Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 3 2018

Hi guys! I'm Nancy.

And I'm going to show you how to remember the unit circle in trigonometry.

What is the unit circle?

Well it just means a circle with a radius of one. That's all.

Sounds simple...

but actually there are a lot of angle values and sin and cos coordinates

that you end up having to memorize.

So knowing the unit circle is kinda a necessary evil.

But don't worry!

I'm going to show you some patterns and tricks

that will help you remember it.

OK. So let's take a look at this.

This is our unit circle.

These are our axes.

This is the x-axis.

And this is our y-axis.

These two lines touch the circle at 4 points.

The right.

The top.

The left.

and the bottom.

When you're finding an angle on the unit circle

we always start here on the right side

and we move up

counter-clockwise we rotate to get to angles.

All the way around.

So let's look at the 4 angles you get

at this point

this point

this point and this point.

So this first angle is 0.

Because that's where we're starting.

Then if we move up and rotate counter-clockwise

through a quarter of the circle

we have the angle Pi/2.

These angles are in radians, not degrees.

They have Pi in them.

Then if we move another quarter of the way through the circle

we have the angle Pi.

This is half the circle.

So the whole circle will be 2 times that. 2Pi.

Then if we move another quarter of the way through the circle

we have the angle 3Pi/2.

One quarter through the circle was Pi/2.

So three quarters of the way around the circle is 3Pi/2.

OK, finally, if we move another quarter circle

we get 2Pi.

Now we've come full circle.

And notice this angle here, this position

is 0 but also 2Pi.

OK. Now let's look at the Pi/4 angles.

Those other angles we just did divided the circle into 4 equals parts.

These are going to divide it again.

So if one quarter was Pi/2, if we divide it again by 2

we get Pi/4.

And these ones are always in the exact center of the quarter circle.

The first one is 1Pi/4. Just Pi/4.

Next one is 3Pi/4.

Then 5Pi/4.

Then 7Pi/4.

Notice that pattern: 1, 3, 5, 7.

So as you can see this is rapidly turning into a disaster.

Now we have the Pi/6's.

So if one quarter of the circle is Pi/2

a third of that, if you divide by 3, is Pi/6.

So the first "over 6" is Pi/6.

Then if we mirror it on the other side of the axis

we have 5Pi/6.

Down here 7Pi/6.

And down here 11Pi/6.

OK. Finally we have the Pi/3's.

The first Pi/3 is here.

It might seem wrong to you that Pi/3 is bigger than Pi/6

but remember you're dividing by those numbers.

You're dividing by 3 here, but you're dividing by a bigger number, 6, here.

So this is actually a smaller, lower value than that.

Anyway, this is Pi/3.

If you reflect it across the y-axis, you have 2Pi/3.

Down here is 4Pi/3.

And down here is 5Pi/3.

Alright. Now let me show you what the unit circle is actually good for.

And that is knowing the cos, sin and tan values of each of these angles.

Each of these angles that we drew in

touches the circle at a point.

So let me show you some of these points.

Alright. So every angle on the circle touches the circle at a point.

An (x, y) point.

It has an x-coordinate and a y-coordinate.

So for this angle: 0.

The x-coordinate is 1, because this is a unit circle.

It has a radius of 1, so the x distance is 1.

And the y-coordinate is 0, because this point has no height.

The distance in the y direction is 0.

Now this is very important

these two coordinate values also give you your cos and sin.

The first value, the x-coordinate, is always your cos.

And the second value, the y-coordinate, is always your sin.

So, for this angle of 0, the cos is 1 and the sin is 0.

Now let's move to the top of the circle at Pi/2.

The x distance is 0.

And the y distance is a full 1 unit.

So we have (0, 1).

The cos is 0. The sin is 1.

On the left side we have (-1, 0) as (x, y) coordinates.

On the bottom of the circle we have (0, -1).

Alright, so let's fill in the points for the other angles in the circle.

All you need to remember are these 3 numbers.

You probably wish they were nice, neat whole numbers

but they're not.

They have square roots and fractions in them.

Just remember: 1/2 is the smallest number

sqrt(2)/2 or "root-2-over-2" is the middle size number

and sqrt(3)/2 is the largest number.

You're gonna be using these again and again and again.

So let's look at the angle Pi/6.

For the angle Pi/6

that point has an x distance that is the largest of these 3 angles.

So it's x-coordinate needs to be sqrt(3)/2.

So we write that there.

For Pi/4, for that angle, the x distance is a little smaller.

So it's the middle size number: sqrt(2)/2.

Then for the angle Pi/3, the x distance is the smallest of the three.

So it has to be 1/2 for the x-coordinate.

Alright, now let's fill in the y values for those points.

It's the exact same idea.

For the angle Pi/6, the y distance, the height, is the lowest of those angles.

So it needs to be 1/2. The smallest value.

At Pi/4, the height, the y distance, is the middle size.

So it needs to be sqrt(2)/2.

And then at Pi/3, the y distance, the height, is the largest of the angles.

So it needs to be sqrt(3)/2.

Alright, now you can figure out all the other points

for the other angles in the circle.

It's the exact same idea.

The only thing that's different is that you might have a negative sign.

The only thing you need to watch out for

is maybe having a negative sign for your coordinates.

Like here.

When you were in the first quadrant

the first quarter of the circle, everything was positive.

All of these coordinates were positive numbers.

But if you're in the second quadrant, the second quarter,

you've actually moved in the negative x direction.


So of all the x numbers will be negative.. have a negative sign.

But the y's are still positive, because you're in the positive half of the y-axis.

Then in the third quadrant, the third quarter

you're in the negative x direction and the negative y direction

because you've moved left and down.

So both the x's and y's will have negative signs here.

In the fourth quadrant, the fourth quarter you're in the positive x direction

because you moved right

and you're in the negative y direction, because you moved down.

So positive x-coordinate. Negative y-coordinate.

So I just want to remind you

for all of these points, all of these angles

the first number in the point is the cos value.

And the second number is the sin.

So here for 3Pi/4

the cos is -sqrt(2)/2.

And the sin of 3Pi/4 is sqrt(2)/2.

So if you have to figure out the cos of Pi/3

it's the first value in the point.

The answer is 1/2.

If someone asks you "What's the sign of 7Pi/6?"

Go to your unit circle.

sin is the second value in the point, so the sin of 7Pi/6 is just -1/2.

That is the answer.

Alright, just a few reminders for you.

This whole time we were working in radian angles.

All these angles, Pi/6, those are all radian angles.

You may need to work in degrees.

And all of them have a corresponding degree angle.

You might already know that Pi is 180 degrees.

So that would mean half of that, Pi/2, is 90 degrees.

This of course is 0 degrees.

And that would make Pi/6, 30 degrees.

Pi/4, 45 degrees.

Pi/3, 60 degrees.

90 degrees and so on.

Also, if you're trying to memorize the unit circle

I know it's a lot to take in.

It's kind of a mess.

But just remember the patterns, because those patterns

are what will make it a lot faster to learn and a lot easier to learn.

So I hope that helped you figure out the unit circle.

Unit circles are.. lots.. of.. fun.

It's OK. You don't have to like math.

but you can like my video..

so if you did, please click 'Like' or subscribe!

For more infomation >> How to Remember the Unit Circle (NancyPi) - Duration: 12:03.





