Sunday, May 6, 2018

Youtube daily report w May 6 2018

the abbot ex-friend li breakfast for many people breakfast and snacks is the

most neglected meals of the day but if you have type 2 diabetes breakfast is a

must and it can have real benefits the body really needs the nutrients that

break fast probates eating foods at breakfast that have a

low glycemic index may help prevent a spike in red sugar all morning long and

even after lunch eating banana with orange will keep you feeling full and a

good breakfast helps kick start your morning metabolism and keeps your energy

up throughout the day for this recipe we need banana orange and honey banana in

addition to starch and sugar a medium-sized banana contains 3 grams of

fiber everyone including diabetics should eat adequate amounts of dietary

fiber due to its potential health benefits however fiber is especially

important for people with diabetes as it can help slow the digestion and

absorption of carbs this can reduce blood sugar spikes and improve overall

blood sugar control oranges the puffiness of oranges provides a great

source of fiber to maximize this make sure to eat the whole fruit rather than

drink the juice studies have shown that eating citrus fruits can lower the risk

of diabetes but drinking the fruit juice can increase the risk honey people with

diabetes are often told they should not eat sweets and other foods that contain

sugar because they may cause a spike in blood sugar levels whereas honey is the

natural sugar and moreover doctors suggest honey may they replace of sugar

and also our study showed that people with type 2 diabetes who ate the honey

lost weight and had reduced the cholesterol levels in their blend peeled

bananas and cut into bite sized slices and feel orange break into slices and

cut each slice into bite-sized pieces and half orange pieces then add honey to

eat and mix well when you are hungry for breakfast at suppertime enjoy a bowl of

this sweet minted fruit diabetic friendly

fruit salad when you are looking for a debate is friendly treat that can help

keep your blood sugar within a healthy range look no further than your

refrigerator or the fruit basket on your kitchen table to prepare this fruit

salad we need pineapple pieces 1/2 cup apple pieces 1/2 cup for pea pieces 1/2

cup avocado 1/2 cup banana half cup grapes or berries kafka pineapple can be

a healthy choice for people with diabetes if you have diabetes you can

eat a pineapple as long as you do so in moderation

you should also balance your pineapple consumption with other foods if you were

adding pineapple into your diet for the first time since your diagnosis

you should watch for any changes of your blood sugar levels if you find any

dangerous changes you should remove it from your diet according to your study

apples blueberries and grapes is linked to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes

avocados could help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke in people with

diabetes the facts in avocados are mostly monounsaturated fatty acids which

have been shown to raise good HDL cholesterol many people think that

bananas affected our bodies and blood sugar levels when you have diabetes it

is important to keep blood sugar levels as stable as possible if you have

diabetes being aware of the amount and type of carbs in your diet is important

this is because Cubs raise your blood sugar level more than other nutrients

which means they can greatly affect your blood sugar control but the type of

carbs in your banana depends on the rip less green or android bananas contains

less sugar and more resistance starch resistant starches or long chains of

glucose that are resistant to digestion in the upper part of your digestive

system this means that they function in a similar way as fiber and won't cause a

rise in blood sugar levels to enjoy this diabetes friendly fruit salad add all

the pieces into a bowl with a pinch of black pepper powder pepper will enhances

taste and makes your recipe three juicing recipes for diabetics one

common ingredient found in most of the recipes here is bitter melon according

to your study it contains four ingredients that help lower blood

glucose levels leptin Carentan Wilson and polypeptide bitter melon also known

as bitter gourd or karela in India is a unique vegetable fruit that can be used

as food or medicine and while you're Medical Center says that bitter melon is

so potent that when combined with medication may reduce blood sugar too

much that it can fall to dangerously low levels

there's the good news the bad news is tastes bitter melon is the most bitter

of all fruits and vegetables these recipes I will share with you will range

from very bitter to less bitter most of the ingredients added or their to dilute

this strong flavor if you have type-2 diabetes then sticks with these three

recipes and avoids recipes with too much fruit in it let us see the preparation

of three amazing recipes one the blood sugar Buster for this recipe we need

only to large bitter melons and nothing else cut them into pieces and remove the

seeds out from it grind the bitter melon pieces with a required amount of water

and consume a little glass of this drink every day with empty stomach by

following this bitter recipe for few months you can completely off your

medication the blood glucose levels have been below the borderline mark as well

as even sit tests with measures the blood glucose levels the previous months

this is the most concentrated form and it is very bitter but it is very potent

to blood sugar busting diuretic for this amazing recipe we need two large bitter

melons one medium cucumber and half a lemon here we are using both the

cucumber and lemon which will dilute the strong bitter flavor of the two larger

bitter melons but you will still feel the bitterness of this drink as you chug

it down if you don't want pure bitter melon this is a good alternative three

slightly sweet and very bitter to prepare this recipe we need two large

bitter melons one Myriam koo kumba half a lemon and one

fizzy apple if the blood sugar busting diabetic is too strong then try this

recipe both are similar and the only difference would be their fusee apple

you may love using these types of apples because they are foam and have a lot of

juice but limited to just one because we don't want to add too much fructose into

this drink if you prefer to use green apple that's alright because its purpose

is only to dilute bitterness and add flavor to this drink expert says that

you should avoid eating more than two bitter gourds per day also if you're

pregnant avoid drinking these because it might trigger premature contraction and

bleeding which may result to a miscarriage what you Milan jello for

diabetics watermelon is typically a summertime favorite although you may

want to dish some of this sweet treat up at every meal or make it your go-to

summer snack if you have diabetes you know how important it is to watch what

you eat unmonitored your blood sugar levels

watermelon is loaded with natural sugars depending on your overall diets this may

have a positive impact on your blood sugar level everyone loud jelly or melon

jello so if your rainbow jello one watermelon full with healthy fruits

which works in lowering blood sugar and also for mental health

no one will refuse let us see the fruits and ingredients used to prepare a debate

is friendly watermelon jello watermelon papaya pineapple grapes avocado apples

bananas and 2 to 3 teaspoons of Buzzle seeds take one large watermelon and cut

a portion off it has a shown in video extract the juicy flesh completely from

inside the watermelon to make empty random

now put the watermelon flush pieces aside and cut the papaya into pieces

papaya is very rich in vitamin C magnesium and potassium pineapple

pineapple can be a healthy choice for people with diabetes

this fruit contain vitamins minerals and fiber that can be more beneficial to

your diet grapes the fiber in grapes fills you up faster and helps to keep

your blood sugar levels in check a study found that eating whole fruits

especially blueberries grapes significantly reduces their risk for

type 2 diabetes alcaraz avocados could help reduce the risk of heart disease

and stroke in people with diabetes the fats and avocados are mostly

monounsaturated fatty acids which have been shown to raise good HDL cholesterol

apples has already discussed eating whole fruits but particularly

apples blueberries and grapes is a link to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes

bananas bananas also contain fiber which may reduce blood sugar spikes in

addition to starch and sugar a medium-sized banana contains 3 grams of

fiber bustled seeds Buzzle seeds are considered to be good for type 2

diabetics as it is known to keep a check on blood sugar levels they slow down the

metabolism of your body and this control the conversion of carbohydrates into

glucose after taking the ingredients into separate bowls juice a watermelon

flush to make fine juice now take this juice into your pan and start boiling

after reaching into boiling point add two to three tablespoons of artificial

jelly powder and one tablespoon of mustard seeds to it and stir it well

take this boil the mixture into watermelon drained

and add sliced bananas and apples to eat and leave for few minutes meanwhile

prepare allegedly by adding artificial color and jelly powder in boiling water

for the mixture as a second layer with the remaining fruits to the watermelon

for this boiling water as a third layer of watermelon and add all remaining

fruits by adjusting empty spaces now close the watermelon top and cut into

required amount pieces diabetics can enjoy this homemade watermelon jello by

adding it in their diet thank you for watching this video like and subscribe

for videos


For more infomation >> Diabetes Salad - Best Healthy Food For Diabetes - Duration: 11:42.


