Go Spiderman Web Launcher Car
Hey, Dino, pals. This is Toy Rex here. Let's see what toy surprise. We have today wow this is so cool
It's the awesome spider-man web launcher car
When you push this button his eyes will change
That's so cool
And also there's a small little web launch card that goes inside the red car and you can also make it blasts now. That's awesome
Trying to play with the super cool car
Wow it looks so cool, it's all red and look it's like it's got spider webs on it and when you push this button cool
That's so awesome
So powerful the car is ready for action
There's also this small little white car wow this is the one spider-man web launch a car
It goes right in the front right here, put it inside
And then we push this button is Carla fly out wow
That was fun. Let's try it again. We just put in the white car inside, and then we can push this bunny
It's the spider-man bad guys. Don't worry. We'll use the wet lunch car
Watch this one two three Joe. Cool. We got the Green Goblin. Let's go again to her friends this time
Let's get Doctor Octopus
Well we got both of them. That was so cool. Let's go spider-man
Wow this is awesome we got so many spider-man surprise toys
Let's open up this one here first cool. It's a spider-man mystery mini. There's spidergirl spiderman
Sandman, let's open up this toy
Keeping time snip snip snip snip snip snip whoo we get China Prince
Awesome we did a gentle France we got venom. He looks so cool and look at his tongue
It's really long and he's a bobble head
He looks so cool
He wears a black spider uniform, and there's a white spider look at his sharp sharp teeth and venom has white eyes
And he's really really strong. Let's watch venom go for a flip
Which toy should we open up next let's see any man, I know it's this one. It's a Marvel 500 spider-man
There's another venom. There's spider-man and I red spider so cool
Hunt and I want to get eyelid spider-man because wearing a super cool Iron Man suit. Let's open up this toy here we go
We got eyelid spider-man he looks so awesome he's red and gold and he's ready to shoot his spider webs
Iron spider-man was told by the super cool iron man. Now. Let's check out the collector's guide so awesome so here is iron spider-man
Next let's open up this toy well looking all the superheroes sushi I wonder what superhero we're gonna get
Awesome, we got the Incredible Hulk. He looks so cool. He's got purple pants
He's all green and look at his really really big muscles Hulk is a member of the Avengers
He's really really strong and super powerful if you get him angry. He'll turn into the Hulk and do a whole smash
Hulk is also good friends of spider-man and they work together on the team Avengers now, let's time for a flip
Next we have to open up the one in the middle. This is an x-men mystery mini. That's awesome
The x-men are super powerful team. There's Colossus and mover e
Let's open up this toy
Here you can see this is super duper fun
Wow we got Colossus, Colossus looks so awesome he's really shiny because Colossus especially it's a turn into metal
So he's bulletproof
Super powerful. He's really strong. He wears a red yellow
Silver suit, and he's a member of the x-men team
Colossus is really really heavy because he's made a metal so he's over
5000 tons Wow he's super strong let's go
Superheroes tshane there's Batman Superman let's open up this Superman keychain
Here we go
Well, we got Darkseid. He looks really scary Darkseid is a bad guy. He's always causing trouble for Batman Superman and look
He's wearing a G for Darkseid
He's got red eyes and blue in Darkseid is a keychain, so let's give him a good spin whoa Superdog side spin
Now let's open up this toy next cool. It's all the paw patrol pups and
They're all superheroes
That's so cool, I wonder if he's really really bouncy let's try it whoa
Chase bumped into this toy that means we have to open up to another Spiderman mystery Mary. She she she this is so cool
Last time we got venom we were super lucky how about let's try and get a really hard one
Let's see lizard man is won in 72 let's try and get him
Can we do a different let's try?
You guys
Here we go
Whoa we got another venom. There's twins cool
It's just scary with his low tongue
That's so cool. Let's watch this better go for it flip
We have one more surprise toy left. It's this one cool. It's um My Little Ponies collectors
There's Fluttershy Rainbow Dash, mr.. Cheesecake and a green pony each collector's bag has a pony and a collector's card
That's so awesome. My favorite pony is rarity, which one is yours
cool toy
Here we go
Awesome we got a blue pony and this Pony has waste that means it's a Pegasus Pony cool
He's got white hair super cool wing and his cutie mark is in rainbow. Just like Rainbow Dash's
Let's check out the collector's guide
Here's the collector's guide awesome this part name is prism glider prism glider glides across the sky with his friends cool
He's one of best friends with Rainbow Dash. They must be really fast and fly together here we go blast off
Thanks for watching Dino pals you guys are awesome
For more awesome surprises with me click here and give me a big high-five to subscribe enjoy the Dino Club
For more infomation >> Toy SPIDERMAN TOYS Web Car Launcher Car Toy - Duration: 7:08.-------------------------------------------
Girl meets her ideal type at once (10 people) - Duration: 9:46.
Please choose your ideal type
Mm.. Someone who isn't cocky
Someone I can learn from
I'd also like it if they were funny
I like people who are on the buffer side so…
Since I'm pretty tall,
I'd say someone who's at least 180 cm?
Oh gosh what do I do. I haven't felt this way in so long!
(Connecting) Wow…everyone has wide shoulders
This is a little..
Who would like to go on a blind date with me?
"Hello" "Hi" "Nice to meet you!" "Hello Green" "Hi there~" "Nice to meet you^^"
So many messages..what do??
We're going to give you 30 minutes to narrows down to one person and exit all other chatrooms.
30 minutes??
(M) Hello (F) Hello
(M) Hello. You look lovely today. (F) Thank you
(M) Hello~ You're very pretty ^^ (F) Thank you
(M) Hi (F) Thank you for waiting
(M) Hello (F) Helko
(F) hello
(M) hi (F) h..i..
(M) Hello there (F) Hello
But I've been saying hello to…
Oh no, I'm so sorry!
(M) Hello Green! (F) Hello
This is so confusing, so I'm really sorry but I'm going to exit the chatrooms of guys with usernames I don't like first.
I'm so sorry, there's nothing personal behind my reasoning.
Those who were unmatched can unveil their mask,
pick up their chair, and leave.
Oh no… Oh nooo!
I'm so sorry… oh gosh
(M) What kind of weather do you like? (F) Weather like today's
(M) You look even better in person (F) Thank you so much
(M) This must feel like battle royal or something;; (F) Yeah, it's pretty overwhelming
Does Tomika…
not speak Korean?
Our communication is..
very hard~
He's actually much more handsome than I anticipated…I'm kinda regretting that… lol
This is still so difficult
I don't have enough time
(M) What are your hobbies? (F) I like reading books at home
(F) For exercise, I like swimming!
Where do you live?
What kind of guys do you like? Where do you and your friends hang out? Are you going anywhere today?
Where'd you take that picture? What's your favorite food? Did you have lunch yet? Do you like drinking? Do you have a boyfriend? We are the same age~ Oh! You live alone~ Of course lol
Ha.. this is really hard.
Ah but really, I have no clue how to narrow this down
(M) I'm also a Yang. Family from Namwon. (F) Ah, omg
Oh gosh, I'm so sorry but we have the same last name so..
Wow, he's attractive.
Hm, I think I'll exit this one. Because,
(M) "It's great seeing that you care both about your health and knowledge!"
He seems too much of a straight arrow…
I don't think we would be a good fit…
(checking profile)
I'll exit this chatroom.
(M) "It looks like you take the time to take care of yourself. I think the better you take care of yourself, the more you love yourself so as long as it's nothing to over the top it's good in my opinion."
This person seems.. a bit much for me
You look great
Is he mad?
There's only 4 rooms left now
(M) What are you doing after filming? (F) I'm meeting a friend.
But…I think I'll exit this chatroom.
(M) Do you smoke often? (F) LOL I don't smoke. Do you? (M) E-cigs~ (F) Mm..Do you like to drink?
He doesn't seem to be very interested in me.
It just seems like he's doing it because he has to.
I'm leaving the chat.
Now it's even harder to exit because we all have had real conversations.
(M) If you like a guy with wide shoulders, that means you must like a guy who works out? (M) Wow 4 left lol I'm lucky to even be one of the last 4
(F) I like and appreciate that you keep the conversation going and it's not overbearing
(M) Ah hehe thank you. Please let me know if I start being a nuisance~ ^^
(Scanning profiles) Oh.. 'Looks like a herbivore dinosaur'
Oh wow, yeah that seems pretty accurate lol
(M) I'm actually looking for a tteok-bokki place right now. Samsung station Banjang Tteok-bokki has good reviews! keke
Aw, he searched for tteok-bokki places after I told him I like tteok-bokki.
Um… This person..
This guy really looks like an athlete
But I like this type of guy
(F) What type of girl do you like?
(M) I like someone who is outgoing. Mm. Outgoing.
(M) Since I'm outgoing as well, someone who can join me keke
Uh.. I think I'm going to exit this chatroom
This person made a grammatical error that's on of my biggest pet peeves.
It might just be a typo but..
Hello. Oh wow he's handsome.
I think he seems more benevolent without the mask
Appearance-wise he was seriously my type
I wonder if he was Korean-American
Oh, now there's only 2 people left
But I really enjoyed something about each of them while we talked…
so I think I need to chat a bit more to see.
(M) I like a girl who likes similar food as me (F) Do you like pig feet, intestines, and chicken feet?
(M) I don't really eat it that often. Not saying I can't eat it! If I had a girlfriend, I'd eat it with her lol (F) Ah.. I can't really eat it either. That's why I asked
(F) How do you feel right now? (M) Hehe…I feel…good~ Kind of nervous kekeke
I don't know what to write.
(M) Do you have a favorite sport?
(F) I like swimming
(M) Brb, checking your shoulders…(looks at pic)
(M) You look very pure~
(F) Not my personality though. Do you like the pure type?
(M) Swimming is really good for you though!
(M) Your cardiovascular endurance must be great lol
Cardiovascular endurance LOL
(F) Exercise has to be fun too
(M) I bet you can blow a balloon real well
(F) I should try. Now I'm curious.
(M) That's called ironic charm. I do look like an herbivore dinosaur, but I'm also kind of honest to a fault as well lol
This guy seems really nice.
