in this video I'm gonna be sharing with you how to heal past timelines using
quantum healing this is something that can totally change your life really
allow you to let go of past experiences and then be who you prefer to be welcome
back to another video my name is Aaron and I help people expand their
consciousness now in this video I'm gonna be sharing with you how to heal
past timelines and understanding that the only moment that really does exist
is this moment right now so in a way what we've been doing unconsciously
because we believe so much in linear time space we believe that things happen
and that's the past when it happened before and then things are happening now
then things will happen that's only from one perspective in truth time doesn't
exist the way that we think it does it's much more flexible and what is initially
happening is we are shifting through different parallel realities and
different versions of ourselves we are embody now this is what happens though
when we go through certain experiences as we are growing up what we do is we go
through different things and then we have an emotional chart we have a
pattern that we set in the present moment and based on that pattern based
on the meaning that we give to whatever happened that can end up being something
that we carry with us through each individual timeline therefore creating
the same results over and over again so what I'm gonna be doing in this video is
showing you how to moreso tap into the present moment and let go of things that
happen in the past through using an exercise that's going to help us connect
up that version of us which exists right now and then we can let it go in and
embody the way that we prefer to be so this is something that I think can be an
absolute game and this can be applied towards anything
when we understand manifestation how we create what we want in our life if we
believe and we really give so much emphasis to that of time to that of
being a past a present in the future what we end up doing is we end up making
things a lot more stretched out we make things complicated because then we
develop a story about how everything happens versus just letting go and
allowing ourselves to be present to the moment that's when we can really start
to let go and really embody a new version of ourselves but if we're not
aware of the patterns that are already running us then that will continue to
run us over and over again so what is the basis for what I'm speaking about it
has to do with connecting to a moment in time when you experienced something that
you didn't want to experience or a moment in time when you decided and you
said this is who I am this is how I have to be so maybe it was a past experience
where somebody said something to you maybe you were young maybe you remember
when you were like maybe even 10 or 11 years old and somebody said something to
you and you really started to solidify it in your mind so yes that is Who I am
maybe you were in school and you were taking a test you got a D on a test and
then somebody friends were making fun of you or something telling you that you
were dumb and then you start to say you know what maybe I am dumb
maybe that is Who I am or maybe you felt embarrassed because you didn't do well
on a test you had to bring that home to your parents maybe it was that the first
girl or a guy that you ever you know liked somehow they said something to you
that made you internalize something that then you carry around with every single
relationship that you've been in and maybe even unconsciously so there's all
these different things that could have happened and a lot of times it's stuff
that happens between were warmer in the age of about 6 to 12 now the reason that
is is because in that time period is when we're transitioning from a theta
brainwave state because we're mainly in a theta state when were born up until
about the age of six and then we transition into more of an alpha state
so in that period a lot of the beliefs are actually also wired in when we were
even younger than that but that's a big transition where a lot of people have
had experiences that then leak into the rest of their life experience without
even knowing it so the power of quantum healing technique is understanding that
in the moment right now that version of you still exists it still exists right
now and even though that seems something that's improbable or something that's
like how do i connect to that when you understand and you start to accept that
time is an illusion that the only moment that does exist right now is now then
you can connect to it in a better level now this is the exercise and this is
what you want to do you want to become aware of the memory you want to become
aware of the belief that you have about yourself that you want to let go of you
want to be aware of the reference experience that you have from back in
the day that is showing you what you can become more aware of right now so become
aware of it by asking yourself the question well what I have to believe is
true to be having this kind of experience so what you do is you ask
that question and you see what comes up and then you say what memories do I have
when this was solidified or this was formed and you wait and sometimes it may
take a day or two for you to remember that memory sometimes it'll give it to
you in your dream state but the idea is to set the intention and then to wait
for the answer in a state of presence presence simply means inside of your
body so the key is to set the intention and then to wait for the answer and
whatever answer comes up you will then realize okay this is when something
happened in my life this is when I decided that this is who I was and I had
to become something in order to shield myself from it and what you do then is
you imagine yourself right now having that conversation with that version of
you so what you would do is say it was something that happened when you are
seven or eight years old what you do is you do a visualization exercise where
you lay on the floor or meditate in a
sitting Lotus position and you breathe in breathe out you get yourself to a
very calm space and what you do is you imagine the environment of that version
of you so I may I might imagine myself at a certain age at a certain location
with certain objects around me maybe if was something when I was younger it was
me reading Harry Potter books having Pokemon cars and I imagine that
environment of those things around and then in a way that starts to bring back
more memories of that version of me and then what I do as a visualization
exercise is I invite that version of me to be sitting in front of me and I feel
very comfortable in the way that I would speak to someone that age so if it's
someone that 7 years old you don't talk to a 7 year old like the complex ideas
you more so just say hey come on buddy come over here come sit down with me I
