let´s see if I catch him
this is hard
hi guys, so this is the place where I will start fishing
is 7:15 am
the road ends here, it is not because there have been floods
this was a stream but they built a dam
so the houses, the roads and bridges are all under water
and the road ends here
and was only a couple years ago, let´s see if we get a good day
of course the battery died when I get a fish
is always like that, but I recorded with that cam
and let´s see the fish we got here
let´s go far from shore
look at this
this fish is so beautiful
is heavy
another one
don´t enter... he enter
I am now trying to save batteries
I am fishing for some hours now
so I am recording only when I get a fish
let´s see what we have here
come inside
so let´s see this one
I only want to show you
is just for the cam, than I will release you
just this
is just this what I want to do
so beautiful don´t you think?
so beautiful
there he goes
thanks to this fish I lost my pliers
I drop in the fight into the water
look at this
I am trying to fish for pikes
and fish Bass
with a Eel
he is fat
this was fished with the Eel
if I catch him...
is hard
and done
he is heavy
I think I will stop there, this cam is without batteries and I will take a photo
so let´s take a photo of the fish
so let´s release
this fish
there he goes
another one, is the 4th Pike and a Bass
this time I fish him with the Eel, the lure I fish the Bass
hope you like the video
I fish 4 pikes
I don´t record one of the fights because my batterie died
but I record the other 3 fights
and I fish a Bass too
yes 4 pikes and a bass
this place got some pikes because is hard
the banks are inaccessible
for those who fish in tubes, can you see the water?
we are in a valley and there is a lot of wind
so is hard t fish here and maybe that is the reason there are some fish here
has I said this was a small stream
and they made a dam so the bottom
has you can see outside of water the bottom is full of trees
all of this are trees
if your lure go to the bottom you will loose it
so this place can be a very good place
because is very hard to fish here
so not much people can fish here
there is alot of wind
you can´t fish from shore
amd the bottom is full of trees
and we are arriving
this road goes to....
... well to no side lol
where you see this bridge under the water is another bridge
I don´t know if you can see the bridge
was a Ruman bridge
the road is in the bottom
can you see the line?
we arrive
what a day...
For more infomation >> Pesca brutal de Lucios - Insane Pike fishing - Duration: 12:01.-------------------------------------------
Vuoi tornare in forma e non hai tempo? - Duration: 2:43.
Cortisone: Le sue alternative naturali con effetti simili - Duration: 3:27.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 220 D LEASE EDITION Avantgarde, Spiegelpakket, Zitcomfortpakket, Achteruitrij - Duration: 1:08.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 Limousine Aut. AMG Line | Nightpakket | Burmester | COMAND - Duration: 1:12.
벤츠코리아, 'GLC 350 e 4매틱' 출시...6,790만원부터[24/7 카] - Duration: 5:33.
Welcome to London, Innit - Duration: 1:58.
Como regular o açúcar no sangue com canela de Ceilão - Duration: 7:05.
Come rimuovere velocemente lo sporco ostinato dalle pentole in acciaio inox in modo che brillino - Duration: 3:24.
auricolari doppio driver della BlitzWolf - Duration: 2:06.
Jaguar I-PACE | Elettrizzare Roma - Duration: 1:41.
George Clooney dnes sfoukne 57 svíček: Připomeňte si filmové role, díkykterým - Duration: 2:13.
【MUKBANG】 [SO ADDICTING!!!] Easy Microwave YOPOKKI!! 20 Cups, 6615kcal [CC Available]|Yuka [Oogui] - Duration: 10:02.
5 formas de usar o óleo de coco para um cabelo saudável - Duration: 8:49.
Primeros pasos para montar vídeos con Camtasia Studio 8 - Duration: 16:09.
Consigli per eliminare il cattivo odore delle ascelle - Salute 24h - Duration: 6:24.
Food that naturally cleanses the liver - Duration: 5:04.
food that naturally cleanses the liver
in today's time we all live unhealthy lives
we eat processed foods
we also consume preservatives and chemicals through instant and junk food
then comes the environmental pollution was adds on to the unhealthy living
the life we lead fill our body with metal chemicals and other toxins
therefore it becomes important for us to cleanse our body and nourishes it from time to time
it is important to care for our internal well-being too
as much as we care about our external beauty
our liver is the vital organ that works as a filter of the body
and throws out all the toxins
if the liver is not healthy our body will not be able to absorb the nutrients from the food we eat
to make things simple and easy we brought you the list of foods
that can be toxify liver naturally
add these readily available food items
into your diet and see the magic
1. garlic
sure garlic is known to have a pungent smell
but looking at the amazing health benefits
this vegetable offer the smell can be ignored
the two natural compounds Allison and selenium
are present in garlic in the right amount
both of these minerals helps in activating the enzymes present in the liver
the garlic is also a good source of vitamin b6
that acts as an anti-inflammatory in the liver
2. green leafy vegetables
the ever lasting benefits of green leafy vegetables are not hidden from anyone
they are the rich source of iron
and other vital minerals and vitamins
they can neutralize heavy metals and chemicals
that make way into the body through processed foods and other unhealthy habits
also adding green leafy vegetables such as chicory
spinach and arugula to the diet
helps in the more production of bile and improving its flow
it helps in eliminating the toxins from the body
3. apples
this commonly available fruit
is a rich source of pectin
it helps in the natural cleansing of the body
and throwing out all the waste
thus this fruit lessens the burden of the liver
thereby promoting its health
4. grapefruit
grapefruits contains vitamin C
and glutathione a protein that helps in detoxifying the liver
glutathione is also naturally produced by the liver
and it is required by the body
for its other processes too
such as producing protein and chemicals
essential for the body building and repairing tissue
and for a stronger immune system
5. walnuts
add walnut to your diet to enjoy its numerous health benefits
they are high in amino acids arginine
arginine in our cannon plays an important role
in detoxifying ammonia in the liver
they are a rich source of glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids
and contains healthy unsaturated fats too
healthy unsaturated fats prevent the accumulation of fats in the liver
and helping the development of strong cells membrane around the liver cells
to have a healthy liver have walnuts daily
6. food rich in glucosinolate
glucosinolate is a component that cleanses the liver
and boosts the production of enzymes
that aids in cleansing the body
broccoli cauliflower and Brussels sprouts
are a rich source of this component and aids in the production of enzymes
that help in the removal of toxins from the body
7. beets and carrots
carrots are again a rich source of glutathione
beets and carrots both are a rich source of plant flavonoids
and beta-carotene too
adding beets and carrots to the diet
stimulates the production of enzymes
and improve overall liver function
8. avocado
it is a superfood that works well for the liver
it is a rich source of glutathione vitamin C and vitamin E
avocado are also rich in antioxidant
that helps in neutralizing the effects of harmful free radicals
and also protects the liver cells from damage
avocado is also a rich source of vitamin K
it has anti-inflammatory properties
that protect liver from the harmful inflammation
it is a good source of healthy fats
that improve the cholesterol level of the body
to nullify the effects of unhealthy lifestyle
add these food items and detoxify liver naturally
don't forget to share your views with us
Carta de tres juezas a la víctima de «La Manada»: «Que no se te pase por la cabeza ni un ápice - Duration: 13:03.