But I'm wondering if it'll be fun to be with him?
(M) Is my chatting too mannerly?
Yes, manner chatting LOL
(M) The express lane to your heart
(M) I like to have fun too, sometimes too much and my friends try to stop me lol. You know when you're listening to a song and you feel like you're the main character of a music video LOLL
I think I can choose.
I think…
he'd be a good little brother.
I feel comfortable talking to him but
I don't feel any attraction as a man.
But I still think it was good that I talked to him until the end.
Which one is he..?
He has a very kind appearance
(Scanning profile) You have good stamina?
You have very wide shoulder
Ah, it's so strange doing this in front of him
Why did you decide on this person?
First of all,
when I just said that I liked tteok-bokki in passing, he remembered that and searched for tteok-bokki restaurants. I thought that was very attentive of him.
Everything he said during our conversation was very funny too.
Mr Oniva (*his nickname)
I think he is not overbearing and knows how to keep the appropriate distance and…
he's very attentive.
I liked that about you.
I think you're that kind of person.
At least, that's what I want to believe.
You must have been hot under that mask.
Academy of Art University - W...
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Add This To Your Mercedes Oil And Watch What Happens - Duration: 3:26.
Ladies and gentlemen Keith from iRepair Autos. I don't normally promote or
push products but I just came across an awesome product I've known about it for
a while decided I'd give it a try
product stops leaks fast you can put it in your oil you can put it in your
transmission fluid you can put it in your power steering fluid
you cannot and I'm gonna repeat myself you cannot put it in your brake line or
your brake fluid do not do that but this product is amazingly fast it works with
seals oil leaks around the oil pad your rear main seal and I'm gonna get some
comments from subscribers and so on why would you do this if you have a rear
main oil leak that's a big job without a drop transmission chip without that part
if the leak is not too bad you can add this it rejuvenates the oil seals and
softeners and it fills in any little cracks and I swear this is it works all
the other products don't work with this clock of the engine this was not clogged
up the engine let's get to it but before we get started I know you've been
meaning to subscribe no thanks all right ladies and gentlemen this is the product
this will treat up to six quarts of oil and/or transmission fluid or your power
steering the hydraulic so your differential so you gotta mix it
appropriately and accordingly this treats up to six quarts if you're
wondering what this looks like it looks like clear water and I'll show you of
course it's not water but it looks like clear water and what I'm gonna do I'm
gonna add it to this five quart of synthetic oil works on synthetic and it
works in regular oil as well
and remember this treats up to six quarts so what I'm gonna do this is a 5
quart I'll add the rest of it and then I just add another quart of oil to the
whole thing so ladies and gentlemen knowing the measurements you can add it
directly to your oil like that but since I'm a little bit more picky I've added
it to the 5 quart jug so I'm just gonna add it that way the oil add a funnel
I've already removed the amount of oil that I need to add back so I'm just
gonna add it into now some of you may be wondering how did I remove them on oil I
have an evacuator that I use once you're done adding the additive drive the car
for five hours to ensure that the sealant has sealed all the leaks check
your oil or transmission fluid level depending on which one you added and
enjoy as always everyone don't forget to Like share subscribe to my channel if
you find these videos helpful what that does it pushes my videos up in the
search results so that other Mercedes owners drivers do-it-yourselfers can
find them easier thanks and peace
Photoshop? É verdade? Isabeli Fontana posta foto careca e intriga web - Duration: 7:56.
Peugeot 208 1.4 E-HDI BLUE LEASE 5-Deurs! Automaat! Trekhaak! Navi/Airco/Mistlampen/Boordcomputer/Bl - Duration: 1:10.
Citroën C3 1.6 E-HDI COLLECTION / AIRCO-ECC / CRUISE CTR. / RADIO-CD / ELEK. RAMEN / *APK 4-2019* - Duration: 1:12.
KARAOKE AND GRASS. LOUD NEWS @8 - Duration: 12:13.
Hey, everyone! This is LOUD SOUND here.
Need some... - N-n-news?
Misha M, the trash-blogger, who spaced out again after some dew,
started weirding out on Ural.
[M]: This is some f*cked up sh*t! I have f*cking no idea what's going on.
Pioneer is presenting a new line of car radios
with an improved karaoke.
Two guys from Nevinnomyssk are doing several home-sound projects at once.
And more!
Let's go!
Misha M spaced out after some moonxhine again.
[M]: This is one big fat moonsh-sh-shine!
So he started pouring swear words all over his Vk page afain.
This time, the hit was on Ural.
- What an idiot!
[M]: This sort of trash only comes on my channel.
Well, sure! Kuban moonshine works wonders!
That's what you probably thought. But...
[A]: Heck no! [M]: Right!
In fact, the siruation was slightly different.
Although, some of the... [M]: 150 grams, then another 150...
...did take part in it.
We all remember that the video that launched Misha's blogging career
was the one where he criticized Alphard in rough words.
[M]: Alphard sucks hard, f*ck 'em!
And, vice versa, wsa very keen on Hertz.
[M]: I f*cking love these speakers!
But, according to Misha, him and Hertz never figured it out.
[M]: Damn! That's too bad!
So, Misha moved over to Ural hardware.
Everything seemed fine, Misha kept
crash-testing various speakers.
Until one day, after a very rough crash-test of Aura
he got an avalanche of rageful replies
like, 'Why did you crash Aura so hard, and Ural you do really mildly?
Did you sell out?'
[M]: No panic, motherf*ckers!
Misha took it really seriously.
And, again, according to him, he DOES NOT work with any brand
and not getting any money, either.
[M]: I mean, would it f*cking kell them? Not a f*cking dime from anyone!
Anyway, now Misha promises to do his crash-tests on Ural hardware
just as rough as those on any other brand
to demonstrate his integrity and honesty to his audience.
- Capisce?
Actually, Misha, my advice to you is, quit all that moonshining crap
and ski up, like Alex.
This year, another car has undergone changes.
It's Mark Mironenko's Renault Megan.
Now the car is a part of Kicx Sound Team.
The system is already put together and built using components by... - Kicx!
One 12" Tornado sub,
a 3K monoblock, Black Edition,
two pairs of TW46 twitters ad four pars of mids.
It's worth saying that Mark is a judge in competitions of various formats,
and he also owns a format of his own - Sound Battle.
- Way to go!
Well, Kicxers love starting their own formats!
If your car is powered by Kicx, you are onliged to do two things:
first - start your own format, and second - use the word Battle in its title.
Btw, it's been thriving since 2016
and held in a number of towns in Krasnodar Krai.
Vladimir Golubnyak from Lipetsk built a low-cost yet loud project.
The project itself was started back in September, 2017
in a VAZ-2113.
The interesting part is, Vladimir has done it all himself,
evenings, weekends, with no special equipment.
The wall was not built the way we're used to - on rough metal framings,
but was made of 40x40 mm wood panels.
Which never kept the guy from reaching quite the impressive result.
153.9 dB at 41 Hz.
Initially, the system consisted of four Magnum subs,
fed by Kicx 1K'ers.
One of them was a donor, tho.
- Is it just me, or is it too much Kicx, huh?
...but then Vladimir replaced the subs with Ural Patriot
and installed a Korean monoblock, AE 3500
which has better control and higher power than a 1K,
but it is times more expensive.
The front comprises 3 pairs of Momo horns and 4 pairs 16" EDGEs.
Like they say, plenty highs, nary mids.
But Vladimir didn't stop.
The sub set was altered again,
and at the moment, he has four Pride HP subs installed.
The monobloc remained the same.
It is no secret that car audio
has long gone beyond the framework of just cars.
Nice projects are successfully built in motorbikes, bikes, even boats.
- Oh, I guess it's just the boat is some Armenian boat, right?
[T]: It's from St.-Petersburg.
But there's another branch, quite an interesting one.
It's called Home-audio.
[Cap alert] It's audio at home.
Those projects are built not in vehicles but right inside houses.
And now, we're going to tell you about two guys who built one of those.
And yes, we know it's not the only one, so, please, don't go ballistic in the comments.
Nikita Sidorenko and Danila Kuzmin from Nevinnomyssk, both only aged 14,
worked their butts off during their summer holidays
and built not one project like that. They are finishing their second.
The guys started with QW and a box for a single 15".
And, well, got a little carried away.
Their first project was build with a 6th order BP
and comprised two 15" subs,
based on QW in 1:2 proportion.
The sub-set itself is built with Arias and Machetes
and is fed by a Kicx AP 1000 amp.
The front has one pair of Kicx SL.
The bunker already kicks 144 dB,
and the guys are planning on finishing it up and reaching 147 dB.
The second project is almost finished, and it's going to be a 6th order BP.
This time, it'll be four 15"s.
Although the project's been paused due to financial troubles.
But that's no it, either. The guys said they were planning to build another sys.
This time it's a car.
They're doing a 4th order BP in their friend's VAZ-2114.
Let me remind you, they are 14!
I'd like to ask you to support them by subscribing to their channel.
It has a bunch of reviews of the bunker, hardware and more.
And write in comments what car audio you could do when you were 14.
I'm guessing the answers would match mine.
- Not. A. Thing!
[SD]: I doubt any of you can brag of having that.
[SD]: Neither can I.
The competition season has already started.
And to open it, there were two formats.
Those are RBR that was held in Volgograd on April, 21
and SPL Show in Rostov-on-Don on April, 22.
Artyom Lymar told us that RBR has gathered
the record number of cars in its space this year.
About 150 cars.
The Hummer was there, also, Ded Vitos's Dodge, Patriot by The Bears, Aleksey Chirkov's '09,
Nick Ryabov's Lada Grants, the NON_LOUD SOUND '07 and the Hummer attended the event, too.
The road to Volgograd, tho, was so so, as usual.
Or rather... - F*CKING SH*T!
Arty and Vik got stopped by the police three times.
[A]: Traffic policemen reacting.
They also bent two rims on the '07.
Well, y'all know the roads there!
I'm surprised the Hummer didn't bent a wheel.
[Y]: Potholes do not surprise people in Volgograd.
[Y]: It's their quantity and the sizes, though, that puzzle the drivers.
But that didn't stop the guys from reaching their destination
and entertaining people.
