Trailer del Canal Medicina Natural, plantas aromáticas, medicinales, condimentarías frutas - Duration: 0:46.-------------------------------------------
Estoy dándole F5 a la página de Mercado Libre:explotaron por el allanamiento a Víctor Hugo Morales - Duration: 4:23.-------------------------------------------
Geoff Emerick. El ingeniero de Los Beatles en Argentina. - Duration: 12:15.-------------------------------------------
"¿Ella qué es?": Marcelo Tinelli se hartó de la mujer del Chato Prada y lo hizo saber - Duration: 3:45.-------------------------------------------
EL SEÑOR TOCARA TU PUERTA - The Lord will knock on your door - Duration: 5:49.Dear brothers, friends, relatives and acquaintances
subscribed to this channel or not
we want to share and read Revelation 3: 14-22
even if you are Atheist, Christian, Catholic or have other beliefs
listen please these verses and the song
The Apostle John receives a vision of an Angel
and tells him about revelations of Jesus Christ
that God gave him to manifest to his servants the things that must happen soon!
and Jesus declared through his angel saying:
These are the words of the Amen
the faithful and true witness,
the beginning of the creation of God, said this:
I know your works (deeds)
that you are neither cold nor hot
I wish you were either one or the other!
So, because you are lukewarm neither hot nor cold
I will spew you out of my mouth, said the Lord
Because you say, I am rich, I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.
But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked
I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire
so you can become rich said the Lord
and white clothes to wear
so you can cover your shameful nakedness
and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.
and Jesus continues saying what God commanded him to say through the Angel
As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten
be zealous therefore, and repent.
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock.
If anyone hears my voice and opens the door
I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne
even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne
Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches
Jesus Christ has come and he who has received him has the Son and the Father
if you listen and pay attention, you will hear that the Lord
is at your door and knock the door
If you open that door the Lord will sup (eat) with you
and you with Him
and you will have earned eternal life
Jesus Christ has come who has received him has the Son and the Father
Jesus Christ has come to change your destiny and that you can live with hope
those who were tied, prisoners in vices, they will be able to free themselves
Jesus Christ has come, it was with a divine mandate that his Father sent him here
Jesus Christ has arrived do not leave him aside he will change your destiny
Jesus Christ has come to break traditions that we had inherited
many did not listen Him
others rejected Him
and others never understood
That He is the Door, He is the way to Eternal Life
Be sure to receive Jesus Christ, he is in your doorstep
Be sure to receive the Lord, He is knock your door
if you listen and pay attention, the Lord will knock on your door
if you listen and pay attention, the Lord will knock on your door
If you open that door the Lord will sup (eat) with you
do not let the enemy put a lock on the door
do not let the enemy put a lock on the door
If you open that door the Lord will sup (eat) with you
If you open that door the Lord will sup (eat) with you
If the Lord dines with you, you won eternal life
If the Lord dines with you, you won eternal life
Be sure to receive Jesus Christ, he is in your doorstep
Be sure to receive the Lord, He is knock your door
if you listen and pay attention, the Lord will knock on your door
if you listen and pay attention, the Lord will knock on your door
If you open that door the Lord will sup (eat) with you
If you open that door the Lord will sup (eat) with you
do not let the enemy put a lock on the door
do not let the enemy put a lock on the door
If you open that door the Lord will sup (eat) with you
If you open that door the Lord will sup (eat) with you
do not let the enemy put a lock on the door
do not let the enemy put a lock on the door
If you open that door the Lord will sup (eat) with you
If you open that door the Lord will sup (eat) with you
If the Lord dines with you, you won eternal life
If the Lord dines with you, you won eternal life
If the Lord dines with you, you won eternal life
Glory to God!
If you open that door the Lord will sup (eat) with you. Amen.
Who Knows Us Better || Shaira & Kym - Duration: 14:56.Karma's a b....
Hey Guys
For today's video. We'll be playing "Who Knows Us Better Challenge.
And we have special guests!
Ara and Rhian
Yay, say "hi!"
If you are new to our channel, I'm Kym and I'm Shaira,
If you haven't subscribe yet, please subscribe and turn on your post notifications
So you'll be updates everytime we upload new videos
So without further ado, let's get started!
So for the first question
What is our favorite ice cream flavor
I don't care about the spelling but my answer's correct
I really don't know
Wait... Done!
