Monday, May 7, 2018

Youtube daily report May 7 2018

Welcome back to my channel!

You have asked

me what do I think about

viola jokes


I am gonna tell you what I think

I think


are s****

we used

to be

super nice people

and with

all this jokes, violists are



people, like the rest!

I mean it!

I see it, and I feel it aswell

I actually include




up with all this jokes

I think

that one can make a joke


everything in life, but you

just gotta


the right moment to do so



do not repeat it

150 times...okay?

maybe 1

joke per week

is enough?

we can work


that, can we?


let me tell you, two types

of people


make this kind of jokes


violists themselves


they prefer to bully themselves




I say


that guys

not necesarry


so, type one would be, other


that are

super frustrated about their life

or about their instrument


they feel the need to


fun of others

obvious, right?


2 type

would be


a ver large group

Let me

say that I am ALWAYS generalizing

on my videos


so now Ima talk about


They are the meanest to us


BUT they actually

do love

they viola in secret!!

I know

This is real


they don't recognize it

I tell you!

no jokes though

I am

always going to defend


so stop it guys

with the bullying towards us

we used

to be

super nice people


now we are just aggresive

and mean

an angry violist is something

very dangerous

you do not

want that

I tell you

I will be happy to lead the revolution


all of

you guys who make fun of us

so be careful!

we are

nice people though





let me tell you

one thing you can do

to make

things better


See you




For more infomation >> CHISTES SOBRE VIOLAS? | LO QUE REALMENTE PIENSO - Duration: 2:49.


Pamela David cruzó a Dietrich: "Caminen y vean a la gente durmiendo en la calle" - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Pamela David cruzó a Dietrich: "Caminen y vean a la gente durmiendo en la calle" - Duration: 1:29.


Eurovisión 2018: Así ha sido el segundo ensayo de Amaia y Alfred y el resto del Big Five y Portugal - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Eurovisión 2018: Así ha sido el segundo ensayo de Amaia y Alfred y el resto del Big Five y Portugal - Duration: 4:28.


Beneficios y propiedades del tomillo para nuestra salud - Duration: 8:46.

For more infomation >> Beneficios y propiedades del tomillo para nuestra salud - Duration: 8:46.


Wild and Woolly (1917 USA) Salvaje y lanudo - Duration: 1:11:59.

For more infomation >> Wild and Woolly (1917 USA) Salvaje y lanudo - Duration: 1:11:59.


Juan Carlos I traza un inesperado plan: El Rey, Letizia y Cristina, cara a cara - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> Juan Carlos I traza un inesperado plan: El Rey, Letizia y Cristina, cara a cara - Duration: 4:43.


6 ventajas y 7 desventajas de la copa menstrual - Duration: 12:14.

For more infomation >> 6 ventajas y 7 desventajas de la copa menstrual - Duration: 12:14.


Análisis BOLSA ARGENTINA - DGCU2 - TGNO4 - MERVAL - Analisis y seguimiento 07-05-2018 - Duration: 8:06.

For more infomation >> Análisis BOLSA ARGENTINA - DGCU2 - TGNO4 - MERVAL - Analisis y seguimiento 07-05-2018 - Duration: 8:06.


Prepara un bálsamo con aceites esenciales y dile adiós a los dolores de cabeza - Duration: 7:14.

For more infomation >> Prepara un bálsamo con aceites esenciales y dile adiós a los dolores de cabeza - Duration: 7:14.


Máxima de Holanda, la reina de las lentejuelas - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Máxima de Holanda, la reina de las lentejuelas - Duration: 3:38.


Karmele revienta Telecinco y 'Sálvame' con graves acusaciones de abusos sexuales - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Karmele revienta Telecinco y 'Sálvame' con graves acusaciones de abusos sexuales - Duration: 2:39.


SEXO o AMOR || Yokoi Kenji - Duration: 12:35.

For more infomation >> SEXO o AMOR || Yokoi Kenji - Duration: 12:35.


Yale YWork Awards - Duration: 4:31.

[machine noise]

I knew I had to get a job when I came to college. I wanted a job

that would align with my interests.

So I've been here at the Vertebrate Zoology

department for three years now. And there's all these

collections that otherwise would have not really been known

about or worked with. Every day it's something different and I

really enjoy that.

And this is a species from northeastern US... [speaks under]

Greg is the best supervisor anyone could ask for.

He's super chill.

I nominated Cesar because he is awesome. In a word.

Ah, look at that smile!

I help train new students, I've worked with high school

students. So that's been super awesome that

he allowed me to do that.

He gets what museums do. He gets why we have a collection

and we think of them as part of the team.

[sound : clunk ... music under]

I am the student assistant in American literature.

Here at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscripts Library.

It's my job to kind of dig through the boxes and find

whatever they're looking for. They're taking down the

exhibition that I worked on, which is convenient for this

amazing documentary. It never gets old to like pick up

something that Ernest Hemingway spilled coffee on, you know,

because it's really that real.

As we come to understand them we bring... [speaks under]

I work under Nancy Kuhl who's the curator in poetry in the

American literature collection.

It was wonderful to have an opportunity to call attention

to her good work. The ways in which she has helped us with

outreach you know, reaching out to students

and visitors to the library and visitors to our website and

to educate people about our collections

and to celebrate them.