Snowman with Christmas Pineapple - Duration: 13:31.

Hello Art Friends in Your Hands for today we are going to share how to make this

snowman, this very colorful doll that they can implement it for their

home or for your office, also for sell if they like it, I hope

accompany all the step by step to that they learn to do it together with me

remember to give us your like, subscribe if you have not already done so and

Share the video with your friends and relatives, then we invite you to see

a new video here in Arte en Tus Manos

for this project we need

very simple materials and that are easy to get

for example the fabric we are going to use already be fleese or also called polar or

also the felt serves us to make the doll's head

we are also going to use two types of cloth one base for the hat and the other goes

to be for the scarf this is also felt and this is a

cotton flannel that is soft then it is very light and it is allowed to handle very well,

silicone cotton also lace or it is also called golden thread, also

We are going to use thread, needle, scissors, pins, these pebbles or pearls

black that are going to be the eyes, in cold porcelain the carrot or nose

some pompoms and our protagonist goes to be this pineapple usually for example

the size of the head depends on the size of the pineapple, this pineapple is 7

centimeters long past and the circumference on this basis

of 20 centimeters, if you choose smaller this circumference would be smaller

or if it's bigger then also the we would enlarge, this measures 7.5 centimeters

the distance that there is in the circumference, hot silicone we are going to

use also and the material list equal the we leave in the description in the part

low we leave the list of materials and the link of the Arte en Tus Manos blog

with Lili and Sam and facebook so that find in most molds

that we share in the projects then with these materials

we started

here I already transferred the mold that is the

circumference from 7.5 centimeters to 2 pieces here is fabric, what I'm going to do is

that doing the festoon stitch or type buttonhole we already know that it has several several

names then I'm going to start sewing all around

and we have almost finished sewing

and we leave a small hole to be able fill let's take the cotton

silicone as you can see do not remove the thread and the needle remain the same here because

Now he's going to continue sewing, I'm going to start filling

that is well filled

As in previous projects, then I will teach you how to make the holes, the signal

the notch where the eyes

and I'm going to start passing the thread of a side to side

and so it's going to stay then

the space where we are going to place the eyes

place them closer together, more apart, as you like them

Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to put some silicone either at

spheres or directly on the web and I'm going to paste

in the spaces that I left for the eyes

That's how my eyes are and I'm also going to stick my nose, remember that this is already achieved

in the market lists and if not we can do also with porcelanicrón or

Cold porcelain

Now what I'm going to do is I take the outline of the head doll that

contour measured 14 centimeters, when I took the measurement of the contour of the head

14 centimeters and a half then here what he did cut a piece of 14

centimeters and a half and that the length has between 7.5 centimeters and 8 I'm going to

do here as they like the product some that is a little bit quicker

so I'm going to hit it with a bit of silicone

I wait for it to dry very well and we give it the turn

we already turned around then now in one end we are going to make a

stitch like this and what we're going to to do is that we're going to darn the hat

we darned it, this would be the part top of the hat and this is already part

where we introduce the head then here to stay fixed

then I will knot it

and now what I do is that I introduce it in the head

I place it well, I cover the imperfections by example the sewing of the eyes that

I taught to do it like that this is what we have left

in this position and we hit him with hot silicone

to wrinkle a little I apply here silicone, I press and so then the

cap a bit more wrinkled also for decorate it I will use millare or a

gold cord or the one you prefer and I'm going to hit it all

this outline

and then that's how the head is ready Now what you are going to do is an ornament

to use of these clean pipes or shillings that also call them,

you can get the color that you wish me here as I am is with much

color then I found this in color orange then I'm going to help with a

orange stick and I'm going to roll it up like this

all the shilling

I take it out and what I'm going to do is that I'm going to stretch it a little, just a little

and I'm going to give it a curve, what I'm going to do is I'm going to paste it

to these pompoms because I'm going to do like some species of earmuffs for the doll

of snow, here I will apply silicone, I put the shilling

with the pom pom

here the other

so we have them until it dries, when and dry then we place them where

it would be the ears of the snowman

here then I already hit the

headband of earmuffs now what I'm going to do is hit the pineapple, this pineapple

we look at the side that looks nicer, so that we look more colorful and

we are going to hit the head to the pineapple, we look for the part that most

like and paste then, remove the stem that I had here

I'm going to apply silicone

hold until it dries well,

already with the piece attached to the pineapple then

let's cut in cloth, in this flannel we're going to 37 centimeters long and 4

centimeters wide and let's make a scarf, putting here I'm going to bend towards

the center and I'm going to put it in the outline of the neck of the snowman

I adjust

that the piece fits well, well fit

I can tighten it a little bit more, because the flannel gives us the

possibility to tighten a little more, I organize the scarf that fits

centered or aside depending on how each one wants it

and we're going to flail, I mean make a bangs here at the end to the


and then we are finishing this snowman now what I do

is to take a piece of 25 centimeters in I tied the golden cord at the end and

what I'm going to do is paste it in the back and removed the excess as

of the cord

I apply silicone and I place it in the back

Now I take a piece of cloth that resembles the color of the hat, I also apply


and I cover the cord a bit

you do not notice it so much and the other one is that it gives us greater firmness at the time of

hang it, then this is how we have this doll, it also serves as a pin for

decorate anchetas, for the trees, the curtains, this doll is

application helps us to put it in many parts of the house, to decorate the

office crowns, borders, good everything, can do to sell also to give away

As you could notice, it's simple too economic sale can do many for

sell by the dozens, then I hope that they like the project that they put it in

practice remember that everything we share

for you we do it with a lot of love they can change the color they can do it

bigger or smaller or this is step by step is for you what

put, apply it and you can get the most out of it

to the project then we see ourselves in a next video here on your channel

Art in Your Hands

For more infomation >> Snowman with Christmas Pineapple - Duration: 13:31.


#PubertyChallenge: el desafío al que no se resisten los rostros chilenos - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> #PubertyChallenge: el desafío al que no se resisten los rostros chilenos - Duration: 3:04.


Potencias de números decimales - Duration: 8:04.

For more infomation >> Potencias de números decimales - Duration: 8:04.


Exciting play with daddy. Playground. play. Kids. Toy. family fun - Duration: 3:21.



Where do you want to go?



Daddy! there!

I will make her hair like chicken haha

I will try this first

For more infomation >> Exciting play with daddy. Playground. play. Kids. Toy. family fun - Duration: 3:21.


Éxitos Más Grandes De Ed Sheeran - Álbum Completo De Éxitos Más Grandes De Ed Sheeran 2018 - Duration: 1:40:48.

For more infomation >> Éxitos Más Grandes De Ed Sheeran - Álbum Completo De Éxitos Más Grandes De Ed Sheeran 2018 - Duration: 1:40:48.


Le prince Harry a eu une rencontre assez "insolite" avec l'une de ses ex à Amsterdam! - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Le prince Harry a eu une rencontre assez "insolite" avec l'une de ses ex à Amsterdam! - Duration: 3:21.


10 bệnh đừng vội tin "bác sĩ" Google - Duration: 10:10.

For more infomation >> 10 bệnh đừng vội tin "bác sĩ" Google - Duration: 10:10.


Andrés Caniulef preocupa a televidentes en su aparición en Mentiras Verdaderas - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Andrés Caniulef preocupa a televidentes en su aparición en Mentiras Verdaderas - Duration: 3:04.


