Thunder Storm and Lightning
#DDRFreestyle『Try 2 Luv U』EXPERT(Rank:AAA) by RIRI-. - Duration: 1:34.-------------------------------------------
How to draw the most beautiful pink roses - Duration: 1:03.
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Grande Fratello 15: due concorrenti arrivano quasi alle mani | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
Daily life English Conversations And Dialogues - Example 7 - Duration: 1:25.Daily life English Conversations And Dialogues - Example 7
Grande Fratello: Aida ora è sola | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:40.-------------------------------------------
Grande Fratello 2018 quarta puntata: eliminata Aida? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.-------------------------------------------
Uomini e donne del 4 maggio: è finita tra Ida e Riccardo? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
Police and Baby Stop the Truck to Save Snail - Funny Cartoon Play Doh Stop Motion - Duration: 11:28.Hi guys! Thanks for watching! Don't for get to subscribe.
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GF15 News: Aida Nizar ha davvero 42 anni? Dubbi sulla sua età | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
U&D, la scelta di Nilufar: Giordano umilia la tronista, ecco perché | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:25.-------------------------------------------
GF15: Baye Dame squalificato e il resto del gruppo non mantiene la promessa | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:26.-------------------------------------------
Subway Surfers World Tour 2018 - Monaco - Philip VS Talkling Tom Gold Run Cowboy Tom - Duration: 11:15.Subway Surfers World Tour 2018 - Monaco
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Miloš Zeman tvrdí, že novičok se v Česku vyráběl! Na tomto místě jedtestovali - Duration: 1:17.-------------------------------------------
Toàn Chức Cao Thủ phần 2 tập 2 vietsub - Duration: 21:02.-------------------------------------------
Wenjing Sui Cong Han w/Eng Subs "what sport do you like" 20180209 - Duration: 1:08.Hello everyone
This is my partner: Sui Wenjing
Hello everyone
This is my partner:Han Cong
Figure skating is a sport of artistry.
It's a combination of artistry and sport.
(Q: Why did you choose to start the sport on the ice?)
For me it was in 2003,
I watched figure skating videos on the TV,
They were very attractive and I was captivated by it.
So I started my career in figure skating and I love it so much.
I am impressed by the spirit of undefeated and perseverance.
Q: How do you like to exercise besides normal training?
I like playing tennis and swimming very much.
Sometimes our coach takes us to play golf.
To visit and play a little bit. We also visit the military and experience the their training.
But I can't do things like sky-diving. I have fear of heights.
When I was a kid I loved skateboarding
and sports that are very interesting and exciting.
But now as an athlete, I need to protect my body.
So I try to avoid the sports that can cause injury.
Kanye West x Logic x Jay Z T...-------------------------------------------
I Tried To Make FILIPINO SISIG! Success or Fail? - Duration: 10:04.-------------------------------------------
《Girls' Talk - 豁出去漫遊》第57集 - 俄羅斯(I) - Duration: 11:27.-------------------------------------------
美國在中東對俄攤牌,大戰在即,中國怎麼站隊 - Duration: 6:37.-------------------------------------------
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中東局勢突發巨變 以色列親自點燃導火索 - Duration: 19:14.-------------------------------------------
美新任國務卿宣誓:必要時美將執行「強硬的外交政策」 - Duration: 2:55.-------------------------------------------
世界第一的外匯儲備,讓中國無懼任何的金融挑戰 - Duration: 3:54.-------------------------------------------
NHH Executive master i ledelse - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
Fubu - Duration: 26:02.-------------------------------------------
Mobile Legends WTF Moments 55 - Duration: 10:31.-------------------------------------------
美機抵近中國基地750米處, 結果被亮瞎眼? 真相是… - Duration: 17:32.-------------------------------------------
以色列反常舉動接連曝光!又一場大戰在所難免 規模超敘利亞內戰 - Duration: 7:58.-------------------------------------------
My Experience with Psychological Abuse (Narcissistic Abuse) - Duration: 13:30.Hey everybody
So I've wanted to make vlogs for a long time but I didn't really know what I wanted them to be about
because there's so much that I'm very passionate about and that I want to talk about
but I figured this was a good place to start because
this experience really molded me into who I am now.
