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5 ĐỘNG TÁC YOGA TRẺ HÓA KHUÔN MẶT CHỐNG LÃO HÓA DA NGAY TẠI NHÀ - Duration: 5:34.-------------------------------------------
為何美國如此忌憚轟6K 原因令國人鼓舞沸騰 - Duration: 7:07.-------------------------------------------
雷峰塔是何人所建?下面究竟有没有白蛇?专家经过发掘揭开真相 - Duration: 5:23.-------------------------------------------
Harry y Meghan "quitan las telarañas de mil años de Historia", según 'The Times' || LVTNAszok - Duration: 3:47.-------------------------------------------
Remedios caseros y naturales para aliviar la ciática - Duration: 6:57.-------------------------------------------
Clasicos del rock en español exitos que nunca pasan de moda - Rock De Los Años 70, 80 y 90 - Duration: 1:58:39.-------------------------------------------
Dos remedios con Aloe Vera para aliviar las hemorroides - Duration: 7:35.-------------------------------------------
Why Haven't You Started?-------------------------------------------
Khi Ông ngoại Heri nằm viện và kẻ nịnh hót xuất hiện - Phim Hài Gia Đình Là Số 1 Phần 2 - Duration: 14:25.-------------------------------------------
The Wheel On The Bus - Nursery Rhymes and Baby Songs - Funny Play Doh Stop Motion - Duration: 2:57.Hi friends! Thanks for your watching! Don't forget to subscribe!
Please leave a like if you enjoyed and tell me what you think in the comments.
You can watch more videos in our playlist, its link in the description.
Thanks for your presence here! Have a nice day!
How to paint the leather steering wheel BMW 520 - Duration: 4:47.Reparation (painting) leather steering wheel
Step by step process
First wash the leather to clean from dirt
Next is drying leather
The next is sanding and puttying of the skin
When putty is dry, with fine sandpaper clean all unevenness
And at the end leather is painting and drying
[ENG] #LuHan × @kfc CF rice dumpling version - Duration: 0:20.Hi, I am Lu Colonel
Do not miss the new salted eggs yolk rice dumplings
Lots of ingredients, so delicious
Don't you believe?
Come and try!
Elizabeth Olsen And Chris Evans Secret Dating // Stars Story - Duration: 2:01.
If you want more, please SUBSCRIBE, Thank You...!
Anthony Martial can leave Manchester United - but only one one condition | News Now #mufc - Duration: 1:43.Manchester United are said to be willing to allow French starlet Anthony Martial to leave
the club.
There is a catch though, they don't want him to go to another Premier League team!
The 22-year-old is out-of-favour with Old Trafford boss Jose Mourinho, and needs a move
to kickstart his career after a poor season.
It's a season that has seen him being left out of the French World Cup squad.
Now United are set to let the striker leave as long as it is to another European club
rather than a domestic club.
Mourinho knows that Martial needs a fresh start - but is keen for it to be with a European
Despite interest in Chelsea's Willian, the Portuguese boss does not want the Frenchman
to come back and haunt him.
And foreign clubs have already been sounded out, with Napoli and Juventus said to be keen.
However his £65000-a-week wages could be a stumbling block.
