Sunday, May 6, 2018

Youtube daily report May 6 2018

My kingdom.... of gear

Kenny: can i place mine.... here?

if you place your gear there....

we will cover the entire ground

Kenny: nono, thats not the point

I mean, with that you played the same as i did

but im carring 4 times more gear in the van

there is a lot of camping stuff... but...

Hi everyone, im Grey from Capsule Airsoft

and be welcome to a new airsoft for dummys video

here is the point: 1 year ago i did a video for our secondary channel

if you dont know it, please take a look if you want

for no reason, that video got a lot of visits

was about the gear i carried for a milsim

just like that, simple

i showed

what i carried and why

and my thoughts about what will work or not

since then i wanted to repeat it

but this time for the main channel

and probably more complete

and with better gear

at that time I still did not have everything that I knew I needed

everything is a WIP

when i returned from this last milsim i realised

maybe now is the time to do it

maybe for some players is to much gear

cause is truth most part of airsoft players doesn't need that much

but i think is pretty interesting to take a look how the gear changed

now i leave you because i talked while recorded with Kenny

and its cool cause you can compare

well we are taking out all the gear Kenny and i

the purpose is to let it dry

before we pack it and go to Valencia

so i prepared everything, and i said, eh why not?

im gonna do the video

"What i used in this last milsim"

its arranged in; -camping


clothes or levels

replica, night, and bbs

lets start with camping

as you can see, it was confortable

i used an individual tent

with this air mattress

a chair

I could take another one for Modelo

we didn't know if he would use it

the swell, to pump the air in the mattress

cause if you can sleep on it... why to use a mat?

it doesnt means is not ok.... but the mattress is better choice if you can

this pillow

i think is awesome, 3€, small...

and is better if you dont inflate it to the full.

if you deflate it a little, is more adaptable

nice choice nice choice

ths sleeping bag, probably the most important piece of all your camping stuff

this sleeping bag

is from decathlon


really warm, not for summer

and this is key of comfort

baby wet wipes

80 units, no less, NO LESS

when you finish in the night, and you go to sleep

it's completely different how you rest

if you clean all your body with the wet wipes

clean your arms, etc, wear your lvl2 and go the the bag

and you will rest like a boss

all this stuff goes into this bag

goes in this bag cause this way, when i take out all the camping stuff

i can leave the bag in the car

about the gear

lets start with the vest, AVS by Emerson

4 mags

this cellphone adapter

i used some apps to mountain navigate

to identify the stars...

it's actually cool

i´ll leave the names in the description below

i didnt changed the pouches

2 CAT, cause we used to heal in game

hum there is a little piece of shit here

here i carry a leatherman REV

radio pouch here...

i have an extra battery for the radio...

, but i didnt used

it was ON all the day... but

i didnt need it

on the back

in the last mission i carried the NOD

daylight, i carried an extra li-po

this other CAT was on my belt

but, im packing all, so i prefer to use all the pouches

didnt use a first line in this milsim

just this belt, with this drop pouch

wich i didnt used

i used this belt cause when you don't need to carry the holster is comfortable

the uniform

i been playing with this combat pants

emerson gen3 Multicam

i was on the multicam team

and Massif combat shirt

was used by the US army

i love it

is long sleeve

but is not too warm, is designed to use in the desert

2 mechanix

1 original in black

a lil thicker

and my trusty fast fit in multicam

i love them, are cheap and great


issued, comfortable

cant ask for more

glasses case, i played with the clean glass

cause was really cloudy

all the gear goes in this backpack

is a replica of a Mystery Ranch komodo

is a shitty backpack

i use it cause is that big

i dont use it in game

is too big to play with, but is ok to carry all the gear

the vest goes to this bag, it came with the vest when I buy it

the rest goes in the backpack

moving to the boots

usualy you wont have the choice to carry two pairs

except if you have tones of space or dont share the car

usualy you´ll take a pair to play and the other to move in the city

so is really important to choose right

take a look to the weather, if is going to be hot

i would use my XA PRO

but in this particular scenario, we knew it will rain

so i choosed the X ultra with Goretex

i love them

i´ll talk to you later about the socks, when i play with goretex boots

this helmet here, does have my Z-tactical Comtact II, rewired

i rememeber a question like "does it worth it once you rewired them?"

at that time i couldn't answer, cause i was testing them for 6 months

now i been testing it for a year and half

and honestly, not a single problem

is so much time to rewire it all

but once you have it... yes it works

navigator light

really low, just to read

this string is a safe for the NVG

moving back a Helstar replica

is an IR strobe

is in IR mode??

ah ok its cause there is too much light

is blue colour this is vis mode

and this way goes to IR mode

and it has the SOS light, this blinks here

in night is really high visible

this one, is the blue light, as you can see here

also visible in night

i got it for this milsim in blue

cause multicam team needed blue light to mark the HIT

so, i wanted one, i could choose, and i have this light in green, a V-lite in red... yeah this one in blue

i have all the colours

this here is a counterweight

where i carry lead blocks

lets see if i can show you

here it is

lead blocks

to counterweight the NOD

the most time in daylight

i wasnt using the helmet, i played with this cap

i think is the best you can play with in this kind of games

you know you´ll be a long period of time under the sun

it doesnt worth it to me to get my neck tired on day

cause later in night, i will

a cap looks like the best choice to me in this kind of games

i finish with this balaclava in multicam

that i used to cover my neck

you pop your head from here

so you use it as a neck cover

you can cover your ears if you need it, cause there is wind or whatever

this here is the poncho raincoat

in this milsim i didnt use it

cause when the storm arrived i was in my tent

so just with the lvl5 was enough

actually, is not a lvl5

cause helikon does have the lvl5 gen II

this one here is the trooper windbreaker

and actually, is not multicam at this distance looks like

in fact, if you compare it, ok this is emerson, but this other

is original multicam used by the US

and maybe you can feel it as the same patter, but is not

one of the intense green is not the same

is really close, this close

but is not Original Multicam

is a nother original cammo, called Cammogrom

this is what i use as a level3

polar fleece by helikon

is not like kennys lvl3

is more actual

i think is not as warmer as lvl3

but is great

is also a lvl3 cause is a fleece

this is like a lvl2

thermic shirt

i used first night as a pijama

and the second day

i used a kennys combo

what is lvl2 + lvl5

this keep me warm, and this covers me from the wind

cause the second day we had a hard wind

is the first time i play with this combo, and i really liked

good one kenny good combo


first skin

this under armour shirt, wow so much shine


but i prefer this other from decathlon

really confortable neck

really breathable under your arms

and is really really soft

something that your nipppples will like

and this

i used for the entire milsim this running tights

to avoid low chafing in my knees

and the underwear, looks stupid

but is really important to hold safe your lil bird

i use this socks

trail running socks, i use with my goretex boots

i also have this mountain socks, are thicker

i used trail socks the first day, and mountain socks the second day

moving with the replica

I have only brought 1

i should brought 2

when i say 2, i dont count the sidearm

kenny: or bring a kenny! grey: what?

kenny: or bring a kenny!

we will see kennys stuff

is absurdity cause he brought his house

well i did it wrong

dont do what i did

my replica is a MK18 by VFC

i thrust so much this replica

but doesnt matters, if you can bring 2 replicas

just in case, will be better

i brought this one instead the recce

i wanted to play the night game

but for some reasons i didnt

so this replica is ready to go in that game, with the laser, ir flashlight and stuff

by the way, we got some questions about

the double switch, and if it can be used with the Dbal by G&P

yes, you can

i did it at first attempt, so it shouldnt be hard

you just have to cut the wire and solder it with the tin

to a new jack compatible with the Dbal

is not too tricky, just be careful with the two cabels

this part here is a lot of time, thats true

you have to be mindful about electric polarity from the red and black cable

they must not touch the same spot, otherwise doesnt works

after that is easy, just close it with electric tape

it rained and nothing happened

about the night

this is glory

this light is great if you must arrange your stuff in night

a headlight is a must, even if is cheap

this one for instance is from decathlon just 4€

this here is the NVG stuff

lets focus the camera

this is a safety case with the NOD,

.. is so hard to open fuck

ok i had to leave the camera cause i couldnt open it with one hand

it works with a cr123 battery

is this one here

the case is awesome cause it fits the avs back pannel pouch

this is my NOD

gen3 omni5

not much to say, this here is a lense protector

to protect my life and budget

from a single bb

i use it with this here

norotos rhino

goes to the helmet like this, clap*, you take it down

and you can adjust everything to line it up to your eye

all this is conected by a j-arms

holds this with this

this is on the helmet

this is on the NOD

last part, the bbs

i payed this game with 0,25 and 0,23

but in this kind of games, with this replica i use to play with 0,28

well.... lets compare!

with all your stuff kenny

i think the same with the gear and food

better safe than sorry

camping on your left

table with the maps

grey could brought it, and i would carry less weight

grey: whats the point??! we share the van, is the same weight

its a table for both of us

maps ready to draw if we need to

we didnt use it to draw a shit

a chair like grey

this is a soft floor for the tent

i use this music fest tent

the fresh and black model

you can sleep by the day with no light coming in

the outside is with so doesnt gets warm, and the inside is al in mesh, so es really brethable

air pillow like grey

klymit insulated may

still has air in

two sleeping bags

silk blanket provides +2/3º degrees more

moving to clothes

thin polar fleece

is really really thin



Snow Gaiters

my uniform is a FFI in multicam

little belt

replacement pants just in case

this here is my lvl6

is a raincoat

is a tactical raincoat, you can reach your pouches

open it to take a magazine from the vest etc


is like tedybear fleece

underwear socks, decathlon socks

x-bionix underwear

i played with Salomon

quest 4D forces with goretex


arcteryx hat, cap,

and a helikon boonie

all this you can see is

food to eat in move, some medicine

axe and pick

to hold the tent to the ground

and cut some branches

gas lamp

and a jetboil

to boil water

wet wipes, i have a bigger ass

so i use bigger wet wipes

Grey: Super Jumbo wet wipes

the rest of the food is in that camping fridge

there are a lot of food cause we didnt ate all time in the FOB....

we did some alternative missions

and escaped to the town

a burguer place we know

this is a DSLR camera

i use it for airsoft games,

compass, radio antena

2 headlamps

i leave 1 in the car

2 pairs of gloves


PTT is a TALES replica

TRI 152 radio

and the second radio

for the back i use a haley strategics flat pack

it has a source hydratation back

and 2 chestrigs, haley H for 7,62

and the haley D3CR for 5,56

bbs, glasses, red hit marker

G&G 0,33 for DMR, 0,25 for the rest

replica case

416 goes in other box

Scar H by VFC

416 VFC

A&K M249 machinegun

for this milsim i packed everthing

in this two scuba diving boxes from decathlon

is in decathlon from around 35€ each

has a big inside

are solid what makes easier to find stuff

is safer if you have something delicate

it also have wheels

basically that all

i think is the interesting part are the common points between kenny and i

cause Kenny is a senior player with tones of gear

and it could be fun if you compare with what you carry to a milsim

to find what you need and dont have

i would like to see in your comments this

cause i do know some of you, who started playing with this channel

now are playing milsims,

i know it cause you tell me

and i would like you to comment what parts of gear

you carry too

or what parts you dont have and you think you should

it will be interesting to me

facing some future podcast what kenny is preparing

talking about this

i want to recomend you

the Aircast vol 2, by LTF

is a great podcast

some players talk they invite other players

in this one, they talked about how to prepare a milsim

thats all, see you on the next vid!

For more infomation >> QUÉ ME LLEVO A UNA MILSIM? | AIRSOFT PARA NOOBS 23 - Duration: 23:50.


Juan Minujín y Carla Peterson: "Muchos se van a sentir reflejados, es una gran historia" - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> Juan Minujín y Carla Peterson: "Muchos se van a sentir reflejados, es una gran historia" - Duration: 5:37.


Primeras fotos de Louis, el hijo de Guillermo y Kate: ¿a quién se parece? - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Primeras fotos de Louis, el hijo de Guillermo y Kate: ¿a quién se parece? - Duration: 3:26.


