Sunday, May 6, 2018

Youtube daily report w May 6 2018

From the little-known pages of the history of Polish education, just like from the TV series "Belfer".

93 years ago on May 6, 1925, in junior high school

them. Joachim Lelewel in Vilnius

a massacre was made.

Five people were killed during the matriculation examination and nine were injured.

One of the pupils Stanisław Ławrynowicz,

despite the commissions' reminder, he did not interrupt the conversation with his colleague.

And when the headmaster, Biegański, took his examination sheet from him,

he took out his revolver and started firing.

Then, after exhausting the ammunition, he pulled out a grenade that had exploded in his hand.

And his friend, Obrąbalski,

he also started to shoot to the commission, though without result.

He tried to detonate the grenade in the corridor, then shot himself in the head.

Both assassins came from wealthy families.

They were young people known for their crazy auto rides around Vilnius,

they used to go to cafes and take part in hooliganism.

Both were repeating the class, but also belonged to the "Strzelec" organization,

where they got the weapon from.

Many newspapers emphasized the political affiliation of the assassins and their contacts with the Piłsudski community.

Investigators determined that the attack was thoroughly planned.

Search the school by the police resulted in a finding

explosive charge and assault grenades.

Obrąbaliski also left a farewell letter.

The case caused a great discussion about the school system and its disadvantages,

and the impact of the war for the psyche of the younger generation.

The massacre at Lelewel Gymnasium was one from the first in Europe on such a large scale.

Please visit  (materials from the website:

For more infomation >> 93 l. temu 6 V 1925 r. w gimnazjum im. Lelewela w Wilnie została dokonana krwawa masakra - Duration: 1:54.


Я пригласил ее на выпускной!(Story booth на русском)Русская озвучка - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Я пригласил ее на выпускной!(Story booth на русском)Русская озвучка - Duration: 3:28.


Former Trump Aide Says Mueller Has ALL Of The Text Messages From Trump's Staffers - Duration: 3:14.

Just when you thought people in the White House couldn't get any more screwed, former

Trump campaign aid Michael Caputo admitted this week something that I'm sure sent shock

waves all through the Trump administration.

And that admission was this, the Mueller investigation has everything.

They've got further documentation from people who worked outside the campaign, their emails,

their texts.

They have the entire campaign's texts.

Those were the exact words from Michael Caputo in an interview, after he spent this past

Wednesday testifying in front of Mueller and the special prosecutor's office for several


He knows what they have, because he's basically been interrogated by them and presented with

the evidence.

So, we now know that Mueller has access, has the records, the documentations, probably

they're all printed out right there in the office.

The text messages from everyone involved in the Donald Trump campaign, including emails.

And what's great about this is that most people seem to know that you've got to be careful

what you say in an email, right?

You know, those go across the internet, they're very easy to get a hold of.

But text messages, people are typically a little more liberal with information that

they're willing to share, or secrets that they're willing to share with one another.

So the fact that he has those, knowing what we've already seen from the emails, specifically

those from Donald Trump Junior, I think this case is actually approaching an end point

right now.

I think Mueller has all of the evidence that he needs, which is likely why he requested

70 black subpoena's earlier this past week, related to the Paul Manafort case.

But I think he's got what he needs.

At this point, I think he's just trying to around, tie up some loose ends by questioning

the few remaining people.

Not to get new info, but to verify, or see if they're going to perjure themselves, based

on what this investigation already knows.

Things are coming to an end, and it's obviously not going to be an end that anyone in the

Trump administration is going to be happy with.

If they have those text messages and emails, as Caputo claimed, there's a lot more people

than we even realize at this point that could be going down as a part of this investigation.

It's also worthwhile to point out the fact that Caputo, at the end of his testimony,

said God damn you to hell, after he told them that his family was crushed, because of all

the legal fees he was having to pay to protect himself from this investigation.

So, yeah, I know it's a little after the fact, but let me give Mr. Caputo here just a little

bit of advice.

When people are investigating you, and they've got all this information about what you've

done, and what your former boss has done, probably not the best idea to leave the room

by saying damn you all to hell.

You don't want to ever piss off the people who have the power to throw you in prison.

For more infomation >> Former Trump Aide Says Mueller Has ALL Of The Text Messages From Trump's Staffers - Duration: 3:14.


Bu Çiftin 13 TANE Oğlu Var, Ama Hala KIZ Çocuğu İçin Uğraşıyorlar - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Bu Çiftin 13 TANE Oğlu Var, Ama Hala KIZ Çocuğu İçin Uğraşıyorlar - Duration: 1:59.


Mãe de Gleici se cansa e revela lado oculto da filha: 'Outra pessoa' - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> Mãe de Gleici se cansa e revela lado oculto da filha: 'Outra pessoa' - Duration: 5:53.


Academy of Art University - W...

For more infomation >> Academy of Art University - W...


Corinthians e Ceará empatam na Arena e deixam o placar em 1 a 1 - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> Corinthians e Ceará empatam na Arena e deixam o placar em 1 a 1 - Duration: 5:19.


포르쉐, PHEV 탑재한 신형 카이엔 E-하이브리드 출시[24/7 카] - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> 포르쉐, PHEV 탑재한 신형 카이엔 E-하이브리드 출시[24/7 카] - Duration: 4:48.


Mãe de Gleici se cansa e revela lado oculto da filha: 'Outra pessoa' - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> Mãe de Gleici se cansa e revela lado oculto da filha: 'Outra pessoa' - Duration: 5:53.


Bere limonata regolarmente: 8 benefici - Duration: 6:59.

For more infomation >> Bere limonata regolarmente: 8 benefici - Duration: 6:59.


Como é dentro do avião voando de CLASSE EXECUTIVA? - Duration: 16:49.

For more infomation >> Como é dentro do avião voando de CLASSE EXECUTIVA? - Duration: 16:49.


Uomini e Donne: Ennio torna ma non per Gemma Galgani - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: Ennio torna ma non per Gemma Galgani - Duration: 4:21.


Succo di limone alla curcuma al mattino: un surplus di energia - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> Succo di limone alla curcuma al mattino: un surplus di energia - Duration: 5:20.


塔羅占卜|你需要什麼正能量?(下集) - Duration: 12:11.

Hello, this is Pei-Wei Liao.

Continue what we talked in last video.

We're going to start talking about other three cards.


If you get the fourth one,

I will tell you

You often find yourself trapped in the feeling.

What is that?

That means you are often in negative emotions.

In the mood, you can't relieve.

You tend to think of many things as negative ones.

You don't feel like someone supports you.

You continue to devote yourself, and constantly hope that others will give you something in return.

Constant plead for someone.

But you do not get what you want.

So you always are afraid of others rejecting you.

You are afraid of others say no to you.

When others reject you, you are as if that is not you.

Some of your things are taken away.

But if you are willing to see your negative energy,

someone actually give you backup.

I feel that when the one who is important to you and raises you was in the negative mood, and thus it makes you have very negative emotions.

Maybe he/she has mental problems, depression, and doesn't not know.

Because I found out that children now have depression.

However, most of the causes result from a lack of insight to the illness.

The reason is that parents originally had it.

But they had no idea.

And then they didn't go to see the doctor, so the kid has a feeling.

That sense of helplessness.

Because the Chinese get used to believe that taking medicine is very bad

but if you really can't make it, go for a medicine.

Let yourself calm for a while.

Then gradually settle yourself down.


Never say to a person with depression.

Do not think too much, do not take medicine.

We don't have the right to tell him like this.

How does the right medicine treat itself? It's up to the doctor, not us, okay?

If someone says to someone that you really want too much, please stay away from him.

The reason is because everyone has the feeling of everyone.

We can't because we don't feel that then assume he thinks too much, okay?

So you will be like this... The one who will draw the fourth card.

You will often be in this negative mood.

So you will often stop.

and don't know how to go forward.

But if you want to see the

pressure that you have been through.

Dear, you must be somebody which means

you will become very brave, the kind of person who is so ambitious.

Really, you will get it, because you are such a person.

Essentially you are such a person, so you get positive energy like this.

I explained it from the first episode to this one.

Essentially you are such a person.

You will get such positive energy.

It is not true you don't have it. I rather say that you do have it.

You do have it, then I will inspire you and develop your positive energy.

So if you're willing to open your heart,

then you are really a warlord.

I really have to tell you that you are a super warfighter, okay?

You can do it. You can really do it.

Next if you get number three.

This card, I placed at a

very dangerous place.

I did it on purpose. Generally, you think that the reason why the test is so precise is because

I will think about how I place these cards

and how I explain this card.