Televidentes reaccionaron abrumados tras la muerte de "Gabriela" en Verdades Ocultas - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Televidentes reaccionaron abrumados tras la muerte de "Gabriela" en Verdades Ocultas - Duration: 2:16.


Imagine dragons - Warriors - sub español - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Imagine dragons - Warriors - sub español - Duration: 2:51.


Opel KARL Edition 1.0 DIVERSE KLEUREN BESCHIKBAAR - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Opel KARL Edition 1.0 DIVERSE KLEUREN BESCHIKBAAR - Duration: 0:53.


Respect - Parenting expert Michael Grose - Duration: 2:25.

Hi, I'm Michael Grose, parenting educator and Director of parentingideas.com.au and

the author of ten books for parents.

I'm the father of two girls and also have a boy and now I have three grandkids, so two

granddaughters and a grandson.

So obviously as a dad and grandfather of boys and girls, I want my girls and granddaughters

to feel safe and also I want my sons and grandson to treat women fairly and respectfully.

As a professional I've been working in the field for about 25 years, I've seen the impact

that disrespectful behaviours and attitudes has on girls and I can see how easily the

whole sort of attitude is reinforced at home, because respect starts at home.

Teaching girls to expect respect As soon as you have a child you become a conscious

role model.

So you need to be really aware of things you say about other people, the things you say

about yourself as well, because kids are picking up their attitudes.

Really you are a window to their world in lots of ways, so you really got to be aware

of the things you say about girls, things you say to your sons about how they treat


Also I think it�s really important that you are really aware of the messages you give

girls around sexuality, around relationships, around how you negotiate no and how you say


Empowering boys and girls to ask for help I'm a big believer in behaviour rehearsal.

What we know about behaviour rehearsal, if you tell a child of any age to do something

they probably won't do it, but if you run through a little bit of a script - hey try

this - they're more likely to do it.

So that notion of behaviour rehearsal is an important and underestimated strategy to help

girls and boys to ask for help, and it's also recognising when that comment, that behaviour

makes me feel unsafe and that recognition is important and that�s the sort of thing

we can do in everyday context at home.

Violence against women.

Let's stop it at the start.

respect.gov.au for tools and resources to help start a conversation.

For more infomation >> Respect - Parenting expert Michael Grose - Duration: 2:25.


Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk Edition Bluetooth - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk Edition Bluetooth - Duration: 1:09.


Phim Hay 2018 - Quyền Long Tiểu Tử || Full Hd Thuyết Minh - Duration: 1:28:19.

For more infomation >> Phim Hay 2018 - Quyền Long Tiểu Tử || Full Hd Thuyết Minh - Duration: 1:28:19.


10 bệnh đừng vội tin "bác sĩ" Google - Duration: 10:10.

For more infomation >> 10 bệnh đừng vội tin "bác sĩ" Google - Duration: 10:10.


URS Qawwali 2018 - ख्वाजा खबीर हसन - Dekhlo Shakal Meri Kiska Aaina - Duration: 8:15.

Dekhlo Shakal Meri Kiska Aaina

For more infomation >> URS Qawwali 2018 - ख्वाजा खबीर हसन - Dekhlo Shakal Meri Kiska Aaina - Duration: 8:15.


Dr. Ford and Deborah Ramirez just blasted the FBI and blew lid off a possible cover up of Kavanaugh' - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Dr. Ford and Deborah Ramirez just blasted the FBI and blew lid off a possible cover up of Kavanaugh' - Duration: 1:54.


Kia cee'd 1.4 T-GDi DTC7 Executiveline NU IN DE SHOWROOM!! - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.4 T-GDi DTC7 Executiveline NU IN DE SHOWROOM!! - Duration: 1:15.


Kia Sportage 1.6 GDI 97KW Dynamicline Nu Rijklaar €29.930,- - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 1.6 GDI 97KW Dynamicline Nu Rijklaar €29.930,- - Duration: 1:09.


New Attitude Status For Boys | Attitude Status - Duration: 0:32.

Attitude Status For Boys

For more infomation >> New Attitude Status For Boys | Attitude Status - Duration: 0:32.


Killer Attitude Whatsapp Status | New Attitude Status - Duration: 0:33.

Attitude Status For Boys

For more infomation >> Killer Attitude Whatsapp Status | New Attitude Status - Duration: 0:33.


ढेर सारे लच्छे वाला लच्छा पराठा बनाने का आसान तरीका|How To Make Lachha Paratha|Flaky Layered Paratha - Duration: 6:34.

lachha paratha is a pan-fried Indian layered bread

we are using all-purpose flour to prepare this lachha paratha. you can use a combination of wheat and all-purpose flours or just wheat flour instead

here are the ingredients we will require. these along with their quantities are listed in the description box

clarified butter as needed. you can use oil instead

1.5 cups all-purpose flour

1 tbsp semolina

1/2 tsp salt

1 tbsp ground sugar

first, we will prepare the dough

put all the ingredients in a kneading dish

all-purpose flour



ground sugar

and 1 tsp clarified butter or oil if you wish

mix until they combine well

add water little at a time and mix until the flour forms a sticky dough

now, wet your hands a few times & knead this dough for 2-3 minutes

then grease your hands with a little clarified butter and knead again for about 3-4 minutes

kneading well is the most important exercise in the entire lachha making process. do not shorten it

the dough is ready. make a ball and put in a bowl

smear a little clarified butter on top & cover it with a damp cloth. let the dough rest for 15 minutes

after 15 minutes grease your hands again with a little clarified butter & knead the dough for 1/2 a minute

the dough should be as soft as the one we make for roti or paratha

divide the dough into 3 equal portions

and make round balls then flatten them a bit

take one and cover the rest. roll it until smooth and dust some dry flour on the kitchen platform

roll out the dough ball into a very thin roti. do not worry of it is shapeless

you can see how thin it is

brush clarified butter over it & then sprinkle dry flour over it

with a pizza cutter or knife cut the roti into thin strips

roll in all the strips until they come together at the other end

brush a little clarified butter over it and roll it into a flat ball as shown

tuck the free end underneath. flatten this roti with your hand.

place it on the flour-dusted kitchen counter and spread it into a medium thick roti using your fingers lightly

do not use a rolling pin

the lachha paratha is ready to be roasted. keep a tawa/griddle to heat up on medium heat

when the tawa is hot reduce heat on the lowest setting and brush a little clarified butter on it

then place the paratha on it

the entire cooking is to be done on low heat so that the inside of the paratha also gets well cooked

after about a minute flip over the paratha

and cook the other side for a little less than a minute so that it is also a bit cooked as this side is

if necessary you may raise the heat a bit & then lower it as gas stove burners are of different sizes. use a medium sized burner though

flip over the paratha

and spread some clarified butter on it and flip it again

spread some ghee over this side as well

with a ladle lightly press any undercooked areas

keep flipping the paratha frequently and roast it until it is brown all over on both sides

our lachha paratha is done. transfer to a plate and prepare the rest of the lachha paratha similarly

cup your hands as shown and lightly crush the paratha all around and the layers will start separating at once

you can see the many layers of this layered paratha

do try this lachha paratha and give your feedback

you can have it with any veg or non-veg curry dish you like

if you like the recipe & dish, please like, comment and subscribe to our channel, and press the bell icon to get informed about our latest video. thanks for watching

For more infomation >> ढेर सारे लच्छे वाला लच्छा पराठा बनाने का आसान तरीका|How To Make Lachha Paratha|Flaky Layered Paratha - Duration: 6:34.