I think you both don't like this
Whaat? Ay Coffee Crumble! Hala!
Oh yeah! That's what you always eat!
Second Question,
Cats or Dogs?
Easy Round
Third question,
Have we ever been awake for 24 hours straight
Yes or No?
Awake?! Uha
Wait wait wait the phone turned off
Wait! It's opens so slow
Oh yeah because you both sleep so late!
4th question
What is our.... HALA
What is our... FIFTH?
What is our favorite color?
Both got correct answers!
This is the last question for easy round.
Do we have any phobias? This is very easy
Yes or No?
Show your answers
They said it in their vlog? Impossible that you won't know.
For the first question, of the average round..
Did we ever have the chicken pox?
That's so impossible if you haven't! As we grow we would have it.
Sha answered No. No.
Second question for the average round
What is our favorite clothing brand
Clothing brand...
3... Do you know's what's my answer?... 2
Do you know what I'll answer?...1
Go... go.. go
If ever we go to seaside,
H&M, Forever21
Third Question
Which do we prefer
Milktea or Fries?
SO HARD?! so hard? Ay..
Milktea or Fries
Wahhhh... Yay!
What's yours Lu?(Rhian)
It can't be seen
Make it black.
Fourth Question...Which do we prefer>
Chocolatey or Fruity Candy?
Huh? Chocolatey or Fruity Candy
5...4...I'm not sure...3...2...1
Mine's right!
Where? Chocolate Candy
Chocolate Candy?!
Half point
Half point... That's Chocolate... Half point
That still the same!?
Half point, Half point.. Ay That's the same? AY
Fifth Question
Do we have allergies?
Yes or No. Yes or No
Next Question.. What is our favorite Holiday?
Holiday? Holiday
You have? There are so many holidays!
4... It's everyone's favorite!
Mine's different?
Come one! Quick! Holiday
Valentines Day
Go. Go!
What? What? What?
What's yours??
The la..
The last question for the average round
What was the
Last movie we watched?
The Greatest Showman?
Both correct
The first question for the difficult round
Which do we prefer?
Snowy days or sunny days?
uhmm difficult question is
Where did we first met?
Where did we first met
Us only
I don't know
What's that? IHMA!
Both same. Same!
Third difficult question
When did we first met?
When did we first met? The last question was where
Mmhm.. When? When
Is it okay since grade school?
Or prepatory?
Kinder or prepatory.. Since grade school?
Grade school is grade 1
Fourth question
How many languages can we speak?
Hmm I know hers
hmm? Eh you know? I'm not sure
If you know, they're both the same.
I know!
How many languages can we speak?
Woooh? Correct!
So next question
is our favorite make up brand?
Mac.. like that... You don't use mac!
I really don't know.. go.. anythig you can think of
Is this right?
show. show. show. show
Look! I was right! I said maybeline
Ehh I typed benefit!
You said benefit
What's yours? What's yours?
Next question
What is our favorite song?
Haha! I forgot....6....
1 2 3... show
The star... What? Yay!
I'm correct! The star.. Ara got the correct answer
Next question
What are we really bad at?
There is?
Of course
Hint? Hint! Being...
10... it's on my mind but I lost it
8... is it your mood?
6... plastic?
Being a plastic...5...4...3...2...1
Being serious!
The last question
is which do we prefer?
Horror or Comedy movies
Horror or Comedy
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Nice one!! Hala! It's not a tie!
You won!
Sooo Ara won
Arawan? Kaarawan?
So guys... comment down below, the dare you want the loser to do
So that's it for today's video. Hope you enjoy and please give it a thumbs up and make sure to comment your suggestions below
This has been Shaira, Kym, Rhian, Ara
See you in our next one! Bye!
"Es una pena atroz": fuerte denuncia de Victor Hugo Morales tras el allanamiento - Duration: 3:51.-------------------------------------------
Albinismo en animales y plantas: ¡Asombroso! - Duration: 6:13.-------------------------------------------
T-Kyler❌Alex Lumbier - Por Instagram 🔞 - Duration: 2:30.-------------------------------------------
看了袁詠儀19歲的舊照,才明白為什麼張智霖不介意她的過去! - Duration: 4:39.-------------------------------------------
New Artist To Watch-------------------------------------------
REPORT: McCain is Planning This FINAL JAB for President Trump. - Duration: 2:39.REPORT: McCain is Planning This FINAL JAB for President Trump.
