Friday, May 4, 2018

Youtube daily report May 5 2018

It's your boy JB, I'm just back from honeymoon. The first recipe up since coming

back is inspired by a trip to Eataly, a I've fantastic Italian market in New

York City. This is my Blueberry Focaccia. You've all seen me make bread

a thousand times, get the recipe in the card above. Push the dough out with your

hands in order to fill a square baking tin. leave to prove in the tin for

an hour. Add 200 grams of blueberries. Use your fingers to push

the blueberries into the dough. Prove the dough again for a further 30 minutes. Set

your oven to its hottest setting and let it cook for 20 minutes. As always follow

the hashtag fatladfood if you like what you see here, subscribe to the

channel and hit that like button if you enjoyed the video

For more infomation >> Blueberry Bread | Blueberry Focaccia to be exact! - Duration: 1:04.


ពាក់មី ជម្រើសពិសេស, ពាក់មី ជម្រើសបទកំសត់ៗ, Peakmi Best Collection old Song, Peakmi Non Stop Old Song - Duration: 32:45.

Peakmi Best Collection old Song, Peakmi Non Stop Old Song

Peakmi Best Collection old Song, Peakmi Non Stop Old Song

For more infomation >> ពាក់មី ជម្រើសពិសេស, ពាក់មី ជម្រើសបទកំសត់ៗ, Peakmi Best Collection old Song, Peakmi Non Stop Old Song - Duration: 32:45.


Ellen Pompeo sicher: Das Ende von "Grey's Anatomy" naht! | CELEBRITIES und GOSSIP - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Ellen Pompeo sicher: Das Ende von "Grey's Anatomy" naht! | CELEBRITIES und GOSSIP - Duration: 2:28.


"Rát Tai" Khi Nghe Tiếng Pô Cực Khủng Của Siêu Xe F1 | XSX - Duration: 12:02.

For more infomation >> "Rát Tai" Khi Nghe Tiếng Pô Cực Khủng Của Siêu Xe F1 | XSX - Duration: 12:02.


T-Top x Currensy Type Beat

For more infomation >> T-Top x Currensy Type Beat


10萬中國人湧入,菲律賓樓市火了! - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> 10萬中國人湧入,菲律賓樓市火了! - Duration: 6:16.


[SUB ESP] Let's Dance: (G)I-DLE _ LATATA - Duration: 7:29.

For more infomation >> [SUB ESP] Let's Dance: (G)I-DLE _ LATATA - Duration: 7:29.


這次中美經貿磋商,美國終於認清這樣一個現實! - Duration: 7:47.

For more infomation >> 這次中美經貿磋商,美國終於認清這樣一個現實! - Duration: 7:47.


突然強硬!安倍公開聲稱不會跟隨美國,中東敘利亞日本自有主張 - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> 突然強硬!安倍公開聲稱不會跟隨美國,中東敘利亞日本自有主張 - Duration: 2:55.



Hey guys!

It's Jana!

And today I'm going to just kind of clean up the upstairs.

It's a little bit of a mess.

The kid's toy room is actually clean so I will show you that.

The boys are actually a on a camping trip with his school to the Grand Canyon,

how awesome is that.

And they woke up to a winter wonderland, in May.

Isn't that crazy, I can't believe it.

So they are heading back today so I want to get the place all cleaned up

and nice for them.

So go ahead and subscribe, thumbs up,

check all the links down below there is some good stuff down there.

And let's clean this house.

Alright guys upstairs is done, boop boop.


Go ahead and subscribe, thumbs up,

check all the links down below

and I will see you next time.

For more infomation >> ENTIRE UPSTAIRS SPEED CLEANING ROUTINE | CLEAN WITH ME - Duration: 11:56.


30 English Phrasal Verb Commands - Duration: 20:01.

-"Let me see your identification."

-"You don't need to see his identification."

-"We don't need to see his identification."

-"These aren't the droids you're looking for."

-"These aren't the droids we're looking for."

-"He can go about his business."

-"You can go about your business."

-"Move along."

-"Move along."


Hey, everyone.

I'm Alex.

Thanks for clicking and welcome to this lesson on "30 Phrasal Verb Commands".

So, simple enough.


You're going to hear 30 commands that use phrasal verbs, and I will tell you the context

in which you can use each one, and we'll do some very quick pronunciation and repeat-after-me

practice as well.

Now, after this lesson, if you can't get enough of phrasal verb commands, you can check out

the resource that Rebecca made where she lists 100 phrasal verb commands.

And she also has another video that is linked to this video where you can get, you know,

a lesson on 10 more commands, similar to these ones right behind me.

So, let's not waste any more time and we're going to go, one, two, three, four, five,

six, all the way to 30 and we'll do it relatively quickly with an example and an explanation

of the context for each.

So, the first one, repeat after me: "Back off."

This is what you say when you want someone to, you know, get out of your personal space.

So, usually if you are annoyed at the individual, you could say: "Back off.

You are too close to me."


Next: "Back up."

Now, "back up" is similar to "back off", but it can be used in a more formal situation

by someone, like, you know, a police officer or a security guard.

So, for example, if there is, you know, a line where another line is formed and you

cannot cross this line, and you do cross that line, you know, a police officer or a security

guard or someone might ask you to: "Back up.

Back up."

This means: Go back a little bit, take a few steps back.

They probably won't say: "Back off".

