Sunday, May 6, 2018

Youtube daily report May 6 2018

hi guys! Welcome back to my channel

before getting started, I want to apologize if my voice sounds a bit off

or if it seems like I'm low energy, but

i've been quite sick for the last few days

I think it was a virus, im not sure but my throat was hurting a LOT

but I'm feeling much better now hehe

so here's another paint with me, it's been a while

a lot of you have asked on my instagram if this was a self portrait, I took it as a compliment

because I used a photo from the movie The Island

in which Scarlett Johansson is in, and I adore that woman sooo muchhhh

and of course I love to paint her and her features

This painting was actually quite a challenge for me

I wanted to throw this out of the window so many times

the photo was taken during sunset, so the light was quite hard to paint

there's an area of shade which is the hardest to paint for me

I always tend to struggle on those

I never know if I shall paint it all

but then that area was a big part of the portrait

I wasn't very sure. But then you learn a lot from mistakes

so hope you guys learn with me too :)

and hope you guys like it!

there's something i also struggle with and that's the "regard"

I believe I told you guys on my last paint with me

that I feel I don't know how to do the eyes very well

they end up looking like they're looking to different sides or something

but hey little by little I guess

i feel like if the eyes aren't working in a portrait, something big is missing

like it's quite important

but I keep trying!

I decided to paint her hair pink because

before this one I tried to do a self portrait

and I obviously did the hair pink hehe so I decided to try it again on this one

and I end up liking it a lot!I always tend to do brunettes for some reason

By the way I apologize for all the light changes

I was trying to paint during the day but I had to paint mostly at night other wise I couldnt

I was using the light from the cealing

it's honestly very shitty to paint with and very yellow so Im so so sorry

I wish i had lightbox or something

as you can see the painting changed a lot

I was thinking about doing a Patreon

and upload longer videos unedited

of all the process

I dont know if you guys would be interested

I think it can be a very cool idea

but im still thinking about it, so let me know what you guys think! :)

this is the best part: varnishing

I let it dry about 3 days and it's already completely dry because I use Galkyd as a medium

i hope you guys liked it

and I'll see you in the next one, hugs and kisses for you all!!

For more infomation >> paint with me 🌻 \\ [español] Jim Reno - Duration: 5:28.


Escándalo realeza: Revelan detalles del despiadado comportamiento de Meghan Markle con su ex pareja - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> Escándalo realeza: Revelan detalles del despiadado comportamiento de Meghan Markle con su ex pareja - Duration: 4:56.


Karmele revienta Telecinco y 'Sálvame' con graves acusaciones de abusos sexuales - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Karmele revienta Telecinco y 'Sálvame' con graves acusaciones de abusos sexuales - Duration: 2:42.


Amaia y Alfred: del España de mierda al ridículo en la votación 1 de Eurovisión - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Amaia y Alfred: del España de mierda al ridículo en la votación 1 de Eurovisión - Duration: 3:41.


Cambios en el segundo ensayo de Amaia y Alfred en Eurovisión tras las críticas de su estreno! - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Cambios en el segundo ensayo de Amaia y Alfred en Eurovisión tras las críticas de su estreno! - Duration: 3:43.


Tenso cruce entre Gastón Recondo, Facundo Manes y Juan Minujín por el aborto legal - Duration: 11:23.

For more infomation >> Tenso cruce entre Gastón Recondo, Facundo Manes y Juan Minujín por el aborto legal - Duration: 11:23.


¿Cuánta plata se dividieron Nicole Neumann y Fabián Cubero en el divorcio? - Duration: 10:43.

For more infomation >> ¿Cuánta plata se dividieron Nicole Neumann y Fabián Cubero en el divorcio? - Duration: 10:43.


7 EXPRESIONES PARA HABLAR COMO UN FRANCÉS / Pariseando - Duration: 7:30.

For more infomation >> 7 EXPRESIONES PARA HABLAR COMO UN FRANCÉS / Pariseando - Duration: 7:30.



For more infomation >> VIDA EN JAPÓN: VIVIENDO TRES DÍAS CON AMIGOS EN EL CAMPO - Duration: 15:21.


Amaia y Alfred: del España de mierda al ridículo en la votación 1 de Eurovisión - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Amaia y Alfred: del España de mierda al ridículo en la votación 1 de Eurovisión - Duration: 2:56.


Arrimadas acusa a Puigdemont de intentar reescribir la historia por hablar de "conflicto vasco" - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Arrimadas acusa a Puigdemont de intentar reescribir la historia por hablar de "conflicto vasco" - Duration: 3:08.


CONFIRMADO: Mbappé también querría jugar un Barça-Madrid - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> CONFIRMADO: Mbappé también querría jugar un Barça-Madrid - Duration: 4:03.


La competencia encarece el precio de De Ligt para el Barça - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> La competencia encarece el precio de De Ligt para el Barça - Duration: 3:25.


Florencia Peña: "Ser mamá a los 43 me empuja a tener más ganas..." - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> Florencia Peña: "Ser mamá a los 43 me empuja a tener más ganas..." - Duration: 6:21.


Acoplamiento con Stub en equipos transmisores - Duration: 8:47.

For more infomation >> Acoplamiento con Stub en equipos transmisores - Duration: 8:47.


Los Urdangarin Borbón al completo, en el maratón de Ginebra de este fin de semana - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> Los Urdangarin Borbón al completo, en el maratón de Ginebra de este fin de semana - Duration: 6:05.


(free) aloevera - [bryson tiller ...

For more infomation >> (free) aloevera - [bryson tiller ...


Toen ik ervoor koos U te volgen, o Heer - Songmission 2018 - CGN - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> Toen ik ervoor koos U te volgen, o Heer - Songmission 2018 - CGN - Duration: 4:31.


Trump's Lawyer Michael Cohen Had Clients Who Staged Car Wrecks For Personal Injury Lawsuits - Duration: 3:24.

Donald Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen has been in the headlines a lot recently, and as usual,

it's for all the wrong reasons.

But this past week, Rolling Stone came out with a phenomenal new story that shed some

light on what a horrible lawyer Michael Cohen actually was.

As it turns out, according to what Rolling Stone uncovered, Michael Cohen, during his

time before he became Donald Trump's lawyer, he was a regular auto accident attorney.

You know, probably one of those people you see on TV saying, "Call me if you've been

hurt in a wreck!

I'll get you a check!"

But he actually represented clients who were later found guilty to be setting up and staging

car accidents in order to then go back and sue so they could just make a ton of money

off of it.

Specifically, some of the scams involved having people go and rent U-Haul trucks.

They would then have somebody just sitting in a car somewhere.

The U-Haul truck would then smash into that car, and then they would sue U-Haul for renting

the vehicle to that particular person, and U-Haul paid out.

I think they made about $350,000, the people running this little scheme, who were represented

by Michael Cohen.

Now, according to Rolling Stone, Michael Cohen was not implicated in this scheme.

He just represented them.

He didn't know anything about the fact that what they were doing was illegal.

And to that I have this to tell you.

Either Michael Cohen is lying, or he's the worst attorney in this country.

In case you've never been involved in an auto accident lawsuit, let me tell you how it works.

Law firms hire investigators to investigate car crashes.

I know it seems like overkill, but that's what happens.

Many law firms actually have their own team of in-house investigators whose job it is

to go out, recreate accidents, pull background reports on everyone involved, including witnesses.

And if someone is lying, if they had a past connection in any way, be it social media,

high school, letters, emails, they uncover that.

Cell phone calls.

Just for things as simple as an auto accident.

So you can't tell me that Michael Cohen, a high priced auto accident lawyer in New York

City, didn't have investigators go out and look into these, or they just overlooked it

after they were getting several different lawsuits that they were filing against U-Haul

for these constant accidents that seem to be happening.

There is no way in hell Michael Cohen didn't know what was going on.

Either that, or he really and truly is the worst lawyer in the United States of America.

The bottom line after all of this, though ... I don't see any way Michael Cohen comes

out of the ongoing saga still being a practicing lawyer.

He's probably going to be stripped of his license, going to be disbarred, and hopefully

will never show up in court again unless it's because he's the one being accused of a crime.

For more infomation >> Trump's Lawyer Michael Cohen Had Clients Who Staged Car Wrecks For Personal Injury Lawsuits - Duration: 3:24.