Los secretos tras la millonaria producción de "Martín, el hombre y la leyenda" - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Los secretos tras la millonaria producción de "Martín, el hombre y la leyenda" - Duration: 2:43.


Bus colisiona con auto particular en ruta que une Valdivia y Paillaco: 2 víctimas fatales - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Bus colisiona con auto particular en ruta que une Valdivia y Paillaco: 2 víctimas fatales - Duration: 2:45.


La reina cruzará el charco dentro de unos días y lo hará sin su marido - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> La reina cruzará el charco dentro de unos días y lo hará sin su marido - Duration: 1:48.


A STORY OF A RAINY RIDE #RIDE 51 [EN SUBS] - Duration: 3:24.

A story of a rainy ride

Well, I think today I will capture a motorcycle ride in the rain!

Look in front of me, these big clouds

I knew that there would not necessarily be sunny

but the rain was not on the program

Well, the ride continues in the rain as I feared

And the worst is yet to come!

Save the iPhone!

Well, I put the phone on my tank bag

I still have the GPS guidance in the helmet

It's fantastic, the road is dry here and it's sunny

I should ride here!

I hope that...

you understand my suffering in this ride

rather rainy

I hope I didn't do it again because it's not pleasant at all

For me, a motorcycle ride have to be a source of pleasure

So a ride in the rain

it's not fun at all!

Well, stay tuned for a new ride, and hopefully with a more sun!

For more infomation >> A STORY OF A RAINY RIDE #RIDE 51 [EN SUBS] - Duration: 3:24.


Tremendo choque múltiple entre Pedrosa, Lorenzo y Dovizioso en el Moto GP - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Tremendo choque múltiple entre Pedrosa, Lorenzo y Dovizioso en el Moto GP - Duration: 2:29.


CENSORSHIP IN BIOCULTURE? With Lluís Botinas. Pres. of As. Plural 21, author of "Dismantling AIDS" - Duration: 26:28.

For more infomation >> CENSORSHIP IN BIOCULTURE? With Lluís Botinas. Pres. of As. Plural 21, author of "Dismantling AIDS" - Duration: 26:28.


RABIAT! Netzwerk Pervers I Reportage - Duration: 45:27.

For more infomation >> RABIAT! Netzwerk Pervers I Reportage - Duration: 45:27.


Les fans de Johnny Hallyday agacent les riches de St Barth - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Les fans de Johnny Hallyday agacent les riches de St Barth - Duration: 1:15.


Zara Phillips, la embarazada a la que todos miraremos en la boda de Harry y Meghan - Duration: 6:58.

For more infomation >> Zara Phillips, la embarazada a la que todos miraremos en la boda de Harry y Meghan - Duration: 6:58.


CONQUE 2018 Ft. ManemanFTW || Día 2 - Duration: 16:53.

For more infomation >> CONQUE 2018 Ft. ManemanFTW || Día 2 - Duration: 16:53.


Dog Cane Corso and dried cow's nose. #canecorso - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> Dog Cane Corso and dried cow's nose. #canecorso - Duration: 6:04.


Absuelven a joven 17 años que mató a su padre en defensa de su prima y abuelos - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Absuelven a joven 17 años que mató a su padre en defensa de su prima y abuelos - Duration: 2:20.


What's the worst thing Charle...

For more infomation >> What's the worst thing Charle...


Iron Man: How It All Began - Duration: 13:41.

[Iron Man -- that's kind of catchy.

It's got a nice ring to it.]

Given how huge the Marvel Cinematic Universe has become,

you might forget at times that it all started with a wisecracking guy named Tony Stark

and his cool metal suit.

[If you douse me again, and I'm not on fire,

I'm donating you to City College.]

Today we talk about the Marvel formula, and that formula comes from Iron Man.

[We had no idea it would turn out like this.

We were just hoping that people would see that movie.

Everybody was saying superhero movies were over.]

Director Jon Favreau even defined the winning recipe for a Marvel movie

when he said, quote,

"We ended up landing a tone with Iron Man that became the formula moving forward.

You want to mix great casting, stay true to the characters,

a combined universe that would allow cross-pollination.

And having humor and adherence to canon."

[Sometimes you gotta run before you can walk.]

Iron Man also kicked off traditions like Marvel's trademark mid and post-credits


with an epic cameo by Samuel L. Jackson.

[I'm here to talk to you about the Avenger Initiative.]

Iron Man turns ten this year,

and it's clearer than ever how pivotal the movie was

in shaping our current blockbuster landscape.

[Pepper, I've been called many things -- nostalgic is not one of them.]

So what made this film the golden ticket?

Why was it such a momentous entry in Superhero movie history?

[That's the coolest thing I've ever seen.]

[Not bad, huh?]

Before we go on, if you're new here be sure to subscribe

and click the bell to get notified about all of our new videos.

Part of Iron Man's success is that it was the right film for the right time.

It was released in May 2008, just a few months before another movie

that raised the bar for the superhero genre --

Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight.

The Dark Knight became the highest-grossing movie of 2008,

with Iron Man in second place.

And there's a clear separation in superhero movie quality

before and after these films.

Iron Man came out at time when improving technology in visual effects

made a believable superhero movie possible in a way it hadn't been before.

[Five years ago you couldn't make a movie Iron Man

that showed the suit doing everything it could do in the books.

It would have looked fake and it would have taken you out of the movie.]

At the same time, Favreau used CGI in a relatively sparing, tasteful way --

he also included a lot of eal, practical effects.

And this magic balance made it so that the CGI that is in the movie

is all the more convincing.

Of course, this is another thing it has in common with The Dark Knight,

as Nolan is famous for relying on practical effects over CGI.

Significantly, Iron Man -- again like The Dark Knight --

was infused with social commentary.

It felt like the movie was saying something about its post-9/11, War on Terror era.

[We all share a certain common frame of reference in the last few years,

and I wanted to really show the anxiety of the time

and set it against a real backdrop.]

Tony is a weapons developer, and he's captured by an Afghani terrorist


who want his expertise.

[He wants you to build a missile.

The Jericho missile that you demonstrated.]

So Tony starts to question the ethics of his business

and whether it's really just war profiteering,

instead of serving of his country like he's been telling himself.

[I saw young Americans killed by the very weapons I created

to defend them and protect them.]

So Iron Man spoke to its times, raising questions

about the morality of military might, arms,

and the long-standing after-effects of global conflict.

In later movies, Tony's moral conundrums get even more complicated --

especially in Civil War, where his conflict with Captain America

represents a debate over the role of government regulation.

[What if there's somewhere we need to go, and they don't let us?]

[We may not be perfect, but the safest hands are still our own.]

[If we don't do this now, it's going to be done to us later.]

And we can see Iron Man's influence on a more recent hit like Black Panther,

which continues these kinds of questions for a new decade.

[I must right these wrongs.]

Other superhero movies have gone for more extreme or surreal villains.

But Iron Man's villains are true-to-life types --

a Middle Eastern terrorist group

and an aging, greedy American businessman, Obadiah.

The two illustrate that there are villains on both sides of the conflict.

Obadiah is obviously in the wrong in conspiring with terrorists to kill Tony


[Ah, if you'd killed him when you're supposed to,

you'd still have a face.]

but his character has nuance, because he honestly believes weapons manufacturing

is essential to protecting the world.

[Your father, he helped to give us the atomic bomb.

Now what kind of world would it be today if he was as selfish as you?]

This was the first of many MCU movies in which the villain is a dark mirror

of the protagonist --

the villain has a lot in common with the heroic lead,

but unlike the hero, uses his abilities for evil.

And Iron Man created the Marvel trope of a superhero's potential

to unintentionally do harm.

[Intelligence suggests that the devices seen in these photos

are in fact attempts at making manned copies of Mr Stark's suit.]

Obadiah makes his own Iron Man suit based on Tony's,

and he uses it for evil.

[Trying to rid the world of weapons, you gave it the best one ever.]

In later Marvel movies, we see other heroes grappling with this question

of whether what they're doing is helping or hurting.

[Who's going to avenge my son, Stark?

He's dead, and I blame you.]

This is getting at the difficulty of doing good in a complex world,

where well-intentioned actions can frequently make things worse

and just add to the chaos.

Iron Man hinged on a superhero who wasn't already an icon.

Unlike DC heroes like Batman and Superman who have been household names

as far back as we can remember,

many of Marvel's leads were more obscure before their recent silver-screen fame.

Iron Man had first appeared in the Marvel comics in the 1960s,

but he wasn't necessarily a household name.

Casting Robert Downey, Jr. as Tony Stark was a bold move that paid off.

[What's great for people who aren't fans is they see Robert,

they bring a set of expectations to the movie based on who he is

and what his whole history has been.

And his level of talent, his sense of humor.]

Back in 2008, Downey was known as a very talented actor,

but he was just as well-known for his hard partying

and for being kind of a wildcard.

Looking back, we can see that Downey was perfect for the role of Tony

because he was a celebrity trying to turn his image around.

So Iron Man played on Downey's suave, charming, bad-boy public persona.

[Slight correction, it's not the number one movie in America,

it's the number one movie worldwide.]


[Self-deprecating as always, Robert.]

and added complexity to that persona.

Iron Man also set the bar for character-driven Marvel movies --

the intrigue comes less from the plot than from the protagonist himself.

Tony was a departure from the standard solemn or serious superhero personality --

he's a wiseguy.

[I'm just not the hero type, clearly.

with this laundry list of character defects, all the mistakes I've made, largely public.]

Fox's Deadpool later played on this sarcastic persona

with great success.

[You're my hero.]

[No, no, no, no, no.

That I ain't.]

Tony embodied the playful sense of humor that later Marvel heroes and the MCU itself

is now known for.

[Is everything a joke to you?]

[Funny things are.]

He'd be far more fun to meet in real life than a Bruce Wayne or a Clark Kent.

[Is it cool if I take a picture with you?]

[Yes, it's very cool.]

Downey actually took inspiration from Elon Musk for his performance.

[Hey, I've got an idea for an electric jet.]

[You do?

Then we'll make it work.]

At the end of the first film, Tony famously breaks with the tradition

of superheroes keeping their identity secret.

[I am Iron Man.]

This ending was the metaphorical mic drop announcing how different Iron Man would be

from other superhero franchises --

which are so often about wrestling between public and private identity.

The movie was saying Tony was such a charismatic hero,

he didn't need that default conflict in order to stay interesting.

[Big man in a suit of armor.

Take that off, what are you?]

[Genius billionaire playboy philanthropist.]

And almost all of the later MCU heroes followed Tony's footsteps

not even trying to keep their identities a secret.

Favreau has described Iron Man as "a story about a man who transforms himself."

So Tony essentially is a self-made superhero.

[When did you become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics?]

[Last night.]

There's something classically American about this kind of self-reinvention.

Tony doesn't mutate or develop superhuman abilities.

[You're a laboratory experiment, Rogers.

Everything special about you came out of a bottle.]

Tony's "superpowers" are really just technology that he makes.

So Iron Man emphasizes the hero's intelligence and ingenuity

over brute strength.

[Tony Stark was able to build this in a cave!

With a box of scraps!]

That's yet another way we can see the movie's influence on Black Panther,

where the hero's abilities come primarily from technology and natural sources.

The other part of Tony's transformation is how hard he works to better himself.

There's a double meaning to the Iron Man name --

of course, on one level it refers to Tony's suit,

but Tony's also presented as a kind of a metal man without a heart,

or strong emotional bonds.

[So you're a man who has everything.

And nothing.]

This makes us think of the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz.

[Just because I'm presumin'/ That I couldn't be kinda human/

If I only had a heart.]

After the attack in Afghanistan, Tony's left with a literal hole in his chest,

symbolizing this emptiness in his life.

But as he turns away from his weapons business and finds his purpose,

We see that Tony has a heart after all.

The arc reactor in his chest symbolizes this renewed strength and light inside him.

[All this came from that.]

By the third Iron Man movie,

Tony has to save the day largely without his suit --

so the takeaway is that Tony Stark, the person,

is what makes Iron Man special, not the suit or fancy gadgets he has.

