Sunday, May 6, 2018

Youtube daily report May 6 2018

New vídeo in the channel, this time we go to a two days trip

through 2 cities of England and some villages, this time

well, you're seeing, we has to take the three dogs because

we wanted to sleep outside home and the best Antonio's idea is take the dogs with us

Antonio: What can go wrong?

Elena: This looks like the "Pachacho"'s car

So We leave with the three dogs

We are in Bath, is the first city where we make a stop today

It was declared a World Heritage Site in

1987 and we are going to see the town centre and later we go to

Bristol. While we're travelling we've seen Stonehenge, obviously we haven't stopped because the admission is 22 pounds

And 22 pounds for see 4 stones even though it has a lot of history but it is still stones so

we can not afford to pay that amount of money for seeing stones

Well and behind these doors is one of the

Bath's most important tourist attractions, which are Roman baths

we are not going to enter either because they are very expensive and apart from that as we go with the dogs, and we can not go with the dogs to any

they destroy it

We have arrived to the next stop today, it's Bristol

One of the most important city in the

west south of

England and it's 20 minutes from Bath, so we are going to do a

walk through the town centre, we will see the cathedral, the squares, and later we will have lunch

And this is behind me is Bristol's Cathedral

this is Antonio, and we just saw that you can enter for free so let's take advantage

let's go in for free and let's see the beauty of gothic architecture

Elena: But someone has to stay outside with the dogs

Me no


We have stopped to eat in a downtown park, we had to climb a hill

We are a little tired

and then we will try to climb this tower from here that we surely have a view

to the city because from here you see something, but not much because there are trees

that prevent seeing everything

Half an hour from Bristol, is Castle Combe, a medieval-style town

and to be honest, it is quite beautiful, so you should stop here. You do not need more than half an hour to visit it

We started new day and we started making a stop in a very similar town where we finished yesterday. This town is called Bibury and it's another town

with houses built in stone, it is a

medieval town too and we are going to cross the town that is very small so it will not take long time and then we will go to Gloucester

We have arrived to Gloucester and we are going to enter the cathedral which is free admission and

let's see it inside. I must tell you that some scenes of Harry Potter have been recorded in this cathedral

It is possible to remind you of the videos that I make to sets inside Hogwarts

We have already arrived in Oxford, the famous university city,

let do a walk through the twon center and see what we found because our last stop

We are already finishing our visit to Oxford, to be honest, we have had

a bit of bad luck because it does not stop raining and I can not be with the camera outside because it wet, in fact it is

dripping, I'm drying it

all time and

I don't want to break the only camera I have

We haven't been able to enter many places because as we go the dogs

but we liked it a lot if it was not for the rain

Here ends this video in which we have

spent two days traveling through England in which is the last video that appear our friend, Elena

so we say goodbye to her

and I hope you like this video, suscribe for more

and share it and be aware because there will more videos soon, so Bye!!

If you want to see a beautiful boy, follow me on Instagram: Antoniomc07official

For more infomation >> BRISTOL, OXFORD Y OTHER TOWNS | VLOG - Duration: 7:33.


Letizia y Rania: dos maneras muy distintas de interpretar el look 'chandalero' - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Letizia y Rania: dos maneras muy distintas de interpretar el look 'chandalero' - Duration: 2:31.


Lithium Battery Charging with an Alternator - 46 - Duration: 9:48.

Hello, how you doing? Thanks very much for watching. Tomorrow here in the United Kingdom

is a bank holiday but you wouldn't think it. Because the sheer mention of a holiday here,

and it usually throws it down with rain.

But for the last couple of days we've been baking in fantastic sun, all day long and

every morning, I've been waking up to my lithium batteries 100% full, which is fantastic.

But of course, every day isn't as sunny as this. So another way of charging your lithium

batteries, or lead acid batteries or AGM batteries or whatever you have on a narrowboat, is with

an alternator, and that's what today's episode is all about.

The engine on my narrowboat has two alternators. A 75 amp for the starter battery and bow thruster

and a larger 175 amp for the leisure batteries.

In my engine bay is the original large wooden box to contain up to 5 batteries. As I have

my new lithium's inside, in a kitchen cupboard, I wanted to sort the jumble of wires out and

reduce the size of the box.

After removing all the cables, switches and relays I dismantled the grey box and disposed

of it. I cut a new piece of plywood to fit the two brackets that were welded into the

engine bay.

I decided to use two plastic battery boxes with lids. This will keep the

batteries and their terminals clean and give me a lot more space to work with.

Both batteries go through mega fuses and isolator switches. The negative from the alternator

protect battery goes through a Victron BMV 712 battery monitor shunt before joining to

to the main negative bus bar. I've protected both the shunt and the bus bar with Blue Sea

MaxiBus Insulating Covers.

The negative for both alternators is the engine itself. The engine and the negative bus bar

are connected to the steel hull via one connection. Unlike a vehicle, it's highly recommended

to not use the hull as the return negative. All the items onboard should, on a new install,

use two wires, positive flow and negative return.

The 175 amp alternator has two feeds from its positive connection. One goes to the isolation

switch for the alternator protect battery. The other along with a negative from the bus

bar are protected in plastic corrugated conduit, through the bulkhead and into my lithium cupboard.

The positive connects to a fuse on the bus bar.

Alternators, although regulated to a certain degree can treat lithium batteries a little

harshly. Lithium's can take a much higher charge current and for longer and that has

an effect on the alternator.

The recommended charge amperage for each of my 100 amp hour batteries is at, or below 50

amps. Although you can throw 300 amps at them and they will charge, I wanted to look after

my new lithium batteries as well as my alternator.

After a lot of testing I've decided to use a Victron BMS 12/200. It's normally used as

a battery management system but after a bit of digging I discovered this PDF document.

With the use of the Alternator control cable, it ignores the battery management system part

of the unit and instead performs two key functions that I was looking for.

I can regulate the charge current from the alternator with the value of a mega fuse.

The charge value is around 80% of the fuses value and I can go as low as 40 amps and as

high as 200 amps.

I can also use the BMS 12/200 to cut the alternator charge source, just like the battery protect

can for the solar MPPT controller.

The negative from the engine bay connects to the far left

terminal of the BMS 12/200. It goes via the fuse and there is a short length of 50mm cable

from the middle post to the negative of the lithium bus bar. The Alternator cable connects

to both a spade connection on the BMS 12/200 and a three pin plug. The BMS 12/200 requires

a constant positive and switched positive fed from the main lithium Battery Management


If you suddenly cut the load whilst an alternator is running, for example if the batteries were

full, it can damage the alternator. So to avoid this I have used one of my previous

lead acid batteries as a bit of a power dump protector. I will need to have a small load

on this lead acid battery however, otherwise it won't provide that dump load protection,

if it's totally full all the time.

Before the BMS 12/200 was installed, at tick-over I would see around 130-160 amps being pushed into

the batteries constantly, until they were totally full.

The time my 300Ah of batteries took to charge from 50% to 100% was 75 minutes.

After testing the BMS 12/200 with a 150 amp, a 175 amp and a 200 amp fuse, I decided to

stick with the maximum of 200 amps. This reduced the load on the alternator and you could hardly

feel any difference when it was in load and it worked fine at tick over.

The amps gradually reduced over the duration of the charge, protecting the batteries and reducing

the chance of overheating the alternator.

The time my 300 amp hours of batteries took to charge from 50% to 100% with the BMS 12/200

and a 200 amp fuse was 88 minutes.

Although this is slightly slower, I've added the ability to cut the charge automatically

as well as reducing the charge current over the course of the charge.

The values set within the lithium BMS, to me, seemed extreme and you can't change them.

The lithium BMS has a fixed over voltage cut off of 4.2 volts in any one cell.

It has a fixed under voltage cut off of 2.5 volts in any one cell.

However, I already have the kit to tackle this.

In my true belt and braces approach, I wanted to change these voltages. I knew all it would

take for the charge or load to be cut, is the disconnection of their positive feeds. This

would cut both the solar MPPT and the alternator in the event of high voltage and the load

if the voltage got too low.

The BMV 712 battery monitors are already installed measuring the amps in and out, the voltages

and the percentage left in the battery bank. Inside the battery monitor is a small relay.

So I wired the positive feed from the lithium BMS, via the relay.

It's recommended the Victron lithium batteries reach 14.2 volts during their charge so the

batteries internal circuitry can balance the cells.

Within the settings area of the BMV 712 there is a relay tab.

I changed the relay to charger mode, inverted the relay, set the Relay-off delay to 3 minutes

and then set the High voltage relay to disconnect the relay when it's at 14.3 volts.

After a bit of tweaking, the batteries reach 14.3 volts for 3 minutes and then the charge

sources are turned off. No high cell voltages of 4.2 volts!

Now to deal with the low voltage. I already have a second BMV battery monitor [Thought I'd give you a rest from non stop batteries!]

connected to the alternator protect lead acid battery. The monitor has the ability to monitor [Thought I'd give you a rest from non stop batteries!]

an auxiliary or starter battery. So I've wired this connection to the bus bar of the main

lithium bank.

Once again in the settings I changed the relay to charger mode, inverted the relay, set the

Relay-off delay to 3 minutes and then set the starter voltage relay to disconnect

the relay when it's at 2.9 volts.

The relay of this second battery monitor disconnects the load positive feed from the lithium BMS.

This doesn't deal with the MultiPlus Inverter however so I need to look into a way of automatically

disconnecting that too. However the low voltage will be a very, very rare event as I don't

let my batteries get below 50% to increase their lifespan, plus there's always a little

bit of charge from my solar panels, even if it's a horrible winters day.

I am now confident not only are my lithium batteries treated better whilst charging, but

I have introduced a more conservative voltage protection.

I've included links to all the items I've discussed in this episode in the description


If you like this episode, do please give it a thumbs up. If you've not already subscribed,

hit that subscribe button and click the bell icon to be notified about all my future episodes.

Until next time, see ya later.

