Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Youtube daily report w Oct 2 2018

Do you serve a church ministry and have a fear of criticism? Are you a people

pleaser like I am? If so you're gonna want to hang around for this video. We're

gonna be discussing the fear of criticism from this new book called Rise

Up by Vanessa Myers. Hi my name is Shawn. if you are new I would love for you to

consider subscribing to this channel I post new content on fun, faith, and

motherhood every week. Let's get into today's video. Vanessa Myers has been a

children's ministry director and has been in church ministry for years and

years. And she has her first book called Rise Up that just came out. You do not

have to have read this book to watch this video. I highly recommend this book.

I did receive this book free from the author but I absolutely loved it because

I connected so well with it. She goes through multiple fears in church

ministry. fear of God's calling. fear of learning more. fear of loneliness. fear of

change. fear of criticism which we're gonna be talking about which is chapter

5. fear of Authority. fear of not being good

enough. fear of moving. fear of know and listening for failure. fear of giving up.

and then her last chapter is called letting go and rising up which gives us

some helpful ways of overcoming our fears in church ministry. hello anybody

else have a fear of criticism? this video is also going to be a chance to

win a copy of the book for yourself. the author is graciously going to mail out-

to anyone in the world -one person- to win a copy of her book. So make sure you

watch the end of this video to get the details on that giveaway. Let's jump into

today's video. Have you ever felt the pressure to please other people? In

Vanessa Myers's book she says "when you work in the church there's not just one

person you want to please but many people." and isn't that true? we have our

pastor to please. we have our bosses. we have the committee that's in charge of

us as staff. we have the church people. the pew people. the parents. we have our

family at home. all of these people that we are trying to please and all of these

potential people to give us criticism. criticism can hurt so bad .those words

from other people, especially when you feel like you're doing God's work, to

hear criticism from other Christians just cuts so deep. Now in Vanessa

Myer's book she does offer some solutions that we will get to further on

in this discussion of how we can overcome this fear of criticism. I'm

going to state the obvious that you're not going to want to hear because I

never want to hear it. but here's the obvious: you can't please everyone and

not everyone is going to like you. that's hard isn't it?

I want everybody to like me. I have a YouTube channel. I want everybody to like

me. I don't want anybody to hate me and I

get comments. I get mean comments all the time. There's absolutely no way to please

everybody. somebody is going to be disappointed in us. and somehow as church

people we have to wrap our minds around that and be okay with the fact that

somebody's gonna dislike us in the church. somebody is not gonna like what

we're doing. we can't please everybody. once we start pleasing one group of

people then another group of people is going to be upset with us. I guarantee it.

there's no possible way to please everybody in the church. there's no

possible way to have everybody in the church like you and that is hard to hear.

that hurts doesn't it? Vanessa Meyer says "when you are being attacked in your job

it is hard what's worse is when you are serving God on staff as a church and you

are being criticized by other Christians." that is so true. it hurts even

worse when it's Christians because you expect non-christians to attack you but

you don't expect Christians to. it is human nature to react in anger and

defensiveness. so give yourself a little grace if you have reacted that way in

the past and if you were to act that way in the future. know that when we are

attacked we want to defend ourselves and a lot of times our spouses want to

defend us as well. have you ever received so much criticism that you are frozen in

place? you can't move forward? you're scared to change anything in your

ministry setting because of this fear that another group of people is gonna be

upset with you so then you just end up not doing anything at all? you just keep

your programs/ your events just stagnant because you're scared to move forward. has

that ever happened to anybody else because it has happened to me multiple times.

Vanessa Myers suggests that the key to getting over our fear of criticism is to

forgive and love others. now I wish she 'd said a little bit more about this. like

given some practical steps of how we can forgive and love others because I agree

that we do need to forgive and love others. but it's hard. how do we do that?

how do we forgive and move on? you know forgiving mistakes and forgiveness takes

hard conversations with people. often times I like to bring in a third neutral

party -kind of a mediator- to help with the discussion. it also takes a lot of

Prayer. you know how often we're getting those critical words and we don't have

time to stop and say God help me through the situation. help me hear this person.

help me listen past their critical words to the truth that underlies their

criticism. because there's always a truth there right? if instead of reacting in

anger and defensiveness if we could listen to make sure that we validate

what the other person is saying even if the words are critical. it's important

for us to listen to what they are saying and that they know that we are hearing

them. Vanessa also proposes to allow God to be our shield. and I think that this

is a great way to get past the fear of criticism. again I wish she had given us

some practical tools. like how does God act as a shield for us? we don't want no

criticism at all. if we're not receiving any criticism for

our ministry then we're doing something wrong. we're stagnant in our faith.

I think criticism is a sign that we are a good leader- you know -that we are doing

something that is moving the church forward. if we're not receiving criticism

then we are stagnant in our ministry. I agree that God can be our shield and

kind of help us filter those criticisms. Vanessa says "don't let the fear you fuel

of criticism keep you from serving God." criticism of our job -of our ministry-

will always exist. and I think if we have a passion for serving God -for serving

Christ- then criticism will be there and that's a sign of a healthy -believe it or

not -I believe that's a sign of a healthy ministry is if criticism exists.

but it's still hard right? it still hurts. it still cuts into us deep. and so we've

got to somehow take that criticism, find the truth in it, be in constant

communication with God and with the people who are being critical of us in

order to continue to grow our ministry. how we respond to our fear of criticism

by not letting it paralyze us is how we overcome fear. please leave a comment

down below of what is one of your fears in ministry and that will enter you into

the giveaway to win a free copy of Vanessa's book Rise Up that she will

send to you. all the details for this giveaway will be in

the description box down below so make sure to read those carefully. because I

also need you to leave a comment over on the prayerlights Facebook page which

will be linked down below. that way it's easier for me to contact the winner. this

video is part of a blog book tour- as part of the book tour -so that you make

sure to go to the next stop in the book tour it's gonna be Dede Reilly's

children's ministry blog. I will leave her blog linked in the description box

as well for you to check out. so just in case you don't win this book from mine

you can go over and visit her blog next week for a chance to win this book again.

alright thanks you guys so much for watching and I will see you in my next

video. bye!

For more infomation >> Fear of Criticism in Church Ministry - Duration: 7:14.


New Yamaha YZF-R6 SuperBike 4 Cylinder 2019 | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> New Yamaha YZF-R6 SuperBike 4 Cylinder 2019 | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.


Kia Picanto 1.0i Design Edition 5drs. +DEMO AUTO+ - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0i Design Edition 5drs. +DEMO AUTO+ - Duration: 1:11.


Uomini e Donne, puntata di oggi 2 ottobre: ci riproviamo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, puntata di oggi 2 ottobre: ci riproviamo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:36.


Anitta é pedida em namoro por fã em show e dispara: 'Pegar a gente ainda pensa' - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> Anitta é pedida em namoro por fã em show e dispara: 'Pegar a gente ainda pensa' - Duration: 5:37.


Grande Fratello Vip: scontro tra Francesco Monte e Giulia Salemi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello Vip: scontro tra Francesco Monte e Giulia Salemi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:49.


