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For more infomation >> BRUDER TOYS construction toys action! Bulldozer in trouble Kids video - Duration: 11:47.-------------------------------------------
Domestic Dispute - Stop Fighting with Coworkers While Cleaning - Duration: 5:05.
Domestic disputes and house cleaning: What happens when you go to a customer's house
with your spouse, who is your business partner, and you are involved
in the middle of a domestic dispute?
We're going to talk about that today.
Hi there, I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner.
This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question,
and I get to help you find an answer.
Now, today's show is brought to us by,
which is a website, and it's a hub for all
different kinds of cleaning things.
On there, you're going to find some reference material about — check it out — domestic
disputes, and how you're supposed to work through that kind of stuff and creating boundaries.
So, if your business partner is a partner of yours, and you get along swimmingly for
most of the time, and then one day, lo and behold, you wake up and you're in the middle
of this domestic dispute, or you're in a fight, or you got bad feelings and bad energy, and
you have to go to a customer's house, what on earth do you do?
All right, that's a great question.
My answer to you is this: If you've ever gone to a show — and I'm thinking of Las Vegas,
or a theater show — and you show up and you've paid your money, and you're excited,
and you dressed up for the evening, maybe you're on a date, you went out to dinner,
you came to see this lovely show, and then you get there and the person that's supposed
to come out and perform has canceled the show because ... For whatever reason.
They're sick, they didn't show up, something happened.
All of a sudden, it taints your whole enthusiasm for this particular performer.
You're like, "Oh my goodness, I waited all these months for this particular night, and
now here I am, and the show just got canceled."
There's a saying in show business that says "the show must go on," and so even when performers
are deathly sick, oftentimes they will come out and they will put on the show of their
life, because their customers and their audience are expecting it, and they are wanting this
particular experience.
So when your customers hire you, they too want the show to go on, and so you have to
act like a performer.
So now, I'm angry, I'm bitter, I'm in the middle of this domestic violence or domestic
dispute, and I'm angry with my spouse, and there's hate and animosity and whatever.
Guess what?
When you get to your customer's house, the show must go on.
You can't let any of that come out.
And so, before you get to your car, you've seen those clapboards where they do, like,
"Okay, take one, take two"?
You're going to have to do that mentally, and say, "Okay, here goes, the show begins,"
and make a clapboard for yourself, and start the scene now.
And as you go into the customer's house, wear a great big smile, be happy about your day,
be grateful that you have the job, and go in and give it your best, because it's not
your customer's responsibility to solve and resolve your domestic disputes.
It's not their job.
They don't want to know about it, they don't care, and even though they may like you as
a person, they don't want to get involved in your personal fights.
My suggestion would be, if you're tag-teaming it and there are two of you in the house,
one of you go upstairs and one of you go downstairs, or go to opposite sides of the house.
Don't look at each other, don't talk to each other, don't anything while you're in the
customer's house, because if you start fighting and bickering in the customer's house, you're
probably going to lose the job.
It's really unprofessional.
Don't bring your unprofessionalism to your customers' houses.
Now, I know a lot of customers that have complained to me personally about either coworkers that
are fighting with each other or husband-and-wife teams that are fighting with each other while
they're at their houses, and they'll ask me, "What do I do?"
And I don't want to say "fire them," because I'm on your side.
I want you guys to have the job, I want you to have the business.
But I'm also on the customer's side, because I want them to receive what they're paying
for, and they're not paying for you to be sitting there arguing
while you're supposed to be cleaning.
So wipe it aside, put all of your confusions, your chaos, put it aside.
When you show up to the customer's house, do it 100%, give it your best, so that when
you leave, the customer sitting in the theater is like, "Yes, that was the best show ever,"
and then they go on social media, and they tweet, and they talk to their friends, and
they post and re-pin and take pictures, and "Wow, what an amazing show," never knowing
that the performer was really sick or ill, or angry or bitter, or in the middle of this
domestic dispute, right?
So you want to put on this amazing show.
Then, when you get out to your car and the doors are closed, and you've pulled off down
the street, you can fight all you want, I don't care,
but don't do it in front of your customer,
because your customer deserves your very best.
Alrighty, that's my two cents for today, and until we meet again,
leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.
5 remedios caseros con cebolla para aliviar la tos - Duration: 7:34.
François Hollande tacle Emmanuel Macron en dénonçant les propos de Trump sur les attentats - Duration: 1:29.
