If you have troubles with the program contact me or hamster and i hope that we can help you out!
PREMIUM KV-2 - Duration: 11:17.the cave Li 2r is a premium version of
the standard kV 2 so there are no snap differences between them we think it's
great that wargaming offer skins instead of overpowered tanks the kV 2 R has an
awesome skin from the Warhammer 40,000 universe as its selling point and we
have to say that it looks absolutely amazing
well done wargaming please tell us in the comments what you think about
wargaming releasing tanks with special skins as there are plenty of other World
of Tanks youtubers who have already spoken about this tank we will not go
into any further details also thanks to Turku eyes dome for gifting us this tank
the moment it was released to the gift shop too bad that all the other
community contributors got it for free by wargaming just a couple of hours
later rip
the kv2 are it's a Russian tank at tier 6 it's good it can blow things up look
Anna what didn't I forgot to mount my collaborations I always screw up so I
bet this will be the game where my tank you know it's little fire aah defender
has been balanced oh snap I missed point-blank range
that's not to give it to just rest for us I mean if I hit this shell then Jesus
is officially back on earth splashed it wasn't it it was so excuses back Merthyr
like a mars this is like halfway
no ice he got people dirt Oh a trekker only this I put some assists how nice no
hello kv2 you just fired that's a shame just talk
it's salute hello artillery please stand still so I can nuke you
thank you ice
hello Oh get the gun down aim the comb we'll just go for it these guys go come
on swatch let's do it let's follow these retards get a place
for for glory George waits I'm gonna get this you
first Oh winces oh you scrub all right I'm gonna blanch it to beep miss you not
him you got him all glory and bacon you're not even aiming my way what are
you doing Oh lovey Kate damn well that's 1,300 damage in two shots
works oh hello Churchill
it's not even aiming my way he makes is that that was literally missing a born
from the inside okay me too come on come on
he missed verdice rose norms derailed that yata Mata mmm I mean solar eats
medalie which is Oh Oh what what are you doing here we lost hello hello it looks
like a lost duckling ah poor guy oh yeah we gonna wait he just
fired hello your hmm
ice hello Kim soon night god bless artillery it remains camping oh yeah so
nice prevents camping so much I like that he was the one who died and I was
that dude driving right next to him didn't receive a single shell
hello I'm six I have a big surprise for you that's that's it he doesn't see me
what really still that guy has been sniping for that ridge line the entire
game like a true scrub hello kv2 you don't even have a mini-map do you it's
not doing what are you good oh no he just noticed me there's like none each
one scrub okay B oh hello the roof of a jagdpanther please don't move it saw she
was moving oh sure it oh nice spaghetti ah hello VK
on the move I did you scrub that's not allowed finish a melon yes hello
Oh good-o that coma
Oh a real finish Madden I mean yes in her my oh I didn't they
hello Cavey I was like doing the opposite of aiming I was driving and
shooting look you look in the opposite direction
yeah stand still thank you that me still how did I only do 170 damage he was like
honey you Isis I seriously did one damage I said I'm on fire you finished
him off hello land on earth that I am okay I think I'm stuck care of it
oh yeah screw up six hmm oh there is oh hello and I did it
nice eat a pile of poo pourri pine yes entire pile
hello my name is on six to hell swatch hope you need to poison up my weight
whoa hello lover or you must comfort get this you be sick love me but also off
date so physically in there yes hello Panzer my oyster it's unser small scaly
Oh lower although God only 800 or demand a refund
oh hello I 140 that's that's armor
it's done here actually Oh bitch you don't need to make me the key to oh oh
hello dick oh thank you for watching now you need to tell us in the comments what
tank we should play next keys also like the video and share it around if you are
new here we suggest you check out the playlist
see you later scrubs
Renault Talisman 150 pk TCe Intens | Half Leder | 4-control besturing | R-Link Navigatie | Privacy G - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
New Fairing Suzuki GSX-R 1000! | GT02 - Duration: 6:13.Hey guys, whats up, welcome to a new GarageTime series
today its all about racetrack
Im going to the racetrack in a few daysk, so i have to change my bike to what it looks right now
into a racebike so i take you throu all the steps i make in this process
here we go
first of all we take down the original fairing
christian is helping me here, and we just let the cameras roll
so we made it, the front is the difficult part right here with all the cables, front light ...
... and we did it the first time so its was completely new for us
looks ugly, but its just against scratches
its better for the original fairing to protect her from scratches.
The racing fairing is without any predrilled holes so we have to drill them ourselfs
Chris: but they are marked
Yeah but are pre marked for the drill
for our seat, we got a costum one
usually you have some kind of foam for the seat
but we have a better version made for us from Fima
we put the seat on with velcro
so , to put the frame protector on, i use the same velcro stuff, but this time just to keep them in disctance to the frame
now we are by the swingarm protector, we had to disassemble the exhaust and the footpegs
now we mount the motor protectors, very simple just plug and play with these scews
looks dope!
we are almost done, just the front fairing, and the side fairings
almost done! just a few stickers and stompgrips on the side and we are off to go!
unfortunately the fairing is completely white, got no time to made a costum design for that, but who knows what will come in the future!
we are done! my bike is finished with the brand new Parts
a great feeling and easy to mount in contrast to the racefairing from my old Honda Fireblade
big thanks to Fima Racingparts they helped me out here on this video, so if you need some Raceparts, i linked their shop in the desciption below
i hope i could show you a little bit what its like to put a normal street bike into a racebike!
in summary what we put on my bike are, the frame protector
of course the race fairing
a different mra windshild
swingarm protectors
and the motor protectors
if you have some questions, let me know in the comments below,
like the video if you think this was informativ
and yeah, see ya next week!
ОФИГЕТЬ!!! ЧТО Я НАШЁЛ ДЛЯ ВАЗ 2121 НИВА НА АЛИЭКСПРЕСС | ЛУЧШИЕ АВТОТОВАРЫ С ALIEXPRESS + КОНКУРС - Duration: 10:03.-------------------------------------------
Аниме приколы | Anime COUB | Аниме приколы под музыку #161 - Duration: 6:58.-------------------------------------------
PLAGUE INC EVOLVED - #8. Человечество будет жить - Duration: 21:21.-------------------------------------------
The gamer friends intro - Duration: 0:11.*Intro Music*
Casual to Champion - Episode: 0 - Duration: 3:27.Hello friend, and welcome to episode zero of my new series titled casual to Champion
in this series you can expect to see ranked gameplay some training
packs that I use in an effort to improve as well as general discussion about how
I attempt to better my play every day to reach my competitive goals with having
only 200 hours or so knock at League at this time I'm by no means an expert I
hope that the series will be a space for the average rocket League player to
learn and grow with me as we climb together as well as share milestones and
accomplishments with one another as every fifth episode will be a community
to champion episode featuring clips from you guys this series will consist of
three seasons season 1 will begin right at the start of competitive season 8 and
my goal for that season will be to reach and sustain the rank of diamond as of
right now I've just reached plat 2 in both standard and doubles competitive
playlist which based off of last season's MMR percentiles is probably
right around the top 25% of players I
feel this low reaching this rank is simply a matter of reaching a level of
comfort with all the basic mechanics of the game along with at least having a
rudimentary understanding of rotation so in an effort to catch up even the least
experienced the view to where I believe I'm at mentally when playing rocket
League episode 1 and episode 2 will be covering my ideas of rotations in twos
and threes respectively with episode 3 showcasing what I believe are the basic
mechanics that every player needs to work on improving to climb the lower
ranks as competitive season 8 comes to a close so will season 1 of this series
meaning season 2 will start with the beginning of competitive season 9
if I continue my trend of playing and practicing a total of about 60 hours
every two weeks and if my estimate of competitive season 9 ending in late fall
of 2018 is right that'll be out right around $1,000 of in-game time 1,000
hours from what I've seen is on the longer side of the amount of time that
most people say it took them to get to champion the goal then for this season
is to reach the rank of champion 1 these timeframes that I'm using such as 1,000
hours 3 champion are of course just estimates because every one improves at
different rates and no two journeys through the ranks follow the same exact
trajectory season 3 presents what I believe will be the most difficult
hurdle my goal for competitive season 10 is to reach the rank of grand champion
many players log over 2000 hours without ever reaching the rank of grand champion
however there are also occasional outliers such as my friend doom bug who
reached the rank of Grand Champion after about only 700 hours and now after about
1700 hours is regularly at the top levels of the ranked ladders if the
competitive seasons stick to being around 4 or 5 months long on average as
they have been for the most part then this series will span more than a year I
hope that you will join this journey with me and together we will turn from
casual to champion just wanted to say thanks for watching and be sure to
subscribe to not miss any future episodes
24 Hour Fort Forced To Leave-------------------------------------------
e - Duration: 0:13.e
Dimagrire con il tè allo zenzero e curcuma - Duration: 6:22.-------------------------------------------
Santa Receita | Aprenda a fazer cuca romeu e julieta e cuca de uva com Roberto Augusto - 21 de maio - Duration: 18:55.-------------------------------------------
