This Old Man ...Baby Bao Panda
For more infomation >> This Old Man | Baby Bao Panda | Kids Songs And Videos - Duration: 2:11.-------------------------------------------
Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults May 2018 - Duration: 1:10:31.
52歲泰森重拳有多恐怖,UFC重量級冠軍用真實感受告訴你 - Duration: 4:57.
北 TV, 김정은-리설주 뒤 '삼성' 제품 그대로 방영 - Duration: 2:02.
美 의원 "트럼프에게 장난치려하면 北정권 종말 맞을 것" - Duration: 2:21.
XS4ALL Besteklantenservice DEF - Duration: 2:21.
Daily Life English Conversations And Dialogues - Example 33 - Duration: 1:58.
Daily Life English Conversations And Dialogues - Example 33
얼미터]文대통령 지지율, 77.4%…"사실상 취임후 최고치 - Duration: 3:47.
Daily Life English Conversations And Dialogues Example 31 - Duration: 1:16.
Daily Life English Conversations And Dialogues Example 31
成大動漫大會 -2018/4/28成大同人場,帶你大開眼界,看年輕人在流行什麼~ - Duration: 5:27.
Valobashar Kobita | diary (Bangla) - Duration: 0:53.
Thanks for watching
Daily Life English Conversations And Dialogues - Example 32 - Duration: 0:55.
Daily Life English Conversations And Dialogues - Example 32
(free) aloevera - [bryson tiller ...
Buhari: I realised Nigeria Needed An Intervention... That's Why I'm In Politics - Duration: 1:34.
President Muhammadu Buhari says he is seeking a second term in office in order to serve the people — not for his own personal gains.
He disclosed this on Saturday at the All Progressives Congress (APC) Ward Congress held at the Bayagida Model Primary School in Daura, Katsina State.
He said that his declaration was to "serve the people, and see their lives improved, not for frivolity or personal ambition.
In a statement signed by his Spokesman, Garba Shehu, he said that his zeal to serve and make changes in the lives of Nigerians inspired him to contest for the election.
He had stated that he is not in politics for fun or to accrue wealth to himself, but to save the country from the events unfolding on the political turf.
"I am not in politics for fun, frivolity or to amass wealth, I have always been driven by a deep sense of commitment to make a difference to the lives of our people, he said.
After my retirement from the army or forceful retirement, I sat back and watched as events unfolded on the political turf, and realized the country needed an intervention for fairness, justice, and the inclusion of Nigerians in the issues that affect their lives.
이시형 나이 학력 결혼 부인 아내는 손진아 대단한 집안 - Duration: 3:36.
Letizia Ortiz contra todos: las veces en que no pudo ser ella misma - Parte I - Duration: 10:54.
Reflection learnings on 6th of May 2018 - Duration: 14:08.
I hope you won't get distracted by a chicken behind its my neighbor's chicken
and I'm so thrilled to invite him to this video ah yeah so today it's Sunday
so I was thinking like I need to create this habit of sharing my weekly
reflection so I'm gonna record it down my weekly reflection that what things
that I've learned throughout this week and something that we could all practice
together um so all right it's a bit hot
actually I'm the one who get distracted by the chickens I think this week is the
most incredible week for me why because
there has been so many different types of awakening I would say awakening to
the reality from away from the what we call a half the illusions yeah so
breaking away from the illusions and back to the reality and that's that's
what that would be my this week learning from like most learned subject what
happened is that I had a healing session last week and I think two weeks back I
had a failing session with a private session with Kalama and so after that
when I went back home I feel like yeah it's definitely I definitely lifted out
all the burden of emotions inside and right now I'm doing daily practice to
self love and self-acceptance and so this week
it's open up to more deeper reality in terms that I discover more about
Pleiadians I'm not sure if you heard about that but that I've heard about it
before and I just get to know more about it this week Pleiadians and about the
Lemu.. Lemurians Atlantians and Lyrans Vegans and those were like they are on
and those who are like so there are a long history about the others and there's a potential
I felt high resonance to.. of being a starseed
ahh it's so cute I felt a resonance in as a starseed I have like a starseed mission
with other type of galaxies which I am here in this earth for mission so I have
a strong calling to do things that I needed to do besides you know besides
having family many besides just the normal norm that we would want to achieve so I
have this strong calling in creating space relaxation calm space for people
and also some useful guides for people to feel relaxed and yeah
and when I realized that I felt so resonate to the Pleiadians
starseed missions that that I realized that woh
everything started way back way back before I was born
including all the past lives including
differing kind of past life actually so there are so many so many reasons so
many dots connecting to bring me to right where I'm here right know and
whatever happens so far everything happened for a reason
and what amazed me is that it kind of I chose this life I chose to be here I
chose parents and family members have chose my relationship I chose whatever
that I will experience I am experiencing right now so it's kind of like mm-hmm
make sense yeah like instead of asking why would say I
would say ask what's the learning lesson that we re..