La caquita. Un libro perfecto para trabajar la autoestima - Duration: 0:31.
《MVP情人》隊長驚爆住院! 自拍照洩病況 - Duration: 2:34.
Comment apprendre à aimer vraiment ma vie? - Duration: 7:34.
Marcelo: "Ya sabemos como es Suárez y por eso no tiramos el balón fuera" - Duration: 1:39.
Messi zanjó por las bravas el pique entre Luis Suárez y Ramos - Duration: 1:52.
Drake Type Beat
Wheels On The Bus | Little Eddie | Nursery Rhymes For Kids - Duration: 1:03:43.
Let's go on the bus ride!
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round,
Round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
All through the town.
The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish;
Swish, swish, swish;
Swish, swish, swish;
The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish, swish,
All through the town.
The driver on the bus go move on back..
Move on back
Move on back
The driver on the bus go move on back..
All through the town.
The people on the bus go up and down
Up and down
Up and down
The people on the bus go up and down
All through the town.
The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep, beep;
Beep, beep, beep;
Beep, beep, beep;
The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep, beep;
All through the town.
The babies on the bus go "Wah, wah, wah;
Wah, wah, wah;
Wah, wah, wah;
The babies on the bus go "Wah, wah, wah;
All through the town
The mommies on the bus go "Shush, shush, shush;
Shush, shush, shush.
Shush, shush, shush.
The mommies on the bus go "Shush, shush, shush;
All through the town
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round,
Round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
All through the town.
That was such a Fun ride wasn't it!
Grande Fratello 2018 quarta puntata: ecco chi ritorna | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:32.
Barbara D'Urso e la frecciatina ad Alessia Marcuzzi: i dettagli | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:18.
النجاح المالي ◆ كلام مهم جدا للنجاح في الحياة ◆ محاضرة رائعة جدا للدكتور طارق السويدان - Duration: 7:02.
Grande Fratello: Patrizia Bonetti, accusa choc contro Stefano Ricucci | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:48.
연휴 주택가에서 LP가스 추정 폭발…주택 4채 파손 - Duration: 1:31.
Uomini e Donne: Marta in discoteca con altri corteggiatori per scordare Nicolò | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.
Gf 15, Matteo e Alessia si sono baciati: lo scoop di Domenica Live | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.
Ủ phân từ bã mía - bã mía trồng cây - Duration: 2:24.
Can You Escape The 100 Room 5 level 48. - Duration: 5:24.
Los Angeles Angels vs Seattle Mariners - MLB The Show 18 Real Upcoming Game Matchups Series - Duration: 23:28.
정윤희, 아들사망→남편위기→집 경매 "파란만장 영화같은 삶" - Duration: 3:44.
Can You Escape The 100 Room 5 level 49. - Duration: 4:55.
অভিমানী ভালোবাসা | Valobashar Golpo | diary (Bangla) - Duration: 0:46.
Thanks for watching
Top Keynote Speaker 2018
Aldersfacist - Mor og far sidder i Grøften - Duration: 1:01.
Barbara D'Urso e la frecciatina ad Alessia Marcuzzi: i dettagli | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:18.
How to apply for a job I Sweden - Duration: 2:05.
When you have found an interesting advert or you want to make a spontaneous application,
the next step is to send your CV and a personal letter.
Limit your CV to around two computer written A4 pages.
Also the personal letter should be very short,
no more than one page and clearly state why you think you're suitable for the job.
When applying for a job in Sweden you can also use the CV format Europass.
Don't bother sending certificates or references, they can be sent later when requested.
It's always good to follow up with a phone call a couple of days later.
When called for an interview, make sure you're well prepared.
Read up on the company and on the advertised position before the interview.
You'll have to answer questions about why you have applied for this job
and your background such as education, previous employment and leisure interests.
It's also common to be asked to describe your strengths and weaknesses
and how they may impact on the job for which you are applying.
You'll also be expected to ask questions of your own at the end of the interview.
Sometimes you may be called to a second or even a third interview
and be asked to take tests of various kinds, depending on the type of job you're applying for.
For financial support, information and job matching,
look up the EU mobility schemes Your first EURES job and Reactivate.
You may be entitled to some support to attend an interview in Sweden,
as well as to cover costs for language training, recognition of qualifications or relocation to Sweden.
How I Met my Korean Husband?♥ - Duration: 11:55.
