Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Youtube daily report May 22 2018

What a blessing for me to be again like you in a tutorial that gives us more

details of blessing, let's bring this proposal for you to learn step to

step to do "Decoupage" on the technique of "jacarelado" or "false mosaic"

step by step below

I here I have a little board that

I found to show you how it's done in the technique in the case of this vase that

we have done is and in mdf or wood the background is black

it is always important the background that goes to be the "jacarelado" because in the end

will notice in the case of our project is a black background

we can see the little box there that little box has a white background

what can also be done is what one wants it to be seen in the little hedges of

"jacarelado" ok here I am going to give

a layer because this was, dark then it will be easier

and I want to show you

how the technique is done we have the base list in black

now let's apply the rubber that is for "jacarelado", in different countries

you will find it according to the brand that is in the market

this is rubber based so it's nothing more

to look for it with a palette knife we will come to apply enough

product, over the entire surface and we are going to spread it

in a uniform way

I am going to do a part so that you see the technique and then we're going to

keep working on a dry that you see that pretty

and now I come in this case this technique it looks spectacular with stained glass

which is varnish but for the technique that I want to make at this moment

I'm going to do it with enamel or paint that comes opaque

I'm going to do it with white paint, stained glass and

we're going to come to that to a continuous trickle

with care but I'm going fast because the gum is going to dry out, if a little droplet

falls on the other does not matter it is getting bigger I have to

Leave space because the droplet is going to expand and that is what will give me

that nice detail

ok see I'm dripping

with the fine motor, with concentration

and see how the droplet is expanding when it falls on the rubber

Why white? because in this case I want stick napkin on this

something important here if I do not have the I'm going to leave enough space

to continue applying I will do another bit

because this is important for when I come to put

the other little bit of rubber does not have problems and do not go dragging here

if it stays too close then I leave enough space here

so that when I come with the other part I will not be harmed

we show you how we do the technique to go a little faster

The first thing I'm going to do is my little bottle next to

and I'm going to give a light layer that's a cardboard box, the idea of

this is a thick cardboard, the idea is that you can give a little detail and the

person is with the decorated box to give it a shot

let's see, this painting I say it's like magic now they're going to

see why it looks super transparent

let's give a light layer because the color that I'm going to apply I need

have a separate white base that we always give a base so that it does not

go they absorb a lot of paint

I'm going to aplicate now yes my red paint

equal a layer, good depending on the color that you choose sometimes

sometimes they ask us and I'm going to take advantage of them colors that we use

The truth is that I almost never mentioned the color as such because the idea is that

you do it according to the colors that you choose but

I'm going to mention them so they have such Once an idea what are they

in this case this is a Cherry red

what did not mention the colors is because in each country

depending on the brand, we are the names of the colors for example

in Costa Rica cream painting is known in Spain they say butter

then I can say cream you let's see what color is so it is reflected in

in the project but in names we will vary quite

so that's why I do the caveat of why not

we mention the name of the color apart we also want you

do it in the colors that you like the most

I want to mention in passing with this

red paint, this painting is to chalk and we have made it in one of

The videos how to make chalk paint so that

It looks pretty nice, but it's pretty thick but it will give us

a pretty pretty color because we want

to take advantage of the matte color that this painting gives

we have already painted the box

in red now I'm going to put "stencil" and I'm going to do "stenciling"

remember that the stencil is made with acrylic paint

as dry as possible

to give us a nice result

we have painted the box red and we have made white stencil

and given a little bit of movement with paint around to

that does not leave us completely red, this is the part of the box, already inside

we will give another finish, we will change the lid I have here a little bit ahead

and that's what we're going to to work

already here it is dry in this case I want you to see the background is

white then how the paint is white does not show much but I'm going to

bring me this here the background is black and it shows much more

then the backgrounds I choose them according to the project that you are going to carry out

I leave the little box to one side and I'm going to do What I like the most

I take the napkin I have this napkin I never throw away the napkin

the bits that are left for me because that will always serve

I like this flower a lot, so I'm going to come with the hand

with my product to stick napkins

I use it

Sometimes it costs a little to do so but it always comes out

we put a little of product

to fix it

see how it disappears the white of the napkin see it here

when applying it on the white base then It was what I mentioned

look for or have that care so you only see the tones of

the napkin that we are putting and loses everything around the white napkin

well we have concluded we have already put the

"stencil" with pasta already dry the "jacarelado" and we have put

our flower or what is the part of the "decopage" and so

our box has been left besides sealing the bottom part

We have finished What we want is for you to take advantage

the different ones, the amount of

ways to make "decoupage" of enjoy the crafts to take out

all those little things that we have in the home and get to work to get us

only to work, not to be in others, not stressed by life

thank God for one more day and be able share with you we'll see you in the

next tutorial blessings

For more infomation >> Caja de cartón con las técnicas de Jacarelado y Decoupage - Duration: 13:51.


Felipe y Letizia: 14 desencuentros en 14 años de matrimonio - Parte II - Noticias del Clavel rojo - Duration: 8:51.

For more infomation >> Felipe y Letizia: 14 desencuentros en 14 años de matrimonio - Parte II - Noticias del Clavel rojo - Duration: 8:51.


Tips for endomorphs. Diet and training ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Duration: 6:03.

Hello, my brave ones Today I am here to give some advice to people who

they have the endomorphic somatotype, between the ones that I am Here I have already

talked about the different somatotypes and lately I'm getting enough

emails from people who identify with the endomorphic somatotype, which is the

of the most rounded shapes, so say it, and they are very worried thinking

that they will never be able to get rid of their curves So if you also think that

you are endomorphic, as I said before you press on i of this corner you go to

find a video in which I'm going to explain the 3 somatotypes and I'll

help identify what is your dominant somatotype, if it is the endomorph

do not worry, because you'll see How are these tips coming?

pearl. Probably if you are endomorph you will have tried a thousand and one diets.

Surely you have put on a diet more than once, but with you that does not work. He

The best advice I can give you is that if you want to lose weight do not diet. Here I

I talk about it. But I'll explain why in your case you should not do

diet. Those of us who are endomorphs we have a body that has been designed

to save, so the more restrict your caloric intake, your body

more will try to save calories. Is a simple survival mechanism. Yes

this is your case, your body instead of use reservations will try

reduce the calories you spend. Then your metabolism is going to be done

increasingly slower and slower, and you will feel more and more tired and worse mood. Y

besides every time it will cost you more to lose weight, and that is your goal. Voucher,

point 1 do not diet. Point 2, with you either that of eating many times a day little

quantity. It will not work. In your case and in the

mine too, because I am also endomorphic, our goal has to be

try to mobilize the fats of our body. We have to make him understand

our body that there is no other option, have to use fats yes

or if. But of course, if you constantly We are providing food even if it is little

amount, you will not want to spend your Reservations. I've told you before that the body of

Endomorphs tend to save calories, to spend less. The more

Sometimes you give him food, less he will want spend your savings, then what will

pass, that glucose, every time will go up more and you're going to end up storing it in

fat form. I have started with the typical mistakes in the diet that

they commit the endomorphs. But Yes, there are things that work.

Do you know what's going to work for you? Try reduce carbohydrates and I recognize

that this has been painful for me, because I really like to eat carbohydrates

carbon. But even though I love them, I've given myself

mind that my body does not manage them well, and if you, like me, are also

endomorph yours is not going to manage well. I'm not telling you

you have to leave completely, I I have not done either. What you do have

What to do is try to reduce your consumption and whenever you can try

opt for complex carbohydrates. Outside the refined flours, the sweets ... that kind of

things do not help us. In your case it is better that you try to choose foods that have

more protein and even from fats, although it seems strange to you. I was telling you

before that in your case does not work eat a little many times a day, it's

You better eat three times a day. What if You can do only two, perfect. From

this way you will not be raising the insulin constantly. If you're

endomorphic intermittent fasting in your case It can work very well, here I have already

talked about intermittent fasting. And not have a caloric deficit too

great, that can work for the other somatotypes, but not you. It is clear

that if you want to get rid of the fat and you want to lose weight

you're going to have to burn more calories from what you consume, but that does not

say that you have to starve. For everyone the activity is

fundamental. The more active we are much better, for our body and

for our health, but if you are if you are endomorph the movement is especially

important to you Keep everything as active as you can, but also I'm going to

give some keys so that your trainings will help you get your

objectives. How do you have to train if Are you endomorphic? Unfortunately the

endomorphs we have the slowest metabolism of all, so our goal

Primordial has to be activate it. What if, You can get it. Activate the

metabolism depends only on US. What are the exercises

perfect for you? Well, it's a combination of HIIT type exercises,

high intensity intervals, we have already talked about this kind of

exercises, combined with exercises force. You have to try to get

have strong muscles I always do emphasize that

we have to rest at least one day to the week, but in our case, in the

case of the endomorphs that day of rest we did not have to spend

lying without doing anything. No no no. Has to be an active rest. But not

train you have to be in movement, you can make a route of

trekking. Go for a walk or what want, I recommend that at least

those days des around 10,000 steps which is the minimum recommendation of the

world health organization or 12,000 and if you can more, much better.

So if you are an endomorph, do not be martyred, our body also has its

advantages, really. The curves well controlled are sexy,

take advantage of it. If you, how are you? endomorph

put these tips into practice and already You will see how you are pleasantly surprised, and

tell me, eh. I hope that my video today has

liked it if you liked my video give it a like and share it, well I will know that

You want me to make more videos of this type. And remember, I'm waiting for you in

the next video, do not miss me bye bye

For more infomation >> Tips for endomorphs. Diet and training ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Duration: 6:03.


Escándalo: Jey Mammón y Pampita se enfrentaron en pleno aire - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Escándalo: Jey Mammón y Pampita se enfrentaron en pleno aire - Duration: 3:05.


¿Photoshop? Descubrimos un detalle que falta en el retrato de familia de Harry y Meghan - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> ¿Photoshop? Descubrimos un detalle que falta en el retrato de familia de Harry y Meghan - Duration: 2:52.


Javiera Suárez: 'Ayer me hice una ecografía y el pronóstico no es tan alentador como esperábamos' - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Javiera Suárez: 'Ayer me hice una ecografía y el pronóstico no es tan alentador como esperábamos' - Duration: 1:45.


¿Photoshop? Descubrimos un detalle que falta en el retrato de familia de Harry y Meghan - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> ¿Photoshop? Descubrimos un detalle que falta en el retrato de familia de Harry y Meghan - Duration: 3:11.


EL Camino a MK11 // Trailer en Menos de Una Semana, El Regreso del Modo TAG, BETA y mas!! - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> EL Camino a MK11 // Trailer en Menos de Una Semana, El Regreso del Modo TAG, BETA y mas!! - Duration: 5:31.


La mamá de Meghan Markle sale a Londres tras un exclusivo y costoso trato en el aeropuerto - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> La mamá de Meghan Markle sale a Londres tras un exclusivo y costoso trato en el aeropuerto - Duration: 4:15.


Moria Casán y un pícaro elogio a Juan Manuel Urtubey sobre el escenario - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> Moria Casán y un pícaro elogio a Juan Manuel Urtubey sobre el escenario - Duration: 5:34.


Un peruano se convierte en el súper fanático del mundial | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Un peruano se convierte en el súper fanático del mundial | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:56.


Descubre cómo lograr un buen nivel de crédito financiero | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> Descubre cómo lograr un buen nivel de crédito financiero | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:35.


Kate Middleton no repitió vestido en la boda de Harry y Meghan Markle: las pruebas - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Kate Middleton no repitió vestido en la boda de Harry y Meghan Markle: las pruebas - Duration: 4:18.