"Back off" is much stronger, so you can use: "Back up" in a more formal situation where

you want the person to move out of the way and to move back a little bit.


So: "Back up.

Just move back, everybody."


Next: "Carry on."

So, repeat after me: "Carry on."

This simply means continue, do what you were doing before.

So: "Carry on.

Carry on."

Next, repeat after me: "Chill out."

This just means: "Be calm, relax.


I see you're upset.

Chill out."


So: "chill" comes from, like, you know, to cool, to be calmer.

Don't get so hot.

Be calm, be cool, chill out.

Next, repeat: "Come back."

This simply means return.


So: "Hey.

Come back.

Come back.


Next: "Come on."

So, this can mean to come, follow me.

"Come on.

Let's go."

Or, if you don't, you know, believe a person's story or you want to show surprise, you can

say: "Come on.


Come on."

Okay, next: "Come in."

So, if you have invited someone to your house, you open the door and you want to, you know,

invite them to enter your house, you can say: "Come in."

All right?

So repeat it: "Come in."

Next: "Come over."

So, if you are inviting a person to your house, you're talking to them on the phone and you

want them to come to where you are, usually it's your house, but it could be another place

like your work or a caf� somewhere, but usually it's, you know, their house, you can

say: "Hey.

Come over.

I'm free now."

Or: "Come over in ten minutes."


So this means: Come to where I am.

Usually it's the person's house.

"Yeah, you can come over.

Come over."

Give a command.

Next: "Dream on.

Dream on.


You know, the Aerosmith song from the 70s or...

I think it was the 70s.

And, "to dream on" basically means you don't believe what this person is saying or they

have this big, big impossible dream in their head or something, like: -"Oh, I'm going to

play this lottery ticket and I'm going to win the lottery this weekend.

That's my plan for the weekend."

-"Dream on."


So, this means: "Keep dreaming, continue to dream.

I don't believe you."

All right?

Next: "Drink up."

So, repeat: "Drink up."

You can say this if you are around a table with some friends, everyone has a glass in

their hand of their beverage of choice, alcoholic, non-alcoholic, it's up to you.

And if you want everybody to drink, yes, you can say: "Cheers."

You can also say: "Drink up".

"Drink up" simply means drink.


So, drink.

"Drink up."

"Gather around."

Now, when I think of this I think of, you know, a person wanting people to get around

them because they have some important news or they want to tell a story.

So, if it's an old man with a beard and there's lots of children around: "Gather around, children.

Gather around."


So, gather, collect yourselves around me.

You want people to come to you.

Say: "Gather around.

Gather around.

Come here."


Next, repeat: "Get back."

Similar to: "Back up".

"Get back" also means to take a step back.

That's basically it.

You can use it in a standard situation, a formal situation, you know, if someone is

near a fire, like: "Look, there's a fire.

Get back.

Get back.

Get back."


Next, repeat: "Get in."

The most common context that I think of automatically when I think of: "Get in" is someone is inside

a car, and they're telling you: "Hey.

Get in.

I can give you a dri-..."

A drive? "...a ride.

I can give you a ride somewhere."

So you can ask someone to get in, like inside your car.

It doesn't have to just be a car, but this is the most common context where you want

someone to enter your vehicle or to enter your place.

So: "Get in."

Similar to: "Come in", but "Come in" is, you know, usually related to the house.

Next: "Get off."


So, if someone is, I don't know, laying on top of you, maybe, you could just say: "Get


Get off."

Or if someone is giving you a hug and you're not comfortable with hugs, like: "Get off


You can say: "Get off."


Also if you are online somewhere and, you know, you're on a website and, you know, somebody

comes behind you and they want you to eat dinner, like it's your mom or your dad, they

might say: "Okay, get off the computer."

So: "Okay, get off."

Or: "Log off.

Get off the computer."

Stop doing what you're doing.

Next: "Get up".

"Get up", similar to: "Stand up."

This just means elevate yourself from a sitting position or from a lying down position.

And it could be, you know, your roommate, or maybe your mom or your dad, or your sister,

or someone who wakes you up and says: "Okay, get up.

Get up.

It's morning.

It's time to go.

Get up."


All right, next: "Go away."

I think you're very familiar with this one.

It's in movies, it's in TV shows, it's everywhere, it means leave me alone.

So, repeat it after me: "Go away."

All right.

Next: "Go back."

Okay, so: "To go back", similar to "Get back", basically means to return where you came from

or make some room.


Give me more room.


"Go back.

Go back.

Go back."

Or if you're recording someone and, you know, you want them to go back: "Okay, go back.

Go back.

Okay, perfect.



All right?

Next, please repeat: "Grow up".

"Grow up", if you give this command to someone, it means that they are acting very immature

and you want them to act their age, to act more mature, say: "Grow up."

Or if someone has a belief or something that you think is childish, like they have the

beliefs of a child, it's like: "Come on.

You really believe that?

Grow up."


Next: "Hang on."

Repeat it: "Hang on".

"Hang on" means: "Whoa, whoa, whoa.


Stop what...

Stop what you're saying."

Or it can mean to wait.

So you can say: "Hang on, hang on, hang on."

Or if you're talking on the phone to someone and you want them to hold, to wait, say: "Hang



"Please hold" or "Please hang on."

Or just wait: "Wait.

Hang on."


Next: "Hang up."

So this is used in the context of phone conversations.

So, if you're talking to your boyfriend or girlfriend: -"You hang up."

