My kingdom.... of gear
Kenny: can i place mine.... here?
if you place your gear there....
we will cover the entire ground
Kenny: nono, thats not the point
I mean, with that you played the same as i did
but im carring 4 times more gear in the van
there is a lot of camping stuff... but...
Hi everyone, im Grey from Capsule Airsoft
and be welcome to a new airsoft for dummys video
here is the point: 1 year ago i did a video for our secondary channel
if you dont know it, please take a look if you want
for no reason, that video got a lot of visits
was about the gear i carried for a milsim
just like that, simple
i showed
what i carried and why
and my thoughts about what will work or not
since then i wanted to repeat it
but this time for the main channel
and probably more complete
and with better gear
at that time I still did not have everything that I knew I needed
everything is a WIP
when i returned from this last milsim i realised
maybe now is the time to do it
maybe for some players is to much gear
cause is truth most part of airsoft players doesn't need that much
but i think is pretty interesting to take a look how the gear changed
now i leave you because i talked while recorded with Kenny
and its cool cause you can compare
well we are taking out all the gear Kenny and i
the purpose is to let it dry
before we pack it and go to Valencia
so i prepared everything, and i said, eh why not?
im gonna do the video
"What i used in this last milsim"
its arranged in; -camping
clothes or levels
replica, night, and bbs
lets start with camping
as you can see, it was confortable
i used an individual tent
with this air mattress
a chair
I could take another one for Modelo
we didn't know if he would use it
the swell, to pump the air in the mattress
cause if you can sleep on it... why to use a mat?
it doesnt means is not ok.... but the mattress is better choice if you can
this pillow
i think is awesome, 3€, small...
and is better if you dont inflate it to the full.
if you deflate it a little, is more adaptable
nice choice nice choice
ths sleeping bag, probably the most important piece of all your camping stuff
this sleeping bag
is from decathlon
really warm, not for summer
and this is key of comfort
baby wet wipes
80 units, no less, NO LESS
when you finish in the night, and you go to sleep
it's completely different how you rest
if you clean all your body with the wet wipes
clean your arms, etc, wear your lvl2 and go the the bag
and you will rest like a boss
all this stuff goes into this bag
goes in this bag cause this way, when i take out all the camping stuff
i can leave the bag in the car
about the gear
lets start with the vest, AVS by Emerson
4 mags
this cellphone adapter
i used some apps to mountain navigate
to identify the stars...
it's actually cool
i´ll leave the names in the description below
i didnt changed the pouches
2 CAT, cause we used to heal in game
hum there is a little piece of shit here
here i carry a leatherman REV
radio pouch here...
i have an extra battery for the radio...
, but i didnt used
it was ON all the day... but
i didnt need it
on the back
in the last mission i carried the NOD
daylight, i carried an extra li-po
this other CAT was on my belt
but, im packing all, so i prefer to use all the pouches
didnt use a first line in this milsim
just this belt, with this drop pouch
wich i didnt used
i used this belt cause when you don't need to carry the holster is comfortable
the uniform
i been playing with this combat pants
emerson gen3 Multicam
i was on the multicam team
and Massif combat shirt
was used by the US army
i love it
is long sleeve
but is not too warm, is designed to use in the desert
2 mechanix
1 original in black
a lil thicker
and my trusty fast fit in multicam
i love them, are cheap and great
issued, comfortable
cant ask for more
glasses case, i played with the clean glass
cause was really cloudy
all the gear goes in this backpack
is a replica of a Mystery Ranch komodo
is a shitty backpack
i use it cause is that big
i dont use it in game
is too big to play with, but is ok to carry all the gear
the vest goes to this bag, it came with the vest when I buy it
the rest goes in the backpack
moving to the boots
usualy you wont have the choice to carry two pairs
except if you have tones of space or dont share the car
usualy you´ll take a pair to play and the other to move in the city
so is really important to choose right
take a look to the weather, if is going to be hot
i would use my XA PRO
but in this particular scenario, we knew it will rain
so i choosed the X ultra with Goretex
i love them
i´ll talk to you later about the socks, when i play with goretex boots
this helmet here, does have my Z-tactical Comtact II, rewired
i rememeber a question like "does it worth it once you rewired them?"
