letter r
[РЕШЕНО] Как скопировать персонажа зайти на птс варфейс 2018 - Duration: 2:42.-------------------------------------------
The Magic Fish (Sillywood Tales) - An animated children's story book - Duration: 3:58.The Magic Fish
In the forest lived a family of foxes, all hungry hunters.
Catching birds in the winters and moles in the summers.
There was not an animal they could not catch.
The best hunters they were with out a match.
Tracking their preys from west to east.
Hungry they hunted birds and beasts
One day father fox caught a strange looking fish.
"Hmm.. not what I wished, but you'll make a dish."
Don't eat me.
I'm a magic fish.
Just shake shake shake and take a wish."
Father fox studied the fish he caught.
And thought, a magic fish?
why not?
Shake, shake, shake, a yummy duckling I take!
The magic fish puked and hurled A duckling into the world.
Woah woah woah.
A magic fish… to make a wish?
Never again will we hunt for our next dish!
Father fox hurried back to his family's den
Mother fox looked at the fish and said That's not a Hen.
Look everyone.
a magic fish to make a wish.
Never again will we hunt for our next dish!
Shake shake shake, a chicken i take!
The magic fish puked and hurled A chicken into the world.
The children screamed, "That fish just puked!"
"OH Hush! A wonderful hen," Mother fox rebuked.
"Is that's safe to eat?"
"Will it taste like fish or meat?"
Yes yes my children.
Tonight we feast No longer will we hunt from west to east.
For days the magic fished puke and hurled Rabbits, goats and lizards into the world.
And into fox's mouth went sparrows, grasshoppers rats.
All Summer they devoured, turtles, dogs and cats.
They chomped on beatles, snakes, monkeys even a plyatpus!
By Fall they had a special palate for octopus.
They gobbled every creature from snails to whales.
They chewed and munched on shells and tails.
By Winter they had digested every kind of meat.
And they could no longer decide what to eat….
Let's just savor a chicken.
But we still haven't tasted a kitten.
Yes we did, it had a flavor like a cat.
I much rather fancy a bat or is that like a rat?
Father fox held up the magic fish, how about magic fish and chips.
Uh. guys. I don't think thats—
Shake shake shake, magic fish I take.
Instead of a puke there was fluke.
ARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!! Actually it was more of a nuke.
There are some things that can not be explained.
Like why a magic fish explodes?
Who or what is to blame?
Or like why bits of fox meat rained in the forest that day.
But none of the other animals complained.
It tasted okay.
Dude, don't just leave. For more stories from E. B. Adams
Just tap tap tap the subscribe button.
Trains in The Netherlands February 2017 Part 1 - Duration: 11:54.February 2017
Strawberry Shortcake BerryRush vs Talking Tom Gold Run Angela Cowboy Android Gameplay - Duration: 20:06.New Gameplay
Strawberry Shortcake BerryRush
Talking Tom Gold Run
Watch "Promise"-------------------------------------------
L'ultima offerta di Salvini a Di Maio: "Governo lampo e riforma elettorale" - Duration: 2:44.-------------------------------------------
Khwaja-E-Khwajga Hamiye Be Kasa | 2018 | Female Voice | New Latest Qawwali | By Simna Graphics - Duration: 5:15.-------------------------------------------
Bike sharing in Cina: Ofo e Mobike a confronto - Bike sharing in China: Ofo and Mobike review - Duration: 5:49.Hi everyone!
Today we will speak about one of the most used
mean of transport here in China in the last decades
that now is reborn to new life
We will speak to you about...
Chinese people invented a great number of things
but bicycle is not one of them
For the first time in China, bicycle has been used by
foreigners living in the concessions
around the end of 19th century
while the Chinese (the wealthy ones)
were not very happy of riding by themselves
and preferred to be carried in the rickshaw
Among the first Chinese people to use the bike
there were Chinese students coming back from Europe
Now the situation is upside down
Chinese people use the bike to do everything
Sometimes they sleep on it
and sometimes they even use it for kung-fu
China is now exporting a new way to ride a bike...
called bike sharing
Bike sharing is already a very widespead
mean of transport in the city
There are already a number of bike sharing companies
but we will only speak about the biggest two
that are competing for the market: Ofo and Mobike
Founded in 2015 in Beijing, Mobike
is together with the competitor Ofo
one of the most famous bike sharing companies in China
The service of Mobike, except China, covers
a number of Asian countries, Italy, France
Uk, Germany and the Nederlands
This company has the most
appealing design
and with the most advanced technology
like this new anti-piercing tires
Founded in 2014, Ofo
it is very similar to Mobike
there are some difference, though,
design is much simpler
and there is not such an advanced technology
Today we took both, Ofo and Mobike
and we noticed some substantial differences
to take Ofo you need to pay a deposit of
99 rmb
and not 299 rmb (first big difference)
the second difference is
Ofo is much more comfortable to ride, lighter
and makes your riding much enjoyable
To use the bikes you need first
verify your identity with a picture of your passport
then we can pay through Wechat or Alipay the deposit
With Mobike to unlock the bikes,
you just need to scan the Qr code
while with Ofo
we need to insert the code from app directly on the lock
and now we are free to ride around the city
But let's arrive to the most important
important question of today's video
Is bike sharing making our life better?
I think yes
it is cheap
only 1 rmb for half an hour ride
it's cheaper than to buy a bike
Yes, but you need to block
300 rmb, almost 40 euros
and sometimes the app is not working
the lock is not closing and you keep paying
Ok, but you can park the bike wherever you want!