АНГЛИЙСКИЙ АЛФАВИТ. Учим Английские Буквы E и F. Уроки Английского Для Детей/English alphabet - Duration: 7:50.

For more infomation >> АНГЛИЙСКИЙ АЛФАВИТ. Учим Английские Буквы E и F. Уроки Английского Для Детей/English alphabet - Duration: 7:50.


Marina Ruy Barbosa recorda 1 ano de casamento no religioso: 'Felicidade e amor' - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Marina Ruy Barbosa recorda 1 ano de casamento no religioso: 'Felicidade e amor' - Duration: 3:37.


Bolsonaro e Haddad voltam a empatar com 42% no 2º turno, diz Ibope - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> Bolsonaro e Haddad voltam a empatar com 42% no 2º turno, diz Ibope - Duration: 5:34.



For more infomation >> DIETA DE 21 DIAS E O PLANO IDEAL PARA PERDER PESO E QUEIMAR GORDURA - Duration: 1:30.


Porsche reedita lendário 935 com motor de 700 cv e limitado a 77 unidades - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Porsche reedita lendário 935 com motor de 700 cv e limitado a 77 unidades - Duration: 5:02.


Autônomo e interativo: Renault promete "Uber do futuro" no Salão de Paris - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Autônomo e interativo: Renault promete "Uber do futuro" no Salão de Paris - Duration: 3:33.


Let's Make my M3 SHINE! - Full Detailing [Sub ENG] - Duration: 11:19.

Ciao everyone, here it's Marchettino and today we make the M3 shine!

After quite some time the M3 wasn't on the channel, today she's back for some treats as Luca Car Detailing will do a full and depth detailing!

If you remember I already did a little detailing when I unwrapped the car but today we'll do something different as we'll do a full detailing and we'll show

step by step the new face of the M3!

Let's start from the first step, obviously before being able to detail you need to prepare the body,

the car was rather dirty and so for the first step you need to make a proper wash!

We've moved inside the workshop because the first step has been done, it already feels to have another car because it was so dirty it's weird for me to see it so clean

and now we move to the decontamination and Luca will explain us what's it for and why it's important.

With decontamination we remove all the dirt we find on the transparent, if you hear when the glove slide on the body it does a certain noise of friction,

with clay bar we remove this friction, we make the body smooth for the detailing.

Simple to use: clay bar, we spray the lube on the body, horizontal or vertical movements and we hear the clay is working

it removes the dirty.

Luca is already at a good point with decontamination and by the touch I can feel the difference,

because the decontaminated part is smooth and clean and this step is very important because this step allows to remove the dirt on the body that we barely see with the sight.

For example, the brake pads dust, parking the car under a tree with the resin falling down, or simply the smog.

These are things that with the time make the body dirt!

Look at how many tools Luca uses, an insane amount! Detailing is more complicated that you may think

and before the external detail we make the interior detailing!

To show you the difference, on this seat he cleaned just half and this is the half clean

and this is the dirty half and you can tell the difference, I haven't been using the car lately so the interior was still quite clean but I have to say

you can tell anyway the difference with detailing.

We're inside the M3 because the interior detailng is complete and you can see the result, I'm very satisfied

because the leather, carbon fibre, plastics are like new, no more dirt, no more stains, no more wear.

This car for being 10 years old looks like new

and now that the patina of dirt has been removed with decontamination now we move on to the next step

as you can see, Luca is starting the detailing of the body.

The work is almost done, you don't realize that but the video is one sequence but this is already the second day of work for Luca and now

we're in the middle of the final step, he's applying the ceramic coat as you can see and he's removing the coat in excess.

What's the ceramic coat for?

In a simple explanation, it's the protective patina, it will last about 5-6 months and this will protect the body and the work he's doing on the car.

Detailing is done, and here's my baby shine under the sun!

These 2 working days can be seen on the body because it seems like to see another M3!

Under the sun we can see the real shade, as I've always said this car ain't black,

it's a dark blue that is hard to appreciate because once you move this part looks black, that one blue.

Sadly on the bonnet there's lots of white spots 'caused by stonechips.

Stonechips you get often and with the time they damage the bonnet.

Look at how beautiful my wheels so clean and shiny, maybe

the only time I saw them so clean was the day I received them!

We don't notice but every day with the smog and brake dust

the car gets dirty and it's hard to clean with normal products and I've been impressed by the large amount of products Luca uses.

Under the sun I can notice Luca's work, first of all look at how the body is shiny and clean I can see myself

then I can notice most airlines and scratches are gone, after 10 years a detailing helps.

Very satisfied also about the work done in the interior because for example on the plastic dash

there were several stains probably because I cleaned it with a wrong product.

Stains removed, all the leather has been cleaned up

on the steering has been applied a coat to be more shiny.

I thank again Luca Car Detailing for having worked on the M3, in the video description below you find the company details if you want to make the same treat to your car!

Make sure to Like the video if you enjoy it, subscribe to my YouTube if you haven't yet and as always thanks for watching, ciao!

For more infomation >> Let's Make my M3 SHINE! - Full Detailing [Sub ENG] - Duration: 11:19.


Ducati Scrambler - Intermot 2018 [ENGLISH SUB] - Duration: 2:45.

Hey everyone from Ducati! This is the Scrambler Icon, it has been deeply updated. It has a cornering ABS, increasing the safety and an all new LED front light

but these are the most important news: Full Throttle, dericed from Flat Track with a new seat, new color,330mm disc and low muffler

the price? 10,750 euro

On top of this version, there's also the Desert Sled, with a new swing arm, spoked rims and long travel suspension. Price? 11.690 euro

Last but not least, the cafe race version with a single seat, blue frame and double muffler. See you soon!

For more infomation >> Ducati Scrambler - Intermot 2018 [ENGLISH SUB] - Duration: 2:45.


태국 푸켓 최고의 항공사 협찬 받다!! 성공?실패? 한국자막เกาหลีไปภูเก็ตครั้งแรก! เกือบตกเครื่อง!! - Duration: 10:16.

For more infomation >> 태국 푸켓 최고의 항공사 협찬 받다!! 성공?실패? 한국자막เกาหลีไปภูเก็ตครั้งแรก! เกือบตกเครื่อง!! - Duration: 10:16.


White glue Slime [YYTV] - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> White glue Slime [YYTV] - Duration: 3:13.


VERBEE - Золотая осень (2018) - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> VERBEE - Золотая осень (2018) - Duration: 2:53.


Nightcore - Taki Taki (DJ Snake ft. Selena Gomez, Ozuna, Cardi B) || Lyrics - Duration: 1:23.

this video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Taki Taki (DJ Snake ft. Selena Gomez, Ozuna, Cardi B) || Lyrics - Duration: 1:23.





Evo3POD - Barra Stendi Travi Frontale 95 cm - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Evo3POD - Barra Stendi Travi Frontale 95 cm - Duration: 1:34.