Интервью Ричарда Армитиджа для TVGuide Live - Duration: 15:49.-------------------------------------------
Impardonnable Épisode 102 - Duration: 20:07.-------------------------------------------
What is a Confined Space? - Duration: 1:16.-------------------------------------------
First Aid Arrangements - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
Gossip U&D, brutta notizia per Gemma Galgani: la segnalazione su Marco - Duration: 4:11.-------------------------------------------
희생자 이야기: "친구가 술에 취해 정신을 잃은 상태에서 성폭행을 당했다" - Duration: 9:28.-------------------------------------------
✅ Anna Lewandowska w Polsce osiągnęła już wszystko: zgromadziła ponad milion wiernych fanów, prowadz - Duration: 2:01.Anna Lewandowska w Polsce osiągnęła już wszystko: zgromadziła ponad milion wiernych fanów, prowadzi kilka świetnie prosperujących biznesów, ma status jednej z naszych największych gwiazd i ogromne pieniądze na koncie
Nic dziwnego, że trenerka zaczęła snuć ambitne plany o karierze za granicą. Być może w Ani obudził się duch sportowej rywalizacji i chciałaby, podobnie jak jej mąż Robert, zjednywać sobie fanów na całym świecie
Zobacz: Ania Lewandowska o popularności w Niemczech: "Podchodzą na ulicy i mówią: nie rozumiem nic po polsku, ale trenuję z tobą!" Jak donosi brytyjski tabloid Daily Star, marzenia Ani o międzynarodowej sławie mogą się ziścić szybciej, niż mogłoby się wydawać
Wszystko w rękach jej męża, który jest celem transferowym jednego z najlepszych klubów na świecie, Chelsea F.C.: Cel transferowy Chelsea Londyn, Robert Lewandowski, to wielki szczęściarz
Jego żona Anna to piękna i cudowna kobieta - czytamy w brytyjskim tabloidzie. Jeśli Robert Lewandowski zdecyduje się na przeprowadzkę z Monachium do Londynu, Ania ma szansę zostać Miss WAGs: Z klubu najprawdopodobniej odejdzie Alvaro Morata, a razem z nim jego partnerka Alice Campello, która była ulubienicą kibiców Chelsea - informuje Daily Star
Lewandowska "ma wszystko, żeby zostać nową ulubienicą kibiców" i tym samym zdobyć wyśnioną popularność za granicą.Niestety, na drodze do spełnienia marzeń Ani może stanąć fakt, że Chelsea nie zakwalifikowała się w tym sezonie do prestiżowych rozgrywek Ligi Mistrzów, kończąc rozgrywki na 5
miejscu. Myślicie, że Robert mimo wszystko zdecyduje się na przeprowadzkę do Wielkiej Brytanii, stawiając marzenia żony ponad swoje?
편의 개선 위한 각종 시도·테스트 시간 확대...6월 3일까지 진행 - Duration: 2:19.-------------------------------------------
인천 남동경찰서, 피해자 친구 신고받고 조사중 - Duration: 1:47.-------------------------------------------
Kim Jongseo - I Can't Find the Nightingale | 김종서 - 못 찾겠다 꾀꼬리 [Immortal Songs 2 ENG/2018.05.12] - Duration: 9:45.Hello. I'm Kim Jongseo,
a rocker with 30 years of experience.
(I'm rocker Kim Jongseo.)
I think I got into music because of Yongpil.
Even when I was a band member,
I thought of him as my mentor.
I always learned from him
through his music and albums.
There was a show called "Lee Sora's Propose."
I think it was their special episode
for the 30th anniversary of his debut.
(Cho Yongpil's 30th Anniversary Concert)
Kim Jongseo insisted on joining us today.
Jongseo, what's your relationship with him?
- We're inseparable. / - We're not related.
- We're inseparable. / - You can't be related.
- Seriously. / - I see.
You two look very different.
This might offend other artists,
but Yongpil's music has been
the biggest influence on me.
(Jongseo has always been a huge fan of Yongpil.)
I'm sure he influenced all the artists in Korea.
But I'm more influenced than anybody else.
Okay, I heard you.
♪ At sundown ♪
(He even did a voice impression of Yongpil.)
♪ When I'm having a cup of tea ♪
♪ A beautiful stream ♪
♪ Flows in my heart ♪
When I sing Yongpil's songs,
many people tell me that it sounds similar
to the way he sings.
It shows how much he has influenced me.
"This is music."
"This is what a band should be like."
He showed me those things by example.
I dared to choose
"I Can't Find the Nightingale" for today.
Yongpil, congratulations on your 50th anniversary.
Please stay healthy.
I admire how you never change as a musician.
I love you.
