Hey guys and welcome once more to my
How are you?????? I'm so glad
As you can see... I am in Germany
As you can see... I am in Germany
That's the first video that I record here
As you have seen in the title of the video
This video is about LIFE HACKS. What is a life hack? WELL......
Life hacks refers to any trick
novelty methods that increases
the productivity and efficiency
but I also think that life hacks refers to feel yourself better and something that satisfies you
1st life hack: I want you to know that I a HEAVY LOVER of chocolate
so, the first Life Hacks refers to that, of course
After buying a kit kat mini bag, intruduce it in the fridge
So that, when you want to it on piece
Just open it and it will be crunchy and soooo tasty
Kit kat, huesitos (another brand), etc
2nd. You know... that sensation in the morning where you wake up and then, you realice that you have some minutes more to sleep
What I've decided is to set the alarm, also, on Satuday as every normal day
So, the alarm rings as every day and i start waking up me BUT
NO! IT'S SATURDAY. I turn off the alarm and let's continue sleeping
What a pleasant sensation!
3rd life hack. Everybody knows that when you buy something new
(at least what I do is...)
I hope people also do it... (I don't want to be the only one...)
e.g. if I see this t-shirt in a shop... I start thinking what things will fit me with it (that, that, that)
so, this "ideas of how to wear those clothes"
So, when you arrive home, prepare your "new looks"
if the looks that you have created are cool
do not hesitate on write, draw or photography it
then, when you won't know what to wear,
In order to not just wear a BASIC T-SHIRT, JEANS AND SNIKERS
Just think on that looks
so, you will have super cool looks but without thinking a lot on that
Eventhough, with a perfect basic t-shirt and jeans, I want I use to wear
4th life hack
It is very useful... Increases your productivity and...
Well... I prefer to show you
Nobody wants to wake up sooo early
For preparing, apart for the breakfast, a break for later
Which is something that requires more time
like some snack better prepared because, at least in my case, it's a moment when im so hungry!!!
During the weekend
Think in a couple of ideas of snack
I am going to think in... TIPICAL: Ham, cheese and olive oil
Ok, that will be one. Other could be (maybe too much), paprika, tomato and chicken
Cook them. Actually, you have to motivate yourself
Think on the moment when you are going to enjoy it
e.g. when you are preparing the dinner, let's do it in the same time (for saving time)
Let's do it for some days
Buy bread or sandwiches, full with the ideas that you have (ham, cheese, paprika, whatever...)
Introduce it a plastic bag
Put it into the frizzer
So, now, during the week, when you wake up
you just will have to pick up from the frizzer the snack that you want today
It will thaw during the day
so, you won't need to wake up early for preparing you any snack
I would like to show you my outfit of today
I feel like... I don't know... super me
I am wearing this high-rise jeans which are boot-cut as well
You know that in winter... it's so difficult
to go out of the shower (I really feel so confortable in it... HOT WATER...)
What to do for going out of the shower in those moments
without any effort
Actually... What is happening to us while inside the shower?
1. While you are inside is super warm and 2. it's suuuper cold outside
What you should do is
When it's time to go out
Turn the water cold
In order to be unconfortable inside the shower
Then, our body will notice the cold water
In that moment we should go out!
Whereas outside will be NOT SO COLD as before (what you feel with your cold body)
Now, outside is kind of warm and "inside the shower is cold"
Now, I'm going to explain you another Life Hack that actually... It doesn't increment your productivity but at the end will make you enjoy more
People use to ask me: why are you always so happy? I think it's because of my personality/way of being
but... I don't know... let's imagine, when you're on your way in the street
Someone just tell you THANK YOU
and those 2 words really make your day. I belive that people is not used to say thank you
It's not so difficult to make people feel better. It's as easy as instead of being
Just make...
Simply, just to smile people even you don't know them
Just think in how you'd like if someone smiles you in the street
So, just force you to smile at the beginning
I swear that you will make them happier and at the end it will me you happy as well
Simply... to smile or to say thank you.
Even at the beginning will be difficult, at the end it'll take you natural
A life hack for improving our vocabulary
Day to day, forcing you of learning one word HOW?
Let's imagine that I don't know what mobilephone means
So, the 1st day I have to force myself to use that word at least once or twice
In order to introduce it easily in my vocab.
2nd day, "mobilephone" is introduced already in my vocab. so,
let's think in another one
and I force myself to use that new word once or twice during the 2nd day
after some days, you will introduce lots of words in your vocab.
You can do it in your own language or another one as english or german
Just basic words, then try to think in the language you are trying to imporve and introduce that words in your thoughts
With that I finish my video, I really hope that you like it
I am super super happy for recording with the new camera
I look like super tanned
Please, suscribe you to my youtube channel if you like this video for being able to watch future ones
I will upload new videos very soon! I was getting used to living here but now I am ready
I really want to record new videos since now
I give you here...
my social networks
Just follow me on instagram
because I use to post photos and ig stories everyday
That are in english and in spanish (at least I try to...)
Thank you very much for watching this video!! I really hope to see you next week with a new video!
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