Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Youtube daily report May 23 2018

Mary pointed out to the seers or rather to the visionaries of Medjugorje, that she would not answer

more to the personal questions of the pilgrims during the apparition.

on the other hand she would answer all the real ones questions in everyone's heart.

Me, at first I did not understand very much well what it meant: "listen to his

heart ... "I was trying to stretch my ear to my heart ... I did not know if he

had to listen to his feelings ... or listen love in his heart ... but love

it does not speak ... I was a little lost ...

Finally I tried to listen to love ... when I had a question, I thought

if I had a lot of love and if I was someone very very well I would do

what ...

and in addition I thought to myself if I had faith huge what would be the answer ...

Little by little I was learning to listen to love in my heart ... to take the path of

love ... of course it was totally unrealistic ... it was downright

impossible ... for example to go to Africa help poor children ...

but I am someone simple ... I will not spill mountains and make

extraordinary things ... i just want listen to Mary and pray for Mary doing

simple, accessible and reasonable things ...

With time I learned to listen to love in my heart …

The death of the sun?

At idukki in Kerala, India, a phenomenal miracle happened on the sun.

indeed this one is flashing while the crowd calls out.

Is it a miracle of Jesus to evangelize the crowds or a natural phenomenon?

This video was published on December 21, 2016 ...

You found this video interesting ... by clicking on the left link you

can see more videos ... and clicking on the red zone link you can see

the last video out ...

Join thousands of subscribers ... click on the "A" by following ... the red arrow ...

For more infomation >> IT IS DEAD SUN? THE SUN THAT DISAPPEARED ... - Duration: 2:28.


Letizia sigue la ruta Caribeña: un mono de flores, un top que le queda pequeño y un traje 'pijama' - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Letizia sigue la ruta Caribeña: un mono de flores, un top que le queda pequeño y un traje 'pijama' - Duration: 4:50.


Mix Pop Latino 2018 Lo Mas Nuevo Maluma, Shakira, Nicky Jam, Daddy Yankee, Ozuna, Wisin, J Balvin - Duration: 1:32:01.

Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Mix Pop Latino 2018 Lo Mas Nuevo Maluma, Shakira, Nicky Jam, Daddy Yankee, Ozuna, Wisin, J Balvin - Duration: 1:32:01.


Vir The Robot Has Arrived. A...

For more infomation >> Vir The Robot Has Arrived. A...



For more infomation >> JUDGE ROSS...U CAN'T BLAME EVERYTHING ON ALCOHOL...MAMA YO ### GOT TO GO!!! - Duration: 11:15.





Shaykh ul Islam Maulana Syed Hussain Ahmad Madni (r.a) - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Shaykh ul Islam Maulana Syed Hussain Ahmad Madni (r.a) - Duration: 1:32.



Mary pointed out to the seers or rather to the visionaries of Medjugorje, that she would not answer

more to the personal questions of the pilgrims during the apparition.

on the other hand she would answer all the real ones questions in everyone's heart.

Me, at first I did not understand very much well what it meant: "listen to his

heart ... "I was trying to stretch my ear to my heart ... I did not know if he

had to listen to his feelings ... or listen love in his heart ... but love

it does not speak ... I was a little lost ...

Finally I tried to listen to love ... when I had a question, I thought

if I had a lot of love and if I was someone very very well I would do

what ...

and in addition I thought to myself if I had faith huge what would be the answer ...

Little by little I was learning to listen to love in my heart ... to take the path of

love ... of course it was totally unrealistic ... it was downright

impossible ... for example to go to Africa help poor children ...

but I am someone simple ... I will not spill mountains and make

extraordinary things ... i just want listen to Mary and pray for Mary doing

simple, accessible and reasonable things ...

With time I learned to listen to love in my heart …

The death of the sun?

At idukki in Kerala, India, a phenomenal miracle happened on the sun.

indeed this one is flashing while the crowd calls out.

Is it a miracle of Jesus to evangelize the crowds or a natural phenomenon?

This video was published on December 21, 2016 ...

You found this video interesting ... by clicking on the left link you

can see more videos ... and clicking on the red zone link you can see

the last video out ...

Join thousands of subscribers ... click on the "A" by following ... the red arrow ...

For more infomation >> IT IS DEAD SUN? THE SUN THAT DISAPPEARED ... - Duration: 2:28.


Thermocouple - Types of Thermocouple - Thermocouple Types - Duration: 3:43.

A thermocouple is an electrical device consisting of two dissimilar electrical conductors forming

electrical junctions at differing temperatures. A thermocouple produces a temperature-dependent

voltage as a result of the thermoelectric effect, and this voltage can be interpreted

to measure temperature. Thermocouples are a widely used type of temperature sensor.

There are many types of thermocouples. Type J, K, T, & E are Base Metal thermocouples,

the most common types of thermocouples. Type R, S, and B thermocouples are Noble Metal

thermocouples, which are used in high temperature applications.

In this video i will go to show you Different types of thermocouples and their temperature


Type J Thermocouple :- This thermocouple consists of an Iron and

a Constantan. It has a more restricted range (-40 °C to +750 °C) but higher sensitivity

of about 50 µV/°C. The Curie point of the iron (770 °C) causes a smooth change in the

characteristic, which determines the upper temperature limit. Type J thermocouple may

be used in vacuum, reducing, oxidizing and inert atmospheres.

Type K Thermocouple :- This thermocouple consists of a Chromel and

an Alumel leg. It is the most common general-purpose thermocouple with a sensitivity of approximately

41 µV/°C. It is inexpensive, and a wide variety of probes are available in its -200

°C to +1350 °C) range. This thermocouple is fairly accurate and stable at high temperatures.

Type T Thermocouple :- This thermocouple consists of a Copper and

a Constantan leg. These thermocouples are suited for measurements in the -200 to +350

°C range. Type-T thermocouples have a sensitivity of about 43 µV/°C. It may be used in vacuum,

oxidizing, reducing and inert atmospheres. It maintains good resistance to corrosion

in most atmospheres and high stability at sub-zero temperatures.

Type E Thermocouple:- This thermocouple consists of one Chromel

leg and one Constantan leg. This thermocouple is not subject to corrosion in most atmospheres.

It has a high output (68 µV/°C), which makes it well suited to cryogenic use. Additionally,

it is non-magnetic.

Type B, R& S thermocouple:-

Types B, R, and S thermocouples use platinum or a rhodium alloy for each conductor. These

are among the most stable thermocouples, but have lower sensitivity than other types, approximately

10 µV/°C. Types R & S may be used up to 1480° C.

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Dear viewers Thanks for watching the video, any question write in the comment box. Don't

forget to like and share. More update please subscribes our channel Learning Engineering,

and get notification to press the bell icon.

For more infomation >> Thermocouple - Types of Thermocouple - Thermocouple Types - Duration: 3:43.


Best Place to Buy Panjabi in bd/Best quality Indian Panjabi shop in Dhaka 2018/shapon khan vlogs - Duration: 7:53.

For more infomation >> Best Place to Buy Panjabi in bd/Best quality Indian Panjabi shop in Dhaka 2018/shapon khan vlogs - Duration: 7:53.


Frankoworsie - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Frankoworsie - Duration: 2:10.