McCain is planning to show to disdain for President Trump right up until his dying day.
According to those close to the senator, McCain is planning on ousting Trump from attending
his funeral.From The Hill
Those close to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) have told the White House that their plan
for the Arizona Republican's eventual funeral is to have Vice President Pence attend — but
not President Trump, The New York Times reports.
The funeral is expected to take place at the Washington National Cathedral, according to
the Times.
But Trump, with whom McCain has had a tempestuous relationship, is not expected to attend the
service, at least not according to current planning, the Times reported.
McCain was diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer last year, and is undergoing
Despite his illness, the senator has continued to visit with friends and field conference
calls with his staff back in Washington.
Still, some of his associates have said that they want a "McCain person" appointed
to fill his Senate seat in the event of the senator's death, according to the Times.
Among the list of potential picks is McCain's wife, Cindy McCain.
McCain has also acknowledged that his upcoming memoir, "The Restless Wave: Good Times,
Just Causes, Great Fights, and Other Appreciations," will be his last book.That title, set to be
released this month, reflects on his 2008 presidential campaign and the years that followed.
It also includes an admission by the senator that he regrets not choosing former Connecticut
Sen. Joseph Lieberman, a Democrat turned independent, to serve as his running mate.
In his book and an upcoming HBO documentary, McCain says that his decision not to pick
Lieberman, his longtime friend, was "another mistake that I made."
McCain instead chose former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) as his running mate.
He also recalls how his campaign advisers argued that picking Lieberman as his running
mate would divide the Republican Party because of his political affiliations, according to
the Times, which obtained a copy of the book."It was sound advice that I could reason for myself,"
McCain writes.
"But my gut told me to ignore it and I wish I had."
what do you think about this?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
top stories today.
Avocado Tree Grown From Seed, 25.5 Months and Recovering Well! - Duration: 5:11.hey everyone its Rob the backyard garden err and everyone's been asking how that
two-year-old surviving avocado tree is doing so I figured the last update was
mid March it's early May so it's just over I guess what is this twenty five
and a half months so it's about twenty five and a half almost twenty six month
old so I figured let's get you an update before I go ahead and bring you over to
the tree I want to let you know it is doing well and I'm very happy to say
that it has bounced back amazingly now remember it just recently went through
so much shock it's starting to branch out and when you see it you'll you'll
know what I mean the next update this thing is gonna be going bonkers but
let's get you a quick update now and see how it's doing so I went ahead and put
it back in the spot where it did really well last year here's the pot that it's
in it's got its own drip line the trunk is still doing good we just started to
get some more branching out look at all the new growth here we've got a branch
here a branch here a branch here a branch here a branch there there's a
branch here a branch everywhere a branch branch Just kidding, but look at this it's
got branches everywhere and they're very tall and that thing is way up there guys
I'm likely you could see this if I could zoom in you can see the little tiny
offshoot of that branch so what I'm likely going to do is top it right there
I don't need it getting 12 13 14 feet right now I want to focus on this lower
foliage thickening up but I'm likely between now and the next update gonna
top it about an inch past that offshoot right there and that'll be the new top
to it and at the end of the day what I'm really trying to focus on is just
letting all this new growth all these new branches really just fatten up I
think the canopy is a little sparse on this side so I'm hoping that some of
these other offshoots that you see just now starting to form
I'm hoping all those little guys really start filling out here shortly
that way I can really focus on a nice goblet shaped canopy on this guy again
it's good news to see him thriving at once again I mean you guys you saw him
I'm surprised with what he's gone through he's even allowed himself to
come back he's been resilient I'm gonna leave in
this huge pot for the entire year the plan here is that like I did last year
I'm gonna find him a indoor grow room that he can thrive in in the offseason