¿Ninel Conde tiene nexos con el crimen organizado? | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> ¿Ninel Conde tiene nexos con el crimen organizado? | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:28.


Insólito: ¡Beyoncé se compró una iglesia! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Insólito: ¡Beyoncé se compró una iglesia! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:05.


¡El papa Francisco sigue con su revolución católica! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> ¡El papa Francisco sigue con su revolución católica! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:46.


El inolvidable estilo de Ximena Córdoba para dar el 'weather' - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> El inolvidable estilo de Ximena Córdoba para dar el 'weather' - Duration: 1:52.


Drake Type Beat

For more infomation >> Drake Type Beat




For more infomation >> DO NOT SPAWN DAME TU COSITA AT 3:00 AM ! MINECRAFT PS4/PS3/XBOX ONE/360/WII U/SWITCH TROLL - Duration: 10:14.


English Teacher Interview | Sara V. - Duration: 4:13.

My name's Sara and I'm from Sweden.

I like teaching because I really love it when my students don't start out speaking really

good English, but then after a while, when I teach them more stuff…

I really like it to see them to start to speak.

They get more brave.

It's really nice.

I think the best way to study English is through reading.

I read a lot when I was younger.

And some people say they don't like to read, but it's my favorite thing.

And I learn … you learn a lot of words that way.

It would be someone who really wants to learn English.

I think that a lot of people think that through their job, or their boss, they just have to

learn it.

But they're not really that motivated, so I would definitely say someone who enjoys

the language, maybe they even like British, American culture.

That kind of person is my ideal student.

The worst student.

That's hard to say.

I haven't had a lot of bad students so far.

But maybe someone who is really uninspired.

When you can feel that they don't want to be there.

They don't really want to learn English.

Someone else forced them to learn English.

You don't really want to teach someone like that.

Ya, I do.

I think it's really nice.

Because I love languages.

So teaching English is one of the things I like the most.

I speak…

On native level I speak English, Swedish, Norwegian, and I'm also intermediate in

Korean, Japanese, and French.

I classify myself as a native English speaker.

But technically, I was born in Sweden.

I learned English through reading.

That's why I said I think it's the best way to learn.

I read all the time.

And I love English.

I would learn difficult words.

I read Bram Stoker's Dracula, for example, when I was really young.

And when I didn't understand something, I'd look up the words.

So that's how I learnt the most.

And I spoke to a lot of British and American friends, so I practiced that a lot.

I actually prefer British.

But I tend to use more Americanized kind of English.

Because it's easier for me to use for some reason.

But, British sounds the best I think,

Hello, my name's Sara.

I'm from Sweden.

How are you?

My hobbies are video games, reading, learning languages, acting, dancing, music.

I love singing as well.

I've been to all the countries around Scandinavia and the Nordic countries.

I've also been to Turkey, Greece, France, America, and the U.K.

And now also Korea, Japan, and Hong Kong.

Do you have any questions for her?

How old are you?

Ok, look at the camera.

Look at me.

How old do you think she is?



Oh my gosh.


All right.

Look at me.

Many people want to know.

How old are you?

I'm 25 years old.

For more infomation >> English Teacher Interview | Sara V. - Duration: 4:13.


El gran desprecio de Kate Middleton a Meghan Markle en su boda: repite vestido (por cuarta vez) - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> El gran desprecio de Kate Middleton a Meghan Markle en su boda: repite vestido (por cuarta vez) - Duration: 2:38.





PS4,Xbox One s, Games Shop price bd/Buy Ps3,ps4 pro Games shop in Dhaka 2018/shapon khan vlogs - Duration: 5:52.

For more infomation >> PS4,Xbox One s, Games Shop price bd/Buy Ps3,ps4 pro Games shop in Dhaka 2018/shapon khan vlogs - Duration: 5:52.



Mary comes to the world to help us because she is the mother of all men ...

And she comes to help humanity when he there are difficult moments ...

She needs people who are near to sacrifice or to sacrifice a part of

their lives for others ... That's not to say that these people are going

die burned, slaughtered or eaten by lions ...

That means these people are going to have a normal life where God will be placed at the first

place and they will live the love of heaven on earth …

This love is not made of material things or success in their relationship ... this love

and a love of heaven ... it will be feeling love ... be careful the path is difficult

... there will be suffering ... can be even humiliations ... certainly conflicts

In general, Marie likes to call

people "weak" to follow ... I explain myself Marie always chooses

people that society does not value ... children ... sick people ...

or weakens ... simple people ... poor ...

The company likes nice people, strong, healthy, intelligent, rich

And Marie likes to value people

"Weak", to place them at the top of society, and so show that everyone is important to

God's eyes ... even this handicapped child who can hardly walk ... even this child

autistic who can not handle everything alone …

The sky needs everyone ...

Miracle of faith ...

In Baton Rouge, Louisiana, a small community lives next to each other.

They have great devotion to Our Lady, and they proudly display large statues

of her in their classes.

It seems now that one of these statues was touched by Heaven.

One of the statues belonging to a family would shed tears and bleeding.

Given the devotion to Mary of these families, we can reject deception because they do not

would not commit such an offensive hoax.

You found this video interesting ... on the white part you can see more videos ...

... and on the red part you can see the last video out ...

You also have the possibility to subscribe ... for that ... follow the red arrow ...

For more infomation >> THE TEARS OF FAITH ... THE TEARS OF THE SKY ... THE TEARS OF GOD - Duration: 2:42.



So this Video is a continuation..

..of my Indian Wedding Series!!

This is Nayana here..

and Welcome Back to my Channel!

So a while back, I had posted..

..a video on my Bridal Skincare Routine and Tips..

where I shared with you everything..

..that I used to follow to take care of my skin..

..during my wedding time.

Make sure that you go check out..

..that video of mine.

which I will link right above

and in the description box below

Also, if you're new to this channel,

make sure that you go click on that SUBSCRIBE button.

So that you don't miss,

any of my new videos

which come out every week!

So coming to today's video,

so during our wedding time,

I wanted to..

..make a very personalised wedding invite

and something that came from

me and Sooraj together!

So I was discussing this with a few of my friends..

when one of them suggested that.

..me being a youtuber,

it would be perfect if we..

..made a wedding invite video!

and I was mind blown about it..

..because I never really thought of that.

Even though I AM a YouTuber,

I never really thought of..

..making a video out of it.

And since I was a person

who used to do a lot of DIYs,

we thought we'll do it..

a little bit different.


So if you haven't checked out

any of my DIY videos yet,

click on that link right above!

So then they conceptualised on that vague idea,

and finally came up with..

what you are going to be seeing.

This was completely done by us,

and a few of our friends together.

There is no professional help behind this.

And this was done on a single night,

while we stayed up the whole night

we had to do it with a camera

which is not really suited for

night shooting.

But we somehow made do with that.

Also, Sooraj wasn't very keen on this idea,

because he thought that..

..he could not act.

But I would want to differ

because I thought he did a pretty good job at it.

Also stay tuned till the end of the video

to see a few behind the scenes

videos and photos..

to just show you guys the fun

that we had on that day.

So I hope you guys keep a very open mind..

And enjoy this video,

as much as we enjoyed making it.

So now, let's get it rolling..

Hey guys, this is Nayana here

and I'm gonna show you how to plan your own wedding!

So now it's your turn to come help us..

..complete this video

by joining us on our BIG DAY!

Click here to RSVP..

..and we'll see you at our wedding!!!


Must set frame once more..

..coz when the moment we roll..





Hey guys.. this is Nayana here.

I'm gonna show you how to..

It's okay..

So now it's your turn to come help us

..finish this video..


..it's okay..






Електричний Камін Flamma YH-08A – 27.UA - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Електричний Камін Flamma YH-08A – 27.UA - Duration: 1:19.


FezzArreq - Logo (Prod. DIZPMUSIC) [PL NAPISY] - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> FezzArreq - Logo (Prod. DIZPMUSIC) [PL NAPISY] - Duration: 2:46.


Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI CoD 150pk Automatic S Edition - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI CoD 150pk Automatic S Edition - Duration: 1:08.


Anticipazioni U&D, la scelta di Mariano: il rifiuto finale dopo il bacio | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni U&D, la scelta di Mariano: il rifiuto finale dopo il bacio | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.


Eliminato Grande Fratello oggi 22/05: il sondaggio non lascia dubbi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Eliminato Grande Fratello oggi 22/05: il sondaggio non lascia dubbi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:50.


How to Draw IRON MAN (Avengers: Infinity War) | Avengers Coloring Pages For Kids | 5-Minute Arts - Duration: 4:01.

How to Draw IRON MAN (Avengers: Infinity War)

For more infomation >> How to Draw IRON MAN (Avengers: Infinity War) | Avengers Coloring Pages For Kids | 5-Minute Arts - Duration: 4:01.


Grande Fratello: cosa vedremo nella 6^ puntata? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello: cosa vedremo nella 6^ puntata? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 1:56.


Uomini e Donne Gemma e Marco, parla Nadia Rinaldi: "Lui è un bugiardo" | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne Gemma e Marco, parla Nadia Rinaldi: "Lui è un bugiardo" | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:46.


Uomini e Donne news, quando e chi sceglierà Sara? La data e l'indizio di Nilufar | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne news, quando e chi sceglierà Sara? La data e l'indizio di Nilufar | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.


Chi è la scelta di Sara a Uomini e donne: addio Lorenzo? Ecco com'è andata | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Chi è la scelta di Sara a Uomini e donne: addio Lorenzo? Ecco com'è andata | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.


Grande Fratello 15, stasera due eliminati: ecco chi rischia l'uscita | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello 15, stasera due eliminati: ecco chi rischia l'uscita | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.


🅼🆄🆂🅸🅲🅰 ZEN Relajante Per Meditare Con La Natura - Musica Relajante Meditazione Zen - Duration: 59:28.

For more infomation >> 🅼🆄🆂🅸🅲🅰 ZEN Relajante Per Meditare Con La Natura - Musica Relajante Meditazione Zen - Duration: 59:28.


U&D, Mariano Catanzaro, a sorpresa, ha scelto Valentina Pivati | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> U&D, Mariano Catanzaro, a sorpresa, ha scelto Valentina Pivati | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:33.


Why I Shaved Off Half Of My Hair | Hair Me Out | Refinery29 - Duration: 4:10.

Are you sure?



You just made me so nervous!

Hi, my name is Meghal, and welcome to Hair Me Out.

Today I will be shaving half my hair, and before we get into that, do not forget to

subscribe down below.

So, I've been thinking about shaving my hair on this side for about three months now.

I've done it before.

It was actually pretty small, just like, right here.

So this time, I wanted to shave a larger section of my head that's more noticeable.

Even though I'm shaving more hair, I'm less nervous about it.

The older I get, and the more comfortable I become with myself, I like to try different things.

I'm always wearing crazy makeup looks.

You would think that if you're gonna get your hair shaved, that you would want to go to

a professional.

It can go poorly very quickly.

But I am not going to a professional.

I'm going to have my friend shave my hair for me.

Anthony will be shaving my hair today.

I was like, "I trust you."

And I'm really excited for him to start.

Are you sure?



You just made me so nervous!

When I was back in Michigan, that's when I was worried about what people were gonna say...

If my parents and my family would like it...

Being in New York, it's a perfect environment to try new hairstyles without any judgement.

I can just focus on, just pretty much, getting a haircut that I want to get.

I'm gonna be honest, I can't believe you let me do this.

