Friday, May 4, 2018

Youtube daily report May 4 2018

Who's got slurp juice?

Who's got slurp juice?

I need slurp juice!

Can anyone help me ?

Can anyone help me?

Guess not

For more infomation >> FORTNITE DANCES IN PUBLIC! (Season 4) IN REAL LIFE Challenge!! - Duration: 3:03.


La CUP pide a JxCat y ERC desobedecer y avisa de que no - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> La CUP pide a JxCat y ERC desobedecer y avisa de que no - Duration: 2:04.


Noticias De Hoy:Amaia explotó contra los minutos españoles justo antes de viajar a Eurovisión - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Noticias De Hoy:Amaia explotó contra los minutos españoles justo antes de viajar a Eurovisión - Duration: 2:59.


JxCat, ERC y los comunes reafirman su europeísmo sin la CUP - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> JxCat, ERC y los comunes reafirman su europeísmo sin la CUP - Duration: 5:42.


Mi Sencillez- DAB (Canción Oficial) - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Mi Sencillez- DAB (Canción Oficial) - Duration: 4:00.


"She's using her son, to get closer to you!" - Elif Episode 725 (English subtitles) - Duration: 2:20.

Mom, you showed up as we were studying with Emirhan, told us lots of things, then stormed out!

Sure I will! What were you doing there at the lunch time, in the middle of the neighborhood?

And with that widow woman named Jülide, at the tea house?

What are you saying mom? I'm Emirhan's teacher!

He didn't come to school, and we studied together. You know that.

I know, son. I know everything, but you don't know what I do know.

What do you mean, mother?

You know what I mean, Safak.

That woman named Jülide tries to get closer to you, by using her son.

You think I don't see that?

Mom, please don't say that.

Really, it's both shame and sin.

I told you before. There's something with that woman.

Why is she still around you, huh?

Now she came between me and my son.

Look what my respectful son tells me around people, whom I've never heard a bad word out of his mouth.

Now I see how right I was with my thoughts.

But I've seen this one coming.

- I wasn't afraid for no reason! - Enough, mother.

Not enough, sir. That woman has clear intentions. She wants to trap you into her net.

- And my naive son, everytime- - Mom, don't say a word, enough.

No one is trapping anyone.

What kind of a language is this? What have you turned into?

Besides, Ms. Jülide is a rational, proper lady.

And look how old I am now. You're being ridiculous.

Break your mother's heart, because of that woman...

peace at home goes away, and I'm the one being ridiculous, huh?

Nope. Clearly, I can't deal with you.

My words mean nothing. You're gonna do what you're doing again.

Whatever. I'm going.

For more infomation >> "She's using her son, to get closer to you!" - Elif Episode 725 (English subtitles) - Duration: 2:20.


Fishing for Asp, Live Attack/ Риболов на распер на воблер/ Rapfen Angeln mit Wobbler, Livebiss - Duration: 10:27.

Hey, guys! How are you?

Today's fishing trip was only about half an hour.

I was casting there, behind the sandbank,

and suddenly ..

There was nothing, nothing bit there.

But then we saw an asp attacking right here

I changed the spot

and she bit!

It was amazing! She bit within

the first minute and a half.

We have it recorded, so I know exactly the time.

It was incredible, guys!

She bit on the crankbait Realwobbler Retro Striped.

We also saw a beautiful butterfly, a Peacock Butterfly,

we start with her.

Here's what happened!

- She is very beautiful!

- I'll go back.

The Peacock Butterfly is colorful and is found in Europe and the temperate Asia as far east as Japan.

Its main anti-predator defense mechanism comes from the four large eyespots that it has on its wings.

- I can not see her.

- And it stays like this!

- It is very beautiful!

- No, do not touch her! You're going to ruin her cover.

- She did not wake up.

- Right?

- Super!

- Did you see what it is like?

- Yes.

- Such interesting eyes on the back!

- Yes.

- Take the camera, go there and cast light!

- She showed up.

- Should I stand in front of the trunk there?

- A bit away from it.

- Now you're going to tell me.

- Left, left!

- Down!

- Right there! Further down!

- To the water where my footsteps are,


- Cast exactly where she chased, a little bit further!

- Hold the pole up!

- Hold the crankbait up!

- Stop!

- Now reel in and stop!

- Hold the rod to the river, that's right!

- Cast again!

- Stop!

- See where she's chasing! At our feet!

- Cast a little bit further!

- Get it here and stop!

- Stop abruptly!

- All right.

- Exactly!

- She's somewhere here.

- Apparently the spot is good.

- Good job, Kate!

- Reel in and hold the rod like this!

- Otherwise she will come in the grass.

- Reel in!

- Hold the rod ahead!

- She's a big one!

- Stay here!

- As always, we don't have the net.

- Should I go to the car to take it?

- Looks like a big one.

- OK, go!

- Do not let her get close to the shore!

- I will be right back!

- Should I go there or stay here?

- Stay here and hold the rod ahead!

- I'll leave the camera recording.

- Come on! Where's the key?

- I do not know.

- In the pocket.

- Hold it like that!

- She's caught on her head.

- All right!

- Where's the key of the car?

- In the pocket.

- Which pocket, on your jeans?

- Do you have it?

- No, in the purse pocket.

- Here's the purse!

- Hold her, she will not come off if she still hasn't.

- She's caught on the head.

- Hold her, I'm going to pull her out now.

- All right.

Subscribe for more fishing adventures!

- Will we get her out there?

- No, right here!

- The net is long.

- Come on!

- Big running.

- Let's show her like that!

Bit on a handmade crankbait Realwobbler Retro Striped.

It was very cool, guys!

Now we're leaving.

I'll see you next time.


This result was achieved by finding the right place, choosing the right lure and casting it at the right moment.

Fishing is amazing!

For more infomation >> Fishing for Asp, Live Attack/ Риболов на распер на воблер/ Rapfen Angeln mit Wobbler, Livebiss - Duration: 10:27.


"El Polaco", sobreseído en la causa por violencia de género - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> "El Polaco", sobreseído en la causa por violencia de género - Duration: 2:41.


Reader Problems Tag! - Duration: 9:17.

Hey Y'all!

My name is Priscilla and welcome back to my channel.

Today I'm going to be doing the Reader Problems Tag.

I was tagged by Sarah @Basking in Books so I'll make sure to leave her tag video below

as well as the original tag creator video below.

This looks like a pretty good set of questions so I'm just going to go ahead and get started.

The first question is - You have 20,000 books on your TBR.

How in the world do you decide what to read next?

Man...that sounds super stressful!

I don't think that I would ever get up to those kinds of numbers for a TBR.

I already kind of get stressed out if I have a handful of books on my night stand that

are "technically" on my TBR that I want to get to so I can't imagine having 20,000 books

on my TBR.

But I feel like if I had that many, first of all how many libraries is that?

I'll just go pick whatever I'm in the mood for.

And maybe I'll go and read a chapter from each and see if one sticks and if one piques

my interest.

I'll try and read those and try to ignore the massive amount that I still need to get


The next question is - You're halfway through a book and you're just not loving it.

Do you quit or are you committed?

I am now a fan of DNFing.

I don't want to force myself to read a book that I am not enjoying.

I recently DNF'd a book that I was really, really excited about reading and I still kind

of felt that guilt about quitting.

But if you're not enjoying a book, life is just too short...there are so many other books

apparently 20,000 books that could be on your TBR that you could be getting to instead.

So yea, I quit.

Next is - The end of the year is coming and you're so close, but so far away on your

Goodreads reading challenge.

Do you try to catch up and how?

I set my Goodreads goal at a very realistic and honestly, easily achievable goal.

This year I set my goal to 52 books.

Which is about a book a week and I know that I can easily reach that because I don't want

to stress myself out about things that are in my complete control.

I have enough stress in my life as it is I don't need to stress about something else.

In the event, had I needed a couple more books to get to my goal - I would honestly lower

my goal so I am not stressing about picking up shorter...or picking up books specifically

to reach a goal.

I think that I could easily pick up some graphic novels.

I could look into to some novellas or maybe some audiobooks or some poetry.

But I don't think that reading should be a chore.

It [shouldn't] be something that you do just to pat your numbers.

So to answer the question, I would probably just lower my goodreads goal or I would just

eliminate my goodreads goal altogether and try to ignore it and just not focus on it.

The next question is - The covers of a series you love do not match.

How do you cope?

I don't care about this.

Um...I don't have a lot of...I'm not purchasing books regularly to begin with.

So I feel like this is a question more for people that buy a lot of new releases and

are into like new released series.

I love my library so I read a lot of series from my library because I don't want to spend

my dollars on a book that I may not love.

Ideally, I would have a book shelf that is full of 5-star reads.

So I don't really care about this.

So I don't really need to cope because it's not really an issue for me.

The next question - Everyone and their mother loves a book you really don't like.

Who do you bond with over shared feelings?

I definitely bond with Yvette.

With my sister, who is also a booktuber.

And she and I have very similar tastes in reading and books.

Many times we are also reading the same books at the same time.

So I know that I can always go talk to her about a book that I'm reading.

Even if we're not reading it together, even.

Because she understands that sometimes you just need to vent and talk about books.

And I feel like we have a lot of the same experiences in life so we have a lot of the

same perspectives and she will understand if I don't like something.

Or at least she'll listen and try to understand as best as she can.

So definitely Yvette.

The next question is - A sequel of a book you loved just came out, but you've forgotten

a lot from the prior novel.

Will you re-read the book?

Skip the sequel?

Try to find a synopsis on Goodreads?

Cry in frustration?!?!?!?

That last question has lots of question marks and exclamation points.

But um...I probably at this point in my reading life, I don't think I would re-read a book

just to get to the sequel.

I do have some uncompleted series now that I would like to pick up the 3rd book/the final

book when they do release them.

For instance, I did read the 1st two books in the Crazy Rich Asians series.

I still need to get to the 3rd [book].