you don't have to find a collection point to park it
Yes, but this created also some problems
not all the users are responsible users
and sometimes they park in the middle of the walkway
blocking the way to the pedestrians
This business increased the production
a higher number of vacancies
and new jobs, like those who sort out the bikes
But in the meantime, destroyed
the small bike retailer's business
and now they have to reinvent their business
selling sport bikes
These bikes are convenient for short distances
where taxi drivers don't want to take you
and cuts the time of waiting for the bus
Try to arrive alive at the office
when outside there are 38°C
and 98% of humidity in Guangzhou
not to speak about the broke or vandalized bikes
Right, but bike sharing has a very big advantage
it's eco-friendly and healthy
You're right, on the app you can check your journey
and how much Co2 you have spared to the environment
Well, this is what we know about bike sharing
in China
This service is now spreading in Europe
and we would like to know
what do you think about it
If you liked this video, hit the like button
Subscribe our channel, and see you to the next video
Di Maio: "Governo di tregua? Non esiste con i traditori del popolo". - Duration: 4:16.-------------------------------------------
Dormi poco? Scopri cosa comporta: - Duration: 2:13.-------------------------------------------
Evacuaciones y pánico en Hawaii por decenas de sismos que provocaron la erupción del volcán Kilauea - Duration: 1:45.-------------------------------------------
L'ultima offerta di Salvini a Di Maio: "Governo lampo e riforma elettorale" - Duration: 2:25.-------------------------------------------
Japão aprova mudança na Constituição e dá mais poder para o Exército - Duration: 1:23.-------------------------------------------
Perché bisognerebbe fare a meno di plastica e Teflon in cucina? - Duration: 6:33.-------------------------------------------
2018 Mid-Season Invitational Play-In Group Stage Day 3 Tease - Duration: 1:54.GO HOME!
Even if we don't make it out of Group Stage, I want to show the best of my abilities.
I will do my best for the next three games
because at least I was able to come here. I will do my best.
We will take any small chance we have to qualify, we obviously won't surrender.
But we know our situation is rough after this bad first day we had.
Come Approfondire la Conoscenza dei Clienti | V60S #46 - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
Di Maio: "Governo di tregua? Non esiste con i traditori del popolo". - Duration: 3:52.-------------------------------------------
Benefícios do limão para emagrecer - Duration: 6:46.-------------------------------------------
"La manada de Chile", el caso de violación grupal de supuestos hinchas - Duration: 5:31.-------------------------------------------
They built an alternative community - Docu - 2014 - Duration: 49:17.-------------------------------------------
Neppuu Kairiku Bushi Road「AMV」- Sunny - Duration: 2:59.
ТЕХНІКА ВІЙНИ №121. Пістолетні кобури. Броньовики NIMR [ENG SUB] - Duration: 17:24.Anton Duhnovsky translation
For suggestions and remarks on translation, please contact us: TranslatorAnSky@i.ua
War technologies
United forces operation, which replaced ATO at 30 of April, may test new sections control automatic system
Also after moment you will know
What technique received police specialists?
What for in Belbek second air-strip?
Who develop European giant-drone?
And does got narco-traders stealth technologie?
Even whole four years our defenders trend traditionally «kalash», anyway to some categories of military-servants give pistols with soviet holsters
Some use them, but some buy more modern variants. So our Genadij Salivon decide to know more details about this equipment type
As first holster might be considered quiver for bow and arrows. Him wear behind back or attach to horse harness. When humanity discharge from throwing weapons, such products used for carbines
Massive usage of holsters began with creating multi-charge revolver and pistols. If shooter use not all ammo, became need to hide weapon such way - so she will be under hand
And now already for over than hundred years many country armies around the world use closed leather holsters
Now such holsters use in Armed forces mostly at check-points, service at patrol and much rare in battle action areas. Cause take gun out fast very hard
Exists one minus at old holster examples, and sometime at new. Reserve magazine placed outside
Always to guys with such holster I give first task – two shots, reload magazine – two shots. And starts problems. For very long
For fast gun usage, grip should be open, and reserve magazine attach near empty hand
I'm using tactical holster, it can be attached to belt, also on hip, depending on conditions in which I'm performing task
It is such holster. She disassembles. Here input pistol and format her. Wearing such holsters on suspension-systems, on-hip platforms, on vest
But they take a lot of space, I don't think it is best variant
Holsters that attach to leg might be frequently seen in ATO rayon. But this choice should be aware
This holster bought in Kramatorsk. Seller ensure, that it universal. Options here for sure, that any gun won't fall off. But, for example PM here drops far and take him might only by 2-3 fingers
Specialists thought, that location of secondary on leg more goes for sections that do storm acts
On-hip variant closer to special forces, which use many tactical equipment devices. For easier access to shot-barrel weapon
Complete different way to holster choice for those who got pistol as main weapon, means police and bodyguards. In 90ss in Ukraine show up huge amount of holsters that wearing underarm
It is holsters more goes for movies. It is cool image, when man take off jacket, and on white shirt he got black suspension, pistol, he is cool cowboy. But she don't give fast access to weapon
Were underarm holsters from which I'm refuse fast, when start practical shooting. Now I' using or patrol or sport variant of holster wearing at side of stronger arm
Now in trade are cheap leather, synthetic belt holsters. They provide fast access to weapon, but got disadvantages. To flexy, rip apart and exists risk of accidental shot
Now in trend plastic holsters. Them made only for one model of pistol. Means in Glock holster can't settle «Makar»
Such equipment surely hold weapon even without additional clasps. With it mighty maximum work speed with them. Producers propose models, as for co-workers in uniform, so for hidden wearing under citizens
Holster located inside pants. Enough comfy. Might place, as on one hour of day, might use she from the back
When you driving, possible to take grip by strong hand and it is enough fast taking out of pistol from holster
Sport holsters more open. Exists such that hide only trigger. Even specialists advise to always wear gun on one place, producers propose universal plastic holsters
This holster might be use on belt on lowering platform. So on other devices. On on-hip platform. Very fast might to attach and change. We transferring her on MOLLE system
Few years ago show up new material – Kidex. Products from it twice pricier than from ABS-plastic, but have their advantages
He more time-proof, well react on aggressive conditions and very stable. We test at -17. He don't change his qualities. Don't crack. Holster work as it is
In this episode we don't said about timber holsters-stocks and bags for hidden wearing, cause it is already apart topic
Russia went out from three world leaders by military spends at 2017. In SIPRI declare, that most pricy pay for munition United states, China and Saudis Arabia
And our eastern neighbor sanctions lead to fourth place. By this nice news begin new block of MIC by week
On May 3, 2018, about 13:20 on the technical territory of 65 artillery base of storage of missiles and ammunition, a fire arose
Subsequently, it caused explosions and detonation of hazardous objects that remained on the site of a technical area that had not been cleared after the events of March 23, 2017
Previously, there are several causes of the fire
Janes Agency publish image of new AV from UkrInMach on chassis 2S1. «Kevlar-E» equipped with battle module Storm. IFV will got crew of 3 persons plus up to 6 descendant fighters
Btw, on Jitomir oblast start testing trucks for IFV from Harkiv aviation factory. Test march consists 50 kilometers
National police and special-section KORD get from USA ambassador in Ukraine Mary Jovanovich 44 new auto. It is specially equipped small-busses Ford Transit and Volkswagen Crafter
And in internet show up effective video of working over new Ukrainian ATW Thor, which might all except flights. Weight of shorty 2 tones
In Ukraine arrive anti-tank complexes Javelin, which USA give with exceptionally defense usage condition. From 2 of May by decree of Defense minister Stepan Poltorak in training centers begin prepare teams for them
Btw, daily in Georgia for 27-years of army at first was publicly demonstrated Javelin
Dnipropetrovsk court refuse take from company Trade Commoditi 3 millions 100 thousands for MinDefense benefit
Yet in past year military prosecution give according call for paying fine and penalty for out-term sending materials to army. We remind, now company secure MinDefense by fuel on 60% and UkrZaliznicju 50%.