HEALTHY & HAPPY • Mes Habitudes / Routines Saines #Sp ~ Ursula - Duration: 4:12.

today I wanted to talk to you about my healthy habits

it's been a while since I try to create good habits

it's not always easy to hold but I find that the periods when I arrive at

get back to it and be regular well I feel better, I'm more productive

more creative and more motivated so general to do more things and

I think it's a really good place to live. It then allows you to create

your projects around these habits

This video is in collaboration with the brand Waam

which I have already spoken to you about several times on my youtube channel that

I have known for more than two years and it is a brand that I appreciate a lot that offers

natural care, natural ingredients that you can use alone

or for your recipe preparations of natural care

if you do not know the brand feel free to go check them out

on their website besides I have a promo code for you

that I put you in info bar and you will have very soon a giveaway on instagram

I put you all the information in the info bar

the first habit you know already and which really helps me everyday

it's to write a lot of things so I have a bullet journal that

you already know to not to forget anything to be more creative too because

it allows me to rework old ideas, avoid stress

and anticipate, better manage your emotions, better manage your daily life

quite simply

sort regularly helps to free the mind

to evacuate both in your environment but also a little in your head

delete things that are not helpful

We know what we need

we know what we do, we know what we uses, we know what is important to us

know what are our priorities by sorting

we can really reduce the things we have around us and the things we have in

our head, in our planning ... to the essentials and to those we really need

start your days by what is important to you and organize your life

according to what is important to you

spend time with yourself and with

the people you love

take the time to do what you enjoy doing

what you like, take care of your mind, take care of your body

Stay stimulated by having activities that allow you to progress

to move forward, to evolve as you want

Transform what you do not like into real routines

to avoid having to think about it

all the tasks that are indispensable everyday but

not necessarily very fun to do

make them on fixed days, limited to fixed times

so that those become small to small real habits and real essential

and you know that you have to go through these every week to

then you feel better and be better in your space, better in your mind

of course have a healthy diet that fit your needs is very important

to hydrate you well, pay attention to the portions as you ingest

is important to be aware what you eat

be aware of your body, aware of your habits

also be aware of what you displeases, which makes you sad for

avoid doing these things especially when you are already sad

focus on what will make you feel better

bring this little touch of madness, unexpected, unforeseen, change

when you feel like it, like me I cut my hair

I redid my color and it made me feel so good to change my look

travel, visit new places discover new places, start

new activities, discover new artists, go to exhibitions

listen to new music, meet new people, get out of your comfort zone

and also your habits from time to time

this is the video

which I hope will inspire you will make you want to do a little more

pay attention to your habits and do in so that they are the healthiest

possible little by little but especially do not put pressure on yourself

do the best you can

and enjoy as much as possible every moment

For more infomation >> HEALTHY & HAPPY • Mes Habitudes / Routines Saines #Sp ~ Ursula - Duration: 4:12.


O bron van liefde, machtige vloed - Songmission 2018 - CGN - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> O bron van liefde, machtige vloed - Songmission 2018 - CGN - Duration: 3:38.


Judicial Watch Uncovers Soros Scheme That Puts Every American's Life At Risk - Duration: 2:20.

Judicial Watch Uncovers MONSTER Soros Scheme That Puts Every American's Life At Risk.

Judicial Watch, America's watch dog group made an amazing discovery!

Kudos go to Chris Farrell who is the Director of Investigations and Research!

Hold onto your hats, you are NOT going to believe the amount of treachery created by

a Soros funded smartphone application for illegal immigrants.

And worse, American tax payer dollars go to the deal!

The smartphone application assists illegals by avoiding American law enforcement.

Fox Business News reports: "Billionaire investor George Soros is reportedly funding

a smartphone app to help illegal immigrants avoid federal immigration authorities.

The group behind the app, Notify, is called United We Dream and was founded by an organization

that receives funding from U.S. taxpayers."

Moreover, in a tweet from Bud, he says, "A George Soros-funded smartphone app is meant

to explicitly help illegal immigrants evade federal authority.

Judicial Watch called it pretty outrageous."

To escape arrest, the app "sends notice to their friends and family, it alerts their


See tweet below.

Chris Farrell interviews with Lou Dobbs, and brings this crime to light! Lou begins by

letting us know that United We Stand is a Soros group, that also receives two-hundred

thousand dollars in Federal grant money!

THAT is outrageous.

Additionally, Chris tell us that it is a crime because it falls under "Aiding and abetting

an unlawful person into the United States."

Specifically, Chris references the law code number, 8 USC 1327.

Furthermore, United We Dream, in part, a tax payer funded group, has been around for ten


On twitter, they have over eighty thousand followers.

The latest posts ask their followers to report immigration agents in their area.That is outrageous.

Also, there are fundraising posts for DACA renewals.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Judicial Watch Uncovers Soros Scheme That Puts Every American's Life At Risk - Duration: 2:20.


Eddy Current Loss vs Hysteresis Loss - Hysteresis Loss and Eddy Current Loss - Duration: 1:25.

There are two types of Losses in an Electrical Machine.

Core Loss and Copper Loss.

Core Loss are classified into two types: Eddy Current Loss.

Hysteresis Loss.

In this video I will going to show you difference between Eddy Current Loss and Hysteresis Loss.

Eddy current losses in a metal body, due to the eddy currents flowing through it, induced

by an alternating magnetic field.

Hysteresis loss in form of heat when magnetisation of the material is made to exchange with respect

to time.

This is the formula of eddy current loss.

this is the formula of hysteresis loss.

Eddy current losses occur because of the relative motion between the core and the magnetic flux.

Hysteresis losses which occur because of the reversal of the magnetism is known as the

hysteresis loss.

The eddy current loss is minimized by using the thin core of lamination.

Hysteresis loss is minimized by the silicon steel.

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Don't forget to like and share.

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For more infomation >> Eddy Current Loss vs Hysteresis Loss - Hysteresis Loss and Eddy Current Loss - Duration: 1:25.


James Woods Issues Perfect Reality Check to Michelle Obama for Her 'Forever First Lady' Remarks - Duration: 3:43.

James Woods Issues Perfect Reality Check to Michelle Obama for Her 'Forever First Lady'

Remarks Michelle Obama may have plenty of people applauding

her decision to dub herself "forever first lady."

James Woods is not one of them.

In a perfect reality check on Wednesday, Woods tweeted that Obama needed to "(p)ump your

brakes a tad" when it came to coronating herself the permanent first lady of the nation.

Obama made the remarks during a College Signing Day event for high school seniors earlier

in the day at Temple University in Philadelphia, according to the Washington Examiner."We

need you all to be successful," Obama said.She recounted her own journey from Chicago to

Princeton and said that doubt was normal.We have such high hopes for you.

See, I am not one of those doubters.

I know that you have everything it takes to succeed," she said.

"I know you are me, and if I can be standing here as your forever first lady, then you

can do anything you put your mind to."Obama's comments attracted both plaudits and scorn

on social media.

James Woods — rather unsurprisingly — was in the scorn camp.

"With all due respect you aren't our 'forever First Lady,'" the conservative actor tweeted.

"No one is, nor should anyone be.

Pump your brakes a tad."This isn't the first instance that the Obamas have seem to

have hallucinated that they're somehow still in residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., although

it may be the most galling.To say that you're "forever first lady" is firstly to insult

the current first lady.

It's also to insult everyone that's been in the unofficial role, as well as anyone

who will ever be in the unofficial role, at least as long as Michelle Obama is still alive.

Maybe she'll even pull a Kim Il Sung — the man who still eternally "rules" North

Korea 24 years after relinquishing de facto control of the communist state via the mechanism

of death — and be your "eternal first lady."

Given the tenor of this statement and the ease with which it flowed off her tongue,

I wouldn't exactly put it past her.The fact that Michelle made the remarks with the Trumps

in the White House is hardly surprising, given the enmity between the two families — although

it does yet again suggest that the Obamas don't quite understand the reality that

they're gone.

However, does the former first lady not realize that she's essentially trivializing every

other living first lady?

It's a rare day that I find myself putting in a word of defense for Hillary Clinton,

but she, along with Laura Bush, Rosalyn Carter and Melania Trump, is implicitly being told

that she's on a different strata of first ladies, one clearly lower than Michelle.

This is to say nothing of the implied insult to future first ladies or the fact that she

made the remarks less than a month after the death of Barbara Bush, which seems like awfully

inopportune timing.

James Woods, as he so often is, is the voice of sanity here.

Michelle's indulgence of the fantasy that the Obamas will never really leave the White

House may be red meat for the liberal base, However, this is something a real first lady

— well, former first lady — would be profusely apologizing for.

We've heard no apology thus far and I don't expect to hear anything out of Michelle in

the near future.

While one hopes she takes James Woods' advice and pumps the brakes on her ego a tad, it

seems somewhat improbable that the actor is on her news feed.

A man can dream, though.

For more infomation >> James Woods Issues Perfect Reality Check to Michelle Obama for Her 'Forever First Lady' Remarks - Duration: 3:43.


We tried to shoot video at Damla Ganja Concert 2018 - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> We tried to shoot video at Damla Ganja Concert 2018 - Duration: 5:18.


¿Sabes cuándo necesitas desintoxicarte? - Duration: 7:14.

For more infomation >> ¿Sabes cuándo necesitas desintoxicarte? - Duration: 7:14.


+=+Forside Livestream Road to 40 subs+=+ - Duration: 6:51.

For more infomation >> +=+Forside Livestream Road to 40 subs+=+ - Duration: 6:51.


SAD Challenge Dance Compilation #everythingxglo #saddance - Duration: 4:56.

sad challenge dance compilation

For more infomation >> SAD Challenge Dance Compilation #everythingxglo #saddance - Duration: 4:56.


