Saturday, May 5, 2018

Youtube daily report May 5 2018

[Tell me his name again.]


Avengers: Infinity War ended on a mind-bending cliffhanger

that left fans stunned in their seats.

This is the first movie of a two-part conclusion

to the MCU's first decade.

And instead of giving us any resolution,

Infinity War leaves a big mes to be resolved in the 2019 Avengers movie.

So what can we make of what happens at the end of Infinity War?

And what's the deeper meaning of it all?

[If he gets his hands on all six stones, Tony --]

[He can destroy life on a scale hitherto undreamt of.]

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Supervillain Thanos sets out to capture all six Infinity Stones,

and despite the best efforts of all of the MCU's heroes,

Thanos succeeds, one stone at a time.

[This...heh heh heh... does put a smile on my face.]

He's stolen the Power Stone before the movie starts.

In the opening scene, Loki gives him the Tesseract/Space Stone,

to save his brother Thor.

Next Thanos gets the Reality Stone from the Collector at Knowhere,

and he captures his adopted daughter Gamora by tricking her with a fake reality.

After Thanos threatens to kill her sister Nebula,

Gamora leads him to the Soul Stone.

That's when things start getting tricky for Thanos,

because the Soul stone requires you to sacrifice someone you love --

so he kills his favorite daughter.

Up to this point, Dr. Strange, Tony Stark and Peter Parker

have just about managed to keep the Time Stone

out of Thanos' gauntlet.

[I'm Peter by the way.]

[Dr. Strange.]

[Oh, we're using our made up names.

Then I'm Spider-Man.]

and they've brought the fight to Thanos' homeworld of Titan.

Strange uses the Time Stone to watch millions of possible outcomes for their situation


he reports there's only one outcome where their team wins.

[Let's talk about this plan of yours.

I think it's good except it sucks.

so let me do the plan and that way it might be really good.]

After their plan to steal the Infinity Gauntlet fails

when Peter Quill flies into a rage over Gamora's murder,

Thanos almost kills Tony.

Then Strange gives Thanos the Time Stone in exchange for Tony's life.

This is an extremely significant moment because Strange made such a big deal

of saying he wouldn't do this --

earlier in the movie, he announced that he would let Tony and Peter die

before he went against his oath to protect the Time Stone.

[If Thanos needs all six, why don't we just stick this one

down the garbage disposal?]

[No can do.]

[We sworn an oath to protect the Time Stone with our lives.]

So the reversal suggests that Strange has something up his sleeve.

He must have seen in his vision that, in the only possible winning outcome,

Tony has to be alive, and Thanos needs to get the Time Stone.

The final stone left that Thanos needs is the Mind Stone,

which is embedded in Vision's forehead.

Shuri tries to extract the Mind Stone while keeping Vision alive,

but she runs out of time with the accelerating attack on Wakanda

by Thanos' army.

So the Scarlet Witch has to resign herself to destroying the Mind Stone and Vision with


After she does, it seems Thanos' mission

has failed --

but then, Thanos uses the Time Stone to rewind,

bringing Vision back to life to rip the Mind Stone from his forehead.

With all six stones in his gauntlet, Thanos snaps his fingers,

and many of our heroes start to disintegrate into thin air,

including Black Panther, Peter Parker, Doctor Strange, the Winter Soldier

and the remaining Guardians except for Rocket.

In the post-credits scene, we see Nick Fury, Maria Hill

and civilians disappearing as well.

So it appears that Thanos' stated goal of wiping out half the universe

is coming to pass.

A big part of the shock of this ending is that the wrong characters disappear.

The characters many expected to die

who are played by actors whose contracts are about to end

stayed intact --

Tony Stark, Captain America, all of the original Avengers.

Meanwhile, newer characters with planned sequels disappeared.

There's no way those sequels aren't happening --

especially now that Black Panther is one of the highest-grossing films of all

time --

so this fact alone tells us that the disappearing we saw won't stick.

We get the sense there's going to be a way to undo what's just happened.

We even saw Thanos use the Time Stone to undo the destruction of the Mind Stone.

So clearly the outcome Dr. Strange saw includes some time-travel

or alternate situation-hopping.

In the Infinity Gauntlet comic, Thanos' finger snap happens as well,

but it's far from the end of the story.

Nebula gets the Infinity Gauntlet back from Thanos and rewinds time.

The last three stones Thanos obtains are the Soul Stone, Time Stone

and finally the Mind Stone --

so there's a suggestion that these three are the most crucial and symbolic.

The Soul Stone we know is sentient, so may have its own agenda

that could be crucial to any future reversal of events.

It's little obvious and easy to just get the Time Stone

to rewind and undo what we saw,

so maybe the Soul Stone will really be the key

to bringing back the disintegrated characters --

and given that the Soul Stone requires a sacrifice,

we can even imagine a scenario where the original Avengers

have to sacrifice themselves for the younger characters.

The Time Stone is used to save Tony,

the very first protagonist of the MCU --

Tony gets more time and more life,

while many of the people he cares about

get their time snatched away,

and it's very clear that's not what he wants.

But the idea that Tony needs to be alive for the plan to succeed

is a way of honoring the character's place in the MCU,

as he made it what it is today.

The importance placed on the Mind Stone symbolizes that our minds

are truly our most powerful tools, the crucial core of who we are --

mind here seems to mean more than simple intellectual power.

Perhaps, similar to how Vision's identity is described in the movie,

our minds, too, are made up of multiple layers shaped by our experiences

and by the people who've made us into what we've become.

And there's a message here that we need to put our minds together

to solve the greatest threats to humankind.

[How do we do this?]

[As a team.]

Thanos' name comes from the Greek word for death, thánatos.

In Greek mythology, Thanatos is the personification of death,

so it's as if the Avengers and co. are fighting death itself.

In the comics, Thanos is in love with the female manifestation of death

and his quest for the Infinity Stones is all about impressing her.

Jim Starlin, who created the character of Thanos,

said he was inspired by Freud's theory that humans have two conflicting drives,

Eros and Thanatos.

Eros is the life instinct, including the sex drive

and the desire to survive, both as individuals and as a species.

Thanatos is the death instinct, which includes our destructive impulses.

Freud believed Eros and Thanatos, or the life and death instincts

were constantly struggling against each other,

and each needed the other to exist.

This is a big theme we see in Infinity War, too.

We see Thanos teaching young Gamora about the importance of balance in the universe.

And the movie is exploring this question of what happens

if either the life impulse, i.e. population,

or the death impulse, i.e.


gets too powerful.

Incidentally, in the comics, Thanos even has a brother called Eros.

Thanos' philosophy is that the universe is overcrowded

and the only way to ensure sustainable life is genocide --

but he advocates random genocide that affects all,

rich and poor, equally.

[When I'm done, half of humanity will still exist.]

Thanos ideas sound like an extreme version of the writings of Thomas Malthus.

In 1798, Malthus warned of the dangers of population growth outstripping food supply,

and he discussed means of population control.

His ideas caused great controversy, but Malthusianism influenced many later thinkers

including the likes of Charles Darwin and economist John Maynard Keynes.

Thanos' ideas also echo Utilitarianism, the ethical theory that the right action

is the one that produces the most good for the majority --

in Utilitarianism, an action is good or bad entirely based on its consequences.

The heroes of Infinity War staunchly reject Thanos' utilitarian mindset.

What matters to them is not just the consequences

but doing the right thing in itself, in the moment.

They repeatedly tell each other that they don't "trade lives" --

that's why they try everything possible to save Vision

when it would be safer to kill him and destroy the Mind Stone earlier.

It's also why when heroes are forced to choose between giving up a stone or a person they


they give up the stone --

even though that's an illogical decision which will probably lead to more deaths.

There are two exceptions to this, when good characters do try to kill

the person they love --

the Scarlet Witch destroying Vision,

and Peter Quill fulfilling his promise to kill Gamora if Thanos captures her,

even though Thanos doesn't let that actually happen.

Both Scarlet Witch and Peter are making this sacrifice

on the urging of their loved one, as a show of love,

in stark contrast to Thanos' sacrifice of the unwilling Gamora.

Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has said that Thanos is, quote,

"the main character" of Infinity War.

