Sunday, May 6, 2018

Youtube daily report w May 6 2018

So, I don't know how this happened but garuda got more bursts than twin nemesis

(rest are in the highlights) lets see how round 2 goes.

So, Chisa had twin nemesis this time and she certainly had some diffidculties

but since the boht rounds results are the same I wouldn't say it's a problem

So next match richiebois spriggan requiem 7 bump bearing

against basalt foxes maximum garuda cross 5 revolve. After that its final against amidamarud beat kukulcan 7 vortex zeta.

see you next thursday

For more infomation >> 12: Maxinum Garuda.5C.R VS Twin nemesis.8B.Ir - Duration: 9:45.


Играю на килы - Duration: 2:27:42.

For more infomation >> Играю на килы - Duration: 2:27:42.



Want more information about the exploit feel free to join my discord got any problems contact me!!



Come smettere di fumare con le erbe senza soffrire molto - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Come smettere di fumare con le erbe senza soffrire molto - Duration: 2:51.


Belgrano: rotura de caño e inundación - Duration: 1:44.

Belgrano: rotura de caño e inundación

El barrio de Belgrano tuvo una mañana agitada por la rotura de un caño de agua en la esquina de Luis María Campos y Zabala.

Por las obras y la inundación, hubo que cortar el tránsito en la zona.

Los vecinos denunciaron que no es la primera vez que ésto ocurre y que el barrio suele inundarse con o sin caño.

Los inconvenientes comenzaron durante la madrugada, por lo que hay maquinarias trabajando en el lugar para reparar la situación.

Desde AySA informaron que lo que se rompió es una cañería de 31,5 centímetros de diámetro.

El corte comenzó antes de las 8 de la mañana sobre Luis María Campos y se extiende desde Teodoro García hasta Virrey Loreto, por 200 metros.

El tránsito vehicular permanecerá cortado hasta el próximo viernes.

For more infomation >> Belgrano: rotura de caño e inundación - Duration: 1:44.


Albano Carrisi e Romina Power in Germania insieme: sempre più vicini, sempre più affiatati… - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Albano Carrisi e Romina Power in Germania insieme: sempre più vicini, sempre più affiatati… - Duration: 3:06.


STEWIE2K CLOUD9 TROLL! NIKO is NUTS! CS:GO Twitch Clips - Duration: 10:08.


For more infomation >> STEWIE2K CLOUD9 TROLL! NIKO is NUTS! CS:GO Twitch Clips - Duration: 10:08.


Anticipazioni Uomini e donne,la scelta di Sara: il rifiuto choc di Luigi? - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Uomini e donne,la scelta di Sara: il rifiuto choc di Luigi? - Duration: 3:56.


Papo de Sujeito Homem - Emipe x Dablio L | Bala No Inimigo #05 (Video Oficial) - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Papo de Sujeito Homem - Emipe x Dablio L | Bala No Inimigo #05 (Video Oficial) - Duration: 1:57.


Últimas notícia de hoje :Sérgio Moro acaba com "BOMBA" de Cristiano Zanin e tudo pode mudar! - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje :Sérgio Moro acaba com "BOMBA" de Cristiano Zanin e tudo pode mudar! - Duration: 5:00.


Paris Natural Hair Guide : 101 - Duration: 14:11.

Tell us about "Ma Coiffeuse Afro".

Ma Coiffeuse Afro is an application where you can book hair appointments at home or in a salon

Our service provides you with information regarding price range, pictures and

reviews on hairstylists accomplishments before booking your appointment via your phone.

Where did you get the idea of creating this kind of service?

I was having a hard time finding a good hairstylist for several years.

There was also a lack of information regarding price range, pictures and reviews of accomplishment.

So out of pure frustration and only having the option of going to areas like Château d'Eau and Château Rouge

I wanted to create a better alternative for women.

Where do you find the hairstylist and what are the criteria for being a part of your service?

Thanks to "word of mouth", hairstylists knows about Ma Coiffeuse Afro and they reach out to us by signing up.

We later meet with time, test their skills , evaluate their accomplishments and we later decide if it's a good fit for our service or not.

It's ben two years since you started this service. What are your future projects for Ma Coiffeuse Afro?

We just updated our application recently to include more content for our users.

What's also new is consumer testing! We offer our clients products to try out,

get their feedback and boost consumer powers.

This is taking place step by step.

Hopefully in the near future, we would like to have a pop-up spot.

That sounds great! I'm looking forward to see that.

Thank you so much Rebecca!

For more infomation >> Paris Natural Hair Guide : 101 - Duration: 14:11.


RAW#000 - O que é a série RAW? Descubra os bastidores de uma banda de rock! | Black Bell Tone - Duration: 3:19.

25/04/2018 - Viamão, RS - Brasil.

What a fuck is RAW Serie?

RAW Serie


Raw Series is about our rehearsals as a band

Rehearsal, Meettings

Mix Sessions, Brainstorming of ideas

RAW SERIES???? (Let me think a little bit)

Endless Discussion video´s

Black Bell Tone is launching the RAW Series

It´s all about to show you the process

It´s a free backstage pass


Camera is ON every 24/7

Since our first rehearsal...


First RAW video was shooted on August, 2016

We start to record videos. It was cool..

so, we thought, well...should we release?

Man, plenty hours...

i mean, a LOT...maybe too much to handle

Now....We need to do something.

Let´s put full videos online ON YOU TUBE

People will see our roots .

I mean, really raw.

We are showing our 'thing' happening

Like every little thing happends

Repetition, Work, Rehearsal, Ideas

Is it perfect?


Do we make a lot of chord mistakes?

YES we make.

Out of tune sometimes?


But that´s how OUR THING works.

People will se our creative process

Mixing stuff

How cool can be that?

You got that first moment in a few frames

1st time we played any song

That dizzy and funky atmosphere.

This is Raw Series

Who´s gonna watch?!!!!!

ohhh...i don´t know.

Have no Idea...

I think i could not

watch the whole videos 100%


Don´t watch the full videos...

sometimes it can be really boring


Press forward button

I swear you will see some great stuff

And now we are releasing the first 10 Episodes.

Full videos...10 or 12, i guess.

I thought you guys invited me ONLY to play drums...

We are inviting you to watch full process behind


Oh yes, and in the video description

we linked the best moment´

you will be able to see the hot spot´s of the episode

Go to video´s description

and you will find a bunch of good stuffs

Like, 'that time when Lucas got that idea for a rhythm session'

So, you can Click on and enjoy it!

That´s all for the moment! bye bye

Someone will watch this.. i guess

You Mofa´s

'Let´s keep that shit on' ( Temer´s infamous quote)

(Yeah....i big agreement with all bands...)

yeah, our big vampire...


For more infomation >> RAW#000 - O que é a série RAW? Descubra os bastidores de uma banda de rock! | Black Bell Tone - Duration: 3:19.


Dieci usi del Vicks VapoRub che ti cambieranno la vita - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Dieci usi del Vicks VapoRub che ti cambieranno la vita - Duration: 2:22.


¿Por qué WINDOWS PHONE murió? - Duration: 9:06.

For more infomation >> ¿Por qué WINDOWS PHONE murió? - Duration: 9:06.


Mussomeli, Sicily Vlog - Lost Drone - Duration: 7:55.

this is Umberto Square

for us is the big square

the main square. Born as the market square

and the part of this little neighbourhood

close to this street

which was out of the protective walls, was officially called the "broken wall"

as it would have been a breach in the wall

the broken wall (in dialect)

the first church which we meet

is the Providence church, which was thought as a private chapel

of the Langela Family

here we have Belle & Sebastienne

these houses where you see this shield

are on sale for one Euro

one Euro? with one Euro one can buy this home

many Belgians are beginning to buy houses in Mussomeli, they come here

they have a look and then buy the house

one Euro, but with the obligation of restoring the house

indeed, yes it has to be restored

and built it again. 1 Euro is more a symbolic amount

first they have to restore it and then to live in it

buy houses in Mussomeli

at 1 Euro, in case I lend it to you

and here we are at the Cathedral

dedicated to

St. Ludovico

one of the most beautiful moment here is

for Holy Friday when the Christ coffin

on of the most special moments of the Easter celebrations

we have a very strong bound with the Holy Week

and from I Viaggi Di Cicerone

Cheers from Mussomeli

and now we go the old cinema

now also the new cinema

which was restored few years ago

and actually also the House of Santa Claus is here


this gentleman behind me

was one of the most important citizens

of Mussomeli

the first Historian of Italian Literature


big respect

Where are we now?

here we are in the crypto of the Sanctuary of the Madonna of Miracles

the warmest place of our journey today

here was born the cult of the Madonna of miracles

based on this stone

the Legend tells that in 1530

a paralytic coming probably from Cammarata

was searching this area

for a place to sleep

here was full of brambles in the open country side and he fell asleep

among the brambles and when he woke up

he was fit again and everyone called it a miracle

and in the place were he woke up

was found this stone

and from that moment on, the cult of the madonna was born

the first church was built

and the cult became bigger and bigger

now the Madonna of Miracles it the patroness of Mussomeli

a suggestion for you is to come from the 8 to 15th of September

to see the very fascinating and important processions

the adventures of Foot Ontheway

we lost the drone...

we are going to search for it with the "Ciceroni"

we hope to find it

because if not

he could be very upset and start crying out loud

we are searching the drone

maybe was the Castle's ghost to let us loose the drone

it happened that

because of the wind and cold temperature

and the battery discharged

because of the cold

and it decided to land autonomously

some cats are reaching them

there is a group of cats making a coalition

against them


and the winners are coming back

it went very well...

and after this adventure day

where we risked also to loose our drone

thanks to Michele and Giuseppe of " I Viaggi Di Cicerone"

the amazing news site

we suggest you to visit, subscribe to the mailing list

and follow them

to know the most special things

about Sicily, where to go

itineraries and so on, you will discover it reading

also how to rescue a drone

there will be also a section dedicated to it, a tutorial

thank you

for this tour of Mussomeli, come to visit

this beautiful town

and the most beautyful castle of Sicily

Cheers, thank you

For more infomation >> Mussomeli, Sicily Vlog - Lost Drone - Duration: 7:55.


