Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Youtube daily report w May 23 2018

what's on my mind is who created this image let me scroll down a little bit so

you can see it better this is not an Edward Curtis I've already searched the

Smithsonian Google Images Amazon Northwestern University because they

have an Edward Curtis archive there and I've emailed the Library of Congress

nobody knows that's what's on my mind today I really like to find out who the

Creator is and that's the image if he had gone to HTTP colon for slant for

slant to the guy our cook report card being calm and then click on the link

and that will take you to the show notes for this episode of the guy our cook

report thanks to the patrons that support our efforts on that note so it

don't take up more time in your day it's a wrap


For more infomation >> 20180523 Who Created this Image - Duration: 1:33.


Backpack of knitting yarn. Part 2. How to tie a backpack crochet? - Duration: 23:34.

For more infomation >> Backpack of knitting yarn. Part 2. How to tie a backpack crochet? - Duration: 23:34.


Soy Luna 3 odc 27 Matteo chce odzyskać nagranie - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Soy Luna 3 odc 27 Matteo chce odzyskać nagranie - Duration: 1:20.


Vir The Robot Has Arrived. A...

For more infomation >> Vir The Robot Has Arrived. A...


Matteo Gentili ignora le parole di Paola e commenta Francesco Monte | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Matteo Gentili ignora le parole di Paola e commenta Francesco Monte | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:45.


Barbara d'Urso rimprovera Filippo: "E' un reato, non dirlo mai più" | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Barbara d'Urso rimprovera Filippo: "E' un reato, non dirlo mai più" | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:30.


Introduzione alla Mobility | Qua la Zampa (Educazione/addestramento cani) - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> Introduzione alla Mobility | Qua la Zampa (Educazione/addestramento cani) - Duration: 5:21.


Produtos com Inmetro I China Gate Importação - Duration: 7:46.

For more infomation >> Produtos com Inmetro I China Gate Importação - Duration: 7:46.


Depois de Usar Está Mascara NÃO Vai Reconhecer Sua Pele. Os CRAVOS E ESPINHAS Desaparecerão! - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Depois de Usar Está Mascara NÃO Vai Reconhecer Sua Pele. Os CRAVOS E ESPINHAS Desaparecerão! - Duration: 2:23.


SOS Ballarò, activism and grassroots democracy in Palermo - Spago - Duration: 5:24.

My name is Enzo Volpe

I am a Salesian priest, I live here in Ballarò

and mostly I take care of children and young people

The real name of the neighborhood is Albergheria

also called Ballarò because of the historical market.

It is a district of the historic center of Palermo

one of the most significant and vibrant.

Its multi-ethnic, multicultural and multireligious reality

is seen above all by walking

through its streets, in its squares.

The fusion between cultures is a fact,

all the boys and young people belong to Palermo

even those of African or Asian descent.

I am sure that together they can build

a different way of seeing things.

I do not really like to label the neighborhood as awkward

like a neighborhood of delinquents

of degraded suburbs

The association SOS Ballarò means

History, Pride and Sustainability

it is a free association of citizens born from the awareness

that we could not just observe the neighborhood.

It was born two years ago

following an incendiary attack.

Our role was to live this district

with responsibility to tackle a bit the most emerging problems

starting from the road, the waste

the educational path of children and young, the migrants

and all that concerned also the organization of the market.

One of the most important elements was

the redevelopment of some places

that were basically abandoned

even as a receptacle of waste

places definitely rarely frequented

They were redeveloped by many young people

who voluntarily, free and with so much passion

started to clean up these squares

The association organizes Anima Ballarò

to animate the neighborhood

and to make the district increasingly related

to the city of Palermo

two years it proposed the Buskers Ballarò Festival

a street artists festival

that for the first time in Palermo was realized

in the streets, alleys, in the squares of Ballarò.

Another important activity of SOS Ballarò

it was precisely that of involving the market

and the merchants to associate

and the creation of Associazione Mercato Storico Ballarò

This cooperation, this association

of people with different interests

is gradually turning into a leaven

that we hope to ferment the whole reality of this neighborhood.