So the villain of this movie is also the protagonist --

we follow his quest, and we come to understand

he truly believes he's doing something selfless for the good of the universe.

He makes sacrifices for his cause.

After the finger snap, he sees the child Gamora --

perhaps in the place where her soul is now --

and she asks him what his quest cost.

He responds, "Everything."

Then Thanos is transported to a beautiful, peaceful setting.

This fits into what happens in the Infinity Gauntlet comic,

where Thanos eventually becomes a farmer.

So even though he's been on this destructive quest,

What Thanos actually wants is to live in peace and quiet --

his ultimate goal was really to minimize chaos, and to create order and balance.

[What I like about Thanos is, he's this, you know, guy who

is presented in one way, and then the reality of him, I think,

is a lot deeper what people are expecting.]

Thanos reminds us a little of the villain of Black Panther,

Erik Killmonger.

Both are scarred by their pasts --

Killmonger, by the racism and injustice of his Oakland childhood;

And Thanos, by overpopulation wreaking havoc on his home.

We can pity them both for what they experienced,

and we can go along with some of the logic in their thinking.

But both are so damaged that they've become dehumanized and unable to see

that their missions are wrong, with terrible consequences.

[The world took everything away from me!

But I'ma make sure we're even.]

It's as if these villains are the complex aftermaths

of our past and our intrinsic struggles as a species coming after us.

Infinity War co-director Joe Russo explained that he wanted Thanos to be, quote,

"a Darth Vader for a new generation."

In Star Wars, Vader represented the older generation

trying to kill the younger --

but Vader ultimately realizes that he's at odds with nature,

and sacrifices himself for his son.

[I'll not leave you here.

I've got to save you.]

[You already have.]

Through Thanos, the MCU is grappling with Star Wars-esque thematic questions

of old and new,

and death giving way to new life --

that's a self-reflective process, as the studio looks back

at the larger-than-life heroes it's built over the last ten years.

But even though Thanos says that his genocide is random,

the results we see at the end are not --

it's a clever switch by the Russo brothers

to erase the characters we expected were safe

because they're the future of the MCU,

while keeping around characters we thought were done for.

The switch inspires one possible, more out-there way to read the ending --

what if the people who didn't disintegrate are the ones who really died?

What if we're in some strange alternate reality

in which we're seeing the dead ones?

More likely, the people who survived are alive for now

and they're going to play a crucial role to fix things in the next movie --

but those still living are mostly the ones who are marked

for death or retirement in the final chapter.

Tony Stark, if he makes it out alive, may be ready to start a family with Pepper.

At the beginning of this movie, he said dreamt about having a kid

and felt it was already true --

so that could be a prophecy if it's not a reflection

of his existing relationship with Peter Parker.

And Chris Evans has been open about being ready to move on.

When Thanos stabs Tony, we think Tony is going to die --

instead we end up watching his surrogate son Peter Parker disintegrate in his arms.

So the movie shows us what it would feel like to lose Tony,

[I hope they remember you.]

then shows us how much more wrong it feels

to see a younger hero go down in Tony's place.

As much as fans may dread the deaths of the beloved original MCU heroes,

it's natural and inevitable for them to step aside.

The horror of the disintegration scene is the unnaturalness of seeing the young erased

to preserve the old.

The subtext of these two Avengers movies

is that the old heroes need to make room for the new.

After watching the wrong heroes get taken out,

we may be more ready to accept

that in the next movie, older MCU characters will die,

or retire from the main stage, and that's how it should be.

It's also symbolic here that the older generation is preventing the future for the younger --

the older have quite literally messed up the world.

Thanos, with his mission that comes out of the pain he experienced on Titan,

is imposing the baggage of his past onto the next generation --

he literally takes the future from his daughter.

So now -- for one more movie -- it's up to the elders to fix their mess

and make it sll right.

Nick Fury's distress call to Captain Marvel in the post-credits scene

also hints that the next Avengers movie will be about passing the torch

to the next generation.

Feige has said that Captain Marvel will be, quote,

"by far the most powerful character we've ever introduced in the movie."

And in Infinity War, we also saw Tony officially making Peter Parker an Avenger,

[Alright, kid, you're an Avenger now.]

a son to carry on his father's legacy.

And that brings us to another major message in the movie --

the significance of family -- either the one you're born into

or the one that you form.

There's a lot to speculate about,

but it's safe to say the characters who faded into dust

will most likely be coming back --

in the comics, the Soul Stone houses an alternate "pocket universe"

where the souls are trapped --

so it's possible all the people who disintegrated are there now

or in some kind of alternate universe.

Even the style of their supposed deaths -- fading into dust --

is so un-heroic it really feels like something other than true death here.

One possibility is we've entered an alternate reality

where these people have been erased and have never existed at all.

Still, we did see some permanent sacrifices --

the characters who died by other means like Loki and Heimdall seem to be really gone.

Gamora and Vision may be permanently gone, too,

but it's not certain,

especially since Zoe Saldana hinted she's in the next movie.

For all the shock of Infinity War's roller-coaster ending,

it's really a hypothetical.

When we finally do get confirmed deaths of major players in the final installment,

this will be a rare experience in today's sequel-driven blockbuster environment.

We're unused to seeing studios kill off money-making characters --

Rogue One is one of the few examples in recent years where main characters,

who weren't reaching old age, died.

So it will be an especially powerful moment when we get a final end for beloved characters

and truly close the door on the first chapter

of the greater MCU mythology.

[This is it.

What's our timeline?]

[No telling.]

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Gdy Twój organizm zatrzymuje wodę, Twoje ręce, kostki, stopy i dłonie są ciągle spuchnięte. Stan ten nazywany jest często obrzękiem, a jego przyczyną jest gromadzenie się płynów w tkankach, układzie krążenia oraz w wolnych przestrzeniach naszego ciała.

Obrzęk różnych części ciała występuje głównie podczas ciąży, a także u osób, które nie dbają o swoją kondycję fizyczną. Pojawić się może także przed cyklem miesiączkowym. Sprzyja mu siedzący tryb życia oraz niektóre leki. Bardzo często pojawia się podczas długiego lotu samolotem.

Większość przypadków, w których mamy do czynienia z obrzękiem, nie stanowi dla nas zagrożenia. Niestety w nielicznych, obrzęk może być wynikiem problemów z sercem lub oznaczać nieprawidłowe funkcjonowanie nerek.

Z tego względu nigdy nie należy go bagatelizować i za każdym razem warto sprawdzić, gdzie leży przyczyna jego powstawania. 

Poniżej przedstawiamy tę najczęstsze oraz wskazówki, które pomogą Ci zapobiegać obrzękom i zatrzymywaniu wody w organizmie. O ile nie ma medycznych przeciwwskazań, śmiało możesz się do nich stosować.6 przyczyn powstawania obrzęku:

1. Nadmierne spożycie sodu.Jeśli w Twojej diecie znajduje się wiele produktów wysoko przetworzonych zawierających sól, a do tego pijesz mało wody, Twój organizm będzie gromadził ją w Twoim ciele „na zapas". 

Pod wpływem zatrzymywanej wody, komórki ludzkiego ciała potrafią powiększyć się aż dwudziestokrotnie, dlatego bardzo istotna w przeciwdziałaniu występowania obrzęków jest odpowiednia dieta.

Poza solą kuchenną, bogatymi w sód produktami są: puszkowane warzywa, niektóre przyprawy, przetworzone mięso oraz wysoko przetworzona żywność. Rozwiązaniem tego problemu może być wprowadzenie do diety organicznej soli himalajskiej. Dzięki niej ryzyko występowania obrzęków będzie znacznie niższe.

2. Niedobór magnezu.Niedobór magnezu również może prowadzić do występowania obrzęków. Ten pierwiastek jest kluczowy dla sprawnego funkcjonowania naszego organizmu, dlatego jego niedobór zwykle jest przyczyną przykrych dolegliwości, powoduje zatrzymywanie wody i obrzęki.

Według badań, przyjmowanie ok 200 miligramów magnezu dziennie zmniejsza ryzyko występowania obrzęków u kobiet przed menstruacją.Aby zbilansować poziom magnezu w organizmie, warto wprowadzić do diety produkty bogate w ten pierwiastek.