NEGÓCIO MOBILE - Negócio Mobile Como Ganhar Dinheiro Na Internet Usando o Seu Celular (2018) - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> NEGÓCIO MOBILE - Negócio Mobile Como Ganhar Dinheiro Na Internet Usando o Seu Celular (2018) - Duration: 1:26.


DESENHANDO GREEN (Blue Oak)| COLLAB GAMES - Duration: 1:57.

Living is like drawing without eraser

Hey guys! All right with you? hope so

I would like to thank the channel subscribers, and I'm sorry that I can not record the audio of this video

The LINK of the participants is in the description of the video

I'll see you next time! Thank you and bye, bye

For more infomation >> DESENHANDO GREEN (Blue Oak)| COLLAB GAMES - Duration: 1:57.


How To Tame Man Bun Flyaways - Man Bun Monthly Ep2 - Duration: 9:16.

- Prongy, outy, flyaways, yay!

Said no one ever.

If you struggle with man bun flyaways and you're

looking for a way to get rid of them,

you are watching the right video, and I want you

to keep watching.

Hello everybody and welcome back to my channel.

My name's Thomas, if you're brand new here

and I make style and hair related videos every single week.

Welcome to episode two of my monthly man bun series.

In my first video, or my first episode, I covered ten

different types of man buns, you'll be able to find

that up in the cards.

And, essentially, what this is, it's just like a

monthly check-in for all of us man bun growers

or man bun wearers to come in and check-in about

our man buns and give each other tips.

So if that's your kinda thing, make sure you hit that

subscribe button and come back every single month.

Actually, I post every Monday so subscribe and see me

every Monday, OK?

But the main topic of today is, of course, taming

our flyaways 'cause I know it's a bet peeve of a lot

of people who have man buns and today I'm gonna show you

my quick method of doing it.

And you're probably also wondering what the f(silenced)k

is on my face, right?

If any of you did, these are just eye patches.

They're actually like my new favourite thing.

Because I work on the internet a lot and I'm always

looking at a screen, I need something to help soothe

my eyes down.

I've been using these Zeatar ones, they're cruelty-free,

they're vegan and they're also medical grade, so they're

kind of like made of the same thing as, like, they

make fake arteries and fake skin, and yeah, they just

fit really nice on the face, they don't slip off

like the Korean ones, and they're really, really good.

I've actually noticed a difference since starting

to use them so.

And they talk about all the ingredients that are in them

and why they're good for you so they've got like

aloe vera for hydrating, bit of ginger for brightening skin

and they also contain magnesium ascorbyl phosphate,

which is great for boosting skin collagens.

So, yeah, they're just a really thorough product,

and I find, ever since I've been using them, they've

been working really well.

And not only that, they're easy to apply, too.

You just chuck them in the fridge for ten minutes

before you put them on, then you grab them out,

rip them off, and then they've got like these sleeves

on either side, you just whack them on your face, and then

kaboom, you wait 15 minutes.

Speaking of which, it's about my 15 minute mark right now,

that I've had these on, so I'm gonna rip them off,

and then we're gonna talk about man bun flyaways.

And then like after you take them off, you just kinda like

dab the rest of the solution in and

you get on wit' yo' life.

Okay, enough, now we're on to man bun flyaways.

So, what do I do for these?

I actually, look, I'm very simple about this,

all I need is a heat protector, obviously, because I'm

gonna be using a heating iron to get these, like, in action.

And, I also need some kind of product, so I always

recommend a strong hold product.

I've got three of my favourite here.

I've got my BluMaan Cavalier Clay, I've got my Hybrid cream,

and I've also got Claymation.

You don't have to use any of these, these are like

19.50 to 20 dollars online if you wanna buy them.

But if you wanna use a supermarket brand, just make sure

you get a hard hold, don't get something that's flimsy,

like a paste because it'll just let them prong out even more

and certainly, the number one thing is do not use a gel.

People that have been following me for a couple of years now

will know that I hate gel, and if you use gel on your

flyaways it pretty much just stiffens them and makes them

prick out even more, which is definitely not what you want,

so avoid gel at all costs.

Hate gel.

So yeah, I just need a heat protector, I need a strong hold

product, I'm going to be using Cavalier Clay today,

and a heating iron.

What we're gonna do is, we're actually gonna spray

our heat protector on, this Sebastian Trilliant one

is, like, my favourite, it smells so good I could

wear it as perfume, it's actually the best.

But what I'm gonna do is spray this over the top here.

Because I'm in a rush, I don't wanna be straightening all

my hair, but what I wanna do is kinda flatten these out

and kind of neaten up the look because, I just cannot

go out looking like this, right, and these aren't really

that long to go back into the bun, so that's why

we're doing it this way.

OK, so we've added our heat protector, our hair straightener

is on, which is great, and the next thing I wanted to tell

you was, if you're going out straight away after doing this,

make sure you're already wearing the shirt that you're

going out in because if you're wearing a different shirt,

and then you take it off, guess what, all your man bun

flyaways just prong back out and you have to do the whole

process over again so, make sure you're wearing the shirt

you want to go out in which, today, this is my one

and there we go.

If you're wearing a button-up, make sure you do it with

no shirt on, and.

So, and the first thing you wanna do, we wanna,

instead of taking all of our hair out, I know it seems

natural to, if I'm gonna be straightening my hair I should

take it all out and do it properly, but no, we're

in a rush today.

So what I'm gonna do is, I'm gonna fuzz my hair up

and I just want the flyaways to expose themselves so I know

exactly what to grab and what to straighten and

get moving forward.

So, what I'll do is like this, bring them all out to play

all the uglies, come on, show yourself.

And we've got it like this, and then what I'll do is

because I've already put my heat protector in

I'll just go ahead and straighten all these bad boys.

What you wanna remember as well, is try your best

to get them straightened in just one go, because these

hairs are really, really tender, you don't want them

to break off because they're actually quite important

in the hair cycle.

So, if you watched my hair fall video the other day,

we learnt that each hair that you've got is in

a different cycle.

So, the hairs that are falling out in the shower,

they're really long and they've reached the end

of their cycle and as they fall out, new ones are growing.

So, cos you've always got new hair growing, that's what

these flyaways are, they're the shorter hairs,

it's not particularly because they're broken,

and you actually need them, so if you pull them all out

or cut them off, then you're actually doing yourself

a disservice and, yeah, you've gotta look after them

just as much as your normal hair.

I know we hate them, and I know them pronging out,

oh my god, I feel ya, I hate it too.

But, without these, all of our hair fall would end up

being a bald head and I don't want that.

Already looking much better.

I think I'm just gonna go for like a half-neat,

high man bun as well, I think that's the look I'm gonna

be rocking tonight.

Alrighty, boom, we've straightened all of our flyaways,

and we're already looking a tonne better.

Now, the thing is as well is, you can't completely

get rid of flyaways obviously, because of those short hairs.

Depending on how short they are, if they're

really, really short, they are just gonna stick up.

But, for the longer ones, I've got a lot of long ones,

that's what the product's supposed to help with

so, yeah, if you're looking for a solution to completely

get rid of them, I don't think that's gonna be possible

but you can definitely do stuff to reduce them.

So now that I've straightened all of these flyaways out,

I'm actually gonna take my hair out now and just quickly

do a very brief run over in the front sections here.

Because, this on top bit is usually where they all act up

and I'll just quickly run my straightener through there.

So much hair since I got my full man bun as well, so crazy.

But the cool thing about the man bun as well is

you can literally do something as quick as this and it still

looks really sick.

OK, there we go.

See how much smoother it's already looking.

Like, that is boss.

So, from here we're obviously grab our product, so today,

I told you that I'm gonna be using the

BluMaan Cavalier Clay.

Literally, you don't need that much of this as well

cos it's quite thick, hard held product, and if you use

too much your hair can look a little bit greasy.

So to avoid that, you just use a little bit.

That's all I really need to tame mine down.

Place it on your palm.

Do these ones, rub it together.

The harder you rub the clay together and heat it up,

the easier it is to apply and then when it cools down,

it goes back into hard mode so.

Once you've got it heated up, you quickly apply it to

all of your flyaways, like this.

Yeah, looking way better.

Once you've got it evenly applied, you just start

making your bun.

Now, your bun can like take a couple of attempts,

depends on how fussed you are with it.

I'm just more concerned about getting the flyaways down,

and getting out that door.

And then kaboom, so now I've got my bun up.

I'll also do, cos it's a messy one as well, sometimes

the ends look a little bit frazzled, what I'll do is

I'll just chuck a couple of bobby pins in it

to weight me down.

I still need a couple in the back because I've got

a couple of short hairs behind there, pop them in like that.

I really don't mind the look of a bobby pin, though,

it's actually all cool.

And then what I'll do is, with these loose bits on

the man bun, I'll twist them around it and just

chuck them in.

You always wanna double check your bun in the mirror as well

I always have this double mirror to just see how the shape

is going on it.

Yep, I'm actually really happy with this one.

See how much neater it's looking now compared to what

I started this video, lets actually have a look at

the before and afters, I think that'd be great.

So, before, we had all of those prongy-outs.

They were all messed up, uncontrollable, dry, frizzy,

horrible, disgusting.

And now, just after doing this, we can see a

massive difference.

If you have a really close look at these tiny little ones

up here, if you get like microscopic close, you can see

all those little ones poking out, but those are the ones

that you literally just can't get rid of, because those

are the regenerating hairs that you actually need, OK?

Never gonna be possible to get rid of them, but it is

easy to tidy your hair up and that's all you need to know.

And guys, that is how I tame my man bun flyaways,

especially when I'm in a rush, OK?

I really hope you enjoyed this video, I hope you got

something out of it.

Please let me know in the comment section below if you

have any more man bun tips for me on controlling flyaways.

I'm sure everybody wants to know about it.

And also, don't forget to join the Facebook group

Hairstyles In Action.

I'm gonna leave a link in the description box below for you

and that's about it.

That's episode two.

Also, if you have an idea for what you wanna see for

man buns and you wanna see it on this series, make sure

you pop that in the comment section below as well

because I'd interested to hear about it, and I will

see you next week for another video, OK?

Catch you later.



For more infomation >> How To Tame Man Bun Flyaways - Man Bun Monthly Ep2 - Duration: 9:16.