Opel Mokka 1.4 Turbo 140pk Edition | Flex-Fix fietsdrager | Navi - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka 1.4 Turbo 140pk Edition | Flex-Fix fietsdrager | Navi - Duration: 1:08.


Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI Dynamicline met Navi, Clima, Cruise en 7jr garantie!! - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI Dynamicline met Navi, Clima, Cruise en 7jr garantie!! - Duration: 1:08.


03/10/2018 02:18 (Newham Way, London E16 1HF, UK) - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> 03/10/2018 02:18 (Newham Way, London E16 1HF, UK) - Duration: 1:46.


Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDi 120PK DynamicLine met Navi, Clima en 7jr garantie!! - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDi 120PK DynamicLine met Navi, Clima en 7jr garantie!! - Duration: 1:06.


Opel Crossland X Crossland X Limited Roof Edition 1.2 81pk | Navi - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Opel Crossland X Crossland X Limited Roof Edition 1.2 81pk | Navi - Duration: 1:03.


'I Didn't Know I Could Vote': Inmates Sent Voter Information Cards - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> 'I Didn't Know I Could Vote': Inmates Sent Voter Information Cards - Duration: 2:13.


How To Moisturize & Clarify Box Braids + Fresh ALOE VERA GEL for edges - Duration: 9:20.

hey you guys welcome back to my channel I'm t'keyah if you don't know that go

ahead and hit that red subscribe button so for this video I wanted to come on

here and show you guys a couple of little tips and tricks that I use to

refresh my braids the roots of my braids now the last time actually had box

braids was probably three years ago which is crazy but I got my hair done

for a creative project that I was working on with express so if you guys

haven't checked that video out I put a lot of love into that video that I

created directed it I styled it okay I did location scouting so I hope you guys

have watched that video if you haven't please go check it out I will link it in

the description box or it'll be up up there somewhere so I want to show you

guys how i refresh my braids and get them looking nice and sleek without

those harsh gels and the products just filled with chemicals and also how you

can kind of promote growth and just keep your hair moisturized under the braids

so I'm just gonna take some hot really warm water from my spray bottle and

spritz that all over the pieces that are frizzy and all over my scalp really and

just give myself a nice Scout massage

so because I'm only keeping these braids in for a few weeks as opposed to a few

months I don't feel the need to actually clarify my scalp with like a shampoo or

actually get all of my hair wet these birds would be so heavy it's still

so good so what this is doing is it's kind of breaking up any of the kind of

dirt and dead skin and stuff that's on my scalp it's kind of breaking that up

and loosening it up which feels amazing and it's also hydrating my scalp water

is just like the best thing to use all of my color applicator bottles are used

up right now with different oil mixes but I have in this one mainly olive oil

I also have some hemp seed oil and some tea tree oil and that tea tree is great

to help like clarify your scalp olive was amazing at moisturizing your scalp

neem oil they promote hair growth

I'm going to take that same oil a good amount in my hand and I'm going to kind

of run it down the length of the braids focusing on where my hair you know

actually is I don't have to go down to the bottom of the braids because my hair

is not down there so I moisturize my hair with water with

warm water open up those cuticles and now I am sealing the deal with this oil

concoction that tea tree oil is making my scalp just feel super refreshed so

that's like key you know find oils that are anti bacterial and ones that kind of

help clarify your scalp so any of those oils that typically are in shampoos

clarifying shampoos you can use those essential oils in your oil mixes so the

product that I'm going to be using to seal in that water and then the oil

mixture is this nappy butter it's a moisturizing hair and body butter by

mahogany soul I love this stuff and braids protective styles locks this is

the perfect time to use a butter like this so the ingredients are mango butter

which you guys have seen my mango butter deep conditioner mango butter is amazing

my hair really loves mango butter and also has coffee butter in here avocado

butter I will link it in the description box so make sure you go check it out so

I'm gonna take some of the butter you guys don't even understand how good it

smells alright I want to start with this one so I'm taking the butter and because

it has such beneficial ingredients I don't mind actually getting this onto

my scalp I take some around my actual natural hair and then I just start to


and then I take some more of the butter and I go down the length of the braid

where my natural hair is and at the same time I'm still kind of twisting I pretty

much did all the twisting that I needed to do all right so I am halfway done

with my hair as you can see there's a huge difference between this frizzy

loose side and then this side so all right so I'm going to go finish it and

I'll be back

all right so it's the next day and I wanted to let you guys know that I

didn't sleep with my hair in those two pigtails for some reason it was causing

a lot of stress on my scalp on this side I want to lay my edges for you guys

because I've been talking about you know not using conventional gels with alcohol

and those nasty ingredients in them and just products in general like that

around your scalp in your edges so what I do is I take a low yes you already

know I have several album videos so I have some out of here literally just

wipe the aloe on to the area I'm just going to you know use a toothbrush an

old toothbrush aloe is also amazing for your scalp so this is just like in

all-in-one treatment really

okay so my edges have pretty much dry as you can see they can still move like

they're not just snatched to my head so that's how I refreshed my braids when I

have them that's also how I moisturize my hair within the braids and how I keep

my scalp healthy I keep my edges healthy lay my edges

tea's sensitive so please don't cross me my loyalty is it so please look alright

you guys I hope you enjoyed this video I hope this was helpful for you guys for

all of you that responded to my Instagram story and even my little

YouTube community posts yeah that's about it if you guys want to see more of

my hair check out my video my last lookbook and then also check out my

Instagram make sure you guys follow me on there if you would like to I'll see

you on my next one okay

For more infomation >> How To Moisturize & Clarify Box Braids + Fresh ALOE VERA GEL for edges - Duration: 9:20.


"I've got another 20 years:" National State Games Female Athlete of the Year - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> "I've got another 20 years:" National State Games Female Athlete of the Year - Duration: 2:11.


Avra Valley homeowner concerned over I-11 - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Avra Valley homeowner concerned over I-11 - Duration: 1:47.


HIKI NŌ #717: What I Learned | Hongwanji Mission School, Laurie Rubin - Duration: 2:31.

In our story about the blind singer I did part camera,

I wrote some of the script, and I edited.

I did a lot of the camerawork for a lot of it, but most of it was just the editing.

This year my students for HIKI NO were all 6th graders.

And it was a bit of a contrast from the previous year where I worked with 8th graders.

I started from kind of like zero.

Um, they did not have any experience.

We kind of knew our capabilities and we all got along.

At some points we were kind of playful and stuff like that, but it ended up like we all

were serious about it.

We all knew exactly what we were supposed to do.

There were some challenges just in terms of the 6th graders are a little bit more playful.

However, at the same time, they had this energy.

And I think they had no fear.

They said, Okay, we'll do it. Hey, why not?

I think the interview, the interview turned out pretty good.

The hardest part was picking out the best things that she said, 'cause she said a lot, yeah.

People might think, "Oh I'd be so terrified to take a step without being able to see."

How we got the story from her interview was, we picked out a bunch of clips.

We printed them, we cut them out, then we chose the ones that we thought fit the most,

and that made the most sense.

