Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Youtube daily report May 23 2018

(playful music)

♫ Here are the Tumblies

♫ Let the fun begin

♫ Roll, jump, slide or spin

♫ Come see the Tumblies

♫ Rolling

♫ Sliding, falling, bouncing

♫ Now the fun will start

♫ Tumblies fall apart

♫ Come see the Tumblies

♫ Here are the Tumblies ♫

(playful music begins)

(top spinning)

(gargled speak)

(music continues)

(gargled giggling)

(playful music)

(playful staccato music)


(playful snare drum)


(playful music)

(sweet slow music)



(high pitched moo)













For more infomation >> the Tumblies: Spinning toll, Broken swing and Barnyard | Episode 23 - Duration: 5:01.


5 Reasons to Read: "Circe" by Madeline Miller - Duration: 9:16.

Bibliophiles of the internet, my name's Adriana and today I'm back

to give you five reasons to read Madeline Miller's latest book, "Circe."

This is another of Miller's trademark mythological overhauls.

It's a slow-boiling, intimate character study about the title character, Circe,

who is daughter of Helios, god of the sun.

In her early life, she's very much overlooked and unloved. Her parents and siblings find her awful

to look at, and they tell her the very sound of her voice grates their souls. And because she's not prophesized

to be great or remarkable, they deem her existence as worthless.

Eventually, Circe discovers that she's a witch.

She can see the potential in raw ingredients around her and coax them into creating powerful reactions.

And while she's experimenting with this newfound skill,

she accidentally creates some equally powerful monsters.

Ultimately her father banishes her to a remote island known as Aiaia in the human world,

where she encounters all manner of visitors, divine and human alike.

When she's free of her family and their insistence upon her failure, she's finally able to carve out life for herself.

Reason number one why you should read this incredible book:

There's no single, definitive over-arching plot. And that is not, in any way, a bad thing.

This story is very different from "The Song of Achilles," which was about the machinations of war,

tragic romance, attempting to outrun fate. But that same writing style, that attention to metaphor,

that narrative closeness is still very much evident in this book.

And I enjoy that this story is told in a slow, linear fashion, where the instances of conflict are seen

as a string of encounters rather than the result of one *fixed* conflict.

It makes the narrative feel very open.

I think this story is told in a linear way, consistently from beginning to end, as an homage to the original texts.

That's something Miller does extremely well. You see the inspiration from classic Greek mythology—

—in the structure, in the cadence—but she introduces new energy and new life to these ancient texts.

She's able to maintain their integrity, but calls forth a new kind of intimacy

and also a deeper level of empathy for these unsung characters.

Another reason why I appreciate this book's structure is because it is reflective of life itself.

We build upon and grow from the encounters we have with others.

Meaningful encounters change the way we act and react, change the way we see the world or ourselves.

That's why I think it's so powerful to see Circe gradually growing as a person, as a witch, as a lover, as a parent,

to see the way she builds upon each interaction she has.

2. In this book, Miller attempts to retroactively restore dignity to feminine characters in myth.

And she succeeds.

I love that Madeline Miller takes characters who have only ever been fixed in myth as secondary

and transforms them into central characters in their *own* narrative.

This goes back to the structure, in a way, because no one would ever think of Circe as a driving force.

Like I said, there's no single conflict that holds her life together,

the way Patroclus was haunted by the Trojan War and Achilles' impending fate.

It's ambitious and daunting to take Circe's experiences, her personhood, and string it into an entire book,

but that's also the beauty of it.

You see how many people and Gods come across Circe's island, who touch her life in some way,

but we've never seen these interactions from Circe's perspective.

She's always the footnote in someone else's myth. But here, that idea's been completely flipped.

As I said, you have this thread of Circe trying come into her own, and you see all these incredible

mythological figures making an appearance in *her* life and not the other way around.

And Circe—while uncertain, while fearful, and accustomed to pain and loss—is not weak.

Everything she does, everything she takes on, is of her own accord, and she refuses to submit to the will of men,

which again, is something we've never really seen before in a mythological text.

Miller actually wrote a fantastic article about encountering sexism and misogyny in mythology

and in academia as a scholar of classics, and how she's wanted to restore Circe's dignity, in a sense, for years.

And sometimes dignity boils down to really sitting with a person, seeing that they're whole and imperfect,

and recognizing that everything they've been through matters.

That's why I think this story definitely succeeds in doing that

Also, if you're interested, I will of course link that article down below.

3. The story is really about discovering your own agency and reclaiming control over your own narrative.

Another powerful benefit of following Circe's life from the beginning is getting to see how much she changes.

Before her exile, she's subjected to her family's disdain, she's seen as a burden, as a blight on her family's name,

so she's very meek and fearful as a result.

She doesn't know much of the world, she does as she's told, she accepts her punishment as inevitable,

and goes where her father banishes her without complaint.

By the end, she's endured so much.

She's tired of accepting that the world is going to rip away the things she loves,

that all she has to look forward to is the loss of everyone she cares about.

She done being her father's pawn, being seen as expendable—and it's really incredible to witness.

That's what's so great about her being a witch.

It gives her a kind of control, a way to manipulate the world around her and her circumstances.

As the story goes on, she realizes that she doesn't have to sit around and wait for the next awful thing to happen.

She can protect herself, she can prevent unwanted visitors,

and if she doesn't know how to do something she can *learn*.

It's a testament to how we can break the mold, how we can leave behind what is expected of us.

When Circe realizes she has a choice, that she can atone for her mistakes and become something else

besides the burden she was cast as, she says:

"...that was only a shape I had been poured into. I did not have to keep it."

4. The story asks what it means to have a meaningful existence.

There's a constant discussion of the infinite vs. the finite.

In the opening chapters, there's a seed that's planted with Prometheus,

who was cruelly punished by Zeus for stealing fire and giving it to humans.

Circe is fascinated by this choice, because Prometheus' name literally means forethought.

Meaning he has premonitions. He's able to see things before they take place.

And so he knowingly gave fire to humans knowing he would be punished for it

and knowing exactly what that punishment would entail.

This is a fate Circe keeps close throughout her entire life, and she keeps returning to it.

I think she has that same urge in herself to reach for things that are finite, like humans,

and she wonders why that is.

Why do we love others knowing that one day they'll leave us or they'll be gone?