Webinar " change of scope" - Duration: 49:12.

For more infomation >> Webinar " change of scope" - Duration: 49:12.


The Story Behind Bob Beamon's Long Jump Olympic Record | Olympics On The Record - Duration: 4:28.

This is American long jumper Bob Beamon, on the track,

about to attempt his first jump in the final of

the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City.

Beamon was a gifted athlete, who discovered his talent while

at reform school in New York City.


For this young man, it had been a long journey

from the mean streets of Queens

all the way to the Olympic Games.

He had jumped 7 metres 34 centimetres

when he was just 15 years old.

Now 22, he had a personal best

of 8 metres 33 centimetres,

the second longest jump of all time.

Unfortunately for Beamon,

the joint world record holders were both competing in Mexico.

Beamon's teammate and mentor,

1960 gold medallist Ralph Boston,

and the Soviet star Igor Ter-Ovanesyan.

The '60s had seen a long jump duel

between these two great athletes,

setting eight world records between them,

adding 19 centimetres

to the record over eight years.

So Beamon knew even his personal best

might not be enough.

The Olympic champion Lynn Davies

was also in Mexico to defend his title.

He was curious to see

how the new kid would perform in an Olympic final.

Beamon hadn't been jumping particularly well.

After two foul jumps in the qualifying round,

he needed the guidance of Boston

to help him to qualify for the final,

achieved with a jump of 8.19 metres.

Good, but not good enough

to set off alarm bells among his competitors.

Nervous the night before the final,

Beamon's preparations were a bit out of the ordinary.

You know that thing

you're not supposed to do before the big day?

He did it.

Well, whatever works for you, Bob -

because as he stood on the track

facing his first jump of the finals,

his mind was clear and his body relaxed.

He knew it was good. Maybe very good.

The first sign something really unusual had happened

was when the official judge

could not record the distance

using his new hi-tech recording device.

The jump was literally off the scale.

Yeah, you know, I can really relate to that.

You? You can relate to Bob Beamon?

Oh, not Beamon. No, that judge guy with the funny hat.

He has no idea what he's doing.

The competition was suspended

as they got the tape measure out.

They had to check and re-check.

It took a whole 20 minutes

for them to simply measure Beamon's jump.

"That can't be right. Check it again."

And then the distance was announced.

8.90 metres - over 29 feet.

Beamon had shattered the world record by 55 centimetres.

He'd beaten his own personal best by 57 centimetres.

This was how Beamon reacted.

Imagine how his rivals felt.

The contest for the gold medal was over.

The German, Klaus Beer, leapt 8.19 for silver,

Boston was just behind in bronze.

The Beamon jump.

It became maybe the most talked about record of all time.

It would have won the 2012 long jump event by 59 centimetres.

A sport that had moved 19 centimetres in eight years

had leapt over the horizon in a single jump.

It's the altitude, you know. That thin air.

That is why he jumped so far.

No - if it's the altitude,

why didn't everyone jump 8.90 metres? Mmm?

Hm. You may have a point there, Jan.

For more infomation >> The Story Behind Bob Beamon's Long Jump Olympic Record | Olympics On The Record - Duration: 4:28.


È abbandono lasciare il cane da solo: lo stabilisce una sentenza della cassazione - Duration: 5:52.

For more infomation >> È abbandono lasciare il cane da solo: lo stabilisce una sentenza della cassazione - Duration: 5:52.


Al Bano e Romina Power/ Una lunga passeggiata sul viale dei ricordi ma... - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Al Bano e Romina Power/ Una lunga passeggiata sul viale dei ricordi ma... - Duration: 3:11.


Costanza Caracciolo e Christian Vieri, vita da sex bomb(er) a Miami - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Costanza Caracciolo e Christian Vieri, vita da sex bomb(er) a Miami - Duration: 1:51.


12: Maxinum Garuda.5C.R VS Twin nemesis.8B.Ir - Duration: 9:45.

So, I don't know how this happened but garuda got more bursts than twin nemesis

(rest are in the highlights) lets see how round 2 goes.

So, Chisa had twin nemesis this time and she certainly had some diffidculties

but since the boht rounds results are the same I wouldn't say it's a problem

So next match richiebois spriggan requiem 7 bump bearing

against basalt foxes maximum garuda cross 5 revolve. After that its final against amidamarud beat kukulcan 7 vortex zeta.

see you next thursday

For more infomation >> 12: Maxinum Garuda.5C.R VS Twin nemesis.8B.Ir - Duration: 9:45.


Играю на килы - Duration: 2:27:42.

For more infomation >> Играю на килы - Duration: 2:27:42.



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Marie Wegeners DSDS-Sieg: War Jury-DJ Mousse T. überrascht? - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Marie Wegeners DSDS-Sieg: War Jury-DJ Mousse T. überrascht? - Duration: 2:29.


How to cut Fringe Bangs + Sensationnel Cloud9 vixen yaki 24 in wig Review| ebonyline| T Tha Kid - Duration: 13:30.

can you tell me where I can find 341

I feel so robotic having the same intro all the damn time but welcome back to my

channel and as you can see by the title I am going to cut some bangs into this

wig and finesse it because it was a struggle wig to begin with so if you

want to keep on watching and see how I get this look hit that subscribe button

and hit that like button also hit that notification bell to get alert so when I

have new videos let's just get started

I'm probably gonna start cutting like here probably I think I'm probably right

here cuz I'm a little nervous and shit

my scissors are dull as fuck and they won't even cut the hair so I'll be right

back if you want to like part it precisely

and measure it out to make sure you don't mess up you can but honestly I'm

just gonna go in and just do it so yeah

yeah I could have cut that a little more straight but

this is kinda at the length I want them at and I'm gonna do these a little bit

longer just to like frame my face a little better so probably like right

here and I know I'm cutting it like super blunt but I'm gonna go back in and

kind of like razor it a little bit now I'm just gonna go in and kind of not

make them as a lot

and what I like to do is like kind of not have it completely closed of course

but not have it completely open kind of like Midway and I just kind of

like to kind of make this type of movement a little bit while going up and

down that's an easier way if you don't have like a razor or something like that

but yeah and I kind of I guess take your time with it you know you're not in a

rush unless you got somewhere to be then I don't know why you're cutting bangs

right before leaving but yeah so just take your time

and it should come out a little more afraid and shit

take these pieces and the front and kind of like cut upwards into it

don't mind me if I'm going cross-eyed oh shit this hair is heat-resistant so I'm

about to kind of like bump them a little tiny bit and yeah let's see how it comes

out in the end I'm probably gonna need to like go in and cut a little bit more

but you know it's fine

all right I think it's hot enough so if I'm looking down my bad I need to kind

of like not burn myself so I'm just about to kind of just you know wing it

there's still like some pieces the fucking messing up my life right here so

I'm just gonna go in yes you like turn it down a little bit because as you see

that shit went fucked up

kind of like playing around with it like I don't know if I want it kind of bucked

semi bump just trying to kind of see what frames my face better

so for the sake of time and getting done with this video I'm just gonna leave

these how they are I'm probably gonna go back in and probably like cut them

shorter because right now they are scratching the fuck out of my cornea so

I'm just gonna tell you the detail all about this hair and I was sent this hair

from ebony and so thank you so much evany line for sending me this wig

and for working with me with this video and if you couldn't see by this title

this is a sensational cloud9 vixen wig and it has four parting ways and this

frontal is Swiss lace so if you can see it came in this packaging and it has

four way parting space you can part it down all the way in the middle on the

side whatever you would like it says four-way parting space endless

styling possibilities you can make ponytails top knots updo styles space

buns half up styles Dutch braids and more so I don't know if you're gonna

want to do all of that cuz that's a little extra but I saw a lot of people

struggling with this wig and other videos especially with the hair line so

I was like why not just cut some bangs into it I've never had full bangs before

so I kind of just winged it so more details about this hair this is a color

one and if you've seen and my other past videos I love me some jet black hair so

one is jet black off black is one B and so this hair if you've seen while I was

styling it is heat resistant but I just want to warn you do not put your

straightener highest heat because I did that and it

kind of just like thrilled and got shook on me so if you can have your

straightener on the lowest heat and that should be good enough for this hair this

hair is like a yaki straight texture so it mimics african-american hair straight

in so this is exactly how my hair would look if you can see if it was

straightened and is it big head friendly no it is not so be careful of that

also I'm pretty sure comes with three inside combs two in the front and one in

the back I'm pretty sure and if you put it up in a ponytail it has like little

baby hairs in the back and it like came with these stupid baby hairs in the

front and they were randomly curly even though the hair is straight so I just

like straighten those out real quick and this is the little card that was

attached to it and like you can see sis got like three hairstyles going on if

you want to try those if you want to try those and it also comes in a variety of

colors on this packaging it says vixen yaki 24 but I know my inches and I am

5/3 and it just comes to right here so I would not say this is 24 inches this is

probably like just hitting 20 inches so I don't know if I like it this length

because you know I like extra long hair so I might go in and add some more hair

to this I don't know but as far as like the way I kind of like finesse this I'm

really filling the bangs I might rock the bangs for a while to be honest a

link to ebony line will be down below and also the direct link to this hair

that I got I'm pretty sure off the top of my head it's like it's like $50 I'm

pretty sure so to me honestly compared to other wigs it is

more expensive especially since it's like a yaki human synthetic blend but

with all the parting spaces and all the extra shit you could do it I think it's

kind of worth it so I'm probably gonna come to you guys with like an update on

how it's holding up because I'm probably gonna rock this shit for a while I'm

pretty sure I've given you all the tea on this wig I don't think I left

anything out but if I did and if you have any questions regarding this wig or

just this video in general leave it down I could pull out a look with this

cropped leather jacket but this shit is hot as hell

so before I in this video you guys already know what to do hit that

subscribe button hit that like button also hit that notification bell to get

alert so when I have new videos and as always thank you so much for watching

and I'll see you guys in my next video everything I do is for my gang Dhoni the

swishing army but I know that is the game guys watch them closely keep oh

mama okay Rachel

For more infomation >> How to cut Fringe Bangs + Sensationnel Cloud9 vixen yaki 24 in wig Review| ebonyline| T Tha Kid - Duration: 13:30.