Gemma sorprende tutti con una reazione inaspettata, Gossip Uomini e Donne | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:49.-------------------------------------------
CSA x Figueirense: transmissão da partida ao vivo na TV e online |n123snow - Duration: 5:00.-------------------------------------------
Secretário resolve pendências e Fla-Flu será realizado em Brasília|n123snow - Duration: 4:38.-------------------------------------------
Santa Cruz x ABC: transmissão da partida ao vivo na TV e internet|n123snow - Duration: 5:08.-------------------------------------------
Come curare le afte con rimedi naturali - Duration: 8:34.-------------------------------------------
Gossip U&D, Andrea e Giulia ancora innamorati: lincontro segreto - Duration: 4:00.-------------------------------------------
Uomini e Donne Gemma e Marco, parla Nadia Rinaldi: "Lui è un bugiardo" - Duration: 3:08.-------------------------------------------
Cozz - Bout It ft. Garren - Duration: 4:46.-------------------------------------------
Uomini e Donne oggi: Sara piange, l'annuncio a Luigi e Lorenzo - Duration: 3:02.-------------------------------------------
GF 15, Lucia e Filippo dopo la rottura: rivelazioni notturne e lacrime - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
FALA QUE É CRENTE - BISPO ARNALDO - Duration: 2:56.-------------------------------------------
✅ Giorgia Meloni, l'attacco finale: come asfalta Salvini (e M5S) - Duration: 1:36.ROMA – "Salvini è caduto nella trappola. E' l'unico generale che conosco che avendo vinto la guerra si consegna al nemico, lasciando una parte delle truppe sul campo di battaglia"
Queste le parole di Giorgia Meloni, leader di Fratelli D'Italia, [App di Blitzquotidiano, gratis, clicca qui,-Ladyblitz clicca qui –Cronaca Oggi, App on Google Play] al termine dell'ufficio di presidenza del partito
"Penso che Salvini – aggiunge – sia caduto nella trappola del Movimento 5 Stelle di farsi isolare e indebolire per poi finire sostanzialmente in un governo del MoVimento 5 Stelle"
"Fratelli d'Italia non farà parte né sosterrà un governo se fosse confermato che sia a guida del professore Giuseppe Conte
Lo facciamo per rispetto della volontà popolare e dei nostri sostenitori. Non penso che i cittadini che hanno votato per un governo di centrodestra siano contenti che ci sia a Palazzo Chigi un altro tecnico, espressione del M5S, di sinistra, amico di Boschi e Napolitano", conclude quindi Giorgia Meloni
✅ Le verità nascoste, nuova serie tv su Canale5: trama, cast e anticipazioni - Duration: 3:43.Le verità nascoste: trama e cast della nuova serie TV trasmessa su Canale5 Gossip e TV è in grado di anticipare la trama ed il cast de Le verità nascoste, la nuova serie TV trasmessa in prima serata su Canale5
La protagonista della fiction è Paula Garcia McMahon (interpretata dall'attrice Elena Rovera)
Scomparsa otto anni prima, la 17enne Paula ricompare all'improvviso e torna dalla sua famiglia
Paula chiede di parlare innanzitutto con Marcos Eguia (Jon Kortajarena), il poliziotto di Santander che sta seguendo le indagini
Il rapporto con Paula, però, mette in crisi anche il futuro matrimonio del poliziotto con la promessa sposa Laura Santos (Esmeralda Moya)
Ad indagare sulla vicenda è anche Lalo Ruiz (José Luiz Garcia Perez), il giornalista che cerca di spiegarsi i motivi per cui la madre Lidia (Lydia Bosch) e il padre Fernando Garcia (Ginés Garcia Millan) non si pongono tante domande sul ritorno improvviso della figlia
Per il resto, a fare da "contorno" nel cast della serie troviamo anche altri attori-personaggi
C'è Alicia Costa (Irene Montalà), la poliziotta che lavora con Marcos in un rapporto d'amicizia costantemente sotto processo
Ma anche il potente banchiere spagnolo Enrique McMahon (Juan Meseguer) e Toni Garcia McMahon (Oriol Puig), il fratello minore di Paula
Le verità nascoste: anticipazioni prima puntata del 25 maggio 2018 Questi trama e cast de Le verità nascoste, in attesa che su Canale5 vada in onda la prima puntata di venerdì 25 maggio 2018
Ecco le anticipazioni sul primissimo episodio trasmesso da Mediaset ed intitolato "La libertà"
Nell'episodio che coincide col debutto della serie qui in Italia, Paula scompare e ritorna dalla sua famiglia dopo essersi liberata dal suo sequestratore, anche rivelando di essere stata vittima della tratta delle banche spagnole
Ed è qui che entrano in gioco il poliziotto Marcos, che con la ragazza subito stabilisce un feeling particolare, ed il giornalista Lalo, che già in passato ha accusato il padre di aver ucciso la figlia simulando poi un rapimento
Le verità nascoste è La Verdad di Telecinco Le verità nascoste è il titolo scelto per l'Italia per la messa in onda de La Verdad
La prima stagione della serie televisiva, la cui trama è ispirata da storie di tre bambini realmente scomparsi, è prodotta da Plano a Plano ed in Spagna ha già debuttato su Telecinco lunedì , registrando il 17% circa di share
Formata da sedici episodi in tutto, qui nel Belpaese andrà in onda su Canale5 da venerdì sera, probabilmente per quattro o sei puntate
La regia è di Cesar Benitez e Aitor Gabilondo.
Últimas notícia de hoje : Maluf terá de entregar passaporte e usar tornozeleira eletrônica - Duration: 2:55.-------------------------------------------
Anticipazioni Grande Fratello: doppia eliminazione e primo finalista - Duration: 3:29.-------------------------------------------
Dupla de Dois - Episódio 6 - ELEIÇÃO - Duration: 5:07.-------------------------------------------
Sara Affi Fella a confronto con Nilufar e Gemma Galgani: ecco perché - Duration: 3:43.-------------------------------------------
Deputado afirma: Líder paga 2 mil para economizar R$ 500 - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
*NEW* ROBLOX - HACK/EXPLOIT! VISIT BOT (WORKING)| BOT YOU'R GAME TO A MILLIONS OF VISITS | (MAY 22) - Duration: 2:12.If you have troubles with the program contact me or hamster and i hope that we can help you out!
PREMIUM KV-2 - Duration: 11:17.the cave Li 2r is a premium version of
the standard kV 2 so there are no snap differences between them we think it's
great that wargaming offer skins instead of overpowered tanks the kV 2 R has an
awesome skin from the Warhammer 40,000 universe as its selling point and we
have to say that it looks absolutely amazing
well done wargaming please tell us in the comments what you think about
wargaming releasing tanks with special skins as there are plenty of other World
of Tanks youtubers who have already spoken about this tank we will not go
into any further details also thanks to Turku eyes dome for gifting us this tank
the moment it was released to the gift shop too bad that all the other
community contributors got it for free by wargaming just a couple of hours
later rip
the kv2 are it's a Russian tank at tier 6 it's good it can blow things up look
Anna what didn't I forgot to mount my collaborations I always screw up so I
bet this will be the game where my tank you know it's little fire aah defender
has been balanced oh snap I missed point-blank range
that's not to give it to just rest for us I mean if I hit this shell then Jesus
is officially back on earth splashed it wasn't it it was so excuses back Merthyr
like a mars this is like halfway
no ice he got people dirt Oh a trekker only this I put some assists how nice no
hello kv2 you just fired that's a shame just talk
it's salute hello artillery please stand still so I can nuke you
thank you ice
hello Oh get the gun down aim the comb we'll just go for it these guys go come
on swatch let's do it let's follow these retards get a place
for for glory George waits I'm gonna get this you
first Oh winces oh you scrub all right I'm gonna blanch it to beep miss you not
him you got him all glory and bacon you're not even aiming my way what are
you doing Oh lovey Kate damn well that's 1,300 damage in two shots
works oh hello Churchill
it's not even aiming my way he makes is that that was literally missing a born
from the inside okay me too come on come on
he missed verdice rose norms derailed that yata Mata mmm I mean solar eats
medalie which is Oh Oh what what are you doing here we lost hello hello it looks
like a lost duckling ah poor guy oh yeah we gonna wait he just
fired hello your hmm
ice hello Kim soon night god bless artillery it remains camping oh yeah so
nice prevents camping so much I like that he was the one who died and I was
that dude driving right next to him didn't receive a single shell
hello I'm six I have a big surprise for you that's that's it he doesn't see me
what really still that guy has been sniping for that ridge line the entire
game like a true scrub hello kv2 you don't even have a mini-map do you it's
not doing what are you good oh no he just noticed me there's like none each
one scrub okay B oh hello the roof of a jagdpanther please don't move it saw she
was moving oh sure it oh nice spaghetti ah hello VK
on the move I did you scrub that's not allowed finish a melon yes hello
Oh good-o that coma
Oh a real finish Madden I mean yes in her my oh I didn't they
hello Cavey I was like doing the opposite of aiming I was driving and
shooting look you look in the opposite direction
yeah stand still thank you that me still how did I only do 170 damage he was like
honey you Isis I seriously did one damage I said I'm on fire you finished
him off hello land on earth that I am okay I think I'm stuck care of it
oh yeah screw up six hmm oh there is oh hello and I did it
nice eat a pile of poo pourri pine yes entire pile
hello my name is on six to hell swatch hope you need to poison up my weight
whoa hello lover or you must comfort get this you be sick love me but also off
date so physically in there yes hello Panzer my oyster it's unser small scaly
Oh lower although God only 800 or demand a refund
oh hello I 140 that's that's armor
it's done here actually Oh bitch you don't need to make me the key to oh oh
hello dick oh thank you for watching now you need to tell us in the comments what
tank we should play next keys also like the video and share it around if you are
new here we suggest you check out the playlist
see you later scrubs
Renault Talisman 150 pk TCe Intens | Half Leder | 4-control besturing | R-Link Navigatie | Privacy G - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
New Fairing Suzuki GSX-R 1000! | GT02 - Duration: 6:13.Hey guys, whats up, welcome to a new GarageTime series
today its all about racetrack
Im going to the racetrack in a few daysk, so i have to change my bike to what it looks right now
into a racebike so i take you throu all the steps i make in this process
here we go
first of all we take down the original fairing
christian is helping me here, and we just let the cameras roll
so we made it, the front is the difficult part right here with all the cables, front light ...