We kept on mixing them in an order, until we thought it was good.

We had to change it a few times, but then we finally got it.

I'm really happy and really relieved that we did well.

Well, when you guy's finally say it's done we're like—YES! Yes!

It's a really nice thing that we worked really hard and now it's finally paid off,

and it's really satisfying.

It teaches me, um, that my students can do quite a lot.

And I don't necessarily have to always tell them what to do.

I can take a step back and let them, again, take ownership, and see what they do.

For more infomation >> HIKI NŌ #717: What I Learned | Hongwanji Mission School, Laurie Rubin - Duration: 2:31.


HIKI NŌ #715: What I Learned | Kauai High, Food Truck Owner - Duration: 2:31.

For the Kauai High School story—it was called The Food Truck Owner—

and I was the editor, producer, director, and filmer.

It was a solo project.

And what I see as her learning the most is maybe balancing time, a little more thought

in the pre-production and planning, because she did everything herself.

The challenges of doing the story all by myself was it was a lot of back and forth.

For instance I had to set up the camera myself, for the interview, then I would have to check

in to make sure the audio was okay.

Working by myself, I definitely had to have a complete open mind and really channel my

inner creativity to really get the story out.

With the HIKI NO mentoring process,

I was given feedback and comments regarding my story and how I could improve upon it.

The feedback I got from Terri was to focus my story more, about the food truck itself.

And that's what helped me change my story.

For a lot of students oftentimes they don't take the feedback well, you know, because

they have this attitude that, Okay I'm done with it, I've turned it in.

But as for Leanna she has a really good attitude…

I thought of it as an opportunity to improve.

At first it was a little tedious because I would have to change my writing style and

kind of get out of the comfort zone and try something new.

But in the end it was all worth it.

Do you understand what she's saying?

Yeah, so I used two different mics.

One for the interview and one for b-roll.

So there's two different sounds.

Once the story clicks, there's still a lot of details and fine tuning that needs to be done.

And they're all little things, but in the end they all add up to make a great story.

You know there's a reason for learning more.

And improving on the quality of what they produce, because it is for an actual audience.

It's not just something that gets written down on paper,

turned in, and that's about it, you know.

It takes the measurement of their learning to a much higher level.

For more infomation >> HIKI NŌ #715: What I Learned | Kauai High, Food Truck Owner - Duration: 2:31.


Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GTX 1060 3gb - i5 8400 - i3 8100 - 1080p - 1440p - 4K - PC Test Benchmark - Duration: 19:23.

For more infomation >> Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GTX 1060 3gb - i5 8400 - i3 8100 - 1080p - 1440p - 4K - PC Test Benchmark - Duration: 19:23.


Hyundai i30 CW 1.4I I-DRIVE COOL - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 CW 1.4I I-DRIVE COOL - Duration: 1:07.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i 69pk 5D Aspiration - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i 69pk 5D Aspiration - Duration: 1:06.


Honda Accord 2.4i-VTEC Executive Automaat - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Honda Accord 2.4i-VTEC Executive Automaat - Duration: 1:08.


Citroën C3 1.1 I Difference - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.1 I Difference - Duration: 1:06.


Hyundai Atos 1.1I ACTIVE PRIME APK April 2019 ! - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Atos 1.1I ACTIVE PRIME APK April 2019 ! - Duration: 1:09.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i S-Line airco NAP dealer OH - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i S-Line airco NAP dealer OH - Duration: 1:12.


LOOM KNITTING Stitches - A Purl in 8 a Simple 3 Step Stitch (Any Loom) - Duration: 4:13.

A Purl in 8 stitch on a small gauge loom. Here it is on the reverse side, so pretty.

Designed by Stephanie May also known as Loomatic Fringe, find her on Facebook

and Instagram. All right guys, let's begin. You need to cast on an even number of

pegs. The stitch is done over two pegs, so we're gonna start on the edge and you

need to knit that first edge just to get you started, because you basically are

going to start knitting with peg two. To do the figure eight, you're going to

wrap peg two first and then come back and wrap peg one. Next you need to knit

off both of these pegs. Your yarn now is behind, so what you need to do is grab

it, and bring that yarn forward, and now on peg two you're going to do a purl

stitch. Now, I'm knitting from right to left, so if you're knitting left

to right, just do the backwards. Now peg two is your new peg one. Let's

see that close up. Again, we're going to the left so we're going to wrap peg 2

and then peg one. Doing this is what causes that figure eight and you can see

it clearly, that it looks like a figure eight. So next, you're going to knit off

these two pegs. It's usually a good idea to start off with the one that you did

last but it's okay. Again your yarn, your strand of yarn is in the back so you're

gonna bring it forward and you're going to purl peg 2. All right, I think you guys

got the idea. Your peg 2 is now your peg 1 and the process starts again.

Wherever your yarn is, that's peg 1 and the one in front of it is peg two, which

is how you start your stitch. First you wrap two then you wrap one, so you go

forward and then back to create that eight, and then you have to knit off

those two pegs, bring the yarn forward and you're going to purl peg two.

After you finish that peg, after you purl, that is your new peg one, right. And, this

is what it looks like. If it's even, you see that your stitches will be staggered.

You see that, that little purl stitch that drops will be staggered. It

gives you a little bit of an opening, it's a little bit lacy but it's a lot

warmer than it looks depending on the yarn that you use. And, we're knitting

flat, if you're gonna go in the round try to do an odd number. To finish the row

here, we're gonna go ahead and do that figure 8, but for my particular edge,

and this was not recommended by the designer, I just found it works better, I

knit that last peg and that ends my row. To turn then again, I start by knitting

that first peg and that allows me then to go to peg two and wrap both one and

two. Then you just start the stitch over. That's how easy this stitch is and

it looks amazing. I really, really love it and I want to say thanks to Stephanie

for allowing me to share this with you guys. That was so awesome, for a real look

her up on Facebook or Instagram. And, here's your stitch summary for you

visual learners. Alright, that was the Purl in 8, alright guys thanks for

watching. Remember to Like, Comment and if you haven't already done so, Subscribe.

For more infomation >> LOOM KNITTING Stitches - A Purl in 8 a Simple 3 Step Stitch (Any Loom) - Duration: 4:13.


Respect - Parenting expert Michael Grose - Duration: 2:25.

Hi, I'm Michael Grose, parenting educator and Director of parentingideas.com.au and

the author of ten books for parents.

I'm the father of two girls and also have a boy and now I have three grandkids, so two

granddaughters and a grandson.

So obviously as a dad and grandfather of boys and girls, I want my girls and granddaughters

to feel safe and also I want my sons and grandson to treat women fairly and respectfully.

As a professional I've been working in the field for about 25 years, I've seen the impact

that disrespectful behaviours and attitudes has on girls and I can see how easily the

whole sort of attitude is reinforced at home, because respect starts at home.

Teaching girls to expect respect As soon as you have a child you become a conscious

role model.

So you need to be really aware of things you say about other people, the things you say

about yourself as well, because kids are picking up their attitudes.

Really you are a window to their world in lots of ways, so you really got to be aware

of the things you say about girls, things you say to your sons about how they treat


Also I think it�s really important that you are really aware of the messages you give

girls around sexuality, around relationships, around how you negotiate no and how you say


Empowering boys and girls to ask for help I'm a big believer in behaviour rehearsal.