I don't think that I would pick up the 1st and 2nd to remember everything.

I think that watching some reviews on booktube and kind of refreshing that way and remembering

things that yea I don't want to waste time re-reading a book just to know

everything going into a next book in a series.

Next is - You do not want anyone.


borrowing your books.

How do you politely tell people nope when they ask?

To be honest, I'm not really picky about who borrows my books and that may be because I

don't have a lot of reading friends in real life.

So it's not really too big of an issue for me.

However, just for the sake of this question, if I didn't want people to borrow my books...if

I had like beautiful editions of all the books that I had or they were all signed...if I

had a particular showcase where I was showing my books where it would look awful if someone

took a couple...I would probably say that I am going to lend it out to someone else

before and hopefully they'll forget that I promised to loan it out to them.

*evil snicker* I think that is a little petty but whatever.

It's not really an issue for me to begin with so it's kind of hard for me to answer this


The next question is - Reading ADD.

You've picked up and put down 5 books in the last month.

How do you get over your reading slump?

Um, for me...I've had...I felt like I've felt some reading slumps coming on for the past

year since starting my channel.

And I think that whenever I feel that slump coming on, I'll switch it up.

I like to try to read different genres.

If I've noticed that I've read a lot of fantasy or I've been reading a lot of even fiction

I'll try to switch to non-fiction.

Or I'll try to pick up a like middle grade or an audiobook.

Or maybe I'll just take a day or two and just not read.

I'll just watch a lot of tv.

I think that helps a lot too.

Sometimes I feel like I just oversaturate my brain with reading.

So that really helps too - switching it up or taking a break.

Next is - There are so many new books coming out that you're dying to read!

How many do you actually buy?

Probably none.

Or maybe 1 or 2 if I happen to go to a bookstore and I have no self-control.

I don't want to buy and splurge on books that I'm not sure if I'm going to love.

And absolutely love.

I'm talking like 5-star books.

It's really hard for me to spend money on things that are going to be problematic or

more specifically that are going to be racist, or homophobic, or sexist, etc.

And it is hard to know that about new releases.

So I really try to be informed when buying books.

And I really try to buy books that I know for sure that I'm going to love or that I've

already read from my library and I absolutely loved.

The next question is - After you've bought the new books you can't wait to get to,

how long do they sit on your shelf before you get to them?

Let's look at my shelf now.

Like...I got this one *points to Americanah* in January, I read that a month or 2 later.

I've gotten these 2 books *points to Romeo and Juliet and Wild Beauty* recently.

I got this book In January *referring to Little Fires Everywhere* I read that now.

I got this book *points to Born a Crime* in November and I read that shortly after.

So it really just depends on the book.

But then I have books like The Autobiography of Malcom X which I've had sitting on my shelves

for 2 years which I hadn't gotten to [until this year].

So it really varies, honestly.

I've tried to make it a goal this year to pick up books that are on my shelf...that

have been sitting there.

So yea...anywhere from a few months to years.

Maybe there isn't any in between.

But yea.

And those are all the questions for The Reader Problems tag.

I will make sure to tag a couple people that I want to see do this tag in the description

below and I will make sure to notify you if I tag you.

I really like these questions and I really would like to see people do it.

But I know that this tag is a little bit older so I don't know if everyone....who all has

done this.

So make sure to check the description below.

So with that I'll say I hope that you enjoyed this video and I hope to catch you in the

next video.

So thank you so much for watching!


For more infomation >> Reader Problems Tag! - Duration: 9:17.


Descubrimientos de Juno en Júpiter - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Descubrimientos de Juno en Júpiter - Duration: 4:48.


Budapest Apartment Tour | $33 Gets You THIS?! - Duration: 3:00.

Hi guys!

I'm in Budapest, Hungary and I wanted to show you my Airbnb

because I thought, as I'm travelling around the world staying in so many Airbnbs,

it might be useful to show you what your money gets in different cities.

So this Airbnb right now cost $42.25 Canadian

and in US dollars that's $33 a night

and this place is huge.

There's also two bedrooms and enough seating for six people

and a cot so you'll see that you can get a lot here so I'm going to show you around.

Note three chandeliers when you walk in.


Huge, huge, enormous room.

Tall ceilings.

It's really bright in here.

It looks out onto this nice building across the street so there's a lot of light.

There's two big comfy sofas.

A fire place - doesn't give you heat but it looks nice -

and a big open kitchen,

a huge table for eating and working

and, like I said, there's two bedrooms and three bathrooms.

So there is no lack of space in here.

I'll show you more.

The kitchen has everything that you can need.

It's pretty well equipped.

There's tons of cupboards and things that you can use

but I love having a dishwasher.

It's so nice to not have to wash dishes

when you just want to, like, work or get out and see the city.

Hardwood floors.

It just has that nice old feeling of, you know, an old construction building

but they've really renovated it nicely

so it feels nice and light and bright when you're in here.

And I love the view from across the street.

And the courtyard - oh my god, when we first walked in and our Airbnb host was taking us up the stairs

I was really excited to get inside because

the courtyard has this gorgeous, like, old world feeling with stone steps

and balconies and geraniums dripping off of balconies and it just is really, really beautiful.

This place is actually called the Queen's Chamber

and I feel like you'll see why when you see the master bedroom.

[angel choirs sing AHHH]

There's a king sized bed in here and I can vouch that it's comfortable.

Obviously the wallpaper really takes your attention

and then these gorgeous pink drapes that go floor to ceiling.

Two more big windows.

It just feels light and bright like the rest of the place.

That's it.

That's the tour: two bedroom, three bath in Budapest in a great area

for $33 US dollars a night.

I've loved staying here.

If you guys enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up

and let me know if you want to see more kind of Airbnb-inspired videos:

how I go about finding them, what I look for, negotiating,

things like that or if you just want to see more videos like this

where I give you a quick tour and let you know what the cost is in each city

'cause I really like doing this.

So I hope that you enjoyed it!

Subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and I'll see you in my next video!


For more infomation >> Budapest Apartment Tour | $33 Gets You THIS?! - Duration: 3:00.


Maze Runner: The Death Cure

For more infomation >> Maze Runner: The Death Cure


Custom Seiko SKX007 Mod - Dive Watch Unboxing - Duration: 10:50.

hey guys is Andrew with my watch addiction com and today we have another

Seiko watch unboxing for you so today we actually have a watch that has come in

that I've been waiting for for a little bit extremely extremely slighted to get

my hands on if you look at my channel and all the watches in my collection in

general um and then compare that to other watch review channels and other

guys that are into the watch collecting hobby you'll notice one thing missing

well you'll notice a lot of things missing one of them being my talent

knowledge about watches I get that guys but the other thing you'll notice that

is missing is a Seiko every other watch review channel in the world that I've

ever seen they've reviewed at least one Seiko watch and I personally have never

owned a Seiko watch and when I talked to people that that just absolutely blows

their mind that I personally have never owned a Seiko watch so I started

thinking you know what maybe it's time for me to get a Seiko watch and graduate

into the big boys with the rest of these guys so I started looking and I found

one that I wanted but in true my watch addictions fashion it's not just a

normal Seiko watch before we get started and take a look at this guys let's take

a look and see what's on my wrist

so the watch of the day is that Aragon sky guardian would that fly back

chronograph alright guys so what could it be what is in this box that I am so

excited about let's tear this guy open now this is a watch that came from a

friend of mine in one of the watch groups and this guy has some seriously

amazing talent so I will post up his contact

information to his social media in the end he's obviously seen my videos and

knows that I love when things are packed appropriately so we have a Seiko box can

you guess what's in it open this guy up I have another say go box and there's

the instruction manual so before I open this up I will tell you guys that this

is a Seiko SK double-oh-seven diver we're gonna zoom in a little bit

here because I'm super super super stoked about seeing this watch and of

course it's no surprise it's not going to let itself be seen easily so this is

a Seiko double-oh-seven that has been customized just for my

watch editions there it is the Seiko double-oh-seven I'm blown away by this

watch guys we're gonna set this down get a little closer up view of it and I will

tell you exactly what I had rizzo do to this watch to make it mine so I think

you guys know me and buy enough and now if you've been watching

my channel for a little bit anyway that you know I like things that are straight

badass and this watch to me is 100% straight badass so Rizzo actually goes

out and he takes a base Seiko skx double-oh-seven

and then adds the parts that his customer may want him to put on it so in

this watch specifically he and I looked at a buttload of watch hands we looked

at a buttload of bezels bezel inserts buttload of different things in this is

the design that with his help that I came up with so few things that we've

changed on this Seiko custom Seiko skx so obviously first thing you'll notice

is it's got that blue sunburst dial and that dial I I don't know if I can give

it you know give it justice in the lighting in this room I'm gonna have to

get some pictures later of this because this dial is absolutely amazing this

thing just pops would that sunburst affect full loom on this dial with the

applied indices at the our markers second thing we change on this watch was

those that minute in our hand minute in our hand I wanted something with an edge

I wanted something sharp I wanted something pointy that would freakin

stick you and make you go oh so that's why I chose those minute and hour hands

that katana second hand with the red tip looked around for that one finally found

that second hand that does have loom on the far end of the second hand the

opposite end right there there's a little bit of loom in there so I'm kind

of excited about that bezel insert very basic ceramic bezel

insert with the red highlights right there at that 12 o'clock position and

then we went with a vintage toothy bezel I like this hard edge I like these

angles I love how sharp this watch is this this watch just looks straight

badass then when you combine all of that with that just stock

very basic stock Seiko skx bracelet that is on here this guy's this watch is

something that I am extremely extremely happy about the other thing that we did

on this watch that I will point out in a little bit is we added a domed sapphire

crystal with a AR coating now the AR coating on this watch I went with red

can you guys see that red tint to that AR coating that is cool I mean looking

at it straight on you're not seeing it but you'd see that red pop with that AR

coating I'm loving it I'm loving it I mean I I don't know how the Stu explain

it and then you look at that dome sapphire crystal we went with the domed

to stay flush with the bezel and get another look at that

AR coated sapphire crystal you can kind of see it right there see that red

anti-reflective coating pop a little bit you can see the dimension in that dial

see that sunburst effect on that blue dial with

the lights this guys I am loving this watch loving this watch and quite

honestly I now understand why everybody else and their brother reviews Seiko

watches III personally see what the excitement the love for these Seiko

watches are I mean I'm really enjoying the looks of this watch and I cannot

wait to get this watch on my wrist alright guys so that was the custom

Seiko skx double-oh-seven that I had Rob Rizzo built for me and customized for me