Why do we try to claim things that won't last forever?

Why do we stake so much of ourselves in things that are temporary, things that have limits?

It's especially fascinating to think about in relation to Circe and other immortals,

who have no concept of death, whose time on this earth is conceivably endless.

When that's your mindset, how can you fathom the here and the now? How do you organize your experiences?

So as an immortal, as someone who is constantly facing loss,

Circe is desperate to cling to any form of love or bright light that comes her way.

And even though she knows things will end, most likely not in her favor, her love is reckless and fierce.

There's something so powerful about someone who keeps reaching, who keeps trying,

and who decides for *herself* what has meaning and what does not.

And, 5. The story truly validates all different forms of love.

As I just said, Circe loves often and she loves fiercely. It doesn't always work out.

Sometimes people discard her without a thought

or betray her trust, but there is no shortage of love in her life.

She is a daughter, a sibling, a friend, a lover, a parent, a witch—and above all,

she is undyingly dedicated and loyal, sometimes to a fault.

I appreciate that this story isn't centered on romantic love.

It's about what Circe wants and the life she's trying to make for herself,

a life where she can breathe freely and be proud of the witch she is.

Along the way, she experiences all different types of love—platonic, familial, romantic, sexual—

—but I think it's important to note that she doesn't go after these things because they're convenient,

but because they're experiences she wants.

You see how, in the beginning, she thought she needed a man's love to be seen or to feel important.

But then she realizes that void can be filled with so many different kinds of love, most importantly self-love.

It's really great to see a woman who is alone, but who isn't lonely.

Or who *does* experience loneliness from time to time,

but realizes that might a symptom of missing something else.

As I said, Circe loves often, and she tries to keep the things she loves close to her,

just because so much has been taken away as matter of course.

Sometimes she's successful, sometimes she's not,

but each endeavor is deemed as equally lasting, impactful, and important.

Ultimately, love (or lack thereof) is what shapes the course of her life more than anything else.

And what we define *as* love changes as often as life itself.

Being able to read something new from Madeline Miller after all these years

was a really incredible, rewarding experience.

You don't need to have read "The Song of Achilles" to read this one,

and you don't even need a cursory knowledge of Greek myth to enjoy it,

because Madeline Miller will take care of you and fill you in along the way.

So I feel comfortable saying I definitely recommend this book!

So those were just a handful of my thoughts on "Circe" by Madeline Miller.

If you've read this book, or her previous book, please feel free to drop by the comments and discuss.

But that's everything I had for this review today. Thank you so much for watching this video.

I really hope that you enjoyed it, and I will catch YOU on the flip-side of the page.


[♫ snazzy end screen music ♫]

For more infomation >> 5 Reasons to Read: "Circe" by Madeline Miller - Duration: 9:16.


La justicia alemana vuelve a rechazar la entrega a España de Puigdemont - Duration: 6:34.

For more infomation >> La justicia alemana vuelve a rechazar la entrega a España de Puigdemont - Duration: 6:34.


Beatrice Borromeo et Pierre Casiraghi parents d'un deuxième enfant - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Beatrice Borromeo et Pierre Casiraghi parents d'un deuxième enfant - Duration: 1:25.


Сериал "Яма" / "Çukur" 31 серия. Фрагмент. Субтитры - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Сериал "Яма" / "Çukur" 31 серия. Фрагмент. Субтитры - Duration: 0:59.


Vir The Robot Has Arrived. A...

For more infomation >> Vir The Robot Has Arrived. A...


Dungeons & Dragons Factions - The Harpers - Duration: 5:25.

Hello everyone Jorphdan here the PH is silent.

Today I wanted to talk about factions.

There are certain factions in the forgotten realms your character can be a part of.

If you happen to play Adventure League these become more important because your factions

can aid your character in your game.

They're fun and each faction is kind of associated with a set type of character, but

really anyone can be a part of any faction.

The five factions are The Harpers, The Order of the Gauntlet, The Emerald Enclave, The

Lords' Alliance and The Zhentarim.

Let's start with the Harpers!

The Harpers are a force of good in Faerun.

It's a secret society that habitually worries about the effects of their actions on others.

"Do what is needful, but no more, lest the doing become more important than that deeds."

Famous words from Khelben Blackstaff Arunsun that the Harpers have taken to heart.

Many Harpers are spies.

The idea is that they infiltrate an organization and attempt to thwart evil where they see


If the agent fails, they've only lost one, but if the agent succeeds it can be invaluable

to their cause.

Harpers have been called the meddlers of the Realms.

They aid merchants and the common folk, and occasionally spread rumors.

They sometimes end the lives of creatures who work evil deeds or who try to manipulate

the affairs of civilized races.

Big or small the Harpers intervene where evil can be thwarted.

The ideals of the harpes aren't set down in a book.

It is sort of a code that Harpers swear to follow.

Much of this code is reflected in the laws of Silvery Moon or Neverwinter and the surrounding


When a new Harper accomplishes his first worthwhile or noteable task on his or her own, there

is often a surprise gathering of several Harpers who toast to their new companion.

One of their most passionate beliefs is that all being should walk free of fear.

Those who control the population through fear are ever on the mind of a Harper.

"The rule of law aids peace and fosters freedom, so long as the laws are just and

those who enforce them lenient and understanding."

Harpers work to protect cities of Faerun from the ravages of all who would destroy them.

No task is beneath a Harper either.

No job too dirty or dangerous.

Known to chop wood for the elderly, or swim sewers on an adventure.

Harpers don't have uniforms either or petty formalities, or clear cut ranks.

They can dress and speak as they please, an emphasis on being free to do what they wish,

as long as it doesn't interfere or hurt others.

So how do you know a Harper if it's this secret organization.

Well they wear pins with the Harper symbol on it.

These pins are hidden and only shown to other Harpers or potential Harpers.

When they need to they mostly communicate through magic, but letters have been written

in the past and delivered to other Harpers coordinating their efforts against a nearby


The history of the Harpers dates back to the Dale Reckoning, which is the event that starts

the Dale Reckoning calendar, or DR.

This was when the Standing Stone was raised by the elves of Cormanthor and the humans

of Dalesfolk.

It was an alliance between the two races allowing the humans to populate freely much of the

nearby woods.