カーオブザイヤー受賞!3大レースインディ500を制覇した佐藤琢磨さんの愛車とは?【芸能人の愛車】 - Duration: 11:14.

For more infomation >> カーオブザイヤー受賞!3大レースインディ500を制覇した佐藤琢磨さんの愛車とは?【芸能人の愛車】 - Duration: 11:14.


"Hold On"

For more infomation >> "Hold On"


Grande Fratello 2018,Aida insultata e umiliata da Luigi: il pianto disperato | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello 2018,Aida insultata e umiliata da Luigi: il pianto disperato | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:35.


Corinthians está em negociação e deve anunciar naming rights da Arena - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Corinthians está em negociação e deve anunciar naming rights da Arena - Duration: 4:11.


Unhas Decoradas Simples e Fáceis | The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation 2018 #8 - Duration: 10:05.

For more infomation >> Unhas Decoradas Simples e Fáceis | The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation 2018 #8 - Duration: 10:05.


Pulito facile e brillante: 10 consigli per tutti coloro che odiano fare le pulizie - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> Pulito facile e brillante: 10 consigli per tutti coloro che odiano fare le pulizie - Duration: 4:43.


Maquiador de Kim Kardashian indica produto barato e infalível para espinhas - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Maquiador de Kim Kardashian indica produto barato e infalível para espinhas - Duration: 3:18.


Apenas Uma Colher Disto Por Dia Elimina a Impotência e Recupera ... - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> Apenas Uma Colher Disto Por Dia Elimina a Impotência e Recupera ... - Duration: 5:47.


解放軍突然宣布重磅消息 震動世界!中國人久等了 - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> 解放軍突然宣布重磅消息 震動世界!中國人久等了 - Duration: 5:22.


Homem: fique atento aos sintomas e sinais do câncer de testículo! - Dr Natureba - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Homem: fique atento aos sintomas e sinais do câncer de testículo! - Dr Natureba - Duration: 5:42.


Huzur Gazi-E-Millat | Hashmi Miya | FULL HD | Taqreer | Sarkhej | By Simna Graphics - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Huzur Gazi-E-Millat | Hashmi Miya | FULL HD | Taqreer | Sarkhej | By Simna Graphics - Duration: 3:09.


5 buoni motivi per alzarsi alle 6 di mattina - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> 5 buoni motivi per alzarsi alle 6 di mattina - Duration: 4:58.


Punta Granelli, 28-4-2018, le cime. Solo (Trimix) dive. -107 mt. - Duration: 7:36.

For more infomation >> Punta Granelli, 28-4-2018, le cime. Solo (Trimix) dive. -107 mt. - Duration: 7:36.


MYKONOS in SPRING: 13 places to see ABSOLUTELY! / GREECE - Duration: 3:01.

Hi travellers!

Welcome in this new video!

Today we take you here with us in Mykonos!

We spent a fantastic week here,

to discover the city of Mykonos,

the island, the most beautiful beaches,

and we mostly ate great food.

We bring you here out of season,

we are at the end of April.

They are suggestions for a low cost holiday.

If you have not yet done so, subscribe to the channel

every Sunday morning a new video is online

with lots of tips on traveling.

And activate the bell!

See you on the next sunday! Ciao!

For more infomation >> MYKONOS in SPRING: 13 places to see ABSOLUTELY! / GREECE - Duration: 3:01.


How to use Conjunctive Adverbs (GREAT for writing assignments!) - Duration: 9:25.

Hey how's it going I'm Marc - there are many English books however none of them

may be helpful Jennifer wants a big wedding meanwhile her fiance wants a small

private one learning how to use an iPhone is difficult for my mother buying

it for her birthday was a mistake indeed it was only a small gift but it was

gratefully received nonetheless in this lesson we're going to take a look at

conjunctive adverbs so stay tuned

right conjunctive adverbs let me tell you that I've already talked about

conjunctions if you want to watch all those lessons you may click here so

let's start by describing adverbs adverbs are words that modify verbs

clauses sentences adjectives or even other adverbs if you want to watch a

lesson on adverbs you may click here conjunctive adverbs are adverbs that

join two clauses together these clauses are independent ones we can mention

accordingly additionally besides instead likewise

however rather still etc I'm going to post a graph listing all the conjunctive

adverbs on my community section so you can download it when we talk about

conjunctive adverbs it's important to say that punctuation is extremely

important a semicolon or period what is a semicolon it's this sign this one or

period period is used at the end of the first independent clause at the end of

the first independent clause then follows a conjunctive adverb followed by

a comma so the formula would look like first Clause semicolon or period plus

conjunctive adverb plus comma plus second clause so let's list some

examples first one following a semicolon there are many English books semicolon

however which means by contrast none of them may be helpful so you can see the

first Clause right there are many English books then we need the

conjunctive adverb however which means by contrast and then the second clause

none of them may be helpful let's look at another example you need to stop

watching TV that much semicolon otherwise which means differently you'll

become blind this is also an example of yes the first conditional so you

see you need to stop watching TV that much this is the first clause and so the

condition otherwise otherwise you'll become blind and this is the result if

you want to watch lessons on the first conditional you may click here so let's

look at yet another example I'd like to invite you out for dinner semicolon

unless which means except you had other plans already this is also an example of

the second conditional if you want to watch a lesson on the second conditional

you may click here however this is yes the condition I'd like to invite you out

for dinner and then the result unless you have other plans already so I'd like

I would like and then had past simple for our next group let's listen ones that

follow a period Jennifer wants a big wedding period meanwhile which means at

the same time her fiance wants a small private one so you can see Jennifer

wants a big wedding is the first clause then we have the conjunctive adverb

meanwhile then it follows a comma her fiance wants a small private one the

second clause let's look at another example I've decided to quit my job I've

decided to quit my job period furthermore which means in addition

comma I have exhausted all the options so you can see I've decided to quit my

job which is the first clause and then we have a period then we have

furthermore which is a conjunctive adverb comma and then we have the second

clause and for the last example my son was supposed to go out with John last

night period instead the conjunctive adverb which means as an alternative

comma he chose to stay in the second clause now I'm going to erase this and

we're going to look at yet other two uses of conjunctive adverbs so let's

look at other uses if the break of the main clause is weak then do not use

commas what do I mean by this so let's look at my introductory example learning

how to use an iPhone is difficult for my mother okay

buying it for her birthday was a mistake indeed so you can see that here indeed

which means certainly doesn't have a comma before it why because the main

clause is weak so we need this adverb or this conjunctive adverb so buying it for