You're telling me now!

It's like a two-year-old took some scissors to my head.

As a woman, and a South Asian woman, there's a lot of associations with femininity to have

long, black, beautiful hair.

You don't dye your hair, you don't shave your hair, you keep it long.

To some people, having long, black hair, is seen as better and more valuable, and it can

make making a bigger visual change a little bit more difficult.

But I definitely think that if you want to cut your hair, just go ahead and do it.

I mean, hair is hair, it will grow back.


Wait, this is better than I thought.




You did a great job, Anthony!

It's like nothing ever happened...

I mean, if you want it back...

I could try to stick this back on.

It looks great!

I know that this haircut isn't for everybody, but I personally love the way it turned out.

I'm not the kind of person to shy away from something bold.

And at the end of the day, hair is just hair.

I finally feel like myself after shaving off half my hair.

Thanks for watching this episode of Hair Me Out.

Let us know what you want to see next on our channel in the comments down below.

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For more infomation >> Why I Shaved Off Half Of My Hair | Hair Me Out | Refinery29 - Duration: 4:10.


One very important reason why I can NOT leave Korea!! - Duration: 5:41.

Hello everybody this is LARA!

and, today I'm in a cafe in Hongdae with my Chinese friend Wonyeah

She's working so hard so I can't talk to her right now!

So it's like already 6pm

and we're planning to eat dinner in Hongdae in Seoul

We haven't decided what to eat now

But, I think today's video will be about

One very important reason why I can't leave Korea

and I'm currently in a cafe so it must be so loud here

I don't know if you can hear my voice

I'll show you what I'm going to eat for dinner later

But let's just start with the coffee first!

Coffee that I drank today is something that you can never see in other countries

I already drank everything (I'm being dramatic)

Like this~!

There are many sweet drinks that you can never see in other countries

and even for the food

I think it's better to show you than just by telling you sitting in a cafe

so let's go to eat dinner!

Arrived to the restaurant!

Already full of people!!

Wiritng a name to queue up...... :(

Wonyeah: "Hello this is Wonyeah!' (Finally she says hello!)

So we came to the place that we eat dinner tonight

It's really loud here because there are people all over the place

Just like I showed you, I have to queue up for the next table to be empty

This place has salmon

and you can eat it endlessly

Really many restaurants in Korea, they are 'all you can eat' like a buffet?

and I haven't seen any buffets just like this in any other countries

I'll show you with the video

All table are already TAKEN!

finally we've got the seat!

For one person, salmon all you can eat costs 15,900won ($15)

We'd like to order 2 people for salmon

would you llike to drink "mango lingo?"

and we'll have 2 mango lingos please

Mission complete

This is mango lingo



If you guys come to Korean restaurants, you would see this a lot

It's a cheese corns! (Tell me if you're interested. I'll try to make a recipe video)

Grab the salmon

add 'wasabi'

add onion

Dip salmon with the sauce

and EAT!

Usually if you come to the buffet in Korea

actually the quality is very low BUT

HERE the quality of salmon is just amazing!

KEEP EATING! >>> X4 >>>

We almost finished the first plate!

So one more please!

We ordered Rameon too!

Spicy rameon~

So, we ordered extra Rameon here

and we also ordered extra salmon

Since it's a buffet

You can always re-order the salmon just like this

but you have to pay for the rameon

Let's eat as much as we want!


It was so delicious

Thank you

So that was my day

so the reason that I really love about Korean restaurants

is that there are so many all you can eat restaurants? Buffets?

There are really many different kinds of all you can eat restaurants

like Shrimps, salmons not just meats

I really definitely recommend you to visit all you can eat Korean restaurants!

If you visit Korea ever

so if you enjoyed my video please click LIKE!!

and please be subbed to my channel

and see you next time guys~

Bye bye~

For more infomation >> One very important reason why I can NOT leave Korea!! - Duration: 5:41.


I have cognitive impairment aka brain fog [CC] - Duration: 19:11.

Hello, hello!

Coincidentaly enough, as I'm trying to make this video about cognitive impairment..

I'm having difficulty concentrating on my own words, um, cuz there's a lot of stimulus

happening in the background.


There is um, [sigh] the laundry machine, the dryer, dogs barking outside, people moving

around in the house, and I'm struggling...

Bailey's in the room too!

Alright, cognitive impairment is when a person has trouble remembering, um, learning new

things, concentrating/focusing, um, or making decisions that affect their everyday life.

And people will often refer to these episodes as brain fog.

Disclaimer, before I go into my experience with cognitive impairment aka brain fog, um,

I am certainly going through some internalized ableism about this... Stemming from trauma


I think it's important you know that.

Growing up undiagnosed neurodivergent I had a lot of symptoms I had that were misunderstood

and I was bullied for, I would have these "outbursts" which were really just like

big stims, um, I would have difficulty um...

I would have difficulty reading social cues, understanding sarcasm, um... tremendous difficulty

with eye contact.

Um, a lot of these things, I still have a lot of difficulty with today...

but as a survival mechanism, I taught myself how to...

mask it for the most part?


So a lot of people can't really tell a lot of the time.

Though with more and more isolation due to chronic illness, I get less practice,

it's like a muscle, and now people can notice it a bit more.

So being that people are noticing it more, um, they're just more present it my life today,

I've also just become more honest about being neurodivergent and just, you know, doing the

effort and just saying when I need to stim or saying when I don't understand something

and if it could possibly be clarified, things like that.


I should also mention that um….

like I said...

my neurodivergence was heavily used against me as a child via bullying and abuse.

Um, my... the majority of my memories with my dad are of him scolding me and calling

me stupid and ugly, and so...

I really hate the word stupid.

It's ableist AND I don't like it.

I don't like it.

Um… so I've been neurodivergent pretty much my entire life, uh, but in the recent

years, I have been struggling more and more with my memory, um... and concentration.

...Which without the help of medical professionals, my best guess is it has to do with my blood

vesh--- eulgh, blood vessel issues because of EDS and more than likely POTS, something

to do with the amount of blood I'm getting to my brain but really who knows?

So I'm gonna talk a little bit about what's been going on with me.

Processing and comprehension issues as I read or listen.

No matter how interested I am in something..

I find it extremely hard to maintain long-term focus on pretty much anything anymore.

It'll depend but typically it feels kind of like I'm floating away, like I'm trying to hold onto

a rope and-and stay close to the subject but I'm being pulled away from it.

Sometimes I'll be reading and pronouncing the words in my head but just not registering

anything that I'm reading, like the words don't reach... uh....


So I'm gonna take a cue from uh, Jessica, um, who made a similar video about her memory

loss issues, uh, and tell you that typically I would cut silences like that out but I'm

gonna try and do that less for this video.

I'm sorry it's gonna be a little longer for the sake of honesty.

Right, I was saying that the words don't really register when I read them oftentimes.

Um, it's kind of like as though I were reading something in a completely different language.

I'm just not processing the information, just kind of making the sounds in my mind.

Um, and this will happen when I'm listening to people too.

Sometimes people will be talking and I'll just hear like the adults in Charlie Brown,

like wah wah wah, and I'm just sitting here like TRYING, I'm trying to understand what's

happening but there's just some kind of a block and I can't...

I can't.

Short blackouts.

So I'm referring to completely sober short blackouts that I get.

Um, sometimes time will just jump for me, um, and that can be really scary.

It's like I go on autopilot...


I'll appear perfectly okay but to you I'm not really there, it's kind of like, um,

I'm sleepwalking or something.

It's an autopilot dream version of me but it's not really me.

People will say I said things and I won't remember.

That's a very scary thing to admit because people can take advantage of that but that's

my truth right now.


And this is particularly scary for me in like interviews, um, that are publicized.

I'm always very anxious about wording things correctly, I'm very anxious about being understood,

about making myself understood, um...

and sometimes I just don't.

Sometimes I fail at communicating effectively, um, and that's hard when it's kind of…

my job.

These are pretty rare and pretty minor in terms of how they affect my life.

It usually involves conversation or similar to absentmindedness, like um, like I'll put

something down and then forget where I put it just seconds later.

Um, that sucks.

Stopping mid-track and forgetting my intentions.

This is one actually I think a lot of people can relate to, um, like when you walk into

a room and you can't remember why you walked in there


I guess that's a typically-- a common one but this occurrence has become more and more...


Is that the sentence I want to say?

Has-- yeah, has become more often?


Has-- okay-- uh, a better way to say that would be, "has begun to occur more often"...


And it's just become kind of disruptive; the amount of times in a day that it'll happen.


Alright, um, there's plenty of examples I could probably give but I have just like,

the most recent one in mind.


So most recently my big like confused moment was when I had toothpaste in one hand

and a toothbrush in the other and I had to try really hard to remember which one was

the one that I was supposed to put in my mouth.

Oh, those gestures, okay.

And in that same-- in that same window of time...

I also had the caps off, because the toothbrush was a travel brush and had the little cap.

And what did I do?

I was trying to put the toothbrush cap onto the toothpaste and I was just standing there

like trying to insert it into the toothpaste and not understanding why it wouldn't fit...

And um... eventually I realized what I was doing wrong.

So-so it's stuff like that, I'm not gonna go into more examples than that, [laughs]

than that one right now.

Remembering people's names or even interacting with them.

And this one might be the most embarrassing one for me.

Um, it does kind of fall under the short blackouts, um, but I feel like it might be more in my

long-term memory and you'll see why when I explain.

There are so many occasions where this happens and I know that ju-- by the subject alone you're

probably thinking, "Oh, she just doesn't care about the people that she meets and she's

lying about this."

or whatever like, I'm sorry, I have to like, I HAVE to assume that people are constantly

thinking the worst....

Because they often are and so I always have to be prepared to like defend myself.

It's super annoying.

Um but no, this happens even to my best friend of 14 years.

I'll be looking at her face and she'll be talking to me and I'll be thinking,

"What is her name?

Oh my god, why can't I remember her name?

What is her name?

What is her name?"


To my best friend of 14 years!

I'll forget her name!

Sometimes I'll forget a relative's name, sometimes I'll forget MY OWN NAME

like I-I can't!

I lose them!

I lose names!

Um, and with people that I-- oh God, that I meet sometimes now.

I'll completely-- I can't remember interacting with them and I feel horrible about it!

I've had one person who I met them three times apparently.

But I had zero memory of ever meeting them so they felt embarrassed, they felt offended,


And I felt terrible too.

Because it's not-- there's-- I can't control that.

It's not out of disrespect or disregard, this is a cognitive issue that I am going

through, it has nothing to do with you.

Please if this epar-- this ever happens with you or in front of you, please just...

Please just know that. I guess.

I don't hate you, it's not that you are not memorable or special, or that I don't

care about you… it's just my brain.

I think I've used the word embarrassed at least twice in this video, so clearly, I'm

working through my internalized ableism with this.

As I mentioned, my neurodivergence made me a target of several different kinds of violence

throughout my life, um, and it was traumatizing so... admitting through this video that I'm

having cognitive difficulties is scary.

Like just, you know, what's the word?

Acceptance. Right?

Admitting that something is going on is scary for me.



Because--because of that trauma, I know I definitely worked super hard in my childhood

to kind of over-compensate for that ableism.


You know, I worked very hard on my accent and on my vocabulary, um, on my knowledge,

in hopes that this ableism couldn't be used against me anymore.


But that was just the things that I could control and now I'm in a place where there's

a lot of things cognitively that I just cannot control.

So again... that's kind of scary.

So yeah, I-- ooh, I'm not entirely comfortable with um, bearing these things about myself

on [sings] the internet!