MUSIC MONDAY ♡ REVIEWING NEW 2018 ♡ Shawn Mendes ♡ Billie Eilish & More! - Duration: 4:45.
what's everybody it's Mahogany Lox and welcome back to music Monday and please
excuse my allergies but today we're gonna do something super special I
haven't done the music Monday and what it feels like forever and I've heard you
guys I've read your comments and you want them back but you know what we're
gonna bring it back the original way like my bedroom style where I would just
be my living room chillin and like we're gonna bring that back and then maybe
be in my living room chilling, like we're gonna bring that back
and then maybe
we'll bring that the way back you know you never know what's gonna happen on
this channel so make sure you subscribe I personally love listening to new music
and I know what you guys do too that's why you come back every Monday
well now you will good play these are Monday's back but whatever maybe a wee
new music Peppa Peppa so let's get started and see somebody music you know
almost like I am gonna go on Spotify not as fun quit these fonts well if I have
yep and I'm gonna look up their new releases and start playing them guys if
you haven't heard my music is on Spotify as well I'll leave a link down below to
some of my Spotify playlists I also made a Mac on Spotify playlist with all the
old songs used to play that will give you some nostalgia if you will so I'll
leave that down below new releases Sean came out with a new
song and I really wanted to hear it but I waited to hear it here with you guys
first so this is Sean and Khalid and its colonies
I wasn't expecting it to be gonna sad I had no idea what to expect honestly I
feel like that song really resonates with people right now because of what
the world is going through so it's nice to hear like artists speak on it you
know so that's cool feel like if you're into like a slow room throw that in I
think Khalid is an amazing artist I think Sean's an amazing artist and I
think that Sean's new album is gonna be fired I really like the direction Sean's
going in now and I mean I've loved his songs before but like lostinjapan is my
jam that is lame freakin jail for the tension now listen to Troye Sivan voluma
see this is true
first thing is out my work is awesome I think it's so cool the way it's like
glass cartoon but it's him and the hair is like normal I don't know those real
sick real sick and it's like I could hear this song like a movie you don't
mean like that's like like you can see like a couple finally becoming a couple
and I like doing a little like equal montage and I feel like I can hear that
song in the background it seems I could fit really really well on that movie the
next song is genius by SIA Diplo labyrinth and LSD that chorus inspired I
would really like that so different and it's very like like the first word kind
of like whoa do you think I'm stupid huh and then it just kind of oh man that's a
button I saved it already it music changes your mood so much and if you're
feeling a certain way and you hear a song that relates to how you're feeling
in the moment like it really hives you up so now I'm like oh let's go who
designed that came out with a new song okay that's called price tagging see
huh Tea Party Oh like that I go by it like that oh
this song is a minute in 51 seconds that is so short
whoa you know I can put on the party playlists and just drop it if you like
look give me an you press that one that you don't mean like throw it in there go
we got Billy I legit see
that song is so pretty I think it made me feel very I feel like we need to
bring music my name's back and if you guys want to see more videos like this
this was like a really short one because I feel like I accidentally heard every
song I came out recently whoa whoa sudo see I'm a little rusty I haven't filmed
in a long time just in general so bear with me don't
really click like and subscribe to the channel and I'll see you guys later I
love you guys too new
I Have A Thing About Bathrooms - Duration: 41:38.
台灣民眾為何不怕解放軍繞島?很多人不怕「被統」 - Duration: 3:37.
非洲夥伴辛巴威要「背叛」中國?西方媒體又遭真相打臉 - Duration: 3:10.
JAK ZDROWO SCHUDNĄĆ, czyli dieta bez głodzenia i efektu jojo - Duration: 16:14.
How to Cope with Bipolar Depression - Duration: 3:06.
Hey guys, it's Hannah.
Coping with depression when you live with bipolar disorder.
Depression freakin sucks.
And it's good to prepare yourself
and have techniques and methods,
even though they might be small,
to get you towards getting into the light
when you're in the darkness.
So first off,
you want to give yourself some time
and not beat yourself down.
Listen, this is what we go through
when we live with bipolar disorder.
Okay. So stop beating yourself up.
Give yourself a couple of days.
And then, get back into the routine of things.
One major, major thing,
and I got my bag of goodies here,
that I do is
I love to write.
So journaling and writing fiction.
Stories. Poetry.
Writing down affirmations and quotes
are life-saving for me.
I can't say it enough.
Reading self-help books, novels.
Anything to get your mind to refocus.
Highlighting things you find in these
are absolutely huge.
It gives you inspiration, motivation
and, again, it just refocuses your mind
onto something better.