guys this is getting pretty close to being one of the favorite watches that I

have in my collection just the the overall style looks like it's gonna be

an extremely comfortable watch I cannot wait to get this watch on my rib

and get some risk time with this watch this is a watch that will not be sold or

traded anytime soon because I'm absolutely in love with this this guy

did an amazing job if you guys are in any of the Facebook watch groups he's

very active on Facebook especially in the watch gaining exchange you can check

him out there as well as watch his Facebook group all over the place this

guy's popping up showing custom pictures of his custom modded Seiko watches this

guy does great work extremely fast great communication guys I would

absolutely recommend checking him out down in the description section below

I'm gonna post up some links to his social media pages feel free to reach

out to him talk to him see what he has to say maybe you can come up with a

design that will blow your doors off just like this one does meet so guys

thank you very much post up in the comments below let me know what you guys

think like subscribe and don't forget you guys are gonna be able to see this

one on my wrist at Instagram slash watch addiction dye us thank you guys and have

a great week

For more infomation >> Custom Seiko SKX007 Mod - Dive Watch Unboxing - Duration: 10:50.


Trump Suddenly Realizes Who's Standing Next To Him, Abruptly Stops His Speech - Duration: 3:55.

Trump Suddenly Realizes Who's Standing Next To Him, Abruptly Stops His Speech.

President Donald Trump spoke to members of the United States Military Academy at West

Point this week when, suddenly, he realized who was standing right beside him.

After taking notice, Trump abruptly stopped his speech to address the VIP with a message,

that was not previously included in his prepared remarks.

According to The Daily Caller, President Donald Trump was speaking to members of the United

States Military Academy at West Point Tuesday, when he read part of his speech, thanking

the superintendent of the school.

When Trump turned around and saw him, he immediately remembered meeting him and shook his hand.

"Special thanks to West Point Superintendent, Lieutenant General Bob Caslen.

Where's Bob?

Where's Bob?" said Trump.

He then turned to Lieutenant General Robert L. Caslen and shook his hand.

"How do you like it, Bob?

Bob Caslen, you know, you remember our meeting, right?

But, I'm glad you did what you did, and you have done a fantastic job.

I made the right choice with you," said the president.

"General, you're a great leader at a legendary institution that has been a source of pride,

and strength for our country for more than two centuries."

Also on Tuesday, President Donald Trump signaled once again that he wants to create a new branch

of the U.S. military dedicated to fighting in outer space.

While addressing members of the West Point football team at the White House, Trump floated

the idea of adding a "Space Force" branch to the US military, a concept that has received

some support on Capitol Hill but has drawn skepticism from the Pentagon, according to

FOX 2 now.

"You will be part of the five proud branches of the United States Armed Forces Army, Navy,

Marines, Air Force, and the Coast Guard.

And we're actually thinking of a sixth, and that would be the Space Force," Trump

said while presenting the Commander-in-Chief's Trophy to the Army football team in the Rose


"You probably haven't even heard that.

I'm just telling you now.

We're getting very big in space, both militarily and for other reasons, and we are seriously

thinking of the Space Force," he added.

Trump previously voiced his support for creating a "Space Force" during a speech in March

before military members in California.

"Space is a war-fighting domain, just like the land, air, and sea," Trump said at the


"We may even have a Space Force."

The idea was endorsed by Rep. Mike Rogers, an Alabama Republican who's the chairman

of the House Armed Services Strategic Forces Subcommittee.

"I am thrilled that the Space Corps idea is gaining traction at the White House.

Congressman Jim Cooper (D-TN) and I have worked tirelessly on the House Armed Services Committee

(HASC) Strategic Forces subcommittee level on the need for a Space Corps outside of the

Air Force for over two years now," said Rogers.

"Russia and China are surpassing us in Space capabilities, and we need to dedicate a separate

force solely with a Space mission.

The future of war will be fought in Space, and we must stay diligent and ahead of other

countries for our own national security," he added.

The idea of a Space Force is something which would have seemed unthinkable ten or twenty

years ago, but with modern advancements, it is now something we must seriously consider

in the interest of national security.

As the president and Republican lawmakers have stated, it is imperative that we remain

diligent and ahead of other countries where our military is concerned.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today

For more infomation >> Trump Suddenly Realizes Who's Standing Next To Him, Abruptly Stops His Speech - Duration: 3:55.


Budapest Apartment Tour | $33 Gets You THIS?! - Duration: 3:00.

Hi guys!

I'm in Budapest, Hungary and I wanted to show you my Airbnb

because I thought, as I'm travelling around the world staying in so many Airbnbs,

it might be useful to show you what your money gets in different cities.

So this Airbnb right now cost $42.25 Canadian

and in US dollars that's $33 a night

and this place is huge.

There's also two bedrooms and enough seating for six people

and a cot so you'll see that you can get a lot here so I'm going to show you around.

Note three chandeliers when you walk in.


Huge, huge, enormous room.

Tall ceilings.

It's really bright in here.

It looks out onto this nice building across the street so there's a lot of light.

There's two big comfy sofas.

A fire place - doesn't give you heat but it looks nice -

and a big open kitchen,

a huge table for eating and working

and, like I said, there's two bedrooms and three bathrooms.

So there is no lack of space in here.

I'll show you more.

The kitchen has everything that you can need.

It's pretty well equipped.

There's tons of cupboards and things that you can use

but I love having a dishwasher.

It's so nice to not have to wash dishes

when you just want to, like, work or get out and see the city.

Hardwood floors.

It just has that nice old feeling of, you know, an old construction building

but they've really renovated it nicely

so it feels nice and light and bright when you're in here.

And I love the view from across the street.

And the courtyard - oh my god, when we first walked in and our Airbnb host was taking us up the stairs

I was really excited to get inside because

the courtyard has this gorgeous, like, old world feeling with stone steps

and balconies and geraniums dripping off of balconies and it just is really, really beautiful.

This place is actually called the Queen's Chamber

and I feel like you'll see why when you see the master bedroom.

[angel choirs sing AHHH]

There's a king sized bed in here and I can vouch that it's comfortable.

Obviously the wallpaper really takes your attention

and then these gorgeous pink drapes that go floor to ceiling.

Two more big windows.

It just feels light and bright like the rest of the place.

That's it.

That's the tour: two bedroom, three bath in Budapest in a great area

for $33 US dollars a night.

I've loved staying here.

If you guys enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up

and let me know if you want to see more kind of Airbnb-inspired videos:

how I go about finding them, what I look for, negotiating,

things like that or if you just want to see more videos like this

where I give you a quick tour and let you know what the cost is in each city

'cause I really like doing this.

So I hope that you enjoyed it!

Subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and I'll see you in my next video!


For more infomation >> Budapest Apartment Tour | $33 Gets You THIS?! - Duration: 3:00.


Jurgen Klopp confident transfer targets will want to join Liverpool after Champions League progress - Duration: 3:59.

Jurgen Klopp confident transfer targets will want to join Liverpool after Champions League progress

Jurgen Klopp has acknowledged the importance of Liverpools Champions League progress in convincing specific players to join this summer.

The Reds have booked their place in the final against Real Madrid on May 26, while they are still battling for a top-four finish in the Premier League.

Beating either Real or Sundays league opponents Chelsea would guarantee a place in next seasons competition, with victory in Kiev clearly an even bigger achievement.

Though Klopp has signed the likes of Virgil van Dijk, Naby Keita and Mohamed Salah already, this continued success will likely have an impact on the calibre of player Liverpool can attract.

The Reds could bank up to £69 million if they beat Real Madrid in the final, and still have the £142 million from the sale of Philippe Coutinho in January.

Speaking at his first pre-match press conference since Wednesday nights 7-6 aggregate win over Roma in the semi-finals, Klopp addressed the allure of Champions League football to top talents.

With the players we talked to [already], nobody has said if you dont do it in end its all for nothing, he said.

Thats all clear, we battle and challenge with the best football clubs in the world.

And whatever you can do to bring yourself in the better position to get these players you should do it.

In this moment we are quite attractive.

We pay good wages, we pay absolutely OK transfer fees, so we can go for a few really good players.

But other teams are interested in them as well.

Thats always how it is.

There are a few soft factors, and a few harder factors, which help the boys to make the right decision—and the right decision would be to join us!.

Its clear, if you are qualified for the Champions League its easier to convince specific players.

It remains to be seen who Liverpool will target in the upcoming transfer window, but with Borussia Dortmund youngster Christian Pulisic linked again on Thursday he may well be on the radar.

Championship trio Ryan Sessegnon (Fulham), Ruben Neves (Wolves) and James Maddison (Norwich City) have also been touted with moves to Anfield, along with Napoli midfielder Jorginho.

If Klopp ultimately opts to sign another first-choice goalkeeper, Liverpools European involvement could have a major sway, with Romas Alisson and Atletico Madrids Jan Oblak the prime candidates.

But the managers assertion that the club are already discussing deals with prospective signings is encouraging, with further investment required this summer.

For more infomation >> Jurgen Klopp confident transfer targets will want to join Liverpool after Champions League progress - Duration: 3:59.


Pazurowie świętują rocznicę ślubu: "On mi wiąże buty, ja pomagam mu wstać" - Duration: 3:20.