Tony evolves from relying on his suit to realizing that his true power

is himself and the heart he puts into everything.

[I just finally know what I have to do.

And I know in my heart that it's right.]

Speaking of Tony's heart, his relationship with Pepper

established Marvel's formula for romance --

their attraction to each other grows out of friendship.

The two don't even kiss in the first Iron Man,

and by the end of the movie they still aren't officially a couple.

So this set a precedent for relationships in MCU movies developing slowly,

and being as much about friendship and compatibility

as physical chemistry.

Pepper was also the first of many female Marvel love interests

who are smart and can hold their own,

[You know that I would help you with anything.

But I cannot help you if you're gonna start all of this again.]

but who unfortunately end up having a pretty limited, supporting role.

[I'm not even sure what country Jane is in.

Her work on the Convergence has made her the world's foremost astronomer.]

[And the company that Pepper runs is the largest tech conglomerate on Earth.

It's pretty exciting.]

A lot of superhero movies are about learning to be a hero.

But Tony learns how to be a regular person --

despite his charms,

he starts off as a bit of a superficial jerk,

and he has to figure out how to be decent and do the right thing.

So with Iron Man, Marvel started the tradition of making superhero arcs

about universal human rites of passage.

We can especially see how the movie shaped Doctor Strange,

which is about another successful, overconfident man

who's forced to reconsider his values and learn selflessness.

Iron Man hasn't aged perfectly.

[I don't want to see this on your MySpace page.]

There's also the issue of how Tony treats women.

[Tony, remember me?]

[Sure don't.]

Black Panther co-writer Joe Robert Cole has said

he believes Tony's behavior

early in the Iron Man franchise wouldn't fly with audiences today.

That's probably why later Marvel movies have guided the character away

from that original womanizer persona and more towards becoming a leader

and a father figure to Peter Parker.

[I just wanted to be like you.]

[And I wanted you to be better.]

But in spite of Iron Man's small flaws, the movie laid the groundwork

for everything that came after.

So as we look back to Iron Man a decade later, it's striking

that almost every blockbuster we see today has been shaped by this movie.

[Mr. Stark, you've become part of a bigger universe.

You just don't know it yet.]

It's Debra.

And Susannah.

You're watching ScreenPrism.

Thanks guys so much for watching.

We post videos every Saturday and Sunday and during the week

so hit that subscribe button and you'll get access

to all of our videos.

We can't thank you enough for your support.

Thank you!

For more infomation >> Iron Man: How It All Began - Duration: 13:41.


中國18大姓氏的起源,看看有沒有你的? - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> 中國18大姓氏的起源,看看有沒有你的? - Duration: 0:50.


The Secrets of VIBRATION, FREQUENCY & MANIFESTATION! + The Key to Manifesting Faster! - Duration: 13:14.

For more infomation >> The Secrets of VIBRATION, FREQUENCY & MANIFESTATION! + The Key to Manifesting Faster! - Duration: 13:14.


U14 Drenge Øst1 (04) Forår, Pulje1 Hørsholm-Usserød IK - Lyngby BK (2-3) 06.05.2018 - Duration: 1:20:19.

For more infomation >> U14 Drenge Øst1 (04) Forår, Pulje1 Hørsholm-Usserød IK - Lyngby BK (2-3) 06.05.2018 - Duration: 1:20:19.


Brad Pitt Returns as the Weatherman - The Jim Jefferies Show - Duration: 1:23.

the NBA playoffs are underway and as we all know no sport is more affected by

weather than basketball so we thought it was time to check in with the weather

forecast please welcome back for the first time

in a long time the Jim Jefferies show weather man hey

weatherman get this all the time but can I tell you a joke

didn't we fire you okay here goes I was hanging out with LeBron James and

he said how's the weather down there because he's tall and I said the same as

it is up there changing out a face not before seen in the history of man your

legacy is pointless our people and our memories will all

burn right LeBron is playing great with him man I think he's legacy he's gonna

be fun look do you know forecast for us with him in yes I do

we've got sunshine in the West the South the East and over here in the north the

ice caps are melting and I am so so so so scared Jim thanks weatherman sure

thing Jim

For more infomation >> Brad Pitt Returns as the Weatherman - The Jim Jefferies Show - Duration: 1:23.


Dog Cane Corso and dried cow's nose. #canecorso - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> Dog Cane Corso and dried cow's nose. #canecorso - Duration: 6:04.


Wonder Woman Braid Hair Tutorial,,haar vlecht ,invlechten - Duration: 3:09.

Thank you very much for watching

For more infomation >> Wonder Woman Braid Hair Tutorial,,haar vlecht ,invlechten - Duration: 3:09.


Second Hand cars Hat cheap Price in bd/Buy &Sell All Type of car hat in Dhaka - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> Second Hand cars Hat cheap Price in bd/Buy &Sell All Type of car hat in Dhaka - Duration: 7:06.


How to Draw Carrots | Step by #Step Tutorial for Kids | Vegetables Coloring Pages for #Kids - Duration: 3:31.

How to Draw Carrots

For more infomation >> How to Draw Carrots | Step by #Step Tutorial for Kids | Vegetables Coloring Pages for #Kids - Duration: 3:31.


Barbara D'Urso: Baye Dame 'umiliato' in studio, lui stupisce tutti con un gesto | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Barbara D'Urso: Baye Dame 'umiliato' in studio, lui stupisce tutti con un gesto | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:42.


Homescapes Level 568 - How to complete Level 568 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:30.

"How to complete Level 568 on Homescapes"


"Homescapes gameplay"

For more infomation >> Homescapes Level 568 - How to complete Level 568 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:30.


Karina Cascella umilia Patrizia del Grande Fratello:ecco perché | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Karina Cascella umilia Patrizia del Grande Fratello:ecco perché | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:25.


Manti Shisbarak مفرزنات و تحضيرات رمضان طريقة عجينة شيش برك اللحم و الجبن (منتو) مع مطبخ فايرفوركس - Duration: 4:29.

press subscribe & like for more recipes

For more infomation >> Manti Shisbarak مفرزنات و تحضيرات رمضان طريقة عجينة شيش برك اللحم و الجبن (منتو) مع مطبخ فايرفوركس - Duration: 4:29.


[Việt Mix] Duyên Kiếp Anh Em Ft Tôi Là Tôi / Nhạc Hay Là Phải Nghe Ngay ► DJ SunShine Mix | XTNon - Duration: 52:04.

For more infomation >> [Việt Mix] Duyên Kiếp Anh Em Ft Tôi Là Tôi / Nhạc Hay Là Phải Nghe Ngay ► DJ SunShine Mix | XTNon - Duration: 52:04.


394. Томаты высадка рассады в открытый грунт. Подвязка помидор в открытом грунте - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> 394. Томаты высадка рассады в открытый грунт. Подвязка помидор в открытом грунте - Duration: 5:36.


【MMD CUP 8】 Crazy 4 U 【MMD MV】(Subtitulado español) - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> 【MMD CUP 8】 Crazy 4 U 【MMD MV】(Subtitulado español) - Duration: 4:09.


박범계 "홍준표, 김경수가 놀다왔다? 새털보다 가벼워" - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> 박범계 "홍준표, 김경수가 놀다왔다? 새털보다 가벼워" - Duration: 1:59.


북미정상회담, '싱가포르' 개최 유력…G7 이전 '6월초' 가능성(종합) - Duration: 7:20.

For more infomation >> 북미정상회담, '싱가포르' 개최 유력…G7 이전 '6월초' 가능성(종합) - Duration: 7:20.


정부, NLL 유지 원칙 확고…서해 평화수역 협상 어떻게 되나 - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> 정부, NLL 유지 원칙 확고…서해 평화수역 협상 어떻게 되나 - Duration: 5:57.


삼성물산 합병 압력' 문형표 15일 석방…구속취소 결정(종합) - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> 삼성물산 합병 압력' 문형표 15일 석방…구속취소 결정(종합) - Duration: 4:49.


Boom Bap Type Beat

For more infomation >> Boom Bap Type Beat


Why I Speak Japanese. - Duration: 10:48.


My name is Loretta and welcome to my channel!

I couldn't make up my mind before

because I want to have a very honest chat

so it'd be more appropriate

if I spoke in English

But today I want to talk about

WHY I speak Japanese

and why I still speak it today.

However, I want this to be a real example.

I want to tell you what brought me here

and actually SHOW you the result of my experiences

so there will be English captions

but today I'm doing this one all in Japanese.

So, let me reintroduce myself,

My name is Loretta

And I come from a place on the east coast of the U.S.A

from the northern part of a state called Virginia.

I live in Japan now but I am 100% American born and raised.

Recently I was on twitter

and heard that in the city right next to

Fairfax Public Schools where I went,

it seems Arlington Public Schools

has being seeing some extra buzz.

The schools there teach many languages

but Japanese is also one of them

but I heard that as soon as the current students graduate

they plan to begin phasing out Japanese from the curriculum.

It turns out a lot of different people are opposed to this

so they started a petition on to raise awareness

I immediately signed and shared it on Twitter

but then I thought to myself,

Why am I, a 100% non-Japanese person concerned with

whether or not they teach Japanese?

So I started reflecting on when I started Japanese

and figured I should be more clear about it

here on YouTube as well.

I mean, in my case it's Japanese

but I know a lot of you aren't necessarily trying to learn it.

More so than that, just learning any language

or culture that's different from what you knew growing up.

Is something that I want to talk about now.

So even know people ask me why I can speak Japanese

there are many reasons,

like having a Japanese friend

or even Anime and other pop culture

but the reason I actually can speak Japanese

is because I was taught formally since my 1st year of High School.

If you map it out on a timeline,

My first Japanese courses began at age 14.

I was taught to read and write Japanese

and while it was interesting, I wasn't all THAT passionate about it.

UNTIL the time I turned 16,

An exchange student came to our school from Japan.

There are students that want to study abroad in the U.S.

and since my school, Falls Church High School

had a Japanese language program

it was picked to host exchange students from Japan.

So I made my first Japanese friend!

Everyday we were in Marching Band together

and for once I learned

normal, casual Japanese

from another girl my own age.

She even taught me her local Hiroshima dialect

Like, it's Mickey-D's, not Maccahs!

and slang like "Like" and "I gotta".

Japanese became more real and fun.

So I was sixteen and people in my church

heard that I was really getting into Japanese,

so word got around

and a friend of my parents

introduced me to a couple in Higashi-Zushi

where I made my first visit to Japan.

I was 16 and went to Japan for the first time in Spring.

And once I actually saw it with my own eyes

I got really serious about my studies.

Eventually I ended up at William and Mary,

a college just a bit south in the state of Virginia.

My college also had courses in Japanese

and I was allowed to start at the advanced level because I had studied for 4 years in high school.

I was finally starting to get into the intense classes!

But, in your 2nd or 3rd year of college,

it was common for kids

to use that year to study abroad if they could speak another language.

That was WAY to expensive for me

and on top of that, you can't earn as many credits abroad

so most kinds end up having to stay an extra

semester or two, aka, EXTRA tuition costs!

So, I gave up on getting to study abroad.

I didn't study abroad until my 3rd year,

when I heard about the Freeman Foundation grant

and applied.

Thanks to my Fellowship professor I got to go to Japan,

but once I got there

I realized everyone was EXCEPTIONALLY good

with amazing academic background and such.

These weren't kids who just studied in college,

they had studied Japanese since high school or before

and they were all just so good.

Looking at them, I really started to realize

how important it was that I also had a head start.

Even now I am still so grateful.

But even after I graduated

there was the Critical Language Scholarship

sponsoring students who speak

world languages not often taught in the states

and because of that scholarship

I was able to study abroad almost a week after I graduate college.

But everyone was from Harvard, Brown U.,

California and other top-notch places.

Being surrounded by those types of students,

and learning not just textbook Japanese,

but practical, working-world Japanese

was such a tremendous opportunity to grow for me.

After I graduated there

I moved back to the states, to New York City.

I eventually became a translator

and worked at a news company as reporter

covering business and finance news from Japan.