... and we did it the first time so its was completely new for us
looks ugly, but its just against scratches
its better for the original fairing to protect her from scratches.
The racing fairing is without any predrilled holes so we have to drill them ourselfs
Chris: but they are marked
Yeah but are pre marked for the drill
for our seat, we got a costum one
usually you have some kind of foam for the seat
but we have a better version made for us from Fima
we put the seat on with velcro
so , to put the frame protector on, i use the same velcro stuff, but this time just to keep them in disctance to the frame
now we are by the swingarm protector, we had to disassemble the exhaust and the footpegs
now we mount the motor protectors, very simple just plug and play with these scews
looks dope!
we are almost done, just the front fairing, and the side fairings
almost done! just a few stickers and stompgrips on the side and we are off to go!
unfortunately the fairing is completely white, got no time to made a costum design for that, but who knows what will come in the future!
we are done! my bike is finished with the brand new Parts
a great feeling and easy to mount in contrast to the racefairing from my old Honda Fireblade
big thanks to Fima Racingparts they helped me out here on this video, so if you need some Raceparts, i linked their shop in the desciption below
i hope i could show you a little bit what its like to put a normal street bike into a racebike!
in summary what we put on my bike are, the frame protector
of course the race fairing
a different mra windshild
swingarm protectors
and the motor protectors
if you have some questions, let me know in the comments below,
like the video if you think this was informativ
and yeah, see ya next week!
ОФИГЕТЬ!!! ЧТО Я НАШЁЛ ДЛЯ ВАЗ 2121 НИВА НА АЛИЭКСПРЕСС | ЛУЧШИЕ АВТОТОВАРЫ С ALIEXPRESS + КОНКУРС - Duration: 10:03.-------------------------------------------
Аниме приколы | Anime COUB | Аниме приколы под музыку #161 - Duration: 6:58.-------------------------------------------
PLAGUE INC EVOLVED - #8. Человечество будет жить - Duration: 21:21.-------------------------------------------
The gamer friends intro - Duration: 0:11.*Intro Music*
Casual to Champion - Episode: 0 - Duration: 3:27.Hello friend, and welcome to episode zero of my new series titled casual to Champion
in this series you can expect to see ranked gameplay some training
packs that I use in an effort to improve as well as general discussion about how
I attempt to better my play every day to reach my competitive goals with having
only 200 hours or so knock at League at this time I'm by no means an expert I
hope that the series will be a space for the average rocket League player to
learn and grow with me as we climb together as well as share milestones and
accomplishments with one another as every fifth episode will be a community
to champion episode featuring clips from you guys this series will consist of
three seasons season 1 will begin right at the start of competitive season 8 and
my goal for that season will be to reach and sustain the rank of diamond as of
right now I've just reached plat 2 in both standard and doubles competitive
playlist which based off of last season's MMR percentiles is probably
right around the top 25% of players I
feel this low reaching this rank is simply a matter of reaching a level of
comfort with all the basic mechanics of the game along with at least having a
rudimentary understanding of rotation so in an effort to catch up even the least
experienced the view to where I believe I'm at mentally when playing rocket
League episode 1 and episode 2 will be covering my ideas of rotations in twos
and threes respectively with episode 3 showcasing what I believe are the basic
mechanics that every player needs to work on improving to climb the lower
ranks as competitive season 8 comes to a close so will season 1 of this series
meaning season 2 will start with the beginning of competitive season 9
if I continue my trend of playing and practicing a total of about 60 hours
every two weeks and if my estimate of competitive season 9 ending in late fall
of 2018 is right that'll be out right around $1,000 of in-game time 1,000
hours from what I've seen is on the longer side of the amount of time that
most people say it took them to get to champion the goal then for this season
is to reach the rank of champion 1 these timeframes that I'm using such as 1,000
hours 3 champion are of course just estimates because every one improves at
different rates and no two journeys through the ranks follow the same exact
trajectory season 3 presents what I believe will be the most difficult
hurdle my goal for competitive season 10 is to reach the rank of grand champion
many players log over 2000 hours without ever reaching the rank of grand champion
however there are also occasional outliers such as my friend doom bug who
reached the rank of Grand Champion after about only 700 hours and now after about
1700 hours is regularly at the top levels of the ranked ladders if the
competitive seasons stick to being around 4 or 5 months long on average as
they have been for the most part then this series will span more than a year I
hope that you will join this journey with me and together we will turn from
casual to champion just wanted to say thanks for watching and be sure to
subscribe to not miss any future episodes
How I Make Money Online-------------------------------------------
WHY DON'T WE - German Fancall (SUBTITLES) - Duration: 2:55.Talk german
Larissa are you ready?
You wanna talk with them a little? Maybe the boys can start.
Hello Larissa
How was your day?
My day was really cool.
Do you have a boyfriend?
Yes or no?
Maybe we have a next question.
What did you do?
I just got home from school and I'm about to go to soccer practice.
How was your day?
You have a beautiful name.
You are so nervous. You can just talk with them. Everything is fine.
I think all of you are doing great. I understood everything perfectly.
It only depends on Larissa if they fall in love.
Larissa do you have a question? Then I can try to translate it. And maybe we get an answer.
How did you like it?
Larissa how did you like this fan call?
I loved it even though I couldn't understand every single word.
Have a really nice day.
Do you wanna tell them something?
I love you
I love you too guys and just stay how you are!
Why Doug Ford's platform won't actually save Ontarians money - Duration: 5:58.Doug Ford loves talking about how he's going to save taxpayers money.
"We're gonna put a platform that's gonna respect the taxpayers...
We start respecting the taxpayers...
Respecting the taxpayers...We're going to respect the taxpayers."
But, so far, the way he has said he plans to do that doesn't exactly add up.
"My first act as premier
we will use every tool at the disposal of the Ontario government to
remove the Six Million Dollar Man and the entire board of Hydro One."
So, the first issue with that is that the premier can't actually fire the CEO of
Hydro One. In 2015 Kathleen Wynne partially privatized the company to help
pay for new transit and infrastructure projects. So while the government is
still the largest shareholder in the company it doesn't have the same power
that it used to.
The board can fire the CEO. So Ford could fire the board, replace
the board and then get that new board to fire the CEO, but there's a catch.
Firing the CEO would entitle him to a 10.7 million dollar severance package.
And, according to Hydro One, it's shareholders not customers who are
paying for the bulk of executive salaries.
So, would firing the CEO and the
board actually do anything to lower hydro costs? No.
"We are going to provide a tax credit so that those earning minimum wage will
pay zero tax.
So Ford claims this would give a full-time worker making $14 an
hour about eight hundred dollars more a year.
Sounds pretty good right?
But Ford fails to mention that he also plans to freeze the minimum wage at 14 instead
of raising it to 15 next year.
So, which is actually better for minimum wage
earners? A one dollar hourly raise or not having to pay income taxes?
Well someone smarter than me crunch the numbers and this is what they found.
If Ford just maintained the planned hike to $15 an hour minimum wage workers who
work 40 hours a week would take home $2,000 more before taxes. That means
after tax, people would actually make around $700 more with a $1 minimum wage
hike than they would with a wage freeze and Ford's tax credit.
"Our plan for the
people is to cut hospital wait times... We're going to open up 15,000 new
long-term care beds over the next five years and 30,000 new beds over the next
10 years.
So, Ford has not said how much he expects that to cost but the idea was initially
developed under the previous leader, Patrick Brown, and the way he priced it
out seems unbelievably thrifty.
The NDP estimates it'll cost a hundred and forty
thousand dollars per bed, the Liberals set their price at one hundred thirty
two thousand dollars per bed, and the Progressive Conservatives? Just five
thousand one hundred and thirty three dollars per bed.
Pulling off savings like
that would be pretty darn impressive
"I'm not going...I'm not going to introduce a carbon tax."
Okay, so right now Ontario has a cap-and-trade system which means that
the government has set a limit on the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that
can be produced.
That's the cap. But obviously some companies emit more than
others and that's where the trade part comes in. Companies can buy and sell
credits that allow them to emit a certain amount.
Ontario doesn't have a carbon tax,
or at least not yet.
Back at the end of 2016, the federal government
introduced its national climate change strategy, the Pan-Canadian Framework on
Clean Growth and Climate Change.
As part of this plan provinces had until the end
of 2018 to implement their own carbon pricing systems.
But if provinces failed
to do that then the federal government comes in and imposes a carbon tax for them.