Najwięcej magnezu znajdziemy w suszonych owocach, szpinaku, ciemnozielonych warzywach, gorzkiej czekoladzie, orzechach i pestkach oraz w całych ziarnach. Można również przyjmować magnez w postaci suplementu diety.

3. Niedobór witaminy B6.Witamina B6 reguluje procesy wodne w naszym organizmie, dlatego jej niedobór objawiać się może poprzez opuchliznę.

Według ostatnich badań, których wyniki zamieszczono w periodyku naukowym „Journal of Caring Sciences", kobiety, u których przed menstruacją występował obrzęk, pozbyły się problemu dzięki codziennemu przyjmowaniu witaminy B6.

Witamina B6 jest rozpuszczalna w wodzie i potrzebuje wielu kofaktorów (związków przyśpieszających reakcje chemiczne), aby nasz organizm w pełni ją przyswoił.

Najlepiej dostarczać ją w pożywieniu. Znajdziemy ją w ziemniakach, drobiu, chudej wołowinie, indyku, tuńczyku, suszonych owocach, bananach, nasionach kwiatów i pistacjach.

4. Niedobór potasu.Potas odpowiedzialny jest za prawidłowe działanie komórek i tkanek naszego ciała, a także za funkcjonowanie organów wewnętrznych. Bierze czynny udział w regulowaniu gospodarki wodnej organizmu.

Najczęściej za niedobór potasu odpowiedzialna jest niewłaściwa dieta, bogata w sól. Niedobór potasu może powodować nie tylko powstawanie obrzęków, ale też przybieranie na wadze i skurcze mięśni.

Potas zapobiega zatrzymywanie wody w organizmie poprzez redukcję poziomu sodu. Znajdziemy w większości owoców, głównie w arbuzach i melonach.

5. Odwodnienie.Gdy nie pijemy odpowiedniej ilości wody, grozi nam odwodnienie. Organizm broniąc się przed odwodnieniem, gromadzi rezerwy płynów w komórkach i tkankach.

W rezultacie, nasze stopy, kostki i ręce puchną. Na szczęście z odwodnieniem możemy sobie łatwo poradzić. Wystarczy pić więcej wody i soków, a także unikać nadmiaru kawy i napojów gazowanych.

6. Nadmierne spożycie wysoko-przetworzonych produktów.Jak już wspomnieliśmy wcześniej, mocno przetworzone produkty spożywcze i gotowe posiłki są zawierają mnóstwo soli i cukru. Są to dwie główne przyczyny zatrzymywania przez organizm wody.

Produkty te zawierają także wiele sztucznych dodatków i konserwantów, które są dla nas szkodliwe. Nadmierne spożycie przetworzonego jedzenia obciąża nasze nerki i wątrobę.

Prowadzić mogą również do wahań w poziomie insuliny i poziomie glukozy. Dlatego zdecydowanie odradzamy częste spożywanie gotowych, przetworzonych posiłków.Rośliny, które zapobiegają powstawaniu obrzęków.

Dzięki swoim właściwościom moczopędnym, te rośliny pomogą Ci przeciwdziałać zatrzymywaniu wody:Skrzyp polny.Mniszek lekarski.Pietruszka.Kukurydza.Hibiskus.Pokrzywa.Koper włoski



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Today we're going to talk about death and it might be uncomfortable and it might be

hard, but I promise we're also probably going to have a lot of fun.

I feel most alive when I am talking to people about their death.

Their options, the two major ones that exist, are burial and cremation.

I sincerely hope I'm starting to destigmatize that conversation.

As they're currently buried, the body doesn't decompose in a natural way.

It turns into sludge.

Talking about sex won't make you pregnant, talking about death won't make you dead.

My name is Aula Arthur and I'm a Death Doula.

A Death Doula is somebody who helps a person who's dying

plan for their death and supports their family through the death.

A lot of people think that my work is doom and gloom, but in fact it's the most invigorating and

life affirming thing that I know how to do.

I love life and that's why I am drawn to working in death.

I was hired by a family in Colorado to discuss what an end of life plan would look like,

cause her mom has cancer.

Planning for death looks like a lot of things: getting an advanced care directive together,

creating a very clear death plan about how you want to die,

and it looks like getting arrangements for a funeral or disposition of the body.

Come on in, come on in.

Hello, hi!

I'm feeling a little melancholy because I have cancer

and we actually started talking about this when I was in the hospital.

The fact that I don't have a will, and you don't think about

stuff like this until you are having to think about it.

My hope is to honor your wishes as fully as possible.

Whatever feels right for you, we'll do.


Okay, so this is your advanced planning document.

So by the time this is complete it will be a legally binding document.

It should have all the things that your family members will need

to handle your affairs in case of serious illness when you're not able to anymore or after your death.

What are your general thoughts on life support treatment?

The only experience I've ever had was with my mom.

I don't know, what do you guys think?

It comes down to what you would want, if you were in that situation.

I don't want to be one of those people that is in a coma for two years.

Right, would you want a machine to support if there was a chance you could get better?



I don't want my family to suffer.

That's the thing.

I do not want my life to be prolonged if the likely risks would outweigh the expected benefit.


From working in death I've learned that life is so precious, and even the pain is as pleasant as the joy.

Ugh, man I've seen so much joy.

What would you say has been the greatest sources of joy in your life?

These two. It is amazing for me to wake up in the morning, and my grandson comes and bothers me.

I never could've imagined that my life would have this kind happiness, this kind of joy.

There's always going to be worry.

This illness, it has really taught me whatever my life is going through, wherever I end, it's about today.

If this illness takes me, you'll be able to tell them that I was the happiest person today that you have ever seen.

Your joy is palpable. I can feel it. It's seeping over into me.

The biggest misconception about my job is that it's sad, and heavy,

and I always think, "Well, come try it for a day."

We'd end up laughing a lot during my end of life planning consultations,

and even when people are getting closer to the end of their lives,

there's still plenty of life in it and there's still plenty of light.

Right here: "Mental and Emotional Pain."

"When I am mentally or emotionally unwell I prefer to remedy it through: Therapist"


Or some Marijuana.


I can say that now.

I encourage you to reach out to me if you need support on any level.

This is what I do and it is my joy to do–

Can I ask you what you made you go through go this direction?

I'm not comfortable with other human suffering, if there's something I can do about it.

We suffer alone a lot, and I don't think that we have to suffer alone.

I definitely understand, so thank you.

Thank you!

I am so grateful.

I find it tremendously important that we can be with death in a way that's okay.

It's so human. It's the most human thing we'll do, other than being born, and maybe giving birth.

We're born, we die.

Let's do both in ways that honor us, and honor humankind, and honor each other.

This is my Memento Mori, the reminder that I'm going to die, that beneath all the rest of this is just the skull.

My brother-in-law was diagnosed with Burkitt lymphoma and was terminal.

After Peter, died I learned that a large part of what I had done during the time of his

illness was midwife, by being present with medication and offering support to my sister and his parents.

These are things that people do anyway when somebody's ill.

I was there for two months.

It's a strange thing to think of, to be happy when somebody dies.

But it gave me insight into how we really can do better and we really should do better.

Death meditation is an opportunity for people that are struggling with some fears around

death and dying, to confront those fears head on.

And to see what the discomfort is, so that we can then talk about that and process that.

Now bring awareness and attention to your breath.

Death is inevitable.

My lifespan is every decreasing.

Death comes whether or not I am prepared.

Death has many causes.

My body is fragile.

My loved ones cannot save me.

My own body cannot help me when the time comes.

Consider these truths deeply.

Take a deep breath in.

There's a feeling of utter weightlessness.

You are now aware that this is what dying feels like.

See that all that is left of your body is a skeleton.

On your next inhale in, feel that you are alive and awake and present in this room.

You can open your eyes.

Just stay there for a second.

You feel the ground beneath your feet.

It doesn't look like my feet for some reason.

What are you feeling, what are sensing?

My skin feels a little sensitive.

I think I'm just hyper aware of all of those things right now.

When you were describing my body decomposing,

that was actually really comforting to me.