-"No, you hang up."

-"No, you hang up."

You know, that kind of stuff?

You can just say: "Okay, hang up.

Hang up."

If you watch cop shows, TV shows where, you know, the police are tracing a telephone number,

and if they talk to the person for 30 seconds they will magically know where they are, you

know, they might say: "Okay..."

The criminal might say: "Hang up.

Hang up.

Hang up."

Or the officer might say: "Hang up.

Hang up" if they don't want the criminal to know where they are.

Next up: "Lie down."

So, if you have a friend and maybe they were out in the sun all day and they feel weak

or they look sick, and you want them to rest, lie down on the couch, you can say: "Hey,

just lie down.

All right?

Lie down here.

Rest here."

Next: "Listen up."

I love this one.

Now, this is what you hear also in television crime dramas, or in any kind of, like, epic

movie where there's a, you know...

An important scene where one character, usually the leader needs everyone to hear what they

have to say.

They'll usually enter the office, usually with their hands on their hips like this,

say: "All right, everybody, listen up.

Listen to me."


So: "Listen up" just means: "Listen to me.


Pay attention" with your ears, the holes in your ears.


Next: "Move along."

Now, "Move along", like you saw me doing at the beginning of this video means continue,

continue in the direction you were going.

So, this is for physical movement.

If you didn't know, the scene I was re-enacting with Steve and that new bunny character thing

was from Star Wars, so, you know, Obi-Wan says: "Move along."

And then the stormtrooper says: "Move along.

Move along."


Just mind control, so just like weird Jedi powers and stuff.

Next: "Move over."

Very strong.

It can be very strong.

If you want someone to make room for you, usually to sit down, you can tell them to:

"Move over" to make room for you.

"Move over.


I need to sit here, too."


You can use this on the bus, I guess.

If you want to be polite, you could say: "Oh, could you move over, please?"

Or if you're trying to walk and someone is blocking your way, say: "Oh, excuse me?

Could you move over a bit?

Could you move over, please?"


Next: "Shut up."

Now, this one I think you guys know.

Also it's in every TV show, movie.

It's rude.

It's telling a person to be quiet.

If you want to say something, you know, just as strong, you could say: "Shut your mouth",

which is very strong.

Or just: "Shut up" means: "Stop talking.

I don't want to hear what you have to say."

All right?


I always erase stuff with my elbow.

So: "Sit down."

Just another way to say: "Sit."

So, I just realized you guys didn't listen and repeat these words with me, so before

we get to: "Sit down", repeat: "Lie down", "Listen up", "Move along"-extra points if

you did the Alec Guinness accent-"Move over", "Shut up".

I don't like saying that, right?

"Sit down."

So: "Sit down" is just: "Please sit."


Next, very useful if you, you know, have a friend who has a low voice and they speak

very quietly, and it's very difficult to hear them, you want them to speak louder, you can

say: "Speak up.

Speak up.

I can't hear you."

So, turn the volume up on your voice.


So: "to speak up" means to speak louder.

I can't hear you.


So: "Speak up."

"Stand up."

So, we have: "Sit down", opposite of: "Sit down" is...?

Yeah: "Stand up."

That's all.

Just another way to say: "Stand."

"Wake up", hey.

"Wake up", this goes with: "Get up".


If you don't know the difference with: "Wake up" and "Get up" - "Wake up" is when you open

your eyes in the morning, "Get up" is when you leave your bed.


When you actually stand and start your day.

So, you know, you can tell your friend: "Wake up.

Wake up.

Wake up."


And finally: "Quiet down."

This is kind of the opposite of: "Speak up."

If you want people to speak quieter or if you want a whole group who are speaking very

loudly to be quieter, you could say: "Okay, quiet down, everybody.

Quiet down."


All right.

So, we've got 30 of these.

And I know we've done some, like, random repeat-after-me pronunciation, but before we leave, reviewing,

recalling, redoing the same thing helps it to stick.

So, let's do it one more time, faster.


So, repeat after me, just focus on getting it fluent and perfect.

"Back off", "Back up", "Carry on", "Chill out", "Come back", "Come on", "Come in", "Come

over", "Dream on".

Did you do it?

It's weird, right?

But so good.

"Drink up", "Gather around, children", "Get back", "Get in", "Get off", "Get up", "Go

away", "Go back", "Grow up", "Hang on", "Hang up".




"Lie down", "Listen up", "Move along", "Move over", "Shut up", "Sit down", "Speak up",

"Stand up", "Wake up", "Quiet down".

Okay, so if you want to test your understanding of these 30 phrasal verb commands, as always,

you can check out the quiz on

If you want to, you know, watch a video, watch a lesson with ten more of these commands,

you can check out the link also attached to this video where Rebecca teaches you ten of


If you...

You know, you can't get enough of phrasal verb commands, you can also check out the

resource where we list 100 phrasal verb commands, and that was also done by Rebecca for you



She's a good one.

All right?

So, watch more of her videos, too.

And check me out on Facebook where I have a fan page, check me out on Twitter, subscribe

to my YouTube channel, tell your friends what's going on here, and you know, spread the word,

spread the love of engVid all over the world.

Yeah, I like it.

All right.

So, finally, what was I going to say?

That's right, if you want to support what we do on this website and, you know, you enjoy

our stuff and you're wondering: "Alex, how can I give you money?"

I don't know, maybe you think that, maybe not.

It'd be cool if you did.