Slow Cooker Crustless Spinach Cheese Quiche Recipe - Slow Cooker Breakfast Recipes - Duration: 6:02.

what's up everybody this is Lyle with no hippie BBQ and there is a channel that I

followed by the name of the magical slow cooker and Sara over there put out a

slow cooker recipe last week that made me want to dig a little bit deeper into some of her

other crock pot recipes so you know what I went to her website

found the recipe printed it out and we're going to knock it out today the

recipe that she did was called slow cooker crustless broccoli cheese quiche

what I'm going to do we're going to be doing everything to the letter two

changes I'm going to be making instead of using broccoli I'm going to be using

spinach and instead of using black pepper I will be using white pepper

anyway this easy quiche recipe looks delicious looks easy to whip up come on in let's

look at the ingredients we get into these ingredients I do want to let you

know that I'm gonna leave a link to Sarah's YouTube pages the magical slow

cooker in the iCard above and description below as well as her website

if you go there I'm telling you she has hundreds of slow cooker recipes so let's

get onto the ingredients what we have is I'm using 24 ounces of frozen cut leaf

spinach and what I did with that was I just ran it under warm water and then

pushed out as much liquid as possible in her recipe she used three cups of

broccoli we also are going to use nine eggs 3/4 of a tablespoon of salt 1/4

teaspoon of pepper I'm using white pepper instead of black pepper 1/4

teaspoon of onion powder 1 pack of cream cheese that's 8 ounces and then we're

using 16 ounces of whatever your favorite cheese issues Kobe Jack I'm

using just a Mexican blend and those are our ingredients so first thing we need

to do is get these eggs cracked up and start whipping this together my slow

cooker getting heated up back here now we're just going to go ahead and get our

eggs in I already have our cream in this bowl we're gonna be doing nine

eggs now that we have our eggs in we're just going to go ahead and throw in our

salt pepper and I hope I didn't say garlic powder earlier if I did I meant

onion powder looks kind of similar all right let's whip it up all right we got

that whipped up now one of the things she put in her notes was it was okay if

there were a little bit of chunks of cream cheese in there I haven't seen any

in this so now that we have this prepared it's just time to get

everything in the crock-pot so first thing we're gonna do is just go ahead

and spray the inside with the nonstick cooking spray lay down our bit of

spinach as evenly as we can

and hopefully this works because I am adding a little bit more than her recipe

you got that let's go ahead and get our cheese in now we're just using half of

our cheese right now so that's the 8 ounce bag and we're just going to throw

our eggs on all right now yeah endless like all we need to do is cook this on

high for 2 hours and 15 minutes making sure that we don't open the lid the

entire time 3 hours and 15 minutes have gone by

we haven't lifted up the lid I've unplugged it last step we just need to

get some cheese on it and we're gonna let it sit for 10 minutes to let the

cheese melt on it then it's gonna be a wrap

so this is a done deal I can't wait to get into this and see how it turned out

this right here is the bomb what do you think average either very creamy

I could see going over this with a little bit of hot sauce maybe but hey

this is good to go I'm loving the addition of that spinach there's

supposed to broccoli for my flavor profile but you know like with broccoli

broccoli rocket with broccoli anyway I want to thank you guys for stopping by

no hippie BBQ I appreciate it a run by the magical slow cooker on

YouTube and on the internet I'm telling you tons of great recipes slow cooker breakfast

Slow Cooker Quiche Recipes

For more infomation >> Slow Cooker Crustless Spinach Cheese Quiche Recipe - Slow Cooker Breakfast Recipes - Duration: 6:02.


AT4G - Reason [CC Lyrics] - Duration: 1:37.

you're here for a reason i know just who you are

i'm the one you should believe in don't give up for where you are

you're here for a reason i know just who you are i'm the one you should believe in don't give up for where you are

For more infomation >> AT4G - Reason [CC Lyrics] - Duration: 1:37.


Eletroneuromiografia – O que é, como que ela funciona, quais as suas indicações - Duration: 8:16.

For more infomation >> Eletroneuromiografia – O que é, como que ela funciona, quais as suas indicações - Duration: 8:16.


Renault Captur TCe 120pk Dynamique EDC Camera, R-link, Climate, 17''Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur TCe 120pk Dynamique EDC Camera, R-link, Climate, 17''Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:06.


Volvo XC40 T5 247PK AWD | AUTOMAAT | R-DESIGN | PILOT ASSIST | LUXE | - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC40 T5 247PK AWD | AUTOMAAT | R-DESIGN | PILOT ASSIST | LUXE | - Duration: 1:15.


Evangelio de hoy, Martes 2 de Octubre del 2018 - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Evangelio de hoy, Martes 2 de Octubre del 2018 - Duration: 3:21.


湖南衛視為了拯救收視率,打算重播這部劇,當年收視堪比《楚喬》 - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> 湖南衛視為了拯救收視率,打算重播這部劇,當年收視堪比《楚喬》 - Duration: 2:43.


40 - Camping in Nuuksio, Autumn 2018 - Duration: 29:27.

For more infomation >> 40 - Camping in Nuuksio, Autumn 2018 - Duration: 29:27.


Гарри Поттер ● Новая игра во вселенной Harry Potter - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Гарри Поттер ● Новая игра во вселенной Harry Potter - Duration: 2:12.


ЗОЛОТОЙ CZ 75 Czechmate Parrot VS 43000 Кредитов. Коробки Удачи в Warface - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> ЗОЛОТОЙ CZ 75 Czechmate Parrot VS 43000 Кредитов. Коробки Удачи в Warface - Duration: 10:01.


Fear of Criticism in Church Ministry - Duration: 7:14.

Do you serve a church ministry and have a fear of criticism? Are you a people

pleaser like I am? If so you're gonna want to hang around for this video. We're

gonna be discussing the fear of criticism from this new book called Rise

Up by Vanessa Myers. Hi my name is Shawn. if you are new I would love for you to

consider subscribing to this channel I post new content on fun, faith, and

motherhood every week. Let's get into today's video. Vanessa Myers has been a

children's ministry director and has been in church ministry for years and

years. And she has her first book called Rise Up that just came out. You do not

have to have read this book to watch this video. I highly recommend this book.

I did receive this book free from the author but I absolutely loved it because

I connected so well with it. She goes through multiple fears in church

ministry. fear of God's calling. fear of learning more. fear of loneliness. fear of

change. fear of criticism which we're gonna be talking about which is chapter

5. fear of Authority. fear of not being good

enough. fear of moving. fear of know and listening for failure. fear of giving up.

and then her last chapter is called letting go and rising up which gives us

some helpful ways of overcoming our fears in church ministry. hello anybody

else have a fear of criticism? this video is also going to be a chance to

win a copy of the book for yourself. the author is graciously going to mail out-

to anyone in the world -one person- to win a copy of her book. So make sure you

watch the end of this video to get the details on that giveaway. Let's jump into

today's video. Have you ever felt the pressure to please other people? In

Vanessa Myers's book she says "when you work in the church there's not just one

person you want to please but many people." and isn't that true? we have our

pastor to please. we have our bosses. we have the committee that's in charge of

us as staff. we have the church people. the pew people. the parents. we have our

family at home. all of these people that we are trying to please and all of these

potential people to give us criticism. criticism can hurt so bad .those words

from other people, especially when you feel like you're doing God's work, to

hear criticism from other Christians just cuts so deep. Now in Vanessa

Myer's book she does offer some solutions that we will get to further on

in this discussion of how we can overcome this fear of criticism. I'm

going to state the obvious that you're not going to want to hear because I

never want to hear it. but here's the obvious: you can't please everyone and

not everyone is going to like you. that's hard isn't it?