♪ I've been waiting for my mom to call me ♪
♪ But all I hear is my dog ♪
His fourth album must've gratified him
because he finally got to do real rock music.
(This song came in first place for ten weeks straight.)
That song was "I Can't Find the Nightingale."
It showcased rock sounds of the highest quality.
He must've wanted to let it all out
and produce as much rock sounds as possible.
We need to know that Cho Yongpil is a rocker
and that sentimentality is reflected in the song,
"I Can't Find the Nightingale."
(After it topped the chart for ten weeks)
(on "Top ten Songs," the program changed)
(its rules and came up with Golden Cup System,)
(where songs could only top the chart)
(for up to five consecutive weeks.)
(After this song became a major hit,)
(kids started saying the song's title)
(while playing hide-and-seek)
(when the seeker couldn't find the players.)
♪ I can't find the nightingale ♪
♪ I'm the seeker ♪
My mouth is getting all dry.
(Even this seasoned rocker is nervous now.)
This feels like a miracle.
A miracle.
Here comes the second performer, Kim Jongseo.
(The second performance by Kim Jongseo)
(Kim Jongseo)
I must say,
I have so many thoughts on my mind at the moment.
I must've been pursuing music
for this long for this very moment.
Thank you for producing so many incredible songs,
and I'd also like to thank you
for still being a musician. I love you, Yongpil.
Just a moment, please.
(He's extremely nervous in front of his role model.)
I want him to say, "You did well."
(It's the one thing he wants to hear.)
"Good job, good work."
I'd be totally happy with that.
("I Can't Find the Nightingale" by Kim Jongseo)
(A tribute to my hero,)
("I Can't Find the Nightingale" by Kim Jongseo)
Dietro le quinte di "Arrivano i dolci" | Overwatch (IT) - Duration: 5:41.-------------------------------------------
This is what I wanted to say - Duration: 42:17.-------------------------------------------
支持中國國產晶片 政府採購有大動作了 - Duration: 13:40.-------------------------------------------
HONEY I LOVE YOUR ACCENT - A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A TRUCKING COUPLE - Duration: 10:08.don't you just love this dead time of the morning nobody else in the world
feels like no one else in the world's awake it's just you and nobody the roads
are empty you got your boiled egg and a cup of
coffee and a cigarette or whatever at the house for you you know let's go see
what the pan damage we can do in the world today okay today's choices are bad
to worse for bad but let's pick one ha ha ha we'll pick that one
it don't look strong to me but we're gonna pick it all same Frank
so I'm inside getting my egg and my coffee and I check her girl said clearly
yeah we're accent where are you from I said well I was born in Kentucky and
raised there mostly she said so was my ex I said where was he from and she said
Louisville I said I wasn't from anywhere near rule that's another kind of man I
beat up bears and chase horses when I'm in heat and she said oh my god he's your
brother that's terrible he were our brothers
ie the Train
and I seen the sunshine I don't know where I'm stuck in the polls from prison
and time keeps draggin oh good morning everybody
the girl has gotten out of bed to bless us with her presence for a few moments
that's right this is your mama she's only been in bed for 10 hours so go
could hamper down gotta get their little dog acts like he's feeling better today
he looks all right right he just had some fish so he should feel better we
are in male force I don't know how to say that Bella force belle fourche
I don't know they got a wild wild mustang hurt here I don't know where but
they got a wild mustang her at least they did 20 years ago I'm assuming still
here we'll have to ask trucker Eric he knows
that kind of stuff right it's his running zone but you know I'm
saying hey I've been trying to encourage the girl that if she's gonna be mama and
up on the little dog over there she needs to do it properly and lick his
eye boogers out I am NOT licking him you are disgusting
he wouldn't let me do it anyway he wouldn't even let me wipe him off with a
wet one without biting me that's just touching oh it's always
little things just go just gotta plow right through the little things yes
