Friday, May 25, 2018

Youtube daily report May 26 2018

Trump Just Asked This Game-Changing Question That Could DESTROY the FBI and DOJ

President Trump just posed a question that if proven true, could severely damage both

the FBI and DOJ.

From Washington Examiner

Trump's rallying call is a culmination of a week's worth of Republican furor about

a possible effort to spy on Trump's 2016 campaign, which could favor his Democratic

challenger, Hillary Clinton.

Two reports published Friday evening, one by the New York Times and the other by the

Washington Post, describe the informant in question as an American academic who teaches

in the United Kingdom and met with up to three members of the Trump campaign to look into

their ties to Russia.

These include campaign advisers Carter Page, who was surveilled by the government via FISA

warrants, and George Papadopoulos, who pleaded guilty last year to lying to the FBI and agreed

to cooperate with special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation.

The FBI reportedly launched its investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election

after it got word that Papadopoulos learned that the Russians obtained thousands of former

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's emails months before WikiLeaks published them.

Both the Times and the Post said they identified the informant, but declined to identify the

person heeding concerns of national security officials that the individual's life and

the lives his his or her sources would be placed in danger.

Earlier in the week, Trump questioned the footing on which the Russia investigation

stands, saying if the FBI representative was found to have been planted for political purposes,

it could be the "all time biggest political scandal."

Republicans in Congress have tried to zero in on possible misbehavior at the Justice

Department, led in large part by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif.,

and Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa.

Nunes subpoenaed the Justice Department for documents concerning an American who was a

confidential intelligence source for Mueller's investigation.

The subpoena came after the agency did not reply to a letter asking for details on Mueller's


But the DOJ — backed by the White House — did not provide the documents, informing

Nunes earlier this month that providing the information would threaten the life of the

source and jeopardize national security.

Instead he got a briefing with government officials, along with Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C.,

the chairman of the House Oversight Committee.

Trump now appears to have changed his mind on the matter, as his lawyer Rudy Giuliani

suggested earlier this week.

Though Nunes and Gowdy said they had a "productive" meeting and looked forward to future discussions,

Nunes did not respond to an invitation from the DOJ to "answer questions he posed last

week" in a follow-up meeting Friday, an agency spokesperson told the Washington Examiner.

Meanwhile Grassley's committee has pressed DOJ for documents related to two FBI employees

who demonstrated in text messages that were recovered a bias against Trump during the


Democrats have fought back against what they fear might be a political ploy by their Republican

counterparts to undermine Mueller's investigation, which not only is looking into Russian interference

in the 2016 election, but also possible collusion between the Trump camp and the Kremlin.

"It would be at best irresponsible, and at worst potentially illegal, for members

of Congress to use their positions to learn the identity of an FBI source for the purpose

of undermining the ongoing investigation into Russian interference in our election," Sen.

Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said in a statement.

Warner was backed up by Senate Minority Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., on Saturday, also warning

that certain Republicans might be getting close to crossing a

legal line.

For more infomation >> Trump Just Asked This Game Changing Question That Could DESTROY the FBI and DOJ - Duration: 12:29.


Colourful Makeup Tutorial/ Maquillaje Colorido Tutorial - Duration: 6:55.

Hello dear ones my name is Gabriela David and welcome to my channel

Today I will present you this spring makeup, and I hope you like

If you want to learn how to do this makeup please don t go anywhere

Here it come the video...

So my dearest I hope you enjoy my Tutorial

So don t forget to SUBSCRIBE, SHARE and COMMENT

My dearest, until next time, on Tuesday...KISESSSS

For more infomation >> Colourful Makeup Tutorial/ Maquillaje Colorido Tutorial - Duration: 6:55.


Ivonne, dos años después de la trágica muerte de su hermano: "Sigue estando muy presente" - Duration: 6:00.

Ivonne, dos años después de la trágica muerte de su hermano: "Sigue estando muy presente"

Hace ya dos años, el 24 de mayo de 2016, que Ivonne Reyes (50 años) vive con una gran y dolorosa ausencia, la de su hermano David.

Se fue sin avisar y de forma drástica.

El día del entierro, con el rostro compungido y sin parar de llorar, la venezolana se despedía del que había sido el pilar fundamental de su familia y el hombro en el que llorar.

Trágicamente, el joven fallecía de un traumatismo craneoencefálico al caer por uno de los puentes de la M-30 y ser arrollado por un vehículo.

De esa dura pérdida han pasado dos años, 730 días, y David continúa muy presente en la vida de Ivonne y de toda la familia, como si no se hubiera ido.

Él era un buen padre, hijo, hermano y tío.

Un gran hombre que decidió irse. .

Hace unos días, en conversación con JALEOS, la modelo aseguraba, con la voz tomada y alejada de su jovialidad habitual, que su hermano sería una figura clave en la emocionante graduación de su hijo Alejandro y que, de un modo u otro, su espíritu estaría allí junto al resto de la familia.

Tras hacerse público el fallecimiento, una destrozada Ivonne rompía su silencio para este medio con un claro objetivo inicial: desmentir los rumores de suicidio que sobrevolaron la muerte de David.

Si fuera así no pasaría nada y lo diríamos, pero nos cuesta creer que se haya quitado la vida.

Lo descartamos totalmente.

Eso sí, horas más tarde, sentada en Sálvame Deluxe se enfrentaba a la realidad y reconoció que estaba en recuperación y que sí, se arrojó por un puente.

La realidad era muy dura y, pese al dolor, la vida debía seguir.

Cuando se cumplía un año de la trágica muerte, la popular presentadora abría su corazón en su red social. .

Compartió un emotivo vídeo bajo la siguiente dedicatoria: ¡Hola my Bro! Ya ha pasado un año.

Todavía no sé qué pasa por mi cabeza, te veo en vídeos, fotos, todos nuestros momentos, confidencias, risas, quejas, abrazos y risas, miro alrededor y no estás.

Has dejado un gran vacío, te extrañamos. .

En ese texto, la modelo se deshacía en lágrimas, aseguraba que todas las almas de la familia y amigos de David lloraban:.

Te extraño, te amo, ¿sabes, Davicito? Qué importante eras en nuestras vidas, gracias hermanito.