want to talk to you for a minute and you then I would have a conversation with
myself buddy you know this one time when this person said this to you you
remember you felt really you know mad about it and you didn't understand why
they were doing that or saying that well remember when you said that or when you
this is what was really happening you can let it go that's not really you
that's them or whatever the situation is you can address it in that way but you
do it with the objects around with the environment with the vibe because in a
way that version of you hasn't healed yet so when you get to the place to
where you can talk to that version of you in a certain way what you do is you
start to then heal that timeline and this is what you then do after that you
heal the timeline by imagining you can become aware of what it is and then you
talk to that version of you and then afterwards what you do is you imagine a
different scenario of how it could have played out that would have been even
better so for example if it was a family member
telling you not approving of something you did
or calling you a name or something instead what you would do is you become
aware of it you do that exercise I talked about where we talk to that
version of ourselves at that age and we've comfort them we make them feel
comfortable and then we ask them as well if they have any message for us and then
what we do is we simply focus on how we can wire in that new memory imagine it
in the best case scenario so maybe instead of the parent saying something
or the whatever it was you imagine it happening in a better way you imagine
them saying you know what instead of if they talk down to you you imagine them
encouraging you and this is what you then do and this can be the game changer
you wire that in through visualization feel as if you were there close your
eyes and feel now as that version of you and feel as if you were there and
imagine the things happening in that new way if you imagine it three to four
times you start to wire in that new memory and then what you do is you feel
as if that is you using visualization and once you do after that is you simply
set the intention that every time in the now moment that you remember that past
memory you switch it to the new memory so you've now healed that version of you
and then you solidified in and changed your timeline now this sounds like an
esoteric idea but literally what happens every time we are in the present moment
and we remember a memory we take it out of the memory bank we look at it and we
change it a little bit and then put it back in the memory bank so sometimes
things that we remembered that way maybe we've thought about thousands of times
are totally different memories than what we put into it before or what actually
happened that's what neuroscience shows and that's what happens because we
overlay it with our beliefs and our opinions so in the same way what we can
do is literally disconnect from those timelines by healing it and then wiring
in a new one and guess what because you can then be who you
fer to be in the present moment you can let go of those past and prior timelines
you then start to change in the present moment you change your past and a way
that you really start to wire that in is by knowing this one idea and this is an
idea that I've shared before but it can really change your life you are not the
result of your past you are not the result of past reference experiences
that is not who you are you are who you choose to be in the present moment right
now because as you change your state of being as you change certain
characteristics about who you are you are also changing the past in every
moment but we have a story in our mind that says that this is Who I am so we
keep reconnecting to the old past therefore connecting and creating
similar results over and over again the key is to become present to the moment
to stop telling ourselves the story intend to be who we prefer to be that's
something that can change everything and this technique that I shared can be a
game changer letting go of past trauma letting go of things people said to you
or beliefs heal that version of you that exists in the timeline because every
time you remember that memory even subconsciously so say like you go up to
somebody and you start to talk to somebody say it's a relationship and
when you were younger you felt rejected every time you walk up to someone now
that you're attracted to that rejection memory may be slow like going through
the subconscious mind because it's a part of your timeline and you may not
even be aware of it but then what you do is you do this exercise you realize that
there was a time somebody rejected you or where you got in trouble for speaking
out even if it wasn't a romantic type thing but then you got you put yourself
out there and you got pain for it you can start to heal that timeline and then
when you do it you come at it from a fresh state so if you want also to
understand how to really create from a whole new paradigm and really to heal
yourself a house with your vibration and when you raise your vibrational set
point you will naturally start to heal your body
so what I did is I created a free guided meditation that would help you to raise
your vibrational set point so that if you feel like on a majority of the time
maybe you're at a 2 or 3 or 4 out of 10 this will help you raise it to a 7 or an
8 out of 10 that's what happened to me and that's why I made this meditation
because it will help you to get through those realizations to also become more
present to the moment to exist in that higher vibration so that's I'm you're
interested you can download it in the top of the description box below and
remember that this whole process of quantum healing is about knowing that we
are not the result of our past we are who we choose to be in the present
moment but not what we can do is heal past timelines by talking to that
version of ourselves by becoming aware of it by understanding by asking for any
message and then deciding to let that pass go and then to wire in the new
memory which then wires in the new past timeline which then will change the
momentum and will allow us to really be who we prefer to be so another thing
I'll be doing is I'll also be on Instagram doing live q and A's
you want to have more interaction with me if you want me to answer your
questions go ahead and follow me on Instagram I'll go ahead and link it
right over here right over here and other than that as always I hope you
guys enjoy this video feel free to like this video if you guys like to subscribe
if you haven't already hit that little notification here so you can see the
daily vids that I do the way YouTube does things now you actually have to hit
that button or to see my daily vids and other than that as always peace much
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