I know for a fact that I wouldn't have been able

to dive so deep into what they had at the Beinecke.

[music under ]

I am the head Gallery Guide. I train the new gallery guides

who give tours to visitors. There's so much incredible art

here and I actually had only really ever been introduced to

like certain art, especially European

Impressionists, so to see sort of the

breadth was really awesome.

I wonder if that is even a hat? [speaks under]

The tours are interactive and I didn't realize that at first.

I just thought it was going to be me standing up and talking

to people. It turned out to really help me

in my day to day conversation skills.

This is actually a character

that's moving through time... [speaks under]

So I work with Dan Jones who's the museum educator.

Leah is a fantastic mentor to the guides that we have.

They do really difficult work which is not just to know a lot

about art but to be able to lead conversations about art

which is a different thing.

Whenever he would paint her he would do... he would use these two

colors the violet and the yellow. I was never a great

communicator but through this job I've sort of learned

how to have conversations. It's gotten a lot easier over

the past four years.


So the role is called a design aid.

We basically help people with their design.

[sound: drilling]

The main thing about this job is just the passion to create things.

Play through this...[speaks under]

I came to Yale as a first year not entirely sure what I wanted

to do. But then just being able to be in the space and create

things made me realize that I actually really enjoy

just physical prototyping.

I nominated Pong because has been here since I started.

He's been here... since my first day up until now and he's been

an incredibly dependable design aid, person.

Okay that looks great.

We joke around sometimes.


It's nothing that you can necessarily train someone on...

like today we're going to do some training on how you...

how you work with people.

Everyone really enjoys helping other people.

People are willing to ask for help as well.

Working has been one of my favorite

experiences here at Yale.

It's gotten me to think a lot more about other ways that I can

apply sort of, the museum education skills

that I've learned here.

It feels good to be productive for something that's equally

as important as something that I may be graded on.

So it's been really cool.


For more infomation >> Yale YWork Awards - Duration: 4:31.


Los partidos no independentistas reprochan a Puigdemont que se enroque solo por interés personal - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> Los partidos no independentistas reprochan a Puigdemont que se enroque solo por interés personal - Duration: 7:06.


Minecraft Hello Neighbor

For more infomation >> Minecraft Hello Neighbor


印度观眾看完《復仇者3》猝死 - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> 印度观眾看完《復仇者3》猝死 - Duration: 1:26.


Steven Universe "The Big Show" Część 1 Napisy PL - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Steven Universe "The Big Show" Część 1 Napisy PL - Duration: 3:30.


Steven Universe "The Big Show" Część 2 Napisy PL - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Steven Universe "The Big Show" Część 2 Napisy PL - Duration: 3:30.


Cancellato il Grande Fratello 2018: la decisione ufficiale sulla programmazione | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Cancellato il Grande Fratello 2018: la decisione ufficiale sulla programmazione | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.


Fancy Origami Cube Tutorial (Hyo Ahn) - Duration: 13:18.

Hyo Ahn's Origami

Fancy Origami Cube Copyrighted by Hyo Ahn

Level: Beginner BaseL 8x8 Matrix

Published on May 22, 2013 at

If you need text instructions, turn closed captions on!

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We will start with a 6" x 6" (15cm x 15cm) square paper. You can use a smaller or larger square paper instead.

Prepare to turn the paper over.

Turn the paper over.

Prepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold in half and then unfold.

Apply a horizontal valley-fold in half and then unfold.

Prepare to apply a vertical valley-fold in half and then unfold.

Apply a vertical valley-fold in half and then unfold.

Prepare to apply a horizontal gate-fold consisting of two valley-folds and then unfold.

Apply a horizontal gate-fold consisting of two valley-folds and then unfold.

Prepare to apply a vertical gate-fold consisting of two valley-folds and then unfold.

Apply a vertical gate-fold consisting of two valley-folds and then unfold.

Prepare to apply a horizontal asymmetric gate-fold consisting of two valley-folds and then unfold.

Apply a horizontal asymmetric gate-fold consisting of two valley-folds and then unfold.

Prepare to apply another horizontal asymmetric gate-fold consisting of two valley-folds and then unfold.

Apply a horizontal asymmetric gate-fold consisting of two valley-folds and then unfold.

Prepare to apply a vertical asymmetric gate-fold consisting of two valley-folds and then unfold.

Apply a vertical asymmetric gate-fold consisting of two valley-folds and then unfold.

Prepare to apply another vertical asymmetric gate-fold consisting of two valley-folds and then unfold.

Apply a vertical asymmetric gate-fold consisting of two valley-folds and then unfold.

You have completed making a 8x8 matrix base.

Prepare to turn the paper over.

Turn the paper over.

Prepare to apply a valley-fold and then unfold for the 1st time.

Apply a valley-fold and then unfold for the 1st time.

Prepare to rotate the paper by 90 degrees.

Rotate the paper by 90 degrees.

Prepare to apply a valley-fold and then unfold for the 2nd time.

Apply a valley-fold and then unfold for the 2nd time.

Prepare to rotate the paper by 90 degrees.

Rotate the paper by 90 degrees.