For more infomation >> Lithium Battery Charging with an Alternator - 46 - Duration: 9:48.


Roberto Carnaghi: "El teatro te da los grises en un país blanco y negro" - Duration: 10:20.

For more infomation >> Roberto Carnaghi: "El teatro te da los grises en un país blanco y negro" - Duration: 10:20.


La increíble historia de la otra actriz que pudo ser esposa de HarryEra más bella que Meghan Markle - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> La increíble historia de la otra actriz que pudo ser esposa de HarryEra más bella que Meghan Markle - Duration: 4:25.


Juana Viale, sobre las críticas a "Edha": "Es muy fácil atacar" - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Juana Viale, sobre las críticas a "Edha": "Es muy fácil atacar" - Duration: 4:03.


Si... Rudyard Kipling - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Si... Rudyard Kipling - Duration: 2:19.


¿Lo más importante en un ANIME? ¿Razones para ser YOUTUBER DE ANIME? P&R|filosofía del anime - Duration: 16:17.

For more infomation >> ¿Lo más importante en un ANIME? ¿Razones para ser YOUTUBER DE ANIME? P&R|filosofía del anime - Duration: 16:17.


Debuta 100 Días para Enamorarse, una comedia romántica que pone a prueba el amor - Duration: 11:35.

For more infomation >> Debuta 100 Días para Enamorarse, una comedia romántica que pone a prueba el amor - Duration: 11:35.


10 cosas que no sabías de York Cottage, el regalo de Isabel II a Harry y Meghan - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> 10 cosas que no sabías de York Cottage, el regalo de Isabel II a Harry y Meghan - Duration: 3:54.


La 'niñera de Podemos' le ríe este vómito a Tania:Mucha gente pide que me cague en la madre de Inda - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> La 'niñera de Podemos' le ríe este vómito a Tania:Mucha gente pide que me cague en la madre de Inda - Duration: 1:47.


La tremebunda 'leche' literaria que no se esperaba el 'indepe' zascandil Alfred - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> La tremebunda 'leche' literaria que no se esperaba el 'indepe' zascandil Alfred - Duration: 2:30.


Lejos de Rene, Soledad Fandiño está muy cerca de... - Duration: 6:45.

For more infomation >> Lejos de Rene, Soledad Fandiño está muy cerca de... - Duration: 6:45.


Kensington Palace, el nuevo Melrose Place: conoce a sus habitantes (Meghan, Kate...) - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> Kensington Palace, el nuevo Melrose Place: conoce a sus habitantes (Meghan, Kate...) - Duration: 6:26.


LA EDAD DE LOGAN G #LaEdadDeLoganG | LA VERDAD DE LOGAN G - Duration: 0:23.

For more infomation >> LA EDAD DE LOGAN G #LaEdadDeLoganG | LA VERDAD DE LOGAN G - Duration: 0:23.


8 usos del aceite esencial de incienso que te gustará saber - Duration: 8:09.

For more infomation >> 8 usos del aceite esencial de incienso que te gustará saber - Duration: 8:09.


Llegando tarde - Duration: 4:06.

Welcome to the dimension of dreams

Be comfortable, listen. I invite the next

Night Round

Late again

Work consumes me little by little

I arrive home

I enter almost imperceptibly

I don't want to make any noise

I don't want to disturb your dream

It is early morning

but I'm not hungry

my desire was to get home

to see you

to feel you

to smell you, to be with you

I reproach myself for arriving so late

not being able to arrive

and find you awake


I'm happy

because I know you are at home waiting for me

I thank heaven for having you in my life

I won't turn on any light

I'm taking off my clothes

I'm getting closer to the room

I take off my shoes to make no noise

I don't want to interrupt your dreams

you are

the most important to me

I love to see you sleep

You look

so pretty

so calm

so in peace

I want you to rest

Your dream

is sacred to me

I love you so much

You are so beautiful

I go to bed and I approach you

To your ear

I love you precious

You are all in my life

Thanks for want me

Thanks for being with me

Thank you to be here

Thanks for loving me

You are the greatest thing I have in my life

You are all for me

I speak to your ear

and I kiss you

You move

I rejoice

to have coincided in time and space with you

I lie next to you

I hug you

Thanks God

I hope you enjoy the video

Give us like and subscribe

This was Night Round

See you in your dreams

For more infomation >> Llegando tarde - Duration: 4:06.


Dr. Dre Type West Coast Bea...

For more infomation >> Dr. Dre Type West Coast Bea...


Devin Nunes Calls for Immediate Arrest of John Kerry for Treason, They Found Everything - Duration: 4:41.

Devin Nunes Calls for Immediate Arrest of John Kerry for Treason, They Found Everything.

John Kerry's legacy is permanently damaged because of his association, and employment

with the Obama administration.

There have always been questions regarding the work he has done, especially in reference

to the Iran Deal which he helped author and was terrible for the American people.

Now, members of Congress have found him responsible for even worse crimes and it is all coming

apart at the seams.

Devin Nunes, Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, is calling

for Kerry, the former Secretary of State to be arrested for Logan Act violations.

A 1799 law that to this day nobody has been arrested or charged with.

This latest update came after the Boston Globe reported that Kerry was looking to save the

Iran Deal.

For those of you who don't understand what the Logan Act really is, this is what it promulgates

in reference to private correspondence with foreign governments:

"Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United

States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse

with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence

the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation

to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of

the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years,

or both.

This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply himself, or his agent,

to any foreign government, or the agents thereof, for redress of any injury which he may have

sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects."

While Democrats are busy pointing the finger at Republicans and the current administration

regarding the Trump-Russia Mueller investigation, it appears they have plenty of criminality

of their own.

What they need to do is take responsibility for it instead of pointing their fingers at


They have plenty of blame to accept for themselves and there comes a time when enough is enough.

And enough is enough.

The Washington Examiner reported,

"Meanwhile, Tom Fitton, who heads the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, said "Kerry

making quiet play to save Iran deal with foreign leaders: report.

I'm waiting for the Left to scream treason and for Sally Yates to invoke the Logan Act

and demand a criminal investigation."

He was referring to former acting Attorney General Sally Yates, who was concerned that

former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn had violated the Logan Act, during the

presidential transition period after he discussed policy issues with a Russian envoy.

The Logan Act is a more than 200-year-old law under which no one has ever been prosecuted,

that prohibits private citizens from acting on behalf of the U.S. in disputes with foreign


President Trump found himself beset by Logan Act talk after the Republican Convention during

2016 campaign, when Trump sarcastically invited Russia to produce the 30,000-plus emails,

that Hillary Clinton deleted rather than turn over to investigators.

The Iran deal, struck in 2015, was struck during the Obama administration and put Iran's

nuclear program on ice in exchange for relief from crippling sanctions.

Trump, who has until May 12 to decide whether to continue on with the agreement, seek changes,

or abandon it, has indicated he intends to pull out of the Iran deal, provided it is

not altered, despite the protestations of European allies."

Even if the Logan Act has never been used and is over 200 years old it nonetheless is

a law that people cannot break.

The rules set forth in our constitution are over 200 years old, that doesn't mean we

all of a sudden get to stop following them.

They are the foundation of our country, our values, and our principles.

As such, they need to be respected for that exact reason.

Democrats need to come to terms with the fact that they lost the 2016 presidential election

and there is no going back.

They can't interfere now whether it is with the Iran Deal, North Korea, Russia, or anybody

or anything else for that matter.

Their time is up, they had their chance, and they floundered it, now it is time for the

real professionals to come and clean up the mess.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Devin Nunes Calls for Immediate Arrest of John Kerry for Treason, They Found Everything - Duration: 4:41.



* Intro starts *

Link below, in the video description. Get this backpack before they are sold out.

Link below, in the video description. Get this backpack before they are sold out.

For more infomation >> THE BEST VIDEOS COMPILATION 😂😍😜 FUNNY CLIPS 🔥🔥🔥 - Duration: 6:33.


DRAMA ALERT?-Fortnite Funny Gameplay-Season 4 Dank Memes- Dusty Divot,Mansion...PS4 HD - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> DRAMA ALERT?-Fortnite Funny Gameplay-Season 4 Dank Memes- Dusty Divot,Mansion...PS4 HD - Duration: 4:49.


Infinity War Parody (*No Spoilers) - Duration: 0:11.

I'm gonna tell you guys how infinity war ends!!!

Not Today!!!

For more infomation >> Infinity War Parody (*No Spoilers) - Duration: 0:11.


Minute Vlog: Day Forty -Nine - Duration: 1:24.

Minute Vlog: Day Forty-Nine

Hi to all! Be yourself, be different!


Today I'll read this quote

It's the action, not the fruit of the action, that's important.

You have to do the right thing.

It may not be in your power,

may not be in your time, that there'll be any fruit.

But that doesn't mean

you stop doing the right thing.

You may never know what results come from your action.

But if you do nothing,

there will be no result.

that was said by Mahatma Gandhi

Have you understood what Gandhi is trying to tell you?

Tell me in the comments below, and see you tomorrow.


For more infomation >> Minute Vlog: Day Forty -Nine - Duration: 1:24.


Pokémon Emerald - Episode 45: Route 126 to Route 129 | Training - Duration: 21:31.


Twitter: @64smashmaster

Hey what's up everyone and welcome back to Emerald Version.

My Fire type against a Water type!

Really, what the heck!?

Is Iron Tail really inaccurate or it's my luck?

If you are enjoying this video, leave a like.

Common, just hit the Nosepass!


See ya'

For more infomation >> Pokémon Emerald - Episode 45: Route 126 to Route 129 | Training - Duration: 21:31.


Los Angeles Angels @ Seattle Mariners - MLB The Show 18 Real Upcoming Game Matchups Series - Duration: 43:50.

For more infomation >> Los Angeles Angels @ Seattle Mariners - MLB The Show 18 Real Upcoming Game Matchups Series - Duration: 43:50.