Marie Wegeners DSDS-Sieg: War Jury-DJ Mousse T. überrascht?? - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Marie Wegeners DSDS-Sieg: War Jury-DJ Mousse T. überrascht?? - Duration: 2:28.


Paris Natural Hair Guide : 101 - Duration: 14:11.

Tell us about "Ma Coiffeuse Afro".

Ma Coiffeuse Afro is an application where you can book hair appointments at home or in a salon

Our service provides you with information regarding price range, pictures and

reviews on hairstylists accomplishments before booking your appointment via your phone.

Where did you get the idea of creating this kind of service?

I was having a hard time finding a good hairstylist for several years.

There was also a lack of information regarding price range, pictures and reviews of accomplishment.

So out of pure frustration and only having the option of going to areas like Château d'Eau and Château Rouge

I wanted to create a better alternative for women.

Where do you find the hairstylist and what are the criteria for being a part of your service?

Thanks to "word of mouth", hairstylists knows about Ma Coiffeuse Afro and they reach out to us by signing up.

We later meet with time, test their skills , evaluate their accomplishments and we later decide if it's a good fit for our service or not.

It's ben two years since you started this service. What are your future projects for Ma Coiffeuse Afro?

We just updated our application recently to include more content for our users.

What's also new is consumer testing! We offer our clients products to try out,

get their feedback and boost consumer powers.

This is taking place step by step.

Hopefully in the near future, we would like to have a pop-up spot.

That sounds great! I'm looking forward to see that.

Thank you so much Rebecca!

For more infomation >> Paris Natural Hair Guide : 101 - Duration: 14:11.


Top 10 Super Villains Who Actually Won - Duration: 7:15.

Traditionally, we're used to hearing and seeing stories that feature good prevailing

over evil.

It's an ancient trope, and with good reason – as an audience, we want to be reassured

that good will always triumph, with hopes that it will do the same in the real world.

But, as we've seen in comics, that isn't always the case.

There's been a handful of times where super villains in certain instances have come out

on top.

Some of these times have produced incredibly memorable stories, while others have left

readers groaning.

So today, we're counting down some of those instances with our list of the top 10 Super

Villains Who Actually Won.

Before we begin heads up, there are some spoilers for Avengers Infinity War on this list.

10 Doomsday Starting off this list is a villain who managed

to beat Superman to death – Doomsday.

In the god forsaken 1992 story arc the Death of Superman, we witness Doomsday arrive on

Earth, and he and Superman battle to the death – seemingly, that is.

While Doomsday is also down for the count, he took down the superhero that no one else

in 54 years could ever really do.

Eventually though, it was revealed that Superman wasn't dead, just in a Kryptonian coma which

made him look as if he was dead, and the character returned, causing a lot of fans to feel really

cheated by DC for the emotional rollercoaster they put them through, all to make a solid


9 Sinestro When you think of clever super villains, DC's

Sinestro is definitely a name that comes to mind.

He's giving the Green Lanterns a run for their money on many occasions, especially

during the Sinestro Corps War event.

Despite inevitably being defeated, his main goal was achieved – Sinestro reveals at

the end of the story that the whole point of waging his war was to get the Green Lantern

Corps to submit and use lethal force, which was against their code of conduct.

So yeah, he technically won the long game.

8 The Drowned The Drowned was a villain who appearing as

part of the Dark Nights: Metal story event spearheaded by Scott Synder and Greg Capullo.

She is an evil version of Batman from an alternate world that was part of the dark multiverse.

As with many of the other evil alternates of Batman, the Drowned had experienced rather

tragic and nefarious events on her own world prior to being recruited to Barbatos' cause

by the Batman Who Laughs.

In her case though, she went through a bit of a rollercoaster ride during her time on

Earth -11.

Bryce Wayne turned evil after her lover, Sylvester Kyle, was killed by metahumans.

Bryce kills every single super powered being on land until Aquawoman reappears from her

self-imposed exile to fight Bryce.

This starts a war, Bryce wins by surgically altering herself to be superior in underwater

conditions, takes Aquawoman's trident, and becomes known as the Drowned.

7 The Joker While the Joker and Batman are eternally at

war against one another, the clown Prince of Crime has one up-ed Batman many a time

by harming the ones closest to him.

This includes the likes of the metaphorical death of the Bat-Family in the New 52 arc

Death of the Family, and crippling Barbara Gordon in the Killing Joke, but perhaps the

worst of all was his murder of Jason Todd, which psychologically destroyed Batman FOR


And was also pretty brutal – he beat him to death with a crowbar.

Todd would return years later with his own vendetta against Bats, too.

6 Norman Osborn The 90's Clone Saga focused heavily on a

clone of Spider-Man's named Ben Reilly.

Peter and Ben had a brotherly relationship with one another.

And Norman Osborn murdered him.

Reilly, who first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man issue 149 in the 1975 clone saga,

donned the Scarlet Spider mantle in the 90's Clone Saga, taking the name Ben Reilly – Ben

for Uncle Ben and Reilly, Aunt May's maiden name.

He would be impaled by Norman Osborn after Peter handed the spider-man mantle over to

him so that he and MJ could start a family together.

Also worth noting that the character scored a major victory against Peter Parker when

he was technically responsible for Gwen Stacy's death, which hard core messed with Spidey

for a very, very long time.

5 The Vulture The Vulture is a Spider-Man villain who has

had many a character pick up the mantle.

Recently, we saw the character make a big screen appearance in Spider-Man Homecoming,

played by Michael Keaton.

Keaton plays the Adrian Toomes version, who, in the comics, has quite the history of being

successful with certain goals of his.

This includes ridding his body of cancer, regaining his youth briefly, willing himself

to health in order to defeat an usurper who tried to murder him in prison, and also killing

the man who betrayed him and ruined him financially.

Not too shabby, Adrian.

4 Ozymandias Adrian Veidt plays a serious long game.

In Watchmen, both comic and film, the character manipulates events in order to prevent nuclear

war by causing mass destruction in various cities in order to bring international rivals


This already daunting feat also includes pulling the wool over the eyes of the practically

omnipotent Doctor Manhattan.

While the comic version is a bit more complex and monstrous, the film adaptation takes it

a step further by Veidt setting up Manhattan to be the scape goat, with traces of him at

the sights of the destruction, making it seem that he is against humanity, causing world

leaders to set aside their differences in an aim to work together.

Essentially, kill millions to save the world for the greater good.

And he got away with it, too.

3 Doctor Octopus In a story line that took a lot of heat back

in its day, the Dying Wish storyline in The Amazing Spider-Man involved Otto Octavius

switching bodies with Peter Parker after he discovered he had cancer.

This caused Peter to die while he became Spider-Man, and the Superior Spider-Man series was born.

Otto reformed, and was affected by Peter's memories, but eventually erased all of his

brain waves in order to fully get rid of him.

Eventually, he too would die after realizing he was a failure, delete himself from existence

and restored Peter, but for the duration of about a year and a half in 2013-2014, he held

the Spider-Man mantle, and many a fan was pissed.

2 Doctor Doom Doom's victories aren't necessarily traditional


First off, he's managed to take over the world in Secret Wars after he imprisoned the

Purple Man and weaponized his powers for his own use, but then got bored with ruling over

a world at peace who listened to his every command.

He let Namor destroy the machine that he had crafted to control Kilgrave, and everything

reverted to normal.

Doom also scored a personal victory over his nemesis Reed Richards by not only delivering

his child when Reed failed to be there to help Sue, but also named the child too.

1 Thanos Thanos makes our top spot because, unless

you've been living under a rock, the mad titan just scored the biggest super villain

win in the history of comic book movies to date.

The MCU's 3rd Avengers film, Infinity War, left fans absolutely baffled when the movie

ended with Thanos victorious, and many beloved superheroes dusted, ceasing to exist.

Now, in the comics, it goes down a little differently.

The film is primarily adapted from the six issue Infinity Gauntlet miniseries from the

early 90s, with a bit of the more recent 2013 Infinity story event sprinkled in.

In Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos does succeed in eliminating half of all living beings in

the universe, but he's also thwarted – the story continues with Adam Warlock rallying

all of the heroes against him – all of which pretty much die in an epic battle against

the Mad Titan, until Nebula snatches the gauntlet off of him after he thinks he's won.

Long story short, Adam Warlock ends up getting the gauntlet back from her, and reads Thanos'

soul to discover that the mad titan never thought he was worthy of all that power – or

Death's love – to begin with.

Thanos then retires and lives on a farm, and the story ends with him watching the sun rise,

just like it did in the MCU film.

In the comic, he seems more than content to be rid of that extreme power, but he eventually

comes back, seeking it once more and facing off against the Marvel universe's heroes,

and Warlock.

There we have it friends!

Which of these villains' victories did you think was the most deserved?

And what villain would you love to see score a win for once?

Let us know in those comments below!

If you dug this video, please show us some love by hitting that like button, and hey,

why not subscribe to us if you wanna hang out some more?

We've got a ton of other great top 10 lists on our channel, so make sure you click that

playlist that's currently flashing on your screen!

In the meantime though, thanks for watching everyone!

See you all next time.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Super Villains Who Actually Won - Duration: 7:15.