Prepare to apply a valley-fold and then unfold for the 3rd time.

Apply a valley-fold and then unfold for the 3rd time.

Prepare to rotate the paper by 90 degrees.

Rotate the paper by 90 degrees.

Prepare to apply a valley-fold and then unfold for the 4th time.

Apply a valley-fold and then unfold for the 4th time.

Prepare to turn the paper over.

Turn the paper over.

Prepare to apply the crease pattern on the existing crease lines.

Apply the crease pattern on the existing crease lines.

Prepare to apply a valley-fold and then unfold.

Apply a valley-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply a mountain-fold.

Apply a mountain-fold.

Prepare to rotate the model by 90 degrees.

Rotate the model by 90 degrees.

Prepare to apply a valley-fold.

Apply a valley-fold.

Prepare to apply a mountain-fold.

Apply a mountain-fold.

Prepare to rotate the model by 90 degrees.

Rotate the model by 90 degrees. Repeat the previous valley-fold and the subsequent mountain-fold.

Prepare to rotate the model by 90 degrees.

Rotate the model by 90 degrees. Repeat the previous valley-fold and the subsequent mountain-fold.

Prepare to apply a horizontal mountain-fold.

Apply a horizontal mountain-fold.

Prepare to rotate the model by 90 degrees.

Rotate the model by 90 degrees.

Prepare to apply a horizontal mountain-fold.

Apply a horizontal mountain-fold.

Prepare to rotate the model by 90 degrees.

Rotate the model by 90 degrees.

Prepare to apply a horizontal mountain-fold.

Apply a horizontal mountain-fold.

Prepare to rotate the model by 90 degrees.

Rotate the model by 90 degrees.

Prepare to apply a horizontal mountain-fold.

Apply a horizontal mountain-fold.

Prepare to insert the flap (layer 2) under the layer 1.

Insert the flap (layer 2) under the layer 1.

For more infomation >> Fancy Origami Cube Tutorial (Hyo Ahn) - Duration: 13:18.


Steven Universe "The Big Show" Część 3 Napisy PL - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Steven Universe "The Big Show" Część 3 Napisy PL - Duration: 4:30.


Can You Escape The 100 Room 5 level 50 - Duration: 7:11.

For more infomation >> Can You Escape The 100 Room 5 level 50 - Duration: 7:11.



For more infomation >> ТОП КРЮЧКОМ. РАЗБОР УЗОРА+СХЕМА+ВЫКРОЙКА. - Duration: 21:55.


Мультик Игра Гонки для Детей😀 Игровой Мультфильм Вспыш и Чудо машинки. Детский Летсплей про Машинки - Duration: 7:26.

For more infomation >> Мультик Игра Гонки для Детей😀 Игровой Мультфильм Вспыш и Чудо машинки. Детский Летсплей про Машинки - Duration: 7:26.


정윤희 남편 조규영 회장 재산, 정윤희 간통사건 전말과 정윤희아들. 비밀이 밝혀졌다. - Duration: 13:04.

For more infomation >> 정윤희 남편 조규영 회장 재산, 정윤희 간통사건 전말과 정윤희아들. 비밀이 밝혀졌다. - Duration: 13:04.


孩子滿月酒,婆婆穿一身破爛,遞給我個包匆匆就走,打開後我傻了 - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> 孩子滿月酒,婆婆穿一身破爛,遞給我個包匆匆就走,打開後我傻了 - Duration: 7:49.


'디카페인' 커피·음료에는 정말 카페인이 없을까? -자우 l 건강 - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> '디카페인' 커피·음료에는 정말 카페인이 없을까? -자우 l 건강 - Duration: 2:49.


한국도 결국 고고도 정찰기인 글로벌호크(RQ-4, Global Hawk)를 도입하려나? - Duration: 10:10.

For more infomation >> 한국도 결국 고고도 정찰기인 글로벌호크(RQ-4, Global Hawk)를 도입하려나? - Duration: 10:10.


Minecraft Hello Neighbor

For more infomation >> Minecraft Hello Neighbor


I-675 NB reopens after wrong-way crash - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> I-675 NB reopens after wrong-way crash - Duration: 0:57.


One hit and killed on I-35 service road in north Austin - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> One hit and killed on I-35 service road in north Austin - Duration: 1:35.


Intro to Blockchain and the Azure Blockchain Workbench – Part I - Duration: 10:06.

- Coming up, we kick off a two-part series on blockchain

and the work that we're doing

to help you harness the technology in Microsoft Azure.

We're gonna start by explaining how blockchain works,

its broader application beyond cryptocurrency,

and for any multi-party process or workflow,

and what Microsoft is doing to make it easier to

for you to spin up the required infrastructure

and services to harness the blockchain,

and develop apps using the new Azure Blockchain Workbench.

(techno music)

- I'm joined today by JT from the Azure Blockchain Team,


- Great to be here.

- So there's been a lot of hype around blockchain,

I'm sure a lot of people watching are probably

familiar with things like cryptocurrency.

Which is probably most associated

with blockchain today.

But the concept is still a mystery for a lot of us.

What is blockchain and how should people think about it?

- So we think of blockchain as an enabling technology,

with big potential.