Seems from space filming, occupant on aerodrome Belbek, build second air-trip with length 4 kilometers, in parallel to existent
It is speaks about plans to increase military presence, or ensure in case of Kerch bridge adventure break. We remind, cause of sanctions Russia lost over 50 billion dollars
Beretta lead on market polymeric pistol models APX Compact and APX Centurion. First model got on 10 millimeters shorter handle. But cost them same – 575 bucks
That time Cobalt Kinetics launch line with 4 modernized classic rifles models under name Twenty-Seven for California
In Indonesia test second prototype of middle tank Tiger on caterpillar chassis Kaplan with rifled cannon 105-mm. In June plan to certificate it, and then produce serially
Battle machine, what presented in past years May, commonly develop Turkey and Indonesian companies
US MinDefense order in Raytheon company guided missiles Tomahawk in new modification Block 4. Hundred of such ammos will cost 143 million dollars
That time reconnaissance of US report, that China by month on three disputed islands of Nansha arch place missiles class «land-ship» and «land-air»
Navy India commandment accept on arms third multi-purpose drop cutter LCU Mc4, what secure defense territories in area of Andaman and Nikobar islands
That time USA coast guard take over in Pacific ocean low-visible speed stealth-cutter type Lowprofile Vessel from Columbian narko-traders
On international aero-space exposition in Berlin present perspective recon-strike unmanned MALE, which from 2015 develop Airbus, Leonardo and Deseu Aviation
Btw, under time of Azerbaijan border guards arms demonstration in first was spotted Israel UAV Hermes-900 from Elbit Systems
On aerodrome in Jukovsk, cuase of nose landing gear failure, emergency landing made plane Indian AF IL -38
In American state Georgia under time of last flight crashed plane C-130 Hercules and 9 crew member did not survive
And in Syria cause of bird fall in sea Russian fighter Su-30SM. Crew members died
Year ago Defense ministry of United Arab Emirates signed contract with fatherlands company on sending 1765 AVs. It is models Jays, HefIt 630A and Ajban 440A from Nimr Automotive
Results of producer with 20-years history job especially seen now. Machines with Tiger logo interest even Europeans
He is not differs by special clean, shine and nicety, what's habit on arms expositions. This AV N-35 bring to IDEX-2017 before two days from exposition beginning
Before it he participate in combat action in Yemen and only thanks to 450-power engine and wheel insertions run-flat evacuate 10 fighters from real hell
By unequipped eye seen, how enemy tries to stop him. But with 4th protection level by NATO STANAG hard to compete
This machine was wounded from MG caliber 12,7-mm and bullets get here, here and here. It is not main protection of example, but even it doesn't pierced
By circle we also see marks from small calibers. On windscreen are marks from soviet sniper rifle 7,62-mm, what can't breach protection. Upside on turret also see similar damages
Permission on assembling this, and also 6-wheels model Nimr Automotive get from south-African company Denel Vehicle Systems in November 2015. So AV RG-35 rename to N-35 or Jais
In contract on sum 63 million dollars goes about, that Nimr at start release example in South Africa, and then transfer it to United Arab Emirates. Already here new-one show under time of parade in December 2016
Nimr one among largest producers of AVs in world. Each day from it conveyor walks down near 48 ones
Them tested by international certificated standards, such as NATO STANAG, MilStandards, DefSten. Our production surely competite with such giant as Oshkosh and Renault
History of AVs from Nimr begin before 2000ss, when Jordan king order in emirates company Bin Jabr Group development, and also creating few research examples. On it share 60 million dollars and first prototype see on exposition IDEX-2001
In project even participate daughter company of Russian Gaz, but her soon dropped. Anyway left documentation allows Russia create Tiger, on which aannexed Crimea
Later in Jordan created common enterprise, what from summer of 2005 for 18 months assemble 500 AVs Nimr with four modifications of wheel formula 4х4 and 6х6. Machine get 325-power engine MTU and transmission Ellison
What we do on Nimr? We listening to desires of final orderer and adapt machine according to exact his recommendations
Use can order our basic version, or get unique example with options for him. Creating exclusive takes from 3 to 9 months
In 2007 was demonstrated improved Nimr-2 with B6 protection level, cargo-lift 2,5 tones and more powerful engine on 25 horses. Also then show machines on his base, created commonly with companies MBDA and Rheinmetall Defense Electronics
It was anti-air version Nimrad, anti-tank Nimrat and 6-wheel APC with 30-mm cannon. Half thousand of basic machines then purchase United Arab Emirates, and whole order in result consist over 3.5 thousand ones. Production there begin in April 2012
Main battle machine of UAE now Nimr different modifications. Also she is already in Bahrein, Egypt, Algeria. We demonstrate our machine in whole world
In 2009 even Livian leader Kaddafi sign agreement on sending 120 machines for police sections. Then minimum one battalion of this machine crews pass study in Jordan
But with falling of regime new authorities from example didn't refuse. In opposite, now Nimr's park in Livian army consist over 500 ones
Experience of machine using in combat operations force us make her lighter, work for design, integrate newest technologies. All thank to powerful international specialists team
Especially active now Nimr Automotive move on its light machines Ajban, what got under ten different variants. Common there lines is chassis with length 5,65 and width 2,3 meters, engine Cummins on 296 «horses», six-stage automat Ellison
Fuel tank on 180 liters secure movement reserve 650 kilometers. Known, that 9-tones might got ballistic protection up to 4th level, and anti-mine till third
Behind me you see model Ajban, which might be, as with wheel formula 4х4, so 6х6, what got name Hafit. Most protected example weights 15 tones
Most protected example weights 15 tones
Wide known, that machine already on arms of Emirates, Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Livia, Tunisia, Turkmenistan. Btw, on 26th independence parade in Ashgabad already participate few examples from bought party
And sure won't limit with it. Also Nimr Automotive lead active conversation with Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Czech
Nimr was part of examples team, which we test today. If mount on him armament, than AV might do commander or patrol machine functions
I drive Nimr twice. He doesn't got problems with pass through even on this hard land. Machine is beautiful, can't tell more
With lighter example Nimr flourished in past year. Machine RIV exceptionally with armored bottom build common with British company Mira. Full mass of example 4 tones, and cargo-lift – one and a half
He assigned for airborne sections and might be transported by helicopter CH-47. Known, that 300-power engine able to accelerate scout to «maximal» in 125 kilometers per hour
Next time you will know about Special Operations Forces (SOF) equipment and retro-mobiles from Second world war. Remind you, this and previous releases might find on site of 24th channel and youtube of Ukrainian military TV. Farewell
Cuéntalo: Las mujeres comparten sus historias de agresiones y abusos sexuales - Duration: 5:01.-------------------------------------------
The Magic Fish (Sillywood Tales) - An animated children's story book - Duration: 3:58.The Magic Fish
In the forest lived a family of foxes, all hungry hunters.