me I would say ask what's the lesson behind this yeah and I think I think if
you are interested about Pleiadians and the history of the Mu what we
call new ancient land Mu and also Atlantians you can actually google it
out and that's what's happening deep inside me understanding and
understanding this the whole story like why understanding the why and right now
it's about taking action really taking action to do things that I need to do so
I have been delaying quite a lot yeah and for the other hand that's for the deeper
personal mission and I think that's another one that we all can learn is
also about this not taking things personally ta- not taking things
personally it's like whenever someone throws tantrum or you know say something
bad that you feel hurt it's like for me I felt easily hurt
or especially for those are close to me like my family members and my loved ones
and I would feel like..
I'm very sensitive to their words since young and so whenever this people around
me that's to say something that are not so good to me
I would take it personally absorb the emotions and I'm not feeling good about
myself you know you know what I mean so what I've learned also and been
practicing is that whatever the other person is saying it's their it's their
reflection of themselves let's say this person get angry easily just like
suddenly throw a tantrum throw things close to door bam- so what happened is
usually I would feel that owh is it my fault
you know I caused this but then what happened is actually it's that person
reflection of themselves they're not feeling good themselves what I'd say is
in short they do not love themselves they do not know how to love themselves
because I'm still learning you know I'm not saying that everybody's like that
but we we have been self criticizing and negative self talk about ourselves
self sabotaging thoughts a lot in the mind so what happened is that person has that
their own world going on that person is on fire riding on a wild horse and you
know just don't take it personally that's their reflection and whatever
they said to you it is not de.. that does not mean that you that does not
means that it's really you you so your value does not depend on others what
others are saying especially when they are angry
so yeah I'm detaching this emotions from especially when this anger arises from
the other person or when they feel hurt because mostly they
would feel afraid afraid that's fear that they might be losing this
so it's fear when they when they, there's anger arise that's also another way
of saying that I want to love yeah I just love all these articles I think
I'll be sharing down that so that means that they are looking for love and
whenever we respond or react to them we would say another way we would say I want
love too and the other person with say I want love too I want love three I want love four
so it's one way of dealing with that is first do not take
it personally you know that your value does not depend on that and then
that response instead of react now this is like after I've been I've done some
meditation job and for me it's still not an easy job sometimes I'd still react
you know I still feel hurt I will still cry I will still throw some
tantrum like I'll show some something to them so it's not easy it's just a
daily practice and I learn the skill it's just very good so far it has been
helping so what happened is whatever you have this many negative self talk or
whatever that happens from the outside you and you feel this emotions
negative emotions and you want to rewire your brain to positive emotions you
would do this this is called Tapping works okay so you have different pressure
points to tap on so there is nine different pressure points to tap on 1 2 3 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6
yeah so it's it's like on the bra strap
so it's like under the arm if it's for women
it's under like the center of the bra strap so like three fingers down the
armpit and then one two three four five six seven eight
three fingers down from the wrist eight nine so nine different acupressure
points and then you're just keep on tapping and you will say some
affirmations like something like this so when I feel hurt I would say I feel
hurt right now I feel hurt right now but I still love and accept myself fully
and profoundly now the behind words will make it louder
yeah I feel hurt but I still love and accept myself fully I feel hurt
but I still love and accept myself fully I feel hurt but I still love and accept myself fully
So I am going to stop for a while because my aunt came back and so the dogs will be barking for a while I will continue later