Ojalá te pudiera cuidar, protegerte.

ahora eres tú, quien desde allá, donde estés nos guíes.

Sabemos, Davicito, que siempre velarás por nosotros. .

No puedo entender que no vaya a estar.

La popular presentadora concedió una entrevista en el Deluxe y confesó los detalles más desconocidos:.

Mi sobrino me dijo que David tuvo un accidente y enseguida dijo que había fallecido.

No puedo entender que no vaya estar, dijo muy afectada.

  David sufría depresión, una enfermedad que padeció por primera vez a raíz del fallecimiento de sus padres cuando los cuatro hermanos eran muy jóvenes.

Su enfermedad contaba con periodos intermitentes, siempre bajo tratamiento médico y medicinas específicas.

Cuando se murió mi padre no le tocaba morirse todavía y a mi madre tampoco.

Ha sido tan chocante, es como si te cortaran todas las cuerdas, como si te quedaras sola en medio de la nada, confesó Ivonne entre lágrimas.

For more infomation >> Ivonne, dos años después de la trágica muerte de su hermano: "Sigue estando muy presente" - Duration: 6:00.


Los sobrinos de Nati Mistral ponen a la venta sus objetos más valiosos || LVTNAszok - Duration: 8:12.

Los sobrinos de Nati Mistral ponen a la venta sus objetos más valiosos

Cuando está a punto de cumplirse un año de la muerte de la cantante Nati Mistral, sus sobrinos -herederos universales.

- han querido hacer realidad uno de los sueños que tuvo la mítica artista en vida: vender algunos de sus vestidos con un fin benéfico.

Todo un homenaje póstumo que se ha convertido en realidad en la céntrica joyería madrileña Molina Cuevas, en pleno corazón de Serrano.

Allí todo es Nati en cuanto se traspasa el umbral.

Se viaja en el tiempo y en la historia artística de su musa. .

Vestidos, abrigos, estolas, fulares, exquisitas vajillas, alfombras y joyas, muchas joyas.

Toda la tienda engalanada y cada objeto con su correspondiente precio e impronta.

  Renglón aparte se merece la ingente cantidad de cuadros que Mistral pintó en vida y, también, para los que posó.

En Molina Cuevas están llenos de ilusión ante este legado y de agradecimiento hacia la familia por cederlo.

  Por la tipología de nuestro negocio conocemos a gente del mundo del espectáculo y nos gusta colaborar.

  La iniciativa fue nuestra y los herederos de Nati, sus sobrinos, accedieron encantados, asegura el dueño, Jorge Molina.

Matiza que no encontraron ninguna reticencia en la familia:   Por un lado, es un homenaje para nosotros porque quien compra algo es como que sigue la trayectoria de esa persona.

  Jorge recuerda con especial pundonor -mientras que en el local suena sutilmente una de las emblemáticas canciones de Mistral- cómo se vendieron los trajes de Marujita Díaz, a la que también rindieron tributo en ese local:   Fue algo muy bonito.

De Nati todavía no se ha vendido gran cosa porque estamos en el primer día, pero sí nos han reservado varios coleccionistas esta mañana toda la colección inédita de mantones.   .

Los precios de los objetos son muy variables, desde lo más accesible hasta lo más caros, pero todo tiene su explicación:.

Hay cosas un poco más caras incluso en vestuario porque en este caso -cosa que no había ocurrido nunca- tenemos firmas como Pertegaz, Christian Dior, Pedro Rodríguez.

Hay trajes que los hemos rebajado por el hecho de ser benéfico, hay que ganar en agilidad.

En el local son conocedores de que sus clientes potenciales son auténticos fetiches que no mirarán en exceso el dinero.

Por eso, se pueden ver carteles con 50 euros y otros con 1.500.

Lo más habituales, en los que cuelgan cantidad en torno a los 200 y 500 euros. .

Nati era una apasionada de la pintura, así lo expresa Jorge: Hay ocho o diez retratos de pintores, pero ella también se dejaba llevar por la inspiración.

En su tiempo libre pintó, le gustaba mucho El Greco y Picasso.

Siempre salía en las revistas con ellos detrás.

Ibáñez ocupa un lugar privilegiado en la tienda; Nati fue una de sus grandes musas.

Lo cierto es que no hay ni un solo lugar en el negocio que no lleve la impronta de la artista.

Parece su propia casa, comentaban los clientes. JALEOS comienza a comprobar cómo el local se llena hasta la bandera, y eso que era el primer día.

Un solícito camarero comienza a servir bebida y jamón cuando llega el Padre Ángel (81) acompañado de la vidente Conchita Hurtado y unos amigos. .

El fundador de Mensajeros de la Paz atiende a este medio: La solidaridad la tenemos a flor de piel los españoles y que una persona como Nati, que ha hecho sonreír tanto, después de que se vaya sea capaz, con todas estas cosas, de hacer felices a los demás, es una gozada.

En el recorrido por la joyería, el sacerdote se acuerda de algunos de los objetos tras haberlos visto en sus películas: Los que tenemos años nos acordamos.

Siento que no viva mi madre, por ejemplo, porque recordaría estos objetos.

Termina la conversación con este medio incidiendo en que España es un país muy solidario, que tiene más cosas buenas que malas.

Y como ejemplo, este homenaje a Nati Mistral.

Nati, una vida demasiado sincera.

Nati falleció a los 88 años dejando una vida personal muy intensa.

Era alguien que decía lo que pensaba, más bien políticamente incorrecta.

Su sinceridad no pasaba inadvertida y en ocasiones provocó alguna que otra polémica, como cuando se declaró completamente antifeminista y aseguró en televisión que las feministas estaban amariconando a los hombres.

Muchos fueron entonces los que cargaron contra la intérprete.

No ha sido, ni mucho menos, la única declaración controvertida de la artista.

En una entrevista que concedió hace varios años aseguró que le gustaba mucho José Antonio Primo de Rivera.

 Me parecía un ser excepcional, comentó.

Por su parte, sobre Franco solía decir que era un hombre que conocía bien a los españoles y que desde que se fue nadie le había premiado, hasta que en 1997 recibió el Premio Nacional de Teatro.