People feel like they have something they can use against me, that I'm insecure about

or whatever but I'm sure the moment that I publish this, um, honestly, if anybody tries to use

it against me it's gonna be so transparent and it probably won't bother me.


So this is something that I'm working through, about-- accepting about myself and

and not feeling so ashamed about it, um.. and I wanted to talk about it because I know

that I'm not the only one that goes through this, especially I have quite a few friends

with chronic illness, a lot of them go through different uh, cognitive impairments for different

reasons, um, and so I wanted to make this video um, in case you might know somebody

that's like this or...

You know, even if somebody doesn't um, say it to you, just kind of have this in the back

of your mind that these issues with memory um, name recall, concentration...

Maybe... you don't have to be offended by them?

Maybe it's not about you, maybe it's something going on with them, and maybe they could use

a little bit more... kindness their way instead of judgment and ostracization, pronouncing

am I pronouncing that right? [laughs]


...instead of turning your back on them which happens so much.

Um, and if you're going through cognitive impairment aka brain fog yourself, um, I would

love to hear about your experiences in the comments, um, if you have some cool new coping

mechanisms, accessibility techniques, um, any mantras of self-acceptance that you have

to share, I would love to hear them.

Please share them with us!

And I will see you eventually!



For more infomation >> I have cognitive impairment aka brain fog [CC] - Duration: 19:11.


GAConf 2018: I Made My Game Blind Accessible – You Wont Believe What Happened Next… - Duration: 27:25.

>> Really quick. First of all,

thank you for coming and let me quickly introduce myself.

My name is Michelle Martin. I'm a Software Engineer at

MetalPop Games right now.

I actually have been working in

the video games industry for over 10 years.

I started out just like most programmers did.

Started when I was about 11

and then never stopped and I think that

is a biography I share with most coders in this industry.

So, I did the classical route of studying

computer science and started at a big game studio.

I worked on first person shooters and

the first triple-A games I worked on

was the crisis serious.

I've also worked with Unreal,

I've worked with Unity and right now I'm working at

my own company which is MetalPop Games.

We are really small,

we're just five people right now

but see us in a couple of years please.

We've also, created the Unity Accessibility Plugin,

which is a plugin for Unity,

which is a game engine, to make

games made with Unity accessible.

It essentially recreates screen reader abilities

inside of Unity because unfortunately,

unity doesn't work for

technical reasons that are perfectly

sound with any screen readers that are out there today.

So, yes, let's talk

accessibility and what this talk is actually about.

So, I made accessible game myself in my free time,

then I went back to my company and helped them,

well my company has made our game not our

first game but our game, first accessible game.

And then, last year actually also

started contracting for other game studios to

help them make their games accessible

and I learned a heck of a lot mostly by

doing them wrong in the first place and this

is sort of a talk about the biggest,

the lessons I learned and maybe I

can help you avoid some of those mistakes.

First thing I learned and I do really want to

pass on is interface conventions.

Yes, blind people have them too.

Then the bare minimum I did and probably

everybody will do to make a game accessible.

And then to go a step beyond that and

actually make the accessibility to shine,

make it good and make the game fun to play.

And let me know if I'm too fast.

Alright. So, yes, I have a couple of

games that I worked on that are accessible.

I created this match three

sort of Candy Crush game as my first one,

then the company MetalPop games,

we release Crafting Kingdom,

resulted in idle strategy game and

I've worked on a couple other in

the past and this is what I'm going to talk about.

So, I have made,

hang on, no, it is the right slide, sorry.

So, when I started out making my very first game,

I did everything wrong Karen said not to do.

I actually did not ask a single-blind person,

I didn't consult with anybody,

I did not get any feedback.

I had this great idea how my interface was

going to work and it was a mobile game and

it included long tabs and dragging to

the side and circular pop-up menus and it was awesome.

Until I put it down for

two weeks because I had to work on something else

and then couldn't remember how

to navigate the menu of my own game.

So, luckily a friend of mine

has a brother who is blind and he was nice

enough not only to show me what screen readers are

but also to be very blunt

and say this is completely unusable.

So, screen readers,

most of you I realize completely know what this is,

for the few that don't,

a screen reader is actually a very sophisticated type of

technology that knows what's

on your screen and tries to read it to you.

So, sorry, it knows what a button is,

it knows what a slider is,

a drop-down box and it knows where on the screen it is,

so it can not only read it to you but can read to

you in order where it would appear on screen,

so it actually makes sense.

I have a little audio sample for you,

which is a screen reader

reading the main menu of the game, it's very short.

>> Main Menu. "Play" button.

"Settings" button. "Quit" button.

>> That's how it works

and the fantastic thing about screen readers is,

(a) they exist on practically every platform,

Linux, Windows, Mac,

iOS has VoiceOver, Android has TalkBack

and well now there's actually narrow it out on Xbox too.

But what's even better is they all

pretty much work the same way

which means they set the interface conventions,

which you should absolutely follow because then,

I saw this pretty quickly,

well every blind player could just pick up

my game and immediately know how to use

it and even better they could

come back after two weeks and still know how to use.

There's really just two conventions to follow,

one is all menu elements,

everything that's on stream should be

accessible by swiping or if you're on

a PC it would be "arrow" keys if you're

using a gamepad it would be the thumb stick.

But essentially, they all need to be accessible.

There shouldn't be any hidden commands you need to

do to get to that "Settings" button in the corner.

The second one is,

you can activate one element with a double-tap.

That's on mobile obviously but it

would be the "Return" key on the keyboard,

it would be probably the "A" key on the gamepad.

And it's always the same buttons

or whether it's a slider,

a drop down or a button. That's very important.

And once I came to my senses,

I realized I really should follow these conventions

because navigating my games menu should

not be my game's biggest challenge.

So I threw out all of my code,

and redid it.

And go.

And the bare minimum

you have to do to make your app accessible.

So bare minimum I started out with is marking up your UI.

You have to do some additional markup.

This, well, the actual bare minimum is choose a tech.

You either do a self voicing act,

you write something that's natively

compatible with screen readers

or use an engine or a third party plugin

and if you use Unity you're welcome to use my plugin.

So, the first thing,

why do you need to do markup actually?

It's that, screen readers

don't do everything for you because

games often use icons

instead of text or a lot of graphics.

The classical ones are here,

you have your triangle for "Play",

you have a check mark for "Okay",

the red X for "Cancel".

The more I work with

converting games I actually realize there's

a dozen more I could name without even breaking a sweat,

there's just so many that we've gotten

used to and not very commonly used.

And this is great. It makes a lot of sense to

use images because well,

they use less screen space,

this is especially valuable on mobile.

They oh yes, also screen space,

they use always the same screen space

whereas if you translate texts even the word play,

it can be significantly longer in other languages.

If you design your UI and you

don't know how long a Test is going

to be, it's accessible.

Also, you make your game accessible to

people who can't read yet or

can't read English and last but not least you

have to save money on localization by using icon.

So, it's basically a win-win,

win, win, win for the game developers.

The only thing is, it makes

your game a little less accessible

because obviously screen readers can only read text.

So I recently converted

a game to a, I think it was a trivia game,

to be accessible and here's

an audio recording of what the screen reader reads.

Just the text that's actually on the screen.

I'm not going to show you an image just yet.

>> Seven, 315, 97.

>> And that's it, just those three numbers.

I'm going to show you an image now

and it's going to make sense.

Now, all of a sudden you see the seven in

front of the heart meaning lives,

you see the 315 is actually a timer right next to

it and the 97 is right next to the stack of coins.

So, it makes a lot of sense.

Now, so, by just

making your game screen reader compatible,

you just not done yet the game's not playable yet.

You could do a little bit of manual markup.

Now the actual tech that you need to do to do that,

differs on your platform,

iOS and I think even yes,

Android too they have

accessibility markup hence we could write names into it.

So, this talk is applicable

to whatever tech you're using,

I'm going to be using Unity examples

just because I happen to work in Unity.

In Unity you add a component

to it where you say this is my label,

it says five lives in this case and you

just do a fill in the blanks sort of thing where you say,

"You have blank lives" and then at run time,

it replaces the blank with what's actually in

the label so you end up with you have five lives.

Now here is the same screen

again after I did all that markup.

Just again, note just audio.

>> You have seven lives.

Time to next live,

three minutes and 15 seconds.

You have 97 coins.

>> All of a sudden it makes sense.

And that's the bare minimum you have to do.

And that's the bare minimum I

did and then I still didn't really have

a really great playable game because

that's the point where actually went onto

a forum for blind players

and put the game out there and ask for feedback.

But the thing is, I actually had no,

knew, I thought I was done.

The game is accessible, it's playable,

didn't expect too much and well that thread

grew to 18 pages worth of feedback really fast.

Most of it was really positive.

I also want to say there is, I have never

gotten as much positive feedback from any player,

as I've gotten from blind players,

especially if you're even remotely familiar with

the Google Play Store review section and the comments.

There is a lot of vitriol there.

So, through all of

these 18 pages of comments and

the tons of email I got and all the other forums,

I sort of picked my top five mistakes

and top five lessons learned and how to avoid them.

I'm going to present them here. So number one.

Actually you know what, I should have called this,

"Avoid these five mistakes!"

Anyway, so, number one, don't write novels.

So basically I just said you have to

write extra markup and that's fine

and I did that too but keep your inner author in check.

So navigating menu is functional, it's not artistic.

You have a goal in mind,

you want to get somewhere.

You don't want to let

your inner author get carried away here.

So this is what I did, I wrote

long complete sentences into

all of my accessibility labels,

I wrote, you currently have or your player

currently has this many items left in storage.

You'll see in a second why this

is actually really annoying.

So, in the game crafting kingdom

that we did you can craft items,

you can put them in your storage

and then you can listen to what you currently

have in storage and this is what it

sounded like when I did the first pass on this.

>> You have 15 alarms in storage,

you have 210 brooms storage,

you have 65 stone in storage,

you have 123 iron ore in storage,

you have 16 gold bars in storage.

I'll spare you the rest there were 32 products.

So, well, luckily my players

know exactly how to fix this,

so I immediately got the email,

so I'll just make it shorter and just need this.

So, in a nutshell,

keep it short and put in

more information at the front. So, bad.

Bad example, you currently have 15 moves left.

It turns out nobody actually

listened to my long beautiful sentences,

they all just waited until they got

the information that they needed and moved on.

So, don't make them wait to you currently

have just this is the better version just 15 moves left.

15 is information everybody

wants if you come back to this label.

Fifteen, you can move on.

You don't even have to wait for the moves left,

but if you're a first-time player you realize,

this is my moves label,

and tell me how many moves I have left.

So obviously, apparently, the number is going to go down.

So this is the actual audio

that we ship with for the storage.

>> Moves 15, Timber, 200.

Stone, 65. Iron ore, 123. Gold bars,16.

>> So very short,

not pretty but very functional,

and it made everybody happy.

So, this is my tip,

keep it short put important information to the front.

Number two, group your user interface.

This is a lot more complicated to explain I think.

So, I want to show you this video off

the options menu of Crafting Kingdom,

which is this one.

See if it actually plays.

It does but only on my screen.

How do I get it?


Okay. This is the options menu. Standard options menu.

You have your languages all on top, you notification,

sound, music settings, cloud loading, that kind of stuff.

Now, if I want to close this one,

at the side of player,

I hit the "close button" at the bottom.

Here's what a blind player will have to do.

>> Language; English, German,

French, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese,

Russian, Italian, Vietnamese, Thai,

Chinese notification sound effects, chips music,

chips accessibility enable excessive load from Cloud.