Btw, for those who don't know yet, the '07 is not a project for homies anymore.
Its budget has grown. Actually, it's boosted.
[LK]: But that is a whole new story.
The SPL Show in Rostov-on-Don
was visited by less cars - about 30.
But the organizing party put together a great show:
tuned car exhibit, drifting, car audio competitions,
and tons of positive emotions.
Arty and his Hummer won the competition showing 162.1 dB
the average per minute.
But the funniest thing happened at RBR.
It was that guy dancing near Ded Vitos's wall.
- It. Was. Dope.
And now we're taking off for the US of A.
- Welcome to the USA. - Spasibo!
You probably thought we'll speak about Steve Meade or Jonathan Price now.
Nope! We'll tell you about our homie Ivan.
What else would they call a Russian in the US?
'Sup, guys? My name is Ivan.
Like I said, Ivan comes from Rostov-on-Don.
Rostov the Pops.
But now he's moved to the USA and lives in Orlando, Florida.
He wanted to share his pretty interesting project - a Chevrolet Silverado
named The Russian Wind.
The project will be comprised of Alphard components.
Its objective is, to show the whole America the Russian approach to car audio.
Stolichnaya. It's imprtant!
Sounds like impotent!
...to show a good result, to build something new
different from other projects.
And to customize the hell out of it,
in both the looks and the mechanics.
The project has been started. The body's already lost some.
The cage is being welded now.
We'll keep you posted and sure will blow the whistle
when Ivan's car starts singing.
It is no secret that Pioneer
is one of the driver brands to bring innovation
in the car audio industry.
By introducing novelties in head units, in particular.
[SD]: High technologies!
And the latest breakthrough was a karaoke in a car radio.
This means, you can now plug a mic into your HU,
turn on your personal favorite track
and sing along to your fav artist.
To support this innovation, Pioneer launched a massive contest
called Carsing It Up.
To participate you had to post a video of you singing in your car
to get a chance to win a trip to Japan.
The contest went quite successfully,
and the three winners visited the homeland of karaoke - Japan.
But now, Pioneer has introduced a new line of 2-DIN HUs -
A100, A101 and A200BT
which also have this Karaoke function.
But here, the function got way more interesting.
You can insert a karaoke CD, plug in your microphone
and not just sing along with the artist or the instrumental track,
but you can see the lyrics on your screen.
This function makes karaoke a lot more convenient.
Also, with an adapter, you can plug another mic
or add a guitar, per say.
But this line is not only good for having karaoke.
These HUs also have quite a wide functional capacity.
A 13-band equalizer, Android-friendly,
with three pairs of RCA, Xover, time delays.
The functions impress big time.
[Singing 'Trava u Doma' by Zemyane, a.k.a. The Grass of Green]
Like the video, leave comments.
From the whole company LOUD SOUND I'd love to congratulate you
on the upcoming holiday - the Victory Day.
Bye, everyone. Live LOUD.
- It's just impossible to live without music!
You'vecompared the cheap one with the costly one? - Yes.
What's the cheap one's price?
- $1,500.
And this one is $11,500, right?
Encerramento - Parábolas de Jesus - Duration: 2:11.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Limousine Automaat AMG Line | COMAND | Prestige | Camera - Duration: 1:11.
Érika Januza acredita em "olho gordo" e revela tática para não ser prejudicada - Duration: 3:28.
Renault Clio dCi 90 Intens (R-Link/PDC/16") - Duration: 1:09.
Renault Captur TCe 90pk Dynamique (R-link/Climate/Lichtm. Velg.) - Duration: 0:59.
Renault Grand Scénic dCi 110 EDC Intens (7p.!!/Glazen dak/Camera/R-link/20''LMV/EDC) - Duration: 1:14.
Renault Captur TCe 120pk Helly Hansen EDC (CAMERA!!/R-link/Climate/Lichtm. Velg.) - Duration: 1:03.
Renault Captur 0.9 TCe 90pk Dynamique (CAMERA/R-link/Climate/Lichtm.) - Duration: 0:53.
Renault Scénic dCi 130 Intens (R-Link/Camera/20") - Duration: 1:09.
Toy SPIDERMAN TOYS Web Car Launcher Car Toy - Duration: 7:08.
Go Spiderman Web Launcher Car
Hey, Dino, pals. This is Toy Rex here. Let's see what toy surprise. We have today wow this is so cool
It's the awesome spider-man web launcher car
When you push this button his eyes will change
That's so cool
And also there's a small little web launch card that goes inside the red car and you can also make it blasts now. That's awesome
Trying to play with the super cool car
Wow it looks so cool, it's all red and look it's like it's got spider webs on it and when you push this button cool
That's so awesome
So powerful the car is ready for action
There's also this small little white car wow this is the one spider-man web launch a car
It goes right in the front right here, put it inside
And then we push this button is Carla fly out wow
That was fun. Let's try it again. We just put in the white car inside, and then we can push this bunny
It's the spider-man bad guys. Don't worry. We'll use the wet lunch car
Watch this one two three Joe. Cool. We got the Green Goblin. Let's go again to her friends this time
Let's get Doctor Octopus
Well we got both of them. That was so cool. Let's go spider-man
Wow this is awesome we got so many spider-man surprise toys
Let's open up this one here first cool. It's a spider-man mystery mini. There's spidergirl spiderman
Sandman, let's open up this toy
Keeping time snip snip snip snip snip snip whoo we get China Prince
Awesome we did a gentle France we got venom. He looks so cool and look at his tongue
It's really long and he's a bobble head
He looks so cool
He wears a black spider uniform, and there's a white spider look at his sharp sharp teeth and venom has white eyes
And he's really really strong. Let's watch venom go for a flip
Which toy should we open up next let's see any man, I know it's this one. It's a Marvel 500 spider-man
There's another venom. There's spider-man and I red spider so cool
Hunt and I want to get eyelid spider-man because wearing a super cool Iron Man suit. Let's open up this toy here we go
We got eyelid spider-man he looks so awesome he's red and gold and he's ready to shoot his spider webs
Iron spider-man was told by the super cool iron man. Now. Let's check out the collector's guide so awesome so here is iron spider-man
Next let's open up this toy well looking all the superheroes sushi I wonder what superhero we're gonna get
Awesome, we got the Incredible Hulk. He looks so cool. He's got purple pants
He's all green and look at his really really big muscles Hulk is a member of the Avengers
He's really really strong and super powerful if you get him angry. He'll turn into the Hulk and do a whole smash
Hulk is also good friends of spider-man and they work together on the team Avengers now, let's time for a flip
Next we have to open up the one in the middle. This is an x-men mystery mini. That's awesome
The x-men are super powerful team. There's Colossus and mover e
Let's open up this toy
Here you can see this is super duper fun
Wow we got Colossus, Colossus looks so awesome he's really shiny because Colossus especially it's a turn into metal
So he's bulletproof
Super powerful. He's really strong. He wears a red yellow
Silver suit, and he's a member of the x-men team
Colossus is really really heavy because he's made a metal so he's over
5000 tons Wow he's super strong let's go
Superheroes tshane there's Batman Superman let's open up this Superman keychain
Here we go
Well, we got Darkseid. He looks really scary Darkseid is a bad guy. He's always causing trouble for Batman Superman and look
He's wearing a G for Darkseid
He's got red eyes and blue in Darkseid is a keychain, so let's give him a good spin whoa Superdog side spin
Now let's open up this toy next cool. It's all the paw patrol pups and
They're all superheroes
That's so cool, I wonder if he's really really bouncy let's try it whoa
Chase bumped into this toy that means we have to open up to another Spiderman mystery Mary. She she she this is so cool
Last time we got venom we were super lucky how about let's try and get a really hard one
Let's see lizard man is won in 72 let's try and get him
Can we do a different let's try?
You guys
Here we go
Whoa we got another venom. There's twins cool
It's just scary with his low tongue
That's so cool. Let's watch this better go for it flip
We have one more surprise toy left. It's this one cool. It's um My Little Ponies collectors
There's Fluttershy Rainbow Dash, mr.. Cheesecake and a green pony each collector's bag has a pony and a collector's card
That's so awesome. My favorite pony is rarity, which one is yours
cool toy
Here we go
Awesome we got a blue pony and this Pony has waste that means it's a Pegasus Pony cool
He's got white hair super cool wing and his cutie mark is in rainbow. Just like Rainbow Dash's
Let's check out the collector's guide
Here's the collector's guide awesome this part name is prism glider prism glider glides across the sky with his friends cool
He's one of best friends with Rainbow Dash. They must be really fast and fly together here we go blast off
Thanks for watching Dino pals you guys are awesome
For more awesome surprises with me click here and give me a big high-five to subscribe enjoy the Dino Club
Girl meets her ideal type at once (10 people) - Duration: 9:46.
Please choose your ideal type
Mm.. Someone who isn't cocky
Someone I can learn from
I'd also like it if they were funny
I like people who are on the buffer side so…
Since I'm pretty tall,
I'd say someone who's at least 180 cm?
Oh gosh what do I do. I haven't felt this way in so long!
(Connecting) Wow…everyone has wide shoulders
This is a little..
Who would like to go on a blind date with me?
"Hello" "Hi" "Nice to meet you!" "Hello Green" "Hi there~" "Nice to meet you^^"
So many messages..what do??
We're going to give you 30 minutes to narrows down to one person and exit all other chatrooms.
30 minutes??
(M) Hello (F) Hello
(M) Hello. You look lovely today. (F) Thank you
(M) Hello~ You're very pretty ^^ (F) Thank you
(M) Hi (F) Thank you for waiting
(M) Hello (F) Helko
(F) hello
(M) hi (F) h..i..
(M) Hello there (F) Hello
But I've been saying hello to…
Oh no, I'm so sorry!
(M) Hello Green! (F) Hello
This is so confusing, so I'm really sorry but I'm going to exit the chatrooms of guys with usernames I don't like first.
I'm so sorry, there's nothing personal behind my reasoning.
Those who were unmatched can unveil their mask,
pick up their chair, and leave.
Oh no… Oh nooo!