So we were talking about.. I am back I am back So we were talking about the tapping works
so tap different nine different tabs and saying affirmation at the same time and
you can do it like one round or three rounds
I.. sometimes I will do three rounds and just important to remember that you
can um whenever you feel negative or you have something that's inside and wanna
rewire and channel to positive energy you can do the tapping work and I'll be
sharing more links about that and below and thanks to Louise Hay and
there's another technique which I will look whenever I see mirror
it's called mirror works and it's kind of like when you see mirrors you reaffirm
and kind of like compliment yourself thank you you're beautiful
thank you for being here and do your best today and giving yourself
like a self hug or self pat that's a simple one
well normally we would hope people to do this to us like compliment us and
acknowledge us but I think it's really important to do it first to yourself and
then then we can learn how to do it to others so we can others can feel that
Hope in a Dark Tunnel: A picture tells a 1000 words - Duration: 5:12.
Hello and welcome its Bev from Living Fabulously and today I thought I would
share with you the reason behind the image on the cover of my new book
So my new book is called Hope in a Dark Tunnel: Your roadmap to well-being when
navigating chronic illness and this beautiful image that you see behind here
was originally a photograph and the photograph has a lot of story and
meaning behind it so I thought I would explain it to you. So I had an online
friend as we all do and we have often not met them in person and so this
particular friend Soness Stevens was living in Japan and I was about to go
and travel to Japan so I thought I'd connect with her and ask her what she
thought I could accomplish in four days in Japan and first she said no no the
first thing you accomplishing is you're going to come and stay with us in our
home in Chigasaki and so that began this beautiful connection with somebody
in person that I'd only met online the other thing is that when I arrived there
obviously she opened her home and her husband Yuji were warming and welcoming
and I spent some day a day travelling with a friend of hers called Mitsue
and Mitsue obviously had been seconded to me and we had a wonderful day in
Tokyo but the following day Soness and I took a trip together and we were
travelling towards a number of beautiful parts of the country where you can see
Mount Fuji in the distance and so forth and during this journey so we were on the
train for a fair amount of time and during this journey Soness opened her
heart to me about the grief and loss she had experienced from miscarriage and it
was as if I had come just at the right time and
she was able to talk out the hurt, the sadness, the challenges that she had
experienced with the miscarriage and if you've ever been to Japan public
displays of affection are not done and when we exited the train she turned to
me and clung to me and sobbed and all I could do in that moment was just to hold
her in my arms and comfort her and that day is just etched in my mind forever
but what also happened on that day is that not only had she trusted me and
allowed me to be that support for her what happened is I felt free for the
first time to share the immense loss and grief I felt from being chronically ill
I had given up my very successful career as not only an award-winning but a board
certified executive and also an accredited master change leadership
consultant and there was a lot of my identity attached to this and so there
was a lot of grief for me that I hadn't processed yet at that time and we then
continued our day and enjoyed this time together but we got to the Hakone
open-air museum and she had known about my aspiration to write a book and I
already had a working title Hope in a Dark Tunnel and we got to this tunnel in
the Hakone open-air museum and she said I need to take a photo of you this needs
to be the cover of your book and so it is so this has been beautifully stylized
from a photograph and so the essence and the meaning behind this photograph is
that we'll find someone who will support us
unconditionally and be an advocate for us in our lives and in our journey to
health I am your advocate if you are suffering
from chronic illness and this is the reason that I wrote my book for people
like you and I'm asking that if you're interested to take a read of the first
three chapters and let's get you out of this turmoil that is chronic illness
thanks for listening and bye for now let's live the fab life together
Wenger shows his class by leaping over barriers to hand his tie to young Arsenal fan ●News Now ●#AFC - Duration: 2:21.