At its core, you can think of blockchain as a shared

ledger for recording transactions in a secure,

and verifiable way.

In the case of cryptocurrency, this becomes a means

of transferring value authentically.

Without involving third party intermediaries,

such as credit card agencies, or banks.

Or introducing the risk of falsification

and tampering along the way.

- So what makes the technology then different

than say a relational database,

or workflow tools that we have now.

- Blockchain has two unique characteristics.

The first is that the ledger is distributed, or shared.

The second is that it's cryptographically immune.

- All right, so how does this all play out then

in a context of a ledger?

- So think of it as sort of a fancy Excel spreadsheet.

Or database with these two unique characteristics.

As I mentioned, it's distributed.

It's shared between multiple parties.

Each party has an identical copy or version of the ledger.

Whenever a new transaction is committed,

each participant on the networks nodes, are updated.

The second characteristic, is that the ledger

is cryptographically immutable.

So if I want to post a transaction to the ledger,

the network participants must agree

that that transaction is true or authentic.

This is done using a consensus mechanism,

and that the participants agree to use to verify

the authenticity and the validity of a transaction.

Because once the transaction is committed to the ledger,

it's signed and hashed and cannot be changed later.

- All right, so going back to our cryptocurrency example,

it allows users then to transfer digital

currency value with the underlying blockchain effectively

serving as a single source of truth to make sure

that it's a trustworthy transaction?

- That's right, and as we just saw,

because of the way blockchains are built,

no party can tamper with it or modify data entries.

- So in principal in the blockchain ledger concept

can be applied to really any multiparty process,

or an asset by moving across organizational boundaries.

Think of a supply chain, maybe even an application

for a loan, but, this is all cases

where you need some system of accountability.

- That's right, that's a good way of thinking about it.

It absolutely can.

So blockchain has big potential for more mainstream uses.

In the early days, blockchain was used to facilitate

the immediate transferring of value.

You could send value in near real time,

without the need of intermediaries.

When businesses started to get interested,

was when you could stipulate the terms

under which that value was transferred.

Using a mechanism called the smart contract.

These serve as sort of a digital representation

of a real world contract, with a set of conditions

and terms that govern the changes

that are made in the ledger.

- Right, and if you're keeping score at home,

these smart contracts were really first introduced by

protocols like a Ethereum or Corda who developed

new ledgers to really help codify contracts

as part of the blockchain.

- That's right.

Okay, so let's walk through a real world example

of what smart contracts might look like

within the blockchain world.

So let's take the example of an ice cream retailer.

The thing about ice cream is that it's gotta be

milked, it's gotta be manufactured, and shipped

before it's sold.

So there are at least three parties involved in the

process before the ice cream reaches the customer.

The dairy farmer, the ice cream manufacturer,

and the shipper.

As the ice cream retailer, I have terms with each

of these parties.

I may want contractually require

that the dairy farmer produce only organic milk.

I want my manufacturer to make the ice cream

according to my quality specifications.

And I certainly expect the shipper

to keep the ice cream cold, as they

move it across the country.

Because if it melts, and later refreezes

before I sell it, people can get sick.

- Right and in each case all the parties that

are involved here have a vested interest to make sure

that the ice cream is arriving safely,

with it stored safely, and everyone's using an SLA.

- Right, so as the retailer, I have contracts

already in place with these parties.

What we can do with the blockchain is codify

those contracts, and track the ice cream as it moves

across parties in the chain.

Validating that the contractual terms have been

met in real time, and writing those results to the ledger.

With this, you can tell where things are,

and you can have insight at any given time,

using the blockchain as a single source of truth.

This allows you to catch and correct issues as they happen.

For example, I could author a contract use IoT sensors

on the refrigerated truck to record the temperature,

and notify the network if a reading falls outside

of a pre-agreed upon range.

This reading can trigger remediated action downstream

for example, we could stop the store from taking delivery

of a contaminated ice cream truck.

- So this also drives them more efficiency's in that you

can remove potentially redundant spot checks.

Or people kind of testing the

product as it moves along the chain.

- That's right, so you can drive more accountability

into your multi-party processes,

without relying on third party intermediaries

or carrying the overhead of these look back audits.

- All right so, what are then we doing at Microsoft

to make it easier, if I'm a developer

to harness blockchain technology?

- So this is still an emerging technology,

but we've working with it for several years.

Microsoft supports many of the most popular ledgers,

including general purpose chains,

like Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric,

as well as purpose built ledgers, it's like Corda.

The first thing we did was make it really easy

to deploy the ledger of your choice in Azure.

We give you the required infrastructures to set up

a consortium network, in a variety of topologies,

using a variety of consensus mechanisms.

And we've also created connections to

and integrations with a number of Azure's services,

that developers need to use to

build and run these applications.

- So, tell me more.

How do these services then work, and what are

we actually provisioning under the covers

to take advantage of these apps

and leverage the blockchain?

- So what we've seen in our work with customers is

that there are several ways

to make blockchains easier to work with.

For example, you may need to be able

to link your blockchain identities,

which are usually these long hashes

or certificates depending on the chain,

to a federated identity system.

So your users can log into an app with an email address,

and more easily interact with other consortiums.