I'm so sorry… oh gosh
(M) What kind of weather do you like? (F) Weather like today's
(M) You look even better in person (F) Thank you so much
(M) This must feel like battle royal or something;; (F) Yeah, it's pretty overwhelming
Does Tomika…
not speak Korean?
Our communication is..
very hard~
He's actually much more handsome than I anticipated…I'm kinda regretting that… lol
This is still so difficult
I don't have enough time
(M) What are your hobbies? (F) I like reading books at home
(F) For exercise, I like swimming!
Where do you live?
What kind of guys do you like? Where do you and your friends hang out? Are you going anywhere today?
Where'd you take that picture? What's your favorite food? Did you have lunch yet? Do you like drinking? Do you have a boyfriend? We are the same age~ Oh! You live alone~ Of course lol
Ha.. this is really hard.
Ah but really, I have no clue how to narrow this down
(M) I'm also a Yang. Family from Namwon. (F) Ah, omg
Oh gosh, I'm so sorry but we have the same last name so..
Wow, he's attractive.
Hm, I think I'll exit this one. Because,
(M) "It's great seeing that you care both about your health and knowledge!"
He seems too much of a straight arrow…
I don't think we would be a good fit…
(checking profile)
I'll exit this chatroom.
(M) "It looks like you take the time to take care of yourself. I think the better you take care of yourself, the more you love yourself so as long as it's nothing to over the top it's good in my opinion."
This person seems.. a bit much for me
You look great
Is he mad?
There's only 4 rooms left now
(M) What are you doing after filming? (F) I'm meeting a friend.
But…I think I'll exit this chatroom.
(M) Do you smoke often? (F) LOL I don't smoke. Do you? (M) E-cigs~ (F) Mm..Do you like to drink?
He doesn't seem to be very interested in me.
It just seems like he's doing it because he has to.
I'm leaving the chat.
Now it's even harder to exit because we all have had real conversations.
(M) If you like a guy with wide shoulders, that means you must like a guy who works out? (M) Wow 4 left lol I'm lucky to even be one of the last 4
(F) I like and appreciate that you keep the conversation going and it's not overbearing
(M) Ah hehe thank you. Please let me know if I start being a nuisance~ ^^
(Scanning profiles) Oh.. 'Looks like a herbivore dinosaur'
Oh wow, yeah that seems pretty accurate lol
(M) I'm actually looking for a tteok-bokki place right now. Samsung station Banjang Tteok-bokki has good reviews! keke
Aw, he searched for tteok-bokki places after I told him I like tteok-bokki.
Um… This person..
This guy really looks like an athlete
But I like this type of guy
(F) What type of girl do you like?
(M) I like someone who is outgoing. Mm. Outgoing.
(M) Since I'm outgoing as well, someone who can join me keke
Uh.. I think I'm going to exit this chatroom
This person made a grammatical error that's on of my biggest pet peeves.
It might just be a typo but..
Hello. Oh wow he's handsome.
I think he seems more benevolent without the mask
Appearance-wise he was seriously my type
I wonder if he was Korean-American
Oh, now there's only 2 people left
But I really enjoyed something about each of them while we talked…
so I think I need to chat a bit more to see.
(M) I like a girl who likes similar food as me (F) Do you like pig feet, intestines, and chicken feet?
(M) I don't really eat it that often. Not saying I can't eat it! If I had a girlfriend, I'd eat it with her lol (F) Ah.. I can't really eat it either. That's why I asked
(F) How do you feel right now? (M) Hehe…I feel…good~ Kind of nervous kekeke
I don't know what to write.
(M) Do you have a favorite sport?
(F) I like swimming
(M) Brb, checking your shoulders…(looks at pic)
(M) You look very pure~
(F) Not my personality though. Do you like the pure type?
(M) Swimming is really good for you though!
(M) Your cardiovascular endurance must be great lol
Cardiovascular endurance LOL
(F) Exercise has to be fun too
(M) I bet you can blow a balloon real well
(F) I should try. Now I'm curious.
(M) That's called ironic charm. I do look like an herbivore dinosaur, but I'm also kind of honest to a fault as well lol
This guy seems really nice.
But I'm wondering if it'll be fun to be with him?
(M) Is my chatting too mannerly?
Yes, manner chatting LOL
(M) The express lane to your heart
(M) I like to have fun too, sometimes too much and my friends try to stop me lol. You know when you're listening to a song and you feel like you're the main character of a music video LOLL
I think I can choose.
I think…
he'd be a good little brother.
I feel comfortable talking to him but
I don't feel any attraction as a man.
But I still think it was good that I talked to him until the end.
Which one is he..?
He has a very kind appearance
(Scanning profile) You have good stamina?
You have very wide shoulder
Ah, it's so strange doing this in front of him
Why did you decide on this person?
First of all,
when I just said that I liked tteok-bokki in passing, he remembered that and searched for tteok-bokki restaurants. I thought that was very attentive of him.
Everything he said during our conversation was very funny too.
Mr Oniva (*his nickname)
I think he is not overbearing and knows how to keep the appropriate distance and…
he's very attentive.
I liked that about you.
I think you're that kind of person.
At least, that's what I want to believe.
You must have been hot under that mask.
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These Are 10 Things That Narcissists Fear The Most - Duration: 5:18.
These Are 10 Things That Narcissists Fear The Most
You might think that narcissist may appear to not be afraid of anything, but you know
what, they have.
They only cover their fear with their acts, so you won't notice they actually have so
many fear inside them.
Naturally, we all have our very own worries, and narcissists too.
Let's take a look for instance, narcissists always craved for attention, so what do you
think will happen if they do not get any attention?
Well, you can tell me this one in the comment below!
There are some things that completely terrify narcissist, and if you have actually ever
before experienced one you know the adhering to points to be true.
As a result of their inflated vanity, as well as lack of take care of anything yet themselves,
it is in fact quite very easy to mention their worries.
Does this seem like someone you know?
In this video, I'm going to share with you some of the things that worry narcissists
Therefore, If you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this video
and subscribe to our channel, so you won't miss any of our interesting updates in the
So, here's some of the things that actually make narcissists piss their pants.
#1 - Getting old and also aging as a whole
Essentially, a narcissist will worsen with age.
This is because with age, comes a great deal of adverse points they could not take care
They are extremely worried about their physical appearance, so any type of sign of aging,
can send them right into a downwards spiral of anger or depression.
The older a narcissist obtains the much more irritable they will certainly be.
#2 - Someone taking their spotlight
If someone much better than them turns up in their individual lives, or their work environment,
you best option they will hesitate.
They do not desire anyone taking the attention they hunger for far from them.
Narcissists are anywhere and are all scared of these things undeniably.
If you or a person you understand is being abused by a narcissist, please get out or
assist them to get out.
No person is worthy of to live like that.
#3 - Being disrespected
Of course, no one prefers to be disrespected, but a narcissist is far more worried of it
compared to a lot of.
This is because of the incorrect photo he/she is constantly attempting to maintain.
They essentially seem like they are mosting likely to die when they are disrespected.
#4 - Being disregarded
Neglecting a narcissist will make points ugly real fast; when they are being neglected,
their ego is getting nothing from us.
These individuals would rather be disliked than neglected, because at least then they
are still obtaining something from you.
They need to be acknowledged to really feel material, even if it is in an adverse means.
#5 - Losing their success, be it a job or something else
They dislike taking actions backward, when it concerns the initial thing, I pointed out
a loss of success frequently includes aging.
They might lose all their loan, or perhaps obtain a pushed off by a firm they worked
for their whole life, and that is something that frightens the crap out of them.
#6 - They Fear Rejection
If you ever before decline a narcissist they get pretty disturbed.
They believe that because of they are filled with air ego, they can have whoever as well
as whatever they desire, so when somebody states 'no' to them, you can best bet there
will certainly be a lot of adverse things spread out around about that person.
#7 - Exposure
Narcissists hate being called out on their abusive actions.
It is something that normally tosses them right into a fit of craze as well as certainly,
they never ever want to be held responsible for the important things they do.
That being stated, if you have not discovered by now, they're excellent at gaslighting and
also getting others to side with them.
#8 - Being teased
A narcissist will certainly tease everyone around them, but if you attempt to transform
the tables, they get very distress.
They take themselves too seriously and also poking fun at them makes them seem like an
empty puppet.
They will be up to items.
#9 - Abandonment
By leaving or 'abandoning' a narcissist, you are taking whatever away from them.
This is why if you threaten to leave them, they either shower you with affection hoping
you'll stay, or locate a way to force you right into sticking around.
#10 - Death
This is among those that goes without saying, the majority of us are scared of passing away.
For a narcissist, fatality indicates they could no much longer be in the limelight as
well as they can not even take care of the thought of that.
If you've ever before seen that great deals of narcissists come to be religious out of
nowhere when they get old, it is due to the fact that they are finally thinking of whether
or not they will certainly be held liable for their actions when the time comes.
Well, those are some of the 10 things that narcissists fear the most.
So, Really cool information isn't it?
I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share
your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!
Thanks for watching!