Glowing skin naturally - Duration: 5:10.
how to get glowing skin naturally
who doesn't want to look good
as beauty and texture of skin go hand-in-hand
one cannot think of looking beautiful without radiant skin
healthy and glowing skin is what we all desire
as it helps us to look beautiful and confident
in today's time where everyone is busy that self-care takes a backseat
and so does the beauty regime
we all rely heavily on beauty products to look good
and the result is a dent in the pocket and patchy and rough skin
long days at work harmful ultraviolet rays of the Sun
polluted environment stressful lives lack of sleep and overworked
routine smoking and drinking habits all constitute towards the dull looking skin
the market is flooded with various beauty products
that promise to give clear and glowing skin in no time
most of these promises are either fake or not so pocket-friendly
we at health buda cares so much about you and your health
we are sharing secret home remedies to get the clear glowing skin naturally
the ingredients are easily available in your kitchen so all these remedies are pocket-friendly
1. lemon
the lemon is the best bleaching agent available in your kitchen with no side effects
it has citric acid which helps in getting clear skin
and also vitamin C that reduces dark spots
squeeze the juice of a lemon and apply it all over face and neck
leave it for 10 minutes to dry rinse it off with lukewarm water
note rubbing the cucumber slice on the face
after the lemon treatment will make the skin soft
and prevents it from getting dry
2. turmeric
the best known antiseptic that is available in almost all the kitchen
and if not so you can easily get the turmeric powder
in any of the Asian stores in your locality
it is famous for its numerous benefits
it is also good for skin lightening agent that helps in reducing the scars
and other spots by lightening the skin
mix turmeric and gram flour
each an equal quantity with little lukewarm milk
apply it gently and evenly on face and neck area
once dry rinse it off with lukewarm water
scrubbing the skin in circular motion
following this remedy as a weekly routine can lighten up the skin tone
and also helps in removing scars
3. aloe vera
aloe vera is a plant that can be easily grown in any house even in a small pot
aloe vera gel is a boon to treat all skin related issues
it has rich antibacterial properties
that help killing bacteria that causes acne
it not only treats acne but also soothes the irritated skin and healing scars
aloe vera gel is rich in vitamin E which is good for skin
the regular use of aloe vera gel provides smooth
and clear skin and moisturize the skin naturally
extract the fresh gel from the aloe vera plant
and apply it evenly to the face using the cotton ball
it can be rinsed off with a lukewarm water after drying up
4. baking soda
you will be surprised to know that this baking agent can be helpful
to give you naturally glowing skin
yes you read it right baking soda helps and maintain a pH level
which is important to get and maintain the clear skin
it is an excellent exfoliating agent
and can also fight off skin problems like acne and pimples
to get the radiant blemish free skin mix
one teaspoon of baking soda and one teaspoon of lemon juice
make it into a smooth paste and apply it to face after cleansing it
exfoliate gently to get rid of dark spots and the dead skin cell
5. cucumber
who can forget cucumber while talking about beauty
whether it's about the weight loss or glowing skin
cucumber helps to get that perfect look
cucumber has high hydrating nourishing and astringent properties
that are very good for getting glowing skin
cucumber is easily available worldwide
slice the cucumber into thick slices
use these slices to rub them thoroughly all over the face
leave it overnight
wash it with warm water in the morning
do this daily before going to bed to get radiant skin at low cost and naturally
all these home remedies helpthem getting clear skin naturally
follow them and share your result with us
Jeep Grand Cherokee - Duration: 0:51.
Renault Captur 1.2 TCE XMOD R-LINK LEDER CAMERA ECC PDC ENZ - Duration: 1:12.
Renault Captur 0.9 TCE DYNAMIQUE R-LINK,ECC,PDC,CRUISE,TEL. - Duration: 1:08.
Renault Kadjar 1.2 TCE INTENS , Easy Life Pack R-LINK CAMERA ECC TEL - Duration: 1:09.
Renault Captur 0.9 TCE DYNAMIQUE R-LINK ECC TEL CRUISE VELGEN - Duration: 1:07.
Primeros pasos para montar vídeos con Camtasia Studio 8 - Duration: 16:09.
Jeep Grand Cherokee - Duration: 0:51.
ちょっと芸風変わったワンちゃん?ハスキーたちの百面相まとめていってみよう!【癒される】 - Duration: 5:24.
How I Make Money Online
Don't Try This at Home! Sori's Self Makeup - Duration: 25:49.
Sori's YouTube Channel
Sori comes home after a long day.
Shall we remove the makeup together? :D
So, before we start removing makeup with a large sheet of kleenex,
I've got a Bonobono headband here.
When I come across "beauty" YouTubers,
they usually put on one of these headbands when they wash their faces.
I'm gonna try imitating them
So I brought this
I totally look like a rockstar!
You're watching Sori rocking out in her bathroom.
But we've got Bonobono here.
Ain't it so cute~?
It's so soft. (Let's wash face with Bonobono~)
In 2018, Bonobono Blue shall be
the new trend.
Verbal Diarrhea
So, now
With using this,
I'm gonna start removing my makeup I just bought this today.
I've never used this before.
This thing was on sale at Olive Young
Now, to Eyebrows
Eyebro- oh, they're gone!
I'm... removing... eyebrows!
Now with this oil,
this is when you use a product like this!
Like so, oil.
Just a couple pumps on your hand.
and then, apply it around your eyes.
I can feel eyelashes coming off.
This is as much of finesse I have for removing makeup.
Like so,
I usually just do this with my hands,
cleansing tissue...
The reason why I do this with my hands, is because I originally
use cleansing serum or cleansing milk
due to
my dry skin, that's what experts recommended.
But actually cleansing tissues are the most convenient
and least bothersome.
So you shouldn't rub your eyes this hard.
They're still...
pretty red, aren't they?
Now I'm gonna wash my face.
~shu shu shu shu~
Sori's face-washing, finished!
and since there were TONS of requests for makeup
I decided to shoot a video right after removing it!
Shall we move on to the next level? What should I do next...
Oh, that's right, moisturizer cream.
I bought this from Don Quixote in Japan
Biore uv Sunblock
This is good because once you shake the bottle, it comes out real nice.
Was fairly cheap too, so once you squeeze a little bit on your palm... like this
Come to think of it, That Nivea I applied earlier is for before going to bed, but I should actually be trying to put on makeup
I totally forgot.
That's not what I should've done,
So, apply plenty of Nivea when you're actually going to bed,
and for daytime, uh put I put on
thiiiis, Biore. UV
Apply this sunblock cream,
is it sunblock lotion? It says "sun milk"
it says right here, as the name implies, it has milky texture.
Once I apply this,
how can i describe this,
it doesn't mmm...
feel so viscous.
I dunno that many lingos for makeup.
It's not really sticky.
It doesn't stick so much,
It also absorbs to skin really well,
It makes my skin very silky?
or let's say...
Once this milk was applied, I get the sensation
that my skin getting softer, it gets absorbed easily to my face
it doesn't feel very sticky. it kinda feels like
each of my pores gently breathing.
which is why I apply this "milk" first
this is the second bottle I've already gone through. It's really good.