Wedding Mashups Nach Ke Dekha Kuriye New Love Story Wedding Party Knox 14 Song 1 Beat 2018 - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Wedding Mashups Nach Ke Dekha Kuriye New Love Story Wedding Party Knox 14 Song 1 Beat 2018 - Duration: 3:03.


Berlin – Tag und Nacht: Peggy-Ersatz gefunden! - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Berlin – Tag und Nacht: Peggy-Ersatz gefunden! - Duration: 2:54.


Boom Bap Type Beat

For more infomation >> Boom Bap Type Beat


I Filled a Room with Sleeping Spray & Wasn't Allowed to Sleep for 24 Hours (Deprivation Challenge) - Duration: 13:39.

For more infomation >> I Filled a Room with Sleeping Spray & Wasn't Allowed to Sleep for 24 Hours (Deprivation Challenge) - Duration: 13:39.


HOW I EDIT MY PHOTOS 2018 | 2018 افضل تطبيقات لتعديل وتحرير الصور - Duration: 10:11.

For more infomation >> HOW I EDIT MY PHOTOS 2018 | 2018 افضل تطبيقات لتعديل وتحرير الصور - Duration: 10:11.


Ekiti APC primary: I have no anointed candidate - Tinubu declares - Duration: 3:28.

As aspirants sweat it out for the All Progressives Congress (APC) governorship ticket in the party's primary election in Ekiti on Saturday, May 5, the partys national leader, Senator Bola Tinubu said in Lagos that he had no anointed candidate.

Tinubu on Saturday, May 5 spoke with newsmen in Ikeja as the APC held its ward congresses in Lagos.

The winner of primary election will fly the party's flag in the July 14 Ekiti governorship election, in which the APC is seeking to oust the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the state.

Tinubu stated: I believe those in charge of the primary in Ekiti will do the right thing. I have put my own political gear in neutral.

I have no anointed candidate. Everyone there aspiring and contesting are very dear members and they deserve the right to participate. About 33 of them in all, and we only need one seat for governorship. We have had leadership discussions.

I like the fact that they showed up respectfully and committed to the peace and stability of the party in that state. "We have responsible leadership around there.

Sincerely, I had wanted to be in Ekiti but when you have this situation where Congress is holding the same time their primary is holding, charity begins at home; I must stay in Lagos to ensure that I help them.

There are capable leaders over there that will see to the smooth exercise of the primaries in Ekiti. Speaking on the ward congresses in Lagos, Tinubu urged party members to conduct themselves peacefully to help the country grow and progress democratically.

He also urged them report any complaint at the party headquarters, rather than take laws into their hands.

He said: Until the various officials conducting the congresses write their reports, my own decision is to continue to appeal to the party to conduct themselves peacefully and comply with the rule of law.

If they have any complaints, they should write to the party headquarters and just don't take laws into their hands.

I am proud of what is happening. I am very proud of the leadership. The leaders are for everybody; no biases, and they should move on peacefully and help the country to grow and progress democratically.".

Meanwhile, we reported that one of the aspirants for the ticket of the APC in the governorship election in Ekiti, Senator Babafemi Ojudu, had disclosed some of his plans for the state, if he eventually becomes the states next governor.

Ojudu spoke on the position of things in the state, adding that Governor Ayodele Fayose will not be a hindrance to his expected victory. The senator said that he is ready to battle for the love and approval of the Ekiti people.

For more infomation >> Ekiti APC primary: I have no anointed candidate - Tinubu declares - Duration: 3:28.


中國使用高科技無人機修復長城引外媒關注 - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> 中國使用高科技無人機修復長城引外媒關注 - Duration: 5:05.


Top 10 Craziest Custom Race Maps In GTA 5 - Duration: 4:48.

Hey guys!

Welcome back to Top 10 Gaming, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

As you may know, Grand Theft Auto 5 has a super popular online mode.

And one really fun thing to do in this mode is, of course, racing!

Now, there are a TON of great custom maps, and we can't show them all, but we'll

go through some of our faves, particularly the more unique ones.

And I know what you're thinking.



Is Ron turning into Gollum?

Well no I'm NOT, because Courtney McGinley will be helping me with this today!

Say hi, Courtney!

(Plug channels) If you enjoy this video, guys, let us know by throwing us a thumbs up down


Now get ready, it's time for the Top 10 Craziest Custom Race Maps in GTA 5!

Number 10: Slippery When Wet by Kabukicho.

Slippery When Wet, as the name would imply, takes place largely on the water, which makes

it pretty unique.

You're driving on a platform that's submerged in the water, so you need to keep changing

your camera so you can see where you're going.

Then you do a big loop on a ramp, and do it again.

Just watch out for jerks knocking you off.

Number 9: Anti Gravity Wall Racer by MaxTorque87.

This race is really cool, and has a wicked Sonic feel to it.

Now that I think of it, a LOT of these races feel like Sonic levels.


I just blew my own mind.

Anyway, yeah, you hop from one wall to the other, making sure to manoeuvre properly so

you don't fall off the wall.

It's good practice for the longer races that utilize wall rides, so you can get used to


Number 8: Things in Stuff 2 by Cynical_Creator.

This one's just crazy.

Driving up stairs, going through invisible walls, falling through floors, stuff glitching

in and out... it's insane.

By taking advantage of a few glitches, the race is pretty much impossible the first time

through, but once you get the hang of it, it's tons of fun.

Check it out.

Number 7: Deadly Fun 2.

Here's one that uses not a car, not a bike, but your own two legs.

Just like your granddaddy used to do it.


Both ways.

This one's a parcour race, and it's just a riot.

Run, leap, jump, pistol whip your enemies, do whatever you gotta do to get to the end.

It's fun to race in cars and go all fast and everything, but sometimes it's more

fun to just run around like a moron.

And for that, parcour races are great.

Number 6: Maze Bank Mega Jump by Leeds-Monkey.

This one is just plain fun.

It's a super simple race: Go forward, hit the ramp, drive up the big, long ramp, and

boost off the edge and try to hit the centre of the building up ahead.

Sound easy?

Well, it's not.

First, it's a tricky shot in the first place, since you need to aim carefully, and second…

there are a bunch of people chucking grenades at you.

But if you get there first, you win, and it is glorious.

Number 5: STUNT BJs: it's Huge by LordTominac.

This race is pretty bonkers, and no it is NOT what you think it is.

Shame on you.

Here, you're way up in the sky, driving along a track without barriers.

Already pretty dangerous.

But then you blast off into the sky, and it's super dangerous.

Then you take a pipe down, and back up you go!

You jump from building to building, and it's just so wicked.

Number 4: $ky Rollercoaster by Raymac6.

This one's pretty cool, and as with so many others, it takes place way up in the sky.

Sky Rollercoaster is just a thin track with no walls, barely wider than a car, that you

need to drive all the way up.

And when you hit the top… the fun begins.

Because you have to go back down really quickly.

And you're gonna fall.

A lot.

Number 3: 99% Impossible 2.1 by BlancoDLD.

This one starts off totally normal… it's a bike race that starts just riding on the

ground, until you reach… what can only be described as

a monstrosity.

Number 2: Super Stunt Sky by Guilherme_94.

Super Stunt Sky is a super popular race that has you doing a long, colourful race through

a bunch of cool tubes and boosts and jumps and whatnot.

Finishing up with a big ol' jump through the city onto a building.

It's a fairly straightforward but very cool little race to play with some friends.

Number 1: Crash Race by younes-albay.

This race is absolutely hilarious.

It's basically just a straight line, with a few jumps.

The fun thing about this one is that to progress, you basically drive to one side, then turn

around and drive the other way.

Which means that you're often driving directly into other people.

Add to that the fact that everyone has rockets, and the name "Crash Race" makes a hell

of a lot more sense.

That's it for today!

Hope you guys enjoyed, if you did please smack that thumbs up button and subscribe to Top

10 Gaming for more videos!

Thank you, Courtney, for helping me out with this one!

(Plug channels, yadda yadda).


I'll definitely be checking that out!

Until next time, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Top 10 Gaming.

Later gamers!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Craziest Custom Race Maps In GTA 5 - Duration: 4:48.


SPRING BOOK HAUL + UNBOXING 2018! - Duration: 9:23.

Hi everyone, it's Sandy and today's video is my spring book haul. This is a

collective book haul of all the books that I accumulated since the end of

August. I haven't posted a book haul in months because I haven't been buying a

lot of books but I finally accumulated enough books where I think it's

definitely worth showing in a book haul, so here I am with a book haul. I also

have a handful of packages to open in this video so I'm going to do that

towards the end. I'm going to start off with the books that aren't in packages.

The first book that I got is The Truth About Alice by Jennifer Mathieu. I've

heard about this book for a really long time but I never got around to picking

it up or buying a copy and so when I went to Half Price Books one day, I saw

this book. I saw that it was one dollar and because it was so cheap, I

immediately bought it. And Jennifer Mathieu is the author of Moxie, which is

her newest release and I haven't read Moxie yet but I really really want to

and I believe that this is her debut novel. All I know about this book is that

it deals with rumors and slut-shaming and it focuses on a girl named Alice,

which the blurb describes as being a slut and that everyone knows that she

slept with two guys at a party. So this book centers around her but it follows

the perspective of four different people in her life. I think that's a really

unique and interesting way of storytelling, so I definitely look

forward to reading this book. This is also a pretty short book too so I

definitely will get through it fast and I do hope to pick it up soon. The next

book that I picked up is Zenith by Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings. There was a

book tour for Zenith and Sasha and Lindsay did end up coming to Chicago for

the first stop, and so I wanted to go to the signing to support these authors and

also see some friends that were there. I haven't read this book yet but it has

been described as being similar to Guardians of the Galaxy but with an

all-female cast of space pirates. I think that sounds really interesting. I do want

to read it but I just haven't gotten the chance to read it yet. The next book that

I got is Immortal Reign by Morgan Rhodes. This is the sixth and final book in the

Falling Kingdoms series, which is one of my favorite fantasy series. I know that

Falling Kingdoms has a lot of mixed reviews but I personally really loved it.