I want everybody to like me. I have a YouTube channel. I want everybody to like

me. I don't want anybody to hate me and I

get comments. I get mean comments all the time. There's absolutely no way to please

everybody. somebody is going to be disappointed in us. and somehow as church

people we have to wrap our minds around that and be okay with the fact that

somebody's gonna dislike us in the church. somebody is not gonna like what

we're doing. we can't please everybody. once we start pleasing one group of

people then another group of people is going to be upset with us. I guarantee it.

there's no possible way to please everybody in the church. there's no

possible way to have everybody in the church like you and that is hard to hear.

that hurts doesn't it? Vanessa Meyer says "when you are being attacked in your job

it is hard what's worse is when you are serving God on staff as a church and you

are being criticized by other Christians." that is so true. it hurts even

worse when it's Christians because you expect non-christians to attack you but

you don't expect Christians to. it is human nature to react in anger and

defensiveness. so give yourself a little grace if you have reacted that way in

the past and if you were to act that way in the future. know that when we are

attacked we want to defend ourselves and a lot of times our spouses want to

defend us as well. have you ever received so much criticism that you are frozen in

place? you can't move forward? you're scared to change anything in your

ministry setting because of this fear that another group of people is gonna be

upset with you so then you just end up not doing anything at all? you just keep

your programs/ your events just stagnant because you're scared to move forward. has

that ever happened to anybody else because it has happened to me multiple times.

Vanessa Myers suggests that the key to getting over our fear of criticism is to

forgive and love others. now I wish she 'd said a little bit more about this. like

given some practical steps of how we can forgive and love others because I agree

that we do need to forgive and love others. but it's hard. how do we do that?

how do we forgive and move on? you know forgiving mistakes and forgiveness takes

hard conversations with people. often times I like to bring in a third neutral

party -kind of a mediator- to help with the discussion. it also takes a lot of

Prayer. you know how often we're getting those critical words and we don't have

time to stop and say God help me through the situation. help me hear this person.

help me listen past their critical words to the truth that underlies their

criticism. because there's always a truth there right? if instead of reacting in

anger and defensiveness if we could listen to make sure that we validate

what the other person is saying even if the words are critical. it's important

for us to listen to what they are saying and that they know that we are hearing

them. Vanessa also proposes to allow God to be our shield. and I think that this

is a great way to get past the fear of criticism. again I wish she had given us

some practical tools. like how does God act as a shield for us? we don't want no

criticism at all. if we're not receiving any criticism for

our ministry then we're doing something wrong. we're stagnant in our faith.

I think criticism is a sign that we are a good leader- you know -that we are doing

something that is moving the church forward. if we're not receiving criticism

then we are stagnant in our ministry. I agree that God can be our shield and

kind of help us filter those criticisms. Vanessa says "don't let the fear you fuel

of criticism keep you from serving God." criticism of our job -of our ministry-

will always exist. and I think if we have a passion for serving God -for serving

Christ- then criticism will be there and that's a sign of a healthy -believe it or

not -I believe that's a sign of a healthy ministry is if criticism exists.

but it's still hard right? it still hurts. it still cuts into us deep. and so we've

got to somehow take that criticism, find the truth in it, be in constant

communication with God and with the people who are being critical of us in

order to continue to grow our ministry. how we respond to our fear of criticism

by not letting it paralyze us is how we overcome fear. please leave a comment

down below of what is one of your fears in ministry and that will enter you into

the giveaway to win a free copy of Vanessa's book Rise Up that she will

send to you. all the details for this giveaway will be in

the description box down below so make sure to read those carefully. because I

also need you to leave a comment over on the prayerlights Facebook page which

will be linked down below. that way it's easier for me to contact the winner. this

video is part of a blog book tour- as part of the book tour -so that you make

sure to go to the next stop in the book tour it's gonna be Dede Reilly's

children's ministry blog. I will leave her blog linked in the description box

as well for you to check out. so just in case you don't win this book from mine

you can go over and visit her blog next week for a chance to win this book again.

alright thanks you guys so much for watching and I will see you in my next

video. bye!

For more infomation >> Fear of Criticism in Church Ministry - Duration: 7:14.


New Yamaha YZF-R6 SuperBike 4 Cylinder 2019 | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> New Yamaha YZF-R6 SuperBike 4 Cylinder 2019 | Mich Motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.


Kia Picanto 1.0i Design Edition 5drs. +DEMO AUTO+ - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0i Design Edition 5drs. +DEMO AUTO+ - Duration: 1:11.


New Music Video from Elyse Therose

For more infomation >> New Music Video from Elyse Therose


Raiders' Jon Gruden Still Can't Believe Khalil Mack's Dominance | Heavy.com - Duration: 4:40.

Raiders' Jon Gruden Still Can't Believe Khalil Mack's Dominance | Heavy.com

What Chicago Bears pass-rusher Khalil Mack has done to start the 2018 NFL season has put the entire league on notice.

This includes the coach of his former team, the Oakland Raiders, as even Jon Gruden's jaw is seemingly on the floor.

After Mack's latest performance, NFL.

com's Mike Silver detailed the scene with Gruden, which came just before his team's 45-42 overtime win over the Cleveland Browns.

"Damn — Khalil Mack had another strip sack?" Gruden asked rhetorically, shaking his head at the Oakland Raiders assistant coaches in his midst.

"Are you … kidding me?".

Gruden watched (and played some role) as Mack was traded to the Bears earlier this offseason after the two sides couldn't come to terms on a contract extension.

Immediately after being moved to Chicago, the 2016 Defensive Player of the Year signed a massive six-year, $141 million deal, and proceeded to hit the ground running.

Through four games, Mack has 17 combined tackles, five sacks, four forced fumbles, and one pick-six.

He's been arguably the best pass-rusher in the NFL to this point, and Gruden's comments surely make it even worse for Raiders fans who were left stunned after the trade.

Aftermath of Khalil Mack Trade.

Things haven't exactly gone smoothly since Mack was dealt, to put it gently.

Gruden had strong words about the pass-rusher previously, telling the NFL on ESPN "obviously, Khalil Mack didn't want to be here." This stemmed from his decision to hold out and likely the way negotiations went.

The Raiders also started out 0-3 before Gruden finally got into the win column during his first season back on the sidelines in Week 4.

While fans will likely struggle to get past the loss for Mack for a long time, Raiders quarterback Derek Carr admitted it's hard, but wants fans to be happy for the Bears' new star.

Per Scott Bair of NBC Sports Bay Area:.

"It's hard to watch him go out and strip-sack everybody," Carr said.

"He has done that so many times here, and it hurts your heart to see it, but at the same time, it doesn't hurt anymore.