her birthday was a mistake indeed certainly right so it reinforces buying

it for her birthday so the main clause let's look at yet another example

driving to work during a blizzard is hard I will therefore without a comma I will

therefore which means consequently call a taxi tomorrow

so therefore which is the adverb here is is needed in the sentence without it it

would be weak the sentence so we need to reinforce I will therefore consequently

call a taxi tomorrow so the last point that I want to talk about is that

conjunctive adverbs are also used at the end of a clause don't forget to use a comma

before it so my introductory example was it was only a small gift but it was

gratefully received nonetheless so here nonetheless which means however is

preceded by a comma so we have a comma right there so let's look at the last

example of this lesson after playing chess with his friends

Sean was too proud to admit defeat he did admit he wasn't concentrated however

so however means yet it's the same thing and it's preceded by a comma so we can

even use nonetheless like here or therefore or indeed it's a conjunctive adverb

but remember to use a comma before it okay if you want to use it at the end of

the sentence I will cite a quotation by Henry Rollins just to give you another

example I try to be well-informed I don't know

how well I do all the time but I try nonetheless so that's it for today if

you have any questions comments or if you want to post your own example you

may do so under this video if you haven't subscribed to my channel I

suggest you do if you want to share the lesson please do I will really

appreciate it having said that I will see you next week with a new English

lesson take care bye bye

For more infomation >> How to use Conjunctive Adverbs (GREAT for writing assignments!) - Duration: 9:25.


最新愤怒!被大马无端端"开除"的他,大马跳水教练杨祝梁愤怒了!他居然这样来炮轰大马!被人这样形容,实在是【国耻】!(内附视频) - Duration: 10:47.

For more infomation >> 最新愤怒!被大马无端端"开除"的他,大马跳水教练杨祝梁愤怒了!他居然这样来炮轰大马!被人这样形容,实在是【国耻】!(内附视频) - Duration: 10:47.


Abstract Painting With Acrylics | Dahlia - Duration: 4:31.

Thanks for watching this video.

If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me

Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.

If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created

a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.

And best off, you can get this DVD for free!

It's in the description below the video!

See you soon ;)

For more infomation >> Abstract Painting With Acrylics | Dahlia - Duration: 4:31.


Maurizio Costanzo "umilia" il Grande Fratello | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Maurizio Costanzo "umilia" il Grande Fratello | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:03.


कंद वाली सब्जीयो के लिये मिट्टी ऐसे बनायेRight soil mix for plant vegetable bulbs - Duration: 6:45.

In this video you will know

Bulb vegetables like Onion, Potato, Radish,

Carrot, Ginger and Garlic

How to make potting mix or

soil mix for this vegetables

For getting good yield in

container and terrace garden of home

I request you to stay with this

video from start to end

And I request you to subscribe this channel

Subscription link is given below

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Let's know how to make

soil mix or potting mix vegetable bulbs

for getting good yield of vegetables

Let's Start

For yielding good quality of bulb vegetables

You need few things to make potting mix

First take any soil

And take sand along with soil

You have to maintain a ratio

Take 50 % soil or take half the capacity of container

Add 30% sand in mix

And You have to add 20% compost with soil and sand

Mix soil sand and compost you have taken

Mix all three ingredient together

Benefit of adding sand in this mix is –

sand helps in good formation of vegetable bulbs,

like Potato, Onions, Garlic, Ginger,

Turmeric, Carrot and Radish

For good formation of vegetable bulbs

soil should be loose

Adding sand in mix promotes porosity

And the vegetable bulb takes good form

Adding sand in mix

not only promotes good vegetable bulbs

Sand also help in easy

discharge of water from containers.

Decaying of vegetable bulbs almost diminishes

Therefore sand should be added in soil mix

Generally when soil mix is prepared for containers,

We only insert soil

And add compost in soil mix

But for getting vegetable bulbs of good size

Soil mix should have capacity to

to help bulbs to grow bigger in size

for yielding good vegetables

Therefore addition of sand in necessary in soil mix

When you grow vegetable bulbs in this soil mix –

like Onions, Garlic, Ginger,

Potato,Turmeric, Radish and Carrot

Formation of vegetable bulbs will be good

As this soil mix provides adequate space

And growth of vegetable bulbs will be good

Mix all ingredients properly

Do as As I am mixing

Prepared Soil mix will good for vegetable bulbs

After mixing you can use this soil easily

for growing bulb vegetables in container with ease

I have prepared soil mix

Now I will transfer this mix into a container or pot

Then any vegetable bulbs can be easily grown in container

Transfer soil mix into a container

Then Your container or pot will get

ready for growing vegetable bulbs

I will insert remaining mix into container

In this way container is -

filled with prepared soil mix

If you wish, you can use coco peat in place of sand

Coco peat is also a good medium for vegetable bulbs

Vegetable bulb grows well in coco peat too

How was the video related to preparation of

soil mix for vegetable bulbs?

Like this video

Share this video with other organic gardeners

Do not forget to subscribe

Thanks for staying with this video

See you again with some other new information

Till then enjoy gardening at home

For more infomation >> कंद वाली सब्जीयो के लिये मिट्टी ऐसे बनायेRight soil mix for plant vegetable bulbs - Duration: 6:45.





Guarigione dell'ulcera gastrica: rimedi naturali - Salute 365 - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> Guarigione dell'ulcera gastrica: rimedi naturali - Salute 365 - Duration: 7:03.


Volano banconote da 50 euro per strada. Ecco la reazione dei passanti - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Volano banconote da 50 euro per strada. Ecco la reazione dei passanti - Duration: 1:56.





Lắp đặt Cầu trục, Monorail 3 tấn tại Cảng Nhà máy xi măng Hạ Long, 0985.789.247 , - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Lắp đặt Cầu trục, Monorail 3 tấn tại Cảng Nhà máy xi măng Hạ Long, 0985.789.247 , - Duration: 3:44.


Introduccion al montaje de vídeo con Camtasia Studio 8 - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> Introduccion al montaje de vídeo con Camtasia Studio 8 - Duration: 6:02.


シベリアンハスキーのお父さん、我が子たちとの初めての触れ合いにドキドキ【癒される】 - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> シベリアンハスキーのお父さん、我が子たちとの初めての触れ合いにドキドキ【癒される】 - Duration: 2:28.