Every time I describe Falling Kingdoms, I always have a very difficult time doing

so but Falling Kingdoms is a fantasy series following multiple point of views.

We have the point of view of a princess, a prince, a sorceress, and a rebel, and so

much more. As each book goes on we are introduced to a whole new set of

characters and I love seeing how all these storylines come into one by the

very end of the book. So I actually did finally this book in March so I'll talk more

about it in my March wrap-up. The next book that I got is Obsidio, the third and

final book in the Illuminae files by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff. I'm going

to give a quick synopsis of the first book, Illuminae, since this is the third

book but the first book follows Kady and Ezra, who have just broken up and then

their planet is invaded. They end up getting separated from one another and

so they're on different spaceships trying to communicate with one another

and figure things out basically. I think this whole series is so unique and it's

incredible and I've also finished the third book in March so I'll talk more

about it in my March wrap-up. The next book that I got is Children of Blood and

Bone by Tomi Adeyemi. I ended up doing a books for trade with this book

and I'm so happy because this is one of my most anticipated releases of 2018.

I know that the author has been describing this book as being Black

Panther but with magic. This book follows Zelie, who is working to bring magic back

to her people with the help of a rogue princess. This book sounds incredible and

I've heard so many amazing things about this book. Since I've been pretty busy

with classes, I haven't had the chance to read this book yet but once this

semester ends, you bet I will be picking this book up because I'm just so excited

and it's killing me that I haven't read it yet. Also look how beautiful it looks

naked and there's even a freaking map. Now it is time to open some packages. The

first couple packages are books that I ordered from Barnes & Noble because Barnes

and Noble recently had a buy 3 hardcover books for

$10 each and because of that sale, I just couldn't resist so I bought a couple

books. One of those actually happens to be Immortal Reign but I already opened

the package for that, so this is the first package. There's a pull - am I surprised? No.

I just like punched myself in the chest, which kinda hurt but ok. Alright, I don't

know what book is in here, I think I just saw it, yes, okay a bunch of papers just

came out, but this book is a book that I've been wanting for a really long time

and it is Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson. This book is a YA mystery

thriller book and it takes place at a private school called Ellingham Academy. The

school opened in 1936 and shortly after it opened, the wife and daughter of the

founder were actually kidnapped and the only clue left behind was a riddle that

was signed "Truly Devious." And so now this book takes place years later

following our main character Stevie, who is a true-crime aficionado. She is

determined to solve this kidnapping case, and then some strange things happened,

people start dying, and Truly Devious had made a return. I've also heard really

great things about this book and you all know how much I love reading mystery

thriller books, so I definitely look forward to picking this book up soon.

So this is the next box and there are two books in here, the first one is

Autoboyography by Christina Lauren and I've heard really good things about this

book from Joce aka squibblesreads. This book follows a high school senior

named Tanner, who has hidden his bisexuality since his family moved to

Utah. He ends up taking a writing seminar where he meets Sebastian, who is a Mormon

that's mentoring the students in the class, and Tanner ends up falling for

Sebastian. And the last book that I got from Barnes and Noble is Warcross by

Marie Lu. I read this book at the end of 2017 and I ended up really loving it.

This book follows Emika Chen, who is a bounty hunter and a hacker and she ends

up hacking herself into the Warcross championships, which is this virtual

reality game that's super popular and everyone plays it. She thinks she's going

to be arrested but she ends up being offered a job opportunity from the

creator of the game himself. The next book is coming out later this year I

believe and it's actually a duology so the next book is going to be the final

book and I definitely look forward to reading that, but if you haven't read

this book yet I highly recommend that you check it out. The rest of the books

that I'm going to be showing are books that I did books for trade with, so I

traded some of my books for other people's books. The first book is The

Cruel Prince by Holly Black. All I know about this book is that it follows a

character named Jude, whose parents were killed when she was younger and she

along with her two other sisters were taken to the world of fairy. To be honest,

I'm kind of hesitant to read this book because I wasn't a fan of Holly Black's

previous books. I just don't connect with Holly Black's writing and her characters

very much but I've heard a lot of good things about this book, so I am

interested in picking it up, but it's definitely not a priority for me, so

hopefully sometime this summer, I'll get around to reading it and seeing what I

think of it, because I have a lot of friends who really loved it and I do

want to love it too. This is the next package and I don't remember what's in

it so let's see. This book is wrapped in bubble wrap.

*popping noise* This is fun and I want to do this all day, alright, but moving on to the book. I

actually traded an arc for another arc. I really don't care for collecting arcs

very much but this was a book that I wanted to read and the book that I got is

Renegades by Marissa Meyer. I actually wasn't super excited about the release

of this book - granted, this book did come out while I was studying abroad, so I was

completely separated from the book world, so I really wasn't paying attention to

any of the new releases coming out during the fall of 2017, but since I got back

from studying abroad, I've been hearing the premise of this story and I've been

hearing other people's reviews of it and I've been mostly hearing pretty positive

reviews about this book. What I know about this book is that it follows two

different groups. I can't remember one of the names of the groups but one of them

is called Renegades and so this is kind of a story where the line between hero

and villain is blurred. I think that just sounds super interesting and I can't

wait to read this book. This is a package for the next book. I already cut it open

and I do know what's in here but the book is Tower of Dawn by Sarah J Mass. This

is I believe, it's now the sixth book in the Throne of Glass series. This was

originally going to be a novella following Chaol's character but Sarah J.

Maas just ended up writing a lot and I think it's now its own book. I haven't

read this book yet and I believe the last book in the series is coming out

the fall of this year, so I definitely need to get around to finishing this

book, so I can finish the series. I've only seen a couple people on BookTube

talk about this book and they said that they loved it but I haven't really

heard much of what other people think about it. So this is the very last

package, and there are two books in here, that's what I know. The first book in the

package is Alex and Eliza by Melissa de la Cruz. This is a story that tells how

Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler met and I'm pretty sure it

shows like the beginning stages of their relationship. This is actually the first

book in a trilogy, I believe, I know that there are more than one book but I'm not

sure how many books will be in the series. I remember that a couple months

after this book came out, I picked up the audiobook, but I had a really hard time

getting into it, so I DNF'd the audiobook, but I was still interested in

continuing on with the story, so I traded for a copy of it so that I can read it

myself. And the very last book in my book haul is The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert.

This book follows Alice, whose mother is stolen away by a figure who claims to

come from the supernatural world where her grandmother's stories are set. This

book has gotten some hype but I've actually heard a lot of mixed reviews

about this book, so I'm definitely hesitant to go into it but I am

interested in the story and plot and hopefully I enjoy it. That is it for my

spring book haul. I hope you enjoyed watching this video. If you've read any

of the books that I mentioned, please let me know your thoughts in the comments

below. Thanks for watching this video and I will see you next time. Bye!

For more infomation >> SPRING BOOK HAUL + UNBOXING 2018! - Duration: 9:23.



Najpopularniejszy olej na świecie nadający się nie tylko do jedzenia to olej kokosowy. Olej kokosowy ma najwięcej właściwości, które sprzyjają urodzie i zdrowiu. 

W przeszłości ten rodzaj oleju był uważany za wroga numer 1 dla wszystkich osób ciepiących na choroby serca i nadciśnienie.

Na szczęście mit tłuszczy nasyconych pomógł ludziom zaakceptować ten składnik jako niezbędny element zdrowej diety i najlepsze lekarstwo na wiele problemów zdrowotnych.

Oto kilka powodów, dla których powinieneś włączyć olej kokosowy do swojej codziennej diety.1. Olej kokosowy przeciwdziała cellulitowi

To problem niemal każdej kobiety. Wiele kobiet nie lubi tworzącej się na ich udach skórki pomarańczowej. Olej kokosowy jest świetnym rozwiązaniem tego problemu, wystarczy, że przygotujesz z niego prostą śmietankę.

Potrzebujesz tylko dwóch składników: oleju kokosowego i miodu. Wymieszaj je razem i nakładaj na skórę co wieczór przed pójściem spać. Stosuj przez kilka tygodni aż cellulit zniknie zupełnie.

2. Odżywia skórę przez noc.Stosowanie oleju kokosowego na noc sprawi, że skóra będzie świetnie odżywiona i zdrowa.

Jego składniki głęboko penetrują skórę, docierając do jej najgłębszych warstw, dzięki czemu nadają jej miękkość, elastyczność i piękno.

3. Żylaki.Jeśli cierpisz na żylaki, musisz koniecznie stosować codzienny masaż nóg. Ta metoda najlepiej usuwa żylaki i zapobiega powstawaniu nowych.

4. Zmiękcza skórki.Olej kokosowy świetnie nada się do wykonania manikiuru, ponieważ idealnie zmiękcza stwardniałe skórki wokół paznokci. Wcieraj go w palce codziennie.

5. Uczyni rzęsy długimi i gęstymi.To idealne rozwiązanie dla tych, którzy często noszą makijaż. Nakładaj co noc na rzęsy trochę oleju kokosowego, a po niedługim czasie zauważysz, że Twoje rzęsy stają się dłuższe i gęstsze.

6. Krem do golenia bez chemikaliów.Gdy kupujemy krem do golenia, liczy się nie tylko cena, ale i skład. Olej kokosowy jest najlepszym naturalnym rozwiązaniem do golenia pach i innych części ciała.

Olej kokosowy nie tylko ochroni skórę przed podrażnieniami, ale też przy okazji pozostawi ją miękką i nawodnioną, a wszystko to za cenę dużo niższą niż przy użyciu zwykłego kremu do golenia.

7. Kokosowy krem do rąk.Skoro już wiemy o odżywczych i łagodzących właściwościach oleju kokosowego, łatwo się domyślić, że będzie on też świetnie służył naszym dłoniom. Zacznij więc stosować go jako krem do rąk, a szybko odczujesz różnicę.

For more infomation >> OLEJ KOKOSOWY MOŻE ODMŁODZIĆ CIĘ NAWET O 10 LAT, - Duration: 2:26.