"I'm happy for him.

If you're a Raider fan, it's hard to see him do that.

But just be happy for the guy.

He has strained his tail off to get to where he's at.

The fact he's making plays for someone else, we don't like it, but we can be happy for him because we all love him to death.".

Unfortunately, Raiders fans will have to see Mack on the field sooner than they'd like, as a matchup with the Bears is slated for the 2019 season.

That's less than ideal, but Gruden and company are far more focused on digging out of their 1-3 hole to start this season than opponents in future seasons.

For more infomation >> Raiders' Jon Gruden Still Can't Believe Khalil Mack's Dominance | Heavy.com - Duration: 4:40.


Leonetta: Their story [Part 2] - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Leonetta: Their story [Part 2] - Duration: 4:03.


Basics in Behavior [ PMV | EYESTRAIN ] - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Basics in Behavior [ PMV | EYESTRAIN ] - Duration: 0:52.


Opel Mokka 1.4 T Innovation AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka 1.4 T Innovation AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:08.


How to get fortnite free skins vbucks PS4 | Free v bucks fortnite v-bucks | Get free fortnite - Duration: 3:24.


For more infomation >> How to get fortnite free skins vbucks PS4 | Free v bucks fortnite v-bucks | Get free fortnite - Duration: 3:24.


How Scientists Found a New Neuron Hiding in Our Brains - Duration: 3:20.

Good news.

We all have a new brain cell.

And it's looking like this particular kind of brain cell could be unique to humans!.

Do you feel smarter yet?

Well you're about to, 'cause we're gonna talk about your brain.

Which, it turns out, science actually knows very little about.

We're JUST starting to scratch the surface, and mapping the brain is a far greater challenge

even than mapping the human genome.

But let's go over some basics: Your brain is full of cells: neurons, and


We're going to focus mostly on neurons, which are the messengers of information.

Neurons communicate with each other and with the rest of your nervous system through electrical

and chemical signals, and are supported by glial cells.

There are three main kinds of neurons: sensory neurons, which communicate information from

your senses to your brain; motor neurons, which help you control your body's movements,

and interneurons, which help motor neurons and sensory neurons talk to each other.

Within these categories, neurons can be either excitatory or inhibitory.

As their names suggest, excitatory neurons pass information along to other neurons, while

inhibitory neurons can slow down excitatory action and stop other neurons from firing,

controlling the flow of information in the brain.

And the big news is that we've found a new kind of interneuron, called the rosehip cell--sittin'

right there in this vast, unknown universe that lives inside our own heads.

What's particularly exciting about this new research is that scientists are starting

to use novel methods to delve into the brain.

Recent advances in RNA analysis techniques called transcriptomics allow to see more detail

than ever before about how the brain works.

A group at the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle used these RNA sequencing techniques

to identify unique gene expression patterns in frozen brain tissue.

Meanwhile, a partner research team in Hungary used more traditional slice and dice lab imaging

techniques--on live brain tissue taken from brain surgery patients--to see evidence of

a cell that matched the genetic markers found by the Seattle group.

Ta da--brand new brain cell type, observed.

So how does it affect human behavior?

We're not quite sure.


The rosehip neuron appears to act as an inhibitory neuron.

It's called the rosehip neuron because it looks like the plant, and its specialized

shape, with rosehip-like bulges on its axons may help it act on the brain in a particular


Lots more research is needed to discover the effect of rosehip neurons on human behavior

and cognition, but there are early hopes that, as a neuron that controls information flow

in the brain, it could be a key part of understanding intellectual disability and neuropsychiatric

diseases like schizophrenia.

Perhaps the most important part of this discovery though is that so far, we haven't been able

to find the same kind of brain cell in the mouse brain.

We rely on mice to study everything from cancer to pharmaceutical development to alzheimer's,

so this lack of an analogous structure in the rodent brain highlights how different

the two really are.

This discovery in particular points out important gaps that may result from trying to study

human brain function in mouse models.

We're making valuable progress in the vast unknown frontier of our brains, but there's

still a heck-of-a long way to go.

Does your brain hurt from all the knowledge?

Subscribe to Seeker so we can guide you through all the brain learnin'.

And fun fact, there's a project in the US called the BRAIN Initiative, which stands

for Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies, and is dedicated to improving

our understanding of the human brain.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> How Scientists Found a New Neuron Hiding in Our Brains - Duration: 3:20.


Everyday English Speaking Practice - Learn English Phrases - Duration: 1:21:41.

⏩⏩⏩ Don't foget Subcribe now !

For more infomation >> Everyday English Speaking Practice - Learn English Phrases - Duration: 1:21:41.


Quick Halloween Ghost Face Using Blooming Gel - Duration: 8:32.

For more infomation >> Quick Halloween Ghost Face Using Blooming Gel - Duration: 8:32.


Alex Iwobi reveals details of Unai Emery's new training regime | AFC News - Duration: 2:13.

Alex Iwobi claims counting the calories will help him pull his weight at Arsenal this season.

Gunners boss Unai Emery wants more goals from the winger, who came off the bench to have

a hand in both as his side beat Watford on Saturday.

He said: "Scoring that first goal made me realise how much I wanted to establish myself


I celebrated by going to Nando's with my family.

"I love a Nando's – sometimes I go there incognito so people don't notice me.

Obviously, the main thing is that the team do well, but if I can get a few more goals

that would be a bonus.

"I'm working every day in training.

The main thing the boss stresses with me is to get into those positions to score.

"He's happy with me getting into those positions and the next step is converting

the chances.

I've lost a bit of weight because of the intense training, and it's made me a bit


Iwobi said: "The boss basically told me that if something doesn't work, just to

keep going and don't dwell on it.

"He's told me to stop being so critical and to just keep trying no matter what happens,

no matter if things don't go as I want them to.

"That's given me a lot more confidence to try a few more things, like beat a player,

to shoot more.

I'm always ready to get on the ball a bit more.

I'm more positive and confident with the ball."

After a tricky start to the season when they struggled to get to grips with Emery's new

system, Arsenal are suddenly flying on a seven-match winning streak.

Iwobi said: "Unai has instilled a winning mentality.

We're just ready to fight in every game, not just to fight for ourselves but for the

coaching staff and the fans too.

We want to win every game."

For more infomation >> Alex Iwobi reveals details of Unai Emery's new training regime | AFC News - Duration: 2:13.


New Release Tuesday: October 2, 2018 - Duration: 9:15.

Hi everyone. I'm rincey and i am one of the contributing editors over at book riot.

I am back to do another new release Tuesday video and today I'm talking

about books that come out on Tuesday, October 2nd. The first book I have this

week is a spark of light by Jody Picoult. The warm fall day starts out like any

other at the center, which is a women's reproductive health services clinic. Then

in the late morning a desperate and distraught gunman enters the facility

and opens fire and ends up taking the entire place hostage. After rushing to

the scene, Hugh McElroy, a hostage negotiator, sets up the parameters around

the center and starts to speak to the gunman. As his phone vibrates with

incoming text messages, he finds out that his 15 year old daughter Wren is actually

inside the clinic. But Wren is not alone. And she will spend the next few hours of

her life with a cast of unforgettable characters. So this book is structured so

that it counts backwards through the hours of the standoff and traces its

way back to figure out what exactly brought all of these people to this

clinic on this day. So if you are a fan of Jodi Picoult, you know that she likes

to tackle these tough and complicated and difficult issues and tries to

explore basically what leads people to the decisions that they end up making.