I will start my discussion after thinking.

Then I will not say that the result must be accurate.

I prefer you can discuss your life with me.

So if interested,

You can come to me at 11:00-17:00 or consult with my team.

Or if you are interested, you can buy this "Take Good Care of Yourself."

There is ylang's ingredients inside as the main flavor.

Ylang... If you need the love or you are a very dominated girl.

Your smell will stink.

Will be very bad.

Because essential oils will follow your energy.

So if your essential oil has a moist taste,

It means that you are slowly settling yourself down so that you are not so aggressive to others.

Now girls are getting more and more powerful.

In fact, I will be afraid.

I have met a client that came in with a bad attitude towards me and started to say, let's see how good I am.


Most are girls, boys are unlikely.

Boys now are less likely to look like this.

So the third one that I want to talk about

is about a trait.

You may often need to be compared when you were young.

I think Chinese people have to work hard. When you were born, you had to start being compared.

Especially the oldest child in the family.

When one day you have siblings,

You will really feel very hard because you have to start to need to compete with them.

You keep thinking of yourself as the oldest one

which means

you have stayed in that kind of feeling.

I want to tell a story.

Tao Zhugong, do you know his story?

Generally called Fan Yi.

The one with Xi Shi.

A birth order in Tao Zhugong's children.

His sons.

His second son killed a man.

That is, he killed people and was locked up by the Qi State.

Intend to make him beheaded.

However, Tao Zhugong knew that he only had to take money to bribe one of the officials.

then his son will be acquitted.

He then asked the youngest son to do this thing.

His wife always felt that he should've called the eldest son.

Because it is his job.

However, Tao Zhugong has been reluctant to do so. Later, he was still under pressure.

The eldest son also felt that he should go. Why did the youngest son go?

As a result, the oldest one went.

When getting there, he sent two boxes of gold to a minister of Qi State.

This minister is the emperor's pet.

The emperor would listen to what he mostly said.


when he sent the gold to the minister's house,

it had nothing but the bare walls in the house, then he put gold

one the ground and left.

Then the emperor released him on the next day.

That is, the youger brother (the second son) was set free rather than be headed.

The reason is because this minister told the emperor

"For your virtue, we need to set him free."

Because he received two boxes of gold.

But when this news came out...

When his oldest son heard it, he went back to the minister.

Took two boxes of gold away.

Because he didn't think it's the minister's help.

The results were announced again on the the next day.

So a few days later, the second son was beheaded.


The reason is because this minister said sorry to the emperor. "Maybe I didn't think clearly."

Because the second son of Tao Zhugong happened to be on the list of beheadings.

So when you do this, others will think that you favor him.

So he was beheaded.

This execution was dismissed.

You also know the minister did not dare to say something.after the ancient king had said.

So the second son was beheaded.

And it happened.

Then you will feel very strange. Why did Tao Zhugong choose the youngest son to go?

Because when growing up, the eldest son was at the time when Tao Zhugong started making money.

So he felt it is hard to make money.

When the youngest son was born, their family was already rich.

So he thinks that money can fix anything, then give out two boxes of gold.

Because it created a different flow of life.

Do you believe me now?

In other words, your life will have such a result.

Depend on the personality.

Today, his second son could not be beheaded.

But in his (the eldest son) opinion, two boxes of gold are too many.

But his youngest son may not have this restriction

and will not get it back.

Tao Zhugong has predicted it.

However, he still did not solve his problem.

You may tell me that fate decides he must be beheaded.

However, if you are willing to insist, it may not be like this.


So you got number three.

You will feel that you have been compared, so your tend to win.

You are blunt.

A must-win.

Talk to others like you cannot lose.

So you are articulate, wonderfully.

If you are willing to let go of the feeling that you must win.

You are willing to present the real you.

And don't feel like you are an annoying.

You are a reborn person.

You will get a happy sense of revival.

You will get a positive energy that you will make others feel

everything is a new beginning.

Have new energy.

And helping others have a new beginning of life.

This is for real.

You can do it.

So those who got this card remember it.

Because this time, two cards are once picked.

So people who get this group of cards will have this feeling.

No must-win.

There is no use to tell who wins or loses.

So many people think, if I don't care about it today...

And I will be a coward.

No way.

That is how others think.

If you try to make it your own idea,

then it will become a kind of burden.

So remember it, you have that ability to make someone else revive.

And you will have a benefactor who will help you.

You will have such characteristics.

Someone will help you.

And it will completely give up the past.

You think it should not be like this.

You will have new life to restart.

Okay, next if you get the first one.

Those who get number one may have a trait in your childhood.

It was a little chaotic in the family.

Possibly have frequent quarrels and frequent physical conflicts.

Or some of the more intense ways.

At this time, you often have some fierce reactions.

So the positive energy you need is a kind of coordination and communication skills.

At this time, you will become a very good communicator and coordinator.

In other words, a person that we often call, a regulation committee.

You will do very well.

Because you will not be affected by the emotions on both sides.

You are a shadow only in the middle.

So when you communicate with each other or when you get involved in two disputes, you will communicate and negotiate well.

But suppose that...

You must find your inner conflict.

Your inner anger.

Your internal complaint.

You will find the inner power that you really have inside.

That is what I just said.

You will find everyone's positive energy in this process.

Today's video is especially longer , so I divided into two episodes.

Have patience then your soul will catch up.

Too fast to be a lethal force to the soul

Take it slowly, I'm Pei-Wei Liao.

If you are really anxious, you can make an appointment.

Talk to me about your life.

I will welcome you and listen to your life.

This is today's Tarot cards

A little bit longer.

I hope you can listen carefully.

Because it helps your life and you will find your positive energy.

Bye! Bye! I'm Pei-Wei Liao and wish you a good dream tonight.

For more infomation >> 塔羅占卜|你需要什麼正能量?(下集) - Duration: 12:11.


O Outro Lado do Paraíso: Sem saída, Juvenal humilha e termina noivado com Desireé - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> O Outro Lado do Paraíso: Sem saída, Juvenal humilha e termina noivado com Desireé - Duration: 6:08.


Esigara Dr.Recep Dodurgaliya - Profesör Dr.Riccardo Polossadan Cevap Topluma Kötülük Yapmayin - Duration: 15:37.

For more infomation >> Esigara Dr.Recep Dodurgaliya - Profesör Dr.Riccardo Polossadan Cevap Topluma Kötülük Yapmayin - Duration: 15:37.


Urban71 - Chuva de Benção (Prod.Dactes) - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Urban71 - Chuva de Benção (Prod.Dactes) - Duration: 3:02.


How many languages are spoken in India? Everyone speaks English? Interview | LeviTalk - Duration: 14:19.

For more infomation >> How many languages are spoken in India? Everyone speaks English? Interview | LeviTalk - Duration: 14:19.


One stamp, 3 ways + Totally New Alcohol Ink Technique - Essentials by Ellen May Release - Duration: 16:29.