Two years ago now, I was in a psychologically abusive relationship
What I wish I had known before getting into that was that they just exist in general.
Usually when you think of abuse and abusive relationships, you see a girl tucked away in a corner
getting beaten or trembling. That kind of image comes up.
And of course, that is abuse, and that's really, really awful abuse.
but no one really talks about this type
where someone takes away your confidence and your sense of being.
The difference between other relationships that I'd had in the past ending and this one was that
when this one ended, I felt crazy and confused.
I didn't feel--I felt sad, but I felt more so crazy and confused.
And so, I was Googling stuff like, "Why do I feel crazy after my relationship ended?"
"Why do I feel like I don't understand what happened to me?
And I found the term 'psychological abuse' and then I dove further into it
and I found 'narcissistic abuse.'
Reading all the articles, I was just like, "Oh my God, this is exactly what happened to me."
So ultimately what helped me heal was finding those articles, researching,
talking to men and women who had experienced a similar type of abuse, going to therapy,
and watching YouTube videos like this one, just watching people talk about it.
The reason I want to make this video is to be another source for people that feel like they're going through this
and don't know where to go or what to do
because in my experience, my ex--I'd catch him cheating for instance.
I would catch him. I would have evidence, and it was very clear what was going on.
And he would say that I was making it up or that I was just insecure or crazy
and that really warped my reality.
So I want to help people who are getting gaslighted like that
that feel crazy, that feel like they're just super insecure or believe what their abuser is telling them
and it really messes with their psyche and personal wellbeing. I just want to help those people
understand that it's a very common type of abuse, and it's invisible
so it's hard to talk about it and it's hard to help people understand what you're going through
because it's even hard for the victim to understand what happened to them.
I feel like I also have to make clear that I'm not making this video to defame my abuser in any way
I just want to help people understand--hopefully through my experience--
the warning signs and the red flags that I ignored in the relationship
and maybe help people who are in the situation now to see and to understand
and to get out of that unsafe scenario.
And I have to make that clear because last time I said anything about this experience--
my ex is blocked on everything--and he made a fake e-mail account and sent me this message
trying to silence me. So I just need to say that I'm not here to ruin anybody's life.
I just am telling my truth, and it's the truth, and you know--take it or leave it.
What narcissism is, in my opinion and understanding, is it's
somebody who needs energy from other people to feel fulfilled, and what that means is
they need attention essentially. I mean, that's kind of obvious.
What would happen with my ex is I would give him enough attention that he needed,
and then when he didn't need me he would treat me like crap
I would threaten to leave, then he would make me feel reassured again
and I just went back in the same cycle.
The first stage is the "love bomb" phase in a narcissistic abusive relationship.
From the beginning, he was messaging me all the time, he said 'I love you' really fast--within weeks
he pushed intimacy really fast, everything was happening at once.
He would compliment me all the time, post about me on social media so everybody could see
and I felt so important.
He wanted to be around me all the time, he'd want to hang out every single day.
He bought me a plane ticket and I went on a trip with his family within three months.
All expenses paid, it was crazy.
At the time, I was just like, "Oh my God, I've never been treated this amazing before," but looking back,
I realize that he was just trying to get me in a really vulnerable place so he could devalue me
and throw me away essentially and cheat on me and stuff.
I knew in the beginning that it was a lot, he was saying
all the things that a really insecure, emotionally unstable person
would want to hear from a person they're in a relationship with and he knew that.
And he used that to make me trust him. And so I did.
But at the same time, the logical side of my brain knew that this was a lot at once and it was insane.
But at the time I just didn't want to believe that it wasn't real.
The love bombing phase happened and things quickly turned around.
I would see Tinder notifications on his phone, I'd ask him about it,
and he would say that his friends made it as a joke.
All his lies were just lined up, he was ready to lie to me.