Diabetes Salad - Best Healthy Food For Diabetes - Duration: 11:42.

the abbot ex-friend li breakfast for many people breakfast and snacks is the

most neglected meals of the day but if you have type 2 diabetes breakfast is a

must and it can have real benefits the body really needs the nutrients that

break fast probates eating foods at breakfast that have a

low glycemic index may help prevent a spike in red sugar all morning long and

even after lunch eating banana with orange will keep you feeling full and a

good breakfast helps kick start your morning metabolism and keeps your energy

up throughout the day for this recipe we need banana orange and honey banana in

addition to starch and sugar a medium-sized banana contains 3 grams of

fiber everyone including diabetics should eat adequate amounts of dietary

fiber due to its potential health benefits however fiber is especially

important for people with diabetes as it can help slow the digestion and

absorption of carbs this can reduce blood sugar spikes and improve overall

blood sugar control oranges the puffiness of oranges provides a great

source of fiber to maximize this make sure to eat the whole fruit rather than

drink the juice studies have shown that eating citrus fruits can lower the risk

of diabetes but drinking the fruit juice can increase the risk honey people with

diabetes are often told they should not eat sweets and other foods that contain

sugar because they may cause a spike in blood sugar levels whereas honey is the

natural sugar and moreover doctors suggest honey may they replace of sugar

and also our study showed that people with type 2 diabetes who ate the honey

lost weight and had reduced the cholesterol levels in their blend peeled

bananas and cut into bite sized slices and feel orange break into slices and

cut each slice into bite-sized pieces and half orange pieces then add honey to

eat and mix well when you are hungry for breakfast at suppertime enjoy a bowl of

this sweet minted fruit diabetic friendly

fruit salad when you are looking for a debate is friendly treat that can help

keep your blood sugar within a healthy range look no further than your

refrigerator or the fruit basket on your kitchen table to prepare this fruit

salad we need pineapple pieces 1/2 cup apple pieces 1/2 cup for pea pieces 1/2

cup avocado 1/2 cup banana half cup grapes or berries kafka pineapple can be

a healthy choice for people with diabetes if you have diabetes you can

eat a pineapple as long as you do so in moderation

you should also balance your pineapple consumption with other foods if you were

adding pineapple into your diet for the first time since your diagnosis

you should watch for any changes of your blood sugar levels if you find any

dangerous changes you should remove it from your diet according to your study

apples blueberries and grapes is linked to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes

avocados could help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke in people with

diabetes the facts in avocados are mostly monounsaturated fatty acids which

have been shown to raise good HDL cholesterol many people think that

bananas affected our bodies and blood sugar levels when you have diabetes it

is important to keep blood sugar levels as stable as possible if you have

diabetes being aware of the amount and type of carbs in your diet is important

this is because Cubs raise your blood sugar level more than other nutrients

which means they can greatly affect your blood sugar control but the type of

carbs in your banana depends on the rip less green or android bananas contains

less sugar and more resistance starch resistant starches or long chains of

glucose that are resistant to digestion in the upper part of your digestive

system this means that they function in a similar way as fiber and won't cause a

rise in blood sugar levels to enjoy this diabetes friendly fruit salad add all

the pieces into a bowl with a pinch of black pepper powder pepper will enhances

taste and makes your recipe three juicing recipes for diabetics one

common ingredient found in most of the recipes here is bitter melon according

to your study it contains four ingredients that help lower blood

glucose levels leptin Carentan Wilson and polypeptide bitter melon also known

as bitter gourd or karela in India is a unique vegetable fruit that can be used

as food or medicine and while you're Medical Center says that bitter melon is

so potent that when combined with medication may reduce blood sugar too

much that it can fall to dangerously low levels

there's the good news the bad news is tastes bitter melon is the most bitter

of all fruits and vegetables these recipes I will share with you will range

from very bitter to less bitter most of the ingredients added or their to dilute

this strong flavor if you have type-2 diabetes then sticks with these three

recipes and avoids recipes with too much fruit in it let us see the preparation

of three amazing recipes one the blood sugar Buster for this recipe we need

only to large bitter melons and nothing else cut them into pieces and remove the

seeds out from it grind the bitter melon pieces with a required amount of water

and consume a little glass of this drink every day with empty stomach by

following this bitter recipe for few months you can completely off your

medication the blood glucose levels have been below the borderline mark as well

as even sit tests with measures the blood glucose levels the previous months

this is the most concentrated form and it is very bitter but it is very potent

to blood sugar busting diuretic for this amazing recipe we need two large bitter

melons one medium cucumber and half a lemon here we are using both the

cucumber and lemon which will dilute the strong bitter flavor of the two larger

bitter melons but you will still feel the bitterness of this drink as you chug

it down if you don't want pure bitter melon this is a good alternative three

slightly sweet and very bitter to prepare this recipe we need two large

bitter melons one Myriam koo kumba half a lemon and one

fizzy apple if the blood sugar busting diabetic is too strong then try this

recipe both are similar and the only difference would be their fusee apple

you may love using these types of apples because they are foam and have a lot of

juice but limited to just one because we don't want to add too much fructose into

this drink if you prefer to use green apple that's alright because its purpose

is only to dilute bitterness and add flavor to this drink expert says that

you should avoid eating more than two bitter gourds per day also if you're

pregnant avoid drinking these because it might trigger premature contraction and

bleeding which may result to a miscarriage what you Milan jello for

diabetics watermelon is typically a summertime favorite although you may

want to dish some of this sweet treat up at every meal or make it your go-to

summer snack if you have diabetes you know how important it is to watch what

you eat unmonitored your blood sugar levels

watermelon is loaded with natural sugars depending on your overall diets this may

have a positive impact on your blood sugar level everyone loud jelly or melon

jello so if your rainbow jello one watermelon full with healthy fruits

which works in lowering blood sugar and also for mental health

no one will refuse let us see the fruits and ingredients used to prepare a debate

is friendly watermelon jello watermelon papaya pineapple grapes avocado apples

bananas and 2 to 3 teaspoons of Buzzle seeds take one large watermelon and cut

a portion off it has a shown in video extract the juicy flesh completely from

inside the watermelon to make empty random

now put the watermelon flush pieces aside and cut the papaya into pieces

papaya is very rich in vitamin C magnesium and potassium pineapple

pineapple can be a healthy choice for people with diabetes

this fruit contain vitamins minerals and fiber that can be more beneficial to

your diet grapes the fiber in grapes fills you up faster and helps to keep

your blood sugar levels in check a study found that eating whole fruits

especially blueberries grapes significantly reduces their risk for

type 2 diabetes alcaraz avocados could help reduce the risk of heart disease

and stroke in people with diabetes the fats and avocados are mostly

monounsaturated fatty acids which have been shown to raise good HDL cholesterol

apples has already discussed eating whole fruits but particularly

apples blueberries and grapes is a link to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes

bananas bananas also contain fiber which may reduce blood sugar spikes in

addition to starch and sugar a medium-sized banana contains 3 grams of

fiber bustled seeds Buzzle seeds are considered to be good for type 2

diabetics as it is known to keep a check on blood sugar levels they slow down the

metabolism of your body and this control the conversion of carbohydrates into

glucose after taking the ingredients into separate bowls juice a watermelon

flush to make fine juice now take this juice into your pan and start boiling

after reaching into boiling point add two to three tablespoons of artificial

jelly powder and one tablespoon of mustard seeds to it and stir it well

take this boil the mixture into watermelon drained

and add sliced bananas and apples to eat and leave for few minutes meanwhile

prepare allegedly by adding artificial color and jelly powder in boiling water

for the mixture as a second layer with the remaining fruits to the watermelon

for this boiling water as a third layer of watermelon and add all remaining

fruits by adjusting empty spaces now close the watermelon top and cut into

required amount pieces diabetics can enjoy this homemade watermelon jello by

adding it in their diet thank you for watching this video like and subscribe

for videos


For more infomation >> Diabetes Salad - Best Healthy Food For Diabetes - Duration: 11:42.


カーオブザイヤー受賞!3大レースインディ500を制覇した佐藤琢磨さんの愛車とは?【芸能人の愛車】 - Duration: 11:14.

For more infomation >> カーオブザイヤー受賞!3大レースインディ500を制覇した佐藤琢磨さんの愛車とは?【芸能人の愛車】 - Duration: 11:14.