For more infomation >> RAFONIX O SOLÓWCE MAHONKA I MAGICALA - Duration: 2:32.


「化武」事件上演狗咬狗鬧劇 白頭盔現身指證 怒撕幕後黑手 - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> 「化武」事件上演狗咬狗鬧劇 白頭盔現身指證 怒撕幕後黑手 - Duration: 6:21.


#1 Vegetable Salad Recipes to Lose Weight Fast I Indian Salad Recipe I Nutrition Expert Palak - Duration: 7:31.

salad for weight loss recipe how to make a perfect bowl of salad so that it helps

you losing weight plus it gives you all the vitamins and minerals you need

welcome to Palak Notes. My name is Palak Midha

I'm a certified nutrition and supplement expert and today I'm gonna explain you

how to make vegetable salad I Weight Loss Salad Recipe for Lunch and Dinner which is a full meal I'm gonna make you

feel full for a longer time which will help you lose weight okay I am just done

making my own bowl of salad and I have just parted for you this is my bowl of

salad okay so what is this this is sour kraut sauerkraut this is the first

ingredient I add into my salad okay it is fermented vegetable fermented

vegetables are very high in probiotics these are high in good bacterias which

help you lose weight you can ferment cabbage you can ferment cocoon berbice

any vegetable and they are absolutely delicious in your salad that is the

number one ingredient I add in my salad okay the second one is mushrooms these

are also fermented actually you know you can cook mushrooms and add in your salad

or you can because it's difficult to eat who are mushrooms I these are also

actually fermented so fermentation is basically

fermented part is the basically pace of my salad okay now what I add is that

after fermentation step fermented vegetable step two is that to add

something from the cabbage family the cabbage family vegetables have lot of

good health properties like they cleanse the liver they help in detoxification

they have anti-cancer properties so this this is the red cabbage it's very

delicious this is the number second ingredient the number third ingredient

is I add something for the taste okay which is little sweet it could be

shredded carrots it could be tomato in this case is

tomato our bell peppers so I rotate between

them this is something for the taste okay that is a number third ingredient

the number fourth ingredient which is very very important and it's gonna shock

you which nobody uses actually I was in India I told my mom and she's like she

was amazed at how simple and delicious it is okay let me show you it's not

coming in my for gold okay use my hand I'm sorry about that um see these are

you know what are these these are reddish seedlings these are the baby of

reddish so we put seeds in in Germany we get them in the market so I do not make

them my own but in India it was not available so I

told my mom and in soil put some seeds of different vegetables and when they

are grow they are just just sprouted just cut them and add to sell it they

have very high detox properties okay they they completely take mercury and

other heavy metals from yard sometime you're not losing weight

the reason being a heavy metal toxicity okay so add these seedlings they aren't

completely they are very very important okay so this was the basic ingredients

now the two things I'm gonna add which is missing so these are all

carbohydrates and probiotics okay so we have carb high carbohydrates

done probiotics done okay next what we want to add is fat

if fat is missing in your salad your salad will digest very fast and you will

feel hungry so it is very important to add fat so I will add fat to it and in

the form of dressing and seeds okay and I will if I feel hungry if I'm not able

to go with next four hours without meal next time and I will eat salad I will

increase the fat content okay so I I have this bowl

okay this bowl has what is this so these are chia seeds right now you can see

water but it will take some time I'm gonna eat this salad at night so by

night what will happen is that these are chia seeds flax seeds sesame seeds

sunflower seeds so I I know seeds are healthy

I'm so lazy always putting one teaspoon so what I have done is that I have just

mixed all C's and these are in water so why they're in water stock - because

seeds have something which can irritate the gut it has called fight it and

soaking them kill the fight it so it is complete I mean very healthy fat and lot

of fiber so I'm gonna add this to my salad and what I do is that in the

morning I'd give my baby Sophie always yogurt and I eat fruits and these seeds

in her yogurt and she loves it so these are it's it's looking liquid at the

moment but it will chilled up and you can use it on your salad okay

now regarding the fat part coming back to the more fat part I'm gonna add olive

oil in it and I'm gonna add a dressing made up of avocados I know in India

avocados are not available so you can go with cheese high-fat cheese it has

protein even it has protein and if you are doing some fitness program like

you're lifting weights and you want to had extra protein you can always add for

example for my salad I have not not a lot protein you need so I have lamb why

I choose lamb over chicken is that because lamb has more fat content and

fat is what helps me losing weight okay and then I have a little bit of shrimps

these small little guys you see orange these are shrimp so I'm gonna put it on

a salad and if I should be able to go 5 to 6 hours or at least four hours

without eating anything and if I feel hungry the next time I'm gonna add a

little more fat with maybe MCT oil or something like that so this was the

perfect salad and the last thing which I add in my salad on my salad dressing if

that herbes parsley coriander they have also a lot of antioxidants and detox

properties I'm gonna add them to the salad and I'm gonna actually okay chilli

is delicious chilli I cut chilli and just it depends upon you if you wanted

doesn't want it but Chile raises the body temperature and I metabolic rate so

this is this was the perfect salad even if you're vegetarian the seeds I'm

adding and maybe yes you can you can add sprouts so Lenten sprouts or pulses

proud that will add the proteins if you're registered and if you're

non-vegetarian add fish and meat in any kind of chicken but generally with my

salad I take high fat meat like beef or lamb just because that salad makes me

hungry very fast and then I'd crave and I snack and this avoids all that I hope

you like my video with you give it a thumbs up and please subscribe to

Pollock notes so that I keep sharing with you all my weight loss tips and you

can lose weight fast thank you and I'll see you next video bye bye

For more infomation >> #1 Vegetable Salad Recipes to Lose Weight Fast I Indian Salad Recipe I Nutrition Expert Palak - Duration: 7:31.


美元涼了 中尼簽署150億貨幣互換後 非洲或將成為下一個巴鐵 - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> 美元涼了 中尼簽署150億貨幣互換後 非洲或將成為下一個巴鐵 - Duration: 5:49.


Billy Fury - Once Upon A Dream ( from Play It Cool movie) - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Billy Fury - Once Upon A Dream ( from Play It Cool movie) - Duration: 2:07.


Infinity War Parody (*No Spoilers) - Duration: 0:11.

I'm gonna tell you guys how infinity war ends!!!

Not Today!!!

For more infomation >> Infinity War Parody (*No Spoilers) - Duration: 0:11.


How to Stalk Your Competition in WoW - Duration: 13:48.

Hey there guys!

This is Reckles and today I'm going to show you how to stalk your competition.

Now, right off the bat.


These are tools.

Use them for good.

I'm tryin to show you how to make gold here, not invade someone's privacy.

Ok, so I want you to open up another tab, right now, while you're watchin this video.

Feel free to pause.

And go to

After you choose your server, You'll see "top sellers" over on the left.

This is a list of who has the highest item value on the auction house and is sorted by

region market so you can't cheat by posting 10 copper ore for a million gold a piece.

Pick one of these guys and we're gonna find out how to beat them.

Preferably someone you've maybe seen in one of your markets.

I'm gonna go with Ribsyo.

He's a really nice guy but is super annoying to compete with.

He's got almost 40 million gold on the AH, he runs quite a few markets, and he undercuts

like, every hour or two.

So today we are declaring war on Ribs!

How do we win?

Well, easy.

We undercut him.

But I don't want to be camping the AH so, we need to figure out how he posts?

Some only post once a day, these lines will just be solid blue and there'll be another

line over here, but from this we can see that it looks like he does a cancel scan every

hour or two.

This line up here never hits the bottom so he always has some auctions on the auction


It looks like he goes to bed around 3AM and wakes up noonish.

So, first step, I need to make sure if I'm ever up really late, I need to make sure I

post before I go to bed, and I'll be cheaper during this 8 hour period where he's a snoozin.

But what about when he's online and not on his bank alt?

If we can add his main as a character friend, then chat will tell us when he logs on to

something other than his posting toon and we can undercut.

Let's go find his main.

We'll start off on the main site.

Luckily ribsyo is over level 10 so he's gonna show up.

And I'm on Zul'jin so this one.

If you don't want to be found this way, just make a new level 1 character and talk

to Besten or Slotz to stop your xp gain.

Let's look at his guild.

This screams "personal guild to me."

These are probably all his toons and he's just using this guild as storage for the guild


It has less than 500 achievement points so his main is probably elsewhere but it did

look like he's married to the "ribs" name, with Ribsy here and Ribsyo.

There's Emeryx too.

But, the other toon, Ribsy, is a demon hunter and even though it's decently geared, he does

have 2 legendaries, so he's grinded a little bit, I dont' think this is a main.

You can see that he doesn't have any vengeance talents selected so he's never tried the spec,

it's probably not used for botting falcosaurs.

And also he's only ever cleared heroic once.

Now, we can look at the full raid history, and yah, he hasn't done any old raids, well

except for these three from burning crusade and these are three of the ones that you farm

battle pets from.

Now if we go to we can take a look at, a closer in-depth look at Ribsy.

And yah, again hasn't ever raided.

But here we go!

We've got all these mythic achievements.

So the account is in a mythic raiding guild and has fully cleared mythic.

So this is not his main, it does have Leatherworking and Engineering.

You can't see that on the main site anymore which is a shame.

Please Blizzard, fix!

But this is probably just a CD monkey that he uses to make sky golems and magnificent


Back over the battlenet.

Let's look back at Ribsyo and let's look at achievements and collection.

These are account wide unlike the raid progress, so the same toon should have the same achievements.

Or, different toons should have the same number of achievements.

Feats of strength are a good starting point so let's - Jesus.

Good job ribs.

He's got, like, all of the achievements.



- Feats of strength are a good place to start and, ok cool, got a breakthrough.

He has both realm first lvl 85 AND realm first 90.

So he has been playing for a while.

Let's look at battle pets.

He's got 873 unique battle pets pets and he's got 501 MOUNTS?!

What the - alright, alright, hold on, I gotta just.