You can do that by donating to the site.

But really, we appreciate every donation we receive, and it's how we're able to continue

doing this for as long as we can.

All right, guys, til next time, thanks for clicking.


For more infomation >> 30 English Phrasal Verb Commands - Duration: 20:01.


Tesla bankrupt, mega chargers & Electricity MORE than petrol 🔌🚗🔋 - Duration: 11:56.

on this week's news episode we're going to be covering tesla going bankrupt

Tesla's new charges and does charging your car costs more than fuel

so the big

news at the moment is everyone thinks the tesla is going bankrupt the BBC did

an article on it a couple of all places done an article on it and it's there's a

lot of misinformation and Mis talk about Tesla at the moment and the big one

that's flying around at the moment is tesla are spending an obscene amount of

money they're $6500 per minute

which isn't a lot in my mind because they employ over 37,000 employees they

have huge factories which must consume huge amounts of power we're not even

talking would just just on power alone staff wages and buying in the raw cost

materials is huge that's spending that's not the profit that's what they're

spending so that doesn't seem a lot most large companies will spend that

much at the moment Tesla share price is pretty much the

equivalent share price put cost for the company to General Motors which is the

America's biggest automotive company which is currently backed by the US

taxpayer Tesla isn't Tesla is basically back mainly by Elon Musk and other

investors the biggest loss for Tesla if they went bust would be Elon Musk he's

invested a lot of free time a lot of his own money and it would be the biggest

embarrassment and letdown for him possibly he's never going to let it

happen he certainly won't have made a joke in April for saying that they have

gone bankrupt if he thought there was even the smallest possibility would

happen to me I'd be more concerned if Tesla weren't spending vasas amount of

money because that would that would indicate that they weren't trying to

grow the more money a company spends and the more sustained all that money

spending is the more they're growing the more the company grows the higher the

profit goes which is why just on tesla's latest figures that just

came out I think that the revenue increased 26% their revenues now $3.4 billion

that spending vast amount of money but their revenues increasing year

on year on year on every year it has a massive jump of what their increases now

just to bring it back a bit Apple who are a technology company they also

almost went Bankwupt and lose a lot of information about them going bankrupt

and all what happened was at the time Steve Jobs gave he's not so friendly

friend Bill Gates a call asked him for some money and now Apple is one of the

most richest successful tech companies in the world and has more money in their

bank than anybody they are in a growth stage a huge growth stage if Tesla

stopped growing you wouldn't see any new supercharger stations any new product

invitations of them that they are such a new car company compared to everybody

else now last week I did a video on the Jaguar IPACE Jaguar are a

hundred-year-old company Tesla is 10, 10 years it's been going 10 years that's it

their very first car was it's 10 years old it's such a new company it's a baby

compared to General Motors and all the other companies tesla that everything

Tesla does is new it's like a baby walking it starts off very very slow and

then eventually they end up being more intelligent than you now Elon Musk gave

it a nice little quote the other day which was if people are concerned about the

volatility of our stock they definitely shouldn't buy our stock which basically

means volatility stocks usually go up and down and they usually bounce a lot

higher so in other words Elon Musk is saying if you're worried just don't buy

the stock and don't buy their cars now it's a bit concerning that all the

newspapers and people who are dismissing the Tesla that people are basically

saying the Tesla is going to go bust we're all people that receive money from

oil companies and other car manufacturers because obviously as we

all know Tesla doesn't advertise doesn't advertise at all doesn't need to

advertise it sells too many cars it can't even produce the amount it needs

to produce now an interesting little fact for you the model 3 is has more

profit in it per unit than the Chevrolet volt so they make more money out of the

car for the cost and that says to me a lot of things that if Tesla that

basically wanted to make profit they just stop R&D and they make

money from the cars they already make it's very simple but Tesla they don't

want to do that they want to increase their order numbers they're increasing

it in they're investing money into this research and development and more

infrastructure then the profits and business is only going to go one way

if you enjoy my video so far make sure you click Subscribe if you already

subscribed there's a little bell icon next to the subscribe button if you

click that you'll be notified every time I release a new video on this channel

now the other rubbish in the news this week was this money and what car

published an article saying charging your electric car will cost £17

compared to home basically going on that there's a charging monopoly now that

could happen we'll get on that we'll get into that a bit later that let's first

of all look at the article and the article said that if you park your car

at source for London 7 kilowatt charger and charge the car to 80% on a ZE40

40 kilowatt battery that would cost 17 pound 46 pence what they forgot

to mention is in that 17 pound forty six pence the 7 kilowatt charger would take

more is it 7 there'd be six hours about 6 hours to charge the car so who sits in

the car part for 6 hours to charge the car and then second of all They also forgot

to mention but that includes the parking charge for that car park so in that 17

if you park there without an electric car you're paying a parking charge when

park there with an electric car you pay a little bit more but in that you're

parking charge is included in your charge rate and they didn't mention that

the article was all about grabbing the headlines £17 for charge

compared to only £3.45 at home it it was basically a rubbish article it's

a rubbish article trying to discredit electric cars and saying it costs more

to charge than they actually do complete rubbish you're never going to sit in the

car park for that many hours and also if it's if that ever you have to pay for

parking you have to pay to park anyways so you may as well pay charge the other part