What we know about behaviour rehearsal, if you tell a child of any age to do something

they probably won't do it, but if you run through a little bit of a script - hey try

this - they're more likely to do it.

So that notion of behaviour rehearsal is an important and underestimated strategy to help

girls and boys to ask for help, and it's also recognising when that comment, that behaviour

makes me feel unsafe and that recognition is important and that�s the sort of thing

we can do in everyday context at home.

Violence against women.

Let's stop it at the start.

respect.gov.au for tools and resources to help start a conversation.

For more infomation >> Respect - Parenting expert Michael Grose - Duration: 2:25.


Reese Witherspoon's reaction to meeting Kate Middleton is so relatable - Duration: 2:52.

  You'd think for an Oscar-winning actress like Reese Witherspoon - who has worked with big names such as Meryl Streep and Oprah Winfrey - it would be pretty difficult to get startruck

 But it turns out that just like the rest of us, Reese isn't immune to the charms of Britain's most famous family

  We're talking of course about the Royal Family and in particular, Kate Middleton

 In her new book, Whiskey in a Teacup, the 42-year-old actress has opened up about what it was like meeting the Duchess of Cambridge and how she prepared for the ocassion

 Back in 2011, Reese was invited to attend the launch of Tusk's US Patron Circle at the home of Steve Tisch in Los Angeles

  Prince William, who is the charity's royal patron, attended the event with Kate, during the couple's first overseas tour to America

  Despite the fundraiser taking place seven years ago, the Legally Blonde star still recalls exactly what happened when she found out she would be meeting Kate Middleton

 She wrote: "The scream that issued from my lips upon receiving [the invitation] - you would have thought I was going to die

"  Her excitement continued on the day, when the actress got up at 4am in order to ensure her hair looked fit for royalty

 "I wake up early, mind you, but on that day I was up at 4am doing my hair. That's early, even for me," she joked

 "'I've never seen you this excited,' my husband said. He wasn't kidding."  If this weren't enough she also made her husband take several photos of her in the car on the way to the event so she could remember how she was feeling in the run up to the big moment

 And according to the actress, you could see "rays of happiness" shooting out of her face in the photos because she "love[s] Kate Middleton that much"

 Thankfully the duchess didn't disappoint.  The meeting between the two women went incredibly well, with Reese describing her in the book as "lovely and warm, elegant and composed"

 She adds: "I immediately fell under her spell. She's just as magnificent as she seems to be

She's a very compassionate, socially conscious, deeply caring person."

For more infomation >> Reese Witherspoon's reaction to meeting Kate Middleton is so relatable - Duration: 2:52.


Arsenal Legend Tells Unai Emery Why He Should Not Let Go Of Welbeck - Duration: 2:45.

(Arsenal star Danny Welbeck / Getty ) Arsenal legend Ian Wright has praised Danny Welbeck and says that the gunners should keep him because he can be very important to Unai Emery

Arsenal's new boss Unai Emery arrived at the Emirates Stadium in May after the departure of Arsene Wenger and he didn't sell off many players because he was given a tight budget and among those that remained, include Danny Welbeck who has not shown any intention of leaving Arsenal even though he isn't getting enough chances over the last few years

The new season has begun and Unai Emery's men had a rough start because they lost their first two matches but they have since then improved and Danny Welbeck is among the Arsenal boss' top performing stars that have helped the North Londoners keep up with their fine winning streak

Danny Welbeck isn't in Unai Emery's first eleven but the English international has had fantastic performances in the few chances he has got this season, he has scored four goals already in seven appearances for the gunners this season

Welbeck is currently in the final year of his current deal and the club offering him a new deal will probably depend on whether Unai Emery values him or not, but he did seem happy with Danny Welbeck after he scored a double against Brentford

Arsenal legend Ian Wright was asked if he believes that Danny Welbeck deserves a new deal and he said that the English forward fully deserves to get one, he also outlined some key points why the North Londoners should not get rid of Welbeck as reported by the Mirror

"Where he (Welbeck) is right now, behind Lacazette and Aubameyang, coming off the bench with his experience

"said Ian Wright."And the fact that he is capable of scoring goals against all types of opposition

He's someone that I think Arsenal should definitely try to sign up for the long-term

He's valuable to Arsenal.""I think he's got eight to 10 goals in him over the course of a season

In the current climate, I don't think Arsenal can afford to let someone like that go

For more infomation >> Arsenal Legend Tells Unai Emery Why He Should Not Let Go Of Welbeck - Duration: 2:45.


Meghan Markle and Prince Harry 'more PHYSICAL than Kate and William' says royal photograph - Duration: 3:12.

 The Duke and Duchess of Sussex married at Windsor Castle in May of this year, joining Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge and William, the Duke of Cambridge, as the latest modern royal couple to capture the attentions of the world

 But Meghan and Prince Harry are said to enjoy a "more physical" relationship with each other, coming across as touchier when they are together in public than the second-in-line's relationship wth his wife

 Arthur Edwards, a veteran Royal photographer who has captured the princes during their entire lives, believes that the princes relationships have distinct differences between them

 Mr Edwards told Yahoo!'s The Royal Box: "I've seen several romances in the Royal Family and I've never seem a couple more tactile than them [Harry and Meghan]

 "Even when she was walking to church on Christmas Day, she was arm-in-arm with him

It's been a joy to see. "He was very loved-up and is very much prepared to show it to everybody

They've not been married long but it looks like they're going to last." Ans speaking of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Mr Edwards said: "He did [look after Kate as much as Harry] but it wasn't as tactile – they weren't always holding hands

 "I didn't see them do that much at all." But Meghan is always linking Harry's arm, while the young prince has often been caught sharing private jokes with the Duchess and often gazing into her eyes

 The couple were seen to be fully in love when they undertook their first official engagement together in the form of a tour of Dublin

 Mr Edwards said: "I don't know if it is an American thing and she comes from a showbiz life where that is very normal

 "And Harry is just as tactile." The couple were seen visiting Loughborough University late in September, and still appeared to be fully in love

 The two were spotted cuddling at the event, with Harry's arm around the Duchess's waist

 Judi James, a body language expert, told Express.co.uk: "Maybe it was the competitive ball-throwing at the event they were attending or perhaps it was just a sign that they are still going through the soppy-in-love stage of their relationship but Harry and Meghan were looking unusually coy here, swapping their increasingly signature celebrity power couple body language for something cuter and less openly confident

" Mrs James claimed Harry adopted a dominance stance at the event, perhaps inspired by his sporting prowess

 Continuing, she said: "It's Harry looking almost sheepishly protective while she smiles and dips her head as she turns in towards him

Harry's slight jaw-jut signals an alpha approach here but his wide grin and eye expression hint at a touch of embarrassment too


For more infomation >> Meghan Markle and Prince Harry 'more PHYSICAL than Kate and William' says royal photograph - Duration: 3:12.


Exciting play with daddy. Playground. play. Kids. Toy. family fun - Duration: 3:21.



Where do you want to go?



Daddy! there!

I will make her hair like chicken haha

I will try this first

For more infomation >> Exciting play with daddy. Playground. play. Kids. Toy. family fun - Duration: 3:21.


How to Remember the Unit Circle (NancyPi) - Duration: 12:03.

Hi guys! I'm Nancy.

And I'm going to show you how to remember the unit circle in trigonometry.