The Gunners boss spotted the young boy holding a sign asking for his tie and was happy to
hand it over to him
Arsene Wenger proved he really is a class act by handing a young Arsenal fan his tie
after his final home game in charge of the club.
The Gunners boss, who will stand down at the end of the season after 22 years in charge,
spotted the boy holding a sign asking for his tie while doing a lap of honour following
Arsenal's 5-0 win over Burnley.
Without skipping a beat the Frenchman leaped over the advertising hoardings running around
the perimeter of the ground and handed the boy his tie.
He then returned to the pitch where he continued his lap of honour to the sound of Gunners
supporters loudly singing: "There's only one Arsene Wenger".
The Arsenal team did Wenger proud in his final game in charge at home on Sunday, sticking
five past Burnley without reply.
After the game Wenger was welcomed onto the pitch, where he spoke to the fans.
"Thank you very much," he began.
"Before I start I just want to say I wish my fellow manager Alex Ferguson well in his
recovery very quickly.
"Thank you for having me for such a long time.
Like you I am an Arsenal fan.
"It is a way of life.
It is caring about the beautiful game.
We care, we worry, we are desperate but when you come here dreams are realised.
"I would ask you to support these players and the staff left behind.
This group has a special quality on and off the pitch.
Support them next season because they deserve it."
Wenger will take charge of two more games as Arsenal boss before standing down after
his side visit Leicester City and then Huddersfield on the last day of the season.
Paranova - Dragontorpet Teaser - Duration: 2:35.
Paranormal investigation
Dragontorpet 55 is located in Bergsbrunna which is a neighborhood in Uppsala.
The last soldier was Karl Thun f. Karlsson.
Is Karl still there?
We have previously investigated the house and experienced inexplicable phenomena.
Is Karl Thun alone in the house?
Or are there more energies there?
Does anyone need help to get away from here?
Who is the woman who wants to get out of there?
What has actually happened here?
Is there any truth about the rumour that a little girl have died here?
We documented during one night
Trying to give you the answers.
Are there any paranormal activity at Dagontorpet?
Coming at the end of may.
Don't miss that!
Looking for King Shaka's (the Zulu king) isivivane - Duration: 2:55.
We are driving somewhere
on a gravel road close to Umzumbe
and we are looking for king Shaka's
Declan is quickly going to tell us what that is he was standing (looking out onto) on a branch of a river (the Umzumbe river)
then he picked up a pebble.. no he
he spoke to his ancestors, then he picked up a stone with his left foot
then he placed it into his right hand
..spat on it, muttered a prayer
and put it down
then his impi's came one by one and did the same
and eventually this formed a great heap of stones
but we cannot find that heap
I don't know why...
.. but we are still looking, hey?
so we were just at the Umzumbe Municipality
and there are people driving out ahead of us
and they will show us where the spot is
we found it!!!!
May TBR | Siwe Magadla BookTube - Duration: 3:50.