One major thing that people use,
and it may seem childish to some,
is coloring.
It's a way to be artistic
with your emotions.
And for a lot of people,
it helps.
It also helps me.
It's art therapy.
If kids can do it, so can we.
One thing that I always believe in
is I always always, always
have hope for tomorrow.
I always believe in tomorrow.
And people will email me and say:
"I have bipolar disorder
and I was doing so well
and then I got into a depression."
Okay? This is the name of the game.
This is what we live with.
Just like anybody who lives with an illness.
So you constantly have to prepare yourself.
And it doesn't mean you're not in recovery.
It means you live with bipolar disorder.
So learn to express your emotions.
I also take on hobbies during these times.
I collect vintage love letters
and vintage books.
And I did that during a really depressive episode.
It helped me regain confidence
and rebuild myself.
And one day,
I just kind of got out of it.
When I first started swimming lessons
and went to the ocean,
the person told me
that if I ever got caught in the current,
I had to swim with the current
in order to survive.
That if I fought with it,
I would drown.
And that's how I look at these highs and lows.
If you fight with these emotions
and really go against them
you're gonna exhaust yourself
and you're gonna drown.
That's why building these techniques
to cope with depression,
when you live with bipolar disorder,
is huge.
And I want to hear your suggestions.
Your advice for books.
Anything you have to say.
Please leave that in the comment section.
I look forward to seeing you guys next week.
Dieta koktajlowa: przepisy na koktajle dla zdrowia i urody - Duration: 4:11.
毫無徵兆!美軍剛曝光了什麼大動作?俄軍方:危險來臨 - Duration: 3:59.
為何西方對我們推出小型潛艇惴惴不安?再次指責中國玩壞一項技術 - Duration: 5:10.
BMW 1 Serie 118 i Executive Automaat 5 deurs 62.013km - Duration: 0:53.
Słodkie ziemniaki to szczególny rodzaj ziemniaków, które należą do innego gatunku i rodziny niż zwykłe ziemniaki, które jemy na co dzień. Występują w wielu rodzajach i kolorach.
Najczęściej można je spotkać w kolorze biało-kremowym lub żółto-pomarańczowym. Istnieją również słodkie ziemniaki o barwie fioletowej.
Warzywa te zawierają ogromne bogactwo przeciwutleniaczy, a także mają bardzo korzystne wartości odżywcze.15 faktów o słodkich ziemniakach:
1. Są świetnym wyborem dla diabetyków. Zawierają naturalne cukry, które zmniejszają i stabilizują poziom insuliny, dzięki czemu skutecznie regulują poziom cukru.
2. Słodkie ziemniaki są bogate w błonnik i sprzyjają trawieniu. Zapobiegają również rakowi śledziony i przeciwdziałają zaparciom.
3. Zawierają karotenoidy, które pomagają w produkcji witaminy A, która ma właściwości regenerujące dla układu oddechowego. Osoby z problemami oddechowymi, zwłaszcza palacze, powinni często jeść słodkie ziemniaki.
4. W słodkich ziemniakach występuje w dużych ilościach również witamina D. Służy ona zdrowiu zębów, serca, skóry, kości, a także podnosi ogólny poziom energii i reguluje czynności tarczycy.
5. Obecny w nich potas z kolei poprawia pracę serca. Obniża negatywny wpływ sodu, reguluje ciśnienie krwi i równoważy elektrolity.Słodkie ziemniaki zawierają witaminę B6, która zapobiega atakowi serca, udarom i chorobom degeneracyjnym.
6. Potas sprzyja też zdrowiu tkanek i mięśni. Zmniejsza opuchnięcia i skurcze, dodaje energii i odpręża mięśnie, a także reguluje przewodzenie sygnałów nerwowych i stabilizuje pracę serca.
7. Słodkie ziemniaki zawierają również beta-karoten, który działa jak przeciwutleniacz. Pomaga przy artretyzmie, podagrze i astmie, chroni przed rakiem płuc i piersi, a także zmniejsza efekty starzenia.
8. Słodkie ziemniaki są bogate w kwas foliowy, niezbędny dla zdrowego rozwoju płodu. Kobiety w ciąży powinny spożywać więcej słodkich ziemniaków.
9. Zawartość potasu w słodkich ziemniakach zwiększa przepływ tlenu, reguluje równowagę płynów ciała i normalizuje pracę serca. Z kolei magnez działa przeciwstresowo.
