what's up everybody Lazlowhere and welcome to captive the pixelated
adventure horror puzzle ooh game on Steam so continuing the run of indie
underground horror titles game we're gonna dump into this one and see what we
got hopefully it'll be good will we'll soon find out but apparently we are
captured because our first task simply to escape not a lot of other options
let's begin all right what are we escaping from that is the question
something tells me this isn't going to be a lot cheerier than the last game we
played through but you know what a play in horror games cheery and exactly what
you're looking for well things ain't looking so good cuz if that amount of
blood is outside of your body yeah not off to a hot start so uh what
where am i it's a good question where are you I can't or sorry I can't
remember anything my leg it hurts it's bleeding so much
I noticed it like spurted up the wall I think he may have hit an artery she
probably look out for that there's blood everywhere I just said that aren't you
even listening to me my goodness I have to get out of here before I bleed to
death man it's like I'm just like predicting the whole story here she just
doesn't want to listen to a word I have to say press Z to interact with the
environment oh wow oh we got a time limit here so oh alright threw me off I
was expecting to be that's can I edit the controls over here I guess not so
interact Z but I can't move with WASD I got to use the actual arrow pads so
that'll be interesting these are human remains does that mean
I'm not the first one here Oh touch touch it touch it all I did sound so
good I can't understand exactly what it is but it's definitely disgusting
alright we go look at all your own blood there's blood on the wall maybe I hit my
head there that's why I can't remember anything it doesn't explain the wound on
my leg though I don't think I need to just touch all the blood that seems a
bit excessive the wall has min has some missing bricks something is in there
what do we got stick your hand inside the random hole always a good idea a
note next open the inventory what does the note say a piece of paper was
something written on it if I don't survive and you're the next victim in
this cell there's a hole in the mattress something inside of it a lockpick that
will come in handy you think if the guy who was trapped in here who obviously
died had a lockpick he may have used it but I guess hiding it in the mattress
for the next random person to stumble along is the only logical thing can I
just open it in general I bet it's locked Oh shocker alright
well let's pick up our handy-dandy lockpick and apparently not do anything
with that how do I use the lockpick I got that all right apparently we can't
use the lock pick on the door what are we missing then
and all right yeah we've already looked at that like three times I wait wait
wait I'm not seeing the I'm reading the the words over on the left but I'm not
looking at the stuff over on the right there's a menu on the right that says
use item maybe if I looked over there I would see what I'm looking for instead
of just panning random buttons controls are a little odd starting off not gonna
lie I keep wanting to use the mouse I just need to put the mouse aside because
the mouse doesn't do anything so that's probably why X and Z because you're
supposed to play two hands on the keyboard the lock pick broke and I'm
just rambling and I'm running out of time but at least I can get out of here
now open yay I escaped does that does that mean we're done
no okay guess there's more to see you what is that that looks nasty
apparently it's nothing it's just dirt I can touch all the blood but I can't
touch the dirt there's blood here more blood more blood there's a smell coming
from that door and terrible wait I'm not sure if I want to find out why that was
a very oddly structure to sentence well I guess we're not gonna find out because
it's locked and you broke your lockpick good job Nick more blood something
happened in here that's why I can't remember anything what does she think
she hit her head on that too do they just bash your head on the wall as you
were going down the hallway don't touch it don't why are you touching everything
what's your obsession with touch just let it go it's like you're in a prison
cell it's locked they're all locked every door is locked
should get in the car and go home call an uber they get like a bloody
fingerprint I could use on it
follow the blood those are elevator buttons they go from b1 to b5 does that
mean I'm underground ah I don't know let's find out let's go to b1 we're
trying to escape I don't think there's exactly you know no point wandering
around in the basement
alright just get in the car head home can i sprint or do anything other than
that doesn't look like it looks like this is top speed
I just following the blood they just just bashed my head and as I went down
it's locked up in Chains I'll need something to break it loose cable a rat
probably ripped it out can I take the loose cable yay I've got that for some
reason more blood for me to touch with my touchy touchy self I have a feeling
of the doors locked looks like another elevator door though
what's this it's nothing it's a crack a panel with numbers insert keycard don't