Save to cloud ID,

back button, let's return to select.

>> You get the idea I hope.


So, if you didn't

count that was 21 swipes

that you have to go through just to close a menu,

that you might have opened by accident.

Obviously you don't want that.

What we did in the end,

I have another video.

So what you can do, and again this is

doesn't matter what technique you use

it's just has different naming,

you can actually group your UI.

Which means you can take

a bunch of buttons and labels and

sliders and say they belong to one section or one group,

and then there's special gestures or keys

we can jump from one group to the next

directly without having to go through

every single UI elements on screen,

just takes a whole lot of time.

Navigating a UI is about as

exciting as putting on a pair of socks if you ask me,

so it should be fast.

So what I did is I grouped all the languages together,

I grouped the sounds settings together,

accessibility and Cloud Save and then it looks like this.

We lost sound apparently.

We lost sound but essentially it

was now five swipes to get to that one,

because you can jump between

the individual ones really quickly.

So, yeah. In a nutshell,

cited players can skip over everything on

the UI that they don't need right now or don't want,

and you can give your blind players the same option.

So, my second tip or lesson learned his group UUI.

I'm already 60 minutes, [inaudible].

All right. Number three,

this one requires a little extra work,

so will the next one.

Anyway, to add additional audio,

the thing is aside a player can obviously take in

entire screen at once and more

importantly you can grab his attention.

Everybody knows that if you make something

flash or you make it animated up and down,

be given a bright red color,

people will notice it, because

the human eye is attracted to movement.

No, I should have known this,

it doesn't work for wind players obviously.

You nevertheless, we actually didn't

consider this, for grafting kingdom,

you could craft a way happily and

all your buildings would produce these products,

but then you storage would run fall.

And you'd never know that

happened while as the site of player Yes it did

because the number in the corner of

your screen would turn bright

red and it will start flashing

and growing bigger and smaller,

but there was no sound attached to it at all.

Nothing no announcement,

and obviously you started getting feedback.

Hey, I never know my storage is full.

I can swipe through the entire screen

and listen to how much storage I have,

but I don't know if this happens while I'm somewhere in

a different screen and resetting my productions.

So, we added in spoken announcements.

Spoken announcements are useful

for any type of notifications.

Basically, anytime you want to

have the grafted player's attention

with any kind of pop-ups,

maybe make a spoken announcement instead.

And all tech supports this I know that

there's ways you can make an accessibility announcement,

you can have your own text

to speech implementation obviously,

a plugin also supports

a just a simple say function that you can

add additional stuff off.

A couple of examples,

for example, you have mission complete.

If you have all your goals complete

and can maybe finish the level,

storages fall which is from our game.

Your timer ran out and maybe you turned got skip which

actually was one in a board game

that I just recently did,

or a chat message received.

You can also replace these with sound effects,

because spoken announcement aren't always fun,

they interrupt the game play there somebody

constantly jabbering in your ear also not great,

and you might be listening on it's actually

the same gesture that's awesome.

You might be listening to something else on

your phone right now another announcement

you don't want an overlay.

In the case of Crafting Kingdom we

had announcement that would tell

you how much productivity left in

storage once you sold some of it.

But I got lots of feedback where

people said, "I don't care,

I just want to move on and it wasn't

skippable," they couldn't move

to the next product and sell it.

So, we started replacing some of

these spoken text with sound effects.

And there's some that are

obvious and easy to replace where you think,

that's easy nobody will

misunderstand the sound of a rolling dye shore,

or what I owe.

Another example we did is,

in the board game that we did when you rolled,

something and you couldn't do move.

We had an announcement first anyway it said,

"Oh, no moves possible."

But instead replace it with just a buzzing sound,

and everybody got that, it was a negative sound,

and it would move on,

but it's not always that obvious that you can

replace even more complex information with the sound.

In the case of Crafting Kingdom, sorry,

we had a world map where there

were are couple of hidden treasure chests.

And these treasure chests will just pop

up on the screen and

if the player was on that part

of the map at the time could see it,

you click it and get a couple of coins.

That would make impractically invisible to blind players,

because while there were

accessible no one really always went through

the entire screen and checked

every UI element just to see if

maybe something else popped up,

and then some people found

them just by accident and said, "Oh,

I didn't realize those were there because you're

not maybe at the sound."

So, we added a sound, a little jingling.

I'll play it. It doesn't work.

Just imagine centers bells like [inaudible].

That's what I hoped would just instilled

a image of getting a gift player.

So, we added that in and I forgot to

add in anything into

the instructions or the sound actually means.

So we released the next version the sound was in,

and I thought no one would understand it.

Turns out everybody got it,

because everybody just heard

the sound and maybe starting just searching,

does this mean something?

They've found the treasure chest and then from

that moment on obviously they knew what it meant.

So, there's a couple of these

and because I'm running short on time,

I'm not going to go through all of them but,

you can replace way

more information with sound effects than you might think,

and maybe it's a good idea to forgo

the actual spoken announcements every once in awhile.

Number four, just two more to go.

Number four is even more complicated to implement on

your site than the last one.

Which is support multi-finger gestures.

My examples will usually be about

mobile games but they're also

applicable if you make a PC game or an Xbox game.

So, multi-finger gesture.

So the thing is, you don't just use

one finger while the sighted person on your phone screen,

your screen actually supports multiple fingers and

the screen readers that are there often use this.

There's lots of two and three finger

and now even four finger gestures.

Just get the latest iOS version,

and there's two finger double-tap,

and three-finger triple taps and two-.

For more infomation >> GAConf 2018: I Made My Game Blind Accessible – You Wont Believe What Happened Next… - Duration: 27:25.


Barbara D'Urso replica a Romina sul rap contro i conduttori - Duration: 6:13.

For more infomation >> Barbara D'Urso replica a Romina sul rap contro i conduttori - Duration: 6:13.


多國已用人民幣購買石油 「石油美元」 無人問津? - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> 多國已用人民幣購買石油 「石油美元」 無人問津? - Duration: 4:32.


I crashed my scooter! stoopid Lancaster 19th century roads and pavements! - Duration: 5:52.

the highly accessible and castle tour Canada yet in the front door she badly

crashed my scooter on the crossing earlier two old lady well not old two

middle-aged ladies are supposed helped me with my shoes picked up my shoes i

man a proper crashed they never had to worry about disabled people back in the

eighteen hundreds that was when the last time they updated the roads in this

place I've got my scooter alright that's okay

Oh nobody go backwards yeah like eighteen hundred was the last

time there to update the roads and pavements in Lancaster her back then if

you got a disabled baby throw it in the river doesn't go down poop when you're

on your legs how are you supposed to do any work like oh look we've got this

table toilers though at least they got some at least you can come here to take

a piss you can't do the tour but you can have a piss takes the piss that does

that I got another Sun in my eyes my scooters making all sorts of noises

because I've got crashed almost

okay that should do it it's fine I need to pee though conveniently

there's some Jen's there I'm gonna go to the Asha I'm not gonna take you with me

do you mind awfully not watching me pee well I can wait a few minutes I can go

there the steps but they've got a handrail so I should be able to get up

thank you they got disabled toilet as well and I've got key can you see the

key I've got disabled radar key I tried to

use it before and in and disables hollis move wouldn't have it just right no I

was I put the key up but previously people will put 20p in the toilets to go

for a pee it used to be a penny that's why they call it spending a penny

because you spend a penny to go in the public toilets yeah yeah so someone put

20 pee in the toilet a door opened and then cuz I put my key there cuz you know

add scooter I've excute here I felt like I was

justified in demanding to be the first to use the toilet cuz I'm disabled have

you ever seen that what's that program called IT department

when that gives it up their parents almost over - oh man what are you gonna

do what are you gonna do I can't see our man this morning right I was thinking ah

all my sights fixed I looked up to the left I was looking at a photo by nice on

the wall it's in focus it's a cure it's a miracle Holland jr.

but then I tried to look at the clock across the way and I couldn't see he was

it was 12 12 22 nd I thought that's not right that's not real time and then I

realized we are easy come easy go look at some stops there

oh he's one of them in the morning you know in the afternoon

is there any charitable

this is lovely why is there no one here I think they've all been in the tour it

was having a big excitement over the the chewing gum on that on the step even

though it's got a big step that I can't go up in this I can't even get across

the zebra cotton not as everybody pedestrian crossing you does my head in

if you want to be if you're disabled in Lancaster jump in a river there yo

tradition drown him bull even true hmm three lines on my

shirt look up there can you see the flag flying that was weird I couldn't see

what I was looking at then I was just looking at the reflection is that of the

the camera aspect

so I'm trying to make the most of it it's hard work when you can't focus my

eye if I pull it a little bit that everything goes in focus so definitely

I've got muscle issue with the nervous system trying to focus on the focal

point I did think though I reckon because my eye is and it's pointing in

too much I can make it go out by focusing on the mirror but instead of

looking at the image on the mirror you know and that makes the image in the

mirror in focus because I'm focusing on the mirror because my eyes are pointing

in to the mirror but the image in the mirror is twice as far away so it

affects me like that I can't live like that I have to go everywhere with a

mirror and go hang on loo loo loo loo oh I'm hoping that'll go away though as

I get a slightly better I can see the time almost yeah anyway I go for a pee

cuz if I don't I might burst

For more infomation >> I crashed my scooter! stoopid Lancaster 19th century roads and pavements! - Duration: 5:52.



Mary comes to the world to help us because she is the mother of all men ...

And she comes to help humanity when he there are difficult moments ...

She needs people who are near to sacrifice or to sacrifice a part of

their lives for others ... That's not to say that these people are going

die burned, slaughtered or eaten by lions ...

That means these people are going to have a normal life where God will be placed at the first

place and they will live the love of heaven on earth …

This love is not made of material things or success in their relationship ... this love

and a love of heaven ... it will be feeling love ... be careful the path is difficult

... there will be suffering ... can be even humiliations ... certainly conflicts

In general, Marie likes to call

people "weak" to follow ... I explain myself Marie always chooses

people that society does not value ... children ... sick people ...

or weakens ... simple people ... poor ...

The company likes nice people, strong, healthy, intelligent, rich

And Marie likes to value people

"Weak", to place them at the top of society, and so show that everyone is important to

God's eyes ... even this handicapped child who can hardly walk ... even this child

autistic who can not handle everything alone …

The sky needs everyone ...

Miracle of faith ...

In Baton Rouge, Louisiana, a small community lives next to each other.

They have great devotion to Our Lady, and they proudly display large statues

of her in their classes.

It seems now that one of these statues was touched by Heaven.

One of the statues belonging to a family would shed tears and bleeding.

Given the devotion to Mary of these families, we can reject deception because they do not

would not commit such an offensive hoax.

You found this video interesting ... on the white part you can see more videos ...

... and on the red part you can see the last video out ...

You also have the possibility to subscribe ... for that ... follow the red arrow ...

For more infomation >> THE TEARS OF FAITH ... THE TEARS OF THE SKY ... THE TEARS OF GOD - Duration: 2:42.


Săn lùng MÓN BÙN BÒ HUẾ NGON NHẤT SÀI GÒN khu MIẾU NỔI PHÚ NHUẬN 2018 I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 26:13.

For more infomation >> Săn lùng MÓN BÙN BÒ HUẾ NGON NHẤT SÀI GÒN khu MIẾU NỔI PHÚ NHUẬN 2018 I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 26:13.


English Teacher Interview | Sara V. - Duration: 4:13.

My name's Sara and I'm from Sweden.