Me sentía ninguneada, creía que aquí se me ignoraba, aseguró durante la entrega del galardón.

For more infomation >> Los sobrinos de Nati Mistral ponen a la venta sus objetos más valiosos || LVTNAszok - Duration: 8:12.


Clémence (Koh-Lanta) : Comment elle a dépensé ses 100 000 euros - Duration: 3:01.

Dernière ligne droite pour les aventuriers de Koh-Lanta : Le Combat des héros (TF1) ! En effet, ce vendredi 25 mai 2018 se déroulera la grande finale de cette saison All Stars

Contrairement à Jérémy, Javier et Pascal, Clémence a déjà gagné par le passé. Mais qu'avait-elle fait de son chèque ? En 2005, la jolie brune aux yeux clairs remportait le jeu et récoltait ainsi 100 000 euros, comme le veut la règle

Auprès de nos confrères de TV Mag, Clémence raconte comment elle a dépensé cet argent à l'époque

"J'ai acheté un appartement à Boulogne-Billancourt (Hauts-de-Seine). Ça m'a permis de démarrer du bon pied ma vie d'adulte, confie-t-elle

Je n'ai pas voulu faire n'importe quoi avec mes gains, donc j'ai investi dans la pierre

" Treize ans plus tard, "la situation n'est pas la même" pour Clémence. Si elle était amenée à remporter une nouvelle fois Koh-Lanta et par là même le chèque de 100 000 euros promis au gagnant, l'aventurière a d'autres projets

"Mon idéal de vie est de garder une activité professionnelle mais aussi de montrer à mes enfants les différentes cultures qui peuvent exister

Donc mon but serait de pouvoir voyager et de profiter du bon temps avec mon compagnon", déclare-t-elle

Rappelons qu'à côté de son activité de coach parental, Clémence tient avec son amoureux Mathieu Johann, révélé dans la Star Academy 4 (TF1), un café-concert à Cherbourg

"On est très content d'avoir monté cette affaire il y a huit ans maintenant", lance-t-elle

Clémence remportera-t-elle une nouvelle fois Koh-Lanta ? Réponse dès 21h sur TF1 !

For more infomation >> Clémence (Koh-Lanta) : Comment elle a dépensé ses 100 000 euros - Duration: 3:01.


Laurent Ruquier soutient Gilbert Rozon, accusé de viol : "On va un peu vite..." - Duration: 3:33.

Laurent Ruquier n'oublie pas d'où il vient et qui il doit remercier pour sa carrière sur nos petits écrans

Interrogé par TV Magazine en amont de la diffusion de La Télé de Ruquier sur C8 samedi 26 mai 2018, l'animateur à succès de 55 ans a tenu à dire qu'il avait "un petit regret" à propos de ce documentaire revenant sur ses 30 ans de carrière, l'absence de Gilbert Rozon

Rappelons que l'ex-juré d'Incroyable talent (M6) a été accusé d'agressions sexuelles, de harcèlement et de viol par plusieurs femmes, dont l'animatrice québécoise Julie Snyder

Des accusations qui avaient contraint le producteur, qui a toujours nié ces accusations, à quitter ses fonctions de président du groupe Juste pour rire et qui avaient forcé M6 à stopper la diffusion d'Incroyable Talent avant d'en proposer une nouvelle version sans l'incontournable juré

Loin de vouloir lâcher Gilbert Rozon (63 ans) en pleine tourmente, Laurent Ruquier a ainsi commenté à son sujet : "Je lui dois beaucoup

Je trouve que l'on va un peu vite en besogne avec lui. Il faut avoir de la mémoire

" Et l'animateur star de poursuivre : "Gilbert Rozon m'a mis le pied à l'étrier, a produit mes one-man shows et a fait de moi ce que je suis aujourd'hui

J'ai souvenir qu'il n'y a pas si longtemps, tout le monde disait du bien de lui. Cela va vite dans ce métier

" Ce n'est pas le chanteur Dave, autre soutien de Gilbert Rozon, qui dira le contraire

De manière plus générale, Laurent Ruquier s'est dit assez satisfait de voir que C8 avait pensé à lui pour un numéro spécial de La télé de

Un honneur qui ne veut évidemment pas dire que sa carrière touche à sa fin. "J'ai été rassuré en constatant que C8 avait fait un numéro sur Florence Foresti avant moi ! (Rires) C'est plutôt agréable pour l'ego de voir qu'on s'intéresse à vous et à votre carrière", a-t-il assuré

Une interview à retrouver en intégralité dans TV Magazine, actuellement en kiosques

For more infomation >> Laurent Ruquier soutient Gilbert Rozon, accusé de viol : "On va un peu vite..." - Duration: 3:33.


Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa

For more infomation >> Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa


F1 news: Nico Rosberg admits considering comeback in Mercedes cockpit - Duration: 2:36.

F1 news: Nico Rosberg admits considering comeback in Mercedes cockpit

  Rosberg has not raced since the 2016 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, where he closed out his maiden F1 World Drivers' Championship by finishing second behind Lewis Hamilton, whose victory was not enough to overhaul the German at the top of the standings.

The then-31-year-old sensationally retired just five days later but was back in his title-winning W07 Mercedes for some demonstration laps between the two practice sessions on Thursday at the Monaco Grand Prix. And Rosberg revealed there was more than a little bit of excitement at getting back into the seat where he had so much success.

    "[I thought about reversing retirement] for 5 seconds, yes, when I got into the cockpit it was like coming home," Rosberg told Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera. "But it went right away, Im so happy." Rosberg was joined on track by the 1982 world champion: his father Keke.

The 69-year-old was behind the wheel of the FW07 Williams-Ford that he guided to glory 36 years ago - although neither man was really racing on this occasion.           Rosberg Jr's last year of F1 was an antagonistic one in which he repeatedly clash with Lewis Hamilton both on and off the track.

This time around, Hamilton has Sebastian Vettel for company at the front of the grid while all three top teams are expected to challenge for the win on Sunday with Red Bull showing good pace in practice at Monte Carlo.