don't don't ever worry about what's gonna happen he can't take your finger
he's a pitbull worried a little bit million feet first instead of arms first
but with him you can go right in you know little guy
alligators start with your knees and your thighs not your hands right but you
can get up you got to pick your battles
I would have you held me out the water I was going to swim over there and tackle
it for you that's what people do for their lady loves they tackle Gators
because they're stupid not the Gators
mean yeah we do stupid stuff yeah that's why we end up dead so often y'all
hold back and go yeah and we're like yeah third tunnel I can't see me but I
know what I'm doing the second time you ever flew a them electric lines killed
bog Bob sparks signal I couldn't see where I was going I had to stop and then
and then I couldn't he just he went straight up in hovered I couldn't find
him for a while cause the electric lines I didn't know they would do that now I
know it I was gonna go under that bridge and through a culvert I certainly was
and y'all would have liked that too ain't no telling what kind of troll was
in that culvert waiting first
alright we got a gun how often do you think the drones get attacked by Birds
I've seen it happen I'm waiting for it it'll be it'll be a cool experience
let's go find some birds give me what do you even see it because most time you
record downwards you can't record straight up because of where the camera
is so if a bird attack trust me if you see the camera bird comes we're gonna
fight back I'm gonna arm Bob no but he might have some Spears sticking out and
I can just go sideways right oh here comes that big black bird that worked
alright Spears and I'm gonna top no I'm not gonna tell you yeah I am I y'all
hear it here first anybody else does it they copy and make a copy I don't care
I'm tired of bein Ernest but to Bob smart and I'm gonna drive him around the
truck stop flying truckin with your child behind behind Bob's work that's
gonna be fun it might not work light weight and balance any of that it's
gonna take away his battery life yeah yeah yeah yeah he ain't gonna go that
far no that's illegal we're just going to drive back
they haven't seen that video no no I don't know when I'll release that video
Swift is the gift that keeps on giving
all right my 30-minute break might or might not be up I have to go see we'll
talk to you out a little bit
was a nice
I wanna lock in your
Dybvads Sofa - Rune Klan "Skal vi ikke gøre os gode??" - Duration: 2:56.-------------------------------------------
Kuro decides to give up being a pirate | One Piece 15 | Multi-Sub | HD | #110 - Duration: 3:06.The navy, huh?
This is the third time this week...
It can't be helped. We're doing stuff that makes people chase us.
Plus you've made quite a name for yourself...
Yes... That name is what draws them to us.
That's why I'm giving up being Captain Kuro.
That's pretty funny. But it's no use.
I think the navy'll keep following you until you're dead.
I am going to die.
It would seem that piracy just isn't for me...
B-But you're this ship's captain!
You can be captain!
I'm sick of this tumultuous lifestyle.
I'm... going to kill myself for all to see!
Captain Kuro!
How many vessels?
J-Just one!
What should we do, Captain?!
Should we blast 'em back?!
Lower a small boat.
A boat!
Vice-Captain Jango! Captain Kuro just--
Yeah, I know.
"Yeah"?! It's way too reckless for him to go there by himself!
Don't tell me he's turning himself in?!
The cannon fire stopped...
What's goin' on?!
This is creepy...
Dock with their ship.
Just do as I say, damn it!
Y-Yes, sir!
Hey, get ready to fight!
I see... So that's why...
Hey, you.
Y-Yes?! What is it?
It was nice knowing you for this short time...
T-The marines...
They've been wiped out!
Now, then...
Let's begin the plan...
Kuro fakes his death by hypnotizing Morgan | One Piece 15 | Multi-Sub | HD | #111 - Duration: 2:36.Hey, now. Pull yourself together.
I was kind enough to leave you alive, you know...
S-Shut up...
I-I'm not gonna beg for my life...
F-Finish me off, damn you...
That's a good look.
If you can howl that much with a shattered jaw, then that's perfect!
I'm giving you, a nameless, low-ranking soldier, a treat.
Accept it gratefully...
The head of Kuro, Man of a Thousand Plans!