Pikmi Pops - PushMi Ups

For more infomation >> Pikmi Pops - PushMi Ups


Orson Welles: The 7 Secrets of Cinematic Composition - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Orson Welles: The 7 Secrets of Cinematic Composition - Duration: 4:58.


Arthédone - La part du roi (Live acoustique) - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Arthédone - La part du roi (Live acoustique) - Duration: 4:04.


Jurgen Klopp insists Liverpool won't suffer Champions League hangover at Chelsea - Duration: 5:12.

Jurgen Klopp insists Liverpool won't suffer Champions League hangover at Chelsea

Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp is confident his players can cope with the emotional effects of qualifying for the Champions League final.

The 7-6 aggregate win over Roma in midweek, after a chaotic 4-2 defeat in the Stadio Olimpico, booked their place in Kiev to face Real Madrid on May 26.

Now Klopp's players, who went back out to celebrate with fans being held back long after the semi-final second leg, have to raise themselves again for a crucial trip to face Chelsea in the Premier League at Stamford Bridge.

I have not a little bit of doubt about the mindset of my boys, he said.

It was a really nice thing to go to the final.

The crowd were still in the stadium and the boys went there.

That gave them a real boost.

Before that they were exhausted. Done.

Happy, yes, but Chelsea on Sunday.

This little 'mind holiday' was really cool.

We have to use the little gaps you have.

We did that in Rome and then the flight back.

It's not a question of are we recovered?—we have to be recovered.

We don't ask these questions how do you feel? after that.

It is all the process we are in.

We have to do that, and then that, and then that—always in the right moment 100 percent.

We have times in between the games for the boys to switch off and it is only important we switch on at the right moment and everything can be fine.

Sunday's match is one Liverpool cannot afford to lose if they want to secure a top-four spot.

A draw would effectively see them qualify for the Champions League again next season as their goal difference is far superior to their fifth-placed opponents.

After drawing their last two league matches, anything other than a point at Stamford Bridge and they face the prospect of having to win their last league match at home to Brighton, who by then may be safe themselves, or failing that the last resort is the final in Kiev.

It is why Klopp is so keen to get a good result this weekend.

Chelsea is a really good game.

When you go there you know it's an intense game but it is always very important, he added.

If you can get points at Chelsea it is always a sign for the season, and that's clear.

But we didn't lose the last 12 games and now we go to Chelsea and have to win the next one.

We are in a good moment. Intense, but good.

In the Premier League, there are not many teams playing for nothing right now.

Maybe Everton, Newcastle, Leicester?.

We had two teams with West Brom and Stoke, who were happy for a draw.

Sometimes you need a little bit of luck. It's intense, we have to play these teams.

We had Everton too, which is always intense. A point there, and against West Brom and Stoke, is not exactly what we wanted.

Chelsea is a different game, but we have to be ready. Hopefully we are..

For more infomation >> Jurgen Klopp insists Liverpool won't suffer Champions League hangover at Chelsea - Duration: 5:12.


The Myth Of Perfection - And How To Be Truly Feminine - Duration: 8:17.

hello there and welcome to She TV the place to become powerfully feminine from

the inside out. Today I'm going to talk to you about the myth of perfection

and how to be truly feminine. Before we go there jump over here and subscribe I

publish every single week on the topics of sexuality health and feminine power

and energy so today I'm talking about the myth of perfection firstly I'm a

recovering perfectionist so I'm speaking from direct experience here today okay

it has been found especially through the work of brené Brown that there is a

direct link as in direct link between perfectionism and shame in fact she is

quoted as saying where there is perfectionism there is always shame

another way that she speaks about it is that shame gives birth to perfectionism

now let's be super clear here perfectionism is not the same as healthy

striving or seeking for excellence what perfectionism actually is is an

inner thought process that goes something like this if I'm just more

perfect if I look perfect if I live perfect if I work perfect if I think

perfect an act perfect then I can possibly avoid shame blame criticism or

judgment and you know this is something I say all the time

to my clients and to my students you can never control what other people will

think of you so do not use this as an excuse or a reason to continue to hide

perfectionism is merely a shield to hide behind it may be one of many but I know

it's a big one it was for me basically it keeps you small a diminished version

of yourself it keeps you hiding not shining and not creating and worst of

all it keeps you not shining your gifts into the world you know we've been sold

a pretty bad bill of goods by the world around us a bill of goods that says you

have to be the perfect woman the perfect mother the perfect partner perfect

student perfect work at the perfect salesperson

the perfect coach the perfect mentor or the perfect lover and if you have

perfectionistic tendencies you'll eat that up that bill of goods now a

perfectionist response to a mistake is basically I need to be more perfect next

time rather than wow I made a mistake I'm human maybe I need to make amends

for my mistake maybe I can do it a little bit better next time but let's

move on in fact in the artificial intelligence and robotics world when

they first came out with the first robotics that look were human-like right

they made them with totally symmetrical faces and no imperfections on their face

and they'd always say the perfect thing they were weird right really creepy and

weird what they've started to do more recently is they've created these more

human looking sounding feeling robotics where the face is asymmetrical they have

potentially wrinkles they have foibles and they don't always say the perfect

thing sounds like anybody you know in fact Renee Brown in her research on

shame vulnerability and perfectionism interviewed transformative leaders and

CEOs across the board they said and I quote perfectionism is my greatest enemy

it's really seductive I'd love to be perfect but perfectionism stands in the

way of me being able to be a transformative leader now what this

looks like is you don't sit and try to perfect a newsletter or an email for

three or four hours before you press send there's no way if you're running a

big corporation or you're an entrepreneur you can be that that level

of perfection and get as much done as you need to it's not possible now in

fact the tech industry's made an industry of this where they put out

hardware in software that's imperfect to the market and then they wait for

feedback from the market before they create software version 1.02 software

version 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 right it's iterative there's a changing of an

an evolving of and just like us as human beings we evolve we change across time

but that's not about being perfectionistic I am all about healthy

striving and excellence in fact I've studied excellence since my 20s it

fascinates me but not to the cost of getting things done creating things and

serving my community now here's an important distinction between

perfectionism and healthy striving perfectionism is externally driven and

healthy striving is an inner drive now in my model on the true and false

feminine okay which is an important part of my trainings and my model in terms of

training around feminine power and energy perfectionism is the realm of the

false feminine the princess that is classic princess looking for external

validation the Queen the true feminine is all about internal validation seeking

internal references for how and why you're motivated to do something for me

my desire for excellence is driven from inside me I love to create they love to

inform I love to teach so I'm also driven by my mission and my willingness

to serve I make that more important than the perfection of a product that I put

out very few perfectionist out there publish

books create a YouTube channel put out videos write copy send newsletters in

fact all of us that are creators know that we're putting out a good version of

our product and that we will be iterative will grow will get better at

what we do as Voltaire said perfect is the enemy of good now if you really

really want to avoid criticism or judgment or blame or shame then just

don't do anything don't turn up frankly that's an excuse for you to not step

into your power for you to stay hidden and for you to not shine your gifts into

the world and by the way for so many transformative leaders

I know their gifts have come from their mistakes their errors their biggest

blunders and from the most painful experiences they've had in their life

in fact that's often why they can give so much to other people holy moly if you

look back at my early videos two years ago they're not very good I can promise

you even today every single video I create for you I give myself about one

or two minutes when I'm editing the video to constructively criticize it in

that one or two minutes I will see where the lighting isn't quite right the audio

didn't quite land the way I wanted to oh I shouldn't have said that in that way

oh I should have said something else that I omitted every single time I put

out a video that happens I let myself go through that process and then I finish

up and I do the best product I can with what I've produced and I publish it and

I move on and I consider how I can best serve you next if you liked the video

today give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed I encourage

you to subscribe over here I publish every single week on the topic of

feminine power and energy sexuality in health and remember when you have the

courage to go out there and shine you give others permission to do the same so

let's go out there and shine this week bye bye for now

For more infomation >> The Myth Of Perfection - And How To Be Truly Feminine - Duration: 8:17.