The Elven realm of Cormanthor realized that humans were too numerous, adaptable, persistent

and skilled to ignore or defeat.

So it was decided that welcoming them in friendship was the best policy for the elven race.

Soon the city of Myth Drannor opened its doors to dwarves, gnomes, halflings, humans, and

elfs as well as other half-breeds to live and work together in one place.

The most experienced elven generals with some human rangers and druids determined that a

secret organization to work good throughout the realms was needed.

Not loyal to a ruler but a loose group of "friends" that would work secretly, outside

laws and politics, to put down evil.

An elven mage who took the name "Lady Steel" agreed to head this new group in its infancy

and her house symbol was that of a silver harp.

The new members of the Harpers took this symbol for their organization and its stuck ever


The organization really took off later on after Myth Drannor fell to demons.

The Harpers regrouped in a remote spot in High Dale known as "the Dancing Place."

Druids, clerics, bards, creatures following good aligned deities gathered in this place

and Elminster himself stepped out and spoke to them.

Here it was urged to expand the Harpes into a "shadowy band of heroes" that would

work against those who served the Cruel Gods, before all lands were plunged into war, slavery,

and tyranny.

A band that supported no lord of god but had the quiet support of many.

It was not all well accepted, many of the priests did not want to work together without

guidance from their deities.

Nobody wants to displease their god.

But the deities represented liked this idea so much they ended up speaking directly through

chosen followers.

In the end the gathered gods agreed to support this organization that worked for them but

did not serve them.

The Harpers also wish to preserve history, art and music, and maintain the balance between

civilization and nature.

This mean smaller kingdoms and respect of the forest and its inhabitants.

Most members are either good/neutral aligned rangers or bards, but many wizards and druids

are also Harpers.

Also with all the gods allying together for the Harpers there are a fair number of clerics


They mainly operate in Northern Faerun along the Sword Coast.

The group can't really be destroyed as there is no ultimate authority figure anymore.

It's become more of an idea than an organization.

The Harpers have fluctuated in members, and has reformed four times since its original


Foes of the Harpers include the Zhentarim, the Red Wizards of Thay, and the Cult of the


If you'd like to know more about the Harpers I'd recommend the "Code of the Harpers"

which was an AD&D accessory I found with loads of information.

More than I could really cover in one video.

Complete with Harper Ballads for you Bard to sing at the table!

Thanks for watching everyone, more videos to come on the other factions.

I'll see you all next Wednesday.

For more infomation >> Dungeons & Dragons Factions - The Harpers - Duration: 5:25.


Animals Finger Family | Nursery Rhymes For Kids - Duration: 16:27.

We are the Finger Family!

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Animals Finger Family | Nursery Rhymes For Kids - Duration: 16:27.


Dani Alves interview | "I'm going to play until I'm 50!" | One-on-One - Duration: 6:45.

For more infomation >> Dani Alves interview | "I'm going to play until I'm 50!" | One-on-One - Duration: 6:45.


Arbeits 2 Bits: Easy Web Designer Tips - Duration: 0:30.

What's up guys. Today's 2bits tip of the day is directed at the designers, UX

designers, web designers out there. When you're starting a project, you don't want

to just jump in and start working on it. You want to get your wireframes done. You

want to get your sketches done, maybe get yourself a cool cool little notebook.

Get your stuff drawn out. I like these Leuchttuerns. Pretty neat. Got dots in them and

yeah get your wireframes done. Save time and money down the road so your

boss doesn't hate you.

For more infomation >> Arbeits 2 Bits: Easy Web Designer Tips - Duration: 0:30.


Road Ranger March On | Videos And Songs For Babies - Duration: 1:00:42.

Road Ranger March On

For more infomation >> Road Ranger March On | Videos And Songs For Babies - Duration: 1:00:42.


Five Little Piggies | Kids Songs And Videos For Toddlers - Duration: 1:00:49.

"Look at those jumping Piggies!"

Five little Piggies jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said

No more Piggies jumping on the bed

Four little Piggies jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said

No more Piggies jumping on the bed

Three little Piggies jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said

No more Pigges jumping on the bed

Two little Pigges jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said

No more Pigges jumping on the bed

One little Piggies jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said

Put those Piggies right to bed

For more infomation >> Five Little Piggies | Kids Songs And Videos For Toddlers - Duration: 1:00:49.


LUCK and MONEY will depend on how you wear the ring - Duration: 6:13.

Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel!

Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel!

Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel!

For more infomation >> LUCK and MONEY will depend on how you wear the ring - Duration: 6:13.


Çukur 31.Bölüm Kamera Arkası / Eğlenceli ve Komik - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> Çukur 31.Bölüm Kamera Arkası / Eğlenceli ve Komik - Duration: 5:46.


U&D: Ginevra Pisani contro Mariano, forti offese: come reagirà lex tronista - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> U&D: Ginevra Pisani contro Mariano, forti offese: come reagirà lex tronista - Duration: 4:02.


김흥국(59)씨가 또다시 상해 혐*의*로 피소 - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> 김흥국(59)씨가 또다시 상해 혐*의*로 피소 - Duration: 3:19.


What a day! VLOG - Duration: 14:21.

Great coffee.

-Good morning! -Good morning.

We're in Gävle!

We've slept amazing in this room.

-It's more than a room. It's huge. -It's like an apartment. Let's do a tour.

Living room...

-Here you can hang out. -TV.

This is my favorite. A huge bathroom with two entrances.

Bathtub, shower.

Look who's here.

Hello Trollis!

Look at this morning hair - it's incredible.

Here's the hallway, big and roomy.

Here's Alma or Harry's bed. They've slept on folding beds.

Here's... Come on.

Toilet number two.

That's nice.

And the hallway back to where we started.

-A proper hotel room. -Yes, wonderful.

It's 9:20 - time for breakfast. Harry's eating cheese doodles!

We've got to check out the breakfast.

Watermelon in a ring. Look at the ring!

-Out of melon peel? -Yes.

What have you got?

My breakfast. I had pancakes first and I'm having a sandwich now.

We're on our way to check out...

-The park! -The park, and the city.

It's warm, it's sunny. It's...

-Lovely? -Park!

It's park, that's nice.

-What have you found? -A baby - look.

Do you like it?

We're in a park called Boulongerskogen.

Why are there animals there?

It's the animals you can find in the water and in the air.