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Fox and Friends 5/7/18:"MUELLER TEAM DEALT A SECOND BLOW" - Duration: 10:43.
this is your wake-up call again we hope everybody's dressed right we don't know
unless you want to FaceTime us for you oh I know the answer
today is May 7th which means it's my friend Todd's birthday and just Todd
give away a car in his birthday sometimes he does but I remember it's
Todd's birthday because actually Todd and Brian were born on the same the
whole rundown is all a salute to me for three hours and I was surprised with all
the rudy guiliani you know what I've talked enough about me let's talk about
the special council it'd been sports seconds since we discussed that but
listen Robert Moore got two rebukes back-to-back and they came from judges
on a Friday and judges sometimes work on a Saturday the first one came in a
stunning rebuke in the afternoon on Friday and that was from I think it was
the third he just said what we've been saying a lot on this couch what exactly
is your mandate and why are you making Paul Manafort a fall guy yeah it's
interesting because he wants to see the so called scope memo that spells out the
scope of the investigation and the government doesn't want to show that
they say it's super-secret but the judge says look I want to know where you got
the authority to indict mr. manna for it on things that happen in 2005 keep in
mind if it's a Russia deal in 2016 how come you're going back 10 years well the
judge said you're filing false you're going after manna for for filing false
income tax returns failure to file reports on foreign bank accounts he's
saying you raid his house it's obvious what you're doing you're trying to
squeeze manna for mana for it he said he said
you tighten the screws and they will begin to provide information and what
you're really interested in so they're saying this judge is is
eviscerating Muller and Muller's team for using mana for to get to the
president very I'm something exactly so it was interesting and legal minds have
said okay you're looking at the president Trump for some reason as
things up about Michael Cohen and you say this Southern District in New York
yeah take this Michael Cohen case because it's really it's not my problem
Robert morgue deferreds it override Rodin Stein says yeah I give it a
southern cystic in New York so pull man afford it's done something in 2006 why
don't they just refer to Virginia and say okay this is nothing to do with the
president states refer it over here but instead they go we want to keep this guy
front and center Rudy Giuliani who's now the president's attorney he said this is
a trap you know they're all asking him to testify we want this president to
testify and answer these questions he says I don't trust James Comey James
Comey is a liar he said the president has done nothing wrong
but I'm not going to advise him to testify because it's a trap this is not
a fantasy world and he says the special counsel thinks that Comey is Moses he
said I happen to think that Comey is Judas listen to him on one of the sunday
shows Hillary Clinton's treatment is what I'm looking for and that is no one
no wonder Rose only a QA and then we get the questions in advance and they write
the report two weeks before I believe that after Judge Ellis's remarks there's
no question that the the amount of government misconduct is accumulating I
happen to believe it's greater than anybody realizes very embarrassing to my
former Justice Department and very embarrassing not to FBI agents please
nobody attacking FBI agents are just Department lawyers we're attacking the
lead the formal leadership of both organizations it's just making people
question what exactly are you doing why does rod Rosen Stein not just saying hey
Robert mow you got a lot to work with stay in your lane that's what that's
what that's why Congress wants to see the scope memo that's why this judge
wants to see the scope memo I was talking to somebody from the Department
of Justice they won't let anybody see it they say national security stuff in
there and I asked him the question I said so if what's going on behind the
scenes because I had heard there there might be actually two scope memos
they said nope there's just one but sometimes if mr.
Muller has questions he'll call mr. Rosen sign on the phone and say hey I
want to look into this thing can I do that and they'll hash it out on the
phone isn't that cozy Greenwald Jason Riley from The Wall Street Journal
editorial page he of cited that first case where the judge says hey you've got
you can't have unfettered power go back to 2005 that's not what this is about
listen to him to what judge Ellis said here which is that he said the Muellers
team you do not have unfettered power here you can't have unfettered power you
should be working within parameters and many Trump supporters think that this is
no longer about Paul mana Forte's bank fraud or financial dealings this is
about doing whatever it takes to bring down Donald Trump and and people are
very concerned about that Trump supporters are very concerned that
Muller has not kept his eye on the ball but he's gone out aside of his mandate
and and that and that that latitude has been given to him by Rob Rose I hate to
tell you and Bill Clinton is a case in point if you're in a golden if you're
going after President Trump about colluding with Russia and have nothing
and obstructing of justice if there's no crime there and get nothing and then you
gotta go I have a problem with the casino deal or a golf course purchase or
a Scottish transaction the American people are gonna stand for it
independence and Trump supporters are and I think Democrats will be
embarrassed by it already no one's and Isis the president's numbers are ticking
up making Democrats wonder is the anti-trump message enough to run on
Hillary Clinton should have showed you the answer is no well because ultimately
the people are going to decide in November with their each congressional
district who do you want in Congress somebody who has simply talked about
there might be this Russia thing or somebody who is actually like on your
tax cuts and that's the message that does really is McCarthy's gonna have
what here in about two hours yeah Rudy Giuliani said they can't prove collusion
they can't prove obstruction and that's why they're asking all these questions
if you read the questions about how do you feel what were your thoughts during
all of them right well I just want to know what Gina
Haspel was thinking less saying I cannot or I'd say a couple of days ago when she
evidently one up and I made a call to the White House and say listen do you
want to pull my application back as nominee to be the next CIA director even
though the Acting Director and I've been in the agency since 1985 and made some
of the toughest decisions anyone can make and and in clinic in a very in a
very law to Tory way I'm going to pull my application I don't want to be Ronnie
Jackson right I'm a little concerned about the put of attacks on me because
mainly because of my role when enhanced interrogation and it sounds as if Sarah
Huckabee Sanders and Mark short drove out to the CIA and talked her out of it
nonetheless Wednesday's the big day she's going to get a grilling from the
Senate Intel so it's all gonna be about what happened regarding the
waterboarding just keep in mind whatever she did when she was in power at that
point she was doing it as a directive and it was all within the law by doing
what she was told to do mm-hmm yeah this is tough because good people are
starting to pull their names are being asked if they can pull their names
they're worried about being grilled they're worried about their reputations
the CIA reputation in her case so you know is she qualified that she is we'll
find out we'll be watching on Wednesday we'll give you a report 32-year career
and if she can just explain what she was doing and I believe she should double
down and say I'm proud of what I accomplished whether it was black sites
enhanced interrogation and I dare anyone to sit in my shoes and accomplish as
much as I've done and she could even if she wanted to if they go down to
classify everything tell us everything that you were able to pick up because in
Jose Rodriguezes book it's in Jim Mitchell's book all the attacks are able
to stop because of some of the messes they put together all green-lighted
during her career as a country first female she will be the first female CIA
director pretty cool and the hearing is on Wednesday meanwhile we have told you
for years about how America's colleges have drifted to the political left how
far left well a brand new study by the National Association of scholars paints
a pretty bleak picture 39% of colleges about 40% of all American colleges have
zero professors who ID as Republicans as you can see right there the average
breaks down to ten point four to everyone it's interesting if you remove
West Point in Annapolis the average then is 13 to 1 you've won believable you got
it's unbelievable - and Tony having going through the college process now
mm-hmm it is playing a major role in the type
of schools you picked because well put it this way I'm out of school obviously
a lot to do with it because especially if you work at Fox and you go there and
a professor is gonna be having a mindset against your kid because they have a
political point of view and they assume the nineteen-year-old in front of them
also does I'm gonna look at another school kids need to use a different last
name just gonna use their first name like Cher if you're curious there are
some outliers according to this Thomas Aquinas College 33 full-time faculty
every one of them identifies as a Republican yeah my problem is they
didn't like their coach I didn't say which sport or with which end let us
know what you think about that I want to see a list of the Republican college or
the ones that do have their okay we'll get you that flyer welcome to that index
card in the moment it's about 16 years 6:11 here in New York City and Jillian
joins us on this Monday morning with Fox News Alert down Florida that's right we
are following some breaking news so let's get you caught up on that
Bubble Rose Using Top Coat & Gel Polish - Gold Play Button Arrives!! - Duration: 22:46.
Self-Defense Basics: Lesson 3 - Stance and Breathing - Duration: 15:42.
Ando again from Happy Life Martial Arts.
Welcome to Lesson #3 in your Self-Defense Basics Course.
As you already know, self-defense is more than just learning a few slick moves,
it's a lifestyle.
So, let's talk about two more exercises that you can do all day, every day--
stance and breathing.
No, I'm not talking about striking a fancy pose like a horse stance or a cat stance--
not today anyway.
I'm talking about how you're sitting or standing right now.
The truth is you're always in a stance.
The only question is: Is your stance putting you in a good position to think, move, and
fight or a bad position?
Quick--look at yourself.
Is your back straight?
Is your head aligned with your spine?
Admit it--whether you're sitting or standing right now, I'll bet you're not as straight
as you could be.
And that's a problem.
I don't just mean because you're causing yourself neck and back pain, I mean because
you're building a habit of limiting your mobility and your power.
Seriously--there's no point learning how to punch and kick if you haven't mastered
sitting and standing yet.
A tense and crooked body just means you're going to throw tense and crooked punches.
So, at the risk of sounding like your mother, sit up straight!
Stand up straight!
And take your dishes to the sink.
I'm not your maid.
In Lesson #1, I recommended that you make yourself comfortable.
Well, when it comes to your stance, that means filling the space that you were born to fill.
Don't hold yourself smaller than you really are and don't hold yourself bigger than
you really are.
Just be you.
But that's not always so easy.
When we're intimidated, nervous, in pain, when someone yells at us, shoves us, or even
just looks at us aggressively, as nice people, we naturally shrink.
Our spirit shrinks and our body shrinks with it.
We must consider that the first battle line in self-defense.
We cannot allow anything outside to shrink us inside.
Shrinking not only reduces your power, it sends out a signal to everybody that you are
not a fighter.
You know what I'm talking about.
If your head is down, your shoulders are rolled forward, your hands are tied up, your feet
are close together, you don't want to talk to anybody, you look weak and afraid.
These are the physical symptoms of fear, pain, shame, embarrassment, and and insecurity…
and guess what?
That's exactly who the bad guys are looking for to beat and abuse.
I mean, think about it--if you were a bad guy, who would you go after?
But what if you're standing tall with your chin straight?
What if you're paying attention with your hands free?
What if you actually have the guts to smile and say hello?
These are the physical symptoms of strength, confidence, courage, and happiness... and
guess what?
That's exactly the kind of person most bad guys don't want to deal with.
That's the kind of person who's ready to think, move, and fight.
I say most bad guys because some people just want to wipe that cocky smile right off
your face.
Trust me on that.
My advice?
Keep the smile, but tone down the cocky.
So, take up too little space, you look weak.
Take up too much space, you look like a jerk.
Bad guys will find both of you!
Make it a habit to fill your space--just your space.
Let your stance tell the whole world what kind of person you really are.
Standing tall can absolutely help you prevent trouble, but if you still find yourself being
threatened or attacked, there are two priorities I want you to keep in mind at all times--protect
your head and stay on your feet.
Of course, all rules have exceptions, but when it comes to the physical fighting techniques
of self-defense, those two rules are the most important.
You're tough.
Tougher than you think.
You can take a hit to any part of you body and keep fighting… uh, except your head.