So if that interests you or again you're just a fan of hers, a spark of life is

out today. Next our video is sponsored today by A.A. Knopf who is the publisher

of blood communion by Anne Rice. And this is the next book in the Vampire

Chronicles series. Lesat, rebel outlaw and vampire prince, addresses his tribe

intimately and directly telling the enthralling story of the creation of a

Blood Communion and how he came to become Prince of the vampire world.

From his beginnings as a reigning monarch to his fierce battle with the mysterious

Rhoshamandes, a force who threatens all that Lesat has dreamed of. From the

towers of his ancestral castle in France to the wilds of Louisiana, the far

reaches of the Pacific Islands and the court of Empress Catherine in

eighteenth-century city of Saint Petersburg. So like I said,

this is the latest book in The Vampire Chronicles series and this book is told

entirely from Lestat's point of view. This is

an intimate look at his rise to power as well as his inner thoughts, struggles,

feelings and fears. Also the Vampire Chronicles are coming to the small

screen. Hulu has actually picked this up as a series. So if you are looking to get

into the world, this would be a good one as well. And again that's a blood

communion by Anne Rice and thanks so much to Knopf for sponsoring this video.

Next up I have muse of nightmares by Laini Taylor. This is the sequel to

strange the dreamer. In the wake of tragedy, neither Lazlo nor Sarai are who

they were before. One a God, the other ghost, they struggle to grasp the

boundaries of their new selves as dark minded Minya holds them hostage. Lazlo

faces an unthinkable choice — save the woman he loves or everyone else — while

Sarai feels more helpless than ever. But is she? Sometimes only the direst needs

can teach us our depths. And Sarai, the muse of nightmares, has not yet learned

what she's capable of. So like I said, muse of nightmares is the sequel to

strangers the dreamer, which I believe came out last year. Lani Taylor is well known

for doing these young adult fantasy stories that have like really lyrical

and beautiful writing. So if you read the daughter of smoke and bone trilogy and

you've been waiting for maybe more than one book in this series to be out. muse

of nightmares is out today. Next I have all you can ever know which

is a memoir by Nicole Chung. Nicole Chung was born severely prematured,

placed for adoption by her Korean parents and raised by a white family in

a sheltered Oregon town. From childhood, she heard the story of her adoption as a

comforting prepackaged myth. She believed that her biological parents had made the

ultimate sacrifice by putting her up for adoption in order to give her a better

life. And that forever feeling out of place was her fate as a transracial

adoptee. But as Nicole grew up facing prejudices that her adoptive family

couldn't see and finding her voice as an asian-american writer as well as

becoming more curious about where she came from, she started to wonder whether

or not the story that she was told it was the whole truth. So this is

again a memoir from Nicole Chung, which explores her looking for her own a

biological parents which happened to just coincide with her giving birth to

her own child. So if you are a fan of memoirs, if you enjoy stories about

adoptees or adoptive families or just about families in general and

discovering surprising connections and unearthing family secrets, or just

looking for a book about someone searching for a place where they belong,

then you can go ahead and pick up all you can ever know by Nicole Chung. Next I

have a broken things by Lauren Oliver. This is a new psychological thriller

young adult book from Lauren Oliver. It's been a five years since Summer Marks was

brutally murdered in the woods. Everyone thinks that Mia and Brynn

killed their best friend. That driven by their obsession with a book called the

way into lovelorn, the three friends imagined themselves into this fantasy

world that became twisted and even deadly. The only thing is they didn't do it.

On the anniversary of summer's death, a seemingly insignificant discovery

resurrects the mystery and brings together Mia and Brynn once again. But as

the lines begin to blur between past and present, reality and fiction, the girls

must confront what happened in the woods all those years ago no matter how

monstrous. This is getting comped to both sharp objects as well as one of us is

lying. So if you enjoyed either of those books and like psychological thrillers

with more of a teen or young adult twist, then you can pick up a broken things

by Lauren Oliver. Next up I have an essay anthology and that is don't call

me crazy: 33 voices start the conversation about

mental health. And this is edited by book riot's very own it Kelly Jensen. What does

it mean to be crazy? Is the word crazy offensive? What happens when a label like

that gets attached to everyday occurrences? To understand mental health,

we need to talk openly about it. Because there's no single definition of crazy or

a single experience that defines it. And the word itself means extremely

different things to different people. So in this collection, there are 33

different writers, artists, actors, athletes who have contributed with writing or

pieces that talk about their own personal struggles with various mental

health issues. There are contributions in here from Libba Bray, V.E. Schwab, Kristen

Bell, Mike Jung, Meredith Russo and so many more. Thirty-three to be exact.

So if you've ever struggled with mental health or you know someone who

has or you're just looking for new perspectives and voices that talk about

mental health, then you can pick up the essay anthology don't call me crazy.

And the final book that I have for you guys is good and mad: the revolutionary power

of a woman's anger by Rebecca Taister. In the year 2018, it feels like women's

anger has erupted into the public conversation. But long before a pantsuit

nation, the Women's March, and the #metoo movement, women's anger was

not only politically catalytic, it was politically problematic. The story of a

woman's fury and its cultural significance demonstrates the long

history of a bitter resentment that has enshrouded women's slow rise to power

as well as the way that anger is received when it comes from a woman

rather than a man. So in this book, Rebecca Traister traces the history of

female anger through the suffragette movement to office workers vacating

their buildings after Clarence Thomas was confirmed to the Supreme Court.

She explores women's anger against both men and women, anger between ideological

allies and foes, the varied ways that anger is perceived based on its owner,

as well as the way that women's collective fury has become a political fuel

especially today. So this book feels extremely apt. I mean, it's felt apt for a

couple of years now. But especially after the week that we just had, I think that

good and mad will be a popular choice with a lot of you guys. So again, good and

mad: the revolutionary power of a woman's anger is out today. So those are all of

the books that I have for you guys this week. Let me know down below which ones

you guys are interested in reading as well as any other books that are coming

out today that you might be interested in. This was another one of those like

big fall release weeks. So there are a lot of books out there that I have not

even touched on. So you can definitely leave comments with if there's something

else that you are interested in. Otherwise I will see you guys again next

Tuesday with another new release video. Bye.

For more infomation >> New Release Tuesday: October 2, 2018 - Duration: 9:15.


Adela Gildo-Mazzon: Things Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 7:02.

Adela Gildo-Mazzon: Things Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

Adela Gildo-Mazzon is a Palo Alto resident and a long-time friend of Christine Blasey Ford.

Gildo-Mazon says that Christine Ford told her, back in 2013, that she had been assaulted.

She says Ford didn't tell her the name of her alleged attacker.