Catching birds in the winters and moles in the summers.
There was not an animal they could not catch.
The best hunters they were with out a match.
Tracking their preys from west to east.
Hungry they hunted birds and beasts
One day father fox caught a strange looking fish.
"Hmm.. not what I wished, but you'll make a dish."
Don't eat me.
I'm a magic fish.
Just shake shake shake and take a wish."
Father fox studied the fish he caught.
And thought, a magic fish?
why not?
Shake, shake, shake, a yummy duckling I take!
The magic fish puked and hurled A duckling into the world.
Woah woah woah.
A magic fish… to make a wish?
Never again will we hunt for our next dish!
Father fox hurried back to his family's den
Mother fox looked at the fish and said That's not a Hen.
Look everyone.
a magic fish to make a wish.
Never again will we hunt for our next dish!
Shake shake shake, a chicken i take!
The magic fish puked and hurled A chicken into the world.
The children screamed, "That fish just puked!"
"OH Hush! A wonderful hen," Mother fox rebuked.
"Is that's safe to eat?"
"Will it taste like fish or meat?"
Yes yes my children.
Tonight we feast No longer will we hunt from west to east.
For days the magic fished puke and hurled Rabbits, goats and lizards into the world.
And into fox's mouth went sparrows, grasshoppers rats.
All Summer they devoured, turtles, dogs and cats.
They chomped on beatles, snakes, monkeys even a plyatpus!
By Fall they had a special palate for octopus.
They gobbled every creature from snails to whales.
They chewed and munched on shells and tails.
By Winter they had digested every kind of meat.
And they could no longer decide what to eat….
Let's just savor a chicken.
But we still haven't tasted a kitten.
Yes we did, it had a flavor like a cat.
I much rather fancy a bat or is that like a rat?
Father fox held up the magic fish, how about magic fish and chips.
Uh. guys. I don't think thats—
Shake shake shake, magic fish I take.
Instead of a puke there was fluke.
ARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!! Actually it was more of a nuke.
There are some things that can not be explained.
Like why a magic fish explodes?
Who or what is to blame?
Or like why bits of fox meat rained in the forest that day.
But none of the other animals complained.
It tasted okay.
Dude, don't just leave. For more stories from E. B. Adams
Just tap tap tap the subscribe button.
Pocoyo em Português | Jogando tênis | Novos Episódios 2018 - Duration: 6:05.-------------------------------------------
ABC Turkish Alphabet Animals - RACCOON - Letter R - Duration: 2:05.letter r
[РЕШЕНО] Как скопировать персонажа зайти на птс варфейс 2018 - Duration: 2:42.-------------------------------------------
The Magic Fish (Sillywood Tales) - An animated children's story book - Duration: 3:58.The Magic Fish
In the forest lived a family of foxes, all hungry hunters.
Catching birds in the winters and moles in the summers.
There was not an animal they could not catch.
The best hunters they were with out a match.
Tracking their preys from west to east.
Hungry they hunted birds and beasts
One day father fox caught a strange looking fish.
"Hmm.. not what I wished, but you'll make a dish."
Don't eat me.
I'm a magic fish.
Just shake shake shake and take a wish."
Father fox studied the fish he caught.
And thought, a magic fish?
why not?
Shake, shake, shake, a yummy duckling I take!
The magic fish puked and hurled A duckling into the world.
Woah woah woah.
A magic fish… to make a wish?
Never again will we hunt for our next dish!
Father fox hurried back to his family's den
Mother fox looked at the fish and said That's not a Hen.
Look everyone.
a magic fish to make a wish.
Never again will we hunt for our next dish!
Shake shake shake, a chicken i take!
The magic fish puked and hurled A chicken into the world.
The children screamed, "That fish just puked!"
"OH Hush! A wonderful hen," Mother fox rebuked.
"Is that's safe to eat?"
"Will it taste like fish or meat?"
Yes yes my children.
Tonight we feast No longer will we hunt from west to east.
For days the magic fished puke and hurled Rabbits, goats and lizards into the world.
And into fox's mouth went sparrows, grasshoppers rats.
All Summer they devoured, turtles, dogs and cats.
They chomped on beatles, snakes, monkeys even a plyatpus!
By Fall they had a special palate for octopus.
They gobbled every creature from snails to whales.
They chewed and munched on shells and tails.
By Winter they had digested every kind of meat.
And they could no longer decide what to eat….
Let's just savor a chicken.
But we still haven't tasted a kitten.
Yes we did, it had a flavor like a cat.
I much rather fancy a bat or is that like a rat?
Father fox held up the magic fish, how about magic fish and chips.