Sunday Morning Futures: Rep. Ratcliffe on Nunes' calls to hold Sessions in contempt - Duration: 10:17.

welcome back the Department of Justice is responding to Devin Nunez right now

we have breaking news the Department of Justice is saying that they have

responded to Devin Nunez he was on Fox and Friends earlier saying that his

latest classified letter to the DOJ was ignored the letter from the DOJ which

they are sending spells out the administration's written response says

the DOJ now basically Devin Nunez said that two weeks ago that he sent a letter

to the Attorney General jeff Sessions a classified letter per usual this is from

Devin Nunez it was ignored not acknowledged completely ignored last

week we sent a subpoena then on Thursday we discovered they're not going to

comply with our subpoena Nunez told Fox & Friends this is an information we need

we need to move quickly to hold the Attorney General of the United States in

contempt that is what I will press for this week also right now we want to talk

about what's happening with Texas Congressman John Radcliffe he sits on

the House Judiciary and homeland security committees he is also a former

US Attorney good to see you sir congressman thanks very much for joining

us hi Maria your response to what the DOJ is saying this morning it says it in

fact sent a letter back to Devin Nunez and said we are in receipt of your

letter after careful evaluation and following consultations with the Office

of the Director of National Intelligence the FBI the White House and the

department we are not in a position to provide information responsive to your

request your take on all of this congressman Maria I haven't seen the

subpoena that Devin Nunez was talking about so I don't know if it relates to

the EC that started the counterintelligence or if it relates to

something else will you move to pursue contempt charges against Attorney

General Jeff Sessions as Devin Nunez stated earlier I think that all members

of Congress are going to need more information about what the request was

and what the response from the Justice Department is we don't have that the

problem maria as you know is that when congress is

to subpoena the enforcement arm is the Department of Justice the problem is

when the subpoena is directed to the Department of Justice and they won't

comply with the subpoena Congress is left with the decision of whether or not

to hold officials in contempt and ultimately seek impeachment so it's not

a great system but I think before we go to those very extraordinary measures

everyone ought to have a better sense of what both chairman Nunez and the

Department of Justice are arguing about well what what tools do you have I mean

if you're asking for these documents and you're not getting them and you're

seeing that things are being slow-walked and ignored what's the next move that

you can do in order to get justice here as you continue an investigation into

the FBI and the DOJ is handling of the 2016 election that and that's exactly

the problem that we've had Maria and one of the things that I think members of

Congress will look at in regards to the Department of Justice's response to

Chairman Nunez is we've seen a number of documents where there has been slow

walking or stonewalling for different reasons for various privileges for

national security concerns and the Department of Justice where I served a

department that I love it's hand has been weakened by the fact that as those

documents as Congress has pressed and those documents have come out we found

that a lot of the information that's been redacted or kept from public view

have really reflected more on the department or the FBI and its senior

officials and to save them from embarrassment or from potential

infractions or misconduct so you know I do think that it's fair to ask these

questions I know that all members of Congress you know hopefully we'll get

that information we all need to have that information before we would go to

the extraordinary measure of holding an Attorney General in contempt of Congress

I certainly need that information what about this the federal judge presiding

over the Paul Manafort case congressman he's demanding that

Robert Muller's team show him the scope of their investigation into the alleged

Russian collusion judge TS Ellis as I was just talking with Michael Mukasey

about with a harsh rebuke to the special

counsel suggesting that Muller only cares about information mana for it may

have on the president this is all an exercise to take down President Trump

and Alice says Muller should not be given quote unfettered power what do you

think this tells us about the Special Counsel investigation Maria the

fundamental premise of our criminal justice system is that we investigate

crime or suspicious activity we don't investigate people with the intent of

uncovering criminality and it is appeared to many that maybe that's what

the Special Counsel was doing with respect to Ric gates and Paul Manafort

and potential bank fraud in 2005 to create cooperation xi vestigation into

Donald Trump that's exactly the question that this judge raised on Friday and

he's the first independent person a jurist to raise this issue and he has

said hey it appears that you're attempting to use what Paul Manafort did

in 2005 to get to Donald Trump in 2018 and I want to see your authority for

that I want to see the jurisdiction the jurisdictional basis that you have to

even raise these charges interestingly the special counsels response was judge

you're not entitled to that and the judge not so politely said I'll be the

judge of what I'm entitled to and produce it in the next two weeks so

we'll see where that goes but what about this Muller probe I mean you you and I

have spoken in the past you know it started with collusion then it went to

obstruction now we're talking about payments made to

stormy Daniels this investigation has clearly gone much further afield than we

thought with the initial mandate of Russia collusion yeah I think that uh

you know very clearly there was a scope for the Special Counsel to be looking at

Russian collusion and it has gotten far afield of that I think the judge in this

case interestingly is maybe exercising some oversight that the Department of

Justice hasn't been I think this can be effectively narrowed down the the

Special Counsel shouldn't be looking at for instance obstruction of justice at

this point in time even setting aside the question of

whether or not a president can be charged for something that the

Constitution authorizes him to do in firing an FBI director even to the

extent you want to look at that Jim Comey through his actions his words in

his writing has effectively torpedoed any obstruction of justice charges so

the special counsel ought to move on away from that and really look at what

the core basis of his appointment was which was whether or not there was any

collusion between or coordination with a with the Trump campaign and Russian

congressman or a quick what should we expect from the IG report this report is

forthcoming we're expecting at sometime in the month of May I would expect that

what the Inspector General is going to find is that former FBI director Jim

Comey violated his employment agreement made multiple unauthorized disclosures

or leaks of information perhaps classified but at least FBI documents

and has made demonstrably false statements to Congress and perhaps to

investigators for the IG so you know I will say this I think that Michael

Horowitz has proven himself to be a fair umpire with respect to calling balls and

strikes he had the courage to make a criminal referral of the Deputy Director

of the FBI right Andrew McCabe and so I think if it's warranted that there is

any criminality that needs to be referred with respect to to Jim Comey or

anyone else at the Department of Justice of the FBI that Michael Horowitz will do

that so it was supposed to be speaking and testifying in front of Trey Gowdy's

committee the Oversight Committee but they pushed that back yeah and I think

that's a reflection of the fact that the Inspector General is getting more

information into the Hillary Clinton email investigation and improprieties or

perhaps misconduct and how that matter was handled he wants to be thorough and

fair so you know I'd rather wait wait a week or two

to get more information because the more information that the Inspector General

can provide to Congress the more oversight that we can provide and hold

folks accountable to the extent that they need to be alright we will be

watching this as Kimberly Strasser wrote in her iPad in the journal on Friday

this puts a real spotlight on the credibility of the houses oversight

authority so we will be watching that congressman good to see you sir thanks

so much you bet


For more infomation >> Sunday Morning Futures: Rep. Ratcliffe on Nunes' calls to hold Sessions in contempt - Duration: 10:17.


New york Mayor Plans To Open "Safe Spaces" That Will Mean Deaths Of Many Americans - Duration: 5:54.

New york Mayor Plans To Open "Safe Spaces" That Will Mean Deaths Of Many Americans.

Instead of combating a deadly crisis, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is embracing


He plans on spending millions of tax dollars on new safe spaces.

These centers will encourage Americans to destroy their lives.

The implications will be devastating.

New York City had a few good years.

I can say that because I'm from there.

For a decade or so, it had leaders with brains.

Rudy Giuliani helped bring back the city from the brink of chaos.

Even in the dark hours of 9-11, he helped restore the city's dignity and strength.

Despite a few controversial decisions, Mayor Michael Bloomberg was also a smart leader.

He helped secure New York's economic situation; many of his decisions helped save the city


Bloomberg was so popular, he scored a third term something previous mayors could not do.

But it seems like New York City jumped off the deep end when they elected Bill de Blasio.

This liberal hack has been driving the city into the ground.

His policies protect criminal aliens from justice.

Taxes are soaring and jobs are declining.

Housing in the Big Apple is becoming all but impossible to afford for anyone but the super-rich.

Thanks to his terrible leadership, people are fleeing the city like never before.

But that's okay!

De Blasio has another idea that will ensure all law-abiding citizens will be afraid to

walk the streets.

He's opening up safe spaces that will enable the sick, dangerous, and criminally addicted

citizens to pursue their vices consequence-free.

These houses will allow drug addicts to shoot up without fear of getting arrested or getting


On Thursday, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio unveiled a new plan to open safe drug shooting

centers supervised drug injection facilities, that he says will help curb the opioid crisis

sweeping the Big Apple.

According to the mayor's office, the sites will be "safe" places for drug addicts

to use illegal narcotics.

But drug counselors will be on hand to offer users advice on how to get clean of their

drug habits, Fox News reported.

Alongside the drug rehab counselors, the centers will also be staffed with medical professionals

who will supervise users, and will be on hand in case of an overdose.

The program will consist of four sites for a one-year trial period and will be set up

at four previously established needle-exchange outlets.

The centers will be set up in Brooklyn, Midtown Manhattan, Washington Heights, and the Bronx.

[Source: Breitbart] As someone who has seen loved ones suffer

from addiction, I can say in all honesty de Blasio's plan is reprehensible.

It is evil and callous.

Instead of seeking ways to get people off of drugs, he's spending tax dollars to enable


I'm sure all those "counselors" will be very effective, at getting people off drugs

when they're the ones handing them the needles.

I promise you after one month, every counselor will quit after being overworked, attacked,

or discouraged.

Think about the ramifications of this plan.

Once again, instead of confronting problems, liberals are embracing them.

Instead of trying to help the homeless, prosecute criminals, and get addicts off drugs, Democrats

run head-first to empower them.

It's like they don't care about helping people in need, despite what they always say.

Do you really think addicts will want to get clean when the city is giving them a place

to shoot up?

When New York City is literally putting the needle in their arm?

In the world of recovery, they have a word called "enabling."

It's when someone thinking they're helping an addict is actually making it easier for

them to use.

This goes above and beyond enabling.

It's actively encouraging people to use.

The only reason I can see a Democrat like de Blasio supporting this is that they want

people to die.

Addicts will make use of these houses, exacerbating their addictions.

It will accelerate their drug use, leading to a faster death.

This is a cruel and ugly attempt at eliminating the "unwanted" drug addicts of the city,

and the mayor pretends like it will help them.

Another problem is that these houses will be breaking federal law.

One drawback of the plan may be federal drug laws, which will be broken by those using

the centers.

The federal government has not issued a response to de Blasio's plan, but according to federal

law, such "safe places" would be illegal.

"It is a crime, not only to use illicit narcotics but to manage and maintain sites

on which such drugs are used and distributed," the Vermont federal prosecutor's office

said last year.

The December 2017 statement added that "exposure to criminal charges would arise" for drug

users, as well as workers in the injection sites, and that properties where the centers

are "would also be subject to federal forfeiture."

[Source: Breitbart]

But since when has federal law stopped a liberal from doing anything?

New York already violates U.S. immigration law.

De Blasio protects criminal aliens from deportation.

His policies allow illegal immigrants to break the law, without fear of punishment.

This is just another step towards lawlessness and a complete breakdown of our society.

De Blasio claims cops will be on hand to make sure the addicts don't leave the houses

and attack people living nearby.