But Gildo-Mazon has sworn out an affadavit saying that the details Ford told her back in 2013 match up with what Ford has said about Brett Kavanaugh.

Here's what you need to know about Adela Gildo-Mazon:.

She Says Ford Was Haunted by the Memory of the Alleged Assault.

Gildo-Mazzon and Ford got together one day in June 2013.

They met up for a meal at Pizzeria Venti Mountain View, a restaurant in Mountain View close to where Gildo-Mazon was working at the time.

But Gildo-Mazon said Ford was "visibly upset." When she asked her why, Ford replied that she was thinking about something that had happened years earlier.

Gildo-Mazzon wrote, "Christine told me she had been having a hard day because she was thinking about an assault she experienced when she was much younger." Then Ford told Gildo-Mazon about the alleged assault, when she was a high school student.

She didn't tell Gildo-Mazon the name of her alleged attacker.

But she did tell her that the experience had remained with her, shaping her life.

She apparently told Gildo-Mazon that "it was a scary situation and that it has impacted her life ever since.".

She Says Ford Told Her She Was Almost Raped by Someone Who Became a Federal Judge.

Gildo-Mazon says Ford didn't tell her Kavanaugh's name.

But she did say that her alleged assaulter was now a federal judge.

And she described the attack vividly, using details that Gildo-Mazzon said matched up with Ford's testimony about Kavanaugh.

She said Ford told her that she had been trapped in a room with two drunken guys, and that she had escaped, and run away, and then hid.

Gildo-Mazon says that when she read Ford's first-person account of the alleged attack in the Washington Post, she contacted Ford's lawyers.

She wanted them to know that Ford had told her about the attack back in 2013.

Gildo-Mazzon says she last spoke to Ford in May 2018, months before Ford's story came out in the press.

Gildo-Mazzon Has Known Ford for Ten Years.

Gildo-Mazon is a realtor who works in Palo Alto, California.

She's known Ford for the past ten years and says that their children attended the same elementary school.

She says she considers Ford to be "a good friend".

Several of Ford's friends have come forward to say that she told them about allegedly being attacked.

Her husband, Russell Ford, says that she told him that she had been attacked before they got married, although he says the details about the alleged assault didn't come out until they were in couples therapy in 2012.

Her friend Rebecca White says Ford told her about being assaulted after reading a social media post that Rebecca wrote about her own experience with sexual assault.

Gildo-Mazzon Is a Realtor in Palo Alto, California.

Gildo-Mazzon describes herself as "a proven and accomplished real estate professional" with over 15 years of real estate experience in the Bay Area.

She is based in Palo Alto and has listings in San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Marin, among other areas.

Her featured listings range from a two-bedroom in Palo Alto, going for 1.

6 million dollars, to a three-bedroom in Oakland, going for 449 thousand dollars.

Gildo-Mazzon Says Her Kids Went to the Same School as Ford's.

Gildo-Mazzon says she and Ford have known each other for the past ten years.

She says that their children went to the same elementary school.

Gildo-Mazzon is a realtor based in Palo Alto.

She said she was working on a job in Mountain View back in 2013, which is why she and Ford met for dinner at a Mountain View pizzeria in June 2013.

That's when, she says, Ford told her that she had been assaulted a long time ago, by a man who had since become a federal judge.

For more infomation >> Adela Gildo-Mazzon: Things Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 7:02.


Episode 35: What if they get angry or violent? - Duration: 2:17.

What do you do if someone gets angry,

intimidating, potentially even looks like

they could get violent in a difficult

conversation? Well today's top tip is

going to give you a tool that will help

you out. First and foremost if you feel

that your safety is in any way in danger

you need to make sure you are safe and

that is paramount above everything else.

Hopefully you'll never find yourself in

such a situation but you might find

yourself in a difficult conversation

where the other person is quite

intimidating; perhaps quite angry and

quite vocal or physical about it (in

their presence). Here's a tip that you can

use to help defuse that situation. It is:

You tell them when you 'blah' I feel 'blah'

and I would like to feel 'blah'. So imagine

I'm having a conversation with someone

and perhaps they're towering

over me a bit and they're raising their

voice quite loudly. When you stand over

me like that and you raise your voice I

feel intimidated and I find it hard to

continue this conversation and what I'd

like to do is I'd like to have this

conversation as two people trying to

resolve it. People aren't used to hearing

how their behavior is impacting

somewhere else. And so often what happens

is people are quite surprised to

understand to learn what the impact of

their behavior is and this can typically

get them to self-regulate better. It's

not a guarantee and again if you feel

your safety is in any way in danger then

make yourself safe as quickly as

possible. As always I hope you never need

to use this technique because you'll

never be in this situation but if you do

and you give it a go, let me know how it

works out for you. You can get these

weekly top tips into your inbox by

signing up at ukheadsup.com/headsuptv

And if you've got a question for me then pop along to the website

ukheadsup.com/asksonia and I can make a video

just for you

For more infomation >> Episode 35: What if they get angry or violent? - Duration: 2:17.





Road Rage and Fights in Russia | Bully Fights, Crashes, Road Rage Compilation # 46 - Duration: 10:43.

Please Subscribe

For more infomation >> Road Rage and Fights in Russia | Bully Fights, Crashes, Road Rage Compilation # 46 - Duration: 10:43.


교감하는 법을 익힌 그는서로 너무 사랑해 외모까지 닮아가는 '훈남♥허스키' - Duration: 1:53.

 사랑하면 서로 닮는다고 했던가.

훈훈한 이목구비는 물론 표정까지 쏙 빼닮은 남성과 그의 반려견이 찍은 일상 사진이 놀라움을 자아내고 있다.

그 주인공은 영국령 맨섬(Isle of Man)에 있는 동물구조단체 직원인 리암 라이스(Liam Rice)와 반려견 루나(Luna)다.

최근 리암은 자신의 인스타그램을 통해 반려견 루나와 산책길에 오른 모습을 전했다.

리암과 루나가 함께 찍은 사진에서 단연 눈길을 끄는 건 서로 닮은 듯한 외모다.

이목구비가 굵직굵직 선명한 리암과 루나의 외모가 어딘지 모르게 비슷한 느낌을 준다.

게다가 둘은 바다같이 푸른 눈동자를 지니고 있어 더욱 유사한 분위기를 풍긴다.

이들이 찍은 사진이 속속 공개되면서 둘은 누리꾼들 사이에서 인기스타로 떠올랐다.

리암의 인스타그램 계정 팔로워는 131만에 달하며, 루나 역시 6만 명의 팔로워를 보유하고 있다.

게다가 더욱 많은 이의 이목을 집중시킨 것은 리암의 직업이다.

그는 동물 보호단체에 근무하며 학대당하거나 버려진 강아지를 구조하는 일을 한다.

다양한 경험을 통해 동물과 교감하는 법을 익힌 그는 루나에게 누구보다 좋은 친구가 되어준다.

아래, 보는 순간 얼굴 가득 미소가 번지는 리암과 루나의 투 샷을 여러 장 남겼으니 감상하고 가자.