- Much easier to remember than that 21 character hash,

that I use with Ethereum.

- Exactly.

So you may want to store your secrets and keys

in the cloud securely using a service like

Azure Key Vault.

You want to be able to ingest data from devices,

and manage events using IoT hubs or event hubs.

And we've actually written logic to transform

those messages into the format,

that's expected by the blockchain's native API.

And blockchains are not easy to query.

So you'll probably want to synchronize

on chain data with off chain databases,

like SQL, you can use this data to trigger

downstream actions using logic apps.

You can also use it for post processing analytics,

and visualizations using Power BI.

- Right, you might even use that off chain storage,

in those databases for things like documents,

or other data that's coming in that you're going to want

filter out as part of your smart contract process.

And the alerting it will generate.

- That's right.

So we've observed a pattern of the types

of services that developers need to build an application.

Sort of concentric circles of Azure services

that developers wanted to use,

and they spend a lot of time just scaffolding

those services together.

So recently, we introduced a tool called

Azure Blockchain Workbench, that quickly deploys

the blockchain network, pre-integrated with these

relevant Azure services.

So this means you can now spend less time on scaffolding,

and in just a few simple clicks,

we can get you up and running so that you can

spend more time on coding the smart contract

logic and defining your workflow,

and less time on scaffolding.

- So can you give us a quick look at that in terms

of what we provision out with

the Azure Blockchain Workbench.

- Absolutely, so this tool is available on the

Azure marketplace.

When you click get it now, your taken into the Azure

portal where you can figure and deploy the set of

services and software that make up the

Azure Blockchain Workbench.

So here you can see, it's going to ask me for my user

credentials for my virtual machines, and my databases.

Then asked me to configure my active directory parameters,

and finally, I'll be providing the configuration

information for the blockchain network

it will be deployed with the workbench.

So once you make the selections in this wizard,

the Workbench auto generates a web application for us.

So this takes a little bit of time,

but I've actually provisioned one here,

we can take a look at.

So this is a blank canvas now, and I believe

Marc Mercuri from our Azure Blockchain Engineering Team

is going to take us through how to use this canvas

to write our first smart contract.

But there's actually quite a bit going on underneath

the hood here, which I can show you.

So here, I've pulled up the resource group

that's associated with this canvas.

And there's a number of services that you can see

pulled up here.

So there's a set of API's, we have a rest based API

for client development, message based API for

system to system integration,

you can also see that we have key vault included as well.

And we have an off chain database,

we've chosen here is SQL to allow folks

without blockchain specific skills,

to work with the data and do

do downstream analytics and visualization.

- All right, so let's leave it there.

This is really amazing stuff, JT.

So hopefully this helps demystify blockchain,

bring it out of the pipe cycle and really

make it more pragmatic and real.

And now we're ready to build out our smart contracts,

which we're gonna cover in show two,

when we're joined by Marc Mercuri from the

Azure Blockchain Team.

So JT at this stage, where can people go to learn more?

- So as you mentioned, Azure Blockchain Workbench

is really intended to help customers embark

on the creation of their first blockchain application

and smart contract.

The best way to learn more about it

is to try it for yourself.

It's available on the Azure marketplace,

and you can also learn more at link shown.

- Thank you JT, and also stay tuned

for our deeper dive on blockchain with Azure,

coming up next.

That's all the time we have for today's show,

thanks for watching, and we'll see you soon.

(tech music)

For more infomation >> Intro to Blockchain and the Azure Blockchain Workbench – Part I - Duration: 10:06.


Capítol 2 'Connexió Clínic': "'Bates i davantals" - Duration: 24:30.

For more infomation >> Capítol 2 'Connexió Clínic': "'Bates i davantals" - Duration: 24:30.


Doda w dniu ślubu nagrała teledysk. Moment przysięgi, przyjęcie weselne i... druga sukienka! - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Doda w dniu ślubu nagrała teledysk. Moment przysięgi, przyjęcie weselne i... druga sukienka! - Duration: 4:14.


Always Watch the Markets 📈📉 (even if you're not ready to buy) - Duration: 3:30.

Hey YouTube what's happening it's Richard founder short-term rental

university and Airbnb super host and today's Monday thought is always pay

attention to what's going on in all markets so what do I mean by that well I

think that one of the things that we can all do if we want to be proactive and

grow ourselves and our businesses is to be paying attention to things that are

at the periphery level of your interest so you may not be very interested in

stocks or in real estate today or you know crypto but you might be thinking

about it and the best way to start to think about it is to hone your knowledge

and start to pay attention to it carefully I personally find that I paid

a lot more attention to these things when I take a micro position I just like

take a toehold in say Bitcoin and now all of a sudden I'm paying attention all

of the Bitcoin news and the pricing and I'm assessing and I'm just formulating

and I'm not really doing anything per se except now that I have a little bit of

skin in the game I'm paying a lot more attention so one of the things that

Charles and I were talking about right before I started filming this is I

always have CNBC on in all of my homes and all of the different televisions so

as I walk from room to room I just can't help but see the ticker tape or the news