Uh. guys. I don't think thats—
Shake shake shake, magic fish I take.
Instead of a puke there was fluke.
ARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!! Actually it was more of a nuke.
There are some things that can not be explained.
Like why a magic fish explodes?
Who or what is to blame?
Or like why bits of fox meat rained in the forest that day.
But none of the other animals complained.
It tasted okay.
Dude, don't just leave. For more stories from E. B. Adams
Just tap tap tap the subscribe button.
Strawberry Shortcake BerryRush vs Talking Tom Gold Run Angela Cowboy Android Gameplay - Duration: 20:06.New Gameplay
Strawberry Shortcake BerryRush
Talking Tom Gold Run
Trains in The Netherlands February 2017 Part 1 - Duration: 11:54.February 2017
How I Make Money Online-------------------------------------------
Costco Tips: For Some Ideas, You Don't Need A Membership - Duration: 2:46.-------------------------------------------
Police say increase of vehicle break-ins on the peninsula - Duration: 2:11.-------------------------------------------
ローラ、白Tから伸びるスラリ美脚にファン注目「さすがのスタイル」 - Duration: 1:41.-------------------------------------------
How To: Lose Pregnancy Weight, Gain Weight And Maintain Weight | Fitness Questions- Answered - Duration: 3:42.Hi guys, so a lot of you have had many fitness related questions
from really common ones
like how do I lose fat in my thigh area
to the holy grail of questions that women everywhere
cherish how do I get a flat belly
but for the rest of your questions here are some answers
that I hope you'll find really helpful.
So the first question is
how do I lose pregnancy weight?
Now the fact is that weight loss however you put it on
has to do with a lot of effort put
in to work it off.
But the thing is that,
that is slightly different with pregnancy weight.
This is because your body has just been through an awful lot.
I mean giving life is not something you do everyday
so in light of that you have to make sure
that you do not put too much pressure on your body
and don't be so hard on it to heal before it's time.
So firstly what you need to do is get a good amount of sleep.
The best position for a good night's sleep
is on your back.
It allows your head and neck to stay aligned,
keeping your spine in a neutral position without
adding any extra pressure
and is less likely to cause pain
in the neck, head and spine area.
This will make sure you don't get up
with an uncomfortable neck or back pain.
The second best option for a good night's sleep
is laying on your side as it can help
with snoring, sleep apnea and joint pain
in ways that sleeping on your back cannot.
But make sure your pillow is at a bit of a height
and in level with your back to keep
you from straining your neck
and the pain that comes with it.
So, the next question is
how do I gain weight?
Now this is as important a question as
how to lose weight because being underweight is
as unhealthy as being overweight.
So what you can do is start eating more and
at regular intervals so that your body is
trained to know that it's going to need
to expect a lot more food from now on.
The next question is about
permanent weight loss techniques that can keep the weight off.
The healthiest way for you to lose weight
is to lose weight gradually not all at once.
So try to eat right, do not try to eat less.
What you can do is make sure that you do not
eat carbs after 5 o'clock just completely
cut those out of your diet
when you reach the late evening
and what you must do is definitely
give yourself an hour a day to work out.
I hope you've found these tips really helpful
try making fitness a priority in your life
because remember you don't get the butt your want by sitting on it.
So stop wishing and start doing.
The 5 Core Values Of Video Storytelling For Churches | Pro Church Daily Ep. #102 - Duration: 11:18.-------------------------------------------
Ten Little Indian Boys | Kindergarten Songs For Children - Duration: 1:00:33.Ten Little Indian Boys...
Suomi-torstai: Oli mukava päivä tähän asti - Duration: 5:30.Good morning.
It's Thursday.
I'm pretty sick.
I'll probably stay home from work today.
Finnish Thursday.
Headed to a client's office.
Gonna film somebody's face or something.
Not sure.
The shoot went pretty well.
But it lasted like 3 hours and now I'm super hungry.
Likewise. Thanks!
I got an update on the camera gimbal.
Ahhh "update". I thought you got it.
"we are starting to ship it now"
Pretty late.
But at least they notified before I had to ask about it.
When is it here in my hand?
How many points did it get?
Pompier... 9...
and almost a half
This is our lunch place...
...and this is how many people went there and this is...
the point average
This is the best and...
Pixelate this.
my hand
Now that is a dream job.
I wanna be there
Uhh... your northern neighbor, Canada
Does it matter if I borrow the maple leaf from the flag and make a symbol out of it?
Yeah.. can I?
If what?
If I take the maple leaf from the Canadian flag and make a symbol out of it.
Isn't it?
Isn't it anyway?
Isn't it anyway?
"Isn't it" and I didn't understand the rest.
Isn't. It. Anyway?
So "isn't it" and then something else I didn't understand.
Are you dumb?
Close your mouth.
I am putting my headphones on now.
He's standing on the edge there
Basic work...
It was a nice Finnish Thursday up until this point.
When I had filmed this time lapse,
I was informed that there's a family emergency
and I left work immediately
It's Friday and everything ok now.
But this is probably a good time to
take a small break from YouTube
But, I'll be back soon.
I promise.
Best home remedy for better sleep - Duration: 1:59.Best home remedy for better sleep and join their good night's sleep is very
important for your health it will help you be happier keep your brain sharp
strengthen your immune system keep your waistline trim make your skin glow and
lower your risk of high blood pressure and heart disease the amount of sleep
needed each night varies but for adults getting at least seven hours every night
is crucial to having a healthy mind and body and when you don't get enough sleep
your life will be miserable here we have a simple home remedy which helps you for
good sleep for this remedy we need honey salt and coconut oil take a bowl with
one tablespoon of coconut oil and add one tablespoon of honey and finally a
pinch of salt raw honey creates a cascade of sleepy chain reactions it
triggers the release of a small insulin spike that spike causes the brain to
produce tryptophan which turns into serotonin which then turns into
melatonin coconut oil is a super healthy fat that provides you with the necessary
building blocks which your body needs to produce sleep hormones like serotonin
and melatonin coconut oil which also help you feel fuller longer so you won't
be walking up with the munchies mix all the ingredients well and consume 1 spoon
before going to bed follow this simple remedy regularly to
notice better sleep and also avoid using mobile phones or laptops before going to
sleep thank you for watching this video like and subscribe for more videos
Wheels On The Bus | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Children - Duration: 1:01:36."Farmees,
The bus is about to leave for a ride around the town!