For more infomation >> 교감하는 법을 익힌 그는서로 너무 사랑해 외모까지 닮아가는 '훈남♥허스키' - Duration: 1:53.


(한국어 자막!)외국인이 대전맛집에꼼장어를 맛 본 반응! Eating Korean Charcoal Fired HAGFISH! - Duration: 10:18.

Look at that slime you can see the slime! Touch the camera if you can't focus

That's yours!

Yeah? Alright, I'll eat it.

It has your name written on it.

He said is ready to go, right?

How is it?

That's better better than the pork. That's really good

Are you sure?

Yeah, that's really good

(Speaking Korean) Hello everyone. This is Austin

Last night, my friend Mike and I went to a Hagfish Mat-jip (taste-house)

Kumchongoh is called hagfish. And as far as I know, it's only eaten in Korea.

Usually Koreans eat this dish barbecued while still alive.

But this place we found salts the eel and marinates it in soy sauce before grilling.

I can think of no better friend to share this meal with, so Mike and I wanted to see how it tastes.

Please don't forget to subscribe if you' like to discover and learn about incredible Korean eating experiences.

And please let us know in the comments where we should eat next.

I forgot to tell you, we're gonna have Kumchongoh and

this eel is famous for producing slime

Like white slime.

And apparently when it cooks it's like egg white. They actually replace egg whites with this slime.

I'm not sure why it's called Kumchongoh, but I swear it's famous because as it dies

It produces a lot of slime.

It's called hagfish? Hagfish, yeah.

(Speaking Korean) Spicy taste is okay! I like spicy food.

look! Look!

Yeah, they got a grease pan on the bottom.

This is crazy! This is awesome, we've got the Ban-chan


Combei! (cheers!)

It smells so good. What did he say? Do we have to cook it for a while?

It's ready to go?

Heat it up a little bit

It looks so good. Oh my god, it smells really good too. It smells amazing

It smells amazing. Let's try it out. Let's see

Is it spicy?


Very delicious! (In Korean) Very delicious! Delicious.

Holy shit, it's really really good. Oh my god

Yeah, it is spicy, but I love spicy food. So, I'm fine with it.


That has a kick to it. Yeah, it's got a kick. You gotta use the lettuce for sure to make some wraps

It's better wrapped? Yeah, for sure.

I'll cook it up a little bit. Well, we got some

Kumchongoh. Some eel.

It's gonna help us with our stamina Mike. You and I we need

That male stamina.

They have some like garlic and oil, that looks really good.

Look at that slime! You can see the slime! touch the camera if you can't focus.

That's yours

Yeah? Alright, I'll eat it.

It has your name written on it

He said is ready to go, right?

How is it?

That's better than the pork. That is really good.

Are you sure?


That's really good. It tastes like it's really garlicky and salty. They do salt it first, right?

Wow, that's really amazing

You heard it!

It's tasty. It's really tasty. You'll love it. I don't know it just it tastes like chicken - to be honest.

I will get one boiled in garlic

It's gonna be good

Yeah ready

Yeah, Wow I can feel the stamina

All right the important question

It tastes like octopus!

They've got mul-nangmeyon, seo-meyon, they got ramyeon. What's seo-meyon?



I would say this is definitely a very popular drinking spot

Like this food is perfect soju food. You got the

I would say anju.

One of many. Yeah. actually I would say it doesn't really feel like a meal so much to me. Would you agree?

It feels like a late night

Like this would be great at the end of the night. You come,

You get some eel and some spiced meat and drink some more soju at the end of the night.

It's funny, because with Korean restaurants, I'm always wondering how to use them


you know, a good night out to have fun. Because every Korean restaurant has its sort of place in the night.

I think this place would be a second place or a third place. Not a first place. It's like you go eat somewhere

That's a little more substantial and then after you're like, "oh I still want to keep drinking and I want some more meat"

You come here you pay ten bucks for the meat

you just keep on drinking soju, so

Yeah, I think this would be a perfect night!


so intestines and

Then second place here.

What's that

What about koppdegi?

That would be too much! By that time, third place, you gotta get french fries or something.

But yeah

Maybe Tappyeong Seo-Gukbap

That'd pry be the last place. That's always the last place.

It's really good! The eel is really good.

It's way better when it's crispy like this .when it's chewy and crispy like that. It's good.

Mix it up?

Let's taste the bibimbap we'll see what it's like

Pretty good. Pretty standard

Pretty good? Yeah, I mean it's good.

I mean, it's yeah.

It tastes fine, but that's all you want from like the third place. A side menu dish from the third place.

It's good, it's good enough.

Come here for the eel though. The eel and the pork

For more infomation >> (한국어 자막!)외국인이 대전맛집에꼼장어를 맛 본 반응! Eating Korean Charcoal Fired HAGFISH! - Duration: 10:18.


Chiefs' Patrick Mahomes Has Epic Reaction to Broncos' Final Play | Heavy.com - Duration: 2:37.

Chiefs' Patrick Mahomes Has Epic Reaction to Broncos' Final Play | Heavy.com

If you're a Kansas City Chiefs fan and thought that watching the Denver Broncos' final drive on Monday Night Football was stressful, imagine being Patrick Mahomes.

The Chiefs quarterback drove his team down the field late in the fourth quarter, even throwing a left-handed first down, to grab the lead.

So when the Broncos were down inside Kansas City's 30-yard line, Mahomes couldn't contain himself.

The proof comes from this video posted by NFL Network's James Palmer (h/t Bleacher Report):.

As you can tell, it was more than a bit tough for Mahomes to be standing on the sidelines hoping his defense could hold the late lead.

Fortunately, partially thanks to the Broncos failing to convert a hook-and-ladder on fourth down, the Chiefs held on and got the job done.

Patrick Mahomes' Performance.

While fans weren't treated to another six-touchdown performance from Mahomes, they certainly didn't leave disappointed.

The Chiefs quarterback stepped up big when it mattered most, and finished with 304 passing yards, two total touchdowns and a quarterback rating of 89.5.

Although the numbers weren't gaudy, the fact that he did it on the road against a top rival who boasts a very good defense made the outcome all the more impressive.

The Chiefs now move to 4-0 on the season and hold a two-game edge on the division, with both the Broncos and Los Angeles Chargers sitting at 2-2.

Mahomes now has 1,200 passing yards, 14 passing touchdowns, one rushing touchdown, and no interceptions.

He's currently on pace to throw for 4,800 yards and an absurd 56 touchdowns.

For more infomation >> Chiefs' Patrick Mahomes Has Epic Reaction to Broncos' Final Play | Heavy.com - Duration: 2:37.


Jim Harbaugh proud of his team for comeback win on the road - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Jim Harbaugh proud of his team for comeback win on the road - Duration: 0:33.


Nightcore - Taki Taki (DJ Snake ft. Selena Gomez, Ozuna, Cardi B) || Lyrics - Duration: 1:23.

this video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Taki Taki (DJ Snake ft. Selena Gomez, Ozuna, Cardi B) || Lyrics - Duration: 1:23.


YouTube Local Marketing - Moko Media Minute - Jenn Sunnerton - Duration: 1:47.

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