Chelsea 1-0 Liverpool: Reds dealt blow with top-four race to go to the wire - Duration: 5:08.

Chelsea 1-0 Liverpool: Reds dealt blow with top-four race to go to the wire

Liverpool stuttered when they needed to perform as they conceded vital points to Chelsea in a 1-0 defeat at Stamford Bridge on Sunday evening.

The Reds are a side who relish a big-game atmosphere, and after sealing a 7-6 aggregate win over Roma in the Champions League on Wednesday night will be buoyed as they head into another huge clash.

Though they lost in their second leg in Italy, and arrive having suffered back-to-back draws in the Premier League, Jurgen Klopps side will be aware of the stakes at Stamford Bridge.

A point will all but secure a place in Europes top tier for next season, and taking all three would guarantee another Champions League berth, though Chelsea will present a considerable challenge.

Klopp made one change to his side from midweek, as Jordan Henderson dropped to the bench and Trent Alexander-Arnold shifted forward into midfield.

This highlighted the need to perform in west London, but it ultimately proved a bridge too far for Klopps side in Fulham.

Klopp rests Henderson as Clyne comes into side at right-back Moses tees up Giroud to spring Chelsea opener at Stamford Bridge Reds struggle in tired second half with weary legs evident Liverpool still need to beat Brighton to guarantee top four.

The Reds controlled proceedings from kickoff, taking a patient approach in their buildup and seeking opportunities with long balls, with Roberto Firmino coming close early on.

Chelsea began to gain a foothold after the 10-minute mark, however, and Tiemoue Bakayoko was denied a clear opening by Olivier Giroud after a mixup in the box, before Marcos Alonso tested Loris Karius from range.

Sadio Mane stung the palms of Thibaut Courtois with a powerful effort, before the Belgian made a vital intervention to thwart Virgil van Dijk after Alexander-Arnolds resulting corner.

Despite the focus on Mohamed Salah in the buildup, Mane was the key man in the first half, with the Senegalese determined to beat Courtois for his 20th goal of the season.

But it proved to be the hosts who broke the deadlock, with ex-Liverpool winger Victor Moses beating Andy Robertson on the flank to deliver a cross for Giroud to head home in trademark fashion.

A difficult first half for Salah was compounded by a booking for an embarrassing dive, as the Reds lost their footing after a bright start to the game.

Chelsea kept up the momentum after the break, with the elusive Eden Hazard particularly impressive as he danced through the Liverpool back line with ease.

They had the ball in the back of the net again before the hour mark, but Antonio Rudigers effort was ruled out in a major let-off for the Reds.

Klopp took the initiative and replaced Clyne with Henderson soon after, with Alexander-Arnold returning to right-back after his more experienced counterparts difficult afternoon in his home city.

The pattern of the clash remained the same, however, with Chelsea the more threatening side, prompting Klopp to send on ex-Blues striker Dominic Solanke in pursuit of an equaliser.

Hendersons first-time delivery from deep almost saw Cesar Azplicueta divert the ball past Courtois, but the Belgian was in the right place to make the recovery.

Liverpool continued to push but Chelseas firm defence held on, with Klopp now needing wins in the final two games of the season to ensure a successful campaign.

TIA Man of the Match: James Milner.

Next Match: Brighton (H) – Premier League – May 13.

For more infomation >> Chelsea 1-0 Liverpool: Reds dealt blow with top-four race to go to the wire - Duration: 5:08.


AWESOME! Trump Tweeted The Best Cinco De Mayo Photo Of Himself And Sent Every Liberal Into Cardiac A - Duration: 6:04.

AWESOME! Trump Tweeted The Best Cinco De Mayo Photo Of Himself And Sent Every Liberal Into

Cardiac Arrest.

President Trump marked Cinco de Mayo on Saturday by hailing "the significant contributions

of Mexican Americans to the United States."

"Today, we honor the heritage of our neighbors to the south, and we celebrate the significant

contributions of Mexican Americans to the United States," Trump said in a statement.

The statement also went on to recount the Battle of Puebla, the 1862 confrontation between

the Mexican Army and the French Empire that Cinco De Mayo memorializes.

"Though they were outnumbered and facing one of the strongest militaries in the world,

the determined Mexican soldiers overcame the French force and proved their place in history

as valiant defenders of Mexico's liberty and right to self-government," Trump said.

"Melania joins me in sending our best wishes for an enjoyable day.

Feliz Cinco de Mayo!"

The statement echoed Trump's comments last year when he said that the U.S. honored "the

Mexican-Americans whose fighting spirit and patriotism have been influential in shaping

the character of our great Nation."

But today for Cinco de Mayo Donald Trump Jr. decided to start the day off by ruffling a

few liberal feathers by calling attention to the second anniversary of his favorite

tweet his father has ever sent.

Liberals continue to tout that President Trump has a controversial record on Mexico and people

of Mexican heritage.

They whine that he launched his presidential campaign in 2016 by accusing Mexico of "sending

people that have lots of problems" to the U.S. and has repeatedly vowed to build a border

wall between the two nations, not unlike the one Mexico has on its southern border.

But they conveniently always forget to mention that the statistics actually back up his claims

and even Mexico has a tough immigration policy.

One where if you are caught illegally in that nation you are subject to a mandatory two-year

prison term before you actually even get deported to whatever nation you snuck in from.

But the U.S. is never afforded that luxury, for who knows what reason."Mexican President

Felipe Calderon denounced as "racial discrimination" an Arizona law giving state and local police

the authority to arrest suspected illegal immigrants and vowed to use all means at his

disposal to defend Mexican nationals against a law he called a "violation of human rights."

But the legislation, signed April 23 by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, is similar to Reglamento

de la Ley General de Poblacion — the General Law on Population enacted in Mexico in April

2000, which mandates that federal, local and municipal police cooperate with federal immigration

authorities in that country in the arrests of illegal immigrants.

Under the Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony, punishable by up to two years

in prison.

Immigrants who are deported and attempt to re-enter can be imprisoned for 10 years.

Visa violators can be sentenced to six-year terms.

Mexicans who help illegal immigrants are considered criminals.

The law also says Mexico can deport foreigners who are deemed detrimental to "economic

or national interests," violate Mexican law, are not "physically or mentally healthy"

or lack the "necessary funds for their sustenance" and for their dependents.

"This sounds like the kind of law that a rational nation would have to protect itself

against illegal immigrants — that would stop and punish the very people who are violating

the law," said Rep. Steve King of Iowa, ranking Republican on the House Judiciary

subcommittee on immigration, citizenship, refugees, border security and international


"Why would Mr. Calderon have any objections to an Arizona law that is less draconian than

his own, one he has pledged to enforce?"

Mr. King said.

Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona, the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary subcommittee on terrorism

and homeland security, described Mr. Calderon's comments as "hypocritical to say the least."

"I would have expected more from Mr. Calderon," said Mr. Kyl, who serves as the Senate minority


"We are spending millions of dollars to help Mexico fight the drug cartels that pose

a threat to his government, and he doesn't seem to recognize our concerns.

He ought to be apologizing to us instead of condemning us."

Mr. Kyl, along with fellow Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain, has introduced a 10-point

comprehensive border security plan to combat illegal immigration, drug and human smuggling,

and violent crime along the southwestern border.

It includes the deployment of National Guard troops, an increase in U.S. Border Patrol

agents and 700 miles of fencing, along with other equipment and funding upgrades.

He said skyrocketing violence on the border, including the recent killing of an Arizona

rancher by an illegal immigrant he had gone to assist, has not gone unnoticed by the public,

adding that until the federal government provides the necessary funding and manpower to adequately

secure the southwestern border, Arizona will not long remain the only state to pass legislation

to do it on its own.

Rep. Ted Poe, Texas Republican and a member of the House Judiciary and Foreign Affairs

committees, described Mr. Calderon's criticism as "arrogant and hypocritical."

He said Mexico's immigration laws are "even tougher than those in the United States"

and it was inappropriate to denounce the Arizona law when "Mexico does the very same thing."

"Mexico wants people to come to the United States and to send their money home," he


"They want to make their problems our problems — that's their foreign policy.

President Calderon should spend more time focusing on problems in his own country instead

of criticizing Arizona for doing what Mexican law requires its own to do."

what do you think about this?

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USA facts today.

For more infomation >> AWESOME! Trump Tweeted The Best Cinco De Mayo Photo Of Himself And Sent Every Liberal Into Cardiac A - Duration: 6:04.


Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam edition stream - Duration: 1:20:15.

For more infomation >> Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam edition stream - Duration: 1:20:15.


BYU Women's Conference 2018 - Elder and Sister Gong - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> BYU Women's Conference 2018 - Elder and Sister Gong - Duration: 1:01.


Kanye Slams Obama with Bombshell Tweet, Roseanne Flies in to Finish Him Off - Duration: 3:49.

Kanye Slams Obama with Bombshell Tweet, Roseanne Flies in to Finish Him Off.