Helping SOS Ballarò basically means living

a true collaboration dynamic

active participation, grassroots democracy

with its own voluntary work, with its own creativity

As a priest and as a religious

the Christ that I would like to live today is just that

an alternative Christ who does not stand in the sacristy

that is not closed but that is on the way

and that above all values the human that is in each of us

In my opinion, talent is a responsibility

So who has a great gift

has the responsibility not to keep it hidden

but to make it available to others

talent is the opposite of fear

So talent for me is: Giovanni Falcone e Paolo Borsellino

mafia victims

who were killed by that reality

that would like to chain

our City, our Sicily

in the grip of fear

Spago bridge of connections

invisible sometimes

small, a little fragile

but necessary because we can all be together.

For more infomation >> SOS Ballarò, activism and grassroots democracy in Palermo - Spago - Duration: 5:24.


Com provável retorno e dúvida, Fluminense se prepara para encarar a Chapecoense|x3and1baller - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> Com provável retorno e dúvida, Fluminense se prepara para encarar a Chapecoense|x3and1baller - Duration: 5:15.


DEUS ESCUTA A ORAÇÃO DE UM PECADOR COMO EU? - Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> DEUS ESCUTA A ORAÇÃO DE UM PECADOR COMO EU? - Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:30.


Is it Power or Not? - Duration: 3:38.

Hi my love! Are you all right? So we're going to talk about "wanting is not always power."

But wanting is not power?

Yes, wanting is power. But it depends on the point of view, and it depends on how much you use

it for you to massacre, you see? Why do you listen like this: "to want is to be able! You only

have to determine, you just believe, you just follow ..." You say: "Come on!"

And wow, the person who spoke got it and I could not. I suck, and the sensational

person. Not really. There are two things that involve want and power.

When we speak of wanting, that will is deep. It's a visceral

want, it comes from the guts to be able to function. And often one side of you wants and

the other does not want to. And then you can not. It will depend

on the stronger side. It is true. Sometimes you say, "Wow, I want to get rid of this

disease, this disease is a horrible thing." Of course you do.

Then the other side of you, you do not realize that you are not conscious, says: "Ah, this

disease is good, you know why? Because I have attention, I have affection, I

can not do a lot of things that I do not want , just to say that the sick ... "

So one side of you wants and the other side does not want to. Which side is the strongest?

I assure you that this dark side that wants to keep something bad, is a side that you

need to look at. Because we can only change what we see. So you realize,

you see if you have something good in it. And see what your real want is. Do not

keep saying, yelling "I want it," it will not solve your life. It will not

solve your life. To assert, to shout to the four corners of the world does not solve. What

solves is the deep desire of the emotion that expresses itself there. And many times for this

deep wanting to be a positive want you need to heal the pain. Often

for those who want to be profound to want to work well

in their life, you need to look clearly at shadows and things that you

sometimes do not want to see. So, some things in life are very

simple. I want, I do, I conquer, it happens ... In others I do not. You do not

suck when you want and you can not. When you want and you can not. That

you need to understand. This is the first step to changing that willingness to something

positive. You understand that you are divine, that you are light, that you are incredible. If

loving is the main step, the rest is consequence.

As you learn to love yourself, every will is possible. All will is possible.

Because what heals is love. I'm leaving here a link

to my course, "How to say no, position and set limits", help for

damn. There are people who even got

promoted in the job because of this course. I am so happy with the testimonials

I have received. Get in there, okay? A kiss! Take it!

For more infomation >> Is it Power or Not? - Duration: 3:38.


Use as fofocas a seu favor - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Use as fofocas a seu favor - Duration: 1:01.


Spina calcaneare: cause e trattamento - Duration: 9:41.

For more infomation >> Spina calcaneare: cause e trattamento - Duration: 9:41.


Últimas notícia de hoje : MANUELA CRITICA PREFEITURA DE SP: INEFICIÊNCIA OU DESCASO? - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : MANUELA CRITICA PREFEITURA DE SP: INEFICIÊNCIA OU DESCASO? - Duration: 2:19.


Últimas notícia de hoje : Fachin tem decisão imprevisível e diminui poderes de Moro na Lava Jato - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : Fachin tem decisão imprevisível e diminui poderes de Moro na Lava Jato - Duration: 5:21.