and not have to go through so much shock and then come outside and get burned and
scorched and dehydrated and you name it so he's doing really well
I actually fed him just two weeks ago a half dose of fertilizer just a little
bit of bone and blood meal pellets that I crushed up soaked in water for about
30 minutes and then poured in there and then remotes on top so doing well this
guy is is just bounce back beautifully let me see if I can get some better
angles for this guy for you so here's the second-tallest branch again that's
probably where I'm gonna top him or up about seven feet right now we could see
all the new growth looks fantastic definitely definitely gonna survive this
next year you could see the old Lynne here was practically destroyed same with
this one around here you could see the ends that I had to cut off but since
I've cut the ends off and let him focus on all these little subsequent branches
he has really really flourished so I'm really excited about this series again
guys I know we're down to one tree but man he's doing great so there you have
it everyone that's the avocado tree at 25 and a half months as you can see by
the video and the pictures that I'm showing you he has bounced back
incredibly for those that have been asking yeah he's not gonna flower for
several years matter of fact you're really lucky if you get an avocado tree
that even flowers in its first four to seven years so being twenty five and a
half months we've got a minimum of at least two more years to even expect any
flowering to be honest with you it'll probably not
even flower in its first seven years I could get lucky if you're watching my
apple tree girl from seed series you saw how lucky I got on that and I'll
be updating that here shortly as well but it doesn't always happen that way
I'm growing this for fun and it's in a pot so no matter where I go or where I
move to or where my journey takes me he's gonna be coming along with me as
long as he's alive I will keep this series updated every single month this
next update I'm super excited about because you can see in this video he's
just now starting to branch off and recover man in another month it's gonna
be incredible I hope you're enjoying the series if you are please give it a
thumbs up and as always thanks for watching
Roblox - Free Roblox Robux - How To Get Free Robux in Roblox (Xbox,PC,iOS,Android) - Duration: 4:37.hey guys I've just found this working method on how to get free robux so I thought
I'd share it with you guys so what you want to do first is open up
roblox like that it's just gonna load for a
second and it'll take you here to the home page and what you want to do is
just scroll down and I like just here let's check our current balance see I
have zero roebucks right now so close the app go to Safari or whatever browser
you have and type in robux gain dot-com okay go
so we're gonna put in your user name and the amount of robux so my username is
J V never mind 999 and continue
is this your account yes it is and how many robots do I want well I would like
22,500 please now here is the human verification so it just says you have
bought like behavior so you just need to verify that you're actually a human so
what you do now is you download two apps and follow the instructions to verify
that you are a human so that can be any two apps let's go with pop slots tap to
install it'll take you to the App Store
there we go and just gonna download that go back and download another one
solitaire this time here download that go back wait for them to download
alright so we're gonna open it up and just take you to the process here
so I'm just playing through the game and i will show you how to get free robux
opening the slot machine spin it a few times
all right now open up the other one play a little solitaire here your thumb might
be a little sore by the end of this like that it's worth it trust me
do-do-do-do-do here we go here we go
just gonna finish the deck here in roblox
okay now go back into roblox and enjoy your free roblox robux let's check our balance
here boom see that all the robots are accumulating up to my requested amount
alright guys thanks for watching the free roblox robux
Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI QUATTRO S-TRONIC S-line - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
+=+VeltPvP Livestream Road to 40 subs+=+ - Duration: 27:09.-------------------------------------------
Hossy's car animation quiz - Duration: 4:06.Hello! I'm Hossy!
Thank you always watching my video.
Try guess what car I get on
Next stop is school of ghost
Classic car
Wow! Oh no!
Today my cargo is
a robot
Mixer car
Concrete poop rainbow
Monster Truck
I will destroy everything, everything!
Fire engine
Please stay!
I will do it right now.
Mission complete
You found me! Run!
Thank you for everyone!