of the article was polar plus they said that pole plus cost 10 pounds 60

pence however they included the polar Plus

subscription charge and also the show that the low you get a lower rate on the

50 kilowatt charger but if you're on polar plus you don't just subscribe

once you subscribe and you use the charges several times in a month so the

average cost is lowered but they're comparing the the subscription to a

one-off subscription you're paying up the subscription you're only using that

charge at once you can't compare a subscription model to charging months

it's going to be used multiple times in which case you you just compared to the

polar instant which they just show a price for to be fair but they didn't

really explain the plus if for someone who doesn't drive an electric car

doesn't understand them they'll just see the figure and go that's terrible that's

expensive which is not the other thing they did was they had cyc which if you

have a polar plus account or you you basically you pay the subscription same

as polar plus and you get to use a cyc what they showed him the cyc was if

you're paying the subscription you also pay the connection charge you don't all

you pay is the polar plus charge and yet I think on some of them it's

all-you-can-eat so basically he's much charge as you can fit in and then on the

higher ones they do charge you a small sort of kilowatt charge but they didn't

mention that they basically said that you pay a connection charge and the

subscription fee which is wrong so basically the whole article was a load

of rubbish none of it was correct yet they kind of had the big headline now it

could be true in the future that a couple of charge companies could run the

monopoly on ranking up the charge cost Shell BP as they move away from petrol

diesel and moving towards the electric car industry they're probably going to

want to start making the charge points and the same kind of

money they make out of oil so this will eventually happen however unlike a

petrol car and a diesel car you can still charge at home the only problem

where this is going to get to certain people is people who can't charge at

home people who can't park at home will have to pay these higher tariffs and

that's where these electricity companies will make money and make money yes they

will unfortunately it's going to happen like anything the government will

eventually add tax or electric cars and they will eventually start wanting some

of the money back that they've lost through petrol and diesel and revenue

but they're going to lose a lot of revenue and it's going to be made up

eventually with tax however at the moment you can get a four and a half

thousand pound grant on a new car you don't pay the same cost for running it

and they're also 90 cent of 90 percent efficient compared to 60% efficient of

the best petrol and diesel cars so what I say is make hay while the Sun shines

get electric car now before everyone starts getting them and then the tax

starts getting it introduced but by that point everyone will be on them anyway so

you'll have no choice but it's going to have to fill the hole eventually and the

short term goal to fill that hole will be charging petrol and diesel owners

more money until the take-up of electric cars has got higher so if you haven't

got electric car already you might as well go and buy one now make hay while the

Sunshine's and save that money short-term so this last story links

slightly into the first story and which is Tesla and now installing their mega

charges for the trucks and they're developing these mega charges with the

biggest orders and the people who've made the biggest dollars our ups and

Pepsi now to order the Tesla mega truck you have to put down and substantial

deposits so Pepsi and ups have put down substantial deposits to order the new

tests the mega truck we should let you know that these major corporations would

not want Tesla to fail if they're willing to order these trucks that are

still very much in the prototype stage the other part is Tesla are working with

Pepsi and UPS to develop these mega charges because most these mega charges

will be installed at you UPS's and Pepsi's distribution centres so

they need to work out how to develop deliver the power how to you know

position them for the trucks and the loading bays and the best way to work

towards making these work is working with the people that are actually going

to have them because they've got the knowledge of the distribution where

things fit and also Pepsi and also UPS will have some sort of technologies in

mind that they might want implementing into these mega mega charging stations

and also into the trucks so it's a good sign that Tesla is willing to work with

other partners to help develop their technology thanks for watching this

week's video don't forget to click the subscribe button here and check out some

my other videos here thank you so much and I'll see you again next week

For more infomation >> Tesla bankrupt, mega chargers & Electricity MORE than petrol 🔌🚗🔋 - Duration: 11:56.


正告美國不要高估自己的實力;想和還是想打 中國奉陪到底 - Duration: 8:28.

For more infomation >> 正告美國不要高估自己的實力;想和還是想打 中國奉陪到底 - Duration: 8:28.


(SUB RECOMMEND)Amnesia: The Dark Descent|Lets play 2#|LOST AGAIN/SHIVERS/SOLVING/RECORD FAIL - Duration: 10:48.

Hey guys

I'm back :D

part 2 here




so I've recorded my video 3 times


and some of you guys are wondering why I like, in a corner over here


I have made mistakes

so I encountered some monster's while I wasn't recording

well only 1

but luckily it dissapeared

so yeah :D

spooky eh?

hold up

ok, I'm going to go down here

Oh no, I went down here already

I forgot where I'm at actually

yeah, so I lost guys :/

I have been playing this for 2 hours


I'm-I'm trying to find

find like ummm

like a way out of here



hold up, I think I gotta like break somthing

this can help :D(no it won't)


oh it didn't work, ok, ok


oh what's that?

nvm nvm



so I have only encountered 1 monster

(just realized that I've already said something about that 1 minutes ago)

yeah, that monster is the one with the broken ja-

OH f*ck ._.


this thing :<

keeps getting me ; V ;

I have been in this room already I believe?


oh my gosh ._.

I been in this room already, I dunno why I am still here though.. hold on let me check the objective

I mean check my...

(ignore my English :/)


K, first I need like some sort of chemical or some what

like make em into acid, you know?


I got to make it like into acid

hold up :P

oop, wrong button XD

Ah, my body is shivering >~<

I am a bit tired because I have been playing this game for like 2 hours (-_-) zzz

and I keep like having trouble recording this.. video

Labratory :D

ah damn, my body



it's nothing ;)


can I go and make something?

wait hold on ._.


alright, I think I know what to do


yep, I think I know what to do :)

I just need to, ummm


Have one of those like gooey thingy, you know?