I like teaching because I really love it when my students don't start out speaking really

good English, but then after a while, when I teach them more stuff…

I really like it to see them to start to speak.

They get more brave.

It's really nice.

I think the best way to study English is through reading.

I read a lot when I was younger.

And some people say they don't like to read, but it's my favorite thing.

And I learn … you learn a lot of words that way.

It would be someone who really wants to learn English.

I think that a lot of people think that through their job, or their boss, they just have to

learn it.

But they're not really that motivated, so I would definitely say someone who enjoys

the language, maybe they even like British, American culture.

That kind of person is my ideal student.

The worst student.

That's hard to say.

I haven't had a lot of bad students so far.

But maybe someone who is really uninspired.

When you can feel that they don't want to be there.

They don't really want to learn English.

Someone else forced them to learn English.

You don't really want to teach someone like that.

Ya, I do.

I think it's really nice.

Because I love languages.

So teaching English is one of the things I like the most.

I speak…

On native level I speak English, Swedish, Norwegian, and I'm also intermediate in

Korean, Japanese, and French.

I classify myself as a native English speaker.

But technically, I was born in Sweden.

I learned English through reading.

That's why I said I think it's the best way to learn.

I read all the time.

And I love English.

I would learn difficult words.

I read Bram Stoker's Dracula, for example, when I was really young.

And when I didn't understand something, I'd look up the words.

So that's how I learnt the most.

And I spoke to a lot of British and American friends, so I practiced that a lot.

I actually prefer British.

But I tend to use more Americanized kind of English.

Because it's easier for me to use for some reason.

But, British sounds the best I think,

Hello, my name's Sara.

I'm from Sweden.

How are you?

My hobbies are video games, reading, learning languages, acting, dancing, music.

I love singing as well.

I've been to all the countries around Scandinavia and the Nordic countries.

I've also been to Turkey, Greece, France, America, and the U.K.

And now also Korea, Japan, and Hong Kong.

Do you have any questions for her?

How old are you?

Ok, look at the camera.

Look at me.

How old do you think she is?



Oh my gosh.


All right.

Look at me.

Many people want to know.

How old are you?

I'm 25 years old.

For more infomation >> English Teacher Interview | Sara V. - Duration: 4:13.


How To: Wear Bike Shorts - Duration: 1:58.

Uh, make me look good…

Take 2!

How To: Wear Bike Shorts

To keep you riding comfortably, your bike saddle is designed to work with a chamois.

That's a pad sewn into cycling shorts.

It supports your bone structure, provides cushioning in sensitive areas,

and prevents friction that can cause chafing and saddle sores.

Bontrager cycling shorts come in several designs with chamois built for different pelvic shapes and riding styles.

When trying on shorts or liners, look for sizes that fit snugly, but are comfortable to move around in.

The fabric shouldn't shift against your skin as you pedal, but it shouldn't cut off circulation to your legs either.

Look for a size that will hug your legs without pinching.

Once you've found a size and style that works for you, how do you get the most out of them?

First of all, never wear underwear while riding in your cycling shorts.

Your chamois was made to fit next to the skin to prevent chafing.

It's built from fabrics that wick moisture and dry quickly.

Wearing underwear adds seams that chafe and fabric that holds in moisture.

Leave 'em at home.

Next, wash your shorts regularly to keep them clean from bacteria that are produced when you sweat.

Shorts can be washed in your washing machine using cold water on the gentle cycle.

Be sure to line dry to get the longest life out of your shorts.

Lastly, you may find chamois cream helpful.

Many riders prefer the extra moisturizing skin care and protection that chamois cream provides.

If you go this route, be sure to use designated cycling chamois cream.

Other lotions may contain ingredients that can break down materials in your chamois

or irritate your skin while exercising.

Cycling shorts are a great investment and a classic part of cycling culture.

Once you've tried riding in them, we're confident you'll want to join the club too.

Check out trekbikes.com or stop by your local Trek retailer to find a pair that fits you best.

For more infomation >> How To: Wear Bike Shorts - Duration: 1:58.


The Design of the Olympic Rings | Design Focus - Duration: 3:58.






What other identity can you imagine

that is only asked to work

in a very short time frame?

This really is given tremendous exposure,

more than any other identity

and then it's over.

And then it's going to disappear

and go off into the archives

as a piece of Olympic history

and the next city is going to go

and put their own stamp on it.

Salt Lake is going to come and go. It did come and go.

The next Olympics came and went,

and so on and so on, but the part that is ongoing

are those rings.

If you think of the strongest brands right now,

you have Nike, you have Coca Cola, you have Apple,

and I would put the Olympic Rings in that category as well.

And there's so much beautiful symbolism in the rings.

A ring is eternal, it's a circle. It goes forever.

The five rings represent the five continents

and the colors of the rings represents

one color from every flag in the world.

It feels global because of its shape.

It feels international because of its colors

and it feels so simple and clear.

If you think about it, the Olympic Rings are very basic

and from a logo perspective, they stand up really well.

It's a piece of the world designed for everyone.

Everyone is part of this emblem

and that's why it's, in my opinion,

a fantastic logo and still working after so many years.

When you get handed the rights to the Olympic Rings

and you get given the rules and the guidelines,

you feel a huge responsibility

to look after, to protect,

but also to also to grow

and to make sure there's a next generation of people

that know and understand what that mark stands for.

There is this background,

this history that is behind the Olympic Movement

and behind the Games. Pierre de Coubertin created

the International Olympic Committee

in 1894 in Paris

and two years later, he was able to organise

the Games in Athens, the first edition of the modern Games.

For him, it was a pedagogical mission.

It was a strong message that he wanted to deliver.

It was really to help people to lift together

and to respect others,

to compete together in a way to be better

in everyday life.

So it started in Athens.

The Games were organised in Paris, St Louis, London,

and suddenly, it was a success.

Coubertin felt that it was very important to have something

that can remind people that these games

were something special,

so he was certainly the one

who created the most famous brand in the world.

Coubertin designed the five rings early in the 20th century

and suddenly the five rings appear,

but there is not a real programme or a strategy

regarding the display of these rings.

But suddenly there is a fusion of the identity of host city

with the Olympic Movement.

Visual identity is very important

to remind that the Olympic Games

are something that happens in a specific country,

in a specific city,

but at the same time it's a way to speak to the world.

For more infomation >> The Design of the Olympic Rings | Design Focus - Duration: 3:58.


全球最惹不起國家就是中國這個鄰國, 這個國家崛起將是人類的災難 - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> 全球最惹不起國家就是中國這個鄰國, 這個國家崛起將是人類的災難 - Duration: 4:29.


Redmi Note 5 Pro Full Review After 3 Months - Duration: 11:00.


Hey guys its Sagar for Tecworkz.

After using the Redmi Note 5 Pro for almost 3 months, I finally have its full review for

you guys.

I was planning to hold this video back, till Xiaomi pushed out Android Oreo update for

this phone, But we have no clear idea to when that's happening, and many of you wanted

me to make this video sooner, so here it is.

I've already posted my 48 hours experience and the Camera review of the Note 5 Pro.

If you haven't checked them out yet, I will leave cards to those videos on the top right

corner of the screen, and also link them in the description section.

Xiaomi announced a 1000Rs increase in Price, for the base variant of the Redmi Note 5 pro.

So now you have to pay Rs.14,999 for the 4GB RAM and 64GB Storage variant.

Price for the 6GB RAM and 64GB Storage variant remains the same at Rs.16,999.

Before we get any further, make sure to hit the subscribe button, so you don't miss

out on any of the amazing videos coming up on the channel.

Most of the things, that I said in my 48 hours experience video of this phone, still holds


I like using phones with 18:9 display and taller form factor.

The metal back, feels really good and premium, but this black one shows a lot of fingerprints,

if you have oily or greasy hand.

There are plastic pieces at the top and bottom for antenna reception, but I wish it had a

unibody metal back, which might have made it look even cleaner.

That being said, this phone doesn't look or feel cheap in any way.

It is a tall phone, and most people will be needing both their hands, to hold and navigate

through it comfortably.

Its a bit heavier compared to the Mi A1, since it has a much bigger battery, but this weight

is distributed evenly throughout the body.

Chamfered edges of the camera module and the glass protecting the dual cameras, is holding

up pretty nicely without any scratches so far.

I am using it with the case that comes in the box, and it seems to be doing a good job

of protection the phone.

Fingerprint sensor is really fast and accurate, but I am using it less often, because the

face unlock is getting better and better with each software update.

Its not the fastest, accurate or even the most reliable way of unlocking this phone,

but as I said it is getting better with time, and seems to be working well for me most of

the times.

5.99inch display is sharp, and even tough it gets bright enough to be visible in outdoor

conditions, it should have been even brighter, so viewing it in direct sunlight would have

been even easier.

18:9 Aspect ratio, means there are going to be black bars at the sides or at the top and

bottom in a few non optimised apps.

You can zoom in while watching videos to get rid of the black bars, and force some of the

apps to open in a full screen mode, to take advantage of that big tall display.

This display is specially great for watching videos and playing games.

Speaking of games, I am playing lot of them in the past month on this phone, and it can

run most of them without any issues.

After playing demanding games for an extended period of time, the back might feel a bit

warm, but don't worry, it doesn't overheat and getting a bit warm is completely normal

for devices with metal back.

Sound from the single downward firing speaker is surprisingly loud and clear, and its a

big improvement over any of the previous Redmi devices.

Audio quality via the headphone jack is good and satisfying, but it doesn't have a dedicated

DAC like we have on the Mi A1.

Overall performance of the Note 5 Pro, has been super fluid so far.

Thanks to the Snapdragon 636 processor and the Adreno 509 GPU, I had no issues running

apps and heavy games on it.

This was actually the first phone in India, to come with this new processor, so it will

be interesting to see how it holds up in the long run.

I have got the 4GB RAM variant, and the RAM management is pretty decent on the phone.

It can easily keep 7-9 everyday apps open in the background, without having to reload

them, which is plenty for normal day to day usage.

If you plan on keeping lot of heavy apps and games open in the background, and if you will

be switch between them very often, or if you plan on using this phone for more than 2 or

3 years, I would suggest you to go with the 6GB RAM variant, else the 4GB RAM variant

would be good enough for most of the average users.

Just keep in mind, that the 6GB RAM variant will cost you 2000Rs more than the 4GB RAM

variant, and it still comes with the same 64GB of internal storage.

Cellular reception has been very good in the time that I have used it, and the sound output

from the earpiece while making calls is loud and clear.

I have used it with the JIO sim and this phone supports VOLTE.

Xiaomi says, dual VOLTE support should be coming to this phone, with the next major

software update.

Most of the manufacturers skip on some of the sensors when it comes to their budget

devices, but Xiaomi makes sure that you get all the sensors with this phone.

So you don't have to worry about Gyroscope, Accelerometer, ambient light sensor, proximity

sensor, white notification LED and even the IR sensor, coz this phone has got all of them.

I have spent a lot of time taking images and videos with this camera, and I can tell you

that the 12 megapixel primary and 5 megapixel secondary sensor, are the best that you can

get right now in under 15,000Rs.

Here are some of the images that I took with it.

Just look at how good the portrait mode images from this phone really are.

You also get portrait mode on the front facing camera, and without the need of having a secondary

camera, these the images are again amazing.

It doesn't have optical image stabilisation, but the 1080p videos that you take are electronically

stabilised and they turn out really smooth.

You still cannot shoot 4K videos with it, and Xiaomi still says that it is coming with

one off the future software updates, but I wont rely too much on that claim.