Your name is Captain Kuro. Your name is Captain Kuro.
This atrocity was your doing.
One, two, Jango!
My name is Captain Kuro. This atrocity was my doing.
And you're the man who caught Captain Kuro.
Return to base and execute this man.
One, two, Jango!
I'm the man who caught Captain Kuro!
You're doing it again, Vice-Captain!
With that fake gone, Captain Kuro will disappear from the world.
And when my plan today succeeds, my goal will be fully achieved...
Money and peace of mind will be mine.
Do you understand, boy?
I cannot allow this plan of three years to fail!
My plan will not be disrupted!
Seems you can do more than just stretch!
That's right! I've toughened myself up, to be a pirate!
You're "tired"?!
You're not fit to be a pirate if having a name on the seas scares you!
My ambition is much greater than yours!
Niepewność i lęki – 5 zaskakujących przyczyn | K.N.B.T - Duration: 11:40.-------------------------------------------
LIVERPOOL TRANSFER NEWS : Christian Pulisic speak out on future amid €60m Liverpool links - Duration: 1:17.Borussia Dortmund starlet Kristian políticas admitted that he is aware of
rumors linking him with a move to Liverpool the united states
international has been linked with a move to Anfield since Jurgen Klopp took
over as the Reds boss despite being knocked back in previous
attempts to sign poletik reports in january stated that clop is firmly
fixated on bringing him to Merseyside german outlet build also claimed earlier
in the month that the cloud are ready to make a 60 million euro offer to tempt
vvb into selling despite previous suggestions they will hold out for 100
million euros Liverpool's American owners are also
believed to be fans of the Dortmund man and all the marketing opportunities that
would come with the Pennsylvania born star however
Martin i Rusland dag 1 - Duration: 2:11.-------------------------------------------
Jedzeniem w SENNOŚĆ i ZMĘCZENIE - Duration: 5:53.-------------------------------------------
驚爆《砂報告》主編:公積金或有被挪用 - Duration: 2:41.-------------------------------------------
Maść Vicks i jej 8 leczniczych zastosowań - Duration: 9:10.-------------------------------------------
How to get free skins fortnite v bucks , Free vbucks fortnite , how to get v bucks PS4, XBox - Duration:
Free v bucks , how to get free fortnite skins vbucks , free fortnite v bucks Xbox PS4, PC Mobile - Duration: 3:44.
ROSYJSKI LEKARZ UJAWNIŁ PEWNĄ SZTUCZKĘ, KTÓRA WZMOCNI TWÓJ UKŁAD ODPORNOŚCIOWY W 15 SEKUND. - Duration: 1:33.Profesor z Moskwy, Siergiej Bubnovskiy niedawno pokazał swoją niesamowitą metodę pobudzenia odporności.Bubnovskiy twierdzi, że wystarczy 10 – 15 sekund moczenia nóg w lodowatej wodzie, aby zwalczyć przeziębienie i grypę.
Wystarczy, że po powrocie z pracy na chwilę siądziemy w fotelu i już. Nasza odporność zostanie pobudzona.
Badania jednak poszły dalej i wykazały, że codziennie branie zimnych prysznicy jeszcze bardziej przyczynia się do wzmocnienia odporności. Takie prysznice zwiększają ilość białych krwinek we krwi.
Zespół naukowców z Wielkiej Brytanii, a dokładniej z „Thrombosis Research Institute" odkrył, że organizm próbujący ogrzać się podczas i po zimnym prysznicu przyspiesza metabolizm oraz aktywuje system immunologiczny. W ten sposób rośnie ilość białych krwinek we krwi.
Z kolei niemieckie badania wykazały, że morsowanie od czasu do czasu prowadzi do stresu oksydacyjnego. Jeśli jednak takie kąpiele odbywają się regularnie, nasz organizm nauczy się z nim walczyć, po tym jak przyzwyczai się do zimnej wody.