Justin Trudeau: "The government proposes that the price on carbon pollution should start
at a minimum of $10 per ton in 2018 rising by ten dollars each year to $50
per ton in 2022.
So can Doug Ford scrap the cap-and-trade system and not impose
a carbon tax? No.
What he could do is take the federal government to court
over it which is what Saskatchewan's looking into. But that's not anywhere in his plan.
Let's say somehow he's able to do this.
Scrapping the cap-and-trade
system and not implementing a carbon tax would mean that the province would lose
out on nearly ten billion dollars in revenue.
Brown for example planned to
scrap the current system and introduce a carbon tax and then use the revenue for
tax cuts.
But back to Ford, he's gonna lose out on that revenue and this is all in
addition to his promise to cut spending by six billion dollars a year.
"I don't I...don't believe.. that's not my vocabulary.
I believe in driving efficiencies,
respecting the taxpayers."
Hey, I'm all for efficiency but I'd also like to know
how Ford plans to reduce spending and lower taxes while simultaneously
committing billions of dollars to improve health care, transit, mental
health services, and lowering the cost of hydro, all while working towards of
balancing the budget.
Free google play gift card,How to get free google play codes - Duration: 3:13.
The Untold Truth Of Nebula - Duration: 5:34.Avengers: Infinity War features more super-characters than you can shake a cosmically-powered stick
Most of them you know, and many of them have had their own movies already.
Even the Guardians of the Galaxy crew is pretty familiar at this point, but some of the supporting
characters remain a little obscure.
For instance: What's the deal with Nebula, the bald, blue-skinned cyborg played by Karen
How is her comics incarnation different from her character in the MCU?
Let's explore.
Thanos' granddaughter?
When Nebula first appeared in Avengers #257, Thanos wasn't even around.
He'd been turned to stone years earlier, and although he wasn't technically dead, he was
just as out of the picture.
One of the first actions Nebula took in those comics was to claim Thanos' former headquarters,
the Sanctuary II, for her own.
When Starfox, Thanos' brother, claimed it as his familial right, Nebula made the claim
that would come to define her: the space station was rightfully hers, because Thanos was her
Old look
In her early appearances, Nebula looked very different from the bald cyborg she would eventually
She was a fully organic humanoid alien with gauntlets that enabled her to fire destructive
beams from her wrists.
She had long bluish-black hair that rose up in big curls on the sides in one of those
hairstyles that's only possible in comics.
Nebula belongs to a race called the Luphomoids.
There are only a few of them left in the galaxy, because Galactus ate the planet of Luphom
and only those Luphomoids who were off-planet survived.
Other Luphomoids like Zorr, a villain who first appeared in Nova #1, were desperate
to find a new home world for their people.
Nebula never seemed interested in that.
Being a space pirate and the leader of a fleet of mercenaries seemed to be her truest calling.
No love from "grandpa"
Whether Nebula was being honest about her relation to Thanos was never particularly
relevant as long as he wasn't actually around.
Being a pirate and mercenary gave her plenty to do in the universe-hopping Marvel Comics
of the 1980s.
Of course, as all classic villains eventually will, Thanos returned to life, resurrected
by Death herself.
In Silver Surfer #38, he met the woman who claimed to be his granddaughter.
He was not impressed, and claimed never to have fathered children.
It was probably meant to be the truth at the time but became a lie in light of later stories
... because comics are very complicated.
Declaring Nebula's lies "unforgivable," Thanos set her on fire with beams from his eyes.
He meant to kill her, but crew members on the Sanctuary II saved her life … in a manner
of speaking.
When Thanos rediscovered Nebula after their first meeting, she had been burned beyond
recognition, profoundly brain damaged, and about to expire for real.
By this time, Thanos had assembled the Infinity Gems into the Infinity Gauntlet, giving himself
vast and godlike powers.
He used those powers to stop Nebula from croaking — without actually healing her.
She existed as a shambling, nearly mindless, charred zombie of a creature.
Thanos' downfall
A confrontation with the cosmic being known as Eternity led to Thanos leaving his body
unattended while his consciousness dealt with larger cosmic matters.
This gave Nebula, who had been repeatedly described as "nearly mindless," the opportunity
to grab the Infinity Gauntlet off of his hand and claim its power for herself, immediately
restoring her body and mind in the process.
She didn't keep the gauntlet for long, but she enabled the defeat of Thanos, and was
restored from her zombie-like state in the process.
Bald is beautiful
After the events of The Infinity Gauntlet, Nebula's physical form was restored, but her
brain was still damaged.
Her longtime first mate, Geatar, freed her from imprisonment and took her to a rogue
space surgeon who promised to restore her faculties.
When the fully restored Nebula was finally unveiled in Silver Surfer #72, she'd become
a bald cyborg who should look very familiar to Marvel Cinematic Universe fans.
Finally back to her mental and physical peak, and even beyond it, thanks to her cybernetic
implants, Nebula returned to the life of a space pirate.
Amazing Graces
In Annihilation: Ronan, one of the miniseries that was part of Marvel's larger 2006 Annihilation
event, Nebula was reintroduced as a member of a team of interstellar women warriors known
as the Graces.
The leader of the Graces turned out to be a woman with an even stronger connection to
Thanos than Nebula herself ever had: Gamora.
Whereas Nebula only ever claimed to be the granddaughter of Thanos, a claim never proven,
Gamora was actually raised by him.
When Nicole Perlman and James Gunn were writing Guardians of the Galaxy for the screen, and
figuring out how to translate all the complex mythology around Thanos to the cinematic universe,
a story emerged that was simpler and more powerful than anything Nebula and Gamora had
dealt with in the comics: a story about sisters.
MCU Update
The Nebula of the Guardians of the Galaxy movies is, like Gamora, an adopted daughter
of Thanos.
Unlike the fully organic Gamora, Nebula has been enhanced with extremely visible cybernetics,
leaving her a mix of woman and machine who suffers doubts about her own selfhood.
Her self-doubt, combined with her close relationship with Gamora, enables Nebula to turn against
Thanos and become a sympathetic character and a grudging ally to the heroes.
She refuses to join the Guardians of the Galaxy, but by the end of their second movie, she's
no longer the group's enemy.
In fact, her new stated mission is to destroy Thanos herself ...
"I will help them by killing Thanos"
… setting up her appearances in Avengers: Infinity War and its as-yet-untitled sequel.
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Brutus Jr really active with all babies&play happy cos evil Dolly don't close him|Monkey Daily 846 - Duration: 10:43.
Judge Says It's Perfectly Fine For Big Pharma To Screw Consumers - Duration: 7:37.A federal appeals court has ruled that generic drug makers can absolutely jack up the prices
of their drugs, even if it's clear that it is clearly, clearly price gouging consumers.
According to this appellate court, that's just fine.
This is most BS federal judiciary ruling.
It's just it's beyond understanding.
They try to justify everything in this order on the Commerce Clause.
They say here you got in Maryland, just doing exactly what Maryland should be doing, a state
should have the right to say, "You know what?
The feds, you blew it.
We're not going to blow it here in our state, though.
If the company price gouges, we're going to go after them."
Now, why can't they do that with gasoline?
A state can make a decision, "Hey, we know what price gouging is on gasoline, that hasn't
been overruled by an appellate court.
But we can't do with pharmaceutical industry."
Because, you know the answer.
What's the answer?
The answer is money.
The big, big money.
People don't even understand how powerful this pharmaceutical lobby is in DC.
They're one of the biggest spenders in Washington, both in lobbying and in campaign donations.
And so, in Maryland.
Baltimore right over the bridge.
And all they wanted to be able to do was sue generic drug manufacturers when they price
This wasn't a law to rein in price gouging.
It was just if you price gouge, I can take you to court, the AG can take you to court.
And this judge, and we had just talked about how important judges are, nobody wants to
care about it.
This is what happens.
He said, "No, no, no, you can't do it because the other states may set the prices and then
it's crossing lines."
You follow the history on this judge, and we haven't done it here, I wish we had.
You follow the history on these judges that made this decision.
I promise you they're from silk stocking corporate defense firms that were appointed probably
by the democrats, maybe the republicans thinking that, "Oh, once they're on the bench, they're
going to grow a heart."
Why does a person become a corporate defense lawyer to begin with?
Why do they do that?
How is it a person says, "You know, I had a really good day today.
I won in court and I prevented 1,000 widows from recovering money from a product that
killed their husband."
That's a great day for a corporate defense firm and a corporate defense lawyer.
So, here you've got these types, these same types, making these decisions.
Look, I got to tell you something.
The Commerce Clause use of this is absurd.
The argument that the Commerce Clause interferes with the ability of a state to make a decision
like this, it's balanced against, we've said it before, health, safety and welfare.
Typically, they're called police powers.
And a state has the right to say, "In our state, I don't know about your state, but
in our state the problems are so bad, they're so unique to Maryland.
They're so unique in what we're seeing every day that we believe our police powers in order
to protect the health safety and welfare of our citizens, we want to pass this."
And this federal, this is way overreaching.
Way overreaching by the Federal Court here.
So, this judge gets to go home, the defense lawyer gets to go home and say, "Hey, guess
what, honey?
Today I made it harder for a poor family to afford an EpiPen for their child who could
die if they don't have it.
But you know these corporations give a lot of money to the people who appointed me, they're
a lot of money to the people who paid me."
That's what this is.