hi everyone welcome to Hedgehog Hollow today I'm here with the May Ellen Hudson

release to tell us by Ellen by Julie Ebersole I absolutely love Judy she's

the sweetest lady and I adore this release it's definitely one of my

favorites so the cornerstone of the release is

this beautiful flower here and I'm going to be showing you a few different cards

I've made with this flower you also get these bold sentiments the hello and you

you've got inside now art and use they're really nice to be able to put

some things together trash you've got the beautiful and the extraordinary and

that lovely italic front there as well to match up we have the beautiful Chotu

the random sayings vol 2 so some more of the bold sentiments more of the italic

and also some things that we can mix-and-match with as well so really

lovely set there we also have the beautiful buffalo plaid builder so you

have the plaid here at the bottom you also have these three stats which i'll

actually be doing another video with tomorrow and also these other pieces

that we can use as edges or we can build up the plaid as well these are the

coordinating dies that go with the flowers now if you watch my channel

often you'll know I don't often by coordinating dies because I have a

scanning cut but absolutely adored the two word dies here so I had to have

those so hence I bought the coordinating dies I also bought the new block alpha

so we've got the eh-2-zed in here really nice size for cards it can I've got

another card to show you how I use that and that you've got every letter in

there we also have the coordinating a block word dice you can use those with

the stamps or you can use them individually of course I've linked all

of these are underneath the video description for you and if you're part

of the hedgehog Hollow subscription box you can also use your 10% off coupon as

well against this release plus you have a parcel box now I haven't used this one

and you have the cars and things that fit in there as well I'll definitely be

using this in future but I haven't used it today but this is also part of that

release with banners and pennants here tags all sorts of fun things you can do

on there you've got this here so you can do that the backwards and forwards

figure-of-eight to close it up absolutely beautiful as well in there so

that's everything in the release so I'm going to talk you through how I made

these three gorgeous cards using the release as well and then tomorrow's

video is going to be how to use the plaid builder to make this gorgeous

Father's Day card or masculine card so your amazing dad and then how I created

these as well using those new dies and my liquid chrome so that'll be

tomorrow's video so check that out as well but today I'm going to talk through

these so for this card here I took some of the Avery Elle liquid watercolors and

you can see on your screen at the moment how I did that so I filled each flower

with water and then use some of the colors and just drop them in with a dry

brush the colors on there and that gives me this wonderful patina in the petals

so you can see here in these finish ones this frantic with the pink and purples

these two with those TD colors I did a more lemon and green up here as I did I

also filled in these areas with a little bit of a wash and then this one is more

in the purples I heat embossed it using the altar new glue pad and the alternate

gold embossing powder came up really nicely the wonderful you as well from

those new sentiment sets the background I speckled using some gold

calligraphy ink and also the pink Avery liquid watercolor and I just dropped it

on and I added some gold metallic thread underneath on there as well and then

I've just popped that up using my foam absolutely beautiful clean and simple

elegant card on there of course again supplies are underneath this video

bottom right hand corner click the arrow over here and you can see all the video

descriptions and supply list descriptions even on there for you too

also this one I use the hero arts liquid watercolors I've become a real fan of

these liquid water colors because we can do so much with them so you've seen when

you saw me working with the Avery Elle ones on this card I have some ice-cubes

whoops some ice cube pieces you'll notice also I should point out that this

is over the edge so it just gives it a little bit more interest so of course

this bit is hanging in the air but it's stuck on really firmly over here so I

hear them in ice cube trays that have a silicone top again I'll link those up

for you but they are amazing because we can put drops in there and we can

reactivate them a little bit of water they do not leak because of that

silicone top on them and also it prevents waste as well so on this one

you can see on my Tim Holtz class mat I just put out some different colors of

the hero arts watercolor I made myself a very pastel background using the same

technique so I covered it with water and then two stripes of colors and blended

them together and then over the top I've stamped the image here with the lawn

fawn black and not wonderful and sorry hero arts dye black ink and then I've

added just a few Nouveau drops in the glitter gold on here just for some

little bit of interest this is using the altar new wood paper it's actually a

thin piece of wood looks amazing have some real great texture on there black

Nouveau dots and that wonderful hello the bold in there too whenever i sticked

down and sentiments like this I tend to go for I put down my middle letters so

put down my L then I put down my oh and my age and then I put my Ian my L down

and that gives me even spacing so if you work from the center the two outside

ones and then work outwards from there you'll find you get perfect spacing on

your words and things so that's how I do mine but absolutely love the effect of

this ombre in here so how it fade through the rainbow again liquid

watercolors gives you so many different options

this was the Avery Elle and these are the hero arts I'll link those up too

and that's this card absolutely adore so sympathy cards can sometimes be a little

bit tricky to create but I love how this one comes out I think it's kind of

subtle enough but it still has that wonderful pop of blue in the background

so the flowers here I colored using my T's andmy C's in my Copic so I use

something like a1 a3 a5 and a7 and so I took four colors these are done so this

is a toner and this is a toner and these two are done with the calls so the C

Gray's by just mixing in the two different kinds of Gray's it just again

it's not as flat as a little bit more interest to the image as well

I added some silver glitter drops on here just for a little bit of sparkle

and texture but absolutely adore this background so you can see on your screen

how I created this background I use the Indigo alcohol ink I pop that onto my

own cahal ink tour with my little felt on there and then I dragged it down the

yupo paper so I dragged it all the way down and I quite like how the streaks

come out because you get some lights and some darks and things in there as well

and then once you've done that I moved on to adding this wonderful texture so

again you can see it almost looks like it's been salted on there and it was

kind of a happy accident technique but I've been replicating a few different

times so I took by alcohol in blending solution originally and when I was

actually creating his first background it was near the end which is how I ended

up with the happy accident so it's only a tiny bit of alcohol in your bottle you

just kind of tilt it to the side and spray always comes out like a haze

if you missed with a mini mr. first of all do not men do that with the blending

solution do that with isopropyl alcohol that you can buy from the chemist or in

the first-aid aisle at the grocery store but and when you kind of spray it using

a spritz bottle you get a much heavier effect than this this is really really

subtle and just by kind of you can see how I've laid my bottle on its side and

as I kind of just squeeze it it mr. cross and gives you that wonderful

wonderful texture in there and then to how I did that the second time for the

video was I grabbed my alcohol blending solution bottle which is actually now

empty and I'm going to keep an empty one I took my isopropyl alcohol from the

grocery store and this is how I just get a tiny little bit of liquid in there and

this is plenty for one background so I take the lid fill it up with the alcohol

take this bottle here you want to squeeze it so you get lots of air out of

it tip it upside down and it will suck out everything that's in your lid again

I can get the rest of it squeezed turn it upside down pop it in there and as I

release it it's sucking up that little bit of alcohol that's in there and

that's the perfect amount for one background some really tiny amount so

much so you probably can't even see it on the screen but when you're gonna do

it you're gonna tip it forward so that it just kind of starts dripping out the

nozzle tip it back so it's horizontal and then just start spraying and like

this pumping the bottle and that's how you get that wonderful mist on there and

this little berry about with a different technique and you will produce

backgrounds I have another one here that looks like this now if you by accident

get one of those droplets on your background just take your blue foamy FLT

put it back over again and you can go back and have another go at it also if I

find that it's spreading out too much I quickly grab my ranger he tipped all

that's just enough haters this tool here rather than my heat embossing tool and

that's absolutely enough just to stop it going too fast so you will see there

that I got so much smaller bubbles and looking of that salting effect just by

doing that as well there's another piece of you Pro paper you Poe is an acrylic

paper you can also use the Ranger Gotti alcohol ink paper that works really well

too and but you want something that is basic

non-porous paper

so that was all really good fun to create all these wonderful cars so I

have these cards here that I've just shown you and then tomorrow's video is

going to be on this your amazing dad card as well thanks so much for joining

these the Ellen Hudson release do hit that subscribe button so that you catch

tomorrow's video and also click the belt next to the subscribe button so that you

get notifications for our videos and you'll find out whenever we have

something new coming out as well do you give us a thumbs up if you enjoyed this

new collection and leave us a comment below on what your favorite card is from

this new collection and we'll see you again very soon

happy stamping everyone bye

For more infomation >> One stamp, 3 ways + Totally New Alcohol Ink Technique - Essentials by Ellen May Release - Duration: 16:29.


Here's Why Every Teenager Should Have a Car Like This - 1965 Ford Falcon Wagon - Duration: 5:48.

it's time for show-off Sunday, where everyone has a chance to show off their

own car and here's this week's winner, hi my name is Jessie and this is my 1965

Ford Falcon wagon, when I was first trying to get my permit to drive I was

thinking about if I should go to a dealership and buy a car, or if I could

actually build my own car, I went to my dad and we went on the search for a car

that I could rebuild and have some fun with, and we eventually came across this

car, and it was in Kentucky, we went and we checked it out and I just loved the

car everything about it, it was white with blue flowers on the top and the

paint wasn't very pretty, but it sounded nice and it was just cool to me and I

just loved it, so we eventually bought the car and we drove it home just barely

and we started work on it, I've always been a very hands-on type of person and

having the car really helped me figure out what I wanted to do in life, and it

really was just a great experience, when we got the car home we started work and

the first thing to do is to clean it up, and at the body ready, so first we start

by stripping it down and taking out the interior and the seats, and we clean the

floor pans look for rust, and we por-15 them and painted them, so the engine

itself as of now is a 70s 302 v8 out of a Mustang, that's been bored out a little

bit, probably with 308, it has a 351 cam in it, it has aluminum heads and an

Edelbrock air-gap intake, before we put the engine back in the car

we put it on a dyno to see what power it would make, and it made around 250 horsepower

at 45 rpm 300 pound feet of torque at about

4000 rpm, after that the engine sounded a lot better in the car, the interior for

the car was in a pretty rough shape, when we got it and nothing was really

salvageable, so we had to rip all of it out and go on hunt for new interior and

we got lucky and found some, and we found nice black interior for the entire car

someone had Vaseline all the door panels and seats to keep them preserved

and I actually worked, and so we were very lucky and we had to get new carpet and I

had to steam the carpet to get it to fit right, and we were able to find a new

steering wheel and we sandblasted the dash and we painted it and used leftover

vinyl from the stickers on the hood, once we made the decision and found a

five-speed transmission we started work on putting it in, this was probably the

second hardest undertaking of the car but it certainly made the biggest

difference, we found a used Tremec five-speed at a

car swap meet, and we had to make new mounts for the entire transmission, we

had to cut a hole in the tunnel for the shifter, we had to shorten the drive

shaft, we had to find a clutch pedal and assembly, and we had to make a hole for

the hydraulic clutch and firewall, it really hurt cutting into the car like that, but

once it was done, and once I was able to drive it, all of that really just went

away, the last and most recent thing we've done to the car is fuel injection, we

had a 650 Edelbrock on the car beforehand, and it worked really well but

some cold days it wouldn't start, we eventually got tired of the hassle and

purchase fuel injection, and we purchased the Holley sniper EFI, and we bolted it

up and wired it up, and it works great, I highly recommend it, I'm 18 years old and