Pazurowie świętują rocznicę ślubu: "On mi wiąże buty, ja pomagam mu wstać"

Kiedy dziewięć lat temu Cezary Pazura i poznana w wagonie WRS-u Edyta Zając brali ślub, mało kto wróżył im szczęśliwą przyszłość.

W dniu ślubu panna młoda była w zaawansowanej ciąży i wyglądała zupełnie inaczej niż obecnie.

Jak wyznał Czarek z perspektywy czasu, była diamentem, który oszlifowano w bolesny sposób.

Święte słowa! Podobno sam tylko dentysta wziął 40 tysięcy złotych.

W każdym razie, licząc od dnia ślubu, dziewięć lat i dwie ciąże później Czarkowi siadł kręgosłup.

Ból tak bardzo mu dokuczał, że nie było innego wyjścia, jak tylko znaleźć czas na operację.

Sprawa była o tyle pilna, że termin porodu zbliża się wielkimi krokami, a Czarek chce być w formie, gdy na świecie pojawi się jego trzecie z Edytą, a czwarte ogólnie, dziecko.

Na szczęście operacja się udała i aktor wkroczył w okres rekonwalescencji.

Jest przy tym zdany na pomoc żony, która, będąc w zaawansowanej ciąży, sama potrzebuje wsparcia w codziennych czynnościach.

Jak żartobliwie sugeruje Edyta, z powodu fizycznych ograniczeń, żyją obecnie jak para staruszków.

1 Maja? Nasza kolejna urocza rocznica ślubu.

On mi wiąże buty, a ja pomagam mu wstać i tak jakoś razem ciągniemy ten wózek już 9 lat - napisała czule na Instagramie.

Jak to się mówi: nieważne gdzie, nieważne jak, ale ważne z kim.

For more infomation >> Pazurowie świętują rocznicę ślubu: "On mi wiąże buty, ja pomagam mu wstać" - Duration: 3:20.


하승리 심은하 딸? ♥ 뉴스 속보 || TWHKstar - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> 하승리 심은하 딸? ♥ 뉴스 속보 || TWHKstar - Duration: 3:25.


Para Que Sirve El Azafran Como Planta Medicinal, Azafran Usos, Para Que Sirve El Azafran, Azafran - Duration: 7:18.

For more infomation >> Para Que Sirve El Azafran Como Planta Medicinal, Azafran Usos, Para Que Sirve El Azafran, Azafran - Duration: 7:18.


Bill Kaulitz: Sein Liebes-Leben ist ein Geheimnis! - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Bill Kaulitz: Sein Liebes-Leben ist ein Geheimnis! - Duration: 2:47.


Simple And Natural Everyday Makeup Tutorial *Life changing* - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> Simple And Natural Everyday Makeup Tutorial *Life changing* - Duration: 5:17.


May the 4th be with you! - Duration: 0:06.

Help me, Therapy Center of Buda!

You're my only hope!

For more infomation >> May the 4th be with you! - Duration: 0:06.


j cole type beat 2018-"broken...

For more infomation >> j cole type beat 2018-"broken...


'I Come From Compton' Ep. 1 Official Clip | Being Serena | HBO - Duration: 2:55.

SERENA WILLIAMS: I come from Compton.


I come from a family that had to work for everything it got,

and took nothing for granted.

I had to worry about all kinds of things growing up.

Gangs, robberies, murders,

gunshots, right outside our door.

There was a lot to be afraid of.

There was a lot to run away from.

But ultimately, that fear, it drove us forward.

We've never stopped trying to win...

RICHARD WILLIAMS: Soon as it bounces, that's you.

SERENA: ...And we've never stop trying to grow.

This is you at the U.S. Open. Boom! Good. This is you.



TECHNICIAN: Oh, she's face up today.

SERENA: But for the delivery, they should be face down, right?


-Is that her hand in there? -TECHNICIAN: Her hand.

-(SERENA SPEAKING) -You see? The fore--

That's forehead, nose-- forehead, nose, and cheek.

-Her little nose, her lips. -Yeah.

-See her cheek? -WOMAN: I don't see it.

Me neither.



SERENA: So babies never open their eyes?

TECHNICIAN: They do but they have that covered,

but they don't-- the water won't get in there.

So, you could see her sometimes.

You're getting heartburn, right now?

-SERENA: Oh, my God, the worst. -(MONITOR BEEPS)

The water gives me heartburn at this point.

-TECHNICIAN: Really? -Mm-hmm. Everything.


SERENA: I've always wanted to start a family.

I've always envisioned myself as a mom.

But it happened so unexpectedly.

ALEXIS: She still kicking?


(ALEXIS CHUCKLES) I seen you make those faces.

SERENA: So now, becoming a mom,

I definitely feel the pressure, you know,

and I feel a little anxiety, 'cause I don't know, like,

am I gonna be a good mom? Am I gonna be...

a strict mom? Am I gonna be...

not strict enough? Like, I don't really know,

and so, that anxiety has kind of turned into a little bit of

nervousness and fear, and, um,

I'm really hesitant.

I guess it's the same attitude I have in tennis,

I wanna make sure that I'm the best

and I'm good enough.

For more infomation >> 'I Come From Compton' Ep. 1 Official Clip | Being Serena | HBO - Duration: 2:55.


May the Force Be With You MEANING! - (May the 4th Special) Star Wars Explained - Duration: 4:02.

Hey everybody and welcome to Leia's Lair.

In this special Star Wars Day episode, I will be going over where the phrase "May the

Force Be With You" came from and how it is used.

If you are enjoying the videos, please give them a like, share and subscribe to the channel

so I can continue making them for you.

As you all know, the phrase "May the Force Be With You" is said continuously throughout

the Star Wars series.

But where did this phrase come from and what does it mean?

Beginning with the Canon information, the exact phrase "May the Force Be With You"

was first seen in Episode 4, when general Dodonna said it to the Rebel pilots before

the Battle of Yavin.

It is typically used by the Jedi to wish someone good fortune, especially when a particular

challenge is imminent or when the individuals are parting ways.

It implies that the force will work in favor of the individual so that the individual might

complete their task effectively.

Famous uses of the phrase were in Episode 1 when Qui-Gonn says it to Anakin before his

pod race, when Obi-Wan uses it in Episode 3 as part of his message to Order 66 survivors,

in Episode 5 when Luke says it to Lando and Chewie and in Episode 7 when Leia says it

to Rey as she departs to find Luke.

Variants of the phrase are also common.

Examples include when Obi- Wan tells Luke "the force will be with you.

Always" or when he says "Luke, the force will be with you"

According to the Legends information, the phrase was originally used by the ancient

Je'daii Order and was said as"May the force go with you" instead of "May the

Force be With you" The phrase was also seen as a formal salutation between Jedi.

That being said, non Jedi eventually would adopt the phrase to wish luck before going

into battle.

And there you have it!

Why Jedi say "May the Force Be With You".

Thanks for watching everyone.

What is your favorite use of the phrase?

Let me know down below in the comment section.

And remember to like, share and subscribe to the channel for more great videos to come.

I hope to see you all again in Leia's Lair.

For more infomation >> May the Force Be With You MEANING! - (May the 4th Special) Star Wars Explained - Duration: 4:02.



What's up my toes? It's Jonathan.

It's day number three in May for Foot Health Month. So today's video is gonna be a real-life

application of what happens when you don't wear proper footwear. Yesterday's video, which by the way

I'm filming today, was discussing the importance of proper footwear. Proper footwork is huge! With the right footwear, you're gonna

eliminate I would say 75 to 80 percent of all your problems. Today's case is of a woman who's been wearing a shoe

that's a little bit too narrow, too tight for her.

She has claw toes and what happens when you have claw toes, they don't sit flat in the shoe.

They become raised and because they're raised, they hit the top of the shoe more and that constant pressure from that

tight-fitting or shallow toe box

will cause hard skin to grow. Because there's no room for the hard skin to really grow above, what happens it kind of grows into

the body forming some sort of corn,

callus, and potentially a wound, which happened in today's case. So today, we're going to see again a real life application.

What happens when you wear shoes that might be a little bit too narrow, too tight and too shallow?

You have to wear the right shoes for your foot type! One last thing for you toes out there,

I'm doing a seminar in Toronto, Canada June 9th.

I'm only right now having 40 spots available. If you're curious about learning more about foot health,

how to provide better service for your clients, whether you're a foot care nurse,

pedicurist, nail technician, I'm here to help. I want to educate you guys.

I want to up your skills so you guys can provide better services for your clients. Go to my website

There's a product for the seminar. Purchase that and you're good to go.

Hope you guys are enjoying Foot Health Month. Toe Bro, out.


TB: First you're gonna put on the shoes.

Patient: You like them too? You like fashion?

TB: (laughs) You're a very fashionable woman; you're an elegant woman.

P: When you're younger, it's different.

TB: No, don't give me that.

P: No more shoes like this.

TB: No, but you still look good .

P: I gave everything away.

TB: But you still look good; you're still abeautiful woman!

So you're a tough strong woman.

So you've been helping your husband a lot, so I'm gonna help you. So what we're gonna

do, we take as much dead skin as we can.

Like I told you I think there's a wound underneath.

P: Yeah.

TB: I give you the antibiotic cream, we get all the pressure off of it; we have to get the those shoes off.

P: But when I go out?

TB: Yes, when you go out, it's different, but you have to try...

P: At home, I don't wear shoes.

TB: Well now that it becomes better weather, if you can wear open-toe, much better.

P: Oh, yeah. I can bring sandals, just in case.

TB: Okay, so I want you just to relax.

I know you're nervous, but we're just removing dead skin. If something's too sore, you let me know. Okay?

P: I hate to go to the dentist too but I have to go to the dentist again! Oh!

I don't want to see.

TB: Don't want to see? Okay.

P: No!

See my husband had a problem last night just in bed before he going now lay down in bed.

He's bleeding by his nose.

TB: Oh!