This all comes back to the money.
If you looked at just the law on this, there's no question that they should be able to sue
when a company price gouges consumers, but it goes back to all of that money and politics
US Circuit Judge James Wynn, he dissented, thank goodness.
He dissented in saying, "What are you talking about?"
He made the same analysis that I just made.
A state has police powers to say what's unique about our state, whatever reason they're coming
to our state and they're gouging our consumers.
I don't know what they're doing your state, but they're doing that to us.
The state has right to take action.
Yes, Stephanie Thacker was the majority.
Stephanie Thacker-
Stephanie Thacker, who I know, by the way, who used to be a corporate defense lawyer.
I've actually tried cases against Stephanie Thacker, face to face.
It's no surprise here.
This is exactly what you would expect.
I didn't even catch that until you just said it.
Stephanie Thacker, I know this woman.
She comes from a corporate defense background, and this is no surprise here.
But don't you love the Association for Accessible Medicines was the name of the lobbyist group.
The Association for Accessible Medicines.
I mean, is that dark humor or what?
EPA tried to bury a study that showed that millions of Americans are drinking poisoned
tap water because they feared that the study would "bring bad PR" for the White House.
That was the reason they deep-sixed to study.
Bad PR for the White House and make it difficult for the military to have to respond.
Take it away.
What's so fun about this is that this story came to light because we actually still have
a few journalists in this country doing their job.
This was the result of a FOIA request that we even know what happened.
The EPA conducted a study and it found that water near industrial plants, water near military
basis where they handle any kind of hazardous materials, the water is literally poisoned,
is the word they used.
It is poison.
But, they didn't want this study to come out because they said, and here's the quote "The
public media and congressional reaction to these numbers is going to be huge.
The impact to EPA and Department of Defense is going to be extremely painful.
We cannot seem to get ATSDR to realize the potential public relations nightmare this
is going to be."
Not public health nightmare.
The public relations nightmare.
Now, as you know, I tried the case in C8.
This was the Ohio case that I tried at the Ohio River Valley.
C8 was one of the issues here.
C8 is a product that the military uses.
They use it as a foam for firefighting and various things as that.
Well, they're dumping it in people's waterways.
They did that up in the Ohio River Valley, and what did we find?
The jury's came back every time in those cases and said it causes cancer, cause kidney cancer,
cause testicular cancers.
But in addition to that, the jury's didn't even get into the point that causes birth
defects, gastrointestinal problems, neurological problems.
That's what happens when people drink this stuff called C0.
So, Pruitt, who is a real thug, a dunce thug at that, he says, "Well, we're going to delay
releasing this study because it's so bad it's going to scare the bejesus out of everybody,
and we can't have that."
Well, we've already got a point here where we have more than 2,000 different water systems
in the United States that had higher levels of Lead, than what was found in Flint, Michigan.
So, yeah, you know what?
The public is going to freak out when you tell them, hey, look, you and I right now
are basically surrounded by three different military bases, one of which is where they
developed Agent Orange."
So, I have no doubt the water in our city has been consistently voted one of the worst
in the country.
And we have more cancer clusters here than most places in America by the way.
But yeah, people need to know that, they need to freak out, because they know how deadly
it is and they're just saying, "Well, we don't want the bad PR."
Pruitt is here.
I'm sorry, but he's here for a while.
It's going to get worse as we go.
7 Summer Style Accessories To Upgrade Your Image - Duration: 9:37.7 Summer Style Accessories To Upgrade Your Image
[0:00:00] In today's video, gents, we're going to
talk about how to improve your summer style game by taking your accessories to the next
[Music] First up, gents, let's talk shades.
Men, we are creatures of habit.
When we find something that works, we stick with it and that's a good thing until it
becomes boring until it becomes repetitive.
So, guys, change it up.
If you've been wearing the same shades for a decade, maybe try a different style.
Go to one of the classics.
So, if you've got the sports shades.
Okay, maybe try a pair of Aviators.
Coming out of the military, Aviators do a great job of covering up the entire eye area,
they provide adequate protection, and they compliment most face shapes out there.
Already have a pair of Aviators?
Maybe you know this style really suits your face shape, well, go out there and experiment
with all the different colors and the different style options out there.
So, look at yourself in a lighter pair.
Say, oh, how do I like that versus the black and look for different shapes.
Aviators come in square shape, they come in a round teardrop shape, or wide range of different
styles out there.
Maybe change out the lens.
Go for something that has a little bit of color right there in the lens.
See what this looks like on you in the mirror.
Try this out, nothing wrong with sticking with one style and having a variety in that
But, let's say you really want to change things up.
Well, guys, look at Wayfarers.
It's a classic design that's been around go back we can see Tom Cruise, Risky Business,
Jack Nicholson, The Blues Brothers.
So, it's going to be in style a decade from now.
But this is much bolder design especially in colors outside of black.
This is something that, hey, if you're going to rock this, you got to have confidence.
So, maybe the Wayfarers is too much, but you want something less common than the aviator.
Then, go over and look at a pair of classic Club Masters.
Again, this has been around for a long time, it's not going to go out of style.
It's got the bold design right here on top.
No frame right in on the bottom.
I think this is a great compromise if you're looking to upgrade your shades.
Summer accessory number two to improve your style, gentlemen, upgrade your watch which
is going to be easy for many of you because you're not even wearing a watch.
Gentlemen, a watch is a piece of jewelry that helps you bring color, bring style, brings
a little bit of elegance to your outfit.
There are so many different options out there.
Guys, when you buy a watch, but it for yourself.
Don't buy it for anyone else.
You need to make the decision.
What do you want?
Be honest with yourself.
Do you want a watch that's going to be muted no one's going to notice or do you want
a watch that's going to get compliments, a watch that's going to stand out, a watch
that is going to grab attention?
Guys, once you've made that decision, then buy it because you want to buy something you're
going to wear something you're going to love something that every time you put it
on, you're going to feel great.
Now, these watches right here as you can tell, I've got two different colors.
I've got a gold I've got a silver.
That is another thing that I look at.
I look at, okay, which colors do I naturally go with.
For me, I've always been a cool tone kind of guy, so almost all of the metals I like
to match my wardrobe are going to be silver.
But, I'm not saying, hey, don't rule out gold.
Go out there and try it.
Maybe you like rose gold, maybe you like something that's a little bit off gold.
You need to find what works for you.
Now, throughout this video, you're going to see some great pictures of watches.
All of them can be found over at Vincero.
Vincero is the paid sponsor of today's video.
And, guys, for over two years, I've been working with these guys because they make
great looking watches at an affordable price.
So, guys, when you wear a watch from Vincero, you are going to get compliments.
These are watches that standout to help you stand apart from the crowd.
And, guys, just go over there, look at all the different collections.
Look at the Chrono Collections, one of my favorite collections, just beautiful.
Now, another collection that I absolutely love is their Bellwether Collection.
It's a beautiful watch, guys.
I've got the metal right here.
It's got a nice weight to it, just a great looking watch.
Now, this watch right here, it's a minimalist design coming out of Vincero's Kairos Collection.
You're going to see it's the simplest dial on the website, a very simple plain look
if that's what you're looking for.
And if you're looking for straps, guys, Vincero has a wide range of straps.
This is the new mesh strap.
I asked them to send it to me when I saw it hanging out with the guys in San Diego and
it is a great strap.
Really nice for summer if you want to change things up.
And speaking of straps, one of the things I love about Vincero is that most of their
straps are interchangeable between the watches.
So, if you like one leather on one watch, but you purchase another one or you just want
to purchase another interchangeable strap to work with your existing watch, you can
do it.
And if all that's not enough, gentlemen, free worldwide shipping, a 24-month warranty,
and 30-day easy return policy.
Guys, I'm linking to Vincero down in the description.
There's also a discount code down there.
It's the best you're going to find.
Use it or lose it, guys.
Go check them out, great company.
Summer accessory number three to upgrade, gentlemen, your headwear.
So, are you wearing a baseball cap?
If you are, you're caught in fashion trend.
Nothing wrong with this because, hey, at least you're practicing wearing headwear.
But, let's look to upgrade this.
How do you get started?
Well, for me, it's finding a purpose and a reason to actually wear the headwear.
So, the other day, I'm going to an air show and guess what?
We were out in the sun most the day.
That is a great reason a great purpose to actually start to wear a straw hat.
Yes, it is not maybe the most stylish piece, but you're getting used to it, you're
starting to wear hat.
So, you're going out to the pool or maybe you're just going to be out with a family.
Find a reason to start wearing a hat.
Star to build the collection.
[0:05:03] The key here is that you're getting started
and then, all of a sudden you're able to go find something that's a bit more stylish
something that isn't as much of a leap as it was maybe two months ago or at the beginning
of the summer and you bring this in because, hey, I feel comfortable wearing a hat.
And that's the key, you've got to practice wearing the hat.
Summer style upgrade number four, have fun with your belts have fun with your suspenders.
So, the rule is your shoes should match your belts.
Well, let's go and throw that rule out the window because, guys, have fun with your belts.
This belt right here, great for a Fourth of July picnic.
This belt right here, just isn't going to probably match any shoe in my wardrobe and
it's just something to wear for fun something that's going to grab attention.
Now, I was talking about suspenders.
I know a lot of you guys don't normally wear suspenders.