10. Witamina C jest niezbędna dla funkcjonowania całego ciała, a słodkie ziemniaki zawierają jej wyjątkowo dużo.
11. Warzywa te są też bogate w żelazo, które pełni podstawową rolę w produkcji czerwonych i białych komórek krwi. Dlatego są skuteczne przeciwko anemii.
12. Możesz wykorzystać nawet wodę po gotowaniu słodkich ziemniaków – będzie świetna do złagodzenia podrażnień skóry, oczyszczenia porów i usunięcia zanieczyszczeń.
Zawarta w słodkich ziemniakach witamina C wspomaga wytwarzanie w ciele kolagenu, a witamina E pomaga poprawić stan skóry. Antocyjany natomiast usuwają zmarszczki i ciemne kręgi pod oczami.
13. Słodkie ziemniaki zmniejszają bóle menstruacyjne dzięki zawartości żelaza i manganu.14. Jeśli masz problem ze zniszczonymi włosami lub łupieżem, beta-karoten usunie łupież i przyspieszy wzrost włosów.
15. Słodkie ziemniaki zawierają bogactwo witamin i minerałów, dlatego są niezwykle korzystne dla metabolizmu enzymów, białka i węglowodanów.
Warto więc jeść je częściej. Jeśli jednak cierpisz na kamienie układu moczowego, skonsultuj się wcześniej z lekarzem.
Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6I-16V ATTRACTION 121.000 km ! AIRCO VELOURS '06 - Duration: 1:11.
Spec Corvette sponsored by Trackspec Motorsports, Race #1 at ACS on 5-6-18 - Duration: 10:27.
This is a four lap Spec Corvette Super Sprint Race. Three cars lined up three abreast to take the green flag and sprint to the finish.
The best lap is the last one starting at Minute 7:45.
Green Flag - START!!!
[New Method] How To Get Free PSN Gift Card Codes **Fast Working 2018 - 2019** - Duration: 2:50.
[New ] free xbox codes | free xbox live codes *full video tutorial 2018*
Paulina Krupińska dostanie własny program w TVN?! O czym będzie jej nowe show? - Duration: 3:10.
Self Whitening Kit from Korea-お家ホワイトニング- - Duration: 3:27.
Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...
Paulina Krupińska dostanie własny program w TVN?! O czym będzie jej nowe show? - Duration: 3:10.
DISGRAFIA RAGAZZI: cosa fare - Duration: 7:03.
Bomba: Clara pode morrer por vingança em 'O Outro Lado do Paraíso' - Duration: 4:26.
3 batidos caseiros para combater a retenção de líquidos - Duration: 7:40.
Colchoneta Hikerbros, Top Lander, Aricxi, Lyduo, Araer Sleeping pad (subtitles) - Duration: 5:11.
Hi from Melon Bites
to not take the car I have to hike a few miles
for this sleeping pad
that has no R value
I bring my.....
space mat....
this is one of my micro adventures
and will be trying
this light sleeping pad
tomorrow I will tell you my thoughts
it weights in total 460grs
includes a couple patches
better than nothing
the bag is light and simple
the valve is the same as in naturehike light models
this one is the Hikerbros
will add in the descriptions links for all brands that are the same pad...
they are all the same product
a first look
looks good
let´s check dinner
some spagetti bolognesa
this tent has the right space
for one and the gear
good night from Melon Bites
May 1, 1Cº
good morning again
looks like a fantastic day, but still cold
this is comfortable
let me tell you first the bad
there is no thermal resistance, very lo R value
it is sitll a thing pad
if you stand in your knees you will feel the floor
let´s go with the nice things
I have seen it from 25 to 35€
so for 25 or 30€
such a light
pad, and comfortable, I think is great
the size
it´s perfect for me
it´s arojnd 56 cm wide, and 190 cm long
let´s talk about what it´s important
I slept really well
I remember when sleeping on the Naturhike light ones
because the height was just 1.5, 2cm
when side sleeping you feel the ground
but this one is around 3.5 or more cm high
more in the big squares
they feel strong
now I´m sitting
and I don´t feel the ground
that was the reason I wanted to try this one, the height
More Kids are on Psychiatric Drugs than Ever - Duration: 5:35.
Skincare Finds Under $20 - Duration: 4:48.
Drs. Rx: How Can You Get More Health Benefits from Turmeric? - Duration: 1:39.
'The Clean 20' Baked Apple Oatmeal Cup Recipe - Duration: 2:11.