The thought of me going back into the earth and actually nourishing the earth was really soothing.

I got this after my sister's fish died and I had to dispose of its body.

My funeral, what I'd really like is to be outside, somewhere in a park.

I'd like my body to be there, in my orange raw silk shroud.

My funeral is going to be decorated by my jewelry.

People will get to take what they want, and hopefully put it on at the ceremony.

I'm energized to talk about my own funeral because I think that it's a great way to celebrate who I am.

The chance that the people that I love most will come together

and talk about my impact on them feels incredible.

I love everything about life.

I love sparkles.

I love giggles.

I love sprinting.

I love crying.

I love expression.

I do this because everything is rooted in love.

This is the purest expression of love that I can find.

This is my gift to the world.

One day you and I will die, but before that day comes let us live.

Let us live. Let us live. Let us live.

For more infomation >> I Plan People's Death For A Living | Last Look | Refinery29 - Duration: 8:09.


Why It's So Hard For Millennials To Buy Homes - Duration: 3:35.

When I was born,

the median price for a house was $108,900.

Now, it's $337,200.

Even if you account for inflation,

that's about a 45% increase in cost.

But buying a house is something I would like to do.

So I'm trying to figure out if I can.

The odds are pretty stacked against me.

I'm a millennial, and I graduated college in 2010,

right in the middle of the recession.

When I entered the workforce, the job market was rough.

Like many of my peers, I have student loan debt.

And on top of that, there aren't very many

starter or mid-price homes on the market.

My personal financial situation

has to do with choices I made.

I changed careers at 27,

I took out loans to go back to grad school,

and I didn't manage to save any money before that.

But that's not abnormal for someone my age.

According to a LinkedIn study,

it's common for millennials to change jobs

about three times in the first five years after college.

And in the eight years I've been out of college,

I've lived in New York City the whole time.

Median cost of a home here? $770,000.

I certainly can't afford that.

When I look at my income, cost of living

and student loan debt, the idea of buying something

as expensive as a house seems nearly impossible.

My dream home would look something like this.

Or this.

But even if my boyfriend and I took our combined income

of $100,000 a year, that apartment is a pipe dream.

I went to Business Insider's

own financial planner, Lauren Lyons Cole.

I figured if anyone could help me, it would be her.

When you're just starting out,

you can calculate a general price range

by taking your annual income and multiplying it by three.

With a combined income of about $100,000 a year,

that means a home that costs around $300,000

would be a good starting point.

- That's not as bad as I was expecting,

but I have no idea what I can get for that price.

- With a budget like that in New York City,

you probably aren't gonna find that many options.

So you might have to make sacrifices,

which could even mean relocating to another city.

But then you have to figure out

what kind of job options are there,

and how much could you get paid

to do the work you want to do.

You have to think about which amenities you really want

and which ones you can do without.

- I've always wanted some kind of outdoor space,

like maybe a balcony.

A two-bedroom would be nice...

big windows...

maybe a turret.


I'm a millennial.

I'm idealistic.

- Once you have an idea of what you can afford

and what you're willing to give up,

you can take the next step and start looking at listings

that are available in your price range.

- With the budget Lauren and I came up with,

I browsed options in a few cities

I could see myself living in.

I wasn't amazed with anything I came across,

but there were some that were nice.

Not so much in New York, especially when I compare it

to the apartment I live in now, which is below market rent.

I also checked out Grand Rapids, Michigan

because it was number one on Business Insider's list

of best housing markets for millennials.

There I did find some amazing places within my budget,

but I can't see myself picking up

and moving there right now.

For me, owning a place isn't worth living somewhere

where I don't know anyone and I don't have a job lined up.

So I think for now I'm gonna keep renting

and try to save up for a down payment.

Maybe in a few years

the price of avocado toast will go down,

and I'll be able to afford that dream castle.

Maybe a balcony...

a two-bedroom would be nice...

big windows...

maybe a turret.

For more infomation >> Why It's So Hard For Millennials To Buy Homes - Duration: 3:35.


Nightcore - Say It Now - Duration: 3:36.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Say It Now - Duration: 3:36.


Weather is warm, but for boaters, the water isn't - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Weather is warm, but for boaters, the water isn't - Duration: 2:03.


Does YouTube Video Tag Order Matter? [in 60 Seconds] - Duration: 1:14.

Welcome back to another episode of vidIQ

shorts: 60 seconds one topic let's go.

Here's an interesting question often

asked but difficult to answer: do video

tags at the top of the list have more of

an impact than those at the bottom of

the list when it comes to search engine


There has never been what we call a

definitive answer from YouTube on this

but if you look hard enough you can find

hints in the Creator Academy. There is a

lesson all about assessing discovery and

buried deep within this document is

the following section. To determine if a

channel has effective metadata you can

evaluate whether or not video tags are

listed in order of relevance. With that

in mind how do you think we should order

the tags by relevancy for this video?

Maybe something like this... and perhaps we

need to make these tags even more

specific so get rid of these... and add

these. So the next time you add video

tags be as relevant as possible and

front-load the most specific tags at the

top of a list. With vidIQ installed this

is as easy as click drag and drop

For more infomation >> Does YouTube Video Tag Order Matter? [in 60 Seconds] - Duration: 1:14.


Lithuania & The Surprise Of His Life! - Duration: 5:40.

It is Friday, but not an average Friday, because Connor and I are about to board

a flight to Lithuania! And we're going to surprise funky Brian.

That's my brother, and he's playing in a band that has a gig in Lithuania, and he doesn't know we're going!

We just got to our Airbnb and there's a little photo shoot going on outside! I feel like it's a

Lithuanian Instagrammer or something. I'm struck by the fact that I just came to a

new country, don't know the language, don't know anyone here. It feels, you know,

pretty foreign to me. And there is a group of young women doing the exact

same thing that I would be doing with my friends in London or in New York because

we're all just the same when it comes down to it, right? At least in Instagram world!

So, I just called my parents because I wanted to tell them that Connor and I

are gonna surprise Brian and dad picked up and I was like "Hey, where's mom? Is mom

around, there's something I want to tell you guys, like, together." And what

did I say? -He's gonna think you're pregnant. -And what did he think? -He's like

"oh my god I thought you were pregnant." -Hoo! -I was like no, -not ready for that. -not

pregnant, dad... just in Lithuania!

Alright, the surprise time has come. So he'll be just sitting,

eating breakfast, not expecting us to show up at all. I'm kind of nervous! But mostly excited.

-So you were just sitting, eating breakfast. -Yeah, just chilling

with my band like I have been every morning on this tour. I cannot think of a

moment where I have been so surprised. You guys coordinated it without a

bit of knowledge on my part, I was none the wiser. -With the help of the amazing Carla!

-This is Carla! -It's great to surprise Brian because he's always like "oh, what's the plan, what's the plan?" The plan is that you're going to be surprised!! *laughter*

Let's help everyone with the Lithuanian language basics.

-Different than ah-CHOO (sneeze). -Not ah-CHOO, AH-chioo!

So let me tell you guys what Mississippi Heat is. It's a Chicago blues band, they

play all over the world. And Brian's theory with their popularity is actually

the further away they get from Chicago, the more popular they get. And this was

proved to be true because here in Palanga, Lithuania the show is sold out tonight!!

Behind The Music: Mississippi Heat! We got backstage passes -- are you guys ready for

the show? -Yeah!! Let's do it!

And of course I couldn't go to a new country without trying all of the amazing things there

are to eat!! So I had so many incredible dishes...

Lithuania is really good at comfort food.

And the members of Brian's band were incredibly gracious and welcoming to us.

There was Carla, the singer, and Pierre, who started the band, on harmonica.

Terrence is a drum player like no other, and Michael is a blues man to the core.

So the show was amazing. And we had to get a little Lithuanian dancining on, too!

Lithuania, you have been great. It was such a great trip; so great to hang with

Brian and his band. And who knows, maybe I'll be back.

For more infomation >> Lithuania & The Surprise Of His Life! - Duration: 5:40.


Juan Carlos I traza un inesperado plan: El Rey, Letizia y Cristina, cara a cara - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Juan Carlos I traza un inesperado plan: El Rey, Letizia y Cristina, cara a cara - Duration: 3:31.