Oh, that's very reassuring.

Take cops away from their other duties, to make sure the addicts you empowered don't

go berserk.

What can go wrong?

Now is a good time to consider relocating, New Yorkers.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> New york Mayor Plans To Open "Safe Spaces" That Will Mean Deaths Of Many Americans - Duration: 5:54.


Pet of the Week: Meet Royce - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Pet of the Week: Meet Royce - Duration: 2:50.


Vlog 1 - Ski Trip 2018 | Ashleigh-Ann French - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Vlog 1 - Ski Trip 2018 | Ashleigh-Ann French - Duration: 3:43.


Spanish names for tapas bars - the best names for your company - - Duration: 1:13.

10 spanish names for tapas bars











Namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

For more infomation >> Spanish names for tapas bars - the best names for your company - - Duration: 1:13.


Vlog 2 - Ski Trip 2018 | Ashleigh-Ann French - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Vlog 2 - Ski Trip 2018 | Ashleigh-Ann French - Duration: 2:29.


Vlog 4 - Ski Trip 2018 | Ashleigh-Ann French - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Vlog 4 - Ski Trip 2018 | Ashleigh-Ann French - Duration: 1:56.


Captive | WHY MUST YOU TOUCH!?! - Duration: 38:06.

what's up everybody Lazlowhere and welcome to captive the pixelated

adventure horror puzzle ooh game on Steam so continuing the run of indie

underground horror titles game we're gonna dump into this one and see what we

got hopefully it'll be good will we'll soon find out but apparently we are

captured because our first task simply to escape not a lot of other options

let's begin all right what are we escaping from that is the question

something tells me this isn't going to be a lot cheerier than the last game we

played through but you know what a play in horror games cheery and exactly what

you're looking for well things ain't looking so good cuz if that amount of

blood is outside of your body yeah not off to a hot start so uh what

where am i it's a good question where are you I can't or sorry I can't

remember anything my leg it hurts it's bleeding so much

I noticed it like spurted up the wall I think he may have hit an artery she

probably look out for that there's blood everywhere I just said that aren't you

even listening to me my goodness I have to get out of here before I bleed to

death man it's like I'm just like predicting the whole story here she just

doesn't want to listen to a word I have to say press Z to interact with the

environment oh wow oh we got a time limit here so oh alright threw me off I

was expecting to be that's can I edit the controls over here I guess not so

interact Z but I can't move with WASD I got to use the actual arrow pads so

that'll be interesting these are human remains does that mean

I'm not the first one here Oh touch touch it touch it all I did sound so

good I can't understand exactly what it is but it's definitely disgusting

alright we go look at all your own blood there's blood on the wall maybe I hit my