COMO TRATAR DIABETES ➜ Coma Isso Todos os Dias e Elimine a Diabetes Em Apenas 30 Dias!! - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> COMO TRATAR DIABETES ➜ Coma Isso Todos os Dias e Elimine a Diabetes Em Apenas 30 Dias!! - Duration: 4:10.


✅ Hoje em Orgulho e Paixão: Uirapuru beija Josephine - Duration: 2:08.

Mesmo com todo o mistério envolvendo sua suposta morte, Josephine (Christine Fernandes) parece não deixar de aprontar

Antes mesmo de "reaparecer" para a família, inclusive o filho, Rômulo (Marcos Pitombo), a loira deve ficar bem próxima de Uirapuru (Bruno Gissoni), chegando até a beijar o moço, no capítulo desta quarta-feira (23) de Orgulho e Paixão, atual novela das 18h da Globo

Vale lembrar que o cafajeste já deixou muitos "corações partidos", durante sua participação na trama

Mariana (Chandelly Braz) e Charlotte (Isabella Santoni) são duas das integrantes da lista de mulheres que se decepcionaram feio, com Uirapuru

Será que Josephine também entrará para esta lista? Confira o resumo completo da novela de hoje: Ernesto afirma a Jorge que Ema é sua namorada

Mariana fica deslumbrada com a corrida de motocicletas. Charlotte conhece Josephine

Josephine se alarma quando Charlotte menciona o casamento de Rômulo com Cecília. Charlotte afirma a Darcy que ficará em São Paulo

Camilo faz um acordo com o juiz do galpão de lutas. Amélia pede que Elisabeta a ajude a afastar Ema de Jorge

Jane descobre que Camilo foi demitido. Josephine e Uirapuru se beijam. Julieta se desespera com a manifestação popular contra sua presença no Vale do Café

Elisabeta e Darcy se amam.

For more infomation >> ✅ Hoje em Orgulho e Paixão: Uirapuru beija Josephine - Duration: 2:08.


Ex-BBB Kaysar, Giulia Costa e mais famosos vão a show de Ferrugem no Rio - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> Ex-BBB Kaysar, Giulia Costa e mais famosos vão a show de Ferrugem no Rio - Duration: 5:29.


Alugar ou comprar um automóvel? - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Alugar ou comprar um automóvel? - Duration: 1:02.


Madrinha, Mayra Cardi perde o voo e avisa que se atrasará para casamento de Lexa e Guimê - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Madrinha, Mayra Cardi perde o voo e avisa que se atrasará para casamento de Lexa e Guimê - Duration: 2:39.


Using geometric shapes to create amigurumis | Amigurumi Advanced #19 - Duration: 7:12.

For more infomation >> Using geometric shapes to create amigurumis | Amigurumi Advanced #19 - Duration: 7:12.


Pisadas Na Areia - Curta-metragem [HD] - Duration: 14:53.

What you want?

Cigarette, right?

Always is it!

There is no fire, right? Did you start smoking yesterday?

It started yesterday too, right?

I almost did.

Seven days smoking cigarette,

Seven days that I know ...

It began after a diagnosis,

It makes no difference,

I was spitting, coughing ...

Terminal Cancer.


How can you live like this in misery?


No food, no work, no hygiene, no money,

Are not you angry at those people who are poking their nose?

why don't you revolt with your own misery?

What misery?

Perennial son of the terrible existence,

Of the impoverished atom and of any divine misfortune,

His benevolence derives from fear, as it were from a lily to his breast.

And in the distance, to the mirage,

There dwell those who look with black wonder at what is sad and tired in us.

I'm not scared!

But the comfort of a depth,

As a substance.

And I'm part of everything I've loved,

And everything fades like the thin wave on the fine sands.

Stroker walker on the thousand sands.

Pleasure to step on the ground and experience the wave pull the sand.

A little sun and salt lulls cravings.

The pains that show themselves in others.

Manly need to dive and glide to the shifting waters.

This craving that revolves in the rhythm of the waves.

Be a kid and imagine what the water hides behind your back.

One day death.

The foundation.