"Yes, its a spectacular fight between three teams," Rosberg added. "No one has any idea who will win on Sunday, its the perfect scenario: battles and uncertainty. "[I'm betting] on Raikkonen because he took pole position last year." Qualifying for the Monaco Grand Prix will take place at 2pm on Saturday afternoon ahead of Sunday's race which will start at 2.10pm.

For more infomation >> F1 news: Nico Rosberg admits considering comeback in Mercedes cockpit - Duration: 2:36.


3 Years With Seventeen - Duration: 4:43.

Seventeen's Debut

Seoul Music Awards Rookie Award

Golden Disk Rookie Award

Gaon Chart World Rookie Award

Pretty U First Win

AAA Best Star Award

MMA MBC Music Star Award

MAMA World Performer Award

Boom Boom First Win

Golden Disk Awards Bonsang

Seoul Music Awards Bonsang

Don't Wanna Cry First Win

Clap Win

MAMA Worldwide Favourite Artist

MAMA Best (Dance) Performance

Golden Disk Bonsang

Seoul Music Awards Bonsang

Gaon Chart Album of the year: 2nd Quarter

Thanks First Win

[Adore U]



[Pretty U]

[Love Letter]

[Very Nice]


[Boom Boom]

[Smile Flower]

[Don't Wanna Cry]



[Don't Wanna Cry]


[Call Call Call]

Seventeen, let's make it big

We can do it!

Congratulations on your third anniversary

For more infomation >> 3 Years With Seventeen - Duration: 4:43.


If You Eat 2 Eggs at Breakfast for a Month, What Happens to Your Body When You Start Eating Daily - Duration: 2:55.

Health Benefits Of Eggs.

Eggs are a very good source of inexpensive, high quality protein.

More than half the protein of an egg is found in the egg white along with vitamin B2 and

lower amounts of fat and cholesterol than the yolk.

The whites are rich sources of selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron

and copper.

Egg yolks contain more calories and fat.

In this video we are talking about best 5 Health Benefits Of eggs.

So please click the subscribe batton and press the bell icon for more videos.

Number 1.

Hair And Nails.

The hair and nails reflect many biochemical imbalances and shortages in the body.

Eggs can help to promote healthy hair and nails because of their high content of sulphur-containing

amino acids and the wide array of vitamins and minerals.

Many people report faster growing hair after adding eggs to their diet, especially if they

were previously deficient in foods containing zinc, sulphur, vitamin B12 and vitamin A.

Number 2.

Eggs for Health.

Eggs are rich in several nutrients that promote heart health such as betaine and choline.

During pregnancy and breast feeding, an adequate supply of choline is particularly important,

since choline is essential for normal brain development.

In traditional Chinese medicine, eggs are recommended to strengthen the blood and increase

energy by enhancing digestive and kidney function.

Number 3.

Promote Weight Loss.

Eggs with toast have a 50% higher satiety index than regular breakfast cereals.

Several studies have reported that starting the day with an egg breakfast increases satiety

in overweight people and may help with weight loss.

cream cheese and yoghurt were compared to a breakfast of two eggs, toast and jam.

Number 4.

Rotect Our Bones.

Eggs are one of the few natural food sources of vitamin D, our sunshine vitamin.

Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption and for maintaining optimum bone health.

Eggs therefore play a supporting role in the prevention of osteoporosis together with dairy

products, our main source of calcium.

Number 5.

Promote Brain Health.

Choline is a nutrient that facilitates brain development in the foetus and newborn as well

as memory function even into old age.

Eggs are an excellent dietary source of choline, and one egg per day will provide 28% of a

pregnant woman�s choline requirement.

Choline is of extreme importance during pregnancy and lactation when the reserves can be depleted.

For more infomation >> If You Eat 2 Eggs at Breakfast for a Month, What Happens to Your Body When You Start Eating Daily - Duration: 2:55.


ABC Songs For Children | nursery rhymes kids tv - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> ABC Songs For Children | nursery rhymes kids tv - Duration: 3:08.


Tin Mới 27/5/2018 - Việt Nam DẬY SÓNG với Số Phận Tướng ĐƯỜNG MINH HƯNG bị T.R.Ừ K.H.Ử ĐỂ BỊT MIỆNG - Duration: 40:44.

For more infomation >> Tin Mới 27/5/2018 - Việt Nam DẬY SÓNG với Số Phận Tướng ĐƯỜNG MINH HƯNG bị T.R.Ừ K.H.Ử ĐỂ BỊT MIỆNG - Duration: 40:44.


두 아이 엄마' 선예, 크롭톱에 드러난 한줌 개미허리 - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> 두 아이 엄마' 선예, 크롭톱에 드러난 한줌 개미허리 - Duration: 1:50.


세월이 야속해" 주성치, 근황 공개...백발+수척해진 모습 - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> 세월이 야속해" 주성치, 근황 공개...백발+수척해진 모습 - Duration: 1:53.


재혼 후 '100억 자산가' 된 견미리, 그가 남편 선택한 이유 - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> 재혼 후 '100억 자산가' 된 견미리, 그가 남편 선택한 이유 - Duration: 3:54.


北, 남측기자단 위해 '특별 제공'한 음식은? - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> 北, 남측기자단 위해 '특별 제공'한 음식은? - Duration: 4:03.


Man Utd news: Fred breaks silence on Old Trafford transfer and makes revelation - Duration: 4:08.

Man Utd news: Fred breaks silence on Old Trafford transfer and makes revelation

Starsport understands Jose Mourinho is hoping to wrap up deals for Shakhtar Donetsk midfielder Fred and Tottenham defender Toby Alderweireld before the World Cup starts on June 14.

Manchester United are set to activate a €60m (£52.5m) release clause to land the Brazil international.

Manchester City failed with a bid for Fred in the January transfer window and switched attention to Napoli ace Jorginho after their rivals entered the race.

Fred says his representatives are dealing with the switch while he prepares for the World Cup and hinted that he will not move until after the tournament in Russia.

"There have been some advanced talks since January, when I almost went to Man City," he said at a press conference in Rio de Janeiro.

"Soon after City, United talked to Shakhtar and my agents.

And today, if Im not mistaken, there is very strong interest from United.

"My head is in the World Cup.

My agents are taking care of it.

I try to do my work in the field and leave the extra field for Gilberto Silva.