line or what the stock market is doing and am I actively engaged in it no but

am I paying attention maybe you know on some subconscious level but if a

headline or an alert or a price comes across that has some interest or meaning

to me then I'm there and I'm focusing on paying attention and I'm formulating

either a game plan or a strategy or an entrance or an exit right and so the

point is to be paying attention to the market because you never know when

inspiration or news is gonna hit and this applies to say real estate you may

not be prepared to buy that 3-bedroom home on the lake but you should start

paying attention to the trends and the pricing and the listings and the

opportunities and what's going on in that market months maybe even years

before you're ready to buy it the time to be doing all of your homework is an

advance of your transaction not to do it really

quickly and be ill-prepared and enter into a very significant investment so I

just encourage everyone to figure out what it is that you're interested in and

it could be anything it could be Birds real estate chess it doesn't matter what

it is but put yourself in a position where you're constantly being fed

subliminally experiences exposure news opportunity and that will give you

comfort - then act more aggressively and perhaps in a better fashion than if you

were to just say now I'm ready let me catch up I'm gonna spend a week really

crushing this and learning about it how about weeks months even years of

just passive learning that wins so what do you do how do you like assimilate

this knowledge on a perpetual basis how do you formulate these theories these

opportunities go ahead and share with us I'd really appreciate that as I would a

big thumbs up on the video and a subscribe to the channel

thanks so very much happy hosting catch you next week


For more infomation >> Always Watch the Markets 📈📉 (even if you're not ready to buy) - Duration: 3:30.


美國居然勒令中國停止「中國製造2025」計劃!中方這樣回絕 - Duration: 11:29.

For more infomation >> 美國居然勒令中國停止「中國製造2025」計劃!中方這樣回絕 - Duration: 11:29.


This week... I celebrate Humus Internacional day with green peas - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> This week... I celebrate Humus Internacional day with green peas - Duration: 2:30.


釜底抽薪 俄出絕招支援伊朗,美軍圖謀全破產 - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> 釜底抽薪 俄出絕招支援伊朗,美軍圖謀全破產 - Duration: 2:59.


Carson Wentz: I'm 'very confident' I'll be back Week 1 - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Carson Wentz: I'm 'very confident' I'll be back Week 1 - Duration: 1:31.


美國白宮竟連這種無知的話,都對中國說出來了! - Duration: 6:52.

For more infomation >> 美國白宮竟連這種無知的話,都對中國說出來了! - Duration: 6:52.


中國這一技術取得突破,瞬間冰凍高鐵戰鬥機,印度300億求技術! - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> 中國這一技術取得突破,瞬間冰凍高鐵戰鬥機,印度300億求技術! - Duration: 3:16.


That's What I Like...About Math - Duration: 3:28.

hey hey

i got a calculator baby, push some buttons for me

math class is exciting, so baby why you frontin'

girl graph it for your teach, boy graph it for me

turn around and graph it for your teach graph graph it for me

I'll look at functions on my paper, circle the best answer

Hope I picked a winner, I really can't remember

Just graph it if you need it , graph graph it if you need it

Said graph it if you need it find the VERTEX and the ZEROS

Look at the FORMULAS come and put some miles on it

anything you want, even all the EXPONENTS

You deserve it baby you deserve to pass

And we're gonna help you with that

Your pencil circles so nice

You can do ALGEBRA right

Lucky for you that's what I like, that's what I like

Lucky for you that's what I like, that's what I like

The DOMAIN is Left to Right

The RANGE is Bottom to Top

Lucky for you that's what I like, that's what I like

I need to know those Linear FUNCTIONS, graph the functions we know

Relations are my hero, TRACE them for the ZERO

mamacita, there might even be a problem that I can't solve

I promise that your smile ain't gon' never leave

Summer's off in Dallas

'Cause you don't need math class

Take a look in that mirror

Now tell me who's the smartest

Is it you (is it you?) Is it me (is it me?)

Say it's us (say it's us) and I'll agree baby

Look at the FORMULAS come and put some miles on it

anything you want even all the EXPONENTS

You deserve it baby you deserve to pass

and we're gonna help you with that!

Your pencil circles so nice

You can do ALGEBRA right

Lucky for you that's what I like, that's what I like

Lucky for you that's what I like, that's what I like


The RANGE is Bottom to Top

Lucky for you that's what I like, that's what I like

You say you want a good grade

Well pass the test baby, pass the test baby

Graph for me, graph for me, TRACE for me, tell me what's on your Y

If you want it, yeah, come and get it

all this is here for you!

Function baby, write that function baby

Tell it what to do!

Your pencil circles so nice

You can do ALGEBRA right

Lucky for you that's what I like, that's what I like

The DOMAIN is Left to Right

The RANGE is Bottom to Top

Lucky for you that's what I like, that's what I like

For more infomation >> That's What I Like...About Math - Duration: 3:28.


Phil Wickham - Till I Found You (Acoustic) Live! - Duration: 3:34.