I even got to translate Japan's Nikkei Shinbun,

which is full of difficult terms and topics.

But marketing, corporate strategy, business ventures,

working for a companies in such interesting fields

allowed me to arrive at where I am today.

Currently I'm a second-year grade student at an MBA program in Japan,

but at the same time,

I also get to do similar work,

part time for a big firm here in Japan.

I do very similar work in Japan now.

With YouTube, many of you know,

for over 10 years or so now

I would make videos to practice my Japanese

which led to my side work for Japanese TV

as a guest reporter on their international broadcasts,

about traveling Japan from a non-Japanese viewpoint.

These are the types of things I never imagined as kid

and I truly am so tremendously grateful.

By telling you all this,

I don't want to brag or toot my own horn,

I'm telling these stories because

I want to share how learn a language early on

opened the door for me to have all of these chances.

Before you start choosing your major or what you want to do,

before you decide what you want to do with your life,

if you can experience language when you're young

or even just experience a culture that's different from your own

that can lead to so many precious opportunities.

So people ask why I speak Japanese, or is it only for anime or something like that,

maybe at first, anime is why I got into Japanese,

but why I chose it as a subject,

as a key piece of my education,

and as a tool in my own career,

the reason I speak Japanese today

is because I had access to something new at at young age.

When you get to college you start focusing on what you should do

but before that, why not build your experiences

and learn something so different from what you know

see a culture that challenges your own.

Doing that can greatly broaden the doors and paths available to you.

So in one year, when I graduate here in Japan

I'll re-enter the workforce,

but not just in Japan,

I hope that somewhere between the US and Japan

that I can leverage these experiences

and begin building up and helping other students.

I'm not even done learning language,

I know I have plenty of room to improve

but I just wanted to look back on my journey so far

and encourage more students to go after their goals as soon as possible.

Whatever it may be, now, today, tomorrow, it doesn't matter

as long as you start soon!

I've been feeling more and more that it's time for me to start giving back

and I'll talk more about that in a future video

but until then

I just wanted to have this honest chat today.

Whether it's study abroad, a job, school, or whatever,

what are you aiming at? What are you goals?

If you have any questions or ideas

please write them in a comment below.

So, that's all for today!

Thank you SO MUCH for watching today!

I can't wait to see what you write in the comments.

For more infomation >> Why I Speak Japanese. - Duration: 10:48.


Miraclulum: tłumaczenie komiksów- " Siedem lat później" cz.I - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Miraclulum: tłumaczenie komiksów- " Siedem lat później" cz.I - Duration: 1:38.


Nightcore - Drunk On You - Duration: 2:55.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Drunk On You - Duration: 2:55.


What If I Fail? - Duration: 2:57.

Do you feel like a failure?

Do you wonder if God will even take you back because you failed?

I want to share something with you that's been a great blessing to me

in my greatest moments of discouragement.

In the Old Testament there's a prophet named Elijah whom God uses

in amazing ways, and with great power.

Probably the greatest way is when he literally calls down fire from heaven

on mount Carmel to prove that God alone is worthy on allegiance and worship.

It rocks the nation and even Ahab, the pagan king of Israel is convicted

and realizes that he's in the wrong.

and it's at this moment when Elijah seems to have the greatest potential in ministry

that he enters the darkest experience of his life.

Word gets to Jezebel, Ahab's wife, and she issues a death decree for Elijah.

Elijah hears of it, and he runs for his life. He's seized with depression,

he forgets God, he loses his hold on God, and he literally wants to die.

and at this stage you would assume that God is gonna wipe his hands of this guy

and move on to someone else, but he doesn't.

He literally sends an angel from heaven to minister to Elijah's needs to keep running from himself,

and then when Elijah gets to Mount Horeb, God doesn't greet him with words of condemnation

and shame, he asks him a simple, probing question: "What are you doing here...

I still need you, go back."

and Elijah does go back, and he ends up raising up Jehu and Elisha

who bring reform to the nation, and then his story ends in a way

that none of us would expect.

God literally send a fiery chariot from heaven to take this guy

home without ever tasting death.

I don't know where you find yourself today, but here's what I do know:

there's a God in heaven who knows no failure, and who loves people who were filled with failure.

and that even when we do fail and mess up, He loves us enough to chase us down

and to ask us that question: "What are you doing here...

I haven't called you here, and I'm not giving up on you because you are here...

I believe in you, and I need you, and I'm asking you to go back

and trust that my strength is made perfect in your weakness."

For more infomation >> What If I Fail? - Duration: 2:57.


RABIAT! Netzwerk Pervers I Reportage - Duration: 45:27.

For more infomation >> RABIAT! Netzwerk Pervers I Reportage - Duration: 45:27.


15種黃金思維,改變人生! - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> 15種黃金思維,改變人生! - Duration: 4:20.


Landscape Photography | Being creative with camera settings - Duration: 13:35.

HI I'm Adam and welcome to first man photography if you love landscape

photography then you are in the right place today I'm in the Lake District

again and I've come to the Langdale Pike's finally finally in the beautiful

beautiful sunshine so I would really like it if you were to all come with me

okay so I'm set up for my first shot of the day and it's just a nice little shot

to get me going but I think it's gonna be pretty effective I've come up a

little way, I'm actually set up down there a bit because I don't want the

sounds of the waterfalls to interfere with with this but they've been loads of

waterfalls all the way up this mountain so far and I'm not really one for

waterfall shots I don't really like them I take them now and again just to have a

few in the portfolio but I'm not really a massive fan what I am a massive fan of

though is the big vistas and I've got one behind me now as I've been

walking up I've just come across where all these waterfalls hit a flat a bit of

land they're creating these pools of water which are just really making an

interesting foreground for an image and that's what I'm aiming for here down in

this little pool here I've got the camera set up, the composition I've got

is just using one of the pools with a little bit of water running into it and

then a little pool lower down and then there's just a little ledge before we go

off into that view behind me there it's interesting as well because with the

polarizer on today with the clouds and the blue sky it's just creating that

really nice oversaturated blue color and that's what I'm going for today really

nice sunny shots there are clouds coming over and I don't really want any shadows

cast down into the valley or onto the mountains behind me so I'm just waiting

for the right moments for the sun to come good and just light up the whole

landscape got a nice little feature of having being able to fire the camera

with my phone here so I'm just waiting for the right moments I also have a six

stop filter on combined with the circular polarizer if I'm at ISO 100 that's

creating about an eight second exposure but that's not what I want because it's

putting too much movement into the clouds and the clouds look nice as they

are so all I've done it is just up the ISO to five hundred so an f-16 because

the rocks are quite close the backgrounds quite far away and then I've

got a shutter speed of two seconds which just smooths out the water but still

leaves the clouds nice and sharp and iso 500 is letting me do that so it's a bit

different because we're still used to shooting at ISO 100 it's about using

those settings creatively really making the image work in the way

you wanted them relationship between foreground and sky and background and

all that sort of things you can affect them differently sometimes using the

camera setting and thats exactly what I've done here. I've still got a bit of a

shadow on the mountain behind me but I'm gonna fire an image off now there we go

and another classic Lake District scene.

I just stopped for a little rest while I'm capturing that time-lapse if you saw

the last video..... Here I am sitting on a rock with sleeves rolled up on a fell in the

sunshine and it's absolutely beautiful so I just thought I'd take a little

moment just to say thank you to you everybody that made a comment on that last

video......comments of support, of advice, of insight, I'm very very very very

grateful it means a lot if there's one thing you could do for me as well please

do share these videos if you enjoy them because that really helps me out that

helps me to grow keeps me making these videos as well so that would be much

appreciated - but thanks right with that out of the way I just want to take you

up here a minute and into the wind a bit this here behind me is Pavey Ark

believe it or not there is a path that goes up that cliff and I'm not gonna be going about

today I do want to get to the top of there today there's a much easier path

around it and that is Stickle Tarn behind me so I want to try and get back here

for about sunset tonight and I'm just at the moment having a little explore

around to try and find a good composition so when time is tight with

around the sunset later I know exactly what I'm doing

I have to get a little bit more elevation to look down on the Tarn look

at these sheep as well getting right in my time-lapse

So I'm at the top of the Langdale Pikes and it's just absolutely stunning up's windy, really windy and I'm also probably a bit too high to capture

a really nice shot.

Wooo......happy to be at top though,

Happy to be at the top!

So i'm down from the top and I'm in probably the last position I'm going to

be in today but it really is a spectacular one just look at this spot

I've got two shots planned from this very spot I have this one here which is

of Pavey Arc and the Tarn there... bit of a reference shot bit of a scouting shot

it'll be better as a sunrise but I'm gonna still try and make something of it

by using the camera settings creatively but if I turn around which is gonna be

hopefully my last shot of the day I have these mountains here and they're just

looking absolutely spectacular as that golden light is hitting them.... two shots

one location I'm hoping it'll come really good right so for the first shot

I'm gonna take two shots in fact of the tarn here and the reason is I wanted to

try two different things I wanted to do a panorama and I wanted to try just a

basic wide-angle shot I'm gonna use the camera settings in different ways to

make the two things work and one of the ways is to just increase the shutter

speed and the ISO a little bit in order to be able to shoot handheld and I'm

also reducing the aperture I'm making the aperture bigger as well to allow me

to handhold so when you shoot handheld for a landscape that's not moving one

125th of a second is going to be enough if you've got a fairly steady hand you

then just need to balance out the exposure to get that shutter speed you

can use shutter priority mode I like to do everything in manual because I think

it's a better way of shooting you learn more and the camera becomes an

extension of you and that's what I've talked about before handheld panoramas I

think are under used, handheld landscapes are under used and it's not something

we've talked about on these vlogs very often if you do want to see me do a

video with handheld photography please let me know down in the comments and

I'll sort something out about that but for this one it's just a case of doing a

panorama and panning round so it's nice and easy like I said it's just the

reference shot just a documentary shot for me so I don't really want it to be too

complicated on the settings I've got 1/125th of a

second like I said I've got F 5.6 which is still enough because what I'm

shooting is fairly far away from me there's nothing particularly close in

the foreground and then I'm at iso 160 I might have to boost that to 200 or 250

as it's starting to get a little bit darker then it's just a case of

in a shot and I'm zoomed into about 40 millimeters and then you want to turn

your camera to vertical mode and then just pan around cutting a third in to

the shot and you might end up with a scene like this I'm probably going to

end up with about 15 shots so I'm gonna shoot that now it's just the case of

composing all around just make sure I've got that that motion and then start to

shoot like this 1 2 and so on and so on and that's just a nice way to use the

camera settings a bit differently just to give you the extra shutter speed to

let you shoot handheld. That's the panorama now let's get setup and I'll do

a wide-angle shot which will be slightly different.