Please subscribe to my channel
Please push the like button
See you next time
Opel Corsa COLOR EDITION 1.0T 115PK 3D - INTELLI - CAMERA - PARK ASSIST - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Trailer del Canal Medicina Natural, plantas aromáticas, medicinales, condimentarías frutas - Duration: 0:46.-------------------------------------------
7 Benefícios para o seu Corpo em tomar Água morna com Limão em Jejum! Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 4:23.-------------------------------------------
Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk ROCKS Online Edition - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
MINI 1.6 Cooper S Chili|1ste eigenaar auto|Originele kilometers|Dealer onderhouden|Isofix| - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
Škoda Fabia 1.2 TSI 110 pk DSG Automaat Ambition Business + Navi - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
Ford Ka 1.2 Cool&Sound nieuwstaat 39.000km +airco - Duration: 1:04.-------------------------------------------
Kia Optima 2.0 GDi PHEV 205pk AT6 Business ExecutiveLine - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
Come Home Soon-------------------------------------------
I have secretly in-flight meals ㅣ RabbitPlay - Duration: 6:33.I have secretly in-flight meals ㅣ RabbitPlay
Avocado Tree Grown From Seed, 25.5 Months and Recovering Well! - Duration: 5:11.hey everyone its Rob the backyard garden err and everyone's been asking how that
two-year-old surviving avocado tree is doing so I figured the last update was
mid March it's early May so it's just over I guess what is this twenty five
and a half months so it's about twenty five and a half almost twenty six month
old so I figured let's get you an update before I go ahead and bring you over to
the tree I want to let you know it is doing well and I'm very happy to say
that it has bounced back amazingly now remember it just recently went through
so much shock it's starting to branch out and when you see it you'll you'll
know what I mean the next update this thing is gonna be going bonkers but
let's get you a quick update now and see how it's doing so I went ahead and put
it back in the spot where it did really well last year here's the pot that it's
in it's got its own drip line the trunk is still doing good we just started to
get some more branching out look at all the new growth here we've got a branch
here a branch here a branch here a branch here a branch there there's a
branch here a branch everywhere a branch branch Just kidding, but look at this it's
got branches everywhere and they're very tall and that thing is way up there guys
I'm likely you could see this if I could zoom in you can see the little tiny
offshoot of that branch so what I'm likely going to do is top it right there
I don't need it getting 12 13 14 feet right now I want to focus on this lower
foliage thickening up but I'm likely between now and the next update gonna
top it about an inch past that offshoot right there and that'll be the new top
to it and at the end of the day what I'm really trying to focus on is just
letting all this new growth all these new branches really just fatten up I
think the canopy is a little sparse on this side so I'm hoping that some of
these other offshoots that you see just now starting to form
I'm hoping all those little guys really start filling out here shortly
that way I can really focus on a nice goblet shaped canopy on this guy again
it's good news to see him thriving at once again I mean you guys you saw him
I'm surprised with what he's gone through he's even allowed himself to
come back he's been resilient I'm gonna leave in
this huge pot for the entire year the plan here is that like I did last year
I'm gonna find him a indoor grow room that he can thrive in in the offseason
and not have to go through so much shock and then come outside and get burned and
scorched and dehydrated and you name it so he's doing really well
I actually fed him just two weeks ago a half dose of fertilizer just a little
bit of bone and blood meal pellets that I crushed up soaked in water for about
30 minutes and then poured in there and then remotes on top so doing well this
guy is is just bounce back beautifully let me see if I can get some better
angles for this guy for you so here's the second-tallest branch again that's
probably where I'm gonna top him or up about seven feet right now we could see
all the new growth looks fantastic definitely definitely gonna survive this
next year you could see the old Lynne here was practically destroyed same with
this one around here you could see the ends that I had to cut off but since
I've cut the ends off and let him focus on all these little subsequent branches
he has really really flourished so I'm really excited about this series again
guys I know we're down to one tree but man he's doing great so there you have
it everyone that's the avocado tree at 25 and a half months as you can see by
the video and the pictures that I'm showing you he has bounced back
incredibly for those that have been asking yeah he's not gonna flower for
several years matter of fact you're really lucky if you get an avocado tree
that even flowers in its first four to seven years so being twenty five and a
half months we've got a minimum of at least two more years to even expect any
flowering to be honest with you it'll probably not
even flower in its first seven years I could get lucky if you're watching my
apple tree girl from seed series you saw how lucky I got on that and I'll
be updating that here shortly as well but it doesn't always happen that way
I'm growing this for fun and it's in a pot so no matter where I go or where I
move to or where my journey takes me he's gonna be coming along with me as
long as he's alive I will keep this series updated every single month this
next update I'm super excited about because you can see in this video he's
just now starting to branch off and recover man in another month it's gonna
be incredible I hope you're enjoying the series if you are please give it a
thumbs up and as always thanks for watching
Juan Carlos I propicia la reunificación familiar en Palma.! - Duration: 6:49.-------------------------------------------
How to Take Notes - 7 Effective Note-taking Tips - Duration: 9:17.Help me translate this video into YOUR language! Leave [your name] here to credit yourself ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
Hey guys! What's up?
Today I'm going to give you guys some of my personal tips on how to take notes.