hi everyone welcome back to my channel I'm Siwe Magadla and today I'll be
talking about my TBR list so TBR stands for the books that I'll be reading to be
read and yeah. so I took out three books from the library and also I'm planning
on reading some of the books on my Google Play Books so I'm planning on
reading okay I'm currently at the moment reading
Panashe Chigumadzi 'Sweet Medicine' I've
always wanted to read this because we she came to Rhodes University for the
book launch of this book and it was like a really nice enjoyable experience there
was just the creation of that space was amazing so this book is about Tsitsi who
is a young woman in Zimbabwe during the economic crisis of Zimbabwe in 2008
she's in a relationship with this older guy I think it's for mainly economic
security but I also I'm like guessing there is a bit of romance in there I
don't know I'm currently reading it at the moment
and yeah it looks like a short read and I will be looking forward to doing a
book review on this book the most. the second book that I took out and
hopefully I'll read after Tsitsi's um not Tsitsi, Panashe's book is 'The Ministry of
Utmost Happiness' by Arundhati Roy. I wanted to take out 'The God of
Small Things' but it's a 48-hour loan and I don't see myself finishing a book in
48 hours because I have schoolwork and everything else I don't know what this
book is about to be honest I just I've heard so much about Arundhati Roy
and I've always wanted to read 'The God of Small Things' so I'm just going in
this with not like nothing like I don't have a clue I read like the summary but
it doesn't really make any sense to me yet so I'm just I'm just gonna dive into
the book and then third is as a Zadie Smith I really love her I think she's a
masterful storyteller I read 'White Teeth' of I've read 'NW
as well as 'White Teeth' of its hers as well as the changing
something her essays I didn't really enjoy some of the essays so I didn't
finish that. this book I took it out because one of my friends I think I can
call a friend just book about Zadie Smith 'On Beauty' this book is
specifically and how Zadie Smith really writes really well when she is
dealing with unlikable women because women always have to be these likeable
subjects and Zadie Smith does.. is not afraid to tap into unlikable woman and
then the other books and I'm planning on reading this month is 'What We Lose' by a
Zinzi Clemmons it's a really short no novel is it a
novella then if it's really short I don't know please tell me in the
comments below and I've been like trying to restart
reading 'Turtles all way down all the way down' I think it's called that by John
Green yeah like I just I like John Green's writing actually like yeah and
so I'll hopefully have an update by the end of this month about my progress in
terms of that I've been - thank you for watching please like subscribe and share
also please tell me what kind of books are you reading which kind of books
would you recommend if you've read any of the books that I mentioned today
well I'm not wearing my glasses so I can't see and other than that bye I'll see you next
西方驚嘆! 中國這一神器簡直堪比戰略武器, 白宮: 價格便宜到過分 - Duration: 5:36.
Krem fiołkowy na torbiel galaretowatą - Duration: 3:55.
हैप्पी मदर्स डे / Mother Day Whatsapp Status Video - Duration: 0:34.
Mother'S Day Whatsapp Status
全麵攤牌 美軍剛公開了一個大動作 專家:中俄要小心了 - Duration: 4:02.
中國科學家創奇迹 全球首例沙漠變綠洲科技,中東多國尋求合作 - Duration: 3:16.
獨步全球 中國這武器太酷炫,俄專家:沒人敢在中國面前班門弄斧 - Duration: 5:17.
도시락 폭풍먹방하며 365일 다이어트한다는 설현 ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 2:38.
축의금 NO, 신혼여행 無 한채아♥차세찌, 개념 결혼식 종합 ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 5:08.
[3x11] Gastón breaks up with Nina / Translation - Duration: 4:29.
Nina you have no idea how the university library is like
There are editions of books you'd love
Yes I'm sure I'd love them
They're very interesant. You should think about
visiting me or studying there after Blake
I'd start to study when you finish
because you'll come back at the end of the year, right?
That's what I wanted to talk about
The student exchange will take longer than one year
Oh you mean like a year and two months?
or a year and three months?
or maybe four or five but that would be it, wouldn't it?
Nina I don't know how long it would take
All I know it that I won't come back next year
What will I do?
I don't know. That's why I thought you could come there
No, no, no Gastón. I don't know. My friends are here
and my family and I'm also writing for "Skate friends"
I can't go
One thing is not to be able to and another not wanting to
or not even trying to
I love you and you know how much I love you
but I can't leave my life
Why don't we try continuing like we did before?
Because if two people are really in love everything is possible, isn't it?
Nina I really don't know if I can continue like that
I don't know when I'll come back and you aren't sure if you want to go there
That's no good
What do you want to say?
I don't know, maybe it's the best for both of us if we break up
So we don't suffer
But if you say break up do you really mean breaking up?