P: Because he takes coumadin for his heart.

TB: Yes.

P: And the blood must be too thin


before lunch, he started bleeding again. He's in the car. I bring him with me.

TB: He's in the car now?

P: He's in the car.

TB: Is he okay there?

P: I guess so. I bring a bucket, I put

paper towels, I put

peroxide, cottons for him if he needing to put it on.

TB: Okay.

TB: The good thing is, this won't take too long.

P: No. It's dead.

TB: It's dead. Is it hurting?

P: No.

TB: And now you're watching!

You're watching.

P: I don't like to see surgeries and things like that.

TB: Well good thing good thing this is no surgery.

P: My husband, he loves to see everything.

TB: Well you should have brought him in then he could be helping me.

P: He can hardly walk. He would have to come with a walker.

TB: So your doctor referred you here right away?

P: I asked and he said, "You can't walk like that." I have trouble with that foot too. I have arthritis.

TB: Yes, so what you have here we call this a claw toe.

P: A what?

TB: A claw toe.

And that's it's like a claw.

P: I thought it was a hammer toe.

TB: Hammer, toe claw toe they're very similar.

P: Yeah?

TB: Yes,

you can use both terms. So the hammer toe is making the top of the toe hit the shoe and all that pressure is...

P: I had problems with my shoes.

TB: Yes, I know.

P: I have a brand new pair of shoes, when I tried, it was okay but now no way I can put them on.

TB: But I'll tell you this, Marie: you're looking so good you don't worry about the shoes! Wear a shoe

that's comfortable. You're a beautiful woman and you don't have to worry about the the footwear.

P: I understand, yeah.

TB: You wear a shoe that feels comfortable. If you do not remove the pressure from the shoes,

P: I know.

TB: This will keep coming back.

P: Yeah.

TB: So like I told you, I knew there was a little hole here, but it's not too bad at all.

P: Not bad?

TB: No.

P: Because I've been putting on, what do you call it, to take the pain away?

Infection creams.

TB: Okay, no corn pads!

None of that!

P: It's what's happening. I don't put a corn pad. I put just a

clear pad for cushion.

TB: Okay.

P: And it becomes black and I don't put her nothing to...

TB: What the black was was the dry blood.

P: The medication makes a hole and I don't want that on my foot.

TB: No. So that corn, that black was dry blood.

P: Yeah? Maybe from me to scratch it?

TB: From scratching or from too much pressure.

So, what's gonna happen, I'm gonna take a little bit more, but this is pretty much... a little sensitive, or you okay?

P: Yes. I'm okay.

TB: Okay, we're almost done. So this is pretty much all we have to do.

P: I turn my face away.

TB: Don't, don't worry! So the wound isn't deep; it's very superficial,

very shallow.

P: Yeah?

TB: Yes.

In a couple weeks, this will be fully closed.

We're gonna use an antibiotic cream, we come back in three weeks...

P: I come back?

TB: Yeah, just to make sure it's healing up.

P: Oh, it's so expensive here.

TB: No, no, we're just gonna take a look. We're just gonna take a look. I noticed...

P: See, I am tired.

TB: I know, I know you're tired. I know you're diabetic, but what we're gonna

do, I'm not gonna charge you we're just gonna take a quick look, and if it's healed, you're okay.

You okay?

P: Yeah. That is a nice knife.

TB: It is a very nice knife.

P: Very gentle. It cuts well too.

TB: That's what we want.

P: Yeah.

P: And I even put the seams on the socks, I put everything outside, I don't want it close to my feet..

TB: Of course, that's very smart of you, so I'm just wiping down this.

P: You know what? I am old but I try to get...

TB: See this?

P: Yes, yes.

TB: I'm gonna take a little bit more, but basically. That's it; you see how much better

it looks? It's not so deep. We use the antibiotic cream, we take the pressure off, and in a couple weeks

this will be fully healed, but you have to remove the pressure.

P: Yeah, I will. I'll never wear...

TB: We're good, I know but there was no pain today, right? Look how easy that was, okay?

For more infomation >> FOOT CORN REMOVAL FULL TREATMENT - FOOT HEALTH MONTH 2018 #3 - Duration: 8:03.


「世界第一」公司進入中國,微信支付寶會出局嗎? - Duration: 10:42.

For more infomation >> 「世界第一」公司進入中國,微信支付寶會出局嗎? - Duration: 10:42.


Miała 11 lat, gdy wygrała "Szansę na sukces" i podbiła serca widzów. - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Miała 11 lat, gdy wygrała "Szansę na sukces" i podbiła serca widzów. - Duration: 1:52.


6 oli naturali per i capelli danneggiati - Salute 365 - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> 6 oli naturali per i capelli danneggiati - Salute 365 - Duration: 4:17.


美國曾嚴辭拒絕中國進入?如今中國會放美國進入中國空間站嗎? - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> 美國曾嚴辭拒絕中國進入?如今中國會放美國進入中國空間站嗎? - Duration: 6:44.


Top 10 Inappropriate Pokemon - Duration: 5:08.

Hey guys!

Welcome back to Top 10 Gaming, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

Pokemon is one of the most popular franchises in the world, and while it's marketed towards

kids, there are also a significant number of older fans.

These fans tend to view Pokemon through a different, less innocent lens than the younger

fans, and if you really think about some of the Pokemon... they could be massively misconstrued.

Obviously, this video isn't super serious, I'm not actually claiming that these Pokemon

are in some way inappropriate for kids... but it's kinda fun to joke around about some

of the more ridiculous ones.

If you enjoy this video, let us know by throwing us a thumbs up down below.

And if you want more, check out our video on the Naughtiest moments in Pokemon!

But before you do that, get ready, it's time for the Top 10 Inappropriate Pokemon!

Number 10: Medicham.

I'm gonna apologize in advance for ruining your vision of Medicham.

Enjoy your last moments of innocence.

You ready?

Look at the knees.

Look at that pair of knees.

Look at that plump pair of knees.

Look at that plump, d-cup – okay you get what I'm saying, they look like bewbs.

The dots on the knees are definitely nipples, and there's even a plunging neckline at

the waist.

I will never unsee this.

And now, you won't either.


Number 9: Haunter.

Pokemon is very child-friendly for the most part; they don't even die when you defeat

them, they just "faint".

But Haunter is just freaky.

His pokedex entries tend to describe him sneaking up on people and licking them to death.

Licking them to death.

Damn, Pokemon.

Sounds more like a Tinder bio than a Pokedex entry.

Number 8: Onix.

Onix is widely seen as one of the more inappropriate pokemon, due to its rather phallic shape,

and the fact that it's famous for being incredibly hard.

Is it an original observation?


Was it intended to be a penis joke?


Is it still funny to think about how much Brock loves his rock hard Onix?

Oh yeah.

Because I'm immature.

Number 7: Cloyster.

I mean, yeah, if I'm including Onix, I gotta include the female counterpart, Cloyster.

There was actually a couple in one of the games that would send out an Onix and a Cloyster,

and it became something of a naughty meme.

And really, it works so well, particularly with Cloyster.

There are the large outer walls, smaller inner walls, a dark hole on the inside, and a protrusion

near the top.

The spiky clit seals the deal for me.

So naughty.

Number 6: Vileploom.

This one isn't based on looks or name or anything; this is about a specific move, which

means it could apply to some others but I chose Vileploom because reasons.

Vileploom among other pokemon, can use stun spore, which launches spores at the enemy

to paralyze them.

But the thing is, spores are actually involved in asexual reproduction, and are the way some

plants spread their seed.

So when Vileploom uses stun spore, it's actually hurling its paralyzing fetuses at


Damn dawg.


Number 5: Lickitung.


This was such an easy choice.

This Pokemon's whole schtick is that it licks stuff.

With its big tongue.

Not only does this evoke disturbing sexual images that I'm 100% sure are out there

in rule34 form on the internet, but it's just weird in general.

If you don't think this is inappropriate, try going around licking people.

It won't end well.

Word to the wise, don't try it at the gym.

Everyone's all salty, plus they'll beat you up and take your money for trying to lick


So sensitive.

Number 4: Parasect.

I think you know what I'm getting at here.

You just have to use your HEAD.

Here's a TIP: If you don't see why Parasect is inappropriate, take a GLANS at the DOME.


Whoops took it too far.

It looks like a penis head.

And there's probably a crabs joke in there too.


Number 3: Jynx.

Oh my sweet goodness, Jynx.

You might think I'm gonna talk about how Jynx is inappropriate because they're all

weird and sexual.

But you're wrong.

I'm gonna talk about the blackface.


Originally, Jynx didn't have the purple skin we now know.

Their skin was black.

That, combined with the exaggerated lips, looked an awful lot like the racist African

stereotypes portrayed in early cartoons.

Pretty inappropes, even if it was meant to refer to Yama-Uba, a Japanese ice ghost.

Which it probably was.

Number 2: Goodra.

Goodra is a dragon type pokemon that loves to hug others with its slimy body.

According to the Pokedex, this goo is just tears, because Goodra cry when they get lonely.

But I don't buy it.

Because there's something else people tend to do when they're alone that is much more

likely to end up with them covered in goo.

I'll give you a hint: It rhymes with bastursmation.


Number 1: Metapod.

I'm sure you know where I'm going with this, but bear with me.

Anyone who's played pokemon knows that Metapod tends to have a pretty limited moveset.

Even if you evolved from Caterpie, you generally only know tackle, harden, and String Shot.

Now let's look at those last two.

Harden, where it becomes harder and stiffer, and string shot, where it launches sticky

strings at the enemy to slow it down.

So, this is a vaguely phallic Pokemon, that can harden and shoot sticky white stuff at


Need I say more?

That's it for today!

Hope you guys enjoyed, if you did please smack that thumbs up button and subscribe to Top

10 Gaming for more videos!

Check out our Top 10 Pokemon playlist for more videos like this one!

And let me know if I missed any potentially inappropriate Pokemon!