He's, ok.

Ok good, he doesn't have the big love rocket yet.

I don't feel like a total scrub compared to ribs.

So let's search for someone named Ribs on Zul'jin.

So let's search and see if someone shows up.

And here we go!

We got one!

We got one!

We got an outlaw rogue.

Not super geared.

So this is probably not him.

Let's look at his guild.

Let's look under the roster, where was ribs?

He is right here.

He's rank 1 in the guild, so that means he's an officer.

So let's sort the guild by rank, and that means his main will be here.

10,410 Ok, he's got 10,410 achievement points, so lets find another officer with 10,410 achievement


Here is Ekundayo.

That's not it either.

You know what?

You know what?

I think this is, let's look at achievements.

Alright, this is not our guy.

He doesn't have the same number of achievements, he doesn't have the same number of feats of

strength, and I'm willing to bet...alright, he doesn't have an all dragon battle pet team,

he only has 185 battle pets.

And 137 mounts.


So this is not our guy.

We can stop this wild goose chase here.

Let's go to and see if we can find someone named with a Ribs.

So let's go over to and see if we can find someone...

Annnd we're back.

Sorry, I just lost all the footage and yah, it's actually the next day here, so we fast

forwarded 24 hours in time.

Hopefully everything's going to be alright.

But yah, it's not like he's going to lose achievement points or mounts or anything.

So, where were we?

We were at warcraftpets, and there was actually one thing that I missed that I wanted y'all

to know about.

You can find out who he raids with by looking at warcraftlogs.

So all of the logs of this character are right down here and any outstanding things, so if

he's running with friends, you can kind of do the same thing with all of his friends,

but I actually did get Ribs' approval to do this video, beforehand, so I don't feel comfortable

outing all his friends and everyone he raids with.

That just seems like a little too much of an invasion of privacy, but let's go into

warcraft logs, or warcraftpets! lol, sorry, I'm flustered.

I don't like losing footage.

It It It It's hard.

Alright, so.

United States.

Let's go down to zul'jin.

Let's search.

And we're going to be looking for someone with I think it was 873 pets, right?

Named Ribs.

And so, you wanna sort by pets, and then you wanna look at character name and user name.

The user name is actually different.

You can create your own user name, so one of these is gonna be ribs, probably, so I'm

just gonna scan through this, and hopefully we'll find him…

Ok, so no one named Ribs, and no one with 873 pets, although, I did find three guildies,

so good job makin the top 100 Rindar, Trail, and Persephonae.

Ok, so let's move on and look at one final thing.

We can see achievement points over at WoWProgress.

He had almost everything maxed out so if we go to Zul'jin-US, and then we sort characters

by achievement points here, he should be somewhere near the top.

And we got him!

We got him.

Alright, so Ribsyo appears to be an alt of Ribsx from no pandas.

And good job gettin #2 on the realm.

28,805 achievement points.

So we're gonna go back battle net.


And there's only one.

He's a balance druid.

US-Zul'jin. 976 achievement points.

And let's just look at this character over on wowprogress.

977 ilvl. 2k mythic plus score.

He's done tank.

He's done dps.

He's a mythic raider.


This is what a main looks like.

We got him.

This is it.

So let's go back over to here to just make sure that that guys' main is we're looking


Look at all these delightful achievement points.

Same number of feats of strength.



C'mon happy little computer.

We got three dragons.

873 pets.

And 501 mounts.

So we got him we tracked him down.

In order to do something with it, we go into the game and we find him and we add him as

a character friend and that's it.

And soon, whenever he logs in, I will know and Zul'jin will be mine!

All mine!


Alright, but seriously, if you felt like this was too much trouble or stalking like this

made you a little uncomfortable, that's ok.

:) What I always recommend is to simply focus on multiple markets: do tailoring and jewelcrafting

and alchemy and transmog.

Sell a couple mounts, sell some pets.

You're always gonna someone like ribs, you know, one market with a lot of competition

or you know, there's gonna be another market where some noob tanks the prices by undercutting

by more than 1 copper.

But if you shotgun across across a whole bunch of different professions and a whole bunch

of different gold making styles, it'll be fine.

By diversifying you won't be emotionally invested in any one market, so you won't

care if ribs comes online.

You won't have to stalk people.

You won't have to get into undercutting wars.

If you do care though.

Maybe you don't like people stalking you, you want to keep your bank alt identity a

secret, whatever.

Just make sure it's under level 10, not identifiably named.

If you can use a couple difficult to type letters with funny accents, alt the better.

Also consider deleting that toon and making a new one every couple of months.

Personally, I don't bother with it.

It's not worth the trouble and you build a rapport with the gold making community that

you auction with.

But that's all for me, leave a like and subscribe before you go watch your next video.

Thanks for watching.

Have a great day and happy gold making.

For more infomation >> How to Stalk Your Competition in WoW - Duration: 13:48.


Overnight Oats: 2 Delicious and Easy DATE-SWEETENED Vegan Recipes | Soul in the Raw - Duration: 4:35.

hello everyone and welcome to Soul in the Raw. my name is marina and I make delicious

vegan food that is completely whole food plant-based workout videos and vlogs so

if you're new around here consider subscribing down below and today we are

going to make delicious overnight oats I love overnight oats because they take

literally five minutes to make they are packed with whole grains and seeds and

fruit so good for you so satisfying and filling especially if you're working out

or if you're like on the go and going to work and you need a good breakfast so

we're gonna make these variations I'm sure you're going to love them and I

will see you after the video food is the beginning the beginning of the journey

it's the beginning of the journey to health to knowing yourself to loving

yourself that's how I started with the food getting to know your food and

really connecting to it and knowing what you put into your body and then you

start thinking about how what you eat affects everything else the planet the

animals the humans who make your food and you start to connect with your

entire world the entire environment and at the end of the day I have found that

this connection brings you back home to yourself that is the place where you end

up is connecting to yourself and really thinking about what makes you happy what

makes you tick what you need to be fulfilled in life what you need to have

meaning in your life and it all starts with the food but it's so much more than

that I have found that it's about meditation

a lot of it is about meditation and that's why I'm here talking to you kind

of bringing you into that motivational meditative state where you really

connect to yourself so when you wake up in the morning make sure that you meditate

make sure that you close your eyes and really take time to connect to yourself to

understand what makes you happy to understand that if you just breathe

everything will be okay it doesn't matter how much money you have it

doesn't matter where you live it just matters that you love yourself first

that you believe in yourself and that you know that there are people

who love you in this world. It took me a long time to learn this and I finally

did and I finally started connecting to myself so take the time today take the

time to connect to yourself to really pay attention to what you're putting in

your mouth and let that be the beginning of connecting to yourself of loving

yourself love yourself through the food but love yourself through so many other

ways too and enjoy every moment of this journey called life

I hope you loved these overnight oats and that you make them and if you do

please please tag me on Instagram and on Facebook at Soul in the Raw. I would love

to see your recreations and these recipes are actually coming from a new

program that I have it's called Deliciously Planty. it's so cute I love

it I'm very proud for coming up with that name anyways. The program

includes a one-month meal plan a whole food plant-based meal plan delicious

vegan meals as well as a batch cooking guide that goes with each week and a

grocery list that goes with each week as well as a four-part video series that's

going to teach you how to cook in a way that fulfills all your nutrient needs so

not only is it yummy it's also really good for you so make sure to check out

the recipes that I just showed you as well as the program at the link in the

description box below and I will see you next week

For more infomation >> Overnight Oats: 2 Delicious and Easy DATE-SWEETENED Vegan Recipes | Soul in the Raw - Duration: 4:35.


We Played a Drinking Game and this happened... (18+) - Duration: 13:34.

For more infomation >> We Played a Drinking Game and this happened... (18+) - Duration: 13:34.


DRAMA ALERT?-Fortnite Funny Gameplay-Season 4 Dank Memes- Dusty Divot,Mansion...PS4 HD - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> DRAMA ALERT?-Fortnite Funny Gameplay-Season 4 Dank Memes- Dusty Divot,Mansion...PS4 HD - Duration: 4:49.


♡ Memory ♡ | Lace Vintage Doll | TOP 20 | #GREEKFACEAWARDS | 2018 | - Duration: 8:10.

Time is the space in which we grow without awareness in our early years

Structured by meals, arrivals and departures .light and dark hot and cold and by waiting anxiously or not for things to happen

Time is that feeling that we may not have enough of it, in our later years busy with jobs and families and travel!

Trying to achieve and educate and care

Time is what starts to rush by us with increasing speed in our final years making us wonder what

It really means

That space by which we measure our lives ,our universes, our worlds

Time is memories

the sky's colors bleeding through and into my skin.

I reach my arms to grab them, to catch them and hold them close

it's easy to stay in love with the memories leaving all trace of reality behind.

Am I real? or just a fracture of time a memory in someone else's mind?

Hello, everyone and welcome back to my channel. This is the first challenge for the NYX face awards top 20

The theme was vintage doll my inspiration was going through the thoughts of a lace doll as if she was alive

trying to understand time and questioning her existence ,first of all I'm blocking away my eyebrows using some glue and the

Precision brow pencil to brush them up

I also used the pencils cap as a palette knife to apply the concealer because I found it very useful

Then I'm blending it with the sponge and setting everything with the SFX loose setting powder

Moving on to the skin firstly, I'm priming using the total control drop primer and then for my base

I'm mixing the total control

foundation drops in 01 with the pro foundation mixer in white and then again setting everything with the HD finishing powder

Now using the NYX ultimate brights palette, and it's light bluish green shade

I am starting to save my face

And then I'm grabbing the light pink and placing it all over the face close to the previous shade so I can blend them together

Starting the eyes

I am taking the jumbo pencil in white and going under the eyes to create the doll eyes

Then with a dark brown shade from the ultimate smoke screen palette i'm carving in my fake lower lash line

For the lace piece on the head firstly I'm taking again the jumbo pencil in white to add the first guidelines

And then I'm going into details using the NYX white liquid liner. It's just amazing how pigmented this liner is

Back to the eyes i'm using the bright pink shade from the brights palette to create a wing

And then I went and added the vivid bright pink liquid liner on top

Oh and to make the lower lashline even more black. I added the eye ink liner in black

To warm up the face a bit more I added the baby doll blush all over theface and neck and then added the doll

Eye mascara before I put on my fake eyelashes in wicked

For the lips as base

I use the jumbo pencil in strawberry milk and to create more depth I

Added the NYX liquid suede in jet-set and of course in order to make the color a bit more fitting I added pink eyeshadow

So I'm back with hair and outfit done

I wanted once again more pinkish her so I sprayed some of the L'Oreal colorista color spray on top of my head

Finally I'm going back to add the finishing touches and a bit more glow using the born glow palette and that's it!