- Look. Lots of birds... -What's that?

It's a pike.

It's so cool to have this in the middle of the city.

It sure is.

This thing... Why didn't they exist when we were kids?

-Why don't we have them in Stockholm? -Right.

The most simple thing ever, but so much fun. It's like a free carousel ride. So much fun. Great work, Hags.

That an interesting way to do it...

Look at these hot dogs! Limousine hot dogs...

Wow, long hot dogs and tiny buns!

You picked the biggest table.

-No, the little one. -Yeah, that's what I meant.

What did you think of the park?


I thought it was great. Huge!

Big and lovely. I like parks with water stream.

The kids are taking a nap and it's 1:50 PM.

At 3 PM we have a fan meet here at the hotel. We'll see if anyone shows up.

We know some people will show up, because we met a family at the park. We'll see if anyone else shows up.

I'm preparing these cards with greetings from us.

You're so cute.

-Why? -You're so thoughtful, doing this.

-Preparing cards for our viewers. -The channel wouldn't be what it is...

...if we didn't have our viewers. So we appreciate our viewers.

That's true. They mean a lot to us.

It's 2:45 PM. Are we ready to meet the viewers?


Are you nervous?

-A bit. -A bit. Mostly me.

This is so nice. It's really all about the little things. The hotel put a bowl of candy here. Some drinks and flowers.

And the bathroom has rubber ducks, bath bombs, toys...

Show us.

Here are two Nemo fish, if you've seen Find Nemo.

Here are two rubber ducks. And here's the best thing - the bath bombs!

Look at all the viewers who've gathered here! We're so happy.

-Hello, everyone! -Hello!

Harry wants to give everyone candy since it's Saturday.

-Who wants candy? -Me!

Who wants candy?

That was crazy.

We're overwhelmed that so many viewers turned up, everyone was so nice, happy and lovely.

-Are you tired, Alma? -Yes.

-I can tell. -The kids played around a lot.

We wrote a bunch of autographs... It was lots of fun. Thanks to everyone that came.

The 25 cards we had written vanished like that.

Yeah, they vanished at once.

You thought you'd written too many.

Yes, I thought we had too many cards. We didn't.

We handed out 50 cards, and not everyone got one. Crazy.

Yeah, a bit crazy.

-We're going to have dinner now. -At a restaurant called Church Street.

Which has been recommended to us.

It's supposedly fun and great for kids as well.

-Here it is. -Wow, look!

Look at this. Strange.

-Here you go. -Thank you.

Alma or Harry can sit next to me.

The waiter brought us nuts and you can throw the shells on the floor.

Look, there's tons of shells.

Are you full?


-What do you want to do now? -Take a bath!

Those are the bath bombs.

The bomb is smoking.

-Mine is smoking. -Mine too.

What a day.

-Was it good, Harry? -Mm.

Definitely, what a day.

We got tons of... Or Alma and Harry got tons of gifts and drawings from our viewers.

It's not something we expected.

-It sure wasn't. -But it all got a bit much..

We said "oh, we'll take that later". You opened a gift there, and Alma too, with these. Right?

-Yes. You've played with them constantly. -And another one.

Small toys.

"To Alma from Sebbe and Oliver". I don't think we can show you everything we open.

But you can open it and we can answer Question of the Day.

-A bubble gun! -Just like the one you wanted!

I've got a bubble gun!

We've answered this question before in a video on our Instagram.

We also answer questions there: the_swedish_family

I think we might have answered this in a video but it keeps coming back so we'll do it one more time.

"How did you come up with the name The Swedish Family?" And it's Camilla Thorman who's asking.

I remember that we wanted a name that would work internationally.

Yes. And we are a quite ordinary Swedish family.

We also feel, after a day like this when we've met our viewers, that everyone is a part of The Swedish Family.

It's not just us, but also YOU, the viewers who watch us and like what we do.

Our whole community is The Great Big Swedish Family.

-And that's how we like it. -It sure is.

We want you to feel like a part of our family, because in some ways you are.

"You're so great and spread so much joy. Never stop what you're doing" From Elsa and Lydia.


"We love your YouTube channel, don't ever stop. Ivar, Tilda and Ellen".

Slime! Cute.

"The Swedish Family is the best channel - subscribe to their channel".

The... Swedish... Family!

Thank you for all the gifts!

We're so happy to have you all. It's more than 55,000 subscribers now. That's the greatest gift.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

It's been a...

-It's been a long day, with lots of fun. -It been a great day in Gävle.

Thank you, Gävle.

-Tomorrow we go to Furuvik. -That's right.

Thank you for watching this video.

-Give us a thumbs up... -Or down.

-Comment. -Ask questions.

Subscribe, and click the little bell.

And have a great time until we see you again. Bye! Bye!

For more infomation >> What a day! VLOG - Duration: 14:21.


Dani Alves interview | "I'm going to play until I'm 50!" | One-on-One - Duration: 6:45.

For more infomation >> Dani Alves interview | "I'm going to play until I'm 50!" | One-on-One - Duration: 6:45.





Truck full of chicken feathers overturn on I-5 - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Truck full of chicken feathers overturn on I-5 - Duration: 2:00.


Alexi Lubomirski zaliczył wpadkę ze ślubnym zdjęciem księcia Harry'ego i Meghan? - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Alexi Lubomirski zaliczył wpadkę ze ślubnym zdjęciem księcia Harry'ego i Meghan? - Duration: 3:59.


Katarzyna Łaniewska i Andrzej Błaszczak: niezwykła historia ich miłości - Duration: 9:57.

For more infomation >> Katarzyna Łaniewska i Andrzej Błaszczak: niezwykła historia ich miłości - Duration: 9:57.


'I Covered My Ears With A Teddy Bear': Windsor Remembers Destructive Tornado - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> 'I Covered My Ears With A Teddy Bear': Windsor Remembers Destructive Tornado - Duration: 2:19.


Domino DMO cylinder inset opened by Raking and SPP # LockPicking - Duration: 7:43.

For more infomation >> Domino DMO cylinder inset opened by Raking and SPP # LockPicking - Duration: 7:43.


Secrets Casinos Don't Want You To Know - Duration: 11:41.

From design layouts, to ways of knowing you're cheating, I'm Bob from W5L and join me as

I reveal 9 secrets of the casinos they don't want you to know!