The place where lies the finitude and the indefinite.

Tessitura of a time,

Sculptor of nature. And everything slips, falls apart.

Accompanied by this condemnation to the dust...

Everything is so clear to me.

As it is delivered to the donkeys is death,

But a part inherited from those who do not deserve to have it is life!

What's your problem, man ?! I just drowned there ...

You did not see?

I saw yes, I realized!

For what should be the true relation to life, if not to face it cold?

Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait!

And facing the cold what are we ?!

Now he that feareth not life, but fear not death.


Here, get me fifty cents ...

For me to buy, to buy my coffee!

You have enough!

What did you say?

What is the value of this version of misery if the whole is miserable?

Little does he know that I envy him. Just because it's not me.

Hey brother, God loves you, did you know that?

He died on the cross so that we would have eternal life ...

And I could have love for each other, so if I can get dressed ...

You want it here right? Buy a gun!

Maybe it's a nightmare,

The feeling of dread and suffocation.

It is not the demon's palm,

But the unconscious giving up of crossing the daily desert,

Trying to extinguish itself in the oasis of the dream.

But when they wake up, it's just relief.

There is no need to recognize the human nature,

I'll wake up and see lambs of blood heading for a promised hill of delirium!

Even if you find an improper beat,

So it would be good if they were right,

That the world is part camouflaged by the cries,

That life is carried out by extras,

And all this was but a shadow,

That any time, the sky will open like a window.

And a calm voice will say that my idea of death does not exist.

That no one leaves for ever.

But that everything is just a tourist!

An excursion to the corner of the eternal.

My pain would be put on the highest point,

And the sea would sweep every sad skull,

So that miserable consciousness will never surface.

I could then make a choir with the lambs,

Go towards the mountain and never face my ghosts any more.

I would have a fuller life,

More life than life! I would have.

But that from this life the fundamental flaw was never extracted.

Is that you?! Ham?

Will you stay on top of your indifference?

Will not you answer anyone?

Are you going to let them erase their faces? Will kill me? And what's in here with me?

It is? Only?

Will it tarnish the past? Are you going to leave the carcass? It is? Just the sand on which I walk?

When consummated the trajectory appears,

The saying is to die soon.

Before I fled to the sea and found the music

Like eternity.

Outgoing horizon of unsatisfactory satisfactions,

Stable comforts of uncomfortable lives,

Truths of an Abolished Heritage,

The time has come when it is said no more.

The sense is sought.

The other skin is the direction of this skin,

Consuming the grains of the earth is the meaning of this stomach,

But the consciousness of this consciousness is not ignored,

Although it gives life a value that is of no use,

After all, at the end of everything is this cease to be,


There is always a useless truth.

To look at one's life and see if something has changed is the reason for being here.

Therefore it is no more than sand.

One unit of carbon.

The material world around,

All things are nothing but possible movements of consciousness.

The bet on the moves is to try to hit the true experience.

To know that in the center of values lies a love of misery.

Because love resists only where there is suffering.

That is why this suspicious conscience lies who does not know this sea and this love as lifelike pieces of life,

Or ressarcis of the death,

But he knows them like a wave, a strong enough,

To uproot us from these footsteps in the sand!

For more infomation >> Pisadas Na Areia - Curta-metragem [HD] - Duration: 14:53.


Jogador do Palmeiras será vendido para clube do exterior por R$ 21,5 milhões|n123snow - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> Jogador do Palmeiras será vendido para clube do exterior por R$ 21,5 milhões|n123snow - Duration: 5:17.


Puppy with a purpose - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Puppy with a purpose - Duration: 3:02.


20180523 Who Created this Image - Duration: 1:33.

what's on my mind is who created this image let me scroll down a little bit so

you can see it better this is not an Edward Curtis I've already searched the

Smithsonian Google Images Amazon Northwestern University because they

have an Edward Curtis archive there and I've emailed the Library of Congress

nobody knows that's what's on my mind today I really like to find out who the

Creator is and that's the image if he had gone to HTTP colon for slant for

slant to the guy our cook report card being calm and then click on the link

and that will take you to the show notes for this episode of the guy our cook

report thanks to the patrons that support our efforts on that note so it

don't take up more time in your day it's a wrap


For more infomation >> 20180523 Who Created this Image - Duration: 1:33.