Hyundai Tucson 1.6 GDI i-Motion Nap Clima Cruise Lmv - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson 1.6 GDI i-Motion Nap Clima Cruise Lmv - Duration: 1:08.


Hyundai i10 1.0i i-Motion Comf. - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0i i-Motion Comf. - Duration: 1:06.


Volvo S40 2.0I 145PK - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Volvo S40 2.0I 145PK - Duration: 0:44.


Opel Corsa 1.2i-16V Sport - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.2i-16V Sport - Duration: 0:52.


Mazda 121 1.3i GLX Nieuwe APk keuring Stuurb - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Mazda 121 1.3i GLX Nieuwe APk keuring Stuurb - Duration: 0:46.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i Comfort 5drs Airco LMV 49.061 km - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i Comfort 5drs Airco LMV 49.061 km - Duration: 0:52.


Shin Chan - I'm a Kendo Master - English subs (Japanese version) - Duration: 7:52.

I'm a Kendo Master

<i>"Horse's Ass Park"</i>

Not being able to catch a fly with chopsticks shows a lack of concentration.

I'm Kenta Musashino, and for the last 10 years I've been following the sword's path.

<i>"Head of the Kendo Dojo - Kenta Musashino"</i>

<i>"My-Own-Style Kendo Dojo"</i>

I still have a lot to learn.

<i>You're so tiring!</i>

You're like my mother.

Okay! You'll see!

Incredible! He caught it on his first try!

See that?

That's what happens when you're so tiring.

So now go and come back in 30 years and we'll look each other in the eye.

Now go away, goodbye, disappear!

<i>Wait, kid!</i>

I am already 5 years old!

I told you to wait, brat!

That thing you just did... do you do that a lot?

No way, it's the very first time in my life.

So it was his FIRST try!

I've been trying it for ten years, and he did it in just ONE try!

This kid has a special talent for the sword.

It's 3 o'clock on my stomach's watch.

Then I'll go home to have a snack!

No, wait!

Okay, but make it quick.

Tell me. Do you know about the art of Kendo?

Of course I know it.

My favorite ones are the Wii and DS, but mom's a scrooge and never got me one!

That's Nintendo!

I'm referring to KENDO!

Kendo! Not Nintendo, nor flamenco, nor marengo, nor tempo...

So which one?

None of them!

Kendo's art consists of training your body and your soul through wielding a sword!

It's an ancient discipline learned by the Old Warriors of this

country, and was transmitted from father to sons over generations.

This way, the one who masters the sword masters his instincts,

and the sword becomes a prolongation of his own body.

My theory is too hard for a kid!

Hey little man, wake up!

What did you do to me? I'm still dressed, but...

I didn't do anything to you!

Oh no, I should stay calm.

Listen now, young man.

Would you like to try Kendo?

I don't really know. Will it help me pick up girls?

<i>"He hasn't had a single girlfriend since he began learning Kendo!!"</i>

You don't need to pick up girls in order to fight with swords.

Then I'm not interested!

See you next time!

<i>The more I talk to him, the more I realize he has no mettle at all.</i>

<i>Did I misjudge him?</i>

<i>I really doubt someone like him could be good at fencing...</i>

Be careful!

Incredible, the way he avoided danger!

It really resembles Shiro!

This is the ocular technique of Kenta Musashino.


I'm sure.

My instinct didn't trick me.

This kid has talent for the sword. I must catch him.


I guess he liked me. He's running after me!


He disappeared!


Now you'll see what a trained man can do.

Stop! You have to hear me out!

Your talent should not be wasted!

I really liked you!

Get outta here, you creep!


Why'd you hit me?

If you say another word, I'll call the cops!

N... no! It's a mistake!

You're so pathetic!

Please forgive me if I offended you!


<i>I won't let him escape. That kid is a future master of Kendo.</i>

<i>I have to talk to his parents and convince them.</i>

He's not here.

Where is he hiding?

I have to focus, and not rush.

I can feel him.

I caught you!

Nice one!

You don't even know me.

Many people would surrender now, but I'm different.

My training hardened me!

That's a river.

What're you gonna do now?

One, two, go!


<i>"Exactly where it hurts the most"</i>

<i>It hurts!</i>

I forgot to train this part.

Hey, you! What're you doing on my property?

I'm sorry, but...

I cannot move myself.

See that? I won.

No, wait!

I don't like intruders, you know.

I promise I'll get you, and you'll become a master in Kendo. I swear!

For more infomation >> Shin Chan - I'm a Kendo Master - English subs (Japanese version) - Duration: 7:52.


Kia Sportage 1.6i-16V ISG X-ecutive/Plus-Pack ECC Cr.Control Navi+Camera+BT Trekhaak - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 1.6i-16V ISG X-ecutive/Plus-Pack ECC Cr.Control Navi+Camera+BT Trekhaak - Duration: 1:06.


El inquietante plan que ha trazado Juan Carlos I El Rey, Letizia y Cristina, cara a cara - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> El inquietante plan que ha trazado Juan Carlos I El Rey, Letizia y Cristina, cara a cara - Duration: 2:18.


Equiseto per far crescere i capelli - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> Equiseto per far crescere i capelli - Duration: 5:48.


How to Survive When A Major Client FIRES You - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> How to Survive When A Major Client FIRES You - Duration: 5:27.



For more infomation >> Ford C-MAX 1.0i 125PK ED. PLUS NAVIGATIE PARKASSIST BLUETOOTH PDC LMV17 * 2 JAAR GARANTIE! * - Duration: 1:03.


Klipper sönder kläder / Cut clothes | DIY hacks - Duration: 5:08.

hi hi bababa

Hi this video I'll cut broken clothes

3 pieces. top sweater, I want to cut broken this

I want to change, want different style

this skirt, no...

I mean dress

very cute dress, pink. but...

I don't like this that "long" I thought this was short

I want to cut shorter

dress, handsome dress

but I have not used this much often

this I thought have like top, over top?

not dress, no.

I do not know how because the whole drag chain is sitting here

cut off

I am a bit nervous but I hope this will be fine



here ahhh

I think it's fun to cut broken

I want to do this nicely and have to be careful

leave a little bit here as a band

keep your edges down there? no

here I can save. this I can use when I'm going to sew something

remove lines


hope it will be pretty

here is weird. is it possible to cut here?


it works

but wait...? NOOO

The one I would cut off, not this

we remove this

there take remove. mm


look what cool

so. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10



There is better now, see

now take last

Here I want to cut, arms, open hole

euww I don't like to say "hole" disgusting words

hehe it's just me as I think it?

ok there

now open

remove. as open band

here remove the whole


exciting see how it will be

here, cut

obliquely as open

line here

great. here cool

what do you think? comment down! which one is best and so? yeah

hope you think it's fun to see

hope you liked this video! thanks for watching! bye!

For more infomation >> Klipper sönder kläder / Cut clothes | DIY hacks - Duration: 5:08.


Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...

For more infomation >> Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...


7 Times Neymar Made The Whole World Admire Him - Duration: 3:55.

Assist to jo VS Mexico

Goal VS Vilarreal

Cross And Make Goal

decided the game against germany in the Olympic Games 2016

4 goals and 2 assists in one game vs Dijon

Goal VS Paraguai

For more infomation >> 7 Times Neymar Made The Whole World Admire Him - Duration: 3:55.


Como uma partida de futebol pode revelar o paradeiro de um submarino nuclear - Duration: 7:37.

For more infomation >> Como uma partida de futebol pode revelar o paradeiro de um submarino nuclear - Duration: 7:37.


Voa o primeiro F-35A do Japão - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Voa o primeiro F-35A do Japão - Duration: 2:09.


【ENGsub】원포유(14U)P o. K 비하인드 ② - Duration: 8:20.

14U at a arcade

" idol's king of games "

the game is by 3 match

the winner gets a prize and the loser will have a punishment

the members can decide what to do as a punishment

what's the prize for the winner ?