Dealers...don't really make that much.

To start off this list, I want you to think about your dream job.

More than likely, it's a job where you can make money, yet have fun doing the job, and

not minding coming in virtually every day to do it, right?

At first glance, you might think that a casino dealer, whether it be Blackjack, Poker, Roulette,

or some other game that requires a dealer, would be fun.

After all, you're right in the middle of the casino action.

And though it's not accurate, you technically hold all the power.

But think about this before you drop everything and go...

It's YOU who shuffles the cards, it's YOU who spins the Roulette wheel, and it's you

who reveals who wins or loses.

But...what you might not realize is that despite all the money that's getting thrown around...the

dealers work at minimum wage.

No joke, they're literally the bottom of the barrel.

Now, there are some casinos that do pay a little more for their dealers, especially

for certain high-end games, but on the whole, they only make the minimum.

This is why dealers are told to be friendly with the they can get tips.

That's also a reason why the "tip your dealer" phrase came into practice.

Because if you clean up one night and make say $100,000?

You doubled in one night what that dealer will make in a whole year.

So please be nice to the people dealing the cards, they often deserve that kindness.

That being said...


Some Dealers Do Cheat and Steal They say that casinos are where people go

to lose their money, and they're right more often than not.

Yet, some people try and cheat the system to make sure they don't, and I'll be talking

about that later.

However, one person you wouldn't expect to cheat is the dealer.

After all, while they "work" for the casino, they have no bias towards you.

You're literally on the same level as them.

But that's the thing, you're on the same level, and that means they have the same impulses

as you and your fellow gamblers.

So, they're not above cheating with another person to earn a score, or, if they feel they

can swipe a chip without getting caught, they'll do it.

Just like you when you go to a casino, it's all about the money.

Funnily enough, it's because dealers have tried to cheat and steal so much in the past

that a lot of mandatory rituals are done when a dealer leaves the table.

They have to expose their hands and move them around to show they didn't take anything on

the sly as they leave.

Should a dealer be caught cheating, they'll be arrested.

Sometimes at the table itself to "show others" the cost of cheating, and other times they'll

be brought to the manager's office, exposed, and then arrested.

Now, this doesn't mean you should be mean to the dealer, or ignore the previous entry

and not tip them.

But, you should at least keep an eye out for them, just in case.

And now for number 7, but first let us know about your favorite casino in the comments


It can be anywhere in the world!!

And if you are new here, be sure to subscribe before you leave!

We have lots of new videos coming up!!! 7.

Security Is Tighter Than You Think Ok, think about Ocean's 11 and 13 (we don't

talk about 12 here...).

Remember how deep and detailed the security was in those casinos?

How did Reuben say it?

"They've got cameras, they've got locks, they've got vaults.

They enough armed security to occupy Paris!"

Well, you might think after watching these movies, and other casino films and shows,

that they exaggerated how tight security is.

Well...they didn't.

There's a reason that true casino robberies don't happen that often.

Not that people don't try, but they're quickly put down.

More common are scams to try and cheat the casino out of their money, which is never

smart, but the security is so well trained that they know what to look for, even if you


For example, if a person is playing a slot machine, and they're loading in their coins,

but not looking at the machine itself as they do it, they're cheating.

How so?

Because that means they're looking around for security to see if they'll get caught.

The guards use cameras all over the casinos to read body language, to look for clues as

to how a person could be cheating, it's very complex.

Can they prevent everything?

No, but they're well equipped to try.

And if you don't believe me, think back to the Ocean's movies and all the things that

the crew had to do to get one over on the casino owners.

It takes a village...


You Get Investigated When You Win Big Picture this.

You've been playing the games all right and have been doing ok.

You've done Poker, Blackjack, a few slots, and you just have the urge to play Roulette.

You get this "feeling" in you to bet big, so you do, on 13.

And it hits, and you walk away with $100,000.

You're through the roof!

But for security, they're looking into you the moment you got declared the winner.

Why are they investigating you?

Because you won big!

And as I noted in the previous entry, they want to make sure that you didn't cheat.

Don't worry, if you're clean, they're not going to touch you.

It's the Pit Boss' job to ensure that big wins are legitimate.

And given the luck of Las Vegas and other casinos, there are a lot of legitimate winners.

It does happen.

That doesn't mean they won't do their job.

They'll likely see what you do next, if you keep playing or walk away.

They'll track down where you were before and whether you won well there, etc., etc.

In the end, as long as you didn't cheat, you'll be fine, and you'll have that money you won.

Never forget, while casinos want your money, they also want you to stay in the casino,

and if they harassed every winner who won legitimately, no one would want to go there.

They'll check you out, then move on, that's their job.


Poker Doesn't Have As Much Security Though Security is a big topic for casinos, which

is why it has numerous spots on this list.

But I was surprised to learn that when it comes to the various forms of Poker, security

isn't as tight.


Because the players aren't playing the "House", they're playing each other.

Interestingly enough, casinos don't make as much money as you think during high-stakes

Poker games.

And that's because all players get a set number of chips and try and take it from each other.

To that end, the players themselves are technically the security.

They'll watch all the other players to ensure that nothing untoward goes on.

There's going to be some security, sure, because they'll want to protect the dealer and the

players in case something bad happens.

But in regards to looking out for cheaters?

Yeah, they really don't feel the need to scrutinize as much.


Casinos Chips Are Filthy Ok, this isn't exactly mind-blowing, but it's

worth taking note for hygienic reasons.

Casinos are meant to be clean, yes.

After all, if it's filthy, no one will want to go and be there.

But with the chips, you might be surprised how dirty they are.

After all, these are chips that are being touched by many different people.

People bring chips to the tables, where they are touched by the players, the dealers, others

players who take them from both after winning, then they're taken to the "bank" to be cashed

in, then put back on other tables to be used.

Now, yes, I suspect that they do clean the chips eventually, but considering how long

it may be until that point?

Once you're done playing for the night?

Might want to wash your hands.


Casinos Are Designed To Keep You Inside Them Have you ever been to a casino?

Do you remember what it was like wandering the floor as you tried to find something?

It can be very confusing.

What's more, most casinos have only one entrance/exit, and that's exactly the point.

Once you enter a casino, they don't want you to leave until all your money is spent.