And then like put like um.. one of those acids on it

hold on, let me check something

uh huh, yeah

yeah, some sort of organic tissue

or chemicals ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


idk how to combine, idk how to combine them though

I guess you put them on a tissue I guess

I'm not quite sure

Ah my body, why is it all shiver-ish?

It's all cold now

like everything on my body is shaking

what the hell?

Oh never mind

ok :)

The hell, when did I closed the door?

I didn't closed the door?

Did I???

ouw, what the?


Hmm (¬‿¬)

I passed the door did I?


I'll leave the door open

I dunno why though

God damn it stop, my body is all shiver-ish

F*ck ._.

omg lag

why is it lagging ._.



stop ಠ╭╮ಠ

what's going on .______________.


what's going on?

why's my game lagging :(

(I started to get nervous when I heard that door got broke down)

wtf O_O


what's going on ◉_◉

was this suppose to happen?

What the hell?

The game kinda lagged up

what's go.. what happen???

What the ff...

what the..

I think my game crashed, guys ( ゚ヮ゚)

oh my gosh

my game crash

guys, my game crashed ._.

(I got very nervous when I heard that sound XD)

there's- there's nothing...

in my screen ._.

my game crashed XD

My controller is still vibrating

For more infomation >> (SUB RECOMMEND)Amnesia: The Dark Descent|Lets play 2#|LOST AGAIN/SHIVERS/SOLVING/RECORD FAIL - Duration: 10:48.


ពាក់មី ជម្រើសពិសេស, ពាក់មី ជម្រើសបទកំសត់ៗ, Peakmi Best Collection old Song, Peakmi Non Stop Old Song - Duration: 32:45.

Peakmi Best Collection old Song, Peakmi Non Stop Old Song

Peakmi Best Collection old Song, Peakmi Non Stop Old Song

For more infomation >> ពាក់មី ជម្រើសពិសេស, ពាក់មី ជម្រើសបទកំសត់ៗ, Peakmi Best Collection old Song, Peakmi Non Stop Old Song - Duration: 32:45.


古代日本女人,和服下為什麼不穿內衣褲?和服起源自哪裡? - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> 古代日本女人,和服下為什麼不穿內衣褲?和服起源自哪裡? - Duration: 4:23.


Battle of the Ports - Yie Ar Kung-Fu (イー・アル・カンフー) Show #217 - 60fps - Duration: 15:19.

Yie Ar Kung-Fu is a 1985 arcade fighting game developed and published by Konami.

Along with 1984's Karate Champ, which influenced Yie-Ar Kung Fu, it is one of the games that

established the basis for modern fighting games.

Yie Ar Kung-Fu literally means "One Two Kung Fu".

In the game you play as a Wong Jack Man-based Kung Fu master named Oolong (renamed to Lee

for the MSX and Famicom ports) Oolong must fight all 11 of the martial arts masters to

win the title of "Grand Master" and honor the memory of his father.

Oolong can make use of a variety of punch and kick blows reachable by combining the

joystick with one of the buttons (punch or kick).

He also has the greatest jumping ability of all the game's fighters, with the exception

of "Blues".

With up to 16 different moves available, using a combination of buttons and joystick movements

while standing, crouching or jumping can be quite confusing resulting is a tricky to master


The Famicom version as you can see looks quite different to the arcade game.

Not only that but it also plays differently.

I understand that this is a supposedly a classic title but I'm sorry, this is a bad game.

The collision detection is purely random.

It's as if the game decides when a hit is counted purely on a lottery system.

The controls are also unresponsive which doesn't help in fighting the cheap AI opponents.

Not a good game by any stretch of the imagination.

The MSX port has many differences from its arcade counterpart just like the Famicom version.

In fact the Famicom port is based upon this MSX game.

The first thing you'll notice besides the way the game looks is that the main character

is now called Lee rather than Oolong.

You also only face five opponents in this version.

Hehehe, this is a funny one.

While I'm impressed that the Commodore 16 / Plus 4 version does look like Yie Ar Kung-Fu

and kind of attempts to play like it, I also have to wonder if the developer of this port

actually play tested it?

The collision detection is mind boggling.

I can't tell if I'm hitting the enemy or if they are hitting me.

The life bar just depletes while I randomly try any button and joystick direction combination


Some of the battles are unbelievably easy too.

The first round can be over in as little as 5 seconds!

Commodore 64 fans received a port that looked very respectable indeed however the same can't

be said about the game play.

This is the PAL version of the game running at 50htz but as you can see it's pretty fast

making the controls rather awkward.

The AI is unbalanced and cheats.

I ended up having to cheat myself just to reach the 4th stage.

Just check out how Chain man traps me.

If I wasn't cheating there'd be no way in hell I could survive his attacks.

There are two ports of Yie Ar Kung-Fu to the Speccy so first let's take a look at the 128k


This port features some nicely sized sprites and relatively detailed graphics.

The colour clashing is quite annoying though.

You will get over that in time and you will find that this is a lot more playable than

the Commodore 64 port.

Sure, it's missing the arcade presentation but it does feature the first screen boss

battle that the C64 omits.

And here we are with the ZX Spectrum 48K version.

This plays quite like its 128K big brother however the AI in this port is rather dumb.