Right so a second shot I've got the camera on the tripod and I've got the

wide-angle lens on there the 17-40mm and as far wide as I can go

at 17 millimeters and the reason for that is because I just want to get as

much of this scene in as I can I've got Pavey Arc which is the main sort

of interest in the image because it's just such a striking cliff and then I'm

using some of the rocks in front of the tripod here as a bit of foreground

interest and then the tarn in there as well

now settings wise what I'm doing this time is using the settings to create a

long exposure I talked about long exposure a lot I did a video all about

it the other week which you may enjoy and it's just something that I

absolutely love to do because I just love the ethereal images that it can

create today however there is barely a cloud in the sky now so it's going to

have very limited use for me but it's a subtle things sometimes that really make

the difference to our images and what I'm going to use it for is just to

extend the exposure time a little bit to put some to put some movement in that

water which will just smooth it out really nicely because it's a bit windy

in the morning in there are quite a few subtle waves which don't particularly

enhance the image at the moment so I want to smooth those out and to do this

I have put a six stop ND filter on the front of the lens and lets me just

extend that time a little bit what that's extended it to is about 10 seconds I'm

at f-16 just to get it up to that 10 seconds and then ISO 100 bring that ISO

down to extend that exposure time as long as possible that's it really let's

just shoot that shot

okay last shot of the day and I just really want to make some use of that

really really spectacular light on those fells behind me there the thing is when

you are shooting in the mountains you do always have a bit of a problem when the

Sun starts to set one mountain blocks the light out or blocks light off

another mountain and then you start to lose interest or you get some really

strong contrast lines that don't always look particularly good so I'm just

looking over there at the moment and just basically hunting out the light

I've taken a few images I've settled probably my favorite now is what I've

settled on with this image Here I am I've got 70-200 on there and I'm zooming

right into 200 on that little spot of light that kind of leads you up that

little Ridge of the mountain then that bigger mountain behind it is still bathed

in that sunlight I've got vertical to get as much of that in as possible and

setting wise..... well to be honest there's nothing particularly special about the

settings on this shot but that is still a creative use of settings, the normal

landscape photography settings iso 100 i'm at f/8 because i'm getting maximum

sharpness out of the lens and everything i'm shooting is very far away from me

and then just balancing that exposure out hopefully in manual mode with

the shutter speed and at the moment I'm at 1/15th of a second so I've got the

two second timer set we're going to take the image

and see what that looks like

using different camera settings can create different creative results you

really want to be using those camera settings to match the creative vision

that you have in your mind for the image and if you understand your camera

settings and you're shooting manual and the camera becomes an extension of your

arm then that should just become second nature thinking what settings you need

and why you want to change and why you might go up on the ISO why you might not

why you might extend an exposure why you might not I have a video that will help

you it's called conquering the camera settings I put that up whichever side it

goes at and you can watch that at your leisure as well but I think you will

enjoy that one it can be I has been very helpful to many many people anyway

please subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already please share the

video like I asked earlier it really really does help me out helps me grow

and helps me keep on creating these videos for you but I've had a great day

it's been so good to get back into the mountains on a nice sunny day I don't

even care that there's no clouds in the sky really it's just spectacular being

here I feel really good I don't even mind a little walk back down in the dark

so I'll see one another on very very soon I'm Adam this is first man photography

just run onto this little ledge here because it's just absolutely stunning


For more infomation >> Landscape Photography | Being creative with camera settings - Duration: 13:35.


Atomic | I Walk the Line - Duration: 1:46.

These relationships are not real.

That's just a means to an end...

For more infomation >> Atomic | I Walk the Line - Duration: 1:46.


支付寶和華為正式合作,宣布要做一件感動中國人的大事 - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> 支付寶和華為正式合作,宣布要做一件感動中國人的大事 - Duration: 3:51.


敘利亞開啟代理人戰爭!剛剛 美國為撤軍找到了「接盤俠」 - Duration: 7:30.

For more infomation >> 敘利亞開啟代理人戰爭!剛剛 美國為撤軍找到了「接盤俠」 - Duration: 7:30.


I pericolosi effetti dell'onicofagia (mangiarsi le unghie) - Duration: 6:30.

For more infomation >> I pericolosi effetti dell'onicofagia (mangiarsi le unghie) - Duration: 6:30.


BTS (방탄소년단) LOVE YOURSELF 轉 Tear 'Singularity' Comeback Trailer - Duration: 3:33.

A sound of something breaking

I awake from sleep

A sound full of unfamiliarity

Try to cover my ears but can't go to sleep

The pain in my throat gets worse

Try to cover it

I don't have a voice

Today I hear that sound again

It's ringing again, that sound

A crack again on this frozen lake

I dumped myself into the lake

I buried my voice for you

Over the winter lake I was thrown

A thick ice has formed

In the dream I shortly went into

My agonizing phantom pain is still the same

Have I lost myself

Or have I gained you

I suddenly run to the lake

There's my face in it

Please don't say anything

Reach my hand out to cover the mouth

But in the end, spring will come someday

The ice will melt and flow away

Tell me if my voice isn't real

If I shouldn't have thrown myself away

Tell me if even this pain isn't real

what I was supposed to do back then

For more infomation >> BTS (방탄소년단) LOVE YOURSELF 轉 Tear 'Singularity' Comeback Trailer - Duration: 3:33.


(여자)아이들((G)I-DLE) - 'LATATA' | DANCE COVER VIDEO [F&P Dance Studio] - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> (여자)아이들((G)I-DLE) - 'LATATA' | DANCE COVER VIDEO [F&P Dance Studio] - Duration: 1:40.



hi everyone I'm back and today video is bit weird right the health care system

in the US versus the health care system here in Germany so why would I, an Asian

and never been to the u.s. be interested in their health care system

well, the reasons are the combination of so many things. firstly, as a came here in

Germany I started paying $90 per month for my health care insurance I was like

why do I have to pay that much of money for only the insurance because I paid 20

euros less than 20 euros for my insurance in Vietnam and it was not only

for a month that was for the whole year. so I was intrigued by the health care

services in Germany which is known as the national healthcare system. secondly

my professor at the university to be honest is not be fan Donald Trump yeah

he usually occasionally inserted his opinions on how the American government

is regulating their country and recently it was about his trip to Chicago during

the last Easter holiday and he said that a lot of homeless people staying outside

and frozen to death because the American government let them be

responsible for their own health care and I was like what is going on there? to

be honest I'm not a big fan of America, sorry but yeah I'm not really into the

American dreams and all the sort of things so I have no idea about their

health care system. and the last but not least the health care system in the u.s.

is now a controversial topic in Reddit I saw a lot of posts about it

recently there was a guy posting the bill of curing his eight inch cut on his

wrist and it costed him like almost 36

thousand US dollars seriously is this insane so I made up my mind that I got

to know about their healthcare system like what is happening over there and if the

quality of services is worth what American citizens pay for them and as

I'm living in Germany I hope that I could have a chance to make a reasonable

comparison with the German healthcare system which is a representative of the

national healthcare system. however before start I'd like to say that I'm no

expert in this field I'm just a tiny person who is curious about this topic

and trying to wrap my head around it so if you're also like me that let's go. so

the first thing I noticed was that the health care in America is mostly

provided by the private sector, only some hospitals are run by the government also

almost all the physicians work for the private sector - and other components

like pharmaceutical companies or the medical device providers also in the

private sector. whereas in Germany the government runs the health care system

and as German citizens and people living in Germany you have to pay a monthly

statutory contributions in order to ensure the free health care for everyone

well as a student under 30 I have to pay 90 euros per month for my

contribution at TK. secondly in Germany around 87% of German population get

the statutory health insurance and it provides you with the same care whenever

you get ill whereas 11% of those get the private insurance those people are

probably really rich because it provides them with special treatments so to say

upon their requests like special treatment my senior doctors or private

hospital rooms and other sort of thing and yet you need to have the income

which is above 59,400 euros per year or 4950

euros per month as in 2018 to get that kind of private

insurance and in America around 10% of the under 65 population are

uninsured the data from 2016 and why they excluding the over sixty-five

because they have something called Medicare for those people which is

considered the closest thing to the single-payer system that American people

are insistently asking for. well and the 10% we are talking about equals

like 27 million people they are uninsured what a big number! as a

result of our private health care system the health care in the u.s. is extremely

expensive well let's take a look at the Bill of the guy from reddit he claimed

that he had an eight-inch cut and it costed him like nearly thirty six

thousand bucks let's pay attention to the x-rays tests they costed him 340

459, 590 bucks for

those I haven't had a chance to take an x ray here in Germany but I watched

this video from this dude he said that it costed him only 20 bucks 20 euros

sorry for the X ray in Germany Möchengladbach in particular he didn't

have any insurance at all and he's an American and also he was really

surprised because his visit to the emergency room only costed him like

60 euros more so 80 euros in total for the x-ray test

the emergency room and he also mentioned that if he was in America without any

insurance it would have been like 500 bucks for the same procedure the same

things that he had in Germany and like the emergency room costed this dude over

5,000 bucks unfortunately I didn't know like how long he stayed there or what

made that cost so much. so now I'm concerned here because with such high

prices for the health care and 27 million people without any insurance how

would they pay for the health care when they're in need? what actually drove the

US health care price that high? maybe because of the thought that if you want

something done right you give it to the private sector. but in this case it

doesn't work as efficiently I really like how VOX explained it they basically

say that when it comes to health care we consumers have the least bargaining power

like we come to the hospitals when we're ill and we can't say no to that sort of things.

As in Germany the government says no for us like they negotiate the price with

the pharmaceutical companies and stuff and if those companies want to provide

services to German people they have to accept that price. and meanwhile in the

u.s. that bargaining procedure belongs to the private insurance companies and

yet they can't be as powerful as the government. as a result the drugs and

health care services are much more pricy in America. some examples:

some more facts about the u.s. healthcare system as a percent of the economy

American spends much more on health care than Germans 17.7%

versus 11.3%. however they visit doctors less than

in Germany but they pay more for the drugs and health care services as I said

earlier. and one more interesting fact I read that they pay the doctors based on

the number of services that the doctor provides not the outcomes of the

patients like or according to VOX that their income largely depends on whether

or not they perform the surgery regardless of the patient outcomes. and

finally let's look at how the health care system in the US and Germany

perform. as I know more about it the health care system in America and here

in Germany I feel even luckier to have a chance to live here in Germany. thank

you guys for watching my youtube video if you liked it please give me a big

like and don't forget to subscribe see you next time :)

For more infomation >> GERMAN HEALTHCARE SYSTEM VS US (FROM AN ASIAN 😂) - Duration: 9:49.


How Do I Color My Hand | How to Draw Hand | weeKID Coloring Pages - Duration: 2:14.

Hello Everyone!

My name is Mia.

Welcome to my channel!

Today we gonna coloring hand.

So let's get started!













For more infomation >> How Do I Color My Hand | How to Draw Hand | weeKID Coloring Pages - Duration: 2:14.


A Tribute to Minecraft - Duration: 12:54.


"Yeah, whats up?"

"I found a…

I found a disk."

"Well put it in the… put it in the thing then."


"Let's go."


The last time you clicked on a Minecraft video was probably like, five years ago.

Don't worry, I'm in that camp, too -- I'd rather watch paint dry than another Hunger

Games let's play.

My name is Schlatt, and today we're gonna talk a bit about how a stupidly simplistic

sandbox became my favorite game, where I think it took a turn in the wrong direction, and

why even after all the new changes, even after how god-awful the community's become, and

even after...


There's still a soft spot for it in my heart.

"Why did you do that?"

"It's not a good song."

"Alright well, put something else in.

Put something else in."


"He puts Stal in.

He puts f*ckin Stal in the jukebox are you f*cking kidding me--"


C418 - Stal 000 "Oh my god STAL!?

Minecraft came out for the Xbox 360 on May 9, 2012.

Coincidentally that was the day 12 year old Schlatt found his new favorite game.

Remember Bionicles?

Yeah, I had more than you did, so naturally, a game where you could build whatever you

wanted was right up my alley.

The 360 release of Minecraft was a barebones version of an already-barebones game.

It was charmingly simple, dropping you into a world with no real instructions or goals.

There wasn't much to do, but the things you could do, the game nailed.

Combat was straightforward and fun, especially with a group of friends, building stuff was

almost therapeutic…

and the quiet time spent mining in preparation for…

"Dog this song f*ckin sucks I'm sorry."

"Ey what the f*ck do you mean!"

*More yelling*

And the quiet time spent mining in preparation for what was to come.

That space to organize your thoughts and plan out your next move, all the while being serenaded

by those faint piano melodies in the background…

That was the icing on the cake.

I was in love with this game.

It let me be creative, adventurous.

You could do with everything around you what you pleased.

And some of my fondest gaming memories have come from open-world games like that - DayZ,

GTA 4, Sakura Beach, w… wait.

Every day after school I'd hop off the bus, throw myself on the couch, and log back in.

There was only oneworld I played on -- I wanted it to be the only one my friends played on,

too, so I crammed as much cool shit in there as I could.

I built minecarts, mob traps, I exploited this duplication glitch and built a house

out of diamond blocks, listen I was a perfectionist.

And this world had to be perfect, or else all I would have been doing was wasting away

in front of a TV every day.

But even after the countless hours I pumped into Minecraft, I was still pretty ass at


So I started watching other people play to figure out what I could do or build to make

my world a little better.

And as a result, I found an entirely new avenue of the game.

"Oh my God dude."