I searched through the Earth

for something that could satisfy

A peace for the hurt

I had buried deep inside

Knees on the floor, I finally found

everything I needed

You lifted my soul and opened up my eyes

I never knew anything lasts forever

Till I found You, till I found You

I never dreamed anything could be better

Till I found You, till I found You

You're rewriting my story

Now I'm brand new like a morning

Oh, I never knew anything lasts forever

Till I found You

Till I, till I found You

Till I, till I found You

Gone are the days

I'm chasing after what won't last

I'm done with building these castles

that crumble like sand

Oh, knees on the floor

I finally found that everything I needed was always right in front of me

You gave me a name

You changed everything I am

I never knew anything lasts forever

Till I found You, till I found You

I never dreamed anything could be better

Till I found You, till I found You

You're rewriting my story

And I'm brand new like a morning

I never knew anything lasts forever

Till I found You

Till I, till I found You

Till I, till I found You

I never knew anything lasts forever

Till I found You, till I found You

I never dreamed anything could be better

Till I found You, till I found You

You're rewriting my story

And I'm brand new like a morning

Oh, I never knew anything lasts forever

Till I found You

Till I, till I found You

For more infomation >> Phil Wickham - Till I Found You (Acoustic) Live! - Duration: 3:34.


Eyeliner Tips & Looks 2018 | How to Apply Eyeliner Perfectly Simple and Quick Makeup Tutorials - Duration: 10:33.

For more infomation >> Eyeliner Tips & Looks 2018 | How to Apply Eyeliner Perfectly Simple and Quick Makeup Tutorials - Duration: 10:33.


Juan Carlos I traza un inesperado plan: El Rey, Letizia y Cristina, cara a cara - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> Juan Carlos I traza un inesperado plan: El Rey, Letizia y Cristina, cara a cara - Duration: 4:43.


簡單粗暴 彈道飛彈竟然被掛在戰機上能洲際打擊,五角大樓悍然不信 - Duration: 11:12.

For more infomation >> 簡單粗暴 彈道飛彈竟然被掛在戰機上能洲際打擊,五角大樓悍然不信 - Duration: 11:12.


面對美方對中方要求的無端指責 外交部發出震懾之聲 快看 - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> 面對美方對中方要求的無端指責 外交部發出震懾之聲 快看 - Duration: 1:30.


UNBOXING!... e invece no - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> UNBOXING!... e invece no - Duration: 5:57.


How to Choose a Name For Your Business - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> How to Choose a Name For Your Business - Duration: 5:14.


Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...

For more infomation >> Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...


This week... I celebrate Humus Internacional day with green peas - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> This week... I celebrate Humus Internacional day with green peas - Duration: 2:30.


Kombina | Conheça o casal que comprou uma kombihome para vender artesanato - 05 de maio de 2018 - Duration: 9:04.

For more infomation >> Kombina | Conheça o casal que comprou uma kombihome para vender artesanato - 05 de maio de 2018 - Duration: 9:04.




Basia Kurdej-Szatan (32 l. ) nie powinna narzekać na swoje zarobki, a jednak to robi.

To właśnie rozzłościło internautów i doprowadziło do ostrej wymiany zdań na profilu społecznościowym aktorki.

Zaistniała w mediach dzięki serii reklam jednej z telefonii komórkowych w Polsce.

Wówczas fani oszaleli na punkcie roześmianej blondynki o pięknych oczach.

Potem wszystko już potoczyło się błyskawicznie.

Oferty współprac nie miały końca, a Basia chętnie z nich korzystała.

Obecnie jest gwiazdą takich seriali, jak M jak miłość, czy W rytmie serca, gdzie zarabia niemałe pieniądze.

Na planie jednego z nich za dzień zdjęciowy celebrytka zgarnia 9 tys. złotych.

Do tego dochodzą liczne sesje zdjęciowe, wywiady, reklamy i współprace z różnymi markami.

Nie można więc powiedzieć, że gwiazda ledwo wiąże koniec z końcem.

Jednak ostatnio podczas majówki, na którą wybrała się wraz z mężem do Grecji, opublikowała swoje zdjęcie i napisała:.

Mogłabym całe życie wyłącznie zwiedzać świat. gdyby tylko kasa spływała z nieba. Byłoby super.

Te kilka słów bardzo rozzłościło komentujących, którzy nie przebierali w słowach, pisząc, co myślą na temat pieniędzy Kurdej-Szatan.

Tylko nieliczni mogą sobie pozwolić na taki odpoczynek.

A komu jak nie właśnie tobie kasa spływa z nieba. reklamy to chyba najłatwiejsza kasa na świecie.

No Pani to chyba na brak kasy nie powinna narzekać.

Aktorka postanowiła nie zostawiać tego bez odpowiedzi.

Widać, że te komentarze, bardzo ją dotknęły.

No pewnie, wyjdę, poskaczę, poszczerze się, w ogóle nie zapie***lam - odpisała mocno rozżalona.

- Pracując w teatrze po szkole teatralnej zarabiałam 2,500 na miesiąc, także dobrze wiem co bym powiedziała.

i te 2,500 było w przypadku gdy zagrałam więcej spektakli w miesiącu.

Jeśli nie zagrałam żadnego ( a bywało tak) to miałam 1200 podstawy.

Ale szukałam dodatkowych rozwiązań, brałam pojedyncze joby, jeździłam na castingi - nie leżałam z nogami do góry.

I żyję ? Żyję - dała upust swoim emocjom Basia.



SEXO o AMOR || Yokoi Kenji - Duration: 12:35.