I don't care who you are--one good shot to the coconut or one good squeeze to the
throat and you might end up out cold… maybe forever.
So, if anything comes near your head or throat--a strike, a grab, a weapon--knock it away or
pull it off immediately.
If you're being threatened, make it a habit to put your hands up and your chin down.
I don't mean bending your head over so much that your spine is compressed and curled up.
Remember, I always want to be straight and comfortable.
But I also don't want my chin to stick out where it's easy to get knocked out or my
throat exposed where it's easy to get grabbed or slashed.
So, find that sweet spot where you can drop your head just enough to be comfortable but
Let's talk about the hands.
When I say put your hands up I mean here--in front of you with your elbows down,
not flaring out.
I want these strong bones between me and the bad guy.
Here's an easy way to set your position.
My hands aren't up or down, they're in the middle.
They're not in or out, they're in the middle.
They're not wide or together, they're in the middle.
From here, I'm ready for anything.
If something is thrown at my head, I can raise my hands up.
If someone is trying to tackle me, I can drop my hands lower.
From here, I'm ready for anything.
I also recommend keeping your hands open.
If I can't escape a threat, my next tactic is to talk my way out of it.
Open hands tells the bad guy and anybody who might be watching and recording with their
phone, hey--I'm prepared to defend myself, but I'd rather make peace.
If you make fists right away, you're only giving yourself one option--time to fight.
Open hands means peace is still an option.
Plus, don't forget--you can still push or smash a bad guy right in the face with
open hands.
So, from here, you're ready to fight even if you don't look like it.
So, priority number one, protect your head.
Priority number two, stay on your feet.
If I'm on my feet, I always have the ability to move and to run.
If I hit the dirt, my options are reduced dramatically.
Yes, I know you can fight on the ground, and hey--you might have to--but if I have a choice,
I'd rather stand.
Believe me, lying on the ground curled up in the fetal position praying that this bunch
of jerks gets tired of kicking and stomping you is a terrible self-defense strategy.
Unless you're a groundhog and really good at digging tunnels.
So, how should we stand if we're being attacked?
If you watch combat sports like boxing, Muay Thai, or wrestling, you'll notice that they
all stand in different ways.
That's because each sport has rules that either allow or disallow specific
styles of attack.
But in self-defense, there are no rules, which means I have to be ready for any type of attack.
So, here's what I recommend.
Start by setting one foot in the front and one foot in the back.
Not too wide, not too close--in the middle.
I can talk from here, I can push from here, I can kick from here, and yeah, I can run
from here.
Now, we'll be working from this stance more in the next video, but for now, just practice
stepping to this stance as quickly as you can.
Let me give you a couple more details.
Setting one foot behind you will help prevent being rocked on to your heels or dropped on
to your butt.
It also makes it easier to pivot your body.
I don't want my feet on the same line where I'm locked into a position where all of
my soft targets are open--wide open--to strikes and takedowns.
By having one foot in the back, I can naturally turn and change angles.
Now, you might be thinking, hey--if that's so great, why not just stand sideways?
In this position, all of my soft targets are taken away from my attacker.
That's true.
But I've also taken away one of my hands and I don't like that.
I'm looking for the best of both worlds.
I'd like to be able to face my attacker and have the freedom to move and change angles.
I also want both of my hands right up here in the front where--dare I say--they may come
in handy.
All right.
Next, make sure you have one foot on the left and one foot on the right.
How wide?
Just use the width of your body as a guideline.
Anything wider than that and it starts to get tricky to move around.
Just focus on keeping your feet under you and feeling stable.
Now, I'm serious about this.
If you find yourself with your feet crossed up, or lined up, or your feet are spread far
apart, or pushed too close together, well--I hope you have good health insurance.
Let's take one more look at the feet.
Specifically, the back foot.
It's very common to see people turn their back foot away from the direction
they're facing.
They drag that leg around like they're a zombie.
I don't know why.
As human beings, we don't walk that way, we don't run that way, we don't jump that
way, it makes no sense to try to defend ourselves that way.
So, please, train yourself to point your feet--both of your feet--in the direction that you're
Don't shuffle around like your leg is broken.
One more thing--bend your knees.
You always want to be able to absorb force and deliver force, but you can't do either
of those things if your knees are locked out.
It's like walking around on a pair of stilts.
So, unless you were raised in the circus, you're better off dropping down and engaging
the powerful muscles of your legs.
They should feel like springs.
That's not only going to help you with your balance and mobility, it's going to give
you a headstart for every self-defense technique you're ever going to need.
Enough about structure.
Let's talk about the fuel that powers that structure.
I'm talking about breathing.
Look--it doesn't matter what kind of car you drive, if you have no gas in the tank,
you're not going anywhere.
So, now that you've fixed your stance, let's take a look under the hood and see how you're
You've been breathing every moment of your life since you were born, even while you're
You'd think that with all that practice, we'd be really good at breathing by now,
but the truth is most of us are not.
I mean, you're still alive--yay!--so you must be doing something right, but I'll bet
just like your posture, you could be taking a little more control and building better
What happens to your breathing when you get upset?
Stressed out?
What about when you get angry or scared?
Or you slam your finger in a door?
I'll bet the way you're breathing right now is not the same way you'd be breathing
if you found out your best friend was spreading lies about you.
Or if somebody got in your face and started yelling at you.
And if somebody slapped you upside the head and shoved you into a wall, I'll bet there's
a chance you would freeze up and stop breathing completely.
We cannot let that happen.
If you let anything or anyone freeze your breath or even shorten your breath, then you
are giving up some of your power to think, move, and fight.
Your goal is to keep breathing like you're having the best day ever, even when
you're not.
Catch your breath before someone takes it from you.
Try this.
Think of your body as a hot air balloon.
When it feels like life is folding you up and trying to tie you down, use your breath
as the fire to fill yourself back up.
I know--I'm full of hot air.
Got it.
Okay, wise guy, but did you know that the word "inspire" literally means to breathe in?
That's right.
The secret to inspiration is inspiration.
So, the next time you're feeling low on energy, or you're getting sucked into an
argument, or someone is crowding you, or causing you pain, take a breath--take a few breaths.
Strengthen your structure.
Build your stance.
Keep breathing until you can fill the space you were born to fill and withstand whatever's
pressing up against you.
That's the fuel you need to speak your mind and stand your ground.
I know--standing up straight and taking a deep breath don't sound like very "cool"
or flashy lessons, but I promise you, when it comes to self-defense and living the best
life possible, they're both crucial.
And don't get me wrong—I know slouching feels good sometimes.
I'm getting old.
I do it, too.
I just want you to be aware of what you're giving up when you do it.
I also want you to recognize that every time you sit up a little straighter or stand up
a little straighter, you're practicing martial arts.
Every time you take a deep breath and fill your space, you're practicing martial arts.
Look--you may never be able to do a full split or land a 720 Cyclone Scissor Kick, but you
can sure as heck master your posture and your breathing.
So, do it.
Remember this--you are a creature of this earth just like any other.
You have a right to be here.
So, don't let anything or anyone shrink you.
When someone mocks you, threatens you, or strikes you, they're trying to make you
feel small and insignificant.
They want you to forget how powerful you really are.
When that happens, when you find yourself under attack, when you feel yourself shrinking,
when it seems like the whole world is out of control, focus first on what you can control--you.
Straighten up and take a breath.
The fact is no self-defense technique works if you're small and scared, but every self-defense
technique has a chance of working when you fill your space and take a breath.
So, train yourself all day, every day to remember how brave and powerful you really are.
If you liked this video, I ask that you share it with someone you love.
I'll see you again in Lesson #4.
Until then, take a breath, and keep fighting for a happy life.
THE CANADIAN INVASION PT 2 | Riding with The Loam Ranger, Jordan Boostmaster and Daily MTB Rider - Duration: 14:51.
In part 1
The Loam Ranger
Jordan Boostmaster
Daily MTB Rider
and I
Went down SST and Backdoor
and it was awesome
But now it's time for part 2
and we're going to be hitting some ladder bridges
Some jumps
and some amazing single track
But first
Josh teaches us how to warm up our fingers
So when you're out riding and it's nice and cold
and you feel the numbness in your fingertips
this is a trick that is supposedly an ice climbers trick
and it's downright adorable
it's awesome
What you do is your put your arms down
and you put your hands up
thats the key, to bend those wrists right up like a penguin
and you keep your elbows locked
and then you shake your shoulders
and when you do it, you'll feel the blood rushing into your finger tips
warming them up
You guys gotta try it right now, come on
flop em
You know, you gotta kinda drop em down
You feel it in your tips, ya
What the heck!
It's voodoo magic!
But I totally feel it
What the, is that actually blood pulsing into the tips?
Ya! It works too when you're freezing cold
Jordan can't feel it cause his muscles are too big
You just gotta kinda flick em down
Ya, I can feel it
We are are the coolest dudes on the mountain
But when you're fingers are so cold and the blood starts going back in
It f*cking hurts
That tingling
It's the shower after a cold ride that your whole body...
But it's like, it's almost like a good feeling, because you're like
you know, psychologically, I'm warming up
Good things are happening
When I was a teenager, I was
I got so drunk that
basically I ended up puking
and my quote at the time was
"It's tastes so bad but it feels so good"
Alright, Jordan's full enduro mode
And we got Chad, right?
Chad, local ripper
Joining us for this lap
and Josh is still messing around with his
gimbal, oh its ready!
Oh, we're ready bro!
Party mode
Alright, evolution
Hey guys
The stinger!
Oh, mud!
Oh, case!
Both rollable
Did you see that!?
Ya, you aired the whole thing!
I charged it and I almost landed flat!
That scared me, like that really scared me
If you go way too fast, ya
My bad, and then right into a corner
That was awesome!
Jordan just f*ckin sent that!
He just like f*cking disappeared
I mean look at it, it just drops
We gotta do this more often
Just follow Jordan around
He'll just send everything
At least my bike can take care of me, that's the only thing
No kidding
Go for it Chad
There you go
A little more calm that time
Oh, I missed that one!
Good times!
Nice one Chad!
Alright, you guys ready?