Especially in summertime, if you sweat a lot, or have oily face,
I highly recommend it. So you put this on...
Moving on, this is the compact that I use,
Which is,
Jung Saem Mool
It's from the salon that I usually go to.
The salon has their own cosmetic products line,
and this is one of them: Jung Saem Mool Essential Skin Nuder Cushion Fair-Light
Now, I'm gonna put this on.
They actually use this very same product for makeups at the salon,
and I really like it.
I twisted my hand the other day, and now it's all bruised up.
I'm covered in bruises, all over the legs, etc.
Smack yourself as hard as you can so the compact sticks!
I borderline slap myself when I put on makeup.
(Smack smack!)
Please stick, please stick! (Smack smack!!)
Am I covering all the bases so far?
It's kinda wasteful that I'd have to remove all this after shooting the video.
So, after all this is done
I give dimension this way.
So, put it on, like that...
All done!
Up next, is time to draw eyebrows.
I'm gonna draw' em with this brush
My eyebrows are asymmetrical,
When I was in Japan,
There's this one famous MC, his name is Furuya.
I taught him this eyebrow-drawing technique to him once.
Everything on human body, including eyes and eyebrows,
they're all asymmetrical for everyone
It's very rare to achieve symmetry,
and they're all non-uniform in various degrees.
In my case, my right eyebrow droops down while my left one goes up a little bit.
So, I'm trying to raise this part a little bit
raise it a bit...
For the other eyebrow, I'm gonna touch up the bottom...
I'm gonna fill up the thinner parts of my eyebrows.
by applying more...
I've found whole new level of respect for those run beauty YouTube channels.
I cannot concentrate at all.
I'm trying really hard, but...
I just can't...
My eyebrows seem to be coming along pretty good though.
I think they're alright.
There's no particular shape that I am going for.
As long as they're sorta symmetrical,
I'm satisfied with that. One might be a bit darker than the other...
What do you guys think?
Are they off-balanced?
Are they?
Are they?
Now, apply the final touch-ups...
Since my nose gets swollen easily...
My nose turns turns into size of a regular strawberry in mornings...
It looks okay right now so do a little bit of th-
Huh, I think I did a really good job with my eyebrows, ooooh.
looks like I've no lips
My lips are dry
in which case, I'm gonna put some Vaseline on
some Vaseline...
and I've got my lips moisturized.
I look okay now... Coming up next is eyeshadow that I use.
There's too much reflection, it's this right here.
I'm a big fan of Yuna Kim (a figure skater)
who is a model for It's Skin cosmetics brand, and I saw her poster
I just happened to run out of eyeshadow at the time, so I got this.
I dropped this at one point, and the palette shattered...
I don't recall what color was on that side of the palette, but I've never used that. The only color of eyeshadow I use is right here.
apricot color
I recall, some time ago,
one stylist told me that coral color fits me well
Instead of apricot or peach, which is pretty red or pink-ish
or something entirely red or pink
Coral color like this suits me better, that's what the stylist said.
So I was looking for something like that and came across this.
So I'm gonna put some of it on my fingers,
and put it on my eyelids.
Why are my eyelids...
I will do the same on the other side with fingers.
Can you guys see it, even so faintly?
Ain't they pretty?
After I put on this color
I'm gonna do the same under my eyes.
Right down here.
you apply the eyeshadow,
how are they?
can you tell the difference?
that was a rhetorical question...
Anyways, you apply it like so.
So... your eyes must have gotten pretty peachy.
The color's name's "romantic coral pink"
So, I out of all the colors on the palette, I only use this.
Which is seemingly why I've had this palette for this long,
as you can see from how I use it.
I will now lift eyelashes
And now, Eyeliner, ta-da!
This is also from It's Skin. I didn't know.
It's Skin
It's an It's Skin eyeliner,
and I never use black eyeliners but brown ones.
Only the brown ones, I use.
So I'm gonna put this on.
It hasn't been successful so far.
So, after applying it, this is something I've discovered very recently.
The "triangular zone" under your eyes...
It's not suuper recent, maybe it has been a year?
Ever since I've learned this trick, with the same palette I used earlier,
it has re-appeared. with this eyebrow palette.
I'm gonna go with the darker one.
I use this every day and it never seems to run out.
So, I put the darker color on my brush,
on this triangular area, under my eyes...
When I painted the triangular zone
Coco was like, all surprised, saying "you paint such a place too?"
The same goes to the other side.
With this makeup, it gives an effect that makes your eyes look bigger
My left eye's located slightly higher than the other...
So, I prefer this angle...
this on this angle, my eye is a bit lower,
mean time, this angle gives a little sharper impression,
and I like that.
But when I'm taking pictures, photographers prefer the other angle.
which is strange to me.
Anyways, with the same eyebrow palette,
Dip it a little bit, apply it right under the eyes,
I'm gonna do it on both sides of my eyes.
I wonder if I can put it on without looking at the mirror.
So I've got this little bag of flesh under my one eye, while the other one doesn't
I'm gonna create an illusion for symmetry.
This is a technique I learned from
a stylist "Yoon-Young", of the salon that I go to
Ms. Yoon-Young is such a great makeup artist,
to a point that she transforms me into a different person.
Like so. Do my eyes look bigger now?
If you overdo it, they might start to look like dark circles
so, modesty is the key.
Just a little bit.
Overdoing it would turn out strange.
Moving on to cheeks...
With that, eye makeup's all done.
What do you guys think?
That was my simple walkthrough.
Now, for the cheeks... Ta-da!
This is from Coco, as she was saying "Eonni, please switch up your makeup, and please get some new stuff!"
It's called Michaa M dot blue blusher.
There are blushers along with
shaders, and highlighters.
So it's a convenient and portable all-in-one solution.
I've been using this for over a year and it doesn't seem to run out either.
What is this? It's bottomless!
What is going on?!
using this
apply on your forehead area, like so.
and then along the ridge of nose,
then to the cheeks.
Cheek touch-up is my forte, so...
This was also gifted to me.
I cherish it, so I haven't used much of it.
This is... by Jill Stuart, and is sooo pretty.
And you can use it like so.
There are some cosmetics I haven't used much.
Ain't it pretty?
But this time,
I'm gonna use the one Coco gave me.
This is my usual go-to anyways.
I usually dunno which color would be nice or fitting
So I dab a little bit of this and a little bit of that, and mix'em up.
and put it on the surface where you assume your cheeks are.
Like this.
a little bit on your chin too!
Your cheeks must be brightened up by now.
It seems like we've gone through all the
makeup products in my purse.
ahhh. shading, shading!
Dab it like so,
and shade across the cheeks.
Put a little bit on your nose too.
Seems like there's some noticeable change.
Don't you think so? compared to where we began.
It's more than some. I think the cheek touch-up was supereffective
It makes me look more vigorous. Ah, I forgot something really important: lips
I almost turned off the camera.
So, with this I finished up the cheeks, put some on your forehead, if you'd like.
Do whatever you wish with it.
And now,
the lips, lips.
Which one should I put on?
What should I do?