head there that's why I can't remember anything it doesn't explain the wound on

my leg though I don't think I need to just touch all the blood that seems a

bit excessive the wall has min has some missing bricks something is in there

what do we got stick your hand inside the random hole always a good idea a

note next open the inventory what does the note say a piece of paper was

something written on it if I don't survive and you're the next victim in

this cell there's a hole in the mattress something inside of it a lockpick that

will come in handy you think if the guy who was trapped in here who obviously

died had a lockpick he may have used it but I guess hiding it in the mattress

for the next random person to stumble along is the only logical thing can I

just open it in general I bet it's locked Oh shocker alright

well let's pick up our handy-dandy lockpick and apparently not do anything

with that how do I use the lockpick I got that all right apparently we can't

use the lock pick on the door what are we missing then

and all right yeah we've already looked at that like three times I wait wait

wait I'm not seeing the I'm reading the the words over on the left but I'm not

looking at the stuff over on the right there's a menu on the right that says

use item maybe if I looked over there I would see what I'm looking for instead

of just panning random buttons controls are a little odd starting off not gonna

lie I keep wanting to use the mouse I just need to put the mouse aside because

the mouse doesn't do anything so that's probably why X and Z because you're

supposed to play two hands on the keyboard the lock pick broke and I'm

just rambling and I'm running out of time but at least I can get out of here

now open yay I escaped does that does that mean we're done

no okay guess there's more to see you what is that that looks nasty

apparently it's nothing it's just dirt I can touch all the blood but I can't

touch the dirt there's blood here more blood more blood there's a smell coming

from that door and terrible wait I'm not sure if I want to find out why that was

a very oddly structure to sentence well I guess we're not gonna find out because

it's locked and you broke your lockpick good job Nick more blood something

happened in here that's why I can't remember anything what does she think

she hit her head on that too do they just bash your head on the wall as you

were going down the hallway don't touch it don't why are you touching everything

what's your obsession with touch just let it go it's like you're in a prison

cell it's locked they're all locked every door is locked

should get in the car and go home call an uber they get like a bloody

fingerprint I could use on it

follow the blood those are elevator buttons they go from b1 to b5 does that

mean I'm underground ah I don't know let's find out let's go to b1 we're

trying to escape I don't think there's exactly you know no point wandering

around in the basement

alright just get in the car head home can i sprint or do anything other than

that doesn't look like it looks like this is top speed

I just following the blood they just just bashed my head and as I went down

it's locked up in Chains I'll need something to break it loose cable a rat

probably ripped it out can I take the loose cable yay I've got that for some

reason more blood for me to touch with my touchy touchy self I have a feeling

of the doors locked looks like another elevator door though

what's this it's nothing it's a crack a panel with numbers insert keycard don't

have a keycard alright I knew it wasn't gonna be that

easy but can you blame a guy for trying yeah he knows alright so need a keycard

there that is chained shut wow she was slow might take a nap as I'm

transitioning levels here I got it it's an elevator door can we

just just understand and accept that I figured this out already I guess we'll

just work our way down I suppose be - I'm so used to the door automatically

open our elevator it's weird have to actually go and open it man dude some is

just like body chunks and blood like left and right it's this door doesn't

have a keyhole it's a duck I'll need something to break it open can I use a

cable no she just shakes her head no come on

come on how are you gonna use a cable to break it open

sorry snooty girl let's go down a three

all right so I must have been on four or five I'm gonna guess five because I'm

trying to escape most likely I'm trying to escape from the bottom of Louis room

well there's that just randomly spending that for no intention power panel but

there's a cable missing guess what I just conveniently have a half rat chute

cable do we have power now it's loose all right I can't fix it with my mighty

arms of miss I know that did it make any sense I I had nothing ho it's dark in

here whew alright need a flashlight I got

that I just came from there I had an idea that's where that went -

that's on three no oh I thought I went to the wrong one all right before

interesting interesting I still want a little cutscene to take me out of the

elevator I don't know why that's throwing me off but it goes against all

my gamer intuition that is where I just came from it's we're gonna be five

all right now we're getting somewhere going this is where I should have gone

in the first place right you knew you were going down to the bottom you had no

choice wait interact how do I interact with the

barrel stick my head in it oh she's like no no that that is not not gonna happen

something hanging here looks like some kind of key I could try and reach for it

but it might be dangerous let's reach for it what have you got to

lose you're dead I take it back my god what is in that

war bad swimmer oops alright good to know she can't swim she

swims worse than Mario she swims worse than Claude from Grand Theft Auto 3

lease his head then it explode into a puddle of blood when he fell in the

water alright take 2 we won't worry about the

cable for now get that later right now I guess I'll go down to the fifth floor

and see if I can find out how to get that key without exploding into red goo

let's go down best way out is under that's not true at all but I guess in

this case there dudududu whoa it's flooded interesting oh that little valve

I pulled up on the first or second floor I'm just messing with it randomly

apparently I actually somehow unfretted the basement it can be accidentally

failing into success like my whole life

all right so I think the cable was down in the little hole here only problem is

I don't remember which floor the valve was on there we go that's what we're

looking for I like it now the only question is how I randomly

turned it I think I hit it that many times whatever I did oh I wonder if I

could turn it more because if I turn it more maybe they'll take the water down

even more or it'll just fill it back up I'm not too sure I wouldn't leave into

the turn position just in case her eyes look at that stare just look so white I

just yeah all right down down down to the fifth floor

it's an elevator door I got that the first 50 times you said it I'm clever I

pick up on doodles like that doodles doodles and doodles all right it is a

small toolbox probably to fix the pipes let's see what we got y'all duct tape so

I can't fix pipes I can't grab that but I bet I could fix the loose cable on the

electrical panel that would be my guess if I fix the loose cable I can get the

electricity going what good that does me now I have no idea oh wait this is the

dark room which I'm guessing once I turn the

electricity on will get light because there's power but it's loose

I need something to fix it like my handy-dandy duct tape whoo

Dennis sound too promising did it actually work okay all right apparently

hmm means power on hey look so good a

chainsaw covered in blood it brings me a deep feeling of terror no kidding

really all right can I move boxes it up oh wait I pushed that I can well we got

a puzzle here we got a puzzle

um was that what I meant to do I don't know I think so I think I got this I

think we're good no we're not good I think I'm missed

unless I can push two boxes at once I am a Hulk although I can maybe do that and

then do that oh there we go that will work

oh we got big toolbox I can probably find something useful in it I bet you

can - pliers and a crowbar diggity all right can I

oops yeah I guess I just push boxes I can't pry them open I'm gonna trap

myself in here somehow I should probably be careful the first one she interacted

with though no not interact use the crowbar yep all right fine I don't like

you either I thought it was a clever idea bunch of

boxes and crates nothing useful some barrels one of them is empty I can't

open the other he's a crowbar no I guess that's just just just talking crazy now

why would you use a crowbar to open something Shh alright so level three is

good still can't do anything down on the one with the water

and pliers which I could probably use to cut the chain door nope I was on four

- one two one two we're gonna check one I think it was on

one yeah can you use pliers to cut a chain I don't know maybe you could use

the crowbar though

let's see locked up in Chains Chinese Flyers hey now all I need is the key

then why why would you they use why would they use keys if they locked it up

with chains it's so redundant unnecessary and doesn't seem like a door

I would want to get into nope next one one what's a funky smell can I use the

crowbar on that nope alrighty well that answers that question

oh you're just wandering at our own pace now aren't we sweetheart aren't we I'm

not gonna hurry together this murderous cough offal I found myself in and yes I

said your father oh just a little wearing all right what's behind door

number this one come on be two right doesn't have a keyhole it's stuck

that would be the crowbar that's what we're looking for

oh that don't look so good although clearly he's still it's a person he's

still breathing but his eyes are completely empty he's already dead

inside can I touch him can I reach inside like she does with everything

else oh I wanted look at the blood pack not him I guess scalpel set a surgery to

blood I have no use for it wait you have no use for a sharp weapon

when you're captive and whatever this thing is there's blood on the counter

it's still fresh can I touch it yeah I bet you could find

something useful in a first-aid kit just wow guess what did I find

only one syringe in here sure why not

what's the worst that could happen

famous last words right hmm can I interact with the stain on the ground

this is the only unlock drawer there's something in it just likes reaching in

stuff a poem was that gonna do for me I need like a little book to hold the

bright sun was extinguish'd and the stars did wander darkling in darkling

did wander darkling in the eternal space for they have been a dungeon spoil dear

doctor I have read your play and mine has been the fate of those rayless and

pathless the poem was that it didn't even rhyme was that like Clues like I

should have been paying attention to instead of mocking oppression so I was

extinguished in the Stars wandered darkly in space dungeon spoil read your

play fate of those rayless and pathless

people wandering aimlessly in the dark do I need to go wander that one room

aimlessly in the dark why do I keep hitting that I don't want to read your

poem anymore can I duct-tape up this one

hey buddy it's not looking so good for you can I give you a to duct-tape no

okay oh this is the door I broke with the

crowbar I thought she was saying it was broken I was like oh great I'm trapped

in here now looks like a corpse was dragged here a severed arm so I guess I

do need to touch the goop another right we got 14 minutes gotta figure out what

I'm supposed to use the duct tape for

what I hit uh there we go that was awkward don't hit that button

what did I just do it was morphine I feel much better this will buy me some

time oh okay all right so that doesn't mean

oh good there's gotta be something with the poem but the poem doesn't make any

sense Bryson was extinguished and the stars

did wander darkling in the eternal space for they have been a dungeon spoil dear

doctor I have read your play and mine has been the fate of those rayless and

pathless only thing I can think of is maybe there was something in the room

with all the boxes I had to move around that I missed all right nothing there I

have you something else in the hospital

there are some keys on the desk how did I miss the keys the first time I even

remotely seek he's there would come in handy all right we got keys that's a

good start so maybe I can go up I mean who knows what the door though open I

think I'm gonna try with the one on the first floor that orange door so we just

got that one broken open so it would make sense to head there next sauntering

along here without a care in the world

wait red keys

alright there I guess she just used them it's a body bag I don't want to think of

what's inside it you but I'll touch it sure

no she's like no I'm not doing that one it's a chainsaw with blood and guts all

over it pick up the chainsaw come on use it I'm

come in handy there's some pills in there maybe I should take some it looks

dangerous but what if they're a pain killer well it's like not do that

there's a notebook this is the second research notebook subject number seven

has just been brought she doesn't seem very cooperative cool a blue book a red

book and a green book let's read the blue book

I had a dream which was not all a dream the bright Sun was extinguishing the

stars did wander darkling in the eternal space rayless and pathless and the icy

earth swung blind and blackening in the moonless air okay red book dear doctor I

have read your play which is a good one in its way purchase the eyes and move

the bowels and drenches handkerchiefs like towels oh no I gotta say that was a

little better poem that rhymed a little more than the other one my limbs are

bowed though not with toil but rusted with a vile wrist boat repose for they

have been a dungeon spoil in mine has been the fate of those to whom the

goodly earth and air our band and bard forbidden fare it was a keep was it a

keypad or was it a card key I have a feeling I need to know which lines

bright star stars did wander but they have been a digit spoil I've read your

play and mine is the fate of those rayless and pathless

okay I have a feeling there's numbers there one or two three four


two three four one three two three four one three four two three four three one

four I had no idea that's a lot to remember though well I don't even have a

key card so it doesn't matter well I was disappointing I thought there'd be a

little more behind the orange door than random slam poetry so I go for hopefully

there's hopefully the key unlocks stuff down in for one of the other cells just

right now I ain't got nothing worth anything then I got a lot time left

Hey looks like this room hasn't been used yet a good news unless the door

locks behind me when I come in here it's clean unlike the others I want to want

to spend the night in one of those I think I'd rather spend the night in this

one than some of the other ones right

all right well

so there's nothing in here all right good to know let's hope this other door

has something because right now not getting a lot to work with I bet I know

why kersplat he's dead one of his arms is missing and down on the third floor

looks like he died trying to hold something let's give him the old touch a

ruski his body is stiff it's already starting to decompose well what's he

holding that's the important part a

piece of paper on the ground another clue some kind of torture device the

chains of spikes all over them yet I'm not touching that I don't want to

get hurt anything on you nasty little a mattress full of blood that's been there

for a long time as I thought all the blood is already dry since I have a

fetish with poking blood with my hand there we go gosh dangit what do I keep

hitting tab X I want inventory to be tabs so bad it's been 16 days I think

I'm going crazy she finds my diary dying in my diary my

diary I'm sure she'll kill me uh-oh I think I

might be the bad guy but that's only thing keeping me from insanity last

night in the surgery room I saw her hiding a spare key card underneath the

sink Oh winner winner chicken dinner under the


there's something on the ground Oh

see you later there mister xenomorph dude just burst in the dupatta you all

right back up to the top floor luckily all those books are on the same level

because if it wasn't I'd be a long journey to try and remember whatever

numbers I got to remember unless maybe my supposed to remember the numbers that

aren't in the poem I mean that's gotta be it right there's numbers there's

colors there's key cards I got about nine minutes to figure it

out thank goodness for morphine

apparently sounds like my death timer

although I still don't know what the duct tapes for one two three four five

six numbers okay and oh quit hitting tab how many

wines are here one two three four five six so I think I got the right idea

all right

two three four two three four two three four one two three four one two three

four one two three four one three that was not it

well if I hit to have again I'm gonna put my fist through the computer screen

rayless and pathless they tricked it's not it's out of order

it's out of water all right I hate to do this but I'm gonna need I'm

gonna need a pin for this one or something all right I got a board so to

wander it's three rayless for all right


one see this is all out of order that's why

and we are running at a time green

dungeons spoil dungeon it's three phase four

okay all right now let's listen to a poem again bright

Sun - did wander three four they have been a dungeon spoil which is three dear

doctor which is one and mine has been a fate for rayless is for all right two

three three one four four two three three one four four let's see if that

works now see if it's wrong I don't got much time to do anything else I hope I

don't have to go back down to the basement to get those keys otherwise I'm

gonna be in trouble because I don't really have time to do anything else two

three three one four four was that good but I got the right password maybe I'm

free now nope not yet

good walk a little faster since you're dying in a hole it's over I'm free I'm

finally free I spent the whole half an hour in a ditch

what No

are you sure that was her yeah yes she killed those men tortured them ah

and if I didn't manage to attack her and escape she would have killed me too

oh no that woman was the devil himself well she's dead now she won't hurt you

or anyone else anymore come on let's take you home


never saw it coming except what I did laying at the very beginning all captain

all right there we have it captive that was puzzle

II uh yeah that's that's that I guess would be it we knocked it out that

wasn't so bad

well that was good we knocked it out we'd put it away it bled less than an

hour I think yeah I think we made it under an hour that wasn't too bad so

anyways thank you for watching and I guess until next time I will see you

video it's awesome

not too sure where the timer still going

free now whoa all right I'm free just kicked me

out of the game I guess I'd really hit okay and stop

For more infomation >> Captive | WHY MUST YOU TOUCH!?! - Duration: 38:06.


[Non Copyrighted Music] Ikson - Last Summer [Future Bass] - Duration: 2:47.

BreakingCopyright: Music for videos YouTube Music Library

BreakingCopyright: Music for YouTube YouTube Music Library

Today on BreakingCopyright: Ikson

No Copyright Music (Non Copyrighted Music) Ikson - Last Summer

For more infomation >> [Non Copyrighted Music] Ikson - Last Summer [Future Bass] - Duration: 2:47.


No one can protect anyone. - Duration: 2:18.

When everyone lies...

telling the truth isn't just...


It's an act of revolution.

All of my life...

I've had to pretend to be something I wasn't...

and to become what I wanted to become...

I couldn't be what I am.

You forget...

I love pain.

I found you...

And you found me.

I'll protect you. I promise.

No one can protect me.

No one can protect anyone.

I'm done.

How could you do it?

Come back to me.

I'll never see them again.


For more infomation >> No one can protect anyone. - Duration: 2:18.


The #1 Quality That All Leaders Have - Simon Says Ep.27 - Duration: 10:15.

Hey this is Simon Chan, sprinting up this hill

A little out of breath

Give me a second

Hey anyway my Purpose Driven Life is to have a positive impact as many lives as possible

And you're watching Simon Says

Hey hey hey Simon Chan and welcome to Simon Says

The online duplication show

Where, this is your show where you ask the questions and I got your answer

And this is show where we're gonna attract online, recruit online, and duplicate online

We'll go through ten stages online duplication to help you build a successful business

So there was a guy he got called for jury duty

*crowd gasps

He was trying to get out of jury duty so he goes to the judge and says

Judge says hey, what's your excuse?

Please excuse me from jury duty because they need me at work

The judge asks him - well is there someone that can do your work?

The guy says

Well that's the problem

*slow clapping audience

Anyway hope you are not out there

You are doing the income-producing activities

You're taking action you're, you're being consistent

I know last episode we actually talked about the thing that

turned me around was being consistent

Aha moment I had, light bulb moment was

Turning from not earning anything for two and a half months to earning get my

First sign up in two weeks

Was taking consistent daily action

So anyway, let's go to do this question of the day

Irma from Florida asks -

You've built a successful business and also talked to so many leaders

What is the number one skill or quality that all top leaders have?

The number one secret to success is what?