La noche de furia del ex actor porno y 'stripper' que se lió a tiros en el hotel de Trump en Miami - Duration: 7:50.

For more infomation >> La noche de furia del ex actor porno y 'stripper' que se lió a tiros en el hotel de Trump en Miami - Duration: 7:50.


Homescapes Level 635 - How to complete Level 635 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:43.

"How to play level 635 on Homescapes"

"Homescapes Game"


For more infomation >> Homescapes Level 635 - How to complete Level 635 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:43.


Family Guy Memorable Moment #562 - Family Guy - Duration: 3:59.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!

it seems today that all you see is violence in movies but where it all

start off fashion values

and cry

hey it's me Peter your TV cartoon pal you know Lois has been bitching lately

that I watched too much TV and don't read enough books so I went to the

library and picked up three books by the greatest author of the last thousand

years Stephen King and tonight I'd like to share them with you we begin with a

little tale called stand by me about four young boys who went looking for a

dead body and instead found themselves and also a dead body the year was 1955

and the voice in my head was that of Richard Dreyfuss I never had friends

like the ones I had when I was 12 there was me PD LaChance anyone else fed

up with this over saturation of media three channels and still nothing on then

there was Joey Duchamp the voice in his head was Roy Scheider how are you

Richard fine Roy how are you good good we should

grab a drink sometime and catch up maybe reminisce about jaws great you should

give me a call sometime my number is 555 wait wait what five

five five yeah you know what Richard if you don't want to have drinks just say

so you don't have to be a dick about it oh please stop and then there was quag

chambers he was the leader of our gang he had sex when he was five and

committed his first rape when he was ten rape of course being legal in the 50s

haha beat those cards fellas hey you guys

finally there was Cleve Brown my pudgy black friend I can still see him now all

pudgy and black Cleve please we're busy looking at Playboy look at the way these

woman's starve themselves this one can't be more than 180 pounds this is way

better than Playboy do you guys want to see a dead body

Cleve its 1955 please reenter the clubhouse in a more stereotypically

animated fashion slowly Marty I don't see me a dead body down by the lake

sho'nuff I thought I'd go deef and dumb when I saw me that dead by hey calm down

you're not making any sense

anything was possible as we set out that day except contracting aids because AIDS

had not yet been invented by the government in an effort to eradicate the

homosexual community

okay I got another one show me that's my line

don't waste another me don't you're crying

we decided to cut through old man Preston's junkyard

even though legend had it that any kid caught scaling the fence ran the risk of

being attacked by the old man's dog who would charge to the cry of chopper SiC

balls I got a bad feeling about this hey will you kids do it hello that's

right I'm old man Pressman I own the junkyard

I'm cranky cuz all my stuff is junk why can't I have nice things chopper SiC

em SiC em boy now he said SiC em boy but what I heard was chopper talk too

disfigured World War two veterans warrant as bitter as they should be go

ahead I could do my part I think you may have done too much

For more infomation >> Family Guy Memorable Moment #562 - Family Guy - Duration: 3:59.


✅ Zeman udělal nebývalý krok. Přiznal chybu kvůli citaci Peroutkova článku - Duration: 3:47.

Zeman udělal nebývalý krok. Přiznal chybu kvůli citaci Peroutkova článkuPrezident Miloš Zeman považuje za chybu, že citoval článek novináře Ferdinanda Peroutky, který se nemůže najít

U jiných Peroutkových článků by podle něj problém nevznikl. Jako příklad uvedl článek „Češi, Němci a židé", který je podle Zemana „odporně antisemitský"

Podle Zemana byl Peroutka bezesporu velký novinář, který ale v určité fázi podlehl nacistické ideologii

„To je dokázáno právě jeho články jak z druhé republiky, tak z protektorátu," uvedl ve středu Zeman na Žofínském fóru

„Udělal jsem chybu, když jsem zpaměti citoval článek, který se teď nemůže najít

Mimochodem ten článek byl docela nevinný. Hitler je gentleman, a proto dodrží to, co slíbil

Ve skutečnosti, jak známo, nic nedodržel, ale to se tehdy, v době publikace tohoto článku, nevědělo," řekl Zeman

Problém by podle prezidenta nevznikl, kdyby citoval jiné Peroutkovy články, jako příklady uvedl „Dynamický život" nebo „Češi, Němci a židé"

Článek „Dynamický život" považuje Zeman za oslavu Adolfa Hitlera za protektorátu

Peroutkova vnučka Terezie Kaslová se kvůli Zemanovým dřívějším výrokům o novináři soudí

Justice jí v září 2016 přiznala nárok na omluvu za to, že prezident označil jejího děda za autora článku „Hitler je gentleman"

Hrad se ve stanovené sedmidenní lhůtě od právní moci rozsudku neomluvil, a Kaslová proto na prezidentskou kancelář podala návrh na exekuci formou ukládání pokut

Nejvyšší soud ale v říjnu 2016 odložil vykonatelnost pravomocného rozhodnutí, dokud sám nevyřeší obě podaná dovolání

K exekuci tedy nedošlo. Zeman ve středu uvedl, že ho soud první instance rozsudkem soudce Tomáše Novosada „naprosto uspokojil"

Šlo o odvolací soud, který v září 2016 Kanceláři prezidenta republiky přikázal, aby se vnučce omluvila

REKLAMA Nejvyšší soud vrátil spor o omluvu za Zemanovy výroky Obvodnímu soudu pro Prahu 1 k novému projednání, řekla v úterý Kaslová

Soud výsledek zatím nezveřejnil. Podle právníka Kaslové Františka Vyskočila dospěl Nejvyšší soud k závěru, že žaloba měla být vedena podle jiného zákona

Českou republiku neměla zastupovat Kancelář prezidenta republiky (KPR), ale nejspíš jedno z ministerstev

Podle Vyskočila soud zároveň odmítl argument KPR, že prezident není odpovědný za své výroky

Odpovědný je a odpovědnost podle NS nese Česká republika, řekl Vyskočil ČTK. Kaslová řekla, že je na další kolo soudního sporu připravena

For more infomation >> ✅ Zeman udělal nebývalý krok. Přiznal chybu kvůli citaci Peroutkova článku - Duration: 3:47.


Boston Dynamics 'in Koşup Zıplayabilen Robotu ( İNANILMAZ ) - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Boston Dynamics 'in Koşup Zıplayabilen Robotu ( İNANILMAZ ) - Duration: 4:13.


U&D, Nilufar già in crisi con Giordano? La confessione sul tradimento | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> U&D, Nilufar già in crisi con Giordano? La confessione sul tradimento | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.


कलोपासक: विणकाम भाग २१ : शालीला सर्व बाजुंनी काठ का करतात? - Duration: 2:09.

Why my work is curved and not remains stiff?

If the work is completely in Garter stitch then the problem does not arise.

But if it is Stockinette stitch then the work sides are always curved.

Therefore when ever you knit Muffler or Shawl then always work the border of Garter stitch on both edges of the work

Then your work will not be curved and remain stiff.

In case of sweater the problem does not arise because it's sides are sewed.

But when the sides are open as in muffler or shawl then you must work border of Garter stitch not only at the starting and end but also on both edges of it.