I have tried recording 4k videos with 3rd party apps, and the phone starts to heat up

a bit while doing that.

So no 4k video recording in the stock camera app, might be because of this issue.

I have a detailed camera review, with lot of image and video samples up on the channel,

make sure you check that out.

And I have also compared its camera with the Mi A1, Moto G5S Plus and the Honor 7x, so

if you guys are interested, I will leave cards to all those videos on the top right corner

of the screen as well and also link them in the description.

With the last 2 or 3 software updates, they really messed the portrait mode of this camera.

It now zooms in while taking portrait shots, like any phone with a telephoto lens does.

It doesn't look good and the quality of these images is not as good as it was before.

I just hope they fix it, with their next software update.

I would also love to see a few more options in the manual mode of the camera app, since

right now, it only lets you adjust the while balance and ISO.

So if anyone from Xiaomi is looking at this video, please just fix these 2 issues with

the camera.

Speaking of software, MIUI 9 is snappy and everything runs smoothly.

Like we have seen with most of the MIUI 9 devices, you get a lot of customisation options,

and Xiaomi is also pushing out various software updates to fix any bugs and issues that are


But the current OS is still based on Android 7.1.1 and Xiaomi hasn't rolled out Android

Oreo update yet.

You can download and flash the Oreo update on your device if you want, but it is not

available as an OTA update officially, at the time of posting this video.

With MIUI 9, you also get a lot of Bloatware or Xiaomi's apps that are pre installed.

Since I would never use most of these apps, I have just disabled or uninstalled them.

I have made a video about 20+ tips and tricks for this phone, where you get to activate

some of its hidden features, and it will also help you get the most usage out of this phone.

I will again leave a card to that video on the top right corner of the screen, for those

who want to check it out.

Lot of people asked me about the launcher or theme that I am using, it is actually the

stock MIUI launcher, with the Limitless theme icons, that you get to choose this while you

are setting up the phone.

Battery life is just amazing.

You can get close to or above 6 hours of screen on time, and It can easily last for a day

and half on a single charge, which is really impressive.

The only downside is, It still uses a Micro USB port for charging and not the reversible

USB Type C port.

It supports fast charging, but you don't get a fast charger bundled in the box.

No USB type C port for charging and data transfer, No fast charger included in the box, No official

android Oreo update yet, no 4K video capture, and the messed up portrait mode in latest

software updates, are the only things that I don't like about this phone right now.

And three of these things can be fixed with software updates.

The list of what Xiaomi has got right with this phone, is lot longer than its flaws.

And even at the new price of 14,999Rs, it is hard to not recommend it to someone, who

is looking to get a good phone at that price point.

All of the hate that Redmi Note 5 Pro is getting, is mostly because Xiaomi is still selling

it via flash sales.

It has been over 2 months since the launch, and it is still difficult to buy it via these

stupid flash sales.

If you somehow manage to actually get this phone, in one of the future flash sales, you

are really going to enjoy it, and it might be worth the wait after all.

If you are tired of waiting, or if you are looking for some other alternatives to the

Redmi Note 5 Pro, then here are some of your options.

There are the Honor 7x and 9 lite, which are good budget devices and many people are going


I think Moto disappointed us with the announcement of their G6 lineup, but I will wait for their

devices to actually come to India, before I can say anything more about them.

The new Nokia 6 might also be an alternative, but it is priced at 19,000Rs, which is too


And with a 16:9 display and single rear camera, it feels like you have to make a lot of compromises

with it, at that price.

Asus recently announced their Zenfone Max Pro M1, with some of the best on paper specs

that I have seen for a sub 15,000Rs phone.

I have just got mine delivered yesterday, so I will have to use this phone, test it

out and compare with the other phones, to see how good it is.

` And then there is Xiaomi's own Redmi Note

5, which I think is easier to buy, compared to the redmi note 5 pro.

Overall, It is good to see Xiaomi, making other companies work on their hardware and

price to create some competition, in budget smartphone industry.

So that is it for this video guys.

What are your thoughts about this Redmi Note 5 Pro, and which other smartphones are you

looking forward to in this price range?

Let me know in the comments section.

Please hit the like button if you enjoyed this video, and Subscribe to the channel for

more quality tech videos like this.

You can also check out some of the other videos from this channel.

This has been Sagar, and I'll catch you guys in the next video.

Take care.

For more infomation >> Redmi Note 5 Pro Full Review After 3 Months - Duration: 11:00.


Junk Science Locks Up Innocent People - Duration: 5:20.

Do you watch CSI?

Law and Order?


I like how those crime shows use

modern science to get the bad guy.

Rob's prints

are all over Singer's convertible.

The pollen that was in Petty Officer Bick's lungs

is found only one place on earth.

People who watch these shows

believe that this is how it's really done.

It's not?

It's not.

Former detective Harry Houck's annoyed

that the TV shows make

forensic science look infallible.

And you watch a detective get down and look at a body

and touch it

"he's been dead for three hours now,

he ate dinner four hours ago."

I can't do that.

On TV, experts identify the killer

by his bite mark.

A little 3D magic for clarity

and I give you the

killer's incisors.

In real life, experts

claim they can identify criminals that way.

Swinton was convicted and sentenced

to 60 years in prison based on testimony

that bite marks found on the victim

were his.

The TV show Cold Case Files covered the trial,

in which Alfred Swinton was convicted

because this so-called bite mark expert said

Swinton's teeth matched a bite on the victim.

When the models of the teeth

were laid onto the bite mark,

it was a perfect match.

The expert explained he's a neutral scientist.

A forensic scientist is not on the side

of the prosecution or the defense.

We look at the evidence

and we make sure

that if we're going to make a decision,

it's going to

be a truthful decision.

The doctor was just wrong.

He was just wrong because

it's an unreliable technique.

It looks like science.

It does.

They're in white lab coats,

they sound very authoritative,

but they're full of it.

Lawyer Chris Fabricant

helped get Swinton freed from jail

by doing a DNA test.

New DNA evidence shows

he had nothing to do

with the 1991 murder of Carla Terry.

Tonight Alfred Swinton's conviction was vacated

and he's a free man.

That's Chris Fabricant

celebrating with Swinton

the day he was released.

Bite marks is similar to you and I maybe

looking at a cloud and then I say to you,

John doesn't that cloud

look like a rabbit to you?

And you look at it and say, yeah Chris

I think that does look like a rabbit.

But that kind of junk science

puts innocent people in jail.

That's one or two people.

Many more people are in jail

and we're supposedly safer

because of that.

If you think that maybe even 1%

of convicted defendants may have been

innocent, we have 2.6 million people in prison today

so we're not talking about a couple of people,

we're talking about

tens of thousands of people.

But the people who use these techniques

they believe in it,

they're confident.

Sure, they're confident.

It's faith based science.

The expert who got Swinton convicted

now admits he was wrong

but police still trust bite marks.

Let's say one tooth is missing in the front so

you got to look at that and you go,

your suspect's got one tooth missing in the front

that's pretty good.

But then again, that's not enough.

Houck says he'd demand other evidence,

but not all cops do.

Especially if experts say

they're sure someone's guilty.

When they say so, you trust that.


But even fingerprint evidence isn't foolproof.

The deadliest terror attack on Europe

since World War II.

When terrorists in Madrid killed 193 people,

the FBI found this

fingerprint on one of the terrorist's bags

and matched it to this fingerprint of a

man in Oregon.

An international investigation led to Brandon Mayfield.


two weeks after Mayfield's arrest,

Spanish investigators found the

man to whom the fingerprint really belonged.

FBI researchers claimed

fingerprints are right more than 99% of the time,

but that still leaves plenty of

wrongful convictions.

Other technique are even less accurate.

Carpet fiber evidence,

gun tracing,

hair matching.

Microscopic hair comparison evidence

has been admitted by courts for a century.

In one case, it was a dog's hair.

A dog hair was associated wrongfully

with a human hair.

Since the turn of this century,

there have been 75 wrongful convictions.

Fabricant works for the Innocence Project.

By using more modern DNA evidence,

the project's lawyers have

helped free 191 innocent people.

All these people

were wrongly jailed

based on so-called scientific evidence.

Why do judges admit this stuff?

Why don't defense attorneys

get it thrown out?

We all went to law school because

we don't know science,

we don't know math,

and if somebody comes in with a white

lab coat and says,

I've been accredited by the American Board of Forensic

Odontology and I've been practicing for 20 years

that's good enough for

government work.

That shouldn't be the standard.

Too much is at stake.

Jurors tend to believe people who

courts call experts.

But the experts often rely on

junk science.

Juries and judges should be much

more skeptical.

For more infomation >> Junk Science Locks Up Innocent People - Duration: 5:20.


上任后找解決方案 陸兆福:給MH370家屬一個交代 - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> 上任后找解決方案 陸兆福:給MH370家屬一個交代 - Duration: 2:56.


Gorgeous Stunning Molly Gooseneck Tiny House from Tiny Is Now - Duration: 4:09.

Gorgeous Stunning Molly Gooseneck Tiny House from Tiny Is Now

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Stunning Molly Gooseneck Tiny House from Tiny Is Now - Duration: 4:09.


Hutchinson SA - I am your boss - Duration: 4:23.

I notice that your conduct does not conform to the corporate hierarchy.

As you are new in the company, I need to make clear to you our communication rules.

I got very nervous with what you did yesterday.

You sent an email to your colleague and me to ask if a technician could get involved

in your trials due to the parental leave of your technician.

You sent the email to him before I give you my approval!

There is no issue with such arrangement for running your trials, but I got very upset

by the fact that you ignored me and you got into direct contact with the other project


But I did sent you, Baptiste, the email and then I got directly a reply by Gregory who

agreed to arrange the trials with his technician.

He did not put you in copy, though.

You sent the email to Gregory before I give you my consent.

As I am higher in hierarchy than you two, you had to send the email firstly to me and

wait my consent for sending him an email.

Firstly, you had to wait for my reply and if I would order you to ask your colleague,

then you had to send him an email.

Maybe I would prefer myself to get into contact with him and then to get back to you.

You made the arrangement behind my back without me having yet responded.

I am your boss and you have to do only what I order.

I have more elements than you, I am not project manager anymore as you two.

I am your boss and you have to ask my approval for any action you make.

It's obvious that you are not familiar with the corporate culture.

I have to point out to you that if you want to belong to a company you must do only what

your boss says and I am your boss, I am your boss, is it clear to you?

It's very important and of the utmost priority to understand the corporate culture and obey

the hierarchy rules.

I see that you exaggerate a lot for nothing.

When another manager asked me the availability of my technician for his trials directly without

informing you, you had told me that it is up to me to decide for such issues, there

was no reaction from your part.

Also, Gregory who has longer experience in the company than me, replied to me directly

without letting you know.

But you didn't make to him such remark.

Indeed, he had told me on another occasion that I can address him directly for any lab


Maybe other managers ignore our corporate hierarchy rules, but me as new department

manager I want to comply with the hierarchy and I expect the same from my subordinates.

I just set up that department in which you and Gregory are the only project managers

and I want to make clear to any newcomer those hierarchy rules for having an effective communication

within the team.

I have more elements than you two and I want to control everything in our new team.

I am the decision maker for everything.

We have a hierarchical structure which delineates our communication channels.

You must ask for my consent for every single action you take, including sending emails.

Before you send any email you must come to my office to show me a draft and only upon

my remarks and approval you can send it putting me always in copy.

You must put me in copy to all internal and external emails you send, in copy, not forward

those to me.

You must also forward to me all the emails you receive.