DAME TU COSITA IN MINECRAFT !! - Duration: 25:56.


For more infomation >> DAME TU COSITA IN MINECRAFT !! - Duration: 25:56.


How to sew an easy French Seam | Teach Me Fashion - Duration: 5:45.

Hi everyone its George from Teach Me Fashion, in todays tutorial

I'm going to be showing you how to sew a French seam. I highly recommend using a French seam. If you are

using beautiful fabric like silk

or if you don't own an overlocker at home to finish the edge of your fabric, a French seam is a

concealed seam and

it leaves your garment with a clean and professional finish.

I often use a French seam at home when I'm doing a lot of home sewing and

I'm sure you will too after you see how easy it really is to sew in a French seam.

Check out and stay tuned for this tutorial

And I'm sure you will be using French seams after you see how easy it really is

Okay guys, so we're going to start now this will be the only time where you

will have your fabric

facing the wrong sides together, so here you can see I've got the pattern on this side, and that's my wrong side

So I'm going to keep that together

And I find pinning

helps stabilizes

Your fabric in place whilst you sew, so you can do that just like this.

Okay, so before you start sewing we're going to stitch a straight line

about half a centimeter or the foot width of your machine all the way down here and

Make sure you back tack at the start and at the end so it stabilises the stitch in place

So after sewing that straight stitch you will have something that looks like this

You'll have a seam that pokes up just like this as you spread out the fabric what I recommend doing now

That the second step is ironing open that seam

You're opening that up nice and flat ironing it so when you do the next step

it's really easy to do and then obviously is a lot easier as I'm using it on a stable fabric, but on a

delicate silk I recommend

Ironing every step that you go

So I have ironed that open

and pushed the seam to one side and

Now what you'll need to do is pin in place so you're folding the fabric back onto itself so now it is

Right-side fabrics together, and this is where your seam is going to be enclosed

so just pin that in place making sure that your

Seam on the other side lines up


This stabilizes the fabric in place so you don't get any

Ribbed sections as you sew or ripples as you call it

As you go, as you pin along obviously it's different on a longer garment.

Just use your thumb, and your pointer finger to roll back the seams

so that it's

Nice and tight the seam will be nice and tight

So this is pretty much the last process besides ironing

you're going to sew a straight stitch

From here to here making sure that you back tack at the start and at the end to stabilize the stitch.

Again and also remove the pins as you go.

I am going to do at least one centimetre seam

So here we go

Place the fabric underneath your foot

Put the foot down, and I always roll my needle into the fabric first before I put my foot down.

So after ironing that nice and flat your French Seam will be beautiful and clean. And it should look like this

Nice and clean and professional

So that is how you sew a French Seam, I hope you found the tutorial really easy to follow and super useful!

I hope you use a French seam in your next garment and also

Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date and find out when we post new

tutorial like this one!

See you later guys and happy sewing

For more infomation >> How to sew an easy French Seam | Teach Me Fashion - Duration: 5:45.


【おそ松さん】Melting Down (Team Jyushi's Shelter Tribute) - Duration: 1:13.

The city lights are spectacular

But I feel ether's lingering chill

I can't sleep, it's 2 AM

And everything seems to move so quickly

I'm like a lighter out of fluid

My insides are on fire

Sometimes I wish

It was all a lie

In my dream I strangled you

In the languid afternoon light

I watched your throat, thin and twitching

Through eyes brimming with tears

I want to

For more infomation >> 【おそ松さん】Melting Down (Team Jyushi's Shelter Tribute) - Duration: 1:13.


Our sprinters part 2 - Danny van Poppel | Team LottoNL-Jumbo - Duration: 3:30.

I got a very nice offer to be the leader here.

They told me that a sprint train would be built around me.

I didn't have this at Sky.

- Don't you think: the team already has a leader?

No, I get that question very often.

But Dylan and I ride a completely different programme.

This was also agreed upon beforehand.

Danny now starts with a lead-out, with a sprint train.

He has new guys around him. This should lead to a really good cooperation.

I think that when the sprint train has developed itself one more year...

he will have developed quite some dexterity.

Danny hasn't developed this as much yet as Dylan. 

I think Danny is a different type of sprinter.

I have a bit more speed and he's a bit stronger. 

I think going into a that traject now.

Before, Danny would have already done three sprints before he would start the ultimate one.

We are now trying to get him to start the sprint in an optimal way without him losing all his energy beforehand.

The first race we rode together was the Tour of Valencia.

We immediately won the first stage.

Everything went perfectly.

He couldn't wait, I think.

He just felt that he was going to win.

The TV images show you that he was by far the strongest.

I was pretty nervous because it was all new.

New lead-out men, new team.

You want to prove yourself even more than usual of course.

That was great.

The great thing about Danny is that he has trusted us from the first race.

He has no problem whatsoever following us.

He does everything he can to do so.

You don't have to look back often, because most of the time he's right behind us.

Even when you dive into a gap and you think: now he'll no longer be there.

But normally he's there. 

Of course, Danny doesn't race in World Tour races for the first time this year.

He rode two years for Sky, two years for Trek, Vacansoleil.

He became a professional at a very young age.

At a very young age he rode his first Tour de France. He became third in a stage, I think.

He was just under twenty at the time.

He is really strong

And he's working on his sprint. 

First the Giro. 

I'm sure Danny will win a stage in a stage race like the Giro.

I see him win a stage there.

I think I've reached the point where I can say that I can win a stage there.

There are a few good opportunities.

We have a good team, so why not?

For more infomation >> Our sprinters part 2 - Danny van Poppel | Team LottoNL-Jumbo - Duration: 3:30.


How Great Games Beat The Grind - Duration: 14:13.

For more infomation >> How Great Games Beat The Grind - Duration: 14:13.


Wheels On The Bus | Kenya Jungle Book Wildlife Safari | Wild Animals and Animal Sounds - Duration: 4:22.

Wheels On The Bus | Kenya Jungle Book Wildlife Safari | Wild Animals and Animal Sounds

For more infomation >> Wheels On The Bus | Kenya Jungle Book Wildlife Safari | Wild Animals and Animal Sounds - Duration: 4:22.


【MUKBANG】 [Freshness Burger] 10 Classic Burger Series!!! [8436kcal] [CC Available]|Yuka [Oogui] - Duration: 6:15.

Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )

So today tadaa! a freshness burger haul I bought 10 burgers from there

and these soups salads and onion rings as well

I haven't done many videos on Freshness Burger but these freshness burgers are super delish

They are on the expensive side though itadakimasu

I bought two of each type of burger Starting off with his classic burger

Look at how fresh it looks

The burger patties are so juicy and it's so yummy It's even got tomatoes in it

The lettuce in here is so crispy And the buns are so big and puffy

All of these precious Burgers come with ketchup And mustard... It's pretty yummy if you add these

Its flavored so simply that the addition of catsup makes it taste so nice

It's even got caramelized onions

ask for drinks I have this lemonade and ginger ale Look at all the slices on lemon in here

Now don't get me wrong but I'm so happy to have them but they do make it tough to drink through a straw

but its fresh tasting and so yummy

Both the ginger ale and lemonade come with fresh lemons Making them taste so very yummy

The Buns have a slight sweetness to them And a burger patties are so juicy and yummy

The burger patties are very tender

They taste very meaty

Since I love onion rings so much I ordered two large ones

The outside is so very crispy and with a hint of saltiness The onions within are so sweet and yummy

Next up a classic cheeseburger The color of the cheddar cheese is so bright and yummy looking

The cheese is very tasty

Since I love soup so much I bought four cream of mushroom soups

you can really taste the shrooms in it its so yummy

Look at how much lettuce they add to this They live up to their name... " freshness"

Bacon and egg burger You can see the bacon and egg in this

It's even got mayonnaise That and there's two slices of bacon in here

Ketchup and mayonnaise taste nice together

It's a sunny side runny egg in here that is so tasty

This is the bacon and egg we had earlier With extra cheese in it

The added cheese makes it very yummy

The bacon is very tasty

Last up an Avocado Burger It's jam-packed full of avocado

Almost half of the burger consist of avocado

The avocado is so creamy and the onion is Crispy making for an interesting mouthfeel

The avocado gives it a nice depth of flavor

Last one

It's an Avocado Burger

Last mouthful itadakimasu

gochisosamadesu The classic burgers from freshness Burger were so yummy

The Buns were so fluffy and a patties were nice and juicy All the ingredients within were very good as well

The cream of mushroom soup was filled with so much mushroomy goodness

And both the ginger ale and lemonade juices were very yummy

Freshest Burger sells all sorts of yummy burgers These are all so yummy won't you all please give them a try

And as always thank you for washing if there is anything You want me to do or eat please tell me in the comment

Section below if you like this video please hit the like and Subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [Freshness Burger] 10 Classic Burger Series!!! [8436kcal] [CC Available]|Yuka [Oogui] - Duration: 6:15.


Can't See a Thing, live at Arte Soleil, Portland, OR, 4/21/18 - Duration: 4:47.

Can't see a thing

But I know it's there

I can hear it feel it

taste it


That game was rigged

I knew it all along

I might be crazy

But that doesn't mean I'm wrong


Back when I was the size of a fire hydrant

I asked could I play

And they said no you can't

But lord I was stubborn wouldn't

Accept a no

So they said if you really want to

Then let's go

And they gave me a blindfold

Taped bricks to my legs

Laid out a 10 mile path

Of Faberge eggs

Then they said now walk backwards

Relax and have fun

But we'll have to kill you if

you step on one

But my other senses told me

Even though I couldn't see

No one else got bricks or blindfolds but me

And I can't see a thing

But I know it's there

I can hear it feel it taste it everywhere

That game was rigged

I knew it all along

I might be crazy but that doesn't mean I'm wrong


I know my eyes have tricked me

So many times

Watched myself commit

Imaginary crimes

I saw love in people's faces

When all they felt was hate

And I saw hate

When they thought I was great

It was like whenever

I was dying of thirst

I'd see a cold drink machine

And I'd get out my purse

Then I'd put in my money, watch it

pull back the coil

And then spit out a bottle of motor oil

And when I told them they said

With all your senses always cranked up to 13

How could you know what really came out of that

cold drink machine

Uh huh

And I can't see a thing

But I know it's there

I can hear it feel it taste it everywhere

That game was rigged

I knew it all along

I might be crazy

But that doesn't mean I'm wrong

Gonna tell it to the hands, yeah

Tell it to the hands

(spoken) Oh yeah, there's the flapping! Whoo!

There it goes (laughter)

Whoa, sometimes my hand just has a mind of its own

Wants to do what it wants to do

All right!

What do you think, hand?

Getting this out of your system yet?

Getting a little bored with this?

Feel like doing something else?

Feel like meeting the other hand?

I think so!

(singing) They say people like me

Have empty souls and no heart

And blank little minds

We can't make art

But finally someone believed me

Said what they said wasn't true

But you can't do it like them

You gotta do it like you

(spoken) And that's when I grew

(singing) Grew to believe that it was real

That I was real, I wasn't faking

Grew to believe in all the gorgeous

Things I could be making

Grew to believe it

Grew to believe it

Grew to believe me

Grew to believe me, yeah

And now I know exactly

What all of this was for

'Cause now it doesn't matter anymore


Oh oh oh oh oh yeah, keep it going

If I can't see a thing

'Cause I know it's there

I can hear it feel it taste it everywhere

That game was rigged, I knew it all along

I might be crazy but that doesn't mean I'm wrong

That game was rigged, I knew it all along

I might be crazy but that doesn't mean I'm wrong

No no no no no!

(spoken) Thank you!


Oh my God, that was so great, you guys are fantastic!

For more infomation >> Can't See a Thing, live at Arte Soleil, Portland, OR, 4/21/18 - Duration: 4:47.


Group rallies in front of CDC over definition of Lyme Disease - WSB 04-05-2018 - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Group rallies in front of CDC over definition of Lyme Disease - WSB 04-05-2018 - Duration: 2:16.


How Electrical Motor Works - Duration: 4:22.

there are many types of electric motors used for a variety of purposes in

commercial industry one critical tasks that must be performed prior to

installing a motor is determining the motors correct rotational direction if a

motor is required to rotate in a specific direction it will have a

direction arrow prominently displayed on the frame but with few exceptions most

three-phase motors are made with symmetrical parts so the motor can

rotate in either direction

since these multi-directional motors are equally efficient in either direction

there's no standard direction of rotation therefore when a three-phase

motor is first connected it may run in either direction and technicians must be

careful to install it properly while the motor itself can run in either direction

without harm the components that the motor drives may be unidirectional for

instance running a pump in the wrong direction may cause damage due to

cavitation or expulsion of the shaft seal

if the motors rotation is incorrect for the required application it can be

reversed by simply interchanging the connections to any two of the three

power wires


while many motors are three-phase and easily reversible others are not for non

reversible motors you must be very careful to check and double-check that

the correct rotation is specified unfortunately many vendors don't make it

easy since the specifications of clockwise

and counter clockwise depend upon the direction from which you view the motor

in general for most electric motors rotation is specified as clockwise or

counterclockwise when viewed from the opposite end of the shaft

this is sometimes called the lead end since the electrical wires or leads

typically connect on this end

contrast the rotational direction for hydraulic pumps is specified as

clockwise or counterclockwise rotation when viewed from the shaft end

manufacturers use different descriptions to label both motors and pumps some

standard labeling conventions are shown here if a motor or pump is not labeled

on the frame consult the manufacturer for specifications

in addition to rotation technicians must pay close attention to the frequency and

current requirements for a given motor application frequency and current can be

related by two primary equations the first relates the frequency to inductive

reactance sometimes called the resistance the second relates the

current to the same inductive reactance by combining the two equations we can

see that frequency and current are inversely proportional

as the frequency decreases current will increase motors are frequency sensitive

which means that frequency changes can cause speed changes within the motor if

frequency decreases significantly the motor may experience a large increase in

current which can cause motor components to overheat


For more infomation >> How Electrical Motor Works - Duration: 4:22.