Let's get on quick!"
The wheels on the bus go round and round...
Round and round, round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round all day long
The wheels on the bus stop at the farm..
At the farm, at the farm
The wheels on the bus stop at the farm, Everyday
The animals on the farm, board the bus..
Board the bus Board the bus ,
The animals on the farm, board the bus, one by one
The wheels on the bus go round and round..
Round and round, round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round all day long
The cow on the bus goes moo moo moo..
Moo moo moo Moo moo moo
The cow on the bus goes moo moo moo, and hops off
The wheels on the bus go round and round..
Round and round, round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round all day long
The pig on the bus goes oink oink oink,
Oink oink oink, Oink oink oink
The pig on the bus goes oink oink oink, and hops off
The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round
Round and round, round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round all day long
The horse on the bus goes neigh neigh neigh..
Neigh neigh neigh, Neigh neigh neigh
The horse on the bus goes neigh neigh neigh and hops off
The wheels on the bus go round and round..
Round and round, round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round all day long
The duck on the bus goes quack quack quack..
Quack quack quack, Quack quack quack
The duck on the bus goes quack quack quack and hops off
The wheels on the bus go round and round..
Round and round, round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round all day long
The dog on the bus goes woof woof woof ..
Woof woof woof, woof woof woof
The dog on the bus goes woof woof woof and hops off
The wheels on the bus go round and round..
Round and round, round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round all day long
The cat on the bus goes mew mew mew,
Mew mew mew, Mew mew mew
The cat on the bus goes mew mew mew and hops off
The wheels on the bus go round and round..
Round and round, round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round all day long
The sheep on the bus goes baa baa baa,
baa baa baa, baa baa baa,
The sheep on the bus goes baa baa baa and hops off
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round, round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round all day long
The hen on the bus goes chick chick chick..
Chick chick chick, Chick chick chick,
The hen on the bus goes chick chick chick and hops off
The wheels on the bus stops at the depot..
At the depot, At the depot
The wheels on the bus stops at the depot To take some rest
Halloween Haunted | Schoolies Cartoon Videos And Kids Songs - Duration: 2:59.Halloween Haunted Schoolies ...
Metr. George Khodr - Did you forget that Christ is Risen - Duration: 3:11.I visited my spiritual father and complained about my pains
He said: "Why are you sad? Did you forget that Christ is Risen?"
My brothers, this entails
that Christ dominates our entire Life,
our personal and worldly life
and we don't encounter his resurrection within the church,
the church limited by its stones...
HE brings us to LIFE,
He raises up, each one of us,
from his or her MISERY, his or her SADNESS.
The CHRIST enters the sad HEART
and HE doesn't dwell only within the church's walls.
If you were truly convinced
that JESUS is the entire LIFE
You don't SORROW.
I dare to say:
You don't DIE,
you bodily die,
yet you were ETERNALLY brought to LIFE,
for His being ALIVE.
The faithless philosopher Nietzsche used to say
show me that you are alive so I believe in your Christ.
You are not supposed to preach the words,
for this is surely a duty...
However, we were asked to preach
in each one of us.
He who is burdened by his SORROWS,
cannot preach.
He who is living in his SIN
doesn't preach.
Only the PENITENT preaches
for He is ALIVE!
Sing A Song Of Sixpence | Nursery Rhymes by Kids Baby Club - Duration: 1:01:56.Sing a song of sixpence a pocket full of rye,
Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie.
When the pie was opened the birds began to sing,
Oh wasn't that a dainty dish to set before the king?
Oh how lovely..
The king was in his counting house counting out his money,
The queen was in the parlour eating bread and honey
The maid was in the garden hanging out the clothes,
When down came a blackbird and pecked off her nose!
Sing a song of sixpence a pocket full of rye,
Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie.
When the pie was opened the birds began to sing,
Oh wasn't that a dainty dish to set before the king?
Donna's Day Out | Road Rangers Video For Kids by Super Kids Network - Duration: 1:05:08.Donna's Day Out...Road Rangers
Garry's mod with Belbee and Gamefighter - Duration: 2:02:17.-------------------------------------------
6 Insanely Delicious Baked Doughnuts Recipes - Duration: 3:21.Six insanely delicious bake doughnuts one might argue that buttery pillow a bake
doughnuts are proof that the universe loves you and wants you to be happy
after all fried food is undeniably terrible for you and cooking sticky rounds of Dahlin bubbling hot oil is one of the Macias Dan most
aggravating things you can attempt to do in your kitchen
so for your brawn chief east's try these bake not fried beauties where not been a try to pass them off as healthy
but there definitely cleaner than their fat bathed counterparts
and incredibly delicious
than Illa Ben and buttermilk baked doughnuts purists this one's for you
than Illa and been simple yeast did doughnuts are delicious plane dusted with cinnamon and sugar
or docked into a simple chocolate glaze
best of all you don't need a doughnut can to make them
just cut out rounds of the dough with a cookie cutter
put them on a baking sheet
and bake until golden chocolate glazed peanut butter doughnuts if you love peanut butter cups
there's absolutely positively no doubt you also want to gobble up Baker by nature's chocolate glazed peanut butter doughnuts she adds
peanut butter to our sour cream doughnut batter for loads of peanut flavor and a light fluffy texture
and pleases the treats with a rich chocolate Gann age
topped with chopped salted peanuts or peanut butter chips it's basically peeve be in chocolate heaven blueberry baked doughnuts soft moist
and loaded with blueberry goodness blah nick Baker's fruity baked doughnuts field just write paired with a hot cup of coffee
cake flour and Greek yogurt maker baked doughnuts extra oh tender
and a pretty purple glaze made with just two ingredients
fresh blueberries and powdered sugar
serves as the perfect art contrast to the sweet doughnuts baked double chocolate cake doughnuts a cozy kitchen maybes for national
doughnut day that you'll probably want to eat than every damn day
after all the Nisbet not a good time to make rich chocolate cake doughnuts with crunchy multicolored sprinkles
cheesecake stuffed cinnamon sugar baked doughnuts no doubt
donuts with raspberry jam are delicious
that doughnuts stuffed with a creamy cheesecake filling and topped with a dollop of raspberry jam are about a million times better
and the crunchy buttery cinnamon sugar coating
it takes these bake doughnuts to uncharted territories of delicious mess handled the heat's you're a veritable genius
blood orange donuts the little to pick Uri and citrus scented doughnuts aren't just pretty to look at
their also delicious to eat but would you expect anything less from a fluffy cinnamon and nutmeg cake doughnut topped with a tart blood
orange glaze and a crunchy candied slice of blood orange
nope didn't think so
(Eng Sub) HKCEE 10th Anniversary✿Hong Kong Public Exams [TALK] 會考十週年✿ 羨慕澳洲學生啊! - Duration: 5:26.The topic today's a bit random
Recently I chatted to a high school friend
and realized it's been TEN years since
we took the HKCEE public exam
It's unbelievable
My friends, if you're watching this video
It has really been TEN entire years
I was born in the same year as these 2 celebrities
I'm also aware that HKDSE has just finished (hurray!)