For more infomation >> कलोपासक: विणकाम भाग २१ : शालीला सर्व बाजुंनी काठ का करतात? - Duration: 2:09.


U&D, a sorpresa, Mariano Catanzaro ha scelto Valentina Pivati - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> U&D, a sorpresa, Mariano Catanzaro ha scelto Valentina Pivati - Duration: 3:46.


U&D: Valeria Bigella rivela per sbaglio la scelta di Sara? Lindizio - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> U&D: Valeria Bigella rivela per sbaglio la scelta di Sara? Lindizio - Duration: 4:31.


📌MEHMETÇİK KUDÜS'E GİDİYOR ! 📌 - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> 📌MEHMETÇİK KUDÜS'E GİDİYOR ! 📌 - Duration: 4:49.


김민승 사망 - 김민승은 누구인가 ? - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> 김민승 사망 - 김민승은 누구인가 ? - Duration: 4:10.


김민승 별세 - 김민승 사망원인 자살은 아니었으면... - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> 김민승 별세 - 김민승 사망원인 자살은 아니었으면... - Duration: 5:07.


김민승 가 죽기 22 일 전에 - 아주대병원 장례식장에서 - Duration: 6:30.

For more infomation >> 김민승 가 죽기 22 일 전에 - 아주대병원 장례식장에서 - Duration: 6:30.


Pamiętacie małą Suri Cruise? Wyrosła i dzisiaj powala urodą! Całe hollywood oszalało na jej widok! - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Pamiętacie małą Suri Cruise? Wyrosła i dzisiaj powala urodą! Całe hollywood oszalało na jej widok! - Duration: 4:04.


Invitation to join my PATREON page 😄 - Duration: 2:37.

Hello to YouTube and to my subscribers

and welcome to this video, it's about Patreon


Patreon... first of all, comment below, have you ever heard of it?

do you know what it is?

probably not... I've mentioned it before in my livestreams a few times

and there is always a link in my description

which, you know, a few people click on the description and open that up

but let me tell you about what Patreon is

it's a chance for people who work on YouTube and who make videos on YouTube

to basically have a smaller group of people who support your content

by giving a pledge in a certain amount each week, or each month, or each video

and then in return you get closed content with the creator, with the YouTuber

you get to just talk directly with whoever your pledging to

you get extra videos, you get videos early

so quite often I post videos a day or two before they actually come out on YouTube on my Patreon account

on a private link

extra chats, extra live chats, extra live streams

and of you have any kind of questions about Arabic... about learning Arabic

since that's what I do, I'm an Arabic teacher

on YouTube, I mostly teach Arabic, that's certainly how my channel started

then it's your chance for me to ask.... your chance for you to ask me a direct question about

the language, about learning Arabic, about techniques, about grammar, about spelling

about writing, reading, and anything like that

and literally I'm on Patreon all the time

my goal is to get to 100 Patreons so that I can start making more videos

right now I'm doing about 1 a week

and obviously that's in between my real day job which is teaching online, tutoring students online

in Maths, Science, English, Arabic.. all these different subjects but...

If I could get more Patreons, say I got up to 100 Patreons

then I'd be making probably 2, 3, maybe even 4 videos a week

because I would then not have to do so much teaching

and I would do more videos... so I just wanted to let you all know what it is

and what I've been banging on about occasionally

and invite you to... to join

the link is down there... it's here

and yeah, it'd be amazing to have you there, to see you there

and yeah, I really look forward to you introducing yourself... we'll talk

we can message back and forth

you can tell me about your language learning journey

by the way if you're learning English then equally it's a chance for you to ask me about Engish

obviously I'm a native English speaker, I'm a qualified teacher as well

so i can teach you English, that's one of my other jobs, I teach English to Chinese students as well

so yeah...

get in touch, looking forward to hearing from you

and thanks for watching this video, and I hope to see you on Patreon soon! okay, byebye!

For more infomation >> Invitation to join my PATREON page 😄 - Duration: 2:37.


Sadhguru - Is Life Predestined? Strip off all the assumptions from your life. - Duration: 19:12.

[Questioner] We've grown up believing in destiny that okay this was predestined

so and this is the first time I've heard from you that,

you know it's basically in our own hands.

So I would like to know how really it is in my own hands to get something done.

Thank you.

[Sadhguru] See if it is predestined there is no such thing as right path and wrong path

because you cannot even choose the path, isn't it?

So you saying it is all destined and still making an effort to walk the right path - doesn't

make sense.

Isn't it so?

So definitely it's not predestined; otherwise …that's why you are still trying to see

what is the right thing to do.

Isn't it so?

If everything is predestined where is the need for you to think why, which is right,

which is wrong?

Anyway this is the way you're going to go.

Is that the reality?

No, that's not the reality, isn't it?

If two paths come you can chose this one or this one?

Do you have the choice or no?

See you are trying to absolve yourself of all the mistakes that you make in your life.

[mumbled speech] [Sadhguru] Now, when you say 'whenever I

make a wrong choice it's all predestined' -

you are only trying to absolve yourself on the mistakes that you make, isn't it?

You don't want to see that I've made a mistake.

You want see 'Oh it happened because it's God's will.'

Now too much bull like this has been going on for too long, too long

and this is the reason why something that's a natural progression of life has become so

difficult for human beings.

Enlightenment is not something that you have to force upon yourself;

it is a natural progression of development but you're not allowing that natural progression

to happen because you are creating these kinds of contradictions.

We will take, what you said as example there are many many examples different ways.

Now you say on one level everything is predestined; on another level you are a choosing a way

out of your present whatever, isn't it? [mumbled speech]

[Sadhguru] You are causing the confusion because first thing you started I believe everything

is predestined.

That means you are starting...

[Questioner] I have been brought up to believe.

[Sadhguru] Okay whichever way.

[All laugh] Okay we pass the buck to the parents.

[All Laugh] 'I have been brought up to believe, so now

I believe' is it okay?

[Laughs] And even that believing is not mine; I have

been brought up to believe.

[Laughs] You're believing means you are assuming

something that you do not know, isn't it?


Why do you believe something?

Like for example, how many of you believe in God, please raise your hand.

The sleeping ones also please.

[Laughter] Okay.

How many of you believe no God?

Please raise your hands.

1 2 3 4 what is this half hand?

[Laughter] You?

Okay 6.


Some people believe there is God; some people believe there is no God.

How many of you believe that you have two hands?

All such people just raise one hand.

[Participants Laugh] Yes maa?



Do you believe that you have two hands or do you know that you have two hands?

[Participants] We know.

[Sadhguru] You know.

Even if you have no eyes to see these hands, still do you know that you have hands?

[Participants] Yes.

[Sadhguru] Yes.

It's a living experience, isn't it?

Even if you cannot see them you still know you have hands.

With hands you know, with God you believe why?

[mumbled speech] [Sadhguru] Hum?

[Participant] No experience with God.

[Sadhguru] So you are full of bullshit that's what it means.

Somewhere you are not sincere enough to admit 'I do not know' that's your problem.

Everything that you do not know you want to say, 'I believe' with great confidence.

And if you go on like this your life will become a bigger and bigger mess

because you are assuming things and trying to live.