There was another time I caught him texting a girl at midnight or something
They were sending smiley faces and like, what do you have to talk about with some random chick at midnight?
And he was saying, "She's an old lady and I work with her." I found out later that was obviously not true,
but at the time, he sounded so convincing.
It sounds dumb saying it now, but I believed him. I really did.
I mean, there was part of me that didn't, but I wanted to believe him
because I loved him and I wanted to be with him.
Girls would reach out to me too. All the time. I got so many messages from random girls that I didn't know
letting me know that my ex had hurt them in the past or their friend
and basically warning me to stay away from him and that he's dangerous.
I would show him these messages, and he would say,
"No, you've got to block them, delete them, delete the messages completely,
those girls are obsessed with me, they've been obsessed with me for years, they won't leave me alone,
they've messaged other exes of mine."
So I would message them back something like, "You're just trying to ruin my relationship."
Now I've reconciled with some of those girls and thanked them for trying
because I was just inconsolable.
But again, I wish at the time I had just said, "You know what,
He's not worth it."
Now I look back on that situation and I'm appalled at my behavior, why did I not leave,
but when you're in that mental state of being essentially owned by someone,
it changes the way you see yourself and your reality.
So with all the talking to girls and everything, he would tell me they're just a friend, I've known them for this long,
he had all these stories.
He just had lies upon lies upon lies, and this really began to warp my reality
because I was just trusting him and no one else.
I just believed him, and believing him actually really affected my self esteem
because literally everything he was telling me was a lie, so eventually when the relationship ended,
my life was a warped perception of reality.
It took a long time to get over that because,
so basically what happened--I caught him cheating, really caught him, I checked his phone
and this was after his sister told me to do it because I was feeling skeptical.
Everyone in his life is pretty much aware of who he is but no one really spoke out about it.
So she told me to do that, I checked his phone,
sure enough, he was cheating.
Instead of having any sort of backing he would just be like, "Well, how did you get into my phone?"
It's like... well...
So..? You're cheating on me!
And he kept telling me, "It's not what you think," even though the texts were very clear
like "on my way winkey face," they were sending pictures,
it was very clear what was going on
but he still was lying, and I was just like, "No, I know what I saw.
This time, I'm not letting him try to warp it. I know what I saw."
Oh, and you know what? As he was cheating on me, I got a message from his ex
saying that he's a fantastic manipulator and liar.
So I messaged him saying, "Oh my God your ex reached out to me again."
And he's like, "Who are you going to believe, her or me?" And this is while he's on his way to cheat on me.
This is the type of stuff he would do all the time.
It was just... That was the chair, I didn't fart, I swear.
He would just lie.
And I remember when I finally caught him, I was like,
"Why do you do this? It seems just exhausting keeping up with all the lies."
This is just one example, this happened so many times in our relationship, even with small things.
He'd say he was one place and he wasn't and it was not a big deal.
He's ashamed of everything, and just covering up his tracks with everything.
He has the most blocked people on Facebook I've ever seen, the list is like seriously this long.
He lies to everyone.
I don't know why you would want to choose to live like that.
But anyway, the fact that he was capable of such blatant deceit, you know, I caught him cheating.
I had physical proof. I actually took pictures of the texts too,
because I knew he would delete them and try to cover it up
so I took pictures of them. I had physical evidence, and he was still lying.
It was very clear what the two of them were talking about and what they were doing,
but he was still lying to me.
So now it's like I can't do this to myself anymore.
So basically, since I was in love with him, I tried to make it work after he cheated,
but that's when things got physically abusive.
I'd be at his house, and I'd be crying and going back and forth in my head--should I stay or should I leave
So I would try to leave his house, and I'd get up and I'd be like, "You know what, I can't do this anymore."
And he would sit on me and physically restrain me and not let me leave.
So the only way to get him off of me--I literally had to punch him.
So I punched him once and he falls over and I start getting up and leaving
and he just starts crying and drooling and saying stuff like, "I just mess everything up."
And so then I feel bad for him, and so I come back
and then I want to leave again.