This is something I picked up from The Body Shop
when I was at The Body Shop,
I was into rose-tinted shades,
so, I bought it outta impulse
I usually don't buy cosmetic products, but I've bought a couple lipsticks recently.
This one's from RMK.
I went to Roke in Japan for a shooting as CocoSori
The producer we met there in Japan
gave this to us as presents.
I had been using this kind quite often for a while,
then I lost it, so I bought another one with my own money.
It's an unusual and big event for me to by my own makeup products
So I bought it on my own, and the reason behind is that
I'm gonna put this one on.
it's not completely re---
This isn't necessarily completely red either.
By looking at it, you'd assume it is,
but since it's a lip gloss,
since it's a lip gloss,
it's not super duper red.
Since I don't like things dry
including my hands, which is why I carry around lotion
and a lip balm,
but with this lip gloss, I don't need to apply lip balms,
while giving glossy effects, and moisturizing my lips at the same time.
I'm gonna try it on.
I usually don't put on a whole lot.
but, to demonstrate...
Did the color turn out alright?
So, put on this Peripera first
and then put on RMK for moisturizing effect
Does it look okay?
So this Peripera
I put it on my upper lip, since mine's a little bit thin.
I put it on like so,
I put it on a little bit, drawing a silhouette.
I messed up a little.
So, anyways...
with this,
Sori's makeup comes to its end.
Do you think it's okay?
Pretty simple right, and I don't do mascara.
That took quite some time, it feels like.
Take off the roller.
Now I've got a little bit of bangs going.
My bangs are way too long...
Is it because I've got my hair layered recently?
I'm gonna create a bun like this...
It's pretty decent in its own right...
or not.
This is one example...
Depending on your mood,
you can part your hair this way too.
I wanna see this with some backlight on.
This is some good lighting. This is...
a little sexy,
if I part some of bit this way....
that wasn't right.
maybe a little chic?
Which one's your favorite?
So to wrap up hair, just simply using this roller,
while, i leave the rest in natural ways.
as if I JUST washed my hair.
That's the impression I'm going with anyways.
So this wraps up makeup portion of Sori's Daily Lives.
Sori Not Sorry!
Thank you for watching Sori Not Sorry's makeup video,
It might have been really boring,
and as always, it's not as flashy as it sounds,
so some of you would've been disappointed,
but I'm not particularly skillful in makeup,
nor knowledgeable.
So, I'm gonna study a little bit more
by watching more YouTube videos.
It might not have been helpful to you guys,
but I just wanted to show you this is what I do,
and that was fun.
I had a pleasant evening recording this.
If you have enjoyed this video, please check out my channel, "Sori Not Sorry!"
Click that subscribe button!
Smash that like button!
leave me many many comments!
If you'd like to see me doing something,
or if you're curious about specifics of my videos, please leave them as comments.
I'll read them all,
and will challenge myself to do them,
and upload those as future contents.
The History of & Changes to Maelstrom [REMASTERED] | Epcot - Duration: 8:24.
By 1987, Epcot's World Showcase section of the park hosted about 10 different
countries, each with a couple of restaurants, shops and the occasional
attraction. While the World Showcase was still very popular amongst guests, its
lack of engaging attractions caused alot of Epcot's visitors to stay towards
the front of the park where most of the real rides were. In an attempt to further
expand the park and spread its visitors around just a little bit more, Disney
planned to add a new pavilion and ride to that section of the park. While space
for the new pavilion wasn't really an issue, given the sizeable plot of vacant
land next to Mexico, finding an appropriate country to represent in that
spot was. After some further consideration and negotiation with
government officials from a couple of different countries, Norway was
eventually chosen to join the World Showcase. Between eleven different
companies and the Norwegian government itself, more than 30 million dollars would
be put towards the design and construction of the new pavilion. With an
official budget in place, Imagineers put together some ideas for a log flume
dark ride that would showcase Norway's mythological history,
focusing on its popular myths and folklore. However, since the Norwegian
government was one of the primary sponsors for the attraction, they still
had to say in its final design. While they hardly interfered with the original
concept, they did insist on showing elements of modern-day Norway in order
to do a better job of attracting potential tourists to the country. That
included the addition of things like the polar bears, fishing village and oil rig.
Once the final draft was completed agreed upon and approved by its sponsors;
Disney broke ground on the attraction, hoping that already by 1988.
During construction however, there were still some last-minute changes and
revisions. For example, at the end of the ride there was supposed to be a
replication of a North Sea storm with very intense wind, wave and rain effects.
On top of that, there was also supposed to be a bolt of lightning. This effect
would be achieved by using a Tesla coil. However the lightning was eventually
replaced with strobe lights due to the inherent safety concerns striking a live
Tesla coil only a couple yards from riders, especially in a water ride. Not
the best idea. Along with that, the storm effects were also greatly diminished.
Sometime in March of 1988, the name of the ride was also changed from the
original "SeaVenture" to the new "Maelstrom", as it was thought to better describe the
ride experience. The Norway Pavilion itself managed to open on June 3rd of
1988 but didn't hold its Grand Opening Ceremony until a month later, when the
ride opened on July 5th of the same year.
"I'm right here in line for the world premiere of the Maelstrom thrill ride at Epcots newest and eleventh World Showcase
Pavilion; Norway. You know, earlier the Pavilion was officially opened with a
fabulous, and I mean fabulous, celebration including the Royal Norwegian guard band
and the world dancers and don't forget - we have a special dedication by the
Crown Prince Herald of Norway." When Maelstrom first opened it was very
popular amongst park visitors, other than being the only world showcase ride in
the park besides El Rio del Tiempo, which has since been converted into Gran
Fiesta Tours starring the Three Caballeros and yes, I DID say it right that time! it
It did an amazing job capturing the atmosphere and spirit of Norway's
mythology. In its first year alone, 5.7 million people rode the ride and
attendance numbers did not drastically diminish in the following years.
Eventually Maelstrom was able to develop a large following due to its extremely
unique theming and generally fun ride experience. Things continued on that path
until 1992 when all of the original investors sold their shares in the
pavilion back to Disney but, the Norwegian government continued annual
funding of $200,000 until 2002 when they ended their contract with Disney. Leaving
the pavilion without any sponsors whatsoever. But the ride continued to
operate without any real changes for more than a decade after that.