Kiedy przebywamy w lodowatej wodzie, mózg informuje nasz organizm, że zimno ma być tolerowane. Tak więc tego typu działania zwiększają odporność naszego ciała do tego stopnia, że już nigdy nie zachorujemy.Aby wzmocnić swój układ immunologiczny należy zrobić to:
Nalej zimnej wody do miski lub wanny. Dodaj do niej jak najwięcej kostek lodu i mocz w tak przygotowanej wodzie nogi przez 10 – 15 sekund. Powtarzaj tę czynność codziennie przed położeniem się spać, a bardzo szybko wzmocnisz swój organizm.
조현아 - 박종주! 이혼사유(이혼이유).. 쌍둥이 아들이? - Duration: 8:21.-------------------------------------------
法國急了中美貿易戰言和,我們要倒霉了歐洲得病,4招搞定 - Duration: 15:02.-------------------------------------------
[Eng Es PT Sub] BTS on Korean News Legendary Anchor Son Suk-Hee compares to Historical&Social Issues - Duration: 4:37.<Translation & Subtitles Made by JL_Kdiamond>
Bulletproof Boy Scouts (BTS) vs Bulletproof Assemblymen
Yes. I will start the anchor briefing at the News Room.
In 1866, Regent Heungseon Daewongun experienced French campaign against Korea,
and he realized the western power of gun.
He gave an order to create armor that is bulletproof.
And he realized that it becomes bulletproof when they put more than 12 layers of bowing thrice fabric.
That's right.
This bulletproof vest which is kept at Smithsonian Museum in America is the first one ever created in Korea (Chosun Dynasty).
There were also vests created with 13 or 30 layers of bowing thrice fabric.
The real action using this new vest was at the invasion of Korea by the three U.S. warships in 1871
However, the result was embarrassing.
Luckily they prevented bullets,
but they were too thick to move freely
and of course it was too hot.
It was also known they easily caught fire when the splinters of a new shell flew.
Korean first.. No. The world first bulletproof vest ended in failure at the end.
The name of these boys has turned out as expected.
The name was created that they protect the prejudice that attacks like bullets and to defend their music value.
They indeed lived up to their name.
With nonordinary approach method, their music that contains the struggles of youth generation led them to succeed in bulletproof like their name.
As the first Korean singer, they won the Top Social Artist Award for the two consecutive years.
Moreover, their fan club is spreading campaign of maintaining orders to refrain from excessive fandom culture at the airport. (emphasizing #ARMY is the face of BTS)
The bulletproof founded by music between the boy group and fans can only leave expectations of continuing success.
Well, then,
what about the result of bulletproof from these members?
"the school life of two sons and the urgent crisis arose in one family..." (a member of Liberty Korea Party)
"With your loving heart towards your fellow members of the National Assembly..." (a member of Liberty Korea Party)
With the strong communion of heart with heart among fellow National Assembly members,
the arrest motion of these Assemblymen was rejected by the National Assembly.
Of course the presumption of innocence and the investigation without physical detention are the rights guaranteed in the constitution.
However, "I will keep eyes on you!"
"We will not let even one person missing."
His aids forced illegal recruitment at Gangwon Land.
As the head director at the private school foundation,
he is suspected to have taken out the funds of 7.5 billion Won and several billion Won to pay off his personal debt.
How should we interpret the thick bulletproof that is laid in front of these Assemblymen.
The world first bulletproof vest.
The reason why this fabric layered armor ended in failure was maybe because they couldn't read the trend properly.
The simple thought of just protecting the bullets was like a temporary overflow section.
On the other hand, the reason for BTS (Bulletproof Boy Scouts) success without any big label company background was,
they read the trends of the world and tried to harmonize together.
the National Assembly which put the thick bulletproof around now, are they reading the minds of the world properly?
This is the reason right here why the bulletproof Assemblymen can never catch up the bulletproof Boy Scout (BTS).
It was today's anchor briefing.