Backpack of knitting yarn. Part 2. How to tie a backpack crochet? - Duration: 23:34.

For more infomation >> Backpack of knitting yarn. Part 2. How to tie a backpack crochet? - Duration: 23:34.


Soy Luna 3 odc 27 Matteo chce odzyskać nagranie - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Soy Luna 3 odc 27 Matteo chce odzyskać nagranie - Duration: 1:20.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Non afferrarti nemmeno alla sensazione dell'io (Don't Even Hold Onto the Feeling of 'I') - Duration: 21:41.

For more infomation >> Non afferrarti nemmeno alla sensazione dell'io (Don't Even Hold Onto the Feeling of 'I') - Duration: 21:41.






9-Year-Old Mails President $3 After Learning He Doesn't Take a Salary, Then Trump Sends Him... - Duration: 6:18.

For more infomation >> 9-Year-Old Mails President $3 After Learning He Doesn't Take a Salary, Then Trump Sends Him... - Duration: 6:18.


中印貿易逆差高達300億?印度慌了:中國人把我們的錢都賺走了! - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> 中印貿易逆差高達300億?印度慌了:中國人把我們的錢都賺走了! - Duration: 5:56.


( eng sub ) ศัพท์รอบรู้กับเต ตะวัน Pt. 2 ( end ) - Duration: 2:09.


Bring your "animal instict" out.

"His eyes didn't see the truth"

You guys "will it know".

Will know it!

Beacuse I "know (he use thai old idiom)" him since Five Live.

I just help you in last game! Show O like this! "Snake"!

(Discussing about Mond's hashtag #KingKong) I was damaged by his "new wold monkey"!

He disguises to be human! He just a "Homo sapiens" don't have second 'sapiens'.

Don't care anything. I told him to run when he can find a right way. He didn't listen to me. Deaf. "Blind Hearing".

An animal should has a good hearing, but this one is blind hearing.

Actually, I always make a plan, but my plan...

"One man's meat is another man's posion." Some plan doesn't work with someone.

He claims I'm bigger than him though everyone can see the truth by their "bare eyes".

Water is composed of "hydrogen" and "oxygen".

Our body is "organic substance"

God just want to "kidding kidding" tease me. Didn't be serious .

There should be something to "safeguard" my neck.

Something to safeguard hie neck.

How did you two become roommates?


So how was it?

I couldn't wait to "go (he use old Thai word)" back home.

It comes from their hearts. I need to keep them in my "big heart".

Big heart?

I'm a "hooligan". I have to punch him (Pluem) because he despoil my "spouse".

I told Pluem "you are my first punch"

"Gangster blood is intense."

Staff : You're so harsh.

Director saw my face was "wooeful"

wooeful? woeful!

I don't like dessert. I'm in a "stew industry".

I'm in a "meat dish industry" so I don't know much. I'm sorry P'Oei

Its shape is so "fabulous". (He use old Thai word)


I don't know how to explain that. Moist? (Old Thai word again)


There is somene in my profile (He means 'someone wrote his profile wrong'). He was...

Someone in your profile?

Staff : who is someone in your profile?

Hatyaiwittayalai school always be the top 10.

Top 10 of what? You must "catagory" it.

He (Off) graduated from Rachaborput school which for made a "specialist" about Buddism.



You can find this kind of word from his Twitter

and Instragram : @Tawan_V


For more infomation >> ( eng sub ) ศัพท์รอบรู้กับเต ตะวัน Pt. 2 ( end ) - Duration: 2:09.


HARMONY OF HARDCORE - AFTERVLOG #133 - Duration: 15:39.

Good afternoon!

Which date is it?

- The 19th

It's Saturday May 19th and

we're going to Harmony of Hardcore!

I'll meet Imara over there.

And we're now on our way

Look whose here!

Hi I'm here too today

for a change.

I don't like festival that much but yes..

Let's try it.

And we just got our ticket of our lovely..

What do you call yourself?

- Exclusive VIP Entrance Hostess!