On September 12th of 2014, Disney officially announced that a ride based
on the 2013 animated film "Frozen" would be replacing Maelstrom. With the ride's
concept mostly finished, they were eager to start construction and ended up shutting
down Maelstrom just one month later. Maelstrom officially closed it's doors on October 5th
of 2014. In the following days, all signage was removed and shortly after that, the
ride was drained and construction began. During the refurb, there were a few
photos that employees and workers took of the ride with its lights on and no
water. While construction was underway, the rest of the Norway pavilion
remained open but, the place where Maelstrom's entrance used to be was
blocked off and the exiting doors that emptied in at the gift shop were now
sealed. Without Disney giving any real
statements or info during the refurb, everybody was left speculating as to
what would be changed or kept the same. It wasn't until May 16th that a few
photos of the new ride were leaked online, showing a troll and the giant
snowman from the original movie as well as these little snowmen from the short
sequel "Frozen Fever". In June of 2015, Disney basically described the entire
ride and everything you'd see in it but, no real info or pictures were released
aside from some new pieces of concept art. Finally about a year later in May of
2016, the official opening date for "Frozen Ever After" was set for June 21st
of 2016. The ride met its opening day deadline and on June 21st, guests from
around the world came to see it. As you can imagine the lines were massive...
wait times exceeding 300 minutes and lines stretching as far back to the
China pavilion were reported on day one. Needless to say, "Frozen Ever After" was a
huge hit and was already bringing in far more people than Maelstrom could've
hoped to, especially in its final years. Now, let's talk about the changes that
were made. The exterior of the ride remained mostly the same with just a few tweaks
to the facade to give it more of a "fantasy" feel as opposed to the more
realistic one that Maelstrom had. The original waterfall is still there as well
but you'll notice that the part of the ride that was previously exposed to the
rest of the pavilion has since been rocked off. The queues have also changed
quite a lot too in order to account for a higher capacity. Previously with
Maelstrom, you'd enter in straight, branch off to the right, wait in a set of
switchbacks before getting in a boat. Now you enter in straight, loop around what
used to be the Fastpass reservation area and make a left into a much larger
queuing area themed after a town from the movie. This
whole area is very reminiscent of the old fishing village from Maelstrom.
Mostly because this is where it used to be. Along with the
removal of the fishing village, the post-show theatre that would play a
five-minute movie about Norway, was also torn down to make space for the new queue.
After waiting around in the new town area, you enter the boats in that same
room. I only mention this because with Maelstrom, you would enter and exit the
boats in separate rooms. The first scene you come across on the
ride takes place where the old queue and loading area used to be, this is where
you now see Olaf and the trolls before going up the lift, which was previously
at the beginning of the ride. An important thing to note about Frozen
Ever After is that it pretty much follows the exact same track layout is Maelstrom,
even using the same boats. Aside from the big change at the beginning, most of the
real noticeable ones come from stuff like new animatronics, music and theming
so, let's discuss those a little bit further. Pretty much all of the original
animatronics or set pieces have been removed and replaced with newer ones. For
example, Odin's face on the lift was replaced by a castle, the first set of
Vikings were replaced by Olaf, the second set of Vikings were replaced by Anna,
Kristoff and Sven. The three-headed troll was replaced by Elsa, the troll in the
tree before the final drop was replaced by a giant snowman and the oil rig at
the end of the ride was replaced by a castle. Some of the other animatronics
like the polar bear and puffins weren't replaced by anything and in their place
you'll just now see some wall projections. It also appears that a piece
of what used to be the fishing village is now used for the ride's final scene
with Anna, Elsa and Olaf which previously didn't exist at all. Aside from that,
there really weren't any other changes... Well, besides the gift shop which is now
completely loaded with Frozen merchandise. Yeah, I know, big shock.
While Maelstrom was never really the best or most popular attraction at Epcot or,
anywhere else for that matter. Its closure did manage to hit pretty close
to home with quite a few Disney fans. The rides quaint charm and somewhat bizarre
theming choices made it a very interesting experience that you couldn't
really find anywhere else. In the end, I'm glad it was able to see more than 25
years of operation without any big changes, which is an accomplishment not
too many other Disney rides can boast about.
And even though Maelstrom might be gone, you can still find various references
and homages to it throughout the Norway pavilion, a constant reminder that once
upon a time, there actually WAS a good ride there.
So, I guess in a way you can say we went "trolling"
( ͡° ͜ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Live trading 15% profit in Axis Bank - Duration: 4:41.
Pesca brutal de Lucios - Insane Pike fishing - Duration: 12:01.
let´s see if I catch him
this is hard
hi guys, so this is the place where I will start fishing
is 7:15 am
the road ends here, it is not because there have been floods
this was a stream but they built a dam
so the houses, the roads and bridges are all under water
and the road ends here
and was only a couple years ago, let´s see if we get a good day
of course the battery died when I get a fish
is always like that, but I recorded with that cam
and let´s see the fish we got here
let´s go far from shore
look at this
this fish is so beautiful
is heavy
another one
don´t enter... he enter
I am now trying to save batteries
I am fishing for some hours now
so I am recording only when I get a fish
let´s see what we have here
come inside
so let´s see this one
I only want to show you
is just for the cam, than I will release you
just this
is just this what I want to do
so beautiful don´t you think?
so beautiful
there he goes
thanks to this fish I lost my pliers
I drop in the fight into the water
look at this
I am trying to fish for pikes
and fish Bass
with a Eel
he is fat
this was fished with the Eel
if I catch him...
is hard
and done
he is heavy
I think I will stop there, this cam is without batteries and I will take a photo
so let´s take a photo of the fish
so let´s release
this fish
there he goes
another one, is the 4th Pike and a Bass
this time I fish him with the Eel, the lure I fish the Bass
hope you like the video
I fish 4 pikes
I don´t record one of the fights because my batterie died
but I record the other 3 fights
and I fish a Bass too
yes 4 pikes and a bass
this place got some pikes because is hard
the banks are inaccessible
for those who fish in tubes, can you see the water?
we are in a valley and there is a lot of wind
so is hard t fish here and maybe that is the reason there are some fish here
has I said this was a small stream
and they made a dam so the bottom
has you can see outside of water the bottom is full of trees
all of this are trees
if your lure go to the bottom you will loose it
so this place can be a very good place
because is very hard to fish here
so not much people can fish here
there is alot of wind
you can´t fish from shore
amd the bottom is full of trees
and we are arriving
this road goes to....
... well to no side lol
where you see this bridge under the water is another bridge
I don´t know if you can see the bridge
was a Ruman bridge
the road is in the bottom
can you see the line?
we arrive
what a day...
Ninja Plugs Twitch Prime To Lil Yachty !!! Ninja Duos With Lil Yachty !!! Fortnite Highlights #73 - Duration: 6:20.
So I have a question man do you have Amazon Prime I?
I do have an Amazon Prime account, dude. You know fun fact, man
You can link that Amazon Prime account
To your twitch account get twitch Prime for free and subscribe to any streamer once a month for free
doesn't even cost money I
Literally plug
For the highlights
Yeah, oh my god, let's go it in yes, sir
Well this guy's huge sign of all damage
Yeah, he killed me so he can honestly suck 10 dicks
And I hope his system fucking crashes and his Xbox or Playstation or computer brains on fire fuck oh
Thank you for taking me out the game
Thank you
All I'm saying
It was a good it was a good fight, man
You've got what he's saying is that she really suck nigga, and you worse no competition at all
Alexa rap for me
Kinect sync link all the pieces of your life. I get it done at the speed of Wi-Fi
I'm the player the coach the arena in the game if you want something done. You just gotta say my name
Alexa beatbox for me
My god, that was so fire
Yo, that was so that was the craziest escape
Actually, you know what I was gonna do some stupid. I was actually gonna take this Forex
What the hell is that?
What is that fuck?
What is that?