Is to do what scares you


What is scary

So if you haven't watched that go watch episode 8

Simon Says were the number one secret to success anything in life

Is do what scares you

That gets you outside of comfort zone right

But this is interesting the number one quality

That successful people have, I guess for me

Someone actually recently at our mastermind retreat asked me that

What's my number one skill

And I think this is probably related to that, it would be

And I tell you it's not about, how to track online, recruit online, duplicate online

Those are important, it's not my social media posting

And the answer is gonna surprise you

I think the number one skill or the thing, the quality that all the top leaders have

Whether it was just me how I changed my business

From two and a half months making no money to get my first sign up two weeks later

To all these over 500 leader I've interviewed

Is the ability and the quality to be consistent

Okay consistent

And doing the business every single day

It's consistency and taking pride to be consistent

Now you may not have a day, and then people think consistency you got to go all out

I think that is the mistake, and that's a mistake you see

In all different type of industries right

Like in working out, because they want to be ripped and in great shape

They buy golf clubs, they want to be like this superstar in the golf club now

Right on the golf course

In the business, in Network Marketing you don't need to go al out like that

As long as you do something every day

This is what I see a lot of distributors do

They go all out, they may attend an event

And then boom they do something for one or two days

And then fall back

That's not going to get you much success

The number one quality of top leaders

Is that they always do something every single day

There may be some days they're not as productive

But they're doing something every single day

I'm gonna talk, share a little bit about how to be consistent

If you struggle with consistency

A lot of people feel that I'm very disciplined, I'm consistent

Is that consistency is

There's two things, number one take pride in being consistent

I think tremendous amount of pride to be consistent

know that and that consistency is a muscle

Kind of like if you go to the gym

And you've never been to the gym and someone asked you

Can you do, you know 20 push-ups?

If you never work out before you're not gonna be able to do 20 push-ups

Now if you can't do five push-ups you can't do 20 push-ups right

But you may struggle a little bit to do maybe one push-up

Or even a half push-up on your knees

And if you work on that every single day

So say you can't do one push-up but you do a half push-up

Meaning like you're on your knees doing the push-up

Got some assistance, someone's helping you out

If you do that for seven straight days, five straight days

Probably even less than that you'll be able to do one push-up

sooner or later

And then if you work on a daily doing just one push up every day

Sooner letting you be able to do two

Maybe a month from now you can do five

Six months from now you're gonna do ten

A year from now you can do 50 right

But you have to start a little bit everyday

And mostly, you know Tony Robbins told me this

Most people over estimate what they can do in the short-term

But they underestimated what they can do their long-term

It's just like push-ups you can't do 20 push-ups

You probably gonna do, you can't do one, you probably can't do in a month

But in a year you could probably do 100

If you do every single day

Say so, same thing with consistency

If you struggle with consistency

You can't even do the business for

You know, sit down for 30 minutes

Hey go out there and just send one invite

One message, if you just do one invite every day for seven straight days

And we can all have someone out there working invite

For example inviting online, we covered this in Simon Says before

But it's like, hey this may or may not before you

But I'm working on something very exciting

Was wondering if you'd be interested to learn more about it

Just setting that message out

One a day, seven straight days

You develop consistency

Following up with someone, we talked about how to follow up before

But just doing it, consistency, you'll get there

And your consistency muscle will get better, grow bigger, bigger, bigger

So how do you actually get take your first step, okay consistency

I'm gonna share a few things with you

Number one is, do you agree, you agree


Will give you results

Consistency will give you results

Okay but if you're not consistent

not consistent

Equals to no results

Right, so this is making no money

And this would be a sad face

This should be a happy

Means you're making money

Right, so if you're consistent you get results

But if you're not consistent you're not going to get results

Now how do you become consistent

You take action

Action leads to consistency

Right and then you're happy

No action if you're not taking action

Obviously there's no consistency

I'm putting no, no action equals no consistency

And you'd be sad face

Right, now how do you get action?

Because without action there's no consistency

With no consistency, you're not gonna get results

You need accountability

Because you're human, I'm human

I know those days where you just don't feel like doing it

Right, you do you don't feel like doing it, taking action

So accountability

Will give you action

Accountability creates action

If there's no accountability

If there's no accountability equals no action

No action will lead to no consistency, with no results

So what's the key here

You need action and accountability

Accountability is the key

If you watched the previous episode, Episode 26 I talked to my turning moment

My aha moment was I had someone that made me accountable every single day

Every day I treated a business like a business

I did a little bit each day

And that accountability lead me to take action

Same thing with my downline my leaders

when I went to visit him in Hoboken New Jersey

we had consistency right

Every day we spent time, made him accountable

By making him take action, this action lead to consistency

And you start becoming a little more and more consistent

And ultimately he became results and now he's a six-figure earner, stay-at-home dad

Right so number one quality

I just gave you a couple tips

Go get that action

You need action and accountability

Go get that accountability

A lot of times it may not be your upline

May not being upline, cause you're upline maybe is not that serious in the business

But you do need someone that it's on your case all the time

By the way just to let you know I have a coach as well

I have accountability partners, I talk to consistently as well

Because I'm human just like you

Even growing MLM Nation, even doing Simon Says

There's days like - 'oh you know I just don't feel like doing it'

There's other things I want to do

That's why having accountability parter, someone that's on my case every single day

Is super super important

So anyway there's other, if you want more resources

About accountability, action go to

We have more resources out there

But all the stuff about online duplication

Right learning the latest Instagram, or the latest Facebook

None of that means anything

If you don't have consistency

So make that, that's why that's number one quality that all top leaders have

Because whether you're online, offline, whatever they're doing

Building new markets, or locally, they are super consistent in the business

So anyway that is our show for today

Thank you for watching Simon Says

This is the online duplication show

Now it's time for you to be consistent

By the way if you have a question, you want me to answer your question

Go to

And just submit your questions, look forward to having your question on the show

But anyway we're out of here

Be consistent, make sure you get some action, accountability

Creates consistency

Consistency creates result

Now it's your turn, remember we're in the profession to help others

So go out there, be consistent and have a positive impact on someone's life today

God bless you all

For more infomation >> The #1 Quality That All Leaders Have - Simon Says Ep.27 - Duration: 10:15.


One day at Chernarus - Duration: 0:18.

Was that an RPG or what?

It sounded like our...


I did not shoot!

For more infomation >> One day at Chernarus - Duration: 0:18.




in the world we saw some videos yeah in the window already let's go this is the

biggest paper airplane ever

biggest paper airplane

biggest paper plane

biggest paper airplane in the world

world's biggest paper airplane

world's biggest paper plane

design it's not put together but how much would this go for a million dollars

hey we should do airplane Joe and what they want airplane save another

plea hi some wings what is it an airplane do in the classroom what put

some stuff on autopilot little skies archenemy favorite country Italy why he

likes pasta what's an airplanes favorite animal

what's the little airplanes favorite subject in school right

sky what's what's up dogs too loud in public who does the airplane always take

with him to the bar who his wingman I'm literally so much faster than cutting

you're just faster than me in taping bro encoding every time the fighter jet is

finally taped here's our loop hey this is the back that's sick we're gonna hold

from this and launch it off the mountain dude this guy is ready to fly carefully

now Wow talk to me Bobby like this lift

it's hi-c well why are you holding it from here I do it I asked you a question

using magic why you holding from here so finance it this is the final product

ok we have to put some like Eric and Gary's stuff on this room how G is that

right and raise your left hand oh my god take off

good this the other side of that mouth this is hind in the Bahamas don't you

remember it Carol in my hand there's one throw he's not going to collapse

who's gonna fly the Brahman ball 0 3 wait just a little shirt of the Bahamas

just there well that's it bad food kind of like a fighter jet kind of like a

wimp jet it was this user free to fight you saw the dropping he's like no no

please make sure to subscribe if you're new we post to original ideas every

single week yeah yeah share this video with your pilot friends


help I fallen and I can't do it up but we got bigger

For more infomation >> WE MADE THE WORLD'S BIGGEST PAPER AIRPLANE!! - Duration: 4:56.


Modern World Strike Shooting Arena 🌟 New Android Game 2018 - Duration: 3:52.

Modern World Strike Shooting Arena New Android Game 2018

For more infomation >> Modern World Strike Shooting Arena 🌟 New Android Game 2018 - Duration: 3:52.


David Hogg Takes Shot At Trump, But Hits Himself With Massive Show Of Ignorance - Duration: 7:06.

David Hogg Takes Shot At Trump, But Hits Himself With Massive Show Of Ignorance.

David Hogg is currently the loudest anti-gun voice for the left, but he just made himself

look like a bigger idiot than he ever had before.

Considering that he has displayed a lack of knowledge of the Constitution, and a lack

of decency in his interactions with government leaders, that is no small task.

You're going to love this.

David Hogg made a mind-boggling statement on Twitter on Friday.

"The NRA is scared- that's why they brought out the President and the VP for the first

time to their convention.

The young people will win," he wrote.

In those two sentences, Hogg made a number of mistakes.

For starters, getting both President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, to come

to its convention is the opposite of being scared.

It is called being defiant.

When he says that "the young people will win," who is he talking about?

Is he talking about pro-gun rights teens like Kyle Kashuv and brother of Sandy Hook victim

Jesse Lewis, JT Lewis?

Who elected Hogg the president of the youth?

But David was not done making himself look foolish.

He took his argument to his favorite network, CNN, and continued to explain his theory.

"This is the first time they had the president and the vice president come out to the annual

convention for the NRA.

What they are saying here is that they are worried, because the support we've been

getting and the support we'll have in midterms," he claimed.

the people making money off this fear and tragedy that is perpetuating itself," David

Hogg told CNN's Anderson Cooper who, as usual, did nothing to challenge him.

Hogg was joined by fellow Parkland student activist Cameron Kasky, who went after President

Donald Trump for his support of the NRA. "[Trump] was saying some things that implied that he

was stepping forward into the right direction for gun safety in this country, and then he

had a meeting with some NRA officials, a private meeting, and afterwards he came and claimed

that the Second Amendment was under siege and he was going to defend it," he said.

Kasky was referring to the speech that President Donald Trump gave at the NRA convention in

Dallas, on Friday where he said he will protect gun rights for all Americans.

"We will never give up our freedom.

We will live free and we will die free," Trump said.

"We've got to do great in 18."

David Hogg's rant came hours after he accused President Trump of committing acts of treason,

for which he got schooled by the president's supporters.

But it appears that of the lessons Hogg learned in school, he missed one of the most important.

It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all


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