And your assumptions are not so strong enough because your mind is not simple enough.

You may assume one thing but the other part of the mind is continuously asking questions.

If you had a very simple childlike mind your assumption is all that you had you would become

a devotee.

It will work.

That will work… but now you have a little more complex intellect.

It doesn't accept any assumption totally.

It accepts only to the extent it's comfortable, convenient beyond that it doesn't.

Right now your belief in God is just like this.

You do everything that is important to you God is like an insurance on the side.

'I have also paid my premium' [Laughter] in case something goes wrong.

Isn't it so?

All the vital aspects of your life you are holding it in your hands.

(Are you or..…)

Are you holding it or no?

Your money, your children, everything that matters to you, you are holding it in your


God is like insurance, just in case something goes wrong,

I also paid my premium.

Every week I came and saw you God what are you doing?'

[All Laugh] This doesn't work.

Because of this deception life has become such a mess.

It's not because of God or no God you become a mess.

You become a mess because of all this deception.

This is the nature of your mind.

We are not talking about God, I want you to understand.

We cannot talk about God; we are only talking about the deceptions of your mind.

On a certain day a bull just sort of strayed into the forest.

Nice greenery so he just strayed into the forest grazing, grazing, grazing, he went

deep into the forest.

An old lion who was little past his prime, who was having trouble hunting for his food

just saw this big fat bull.

His mouth salivated.

A bull is a easier thing to hunt compared to the animals of the forest.

So he just waited, stopped the bull and attacked him, killed him and ate him up.

His stomach became real full.

With this full stomach with great satisfaction he roared.

A few hunters were passing that way.

They heard the lion roar; so they tracked him down and shot him dead.

The moral of the story is when you are so full of bull you should not open your mouth.

[All Laugh] Too many assumptions.

Too many assumptions; with these assumptions people are going on with great confidence.

Disaster is all that can happen.

What else can happen?

If you are not in touch with reality and if you (grow at) …go at great speed will you

head for disaster or no?


You will definitely head for disaster either as an individual or as a whole society;

you definitely head for a disaster if you are running on too many assumptions.

Isnt it so?

Can we keep our assumptions aside, just look at reality the way it is.

It doesn't matter what your mother said, what your grandmother said,

what your father said or your forefathers said; they said whatever they knew or whatever

nonsense they believed or whatever nonsense they wanted you to believe

that is also there, [Laughs] isn't it?

They might have put many things they themselves don't believe because they wanted you to

believe something.

Haven't they done it?

Aren't you doing it?

So it's okay.

They said whatever they knew but you have your intelligence to look at life, isn't it?


You have a father or you have a mother; does it mean to say you should not employ your


Is that the law?

Is that the law?

Then why do you say I was brought up to believe?

They can say anything they want; you still have your intelligence, isn't it?

Nobody can bring you up to believe anything.

They can only feed you and make your body grow.

Everything else they can speak whatever nonsense they speak;

you still have your intelligence which is discerning enough, isn't it?

But you kept it in your pocket; you don't want it to come out because if it comes out

then you have to struggle through knowing things and figuring out things and all this.

'No my father said this, this is the reality.

My grandfather also said the same thing so that is the reality.'

With this kind of attitude you know where we have taken the world?

Huge disaster, isn't it?

Isn't it so?

So now if you really want to know where I stand - first thing is strip off all the assumptions

from your life; just come to bare essentials.

'What is it that I know; what is it that I do not know;' let's start from there.

Then we can go somewhere.

Now you don't know which way, it doesn't matter but do you understand this;

if you want to start a journey you can only start your journey from that point where it

is experientially true for you.



Is that the right place to start your journey?

Is that common understanding?

First let's come there then which way to go, we will see later.

First get there; first drop all your bull; come to the place where you are right now;

what is the next step then we'll chart it out.

We don't have to chart out the whole path right now.

We will just chart out what is the next step.

According to your understanding you take the next step.

When it works we will chart out just one more step.

If it works, the next step.

Okay is that fair enough?


Questioner: Sadhguru Namaste.

Sadhguru what is cosmic will and what is free will?

Is free will same as cosmic will or is there anything like cosmic which is


Sadhguru: What you call as cosmic will is not will as you know it,

as human will, as your mind's will.

It has a certain pattern, it has a certain quality.

That which rules the cosmos has a certain… a consciousness and a tendency of its own.

That is always there, that you and me right now exist is cosmic

will, but right now,

you decided to come to sathsang is of course your will, isn't it?

Isn't it so?

So cosmic will is not like a decision.

It is just there.

It is because of cosmic will, we have taken on this form.

It is because of cosmic will, the planet is going around the sun.

These are not as human thoughts are; this is just the quality of the nature.

Right now, water flows from a high place to a low place.

Try to stop it whichever way you want.

It seems to have a will of its own, but that is not a will;

it is flowing according to the laws of gravity.

So cosmic will is like the gravitational force and various other things.

It just is there always.

It only acts that way because the very framework of life is based

on the cosmic will, but today you decide to do this or that,

that is definitely your will.

Cosmic will has no role in this, but you can use the cosmic force to make it

make your will into a reality.

Right now gravitational force is working, using that I am sitting here,

otherwise I would be floating all over the place.


I would need an anchor to stay here.

Because gravity is working I am enjoying sitting here,

otherwise using the same gravity I can dance.

It's my will.

Sitting is my will, dancing is my will.

If I want, I can jump down, that is also my will,

but all these things cannot happen without the gravity.

That's the nearest analogy we can get there probably.

So cosmic will is always in play, we are enjoying it every moment of our life

or we are suffering it sometimes.

The gravity can make you dance, the gravity can make you fall if you're

not in tune with it.

So that is where your will plays.

Your will determines and your will is able to use the cosmic will.

Without that your will wouldn't even exist.

It is cosmic will that you must have a will, but do not try to fulfill your life through

your will because your will is generally empowered by

a thought and your thought is essentially an accumulated


Your thought is what you have gathered from around you.

It's the data that you have gathered that you're reprocessing,

recycling in so many different ways.

Doing things with willpower is okay if you are aiming for small little things.

Today morning you want to get up at 5.00 o'clock, you're doing it with willpower or alarm


(Laughter) If the alarm rings also,

you still need willpower to come out of your bed.

If you do this, you may get to do things, but at the end of the day you will have a

long face.

Instead of trying to do this with willpower, you do it with devotion,

you do it with love.

Now I want to get up at 5.00 o'clock because I have something that I really want

to do.

Not that I have to do this, there's nothing in my life that I have to


Everything in my life are things that I want to do.

So if alarm is at 5.00 o'clock, I get up at 4.30,

because I want to do it.

If you conduct your life as I have to do it, because that's willpower.

'Oh, no matter what I must do it, I must do it, I must do it!'

You may get to do it, but your face will become long, miserable


Everything happened, but at the end of the day you have a long

face; purpose is defeated, isn't it?

The purpose of doing all that is already been defeated.

Isn't it so?

Because you did not enjoy it, it does not fulfill you, what is the point?

So there is no need to do things to conduct your life with willpower.

Here and there small things, sometimes when your body is aching,

on that day you need willpower to push yourself a little bit,

but do not try to conduct the life process itself with willpower

because you will become a long successful face.