Think it's a shrine I
Think he's reading boy, you're so generous way, but you cute people are you so humble I would be so
You be going so crazy
When I was younger man, I used to talk a lot of shit
No yeah, it's the kids many kids like yeah
Exactly exactly
Haha yeah, man your mom's a bitch like that yeah
No real shit, bro man. Somebody's pushing at you, just build, bro
You know somebody's got the high ground just boom
Someone's coming at you with a shotgun at point-blank guess what just building
Girlfriend cheated on your bone
Just build a wall around your heart
For the highlights, and then you edit a door on it for some cops to come in you know
I'm saying you'd be like Oh inside that
boom and now
Got a little shack, and you'd be like wound inside that boom you leave all your feelings out there
And then you know I eventually you'll forget about ash, you know
Musume in Kazan - Duration: 7:03.
【MUKBANG】 [SO ADDICTING!!!] Easy Microwave YOPOKKI!! 20 Cups, 6615kcal [CC Available]|Yuka [Oogui] - Duration: 10:02.
Wing Eyeliner लगाते समय यह गलतियां न करें - How To Apply Perfect Winged Eyeliner | Anaysa - Duration: 5:53.
Again I'm here with another Eyeliner video
Nopes!! Today I'll tell you that how to apply eyeliner....
but today I'll tell you
that what are the mistakes you make
by which you may not be able to apply eyeliner perfectly
As I've already made 3 to 4 videos on eyeliner
still got comments that regarding how to apply eyelilner
so today's video is about this topic
Where I'll tell what you should take care of while applying eyeliner
& what are the things to avoid
so you also be able to apply eyeliner just like me
So lets get started with today's video
most of us have changed the definition of winged eyeliner
some of them apply thick or thin or short or so many
which doesn't looks good
so if you also do like this
then I'll tell you how to fix this
no need to do much more
just take a wet wipe
& fold it on your finger like this
now stretch your eye llke this
now keep your finger downward like this
now push it upward like this
now you can see that thick wing get converted into a sharp wing
i've noticed so many girls when they apply eyeliner
they are not applying it according to their eye shape
by which their eyes doesn't look good
for eg most of girls have hooded eyes
that is their eyes are smaller
so again their eyes look so small
if you've hooded eyes you need to do is
avoid this round shape kajal
make a V shape wing towards the outer corner of your eyes
so your eyes look little bigger
whenever I apply liquid eyeliner in hurry
so by that eyeliner get deposited on my crease area
if this happened with you as well
so don't wipe it immedietely
as this leaves a black stain on our eyes
this spoils our eye makeup which we've done
so what you have to do is
first let dry that eyeliner which you've applied by mistake
after drying rub it like this
as you can see there's no black stain on your eyes
and also nothing happens to your eye makeup
most of the girls apply water proof eyeliner thinking that
their eyeliner remains long-lasting
but if you are applying eyeliner in the right way
your eyeliner doesn't stay for so long
so to make your eyeliner long lasting
first apply foundation or concealer or bb cream on your eyelids
after that set that using a compact powder
then only you apply eyeliner on your eyes
this makes your eye liner long lasting & smudge proof
whenever you apply liquid eyeliner
don't place mirror in front of you
as you'll not be able to see it properly
& our wing liner doesn't look good
so what you need to do is
keep the mirror in the downside
so you can not face any problem in applying it
also you'll be able apply the liner perfectly
if you are a beginner & don't know how to apply eyeliner
whenever you apply eyeliner to your eyes
don't use gel liner, kajal pencil or pen liner
as by this we don't have control on our hands
& our eyeliner will get mess up
whenever you apply eyeliner try to use liquid eyeliner
as it gives control to our hands
so that we can apply wing eyeliner easily
also this lowers the chances of mess up of eyeliner
it often that when we need to apply liquid eyellner
we just pick it, open & then start applying
you've noticed our eyes got messed up that time
so first shake the bottle of eyeliner
so that lumps can dissolve in that
also don't forget to remove the excess product from the brush
if you apply without removing excess product or directly apply it on our eyes
this mess up our eyeliner
If you want to create perfect wing eyeliner on your eyes
stop applying it from the inner corner of your eyes
so to make perfect wing on your eyes
first create a wing towards the outer corner of your eyes like this
now draw a thin line towards the centre of your eyelids
now fill the gap like this
again make a thin line at the inner corner
here completes our perfect wing eyeliner
So thats all with today's Eyeliner do's & don'ts video
let me know by commenting below that which problem
you've faced a lot while applying liner from all these
if you found this video a little helpful
do share this video with others
also don't forget to subscribe the channel ANAYSA
also press that bell icon nearby it
so that you'll get a notification in your mobile
that I've uploaded a new video
& be the first one to watch that
will see you in my next video till then take care n bye bye
After Using These 2 Remedies Your Hair Will Never Stop Growing & You Will Not Have Hair Loss Anymore - Duration: 2:45.
Hi friends, this is Ramya from wildturmeric. The amazing ingredient that arrests
hair fall is curry leaf powder. I wanted to share a personal experience using
curry leaf powder with all of you. My niece started experiencing severe hair
fall after she went to hostel. When she came home for the holidays, my sister
started giving the curry leaf powder drink that I've given in this video and
within two weeks of drinking it daily, her hair fall stopped completely. The
good thing is she can take the powder to the hostel and continue taking it there.
Though there are many reasons for hair fall, the two major ones are nutritional
deficiencies and scalp problems. Curry leaf powder is very effective
because it addresses both these problems.
Collect fresh pesticide-free curry leaves and sun dry the leaves spread on a plate covered with a thin wire mesh
till completely dry. Now while still crisp from sun drying, powder it in a
dry mixer and sieve to get a very fine powder. You can store this powder at room
temperature for 3 to 4 weeks or in the refrigerator for a few months.
For the drink, add a teaspoon of the prepared curry
leaf powder to a cup of buttermilk. Add in a pinch of roasted cumin seed
powder. Finally add salt to taste. Now mix well to get a smooth drink. If you don't
have buttermilk, use yogurt and thin it down with water.
This drink is rich in calcium, iron vitamins, minerals and amino acids, all
very very essential for hair growth. This drink also promotes good digestion. If you are
suffering from hair loss, I would suggest drinking a cup of this drink
every single day without fail.
For the mask take a tablespoon of neem powder in a bowl. Add in a tablespoon of curry leaf powder. Finally add in enough yogurt to
form a paste. Now mix well to get a smooth mixture. To use, apply this paste
all over the scalp and hair, wait for 20 to 25 minutes before washing it off. If
you are suffering from scalp infections like dandruff,
itchiness or dryness, this pack will treat it immediately. Try to use this pack weekly
twice for best results. If you just used these two simple treatments regularly,
you will not suffer from hair loss anymore
I hope you found this video useful. If you like to support me and this channel, please share this video with your
friends. It'll mean a lot to me. If you like to get detailed information on
herbs on days I don't post videos, press the notification button. Thank you for
watching this video :)
ANNONCE - J'ai lancé mon Patreon ! - Duration: 2:24.
Hello and welcome on my Patreon !!
I am Sundae, a passionate french cosplayer
and I have been doing cosplay since 2014
But, what is cosplay ?
It consists in reproducing costumes from video games, TV shows, movies...