I live in East Tennessee, my car's name is Scarlet, I've had her

for a little over two and a half years now, it took about a year and a half to

completely rebuild her, but I wouldn't quite say that, because she's never quite

done, you're always doing something when you have an older car, I bring her to car

shows as much as I can, and if you ever see me just say hi, and finally I want to

say thank you Scotty for featuring me on your channel,

well that was this week's video, and remember to have your car video

highlighted here on my channel, check this out,

so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to

ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> Here's Why Every Teenager Should Have a Car Like This - 1965 Ford Falcon Wagon - Duration: 5:48.


The LaBelle Tiny House RV from Christie Tiny Homes - Duration: 3:10.

The LaBelle Tiny House RV from Christie Tiny Homes

For more infomation >> The LaBelle Tiny House RV from Christie Tiny Homes - Duration: 3:10.


Remédios naturais contra a hipertensão muito eficazes - Duration: 7:59.

For more infomation >> Remédios naturais contra a hipertensão muito eficazes - Duration: 7:59.


5 bevande naturali per depurare il fegato - Salute 365 - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> 5 bevande naturali per depurare il fegato - Salute 365 - Duration: 6:14.


Sergio di Clauzetto ha risolto i suoi problemi di udito da Pontoni - Maniago - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Sergio di Clauzetto ha risolto i suoi problemi di udito da Pontoni - Maniago - Duration: 0:51.


5 bevande naturali per depurare il fegato - Salute 24h - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> 5 bevande naturali per depurare il fegato - Salute 24h - Duration: 6:14.


Guarigione dell'ulcera gastrica: rimedi naturali - Duration: 6:52.

For more infomation >> Guarigione dell'ulcera gastrica: rimedi naturali - Duration: 6:52.


93 l. temu 6 V 1925 r. w gimnazjum im. Lelewela w Wilnie została dokonana krwawa masakra - Duration: 1:54.

From the little-known pages of the history of Polish education, just like from the TV series "Belfer".

93 years ago on May 6, 1925, in junior high school

them. Joachim Lelewel in Vilnius

a massacre was made.

Five people were killed during the matriculation examination and nine were injured.

One of the pupils Stanisław Ławrynowicz,

despite the commissions' reminder, he did not interrupt the conversation with his colleague.

And when the headmaster, Biegański, took his examination sheet from him,

he took out his revolver and started firing.

Then, after exhausting the ammunition, he pulled out a grenade that had exploded in his hand.

And his friend, Obrąbalski,

he also started to shoot to the commission, though without result.

He tried to detonate the grenade in the corridor, then shot himself in the head.

Both assassins came from wealthy families.

They were young people known for their crazy auto rides around Vilnius,

they used to go to cafes and take part in hooliganism.

Both were repeating the class, but also belonged to the "Strzelec" organization,

where they got the weapon from.

Many newspapers emphasized the political affiliation of the assassins and their contacts with the Piłsudski community.

Investigators determined that the attack was thoroughly planned.

Search the school by the police resulted in a finding

explosive charge and assault grenades.

Obrąbaliski also left a farewell letter.

The case caused a great discussion about the school system and its disadvantages,

and the impact of the war for the psyche of the younger generation.

The massacre at Lelewel Gymnasium was one from the first in Europe on such a large scale.

Please visit  (materials from the website:

For more infomation >> 93 l. temu 6 V 1925 r. w gimnazjum im. Lelewela w Wilnie została dokonana krwawa masakra - Duration: 1:54.


Я пригласил ее на выпускной!(Story booth на русском)Русская озвучка - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Я пригласил ее на выпускной!(Story booth на русском)Русская озвучка - Duration: 3:28.


Former Trump Aide Says Mueller Has ALL Of The Text Messages From Trump's Staffers - Duration: 3:14.

Just when you thought people in the White House couldn't get any more screwed, former

Trump campaign aid Michael Caputo admitted this week something that I'm sure sent shock

waves all through the Trump administration.

And that admission was this, the Mueller investigation has everything.

They've got further documentation from people who worked outside the campaign, their emails,

their texts.

They have the entire campaign's texts.

Those were the exact words from Michael Caputo in an interview, after he spent this past

Wednesday testifying in front of Mueller and the special prosecutor's office for several


He knows what they have, because he's basically been interrogated by them and presented with

the evidence.

So, we now know that Mueller has access, has the records, the documentations, probably

they're all printed out right there in the office.

The text messages from everyone involved in the Donald Trump campaign, including emails.

And what's great about this is that most people seem to know that you've got to be careful

what you say in an email, right?

You know, those go across the internet, they're very easy to get a hold of.

But text messages, people are typically a little more liberal with information that

they're willing to share, or secrets that they're willing to share with one another.

So the fact that he has those, knowing what we've already seen from the emails, specifically

those from Donald Trump Junior, I think this case is actually approaching an end point

right now.

I think Mueller has all of the evidence that he needs, which is likely why he requested

70 black subpoena's earlier this past week, related to the Paul Manafort case.

But I think he's got what he needs.

At this point, I think he's just trying to around, tie up some loose ends by questioning

the few remaining people.

Not to get new info, but to verify, or see if they're going to perjure themselves, based

on what this investigation already knows.

Things are coming to an end, and it's obviously not going to be an end that anyone in the

Trump administration is going to be happy with.

If they have those text messages and emails, as Caputo claimed, there's a lot more people

than we even realize at this point that could be going down as a part of this investigation.

It's also worthwhile to point out the fact that Caputo, at the end of his testimony,

said God damn you to hell, after he told them that his family was crushed, because of all

the legal fees he was having to pay to protect himself from this investigation.

So, yeah, I know it's a little after the fact, but let me give Mr. Caputo here just a little

bit of advice.

When people are investigating you, and they've got all this information about what you've

done, and what your former boss has done, probably not the best idea to leave the room

by saying damn you all to hell.

You don't want to ever piss off the people who have the power to throw you in prison.

For more infomation >> Former Trump Aide Says Mueller Has ALL Of The Text Messages From Trump's Staffers - Duration: 3:14.


Bu Çiftin 13 TANE Oğlu Var, Ama Hala KIZ Çocuğu İçin Uğraşıyorlar - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Bu Çiftin 13 TANE Oğlu Var, Ama Hala KIZ Çocuğu İçin Uğraşıyorlar - Duration: 1:59.


Mãe de Gleici se cansa e revela lado oculto da filha: 'Outra pessoa' - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> Mãe de Gleici se cansa e revela lado oculto da filha: 'Outra pessoa' - Duration: 5:53.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


NEFFEX - Blow Up (Lyrics) - Duration: 4:01.