Nightcore - Dig the Crazy (Male version / Lyrics) Faith Marie || Lyrics - Duration: 2:50.lyrics on screen
Hyundai i10 1.0i i-Motion Comf. - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
Hyundai i10 1.0i Go! Navigatie/Cruise/Clima - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Nissan QASHQAI 2.0i 16V TEKNA AUTOMAAT | NAVI | DEALERONDERHOUDEN | RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
Mazda MX-5 1.6i Exclusive - Duration: 1:04.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-play Automaat - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Land Rover Freelander Hardback 1.8I HARD TOP Kanteldak - Duration: 1:04.-------------------------------------------
Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI BLEU 100PK i-MOTION AIRCO RADIO BLEUTOOTH CRUISE - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I ASPIRATION - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i X-Nav - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I BUSINESS MET TREKHAAK 1ste eigenaar, zeer goed onderhouden Toyota! Top Occasi - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
Citroën Berlingo 1.6i Multispace Dubbele schuifdeur/Trekhaak - Duration: 1:04.-------------------------------------------
Honda Civic 1.8i VTEC Sport - Silverstone pakket - Stoelverwarming - 4 nw. banden - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Opel Ampera 1.4I 2013 New-Model! Opel-EYE Navi Leder Ecc Pdc Camera 17"lm - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
[NEW]free psn codes-free ps4 codes or ps4 games 2018 - Duration: 3:14.Visit // WWW.STORECODES.US // To get $100
My best Disney drawings from January-April 2018 :) - Duration: 2:38.presents...
My best drawings from January-April 2018 :)
Thanks for watching :)
Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...-------------------------------------------
7 Benefícios para o seu Corpo em tomar Água morna com Limão em Jejum! Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 4:23.-------------------------------------------
Freaklândia - O Parque dos Horrores (1993) Dublado [DVD] - Duration: 1:23:29.-------------------------------------------
VINGADORES GUERRA INFINITA - GAMORA | SPOILERS - Jujuba ATÔMICA - Duration: 8:17.-------------------------------------------
Fátima Bernardes exibe foto e revela o 'cupido' que a apresentou ao seu namorado - Duration: 4:13.-------------------------------------------
Após dizer que apresentaria o Programa da Sabrina e Record desmentir, Camila Rodrigues conta - Duration: 3:53.-------------------------------------------
See Why You Should Spit Hairy Hair Every Day - Duration: 4:06.
김성태 단식 24시 "조롱·욕 문자가 1000개나 와" - Duration: 7:32.-------------------------------------------
MÉDICOS ALERTAM!!! NÃO BEBA ISTO MAIS DE 1 SEMANA!! SECA MESMO! - Duration: 2:41.-------------------------------------------
Aos 91 anos, mãe de Mauro Naves rouba a cena e chama atenção ao pousar com copo de cerveja - Duration: 5:49.-------------------------------------------
Não consegue desligar? Descubra como resolver - Duration: 2:52.-------------------------------------------
Curso de evolução da consciência em 10 capítulos - Parte 04 - Duration: 56:53.-------------------------------------------
DIABETES ►10 Alimentos Que São Venenos Para Quem Tem Diabetes!! NÃO É SÓ AÇÚCAR!! - Duration: 3:06.-------------------------------------------
(FREE) Pedro Lotto Type Beat Hype (Prod. PQNO) - Duration: 3:28.Do not forget to help us by placing credits to the channel! we will do our best to bring content! (HELLO BEATZ).
Ex-BBB Maria Melilo curte viagem romântica com deputado de 75 anos - Duration: 2:42.-------------------------------------------
[WYWIAD] Eleni Foureira [Cypr / Eurowizja 2018] - Duration: 4:50.-------------------------------------------
HISTÓRIA DA MÚSICA SHAPE OF YOUR HEART - Hillsong UNITED [Legendado-HD] - Duration: 5:09.-------------------------------------------
Bé Chanh Test tướng Wisp đi rừng quẩy cùng Araaaa kết quả nhà chính thành cái sân bay - Duration: 22:05.-------------------------------------------
PLAYMONTHY-O RETORNO - Duration: 1:59.-------------------------------------------
вlαck wídσw||MMD|| - Duration: 0:39.I'm gonna love ya.
Until you hate me.
And I'm gonna
Show ya.
What's really crazy.
You should've known better.
Then to mess with me harder.
I'm gonna love ya x4
I'm gonna love ya x2
Like a black widow baby!
*Dubstep music*
Black widow baby!
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