Mowgli Official Movie-------------------------------------------
Sintomas e remédios para o déficit em vitamina B - Duration: 7:04.-------------------------------------------
CURE O CÂNCER COM ESSA FRUTA QUE VOCÊ PODE TER EM CASA!! - Duration: 2:11.-------------------------------------------
Saiba qual é o Principal Inimigo dos Seus Objetivos - Tenha Sucesso nas Suas Metas - Duration: 4:00.-------------------------------------------
Jair Ventura descarta volta de jogador para duelo na Copa Libertadores|n123snow - Duration: 5:20.-------------------------------------------
Agora é oficial, Carille finalmente decide se vai ou fica; saiba mais|n123snow - Duration: 4:53.-------------------------------------------
Especulado no Corinthians, atacante pode ser negociado por R$ 79,5 milhões|n123snow - Duration: 4:31.-------------------------------------------
Especulado no Corinthians, atacante pode ser negociado por R$ 79,5 milhões|x3and1baller - Duration: 4:32.-------------------------------------------
Cartola FC 2018: Dicas para mitar na 7ª rodada|n123snow - Duration: 8:33.-------------------------------------------
Fluminense transfere clássico para evitar nova ação judicial|n123snow - Duration: 5:10.-------------------------------------------
ELIONE / Winner's Circle feat. SALU & IO - Duration: 4:30.Still not enough money, power respect
Not falling from my hand
Not enough, singing a lullaby for all the ones I loved
That day was lonely
Taking my homies wherever
Check it out, one for the what?
There`s no limit here
Getting hit by cold rain
With that looking good with a gold chain
The winner`s radius is 1km
The outsiders that don`t know anything is loud again
This circle, This fate that made this circle
With the homies that `s stackin making it rain.
I came this far in my life, can`t die yet
Winner or loser either one the choice is mine
Winner or loser if I run I won`t be here
Choose Winner or Loser
Choose Winner or Loser
Inside the compass, we are the best tonight
Winner's Circle
Winner's Circle
Winner's Circle
Winner's Circle
Eating through the inside like the Illuminati
If I don`t do it, there`s no point being here
Like those people that line up at that "trendy spot"
No way going to a traffic jam
Everything I wanted I got it
Not hoarding for myself that`s me
"Girls can`t get off with your self-satisfaction"
Gold Chains Cars
I don't need em
Drugs Hoes Don`t need em
Love Dreams and Friends
"I Do it" All day with the people that I can trust
I have no enemies everyone is a friend
A goddess that always smiles "next to me"
I sing the dreams that you want to achieve
Everything will become a reality
Winner or loser either one the choice is mine
Winner or loser if I run I won`t be here
Choose Winner or Loser
Choose Winner or Loser
Inside the compass, we are the best tonight
Winner's Circle
Winner's Circle
Winner's Circle
Winner's Circle
24 hours Life is like Flicks
Your image is our reality
Folding paper clips in the pocket of the skinny jeans
7 Nights the city never sleeps
Back to the basics
The stage is shaking
Your bitch is my paparazzi
If you're Pepsi, then I`m Coke and Hennessy
Luv For my Homie's Whats Poppin
Aint no lies in the All My Life
My soul will never dies
Every night in this wet town, running my pen
Not selling flattery or my homies.