It's possible to beat most characters by constantly hitting the attack button.

You may have also noticed that the graphics and audio are more basic in this port too.

Not only that but its missing the end of the first screen boss battle and Chain man is

gone too.

The Amstrad CPC port looks lovely with its vivid colours and nice chunky sprites but

as you've guessed it there is a problem.

The game is awful to play.

The controls are totally unresponsive.

Even from this footage you can see that the character looks as if he's frozen in place

at times.

The game is also missing the end of area boss and a few other characters.

A surprisingly good looking port for the BBC Micro.

Unfortunately I couldn't get the joystick to work and there didn't seem to be any up

or down controls via the keyboard.

The Atari 8 bit line of computers received the exact same version that appears on the

Commodore 64 and that also means it has the exact same problems.

I imagine that this Acorn Electron port is based upon the BBC Micro version.

It is very similar in looks and sound.

I also had the same problem getting the joystick to work so I had to resort to playing with

the keyboard.

One thing that did make me laugh about this version was Pole.

He looks like a little kid!

As part of Konami GB Collection Vol. 4, Yie Ar Kung-Fu made its way on to the Game Boy


This 2000 release features a version of the game based upon the MSX / Famicom version

rather than the arcade.

It's a pretty solid port overall although the screen does scroll now due to the lower

resolution of the Game Boy Colour.

There are two hidden characters in Game Boy Advance version which can be found on the

Konami Collector's Series.

To access them, the player must input the famous Konami Code at the title screen.

The characters are available in the special two-player mode found on this collection.

The fighters are Bishoo (a woman dressed in white who attacks with daggers) and Clayman

(a living statue who attacks with a sword bigger than Sword's).

Released for the Nintendo DS as part of the Konami Classics Series: Arcade Hits, what

we have here is an arcade perfect port.

Sadly the game runs at an odd resolution which results in this awful flicker.

Playing the game on a real Nintendo DS does not present this problem.

Released on July 18th 2017 with updated graphics, this Xbox 360 version was developed by Digital


As we all know they are not the greatest when it comes to retro ports.

Some may like the new style of the graphics while others may not.

I particularly find the blur effect off-putting.

Sadly you will not get to see much of this port as I am not willing to pay for the full

download version.

For more infomation >> Battle of the Ports - Yie Ar Kung-Fu (イー・アル・カンフー) Show #217 - 60fps - Duration: 15:19.


번지수 잘못 찾았다 ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 7:33.

For more infomation >> 번지수 잘못 찾았다 ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 7:33.


dont watch this lol - Duration: 2:58.

attempting to escape Syria and

temporarily staying in Lebranon

lebr- na brna

-schools seem to not have enough

French and English speachers

ph- speachers oh my god

their most important economic

eti- activ- eh


most important economic ectiviti-

eh- ectivities?

effects are still in place.

one very prominent result of the pfh-

*turns French*

their most important economic ctivities

are banking and...

I keep saying ectivities.

so much that they have to-

that they come to my co- uh


fugee meaning they are attempting to scape S-

to scape.

meaning they are attempting to escape

Syria and n-

ch- uuh


nOW for some random facts


now for some random facts

the most spoken language

in- spokeh?

that doesn't sound right?

hang on-

nOw for some random-


wHy Do I kEeP dOiNg ThIs? (aegyo of the century anyone?)


there as long as you have enough

money to be enrolled in private school



the most spoken language in Leb-


in private school

public schools seem to not have

enough French and English speach-

*cries on the inside*

and even more,, effects?

are still in place.


the most important..


im slurring my words

im not even drunk

in seek of bettif- be-




due to the Lebanese War in 2006

and m- *WoAH*



in seek of betta-

betta betta b-


yknow how i told you to mmber?


their most important economic ectivities-

*turns highly Russian*



both figratively ann literal-

o i cant do engilish





(forgive my poor Swedish)












The rest of BTS

im not a koreaboo i swear

uh JIN

jhope (hobi ^^)


and Rapmon

I-I'm so. I'm getting off topic.

Where was I?

For more infomation >> dont watch this lol - Duration: 2:58.


EGYPT 2018: MEETING WITH A SUBSCRIBER FROM BELARUS (English subtitles) - Duration: 10:04.

Dany: The goat. Here is a walking lonely goat

Even such things happen to us

We now left all four

We go to our subscriber

The girl's name is Darina

Our compatriot. Lives in Alexandria

She is also married to an Egyptian. And she invited us to her house

We are now going to her

Let's see what awaits us

Darina has a two-year-old girl

She is now pregnant with the second. And we will need to buy something probably. Some toy as a gift

For a two-year-old girl. Will seek

Yes, Darina Hello Galina

You know, we'll just take a taxi just now. Can you tell what your address is

Or let me call you when we are in a taxi


well, I'll call you if we get lost

Everything is in touch.

Malak: These are toys. We need for a child for 2 years. Do they have anything?

Oh this is very big

Seller: There are such go on the floor and playing music

Here is the constructor

Dany: What do you think? I will take it

now it's packed

Malak: Oh, superman

Our gift is almost ready

this how is this box will looks like

We are going to visit. Malak: Where? To friends? Yes . Malak: Aaaaa

Darina sent me a picture of the cake yesterday on my What's Up.