at that time i couldn't answer, cause i was testing them for 6 months
now i been testing it for a year and half
and honestly, not a single problem
is so much time to rewire it all
but once you have it... yes it works
navigator light
really low, just to read
this string is a safe for the NVG
moving back a Helstar replica
is an IR strobe
is in IR mode??
ah ok its cause there is too much light
is blue colour this is vis mode
and this way goes to IR mode
and it has the SOS light, this blinks here
in night is really high visible
this one, is the blue light, as you can see here
also visible in night
i got it for this milsim in blue
cause multicam team needed blue light to mark the HIT
so, i wanted one, i could choose, and i have this light in green, a V-lite in red... yeah this one in blue
i have all the colours
this here is a counterweight
where i carry lead blocks
lets see if i can show you
here it is
lead blocks
to counterweight the NOD
the most time in daylight
i wasnt using the helmet, i played with this cap
i think is the best you can play with in this kind of games
you know you´ll be a long period of time under the sun
it doesnt worth it to me to get my neck tired on day
cause later in night, i will
a cap looks like the best choice to me in this kind of games
i finish with this balaclava in multicam
that i used to cover my neck
you pop your head from here
so you use it as a neck cover
you can cover your ears if you need it, cause there is wind or whatever
this here is the poncho raincoat
in this milsim i didnt use it
cause when the storm arrived i was in my tent
so just with the lvl5 was enough
actually, is not a lvl5
cause helikon does have the lvl5 gen II
this one here is the trooper windbreaker
and actually, is not multicam at this distance looks like
in fact, if you compare it, ok this is emerson, but this other
is original multicam used by the US
and maybe you can feel it as the same patter, but is not
one of the intense green is not the same
is really close, this close
but is not Original Multicam
is a nother original cammo, called Cammogrom
this is what i use as a level3
polar fleece by helikon
is not like kennys lvl3
is more actual
i think is not as warmer as lvl3
but is great
is also a lvl3 cause is a fleece
this is like a lvl2
thermic shirt
i used first night as a pijama
and the second day
i used a kennys combo
what is lvl2 + lvl5
this keep me warm, and this covers me from the wind
cause the second day we had a hard wind
is the first time i play with this combo, and i really liked
good one kenny good combo
first skin
this under armour shirt, wow so much shine
but i prefer this other from decathlon
really confortable neck
really breathable under your arms
and is really really soft
something that your nipppples will like
and this
i used for the entire milsim this running tights
to avoid low chafing in my knees
and the underwear, looks stupid
but is really important to hold safe your lil bird
i use this socks
trail running socks, i use with my goretex boots
i also have this mountain socks, are thicker
i used trail socks the first day, and mountain socks the second day
moving with the replica
I have only brought 1
i should brought 2
when i say 2, i dont count the sidearm
kenny: or bring a kenny! grey: what?
kenny: or bring a kenny!