Proteinaceous Salmon Pasta Recipe from 'The Clean 20' - Duration: 1:07.
Woman Claims Dad Was Unnecessarily Sedated at a Nursing Care Facility - Duration: 3:40.
¿Qué opinas sobre la servitización? #opinionescirculares1 - Duration: 0:52.
Primeros pasos para montar vídeos con Camtasia Studio 8 - Duration: 16:09.
BBB18: Kaysar relata a dor de perder seu grande amor na guerra - Duration: 4:53.
Słodkie ziemniaki to szczególny rodzaj ziemniaków, które należą do innego gatunku i rodziny niż zwykłe ziemniaki, które jemy na co dzień. Występują w wielu rodzajach i kolorach.
Najczęściej można je spotkać w kolorze biało-kremowym lub żółto-pomarańczowym. Istnieją również słodkie ziemniaki o barwie fioletowej.
Warzywa te zawierają ogromne bogactwo przeciwutleniaczy, a także mają bardzo korzystne wartości odżywcze.15 faktów o słodkich ziemniakach:
1. Są świetnym wyborem dla diabetyków. Zawierają naturalne cukry, które zmniejszają i stabilizują poziom insuliny, dzięki czemu skutecznie regulują poziom cukru.
2. Słodkie ziemniaki są bogate w błonnik i sprzyjają trawieniu. Zapobiegają również rakowi śledziony i przeciwdziałają zaparciom.
3. Zawierają karotenoidy, które pomagają w produkcji witaminy A, która ma właściwości regenerujące dla układu oddechowego. Osoby z problemami oddechowymi, zwłaszcza palacze, powinni często jeść słodkie ziemniaki.
4. W słodkich ziemniakach występuje w dużych ilościach również witamina D. Służy ona zdrowiu zębów, serca, skóry, kości, a także podnosi ogólny poziom energii i reguluje czynności tarczycy.
5. Obecny w nich potas z kolei poprawia pracę serca. Obniża negatywny wpływ sodu, reguluje ciśnienie krwi i równoważy elektrolity.Słodkie ziemniaki zawierają witaminę B6, która zapobiega atakowi serca, udarom i chorobom degeneracyjnym.
6. Potas sprzyja też zdrowiu tkanek i mięśni. Zmniejsza opuchnięcia i skurcze, dodaje energii i odpręża mięśnie, a także reguluje przewodzenie sygnałów nerwowych i stabilizuje pracę serca.
7. Słodkie ziemniaki zawierają również beta-karoten, który działa jak przeciwutleniacz. Pomaga przy artretyzmie, podagrze i astmie, chroni przed rakiem płuc i piersi, a także zmniejsza efekty starzenia.
8. Słodkie ziemniaki są bogate w kwas foliowy, niezbędny dla zdrowego rozwoju płodu. Kobiety w ciąży powinny spożywać więcej słodkich ziemniaków.
9. Zawartość potasu w słodkich ziemniakach zwiększa przepływ tlenu, reguluje równowagę płynów ciała i normalizuje pracę serca. Z kolei magnez działa przeciwstresowo.
10. Witamina C jest niezbędna dla funkcjonowania całego ciała, a słodkie ziemniaki zawierają jej wyjątkowo dużo.
11. Warzywa te są też bogate w żelazo, które pełni podstawową rolę w produkcji czerwonych i białych komórek krwi. Dlatego są skuteczne przeciwko anemii.
12. Możesz wykorzystać nawet wodę po gotowaniu słodkich ziemniaków – będzie świetna do złagodzenia podrażnień skóry, oczyszczenia porów i usunięcia zanieczyszczeń.
Zawarta w słodkich ziemniakach witamina C wspomaga wytwarzanie w ciele kolagenu, a witamina E pomaga poprawić stan skóry. Antocyjany natomiast usuwają zmarszczki i ciemne kręgi pod oczami.
13. Słodkie ziemniaki zmniejszają bóle menstruacyjne dzięki zawartości żelaza i manganu.14. Jeśli masz problem ze zniszczonymi włosami lub łupieżem, beta-karoten usunie łupież i przyspieszy wzrost włosów.
15. Słodkie ziemniaki zawierają bogactwo witamin i minerałów, dlatego są niezwykle korzystne dla metabolizmu enzymów, białka i węglowodanów.
Warto więc jeść je częściej. Jeśli jednak cierpisz na kamienie układu moczowego, skonsultuj się wcześniej z lekarzem.
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