What is the unit circle?

Well it just means a circle with a radius of one. That's all.

Sounds simple...

but actually there are a lot of angle values and sin and cos coordinates

that you end up having to memorize.

So knowing the unit circle is kinda a necessary evil.

But don't worry!

I'm going to show you some patterns and tricks

that will help you remember it.

OK. So let's take a look at this.

This is our unit circle.

These are our axes.

This is the x-axis.

And this is our y-axis.

These two lines touch the circle at 4 points.

The right.

The top.

The left.

and the bottom.

When you're finding an angle on the unit circle

we always start here on the right side

and we move up

counter-clockwise we rotate to get to angles.

All the way around.

So let's look at the 4 angles you get

at this point

this point

this point and this point.

So this first angle is 0.

Because that's where we're starting.

Then if we move up and rotate counter-clockwise

through a quarter of the circle

we have the angle Pi/2.

These angles are in radians, not degrees.

They have Pi in them.

Then if we move another quarter of the way through the circle

we have the angle Pi.

This is half the circle.

So the whole circle will be 2 times that. 2Pi.

Then if we move another quarter of the way through the circle

we have the angle 3Pi/2.

One quarter through the circle was Pi/2.

So three quarters of the way around the circle is 3Pi/2.

OK, finally, if we move another quarter circle

we get 2Pi.

Now we've come full circle.

And notice this angle here, this position

is 0 but also 2Pi.

OK. Now let's look at the Pi/4 angles.

Those other angles we just did divided the circle into 4 equals parts.

These are going to divide it again.

So if one quarter was Pi/2, if we divide it again by 2

we get Pi/4.

And these ones are always in the exact center of the quarter circle.

The first one is 1Pi/4. Just Pi/4.

Next one is 3Pi/4.

Then 5Pi/4.

Then 7Pi/4.

Notice that pattern: 1, 3, 5, 7.

So as you can see this is rapidly turning into a disaster.

Now we have the Pi/6's.

So if one quarter of the circle is Pi/2

a third of that, if you divide by 3, is Pi/6.

So the first "over 6" is Pi/6.

Then if we mirror it on the other side of the axis

we have 5Pi/6.

Down here 7Pi/6.

And down here 11Pi/6.

OK. Finally we have the Pi/3's.

The first Pi/3 is here.

It might seem wrong to you that Pi/3 is bigger than Pi/6

but remember you're dividing by those numbers.

You're dividing by 3 here, but you're dividing by a bigger number, 6, here.

So this is actually a smaller, lower value than that.

Anyway, this is Pi/3.

If you reflect it across the y-axis, you have 2Pi/3.

Down here is 4Pi/3.

And down here is 5Pi/3.

Alright. Now let me show you what the unit circle is actually good for.

And that is knowing the cos, sin and tan values of each of these angles.

Each of these angles that we drew in

touches the circle at a point.

So let me show you some of these points.

Alright. So every angle on the circle touches the circle at a point.

An (x, y) point.

It has an x-coordinate and a y-coordinate.

So for this angle: 0.

The x-coordinate is 1, because this is a unit circle.

It has a radius of 1, so the x distance is 1.

And the y-coordinate is 0, because this point has no height.

The distance in the y direction is 0.

Now this is very important

these two coordinate values also give you your cos and sin.

The first value, the x-coordinate, is always your cos.

And the second value, the y-coordinate, is always your sin.

So, for this angle of 0, the cos is 1 and the sin is 0.

Now let's move to the top of the circle at Pi/2.

The x distance is 0.

And the y distance is a full 1 unit.

So we have (0, 1).

The cos is 0. The sin is 1.

On the left side we have (-1, 0) as (x, y) coordinates.

On the bottom of the circle we have (0, -1).

Alright, so let's fill in the points for the other angles in the circle.

All you need to remember are these 3 numbers.

You probably wish they were nice, neat whole numbers

but they're not.

They have square roots and fractions in them.

Just remember: 1/2 is the smallest number

sqrt(2)/2 or "root-2-over-2" is the middle size number

and sqrt(3)/2 is the largest number.

You're gonna be using these again and again and again.

So let's look at the angle Pi/6.

For the angle Pi/6

that point has an x distance that is the largest of these 3 angles.

So it's x-coordinate needs to be sqrt(3)/2.

So we write that there.

For Pi/4, for that angle, the x distance is a little smaller.

So it's the middle size number: sqrt(2)/2.

Then for the angle Pi/3, the x distance is the smallest of the three.

So it has to be 1/2 for the x-coordinate.

Alright, now let's fill in the y values for those points.

It's the exact same idea.

For the angle Pi/6, the y distance, the height, is the lowest of those angles.

So it needs to be 1/2. The smallest value.

At Pi/4, the height, the y distance, is the middle size.

So it needs to be sqrt(2)/2.

And then at Pi/3, the y distance, the height, is the largest of the angles.

So it needs to be sqrt(3)/2.

Alright, now you can figure out all the other points

for the other angles in the circle.

It's the exact same idea.

The only thing that's different is that you might have a negative sign.

The only thing you need to watch out for

is maybe having a negative sign for your coordinates.

Like here.

When you were in the first quadrant

the first quarter of the circle, everything was positive.

All of these coordinates were positive numbers.

But if you're in the second quadrant, the second quarter,

you've actually moved in the negative x direction.


So of all the x numbers will be negative.. have a negative sign.

But the y's are still positive, because you're in the positive half of the y-axis.

Then in the third quadrant, the third quarter

you're in the negative x direction and the negative y direction

because you've moved left and down.

So both the x's and y's will have negative signs here.

In the fourth quadrant, the fourth quarter you're in the positive x direction

because you moved right

and you're in the negative y direction, because you moved down.

So positive x-coordinate. Negative y-coordinate.

So I just want to remind you

for all of these points, all of these angles

the first number in the point is the cos value.

And the second number is the sin.

So here for 3Pi/4

the cos is -sqrt(2)/2.

And the sin of 3Pi/4 is sqrt(2)/2.

So if you have to figure out the cos of Pi/3

it's the first value in the point.

The answer is 1/2.

If someone asks you "What's the sign of 7Pi/6?"

Go to your unit circle.

sin is the second value in the point, so the sin of 7Pi/6 is just -1/2.

That is the answer.

Alright, just a few reminders for you.

This whole time we were working in radian angles.

All these angles, Pi/6, those are all radian angles.

You may need to work in degrees.

And all of them have a corresponding degree angle.

You might already know that Pi is 180 degrees.

So that would mean half of that, Pi/2, is 90 degrees.

This of course is 0 degrees.

And that would make Pi/6, 30 degrees.

Pi/4, 45 degrees.

Pi/3, 60 degrees.

90 degrees and so on.

Also, if you're trying to memorize the unit circle

I know it's a lot to take in.

It's kind of a mess.

But just remember the patterns, because those patterns

are what will make it a lot faster to learn and a lot easier to learn.

So I hope that helped you figure out the unit circle.

Unit circles are.. lots.. of.. fun.

It's OK. You don't have to like math.

but you can like my video..

so if you did, please click 'Like' or subscribe!

For more infomation >> How to Remember the Unit Circle (NancyPi) - Duration: 12:03.


Ana Paula Renault Ameaça sair de A fazenda e o Motivo Choca a todos - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Ana Paula Renault Ameaça sair de A fazenda e o Motivo Choca a todos - Duration: 1:36.