"...You wanna make a let's play?"

I was never a huge fan of Let's Plays.

My introduction to the genre was, well, loud.

Even back then it was a screaming contest, and even though I was twelve, that kinda stuff

just didn't sit well with me.

I found myself gravitating to more reserved and laid back YouTubers, like Monkeyfarm,

who, in the Let's Play space, was a breath of fresh air.

He took a very methodical approach to building, and his videos were more about that process

rather than about him.

And as I watched more videos, I eventually found my way into modded Minecraft through

these two guys, Sips and Sjin.

They were the quieter side of the Yogscast, and even though both of them sucked at the

game, it was hilariously fun to watch them dick around and try to figure things out.

These boys were the perfect let's play combo, and their Sipsco Let's series, where they

automate the process of dirt collection, is singlehandedly responsible for my foray into


Tekkit was a different beast altogether.

A collection of technology-oriented mods that looked like Minecraft, but offered an entirely

new way to play the game.

If you didn't like mining, you didn't have to do it.

You could build one of these things and it'd dig for you.

If you didn't like building, well, guess what.

Anything you wanted to do could be done with the right machines, and it led to some pretty

incredible stuff.

Tekkit's charm wore off quickly, though.

After the Sipsco series ended, I found myself getting bored with mods, and gradually, I

made my way back to vanilla.

But the charm was gone here, too.

I tried to put my feelings into words on the Minecraft forum, and I left an extremely controversial


I feel like Minecraft is becoming too complicated, I liked it the old way better.

Now there's weighted pressure plates and these sun things.

I still don't know how to use anything from that redstone update.

Why is everything becoming more complex?

I thought Minecraft was popular for its sipmlicity (or at least that's why I liked it).

I think I summed it up pretty well.

I had stopped playing mods because I preferred that simplicity -- and with each new update

and each round of new items and gameplay mechanics added to the base game, I felt like Minecraft

wasn't Minecraft anymore.

So that begs the question…

what is Minecraft?

For me…

Minecraft is not knowing how to play Minecraft.

It's generating that first world and thinking to yourself, what next?

It's standing in awe at the foot of a massive ravine.

Minecraft is that dirt hut you built on the first night.

The memories I cherish the most from this game are from when I had no idea what I was


They're from when the game was simple.

And from when my life was simple, too.

Because back then, there was nothing to worry about.

School was a joke, I didn't have to study to do well, I didn't have any commitments…

Pretty much all of my free time was spent playing video games.

And, it was enjoyable.

I didn't have a future to worry about.

I was only just beginning to realize that I liked to make videos, and that was only

because of an uncle in the field who continued to encourage me.

Looking back, I suppose the simplicity of my seventh grade life coincided pretty well

with the simplicity of Minecraft.

And as I got older, and as I gradually figured myself out, what I enjoyed doing, what my

hobbies were, what I wanted to do later in life, Minecraft got older, too.

At the end of the day, I don't know if it was my maturation or Minecraft's maturation

that started pushing me away, but ever since 2013, the game just hasn't felt the same.

Until in a moment of reflection, and tranquility, that soft piano starts fading in.

And the warm melodies I've come to know all too well over the years invite me back

into a world I've missed for so long.

C418's Minecraft: Volume Alpha.

I know nothing about music theory and I'm not gonna pretend like I do, but there's

something about it.

Maybe it's the simple piano of Dry Hands, maybe it's the quirkiness of Subwoofer Lullaby…

Or maybe it's not actually the music at all.

Because when I heard these songs for the first time, they didn't blow me away.

I didn't instantly fall in love with the soundtrack.

But the soundtrack is the only thing that hasn't changed since I loaded up the game

for the first time.

For me, these songs are timeless.

And when they start playing, just for a moment, I feel like I'm 12 again, playing on that

same world I always used to.

The music is what brings back all those memories.

It brings back Minecraft.

Today, the Xbox 360 sits quietly on my dresser.

To its right, a hacked Wii with the Homebrew Channel on it.

Before I got into Minecraft I used to spam infinite items at people in Mario Kart and

just make the race a living hell for everyone in it and yes, that is actually me playing

the game, recording the analog TV with a camera on a tripod.

I know, it was bad.

But I had to start somewhere, and that was it.

To its left, a Mac Pro that weighs more than I do.

A parting gift from my uncle, who lost his fight to cancer in 2013.

He was the one who got me into making videos in the first place, and God knows where I'd

be without him.

They're all dusty, but they're all still plugged in, hooked up to a TV that hasn't

been on for a while.

And that world is still there, too.

So I decided to go back in.

For the first time in half a decade, I turned on the Xbox.

I spawned in my wooden house, the first thing I ever built in Minecraft.

I made my way past the dozen or so dogs I had bred, and I went outside, and saw the first mob trap I ever tried


I don't think I ever got that one working.

Next door, the house of an old friend I haven't spoken to since middle school.

Above it, a "floating island" I spent days trying to make.

A little up the hill, the second attempt at a mob trap, which I think I got working at some point -- and the entrance to a minecart

rail that went on for miles.

Underground, into caves, over the water, it was insane.

The magnum opus of the entire world.

And slowly but surely, Sweden faded in.

And I just started crying.

They weren't sad tears, they weren't tears of joy, I wasn't overwhelmed, I…

I don't know.

I knew that all this world is, all this game is, is just a cleverly constructed sequence

of 1s and 0s but i knew that in a way it's a part of me.

This world is something that I will always hold dear to my heart.

It's a window into the past, a reflection of the kid I was.

It's been waiting here, unchanged since 2013, when I logged off the 360 for the last


Unchanged since I started to become the man I am today.

Minecraft, the game, is changing.

Minecraft's audience, changed a long time ago.

The only thing that's really stayed static about it, has been the music.

You can put me in some random world I've never explored.

You can add weird new items I'll never learn how to use.

But to me, it's not Minecraft until that music starts fading in, and I'm pulled back

into a world when nothing really mattered, when everything was easy, and when, well,

I was happy.

For more infomation >> A Tribute to Minecraft - Duration: 12:54.


The World is SO Small... - Duration: 17:33.


For more infomation >> The World is SO Small... - Duration: 17:33.


PISSED OFF SMALL AQUARIUM FISH: TOP 5 Most Pissed Off Petite Aquarium Fish - Duration: 4:38.

what's up fish tank people Dustin's fish tanks bringing it to you

on a Sunday baby how's everybody doing I hope you're not pissed off

and today it's video I'm bringing you my top 5 most pissed off the cheap fish

that's right these fish are small and they're pissed off before we get into

today's video I want to tell you what I'm pissed off yeah a day somebody came

over my house they were looking at my tanks it's like yeah like your tank -

Matt I said thanks he goes hey you should get a shark you get out of here

nothing will get you kicked out of my house fashion saying you should do the

shark dude what changed me is a perfect segue number five most pissed-off fish

number five little dog teeth bitch fuck it with a red-tailed shark first of all

I'm pissed off - this fish is called a shark it's not a shark at all

it's just some fish that goes around with a red tail a black body that swims

are on all other fish and chases are all over the place I know why this fish is

pissed off but too pissed off because it comes from tributaries of the Mekong

River Basin in Thailand and its natural habitat is being destroyed because it's

gonna happen it's gonna come home it's gonna go in your aquarium it's gonna

destroy him piss off all the air fish you should get a redtail shark dude no

you shouldn't red-tailed shark we're number five most

pissed off tea fish

but number four most pissed off fish I'm talking about the zebra Danielle that's

right as a kid back the day I used to be ballin on a budget for 49 cents I can

pick up a zebra Danielle then I figured out why they wanted to unload these

pissed-off fish yeah these fish are sweet I love schooling

fish I love cheap fish but any fish that goes around nipping other fish and spins

up in my book sadly I know why this fish is pissed off you'd be pissed off too if

you found out your family friends nephews nieces and uncles we're all

being ejected with pink glowing dye zebra danios but number four most pissed

off at eat fish whatever 3-month pissed off aquarium fish I'm talking about the

flame ketchup back in the day my 125 wanted to keep a unique tetra based on

my previous experience keeping the following Tetris the neon tetra if the

rummy knows the bleeding-heart in the diamond tetra I figured that the flame

catcher would be a peaceful and compatible fish with my home aquarium no

sir I dropped 20 flavors in my old one 20

and watch them beat the crap out of each other like the WCW Royal Rumble I don't

understand it somebody explain to me in the comments why the bond Riyadh cetera

aka the flame tetra aka the most pissed off touch I've ever made it's such a all

the other textures are peaceful drop me a comment on why the boundary on tetra

being so sweet yet being so pissed off bond ryo tetra my number three most

pissed off petite aquarium fish my number two most pissed off petite

aquarium fish straight from the slums of Shaolin bringing it to you with the

tightest now we're talking about the tiger bars yes folks the tiger bardic

the picky Feeney I first kept these fish bag of the day

and a 15 gallon aquarium that had green gravel I admit it I had colored green

gravel the fish were sweet until he started beating the crap out of

everything I tried to put a tank with them worse yet they actually live a

miserable existence as his school chasing around each other and nipping at

each other spins of the same species I actually didn't learn my lesson without

pissed-off Tiger Barb's were and tried to keep them again here in the 220 all

they did was chase around each other and different offends my rainbows to find

the rain was like young dog these boys got to go Tiger bombs Tigers

with Tiger Bob we're number two most opportune aquarium fish I'm a number one

most pissed off petite aquarium fish goes like this couple years ago I got

convinced to coach my daughter and all the soccer team on that soccer team was

a kid named Tyler I don't drink alcohol coaching Tyler made me have to drink

after the games on Saturdays all Tyler would ever do would be to chase around

kids on the opposing team and our team I don't think Tyler ever went after the

soccer ball once Tyler is the human equivalent of the Chinese algae eater

first of all the Chinese algae eater isn't even an algae eater it's a fish

chasing fin sucking of a fish if I was Chinese

I would be pissed off that my country is represented in the name of this fish

like most fish that suck the Chinese algae eaters so cheap in the pet stores

it's gonna go and clean all your algae no it's gonna go home and suck and it's

gonna go home and suck all the fins off all the other fish in your aquarium the

Chinese alligator is gonna go into your aquarium and piss your wife off and piss

your life off do me a favor folks hit the subscribe button like button share

button whatever button you feel like pushing and drop me a comment on what

aquarium fish pisses you off the most tank on everybody later

For more infomation >> PISSED OFF SMALL AQUARIUM FISH: TOP 5 Most Pissed Off Petite Aquarium Fish - Duration: 4:38.


TRY-ON HAUL + NEW SHOES - LOLA SHOETIQUE | Alisha Ricki - Duration: 8:11.