" able to play games for 1 hour "

the winner gets to play games for an hour

E.sol ) theres 14 members so we should split up to 2 teams

dividing into 2 teams

B.S ) let's split into TeamOB and TeamYB

TeamOB is over here

splitting into TeamOB and TeamYB

picking the fighter

Rio ) TeamOB are you ready ?

Gohyeon ) we're ready anytime

Woojoo ) because we're " OLDER " and experienced more

Eunjae ) would you want to get teached ?

Rio ) the game is new for it's for YOUNGER people

introducing the fighters

ready ,

B.S ) please wait a moment

B.S ) it's a match by the oldest and the youngest

TeamYB Youngwoon VS TeamOB Luha

Rio ) we should do it too

E.sol & Woojoo ) let them dance in free-style

choosing what to do in punishment

Sejin ) how about kissing others ?

E.sol ) sing while doing a hand-stand

E.sol ) make an ugly face and dance

many ideas coming out

today's punishments are chosen

don't worry we're here for ya Youngwoong ( cheering their own teammate )

TeamYB's powerful cheer

let's do it too

just go with the flow

Luha panicing because of the random cheer

Youngwoong ) we won

Eunjae ) your small but powerful

Round 1 START

oh it started

it's the first round

Youngwoon fighting with full-power / Luha's attacked !

Youngwoong your good !

Rio ) that's our boy

your not even punching

use your special powers !

Round 1 Youngwoon wins ( easily )

TeamYB ) good job !

Youngwoong ) believe me

TeamYB in the lead

Round2 starts

TeamOB ) what was that ?

TeamOB ) you have to face forward

TeamOB shouting many advices and comments

TeamOB ) don't push the buttons too much

TeamOB ) wow that's strong

TeamOB ) use the sticks

TeamOB ) the characters moving all right

TeamOB ) fighting Luha

having a close game over and over

TeamYB ) almost there !

TeamYB ) go Youngwoong almost there !

who's the winner for the Round 2 ?

TeamOB ) keep attacking like that !

TeamOB will have their first win ?

Rio ) one more attack !

by close match , Youngwoong with his second win

TeamOB ) wow we lost again

Gohyeon ) your punch and kicks weren't in match

TeamOB teaching him how to play

TeamYB with 2 wins

B.S ) it's the last match

Round 3

TeamOB ) use your skills

Luha fighting back

continue doing that

Luha with his first win

TeamOB ) we finally won

there's still left

one point to TeamOB

Round 4

Luha got confidence

TeamOB ) what ?

can he win ? / TeamOB ) the skill's used

TeamOB ) what's happening ?

he's serious

doing great

Luha wins again

TeamOB ) we're tie now

E.sol ) maybe we can win

Eunjae ) can we beat them ?

TeamOB was losing at first

but after the advice from his own team , he won 2 times in a row

2 points each in a tie match

finally the last round

who will be the game king ?

TeamYB Youngwoong

TeamOB Luha

use the same character as last time

Round 5

go out more

doing fine

beating them is maybe possible / there's still chance

use more of your skills

TeamOB advicing Luha


Luha got a really strong attack

Gohyeon ) i told you to use your skills

in the next moment , the special skill was used

will the game end ?

TeamYB Youngwoong wins !

Rio ) we won !

TeamOB )we got attacked

TeamYB ) that was great

Youngwoong ) i lost 2 times to let them feel better

Rio ) oh really

Youngwoong ) i lost for them

TeamYB won

let's applause

Youngwoong ) thank you very much

spin it please

please not the dance


what will the Luha's punishment be ?

" no sound dance "

Gohyeon ) a dance for you ~ ♪

what's a " no sound dance " ?

it's a harsh punishment that you have to dance without any music

Dohyuk ) how many seconds will you dance ?

Luha ) a little

E.sol ) if you dance happily , it will be used

30 seconds of dancing without music

isn't it too long ?

please dance happily

ready ,

( silence )

only his dance step could be heard

probably he can't sleep tonight

E.sol ) how are you ?

Luha ) i feel dizzy

E.sol ) how do you feel ?

Luha ) i want it to end quickly

where am i ? who am i ?

it's not done yet


Luha did his best the whole time

E.sol ) no sound dance is pretty difficult

E.sol ) good job

Luha ) thank you very much

Youngwoong ) is the game really an hour free ?

B.S ) stay alone and do it

E.sol ) have fun alone after we go home

Woojoo ) please buy 3 of this game machines for our dorm

Woojoo )promise as a leader

E.sol ) let's throw Woojoo out of this group

E.sol )it's our first time in this music show and we had a fun time playing games

E.sol ) we also performed Dooroo Dooroo first time ever

E.sol ) it was so meanful to us

E.sol ) we are honored to be called to this music show

E.sol ) please support us from now on

E.sol ) applause

E.sol ) after we sign , we always check

Luha ) this is actually not just a random writing

this is our sign

E.sol ) kpop original live show

For more infomation >> 【ENGsub】원포유(14U)P o. K 비하인드 ② - Duration: 8:20.


ROSS Compras de CAMA, MESA e BANHO em ORLANDO EUA com PREÇOS no Viajar Muda Tudo! - Duration: 44:55.

For more infomation >> ROSS Compras de CAMA, MESA e BANHO em ORLANDO EUA com PREÇOS no Viajar Muda Tudo! - Duration: 44:55.


O mnie się nie martw 8, odcinek 9: Mariusz oskarży Pawła, że rozdzielił go z Sylwią - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> O mnie się nie martw 8, odcinek 9: Mariusz oskarży Pawła, że rozdzielił go z Sylwią - Duration: 2:07.


W kadrze: Caravaggio-Dawid z głową Goliata. || Porozmawiajmy o sztuce #2 - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> W kadrze: Caravaggio-Dawid z głową Goliata. || Porozmawiajmy o sztuce #2 - Duration: 6:02.


How to Make Popsicle Stick House with Pond & Garden - Duration: 6:10.

How to Make Popsicle Stick House with Pond & Garden

For more infomation >> How to Make Popsicle Stick House with Pond & Garden - Duration: 6:10.


Últimas notícia de hoje :CÍNTIA ALVES: AONDE CHEGARÁ A LAVA-JATO COM OS DOLEIROS? - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje :CÍNTIA ALVES: AONDE CHEGARÁ A LAVA-JATO COM OS DOLEIROS? - Duration: 2:06.


How to Survive When A Major Client FIRES You - Duration: 5:27.

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Buy TOP 5 mobile Gimbal price in bd/Buy 4k camera Gimbal Price in Dhaka 2018/shapon khan vlogs - Duration: 3:17.

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Undertale The Musical: (Genocide Version) - Snowy - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Undertale The Musical: (Genocide Version) - Snowy - Duration: 3:28.


Produtos Terminados | Sílvia Isabel - Duration: 11:41.

Hello everyone, welcome to another video

Before we start with the video, which is my finished products

and I had no idea that I finish with so many products

Okay, it seems like there are not many, but for me

but it's a lot, and it's only after I start saving things that

that I realized, my God, how

a small human being, can

spend so much product, it's incredible

no, this is to much

and I think I have to start holding back

but before that do not forget to subscribe to the channel

and activate the bell that is next to the subscribe

because it seems to be the only way to get notifications for my videos

it seems like youtube

changed the game rules again


I finished 2 perfumes, finally

It seems like I never end up with perfumes, but I've finally finished two

and the first was from victoria secret, it was pure seduction ... And I was a little sad because it was my favorite

It's this one

and I will not go back to buying because

I bought it on the showroomprive website and it was expensive


for such a small thing I do not think it's worth it

so I will not go back to buy, and I have so much perfume, so this goes to the trash

but it was good while it lasted

and another one that I'm not going to buy either

is that of One Direction .. This one is That Moment


his smell is great, very sweet ... I'll save the packaging because she's beautiful

but I'm not going to buy again because

it was the time when I was a fan, but I will keep it as a souvenir

but I will not go back to buy it

because it has so much good perfume, that it does not need to buy

I finished 2 toothpaste

and I'm not very weird with toothpaste

I buy it on promotion or ...