Kanye West's Twitter account may have replaced Donald Trump's as the most watched in the


The only consolation to the president, should this irk him, is that it's all because Kanye

deigned to praise President Trump, and slam former President Barack Obama.

While we've all seen plenty of tweets from the rap superstar in the news of late, this

one is probably his best:

In fact, Chicago may have gotten worse during that period.

But never mind that, at least as far as the media was concerned.

This didn't get as much play as his "dragon energy," remarks and it's easy to see

why unlike stuff that can be mocked and used to create a narrative about Kanye, this raises

an uncomfortable question about the city that both the former president and rapper have

called home.

In a series of tweets on Thursday that have since been deleted, another prominent Trump

supporter who's received flak Roseanne Barr stood, by the rapper's characterization

of the Windy City.

"(Kanye) is telling the truth about (Mayor Rahm Emanuel's) Chicago," the sitcom star

wrote, according to Breitbart.

"Ppl (sic) do not want to hear the truth-that Chicago could be a better city for its citizens,

but the establishment is corrupted."

In a follow-up tweet, she added, "Let's do something about #Chicago — all of us…

instead of hurling insults and division.

"Let's try efficient government and unity JUST THIS ONCE!"

That's unlikely to happen, of course, at least as long as the city remains in the hands

of Mayor Emanuel, formerly President Obama's chief of staff, who has overseen Chicago's

descent into America's gun crime capital despite some of America's most draconian

gun laws.

In fact, a 2017 study revealed that 20 percent of the increase in violent crime in the United

States could be traced to Chicago alone, and 10 percent of it to just five neighborhoods.

"Crime is incredibly geographically concentrated … which suggests that any sort of take on

what's causing this has to take an incredibly nuanced look because it's not just what

makes Chicago different from New York City, it's what makes one neighborhood in Chicago

different from other neighborhoods," John Pfaff, a law professor at Fordham University

in New York City, said at the time of the study's release.

The fact that it's geographically concentrated in Chicago, however, is no surprise.

During the Obama administration, which was supposedly a renaissance for African-Americans

in this country, Chicago saw a dramatic rise in crime.

It also also fell from seventh to 21st when it came to the percentage of black households

earning over $100,000 a year, according to the Chicago Tribune.

And yet, Cook County — the county where Chicago is located — also has the largest

number of black residents in the United States.

That number is dwindling, thanks to black flight from the city.

However, it raises the question: If Obama was so great for African-Americans, what the

heck happened to Chicago?

That's a question Kanye would like answered.

Roseanne wouldn't mind an answer, either, from the sound of things.

Sadly, that request is going to get lost in the media speculation over Kanye's sanity

and coverage of his other comments regarding slavery.

If the media's so willing to spend time on that, however, they should also be willing

to spend some time covering what's happened to the town Barack Obama likes to call home.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

USA facts today.

For more infomation >> Kanye Slams Obama with Bombshell Tweet, Roseanne Flies in to Finish Him Off - Duration: 3:49.


How to Get Rid of Dandruff Naturally - Best Dandruff Treatments - Duration: 6:03.

take few seconds to subscribe our channel and click the bell icon button

so you will get all notification of our latest updates if you are looking for

how to get rid of dandruff naturally and permanently so watch this video now

we've identified the best treatments to remove dandruff easily with these

natural remedies that we are going to give you in this video if you've ever

wondered what all those little white flakes on your pretty black dress here's

a slight hint it's dandruff but don't worry if you are suffering from dandruff

problems so say goodbye to your anti dandruff shampoo and use these homemade

treatments to get rid of those pesky white flakes stay with us and follow

this video completely let's begin

here's what you need to know first to get rid of dandruff naturally dandruff

is a prevalent skin condition that nearly all people experience at some

point in their lives dandruff can produced by some things including dry

skin sensitivity to hair products skin conditions such as separate dermatitis

eczema psoriasis could also cause it or very commonly an overgrowth of yeast

like a fungus called malice Athiya can also causes of dandruff here are some

natural techniques and the best solutions to treat dandruff problem at

home that too with ingredients lying right on your kitchen shelf number one

use olive oil to stop dandruff apply olive oil before going to wash your hair

we'll leave it on your scalp about 5 to 10 minutes before washing your hair you

can also apply olive oil on your scalp before going to bed use olive oil daily

for a few weeks before applying olive oil cover your head with a cotton cap or

towel also use an own pillowcase to absorb the oil you should get a dandruff

free add in a few days number two take massage of coconut oil and lemon juice

for dandruff removal coconut oil nourishes your hair and lemon juice

helps to treat dandruff at home it contains citric acid that helps to

fight Andrew from the roots of hair follicles you should apply this most

natural dandruff home remedy method to apply take 2 tablespoons of coconut oil

heat up it and mix it with equal amounts of lemon juice gently massage your scalp

with a mixture we'll leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing it off with a

good shampoo number 3 make a neem leaf infusion for dandruff treatment neem

leaves have antibacterial antifungal and anti-inflammatory qualities and are used

to treat many skin conditions in homeopathic medicine method to apply

boil a handful of neem leaves in 4 cups of water cool and strain the solution

rinse your hair with this solution two or three times a week number four use

lemon juice in Curt to treat dandruff take a bowl of curd and cut a lemon in

half then squeeze the lemon juice into the curtain'd mix them well keep the

piece of peel from the lemon apply the curd and lemon juice mixer on your hair

use the peel to apply and rub through with it then massage the scalp with the

inside of the lemon skin after the Curtis in your hair then rinse it off

with a mild shampoo repeat this method at least twice in the week so that you

will have no more dandruff number 5 apply some diluted apple cider vinegar

to your scalp to stop dandruff apple cider vinegar used in many of the best

home remedies for dandruff and hair fall it neutralizes the pH levels of your

scalp eliminating many causes of natural dandruff method to apply combine the

equal amount of vinegar and water in a spray bottle spritzer

it in a towel and let it sit for 20 minutes to a half hour then rinse it off

with shampoo as usual number 6 massage your head with baking soda to get rid of

dandruff in one wash baking soda can help comeback various fungi on your

scalp instead of shampooing as usual method to

apply wet your hair with water and rub a handful of baking soda onto your scalp

after a couple of minutes rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water repeat

this remedy once or twice a week for a few weeks without shampooing your hair

may look oily for a few days but the natural oils in your scalp should

balance out and leave you with a healthy scalp and

healthy hair number seven try tea tree oil for dandruff problem tea tree oil is

a natural antiseptic anti-inflammatory and antibacterial also tea tree oil has

the fantastic smell shampoos with at least 5% tea tree oil had been cure

dandruff efficiently method to apply add a few drops to your shampoo then rub the

tea tree oil shampoo into your scalp and let sit for five minutes then rinse with

water repeating this method once daily now you have learned how to get rid of

dandruff naturally at home with these natural remedies I hope you find this

video helpful if yes then please press the like button below and share it with

your friends make sure you subscribe us because we are making daily DIY limited

videos every single day if you have a request for a video so please be sure to

leave it in the comment section below thank you for watching take care bye bye

For more infomation >> How to Get Rid of Dandruff Naturally - Best Dandruff Treatments - Duration: 6:03.


Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo | Veja o que aconteceu no 1º semestre da UFPR - Duration: 7:13.

For more infomation >> Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo | Veja o que aconteceu no 1º semestre da UFPR - Duration: 7:13.


연예인 안 부럽다 BJ로 전향한 연예인들이 실제 5일간 벌어들인 수입 - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> 연예인 안 부럽다 BJ로 전향한 연예인들이 실제 5일간 벌어들인 수입 - Duration: 3:05.


396 БАКЛАЖАНЫ высадка рассады в открытый грунт Баклажаны в горчице - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> 396 БАКЛАЖАНЫ высадка рассады в открытый грунт Баклажаны в горчице - Duration: 3:45.


Boom Bap Type Beat

For more infomation >> Boom Bap Type Beat


I Threw Myself a Funeral - Duration: 5:38.

[blows nose] So, two big things since we last spoke...

2 months ago.


I'm bad at making videos.

It was because I was trying not to fail all of my classes, which...

I think I did!

So big thing number one!

Finished all my classes!


And big thing number two!

I turned 20!

Party popper noise!

To celebrate, I came back to my family home to surround myself with the people I love

and their food.

Mainly the free food, because I feel like when you have kids, you kind of sign up for

the fact that... they gonna eat all of your food.

And while I was scrounging around, I came across my old business cards.

And I got these things with express delivery because I forgot to make them for an event

and then when the event came around, i forgot to bring them and subsequently, never used them!

There are so many!

They're a dictionary definition of me.

Would've been all well and good because it goes, NerdyAndQuirky,

(1) a sometimes funny youtuber... still holds.

(2) a regrettable username... still holds.

(3) A Canadian Teenager.


I'm 20 y'all.

Not twenteen.

I am officially... old.

So here's the thing, you might be thinking 20 isn't that old.

But you're only thinking that because you are around or above 20.

For kids, which I was for the literal majority of my life.

20 is SUPER old.

One time, a couple of 10 year olds told me how old they thought I was.

I didn't ask, they were just feeling helpful.