I know this list is mostly Gen 1, but that was the OG generation for me so I know it

the best.

Plus everybody knows the Gen 1 Pokemon are the best.

Until next time, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Top 10 Gaming.

Later gamers!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Inappropriate Pokemon - Duration: 5:08.



Wzdęty brzuch to nic przyjemnego. Sprawia, że czujesz się źle i nie wyglądasz dobrze. Nie wspominając już o gazach i ogólnym dyskomforcie. 

Wiele osób uważa, że taki brzuch to sprawa tłuszczu. Przyczyna jednak leży gdzie indziej. Za przykład weźmy typowego „grubego-chudego" faceta.

Taki mężczyzna jest szczupły, ale jego brzuch wygląda ja balon. Jaka jest jednak tego przyczyna? Najprawdopodobniej jego brzuch jest po prostu nadmiernie rozdęty. Skąd to się bierze?

Za małe spożycie wody. Jej za mała ilość w organizmie to powód wielu dolegliwości zdrowotnych. Do tego można dodać również za dużo kawy i alkohol. Powinniśmy dziennie spożywać około 6 – 8 szklanek wody.

Jeśli jednak nie zapewnimy odpowiedniej jej ilości naszemu organizmowi, zaczynają pojawiać się wzdęcia. Odpowiedź jest więc prosta. Chcesz pozbyć się wzdętego brzucha? Pij więcej wody!

Zaparcia.Kto je kiedykolwiek miał, wie jak bardzo nieprzyjemne są. Jest jednak na to sposób. Wystarczy spożywać więcej błonnika.

Chleb pełnoziarnisty i pod żadnym pozorem nie biały. Koktajle, jagody i inne pokarmy, które zawierają dużo tego składnika odżywczego pomogą w rozwiązaniu problemu zaparć.

Przewlekły stres.Stres również może powodować wzdęcia. Układ trawienny może pracować niepoprawnie, gdy jesteś wystawiony na stresujące sytuację. Wtedy też mogą wystąpić bóle brzucha i zaparcia.

Zbyt szybkie jedzenie.Przeżuwaj jedzenie powoli. Dzięki temu będzie ono poprawnie się trawić. Zbyt szybkie spożywanie pokarmów sprawia, że są one niewystarczająco rozdrobnione, przez to też brzuch nadyma się.

Węglowodany.Nic nie powiększa Twojego brzucha tak jak zbyt duża ilość węglowodanów. Zmniejsz ich ilość i ogranicz alkohol. Fast foody zastąp świeżymi owocami i warzywami.

Stosuj się do powyższych rad, a zobaczysz, że bardzo szybko poczujesz się lepiej, a Twój brzuch powróci do starej formy.

For more infomation >> NIE JESTEŚ GRUBY! TO TWÓJ ŻOŁĄDEK JEST NADĘTY! - Duration: 1:50.



For more infomation >> COME RAGGIUNGERE I TUOI OBIETTIVI - Duration: 2:46.


Sarah Huckabee Sanders Admits That No One In The White House Tells Her Anything - Duration: 2:57.

Sympathy for Sarah Huckabee Sanders after being roasted by Michelle Wolf because Huckabee

Sanders dares to wear a smoky eye makeup.

Sympathy for her is pretty much worn off at this point, and that was on full display at

the White House press briefing on Thursday.

Obviously Sarah Huckabee Sanders had walked into that room knowing she was going to get

some kind of question regarding Rudy Giuliani's admission the night before, that yeah Donald

Trump totally paid back Michael Cohen for Stormy Daniels payments.

So what?

Yeah, that's basically admitting that the President committed a crime.

Huckabee Sanders walked into that press briefing going, "Somebody's going to ask me about this

and I'm going to have to give some kind of answer.

How can I lie my way through this?"

Well as it turns out she didn't have to lie, because nobody in the White House tells Sarah

Huckabee Sanders anything.

Take a look at her answer when asked directly about Rudy Giuliani's admission.

Here it is.

To clarify, when did you specifically know that the President repaid Mr. Cohen for the

$130,000, you personally?

The first awareness I had was during the interview last month.


Sarah Huckabee Sanders didn't know.

She, I guess, hadn't talked to anybody in the White House before that, even though she's

taken questions on the Stormy Daniels/Michael Cohen business many, many times.

Nobody bothered to tell the Press Secretary what actually happened so that she could in

advance maybe craft something a little better than, "Yeah, I caught it on Fox News last


Crazy, huh?

Next question.

Who's up?


Anybody, give me something other than this question."

Sarah Huckabee Sanders gets her news about what's happening in her own office the same

way all the right wing trolls out there get their news, by watching Fox.

Shouldn't we expect a little bit better from the press secretary for the White House?

Shouldn't somebody in that office be explaining to her what's going on or does she just sit

there in her office all day, wondering how in the hell she's going to face the press

one more time.

What lies can she tell?

What BS can she sell, instead of going out there and saying, "Excuse me, hey, guy down

the hall, what's going on in the White House?

Maybe somebody, anybody, give me a little news so I can prepare for this crap."

Had she not been such a horrible human being from the start of her tenure at the White

House, you might actually have a little bit of sympathy for her, but when you make the

conscious choice to go out there every single day and lie to the American public, I have

no, none whatsoever, empathy for the fact that nobody in that White House is telling

you what's actually going on.

For more infomation >> Sarah Huckabee Sanders Admits That No One In The White House Tells Her Anything - Duration: 2:57.


Hans Lukas Kieser - First World War, American Missionaries and Missionary Reports -I- - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Hans Lukas Kieser - First World War, American Missionaries and Missionary Reports -I- - Duration: 4:20.


Citroën C3 1.4i 75pk BUSINESS RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.4i 75pk BUSINESS RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:02.


Impractical Jokers - Q Can Resurrect a Dead Hamster | truTV - Duration: 1:19.

Oh, Logan.

Just a father and his son

chilling in the park on a beautiful day.


Joe: There you go. Setting the backstory.

And I know you're upset about your hamster dying.


"Your hamster will come back to life if you go to the dentist."

[ Laughter ]

Daddy's got

some good news for you.

You know how you're upset about your hamster dying?


If you

go to the dentist,

your hamster

will come back to life.

Oh, yes!

Fathers have magical powers. Ask anybody.

Excuse me, ladies? His hamster just died.


And he's a little upset about it.

But he also needs to go to the dentist.

So I'm making him a deal.

As we know,

I get a one-time ability

to raise a pet from the dead if I want,

'cause I'm the daddy.

Only dad can do it.


He went paws-up last week. He's been a little upset.

Right? Huh?

I like that.

People just love lying to kids.

They love lying to children.

Good work, Q.

I can resurrect a dead hamster.

[ Laughter ]

For more infomation >> Impractical Jokers - Q Can Resurrect a Dead Hamster | truTV - Duration: 1:19.


Toyota Auris 5 deurs 1.3 VVT-i Now - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Toyota Auris 5 deurs 1.3 VVT-i Now - Duration: 0:57.


剛剛 馬克龍把槍口對準了中國,還想拉印度上「賊船」! - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> 剛剛 馬克龍把槍口對準了中國,還想拉印度上「賊船」! - Duration: 4:11.



what is going on guys Patrick here bringing you a brand new video taping

out of the killer video if you guys full of information I'm gonna be talking

about Cardinal requests Network and V chain lots of big news coming out as

well some other news in the cryptocurrency space but guys before we

get start with that if you want to enter a chance to win some free Bitcoin all

right guys have to do is number one be subscribe to the channel and have your

notifications to turn on number two leave a like on this video number three

leave a comment down below saying something related to the video guys you

can leave as many comments as you want so feel free to leave more than one I

will do my best to answer as many as possible now first piece of news we have

is MasterCard says fewer crypto purchases led to drop in first quarter

growth so Massacre mastercards quarterly growth was marked by a slight drop due

to a decrease in the number of customers purchasing crypto currencies with the

crypt with the company's credit cards that was reported yesterday May 3rd on

CNBC so kinda interesting other thing I want to point out is that we know this

is um shouldn't be news that the end of last year last quarter the queue for

2017 was huge for crypto currencies and people were buying it left right center

by Alcoa by Bitcoin to buy all coins and we saw that the price of everything was

going crazy everything was mooning and that caused

more and more people to get in now what happened this last quarter right q1 what

happened was we had a correction in the market and that was a lot of weekends

selling a lot of people who didn't know what they invested in weren't

comfortable with their investments so selling people who wanted to get rich

quick those guys were selling so we didn't

have as many people coming into the market and it had a big effect on

mastercards quarterly growth showing how big cryptocurrency was in 2017 being a

point that i think we can get back to relatively soon I think that is stuff I

think that those are numbers we are going to see again and I think

MasterCard should be fine in the long run but it is interesting to see the

effect that Bitcoin is having a cryptocurrencies are having on Io on

everyday companies such as MasterCard now this is one mainly for safety kind

of like something that I wanted to share because I think this is important so

Russian crypto bloggers found in petersburg apartment so basically

this guy was flaunting a lot of his money online flaunting a lot of his

crypto gains 23 year old from the ark balls reading he was he was Hugh says it

says boasting of his crypto derived wealth online he was talking about that

now you know apparently in January people came in stole four hundred twenty

five thousand dollars in cash from him now what happened is he was found dead

reportedly there were no signs of outside intervention obviously we don't

know if it was a suicide or what it was but the important the important thing to

learn here was that guys this is you shouldn't be flaunting your wealth

online okay there are bad people in the world they're people who are not out to

work for their money they're people who are out there to steal yours and they

will do everything it takes right they don't mind hurting someone they don't

mind killing someone to get what they want and that's why I choose not to show

my portfolio online that's why I know a lot of other people choose not to share

their portfolio online because it puts you at a risk that is unnecessary you

don't need to flaunt your cryptocurrency we can obviously discuss we can discuss

crypto currencies we can talk about what looks like it's doing well what projects