You're like, Antonio, that's kind of underwear and I agree.
But, you're most likely going to be taken this jacket off.
You're at a wedding, you're having fun, and people are seeing those great looking
You're looking great out there turn it up on the dance floor.
Summer style upgrade number five, bring back the cufflink.
A lot of guys think that cufflinks are only for formal wear.
That's where they're most common, but they're not reserved for only formal wear.
So, you could actually bring casual cufflinks in with your casual shirts and have fun.
You're going to stand out from the crowd.
It's something that's going to grab attention I think looks great.
Now, the question or the objection is going to be, Antonio, that's only with French-cuffed
And I agree, those are most common ones you're going to find out there.
But, if you take one of your shirts to a tailor and you simply say, hey, I would like to make
these so that they can take cufflinks, they're going to cut a hole on both sides.
This shirt right here is a barrel cuff and all of a sudden, this can now take cuff links.
So, a quick way to upgrade your style and have fun this summer.
Summer style upgrade number six, have fun with fragrance.
So, oh, there are just some fragrances that deserve to be worn during the summer.
They're light, they're may be got a citrus smell to them.
They're just something about certain fragrances.
Have some fun, find a fragrance that is great for now for the warm weather something – and
there are so many different options out there, guys.
I'm going to link to some of my favorites down in the description of this video.
But, guys, go out there and find your summer scent.
So, what's the next summer style upgrade?
Guys, have fun experiment with jewelry.
So many different options out there and for thousands of years, men of status men of power
have used jewelry to send a signal that they are in important, that it's something they've
learned to enjoy wearing.
And you can have a lot of fun especially if that jewelry means something.
Maybe you're an engineer up in Canada.
I knew you guys have your particular ring.
Maybe it's a bracelet, you want something that is going to help you stand out from the
You're not big on watches, so you go in ahead and you bring in a bracelet.
Maybe it's a necklace.
Maybe you served in the military and you want to remember the guys that you fought with
and you want to wear them on those dog tags.
Whatever it may be, find something that you can bring into your wardrobe.
Jewelry, so many guys stay away from it.
Guys, have fun this summer.
Now, this next summer style upgrade is going to be tough for some of you guys, but bring
in color.
So, watch what happens to my outfit when I take out that pocket square.
I mean it's a good look, but I thought it looked a lot better with the color in there.
And color can have meaning.
Color can send a signal that, hey, this guy did something or it's got a special meaning
to him.
You can find that color is a great – it sends signals, it grabs attention.
Don't be afraid of the color pink, don't be afraid to bring colors into your accessories.
Hats, maybe you want to bring a particular feather, something that has meaning to you.
Maybe with the jewelry look to bring in color.
But it's something if you can master if you can practice, you can really standout
from the crowd, Whoa!
Stop there, don't go anywhere.
I want to hear from you down in the comments.
What do you think of this video?
Could I make it better?
What did I miss?
Let me know down in the comments.
I love interacting with you, guys.
And, if you found this useful, pass it around, share it with another man who can use this
information to become a better man because that's what style is.
Style is a catalyst to help men shine.
There are so many men out there that are working hard that are putting in all these effort,
but people are passing them by do not give them any notice any recognition.
My goal is for you to be able to start a conversation, for you to be able to use style as a tool
to get what you want out of life.
Guys, take care.
I will see you in the next video.
All right, gents, so let me know down in the comments which one of these straps is going
to work best with this particular outfit.
So, what do you think?
The blue leather, the green leather, the black leather, or the mesh strap?
Let me know down in the comments.
What do you think?
I've got my favorite, but I want to hear from you, guys.
And of course, take advantage of that deal over at Vincero.
Guys, I'm linking to them down in the description with that discount code.
Use it or lose it.
[0:09:37] End of Audio
6 Different Types of Empaths, Are You Belong to One of These? - Duration: 3:27.6 Different Types of Empaths, Are You Belong to One of These?
You may call empaths as a person who have the best way to feel other people feelings
around you, but which empaths that you mean?
There are actually many kinds of empaths.
And, knowing which type of empaths you belong to can help you understand, and then you can
make the most of your gift while still taking care of yourself.
Because you know, having a deeply empathetic soul has many benefits as well as the struggles,
sometimes it can leave a serious weigh and burden, especially when overwhelmed by emotional
feelings of others while we aren't in a good state of mind.
So, which empaths do you belong to?
Check these list to know the type of your personality and how to make the most out of
#1 - Emotional Empath
It is actually the most common type, and it is sometimes confused with non-empaths.
However, you know that you are absolutely an empath because you can easily feel and
experience the emotion of people around you.
Sometimes, listening to sad stories may make you feel sick and exhausted.
If you feel so, you belong to emotional empaths.
#2 - Medical Empath
This one is quite cool since you can recognize the ailment or disease that people are having.
You can feel the energy of a person, and you can see which part is blocked, preventing
healthy condition.
#3 - Geomantic Empath
Geomantic empath is well-attuned to natural world.
Indeed, the sensitivity of geomantic empath is quite different since it deals with landscape
instead of people.
They can feel something good or nice when they set foot on certain places.
#4 - Plant empath
This one is not common type of empath.
The reason is because modern people live in cities where they cannot understand how trees
grow and survive.
Plant empath is very keen on condition of plants around him, or her.
Emotion changes when trees are burnt and cut down.
Additionally, people with plant empath can recharge their energy quickly around plants
such as in the green park.
#5 - Animal empath
Having strong bound with animal, they can experience and understand the pain of animals.
Even though it sounds weird, it is not.
They train themselves and they usually live with animals more intensely than other people.
#6 - Intuitive empath
It is a type of empath that is like a knife.
Sometimes, you get benefits because you can tell if a person is lying.
However, it hurts you a lot if you know that someone close to you is lying.
Being able to read people's mind is not as fun as it seems.
Well, those are the 6 different types of empaths, determine which type of empaths you belong
to, and how you can make the most of your gift.
So, Really cool information isn't it?
I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share
your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!
Thanks for watching!
Mumbai, Pune & Penguin - Chetan Muley | Marathi Stand-Up Comedy #bhadipa #marathistandup - Duration: 4:39.I am from Nagpur.
Me too! (audience)
and I stay in Mumbai.
A Nagpur guy who stays in Mumbai, standing in front of
a Punekar is like-
a Pakistani muslim ending up in Gujarat.
But Pune is the best. Pune is best'er'. Pune is best'est'.
On a serious note, Pune is best for a reason. I tell you,
the basic reason of all is 'real estate prices'.
Buying home in Mumbai is a 'ballsy' affair, man.
If you want to buy home in Mumbai, selling off heart,
liver and kidney will make your downpayment ONLY.
What's left then? (Points at butt).
this is also sold monthly, to pay EMIs.
After all this, what's the view outside your house?
'People shitting on the railway tracks.'
So, We slog our asses to see people's asses.
At least in Pune, selling off heart, liver and kidney will get you a home.
And what's for the view? 'Parvati' (local hill in Pune)
People shit at Parvati as well
but at least they have greenery around!
While I was coming here, I read a social message.
It reads like 'Daru Soda' (Quit drinking).
I found that incomplete.
So, I got off the rickshaw and
I asked the rickshaw to wait
and I corrected the message
'Daru Soda, papad chakhna' (have liquor-soda with munchies by side).
Don't judge, because every social message has a rhythm.
Plant trees- save trees
Clean Pune - Beautiful Pune
Stop Water - Collect Water
Then Daru Soda-
The meter is off, right?
Also, liquor with soda is harmful to liver.
And if you are planning to buy a home, you have to have a strong liver.
Pune has Sambhaji park
Mumbai has Jijamata park (Byculla Zoo)
And last summer,
they got penguins in Byculla Zoo for visitors.
Byculla zoo... Mumbai heat....
An animal, for whom Extreme cold is normal climate,
was dragged into a city of extreme heat. Really?
They literally went up north
to bring someone down south!
and Jon snow has done it NOW.
After this, I thought there is no further low
I thought, This is the lowest low.
Rahul Gandhi is our brother- let's mess up another!
Congress' love for idiocy does not stop to amuse me.
This is the objection Congress had.
'BMC official language is Marathi, why are the penguin names English?'
This isn't made up, it was in the news.
They wanted to rename 'Michael' and 'Pope'
as 'Mikya' and 'Papya' (typical marathi names).
Somebody tell them, those are penguins and not Sonia Gandhi.
They don't have to change names to stay in India.
How To Make Chocolate Cake Decorating 2018! Amazing Chocolate Cakes Step by Step Tutorials - Duration: 10:33.How To Make Chocolate Cake Decorating 2018
Tucker Carlson EVISCERATES Jorge Ramos – Leaves Him a Stuttering Mess - Duration: 10:56.Tucker Carlson EVISCERATES Jorge Ramos – Leaves Him a Stuttering Mess
Fox News host Tucker Carlson just absolutely crushed illegal immigration activist Jorge
Ramos after he claimed that Trump wants to "make America white again."
"Can we just agree on this point?
That a country [Mexico] that exterminated its black population, that is run exclusively
by white people, that had a caste system based on blood until pretty recently, probably shouldn't
be calling us racist.
Can we–let's take that out of the equation.
This is an economic argument about who benefits from migration.
It's not really about race," said Carlson, according to Conservative 101.
"No, I don't think so," a triggered Ramos fired back.