"My staff are looking at what is best for me.

"Who knows after the World Cup I can make the best choice for me." According to Italian journalist Fabrizio Romano, Fred is ready to complete the move to Old Trafford.

Romano tweeted: "Manchester United have finalised Fred deal for 50M.

"He's going to have medicals and sign his contract soon.".

Shakhtar Donetsk president Rinat Akhmetov has indicated that United will be paying Fred's €60m (£52m) release clause in full Well get exactly the amount he costs, Akhmetov told the clubs official website.

We can't get a dollar if the player costs 50 cents.

We don't want to sell him for 50 cents if the football player costs a dollar.

This will be a market price, the fair price, and it will be beneficial both for the club inviting Fred and for us.

That is, I can somewhat feel that Fred will be more expensive than Fernandinho and Teixeira.

If Fred won Brazil caps and go to the World Cup, this indicates that Shakhtar has gathered a very strong and quality player.

Why are they going? Because they know that they will come here, help us, create a name for themselves and tomorrow will be at the world's best clubs..

For more infomation >> Man Utd news: Fred breaks silence on Old Trafford transfer and makes revelation - Duration: 4:08.


[Szok] Niepublikowana ślubna sesja Kim Kardashian i Kanye Westa. Jest cudna! || LVTszok - Duration: 5:56.

Niepublikowana ślubna sesja Kim Kardashian i Kanye Westa. Jest cudna!

Kim Kardashian świętuje czwartą rocznicę ślubu.

Choć Kim Kardashian rozpoczęła swoją karierę w show-biznesie od dość kontrowersyjnej seks-taśmy,

regularnie rozbiera się do rosołu i chwali swoimi wdziękami w social mediach,

a o kochanka nie musiałaby się przesadnie starać, skandalistka pozostaje wierna swojemu ukochanemu.

Ona i Kanye West, uwielbiany przez miliony muzyk, pobrali się dokładnie cztery lata temu.

Para doczekała się trójki słodkich dzieci – Saint West, Chicago West i North West żyją jak w bajce,

rozpieszczani do granic możliwości, a małżeństwo ich rodziców wciąż jest tak samo silne.

Kim z okazji tego wyjątkowego dnia podzieliła się na swoim Instagramie pięknym portretem ślubnym,

którego nigdy wcześniej nie publikowała.

Możemy dokładnie przyjrzeć się tyłowi jej obłędnej kreacji.

Fotografię opisała wzruszającymi słodami:.

Cztery lata za nami i wieczność przed nami.

  Dziękuję kochanie za to, że dałeś mi naszą rodzinę i tak bardzo o nas dbasz.

  Dziękuję, że inspirujesz mnie każdego dnia.

  Jestem taka szczęśliwa.

  Nie mogę się doczekać naszego „na zawsze.

  Szczęśliwej rocznicy.

Fani byli zachwyceni tym wyjątkowo magicznym zdjęciem:.

A ludzie mówią, że szukacie prawnika rozwodowego.

Powodzenia, Kim!. Moja ulubiona para!.

Ale piękne zdjęcie!.

Wyglądałaś bosko! Wszystkiego najlepszego!.

Szczęśliwej rocznicy! Jesteście boscy!.

A co na to Kanye? Na razie wygląda na to, że muzyk… zapomniał.

Miejmy nadzieję, że przypomni sobie na czas….

For more infomation >> [Szok] Niepublikowana ślubna sesja Kim Kardashian i Kanye Westa. Jest cudna! || LVTszok - Duration: 5:56.


Germany Diesel BAN! 2018 Leaf RapidGate Update? Special Vlog... 🔌🔋🚗 - Duration: 6:43.

welcome to this week's news episode on this week's news episode we're going to

look at the new phenomena which is plug sharing photobombing we're also going to

look at Germany banning diesel cars and things are heating up for Nissan Leaf Gate

the new phenomena at the moment is plug share photobombing El from She's Electric

who's on a special vlog guest vlog next week by the way

and lemon tea leaf have been going around taking photos of for there plugshare

when they've charged and photobombing the photo in the bottom

corner wearing a hat or smiling or just basically pulling the very very corner

of the plugshare photo basically a bit of a game of plug share photobombing is

quite exciting but it's a bit like Pokemon the old classic Pokemon you've

got to catch as many plugshare photos as you can and be as many as you can at

the same time because you're never ever going to over take people like the plug

seeker on plug shares location on how many plugs they've got so this is a

little bit of a fun game can you get as many cover photos with you photobombing

have a look at some of the images they've done they are hilarious I found them

really really fun if you've done some yourself let me know if you've seen any

of el's or lemon tea Leaf's plugshare photo bobbin let us know we're going to

try and do as many as we can when we go down to fully charge live in a couple of

weeks and see if we can get a couple of charges done down there while we're off

so for this part of the vlog I should be in a kitchen because we're gonna be

cooking with a Nissan Leaf battery and talking about that issue in particular

now that joke actually belongs to lemon tea leaf I do recommend you fully check

out these videos they are over a minute long but they are full of extremely

great detail about the Nissan Leafs battery and how it heats up in etc now

this video is nothing about the data it's more about the issues one of

the issues in particular is that now the weather's heating up

like I predicted on my very very first rapidgate video the issue with hot

temperature outside we'll probably start affecting the first rapid and a chap in

Germany did a episode about it on his vlog where the

first rapid charged because he was driving at 75 80 miles an hour on the

Autobahn the first rapid charge was slowed down straightaway because the

battery temperature was hot and also because the external temperature was

hot so the battery was not able to cool down now the Nissan PR team on the

first rapid gate users took their SD cards and took a obd download that's

the diagnostic port on the car for anyone that anyone else they took a full

readout of all the data from there in the SD card so they could get full data

to investigate the issue now I'm starting to think that this

investigation is actually in this PR stunt and this on our hoping by asking

the people who have these problems to basically give their data that they

people feel they were being investigated that the PR machine could stay quiet now