have a keycard alright I knew it wasn't gonna be that
easy but can you blame a guy for trying yeah he knows alright so need a keycard
there that is chained shut wow she was slow might take a nap as I'm
transitioning levels here I got it it's an elevator door can we
just just understand and accept that I figured this out already I guess we'll
just work our way down I suppose be - I'm so used to the door automatically
open our elevator it's weird have to actually go and open it man dude some is
just like body chunks and blood like left and right it's this door doesn't
have a keyhole it's a duck I'll need something to break it open can I use a
cable no she just shakes her head no come on
come on how are you gonna use a cable to break it open
sorry snooty girl let's go down a three
all right so I must have been on four or five I'm gonna guess five because I'm
trying to escape most likely I'm trying to escape from the bottom of Louis room
well there's that just randomly spending that for no intention power panel but
there's a cable missing guess what I just conveniently have a half rat chute
cable do we have power now it's loose all right I can't fix it with my mighty
arms of miss I know that did it make any sense I I had nothing ho it's dark in
here whew alright need a flashlight I got
that I just came from there I had an idea that's where that went -
that's on three no oh I thought I went to the wrong one all right before
interesting interesting I still want a little cutscene to take me out of the
elevator I don't know why that's throwing me off but it goes against all
my gamer intuition that is where I just came from it's we're gonna be five
all right now we're getting somewhere going this is where I should have gone
in the first place right you knew you were going down to the bottom you had no
choice wait interact how do I interact with the
barrel stick my head in it oh she's like no no that that is not not gonna happen
something hanging here looks like some kind of key I could try and reach for it
but it might be dangerous let's reach for it what have you got to
lose you're dead I take it back my god what is in that
war bad swimmer oops alright good to know she can't swim she
swims worse than Mario she swims worse than Claude from Grand Theft Auto 3
lease his head then it explode into a puddle of blood when he fell in the
water alright take 2 we won't worry about the
cable for now get that later right now I guess I'll go down to the fifth floor
and see if I can find out how to get that key without exploding into red goo
let's go down best way out is under that's not true at all but I guess in
this case there dudududu whoa it's flooded interesting oh that little valve
I pulled up on the first or second floor I'm just messing with it randomly
apparently I actually somehow unfretted the basement it can be accidentally
failing into success like my whole life
all right so I think the cable was down in the little hole here only problem is
I don't remember which floor the valve was on there we go that's what we're
looking for I like it now the only question is how I randomly
turned it I think I hit it that many times whatever I did oh I wonder if I
could turn it more because if I turn it more maybe they'll take the water down
even more or it'll just fill it back up I'm not too sure I wouldn't leave into
the turn position just in case her eyes look at that stare just look so white I
just yeah all right down down down to the fifth floor
it's an elevator door I got that the first 50 times you said it I'm clever I
pick up on doodles like that doodles doodles and doodles all right it is a
small toolbox probably to fix the pipes let's see what we got y'all duct tape so
I can't fix pipes I can't grab that but I bet I could fix the loose cable on the
electrical panel that would be my guess if I fix the loose cable I can get the
electricity going what good that does me now I have no idea oh wait this is the
dark room which I'm guessing once I turn the
electricity on will get light because there's power but it's loose
I need something to fix it like my handy-dandy duct tape whoo
Dennis sound too promising did it actually work okay all right apparently
hmm means power on hey look so good a
chainsaw covered in blood it brings me a deep feeling of terror no kidding
really all right can I move boxes it up oh wait I pushed that I can well we got
a puzzle here we got a puzzle
um was that what I meant to do I don't know I think so I think I got this I
think we're good no we're not good I think I'm missed
unless I can push two boxes at once I am a Hulk although I can maybe do that and
then do that oh there we go that will work
oh we got big toolbox I can probably find something useful in it I bet you
can - pliers and a crowbar diggity all right can I
oops yeah I guess I just push boxes I can't pry them open I'm gonna trap
myself in here somehow I should probably be careful the first one she interacted
with though no not interact use the crowbar yep all right fine I don't like
you either I thought it was a clever idea bunch of
boxes and crates nothing useful some barrels one of them is empty I can't
open the other he's a crowbar no I guess that's just just just talking crazy now
why would you use a crowbar to open something Shh alright so level three is