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

♪ Imma make a couple stacks do exactly what I want to ♪

♪ Mix a couple tracks get a lady that I'm drawn to ♪

♪ Turn up to the max gettin' faded till I'm gone dude ♪

♪ I do want I want couldn't stop me if you wanted to ♪

♪ I just work hard yea, harder than the rest ♪

♪ Some people say I'm lucky others sayin' that I'm blessed ♪

♪ But I keep my head down 'cuz i crave progress ♪

♪ You ain't ever gonna stop me 'cuz its my conquest and I'm never gonna rest ♪

♪ And y'all don't know that I'm a soldier ♪

♪ I always felt like I'm a loner ♪

♪ When everybody thinks they know ya ♪

♪ And y'all don't even know I own ya ♪

♪ And now I'm ready takin' over ♪

♪ 'Cuz every day I'm getting closer ♪

♪ Just look at everything I'll show ya ♪

♪ Yea now I'm ready Imma blow up! ♪

♪ (Yea now I'm ready Imma blow up!) ♪

♪ I'm impatient I don't ever slow up ♪

♪ I stay young no I never grow up ♪

♪ I keep working till to the point I throw up ♪

♪ And if you cross me it was good to know ya ♪

♪ I'm impatient I don't ever slow up ♪

♪ I stay young no I never grow up ♪

♪ I keep working till to the point I throw up ♪

♪ And if you cross me it was good to know ya ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Ah yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ I'm not the type to take no for an answer ♪

♪ I don't deal with people that are like a cancer ♪

♪ No instead I hang with the people that enhance ya ♪

♪ And Im not the type to give out second chances ♪

♪ I just want to work on my own for myself ♪

♪ I don't need help not anybody else ♪

♪ Nah man I got it dealt ♪

♪ I'm working on my wealth ♪

♪ And I'm working on my health ♪

♪ Keep on working to excel ♪

♪ 'Cuz I'm working on myself ♪

♪ And y'all don't know that I'm a soldier ♪

♪ I always felt like I'm a loner ♪

♪ When everybody thinks they know ya ♪

♪ And y'all don't even know I own ya ♪

♪ And now I'm ready taking over ♪

♪ 'Cuz every day I'm getting closer ♪

♪ Just look at everything I'll show ya ♪

♪ Yeah now I'm ready Imma blow up! ♪

♪ (Yeah now I'm ready Imma blow up!) ♪

♪ Man I promise that I'm gonna make it somewhere ♪

♪ As long as I'm conscious I'll be working hard to get there ♪

♪ I am not a novice I'm gon be the best so prepare ♪

♪ 'Cuz you know I'm honest and I'm coming for you be scared ♪

For more infomation >> NEFFEX - Blow Up (Lyrics) - Duration: 4:01.


The CANCELLED WWE WrestleMania X-Seven Storyline! | WWE Backstage Expose - Duration: 4:46.

2001's WrestleMania X-7 is thought by many to be the best WrestleMania of all-time.

It came at a pivotal point in wrestling history, and featured the controversial Steve Austin

heel turn.

But there's one storyline that was originally planned for the show, but was eventually cancelled.

I am Luke Owen and this is WrestleMania X-7's Cancelled Storyline.

WrestleMania X-7 had several big marquee matches including Steve Austin vs. The Rock, Triple

H vs. The Undertaker, TLC2 and Shane McMahon taking on his father Vince McMahon in a street

fight with Mick Foley as the special guest referee.

The storyline had been building since the start of the year, with Vince announcing he

was going to divorce his wife Linda, keeping her in a state of psychosis, and dating Trish

Stratus who was the same age as his daughter Stephanie.

Shane McMahon returned to WWF after a few months off, and the two were set to clash

at WrestleMania.

However a new wrinkle to the story was added, as just one week before the biggest show of

the year Vince McMahon purchased rival promotion WCW, and the Monday Night War had come to

an end.

Shane showed up on the final WCW Nitro to announce that he had in fact purchased WCW

from under Vince's nose - which would come into play in the summer when WWF held their

Invasion PPV.

The first shot fired in that angle came on May 28th, when Lance Storm interfered during

a Raw match, but there was also discussions of having them involved April's WrestleMania.

In the end this angle didn't happen.

Instead Shane McMahon came to the ring and gave a shout-out to the young talent from

WCW, and the camera panned to the skybox where people like Lance Storm, Hugh Morris, Stacey

Kiebler, Mike Sanders and Shawn Stasiak could be seen.

Shane McMahon won the match by hitting the Coast to Coast into a garbage can, and the

WCW Wrestlers applauded politely.

However Dave Meltzer noted in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, "The wrestlers were

told to bring their gear and their championship belts (in the case of Palumbo & O'Haire),

so unless they were shooting publicity photos, they may have had a different idea originally

what they were going to do and put them in a luxury box."

As it turns out, there was another reason for the WCW Wrestlers to bring their gear.

Lance Storm revealed in 2011 blog post that the original plan was for the WCW guys to

run in and help Shane win – but something happened just a few days before.

Storm wrote, "Unfortunately all these effort to keep our Mania [appearance] secret were

for not because Shawn Stasiak did a radio or Internet interview the day before and stooged

off the whole thing.

The office was furious and many of us speculated that it might cost him his job."

Stasiak had previously worked for the WWF in the late 90s as Meat, the toy boy for Pretty

Mean Sisters.

However he was suspended and fired in December 1999 for recording a conversation between

Davey Boy Smith and Steve Blackman without their permission.

Although in an interview with Canoe, he argues that he did it as a joke and meant no harm.

"I wasn't working for Hard Copy.

I wasn't working for WCW.

I wasn't blackmailing anybody.

I had no prerogative, no motive whatsoever to do anyone harm...I lost my job, I lost

my dream, which was to be in the WWF.

I think it was a bit extreme for them to do what they did."

The day before WrestleMania X-7, Stasiak appeared on No Holds Barred radio show and revealed

that the WCW crew were going to be involved in the Shane and Vince match, and even bragged

about getting a WWF deal – which wasn't true – and said they had plans to bring

in Bobby "The Brain" Heenan in for the new Nitro show, which also wasn't true.

Former NXT trainer and WCW Wrestler Bill DeMott – who wrestled at this time as Hugh Morris

– added in a 2015 interview on Talk Is Jericho in reference to Stasiak's interview and

WWF's reaction to it, "Kevin Dunn had called [John] Laurinaitis and said, "Fire

them all.

We don't even have them here and this s***'s already started."

Lance Storm adds in his blog post, "Vince was so mad word had leaked that he killed

the angle and almost sent us all home.

Thankfully we at least got to stay and watch the show."

Demott explains this is why everyone looked so disinterested during the Vince and Shane

match during the broadcast, telling Chris Jericho, "I went from being in the ring

with Shane McMahon at WrestleMania — that's going to be my debut in the WWE — to a silhouette

of me and Lance sitting with Mike Sanders and someone else.

The whole time, and you can imagine, Lance is just miserable...

The Invasion came after, but we were supposed to be in the ring in Houston."

We've got other WWE Backstage Expose videos here on WrestleTalk so click the playlist

to the left to check those out.

Subscribe to this channel and pledge on Patreon for exclusive content.

I've been Luke Owen and that was wrestling.

For more infomation >> The CANCELLED WWE WrestleMania X-Seven Storyline! | WWE Backstage Expose - Duration: 4:46.


Lil Palm — FUCK 'EM ALL (Только Клип) - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Lil Palm — FUCK 'EM ALL (Только Клип) - Duration: 1:39.


Are You Sitting Down? You Won't Believe Trump's New Approval Rating! - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Are You Sitting Down? You Won't Believe Trump's New Approval Rating! - Duration: 1:42.


Did Avengers Infinity War Rip Off Dragon Ball? - Duration: 3:36.

Welcome back nerd squad, my name is Roya Destroyaa and this is Top 10 NERD.

Doing something not necessarily top 10 like, but hey, change is always good.

So Avengers infinity War has just come out and a ton of people have seen it already.

If you havenÕt, you may want to turn back now because there will be spoilers of course.

But donÕt forget to come back and watch this video when youÕre finished, please and thank


So among the majority of audiences who watched the film, may had to applaud the complicated

but easy to understand storyline, the nuanced and well thought out villain, and the overall

arc of the film that just keeps on giving.

But lately some fans have also claimed the movie bears a striking resemblance to the

works of anime, namely Dragon Ball.

So we are going to go over these parallels and come to the conclusion in the end: did

Infinity War rip off Dragon Ball?

LetÕs start off with our villain.

In Infinity war, we had Thanos the mad titans.

Conqueror of universes and commander of a fearsome army.

Well, this sounds a great deal like Dragon Ball villain Frieza in a way.

At his disposal, Thanos has an army known as the Children of Thanos.

TheyÕre not actually his kids of course, although he does play father figure to a few.

Instead, they are disciples who fulfilled some kind of tactical purpose while Thanos

murdered his way across the galaxy.

On the other hand, we have the Frieza Force, the other villainÕs own galactic army, an

army which serves to take over planets and auction them off to the highest bidder.

So weÕve already got that whole, I want to conquer and IÕll have my people do it for

me thing going on.

The similarities go even further when considering the so-called drivers of each plot.

In infinity war, the infinity stones are what drive the plot.

Everyone wants to find them, save them, and use them.

In Dragon ball, the role is played by the balls!

Not only does the power imbued in these devices alow the weilder to conquer all, but their

powers are also quite similar upon closer inspection.