And they just said, 34.


But I'm out here trying to age gracefully, you're not going to catch me when I'm actually

34 trying to relate to the youth.

So i decided to throw a funeral for my teenage self.

And for that, I need a few things.

Some plants.

A glass bowl.

Some rocks.

Some dirt.

Air dry clay.

And some friends.

So I was going to make a facebook event for my funeral, but the power's out.

So that's not gonna work.

So I guess I'm just going to go the old fashioned way and... call people?

[phone rings]


Uh, do you want to come to my funeral?

Do you just have dentist?

He hung up!

I should have other friends, right?

Hi, uh, do you want to go to my funeral?


You wanna come?



Okay, see you soon!

I'm dead!


Okay so, obviously, my teenage self isn't actually dead because that would be a nightmare

of a time travel paradox.

But i do feel different.

I guess that I've never felt the right age.

When I was young, I felt like an old person and the older I get, the more I feel like

a lost little kid.

I've never felt at home in my age, or in my generation.

And that got me thinking about how we define generations.

Now here's the thing, generations as we know them really only exist for the media to blame

things on groups of people and marketers to sell things to those same groups of people.

It's snappy!

It's easy!

It's rarely accurate!

Bu the basis of separation is events.

Events so massive that they change an entire generations outlook on life.

These usually occur during their formative years.

Think about World War II.

That's how the GI Generation and the Silent Generation came around.

And the follow peace gave birth to the idealistic Baby Boomer.

And then things went downhill as they usually do, but it was never as focused as the war.

So there wasn't an easy label floating around.

That's why there's an X in Generation X.

And then there are Millennials, these are people who grew up during the recession and

saw the early internet.

I always thought that I was a Millennial.

I remember the old YouTube homepage, but I don't remember MySpace.

I watched Hannah Montana, but I never listened to N'Sync.

Bye bye bye.



So if I'm not a Millennial, I have to be the next group, right?

I have to be Generation Z.

But I'm not that either!

These are people who grew up with wifi enabled tablets in their hand, I got my first phone

in the ninths grade and it didn't have apps.

I don't know where I am.

And when I growing up, not having a label really bothered me!

Look at my username: NerdyAndQuirky.

But now that I'm 20 and leaving my formative years behind, I don't know!

It doesn't bother me as much!

I've kind of accepted the fact that the world isn't made out of black and whites with a

few gray exceptions.

Instead, it's made entirely of gray.

Of maybes and uncertainties, and I'm always just one step away from having a full blown

existential crisis!

And that's okay, I guess.

I'm not a kid anymore, but I'm not an adult.

I pay for my internet but I don't pay for my Netflix subscription.

And i guess that's my eulogy for my teenage self.

A goodbye to a label.

A goodbye to wanting labels.

And a welcoming of confusion.

Speaking of which...

I don't know why...

Acting like this is written down here.

This is my jury summons.

I have to do jury duty!

So rest in peace, NerdyAndQuirky.

And hello, Sabrina Cruz.

That's me!


Nice to meet ya!

I feel like we've met before.

So just like me, this channel might change a bit.

You might've been able to tell with this video.

But if you're still a little bit nerdy and or a little bit quirky,

I'm sure that we'll still get along.

For more infomation >> I Threw Myself a Funeral - Duration: 5:38.


Javamakakker i Baluran - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Javamakakker i Baluran - Duration: 2:57.



For more infomation >> I PLAYED WITH SLIPPER ON MY HAND! ( MİNECRAFT ) - Duration: 12:58.


paint with me 🌻 \\ [español] Jim Reno - Duration: 5:28.

hi guys! Welcome back to my channel

before getting started, I want to apologize if my voice sounds a bit off

or if it seems like I'm low energy, but

i've been quite sick for the last few days

I think it was a virus, im not sure but my throat was hurting a LOT

but I'm feeling much better now hehe

so here's another paint with me, it's been a while

a lot of you have asked on my instagram if this was a self portrait, I took it as a compliment

because I used a photo from the movie The Island

in which Scarlett Johansson is in, and I adore that woman sooo muchhhh

and of course I love to paint her and her features

This painting was actually quite a challenge for me

I wanted to throw this out of the window so many times

the photo was taken during sunset, so the light was quite hard to paint

there's an area of shade which is the hardest to paint for me

I always tend to struggle on those

I never know if I shall paint it all

but then that area was a big part of the portrait

I wasn't very sure. But then you learn a lot from mistakes

so hope you guys learn with me too :)

and hope you guys like it!

there's something i also struggle with and that's the "regard"

I believe I told you guys on my last paint with me

that I feel I don't know how to do the eyes very well

they end up looking like they're looking to different sides or something

but hey little by little I guess

i feel like if the eyes aren't working in a portrait, something big is missing

like it's quite important

but I keep trying!

I decided to paint her hair pink because

before this one I tried to do a self portrait

and I obviously did the hair pink hehe so I decided to try it again on this one

and I end up liking it a lot!I always tend to do brunettes for some reason

By the way I apologize for all the light changes

I was trying to paint during the day but I had to paint mostly at night other wise I couldnt

I was using the light from the cealing

it's honestly very shitty to paint with and very yellow so Im so so sorry

I wish i had lightbox or something

as you can see the painting changed a lot

I was thinking about doing a Patreon

and upload longer videos unedited

of all the process

I dont know if you guys would be interested

I think it can be a very cool idea

but im still thinking about it, so let me know what you guys think! :)

this is the best part: varnishing

I let it dry about 3 days and it's already completely dry because I use Galkyd as a medium

i hope you guys liked it

and I'll see you in the next one, hugs and kisses for you all!!

For more infomation >> paint with me 🌻 \\ [español] Jim Reno - Duration: 5:28.


This Is Dumb And Shouldn't Exist 5 - Duration: 0:47.





who did this

Fox child wha-


b e g o n e

o o f



he protecc

he giv monie



Sed boi


le stare


pickles are one hell of a drug


Helpy is seeing the depths of hell

*when someone enters your room without permission*

For more infomation >> This Is Dumb And Shouldn't Exist 5 - Duration: 0:47.


.308 plinking load part 4 - Sierra 125gr and Vectan SP7 - Duration: 8:30.

For more infomation >> .308 plinking load part 4 - Sierra 125gr and Vectan SP7 - Duration: 8:30.


Altered Purse with Mini Album Cover- Mixed Media Tutorial - Duration: 34:32.

For more infomation >> Altered Purse with Mini Album Cover- Mixed Media Tutorial - Duration: 34:32.


Maëlle et B. Demi-Mondaine | I put a spell on you | Annie Lennox - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Maëlle et B. Demi-Mondaine | I put a spell on you | Annie Lennox - Duration: 3:34.


Márkó - I Have Nothing (Whitney Houston COVER) - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Márkó - I Have Nothing (Whitney Houston COVER) - Duration: 4:48.


華為下了一步大棋早已布局5G技術,推廣速度提升近百倍 - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> 華為下了一步大棋早已布局5G技術,推廣速度提升近百倍 - Duration: 4:27.


V.O. Kiran Bir Sethi: "I want every child to be able to say "I Can" - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> V.O. Kiran Bir Sethi: "I want every child to be able to say "I Can" - Duration: 6:40.


沙特賣給中國原油又漲價,卻對歐美降價!中國這一招讓沙特亂套! - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> 沙特賣給中國原油又漲價,卻對歐美降價!中國這一招讓沙特亂套! - Duration: 5:44.


How to Heal A Past Timeline using the Quantum Healing Technique - Duration: 14:47.

in this video I'm gonna be sharing with you how to heal past timelines using

quantum healing this is something that can totally change your life really

allow you to let go of past experiences and then be who you prefer to be welcome

back to another video my name is Aaron and I help people expand their

consciousness now in this video I'm gonna be sharing with you how to heal

past timelines and understanding that the only moment that really does exist

is this moment right now so in a way what we've been doing unconsciously

because we believe so much in linear time space we believe that things happen

and that's the past when it happened before and then things are happening now

then things will happen that's only from one perspective in truth time doesn't

exist the way that we think it does it's much more flexible and what is initially

happening is we are shifting through different parallel realities and

different versions of ourselves we are embody now this is what happens though

when we go through certain experiences as we are growing up what we do is we go

through different things and then we have an emotional chart we have a

pattern that we set in the present moment and based on that pattern based

on the meaning that we give to whatever happened that can end up being something

that we carry with us through each individual timeline therefore creating

the same results over and over again so what I'm gonna be doing in this video is

showing you how to moreso tap into the present moment and let go of things that

happen in the past through using an exercise that's going to help us connect

up that version of us which exists right now and then we can let it go in and

embody the way that we prefer to be so this is something that I think can be an

absolute game and this can be applied towards anything

when we understand manifestation how we create what we want in our life if we

believe and we really give so much emphasis to that of time to that of

being a past a present in the future what we end up doing is we end up making

things a lot more stretched out we make things complicated because then we

develop a story about how everything happens versus just letting go and

allowing ourselves to be present to the moment that's when we can really start

to let go and really embody a new version of ourselves but if we're not

aware of the patterns that are already running us then that will continue to

run us over and over again so what is the basis for what I'm speaking about it

has to do with connecting to a moment in time when you experienced something that