Rolling the dice underground to the overground
S/o to my player's friends that won`t change
In my Life underground 2 overground
S/o To my winners friends that won`t change
Winner or loser either one the choice is mine
Winner or loser if I run I won`t be here
Choose Winner or Loser
Choose Winner or Loser
Inside the compass, we are the best tonight
Winner's Circle
Winner's Circle
Winner's Circle
Winner's Circle
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【MUKBANG】 [ADDICTING SPICINESS!!] Melty Cheese Dakgalbi Kimbap♡!! [16 Servings] 6500kcal [Use CC] - Duration: 8:23.Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )
So today tadaa! I made some melty cheese kimbap
kimbap are korean in origin and are similar to our maki sushi rolls
Most of these are made with korean seaweed
and this combines another korean dish cheese dakalbi
I made cheese dakalbi kimbap today
A cheesy makizushi is most def gonna be yummy
Alrighty let's see how it's made
This is another thing that I'm going to be selling It's not for sale just yet
These are the ingredients Rice chicken thighs sake sugar soy sauce
Gochujang tobanjang garlic sesame oil seaweed And melty cheese
First cut the chicken thighs into 1 cm pieces Or into sizes that will be easy to roll in the kimbap
In a bowl add the chicken meat sake sugar soy sauce toubanjang gochujang
Mix and let sit for 10 minutes
I totes forgot the garlic .... garlic
It looks so yummy as is this would taste so nice cooked up
Put sesame oil into a pan And cook on medium
Once it starts to change color
Add the rice
looks so yummy its def gonna be yummy
lets keep at it and make it even yummier
Once you mix it with the rice let cool
wrap up your makisu
lay the seaweed on top
Leave space at the end And add the cheese
Is this too much?
yeppers It's a bit too much cheese
In order to ensure a nice tight roll make sure to not overdo things
This is the seventh one And I think I finally got the hang of this
ya gotta press it down here and hold it for a second
see look at how it came out
I sampled the chicken meat
Now cut into 1.5 cm pieces
or whatever size you see fit
By leaving the Saran wrap on it It makes it easier to cut
line up on a plate
this one came out nicely with the cheese right in the middle
tadaa microwave for 2 minutes at 600W in order to melt the cheese
I will try eating this roll as is
Tadaa the cheese is all melted and looks yummy
tadaa the dish is complete
The cheese in the middle is all melted and flowing out
I made some eggplant miso soup using something called dashita
its a korean broth made from beef
The ones that I wasn't able to microwave will be eaten as is
itadakimasu the melted ones.... let them sit for a while
So perhaps the cheese isn't as melted
It's stuck to the other ones
K, it looks so yummy I overcooked this and so the cheese is crispy
well this could be a yummy goof
The seaweed and cheese is an absolutely perfect pairing and I love the chicken and rice as well
I totes love this its sooo yummy
The seaweed is so yummy
just by using the dashita it gives it a very korean sort of vibe
the dashita is full of flavor and yummy
This is packed full of chicken
warm kimbap are yummy
the cheese is so melty and stretchy
It's so tough microwaving things The center usually gets overdone
the outer edges are pretty good The cheese is warmed up and very melty
The cheese is all melted
this kimbap is the 'bestest' with the melted cheese and seaweed
Since the rice is flavored in these Kimbap Soy sauce is not necessary at all
Cheese is so yummy Is there a Maki Sushi out there that uses cheese?
The chicken meat is so yummy
This would be yummy even if you covered it in cheese afterward
This is the last of the ones that I have cut up
next up the whole rolls
Even though I've left these sit out all day they're still warm
so hot...
Since these kimbap use korean seaweed And we also fried the rice in sesame oils it has
a similar sort of flavor
these maki sushi and onigiri are so yummy when you eat them with your hands
Second one
I love how when you bite down on them The cheese comes out
cheese not only goes well in hamburgers But also in onigiri style things as well
cheese is so amazing cheese will save the world #Cheese4Peace
last one itadakimasu
Last mouthful itadakimasu
all done gochisosamadeshita
the cheese dakalbi kimbap were so yummy
these flavors suited me to a T
The rice alone looked so yummy before we even rolled it up in seaweed
I'mma thinkin' that it would have tasted even better with more cheese
sadly I could only roll it up with a bit of cheese
I believe it will be super delish with some cheese sprinkled on afterwards
I didn't use any veggies today But you can wrap it in lettuce or green onion
I'm just so shook at how amazing cheese is
It was all so yummy want you all please give it a try as well And as always thank you for watching if there is anything you
Wants me to do or eat please tell me in the comment Section below if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI
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