In my case, I am building mostly armors inspired from video games
I have opened a Patreon because
my community was asking for ways to support me financially
and Patreon is a great opportunity vto do so
with a two-sided exchange
So, what is Patreon?
Patreon is a platform
that allows you to support content creators
that you appreciate.
It can be cosplayers,
but it can be also musicians, journalists, authors...
Many different subjects !
If you are familiar with the cosplay universe
you know that it's a very expensive hobby
because we are creating costumes
and the materials are usually not cheap
And we have to travel to various places far away
to work with photographers and produce high quality content
in incredible places
All of this is very costly.
Patreon is an amazing opportunity for you to contribute to this
to tell your favourite creator
" Hey ! I love what you're doing!"
it prompt content creators to create more and better content, go to the next level,
as they don't have the financial aspect that is blocking them anymore
and you are helping them to go further and beyond in its passion.
Patreon is also about rewards
when you are pledging to someone
you receive rewards for it.
Each content creator chose what he delivers to his community
I chose to use a reward-by-costume system
there is no monthly subscribing
its only a subscription per costume
so if it takes me one month to build the costume, you'll be charged every month,
but if it takes me 2-3 months, you won't be paying more.
Every pledge from Patreon contributes to building better costumes,
to improve photoshoots,
and to travel abroad for conventions next to you.
Thank you so much for being on my Patreon
Thanks a lot if you pledge or even if you're not pledging
Thanks for checking this out
I wish you a pleasant visit on my Patreon and see you next time ! Bye !
Learn Colors With Boom Balloons and Donald Duck - Color Names For Children on Kids Studio TV - Duration: 3:30.
Kyun Kisi Ko | Tere Naam | Siddharth Slathia | Salman Khan | Prince Sajol | Sad Song 2018 - Duration: 2:33.
Yeh Pyar Mein Kyun Hota Hai
Kyun Kisi Ko Wafa Ke Badle Wafa Nahi Milti
Kyun Kisi Ko Duaa Ke Badle Duaa Nahi Milti
Kyun Kisi Ko Khushi Ke Badle Khushi Nahi Milti
Ye Pyar Mein Kyun Hota Hai
Ye Pyar Mein Kyun Hota Hai
Kyun Kisi Ko Wafa Ke Badle Wafa Nahi Milti
Prince Sajol
Log Ishq Mein Kyaa Se Kya Hue
Mil Gaye Kabhi Phir Judaa Hue
Bas Khizaan Mili Is Bahaar Mein
Umr Kat Rahi Dekho Intezaar Mein
Kyun Kisi Ko Hansi Ke Badle Hansi Nahi Milti
Prince Sajol
Military Clothing Fashion Ideas for Men | How To Wear Army Clothing & Look Cool - Duration: 10:09.
【Hetalia MMD】AWESOME WORLD【2018】[SUB] - Duration: 3:12.
That playful look you made a cover
While gazing somewhere as you wonder
Conceals a hidden need of hunger
I see you feel it, boy
This world is never ever enough
There is so much for us to see now
Begin by naming all the colors
I'm ready to splash in your world
Anxiety has blown you over
Every question only leads to why
The future couldn't be defined
And you couldn't ever defile
Am I your nightmare or your muse?
Do you feel alright or confused?
Do you still believe in something
After all the things that you have seen?
It's a truth we make that we're living in fake
But we'll change it all 'cuz we could play the game
No more? Woah, hold on
This place is but a wonderland!
Night and day, your fantasy plays
But they have to end so you better be awake
No more? Woah,
You're missing out in this amazing world
You start to speak what is in your mouth
Those words whose meanings will not count
Or maybe it's a ploy to get me
Far away from your puzzled mind?
When nothing goes according to plan
You blame yourself and think that you can't
It's such a pity if you live on
Taking things so irresponsibly
I can surely make this world beyond compare
Let's change this place, so what do you wanna break?
No more? Woah, just say it
We are in a wonderland!
On your way, you begin to suspect
Every eye you meet and you seek in them your fate
No more? Woah,
You're missing out in this amazing world
A stinging coldness begins to unfold
Your body freezes from the terror sown
The waiting ends when your body's reborn
And carries the new blood that flows like gold
It's a truth we make that we're living in fake
But we'll change it all 'cuz we could play the game
No more? Woah, hold on
This place is but a wonderland!
Night and day, your fantasy plays
But they have to end so you better be awake
No more? Woah,
How limited your life's again?
I can surely make this world beyond compare
Let's change this place, so what do you wanna break?
No more? Woah,
Miracles are given free
On your way, you begin to suspect
Every eye you meet and you seek in them your fate
No more? Woah,
You're missing out in this amazing world
Votre mariage est en danger si votre homme dit cette phrase | MuLLu TV - Duration: 10:14.
knee pain - Duration: 5:51.
Say goodbye to knee pain with these effective home remedies
Knee pain is a grave issue especially for elderly and arthritis patients
It makes the person immobile and dependent on others
Sometimes even young and middle-aged people may also experience knee pain at some point in life
due to any injuries that may have happened to them in the course of life
Sudden exposure to any form of sports
or other physical exercises may also cause knee pain
It causes irritation lack of focus on work
and hampers day to day activities
In this video we brought to you some effective home remedies
that will help you to bid goodbye to knee pain
and return to your normal day to day life with much ease.
In case of any injury or swelling of knee areas
1. Ice pack
Apply Ice pack in every ten to fifteen minutes
The cool effect of ice will reduce the inflammation
and will ease the pain
2. Elevate Leg
Try to lie down straight and elevate your legs
Sometimes the excessive fluid near the knee area
can also amuse pain
Elevating the legs will help the excess fluid from the knee cavity
to get distributed evenly naturally
and will reduce the pain
3. Egg Mask
Make this egg mask and apply it five times daily
and see the drastic reduction in the pain
Mix egg yolk with one-fourth teaspoon of salt
and apply it to the knee
Cover it securely by bandage
after covering it with cellophane
Change this coating in every two-three hours
It is a very effective trove remedy
and helps in reducing the knee pain effectively and naturally
Other Methods that are also effective
in reducing knee pain are
1. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil contains fatty acids that act as a natural lubricator
It also has high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
which are very effective in reducing pain
especially of the joint like a knee
Gently massage the affected area
by warm coconut oil
and get the desired long-lasting result
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Who does not know the magical benefits of this potion
It has neutralizing effects
and so it dissolves the toxin present in the knee joint
and improves the knee pain
What more it is easily available
and easy to consume
It is easily available over the counter
and in most of the retail food stores too
Just buy the bottle, open it and mix two teaspoons of it
with two cups of warm water and drink it
It can also be mixed with olive oil
in equal quantity and massaged over the knee
to get the desired result
The result can be seen within a week
and with no side effects
3. Make a smoothie with oats
pineapple and cinnamon
Knee pain can all be forgotten in no time
after taking this delicious and full of protein smoothie
Ingredients Needed
One cup of instant oats, Two cups of water, One teaspoon of cinnamon powder
Two cups of pineapple chunks, One teaspoon of honey
Boiled two cups of water and cook one cup of instant oats in it
Once the oats are done add it to the blender along with all the other ingredients except honey
Blend all these ingredients until smooth
Add honey to it and pour it into a glass
Drink this healthy smoothie and get rid of the pain in just ten days
Pineapple contains bromelain which has high anti-inflammatory properties
Oats and cinnamon both are high in antioxidants
The combination of these three ingredients can help in reducing the pain in joints
caused by tissue rupture
4. Ginger
Any ingredient that is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties
helps in reducing pain and so does the ginger root
It is widely available all over the world and has miraculous benefits
One of its numerous benefits is that it can cure the knee pain naturally
Just like apple cider vinegar, ginger can either be consumed
or can be applied to the affected area to reduce the pain
To consume
Take one glass of water and add one teaspoon of grated ginger root to it
Boil it and pour the water into a glass
Let it cool down for some time but don't let it come to room temperature
Add honey and lemon to it and drink it while it is still hot
It will reduce the pain effectively and naturally
5. Massage
Gently massage your knee(s) in a circular motion
with ginger oil two to three times in a day
or about a week or ten days and feel the difference
It can reduce the pain and help you enjoy your life without worrying about pain
Live a healthy life and say no to alcohol and smoking tobacco
These habits can reduce your body's ability to repair its tissue on its own
and therefore any physical injury might not get treated without medical help
Try these remedies and if the problem persists
then seek to the medical help urgently.