They go to extreme lengths at times to ensure that you just "wander outside".

For example, casinos don't have clocks or windows.

Yes, your cell has a clock, but when you're deep into a game, you likely won't check your


As for the windows, if you look outside and see it was light and now it's dark, that'll

signal your brain that you've been there for hours, and need to leave.

But wait, that's just the start.

The layout of the slots, tables, and more are designed to keep you away from the doors.

The music of the slot machines, and sometimes even background music, are meant to keep you

light and happy.

For if you're happy, you're not going to want to leave.

As if audio distractions and guides weren't enough, visually, the casino is designed to

be a spectacle.

Bright lights, big signs, the look of the tables and slot machines, it's all meant to

keep you stimulated.

And, of course, that's not talking about the attractive women that they use to keep the

men in check.

A lot of work goes into making a casino, and if you find yourself losing track of time

while you continue to bet on things?

You know it's working.


There ARE Games Aren't Stacked Against You There are a lot of catchphrases associated

with casinos, but the most popular one is, "The house always wins."

This is because most casino games are actually stacked in favor of the house.

After all, it's their house, and they want to make money, right?

That being said, there are games that aren't bent in the houses favor.

If you have a little skill, and a little luck, you could do well.

One of them is Poker, for as I mentioned earlier, it's a game about putting you against other


Yes, there is a lot of luck involved in regards to how the cards fall, but if you learn the

game, and learn how to read others, you could win.

Blackjack is another one that isn't always in the houses favor.

People will tell you it is, but like Poker, it's all about the cards and the ability to

judge when to stop and when to hit.

Finally, Baccarat.

While not the most popular game at casinos, it does have some low minimum bets.

And, the way you play the game is betting on the player or the banker.

That's it.

So do some research, and play some free versions of the games online, it might help you when

you play the game for real.


There ARE Games Meant To Screw You While the casinos will never admit it, there

are games designed to truly rip off players at their casinos.

I mentioned Poker and Blackjack in the previous entry as games that can be good to players.

But, there are "variations" of these classic games that casinos employ to basically rob

you blind.

Games like "Three Card Poker" or "Double Exposure Blackjack" to name a few.

Sometimes, the house advantage can be 9% or higher, which is insanely high in the gambling


And these are just a few of the games that are rigged in their favor.

Slot machines can also be used to rob people blind, because people will see big payout

possibilities, but the games themselves are so complicated that it's difficult to get

the right combination to win.

It's fine to experiment, but just know that if you go off the basic games, you might be

in trouble, financial trouble that is.

Thanks for watching!

Let us know about your experiences in the casinos in the comments!

Be sure to subscribe and see you next time!!

For more infomation >> Secrets Casinos Don't Want You To Know - Duration: 11:41.


Knitting Help - Lykke Needle Set Review - Duration: 5:32.

In this video, I'm going to give you a rundown and a review on the Lykke needles, and it

is actually pronounced "Looka."

And I brought my book by Mike Viking.

This is the same guy who wrote the book "The Little Book of Hygge" and this is "The Little

Book of Lykke," and right under the word it says, "Pronounced LOO-KA."

And so that's how we're supposed to pronounce it.

I think everyone in the world...not everyone in the world, everyone in America is pronouncing

it "Lyka," that's what it looks like to us.

But just for reference Mike Viking, who's also my Facebook friend who I have a crush

on, who wrote these books, he says "Looka."

And it's a Danish and Norwegian word meaning happiness.

So I'll go ahead and call them "Lyka" for everyone in North America.

These needles are really nice.

This is the Lykke Driftwood Set and when you first get them, you open them up and you realize

this is a great substantial case.

It is vegan leather, kind of a sueded vegan leather.

It feels really good, and inside you have what are really very gorgeous needles.

So let's go ahead and take a closer look at these.

Okay, we are inside the case now, we're getting a look at the needles.

These are the Driftwoods in this gray finish.

They are a highly laminated birch with a shorter taper and a blunter tip.

Now, we're kind of in a world where everyone's just excited about the sharper the needle

the better.

I just finished knitting a sweater on these and it was mostly stockinette and I loved


Every time I look down at them I thought, "God, these are such pretty needles."

And they were so easy to use because the blunter tip and just the stockinette that I was doing,

it wasn't splitting the yarn, and it was yarn that was kind of prone to be splitty.

I really loved using these.

And in your kit, this is how many?

This is 12 needle sizes from U.S. 4 up to U.S. 17 or 3.5 millimeters up to 12 millimeters.

These are huge.

These are almost like a piece of driftwood on the beach, aren't they?

And in your sturdy little pocket, everything really is substantial and sturdy.

You have just the standard cords to make 24, 32, and 40-inch circulars.

And these are standard plastic cords and you get some end stoppers and stuff.

It's kind of the stuff that you would expect for a circular needle set.

And these plastic cords from my sets of needles, I'm not sure this is the same for everybody

with all sets of needles, these are the exact same threads as like my Knitter's Pride needles

and my Knit Picks needles.

They're interchangeable with these cords.

And these are just your standard plastic cords that kind of eventually wear out at some point

but they're easy enough to replace.

Now, one thing I wanted to do was do a quick comparison here on these needles with another

favorite of mine, my Knitter's Pride Dreams, and you can see the Lykke needles are much

blunter with a much shorter taper.

The taper on the Dreams goes all the way down to there, and the taper on the Lykkes are

just to here.

Quite a difference when you're knitting with them, but both are really highly laminated


And everything, of course, goes back nicely and neatly, magnetic snap case.

Okay, just one more thing to say about these because it is an honest review.

All my reviews are honest but I just have to say the bad thing about these.

You're going to get these needles in the mail, you're going to bring them home from your

local yarn shop, and you're going to take them out of the plastic excited to use them,

and the case, the vegan leather case has a smell.

A smell like the factory, like chemicals, I don't know what, but just because of what

it is I guess, you know, the fake leather has a smell to it.

It was so bad...I was excited to use my needles, but it was so bad I had to put the needles

in the garage for a few days.

And every time I opened the garage door to do a load of laundry or something, I was just

hit in the face with the smell of these needles.

Now, maybe I'm especially sensitive to smells or maybe they've changed something since,

you know, I bought mine a few months ago, but that was like the big downside.

Now, I left it out there for a few days, maybe a week, and now there is no smell, there's

no smell anymore, and these needles get to live inside my house.