Ulcer in your stomach, success in your bag,

face so long nobody wants to see it or your chin will be scraping on the Hyderabad


(Laughter) Not good,

because I have a cushion; what will you do?


For more infomation >> Sadhguru - Is Life Predestined? Strip off all the assumptions from your life. - Duration: 19:12.



Hey everybody! It's Jocelyn Mon.

Welcome back!

So I don't know if you can see, but my pocket on this side (my right side)

is totally like up in the air, and I can't get it to get down.

It's soo annoying me.


Today I'm going to be answering one of the most well asked questions that I've probably been asked

my whole entire life

and that is

Can you walk in your dreams?

So for the short answer, yes, I can walk in my dreams

But wait!

I think we're kind of confused here

You're probably thinking if I can walk as an able-bodied person

and the truth is, I can't.

In my dreams, I walk as I walk now.

I'll insert a picture of me somewhere around me.

You can see how I walk(*stand*). You can see my legs are a little bent.

Everything is the same with me in my dreams

I've never had like an able-bodied body dream

where like I have that type of body

and honestly, I don't think I would really want any of those types of dreams.

Not because, like, it's gonna make me sad or anything

because like, those things don't really make me sad

But just because, I don't know. (I know. not helpful)

I'd be confused

The way my mindset is, is if I dream like that

then I would probably be evaluating everything I think about in real life (or like question my subconscious thoughts lol)

Not saying that everybody who dreams that they can walk or like they have an able-bodied body

that they wish in real life that they could walk, or that they do have an able-bodied body

not saying that at all.

I'm just saying that

Me, with my anxiety, I'm probably gonna be evaluating every single little thing myself about myself.

And I don't have time to think about the things that I can't do

Okay, my time is limited

Actually, it's not.


Actually, I don't know

No, it's not. I've got a pretty normal lifespan.

At least, I hope so.

But anyway, I feel like when people ask if I can walk in my dreams

I feel like they're asking, do you wish you could walk?

And the thing is, I haven't really thought about it.

I guess it's like, if you don't really have something

You don't really think about it.

And like, I don't know. It's not for you to pity me or anything. It's just the way I see it.

But if there are people out there who do wish they were normal or that they had a "normal" body.

It's okay.

You're not normal, and I mean, neither am I

We're different, and it's just that our different is our normal

It's just talking about the topic of normal or people wishing they could be normal, it's looked so looked down upon

or like seen as a negative (or uncomfortable) thing

When I don't think it should be see as a negative (or uncomfortable) topic.

In fact, if you do wish that you were normal or that you had a "normal" body

It doesn't say anything about you.

It actually says a lot about the society that we live in.

Think about it.

If you have a visible disability, you're seen too much.

And if you have an invisible disability, you're see too little

We don't really live in an all disability friendly society

If buildings were more accessible

If people didn't discriminate or stereotype us

or even just say ablest remarks, or things like that.

Then, you know, we would feel pretty accepted.

It really does say something about our society, if we have thoughts about like, "Oh, we wish we were normal or have an able-bodied body."

It really does say something against the society, not us.

On that note,

Please tell me about if you had any dreams where you could walk or you had an able-bodied body.

Please tell me about it. I really want to hear it.

But before we go,

If you are new to my channel, please let me just say,

Hi, my name is Jocelyn Mon., and this channel is about disability, life, and everything nice....?

Please give this video a big thumbs up if you liked this video.

And please hit subscribe if you liked me.

Also, please hit that notification bell because I really want you to be alerted when I make new videos

I really liked doing this.

Well, I hope all of you have an awesome rest of your day!

And I will see you next time!



For more infomation >> CAN I WALK IN MY DREAMS??+CHITCHAT [CC] - Duration: 3:45.


Đột nhập HOTEL MAJESTIC 5 SAO SÀI GÒN lên ROOFTOP cà phê ngắm VIEW BẠCH ĐẰNG I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 22:08.

For more infomation >> Đột nhập HOTEL MAJESTIC 5 SAO SÀI GÒN lên ROOFTOP cà phê ngắm VIEW BẠCH ĐẰNG I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 22:08.


中國打造全球最大電動汽車市場 汽車市場可能再次洗牌 - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> 中國打造全球最大電動汽車市場 汽車市場可能再次洗牌 - Duration: 5:17.


Your Vote Should Count Less If You're Not Politically Informed, According To An Economist - Duration: 3:04.

- The fact that the OECD report

claims that this generation of Americans for the first time

in the history of the United States will be less educated

than the preceding generation means that we do need to do

something quite aggressive I believe in order

to get more voters to the ballot polls.

The idea of weighted voting is essentially

providing a reward to voters who are more engaged.

One of the risks of this proposal is that people

will interpret it very superficially as rewarding,

or giving people who put more education or more wealth,

a bigger weight in the voting process

and that is absolutely incorrect.

The most important thing I believe

for democracy to function is two things.

One is to make sure that as many people as possible

are voting, and so in that context, one of the concerns

is low-voter participation rates.

In the United States, they are now around 50%.

For low-income households, they are around 30%.

But the second thing that's critically important

is that voters have an understanding

of the political process.

One of the big issues that has been revealed

is that we're seeing a lot of disaffection

and people tend to vote for candidates based on things

as basic as what color pantsuit they're wearing.

And that I think really undermines the political process.

Discussing what sorts of factors would help us understand

who should be voting and how voters should be voting,

I believe that having a civics program where people

really understand how the government functions

and who they're voting for and what those people stand for.

At the very bare minimum, a civics test, and I draw really

on my experience as an immigrant, would really tap

into the historical context of how exactly the United States

political system was established, but more specifically,

it will talk about how it's structured today.

For example, just a basic understanding

of what the different arms of government are

and how the political process works from the role

of superdelegate and delegate, but it's also about

how primaries work and how the whole process of

the caucusing and the electoral college works

in a democratic system.

And I think that, at a very bare minimum, would help

voters understand what the role of their vote is

and how that action would impact, not just on the election

process, but also long-term economic policy.

Because I'm an eternal optimist, and because

we have a history where people of color were not

allowed to vote, women were not allowed to vote,

I imagine that there were times when there was pause

and people thought, well we really can't have a system

where women voted or where minorities voted,

but here we are today in a world where it is possible.

And so on that basis, I don't see why we shouldn't

be optimistic about reforms and innovation

to the democratic process that can

make it stronger and perform better.

We want to make sure that people do have access

to information about the candidates that they're fielding

but also make sure that they have understanding

about the basic political and policy issues

that are up for debate.

For more infomation >> Your Vote Should Count Less If You're Not Politically Informed, According To An Economist - Duration: 3:04.


Come evitare e trattare i crampi - Salute 24h - Duration: 8:42.

For more infomation >> Come evitare e trattare i crampi - Salute 24h - Duration: 8:42.


變色龍 澳半年前還大言不愧反華 如今卻嘻皮笑臉示好 - Duration: 9:28.

For more infomation >> 變色龍 澳半年前還大言不愧反華 如今卻嘻皮笑臉示好 - Duration: 9:28.





Come evitare e trattare i crampi - Italy 365 - Duration: 8:09.

For more infomation >> Come evitare e trattare i crampi - Italy 365 - Duration: 8:09.