because nissan have been extremely quiet around leaf gate very quiet

nothing officials been said for a very very long time and this might be because

there is actually no fix or it could be that there is a fix but at the end of

the day Nissan should be keeping us up to date they should be saying yes we have

got a fix no we haven't got fix they've said nothing

now I think this is going to result in basically people asking for their money

back onto their consumer right now if you've got a credit agreement you are

fully protected on that credit agreement if you were miss sold if you were told

that the Nissan leaf wouldn't do this you've been missing you've been miss

sold if you were expecting the car to be like that for you it's not fit the

purpose if you are going to do long journeys if you told sale staff that you

will be doing multiple rapid charges or driving it you know 70 at the motorway

and charging on a rapid charger you have been miss sold so you should be intitled to

your money back now the question is can Nissan fix it I will be doing a guest

vlog in a couple of weeks with a very very very famous battery chap called

Euan who is a bit more of an expert on the Nissan batteries and the batteries

in general so I will be interviewing him and I'll ask him and see if he has any

thoughts of what nissan could do to solve this issue I have a feeling that

it can be solved but Nissan are hiding under the covers

let's hope that during this part of the video you don't notice I'm completely

wearing different clothes and I'm sat in a completely different position and they

I8 that I was sat in two seconds ago is now there and the i8 that will be

at the end of the video is also there so that's completely ignore that part of

the video and let's talk about the part of the story where the audio definitely

worked the first time I recorded it which is Hamburg have banned diesel cars

Euro 5 and below cars from travelling in the city Hamburg is Germany's second

largest city and it's the first city in Germany to ban any type of polluting

cars from the city now they have got some provisions in place one of the

provision in places if you're a resident you are not affected by the ban so

that's quite a fair thing it's to stop people who live in the area from being

punished from driving their polluting diesel cars in the city so they're

still be exempt and buses which is a really odd one buses personally I think

should be banned from the city centre but for some reason they've allowed

buses on the route to be exempt personally they should have been maybe

given six months to improve their buses to newer hybrid versions and then

implement a full ban weirdly they're being let off for a period of time so

buses will be allowed on that route back to me who didn't film this yesterday and

last in the news I've got a very special vlog coming up next week

it's a guest vlog I'm gonna offer guest vlog to special YouTube personalities

twitter personalities and anyone who applies and I think has got a really

interesting story to make a vlog about so next week it's EL as in El's

electric dream she is gonna be doing a guest vlog and hers is a bit special

it's gonna be over two days she has no home charger zero home charges she

realised 100% on the infrastructure in Aberdeen so that's a really really

interesting vlog for everyone would enjoy that that's coming up next week

thanks for watching this week's vlog don't forget to check out the other

videos here click the subscribe button here and I'll see you again next week

thank you very much for watching good bye

For more infomation >> Germany Diesel BAN! 2018 Leaf RapidGate Update? Special Vlog... 🔌🔋🚗 - Duration: 6:43.


Obrzęk żołądka – sposoby skuteczne, naturalne i zdrowe | K.N.B.T - Duration: 13:32.

For more infomation >> Obrzęk żołądka – sposoby skuteczne, naturalne i zdrowe | K.N.B.T - Duration: 13:32.


数十艘中国渔船南下,靠近越南海域,越高官:船上搭载特种部队 - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> 数十艘中国渔船南下,靠近越南海域,越高官:船上搭载特种部队 - Duration: 3:30.


台媒:吳敦義髮夾彎,蔡英文更該急轉彎 - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> 台媒:吳敦義髮夾彎,蔡英文更該急轉彎 - Duration: 6:36.


蔡英文上任2年掉4"友邦" 攻擊大陸卻被罵慘 - Duration: 12:10.

For more infomation >> 蔡英文上任2年掉4"友邦" 攻擊大陸卻被罵慘 - Duration: 12:10.


Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8i-16V Différence2 LPG-G3 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8i-16V Différence2 LPG-G3 - Duration: 1:01.


Hyundai ix20 1.4i i-Drive - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.4i i-Drive - Duration: 1:10.


Mazda 6 Sport 1.8i Touring - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Mazda 6 Sport 1.8i Touring - Duration: 1:10.


Hyundai i10 1.0i i-Motion Comf. - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0i i-Motion Comf. - Duration: 1:11.


Hyundai i10 1.0i i-Motion Comf. - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0i i-Motion Comf. - Duration: 1:04.


Hyundai i20 1.2 LP i-Drive Cool - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.2 LP i-Drive Cool - Duration: 1:06.


panic room meme // FlipaClip - Duration: 0:38.

Love you

I shoun't tease Sunny that Loki died.

Deservedly! tease me. You put a maid outfit.

Hey! you went hunting panther. How did you survive case?

Because.....I'm ......RICH!!!!!!!!!

For more infomation >> panic room meme // FlipaClip - Duration: 0:38.


Hyundai Atos 1.0i GLS meeneem prijs! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Atos 1.0i GLS meeneem prijs! - Duration: 1:00.


Hyundai Getz 1.1i GL - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Getz 1.1i GL - Duration: 1:05.


Toyota Aygo !!AIRCO LED VERLICHTING !! 1.0 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo !!AIRCO LED VERLICHTING !! 1.0 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 1:10.


Mazda 323 Fastbreak 1.5i GLX Automaat Airco Export - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Mazda 323 Fastbreak 1.5i GLX Automaat Airco Export - Duration: 0:53.


Hyundai i10 1.0i Go! €11.950,- RIJKLAAR! - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0i Go! €11.950,- RIJKLAAR! - Duration: 0:52.



For more infomation >> BMW X5 3.0i EXE/AUT/LEER/NAVI/NAP/YOUNGTIMER/INRUIL MOG!!!!!! - Duration: 1:09.


Hyundai i10 1.0i Go! €11.950,- RIJLKLAAR - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0i Go! €11.950,- RIJLKLAAR - Duration: 1:11.


Chacha Bhatija Story Now Av...

For more infomation >> Chacha Bhatija Story Now Av...


H. Schütz: Příběh o Kristu (Hudební festival Znojmo) - Duration: 1:08:17.

For more infomation >> H. Schütz: Příběh o Kristu (Hudební festival Znojmo) - Duration: 1:08:17.


境外媒體:解放軍軍機兩天兩繞台 台軍監控 日戰機緊急起飛 - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> 境外媒體:解放軍軍機兩天兩繞台 台軍監控 日戰機緊急起飛 - Duration: 4:28.