we like all that without mentioning any specific figures of how much we

currently have in holdings in what wallets stored we're right like I'm not

gonna say be like Oh am i inside my kitchen microwave I have a key key with

1 billion dollars on it because that's gonna make it easier for people to want

to break in and stuff and that's not a risk that I think any of us should be

taking now on a piece of good news former Goldman Sachs executive director

joins crypto startup as CEO so Priyanka I'm not even gonna try to pronounce the

last name who is the former Goldman Sachs executive director recently joined

a company called hold it is a Maltese crypto startup as the end they join as a

CEO hold announced this on may 2nd now so hold is based in Malton operates a

Technology Center in porto portugal is building a platform that creates a

financial marketplace where crypto investors can get instant cash against

cryptocurrency collateral basically the thing that I think is interesting from

this is we are seeing some very big people some very important people very

in flu and show people and people who clearly

have been around the financial space before cryptocurrencies and they're

seeing the potential and they're jumping in on Krypton and being a part of a team

that is cryptocurrency relations I think that's interesting because Goldman Sachs

obviously is huge move taking the risk and joining hold as a CEO hold obviously

being a much smaller company then Goldman Sachs much much smaller I think

we I think that's a good positive sign that's a sign of people seeing the

potential in joining these companies because obviously when you join as a CEO

you obviously believe in the company and the technology but you also believe

there is a good potential for you there good potential for you to make good

money maybe you'll get some get shares get options and you think that's going

to multiply that is another good but that is another reason to accept a CEO

job and so I think they're looking at this as a good opportunity for them both

technology wise and financial which you know both is a good sign for

cryptocurrency now let's take a look at the overall market cab because a lot of

things actually going on and we're at a four hundred and fifty three billion

dollar market cap Bitcoin dominance thirty six point three percent now it's

interesting this if you look at the last 24 hours

some things are green some things are red a lot of things are red actually

very few in the green aetherium went back up and then hit $800 just before

correcting back down a little bit obviously it's not a correction but just

before going back down to 782 but a theory was doing very good a lot of

people very bullish on a theory of coming up in the next few months as well

now I'm obviously I think Bitcoin we should be seeing Bitcoin go back to 10k

relatively soon that's something that's trying to do but we're gonna talk about

that more in the technical analysis part for the general market things look more

red than green some green though 10% up for Zil not bad not bad

11 12 percent up for 0x not bad um yeah but everything else a lot most

else are in the red but not by lot still early it's 11 28 today I'm recording

this relatively early from when you guys are gonna see it later today but it is

showing sign it can still um correct helping we can get a green day but so

far it is showing a red candle now Cardinal being the first point I want to

talk about it's ranked 635 cents Cardinal also one of the slower growers

so it had one of the biggest Corrections back down during the whole q1 of 2018

have one of the biggest crashes back down and now obviously it's increasing

in price it's up more than 2x but its growth looks sort of steadier and then

I've seen other crypto currencies grow now this is for a few reasons one it is

at a nine point two billion dollar market cap it is significantly harder

for Cardno to grow fast compared to a smaller all coin all coins to the

hundreds of millions i saves on separate video but 100 million to two hundred

million market cap is easier there's less money that needs to go in required

then nine point two billion to eighteen point four billion right just something

to keep in mind but Cardinal is a pretty safe investment in my opinion I think

it's not going to deliver the most returns in the short term but I think

long term Cortana has a lot of potential and I wanted to give you guys a few

important things to look out for and why cardano's seems like it could have a

very good 2018 now this is because of to maintenance and Angolan project right so

IOH k-car dollars development team introduces Network update and wallet and

a wallet the upcoming months will bring to test Nets the ke V M cardano's first

test card ons first test date which will become operational in May 28th so that's

coming up at the end of this month and the IE le V M test net which will be

launched sometime during the third quarter 2018 so cardano's still has

tests nents to come out it has the maintenance to come out Cardinal is

still a very very young project they are ranked um they have such a high market

cap compared to other crypto currencies because of its team its vision and all

the faith people have behind them there but there is still a lot to be proven

and that's why I think if they do manage to successfully do that I think our dog

can run up and contest in the top five maybe even top three cryptocurrency is

replacing the likes of ripple who's out of 30 between 30 and 35 billion dollar

market cap I think cards all could definitely be up

there if everything goes successfully now that is a 3x3 and

have X on your investment but for a coin ranked sixth for it to do three and a

half X it is actually very very good now so both test nets will be deployed in

order to boost the go blend project which is one of the two core projects of

the IEEE ohk developing body basically guys so much still has to come out for

card Donal and that's why a lot of people are very bullish on it and think

our dogs gonna do very well I personally think long-term Cardona is a very very

very good investment I do hold some card Auto for the long run actually increased

my holding of card ah no when um when I made the last video on I believe I

mentioned one time I was looking at getting more into it I did increase my

holdings in it because I do want to hold cards on for the long run and just see

it play out currently ranked number six I'm feel confident that it's a safer

investment because of how big of a market cap it is but I do think it also

has significantly well it has significant place to grow as the market

cap gross now second point I want to talk about is request network so what's

happening with request network they actually got um they actually cooperates

with maker doubt to increase stability in crypto Fiat so it's a new partnership

for request network which i think is something very cool so request network

believes that the future of cryptocurrency payments is with stable

coins the request network foundation team is very proud to announce a

strategic partner with maker Dow the team behind the creation of the of the

decentralized de dai stable coin system through the partnership financial dabs

built on top of the request network can soon use the dai stable coin to provide

price stability against the value of the US dollar Dan will be the first will be

one of the first five ERC 20 tokens supported on the request network when

ERC 20 support officially hits main net this month so definitely something to

watch out for is request net we're making a lot of the place so 188 billion

dollar market cap I believe here it did dip under 100 million that's why I

picked up more as soon as I dipped under 100 million mark at I did pick up more

so I am enjoying some nice gains when it comes to request network 188 million

more dollar market if they get to achieve what they are trying to achieve

this is easily a several billion dollar cryptocurrency

now obviously I'm not a financial adviser this is not financial advice

just my opinion it obviously as with everything else comes down to execution

now they are managing to make several born part of important partnerships in

that space and I think they have a vision they're looking at stable coins

to be able to pay against the dollar which makes sense so again I think

request Network is very sought and I'm interested up there they're not even

under a hundred rank right now I'm definitely in my opinion everything

plays out well they should be in the top 25 so a lot of space to grow a lot of

money potentially to be made it does have an all-time high even of one dollar

and seven cents which is like three and a half times when it's at right now so

still a lot a lot of room to grow now last thing I want to talk about is V

chain out guys so many crypto currencies actually are either another reason why

people think May June July are going to be good months for crypto currency

obviously we have consensus which is on an event and several other events going

on which are gonna help some crypto currencies form important partnerships

in with other outside cryptocurrency companies right so with Microsoft Apple

stuff again the potential to make those partnerships are there we're also

expecting big influx of money in the market but something that I noticed more

in q2 than q1 is that there's a lot more Mane that test and just event launches

real and releases and everything of all there's more of that coming up in q2 and

more of that coming up leading into this summer time so definitely keep in hire I

think that's going to help push the market up more people are gonna see some

great news come out some important and information come out crypto currencies

we're gonna see more money put into it now v chain I want to talk about because

they also have several things coming up so mid April which we are passed right

now but to mid May we're getting alpha 1.0 now mid May to early June so

currently it is the 4th of May I believe yes so mid May to early June we're

getting alpha 2.0 then early June to end of June we're getting the beta / public

testing and source code open that's pretty big one and an end of June we're

getting the maintenance so a lot of things are coming in for V Chang guys it

is one of the few coins up today you guys can see the growth it's had at a

2.8 billion dollar market cap it was all the way down to a one point

two so it already almost doubled from the lows in early April and I think it's

looking like a V chain will continue to grow because of how much just because of

how many things are getting launches obviously maenette launches are huge but

the beta slash public testing and source code open are also very very very big

and very usually things that lead the price up now V chains ranked number 15th

so it is a safer investment compared to a 100 million dollar all coin like a

request Network which is ranked one hundred and third obviously vtrene is

more established and it does have a set a certain level to where it it won't dip

as fast as an altcoin might have won't go down a hundred percent in a day which

is something obviously a safer investment in my opinion and that's why

I choose to hold part part high market cap all coins such as you know V chain

neo and Bitcoin sound like that and then part lower market cap all coins like

request network like hmm like request network like wha be like substratum etc

etc so but again V chain looks like very good all-time high was 9.45 cents so

we're actually more than halfway through the all-time high trying to get back up

there I think it's gonna happen in the summer time vici is looking very good

and I do want to potentially get more money into it now I can be found on

Finance guys so if you guys are interested in picking up some some of

that thumbs gonna leave a link to buy an answer in the comments and in the

description of the video you guys can pick up Cardinal there you can pick up

request network there and you can pick up V chain they're probably the number

one place I would go since it does have all of them it is super easy to work

it's 100% free to make an account transfer your funds easiest thing to

work everyone I talked to usually likes finance so highly recommend having an

account there now take a look at some technical analysis things are honestly a

little different than I expected so what we what we wanted to see is a community

where we talked about this yesterday is we wanted to end the day in the green

yesterday we want to have a small wick and then we want to start today in the

green - now that doesn't seem like it's the case we are actually in the red

today so something to keep in mind is obviously I think is a it's a bullish

pattern to see that the red is over the candlestick ends higher every single day

every single time there's a red candle it ends higher we can see that from this

and then these two join together at the end being right here the wick was really

long to touch here but it did close out the day and at a higher point than this

red candle right now this is looking like it's gonna be another red candle

now the wick again isn't too long it isn't too long under it we might still

see it did like I said it's really really early we might end the day in the

green for all night Oh for all I know if we do end the day in the green though

that to me is a pretty bullish signal and it looks like it looks like Bitcoin

and cryptocurrency market is ready to make a move and head up to the $12,000

now first things first we want to break $10,000 which would be right over here I

think that is coming again it's gonna depend on today but even if today is a

red day keep an eye out on where the red bottom ends because we could end the day