"No Tucker, I think we should criticize both countries.
There's discrimination in Mexico and there's a lot of discrimination, we have to say that,
but when we have a president like President Trump who's made racist statements, who
clearly wants to make America white again by-"
"Oh, come on," Carlson shot back.
"When he said that he wants to bring immigrants from Norway and not from Haiti and from Africa,
don't you think that's a racist statement?" asked Ramos.
Carlson, however, wasn't having any of it.
"Literally, something like 85 percent of our immigrants are nonwhite," Carlson said.
"It's not a question of white or nonwhite.
It's a question of whether Mexico gets to use the United States as its welfare system.
By the way, there were two black Mexicans just deported from Mexico, 'cause they were
black, to countries they've never been to.
That's what it's like to be African-American in Mexico.
So, let's just stop with the race stuff."
This isn't the first time Ramos has gotten schooled on Fox News.
Last month, Sean Hannity educated him on crime statistics, the threat facing American citizens,
and the need to crackdown on undocumented workers.
"Let me just say that the vast majority of immigrants and the vast majority of undocumented
immigrants in this country are not criminals," said Ramos.
"Jorge we can't have a discussion if you start giving me your talking points," Hannity
fired back . "642,000 crimes committed by illegal immigrants against Texans alone […] Those
criminal aliens, do you support having them removed from this country?"
"I'm not here to defend real criminals, but we cannot criminalize the whole immigrant
population simply because of what a few have done," Ramos said.
"Let me give you one statistic.
Illegal aliens accounted for 13 percent of all non-immigration related federal sentences
in 2016.
Now, that is a significantly higher percentage than the 3.5 percent estimated population,"
Hannity continued.
"There are 642,000 crimes committed against Texans alone; that's not your family Jorge.
Where's your sympathy for those victims of crimes?"
What do you think about this?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.
"Ejército del Aire" Mission Part 2 - DCS F/A-18C Hornet [w/ Spanish Subs] - Duration: 31:54.-------------------------------------------
Tips&Tricks: MIRAGE CT Retake #1 - Duration: 4:40.Hello, my friends! You are watching the pilot episode of Tips&Tricks from Chayka.
Today we'll be covering the retake on Mirage.
Fast paced rounds are very popular on this map in both MM and pro level.
Quite often during the retake stage you have a smoke left,
which in most cases doesn't bring a lot of value, because it's thrown in a hurry from open positions.
For those situations I will show a couple of smokes from safe spots,
and with a proper read of the opponent and correct usage, they will help wo win the retake situation.
The most dangerous position for B retake is Forest.
A head above the wall quite often becomes deadly for your teammates from Short.
Therefore, you have to throw Smoke from CT into the site to reduce the contact distance.
Now the players from Catwalk should be worried about the close positions only.
It speeds up the split retake, and forces T side to change positions, which you can use to your advantage.
Of course, T might go for an out of the box play, checking Short from the site, and then spraying through the smoke.
In that case, however, he'll be exposed to Kitchen.
Also this smoke works against the gap of the white box,
which is used quite often by the snipers after rush, expecting enemy sniper rotation from Balcony.
By the way, retreating from A through middle, spend a moment to check an enemy lurker though this gap.
It's a small thing, but do you remember how many times those guys killed you from behind?
If you are left in a 1v1 situation, and you know that the bomb is planted for Short...
It's mostly possible in late rounds, but let's imagine you didn't waste your smoke.
With this smoke you can make the round almost hopeless for the offense.
T have to either come out, without a possibility to strafe, or shoots though the smoke with the help of radar.
Anyway, a single grenades makes the round very difficult for the opposing player.
When retaking A site against fast paced rounds,
you should isolate T ramp and Palace,
as in an even situation T's are better off playing passively.
You can force Ts out of safe angles by nading T ramp and Tetris from Jungle,
which'll make them exposed to your teammate at Delpan, if there's one.
Once you've thrown nades, you should immediately switch to watching Palace,
as in this position, T has enough time to turn away from a flash and distract attention from Tetris.
In case the T's build their tactic around mid control and an A split with focus on Connector,
then the bomb will probably be planted for Short and you should go for a retake through Delpan.
In order to isolate possible position of Ts, throw a smoke from the corner in the spawn.
From Delpan, you can cut off Connector and throw a pop flash,
which will help you initiate the retake attempt,
forcing the awaiting Ts into corners and closing the distance gap.
The next smoke I'm about to show you requires a lot of practicing,
so you don't die with the nade out in a clutch situation.
Throw a smoke and while it's bouncing off, you're ready to fend off T,
who might get baited out by the sound of the smoke hitting the wall,
or prepare a pop flash to defend with.
Even if that's a fake, you'll spot the enemy coming out of Palace first,
and if the T decides to spray while in the smoke,
their chances for survivng return fire are slim.
As a bonus, I want to show you how to bait a player near Jungle.
The thing is, the sound of shooting metal in the game is the same,
you can shoot a hammer and take down a guy,
who'd peek out, expecting you to drop down from Ladder room.
And don't forget to support your teammates,
for example, this flash will blind A site positons and help you push out of Connector.
Put these grenades to work,
and I promise, your success retake ratio on Mirage will significantly increase.
Also, if you're wondering how I set up nades,
then leave a comment and I'll make a guide on how to calculate the timings of smokes,
and evaluate pop flashes efficiency by saving nades trajectory.
That'll be all. Thanks for watching and see you soon.
Bobby Lashley Beats Up Men Dressed As His Sisters | WWE Raw, May 21, 2018 Review - Duration: 5:20.Stephanie McMahon returns!
Alexa Bliss is suddenly an expert on the decline of the Roman Empire.
No, not that one.
And Bobby Lashley beats up three men dressed as his sisters.
I'm Oli Davis, click the 'i' above my head to vote for what you thought of the show
- where you can choose from In Awe, Cor, AVRAWGE, Poor and Bore - as I review the 21st May,
2018 edition of Monday Night Raw ...in about 4 minutes.
Stepa Kurt Angle barely got through three floppy
wrist gestures to open Raw when Stephanie McMahon's entrance music hit.
Not now, Luke!
You're meant to be on holiday.
Stephanie immediately hit her Emasculator finishing move on Angle and effectively took
over the show.
Cue Roman Reigns moaning about not having the Universal Championshi-EMASCULATOR FROM
And then Kevin Owens came out to praise the Authority for looking past his feud with Vince
McMahon last year to bring him to Ra- EMASCULATOR FROM STEPHANIE ON OWENS!
Roman Reigns beat Kevin Owens (DQ) This turned into a very good Kevin Owens / Roman
Reigns match, until Jinder Mahal attacked the Big Dawg on the outside.
One Seth Rollins save later and we've got a tag team match, playas.
Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns beat Kevin Owens & Jinder Mahal
Which was even better than the preceding singles bout, mainly because of Seth's incredible
hot body, I mean tag - eventually pinning Owens with a Curbstomp for the second time
in two weeks.
In an impressive bit of misdirection, the just-beaten Mahal managed to get behind the
TitanTron to attack a celebrating Roman and Rollins with a steel chair.
And then it was made official: Reigns vs Jinder has been announced for Money in the Bank,
probably one of the most unappealing feuds in modern time-
Hold my beer, says WWE.
The Truth Behind Bobby Lashley's Sisters Because then we had 2018's winner of WWE's
Worst Segment of the Year award.
Hot off the already awful Bobby Lashley interview segment from two weeks ago, where he spoke
about loving his three sisters - EMASCULATOR FROM OUT OF NOWHERE! - which they played again
here just in case you forgot how terrible it was, Sami Zayn led a segment exposing the
truth behind Bobby's supposed good family man character.
This came in the form of three men in drag revealing Lashley actually bullied them all
as kids.
It wasn't just the live crowd who were audibly not into this, not just myself watching through
seething rage at home; but Sami Zayn himself.
That is the face of a man who knows how bad this is.
Somehow even more insulting was how Bobby no-sold it all as a joke, going on his own
hilarious monologue about three men pretending to be his sisters, rather than just destroying
everyone like this segment deserved.
Things got physical with Sami running away and the three 'sisters' attacking Bobby,
where Lashley proceeded to beat each one up - including one with an army helmet, which
Bobby put on the guy's head, to then punch him on the helmet on his head.
It's a protective helmet you f*-.This was atrocious, and set both Bobby's WWE character
and the mustachioed women back about a decade.
Ember Moon beat Alexa Bliss For more character inconsistency, Alexa Bliss
then cut a wholly contrived promo about Visigoths and Romans.
Ember Moon won their following match despite some attempted Mickie James interference.
Baron Corbin beat No Way Jose Baron Corbin and No Way Jose fighting each
other week after week is almost like a metaphysical conga line joke on me.
The B Team beat Breezeango The B Team celebrated big time as their undefeated
streak continued against Breezeango… again.
Ronda Rousey & Nia Jax Contract Signing Stephanie played Ronda Rousey and Nia Jax
against each other for their Money in the Bank contract signing, possibly forshadowing
Nia turning heel with McMahon.
Dolph Ziggler beat Chad Gable Despite Dolph Ziggler and Chad Gable getting
jobber entrances, they put on an interesting, amateur wrestling-influenced match for the
time they were given.