So just for context
We had already done a half lap of U-Line
And decided to walk back up again
So this is actually our second lap of U-Line
Alright, another one of U-Line!
A little slippery in spots!
Aw, case!
Josh has got this figured out!
Got that line this time
That was awesome
You were pulling away a bit
I tried not to, to much
Ha, so good
I stopped on one of those corners, I was like
Okay, he's not behind me
There it is!
So good!
Ah, you got the trail really figured out, eh?
I've done this a couple times
You wanna lead us off, Josh?
You guys ready?
You, okay!?
Something turned
I didn't know what it was but i heard
Ya, you got..
Well you kinda scrubbed off the trail there it looked like
I was just scrubbin a little bit!
Did he not crash?
He did crash, ya!
Oh, okay!
Ya, he had like a high side
Oh man, those are scary, high sides are the worst
Alright, couple cranks, we should be good
Okay, I hope so
Alright, that was pretty easy
ya, I totally overshot it for sure
Should we go down to A-dog?
That was a fun fall
Luckily Eric got that on footage
I've got the POV
Ya, exactly!
BCpov has the footage of my POV!
Damn, it's getting meta now
I think my bars are a little to the left
Ya, you should probably fix that before A-dog
Ah, it's fine!
I'm good
Let's do it
Making sure I'm recording now
Alright, Atomic Dog!
Little more of a
single track trail, instead of
Machine built
A little bit of a case there
It's good to follow Josh though, he knows
these trails like the back of his hand
That's kinda new, I think, isn't it?
Oh, mud!
Not quite fast enough
Oh, that was muddy
Bike was getting a little squirrely there
Little gap coming up!
Oh, mud!
Oh, so wet!
Call that run Casing-ham!
I was getting a little wild in there!
And I went past doubles in there, that was like yesterday too
I need to hit that, but I just didn't know it
Well, it was good to follow you, cause like
I was like, oh, I gotta pull here!
Some of them I didn't quite get for sure
and some, it's so soft you can
can't do it
This is the step down, step up
Coming right up?
It's a good one, just
Just relax, it's not hard
it's like, your body, your bike will do it
A little step down, step up here
Ah, good times
Great times
Thanks Eric
Nice riding, Chad
Wall ride was sketchy
Ya it is!
Ya, you kinda have to commit a bit to the wall ride, ya
Ya, I landed a bit wonky
Should we get outa here?
Almost another one
Oh, gosh
It's wobbling
You can almost double this thing
Oh, ya?
Almost but not really?
I'm so happy that we all get a long so well and
And everybody is a ripper, like
and thats the first time I've ridden with Josh actually
And he just sends it!
And he was so good to follow
because he just knew the trails so well
and I could just trust his line and
he knew exactly where he was going
I can't wait to do more rides with him
So what is next weeks video going to be?
Let me check the schedule
A bike check?
Really, a bike check?
Okay! I guess its going to be a bike check!
Damn, I better hit that notification bell so I don't miss it!
Or maybe I'll just sign up on Patreon and see it a week early...
KARAOKE AND GRASS. LOUD NEWS @8 - Duration: 12:13.
Hey, everyone! This is LOUD SOUND here.
Need some... - N-n-news?
Misha M, the trash-blogger, who spaced out again after some dew,
started weirding out on Ural.
[M]: This is some f*cked up sh*t! I have f*cking no idea what's going on.
Pioneer is presenting a new line of car radios
with an improved karaoke.
Two guys from Nevinnomyssk are doing several home-sound projects at once.
And more!
Let's go!
Misha M spaced out after some moonxhine again.
[M]: This is one big fat moonsh-sh-shine!
So he started pouring swear words all over his Vk page afain.
This time, the hit was on Ural.
- What an idiot!
[M]: This sort of trash only comes on my channel.
Well, sure! Kuban moonshine works wonders!
That's what you probably thought. But...
[A]: Heck no! [M]: Right!
In fact, the siruation was slightly different.
Although, some of the... [M]: 150 grams, then another 150...
...did take part in it.
We all remember that the video that launched Misha's blogging career
was the one where he criticized Alphard in rough words.
[M]: Alphard sucks hard, f*ck 'em!
And, vice versa, wsa very keen on Hertz.
[M]: I f*cking love these speakers!
But, according to Misha, him and Hertz never figured it out.
[M]: Damn! That's too bad!
So, Misha moved over to Ural hardware.
Everything seemed fine, Misha kept
crash-testing various speakers.
Until one day, after a very rough crash-test of Aura
he got an avalanche of rageful replies
like, 'Why did you crash Aura so hard, and Ural you do really mildly?
Did you sell out?'
[M]: No panic, motherf*ckers!
Misha took it really seriously.
And, again, according to him, he DOES NOT work with any brand
and not getting any money, either.
[M]: I mean, would it f*cking kell them? Not a f*cking dime from anyone!
Anyway, now Misha promises to do his crash-tests on Ural hardware
just as rough as those on any other brand
to demonstrate his integrity and honesty to his audience.
- Capisce?
Actually, Misha, my advice to you is, quit all that moonshining crap
and ski up, like Alex.
This year, another car has undergone changes.
It's Mark Mironenko's Renault Megan.
Now the car is a part of Kicx Sound Team.
The system is already put together and built using components by... - Kicx!
One 12" Tornado sub,
a 3K monoblock, Black Edition,
two pairs of TW46 twitters ad four pars of mids.
It's worth saying that Mark is a judge in competitions of various formats,
and he also owns a format of his own - Sound Battle.
- Way to go!
Well, Kicxers love starting their own formats!
If your car is powered by Kicx, you are onliged to do two things:
first - start your own format, and second - use the word Battle in its title.
Btw, it's been thriving since 2016
and held in a number of towns in Krasnodar Krai.
Vladimir Golubnyak from Lipetsk built a low-cost yet loud project.
The project itself was started back in September, 2017
in a VAZ-2113.
The interesting part is, Vladimir has done it all himself,
evenings, weekends, with no special equipment.
The wall was not built the way we're used to - on rough metal framings,
but was made of 40x40 mm wood panels.
Which never kept the guy from reaching quite the impressive result.
153.9 dB at 41 Hz.
Initially, the system consisted of four Magnum subs,
fed by Kicx 1K'ers.
One of them was a donor, tho.
- Is it just me, or is it too much Kicx, huh?
...but then Vladimir replaced the subs with Ural Patriot
and installed a Korean monoblock, AE 3500
which has better control and higher power than a 1K,
but it is times more expensive.
The front comprises 3 pairs of Momo horns and 4 pairs 16" EDGEs.
Like they say, plenty highs, nary mids.
But Vladimir didn't stop.
The sub set was altered again,
and at the moment, he has four Pride HP subs installed.
The monobloc remained the same.
It is no secret that car audio
has long gone beyond the framework of just cars.
Nice projects are successfully built in motorbikes, bikes, even boats.
- Oh, I guess it's just the boat is some Armenian boat, right?
[T]: It's from St.-Petersburg.
But there's another branch, quite an interesting one.
It's called Home-audio.
[Cap alert] It's audio at home.
Those projects are built not in vehicles but right inside houses.
And now, we're going to tell you about two guys who built one of those.
And yes, we know it's not the only one, so, please, don't go ballistic in the comments.
Nikita Sidorenko and Danila Kuzmin from Nevinnomyssk, both only aged 14,
worked their butts off during their summer holidays
and built not one project like that. They are finishing their second.
The guys started with QW and a box for a single 15".
And, well, got a little carried away.
Their first project was build with a 6th order BP
and comprised two 15" subs,
based on QW in 1:2 proportion.
The sub-set itself is built with Arias and Machetes
and is fed by a Kicx AP 1000 amp.
The front has one pair of Kicx SL.
The bunker already kicks 144 dB,
and the guys are planning on finishing it up and reaching 147 dB.
The second project is almost finished, and it's going to be a 6th order BP.
This time, it'll be four 15"s.
Although the project's been paused due to financial troubles.
But that's no it, either. The guys said they were planning to build another sys.
This time it's a car.
They're doing a 4th order BP in their friend's VAZ-2114.
Let me remind you, they are 14!
I'd like to ask you to support them by subscribing to their channel.
It has a bunch of reviews of the bunker, hardware and more.
And write in comments what car audio you could do when you were 14.
I'm guessing the answers would match mine.
- Not. A. Thing!
[SD]: I doubt any of you can brag of having that.
[SD]: Neither can I.
The competition season has already started.
And to open it, there were two formats.
Those are RBR that was held in Volgograd on April, 21
and SPL Show in Rostov-on-Don on April, 22.
Artyom Lymar told us that RBR has gathered
the record number of cars in its space this year.
About 150 cars.
The Hummer was there, also, Ded Vitos's Dodge, Patriot by The Bears, Aleksey Chirkov's '09,
Nick Ryabov's Lada Grants, the NON_LOUD SOUND '07 and the Hummer attended the event, too.
The road to Volgograd, tho, was so so, as usual.
Or rather... - F*CKING SH*T!
Arty and Vik got stopped by the police three times.
[A]: Traffic policemen reacting.
They also bent two rims on the '07.
Well, y'all know the roads there!
I'm surprised the Hummer didn't bent a wheel.
[Y]: Potholes do not surprise people in Volgograd.
[Y]: It's their quantity and the sizes, though, that puzzle the drivers.
But that didn't stop the guys from reaching their destination
and entertaining people.
Btw, for those who don't know yet, the '07 is not a project for homies anymore.
Its budget has grown. Actually, it's boosted.
[LK]: But that is a whole new story.
The SPL Show in Rostov-on-Don
was visited by less cars - about 30.
But the organizing party put together a great show:
tuned car exhibit, drifting, car audio competitions,
and tons of positive emotions.
Arty and his Hummer won the competition showing 162.1 dB
the average per minute.
But the funniest thing happened at RBR.
It was that guy dancing near Ded Vitos's wall.
- It. Was. Dope.
And now we're taking off for the US of A.
- Welcome to the USA. - Spasibo!
You probably thought we'll speak about Steve Meade or Jonathan Price now.
Nope! We'll tell you about our homie Ivan.
What else would they call a Russian in the US?
'Sup, guys? My name is Ivan.