For more infomation >> SEXO o AMOR || Yokoi Kenji - Duration: 12:35.


Kombina | Reitor do Santuário Nacional fala sobre a Cerimônia da Restauração - 05 de maio de 2018 - Duration: 8:16.

For more infomation >> Kombina | Reitor do Santuário Nacional fala sobre a Cerimônia da Restauração - 05 de maio de 2018 - Duration: 8:16.


"Grilo do motor": entenda como ele surge - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> "Grilo do motor": entenda como ele surge - Duration: 1:31.


Kombina | Aprenda a fazer decoupage em jogo americano com Marcelo Darghan - 05 de maio de 2018 - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> Kombina | Aprenda a fazer decoupage em jogo americano com Marcelo Darghan - 05 de maio de 2018 - Duration: 5:35.


Clarivox è per tutti? Va bene per qualsiasi persona e:o apparecchio acustico? - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Clarivox è per tutti? Va bene per qualsiasi persona e:o apparecchio acustico? - Duration: 0:47.



Welcome back to my channel!

You have asked

me what do I think about

viola jokes


I am gonna tell you what I think

I think


are s****

we used

to be

super nice people

and with

all this jokes, violists are



people, like the rest!

I mean it!

I see it, and I feel it aswell

I actually include




up with all this jokes

I think

that one can make a joke


everything in life, but you

just gotta


the right moment to do so



do not repeat it

150 times...okay?

maybe 1

joke per week

is enough?

we can work


that, can we?


let me tell you, two types

of people


make this kind of jokes


violists themselves


they prefer to bully themselves




I say


that guys

not necesarry


so, type one would be, other


that are

super frustrated about their life

or about their instrument


they feel the need to


fun of others

obvious, right?


2 type

would be


a ver large group

Let me

say that I am ALWAYS generalizing

on my videos


so now Ima talk about


They are the meanest to us


BUT they actually

do love

they viola in secret!!

I know

This is real


they don't recognize it

I tell you!

no jokes though

I am

always going to defend


so stop it guys

with the bullying towards us

we used

to be

super nice people


now we are just aggresive

and mean

an angry violist is something

very dangerous

you do not

want that

I tell you

I will be happy to lead the revolution


all of

you guys who make fun of us

so be careful!

we are

nice people though





let me tell you

one thing you can do

to make

things better


See you




For more infomation >> CHISTES SOBRE VIOLAS? | LO QUE REALMENTE PIENSO - Duration: 2:49.


52 | Comprar veleiro no Brasil ou no Exterior? com Helio Magalhães - Sailing Around the World - Duration: 13:39.

This video is not subtitle yet. Please access our playlist called "Subtitle in english" with +20 videos subtitled

For more infomation >> 52 | Comprar veleiro no Brasil ou no Exterior? com Helio Magalhães - Sailing Around the World - Duration: 13:39.


Kombina | Conheça uma biblioteca de molde de roupas e acessórios - 05 de maio de 2018 - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> Kombina | Conheça uma biblioteca de molde de roupas e acessórios - 05 de maio de 2018 - Duration: 5:16.


Últimas notícia de hoje :JUIZ QUE LIBERTOU HUMALA DÁ LIÇÃO AO BRASIL - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje :JUIZ QUE LIBERTOU HUMALA DÁ LIÇÃO AO BRASIL - Duration: 4:16.


MÃE DE PET - Duration: 2:56.

Hi, girl!

What are you doing here?

Are you okay?

Come inside. We don't have much time.


What's going on in here?

Rex doesn't like when I have guests.

Sit down. Make yourself at home.

Who is Rex?

The cutest little thing.

My cocker spaniel.

This is him.

Is he here?

Be quiet. He's asleep.

Bia, did Rex do this to your place?

He loves this couch.

Yeah but it stinks in here. A lot!

-How about opening a window? -No!

Rex hates the daylight.

I haven't potty trained him yet.

Bia, I came here because people at work

are wondering why you haven't showed up.

Rex doesn't like to be by himself.

He wakes up pretty early

and he needs to go before the sun comes up.

Why don't you put him on daycare?

I'd feel bad for him.

He loves his bed here.

Is that his mattress?

No, that's mine.

He likes to sleep on my bed by himself.

So I sleep in the living room not to disturb him.

Bia, you can't let the dog control your life.

You have to... What is that?


-I feel down the stairs. -There are no stairs here.

Rex is very clumsy when we're playing.

But he's a sweetheart. You can't help but love him.

Bia, where's your husband?

Rex asked me to divorce him

because I wasn't giving him much attention.

-Him, meaning Rex. -Bia...

We need to leave now.


Hi, Mom's cutest little boy!

Mom's friend is just kidding, okay?

Run, please.

Bia, come with me.

-Let's leave. -Don't touch me.

He can get it wrong!

Please, Rex!

Forgive, mommy!

Huh? Please, forgive mommy, Rex!

Please! She's a friend. Let her go.


What's that?

I'm sorry. Rex is very jealous.

I'll have to do to you what I did to my mom.


He just need an arm to suck to the bones.




Let go of the trash!




Son of a bitch!


This is all feathers!


He does it and he doesn't want anything to do with it.

Son of a bitch...






Va, va...


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