The infinity stones can control and manipulate time, thought, reality, and basically whatever

they want.

The dragon balls on the other hand, donÕt quite have individual powers.

But when you gather all of them, you can make a wish to be grantedÑsuch as bringing someone

back from the dead or being granted the gift of youth.

And what was Thanos collecting the infinity stones for?

To make a wish.

A wish to wipe out half the population.

Both stories also feature themes of sacrifice for the greater good of an endgame, as well

as coming back from death or spiritual worlds to reverse what has been done.

So, plot similarities aside, we get to the poster issue.

This Infinity War poster and Dragon Ball tournament of power poster are so similar that you think

one must have been a rip off.

Just look at that character placement, that color scheme.

Audiences were quick to call marvel rip offs, but turns out the infinity war poster came

out in the first 2 weeks of March, while the Tournament of power poster was fan art paying


Which also came out a about a week later.

So whatÕs the conclusion here?

Yes, the villains have similar traits, and yes the item of interest can be compared quite


But there are way too many works of literature and entertainment that follow a basic template

of bad guy vs good guy in a race to collect important items.

Look at the horcruxes from Harry Potter, or the jewel shards from Inuyasha.

And now we know the poster was definitely not a copy.

So Marvel fans rejoice, your movie is not a rip off!

ThatÕs all for today kids, let us know in the comment section below if you have any

pressing questions in need of an answer!

My name is Roya Destroyaa, thanks for watching, and donÕt forget to subscribe so you never

miss another nerdy video!

For more infomation >> Did Avengers Infinity War Rip Off Dragon Ball? - Duration: 3:36.


Teen Raised By Single Mom Almost Gave Up On Dreams, Then Concert At Church Changed His Life Forever - Duration: 4:23.

Teen Raised By Single Mom Almost Gave Up On Dreams, Then Concert At Church Changed His

Life Forever A 19-year old man from Washington D.C. went

from losing almost everything to attaining his dreams in short order, thanks to his determination,

the generosity of friends and a rare gift for singing opera music.

Anderson is the youngest of seven children, raised by a single mom after his dad was killed

in a drive-by shooting when he was 3 years old.

He would never have it easy, and he was different from most kids.

His dreams to sing opera certainly weren't the typical goals of a teenager, but he knew

it was his calling.

He went to the prestigious Duke Ellington School of the Arts in high school, graduated,

and decided to pursue at a major in voice performance at Virginia Commonwealth University.

Even with his impressive background, he couldn't get a scholarship.

Like most students these days, the bills racked up quickly.

Even with some financial assistance, and working on the side, he had to drop out after just

one semester, unable to pay the tuition costs any longer.

He was crushed.

He ended up working at a restaurant chain, Chipotle, where he prepared burritos, but

they told him he was "too slow" and he lost his job.

He was at one of the lowest points in his life, but he didn't give up.

Determined to show the world his voice, he decided to hold a benefit concert in a small

church, St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Washington D.C.

There he would sing his heart out, not only in English but in Italian and German as well.

He set up a GoFundMe page, hoping somebody would help get him back on his feet to cover

his debt.

As it turns out, his performance that day in front of a small crowd in June last year

would change his life.

Anderson's concert caught the attention of a local columnist for The Washington Post

through a friend at a youth development organization where Anderson enjoyed hiking and backpacking.

The columnist, Petula Dvorak didn't know what to expect.

"When I got to St. Luke's Episcopal Church, my heart sank a bit.

It was not a big crowd.

There were the siblings in the back rows, teachers and supporters were scattered in

the pews.


But within seconds, my untrained ear told me I had walked into something special.

The entire church was filled with the deep, sonorous baritone of an older, barrel-chested


But at the altar was a string-bean kid with a high-top fade straight out of the '80s."

The more she found out about Anderson, the more convinced she was that he had a rare


She published a column showcasing his talent and as a result, donations poured into the


The donations kept streaming in, far surpassing his wildest dreams.

Today, it has reached over $57,000.

He had only asked for a fraction of that, at $9,000.

Even better, the artistic director at the prestigious Julliard School saw the write-up

and reached out to meet Anderson.

NBC News and the Today show featured stories about him.

Anderson's talent was suddenly shining brightly in a national spotlight, and he was soaring

to unbelievable heights.

Just last month, he performed before the Supreme Court and received the Horatio Alger Scholarship,

recognized for "his resilience and strength in overcoming adversity."

His dream to go to college would be realized, and his tuition costs would be taken care

of, if he could just get in.

He went to audition at Julliard, one of the top music institutions in the country.

After his audition, his heart sunk reading the callback list.





His dreams have suddenly become a reality.

At just 19, and after reaching such a low point, everything has turned around.

He wouldn't give up, and one concert in a little church changed his life forever.


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Stay in Touch Take Care

see You again with a New Story.

For more infomation >> Teen Raised By Single Mom Almost Gave Up On Dreams, Then Concert At Church Changed His Life Forever - Duration: 4:23.


12 Signs Indicating That You're an Outgoing Introvert - Duration: 5:09.

12 Signs Indicating That You're an Outgoing Introvert

You may not know that you may belong to outgoing introvert.

It is actually an introvert person with extrovert traits gets in the way sometimes.

You should know that introversion and extroversion are not as simple as black and white.

It's more like a spectrum, and it will change from time to time.

Some people may fall closer to the end of the spectrum, Which make them either very

introverted, or, very extroverted.

However, most people are actually somewhere in the middle of the spectrum, which is quite

harder to determine.

Let's imagine this for a little, you may have some days where you can't speak to enough

people, and you also have days where you want to hide from the world.

Then, can you justify whether you are an introvert or are you an extrovert?

Well, it's most likely that you're a Hybrid, and don't worry, there are a lot of people

just like you in this world, the real name known for this type of behavior is ambivert.

If you think you are more of an ambivert, you should consider these signs of an outgoing

introvert on this video.

In any case, if you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this

video and subscribe to our channel, so you won't miss any of our interesting update in

the future.

So, here are the signs of an outgoing introvert.

#1 - Your energy depends on environment.

Music, number and types of people, noise level, and lights around you determine level of your


#2 - Small talk costs energy.

Depending on your situation, small talk does not interest you.

Small talk for you is exhausting, and that is why you avoid it unless necessary.

#3 - Different people affect you differently.

Certain people make you more energized while some others drown you.

Their attitude and the topic you are discussing with play great role here.

#4 - You are fine being invited into social event

It's true that you are comfortable with staying at home to either read a book or catch up

your favorite movies on Netflix, however, you're not afraid to go out with a group

of people at a social event, in fact, you are enjoying it too.

It could be a club, a bar, or a party, or whichever it is you feel equally satisfied

to do either that or stay at home.

Well, it might take a little bit of prep talk a minutes before you leave the house to go

to a party, but you know that's only a moment to escape the mentality of enjoying a comfortable

evening to yourself.

#5 - Despite that, doesn't mean you enjoy the traditional social system

You know that you enjoy the casual party or event you go to with someone, however, that

doesn't mean you necessarily enjoy going out anywhere in public.

For example, rather than spending an evening going out dinner at mall or any restaurant

with your colleagues worker, you'd rather stay at home under your blankets as you watch

some movies.

Trust me, this is not about being shy or too afraid to speak to people, it's just because

you are still an introvert inside.

You feel it's unnecessary to spend your time and energy on people you barely tolerate

at work when you can do something more enjoyable instead.

In fact, any place where you'll be forced to socialize with people you barely consider

companions is a place you'd rather miss out on because you only have so much energy

to spare on people.

#6 - Deep thinker while being conversationalist.

You like to talk to others when the conversation is predicted to be fruitful and meaningful.

This makes you look charming and talkative while people not realizing that your mind

may be away from you.

#7 - Mildly Selective.

You choose friends that will make you feel energized.

Typically, you do not have plenty, but they are high quality friends who can fulfill your


#8 - People are interesting and exhausting.

Hanging out is great, but you need to recharge alone once in a while.

#9 - Going out after hibernation.

Outgoing introverts need to recharge after a while.

Once the energy is full, you are ready to go with your friends.

#10 - Warming up is important.

Every time you meet new people, you need to warm up before engaging with them.

#11 - Crowds' proof.

Most of the time, you do not want to show off.

You only want a person or two from the crowd know you while letting the others to proof

your ability through the way you behave.

#12 - People think you are extrovert.

Sometimes, people think you are extrovert because you like hanging out with people.

They may be confused too as you get a lot of energy even though you describe yourself

as introvert.