or any other

This one I finished is the colgate max white

and this one I do not recommend

because she is blue

and has some crystals and leaves the sink

all dirty

and it is horrible to take away, because it glues itself in the sink

is a person has to scrub immensely to take out the crystals

she is good, works and makes the teeth and mouth super fresh

but it makes a mess

and then I will choose to buy another if I remember

The following is this, and is a sample

my aunt had lots of samples and it gave me lots of them

this one is from Oral b pro expert

this one is blue ... there's still a little left

This one is no longer the same as the other, and this one is very good.

very fresh

leaves the mouth and teeth very fresh, I quite liked her

and this small one lasted a long time, because all it takes is

a bit to brush my teeth, so I liked it

and I will continue to use the samples I still have


Next. I used 2 shampoos, and two huge ones

and my hair does not look like .. I know it's long, but it's not that long either

but it is very bulky so I always wash my hair

when i wash it

I wash twice, and I wash once or twice a week ... I know

Uh, gross.. No

Its how i like to do it

I used this shampoo from bed head tigi ... I do not know how it's said

and he is very good, smells amazing

this one is the shampoo, this is the conditioner

i also bought this in the website

in the showroom website

and it was not expensive

I mean ... it was expensive ... but it was not that expensive

and lasted immense time

and I noticed that it left my hair super soft

I do not know if I'll buy again.

because we have very good shampoos in the supermarket

I do not know if it's worth buying a shampoo on the internet, I wanted to try bed head

and I bought this

i liked it

maybe a day later I will buy again, but I will not buy it now

and the other shampoo I bought was an anti-fall, it was this Pantene prove

I already used this one and I went back to buy another one

because I noticed a huge difference in it

besides noting that the hair is not falling to me so much

I notice that my new hair is growing

I'm really enjoying it.

probably now when the second packaging is finished

I'll switch to a dry hair shampoo

because this shampoo is no longer having a great effect on me, the hair is no longer falling as it was

if they are looking for a good anti fall shampoo ... this is prevention fall

this one I recommend is very good

has the shampoo, the conditioner and also the mask

and fantastic, 5 stars, incredible

I finished with 3 deodorants

and it's not that I smell badly, simply, this one was in the gym bag

and it there a lot of time ... it's Bu, my secret

and he smells


this one, the pink is my favorite and lasted a lot of time

this one is of the same brand

just that this is the happy soul, and this one was in the bathroom

because I have deodorant everywhere

the other one is sweet, this one is more fresh

the smell is not my favorite

maybe I will not buy this again, and always buy the pink

i still have the red one

I also do not like it very much, pink is my favorite

and then I finished this, which I use practically every day and that is in my room

its the Rexona maximum protection

and this one i use all the time

and the only negative thing I have to say about him is that sometimes when you apply the product he messes up the laundry

you should wait a little before get dress

and also that it is a little expensive for the product that has

but if you perspire a lot and can not find any that will hold, this is very good ... what I do is apply the night after showering

and during the day

I use these

because they smell better, this one don't have a smell

i like to use this one at night

before bed, and during the day i use this because they smell better

shower gel

I finished two of the same brand, these ones from klorane

They are not special, they came because of the pharmacy.

because of the points ... I do not know if everyone knows what it is ... but I had points in the pharmacy

and these two came, it's nothing special, I will not go back to buy

the smell was nothing special

I do not know ... It's a shower gel.

I'm done, I'm not going to buy again.

the smell is nothing special and does not stay in the body

not buying again

and I have here the one I won in a hobby, a giveaway


i dont like the smell

smells, smells ....

Smells like old people

I do not like it, it smells like old people.

the brand is

apple and bears

bergamot and green tea body wash

shower gel

I will not even try

its this

I did not like it, still have the product but it goes to waste.

I do not like the smell and the one time I used it, it dried my skin immensely

the last two things I have to show you I do not know if it interests you, but this is the product that I use

in my contact lenses, and I've tested several

and this is my favorite because it is the one that cleans my contact lenses better

and you may think they are all the same but they are not

Of the ones I've tested, this is the cheapest

cleans very well and works very well

And the last thing, there's still some and I already bought another but I brought it to show you

which is garnier micellar water

and I do not go without it, I always have to ... I love it

I use to take off the makeup, in the morning when I apply it to my skin

Thunderstorms, I do not like thunderstorms

I put on my skin, I wear it at night

its great

micellar water

sorry about my dog

the micellar water of garnier for me is the best, put on the eyes, everywhere, it is incredible

so it's worth seeing whether you like it or not, because you may think that it does nothing for you

since I use micellar water I notice a big difference in the skin

this is the last products I've finished .. I know it's not much

they were already filling up and needed to get them out

tell me if you use any of these products and what products you recommend

What shower gel is recommended to me because

because these are horrible and I do not like it

I need a good shower gel ... the only good thing I'm wearing is that of zoella

and I find it a bit expensive for the size it has

I also do not know if I'll be back buying when I finish

and that's it, do not forget to comment and give like and all these things and see you in the next video ... bye

For more infomation >> Produtos Terminados | Sílvia Isabel - Duration: 11:41.


The tears of a mother ... catholic religion ... Medjugorje - Duration: 2:52.

It's been about a year since I made videos ... And I talk a lot about prayer with the heart

... And to explain to you here is a little story: ...

A rather elderly lady listens to a priest

who explains to him the prayer with the heart ... At the end of her explanation, the lady says she

did not understand anything at all ... The priest said to him, "Madam, you have

children, small children, who can to be unemployment money problems

or education of their children, problems of couple, you certainly have problems

because of your age, your husband has died or sick, tell me all that ... "

The lady a little surprised at first ended by explain to him his problems and for 10 minutes

she tells all her life and impossible to stop him ...

After a while, she stops then the priest said to him, "You have me

trusted and you opened me your heart and well for prayer with the heart

it's the same ... everything you have me said you say it to Mary and to Jesus ...

That's the prayer with the heart ... "

The tears of a mother ...

In Mexico a statue of Mary begins to cry ...

Indeed on the internet appeared this video in January 2017

And we can see, the statue of the Virgin Mary crying . The statue is located in a

very violent area of ​​Acapulco.

People present, believe that tears of the Virgin, are a sign

that peace will come soon.

You can see more videos ...

Or see the last video out ...

AND if you really liked it ... You can subscribe ...

For more infomation >> The tears of a mother ... catholic religion ... Medjugorje - Duration: 2:52.


ল্যাংটার মাজার অপরাধীদের স্বর্গরাজ্য, চলে নারী পুরুষের অবাধ মেলামেশা | Bangla news today - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> ল্যাংটার মাজার অপরাধীদের স্বর্গরাজ্য, চলে নারী পুরুষের অবাধ মেলামেশা | Bangla news today - Duration: 2:17.


Dawn Of The Croods Thunk o'Clock High Episode 55 - Anna Fry - Duration: 18:29.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!

For more infomation >> Dawn Of The Croods Thunk o'Clock High Episode 55 - Anna Fry - Duration: 18:29.


Dr. File revela detalles de por qué su hermana Ángela Contreras no quiere volver a la TV - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Dr. File revela detalles de por qué su hermana Ángela Contreras no quiere volver a la TV - Duration: 2:35.


El inquietante plan que ha trazado Juan Carlos I El Rey, Letizia y Cristina, cara a cara - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> El inquietante plan que ha trazado Juan Carlos I El Rey, Letizia y Cristina, cara a cara - Duration: 2:18.


Lisbon to Porto Bus Ride | Portugal Travel Vlog - Duration: 11:29.

Good morning good morning guys.

Greetings from Lisbon, Portugal.

Today is a travel day.

It is a travel day.

So we're going to be traveling up to Porto yes which I believe is 3 and a half hours

by bus.


We're going to be leaving the apartment soon but first we wanted to give you guys a little

tour of where we've been staying.


So Sam is going to do that.

I'll be doing that.

Okay so right now we're in the hallway and we've got lots of doors to choose from so

where are we going first?

Well I'll think I'll take you into the living room.

And something to keep in mind is the apartments we're renting this time of year are a little

bit bigger yes because we're traveling with my parents yes so we're getting the extra


We need to fit 4 people.

Need to fit 4 of us in here.

Four Canadians.

Oh my gosh.

It is not like we're giants or anything.


Well speaking of giants this place is kind of unique in that sense.

I'll show you.