What do we think of today?


- What do we think of this!

Super nice!

- This is the best edition!

I love it too but it's a little cold.

- Do you know what to do then?


We had a great day!

Imara thought it was one of the best editions until now.

I think also it was one of the best years!

My favorites were SEFA and N-Vitral

We stood everywhere. On the Mainstage

The MainStage was looking very nice, also in combination with the lights.

You didn't had to wait for a long time at the bar.

Unlike 7th Sunday. But I will show you that next Friday!

Because we upload that video next Friday.

And then we took you to 7th Sunday

Because we visited that festival the day after Harmony.

Dont' forget to like and subscribe

and follow our Instagram page @theaftervlog

And see you next Friday, bye!

For more infomation >> HARMONY OF HARDCORE - AFTERVLOG #133 - Duration: 15:39.


ロマンチック?ノルウェーの夜 Night in Norway - Romantic night? [vlog Sundal Stavanger] フィヨルドをドライブ - Duration: 11:02.

After taking shower

For more infomation >> ロマンチック?ノルウェーの夜 Night in Norway - Romantic night? [vlog Sundal Stavanger] フィヨルドをドライブ - Duration: 11:02.


Johnny Knoxville on Son's Terrible Parent-Teacher Conference - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Johnny Knoxville on Son's Terrible Parent-Teacher Conference - Duration: 3:05.


林可彤臉部按摩,解除上半身緊繃及帶走臉部疲勞 |女星請分享|Vogue Taiwan - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> 林可彤臉部按摩,解除上半身緊繃及帶走臉部疲勞 |女星請分享|Vogue Taiwan - Duration: 3:38.


How to Make Buttercream Flowers - Cake Decorating Video 2018 - Duration: 5:21.

Cake Style

From "Eat Cake Be Merry"

For more infomation >> How to Make Buttercream Flowers - Cake Decorating Video 2018 - Duration: 5:21.


Đợi Chờ Một Tình Yêu - V.Music (Official MV) - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Đợi Chờ Một Tình Yêu - V.Music (Official MV) - Duration: 4:01.


Captcha IRL: Prove you're not a robot - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Captcha IRL: Prove you're not a robot - Duration: 2:08.


Phim ca nhạc: Sài Gòn Trong Tôi - V.Music (Official) - Duration: 13:43.

For more infomation >> Phim ca nhạc: Sài Gòn Trong Tôi - V.Music (Official) - Duration: 13:43.


If You Notice These 10 Warning Signs, You're Dealing With a Wicked Person - Duration: 4:02.

If You Notice These 10 Warning Signs, You're Dealing With a Wicked Person

We do not know when we deal with someone evil until they do something bad to us.

It is pretty common to recognize the malevolent intention, and it is painful if it happens

to you.

Well, the thing is, evil or wicked person can come from all over the place, and more

often than not, often ones you wouldn't expect when it's coming.

But when you meet people with a wicked personality, there are no amount of questioning definitions

that will change your mind.

Simply put, you will know it when you see or experience it.

And, it's probably too late.

Fortunately, we have a list of 10 warning signs to prevent you from a wicked person

who have an evil intentions to you.

In any case, If you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this

video and subscribe to our channel, so you won't miss any of our interesting updates

in the future.

#1 - Enjoying someone's misfortune

Evil person likes to see someone suffers.

They usually smile in delight when they see people get accident, incident, and other bad


It is like they gain a fresh energy for their soul.

Sometimes, it is subtle, but it is there.

#2 - Controlling

It is fun to have control over something.

However, evil people take this step further since they want to take control over someone

close to them and anyone who defies them.

Before getting into this stage, they obviously have planned how to do that.

#3 - Dishonesty

Indeed all people lie to others sometimes.

However, evil person lives with lies.

Dishonesty is their middle name, and they basically live with it.

When they almost get caught, they will use gaslight tactic.

#4 - Strange aura

No one actually feels safe to be close to evil people.

They somehow emits negative energy that people can feel.

For those with high sensitivity to others, they usually can pick this pattern accurately.

#5 - Misleading

Lying, misquoting, adding and reducing details are the most common strategy to mislead someone

into believing something wrong.