Nightcore - Die Young - Duration: 2:59.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Die Young - Duration: 2:59.


Come evitare e trattare i crampi - Salute 365 - Duration: 8:42.

For more infomation >> Come evitare e trattare i crampi - Salute 365 - Duration: 8:42.


Trump came out swinging on the issue of spying: Varney - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Trump came out swinging on the issue of spying: Varney - Duration: 1:49.


The Disneyland Khrushchev Story: A "Propaganda Masterstroke" - Duration: 6:56.

Today I'm going to talk about the Nikita Khrushchev Disneyland story.

It's the story of how in 1959 the Premier of the Soviet Union, Nikita Khrushchev, visited

the United States and threw a bit of a hissy fit when he found out that he couldn't go to Disneyland.

It's a Disney story that has been told many times over the years.

However upon researching the topic to make my own video on it, I found that it wasn't

as cut and dry as most retellings make it out to be.

In fact, one reporter, who was a part of the press junket the entire trip, considered it

a "propaganda masterstroke."

By 1959 Nikita Khrushchev was already leading the Soviet Union for about six years.

It wasn't the absolute hottest point in the Cold War but we were, without a doubt,

in the thick of it.

The hot topic was the divided Germany and West Berlin, ICBMs were already in play, and

just two years earlier Sputnik would be launched into orbit, kicking off the space race.

US and Soviet relations were, to put it lightly, not great.

There were attempts to try and improve relations, or at the very least keep them from worsening.

One of those attempts included the US inviting Khrushchev to tour the United States over

a 13-day trip in September of that year.

The trip took him from coast to coast and involved very busy days that varied from formal

occasions such as speaking at the UN to touring corn farms.

Now here's the thing: Americans at the time were generally in favor of the trip if it

meant deescalation.

However his welcome certainly wasn't a warm one.

There weren't streets lined with cheering citizens.

Audiences at many speaking engagements were, at best, silent and cold.

Even the Mayor of LA, Charles Poulson spoke out against Khrushchev's "We will bury

you" phrase during his tour of the city.

For a leader coming from the Soviet Union where that kind of dissent was usually "taken

care of", it comes as no surprise that he found himself getting disgruntled during the

trip on multiple occasions.

By the time the trip had begun, the idea of a pitstop at Disneyland was already considered

and subsequently ruled out for security and logistical reasons.

However the idea once again resurfaced during the trip and it was while Khrushchev and his

family were flying to LA that their teams on the ground were tasked with making it happen.

Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, who was Khrushchev's tour guide for the trip, reached out to LAPD

Chief William Parker to arrange the security for it.

The issue was, Disneyland was in Anaheim, and so it was outside of his jurisdiction.

So he reached out to the Orange County Sheriff to see if the trip was possible.

The sheriff felt it would be a difficult trip to police.

It was already too late in the day to clear out the park of guests, and with the crowds

Disneyland attracted, there weren't enough officers to ensure Khrushchev's safety.

Like I said, it wasn't a warm welcome.

This is where the story splits.

As most tell it, Parker would ultimately veto the idea and later that day when told it wasn't

happening, Khrushchev would throw his temper tantrum, which we'll talk about in a bit.

However reporter Jim Fain, who was a part of the tour's press junket, reported that

ultimately "the Orange County Sheriff offered to make available all the policemen he could

spare" and that the final decision on whether or not to make the impromptu trip was left

up to Soviet General Nikolai Zakharov, who was in charge of Khrushchev's safety.

It was Zakharov, alleges Fain, who made the call to veto the trip, which would mean that

it was the Soviets who axed it, not the US.

Later that day Khrushchev and his family would arrive in LA and he would end up touring 20th

Century Fox with his wife.

They got to watch the filming of a scene from the 1960 Shirley MacLaine film, Can-Can.

They attended a star studded luncheon with over 400 guests that

included the likes of Frank Sinatra, Gary Cooper, Bob Hope, and Marilyn Monroe.

Now at this point Khrushchev's wife, Nina Khrushchev, was informed of the decision to

veto the Disneyland trip, but Nikita wasn't.

As fate would have it, during the luncheon actor David Niven, chatting Mrs. Khrushchev,

asked if they were planning to visit Walt's famous theme park.

She explained that they couldn't make it.

As the tale goes Frank Sinatra leaned over to Niven at that point and supposedly said

"tell the old broad you and I will take 'em down there this afternoon."

It was around then, while Khrushchev was going to speak to the crowd, that Mrs.

Khrushchev decided to write him a note dropping the bad news about the Disneyland trip.

That is when he went on his somewhat famous rant about Disneyland.

He said:

"But just now I was told that I could not go to Disneyland.

I asked: 'Why not?'

What is it, do you have rocket-launching pads there?

I do not know.

And just listen to what reason I was told.

We, which means the American authorities, cannot guarantee your security if you go there.

What is it?

Is there an epidemic of cholera there or something?

Or have gangsters taken over the place that can destroy me?

Then what must I do?

Commit suicide?

This is the situation I am in — your guest.

For me the situation is inconceivable.

I cannot find words to explain this to my people."

The outburst raises some questions.

Did Khrushchev know that it was Zakharov, who allegedly shut down the plan, or was he

simply misinformed?

LAPD Chief Parker later claimed that the move had to have been political.

Why else would Mrs. Khrushchev wait until that very moment to drop the bad news on her husband?

Why not right after he spoke?

Why not earlier in the day?

Again, this was a trip in which Khrushchev was trying to find every opportunity to boast

about the Soviet Union, and so understandably getting to mock the safety concerns of a Disneyland

trip was a pretty nice target.

As Jim Fain would later put it, "it was a propaganda masterstroke and made headlines.

Only a few of us found time to check out what really happened and the stories we wrote never

really overtook the fast-moving news events of that aerial circus."

Ultimately it wasn't that big of a deal and to be honest it was never at risk of being a big deal

and in terms of the cold war it would end up a footnote to a footnote,

but it was an interesting example of how Disneyland occasionally wound end up

as a player in larger stories and it was a testament to Walt's park that at only 4

years old, it was already such a popular destination for world leaders.

Oh and as for Khrushchev?

A few years later in 1963, during a goodwill tour to the Soviet Union, San Jose vice mayor

Joseph Pace arranged for a copy of the film, Disneyland USA, to be sent to Moscow so that

Khrushchev could, at least in spirit, finally visit Disneyland.

For more infomation >> The Disneyland Khrushchev Story: A "Propaganda Masterstroke" - Duration: 6:56.


Stunning Waterfall Guesthouse Modern and Cozy Rustic Nestled in Woodlawn Triangle - Duration: 2:05.

Stunning Waterfall Guesthouse Modern and Cozy Rustic Nestled in Woodlawn Triangle

For more infomation >> Stunning Waterfall Guesthouse Modern and Cozy Rustic Nestled in Woodlawn Triangle - Duration: 2:05.


Topless Gardener Reveals What Happened The Day She Shed Her Shirt | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 5:50.

For more infomation >> Topless Gardener Reveals What Happened The Day She Shed Her Shirt | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 5:50.


Jaguar I-PACE | Vicky Piria Smartcone Challenge - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Jaguar I-PACE | Vicky Piria Smartcone Challenge - Duration: 1:58.