Like I said, Ivan comes from Rostov-on-Don.
Rostov the Pops.
But now he's moved to the USA and lives in Orlando, Florida.
He wanted to share his pretty interesting project - a Chevrolet Silverado
named The Russian Wind.
The project will be comprised of Alphard components.
Its objective is, to show the whole America the Russian approach to car audio.
Stolichnaya. It's imprtant!
Sounds like impotent!
...to show a good result, to build something new
different from other projects.
And to customize the hell out of it,
in both the looks and the mechanics.
The project has been started. The body's already lost some.
The cage is being welded now.
We'll keep you posted and sure will blow the whistle
when Ivan's car starts singing.
It is no secret that Pioneer
is one of the driver brands to bring innovation
in the car audio industry.
By introducing novelties in head units, in particular.
[SD]: High technologies!
And the latest breakthrough was a karaoke in a car radio.
This means, you can now plug a mic into your HU,
turn on your personal favorite track
and sing along to your fav artist.
To support this innovation, Pioneer launched a massive contest
called Carsing It Up.
To participate you had to post a video of you singing in your car
to get a chance to win a trip to Japan.
The contest went quite successfully,
and the three winners visited the homeland of karaoke - Japan.
But now, Pioneer has introduced a new line of 2-DIN HUs -
A100, A101 and A200BT
which also have this Karaoke function.
But here, the function got way more interesting.
You can insert a karaoke CD, plug in your microphone
and not just sing along with the artist or the instrumental track,
but you can see the lyrics on your screen.
This function makes karaoke a lot more convenient.
Also, with an adapter, you can plug another mic
or add a guitar, per say.
But this line is not only good for having karaoke.
These HUs also have quite a wide functional capacity.
A 13-band equalizer, Android-friendly,
with three pairs of RCA, Xover, time delays.
The functions impress big time.
[Singing 'Trava u Doma' by Zemyane, a.k.a. The Grass of Green]
Like the video, leave comments.
From the whole company LOUD SOUND I'd love to congratulate you
on the upcoming holiday - the Victory Day.
Bye, everyone. Live LOUD.
- It's just impossible to live without music!
You'vecompared the cheap one with the costly one? - Yes.
What's the cheap one's price?
- $1,500.
And this one is $11,500, right?
Bollywood Celebrity Funny Moments - Part 1 - Bollywood Stars Funny | Fool | Prank Videos Compilation - Duration: 10:07.
These Alien Worlds are the Hottest in the Cosmos, Here's What We Know About Them - Duration: 3:58.
Outside our solar system, there are enormous, extremely hot, alien-worlds.
These mysterious exoplanets were originally thought to be the misfits of the cosmos, but
it turns out, there are hundreds of them and they're the source of a lot of speculation.
Astronomers call these exoplanets, hot-Jupiters because they have a similar mass and composition
as our solar system's largest planet.
They are, however, for the most part, much larger and have a greater volume and as the
name suggests they are hot...like really really hot.
The first hot Jupiter was discovered in 1995.
Astronomers spotted the exoplanet orbiting extremely close to its parent star - so close
that it caused the star to wobble.
This observation inspired a new process of exoplanetary discovery called the radial-velocity
method aka the 'wobble method'.
It works like this… scientists use the light spectrum to measure the movement of a star.
If the star's light waves compress together and then stretch out, it's color signature
will change indicating that the star is in fact, wobbling.
And this is a sign that a hot-Jupiter may be close by.
Astronomers still use the wobble method today and it's contributed to the discovery of
hundreds of hot Jupiters.
These exotic extrasolar gas giants have a few characteristics in common.
Like we mentioned earlier, hot Jupiters are located feverishly close to their parent stars.
Take, OGLE-TR-56b for example.
Astronomers discovered this hot Jupiter clinging to its parent star at a distance of about
0.02 AU.
AU stands for astronomical unit and 1 AU represents the average distance from Earth to the Sun.
To put that into perspective, Mercury orbits the sun at 0.39 AU.
So OGLE-TR-56b is about fourteen times closer to its parent star than Mercury is to the
Because of this close proximity, hot Jupiters have scorching surface temperatures.
Since they are tidally locked, only one side of these exoplanets faces its parent star.
While, both sides reach extreme temperatures, the dayside is much hotter.
KELT-9b is the hottest gas giant on record with a dayside temperature of more than 7,800
degrees Fahrenheit.
That's about nine times hotter than the average temperature on Venus - the hottest
planet in our solar system.
The temperatures of hot Jupiters fluctuate as they orbit their parent star at a rapid
Their orbital periods are typically shorter than 10 Earth days.
WASP-18b has one of the shortest orbits ever discovered.
It takes this massive exoplanet just 23 hours to rotate around its star in an almost perfectly
circular orbit.
But the orbital paths of younger hot Jupiters are thought to be more unconventional, because
they're further away from their parent stars.
HD 80606b for example, has a particularly unusual route.
During its elliptical orbit the hot Jupiter swings close to its star at speed and then
shoots back out at a great distance.
Scientists believe this exoplanet is in the process of migrating towards its star, and
it's path could help explain how hot Jupiters are formed.
One of the leading hot Jupiter formation theories holds that these gas giants were born farther
away from their stars, but over hundreds of millions of years, are driven inward by the
gravitational influences from nearby stars or planets.
And as a hot Jupiter migrates closer to its star, its orbital path becomes more circular.
But when a hot Jupiter's orbit becomes too close, it will enter a death spiral.
The tidal forces from its much larger parent star, will ultimately destroy the gas giant.
It's a bittersweet ending for these beautiful bizarre worlds.
While it's sad to see them go, with every hot Jupiter death, we will learn more about
the mysterious objects that inhabit the cosmos.
How To Improve Quality Of Video On YouTube Without Affecting Views And Comments - Duration: 6:06.
Did you know that you can add tweaks and special effects to the videos you've
already uploaded on YouTube? in this video I'm going to show you how to
improve the quality of your videos on YouTube without losing views, comments
and rankings. Hi Herman Drost here from drostdesigns.com If you want to grow your
audience on YouTube and generate traffic leads and sales on autopilot click the
subscribe button and click the bell notification icon so you'll be notified
whenever I have a new video. Even though YooTube removed their video editor in 2017
you can still make changes to your videos on YouTube using enhancements
there are four changes you can make using enhancements number one quick
fixes two filters 3 blurring effects four trim parts your video let's look how
each of these changes affect your video go to your video manager and select the
video that you wish to tweak I'm going to select this one click the drop-down
click enhancements at the top here you've got quick fixes filters and
blurring effects at the bottom you've got trim out parts of your video so if
you want to auto fix the lighting for your video click on auto fix its 1 click
fix for lighting and color if you want to stabilize your video just click
stabilize and it removes shaky camera motions if you want to fill more light in just
increase the light if you want to increase the saturation move the slider
to the right or I can move it to the left if I want to add some contrast move it to the left or
right to the left to the right if you want to add some color temperature move it to
the left or right it;s colder it's warmer if you want to do slow motion you can
slow it down or if you want to speed it up you can do time-lapse
if we click on filters we can actually try different filters more like black
and white kind of greenish warmer you can also blur objects just click
blurring effects we can blur faces or you can do custom blurring which you can
choose areas to blur and track in your video so click on custom blurring let me
just select the objects that we wish to blur so let's blur out this person and
this person so you can move the scrubber here after that you just click done as
you can see the people are now blurred out Now if you want to trim out parts of
your video just click trim and just move the handles at the end if you want to
trim out the end you're going to trim out the beginning just move the handle
to the right say if you want to remove the middle section just go to where you want to
remove the middle section so say I want to remove from the 15-second mark so I
just click split now we're gonna move forward a little bit more 18 seconds do
split again I just click delete to remove that section if you think you
made a mistake just click clear which undos all the trims if you like
what you did you just click done to confirm the changes you can test the
part that you've cut out by just playing the video so I'm just gonna play the
video and you can see it jumps to the next part if you're satisfied with the
changes just click done to confirm the changes if you want to save all the
tweaks and changes you made to your existing video on YouTube just click
Save in place you'll see a banner "editing in progress" across your video video
processing usually takes 24 hours or less
if I click revert to original and it says this action will restore your video
to its original state including your copyright claims that you've received
any edits that you've made since upload will be lost if you want to save it as a
new video click save as a new video it says delete your original video you want
to delete this video when the new version has finished processing note you
will not be able to recover up once it's deleted you can check the box delete
original video once edits are done here are some uses for tweaking or adding
special effects to your videos on YouTube
trim livestream videos perhaps you made some technical mistakes during the
livestream or you want to cut out a part of the live stream
that you don't want to appear in the replay just use the trim tool to cut out
parts of your video remove shakiness Perhaps you took some video clips with your
phone that are shaky you can remove some of the shakiness by using a quick fixes
tool in enhancements blurring effects perhaps you mistakenly included a face or
object in your video that you want blurred out just use the custom blurring
tool in enhancements to blur out the object or the face if you mistakenly
filmed your video with your phone sideways or upside down you can correct it using
the rotate tool if you want to rotate your video to the right you just click
rotate right to rotate your video to the left click rotate left then click
save video in place here are three important things to keep in mind number
one you can't make changes to a video that has over a 100,000 views
instead you can create a new video by just saving the existing video as a new
video the exception is you can still blur faces
and objects on videos that have over a 100,000 views number two free
editors if you want to edit a video beyond the features used in enhancements
then download the video first , edit it in video editing software then upload
it as a new video some free editing tools you can use is iMovie for the Mac
shot cut open shot and kinemaster on mobile number three you can make
multiple changes to a video you've already uploaded to YouTube using your
video manager check this box click the drop down and you can make changes to
info and settings enhancements audio end screens cards subtitles download their
mp4 promote it and delete it now you know how to add special effects to a
YouTube video without losing comments views or rankings is there anything else
I can do to improve the quality of existing videos on YouTube
absolutely you can add cards and end screens click the link in a card to learn
how to add an end screen so you can get more views and subscribers if you want
to grow your audience on YouTube and generate traffic leads and sales on
autopilot click the round subscribe button below
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a few words to remind you
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