Just be careful when you hear something that does not feel right.

#6 - Remorseless

They never feel sorry to anything they have done.

For obvious reason, they are never willing to apologize.

Moreover, you cannot just force them to do so.

They will blame you instead.

#7 - Cruelty

Hurting other people is what evil people do.

Evil people typically unleash their anger using physical abuse since they do not feel


#8 - Irresponsible

Shifting blame to others is from the evil people's master mind.

They do not want to be blamed and they do not want to take any responsibility whatsoever.

#9 - Warning

The warning can come from many sources including the family and friends of the evil persons


They are aware that someone close to them are evil and need to be avoided.

#10 - Manipulator

Evil people are usually nice and kind, at the beginning or any point.

However, the evil things they do weigh over than the kindness they share.

Well, those are some warning signs that you're dealing with a wicked person.

So, Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> If You Notice These 10 Warning Signs, You're Dealing With a Wicked Person - Duration: 4:02.


Тўйлар қисқартирилса, санъаткорлар ЕНДИ НИМА КИЛАМИЗ ОХИ - Duration: 8:32.

For more infomation >> Тўйлар қисқартирилса, санъаткорлар ЕНДИ НИМА КИЛАМИЗ ОХИ - Duration: 8:32.


[Dofus] Après l'ocre ... - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> [Dofus] Après l'ocre ... - Duration: 4:28.


Bingo Dog Song | Little Red Car Cartoons by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:05:16.

Bingo The Dog Song

For more infomation >> Bingo Dog Song | Little Red Car Cartoons by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:05:16.


Cold War Nuclear Fallout Is Still Affecting the Pacific, What Does That Mean for Us? - Duration: 4:52.

These nuclear weapon explosions were part of a series of 66 tests

by the United States government during the Cold War.

The tests were conducted on the Marshall Islands, a remote area of the Pacific Ocean

earmarked for unlimited nuclear destruction.

These are the islands today, which are mostly abandoned.

Though they look like any tropical paradise, these scenic views are tainted with radioactivity.

The radioactivity left behind is so high that you can't move back there,

you can't grow crops there, eat them; you can't drink the water.

So we're talking 70 years later, we can't go back to these sites.

But Ken Buesseler and his research team went back, to measure

just how contaminated this paradise is.

When a nuclear weapon explodes, hundreds of radioactive isotopes are released,

including plutonium-239, which has a half-life of 24,000 years.

And though that rate of decay may seem slow, if you're unfortunate enough to be exposed

to a large amount of this over a lifetime, it could lead to major health problems.

- It's called global fallout.

And the idea was, where did that end up, right?

And the oceans are one place where it ended up.

Is that in the water?

Did it sink to the bottom?

Is it in the marine biota?

So one of the goals of our research trip was to find where the highest levels were

of these radioactive contaminants: plutonium, cesium.

Places we looked were the craters left behind from the hydrogen bombs––that would be

the Mike Test on Enewetak, and Bravo Test on Bikini, 1954.

So these are tests that are thousands of times greater in magnitude and strength,

producing a thousand times more fallout locally and across the globe than the smaller tests.

A challenge that we had to this day is knowing that, if I find plutonium in the lagoon,

in an organism, is it from a particular test?

So we do a lot of what we call fingerprinting: it's a lot like forensics,

as you'd see in a crime scene.

Ken uses radioactive tracers like radium to determine where the plutonium has settled

and if it's leaking from wells, lagoons or any other groundwater sites.

Ken and his team found that seafloor sediments contributed the most plutonium to the ocean.

This wasn't a complete surprise.

Until atmospheric nuclear testing was banned in 1963, more than 5 tons of plutonium

were dispersed in the atmosphere.

Most of this fell into the oceans and sank, because plutonium

is not readily soluble in seawater.

Cesium was only about two times higher.

Plutonium, within those islands, is about 100 times higher than just outside,

so there has to be a source, 70 years later.

Because of these nuclear tests so long ago, former inhabitants of these islands,

and now their younger generations, may never be able to live there again.

- This is definitely one of those nations that will suffer the most from sea level rise

due to climate change, so they have this double-whammy.