Toyota Corolla 1.6 VVT-i Linea Sol,airco. - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla 1.6 VVT-i Linea Sol,airco. - Duration: 1:04.


Trucchi semplici ed efficaci per accelerare la crescita dei capelli - Duration: 6:46.

For more infomation >> Trucchi semplici ed efficaci per accelerare la crescita dei capelli - Duration: 6:46.


分享一波陈立农 农农的帅照 - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> 分享一波陈立农 农农的帅照 - Duration: 2:25.


La Juventus puede romper el mercado: 230 millones para Morata, Kovacic o Emre Can - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> La Juventus puede romper el mercado: 230 millones para Morata, Kovacic o Emre Can - Duration: 2:45.


Elena Santarelli difende Nadia Toffa: lo sfogo social - Duration: 1:41.

"Ho letto così tante cattiverie sotto le foto di Nadia che ho la nausea. Io che sto combattendo con mio figlio, so benissimo, o lo immagino, che Nadia vuole solo normalità e non è obbligata a raccontare nei dettagli cosa fa e se deve fare altre cure

Sono problemi suoi, Quando una persona si ammala o quando un familiare si ammala, la prima cosa che si vuole è la normalità

Avere persone che tutti giorni chiedono come va è stressante", ha scritto Elena. Per quest'ultima non è stato facile esporsi: "Non è stato facile per me espormi pubblicamente sul problema che stiamo attraversando – ha scritto qualche giorno fa – L'ho fatto per aiutare in primis la ricerca perché credo che quando un personaggio viene travolto da una vicenda così deve portare aiuto alle associazioni che hanno poca visibilità […] Credo che sia molto più semplice debellare questa bestiaccia (la malattia, ndr) che la stupidità e l'insensibilità di alcuni"

Nemmeno per Nadia è semplice: "Tutto superato? Questo non è detto. La vita è strana, quindi non si può certo parlare di guarigione, ma io sorrido sempre alla vita

Non ho sospeso la vita per la malattia. Combatto la malattia vivendo e sempre sorridendo", ha dichiarato lei stessa qualche settimana fa al Maurizio Costanzo Show


For more infomation >> Elena Santarelli difende Nadia Toffa: lo sfogo social - Duration: 1:41.


Técnico da Dinamarca: "A França não é nada especial. Não acredito neles" - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Técnico da Dinamarca: "A França não é nada especial. Não acredito neles" - Duration: 2:13.


Alimente care ajută funcţionarea tiroidei - Duration: 3:01.

Glanda tiroidă controlează toate procesele metabolice din organism, astfel că, de buna ei funcţionare, depinde starea noastră de sănătate

Bolile de tiroidă afectează mai des femeile. În România, cea mai subdiagnosticată boală cu care se confruntă femeile este hipotiroidia

Cele mai frecvente simptome ale bolilor de tiroidă sunt oboseala cronică, creşterile sau scăderile inexplicabile în greutate, ochi umflaţi, bătăi anoemale ale inimii, menstruaţia neregulată, pielea uscată, amorţeala, furnicăturile,  depresia

Pentru a funcţia com trebuie, tiroida are nevoie de iod pe care îl poate lua fie din sarea iodată, fie din peşte şi fructe de mare

Alte alimente care ajută tiroida sunt legumele cu frunze verzi precum spanacul, lăptuca, bogate în magneziu şi alte minerale cu rol important în procesele organismului, potrivit webmd

com. Oboseala, crampele musculare şi modificările ritmului cardicac pot fi semne că nu există suficient magneziu în corp

Nucile şi seminţele de dovleac sunt surse excelente de fier şi seleniu, precum şi alte minerale bune pentru tiroidă

Câteva nuci sau seminţe pe zi sunt suficiente pentru a beneficia de tot seleniul de care avem nevoie

Carnea provenită din organe precum rinichi, ficat, inimă, conţine acid lipoic, un antioxidant care luptă cu radicalii liberi

Acest acid gras mai poate fi găsit în suplimentele alimentare. Prea mult acid lipoic însă poate dăuna bunei funcţionări a tiroidei

Totodată, acidul lipoic poate interfera cu medicamentele luate pentru tiroidă.

For more infomation >> Alimente care ajută funcţionarea tiroidei - Duration: 3:01.


(Parte 3) A imortal seleção que levou a Suécia de volta a uma semifinal de Copa em 1994 - Duration: 14:50.

For more infomation >> (Parte 3) A imortal seleção que levou a Suécia de volta a uma semifinal de Copa em 1994 - Duration: 14:50.


Após ficar detido por dois meses por não pagar pensão alimentícia a um de seus filhos, Dado Dolabell - Duration: 3:17.

Após ficar detido por dois meses por não pagar pensão alimentícia a um de seus filhos, Dado Dolabella fala com exclusividade ao Domingo Espetacular desta semana, 27/05

O ator comenta seu passado polêmico, marcado por agressões e relembra o período em que passou na cadeia

Hoje vegetariano, o ator jura que está transformado e admite ter errado. Sobre a agressão a Luana Piovani, ele confessa: "Foi um erro na minha vida, uma coisa que eu não queria ter passado

E é horrível, é humilhante, foi um ato covarde meu. Foi uma reação covarde a um momento que a gente tava vivendo ali na relação que eu não quero falar

Nunca falei, nem quero falar". Ele completa: "Naquele momento eu fui reativo, eu fui inconsequente, não pensei

Inclusive me ajudou a amadurecer, me ajudou a pensar em tudo isso". A mudança de comportamento, segundo ele, veio com uma mudança na alimentação

Dado deixou de comer carne e seguiu essa dieta mesmo na prisão, onde também praticava ioga

Ele explica o efeito negativo dos antigos hábitos: "Enquanto os herbívoros vivem em bandos gigantescos, são felizes, são de paz, não brigam entre si

Pra mim, o rei da selva é o elefante. O rei não come o próprio filho". E encerra: "Eu era uma pessoa mais inconsequente pela idade, por ser mais novo

A gente vai amadurecendo, pensa mais nas consequências". O Domingo Espetacular vai ao ar às 19h30 na Record TV

Dado Dolabella pede ajuda para quitar dívidas Dado Dolabella resolveu pedir ajuda dos seus fãs, para poder quitar as dívidas que possui

Ele que passou dois meses preso, por falta de pagamento da pensão alimentícia do filho, fez uma live em suas redes sociais…Saiba mais! Veja também:

For more infomation >> Após ficar detido por dois meses por não pagar pensão alimentícia a um de seus filhos, Dado Dolabell - Duration: 3:17.


