technical knowledge there
but they're also very interested in being paid for their work because at the moment a lot of them are receiving little to no
Payments but what's really exciting is as you can see down here
Their collaboration with vampire now vampire to keep it simple as kind of like a tinder for musicians
You can see whether you know
there's an artist that's a singer or a guitarist and you can swipe left little right if you like their music and then you can
Reach out to try and collaborate with them and that is just the perfect
Opportunity for something like M&A to come in and it's also amazing because you can see they have over 400
artists and music industry professionals
Already on the vamper platform. So as they're connected with M&A
It's going to have this massive user base to try and drive the adoption to grow this platform
and as you know
Once you get over four hundred thousand people and a lot more people coming to the platform
There can be an exponentially increase of people that like to take up on the platform now
That was a quick demo of how the streaming side of things is going to work
But you heard the developer in the video say that he's not going to mention the smart contracts
There's not a live demo of the smart contracts out just at the moment
however, once I finish at the wedding when we head back up - Brizzy
I can give you a bit of a rundown on what the smart contracts might look like
I touched on a little bit before but we'll try and you know hash it out of it and see all of the cool
situations that can arise by using emanate smart contracts
Hey guys, how are you?
So as you can see for the clip just before I've actually flown back to Sydney now
I had a few days in Brisbane after the wedding, but unfortunately, I partied a bit too hard and the weather wasn't too great
so I ended up being a bit sick and
I was a bit croaky and I didn't really want to film anything over the two days that I was in Brisbane
But I'm back in Sydney now
And I'm really excited to tell you about the other side of the M&A platform the smart contracts section
Now unlike the video that I showed you before where the artists are being paid every two seconds for the stream
Which is unbelievably cool
By the way, this second section is as I said before. It's basically like you're able to be your own label
You're able to create your own contract. So how this is gonna work
is that say I have a song that I'm finished and I like it and
There's a I'm looking for a vocal for and there's a singer out there
They like the sound of my song they would like to sing on my track, but I have no idea about this person's integrity
I have no idea whether they're trustworthy have they ripped people off in the past? Have they been ripped off in the past?
So basically, we don't know each other and it's really hard to enter into a business agreement with someone that you don't know
However, emanate is going to make this so easy
Basically, if I like the singer and the singer likes my track we can come together and say hey look I spent you know this
Many hours on my song or whatever or you know, I really like your vocal
Let's come together and finish the track and we'll split the royalties
50/50 or we can go 60/40 70/30
You want to split it and basically even though I don't know this person that contract is written into the M&A platform
And when I complete the song or we complete the song sorry and upload it to the M&A platform those
Payments that were going out every two seconds to the artist before
They're now going to be split between us in the ratio that we agreed on before
Which is absolutely fantastic and then further down the track say someone hears that track and goes. Oh, man, I love this
I'd like to remix it. He gets the singer and my permission we go. Yep. No worries
We'll split your new remix 5050 with you. He goes cool and here I'll show you goes cool
No worries releases that remix of the track
and now when that remix gets played
The remixer is getting half of the money and then the 50% that we agreed to split to us is also 50 percent again
So I'm getting a quarter payment
The vocalist is getting a quarter payment and the remixer is getting a fifty percent payment on
his or her remix of our track and you can see that the
Implications for this a massive because if you're a singer and maybe wanted to protect your vocals before and not hand them out to everyone
for fear of
You know, maybe diluting your brand or fear of not being able to get paid for your hard work now
It's gonna create a environment where maybe there's a singer or a producer that wants to get their work to as many people as possible
Because if I'm getting a very small micropayment four people playing my music
But suddenly it's on a remix and another vocalist and someone's taken my instrumental track and done something else with it
Maybe someone wants to use it in one of their videos
all of those things are going to result in micropayments coming back to me and I really see a great opportunity for singers because
If they don't have this particular producer
Or maybe they can't afford to pay to get music made every time they want a song now
They're just going to be able to write lyrics and sing songs and basically
license these out to all of the producers out there that don't have any
Vocalists and if their vocal gets used on a hundred different tracks that's going to be fantastic
For them because a hundred times those micro payments are going to continue to flow to them as you can see the possibilities for this
Absolutely limitless, and it's still in the early development phases
That is like they have a working product
But you can just continue to grow, you know, they know whether they're gonna end up allowing you to pull out stems
Maybe I can even just sell my bass line to someone and then my drum kit to someone else and my leads to someone else
I don't know if it will progress down that far
But you know
it's just super exciting to see the platform making this kind of stuff happen and it's all gonna be hosted on the platform and
Both parties have to agree to it to make the smart contract happen and then it'll be trapped on the blockchain
Which just means that neither of the parties can you know suddenly decide they want to take 60%
because the money's not going to either them it's going to the platform and then splitting it as
Per you had already agreed. So there it is guys
That's just a basic rundown of this brand-new M&A platform that is going to change the music industry forever
I personally feel now
I didn't really go like in-depth and technical because I want to kind of focus these videos on the projects themselves
Just to see their use cases and how people in the industries that they're looking to serve are gonna use them
I may do more technical videos in the future
But at the moment it's still you know
blockchain and cryptocurrency is still a relatively young industry and I don't think a lot of people fully have their head around it and to
Be honest, I fully don't have my head around it because it's constantly evolving and changing all the time
So I really want to focus on the core
Ideas here and then if you want to delve further into the technical side
You can jump on their website or even reach out to the team
They have a great telegram channel all the guys running the team are really good guys
If you reach out to them, I'm sure they'll get back to you
They're often on other people's youtubes or if you want to get in contact with them for any information
I'm sure they can point you in the right direction. So I really think that M&A is going to be a successful platform
I'm definitely going to be a user as soon as it's released
I think they're looking to release the streaming side of it by the end of this year, which is 2018
So I'm super excited for that stay tuned for more news
and then you can just see that I'm I just think that this is going to be a project that gets a lot of
Adoption which is really hard to do in the blockchain space at the moment
Their partnership with vampire with the four hundred thousand musicians is going to be really good for them
I think a lot of young people using that platform as well and also they've got some great
Artists on board already, you know, they've got big artists
I'm a big fan of like house and dance music so they got big artists like Jody dads and Tommy trash on board
Already two massive names and there's so many more that I can't think of now jump on their website and check them out
They're got a whole bunch across a wide range of genres as well
so the new platform seeking to serve people that have really been getting ripped off for a long time in musicians the
Partnership with vampire and the partnership with some big artists at the moment
I just think is a perfect storm for these guys to really succeed and the team are just great people
So I'm really hoping that these guys succeed and to be fair they're based from Sydney as well
Which is quite cool and I live in Sydney. So it's really exciting to see a local project for me taking on the world
They've been doing really successfully at their blockchain shows. They were at like the EOS made up in London. They did one in Sydney
I think they were over in the u.s. Touring the product and been getting really great feedback. So stay tuned
I'll probably do a video update as the platform starts to roll out and
Try to do like a few walkthroughs and if you want to ask any other questions about the platform
Feel free to chuck them in the comments below
I'll try my best to answer them or if not
I'll reach out to the team and get some of them involved and I'm sure they'll be able to help you with your questions
So, thank you so much for watching
If you like this kind of stuff and want to stay up to date with new blockchain projects
New things in the music space and basically just things that are going to make the world a better place
Feel free to stick around and subscribe
If not, thank you very much for your time, and I hope you guys have a great day. See ya
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