So I decided to discuss HK public exams today
If you've attended public exams before
Or you haven't
Or you nearly have to sit for one
You're also welcome to continue watching this video:)
I'm not afraid to admit (I know I'm old)
I attended HKCEE and HKA-Levels once upon a time (they don't exist now)
So I understand the hardships one has to go through
What leaves me speechless was
I met a few Year 12 students in Australia
They all seem to be a bit chill even before graduation
They still have lots of leisure time to work part-time
When asked what about their future
Have they decided on which uni to go to yet
They seem to be indecisive like it's not urgent
One said to me their school don't really recommend them to go to uni
I also asked my boyfriend who's born in Australia
Is the last exam he took in year 12
anymore more difficult or demanding than the regular ones
He said not really
They only take the exam in their school
Don't you (HKer) wanna punch them instantly? (joke)
In Hong Kong
we normally visit different uni 2-3 years ahead
to see what subjects we wanna do
Also, we have to apply for uni programmes a long time ahead
For the public exams
we even need to spend time locating the exam venues
It's like going to a battlefield
Both the students and parents are under tremendous stress
I still remember how stressed I was
Not saying HKCEE, I was still a bit relaxed then
But during A-levels, I couldn't even eat well
And lost interests in a lot of things
My body was always tense
We studied in the library from the morning to 10pm
And such behaviour are UNHEARD OF to westerners
Life's really unfair right?!
So if you're born in western countries
Or your kids are born in western countries
Or you have the opportunity to study abroad from high school
You're a very lucky person
If you're Asian
you still need to bite the bullet to take the exams
it was very very tough during public exams
But I don't think it had wasted my youth that much
Even if I didn't have exams
I can't guarantee I would have done something more meaningful
I think
at least public exams let you learn that
you have to put effort to get something you want
There's no harm to experience some challenges
If everything just comes so easily
a person can become really entitled
Also, public exams' collective memories to us
Now I look back
I can't think of any moment me and my friends are more serious than this
fighting for the same goal together
I was very lucky I entered uni
But it's true that good performance in exams
doesn't necessarily mean you're more intelligent
and vice versa
Good results only mean you know that particular exam paper
That's it
You do need to work hard
but you still need a bit of luck
Think about it
You may get a higher grade if you guess one more multiple choice answer right
If you get different markers
the grades may have very slight differences too
Also, in the past, the grades are determined by the comparison between candidates
not sure is it still the same now
So if the candidate next to you have a better physical condition that day or not
can also affect each other's fate
If you nail it in public exams
it means you can get the "Uni admission ticket"
But it's not the end of the world if you can get into uni
Maybe uni life doesn't really suit everyone
It's not "sour grapes"
Maybe it's really sour
You think writing essays is that fun?
I also spent a few months to adapt to uni life
The first few months I went home and cry
Fortunately, at last I met my uni best friends
That's why I believe
the main factor determining do you enjoy something or not
is not the nature of that thing
but do you have great companion or not
This applies to school as well as work
This quote gives me goosebumps
It's the same as this Chinese quote (but it doesn't give me goosebumps oops)
But I think it's very true
Like me, actually I've been working casual jobs only
since I moved to Australia
Sometimes I feel like a loser
I feel like I've wasted my degree as well
But we shouldn't look it that way
If I successfully got a full time job ages ago
I wouldn't have had the time and eagerness to start this channel
to do something I enjoy
My friends and family can watch me here
We all think
we've become closer since I started making videos
as if I've never left
I wanna show my bible to you guys
I like this page
That's about it today
Please give it a thumbs up if you enjoy the video
See you soon
'Healthy' Breakfast Foods With More Sugar Than A Donut - Duration: 3:01.Five healthy yogurts with more sugar than a doughnut yogurt has a health halo like no other food
even though most flavored yogurt cops are practically drowning in added sugar there still marketed as good for you
yeah sure they've got protein and calcium
that what about the fact that one measly cup could hit you with almost 30 g of health harming sweetness
you know you're supposed to buy yogurt plane and add fresh fruit at home that could these
flavored and fruit on the bottom varieties really be that bad
yes they absolutely can
and we thought it was high time to take these misleading yogurt bastard sit down a notch
so we found a host of supposedly healthy yogurts with more sugar than a krispy kreme
original glazed doughnut which clocks in at an even Ten Grams
the proof is in the pudding err dodge EO Bert year
five of the worst offenders
yo crunch strawberry low-fat yogurt with granola
25 g granola can be healthy
but it's certainly not doing this yogurt any favors sweetened yogurt plus sweet and granola can only equal one thing
a certified sugar bomb and wouldn't you rather have 2 1/2 crispy creams den and actively a strawberry banana 18 g
no amount of pro buyout ICS can help your body process this heavy handed dose of sweetness
also all yogurt as pro buyout ICS don't let actively a fool you into thinking that it's the only brand packing beneficial bacteria
Ya plate original MTN blueberry
18 g Ya plate has a new
but very strange ad campaign boasting that its original yogurts now have 25% less sugar
it's smart marketing
Ya plate walks away looking like the ultimate health conscious a good guy
but the payoff for consumers is pretty small
18 g is still a helluva lot of sugar
wallaby organic low-fat yogurt vanilla bean 22 g
just 'cause it's organic doesn't mean it's healthy a slice of are Gannett cake is still a slice of
cake and a couple over Gannett yogurt with a ship Conover Gannett sugar is.well you get it
and natural sweetener like a neat tricks many of us into thinking a product is healthier than it actually is have that too much of any sugar
whether it's made naturally by bees or squeezed out of earth destroying highly processed GM oh corn is bad for you
and 27 g is definitely too much
Crunchy Summer Rolls with Ginger-Lime-Garlic Sauce - Duration: 4:49.Crunchy summer rolls with ginger lime garlic sauce