They have the radioactive waste that hasn't allowed them to move home, and now,

they're experiencing the effects of sea level rise and loss of their entire island,

all their atolls, a place to live.

Ken's research here on the Marshall Islands draw parallels to what can be learned

from the Fukushima disaster in 2011.

- One's a nuclear reactor accident, one was an intentional explosion of nuclear weapons, okay.

But still, for the people who live close to these accidents, these high sources,

there's always the question of, "when can I move back?"

"What does that mean in terms of my health and safety?"

It's been frustrating that we run 400+ reactors around the world's oceans

around the edges and inland, and yet we aren't maintaining a cadre of science

to deal with the environmental consequences of doing that.

We live in a radioactive world; we can't get away from it.

So, despite us knowing about levels, what's considered okay or not, for your exposure

through food and air, there's always something that maybe is not considered.

That makes it also very hard to say, when is it okay to move back to certain areas?

And that's the same for Japan, and it will be for Japan for years to come, as it is today,

70 years later in the Marshall Islands.

For more episodes of Science in the Extremes, check out this one right here.

Don't forget to subscribe, and come back to Seeker for more episodes.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Cold War Nuclear Fallout Is Still Affecting the Pacific, What Does That Mean for Us? - Duration: 4:52.


Lenhow6-shishisusu(demo) - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Lenhow6-shishisusu(demo) - Duration: 2:54.


The World Trade Organisation Won't Save You - Duration: 3:49.

In the absence of a discrete agreement between two trading countries or a customs union,

the rules of the World Trade Organisation describe how trade will be conducted for a nation.

These rules are many and complex, but are guided by one principle.

To avoid trade disputes, in the absence of any other agreement countries should not discriminate

against other countries through tariffs, quotas, licensing or standards.

The country of origin of goods should make no difference in the way those goods are treated.

This doesn't mean, however, that a country trading under World Trade Organisation rules

is going to be free from tariffs.

To take an example entirely at random, let us imagine that the United Kingdom leaves

the free trade agreement it has with the rest of Europe.

World Trade Organisation rules do not mean that the EU cannot impose tariffs on the United

Kingdom, in fact they mean the opposite.

Because the European Union imposes tariffs on everybody that is outside of its trading

block, in order to be non-discriminatory it would have to treat Britain the same as everyone

else and impose tariffs.

Similarly, Britain would probably be obliged under its current trading legislation to apply

tariffs on goods from the European Union.

This would lead increased prices of things such as food.

The core of the World Trade Organisation's purpose is to avoid trade disputes, but this

is a more complicated task than simply having the position that more free trade deals

is better.

Here is an example.

There is an ongoing trade dispute between the EU and the USA concerning banana imports

to Europe.

The EU has previously leveraged its colonial past in the Caribbean to negotiate particularly

favourable terms for the import of bananas.

On a level playing field, it would be cheaper for Europe to import its bananas from South

America, where the vast majority of the worlds bananas are grown by companies owned in the

United States.

The United States, then, considers these deals with the Caribbean to constitute unfair competition,

and they are currently under investigation by the World Trade Organisation.

It is vital to avoid these trade disputes getting out of hand.

One tariff can provoke another in response, which can itself prompt even stronger reactions.

This is called a trade war.

Often they are more than a simple spat about money, and can even be triggered intentionally

if one country believes it is economically strong enough to survive the fallout and the

other is not.

Since the second world war the United States has been the only global economic superpower.

Even China, the EU or the Soviet Union when it was at its height, do not come close.

This means that in order to be considered economically successful, a country needs to

sell into the American market.

Since so many countries need America, but America does not need them, it creates an

unbalanced system where the United States can impose just about anything on its partners.

These can range from free access to a country by American firms, to the sale of weapons,

to the imposition of military bases or even regime change.

Arguably this sort of trading hegemony has replaced the old imperial forms of international

domination, and the end result is almost indistinguishable.

Because the funny thing is that the United States is far too powerful for the World Trade

Organisation to meaningfully sanction.

So it's only really the smaller countries that are punished when its rules are flouted.

And when trade might be used as a weapon against you, it would be folly to think you could

rely on World Trade Organisation rules.

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