Thank you so so much for watching and please don't forget subscribe and like the video

I hope you enjoyed it until next time have a super-duper day. Bye

For more infomation >> ♡ Memory ♡ | Lace Vintage Doll | TOP 20 | #GREEKFACEAWARDS | 2018 | - Duration: 8:10.


Lil Peep - Downtown [Lyrics] - Duration: 2:02.

Everybody wanna ride around town with me

Making money ride around downtown with me

Everybody wanna ride around town with me

Making money ride around downtown with Peep

I be in the backseat smoking on thrax

Can I have some cash please? You don't gotta ask

You don't gotta ask me, she don't gotta ask

Still yelling free Max B, free Gucci

Fuck me in the backseat baby make it last

I remember last week came too fast

Lil Peep nasty scratches on the back

But I got racks and she loving on my tats

Making money back

Everybody wanna ride around town with me

Making money ride around downtown with me

Everybody wanna ride around town with me

Making money ride around downtown with Peep

I be in the backseat smoking on thrax

Can I have some cash please? You don't gotta ask

You don't gotta ask me, she don't gotta ask

Still yelling free Max B, free Gucci

Fuck me in the backseat baby make it last

I remember last week came too fast

Lil Peep nasty scratches on the back

But I got racks and she loving on my tats

Making money back

For more infomation >> Lil Peep - Downtown [Lyrics] - Duration: 2:02.


Geological Hammer Commercial - Duration: 1:09.

geological hammer

save yourself

want to fight with ten people at once?

with geological hammer

everyone can be a super hero

pass the test

worried about the test?

with geological hammer

just break the test sheet

and solve all the problems

save your liver

coding nights and Vodka cause your liver hard like stone

crumble it with this geological hammer

keep energetic and stay healthy

to maintain the court's order (?

every judge needs geological hammer

win the game

afraid of becoming (a) loser?

with this geological hammer

even if you only remain one chess piece

you'll be the final winner of the game

now pick your phone up and call our hotline

(as you can see

this guy is so good at噴麥 and I love him

For more infomation >> Geological Hammer Commercial - Duration: 1:09.


Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...

For more infomation >> Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...



Najpopularniejszy olej na świecie nadający się nie tylko do jedzenia to olej kokosowy. Olej kokosowy ma najwięcej właściwości, które sprzyjają urodzie i zdrowiu. 

W przeszłości ten rodzaj oleju był uważany za wroga numer 1 dla wszystkich osób ciepiących na choroby serca i nadciśnienie.

Na szczęście mit tłuszczy nasyconych pomógł ludziom zaakceptować ten składnik jako niezbędny element zdrowej diety i najlepsze lekarstwo na wiele problemów zdrowotnych.

Oto kilka powodów, dla których powinieneś włączyć olej kokosowy do swojej codziennej diety.1. Olej kokosowy przeciwdziała cellulitowi

To problem niemal każdej kobiety. Wiele kobiet nie lubi tworzącej się na ich udach skórki pomarańczowej. Olej kokosowy jest świetnym rozwiązaniem tego problemu, wystarczy, że przygotujesz z niego prostą śmietankę.

Potrzebujesz tylko dwóch składników: oleju kokosowego i miodu. Wymieszaj je razem i nakładaj na skórę co wieczór przed pójściem spać. Stosuj przez kilka tygodni aż cellulit zniknie zupełnie.

2. Odżywia skórę przez noc.Stosowanie oleju kokosowego na noc sprawi, że skóra będzie świetnie odżywiona i zdrowa.

Jego składniki głęboko penetrują skórę, docierając do jej najgłębszych warstw, dzięki czemu nadają jej miękkość, elastyczność i piękno.

3. Żylaki.Jeśli cierpisz na żylaki, musisz koniecznie stosować codzienny masaż nóg. Ta metoda najlepiej usuwa żylaki i zapobiega powstawaniu nowych.

4. Zmiękcza skórki.Olej kokosowy świetnie nada się do wykonania manikiuru, ponieważ idealnie zmiękcza stwardniałe skórki wokół paznokci. Wcieraj go w palce codziennie.

5. Uczyni rzęsy długimi i gęstymi.To idealne rozwiązanie dla tych, którzy często noszą makijaż. Nakładaj co noc na rzęsy trochę oleju kokosowego, a po niedługim czasie zauważysz, że Twoje rzęsy stają się dłuższe i gęstsze.

6. Krem do golenia bez chemikaliów.Gdy kupujemy krem do golenia, liczy się nie tylko cena, ale i skład. Olej kokosowy jest najlepszym naturalnym rozwiązaniem do golenia pach i innych części ciała.

Olej kokosowy nie tylko ochroni skórę przed podrażnieniami, ale też przy okazji pozostawi ją miękką i nawodnioną, a wszystko to za cenę dużo niższą niż przy użyciu zwykłego kremu do golenia.

7. Kokosowy krem do rąk.Skoro już wiemy o odżywczych i łagodzących właściwościach oleju kokosowego, łatwo się domyślić, że będzie on też świetnie służył naszym dłoniom. Zacznij więc stosować go jako krem do rąk, a szybko odczujesz różnicę.

For more infomation >> OLEJ KOKOSOWY MOŻE ODMŁODZIĆ CIĘ NAWET O 10 LAT, - Duration: 2:26.


🔴 Britto Júnior ATACA Sabrina Sato e ela CHORA, e o que ele diz ABALA a Todos - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> 🔴 Britto Júnior ATACA Sabrina Sato e ela CHORA, e o que ele diz ABALA a Todos - Duration: 2:35.



For more infomation >> RAFONIX O SOLÓWCE MAHONKA I MAGICALA - Duration: 2:32.





La shock Uomini e Donne, Giorgio e Gemma vanno a vivere insieme: bufala o verità? - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> La shock Uomini e Donne, Giorgio e Gemma vanno a vivere insieme: bufala o verità? - Duration: 3:51.


Lithium Battery Charging with an Alternator - 46 - Duration: 9:48.

Hello, how you doing? Thanks very much for watching. Tomorrow here in the United Kingdom

is a bank holiday but you wouldn't think it. Because the sheer mention of a holiday here,

and it usually throws it down with rain.

But for the last couple of days we've been baking in fantastic sun, all day long and

every morning, I've been waking up to my lithium batteries 100% full, which is fantastic.

But of course, every day isn't as sunny as this. So another way of charging your lithium

batteries, or lead acid batteries or AGM batteries or whatever you have on a narrowboat, is with

an alternator, and that's what today's episode is all about.

The engine on my narrowboat has two alternators. A 75 amp for the starter battery and bow thruster

and a larger 175 amp for the leisure batteries.

In my engine bay is the original large wooden box to contain up to 5 batteries. As I have

my new lithium's inside, in a kitchen cupboard, I wanted to sort the jumble of wires out and

reduce the size of the box.

After removing all the cables, switches and relays I dismantled the grey box and disposed

of it. I cut a new piece of plywood to fit the two brackets that were welded into the

engine bay.

I decided to use two plastic battery boxes with lids. This will keep the

batteries and their terminals clean and give me a lot more space to work with.

Both batteries go through mega fuses and isolator switches. The negative from the alternator

protect battery goes through a Victron BMV 712 battery monitor shunt before joining to

to the main negative bus bar. I've protected both the shunt and the bus bar with Blue Sea

MaxiBus Insulating Covers.

The negative for both alternators is the engine itself. The engine and the negative bus bar

are connected to the steel hull via one connection. Unlike a vehicle, it's highly recommended

to not use the hull as the return negative. All the items onboard should, on a new install,

use two wires, positive flow and negative return.

The 175 amp alternator has two feeds from its positive connection. One goes to the isolation

switch for the alternator protect battery. The other along with a negative from the bus

bar are protected in plastic corrugated conduit, through the bulkhead and into my lithium cupboard.

The positive connects to a fuse on the bus bar.

Alternators, although regulated to a certain degree can treat lithium batteries a little

harshly. Lithium's can take a much higher charge current and for longer and that has

an effect on the alternator.

The recommended charge amperage for each of my 100 amp hour batteries is at, or below 50

amps. Although you can throw 300 amps at them and they will charge, I wanted to look after

my new lithium batteries as well as my alternator.

After a lot of testing I've decided to use a Victron BMS 12/200. It's normally used as

a battery management system but after a bit of digging I discovered this PDF document.

With the use of the Alternator control cable, it ignores the battery management system part

of the unit and instead performs two key functions that I was looking for.

I can regulate the charge current from the alternator with the value of a mega fuse.

The charge value is around 80% of the fuses value and I can go as low as 40 amps and as

high as 200 amps.

I can also use the BMS 12/200 to cut the alternator charge source, just like the battery protect

can for the solar MPPT controller.

The negative from the engine bay connects to the far left

terminal of the BMS 12/200. It goes via the fuse and there is a short length of 50mm cable

from the middle post to the negative of the lithium bus bar. The Alternator cable connects

to both a spade connection on the BMS 12/200 and a three pin plug. The BMS 12/200 requires

a constant positive and switched positive fed from the main lithium Battery Management


If you suddenly cut the load whilst an alternator is running, for example if the batteries were

full, it can damage the alternator. So to avoid this I have used one of my previous

lead acid batteries as a bit of a power dump protector. I will need to have a small load

on this lead acid battery however, otherwise it won't provide that dump load protection,

if it's totally full all the time.