LẮP RÁP MÁY BAY PHẢN LỰC !!! Đồ Chơi Trẻ Em Hot Nhất 2018 - Khánh Khủng Long - Duration: 14:57.

For more infomation >> LẮP RÁP MÁY BAY PHẢN LỰC !!! Đồ Chơi Trẻ Em Hot Nhất 2018 - Khánh Khủng Long - Duration: 14:57.


Learn Colors With Boom Balloons and Sofia cartoon - Color Names For Children on Kids Studio TV - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Learn Colors With Boom Balloons and Sofia cartoon - Color Names For Children on Kids Studio TV - Duration: 3:30.


Tutto ciò che c'è da sapere sugli ibridi di lupo - Duration: 9:13.

For more infomation >> Tutto ciò che c'è da sapere sugli ibridi di lupo - Duration: 9:13.


Five Surprisingly Healthy Foods That Aren't Fruits or Leafy Greens - Duration: 2:49.

Five surprisingly healthy foods that aren't fruits or leafy greens

you already know that vegetables

fruit nuts and fermented foods like yogurt are good for you

that there are plenty of unsung heroes at the grocery store that deserve more attention than

they get here are five foods you might not realize our super healthy

one of foresters the latest reports show that most people are deficient in essential vitamin D

but the disease fighting nutrient is notoriously difficult to find in food

or easter's are an exception they are also rich and healthy omega three fatty acids as well as several essential minerals

better still you don't have to worry about depleting our oceans 95% of the world's or easter's are sustainably farmed

plus because or easter's don't have a central nervous system

some Vegan thought leaders have argued that wasters are an ethical source of natural vitamin B12

which is lacking in many vegetarian diets

to coffee people often tell me with pride that they have given up coffee in order to be healthier

I have to bite my tongue not to inform them that their choice has been misguided

coffee is one of the best sources of Pollock the nails and antioxidants and has been proven to

protect against liver disease type two diabetes Assaf and a host of other diseases

just don't fill your brew with sugar if you want these benefits

three hard cheese

yep I just said cheeses healthy but not all cheeses are created equal

hard cheeses that have been aged

think parmesan and a Chicago are the number one source of vitamin Kay two in the human diet

tape two is an essential vitamin that has been shown to protect against heart disease and cancer

lactose intolerant I have great news for you

hard cheeses contain virtually no lactose

for seaweed

sea vegetables have been linked to numerous health benefits and are frequently consumed

by some of the longest living populations on earth

they are also an excellent source of I've been which is an essential nutrient that protects the thyroid

five mushrooms

since they aren't leafy greens mushrooms tend to get overlooked that funky are excellent

sources of minerals and have even produce their own vitamin D1 left to sit in the sun

For more infomation >> Five Surprisingly Healthy Foods That Aren't Fruits or Leafy Greens - Duration: 2:49.


8 Weeks pregnant - 8 Weeks Pregnancy symptoms - Pregnancy week by week - Duration: 5:26.

What's happening in week 8 of your pregnancy?

Two months into your pregnancy and you are no doubt now feeling lots of changes.

How big is my baby at 8 weeks?

During week 8 of your pregnancy, baby is as big as a rasbhery and weighs about .04 ounces

and measures about .63 inches.

Baby's growing about a millimeter each day.

Your baby is around 1.6 centimetres long now – still minuscule, but growing and developing

every day.

Their tiny little fingers and toes will have formed, and their heart will be beating an

amazing 160 beats a minute!

Their skin is still paper thin, and it still has that almost transparent, embryonic look.

The colour pigment in their eyes is also starting to form at around eight weeks, but they won't

properly open them until around 26 weeks.

Facts to know about your baby in week 8.

Your baby's little fingers and toes are starting to change from being titchy buds into actual


Your baby is almost 2 centimetres long and about the size of an olive.

Your baby's diaphragm which will enable your baby to breathe and hiccup is developing now.

Until 20 weeks your baby is measured from the top of the head to the bottom of the buttocks.

What is my body doing at eight weeks pregnant?

Your blood volume increases by almost 50%: The blood being pumped around your body, particularly

to your womb, is still increasing and your heart rate is also slightly raised.

A hormone called progesterone helps this process by relaxing the tissues in the heart and blood

vessels – which keeps your blood pressure down.

The downside to that isn't so pleasant.

It's very normal to feel constipated, as your digestive system also relaxes.

This constipation can lead to piles.

This increasing blood volume, mixed with those pregnancy hormones, can also cause headaches.

Your uterus has grown: If your clothes are feeling a little tight around the tummy, it's

because your uterus, which is normally about the size of your fist, has stretched to the

size of a grapefruit.

8 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms.

Wondering what stinks?


Your hormones are doing some wild things at week eight, giving you a superhuman-like sense

of smell and making your stomach do flip-flops.

At eight weeks pregnant, there are a host of pregnancy symptoms you could experience,


Sore breasts.

Your breasts may feel bigger, heavier, and let's face it, sore.

That's because milk-producing lobules in your breasts are starting to expand.

It's all for a good reason: they're prepping for breastfeeding.


The struggle is real to nap at 8 weeks pregnant.


As your hormones fluctuate, your body produces more blood for baby, and your blood pressure

and blood sugar levels are lower than they were pre-pregnancy.

The best fix?

Get more sleep.

We know it sounds easier than it really is, but make it your number one priority to get

to bed early or to sneak in a nap or four on the weekends.

Morning sickness.

Nausea could be really strong at 8 weeks, again related to those pregnancy hormones.

Stay hydrated and graze on healthy snacks throughout the day.

If you're experiencing severe pregnancy nausea at 8 weeks, it might be tough to keep

food down , let alone eat right, so finding options you can actually stomach is key.

Some moms-to-be swear by ginger, Vitamin B-6, and acupressure wristbands to help with morning

sickness—all worth a shot.

Heightened sense of smell.

Along with morning sickness comes another fun symptom: an uncanny sense of smell.

Catching a whiff of an offensive odor—perhaps something that's totally innocuous or never

bothered you before—could trigger nausea, so it's best to try to avoid the smells

you've become sensitive to.

Pregnancy cramps.

At 8 weeks pregnant, cramping is normal.

That's because the ligaments in your abdomen are stretching as your uterus expands.

If your cramping is severe or you're worried in any way, let your doctor know.


If you're having trouble going number two, you're not alone.

Constipation during pregnancy happens to about 50 percent of us.

To deal, drink lots of water, eat fiber-rich fruits and veggies, and take lots of walks.

If you're still stopped up, talk to your doctor about other remedies.

Weird dreams.

If you're having vivid and strange dreams, guess what, they're totally normal throughout


It's not clear what causes these dreams—it could partly be due to new thoughts and anxieties.

You've certainly got a lot on your mind these days!

For more infomation >> 8 Weeks pregnant - 8 Weeks Pregnancy symptoms - Pregnancy week by week - Duration: 5:26.


Top 10 Most Handsome Men In The World // Stars Story - Duration: 8:06.

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