here maybe there's not much price movement today so we'll end the day here

not too big a red candle and tomorrow we have another pump up so definitely

something to keep an eye out on guys I'm super excited things are looking bullish

to me at least to me I don't know about you guys but things are looking pretty

bullish and I think May is going to be a very very good month for cryptocurrency

I don't want any of you guys to miss out now don't forget not a financial advisor

this enough this is not me giving financial advice this guy's not a

financial advisor should not listen to what I say a hundred percent of the time

and not do your own research so do your own research but I do think May is going

to be very very good it already has been this is what May 2nd so May 1st

basically we had a little bit of a dip and then since then we just had two

green days and now it's looking like we're having a red day so hopefully we

do see that turnaround though today or tomorrow overall though I said this a

lot I think May is gonna be a pretty good month and June should be pretty

good too in July should be pretty good too so guys don't miss out the

opportunity of cryptocurrency hope you enjoyed this video though guys if you

did leave a thumbs up and comments down below if you want to enter a chance to

win some free Bitcoin also if you have not subscribe to the channel what are

you doing make sure you click the subscribe button down below and the Bell

icon next to it to get notified every time I release a new video guys thank

you so much for watching I'll see you guys tomorrow for another video



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Wzdęty brzuch to nic przyjemnego. Sprawia, że czujesz się źle i nie wyglądasz dobrze. Nie wspominając już o gazach i ogólnym dyskomforcie. 

Wiele osób uważa, że taki brzuch to sprawa tłuszczu. Przyczyna jednak leży gdzie indziej. Za przykład weźmy typowego „grubego-chudego" faceta.

Taki mężczyzna jest szczupły, ale jego brzuch wygląda ja balon. Jaka jest jednak tego przyczyna? Najprawdopodobniej jego brzuch jest po prostu nadmiernie rozdęty. Skąd to się bierze?

Za małe spożycie wody. Jej za mała ilość w organizmie to powód wielu dolegliwości zdrowotnych. Do tego można dodać również za dużo kawy i alkohol. Powinniśmy dziennie spożywać około 6 – 8 szklanek wody.

Jeśli jednak nie zapewnimy odpowiedniej jej ilości naszemu organizmowi, zaczynają pojawiać się wzdęcia. Odpowiedź jest więc prosta. Chcesz pozbyć się wzdętego brzucha? Pij więcej wody!

Zaparcia.Kto je kiedykolwiek miał, wie jak bardzo nieprzyjemne są. Jest jednak na to sposób. Wystarczy spożywać więcej błonnika.

Chleb pełnoziarnisty i pod żadnym pozorem nie biały. Koktajle, jagody i inne pokarmy, które zawierają dużo tego składnika odżywczego pomogą w rozwiązaniu problemu zaparć.

Przewlekły stres.Stres również może powodować wzdęcia. Układ trawienny może pracować niepoprawnie, gdy jesteś wystawiony na stresujące sytuację. Wtedy też mogą wystąpić bóle brzucha i zaparcia.

Zbyt szybkie jedzenie.Przeżuwaj jedzenie powoli. Dzięki temu będzie ono poprawnie się trawić. Zbyt szybkie spożywanie pokarmów sprawia, że są one niewystarczająco rozdrobnione, przez to też brzuch nadyma się.

Węglowodany.Nic nie powiększa Twojego brzucha tak jak zbyt duża ilość węglowodanów. Zmniejsz ich ilość i ogranicz alkohol. Fast foody zastąp świeżymi owocami i warzywami.

Stosuj się do powyższych rad, a zobaczysz, że bardzo szybko poczujesz się lepiej, a Twój brzuch powróci do starej formy.

For more infomation >> NIE JESTEŚ GRUBY! TO TWÓJ ŻOŁĄDEK JEST NADĘTY! - Duration: 1:50.


Para Que Sirve El Azafran Como Planta Medicinal, Azafran Usos, Para Que Sirve El Azafran, Azafran - Duration: 7:18.

For more infomation >> Para Que Sirve El Azafran Como Planta Medicinal, Azafran Usos, Para Que Sirve El Azafran, Azafran - Duration: 7:18.


8 Maneras Para Tener Un Corazón Saludable - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> 8 Maneras Para Tener Un Corazón Saludable - Duration: 2:42.


Budapest Apartment Tour | $33 Gets You THIS?! - Duration: 3:00.

Hi guys!

I'm in Budapest, Hungary and I wanted to show you my Airbnb

because I thought, as I'm travelling around the world staying in so many Airbnbs,

it might be useful to show you what your money gets in different cities.

So this Airbnb right now cost $42.25 Canadian

and in US dollars that's $33 a night

and this place is huge.

There's also two bedrooms and enough seating for six people

and a cot so you'll see that you can get a lot here so I'm going to show you around.

Note three chandeliers when you walk in.


Huge, huge, enormous room.

Tall ceilings.

It's really bright in here.

It looks out onto this nice building across the street so there's a lot of light.

There's two big comfy sofas.

A fire place - doesn't give you heat but it looks nice -

and a big open kitchen,

a huge table for eating and working

and, like I said, there's two bedrooms and three bathrooms.

So there is no lack of space in here.

I'll show you more.

The kitchen has everything that you can need.

It's pretty well equipped.

There's tons of cupboards and things that you can use

but I love having a dishwasher.

It's so nice to not have to wash dishes

when you just want to, like, work or get out and see the city.

Hardwood floors.

It just has that nice old feeling of, you know, an old construction building

but they've really renovated it nicely

so it feels nice and light and bright when you're in here.

And I love the view from across the street.

And the courtyard - oh my god, when we first walked in and our Airbnb host was taking us up the stairs

I was really excited to get inside because

the courtyard has this gorgeous, like, old world feeling with stone steps

and balconies and geraniums dripping off of balconies and it just is really, really beautiful.

This place is actually called the Queen's Chamber

and I feel like you'll see why when you see the master bedroom.

[angel choirs sing AHHH]

There's a king sized bed in here and I can vouch that it's comfortable.

Obviously the wallpaper really takes your attention

and then these gorgeous pink drapes that go floor to ceiling.

Two more big windows.

It just feels light and bright like the rest of the place.

That's it.

That's the tour: two bedroom, three bath in Budapest in a great area

for $33 US dollars a night.

I've loved staying here.

If you guys enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up

and let me know if you want to see more kind of Airbnb-inspired videos:

how I go about finding them, what I look for, negotiating,

things like that or if you just want to see more videos like this

where I give you a quick tour and let you know what the cost is in each city

'cause I really like doing this.

So I hope that you enjoyed it!

Subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and I'll see you in my next video!


For more infomation >> Budapest Apartment Tour | $33 Gets You THIS?! - Duration: 3:00.


Pressão Alta Tem Cura e Vêm da Natureza - Programa Controlando a Hipertensão(Augusto Nogueira) PDF - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Pressão Alta Tem Cura e Vêm da Natureza - Programa Controlando a Hipertensão(Augusto Nogueira) PDF - Duration: 2:05.


Trucchi di cucina: 8 soluzioni geniali - Duration: 6:52.

For more infomation >> Trucchi di cucina: 8 soluzioni geniali - Duration: 6:52.


Aprovada outra vez lei que permite a alguns engenheiros assinarem projectos de arquitectura - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Aprovada outra vez lei que permite a alguns engenheiros assinarem projectos de arquitectura - Duration: 2:28.


Claras revueltas con brócoli y queso sobre english muffin integral - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Claras revueltas con brócoli y queso sobre english muffin integral - Duration: 1:44.


Qeam-Para - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> Qeam-Para - Duration: 4:42.


How to draw shadow projections | ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING - Duration: 10:20.

For more infomation >> How to draw shadow projections | ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING - Duration: 10:20.


Últimas notícia de hoje :Parlamento recomenda ao Governo modernização do sector do táxi - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje :Parlamento recomenda ao Governo modernização do sector do táxi - Duration: 6:04.


🎤 Psalm 48 Song with Lyrics - City of the Great King - Jason Silver [WORSHIP SONG] - Duration: 3:36.

1 Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised in the city of our God. His holy mountain,

2 beautiful in elevation, is the joy of all the earth, Mount Zion, in the far north, the city of the great King.

3 Within its citadels God has shown himself a sure defence.

4 Then the kings assembled, they came on together.

5 As soon as they saw it, they were astounded; they were in panic, they took to flight;

6 trembling took hold of them there, pains as of a woman in labour,

7 as when an east wind shatters the ships of Tarshish.

8 As we have heard, so have we seen in the city of the Lord of hosts, in the city of our God, which God establishes for ever.


1 Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised in the city of our God. His holy mountain,

2 beautiful in elevation, is the joy of all the earth, Mount Zion, in the far north, the city of the great King.

9 We ponder your steadfast love, O God, in the midst of your temple.

10 Your name, O God, like your praise, reaches to the ends of the earth. Your right hand is filled with victory.

11 Let Mount Zion be glad, let the towns[a] of Judah rejoice because of your judgements.

12 Walk about Zion, go all around it, count its towers,

13 consider well its ramparts; go through its citadels, that you may tell the next generation

14 that this is God, our God for ever and ever. He will be our guide for ever.

1 Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised in the city of our God. His holy mountain,

2 beautiful in elevation, is the joy of all the earth, Mount Zion, in the far north, the city of the great King.

New Revised Standard Version Bible: Anglicised Edition, copyright © 1989, 1995 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

For more infomation >> 🎤 Psalm 48 Song with Lyrics - City of the Great King - Jason Silver [WORSHIP SONG] - Duration: 3:36.


20 nombres para niños terminados en A - los mejores nombres de bebé - - Duration: 1:30.

20 baby boy names ending in A





















Namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

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