we will see kennys stuff
is absurdity cause he brought his house
well i did it wrong
dont do what i did
my replica is a MK18 by VFC
i thrust so much this replica
but doesnt matters, if you can bring 2 replicas
just in case, will be better
i brought this one instead the recce
i wanted to play the night game
but for some reasons i didnt
so this replica is ready to go in that game, with the laser, ir flashlight and stuff
by the way, we got some questions about
the double switch, and if it can be used with the Dbal by G&P
yes, you can
i did it at first attempt, so it shouldnt be hard
you just have to cut the wire and solder it with the tin
to a new jack compatible with the Dbal
is not too tricky, just be careful with the two cabels
this part here is a lot of time, thats true
you have to be mindful about electric polarity from the red and black cable
they must not touch the same spot, otherwise doesnt works
after that is easy, just close it with electric tape
it rained and nothing happened
about the night
this is glory
this light is great if you must arrange your stuff in night
a headlight is a must, even if is cheap
this one for instance is from decathlon just 4€
this here is the NVG stuff
lets focus the camera
this is a safety case with the NOD,
.. is so hard to open fuck
ok i had to leave the camera cause i couldnt open it with one hand
it works with a cr123 battery
is this one here
the case is awesome cause it fits the avs back pannel pouch
this is my NOD
gen3 omni5
not much to say, this here is a lense protector
to protect my life and budget
from a single bb
i use it with this here
norotos rhino
goes to the helmet like this, clap*, you take it down
and you can adjust everything to line it up to your eye
all this is conected by a j-arms
holds this with this
this is on the helmet
this is on the NOD
last part, the bbs
i payed this game with 0,25 and 0,23
but in this kind of games, with this replica i use to play with 0,28
well.... lets compare!
with all your stuff kenny
i think the same with the gear and food
better safe than sorry
camping on your left
table with the maps
grey could brought it, and i would carry less weight
grey: whats the point??! we share the van, is the same weight
its a table for both of us
maps ready to draw if we need to
we didnt use it to draw a shit
a chair like grey
this is a soft floor for the tent
i use this music fest tent
the fresh and black model
you can sleep by the day with no light coming in
the outside is with so doesnt gets warm, and the inside is al in mesh, so es really brethable
air pillow like grey
klymit insulated may
still has air in
two sleeping bags
silk blanket provides +2/3º degrees more
moving to clothes
thin polar fleece
is really really thin
Snow Gaiters
my uniform is a FFI in multicam
little belt
replacement pants just in case
this here is my lvl6
is a raincoat
is a tactical raincoat, you can reach your pouches
open it to take a magazine from the vest etc
is like tedybear fleece
underwear socks, decathlon socks
x-bionix underwear
i played with Salomon
quest 4D forces with goretex
arcteryx hat, cap,
and a helikon boonie
all this you can see is
food to eat in move, some medicine
axe and pick
to hold the tent to the ground
and cut some branches
gas lamp
and a jetboil
to boil water
wet wipes, i have a bigger ass
so i use bigger wet wipes
Grey: Super Jumbo wet wipes
the rest of the food is in that camping fridge
there are a lot of food cause we didnt ate all time in the FOB....
we did some alternative missions
and escaped to the town
a burguer place we know
this is a DSLR camera
i use it for airsoft games,
compass, radio antena
2 headlamps
i leave 1 in the car
2 pairs of gloves
PTT is a TALES replica
TRI 152 radio
and the second radio
for the back i use a haley strategics flat pack
it has a source hydratation back
and 2 chestrigs, haley H for 7,62
and the haley D3CR for 5,56
bbs, glasses, red hit marker
G&G 0,33 for DMR, 0,25 for the rest
replica case
416 goes in other box
Scar H by VFC
416 VFC
A&K M249 machinegun
for this milsim i packed everthing
in this two scuba diving boxes from decathlon
is in decathlon from around 35€ each
has a big inside
are solid what makes easier to find stuff
is safer if you have something delicate
it also have wheels
basically that all
i think is the interesting part are the common points between kenny and i
cause Kenny is a senior player with tones of gear
and it could be fun if you compare with what you carry to a milsim
to find what you need and dont have
i would like to see in your comments this
cause i do know some of you, who started playing with this channel
now are playing milsims,
i know it cause you tell me
and i would like you to comment what parts of gear
you carry too
or what parts you dont have and you think you should
it will be interesting to me
facing some future podcast what kenny is preparing
talking about this
i want to recomend you
the Aircast vol 2, by LTF
is a great podcast
some players talk they invite other players
in this one, they talked about how to prepare a milsim
thats all, see you on the next vid!
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