Well, those are some of the signs indicating that you're an outgoing introvert.

So, Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 12 Signs Indicating That You're an Outgoing Introvert - Duration: 5:09.


Abandoned Dog With Crooked Face Waits For Forever Home - Duration: 3:07.

Abandoned Dog With Crooked Face Waits For Forever Home

Woody the pit bull is only eight months old, but he's already faced tons of hardship

in his life.

His problems began when he was attacked by another dog when he was just a few weeks old.

His owners didn't take him to a veterinarian, and so he ended up with permanent facial deformities.

But thankfully, the deformities don't seem to cause him any pain.

When Woody was five weeks old, his former owners abandoned the poor dog.

They left him chained up in their backyard in Tennessee, completely alone.

People in the neighborhood started feeding the dog since he would have starved without

their help.

And then, one of the neighbors decided to call Special Needs Animal Rescue & Rehabilitation


As soon as the founder of SNARR, Courtney Bellew, heard Woody's story, she knew she

had to save him.In November 2017, Bellew met Woody in New York City.

There, she learned that despite everything he'd been through, Woody was a joyful and

energetic young pup.

"We think he's about 8 months old, but he acts like he's about 8 weeks old.

He's very playful and very affectionate.

He's a typical goofy pittie puppy.

Because his face is kind of cute and silly looking, the personality and face together

just make him extra adorable," Bellew told The Dodo.

Bellew also said that Woody needed a bit of training to learn basic commands:

"He jumps, and he doesn't really know basic commands like 'sit' and 'stay.

I don't think he was ever a loved house pet.

I think that he was sort of a dog who was left to his own devices, even when the people

still lived there."Woody also quickly showed how caring he was.

When his new foster mom, Jamie Bond, got sick, he stayed by her side all day:

"The first day we had Woody I was sick with a fever," Bond said.

"He knew something wasn't right and never left my side.

He snuggled with me on the couch all afternoon.

Now he's my shadow, always following wherever I go, making sure I'm safe and sound.

Woody loves to curl up on the bed and put his head on my chest."

Source: SNARR Animal Rescue via Facebook Once Woody was situated, Bellew began looking

for the right forever home for him.

She posted a photo of him on Facebook and said they were looking for the perfect home

for this cute little guy.Bellew's goal was to get Woody into a forever home by Christmas.

And after reading through lots of applications, she found the right home for him just before

Christmas Eve!

On SNARR's Facebook page, Bellew an adorable photo of Woody in his new home on Christmas.Woody

has now settled into life with his new family, and he's as happy as can be.

This sweet dog is doing great!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

For more infomation >> Abandoned Dog With Crooked Face Waits For Forever Home - Duration: 3:07.


Former Trump Aide Says Mueller Has ALL Of The Text Messages From Trump's Staffers - Duration: 3:14.

Just when you thought people in the White House couldn't get any more screwed, former

Trump campaign aid Michael Caputo admitted this week something that I'm sure sent shock

waves all through the Trump administration.

And that admission was this, the Mueller investigation has everything.

They've got further documentation from people who worked outside the campaign, their emails,

their texts.

They have the entire campaign's texts.

Those were the exact words from Michael Caputo in an interview, after he spent this past

Wednesday testifying in front of Mueller and the special prosecutor's office for several


He knows what they have, because he's basically been interrogated by them and presented with

the evidence.

So, we now know that Mueller has access, has the records, the documentations, probably

they're all printed out right there in the office.

The text messages from everyone involved in the Donald Trump campaign, including emails.

And what's great about this is that most people seem to know that you've got to be careful

what you say in an email, right?

You know, those go across the internet, they're very easy to get a hold of.

But text messages, people are typically a little more liberal with information that

they're willing to share, or secrets that they're willing to share with one another.

So the fact that he has those, knowing what we've already seen from the emails, specifically

those from Donald Trump Junior, I think this case is actually approaching an end point

right now.

I think Mueller has all of the evidence that he needs, which is likely why he requested

70 black subpoena's earlier this past week, related to the Paul Manafort case.

But I think he's got what he needs.

At this point, I think he's just trying to around, tie up some loose ends by questioning

the few remaining people.

Not to get new info, but to verify, or see if they're going to perjure themselves, based

on what this investigation already knows.

Things are coming to an end, and it's obviously not going to be an end that anyone in the

Trump administration is going to be happy with.

If they have those text messages and emails, as Caputo claimed, there's a lot more people

than we even realize at this point that could be going down as a part of this investigation.

It's also worthwhile to point out the fact that Caputo, at the end of his testimony,

said God damn you to hell, after he told them that his family was crushed, because of all

the legal fees he was having to pay to protect himself from this investigation.

So, yeah, I know it's a little after the fact, but let me give Mr. Caputo here just a little

bit of advice.

When people are investigating you, and they've got all this information about what you've

done, and what your former boss has done, probably not the best idea to leave the room

by saying damn you all to hell.

You don't want to ever piss off the people who have the power to throw you in prison.

For more infomation >> Former Trump Aide Says Mueller Has ALL Of The Text Messages From Trump's Staffers - Duration: 3:14.


How To Get Sex On The First Date (This ALWAYS Works ;)) - Duration: 17:57.

For more infomation >> How To Get Sex On The First Date (This ALWAYS Works ;)) - Duration: 17:57.


Waiting for My Rainbow - Reese Oliveira (written by Stephanie Boyd) - Duration: 3:36.

Breathing, pacing, heart is racing

I can't believe this is real

What I feel

Pleading, praying, time is swaying

I need to find some relief

Is this all a dream?

A glimmer in the sky

A promise from on high

I'm waiting for my rainbow

I need His peace within

I trust it's coming again

Let it begin

I'm waiting for my rainbow

Learning, reading, craving, seeking

Comfort that comes from above

Divine love

Trusting, hoping, strength is growing

I felt his power before

I pray He'll restore

A glimmer in the sky

A promise from on high

I'm waiting for my rainbow

I need his peace within

I trust it's coming again

Let it begin

I'm waiting for my rainbow

That's His sign of peace

For all humanity

Even me

A glimmer in the sky

A promise from on High

I'm waiting for my rainbow

I need His peace within

I trust He's coming again

Let it begin

I'm waiting for my rainbow

For more infomation >> Waiting for My Rainbow - Reese Oliveira (written by Stephanie Boyd) - Duration: 3:36.


President Trump Just Ended Amnesty for 50K People and Now They Have to GO BACK! - Duration: 3:22.

Trump Just Ended Amnesty for 50K People and Now They Have to GO BACK!

President Trump just ended amnesty for approximately fifty thousand people.

The Honduran nationals who have been allowed to stay in the U.S. since 1999, just got some

very bad news.

They now have 18 months to return home, or face deportation.

From Breitbart,

President Trump is ending temporary amnesty for about 50,000 Honduran nationals who have

been allowed to stay in the United States since 1999.

In a statement by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Trump administration announced

that they will officially end Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Honduran nationals allowed

to stay in the U.S. after nearly two decades following a hurricane in Honduras.

More than 85,000 Honduran nationals have used TPS to stay in the U.S., but only 50,000 still

remain in the country.

The new directive by the Trump administration will give those Honduran nationals about 18

months to return to Honduras or face deportation.

DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said in a statement:

The decision to terminate TPS for Honduras was made after a review of the environmental

disaster-related conditions upon which the country's original 1999 TPS designation

was based and an assessment of whether those originating conditions continue to exist,

as required by statute.

Based on careful consideration of available information, including recommendations received

as part of an inter-agency consultation process, the Secretary determined that the disruption

of living conditions in Honduras from Hurricane Mitch that served as the basis for its TPS

designation has decreased to a degree that it should no longer be regarded as substantial.

Thus, as required under the applicable statute, the current TPS designation must be terminated.

Since 1999, conditions in Honduras that resulted from the hurricane have notably improved.

Additionally, since the last review of the country's conditions in October 2016, Honduras

has made substantial progress in post-hurricane recovery and reconstruction from the 1998

Hurricane Mitch.

DHS officials say the 18-month delay before Honduran nationals are eligible for deportation

is to allow for "an orderly transition" and give Honduras time "to prepare for the

return and reintegration of its citizens."

Trump has made a substantial effort to gradually return foreign nationals given temporary amnesty

through the TPS program back to their native countries.

Temporary amnesties granted to foreign national populations are often renewed for decades

by administrations even though the original intent of the TPS program is to be temporary

and not permanent.