One time he just grabbed my leg and pulled me down.
It got really, really ridiculous and scary actually.
He would say things like, "You're not gonna leave, you're not gonna leave me"
so it would make me not want to leave, and I was just confused.
It would just be this awful endless cycle.
He just had me under his manipulation.
I knew I wanted to leave, but I couldn't still.
He just had me wrapped around his finger
and he's done it to so many other women.
With my ex, I have not reached out to him since we broke up. He's reached out to me multiple times
on different social media platforms, and he's shown up at a jam that I go to.
He's done stuff like that, but I've not once broken the "no contact,"
That's what it's called for narcissistic abuse: "no contact."
It's hard in the beginning, it really is, because all you want to do is pour your soul to them
and beg for them to come back because you're so messed up.
Just do not talk to them. Do not entertain the idea that you're under their control anymore.
Even if you feel like you are, because I did.
Not now obviously, and I think that has a lot to do with the fact that I went "no contact"
and I took my power back.
And when I say don't talk to them, don't even send them negative stuff like,
"Leave me alone. I don't want you in my life." Don't send them anything.
Because if you show them an ounce--that's what I was saying in the very beginning of this video.
Narcissists rely heavily on energy, doesn't matter if it's positive or negative.
So if you're giving them any negative energy, that's still filling up their cup, you know?
If you cannot go "no contact," if the narcissist is your kid's parent or a family member.
I know there's narcissistic parents or siblings,
the tactic is called "gray rock."
In your contact with them, you don't show any passion, you just don't really care. Everything is kind of whatever.
But most importantly, these are the two things that I want people to get out of watching this video.
Number one, if you think someone is lying to you, if you think someone is playing games with you
and your gut is telling you that,
they are lying to you, they are playing games with you. You know what is best for you in your gut.
You know.
I ignored my gut for years, and I was miserable.
I was just letting other people run my life.
If you think something's bad, it is. Trust that feeling no matter what.
And obviously number two is, if you find yourself in a psychologically abusive relationship
and you get out of it, just cut communication.
I can't stress enough how important that is.
Those are my two things. I guess this video could've been a lot shorter, I kind of went on a little tangent.
But I really think you just go with your gut, and get yourself out as soon as possible.
Once you know it's not good for you, it's not and just trust that gut feeling.
I swear you will save yourself so much pain and so much heartache
and so much healing time if you get out quicker.
Trusting my gut has completely changed my life, it's really given me power in my life.
And I know it sounds like a really common sense concept, but it's not.
I didn't trust my gut for the first 21 years of my life, and that was really miserable. I really hated myself.
There are other things I can talk about in other videos to kind of go deeper into that,
but I really, really believe that you do know what's best for you,
you do know what you're capable of, and you need to take that power back from anyone.
Don't ever give that power away for free.
Stay strong, cut those people out of your life. You don't need them.
You've got you, you've got your friends, you've got your family. You're killing it.
Thank you for watching.
If you have any questions, I can make another video explaining things a little differently
or certain aspects or something.
But yeah, I think I'm going to start doing vlogs.
Because I have a lot to freaking say, and I will not be silenced anymore.
Thank you, bye!