Before the BMS 12/200 was installed, at tick-over I would see around 130-160 amps being pushed into

the batteries constantly, until they were totally full.

The time my 300Ah of batteries took to charge from 50% to 100% was 75 minutes.

After testing the BMS 12/200 with a 150 amp, a 175 amp and a 200 amp fuse, I decided to

stick with the maximum of 200 amps. This reduced the load on the alternator and you could hardly

feel any difference when it was in load and it worked fine at tick over.

The amps gradually reduced over the duration of the charge, protecting the batteries and reducing

the chance of overheating the alternator.

The time my 300 amp hours of batteries took to charge from 50% to 100% with the BMS 12/200

and a 200 amp fuse was 88 minutes.

Although this is slightly slower, I've added the ability to cut the charge automatically

as well as reducing the charge current over the course of the charge.

The values set within the lithium BMS, to me, seemed extreme and you can't change them.

The lithium BMS has a fixed over voltage cut off of 4.2 volts in any one cell.

It has a fixed under voltage cut off of 2.5 volts in any one cell.

However, I already have the kit to tackle this.

In my true belt and braces approach, I wanted to change these voltages. I knew all it would

take for the charge or load to be cut, is the disconnection of their positive feeds. This

would cut both the solar MPPT and the alternator in the event of high voltage and the load

if the voltage got too low.

The BMV 712 battery monitors are already installed measuring the amps in and out, the voltages

and the percentage left in the battery bank. Inside the battery monitor is a small relay.

So I wired the positive feed from the lithium BMS, via the relay.

It's recommended the Victron lithium batteries reach 14.2 volts during their charge so the

batteries internal circuitry can balance the cells.

Within the settings area of the BMV 712 there is a relay tab.

I changed the relay to charger mode, inverted the relay, set the Relay-off delay to 3 minutes

and then set the High voltage relay to disconnect the relay when it's at 14.3 volts.

After a bit of tweaking, the batteries reach 14.3 volts for 3 minutes and then the charge

sources are turned off. No high cell voltages of 4.2 volts!

Now to deal with the low voltage. I already have a second BMV battery monitor [Thought I'd give you a rest from non stop batteries!]

connected to the alternator protect lead acid battery. The monitor has the ability to monitor [Thought I'd give you a rest from non stop batteries!]

an auxiliary or starter battery. So I've wired this connection to the bus bar of the main

lithium bank.

Once again in the settings I changed the relay to charger mode, inverted the relay, set the

Relay-off delay to 3 minutes and then set the starter voltage relay to disconnect

the relay when it's at 2.9 volts.

The relay of this second battery monitor disconnects the load positive feed from the lithium BMS.

This doesn't deal with the MultiPlus Inverter however so I need to look into a way of automatically

disconnecting that too. However the low voltage will be a very, very rare event as I don't

let my batteries get below 50% to increase their lifespan, plus there's always a little

bit of charge from my solar panels, even if it's a horrible winters day.

I am now confident not only are my lithium batteries treated better whilst charging, but

I have introduced a more conservative voltage protection.

I've included links to all the items I've discussed in this episode in the description


If you like this episode, do please give it a thumbs up. If you've not already subscribed,

hit that subscribe button and click the bell icon to be notified about all my future episodes.

Until next time, see ya later.

For more infomation >> Lithium Battery Charging with an Alternator - 46 - Duration: 9:48.


A VIDA NA HORA #VRATATA - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> A VIDA NA HORA #VRATATA - Duration: 2:48.


Adrian Makar 4 lata temu wygrał "Mam talent!". Zmienił się nie do poznania! - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Adrian Makar 4 lata temu wygrał "Mam talent!". Zmienił się nie do poznania! - Duration: 3:05.


Havananana | PatoYUTU - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Havananana | PatoYUTU - Duration: 0:34.


La increíble historia de la otra actriz que pudo ser esposa de HarryEra más bella que Meghan Markle - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> La increíble historia de la otra actriz que pudo ser esposa de HarryEra más bella que Meghan Markle - Duration: 4:25.


HOMO DEUS: THE FUTURE OF HUMANITY. With Albert Cortina, Luís Palacios and Alex García. - Duration: 46:35.

For more infomation >> HOMO DEUS: THE FUTURE OF HUMANITY. With Albert Cortina, Luís Palacios and Alex García. - Duration: 46:35.


What is good about the world today? - DragoNate Reading Your Answers - Duration: 7:12.

hello friends i am dragonate and welcome to another DragoNate reading your

answers video so before we get into that I just want to let you know that Humble

Bundle this week for ten more days until I believe May 15th has a Python dev kit

bundle as well as a pop culture Survival Guide bundle the Python dev kit bundle

is obviously for you know coding and that kind of thing so if that's

something you want to learn I recommend going picking it up for the other one

the pop culture Survival Guide thingy it just has a bunch of different books in

it like last call to nightshade lounge bro a tree Pride and Prejudice and

Zombies bed bugs Night of the Living Trekkies Mysterio's encyclopedia of

magic and many more so again if that's something you want go grab it there's a

link rate up that direction and now for the question so last week I asked you

guys what is good about the world today because the week before I asked you kind

of the opposite which was what's wrong with the world so I wanted the the I

want to say complete contrast here so you guys left your answers this one

seems to be a pretty short one because not too many people left an answer but

that is alright that means we get through it a little quicker and so let's

get into that right now ah but I forgot to our question for this week as well so

your question for this week is going to actually be inspired by one of your

comments so zinc at here says one thing that's great about the world today is

that it's so easy to keep in touch with other people no matter where they are so

my question for this week is what is your favorite way to keep in touch with

people today texting phone calls mailed and face-to-face social media stuff

email things like that whatever picks something maybe there's something

completely brand new that I don't even know about and yeah tell me what your

favorite way or multiple favorite ways ways that you use most often and let me

know in the comments below and I'll read them next week funny fluffy says huh I

don't really know just love how creative you can be with life things like music

drawing dancing all these type of things are just amazing if that counts it

definitely counts and I definitely agree there's so many different ways you could

be creative and there's so many new ways that are coming out

you can be creative as well even just your mind your your own mind I've been

noticing this week for summers I've been like daydreaming or actual dreams or

whatever and I'm like huh your brain is actually really really good at just

simulating things you know we have all these computer simulation programs and

stuff but they're not that powerful you can they're very limited you can

only do so much with it but your brain your brain can recreate all five senses

smell sight touch taste and sound as well at all just within a fraction of a

second you can come up with a huge scenario or elaborate scenario or

something that doesn't even exist that never happened that never could really

happen and it all just happens within such a short amount of time or is a

computer simulation can't simulate to your five senses not all of them anyway

and it can only do so much and usually they take a long time and a huge ton of

power to do so I don't know for some reason I thought that was really cool I

guess this week croco says recycling gene therapy science breakthroughs in

general but most importantly for me space race 2.0 yes definitely we want to

get to Mars Pluto all that stuff oh wait sorry Pluto isn't a planet anymore

so it doesn't matter my mom says those who are willing to help others in any

way they can and I 100% agree there's lots of good people out there and that's

awesome and Tia Lisa's answers very similar to this people can reach more

people to help deaf again definitely and it seems that there's becoming more and

more resources and ways for people to help each other as well I also just

realized that I'm kind of half ghost today so I thought that was funny I just

noticed that my shirts kind of blending in with the with the green-screen back

here so I'm wearing a blue shirt by the way not green anyway that's it for your

guys answers like I said kind of short not too too many replies but that is

alright now again your question for this week is what is your favorite way to

keep in touch with others let me know in the comments below and I'll read them

next week also too quick too and two other quick things one thing I just

wanted to show you guys because I thought it was really cool and the other

I just wanted to quickly say that this is this past week since I wasn't working

in the mornings I've been actually sleeping a lot more than normal because

I've had the time everything and I felt like I've really

needed it but it has kind of kept me from doing things that I want to do

making more videos and that kind of thing so this week has been kind of very

lackluster for the channel which I apologize for but I will be hopefully

remedying that this next coming week here I have tons of tons of things

already kind of in the works I'd have to edit things together and all that and

then you know all those good and there's two videos waiting to already be

uploaded so that's good tomorrow I'll talk a little bit more

about a couple things one brand new thing which i think is really really

cool and will be a great opportunity so you guys will just have to wait for that

surprise and anyways the thing that I wanted to

show you is this this little thing it's it's just a pin I could put my glasses

on so I can actually see this one so this is it's it's not actually a pin

sorry it's not pen not a not a pencil or anything like that this is called the

Adonit Dash 3 this is a stylus for like your your smartphone or you know any

touchscreen ever as far as I know this particular one works with any

touchscreen so far it has even though there's a list of things that it's

compatible with on the website I looked it up and everything it doesn't say that

it's compatible with like your your laptop you know a trackpad but it is so

it's really kind of cool and it's a powered one as well so if if it if you

don't turn it on oh it's on oh my bad okay huh if you don't turn it on it

doesn't it doesn't work like net nothing happens so you have to press a button

which is on top here and this little green light pops on and then you can use

it whoopsies then you can use it and it's really cool press it again to turn

it off red light pops on and to charge it you have this little USB thing so you

plug this into your computer right and then it's a little magnetic it snaps in

and so you plug it in and it just like floats there which I thought was really

cool it so it's like super cool design in my opinion and I've never used

anything like this like a stylus or whatever for your smartphone or whatever

but I've been using a lot more which because I think it's really cool

my mom brought this home from her work for free because I guess they were just

getting rid of stuff so yeah but I thought was really cool and I just kind

of want to show you guys not sponsored or anything like that but either way I

guess a does it for this video so thank you everyone so much for watching don't

forget to leave your answer in the comments below what's your favorite way

to communicate with the keep what's your favorite way to keep in touch with

others today and I'll see you again next week have a wonderful one and Godbless

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