And said that she cooked this cake for our visit

Malak: Is this a gift? This is a gift for the daughter of Darina

Malak: Inna? Darina. Malak: Is Darina big? Yes, Darina's woman

Malak: And little. Yes, she has a little daughter

Malak: And all the children? Girl 2 years. Malak: All the girls?

We entered the Maharambay district. Now we are in Maharambey

We drove long enough to detour. Because on the main road now is a traffic jam

We all got out of the taxi. The store here next door is called Asafiri

We will now wait for Darina

Of course the place is so pure Egyptian. So we will wait

Because there is a nearby train station nearby. Therefore, many people are always

Here is the bakery and it probably is called Asafiri

How are you? Are you tired? Malak: Yes.

We drove for a very long time. Are you tired? Aya: A little bit? Aya: Yes.

Are you tired? Do you still have to go to the Russian Center today? Dany: soon

And here by the way pass old trams

So we are waiting. Waiting for Darina when she appears.

I think it's Darina coming.

Hello. Darina: Can you not take pictures? Oh, you will not, right?

Well, Darina husband does not allow her to show herself. So then I'll tell you everything. Something like that.

And here, next to the house of Darina, there is a family store. So say the family business.

Is it building? Darina: Yes, they do all kinds of keys. For home chips. Then the bolts, dowels. Locks. Very good.

Darina was adapted here. Fifth year, right? Darina: Yes. For the fifth year already here lives and became Masriyka)))))

Good. Well, let's go?

We reached the house of Darina. We were very well received. A wonderful daughter of Darina for two and a half years.

Lovely loving husband. All is well.

We sat down to talk. And now Darina now treats us with a cake.

Cake of her production.

Very tasty I think.

Malak and Aya are sitting eating. A delicious pie, huh? Malak: Very delicious.

Aya: How do you like the pie? Delicious?

Well, I'm generally a big fan of cakes. So now we will eat

Darina thank you very much.

Darina: You're welcome. On health. Thank you very much.

For more infomation >> EGYPT 2018: MEETING WITH A SUBSCRIBER FROM BELARUS (English subtitles) - Duration: 10:04.


[Nancy Ngo It All] Guessing Game Give Away - Mystery Gift - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> [Nancy Ngo It All] Guessing Game Give Away - Mystery Gift - Duration: 3:18.


一套中國神秘武器系統曝光:解放軍變身未來戰士讓西方直呼不可能 - Duration: 6:25.

For more infomation >> 一套中國神秘武器系統曝光:解放軍變身未來戰士讓西方直呼不可能 - Duration: 6:25.


IT´S NOT THAT SAFE (Poem) - Maryan MG BSSK Poetry Book - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> IT´S NOT THAT SAFE (Poem) - Maryan MG BSSK Poetry Book - Duration: 1:16.


Apocabox Silent Hunter April 2018 Unopening - Duration: 8:14.

For more infomation >> Apocabox Silent Hunter April 2018 Unopening - Duration: 8:14.


深陷在泥濘大洪水中的女人奇蹟般地逃脫了!然而其他動物呢? - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> 深陷在泥濘大洪水中的女人奇蹟般地逃脫了!然而其他動物呢? - Duration: 6:37.


SHOPKINS | Cutie Cars Shop...

For more infomation >> SHOPKINS | Cutie Cars Shop...



For more infomation >> COBRA - (CONVERSÃO AN) | ATUALIZAÇÃO DA SITUAÇÃO / "IGNIÇÃO DA GRADE" - 04.05.2018 - Duration: 11:39.


Ludzki organizm – czego o nim nie wiesz?! - Duration: 6:54.

For more infomation >> Ludzki organizm – czego o nim nie wiesz?! - Duration: 6:54.


SOMAT de judecători, Klaus Iohannis are o reacție surprinzătoare: 'Nu a fost - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> SOMAT de judecători, Klaus Iohannis are o reacție surprinzătoare: 'Nu a fost - Duration: 3:26.


HALUCINANT O jurnalistă spune ce s-a întâmplat, de fapt, cu microfonul găsit - Duration: 6:51.

For more infomation >> HALUCINANT O jurnalistă spune ce s-a întâmplat, de fapt, cu microfonul găsit - Duration: 6:51.


Há 63 anos, o míssil ar-ar 'Sidewinder' atingia seu primeiro alvo - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Há 63 anos, o míssil ar-ar 'Sidewinder' atingia seu primeiro alvo - Duration: 2:54.


Hawaii-FIve 0 - Way Of The Danny - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Hawaii-FIve 0 - Way Of The Danny - Duration: 2:36.


Hawaii-FIve 0 - Undefeated - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Hawaii-FIve 0 - Undefeated - Duration: 2:35.


How to kill the ragnarok ice queen with a pencil - Duration: 4:28.

Punch/whistle your thyla down, sometimes to queen won't spawn if you ride your thyla down with you.

Bring parachutes, or you'll have 95.76% of the chance of landing outside the water and kill yourself.

Go for a swim then go to the edge for the queen to spawn, if not, go back and forth several times and pray for it to come.

When the "calculating number of players" message shows up, go back to your thyla fast, the queen has a 87.32% chance of rushing to you and your thyla.

For more infomation >> How to kill the ragnarok ice queen with a pencil - Duration: 4:28.





Come disfarsi dell'alluce valgo con rimedi naturali - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> Come disfarsi dell'alluce valgo con rimedi naturali - Duration: 6:55.


How to Make Air Cooling Fan For Your Android/Iphone/Tablet :Easyway - Duration: 4:24.


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