What's up guys! It's Alisha Ricki back at you with another video, and in this video I'll be

sharing with you a few things that I picked up from Lola Shoetique and I will

definitely be trying everything on for you so you get an idea of how

everything looks on how everything fits if they fit and if you're new here

If you're new here, welcome to my channel. If you like videos like this definitely consider hitting

the subscribe button down below and make sure you hit the bell button right next to it

so you're notified every single time I upload a video. So the first thing that I

want to show you guys is this green plaid or flannel shirt dress and this I

got in a size large and I actually didn't get it to wear it after dress I

wanted to learn it as kind of like a duster type of situation for spring I

just thought it'd be really cool and edgy zap air it over every body suit or

a tank top with some distressed jeans and maybe some sneakers I just thought

it would be a really nice casual kind of put together look and I really do like

how this bit and I do like the material a lot but if you didn't want to wear it

as a dress you could definitely wear it with the Gucci belt or some type of Lobo

belt to cinch the waist and I think that would be really really cute anybody who

knows me knows that I love me some camo like I love camel for years so it's no

surprise that I picked up these pants up I really liked the kind of watch that is

kind of like a lighter or creamy type of camel so I really like that and it has

these little snaps at the bottom so I thought that was really cute somewhere

with heels or maybe some sandals unfortunately because these could not

pass my pace so I don't know if I'm gonna return these or if I'm gonna get

home to my sister-in-law and she might so she'd have but yeah I really do like

it it feels like good quality and I think you really really

next up we have this beautiful kind of greyish purple and gray lavender type of

color jumpsuit I really thought this would be a really nice transitional

color for spring so you can wear with a leather jacket over it and some sandals

I really do like the fabric of it a lot it's very soft and very light it's

nothing oh it's a little tie at the waist as well this is a wide leg so if

you're into that definitely something you should check out because it has this

nice overlap training a v-neck and then has a cute keyhole at the back so it's

super super super cute for spreading so yeah definitely check out this jumpsuit

if you're on the market for really huge jump seat okay so keep the jumpsuit

trend it going I also picked up this white floral jumpsuit I really really

like this because I've been told that you know looks at my skin tone so I like

the pops of yellow just do and I do let this little piece in the front right

here and I also like that it's not just like a traditional like jumpsuit it has

a very nice stylish and very trendy again day parties maybe festivals

barbecues anything like that I definitely really like this it's a very

very pretty jumpsuit so one thing I forgot to mention about this if you have

big blue sign ideal you definitely have to size up folks because this didn't

really fit me only because this market fit everything else fits me but Tom this

part was not doing it for the girls okay it was waiting waiting too small so just

something to bear in mind if you like me definitely size it doesn't matter that

down here will be a little bit looser because I do think those will be look

it's really cute so just until next up we have this kind of military style

jacket usually I would never go for outerwear

piece that had something printed all over it and maybe usually do a patch or

maybe something on the back I wasn't full-on go for something that's printed

but I saw it and for some reason I just thought it was really cool I like the

scars on it so I grabbed it and I really like how this dish and I like the fact

so it looks really really nice on and I'm really think I've got a lot of oh

and I love the fact that this has to elasticated sleeve just because I'm a

person of action for my whole life that I think it's more but and you look and I

like that it has neat Alexis thing because when you roll it up you don't

have to worry about it coming down the inconvenience I cannot tell you how so

that was a definite definite bonus and plus on the design of this jacket the

last piece of clothing is this beautiful beautiful yellow floral bodysuit

I am obsessed with this like this is like my favorite thing in the whole I

just really like huge floral print I like huge florals because I my mother is

really really like super girly girl country look you might think so I do

prefer the bolder Reggie and I do love the fact that this has be super super

duper exaggerated that was please I really like that feature on this top I

know I can tell I mean is it giving you life or you know I mean I really like

this and another plus is that this is actually a thong bodysuit and I really

like that because if you decide that you want to write with leggings or maybe a

skirt or something nobody wants I'm running pants lines ok

so then I worry about a man-to-man Oh cute looks natural which wasn't fair

and it's all good now on to shoes I have two pairs of shoes to show you guys and

onto the first pair these beautiful beautiful black heels guys when I saw

these shoes it was like oh no joke I am so obsessed with them I love the gold

pyramid studs on it I bet it's on the strap detail too it's just I don't know

it's just really bold a really nice statement shoe which is so me so I fell

in love with them and just the contrast of black and gold that's just a combo

that I always liked so I definitely definitely have to pick up these shoes

and I just can't wait to style them I feel I feel a little bit like practicing

anything you're like gold so and the second pair of shoes that I got are the

exact same shoes but in red don't judge I love this about so much I have to get

another pair and to be honest I wanted like four pairs of them I want to like

every single color because I'm Dax s I love them to the tee I love them read to

me is a constant color it's full it closes for almost everything and I mean

it's timeless but is a timeless college can't wait the Saudis have a few ideas

in mind so stay tuned on my Instagram to see how about those and also I will say

though I'm not sure how long you will last in these shoes because I did walk

around and then when I was trying them on and I I want to say they're like hard

to do in our shoes but they definitely not stand around all day type of shoe

you might even kind of like in general where comfort is concerned also I do

like the fact that the little strap here isn't super tight around your foot so

you won't get blisters or anything but there's a con to that it is a little bit

on the wider side so it doesn't mean hold your foot in place so you know

sometimes you have sandals on and your foot kind of slides forward in the shoe

this definitely does that so if you do end up getting these shoes I would

suggest they put some type of grip here just to keep your foot from sliding for

it because once you can't sit in the ground and you also don't want to go

you should be looking to you into keeping your feet on the shoe so that's

just something to bear in mind when you get these shoes so that's all that it is

ha I hope you guys enjoyed it if you did see something that you like I left all

of the links to everything I mentioned down in the description box below as

well as the coupon code it's just my name Alicia it will give you 20% of your

order so definitely check the links in the description box if you like this

video please give me a thumbs up also if you're not yet subscribed to my channel

make sure you click my face over there in our menu to squad and since you're

still hanging out you might as well watch another video thank you so much

for watching and I'll catch you guys in my next one

For more infomation >> TRY-ON HAUL + NEW SHOES - LOLA SHOETIQUE | Alisha Ricki - Duration: 8:11.


New Poll Reveals That 76% Of Republicans Are Complete Idiots - Duration: 2:49.

According to a new poll by NBC News and Survey Money, 76% of Republicans in the United States

are completely stupid, and I say that, that's not exactly what the poll was looking for,

but that is what those findings tell us once we interpret what they actually mean.

Here's what it was.

The poll was looking to see how many Americans thought Donald Trump was a trustworthy guy.

Does he tell the truth?

Does he not tell the truth?

Overwhelmingly, 61% of people in this country said no, Donald Trump habitually lies, but

when you break those numbers down by party affiliation, it takes an interesting turn.

Because 76% of Republicans say that Donald Trump is a consistent truth teller, and it

is that 76% of Republicans that clearly are suffering from some kind of brain damage if

they think that Donald Trump himself is an honest human being.

Now I don't care if you want to support Trump, if you want to support the Republican Party.

That's your problem to deal with, but to sit there and say that, yes, I think he is a consistent

truth teller, that proves that there might be something wrong with you, that you need

to get evaluated by a medical professional.

The man has told over 3,000 lies since becoming president of the United States.

Verifiable lies.

We can go back and we can check and see that what he said is not true.

So what is malfunctioning in the brains of these 76% of Republicans, that prevents them

from living in reality?

This goes beyond a Donald Trump issue.

This is an issue of poor education throughout the United States, because these people should

know better, and more importantly, it shows how brainwashed and cult-like Republicans

have become in this country.

They only see truth when they look at Republicans.

When they look at Democrats, they only see lies.

That is dangerous to the future of this country.

If those numbers start increasing, if we start seeing too much of the same thing on the Democratic

side, this country won't survive.

We cannot have this cult-like follow a dictator to eternity mentality in the United States,

and it starts with the Republicans, but believe me, there's plenty on the left who are doing

the same thing too.

But this poll proves 76% of Republicans are willing to deny the existence of reality itself

just so they can say that Donald Trump is an honest human being.

For more infomation >> New Poll Reveals That 76% Of Republicans Are Complete Idiots - Duration: 2:49.


Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...

For more infomation >> Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...


Mensagem de Nossa Senhora de Anguera, 05/05/2018 - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Mensagem de Nossa Senhora de Anguera, 05/05/2018 - Duration: 5:24.


Para o 'The Guardian', HMS 'Astute' é muito lento - Duration: 9:40.

For more infomation >> Para o 'The Guardian', HMS 'Astute' é muito lento - Duration: 9:40.



For more infomation >> OXALÁ - OXALÁ NAS OLIVEIRAS - Duration: 3:43.


El Dolar Y El señor de los anillos - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> El Dolar Y El señor de los anillos - Duration: 1:01.


O voo do Aquila, drone do Facebook movido a energia solar - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> O voo do Aquila, drone do Facebook movido a energia solar - Duration: 3:16.



Aloes jest rośliną o szerokich zastosowaniach medycznych. Dzięki temu jest od dawna znany jako roślina nieśmiertelności, Indianie zaś nazywali go magiczną różdżką niebios. 

Można go z łatwością uprawiać w domowym zaciszu i stosować jako środek na gojenie mniejszych ran, zadrapań i poparzeń. Aloes niesie ze sobą jeszcze więcej korzyści, gdy jest stosowany wewnętrznie.

Ta cudowna roślina zawiera ponad 200 aktywnych naturalnych składników, takich jak aminokwasy, polisacharydy, enzymy, witaminy i minerały, które wspierają przyswajanie składników odżywczych.

Pismo „Journal of Environmental Science and Health" podaje, że jego właściwości przeciwgrzybiczne skutecznie wzmacniają układ odpornościowy i oczyszczają ciało z toksyn i chronią przed atakami szkodliwych patogenów.

Witaminy.Aloes jest bogatym źródłem takich witamin jak: C, A, E, B1, B2, B3 i kwas foliowy. Naukowcy stwierdzili, że aloes zawiera też dużo witaminy B12, która jest niezbędna dla produkcji czerwonych krwinek.

Dlatego też aloes jest świetną alternatywą dla wegan i wegetarian. Poprawia on również absorpcję witaminy B12, ponieważ zawiera substancje, które pomagają w jej przyswajaniu.

Aminokwasy.Aloes ma też aż 20 spośród 22 głównych aminokwasów potrzebnych do prawidłowego funkcjonowania ciała, a także kwas salicylowy, który eliminuje stany zapalne i zwalcza bakterie.

Minerały.Aloes jest bogaty w magnez, żelazo, miedź, wapń, cynk, chrom, selen, sód, potas i mangan, które wspierają metabolizm.

Enzymy.Roślina ta zawiera wiele ważnych enzymów, takich jak amylaza i lipaza, które wspierają trawienie poprzez rozbijanie cząstek tłuszczy i cukrów.

Dodatkowe zastosowania.Aloes bardzo skutecznie oczyszcza ciało i usuwa toksyny z wątroby, śledziony, pęcherza, żołądka, nerek i okrężnicy,

dzięki czemu jest niezwykle pomocny w przypadku wewnętrznych stanów zapalnych, wrzodów, niestrawności i podrażnienia żołądka.

Świetnie sprawdza się też w przypadku zapalenia stawów, wzmacnia przewód pokarmowy i zmniejsza obrzmienie stawów.

Jeśli zostanie zastosowany jako płyn do ust, sok z aloesu usuwa kamień nazębny, jest przy tym skuteczniejszy niż wiele reklamowanych w tym celu produktów.

Znane są też jego właściwości przeciwnowotworowe oraz lecznicze w przypadku wrzodów jamy ustnej.

Aloes może być spożywany bezpośrednio z rośliny, ale najłatwiejszym sposobem jest picie go w postaci soku. Może go nawet sporządzić samodzielnie!

Możesz dodać sok z aloesu do napojów i koktajli. Możliwe jest też zakupienie żelu z aloesu – w postaci całego liścia lub tylko żelu wyciśniętego z ich wnętrza.

Przed skorzystaniem z jego leczniczych właściwości, zawsze skonsultuj się najpierw ze specjalistą medycyny naturalnej w celu ustalenia najlepszej kuracji.Stosuj aloes i ciesz się dobrym zdrowiem na długo!

For more infomation >> EGIPCJANIE NAZYWALI GO „ROŚLINĄ NIEŚMIERTELNOŚCI" - Duration: 2:39.


Chrisley's Top 100: Chase Thinks About Ditching Grayson For A Party (S5 E6) | Chrisley Knows Best - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Chrisley's Top 100: Chase Thinks About Ditching Grayson For A Party (S5 E6) | Chrisley Knows Best - Duration: 1:15.


Destaques da Semana - LIVERPOOL CAMPEÃO DA CHAMPIONS - Duration: 14:33.

For more infomation >> Destaques da Semana - LIVERPOOL CAMPEÃO DA CHAMPIONS - Duration: 14:33.


Мега-стройки России о которых вы не знали (Сибирь, Урал, ДВ) - Duration: 8:22.

For more infomation >> Мега-стройки России о которых вы не знали (Сибирь, Урал, ДВ) - Duration: 8:22.


'Barraco' entre delegado da PF e militantes Lula-Livre termina em delegacia - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> 'Barraco' entre delegado da PF e militantes Lula-Livre termina em delegacia - Duration: 5:09.