20 Minute Dinner Asian Crab Salad - Duration: 2:23.20 minute dinner Asian crab sell it
I have to admit that when I first made this dish I was jumping for joy
it has the perfect mix of sweet salty and Sauer along with lots of different textures
prep time 5 minutes total time 20 minutes
serves to sell it one 4th see coconut flakes
2 tablespoons sesame seeds
3 tablespoons coconut oil
for spring onions sliced thin
½ stick when among grass finely sliced
1 1/2 piece ginger peeled and sliced into matchsticks
½ see Ben sprouts
one red grapefruit
peeled and segmented one long red Chile seeded and finely sliced
1/2 pound raw crabmeat ½ see cilantro
for garnish dressing 2 tablespoons coconut sugar 2 tablespoons to Mary 2 tablespoons lime juice
2 teaspoons to remind paste one
toast coconut and sesame seeds in frying pan over medium heat until golden
set aside to heat oil in large skillet
add onions and cook stirring occasionally
until golden brown about 6 minutes
transfer to plate with slotted spoon and set aside
remove pan from heat three
combine all dressing ingredients in small bowl and stir well to combine
four return pan to medium heat and lemongrass and ginger and cook 3 minutes transfer to large bowl and add sprouts
grapefruit and Chile five add crab meat to skillet and sauté until cooked through
3 to 5 minutes six
transfer crab to bowl with sell it top with dressing and toss well
garnish with coconut flakes sesame seeds onions and cilantro
Rudy Giuliani Contradicts Donald Trump - Duration: 5:27.-------------------------------------------
멸종되지 않았다면 인간을 사라지게했을 동물의 정체 - Duration: 6:35.-------------------------------------------
VLOG: Crudo/ Peach/ Call Me By Your Name - Duration: 6:37.Hi guys it's Aisling back chatting to you again on the Waterstones vlog.
This month I've got three books to recommend to you; two books that are
already released and one that is yet to be released. So we're gonna start with the
book yet to be released and the book is Crudo by Olivia Laing
Now, Olivia Laing, this is a debut novel but she is by no means a newcomer
to writing; she is particularly well known for her nonfiction book The Lonely
City which I actually have here for you as well and it's kind of a meditation on
solitude and loneliness and it's really, really good but today we're
going to talk about her fiction. Crudo follows the point of view of a woman
named Kathy who may or may not be Kathy Acker, we're not sure it's never
expressly told to us but I kind of have a hunch. But anyway Kathy is about to
marry her husband and the book is set in the summer of 2017 kind of amidst the
election of Donald Trump and this rise of kind of like trolling online and
fascism and all these terrible events taking place in the world and it's kind
of a contrast of all this terribleness, you know, consumerism, terrorism
everything, versus how this woman feels about her husband. I really enjoyed
it particularly just because the character herself is very witty and her
humor is very dry and she's actually a little bit evil as well which I just
loved because it's kind of nice being let into someone's interior monologue
and just being told everything that they're thinking and it's really
unabashed, unashamed and really out there. And I think this is really gonna make
waves when it is released on the 28th of June this year, so that's definitely
something to look forward to you guys. Next up I have a debut novel, Peach by
Emma Glass. Now guys I actually read this whole book last night in one sitting
because it was kind of addictive and I just really, really could not put it down.
It's great as well, it's really short so if you're just looking for something short
just to tide you over I really, really recommend this. What I will say though is
it was extremely experimental and vivid.
The book itself it follows the aftermath of a sexual assault
which sounds very harrowing and difficult to read but I actually found that I flew
through this because just the imagery and the way that she was portraying
things with just really beautiful. And really just kind of grabbed me and I
couldn't let go like I literally could not stop reading. I would recommend this
for fans of Eimear McBride or Sarah Baume because her use of language and
rhythm just really reminds me of the way the two of them write. What really
hooked me into buying this is the quote from George Saunders on the back because
if any of you saw my review a few months ago of Lincoln in the Bardo you'll know
that I am a very big fan of George Saunders so I'm just gonna read that
quote to you now so it says 'A strange and original work of art that manages to
be both genuinely terrifying and undeniably joyful in this dark poetic
myth Emma Glass takes on the big issues; good and evil, violence, redemption.' So I
think that actually sums it up really well because although it is kind of a
very dark, extremely dark and harrowing subject matter she's written it with
such vigor and care that it sort of goes to a different place than a book like
that maybe could have. So I really, really recommend that, it's something different
and something quite special. Actually I think she is one to watch and I'd be
very interested to see what she does next because this book kind of came out