good still can't do anything down on the one with the water
and pliers which I could probably use to cut the chain door nope I was on four
- one two one two we're gonna check one I think it was on
one yeah can you use pliers to cut a chain I don't know maybe you could use
the crowbar though
let's see locked up in Chains Chinese Flyers hey now all I need is the key
then why why would you they use why would they use keys if they locked it up
with chains it's so redundant unnecessary and doesn't seem like a door
I would want to get into nope next one one what's a funky smell can I use the
crowbar on that nope alrighty well that answers that question
oh you're just wandering at our own pace now aren't we sweetheart aren't we I'm
not gonna hurry together this murderous cough offal I found myself in and yes I
said your father oh just a little wearing all right what's behind door
number this one come on be two right doesn't have a keyhole it's stuck
that would be the crowbar that's what we're looking for
oh that don't look so good although clearly he's still it's a person he's
still breathing but his eyes are completely empty he's already dead
inside can I touch him can I reach inside like she does with everything
else oh I wanted look at the blood pack not him I guess scalpel set a surgery to
blood I have no use for it wait you have no use for a sharp weapon
when you're captive and whatever this thing is there's blood on the counter
it's still fresh can I touch it yeah I bet you could find
something useful in a first-aid kit just wow guess what did I find
only one syringe in here sure why not
what's the worst that could happen
famous last words right hmm can I interact with the stain on the ground
this is the only unlock drawer there's something in it just likes reaching in
stuff a poem was that gonna do for me I need like a little book to hold the
bright sun was extinguish'd and the stars did wander darkling in darkling
did wander darkling in the eternal space for they have been a dungeon spoil dear
doctor I have read your play and mine has been the fate of those rayless and
pathless the poem was that it didn't even rhyme was that like Clues like I
should have been paying attention to instead of mocking oppression so I was
extinguished in the Stars wandered darkly in space dungeon spoil read your
play fate of those rayless and pathless
people wandering aimlessly in the dark do I need to go wander that one room
aimlessly in the dark why do I keep hitting that I don't want to read your
poem anymore can I duct-tape up this one
hey buddy it's not looking so good for you can I give you a to duct-tape no
okay oh this is the door I broke with the
crowbar I thought she was saying it was broken I was like oh great I'm trapped
in here now looks like a corpse was dragged here a severed arm so I guess I
do need to touch the goop another right we got 14 minutes gotta figure out what
I'm supposed to use the duct tape for
what I hit uh there we go that was awkward don't hit that button
what did I just do it was morphine I feel much better this will buy me some
time oh okay all right so that doesn't mean
oh good there's gotta be something with the poem but the poem doesn't make any
sense Bryson was extinguished and the stars
did wander darkling in the eternal space for they have been a dungeon spoil dear
doctor I have read your play and mine has been the fate of those rayless and
pathless only thing I can think of is maybe there was something in the room
with all the boxes I had to move around that I missed all right nothing there I
have you something else in the hospital
there are some keys on the desk how did I miss the keys the first time I even
remotely seek he's there would come in handy all right we got keys that's a
good start so maybe I can go up I mean who knows what the door though open I
think I'm gonna try with the one on the first floor that orange door so we just
got that one broken open so it would make sense to head there next sauntering
along here without a care in the world
wait red keys
alright there I guess she just used them it's a body bag I don't want to think of
what's inside it you but I'll touch it sure
no she's like no I'm not doing that one it's a chainsaw with blood and guts all
over it pick up the chainsaw come on use it I'm
come in handy there's some pills in there maybe I should take some it looks
dangerous but what if they're a pain killer well it's like not do that
there's a notebook this is the second research notebook subject number seven
has just been brought she doesn't seem very cooperative cool a blue book a red
book and a green book let's read the blue book
I had a dream which was not all a dream the bright Sun was extinguishing the
stars did wander darkling in the eternal space rayless and pathless and the icy
earth swung blind and blackening in the moonless air okay red book dear doctor I
have read your play which is a good one in its way purchase the eyes and move
the bowels and drenches handkerchiefs like towels oh no I gotta say that was a
little better poem that rhymed a little more than the other one my limbs are
bowed though not with toil but rusted with a vile wrist boat repose for they
have been a dungeon spoil in mine has been the fate of those to whom the