Second Hand cars Hat cheap Price in bd/Buy &Sell All Type of car hat in Dhaka - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> Second Hand cars Hat cheap Price in bd/Buy &Sell All Type of car hat in Dhaka - Duration: 7:06.


Brad Pitt Returns as the Weatherman - The Jim Jefferies Show - Duration: 1:23.

the NBA playoffs are underway and as we all know no sport is more affected by

weather than basketball so we thought it was time to check in with the weather

forecast please welcome back for the first time

in a long time the Jim Jefferies show weather man hey

weatherman get this all the time but can I tell you a joke

didn't we fire you okay here goes I was hanging out with LeBron James and

he said how's the weather down there because he's tall and I said the same as

it is up there changing out a face not before seen in the history of man your

legacy is pointless our people and our memories will all

burn right LeBron is playing great with him man I think he's legacy he's gonna

be fun look do you know forecast for us with him in yes I do

we've got sunshine in the West the South the East and over here in the north the

ice caps are melting and I am so so so so scared Jim thanks weatherman sure

thing Jim

For more infomation >> Brad Pitt Returns as the Weatherman - The Jim Jefferies Show - Duration: 1:23.


PC Building Simulator | Nasıl İndirilir | Son Version | 2018 - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> PC Building Simulator | Nasıl İndirilir | Son Version | 2018 - Duration: 2:47.


大谷翔平は「スポンジ」 開幕直前の"打撃改造"で成功、修正能力に称賛の声 - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> 大谷翔平は「スポンジ」 開幕直前の"打撃改造"で成功、修正能力に称賛の声 - Duration: 3:10.


Dog Cane Corso and dried cow's nose. #canecorso - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> Dog Cane Corso and dried cow's nose. #canecorso - Duration: 6:04.


Uma criança feliz é barulhenta, inquieta, alegre e rebelde - Duration: 6:54.

For more infomation >> Uma criança feliz é barulhenta, inquieta, alegre e rebelde - Duration: 6:54.


Obywatel (Az állampolgár) - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Obywatel (Az állampolgár) - Duration: 1:22.


7 ingredienti che abbiamo a casa per eliminare le verruche - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> 7 ingredienti che abbiamo a casa per eliminare le verruche - Duration: 5:57.


Here's Why Every Teenager Should Have a Car Like This - 1965 Ford Falcon Wagon - Duration: 5:48.

it's time for show-off Sunday, where everyone has a chance to show off their

own car and here's this week's winner, hi my name is Jessie and this is my 1965

Ford Falcon wagon, when I was first trying to get my permit to drive I was

thinking about if I should go to a dealership and buy a car, or if I could

actually build my own car, I went to my dad and we went on the search for a car

that I could rebuild and have some fun with, and we eventually came across this

car, and it was in Kentucky, we went and we checked it out and I just loved the

car everything about it, it was white with blue flowers on the top and the

paint wasn't very pretty, but it sounded nice and it was just cool to me and I

just loved it, so we eventually bought the car and we drove it home just barely

and we started work on it, I've always been a very hands-on type of person and

having the car really helped me figure out what I wanted to do in life, and it

really was just a great experience, when we got the car home we started work and

the first thing to do is to clean it up, and at the body ready, so first we start

by stripping it down and taking out the interior and the seats, and we clean the

floor pans look for rust, and we por-15 them and painted them, so the engine

itself as of now is a 70s 302 v8 out of a Mustang, that's been bored out a little

bit, probably with 308, it has a 351 cam in it, it has aluminum heads and an

Edelbrock air-gap intake, before we put the engine back in the car

we put it on a dyno to see what power it would make, and it made around 250 horsepower

at 45 rpm 300 pound feet of torque at about

4000 rpm, after that the engine sounded a lot better in the car, the interior for

the car was in a pretty rough shape, when we got it and nothing was really

salvageable, so we had to rip all of it out and go on hunt for new interior and

we got lucky and found some, and we found nice black interior for the entire car

someone had Vaseline all the door panels and seats to keep them preserved

and I actually worked, and so we were very lucky and we had to get new carpet and I

had to steam the carpet to get it to fit right, and we were able to find a new

steering wheel and we sandblasted the dash and we painted it and used leftover

vinyl from the stickers on the hood, once we made the decision and found a

five-speed transmission we started work on putting it in, this was probably the

second hardest undertaking of the car but it certainly made the biggest

difference, we found a used Tremec five-speed at a

car swap meet, and we had to make new mounts for the entire transmission, we

had to cut a hole in the tunnel for the shifter, we had to shorten the drive

shaft, we had to find a clutch pedal and assembly, and we had to make a hole for

the hydraulic clutch and firewall, it really hurt cutting into the car like that, but

once it was done, and once I was able to drive it, all of that really just went

away, the last and most recent thing we've done to the car is fuel injection, we

had a 650 Edelbrock on the car beforehand, and it worked really well but

some cold days it wouldn't start, we eventually got tired of the hassle and

purchase fuel injection, and we purchased the Holley sniper EFI, and we bolted it

up and wired it up, and it works great, I highly recommend it, I'm 18 years old and

I live in East Tennessee, my car's name is Scarlet, I've had her

for a little over two and a half years now, it took about a year and a half to

completely rebuild her, but I wouldn't quite say that, because she's never quite

done, you're always doing something when you have an older car, I bring her to car

shows as much as I can, and if you ever see me just say hi, and finally I want to

say thank you Scotty for featuring me on your channel,

well that was this week's video, and remember to have your car video

highlighted here on my channel, check this out,

so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to

ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> Here's Why Every Teenager Should Have a Car Like This - 1965 Ford Falcon Wagon - Duration: 5:48.


AEROFLOT flight to Moscow | JFK-SVO BUSINESS CLASS - Wow!!! - Duration: 16:32.

Are you considering flying Aeroflot but you're thinking: "Hmm, is this a good airline company?"

So today I'm going to show you guys, what is it like

Aeroflot is the main airline company in Russia

and today I'm on a direct flight New York - Moscow

Departing JFK in New York

There's just one detail: I'm flying business class

One of the advantages of flying business class is that you get to experience the lounges, right?

So Aeroflot doesn't have its own lounge

at terminal one at JFK

But you can use lounges that belong to other airline companies

Today, for example, I'm at the Alitalia lounge

You get an invitation card

and then you just present it at the door

But I don't know if that changes occasionally or from season to season

because right beside is the Air France lounge and both belong to the same mileage company

So, who knows? Let's go for a walk and see what's here

Not many options here, but normally American lounges are like that

You can't compare to the lounges in Asia, for example, Europe or even South America

So I'll take the chance to do some work

Thank you

_ Hello! _ Hello, welcome aboard

Let's see what's here

Hmmm, fancy!

I've never seen this. It's sealed and I can't open. I've been trying for five minutes now

Oh my god, I need some help

Thank you very much

Face cream

Lip balm

Hand cream, toothbrush, toothpaste

And voilà! A broken nail trying to open the bag

Thank you

Okay, so let's see what's for dinner

Everything seems great, especially the dessert

Wow, they have hot chocolate

I rarely find hot chocolate even in business class

Does anyone know of any other airline company that also offers hot chocolate?

Let me know, please

Look at this how cool! That's us, live!

We wish you a pleasant flight

Time to Moscow: 9 hours basically

Thank you

For the main course I chose the beef

It's filet with linguine, broccoli with hazelnuts and a truffle sauce

That was really delicious. Appetizers were my favorite

I think it could have five of those

There was also a salad, a soup

But I skipped directly to the entree

But I'm glad it did because it was actually a lot of food

Quick bathroom tour. Lots of amenities...

Nice and smelling good

Lets see their internet options

This is the cheapest

Five dollars for 15 minutes or 10 megs

This is the one that should last the entire flight, but it only gives you a hundred and fifty megs

Which means, you can't upload a video from here

Actually with any of these options you can't download or upload any large file

Probably can't do Instagram stories either. It won't last

Gotta sleep now. Look at my face, I'm really tired

Flat bed

6 hours later

Good morning

Oh my God! 5:00 PM already in Moscow

And we're almost there

That's why there's no breakfast. It's a light meal

This is the smoked salmon sandwich

Which is actually like a toast

It comes with another one of those small appetizers

Delicious! And a cheesecake

And here is my hot chocolate

They also have chicken noodles

but I don't feel like that for breakfast

and I know it's not breakfast, but still...

How sweet! They gave us chocolate

Ah! And we got a little gift! It's a pack of tea. Love tea!

Already getting dark again

Ladies and gentleman

The aircraft is ready for landing

Whohooo! Here we go again

Moscow is covered with snow, look at that

Ladies and gentlemen, our aircraft has landed at Moscow Sheremetyevo airport terminal D

The local time is 6:35 PM. The time difference between New York and Moscow is 8 hours

The weather in Moscow is good and the temperature is -15° Celsius

Bye! Thank you, thank you! Flight attendants are so nice

Oh my God, we're getting a bus when it's -15° outside

The flight was really good

I actually slept basically the entire flight

And the food was seriously one of the best I've ever had in business class

And I'm not getting paid by Aeroflot, I'm not even working with them. They have no idea

I'm doing this video. It's just my opinion

This flight is so crazy. When you leave it's dark, when you arrive it's dark, but in the next day

I feel like I missed an entire day

This is even funny! I think I've never seen so many wrapped suitcases in the same flight

I'm here in Moscow to work

So I can't show you guys the city

but I have an entire series featuring Moscow and St. Petersburg. Take a look!

So I'll see you guys on the way back to check out if the Aeroflot flight Moscow - New York

is the same thing or if there's any difference

A few days later

Time to go back home, it was a super short trip

So now, let's see how is it to fly Aeroflot business class

Moscow - New York

Lounges here in Moscow are always super busy

So sometimes it's really difficult to find a place to sit down, and you need to share a table with someone

Thank you

Woohoo! Window seat

No, thank you. I still don't speak Russian

_ "That's the menu for our flight" _ "Thank you"

Wow, the menu is totally different. I'm gonna try new things! Yummy!

Oh, no! Seriously?

Return your seat to the upright position

Stow your tray table, open your window blind

Oh, my God! Look at the snow

Glad it was only there!

Wow, look at this huge river totally frozen. So beautiful!

Nine hours until New York City

_ "What is your name?" _ "Renata"

Oh, Renata! Good to see you onboard

What would you like to drink?

I'd like a Sprite, please

_ "A Sprite" _ "Yes"

For lunch I'd like the salmon, please

Ok, Renata! Thank you for your choice

Thank you!

Thank you

Hmm, a black dim sum

Normally people associate dumplings with Chinese food

But Russians has dumplings as well. They're called pelmeni, but I think this is Chinese

Here's your salmon

Thank you

Maybe you want some bread?

Yes, please. This one


Thank you

Risotto, bell pepper and two types of fish

salmon and dorado

Oh, wow!

It's nice! Thank you

And for dessert, ice cream!

Everything so good!

The problem with flying from Europe to the United States

is that there's no night. It's only day for the whole trip. So it's extremely difficult to sleep

But the advantage is to see landscapes you can't see at night

We're flying over the Baltic Sea. It's frozen in several parts

Arriving in Sweden

And here is Norway

So many mountains! It's like the opposite compared to the coast of Sweden

5 hours later

Wow, we're already in Maine!

An hour to New York

I could sleep like an angel! And now they're already serving dinner

Thank you

Chicken stew with nuts and noodles together with cheese, pistachios, and a profiterole

Renata, thank you for flying with us, it's complimentary from our company

Ah, thank you! So nice! Thank you!

More tea!

Your mobile phones and other electronic devices must be turned to a flight mode or switched off

That's Manhattan

Por favor!

Thank you, thank you

Overall, pretty good experience flying Aeroflot

The flight was very smooth

Food was delicious, people very friendly

I'd definitely do it again

If you follow this channel regularly you're probably wondering what was I doing in Russia?

Wasn't I on a road trip to Florida?

Yes! This, my friends, is the real life of a freelance journalist

I work on multiple projects at the same time and this one brought me to Russia, very quickly

I'm now in Orlando, but before showing you around I'm going to edit one more video featuring a Russian city

I haven't showed you yet

Hope you like!

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