I don't make them live in the garage anymore.

Anyway, that's the big downside.

Other than that they are beautiful needles.

Like I said, most Americans are pronouncing it "Likay" needles, "Lika" needles, but Mike

Viking calls it "Looka."

I think the rest of Denmark does as well.

Anyway, that's my review, my overview of these needles.

Good luck.

[00:05:12] [music]

For more infomation >> Knitting Help - Lykke Needle Set Review - Duration: 5:32.


Animation at Work 2018 -【Q&A #1】There are things AnJet don't want you to know! - Duration: 11:49.

For more infomation >> Animation at Work 2018 -【Q&A #1】There are things AnJet don't want you to know! - Duration: 11:49.


嚴禁對外出口!中國亮相「造島神器」,太平洋島國急忙發來求救 - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> 嚴禁對外出口!中國亮相「造島神器」,太平洋島國急忙發來求救 - Duration: 3:51.


15 consigli per una dieta efficace - Duration: 14:33.

For more infomation >> 15 consigli per una dieta efficace - Duration: 14:33.


重磅消息!美軍最強大的F22卻被颱風擊落!真是滿屏的尷尬! - Duration: 2:35.

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Dungeons & Dragons Factions - The Harpers - Duration: 5:25.

Hello everyone Jorphdan here the PH is silent.

Today I wanted to talk about factions.

There are certain factions in the forgotten realms your character can be a part of.

If you happen to play Adventure League these become more important because your factions

can aid your character in your game.

They're fun and each faction is kind of associated with a set type of character, but

really anyone can be a part of any faction.

The five factions are The Harpers, The Order of the Gauntlet, The Emerald Enclave, The

Lords' Alliance and The Zhentarim.

Let's start with the Harpers!

The Harpers are a force of good in Faerun.

It's a secret society that habitually worries about the effects of their actions on others.

"Do what is needful, but no more, lest the doing become more important than that deeds."

Famous words from Khelben Blackstaff Arunsun that the Harpers have taken to heart.

Many Harpers are spies.

The idea is that they infiltrate an organization and attempt to thwart evil where they see


If the agent fails, they've only lost one, but if the agent succeeds it can be invaluable

to their cause.

Harpers have been called the meddlers of the Realms.

They aid merchants and the common folk, and occasionally spread rumors.

They sometimes end the lives of creatures who work evil deeds or who try to manipulate

the affairs of civilized races.

Big or small the Harpers intervene where evil can be thwarted.

The ideals of the harpes aren't set down in a book.

It is sort of a code that Harpers swear to follow.

Much of this code is reflected in the laws of Silvery Moon or Neverwinter and the surrounding


When a new Harper accomplishes his first worthwhile or noteable task on his or her own, there

is often a surprise gathering of several Harpers who toast to their new companion.

One of their most passionate beliefs is that all being should walk free of fear.

Those who control the population through fear are ever on the mind of a Harper.

"The rule of law aids peace and fosters freedom, so long as the laws are just and

those who enforce them lenient and understanding."

Harpers work to protect cities of Faerun from the ravages of all who would destroy them.

No task is beneath a Harper either.

No job too dirty or dangerous.

Known to chop wood for the elderly, or swim sewers on an adventure.

Harpers don't have uniforms either or petty formalities, or clear cut ranks.

They can dress and speak as they please, an emphasis on being free to do what they wish,

as long as it doesn't interfere or hurt others.

So how do you know a Harper if it's this secret organization.

Well they wear pins with the Harper symbol on it.

These pins are hidden and only shown to other Harpers or potential Harpers.

When they need to they mostly communicate through magic, but letters have been written

in the past and delivered to other Harpers coordinating their efforts against a nearby


The history of the Harpers dates back to the Dale Reckoning, which is the event that starts

the Dale Reckoning calendar, or DR.

This was when the Standing Stone was raised by the elves of Cormanthor and the humans

of Dalesfolk.

It was an alliance between the two races allowing the humans to populate freely much of the

nearby woods.

The Elven realm of Cormanthor realized that humans were too numerous, adaptable, persistent

and skilled to ignore or defeat.

So it was decided that welcoming them in friendship was the best policy for the elven race.

Soon the city of Myth Drannor opened its doors to dwarves, gnomes, halflings, humans, and

elfs as well as other half-breeds to live and work together in one place.

The most experienced elven generals with some human rangers and druids determined that a

secret organization to work good throughout the realms was needed.

Not loyal to a ruler but a loose group of "friends" that would work secretly, outside

laws and politics, to put down evil.

An elven mage who took the name "Lady Steel" agreed to head this new group in its infancy

and her house symbol was that of a silver harp.

The new members of the Harpers took this symbol for their organization and its stuck ever


The organization really took off later on after Myth Drannor fell to demons.

The Harpers regrouped in a remote spot in High Dale known as "the Dancing Place."

Druids, clerics, bards, creatures following good aligned deities gathered in this place

and Elminster himself stepped out and spoke to them.

Here it was urged to expand the Harpes into a "shadowy band of heroes" that would

work against those who served the Cruel Gods, before all lands were plunged into war, slavery,

and tyranny.

A band that supported no lord of god but had the quiet support of many.

It was not all well accepted, many of the priests did not want to work together without

guidance from their deities.

Nobody wants to displease their god.

But the deities represented liked this idea so much they ended up speaking directly through

chosen followers.

In the end the gathered gods agreed to support this organization that worked for them but

did not serve them.

The Harpers also wish to preserve history, art and music, and maintain the balance between

civilization and nature.

This mean smaller kingdoms and respect of the forest and its inhabitants.

Most members are either good/neutral aligned rangers or bards, but many wizards and druids

are also Harpers.

Also with all the gods allying together for the Harpers there are a fair number of clerics


They mainly operate in Northern Faerun along the Sword Coast.

The group can't really be destroyed as there is no ultimate authority figure anymore.

It's become more of an idea than an organization.

The Harpers have fluctuated in members, and has reformed four times since its original


Foes of the Harpers include the Zhentarim, the Red Wizards of Thay, and the Cult of the


If you'd like to know more about the Harpers I'd recommend the "Code of the Harpers"

which was an AD&D accessory I found with loads of information.

More than I could really cover in one video.