goodly earth and air our band and bard forbidden fare it was a keep was it a
keypad or was it a card key I have a feeling I need to know which lines
bright star stars did wander but they have been a digit spoil I've read your
play and mine is the fate of those rayless and pathless
okay I have a feeling there's numbers there one or two three four
two three four one three two three four one three four two three four three one
four I had no idea that's a lot to remember though well I don't even have a
key card so it doesn't matter well I was disappointing I thought there'd be a
little more behind the orange door than random slam poetry so I go for hopefully
there's hopefully the key unlocks stuff down in for one of the other cells just
right now I ain't got nothing worth anything then I got a lot time left
Hey looks like this room hasn't been used yet a good news unless the door
locks behind me when I come in here it's clean unlike the others I want to want
to spend the night in one of those I think I'd rather spend the night in this
one than some of the other ones right
all right well
so there's nothing in here all right good to know let's hope this other door
has something because right now not getting a lot to work with I bet I know
why kersplat he's dead one of his arms is missing and down on the third floor
looks like he died trying to hold something let's give him the old touch a
ruski his body is stiff it's already starting to decompose well what's he
holding that's the important part a
piece of paper on the ground another clue some kind of torture device the
chains of spikes all over them yet I'm not touching that I don't want to
get hurt anything on you nasty little a mattress full of blood that's been there
for a long time as I thought all the blood is already dry since I have a
fetish with poking blood with my hand there we go gosh dangit what do I keep
hitting tab X I want inventory to be tabs so bad it's been 16 days I think
I'm going crazy she finds my diary dying in my diary my
diary I'm sure she'll kill me uh-oh I think I
might be the bad guy but that's only thing keeping me from insanity last
night in the surgery room I saw her hiding a spare key card underneath the
sink Oh winner winner chicken dinner under the
there's something on the ground Oh
see you later there mister xenomorph dude just burst in the dupatta you all
right back up to the top floor luckily all those books are on the same level
because if it wasn't I'd be a long journey to try and remember whatever
numbers I got to remember unless maybe my supposed to remember the numbers that
aren't in the poem I mean that's gotta be it right there's numbers there's
colors there's key cards I got about nine minutes to figure it
out thank goodness for morphine
apparently sounds like my death timer
although I still don't know what the duct tapes for one two three four five
six numbers okay and oh quit hitting tab how many
wines are here one two three four five six so I think I got the right idea
all right
two three four two three four two three four one two three four one two three
four one two three four one three that was not it
well if I hit to have again I'm gonna put my fist through the computer screen
rayless and pathless they tricked it's not it's out of order
it's out of water all right I hate to do this but I'm gonna need I'm
gonna need a pin for this one or something all right I got a board so to
wander it's three rayless for all right
one see this is all out of order that's why
and we are running at a time green
dungeons spoil dungeon it's three phase four
okay all right now let's listen to a poem again bright
Sun - did wander three four they have been a dungeon spoil which is three dear
doctor which is one and mine has been a fate for rayless is for all right two
three three one four four two three three one four four let's see if that
works now see if it's wrong I don't got much time to do anything else I hope I
don't have to go back down to the basement to get those keys otherwise I'm
gonna be in trouble because I don't really have time to do anything else two
three three one four four was that good but I got the right password maybe I'm
free now nope not yet
good walk a little faster since you're dying in a hole it's over I'm free I'm
finally free I spent the whole half an hour in a ditch
what No
are you sure that was her yeah yes she killed those men tortured them ah
and if I didn't manage to attack her and escape she would have killed me too
oh no that woman was the devil himself well she's dead now she won't hurt you
or anyone else anymore come on let's take you home
never saw it coming except what I did laying at the very beginning all captain
all right there we have it captive that was puzzle
II uh yeah that's that's that I guess would be it we knocked it out that
wasn't so bad
well that was good we knocked it out we'd put it away it bled less than an
hour I think yeah I think we made it under an hour that wasn't too bad so
anyways thank you for watching and I guess until next time I will see you
video it's awesome
not too sure where the timer still going
free now whoa all right I'm free just kicked me
out of the game I guess I'd really hit okay and stop
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