of nowhere and then I just picked it up and have sort of become enamored with
it, so I really really hope that you guys will too. And lastly I have a book that
actually is really old but is in bestseller charts everywhere nonetheless
and the book is Call Me By Your Name by Andre Aciman. Now I actually bought
this book before Christmas and read it before Christmas as well because I saw a
trailer for the film and I was just really interested and I'm one of those
people that wants to be like ooh I've read the book so I wanted to read it
before the film came out. And oh my god I actually have not been able to stop
thinking about this since I read it, like I think about it all the time. So I think
if you have seen the film and you really liked it or even if you haven't seen the
film and you're just looking for a really good
book I recommend this. I just think it's one of those books that I will
always say is one of my favorite all-time reads because it is just that
good. It's so beautiful. It's told from the point of view of a teenager called
Elio Perlman, he's spending the summer in Italy with his family and every summer
his family hosts an academic who comes and stays with them before the
publication of their academic manuscripts the following year and this
year where our story is set, the academic is Oliver and at the beginning
of the story Oliver and Elio they have sort of a rivalry, banter, but not quite
fun banter but they're sort of fascinated with each other all the same, and then they
kind of become friends and then it becomes a really slow burning addictive
romance, then just love, just love. And it's just the most beautiful book. If
you've ever been like on a holiday or away somewhere in another country and
you know when you're a teenager and like you know had your first kiss or kind of
experience with someone like that it will just really remind you of that
particular time in your life and just as a coming-of-age story in general it's
really, really beautiful and really effective. So again even if you haven't
seen the film or if you have, try this, it's very different to the film because
it's all from Elio's perspective so it's a very, very different way of telling the
story and there's actually a lot more information on the characters in this
than the film gives away as well. So please read it if you're looking for
having yourself a very cathartic moment this weekend I highly recommend
locking yourself in a room with this and having yourself a good old read and
a good old ugly cry because God knows I ugly cried to this. Okay guys, so those
are my three recommendations for this month, I hope you liked them and I'll be
back talking to you again in about a month's time on the Waterstones vlog with
some more book recommendations. Okay guys, bye!
Thank You Dumb Jeans - Duration: 2:35.-------------------------------------------
Dyson, l'asciugacapelli reinventato - Duration: 2:30.-------------------------------------------
FabScraps Coffee Confessions scrap card #2 - Duration: 11:57.-------------------------------------------
Teen Titans GO! To The Movi...-------------------------------------------
CPU Z Analiza tu sistema y Hardware Windows o Android - Duration: 7:39.-------------------------------------------
Suma ENORMĂ pe care o cer drept despăgubire pesedistele care au dat în judecată - Duration: 1:44.-------------------------------------------
La birra fa ingrassare o migliora la salute? - Duration: 8:43.-------------------------------------------
MOOC UOC. La evaluación - Duration: 4:51.-------------------------------------------
Nepotism - Duration: 21:31.-------------------------------------------
HP x360 11-ab000nl ed Ubuntu 18.04 LTS ⋆ come va e conclusioni dopo un anno d'uso! ⊷ #gon_HPx360 - Duration: 11:40.-------------------------------------------
Drenching Dallas - Duration: 21:31.-------------------------------------------
НОВИНКА VICHY 89% Mineral | Nowy produkt | OLGA PASICHNYK - Duration: 3:20.-------------------------------------------
Cuándo viene la primera regla después del parto - Duration: 8:27.-------------------------------------------
Gabriel Lycosa - Nici o zi fara pasiune - Duration: 4:10.Hi my dear friends, I'm Gabriel Lycosa
and today I present you - No day without passion -
My greatest passion is the animals.
And with her came the biology.
And then for photography and film.
I think in life is very important to have passions.
Passion defines you as a human.
Passion is the only one who can find our way in life.
When passion decides to get involved in something.
That something, it gets, extraordinary!
Wherever you see an extraordinary achievement, you know that there is also a passion!
If you do not have it yet, do not hesitate to invite her to your home!
I hope you enjoyed this episode.
And until next time, do not forget, Love the Nature!
MOOC UOC. El pensamiento divergente - Duration: 6:03.-------------------------------------------
Subway Surfers World Tour 2018 - Monaco - Philip VS Talkling Tom Gold Run Cowboy Tom - Duration: 11:15.Subway Surfers World Tour 2018 - Monaco
new video
Talkling Tom Gold Run update
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