Últimas notícia de hoje : IBOPE DEIXA CLARO QUE O MOMENTO SERÁ DE 'GUERRA DAS PESQUISAS' - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : IBOPE DEIXA CLARO QUE O MOMENTO SERÁ DE 'GUERRA DAS PESQUISAS' - Duration: 5:18.








Últimas notícia de hoje : A SEIS DIAS DA ELEIÇÃO, MORO LIBERA DELAÇÃO DE PALOCCI - Duration: 8:23.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : A SEIS DIAS DA ELEIÇÃO, MORO LIBERA DELAÇÃO DE PALOCCI - Duration: 8:23.


Salmos | SALMO 20 - "Oração A Favor do Rei" - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Salmos | SALMO 20 - "Oração A Favor do Rei" - Duration: 1:41.


AI - veštačka inteligencija ili arhonska infekcija? - Duration: 15:00.

For more infomation >> AI - veštačka inteligencija ili arhonska infekcija? - Duration: 15:00.


Snowman with Christmas Pineapple - Duration: 13:31.

Hello Art Friends in Your Hands for today we are going to share how to make this

snowman, this very colorful doll that they can implement it for their

home or for your office, also for sell if they like it, I hope

accompany all the step by step to that they learn to do it together with me

remember to give us your like, subscribe if you have not already done so and

Share the video with your friends and relatives, then we invite you to see

a new video here in Arte en Tus Manos

for this project we need

very simple materials and that are easy to get

for example the fabric we are going to use already be fleese or also called polar or

also the felt serves us to make the doll's head

we are also going to use two types of cloth one base for the hat and the other goes

to be for the scarf this is also felt and this is a

cotton flannel that is soft then it is very light and it is allowed to handle very well,

silicone cotton also lace or it is also called golden thread, also

We are going to use thread, needle, scissors, pins, these pebbles or pearls

black that are going to be the eyes, in cold porcelain the carrot or nose

some pompoms and our protagonist goes to be this pineapple usually for example

the size of the head depends on the size of the pineapple, this pineapple is 7

centimeters long past and the circumference on this basis

of 20 centimeters, if you choose smaller this circumference would be smaller

or if it's bigger then also the we would enlarge, this measures 7.5 centimeters

the distance that there is in the circumference, hot silicone we are going to

use also and the material list equal the we leave in the description in the part

low we leave the list of materials and the link of the Arte en Tus Manos blog

with Lili and Sam and facebook so that find in most molds

that we share in the projects then with these materials

we started

here I already transferred the mold that is the

circumference from 7.5 centimeters to 2 pieces here is fabric, what I'm going to do is

that doing the festoon stitch or type buttonhole we already know that it has several several

names then I'm going to start sewing all around

and we have almost finished sewing

and we leave a small hole to be able fill let's take the cotton

silicone as you can see do not remove the thread and the needle remain the same here because

Now he's going to continue sewing, I'm going to start filling

that is well filled

As in previous projects, then I will teach you how to make the holes, the signal

the notch where the eyes

and I'm going to start passing the thread of a side to side

and so it's going to stay then

the space where we are going to place the eyes

place them closer together, more apart, as you like them

Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to put some silicone either at

spheres or directly on the web and I'm going to paste

in the spaces that I left for the eyes

That's how my eyes are and I'm also going to stick my nose, remember that this is already achieved

in the market lists and if not we can do also with porcelanicrón or

Cold porcelain

Now what I'm going to do is I take the outline of the head doll that

contour measured 14 centimeters, when I took the measurement of the contour of the head

14 centimeters and a half then here what he did cut a piece of 14

centimeters and a half and that the length has between 7.5 centimeters and 8 I'm going to

do here as they like the product some that is a little bit quicker

so I'm going to hit it with a bit of silicone

I wait for it to dry very well and we give it the turn

we already turned around then now in one end we are going to make a

stitch like this and what we're going to to do is that we're going to darn the hat

we darned it, this would be the part top of the hat and this is already part

where we introduce the head then here to stay fixed

then I will knot it

and now what I do is that I introduce it in the head

I place it well, I cover the imperfections by example the sewing of the eyes that

I taught to do it like that this is what we have left

in this position and we hit him with hot silicone

to wrinkle a little I apply here silicone, I press and so then the

cap a bit more wrinkled also for decorate it I will use millare or a

gold cord or the one you prefer and I'm going to hit it all

this outline

and then that's how the head is ready Now what you are going to do is an ornament

to use of these clean pipes or shillings that also call them,

you can get the color that you wish me here as I am is with much

color then I found this in color orange then I'm going to help with a

orange stick and I'm going to roll it up like this

all the shilling

I take it out and what I'm going to do is that I'm going to stretch it a little, just a little

and I'm going to give it a curve, what I'm going to do is I'm going to paste it

to these pompoms because I'm going to do like some species of earmuffs for the doll

of snow, here I will apply silicone, I put the shilling

with the pom pom

here the other

so we have them until it dries, when and dry then we place them where

it would be the ears of the snowman

here then I already hit the

headband of earmuffs now what I'm going to do is hit the pineapple, this pineapple

we look at the side that looks nicer, so that we look more colorful and

we are going to hit the head to the pineapple, we look for the part that most

like and paste then, remove the stem that I had here

I'm going to apply silicone

hold until it dries well,

already with the piece attached to the pineapple then

let's cut in cloth, in this flannel we're going to 37 centimeters long and 4

centimeters wide and let's make a scarf, putting here I'm going to bend towards

the center and I'm going to put it in the outline of the neck of the snowman

I adjust

that the piece fits well, well fit

I can tighten it a little bit more, because the flannel gives us the

possibility to tighten a little more, I organize the scarf that fits

centered or aside depending on how each one wants it

and we're going to flail, I mean make a bangs here at the end to the


and then we are finishing this snowman now what I do

is to take a piece of 25 centimeters in I tied the golden cord at the end and

what I'm going to do is paste it in the back and removed the excess as

of the cord

I apply silicone and I place it in the back

Now I take a piece of cloth that resembles the color of the hat, I also apply


and I cover the cord a bit

you do not notice it so much and the other one is that it gives us greater firmness at the time of

hang it, then this is how we have this doll, it also serves as a pin for

decorate anchetas, for the trees, the curtains, this doll is

application helps us to put it in many parts of the house, to decorate the

office crowns, borders, good everything, can do to sell also to give away

As you could notice, it's simple too economic sale can do many for

sell by the dozens, then I hope that they like the project that they put it in

practice remember that everything we share

for you we do it with a lot of love they can change the color they can do it

bigger or smaller or this is step by step is for you what

put, apply it and you can get the most out of it

to the project then we see ourselves in a next video here on your channel

Art in Your Hands

For more infomation >> Snowman with Christmas Pineapple - Duration: 13:31.


🌿Con 1 hojita de ROMERO por día nunca vas a sufrir estas 5 enfermedades. Te puede salvar la vida - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> 🌿Con 1 hojita de ROMERO por día nunca vas a sufrir estas 5 enfermedades. Te puede salvar la vida - Duration: 4:50.


Exciting play with daddy. Playground. play. Kids. Toy. family fun - Duration: 3:21.



Where do you want to go?



Daddy! there!

I will make her hair like chicken haha

I will try this first

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