you didn't want to experience or a moment in time when you decided and you

said this is who I am this is how I have to be so maybe it was a past experience

where somebody said something to you maybe you were young maybe you remember

when you were like maybe even 10 or 11 years old and somebody said something to

you and you really started to solidify it in your mind so yes that is Who I am

maybe you were in school and you were taking a test you got a D on a test and

then somebody friends were making fun of you or something telling you that you

were dumb and then you start to say you know what maybe I am dumb

maybe that is Who I am or maybe you felt embarrassed because you didn't do well

on a test you had to bring that home to your parents maybe it was that the first

girl or a guy that you ever you know liked somehow they said something to you

that made you internalize something that then you carry around with every single

relationship that you've been in and maybe even unconsciously so there's all

these different things that could have happened and a lot of times it's stuff

that happens between were warmer in the age of about 6 to 12 now the reason that

is is because in that time period is when we're transitioning from a theta

brainwave state because we're mainly in a theta state when were born up until

about the age of six and then we transition into more of an alpha state

so in that period a lot of the beliefs are actually also wired in when we were

even younger than that but that's a big transition where a lot of people have

had experiences that then leak into the rest of their life experience without

even knowing it so the power of quantum healing technique is understanding that

in the moment right now that version of you still exists it still exists right

now and even though that seems something that's improbable or something that's

like how do i connect to that when you understand and you start to accept that

time is an illusion that the only moment that does exist right now is now then

you can connect to it in a better level now this is the exercise and this is

what you want to do you want to become aware of the memory you want to become

aware of the belief that you have about yourself that you want to let go of you

want to be aware of the reference experience that you have from back in

the day that is showing you what you can become more aware of right now so become

aware of it by asking yourself the question well what I have to believe is

true to be having this kind of experience so what you do is you ask

that question and you see what comes up and then you say what memories do I have

when this was solidified or this was formed and you wait and sometimes it may

take a day or two for you to remember that memory sometimes it'll give it to

you in your dream state but the idea is to set the intention and then to wait

for the answer in a state of presence presence simply means inside of your

body so the key is to set the intention and then to wait for the answer and

whatever answer comes up you will then realize okay this is when something

happened in my life this is when I decided that this is who I was and I had

to become something in order to shield myself from it and what you do then is

you imagine yourself right now having that conversation with that version of

you so what you would do is say it was something that happened when you are

seven or eight years old what you do is you do a visualization exercise where

you lay on the floor or meditate in a

sitting Lotus position and you breathe in breathe out you get yourself to a

very calm space and what you do is you imagine the environment of that version

of you so I may I might imagine myself at a certain age at a certain location

with certain objects around me maybe if was something when I was younger it was

me reading Harry Potter books having Pokemon cars and I imagine that

environment of those things around and then in a way that starts to bring back

more memories of that version of me and then what I do as a visualization

exercise is I invite that version of me to be sitting in front of me and I feel

very comfortable in the way that I would speak to someone that age so if it's

someone that 7 years old you don't talk to a 7 year old like the complex ideas

you more so just say hey come on buddy come over here come sit down with me I

want to talk to you for a minute and you then I would have a conversation with

myself buddy you know this one time when this person said this to you you

remember you felt really you know mad about it and you didn't understand why

they were doing that or saying that well remember when you said that or when you

this is what was really happening you can let it go that's not really you

that's them or whatever the situation is you can address it in that way but you

do it with the objects around with the environment with the vibe because in a

way that version of you hasn't healed yet so when you get to the place to

where you can talk to that version of you in a certain way what you do is you

start to then heal that timeline and this is what you then do after that you

heal the timeline by imagining you can become aware of what it is and then you

talk to that version of you and then afterwards what you do is you imagine a

different scenario of how it could have played out that would have been even

better so for example if it was a family member

telling you not approving of something you did

or calling you a name or something instead what you would do is you become

aware of it you do that exercise I talked about where we talk to that

version of ourselves at that age and we've comfort them we make them feel

comfortable and then we ask them as well if they have any message for us and then

what we do is we simply focus on how we can wire in that new memory imagine it

in the best case scenario so maybe instead of the parent saying something

or the whatever it was you imagine it happening in a better way you imagine

them saying you know what instead of if they talk down to you you imagine them

encouraging you and this is what you then do and this can be the game changer

you wire that in through visualization feel as if you were there close your

eyes and feel now as that version of you and feel as if you were there and

imagine the things happening in that new way if you imagine it three to four

times you start to wire in that new memory and then what you do is you feel

as if that is you using visualization and once you do after that is you simply

set the intention that every time in the now moment that you remember that past

memory you switch it to the new memory so you've now healed that version of you

and then you solidified in and changed your timeline now this sounds like an

esoteric idea but literally what happens every time we are in the present moment

and we remember a memory we take it out of the memory bank we look at it and we

change it a little bit and then put it back in the memory bank so sometimes

things that we remembered that way maybe we've thought about thousands of times

are totally different memories than what we put into it before or what actually

happened that's what neuroscience shows and that's what happens because we

overlay it with our beliefs and our opinions so in the same way what we can

do is literally disconnect from those timelines by healing it and then wiring

in a new one and guess what because you can then be who you

fer to be in the present moment you can let go of those past and prior timelines

you then start to change in the present moment you change your past and a way

that you really start to wire that in is by knowing this one idea and this is an

idea that I've shared before but it can really change your life you are not the

result of your past you are not the result of past reference experiences

that is not who you are you are who you choose to be in the present moment right

now because as you change your state of being as you change certain

characteristics about who you are you are also changing the past in every

moment but we have a story in our mind that says that this is Who I am so we

keep reconnecting to the old past therefore connecting and creating

similar results over and over again the key is to become present to the moment

to stop telling ourselves the story intend to be who we prefer to be that's

something that can change everything and this technique that I shared can be a

game changer letting go of past trauma letting go of things people said to you

or beliefs heal that version of you that exists in the timeline because every

time you remember that memory even subconsciously so say like you go up to

somebody and you start to talk to somebody say it's a relationship and

when you were younger you felt rejected every time you walk up to someone now

that you're attracted to that rejection memory may be slow like going through

the subconscious mind because it's a part of your timeline and you may not

even be aware of it but then what you do is you do this exercise you realize that

there was a time somebody rejected you or where you got in trouble for speaking

out even if it wasn't a romantic type thing but then you got you put yourself

out there and you got pain for it you can start to heal that timeline and then

when you do it you come at it from a fresh state so if you want also to

understand how to really create from a whole new paradigm and really to heal

yourself a house with your vibration and when you raise your vibrational set

point you will naturally start to heal your body

so what I did is I created a free guided meditation that would help you to raise

your vibrational set point so that if you feel like on a majority of the time

maybe you're at a 2 or 3 or 4 out of 10 this will help you raise it to a 7 or an

8 out of 10 that's what happened to me and that's why I made this meditation

because it will help you to get through those realizations to also become more

present to the moment to exist in that higher vibration so that's I'm you're

interested you can download it in the top of the description box below and

remember that this whole process of quantum healing is about knowing that we

are not the result of our past we are who we choose to be in the present

moment but not what we can do is heal past timelines by talking to that

version of ourselves by becoming aware of it by understanding by asking for any

message and then deciding to let that pass go and then to wire in the new

memory which then wires in the new past timeline which then will change the

momentum and will allow us to really be who we prefer to be so another thing

I'll be doing is I'll also be on Instagram doing live q and A's

you want to have more interaction with me if you want me to answer your

questions go ahead and follow me on Instagram I'll go ahead and link it

right over here right over here and other than that as always I hope you

guys enjoy this video feel free to like this video if you guys like to subscribe

if you haven't already hit that little notification here so you can see the

daily vids that I do the way YouTube does things now you actually have to hit

that button or to see my daily vids and other than that as always peace much


For more infomation >> How to Heal A Past Timeline using the Quantum Healing Technique - Duration: 14:47.


Betsy DeVos Interview - Duration: 0:52.

Look at the size of this building.

It's the size of 7 football fields.

This is the U.S. Education Department.

It shouldn't even exist.

Education's a local responsibility.

President Reagan tried to get rid of it,

but nothing ever goes away in Washington.

So what does the current secretary,

Betsy DeVos

say about that?

She's supposed to be a small government person.

This building is huge.

It is huge.

It takes me a half an hour

to walk all 7 floors end-to-end,

and I walk fast.

But at least I do notice that

some of these are empty.


She imposed a hiring freeze,

proposed $9 billion dollars in cuts,

and told her staff,

If you're going to make a case

to hire more people,

you better have a really good reason.

Why don't you get rid of the whole building?

You'd have to talk to Congress about that.

The rest of my interview with Betsy DeVos

comes out Tuesday.

For more infomation >> Betsy DeVos Interview - Duration: 0:52.