two of my favorite Thai dishes are summer rolls and Nam Saad so why not combine them into one delicious appetizer
I made this recipe Vegan by substituting tofu instead of ground chicken or pork normally used in a Nam Saad solid
making summer rolls can be a bit time consuming
but with a little practice you'll be churning out these little beauties like a pro
the key to speeding up the assembly process is to have the filling ingredients chopped and arranged in a easy to access pole so the rise
wrapper can be stuffed as soon as it's properly moistened
to prevent the rice rappers from tearing
avoid over soaking them
they should be pliable but not flimsy
submerging them for about 1 1/2 -2 minutes works best
if the edges start curling up they've probably soaked for too long and are likely to rip clay
sing the wrapper on a damp kitchen or paper towel during assembly helps it keep shape to
filling 114 ounces package extra firm tofu
drained and cut into 1/4 inch cubes
one package rice paper wrappers
½ Cecil aunt relieves ½ see thinly sliced red onion
three see thinly sliced romaine lettuce are dribs removed
½ see thinly sliced radish
½ see fresh ginger cut into 1 inch matchsticks
ones see chopped unsalted peanuts
1 tablespoon thinly sliced Thai chili peppers
20 LG a basil leaves
sauce ½ see fresh lime juice with or without pulp one 4th see red wine vinegar 1 tablespoon Braggs liquid in the nose or tamari
soy sauce 1 teaspoon garlic minced or grated into a case
I used a micro plane greater to achieve this consistency 1 1/2 teaspoon fresh ginger minced or grated into a paste 1 teaspoon chili
paste 1/2 tablespoon a Colleen actor or honey 1/2 teaspoon finely chopped Thai chili peppers one
place all of the sauce ingredients in a medium bowl and mix thoroughly
to have had cubed tofu to the sauce fully submerge and let marinate about 30 minutes
three while the tofu news marinating
chop all of the vegetables and arrange in separate bowls around your assembly station
for filler shallow pan or skillet with 1 inch of water
slide or rice wrapper under the water to soak for about 1 1/2 -2 minutes
sliding head back and forth occasionally to make sure it doesn't stick to the bottom
as soon as you can gently scrunch the center of the wrapper with your fingers and it springs back to its original shape
that before the edges begin to curl carefully pull it out of water using both hands and immediately lay it out on a flat damp towel
five cleese a basil leaf upside down in the center of the wrapper six using a slotted spoon
scoop about 1/4 cup of the cubed tofu from the marinade
drain the excess liquid and place it on top of the basil leaf
seven layers small amounts of the red onion
radish ginger styx sliced Thai chili peppers and chopped peanuts on top of the tofu in amount
SP blown about 1 teaspoon of the marinade over the filling ingredients
the place a small amount of lettuce and cilantro leaves over the filling
eights lift the bottom edge of the wrapper and fold it over the top of the mounded filling told
the right and left sides of the wrapper over the mounded filling
then roll the mound up the rest of the wrapper to seal at nine cleese the role on the plate so
the side with the seal is it the bottom and the basil leaf shows through the skin on top
continue assembling individual roles and tell all of the filling ingredients are gone
make sure that the completed roles do not touch each other on the plate or they will tear when their pulled apart 10
arrange two roles on a serving plate and spoon about 1/2 tablespoon marinade over the top
garnish with any remaining to injure cilantro and Thai chili peppers
if you like extra sauce place the remaining marinade innovator with a porous time and drizzle more into the role after in each bite
This Is What Happens When You Drink Coffee -Are You Drinking Moldy Coffee? - Duration: 3:34.Are You Drinking Moldy Coffee
apparently bulletproof coffee isn't just amazing for you because it's loaded with 400 calories worth of fat melting of age defying butter and
medium chain triglycerides oil it's also free of harmful mold that could make you sick and steal your mental image or at least that's the
latest from Davis Brea who developed the now insanely popular coffee recipe back in 2009
and weight mold free coffee unless you're a java aficionado
or a toxicologist
you probably had no idea that there was ever given a possibility of mold lurking in your morning mod that a sprays right coffee beans
can harbor at type of toxic mold called a okra talks in a row to it's no secret that mold loves warm moist environment's which pretty much
sums up the climate of most coffee growing regions
so when fresh green coffee beans aren't properly dried
usually due to cheap low quality processing where manufacturers neglect to clean their equipment or are careless about storage
the gross funky could start to have says Andrew Hansell who leads tray of horses for the coffee quality institute
and since the roasting process doesn't totally kilo to the mold could still be living on been sitting on store shelves
before you start losing sleep over whether or how much funny there is in your trusty pick me up
a few facts first
yes in high doses ota is bad for you
because it's toxic to your kidneys and is probably a carcinogen
the only thing is you'd probably die from caffeine a overload before you were in able to
consume enough mold from coffee to cause any real problems
this goes back to the principle that it's the DOS that makes the poison and the levels of ota that are detected in coffee are very very low says
Norbert Kaminski Ph.D. director of the center for integrative toxicology at Michigan State university
in fact one Spanish study found that drinking 4 cups of coffee a day exposed people to a level of mold that was still 98% lower than the safe
limit established by the foul and WHL live and then again
your coffee might not have any poet in it to begin with its highly unlikely that anyone in the United States would encounter such a thing
had sole sat the moldy coffee would be first rejected by export quality control in the country of origin second by the import company if it
slips through war is damaged in transit and then by the purchasing coffee roaster
still if you aren't ready to blindly trust government entities to keep your edibles to safe we hear Ya shop smart by your bins from
a local roaster who is proud to let you know exactly where they get their stuff
and if you do somehow come home with a freak bad batch you'll know the dry grounds has held funky not fresh and the taste of the
crudest off as you may expect.like an old shower curtain that needs cleaning had sole sat
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