Most recently, Trump has ended TPS for 1,000 Liberian nationals, Sudanese nationals, 300,000

Central Americans and Haitians, and 200,000 El Salvadorians.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> President Trump Just Ended Amnesty for 50K People and Now They Have to GO BACK! - Duration: 3:22.


The LaBelle Tiny House RV from Christie Tiny Homes - Duration: 3:10.

The LaBelle Tiny House RV from Christie Tiny Homes

For more infomation >> The LaBelle Tiny House RV from Christie Tiny Homes - Duration: 3:10.


Giuliani Doubles Down: Trump Didn't Violate Campaign Finance Law In Hush Payment - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Giuliani Doubles Down: Trump Didn't Violate Campaign Finance Law In Hush Payment - Duration: 3:07.


Unnecessary Pressure | Fast Russian - Duration: 4:15.

Subtitles start at 1:05.

I almost graduated from university,

I almost graduated with Bachelors. I on;y have, I only have two exams

left, which I will have tomorrow. I finished playing tennis, I'm finishing

to study at university and I don't have anymore lectures, I do not have any more classes,

I no longer have any other duties,

except those that I came up with myself, like BeFluent, that is I am my own boss

almost at 100% now. My time, I dispose of my

time almost as I desire. And in the last two weeks, when

almost everything has fallen off my shoulders, almost the entire load, I realized how pleasant it is to live,

when you do not have any pressure, which you do not like. That is, you don't

have to do what you do not like, and then I sat there and thought how many

people, on this planet Earth, who work from

9 to 5, or even longer, at the unloved job. And they work just because they need to. And this

a half of their lives. How's that? And for me it is really not clear, because

I can't imagine my life, where I live for the benefit of someone else, but not for

my own benefit, when at least half of my day

passes, somehow not in the way I want and not how I like it, most importantly. I realized that

I should work very very hard to prevent

that I live by other people's rules, but to truly live and without this

unnecessary pressure that I do not like. Because of the fact that now I have

no extra burden, I can do much more for you, for BeFluent,

for my business and I truly like it. I'm just just a lot

happier, I feel more free, I feel that I have no

haste, even say for video recording, because

before I have, say, two hours a week, a small window where I can record.

And if something goes wrong, then I have my entire schedule thrown down

the pipe, out the window. And I realized how wonderful it is to be free and

not depend on anyone, and plan your day yourself.

For more infomation >> Unnecessary Pressure | Fast Russian - Duration: 4:15.


BTS (방탄소년단) LOVE YOURSELF 轉 Tear "Singularity" [RUS SUB] - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> BTS (방탄소년단) LOVE YOURSELF 轉 Tear "Singularity" [RUS SUB] - Duration: 3:33.


BOMBSHELL: D.C. Puts Everything on Hold For New Leads in Hillary Email Investigation. - Duration: 3:18.


Puts Everything on Hold For New Leads in Hillary Email Investigation.

This could be BIG, folks.

According to reports, Trey Gowdy has postponed Inspector General Michael Horowitz's highly

anticipated testimony due to new leads, emerging in Horowitz's review of the criminal investigation

into Hillary's private email server.

From Fox News

Inspector General Michael Horowitz's widely anticipated testimony next week before the

House Oversight Committee has been postponed, as the Justice Department, IG has pursued

new leads in his review of the Hillary Clinton email investigation, according to a congressional

letter and sources familiar with the matter.

"It is of the utmost importance that your review be as fulsome, complete and unimpeded

as possible," Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., the chairman of the committee, wrote in a recent

letter to Horowitz obtained by Fox News.

Horowitz was scheduled to appear before the committee on May 8.

But Gowdy told Horowitz he wants to reschedule his testimony "as close to the day the report

is finalized as is practicable."

Gowdy said the decision to postpone is based on "the representations" in an April 23

letter from Horowitz.

The developments suggest Horowitz is still working to complete his review of the FBI

and DOJ's handling of the Clinton case.

Sources familiar with the review have told Fox News that Horowitz has continued to pursue

new leads and witnesses in recent weeks.

During a speech Friday, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said he expects Horowitz's

review will be finalized soon.

"Within the next few weeks, I anticipate that our inspector general will complete a

comprehensive, fair and nonpartisan report that answers many questions about how the

Department of Justice handled a high-profile investigation during the last presidential

campaign," Rosenstein said.

"We will learn from it, and our Department will do better in the future."

Elements of a related review already have been made public.

In April, a Horowitz review faulted former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for his

role in a media leak about the Clinton Foundation.

In that report, Horowitz said McCabe lied four times — three times under oath — and

referred the matter to the U.S. Attorney's office for possible criminal prosecution.

McCabe has vowed to fight the allegations, saying then-FBI Director James Comey knew

of his media engagement with the Wall Street Journal, but wanted to distance himself from


Horowitz's forthcoming report is also expected to examine actions taken at the bureau by


The former director confirmed in an interview with Fox News last week that he had spoken

with Horowitz's team about his handling of memos documenting his conversations with

President Trump.

Gowdy did not set a new date for the testimony, but, considering the short congressional calendar

in May, it's possible Horowitz's testimony could be put off until June.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> BOMBSHELL: D.C. Puts Everything on Hold For New Leads in Hillary Email Investigation. - Duration: 3:18.


9 Things Why Being an Introvert is Good and You Should Be Proud of It - Duration: 4:18.

9 Things Why Being an Introvert is Good and You Should Be Proud of It

Introverts are once linked with negativities, while extroverts, on the other hand, get all

the attention, fun, and the best experience of the world.

However, that stigma is going to fade away soon.

Because there are more and more introverts who stood up to the world and gain fame in

the process.

It is always the fact, and you should know that introverts also have their advantages


For starter, Introverts got super powers like you've never seen!

Introverts are a special genre of people who just enjoy alone time.

So in this video, I'm going to share with you some reasonable explanation why being

an introvert is good, and now you should be proud of it.

Therefore, If you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this video

and subscribe to our channel, so you won't miss any of our interesting updates in the


#1 - Low maintenance

Introverts value the right of space.

They will not try to grab attention from others.

Moreover, they also do not depend on attention from other people.

This is called low maintenance since introverts can live independently without people actually

put great care on them.

#2 - Better listener

Though sometimes introverts do not listen as a whole – as listening can be daring

and exhausting, they really listen to people.

They do not merely wait for speaking chance, but they carefully listen before responding.

#3 - They help to keep the world balanced

In a world that can't stop talking, it is undeniable fact that having someone to listen

to your story is really beneficial, it is an important virtue that will allow us to

build a peaceful relationships of understanding.

Admit it or not, extroverted people would have no one to listen to without introverts.

#4 - Uniquely creative

Introverts are original creator, and they have their own style when it comes to producing

something new.

It is possible because they spend their time contemplating their perfect style to develop

and realize new ideas, thoughts, and insights helped by calm mind and environment.

#5 - Introverts are Wiser

It is no wonder why introverts are usually wise because they only talk when they need

to talk, they think before they act, and they reflect from everything that has happened.

Introverts have deeper understanding of the world, and that is why they usually have more

sensitivity towards issues.

#6 - Sharp focus

In any given situation, introverts can focus on important details.

Even though they cannot quickly respond by providing quick solution, their long-term

suggestion is remarkable for better condition in the future.

#7 - Introverts will one day run the world

Susan Cain, the author of "QUIET: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking,"

once stated on TedTalk that there is actually no flaw in being introverted.

It is due to the fact that introverts have shown the potential to be great leaders.

You can do some search online and you will find a lot of articles about how successful

introverts can be.

So, never underestimate an introvert, you don't know if you might be work for them someday.

#8 - Deep connection with People

Many people agree that introverts have few friends.

However, do you know that they really love their friends?

They value friendship so high since they only have limited number of friends.

That is also the reason why they want to keep their friends at its great care.

#9 - Independent

This benefit is remarkable.

Introverts can do anything they like without help of others – most of the time.

They do not want to burden or annoy their friends, so they try to do everything by themselves.

Well, those are some reasons why being an introvert is good, so if you're an introvert,

you should be proud of it.

Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 9 Things Why Being an Introvert is Good and You Should Be Proud of It - Duration: 4:18.


Nightcore - This is America (Lyrics) [Childish Gambino | Kid Travis Cover] - Duration: 2:19.

Nightcore - This is America (Lyrics) [Childish Gambino | Kid Travis Cover] Subtitles in video

For more infomation >> Nightcore - This is America (Lyrics) [Childish Gambino | Kid Travis Cover] - Duration: 2:19.


One Piece Episode 835 Reaction - Duration: 20:42.

DISCLAIMER: Sorry I Couldn't talk because of bad Mic quality

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