You'll see once we get to the kitchen.


So anyways this was a really everywhere we've been looking because there is four of us we're

trying to find like really comfortable common spaces.


So we're really happy with the size of this massive couch.

And we had a nice big table.

We used it equally for like just hanging out on our computers.

Also we had all of our dinners here.


Which was awesome.

We ate home for every dinner.


We had lunches out.


So this was perfect.

Good wifi.


Come on in here.

So this is the part where and I don't know why the light isn't turned on.

It is here.

Okay so this is the funny part guys inside this kitchen because I'm pretty tall.

I'm 6 foot 1 yeah which is like what 183 or 184 cm.

I don't know but we need a stool in this kitchen for everything.

So for instance the cutlery when I go up here is right there.

Like I can't reach it.

Can you see it?


And then up here was like pots and pans.

So everything was out of reach giant sized.


We all became very good at using this step ladder.

Even the stove.

Look at where the stove is.

Yeah, the stove.

It is kind of high up.

Um it is one of those one of those typical ones in Europe where you have to light it

with a match.


Turn on the gas.

Put the match like that.

I'll quickly show you the bathroom.

And this is the bathroom.

And this is the bathroom.

It is pretty standard.

So what you'll notice here is they have oh the shower we hate.


Yeah, the shower did not have a holder.

It is broken.

So that means while you're showering you kind of have to put it in between your legs and

in between your arms and you get cold.

And so yeah we don't really like that very much.

Okay let's move on to the hallway.


So moving on to the hallway what I like in the hallway is the iconic picture of the trolley.


The tram in Lisbon.

Yeah, that's what you'll find in Lisbon.

Um and here was our bedroom.

And we had two big basically twin beds.

Two single beds?


Twin beds.

Twins beds.

Twin beds.

That is what we call it.


Anyways it was fun to come back to Lisbon.

This is my second time.

This was your third time and this was my parent's first time.


So it is a city that we really like.

It is just it has a very cool chill vibe.

It is so fun to walk around but now we're really excited to go to Porto because this

is going to be like our first time visiting for everyone.


So a new destination for everyone.

Now what we need to do is catch a taxi and get on that bus.

Let's go.

Let's do it.

Okay so we are now at the Sete Rios bus terminal.


We just made it.

The taxi ride was really nice.

We had such a nice driver.

Very friendly.

The ride was also affordable.

It came to something like just over 8 Euros.

Which for four people was incredible.

We were able to fit all of our bags in there.


It was awesome.

The bus terminal is nice here.

And yeah, we're just killing time.

We arrived really early.

We have over an hour to kill.

So I went out and got baked goods.

So if we take a little tour down here we've got the all time favorite.

The Pastéis de nata.

The Portuguese egg tart.

We have a Quiche which we're going to split into four.

So we each get a little bit.

And then I've got a sandwich for all of us.

I think it is prosciutto and cheese.

And the bun looks really good.

It looks good and at what time are you having lunch right now?

I'm having lunch at ten forty.

Nicely done.

What do you guys think of that?


A bit early.

A bit early.


That sandwich is pretty good.

So it is brunch.

Oh yeah brunch.


That is a really thick piece of bread.

When are you going to have yours?

In like an hour?

Yeah, I'll have mine when I'm on the bus.

On the bus.

I'm saving mine too.

Would you like a knife to cut it?

Um do you have a knife?

I have a swiss army knife.


Woo hoo!

Fancy here.

We're getting fancy.

We're going to dissect this into four with a swiss army knife.

Because that is how it is done.


Is that an expression that you got or is it one that Sam said.

Look at that?

I don't know where did we get fuss pot?


Beautifully cut.

Because that is an expression that our family uses too.

Fuss potting.

Maybe Sam came up with fusspot and I just started using it for him.

Oh, I have a feeling I'm not sure it could either be chicken or tuna.

It is chicken.

How do you know?


I can tell.


It is chicken.

It could have been tuna.

Looks like chicken, tastes like chicken.

Oh my gosh.

It is chicken.

It is chicken.

Alright, there you go.

Chicken Quiche.

And the last one, the pastel de nata for dessert.





You know what it is pretty good but it is nowhere near the level of the 3 places we

had but it is tasty.

This will be a really nice lunch.


All of this came to 16 Euros.

So we got 4 sandwiches, 4 Pastéis de nata and one big Quiche.

So good value and that will tide us over until we reach Porto.

So we've discovered a bit of a hidden talent later in life.

You like to be on camera.

So if you were going to so you should start your own YouTube channel.

What would you call it?

What are some names?

What are some names?

First one would be SOF which is short for sweaty old fossils.


And the next one what else?

Would be um uh around the world with Pumpy.

Around the World with Pumpy.

That is your nickname.



And uh what is the other one?

Something about Bobby D. No you came up with it was like no no not no reservations.

Oh yeah.

No fixed address.

No fixed address with Bobby D. With Bobby D. Because you look.

People have said you look like Robert DeNiro.


Well these views can only mean one thing.

We have made it to Porto!


And this is an upgrade over our apartment in Lisbon for sure.

We're not in a basement.

Yeah, I'm loving it on the 4th floor.

We have beautiful views of the park.

We have a park right across.

Yeah, we have nice spacious bedrooms.

We'll show you that later.

Anyways yeah it is time for a much needed update.

We forgot to tell you the price of the tickets.

The bus tickets.

Oh yeah.

The bus tickets were 19 Euros per person.


So yeah thought that was pretty good value.

It probably would have been cheaper if we had of booked it in advance but we're kind

of winging this.


Booking this last minute.

Anyways what I think we'll do is we're going to go to the grocery store.


And we're going to show you.

We're going to have a family dinner tonight.

We'll show you a little bit of that.

I think we're going to make some pasta and maybe have some wine.

Alright let's bring the camera when we go shopping how about that?

Alright, let's do it.

Sam in the wine section of course.

Most important place.

Gotta pick out a good wine.

Did you pick out a good wine that is the question.

Yeah, I think so.

Come check out this.

So this one over here which I got is on sale.

Oh, sorry I'm in the wrong section.


Oh here.

There it is.

This is normally 4.99 on sale for 2.49 Euros.

And it is a Syrah.


Should be good.

Alright so we did a basic grocery shop.


Very basic.

By the way I haven't been on camera much today because I didn't wash my hair.

There was no hot water for the shower.

We ran out of hot water in the morning.

So I'm a bit of the mess.


Um so yeah next stop bakery shop for bolinhos de bacalhau yes if we can find that.

And then we're going to find a fruit and veg shop.


And that is right by our apartment.


The fruit and veg shop we know where that is.

He is getting apples.

Grocery shopping how exciting.


I look like a mess while getting apples.


There are the apples.

Four to start with?


You guys we found an Asian supermarket and they have Korean noodles.

Oh my gosh.

Shin Ramyun!

Korean noodles.

Shin Ramyun coming out.

Oh my gosh.

Oh my gosh.

What a surprise.

Let's go pay.

Oh and mochi.

They've got mochi.

They do have mochi balls.

Oh ho.

Are you allowed to get some mochi for dessert?

Well, we're still hitting up the pastry shops so maybe let's control ourselves.


Alright guys so we were only partially successful.

We went into the bakery looking for bolinhos de bacalhau but they didn't have any.

Only sweets.

But we did find an Asian supermarket that had spicy Korean Shin Ramyun.

Shin Ramyun and also.

That makes up for it.

Mochi balls.

Oh yeah we got Mochi for dessert.

So it'll be a good meal.

It sure will.

An Asian inspired meal.

And we're probably going to have red wine and after 8.

It is going to be the most eclectic mix ever.

Ramyun, prosciutto, cheese, after 8, mochi balls and more importantly good company.

Alright salut.



Our first meal in Porto.


Ha, we were we just wanted to go for something easy and instant.


And uh yeah we're going to wrap things up here.

It was a nice day.

Nice travel day it wasn't too long.

What did you guys think of the trip?

It was good.

I slept well.

Pretty cozy.

Those two slept a lot on the bus.


Anyways, it was comfortable.

It was comfortable.

So we'll see you guys with more videos from Porto soon.

We're going to enjoy our meal.



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