DIETA studenta - co warto jeść, aby poprawić pamięć i szybkość uczenia się - Duration: 15:46.

For more infomation >> DIETA studenta - co warto jeść, aby poprawić pamięć i szybkość uczenia się - Duration: 15:46.


Grande Fratello 2018, su Filippo Contri l'ira di Enzo Salvi: 'I calci, tu dai tuoi genitori' - Duration: 2:29.

La bufera non si placa: Filippo Contri, dopo aver fatto innervosire Asia Argento (e aver probabilmente rimediato una querela), ha pensato bene di dire che secondo lui i cani vanno educati a "calci in c**o"

Ovviamente la sparata non è passata inosservata così, dopo le rimostranze dell'ENPA, a protestare vivamente per l'esternazione eccessiva è stavolta il comico romano Enzo Salvi

Noto per aver preso parte a tantissime commedie all'italiana e parecchi cinepanettoni, Salvi ha fatto presente al gieffino che forse avrebbe dovuto essere lui a prendere quei calci e non i cani

Enzo Salvi contro Filippo Contri Da amante degli animali qual è, l'attore ha anche ricordato a tutti di essere l'orgoglioso possessore di ben tre cani e che loro, secondo lui, sono "angeli che passano la loro vita a far compagnia agli esseri umani"

Poi, appunto, ha sostenuto vivamente che secondo lui i genitori di Filippo avrebbero dovuto applicare proprio sul figlio le tecniche educative che il gieffino sostiene siano efficaci con i cani

Il tutto lasciando intendere che, non avendolo fatto, l'inquilino della casa di Cinecittà non è venuto su con il sufficiente rispetto per gli animali

Chissà se ci sarà occasione di far confrontare Filippo e tutti i suoi detrattori sull'argomento prima della fine della trasmissione… Filippo, i guai con gli animali e con Lucia In tutto ciò, il concorrente del reality sta attraversando un momento a dir poco complesso e confuso anche dal punto di vista sentimentale visto che la storia iniziata nella casa con la sua Lucia non sta funzionando e pare essersi arenata definitivamente dopo diverse turbolenze che avevano afflito la neonata coppia

Tra l'altro, l'uscita di scena di Angelo, con cui Filippo sembrava aver legato molto, potrebbe aver ulteriormente complicato il futuro del ragazzo della Roma bene che, ricordiamo, era stato introdotto al pubblico come uno dei tre super boni della casa

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello 2018, su Filippo Contri l'ira di Enzo Salvi: 'I calci, tu dai tuoi genitori' - Duration: 2:29.


Mowgli Official Movie

For more infomation >> Mowgli Official Movie


Últimas notícia de hoje : O sumiço do verde-amarelo no azul anil - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : O sumiço do verde-amarelo no azul anil - Duration: 2:16.



Ludzie raczej nie narzekają na rozmiar swoich bicepsów. Większość czasu poświęcają na szukanie nowych, efektywnych ćwiczeń na wzmocnienie nóg, pleców czy brzucha.Jednak chyba nie zaszkodzi dodać kilka centymetrów do obwodu bicepsa, prawda?

Jeśli tak uważasz, powinieneś wykonywać więcej ćwiczeń na bicepsy, dzięki czemu będziesz mógł rozwinąć swoje ręce w różny sposób i zwiększyć ich potencjał do rośnięcia. Te ćwiczenia to na przykład:

Uginanie Zottmana.Uginanie sztangi.Uginanie sztangi leżąc.Uginanie ramienia ze sztangielką w siadzie – podpora o kolano.Uginanie na biceps.Uginanie sztangi z szerokim chwytem.Podciąganie 

Te ćwiczenia pozwolą ci wzmocnić i rozwinąć biceps. Dodatkowo możesz dodać nieco różnorodności do treningu poprzez zwiększenie obciążenia, robienia większej ilości powtórzeń, więcej serii czy zmniejszanie czasu, który poświęcasz na odpoczynek między seriami.

Wszystko to pozwoli ci osiągnąć niezwykłe efekty.Co możesz jeszcze zrobić, aby osiągnąć lepsze wyniki to wykonywanie uginania sztangi w specyficzny sposób.

Mimo iż nie jest to popularne ćwiczenie, to daje niesamowite efekty. Oczywiście efekty przychodzą z bólem, jednak na pewno opłaca się robić to ćwiczenie, bo mocno pobudza ono biceps.

Aby wykonać to ćwiczenie, musisz zrobić 21 powtórzeń, które podzielone są na 3 poziomy. Pierwsze siedem powtórzeń powinno być wykonywane do momentu, w którym twoje przedramiona będą równolegle ustawione do podłoża.

Przypomina to wykonanie powtórzenia tylko częściowo.Po pierwszych siedmiu powtórzeniach, musisz wykonać kolejne siedem.

Te powtórzenia należy wykonywać od pozycji, w której przedramiona są równolegle ustawione do podłoża i podnosić sztangę do samego końca, to znaczy dopóki twoje bicepsy nie będą całkiem skurczone. Podczas obniżania sztangi, ręce wracają do pozycji równoległej.

Ostatnie siedem powtórzeń to wykonanie pełnego ruchu. Zaczynając od najniższej pozycji, powoli podnosisz sztangę do pełnego skurczenia. Tak wygląda jedna, pełna seria tego ćwiczenia.

Kiedy już wykonasz pierwszą serię, odpocznij przez dwie minuty i powtórz ten sam proces jeszcze dwa, trzy razy. Aby upewnić się, że wykonujesz ćwiczenie dobrze, oto kilka porad:

Utrzymuj proste plecy, a chwyt ustaw nieco szerzej niż twoje ramiona.Upewnij się, że twoje łokcie są odpowiednio zablokowane, tak żeby przypadkiem nie rozjechały się przy wykonywaniu ćwiczenia.

Pierwsze siedem powtórzeń zacznij od pozycji, w której ręce są całkiem wyciągnięte i doprowadź je do pozycji równoległej do podłoża (kąt 90 stopni).

Kolejne siedem powtórzeń rozpocznij od kąta 90 stopni i podnieś sztangę tak, aby twój biceps był skurczony.Ostatnie siedem powtórzeń to pełne powtórzenia, więc zaczynasz je od niskiej pozycji i wykonujesz do końca.

Jak widać to ćwiczenie nie jest takie trudne jak mogłoby się wydawać. Jeśli będziesz wykonywać je z większym obciążeniem, z pewnością poczujesz jak odbija się ono na twoich bicepsach.



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Mary pointed out to the seers or rather to the visionaries of Medjugorje, that she would not answer

more to the personal questions of the pilgrims during the apparition.

on the other hand she would answer all the real ones questions in everyone's heart.

Me, at first I did not understand very much well what it meant: "listen to his

heart ... "I was trying to stretch my ear to my heart ... I did not know if he

had to listen to his feelings ... or listen love in his heart ... but love

it does not speak ... I was a little lost ...

Finally I tried to listen to love ... when I had a question, I thought

if I had a lot of love and if I was someone very very well I would do

what ...

and in addition I thought to myself if I had faith huge what would be the answer ...