Natalya beat Dana Brooke, Sarah Logan & Liv Morgan
Natalya became the latest lady person to qualify for Money in the Bank, where her post-match
interview was more focused on putting over Ronda Rousey.
They're best friends!
That always works out…
Elias beat Bobby Roode This is the fourth time we've had Elias
vs Bobby Roode in just over a month.
The Drifter ineffectively won here despite Bobby being the one going to Money in the
Bank, a bad piece of booking that was completely saved by Braun Strowman running over Elias
on the entrance ramp to start the next match.
Braun Strowman beat Finn Balor In a main event made by Stephanie earlier
on - which involved an apple getting a hand - Braun took on Finn Balor in one of Strowman's
best ever matches.
Braun worked over Balor for the majority, but the drama really kicked in when Finn started
to get the better of him - countering Strowman's running charge into a Slingblade and hitting
a Coup De Grace on the outside.
We even got the terrific visual of Braun rising from the dead behind an oblivious Finn.
Strowman won in the end, but showed Finn respect by putting him in the corner instead of delivering
more powerslams.
A good close to an otherwise bad show.
Although I enjoyed the opening, everything in between was either lazily repeating matches,
Alexa Bliss talking about Visigoths or the awful Bobby Lashley segment.
This week's Raw is Poor.
Can Samoa Joe say TNA now that he's in WWE?!
Click the WrestleTalk.com link onscreen now to find out!
And give us a subscribe to keep up to date with all the latest backstage wrestling news!
I've been Oli Davis, and that was wrestling.
Our TOILET is in our CLOSET! (Seoul, South Korea) | Alex & MJ - On the GO - Duration: 3:50.We spent the last three months of our trip in Bali and loved it.
But before going back home,
we have to small pitstops.
Good morning!
This morning we woke up in South Korea. Not sure what happened
but we're no longer in Bali.
We slept in.
Actually, we arrived here yesterday afternoon
after a long flight...2 flights...15 hours total.
We didn't sleep very well on the plane. It wasn't fantastic.
This week will be a very short vlog.
A very short episode because we didn't have time to go out and explore much yet.
But we still wanted to show you a few things.
I don't have any left.
MJ has new sunglasses.
The others were done.
These ones are polarized.
This means that when I look at shadows or highlights, it's all better.
All better? - Yes.
Alright, we're going to go eat breakfast and then we're gonna show you our awesome apartment.
It's huge.
It's really big.
That's what she said.
Welcome come! Apartments in Seoul are small.
So I will give you a tour. It will be very long...
That's it. - That's it!
The place is a mess.
Yes but how can it not be when you're staying in such a small space?
Oh yeah!
I wanted to show you our bathroom.
It's a bathroom-closet.
But it's not a closet.
It's a bathroom.
Show me how you'll shower.
I'm going to turn this around.
But water is gonna spray that way so I guess I'll have to hold it.
I'm only 5 feet tall.
Well, 5 feet 2 inches. - Show us how you pee.
My knees are agains't the wall.
I have to sit sideways. Do you do that too?
I haven't sat on it yet.
It's crazy. I can't even sit normally.
That's it.
That's it! That's our room for the next 5 days in Seoul!
We'll see you guys next week
for a normal episode.
In the meantime, follow us on Instagram!
It's raining.
So we're staying inside to work.
Is it good?
You were scared it wasn't going to be good.
That means I won't be able to buy as much coffee because you're going to take lemonades?
So I only have one left.
HOW TO FIND WORSHIP LEADER JOBS - Duration: 6:04.Worship leading is a lot of fun, especially when you can get paid to do it.
But where does one begin looking for a worship leading job?
In this video, you are going to learn about five resources to help you find a paid worship
ministry position.
My name is Jake Gosselin with Churchfront.com, an online resource for creative and innovative
church leaders.
Subscribe to the channel and hit the notification bell so you can receive all of our latest
content to help you grow yourself and grow your church.
The question of the day: If you are in a paid worship ministry position, how did you find
your job?
Let me know in the comments.
Side note.
Not everyone in worship ministry gets paid nor do they want or need to because they may
already have another career or they just want to do it as a volunteer.
In this video, I don't want to downplay the importance of volunteer worship leaders.
Keep up the great work.
Keep watching
In this video, I want to show you five types of resources you can use to find a paid position
as a worship leader.
I'm not going to cover the details of how to go through the application process.
Although that would be a good topic for a future video.
This video is for worship leaders wanting to get started with turning their passion
for ministry into a career, but they don't know where to begin looking for positions.
Thanks to the internet, finding worship leader openings is easier than ever.
There are four types of online resources you can use to find a worship leading job.
Resource #1 - Church Staffing Websites
Church staffing websites are a great place to get started.
I recommend starting with ministryjobs.com and churchstaffing.com.
Within seconds you can browse hundreds of job openings and job descriptions.
If you are new to worship ministry, these sites can give you a clear picture of what
churches are looking for in a worship leader.
As a candidate, you can upload your information and resume.
It makes applying for different positions efficient, and it allows churches to browse
your resume and reach out to you if they are interested.
Resource #2 - Seminary and College Job Boards
Is there are seminary or Christian college in your area or the area you are interested
in relocating?
Check and see if they have a job board with worship ministry positions.
I went to Denver Seminary, and they have a very current and active job board on their
Most of the churches on that job board are in Colorado, but sometimes churches from out
of state will post on there.
Seminary and college job boards can be a great place to connect with like-minded churches.
Chances are they are choosing to post on a particular school's job board because they
want graduates from that institution or people who have similar beliefs as those graduates.
These job boards are generally low tech, meaning you are not going to create an account like
you would on the staffing websites previously mentioned.
Usually, a posting will include the job description with contact info.
Just email them what they request.
Usually, it's a video example of you leading, a cover letter, and a resume.
Resource #3 - Worship Leader's Collective: Job Positions Facebook Group
Worship Leader's Collective is one of the largest Facebook Groups for worship leaders.
Make sure you are part of the group because there is always great discussion there.
The admins of that group created another group for job postings.
It's pretty simple, churches from around the world will post worship job openings on
a daily basis.
The information is not entirely as organized as a job board or staff listing website, but
use the search feature in the group to help you find what you need.
Resource #4 - Search Groups
While the resources I mentioned so far in this video make it easy to find job postings,
what those resources don't do is help you through the application process.
Search groups help solve this problem both for the worship leader looking for a position
and the church hiring for a job.
The leading search groups include Vanderbloemen, Froot Group, and Sling Shot.
Each group takes its own approach to the search process, so I recommend checking out their
websites and connecting with them directly to find which one is best for you.
In theory, there is no reason you couldn't work with multiple search groups at the same
It's essential for you to not only find a job that looks good to you on paper, but
it also needs to be a fit for your personality and beliefs.
Since search groups walk you through a more thorough process, your chances of getting
hired somewhere that isn't a good fit are reduced.
You can never do too much homework or take too much time when considering a new position.
Resource #5 - Job postings on church websites
Maybe you already know what churches you would like to work at.
Keep an eye on their website as most churches have an employment page that lists their current
Carefully read the job description and follow their application instructions.
I've included links to all of these resources in my worship ministry toolkit, linked below
this video.
It's my ultimate resource guide for worship leaders.
Not only does it contain links to church staffing resources, but it also has my favorite list
of software and gear for worship ministry.
You can also enroll in my free training, Lead Worship with Ableton.
It's going to show you how to get started with the #1 worship leading software.
Proficiency with Ableton Live is definitely something you'll want to put on your resume.
How did you find your ministry job?
Let us know below in the comments.
Thanks for watching.
If you found this video helpful, hit the thumbs up button and share it with your friends in
You can watch related videos over here.
Don't forget to subscribe to the Churchfront channel so you can continue to receive content
to help you grow yourself and grow your church.
Can You Transport a PIZZA with a Velomobile? 🍕 - Duration: 4:19.Hello! I'm Saukki.
Today I'm finally doing something important with my velomobile.
Because today I'm going to find out can you transport a pizza with a velomobile
Let's find out!
I allready made the order by phone.
So the pizza should be ready now.
But they don't have delivery so I just have to go and get the pizza by myself.
I have no idea if the pizza will fit. But we will see.
Hi! I ordered a kebab pizza a moment ago.
I burned the first one. Can you wait another four minutes while I make you a new pizza?
Yep, no problem.
Give it to him as extra.
I don't know... do you want this?
I think I don't need it.
No, Thanks.
Why not, the pizza has very crispy edges...
Four minutes later.
It fits!
The shape of the luggage space is a little bit awkward, but I think the pizza will stay here.
Transporting a pizza!
So here the pizza is, still intact.
Let's see in what kind of condition it is.
Still warm...
Okay, let's see.
Very nice!
Look at that!
Very good!
It's still warm, but not hot.
Let's put something on the TV.
Ok, I eat the pizza and watch some TV.
Thanks for watching!
Please remember to subscribe to my channel.
And also visit my shop and buy this kind of awesome T-shirts.
Ok, see you on the next video, bye bye!
So the dimensions of this pizza box are
30 centimeters
30 centimeters, and...
3 centimeters.
And this is the standard size pizza in Finland
And I think there is a little bit more room
so you can maybe fit a little bit bigger pizza box.
Judge Judy To Megyn Kelly: 'I'm Not A Feminist' | Megyn Kelly TODAY | TODAY - Duration: 4:28.-------------------------------------------
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