Complete with Harper Ballads for you Bard to sing at the table!

Thanks for watching everyone, more videos to come on the other factions.

I'll see you all next Wednesday.

For more infomation >> Dungeons & Dragons Factions - The Harpers - Duration: 5:25.


Amici 17: Romina Power contro i conduttori venduti, la reazione della De Filippi - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Amici 17: Romina Power contro i conduttori venduti, la reazione della De Filippi - Duration: 3:52.


I Hear Thunder | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Babies by ABC Heroes - Duration: 1:02:00.

I Here Thunder

For more infomation >> I Hear Thunder | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Babies by ABC Heroes - Duration: 1:02:00.


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Mowgli Official Movie

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O tych ślubnych prezentach było głośno. Nie uwierzysz za ile poszły! - Duration: 3:05.

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O zgrozo! Moro znów zaśpiewa German - Duration: 2:24.

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Com saída de Carille, o que a torcida do Corinthians pode esperar de Osmar Loss|x3and1baller - Duration: 6:08.

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Dimitri descobre o Palhoça Game On - Duration: 2:06.

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O'Spart Epic Games 2018 - Duration: 2:43.

Its their first big event and I'm thinking its gonna be really cool!

It's gonna be hard..yeah...But we'll get through it

There are one or two tests that will hurt!

Oh yeah I'm scared!

Welcome to the first edition of O'Spart games.

Today we are competing in tandem on nine different obstacles...

There are movements from all the cross training disciplines.

The goal is to finish the nine obstacles as fast as possible

We'll add up the various times at the end

And we'll announce the winners at the end.

Yeah its hot! Wow really hot!!

I really tired myself out on the sandbags...

Honestly 35 kilos was really difficult!

Arriving at the burpees, I was like popcorn- I popped!!!

Stings like mad

Challenging...but good!

The hardest for me was the farmers walk...

I thought they were gonna be easy and I'd be able to do them several times in a row...

But after those sandbags it was so difficult..almost impossible!

Leaves a few big deal!

Much harder than anticipated.

For more infomation >> O'Spart Epic Games 2018 - Duration: 2:43.



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Até o pneu? - Duration: 2:05.

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14 alimentos que rejuvenescem - Duration: 9:39.

For more infomation >> 14 alimentos que rejuvenescem - Duration: 9:39.


Janusz Józefowicz: Dokąd zabierze ukochaną? - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Janusz Józefowicz: Dokąd zabierze ukochaną? - Duration: 3:58.


9 plantas medicinais que te ajudam a perder peso - Duration: 8:14.

For more infomation >> 9 plantas medicinais que te ajudam a perder peso - Duration: 8:14.


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7 trucchi per eliminare la ruggine con ingredienti naturali - Duration: 8:04.

For more infomation >> 7 trucchi per eliminare la ruggine con ingredienti naturali - Duration: 8:04.


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For more infomation >> River Plate x Flamengo: transmissão do jogo ao vivo na TV e internet|x3and1baller - Duration: 5:29.


Dembélé estudia ofertas, pero quiere seguir en el FC Barcelona - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Dembélé estudia ofertas, pero quiere seguir en el FC Barcelona - Duration: 3:49.


B.Sc. ( Hons) in Podiatry - Duration: 2:04.

The Podiatry department at the University of Malta

offers various courses.

The Podiatry programme equips students

with the necessary clinical experience,

knowledge, and expertise

to become a healthcare professional.

To diagnose, treat and manage foot complications

in all categories of patients:

from diabetes, to children and sport.

The importance of good foot health cannot be underestimated.

As a 4th year student,

I feel the Podiatry programme has enabled me

to grow both as a person and professionally.

Toenail surgery forms an integral part

of the workload in this profession,

besides Foot Biomechanics, CAD Analysis,

Orthotic Prescription and Manufacture,

and the management of the musculoskeletal condition

affecting the foot and lower limbs.

As a newly-graduate podiatrist,

I am finding Podiatry as a highly-motivating and challenging work.

Since it allows me to work

with a number of different Allied healthcare professionals

for the benefits of our patients.

As podiatrists, we try to keep the patient

as pain-free as possible.

Podiatry offers many exciting clinical

and research opportunities.

Opportunities to do research in a lot of different technologies:

Computer-Aided Design and manufacture,

Gait analysis, Thermography, 3D Printing,

which can be applied to exciting projects

that benefit our patients

and will create a lot of opportunities

for the student both at local and international levels.

For more infomation >> B.Sc. ( Hons) in Podiatry - Duration: 2:04.


Gummy Bear Like To Eat Dinosaur Eggs But Are The Mother Dinosaur Chased Hit (dinosaur eggs for kids) - Duration: 17:57.

Gummy Bear Like To Eat Dinosaur Eggs But Are The Mother Dinosaur Chased Hit

For more infomation >> Gummy Bear Like To Eat Dinosaur Eggs But Are The Mother Dinosaur Chased Hit (dinosaur eggs for kids) - Duration: 17:57.


FARM! A Musical Experience - Duration: 1:51.

(cheerful music)

What makes this play different is we don't

actually title it a play; it's called a musical experience.

It's a highly interactive musical for children that are neurodiverse.

And the experience is different for everyone involved.

The kids help forward the plot along, so every time we do the performance it's completely

different based on who our audience is.

"Hi, Christopher!"

I like to sing along; I love to act; what I mostly enjoyed about it is being able to

be with friends—people who I care about.

My background is in children's theatre, so I've done a lot of work with children and

creating work for children, but not a lot with working with students with disabilities.

We wanted to be one of the first places ever to write a show specifically for

a sensory friendly audience.

We started this process about two years ago.

I just got really lucky with the talented kids that signed up for the class.

"Hi, Joe!"

We partner with a company called 4th Wall which provides extra programming for students

with special needs.

We put the entire show together, premiered in April, and then this spring we're taking

it on tour to different elementary schools across Michigan.

The amazing thing about this show is that there's a specific element for each audience

member that they will jive with.

"Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake!"

When I get to see the smile on their face, it's like watching a memory form

right there and then.

We can do shows for people, but when we do it with an audience, that's a game changer.

Theatre has such a power, and we see that working with these children.

We're engaging them on a level that they're not used to being engaged with.

Arts inclusion, on all levels, educations... is a humongous thing.

(cheerful music)

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