Marina Ruy Barbosa reprova comparação entre mulheres: 'Não é saudável' - Duration: 1:25.

Na mesma semana em que Bruna Marquezine pediu união entre as mulheres, Marina Ruy Barbosa utilizou seu Twitter para reclamar de comparações entre mulheres

Nesta quinta-feira (24), a ruiva fez um desabafo no microblog: "Juro que nunca vou entender porquê ainda tem gente que insiste em comparar uma mulher com outra

em que ano estamos?!". Apesar de não citar nomes, os internautas especularam que estavam levando a inimizade de Amália (Marina) e Catarina (Bruna), da novela "Deus Salve o Rei", para fora da ficção

"Entendam de uma vez por todas que vocês não podem nunca alimentar rivalidades ok? Não é saudável pra ninguém!", finalizou a ruiva

For more infomation >> Marina Ruy Barbosa reprova comparação entre mulheres: 'Não é saudável' - Duration: 1:25.


Ο Κωνσταντίνος Πλεμμένος σε συνέντευξή του αναφέρθηκε στην επιθυμία του να γίνει ηθοποιός και στις α - Duration: 5:25.

Κωνσταντίνος Πλεμμένος: «Δεν έκανα τη δουλειά που ήθελε ο πατέρας μου να ακολουθήσω» Ο Κωνσταντίνος Πλεμμένος σε συνέντευξή του αναφέρθηκε στην επιθυμία του να γίνει ηθοποιός και στις αντιρρήσεις του πατέρα του

Μέχρι στιγμής κάποιες από τις επιθυμίες  που είχες έχουν γίνει πραγματικότητα; Ναι, έχουν γίνει

Όπως το να καταφέρω να ζω μόνος μου οικονομικά μέσα από την τέχνη, το οποίο είναι πάρα πολύ δύσκολο

Βέβαια, έχω σκέψεις και επιθυμίες για να κάνω κάποια έργα, να σκηνοθετήσω, να παίξω, οι οποίες δεν έχουν πραγματοποιηθεί ακόμα

Βλέπουμε ότι πολλά ζευγάρια ζουν συμβατικά, γιατί θεωρείς ότι συμβαίνει αυτό; Νομίζω ότι βρίσκουν διεξόδους της ζωής αυτής

Δηλαδή πάνε να δουν μια παράσταση, πάνε σινεμά, υπάρχουν άλλοι που επιλέγουν να παίξουν στοίχημα, να κάνουν ένα παιδί που βέβαια στη συνέχεια τα προβλήματα του γάμου θα μεταφερθούν στο παιδί

Παίζει ρόλο η κοινωνία που μας εξαναγκάζει να βγάζουμε συνεχώς περισσότερα χρήματα για να νιώθουμε πως εξελισσόμαστε

Μπορεί ένας γάμος να κρατιέται, αλλά ο κάθε άνθρωπος μόνος του έχει κάποιες επιθυμίες

Αν μέσα στον γάμο δεν τις εκπληρώνει, αυτό κάπου θα το εκφράσει και αν δεν το κάνει θα έχει επιπτώσεις και θα δημιουργήσει προβλήματα

Ο καθένας θα πρέπει να εκφράζεται καλλιτεχνικά. Στην ουσία, όμως, κάποιος ξεσπάει για λίγο μέσα από μια άλλη ασχολία, αλλά επί της ουσίας επισκιάζει προσωρινά το πρόβλημα, δεν το λύνει είναι το βασικό που γίνεται στη ζωή αυτή τη στιγμή

Άμα θες να γίνεις ζωγράφος και δεν καταφέρνεις να βγάλεις λεφτά από αυτό, τι κάνεις; Μπορείς να συνεχίσεις τη ζωγραφική σου και να δουλεύεις σε κάτι το οποίο θα είναι συμβατικό

Έχουν κατασκευάσει έτσι την κοινωνία. Το καλό είναι να υπάρχει μια ισορροπία. Πρέπει να έχεις τον χρόνο να κάνεις ό,τι σε ευχαριστεί

Άμα δεν εκφράζεις αυτό που σε βασανίζει, αρρωσταίνεις ψυχολογικά και σωματικά. Εσύ θυσίασες πράγματα για να ασχοληθείς με την τέχνη που αγαπάς; Κατά μία έννοια, θυσιάζεις και δεν το καταλαβαίνεις

Σίγουρα ήρθα σε αντιπαραθέσεις με τους γονείς μου. Δεν έκανα τη δουλειά που ήθελε ο πατέρας μου να ακολουθήσω, οπότε εναντιώθηκα και πήγα να ασχοληθώ με-την τέχνη

Δυσκολεύτηκα πολύ και στη σχέση με τον πατέρα μου, οπότε αυτό-που συνέβη πριν από οκτώ-χρόνια ήταν μια θυσία

Κατάφερα και πέρασα στο Εθνικό που ήταν δωρεάν, οπότε δεν είχα μεγάλη οικονομική ανάγκη: Τότε, λοιπόν, εναντιώθηκα στο θέλημα του πατέρα μου

Από τότε θυσιάζω κάποιες οικονομικές ανέσεις για την τέχνη, όμως, όταν πηγαίνω στη δουλειά μου και νιώθω χαρούμενος, δεν είναι για μένα θυσία

Παλαιότερα δούλευα σε ένα βιβλιοδετείο του πατέρα μου και με έπιανε π ψυχή μου, δεν ήθελα

Τώρα πάω για. πρόβα και είμαι μια χαρά γιατί με γεμίζει η δουλειά μου. Ακόμα και όταν έχω σχέση με κάποια κοπέλα, είμαι καλά γιατί είμαι καλά στη ζωή μου

Πηγή: Mytv

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