7 Attitudes Men Love Most - Duration: 5:40.

Have you ever met someone and over time their attitude changed your opinion of them, be

it for the better or worse?

Well, just like there are attitudes that men dislike, there are also certain ones guys


In this video I'm going to share with you seven attitudes you can adopt to drive men


Hey ladies, Amy North here.

You may know me from my YouTube channel, or recognize me from my products The Devotion

System and Text Chemistry.

For those of you who are dropping by for the first time though, welcome!

I'm a dating and relationship coach for women, and I work with ladies around the world

to help them find and lock down the love they want and deserve.

As I already mentioned, today's video is going to be dedicated to attitudes men love,

but before I share these winning traits with you, I want to quickly ask YOU something.

Alright, here's my question.

When it comes to men, would you rather date someone who was flirtatious or humourous in

the early getting to know each other days of your relationship?

To answer, click the icon in the top right corner of this video and cast your vote.

It's your feedback that helps me come up with video ideas, and also, if there's a

topic that you'd like to see me cover then let me know in the comments section below.

Now, let's talk about the seven attitudes men love.



One of the most unattractive things a woman can do is to sulk or pout about what she doesn't

have in her life.

Instead of behaving in this way, be grateful for what you do have in your life and learn

to appreciate the little things, like a sunny morning, good health, or a nice home-cooked


An helpful tip to get you started is to make a point to not compare yourself to others,

and instead bask in the good you do have going on in your world.

Once you master this you'll improve your mood and draw others to you...

unlike if you are constantly complaining or down on life.

Best of all, because men are attracted to women who are positive and have a pleasant

outlook on life when your attitude reflect this he'll want to spend even more time

with you.



Being able to turn an ordinary situation into something extraordinary, or finding the fun

in the mundane is something men admire.

Rather than focus on the grand events in your life, learn how to make the little moments

memorable, too!

Whether you're sat in your car at a red light, or watching your weekly sitcom, turn

these simple things into something fun for the two of you.

A good way to do this is to make a game out of the situation, and use your environment

to set the rules.

For example, if you're in your car then turn on the radio and play some music bingo.

Or, if you're stuck in a waiting room, play a sneaking game of making up life stories

for those around you.

These ideas are sure to make him laugh and he will admire your ability to make even the

dull moments enjoyable.



Being the kind of woman who stands up for what she believes in is extremely sexy.

That said, there is a fine line between having an educated opinion and being a know-it-all.

If you're looking to attract men with your big, sexy brain, then it's important that

you have convictions and be yourself.

Being the type of woman who is bold in her beliefs will not only show him that you're

independent, but it will also intrigue him, make him listen to what you have to say, and

show him that you don't rely on others to form your opinions and make your decisions.

When it comes to being bold, don't worry about taboos.

Be willing to task risks, dream big, set goals for yourself and kill them.

This will show him that you have a life outside of any relationship and that you don't need

a man to complete you.



Men love it when women flirt with them.

It strokes their ego and makes them feel desirable.

If you're looking to entice a man this way, then you'll want to up your flirting game.

As you may already know, I have a ton of YouTube videos on sexy body language, and texts to

send and turn him on.

So, if you're looking for some concrete tips then be sure to subscribe to my channel

and check those out.

Interested in learning some powerful flirting tips that will make guys chase you?

Check out my site and watch the free video presentation.

The URL is, and I'll post a link in the description below.

Believe me ladies, you don't want to miss this one!



As much as they may not admit it, or would rather act tough or unphased, men love having

a woman in their corner.

If you can support your guy, cheer him on and encourage him to pursue his goals, you'll

have him enamoured by you.

Even if you think that his dreams are ridiculous or unrealistic, still encourage him to dream

big and let him know that you're his biggest fan.

Showing him an unwavering support will make him not only more comfortable sharing his

thoughts with you, but he'll feel like the luckiest man alive to have a woman who believes

in him.



Ever since they were little boys racing on their bicycles through the neighbourhood,

men have been competitive.

In fact, many guys shine their brightest when being challenged.

If you can introduce a bit of competitiveness in your relationship, or challenge in him

a fun, playful way, he'll appreciate it and look forward to spending time with you.

So many women don't give this to their men, and then they wonder why their guy wants to

spend so much time with the boys.

If you're looking to keep him hooked, then spice things up and give him the thrill he's

looking for.



Love big and don't let the fear of getting hurt stop you.

This kind of attitude radiates confidence and passion.

To show men that you're the caring type make a point to look out for those around


Offer a listening ear when someone needs it, and be the reason others smile.

Strive to be the best version of yourself possible, and go the extra little bit to show

others that you care.

This type of attitude is not only motherly, but it's also admirable and will make him

want to be a better person, too!

Well, that's a wrap for this video.

As always thanks so much for watching.

If you enjoyed what you learned here today then be sure to share this with your girlfriends,

and feel free to post any questions you may have for me in the comments section below.

Until next time ladies, take care and good luck!

For more infomation >> 7 Attitudes Men Love Most - Duration: 5:40.


Trump's Lawyer Michael Cohen Had Clients Who Staged Car Wrecks For Personal Injury Lawsuits - Duration: 3:24.

Donald Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen has been in the headlines a lot recently, and as usual,

it's for all the wrong reasons.

But this past week, Rolling Stone came out with a phenomenal new story that shed some

light on what a horrible lawyer Michael Cohen actually was.

As it turns out, according to what Rolling Stone uncovered, Michael Cohen, during his

time before he became Donald Trump's lawyer, he was a regular auto accident attorney.

You know, probably one of those people you see on TV saying, "Call me if you've been

hurt in a wreck!

I'll get you a check!"

But he actually represented clients who were later found guilty to be setting up and staging

car accidents in order to then go back and sue so they could just make a ton of money

off of it.

Specifically, some of the scams involved having people go and rent U-Haul trucks.

They would then have somebody just sitting in a car somewhere.

The U-Haul truck would then smash into that car, and then they would sue U-Haul for renting

the vehicle to that particular person, and U-Haul paid out.

I think they made about $350,000, the people running this little scheme, who were represented

by Michael Cohen.

Now, according to Rolling Stone, Michael Cohen was not implicated in this scheme.

He just represented them.

He didn't know anything about the fact that what they were doing was illegal.

And to that I have this to tell you.

Either Michael Cohen is lying, or he's the worst attorney in this country.

In case you've never been involved in an auto accident lawsuit, let me tell you how it works.

Law firms hire investigators to investigate car crashes.

I know it seems like overkill, but that's what happens.

Many law firms actually have their own team of in-house investigators whose job it is

to go out, recreate accidents, pull background reports on everyone involved, including witnesses.

And if someone is lying, if they had a past connection in any way, be it social media,

high school, letters, emails, they uncover that.

Cell phone calls.

Just for things as simple as an auto accident.

So you can't tell me that Michael Cohen, a high priced auto accident lawyer in New York

City, didn't have investigators go out and look into these, or they just overlooked it

after they were getting several different lawsuits that they were filing against U-Haul

for these constant accidents that seem to be happening.

There is no way in hell Michael Cohen didn't know what was going on.

Either that, or he really and truly is the worst lawyer in the United States of America.

The bottom line after all of this, though ... I don't see any way Michael Cohen comes

out of the ongoing saga still being a practicing lawyer.

He's probably going to be stripped of his license, going to be disbarred, and hopefully

will never show up in court again unless it's because he's the one being accused of a crime.

For more infomation >> Trump's Lawyer Michael Cohen Had Clients Who Staged Car Wrecks For Personal Injury Lawsuits - Duration: 3:24.


Perché è meglio che i bambini non mangino hot dog? - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> Perché è meglio che i bambini non mangino hot dog? - Duration: 6:16.


How Europe Has Almost Fallen | Battle Of Vienna, 1683 - Duration: 8:26.

Byzantine Empire has been a regional superpower and a bufferzone

between the Christian and Islamic world for centuries.

After the loss of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks in 1453,

Byzantine Empire has collapsed and another force has risen to power in the Asia Minor.

Ottoman Empire has yet to become one of the greatest Empires the world has ever seen.

The Ottoman war machine crushed everything in front of them,

and no army at the time could match their power.

Ottomans soon subordinated southeastern Europe, western Asia and northern Africa.

This however wasn't enough.

The Ottomans had long aspired to conquer Europe, and capturing the city of Vienna

would give them control over Danubian southern Europe and the overland trade routes.

The Ottoman army was mobilized on 21 January 1682 and the war was declared on 6 August that same year.

This would mean a risky or rather impossible invasion since a three-month campaign

would have taken the Ottomans far in the winter

– the Ottomans have decided this would present too much of a risk

and postponed the campaign for next year.

This gave 15-months for Vienna to prepare its defense and for Leopold to assemble

troops from the Holy Roman Empire and form an alliances.

The decisive alliance of the Holy Roman Empire with Poland

was concluded with Treaty of Warsaw in the 1683.

Leopold promised support to Sobieski if the Ottomans attacked Kraków,

and Sobieski in return that he would send Polish army in case Vienna would be attacked.