Little by little I was learning to listen to love in my heart ... to take the path of

love ... of course it was totally unrealistic ... it was downright

impossible ... for example to go to Africa help poor children ...

but I am someone simple ... I will not spill mountains and make

extraordinary things ... i just want listen to Mary and pray for Mary doing

simple, accessible and reasonable things ...

With time I learned to listen to love in my heart …

The death of the sun?

At idukki in Kerala, India, a phenomenal miracle happened on the sun.

indeed this one is flashing while the crowd calls out.

Is it a miracle of Jesus to evangelize the crowds or a natural phenomenon?

This video was published on December 21, 2016 ...

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can see more videos ... and clicking on the red zone link you can see

the last video out ...

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Brilliant Easter Eggs Hidden In Video Games - Duration: 7:32.

Atari's 1980 fantasy game Adventure has gone down in video game history - but not just

because it's one of the most influential titles of all time.

It's also credited with containing the first-ever video game Easter egg - a room containing

the text, "Created by Warren Robinett."

Fast forward to the present, and there are entire sections of the web devoted to uncovering

the Easter eggs in games new and old.

And many developers have gone all in on making - and hiding - these hidden secrets for their

most eagle-eyed fans.

Dust off your granddad's deerstalker hat and polish that magnifying glass, because it's

time to take a look some of the most brilliant Easter eggs hidden in your favorite games.

Hidden in plain sight

The motivation of Dead Space protagonist Isaac is wrapped up in the fate of his girlfriend,

Nicole, who is trapped somewhere on the same Necromorph-infested ship he is.

Isaac spends the entire game trying to save his love.

But, spoilers: in a heart-wrenching, mind-blowing twist, Isaac realizes that the Nicole he's

been seeing all game was nothing more than a hallucination.

Seeing no way off the ship, and afraid of becoming a Necromorph herself, the real Nicole

took her own life through lethal injection.

Even more depressing is that, upon studying the chapter names in Dead Space, Nicole's

status was staring the player right in the face all along.

Take a look at the first letter in each chapter name.

New Arrivals.

Intensive Care.

Course Correction.

Obliteration Imminent.

Lethal Devotion.

Environmental Hazard.

Into the Void.

Search and Rescue.

Dead on Arrival.

End of Days.

Alternate Solutions.

Dead Space.

Put the first letter in a string together and they spell the phrase, "Nicole is dead."

Yeah, that Easter egg's well hidden and all - but it's a pretty rotten one.

Chalk it up to experience

The team at Remedy Entertainment boasts a nice list of hit Intellectual Properties,

from the Max Payne series to Alan Wake.

But the company branched out into new territory when it released Quantum Break in 2016, both

by creating a brand new property and by melding two worlds - video games and live action television

- into one experience.

But just because Remedy tried out a new franchise, that doesn't mean it forgot its older ones.

Upon entering a lecture hall, you'll notice a large chalkboard that looks to be filled

with the typical scribbles of a professor who'd recently taught a class.

But if you study the chalk writing more closely, you'll start to see that the subject matter

concerns Alan Wake.

And even more interesting: it seems to lay out the events that Alan experienced in his

previous two titles – Alan Wake and Alan Wake's American Nightmare - as an English

literature professor might lay out a work of fiction.

A-head of the game

If you've ever played a first person shooter, chances are you know the name John Romero.

He's the "godfather" of first-person shooters, having brought us Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, and


He's the co-founder of id Software, a studio that still works on the Doom franchise.

But to players of Doom II, released in 1994, Romero is well known for being the very face

of evil.

The final boss of Doom II is a horned head that spawns tons of enemies.

The player needs to hop on an elevator and use a rocket launcher to blast his exposed

brain to bits - or use a cheat to enter his skull and unload on a sprite version of John

Romero's head.

That's right: Romero's disembodied noggin was placed behind the wall and out of sight

by id's John Carmack as a joke.

"It was a total joke.

Like, the artists were playing a joke on me, sticking my head back there."

Shooting Romero's head several times will end the level.

Believe it or not though, Romero actually shows up twice in that final mission.

That garbled gibberish you hear when you first enter the room containing the Icon of Sin

is his voice.

When played backwards, the audio actually sounds like...

"To win the game, you must kill me, John Romero."

A Notch in his belt

Back in 2011, Mojang, the studio behind Minecraft, announced it was working on a collectable

card game called Scrolls.

In that same year, Bethesda Softworks also planned to release a game with "scrolls" in

the title: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Despite the games clearly not being in the same genre, Bethesda didn't take kindly to

Mojang's plans to use the name "Scrolls," and sent a legal threat to cease and desist

use of the word.

Mojang co-founder Markus Persson - known on Twitter as notch playfully challenged the

team at Bethesda to a Quake III deathmatch for the rights, but unfortunately for the

game world, his offer was refused.

Bethesda soon filed suit instead.

Despite the legal standoff that was still ongoing by the time Skyrim was released, an

Easter egg uncovered in the game shows that Mojang still had some fans inside Bethesda.

When players ascend to the highest point in the game, located at the Throat of the World,

they can pick up an axe that appears to be placed as a tribute to the Minecraft team.

It's called the Notched Pickaxe, with its name combining two things: the nickname of

Minecraft's creator - "Notch" - and the pickaxe that plays such a crucial role in Minecraft's


The suit between the two companies was later settled in 2012.

O Captain!

My Captain!

Following Hideo Kojima's extremely public breakup with Konami, the world wasn't quite

sure what to make of a brand new Metal Gear title without the legendary director at the


And when Metal Gear Survive arrived in early 2018, its reception wasn't all that great,

with some outlets criticizing the game's "lack of variety" and slew of eyebrow-raising microtransactions.

But in spite of the fact that Konami is continuing Metal Gear without Kojima, and that it appears

Konami as a company continues to host some bad feelings toward its former star employee,

the developers of Survive may have managed to sneak in a tribute to the former Big Boss

of the Metal Gear franchise.

When you first load up Metal Gear Survive and create your in-game character, you're

shown a list containing both your name as well as the names of other soldiers.

And someone noticed that, when you take the first letter of each last name starting at

the fourth name, the letters together spell out "K-J-P-F-O-R-E-V-E-R," as in, "Kojima

Productions Forever."

It's an Easter egg Konami has yet to confirm, but the possibility that the people working

on Survive intentionally hid this tribute to their captain in the game warms our cold,

cold hearts.

Deja entendu

One of the more joyful video game Easter eggs doesn't have to do with what's hidden in one

particular game, but what's hidden in many games.

It's Totaka's Song, the melody that seems to burrow its way into most of Nintendo's

titles, leading to a mini-treasure hunt every single time Nintendo puts out a new game.

See if this little diddy rings a bell:


The story behind Totaka's Song centers around Kazumi Totaka, a composer at Nintendo whose

body of work includes games like Mario Paint, Yoshi's Story, Animal Crossing: Wild World,

Wii Sports Club, and more.

Totaka first included his 19-beat tune in 1992's X for the Game Boy, and for reasons

unknown, continued to hide the song in random Nintendo games that followed.

And good news for all Easter egg hunters: Totaka still works at Nintendo.

So if you've enjoyed hunting down his tune all these years, you'll still have plenty

of digging to do in the future.

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