Is it clear to you?

You have to ask me for everything, because I am your boss!

Also, I want you to send me everything you read, any document, article, publication,

patent, everything and communicate to me any idea you have.

Again, it is priority to understand that if you want to belong to a company you must do

only what your boss says and I am your boss, I am your boss and you must ask my consent

for everything and do only what I order you because I am your boss, I am your boss.

Is it clear to you?

Do you understand what I am saying?

I do understand clearly that you are such a prick in your cactus-like organigram.

I'd like to see the things clearly from your point of view but I can't get my head that

far up my ass.

For more infomation >> Hutchinson SA - I am your boss - Duration: 4:23.


Nightcore - Panic Room (Deeper Version) - Lyrics - Duration: 3:32.

lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Panic Room (Deeper Version) - Lyrics - Duration: 3:32.



So this Video is a continuation..

..of my Indian Wedding Series!!

This is Nayana here..

and Welcome Back to my Channel!

So a while back, I had posted..

..a video on my Bridal Skincare Routine and Tips..

where I shared with you everything..

..that I used to follow to take care of my skin..

..during my wedding time.

Make sure that you go check out..

..that video of mine.

which I will link right above

and in the description box below

Also, if you're new to this channel,

make sure that you go click on that SUBSCRIBE button.

So that you don't miss,

any of my new videos

which come out every week!

So coming to today's video,

so during our wedding time,

I wanted to..

..make a very personalised wedding invite

and something that came from

me and Sooraj together!

So I was discussing this with a few of my friends..

when one of them suggested that.

..me being a youtuber,

it would be perfect if we..

..made a wedding invite video!

and I was mind blown about it..

..because I never really thought of that.

Even though I AM a YouTuber,

I never really thought of..

..making a video out of it.

And since I was a person

who used to do a lot of DIYs,

we thought we'll do it..

a little bit different.


So if you haven't checked out

any of my DIY videos yet,

click on that link right above!

So then they conceptualised on that vague idea,

and finally came up with..

what you are going to be seeing.

This was completely done by us,

and a few of our friends together.

There is no professional help behind this.

And this was done on a single night,

while we stayed up the whole night

we had to do it with a camera

which is not really suited for

night shooting.

But we somehow made do with that.

Also, Sooraj wasn't very keen on this idea,

because he thought that..

..he could not act.

But I would want to differ

because I thought he did a pretty good job at it.

Also stay tuned till the end of the video

to see a few behind the scenes

videos and photos..

to just show you guys the fun

that we had on that day.

So I hope you guys keep a very open mind..

And enjoy this video,

as much as we enjoyed making it.

So now, let's get it rolling..

Hey guys, this is Nayana here

and I'm gonna show you how to plan your own wedding!

So now it's your turn to come help us..

..complete this video

by joining us on our BIG DAY!

Click here to RSVP..

..and we'll see you at our wedding!!!


Must set frame once more..

..coz when the moment we roll..





Hey guys.. this is Nayana here.

I'm gonna show you how to..

It's okay..

So now it's your turn to come help us

..finish this video..


..it's okay..






Mowgli Official Trailer

For more infomation >> Mowgli Official Trailer


Aparecida interessa ao Brasil | Saiba o que fazer com imagens que quebram ou degradam com o tempo - - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Aparecida interessa ao Brasil | Saiba o que fazer com imagens que quebram ou degradam com o tempo - - Duration: 4:05.


Meghan y Letizia, ¿qué monarquía ha salido ganando, la británica o la española? - Duration: 11:50.

For more infomation >> Meghan y Letizia, ¿qué monarquía ha salido ganando, la británica o la española? - Duration: 11:50.


Cozz - Bout It ft. Garren - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Cozz - Bout It ft. Garren - Duration: 4:46.


O papel da advocacia na defesa dos direitos humanos - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> O papel da advocacia na defesa dos direitos humanos - Duration: 5:44.


O futuro pede coragem - Vai ter Sâmia - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> O futuro pede coragem - Vai ter Sâmia - Duration: 3:18.


Czy PRZERWĘ należy odebrać NATYCHMIAST po 4,5 godzinach okresu prowadzenia pojazdu ? - Duration: 7:00.

For more infomation >> Czy PRZERWĘ należy odebrać NATYCHMIAST po 4,5 godzinach okresu prowadzenia pojazdu ? - Duration: 7:00.


Tabela Campeonato Brasileiro 2018: confira a classificação no Brasileirão|n123snow - Duration: 6:48.

For more infomation >> Tabela Campeonato Brasileiro 2018: confira a classificação no Brasileirão|n123snow - Duration: 6:48.


Brahma Re-apresenta: Grande Rede Esportiva Brahma Chopp - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Brahma Re-apresenta: Grande Rede Esportiva Brahma Chopp - Duration: 1:31.


How To: Wear Bike Shorts - Duration: 1:58.

Uh, make me look good…

Take 2!

How To: Wear Bike Shorts

To keep you riding comfortably, your bike saddle is designed to work with a chamois.

That's a pad sewn into cycling shorts.

It supports your bone structure, provides cushioning in sensitive areas,

and prevents friction that can cause chafing and saddle sores.

Bontrager cycling shorts come in several designs with chamois built for different pelvic shapes and riding styles.

When trying on shorts or liners, look for sizes that fit snugly, but are comfortable to move around in.

The fabric shouldn't shift against your skin as you pedal, but it shouldn't cut off circulation to your legs either.

Look for a size that will hug your legs without pinching.

Once you've found a size and style that works for you, how do you get the most out of them?

First of all, never wear underwear while riding in your cycling shorts.

Your chamois was made to fit next to the skin to prevent chafing.

It's built from fabrics that wick moisture and dry quickly.

Wearing underwear adds seams that chafe and fabric that holds in moisture.

Leave 'em at home.

Next, wash your shorts regularly to keep them clean from bacteria that are produced when you sweat.

Shorts can be washed in your washing machine using cold water on the gentle cycle.

Be sure to line dry to get the longest life out of your shorts.

Lastly, you may find chamois cream helpful.

Many riders prefer the extra moisturizing skin care and protection that chamois cream provides.

If you go this route, be sure to use designated cycling chamois cream.

Other lotions may contain ingredients that can break down materials in your chamois

or irritate your skin while exercising.

Cycling shorts are a great investment and a classic part of cycling culture.

Once you've tried riding in them, we're confident you'll want to join the club too.

Check out trekbikes.com or stop by your local Trek retailer to find a pair that fits you best.

For more infomation >> How To: Wear Bike Shorts - Duration: 1:58.


EL Camino a MK11 // Trailer en Menos de Una Semana, El Regreso del Modo TAG, BETA y mas!! - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> EL Camino a MK11 // Trailer en Menos de Una Semana, El Regreso del Modo TAG, BETA y mas!! - Duration: 5:31.


PS4,Xbox One s, Games Shop price bd/Buy Ps3,ps4 pro Games shop in Dhaka 2018/shapon khan vlogs - Duration: 5:52.

For more infomation >> PS4,Xbox One s, Games Shop price bd/Buy Ps3,ps4 pro Games shop in Dhaka 2018/shapon khan vlogs - Duration: 5:52.


Transmissão de Universidad de Chile x Vasco ao vivo na TV e internet|n123snow - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Transmissão de Universidad de Chile x Vasco ao vivo na TV e internet|n123snow - Duration: 5:28.


3 DISASTROUS Business Mistakes All Entrepreneurs Make - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> 3 DISASTROUS Business Mistakes All Entrepreneurs Make - Duration: 4:05.


Bruna Marquezine é aconselhada a se afastar de Neymar e motivo surpreende|n123snow - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Bruna Marquezine é aconselhada a se afastar de Neymar e motivo surpreende|n123snow - Duration: 4:22.



Mary comes to the world to help us because she is the mother of all men ...

And she comes to help humanity when he there are difficult moments ...

She needs people who are near to sacrifice or to sacrifice a part of

their lives for others ... That's not to say that these people are going

die burned, slaughtered or eaten by lions ...

That means these people are going to have a normal life where God will be placed at the first

place and they will live the love of heaven on earth …

This love is not made of material things or success in their relationship ... this love

and a love of heaven ... it will be feeling love ... be careful the path is difficult

... there will be suffering ... can be even humiliations ... certainly conflicts

In general, Marie likes to call

people "weak" to follow ... I explain myself Marie always chooses

people that society does not value ... children ... sick people ...

or weakens ... simple people ... poor ...

The company likes nice people, strong, healthy, intelligent, rich

And Marie likes to value people

"Weak", to place them at the top of society, and so show that everyone is important to

God's eyes ... even this handicapped child who can hardly walk ... even this child

autistic who can not handle everything alone …

The sky needs everyone ...

Miracle of faith ...

In Baton Rouge, Louisiana, a small community lives next to each other.

They have great devotion to Our Lady, and they proudly display large statues

of her in their classes.

It seems now that one of these statues was touched by Heaven.

One of the statues belonging to a family would shed tears and bleeding.

Given the devotion to Mary of these families, we can reject deception because they do not

would not commit such an offensive hoax.

You found this video interesting ... on the white part you can see more videos ...

... and on the red part you can see the last video out ...

You also have the possibility to subscribe ... for that ... follow the red arrow ...

For more infomation >> THE TEARS OF FAITH ... THE TEARS OF THE SKY ... THE TEARS OF GOD - Duration: 2:42.


Tisane medicinali che aiutano a combattere le varici - Duration: 6:24.

For more infomation >> Tisane medicinali che aiutano a combattere le varici - Duration: 6:24.


Últimas notícia de hoje : Para Bolsonaro, é melhor menos direitos trabalhistas que perder o emprego - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : Para Bolsonaro, é melhor menos direitos trabalhistas que perder o emprego - Duration: 3:19.


Bruna Marquezine é aconselhada a se afastar de Neymar e motivo surpreende|x3and1baller - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Bruna Marquezine é aconselhada a se afastar de Neymar e motivo surpreende|x3and1baller - Duration: 4:23.


Beautiful Z329 One-story House for a Narrow Plot of Land Less than 16m - Duration: 3:33.

Beautiful Z329 One-story House for a Narrow Plot of Land Less than 16m

For more infomation >> Beautiful Z329 One-story House for a Narrow Plot of Land Less than 16m - Duration: 3:33.


Gianluigi Donnarumma to Liverpool : £35m plus player bid lined up for AC Milan keeper ● News ● #LFC - Duration: 1:55.

LIVERPOOL are preparing a mega move for AC Milan goalkeeper Gianluigi Donnarumma.

The Reds have prioritised bringing in a new No.1 this summer.

Loris Karius is currently ahead of Simon Mignolet in the pecking order, but Jurgen Klopp wants

to upgrade.

Stoke's Jack Butland has been linked as a potential target, but Donnarumma appears

to be on Liverpool's radar.

And according to Italian outlet Calciomercato, the Reds are really keen on signing the 19-year-old.

Donnarumma has built a strong reputation for himself in Serie A.

And his long-term future at the San Siro remains in some doubt following another difficult

season for Milan as they finished sixth.

Champions League finalists Liverpool have money to spend in the market, especially following

the £142m sale of Philippe Coutinho to Barcelona in January.

And Calciomercato add Liverpool are prepared to table an offer to Milan worth £35m plus

a player.

It is suggested the Reds man who could go the other way remains undecided.

But that would be decided between Liverpool and Milan should negotiations be opened.

The Reds are claimed to have spoken with Donnarumma's agent Mino Raiola.

And the prospect of becoming the No.1 at Anfield could appeal to the Italian teenager.

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