This alliance may have been the reason why Battle of Vienna has been won.

The Ottoman troops had reached Belgrade by May.

They were joined by a Transylvanian army and a force of Principality of Upper Hungary.

They laid siege to Győr and the remaining army of 150,000 soldiers

had started to march towards the city of Vienna.

In the 7 July around 40,000 Crimean tatar troops have arrived to proximity of the city of Vienna.

They had twice as many soldiers as the Imperial troops in the area.

Emperor Leopold, along with his court and army of 60,000 Austrian soldiers fled Vienna for Passau,

Charles V, Duke of Lorraine withdrew his force of 20,000 and fled towards Linz.

By the time main Ottoman army have arrived at Vienna on 14 July,

the city's only defense was now 15,000 men

that were commanded by a Count Ernst Rüdiger von Starhemberg.

During the summer of 1683 however,

the King of Poland, Jan III Sobieski had prepared an expedition to Vienna

- honoring his obligations to the treaty.

He left his own nation virtually undefended when departing from Kraków on 15 August.

Imre Thököly, the leader of Upper Hungary has seen an opportunity,

but failed in his attempt to advance to Poland.

Jan Kazimierz Sapieha the Younger devastated the Hungarian Highlands

with his Lithuanian army and arrived in Vienna after his victory.

The main Ottoman army finally laid siege to Vienna on 14 July.

The city at the time as I've mentioned was guarded only by 15,000 men who refused to gave up Vienna

although 150,000 Turks were standing in front of their gates.

Imagine the courage these men had...

Although the Ottomans had to spend over 3 weeks to remove old palisades around the city,

dig tunnels and so forth, the Ottoman siege cut virtually every means of food supply into the city of Vienna.

This have caused a despair and low moral among men,

fatigue became so common that von Starhemberg ordered any soldier

found asleep on watch to be shot on sight.

The forces holding Vienna were on their last legs when Imperial forces under Charles V, Duke of Lorraine

defeated Thököly at Bisamberg and joined with them.

On 6 September the Poles under Sobieski crossed the Danube to unite with imperial troops

and the additional forces from Saxony, Bavaria, Baden, etc.

Sobieski's courage and remarkable achievements

had led the leadership of the forces of European allies to be entrusted to him,

the Polish king, who now had under his command 70,000–80,000 soldiers.

The battle started before all units were fully deployed.

At 4:00 in the morning on 12 September 1683,

the Ottomans finally launched an attack. The Germans were the first to strike back.

Charles of Lorraine moved forward with the imperial army and took several key positions.

By noon the imperial army had already severely mauled the Ottomans and came close to a breakthrough

– the Ottomans however still had elite Janissary and Sipahi troops in the back waiting for the assault on the city.

The Ottoman commanders had intended to take Vienna before Sobieski arrived, but time ran out.

In the early afternoon a large battle started on the other side of the battlefield

as the Polish infantry advanced on the Ottomans.

Instead of concentrating on the battle with the relief army,

the Ottomans continued their efforts to force their way into the city.

The Poles made a good progress, and by 4:00 pm they had taken the village of Gersthof.

Village of Gersthof served as a base for their massive cavalry charge later on.

The Ottomans were locked between Polish and imperial forces.

Both Charles of Lorraine and Jan III Sobieski decided, to continue the offensive and finish off the enemy.

The imperial forces resumed the offensive and although they encountered fierce resistance,

they had made further gains and taken the villages of Unterdöbling and Oberdöbling.

They were now very close to the central Ottoman position - the Türkenschanze.

As they were preparing to storm it, they could see the Polish cavalry in action.

It is recorded that the Polish cavalry slowly emerged from the forest and entered into action,

battering the Ottoman lines and approaching the Türkenschanze,

which was now threatened from three sides (the Poles from the west,

the Saxons and the Bavarians from the northwest and the Austrians from the north).

At that point the Ottoman vizier decided to leave this position and retreat.

The allies were now ready to finish of the Ottomans.

The Polish king ordered the largest cavalry charge in history.

18,000 horsemen charged down the hills.

Exhausted and already low on moral, Ottomans soon started to flee the battlefield.

Sobieski led the charge.

The cavalry charge was the final deadly blow.

Less than three hours after the cavalry attack, the united European Christian forces

had won the battle and saved Vienna.

After the victory Sobieski paraphrased Julius Caesar's famous quotation:

Veni, vidi, vici ~ I came, I saw, God conquered.

This battle has been described as an enormous defeat and failure for the Ottoman Empire,

the most disastrous since the foundation of Ottoman Empire.

Ottomans have lost approximately 20,000 men, of this 15,000 in the last cavalry charge.

Never again did the Ottomans fully recover and in later periods started to lose more and more of their territory.

Have not Europeans won that battle, we might've spoke Turkish today.

Now Battle of Vienna carries a rather simbolic meaning for me.

Not only Europeans have defeated a much a stronger opponent and stopped the Islam spreading over Europe

- but European men have stood together,

fought and died along one another to preserve what was and still is sacred to us,

our home, Europe.

They have fought no matter their ethnic background, weather they were Slavic,

Germanic, Italics, they have took their arms and showed their courage.

Victory of Vienna should stand as a reminder that Europeans truly have courage in their blood

and should never be afraid no matter what opponent we might face.

I hope you guys enjoyed this video and learned a thing or two.

If you did, make sure you click that like button and if you haven't yet subscribe.

If you like what I do, you can also support me on the Patreon.

Thank you so much for watching!

For more infomation >> How Europe Has Almost Fallen | Battle Of Vienna, 1683 - Duration: 8:26.


1200萬一架的中國無人機:一次能掛16枚飛彈 多國排隊購買 - Duration: 5:54.

For more infomation >> 1200萬一架的中國無人機:一次能掛16枚飛彈 多國排隊購買 - Duration: 5:54.


Finger Family Song Color Shapes 2 Dancing Prank Smiley Face Nursery Rhyme Youtube Video For Children - Duration: 2:10.

Finger Family Song For Children

Daddy finger, Daddy finger where are you?

Here I am, here i am, how do you do?

Mummy finger, Mummy finger where are you?

Here I am, here i am, how do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger where are you?

Here I am, here i am, how do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger where are you?

Here I am, here i am, how do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger where are you?

Here I am, here i am, how do you do?

For more infomation >> Finger Family Song Color Shapes 2 Dancing Prank Smiley Face Nursery Rhyme Youtube Video For Children - Duration: 2:10.


Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...

For more infomation >> Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...


O bron van liefde, machtige vloed - Songmission 2018 - CGN - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> O bron van liefde, machtige vloed - Songmission 2018 - CGN - Duration: 3:38.


Depois de gastar quase todo o dinheiro do BBB, Emilly Araújo desiste de comprar imóvel no - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Depois de gastar quase todo o dinheiro do BBB, Emilly Araújo desiste de comprar imóvel no - Duration: 5:01.


Família de Gleici, do BBB, se emociona ao ver o mar pela 1ª vez - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Família de Gleici, do BBB, se emociona ao ver o mar pela 1ª vez - Duration: 2:02.


Sen o spadaniu – jakie są jego przyczyny? - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> Sen o spadaniu – jakie są jego przyczyny? - Duration: 6:29.


Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo | Veja o que aconteceu no 1º semestre da UFPR - Duration: 7:13.

For more infomation >> Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo | Veja o que aconteceu no 1º semestre da UFPR - Duration: 7:13.


De frente para a TV: Adriano, de 'Carcereiros', é o melhor papel de Rodrigo Lombardi - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> De frente para a TV: Adriano, de 'Carcereiros', é o melhor papel de Rodrigo Lombardi - Duration: 5:10.


What's new 2018? - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> What's new 2018? - Duration: 4:19.





FINTA DE CORPO usada pelo MESSI (Shoulder Drop - Messi Skill) Tutorial - Duration: 2:50.

Hi guys! Here's FreeKicksPT

And today we're going to teach you how to do

A skill used a lot by MESSI

And other players

We're going to teach you how to do the "Shoulder Drop"!

If you enjoy this tutorial, don't forget to "Like" it

And If you're new here in the channel

Subscribe & don't forget to activate the notifications to receive EVERY upload!

You can do this trick in movement or stopped


You run against the opponent

Like this

You let the shoulder drop (simulation)

And then you go to the other side

You can do it to the right or to the left

You start running...

You can do this skill applying combos

For example, you do 2 stepovers before the shoulder drop

As I'm gonna show you now

Well guys, this was today's tutorial!

If you LIKE it, leave a like please... That helps our channel :)

Subscribe the channel & turn ON notifications to receive EVERY video

Comment below which videos you'd like to see here!

Follow us on Social Media, especially on Instagram because we are more active there

And share the video with your friends who want to learn this skill!

See you in the next video! :D

For more infomation >> FINTA DE CORPO usada pelo MESSI (Shoulder Drop - Messi Skill) Tutorial - Duration: 2:50.


Abdul Qadir Launched Scathing Attack On Management - Duration: 1:41.

Abdul Qadir Launched Scathing Attack On Management

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