Don't forget to share the videos with family and friends and also share your feedback with us
PAU VALLVÉ - QUE VINGUI L'HIVERN (videoclip) - Duration: 4:10.
It's hard to believe
This can't last
It's too good to be true
to not look down
but with you it's so much easier
that now I barely care
Let winter come,
we are ready
we are ready
Let winter come,
we are ready
we are ready
and fear in equal parts
It isn't normal if everything is flat
I always get scared
when everything is going too well
the further up I go
the bigger the blow will be
But let winter come,
we are ready
we are ready
But let winter come,
we are ready
we are ready
Everything is better
if we are happy
translator: Joana Martí Payés
Xiaomi Mi In Ear Headphones Pro HD Unboxing & Review Bangla - Duration: 6:10.
Welcome to tech facts bd first unboxing video
Welcome to tech facts bd first unboxing video
Today i'm unboxing Xiaomi In-ear headphone pro HD
Today i'm unboxing Xiaomi In-ear headphone pro HD
I'm aayan and you are watching tech facts BD, lest get started
Xiaomi Mi In-ear headphone will be 2000 to 2500 Thousand Taka
Xiaomi Mi In-ear headphone will be 2000 to 2500 Thousand Taka
Xiaomi Mi In-ear headphone will be 2000 to 2500 Thousand Taka
You can buy this headphone from Xiaomi showroom or other online store
You can buy this headphone from Xiaomi showroom or other online store
The headphone is in a compacted box
The headphone is in a compacted box
and the box packaging also very good
and the box packaging also very good
When you open the box, first you can see the headphone
When you open the box, first you can see the headphone
When you open the box, first you can see the headphone
When you open the box, first you can see the headphone
You get a carry bag with this headphone
You get a carry bag with this headphone
You get a carry bag with this headphone
You can travel by putting headphone into the bag
It's a nice bag and xiaomi logo on it
It's a nice bag and xiaomi logo on it
It's a nice bag and xiaomi logo on it
The main unit is made with plastic
Inside the box, they keep the headphone nicely
Inside the box, they keep the headphone nicely
Inside the box, they keep the headphone nicely
Inside the box, they keep the headphone nicely
You get a user manual guide with this headphone
Here some basic information
You get three par ear tip with this headphone
You get three par ear tip with this headphone
The headphone is made with aluminium
and also nice design
They made with high quality material
This head pass over 7 hundred test
This head pass over 7 hundred test
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Glowing skin naturally - Duration: 5:10.
how to get glowing skin naturally
who doesn't want to look good
as beauty and texture of skin go hand-in-hand
one cannot think of looking beautiful without radiant skin
healthy and glowing skin is what we all desire
as it helps us to look beautiful and confident
in today's time where everyone is busy that self-care takes a backseat
and so does the beauty regime
we all rely heavily on beauty products to look good
and the result is a dent in the pocket and patchy and rough skin
long days at work harmful ultraviolet rays of the Sun
polluted environment stressful lives lack of sleep and overworked
routine smoking and drinking habits all constitute towards the dull looking skin
the market is flooded with various beauty products
that promise to give clear and glowing skin in no time
most of these promises are either fake or not so pocket-friendly
we at health buda cares so much about you and your health
we are sharing secret home remedies to get the clear glowing skin naturally
the ingredients are easily available in your kitchen so all these remedies are pocket-friendly
1. lemon
the lemon is the best bleaching agent available in your kitchen with no side effects
it has citric acid which helps in getting clear skin
and also vitamin C that reduces dark spots
squeeze the juice of a lemon and apply it all over face and neck
leave it for 10 minutes to dry rinse it off with lukewarm water
note rubbing the cucumber slice on the face
after the lemon treatment will make the skin soft
and prevents it from getting dry
2. turmeric
the best known antiseptic that is available in almost all the kitchen
and if not so you can easily get the turmeric powder
in any of the Asian stores in your locality
it is famous for its numerous benefits
it is also good for skin lightening agent that helps in reducing the scars
and other spots by lightening the skin
mix turmeric and gram flour
each an equal quantity with little lukewarm milk
apply it gently and evenly on face and neck area
once dry rinse it off with lukewarm water
scrubbing the skin in circular motion
following this remedy as a weekly routine can lighten up the skin tone
and also helps in removing scars
3. aloe vera
aloe vera is a plant that can be easily grown in any house even in a small pot
aloe vera gel is a boon to treat all skin related issues
it has rich antibacterial properties
that help killing bacteria that causes acne
it not only treats acne but also soothes the irritated skin and healing scars
aloe vera gel is rich in vitamin E which is good for skin
the regular use of aloe vera gel provides smooth
and clear skin and moisturize the skin naturally
extract the fresh gel from the aloe vera plant
and apply it evenly to the face using the cotton ball
it can be rinsed off with a lukewarm water after drying up
4. baking soda
you will be surprised to know that this baking agent can be helpful
to give you naturally glowing skin
yes you read it right baking soda helps and maintain a pH level
which is important to get and maintain the clear skin
it is an excellent exfoliating agent
and can also fight off skin problems like acne and pimples
to get the radiant blemish free skin mix
one teaspoon of baking soda and one teaspoon of lemon juice
make it into a smooth paste and apply it to face after cleansing it
exfoliate gently to get rid of dark spots and the dead skin cell
5. cucumber
who can forget cucumber while talking about beauty
whether it's about the weight loss or glowing skin
cucumber helps to get that perfect look
cucumber has high hydrating nourishing and astringent properties
that are very good for getting glowing skin
cucumber is easily available worldwide
slice the cucumber into thick slices
use these slices to rub them thoroughly all over the face
leave it overnight
wash it with warm water in the morning
do this daily before going to bed to get radiant skin at low cost and naturally
all these home remedies helpthem getting clear skin naturally
follow them and share your result with us
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