Yes, yes I know it's hard
You don't know how much I'll miss you
Yes I'll miss you too
In that case we can't suffer any longer. You taught me
if there is any time or any place we're meant to be together
[Nina] Yes [Gastón] Don't worry, we'll find each other
Yes I agree, I listen to you and I feel you're right but
I love you so much
I love you too
Gastón do you think that within all the years we won't see each other
and won't talk to each other, the sea will keep our names?
I think it will keep them forever
I think I better go now
[Gastón] Ciao [Nina] Ciao
방탄소년단, 컴백 트레일러 공개…주인공은 뷔 - Duration: 3:20.
看到吳尊老婆的照片,突然懂得吳尊為什麼只曬孩子不曬她! - Duration: 9:51.
Maya the Bee 2: The Honey ...
Emerson, Lake & Palmer Karn Evil 9 (Legendado) - Duration: 29:37.
ROS Rules of Survival - เล่นชิวๆยามเช้า(สายฝึกหัด) - Duration: 21:17.
Krem fiołkowy na torbiel galaretowatą - Duration: 3:55.
Story with MeliMi "The Birthday of the Tedi Bear" - Duration: 4:55.
Hello, Melissa
Hello to you!
What are you reading?
I read a story
A story?
I want to
Just read me a story
Get here
What's the story about?
About toys!
I know a story about toys
I found her
The story is about
the teddy bear Tedi
I'm focused!
It was once
a teddy bear called Tedi
The Tedi Bear
sat sad on his bed
No one was playing with him
Today was his birthday
He was four years old
His tears flowed over his cheeks
the beard erased them
with the lute
it was nobody
to help him
There was no friend
next to him
to take him in his arms
and comfort him
Tedi had a wonderful friend
Little Michael
Tedi was Michael's toy
They were inseparable
Where she left
Michael took Tedi with him
when he left the house
Tedi was in his arms
When Mihai ate
Tedi had his seat on the table
But in the morning what
Mihai left with his parents
by car
and did not take Tedi
He had left it alone
The bear was sad
He did not stop crying
the door of the room opened
Mihai ran
he rushed to the bear
took him in his arms
she caressed him
and wiped his tears
My friend is here
with me
I did not forget
as I thought
Tedi said happily
Mihai gave a gift
honey of bees
and a tasty cake
put them in front of the bear
They've been playing together all day
Long live!
Happy Birthday!
Long live
Happy Birthday!
Do not forget to subscribe
Long live
Happy Birthday!
That nice gift
he has not received any bear
Bye Bye
Learn the Alphabet Animals - Letter B - BEAR - Duration: 2:16.
Mr. Train coming
Poznáte, komu patří bříško na snímku? Tvrdila, že spolkla zelí a chodís tanečníkem - Duration: 1:31.
14 pamoka. Kūrėjai siekia originalumo? - Duration: 9:59.
成大動漫大會 -2018/4/28成大同人場,帶你大開眼界,看年輕人在流行什麼~ - Duration: 5:27.
Agata Buzek rozstała się z mężem w tajemnicy! Tego nikt się nie spodziewał! - Duration: 6:30.
Нежные заколочки-цветы из ленты 2,5 см МК🌸Flower of ribbon 2,5 cm DIY Tutorial🌸Flores de fita №5 - Duration: 13:31.
- Grosgrain ribbon 5x 2.5*9 cm
- Grosgrain ribbon 5x 2.5*9 cm
- Kanzashi accessory of pearl and rhinestones
- Kanzashi accessory of pearl and rhinestones
- Felt (or any other basis) 2.5*2.5cm
- Grosgrain ribbon 1 cm*2.5cm
- Barrette or elastic band
1 cm
- melt glue gel
No Fluminense, Abel elogia postura contra o Vitória e fala sobre a Sul-Americana - Duration: 4:55.
Jacek Rozenek i Roxy Gąska zaskoczą swoich fanów! Co za radość! - Duration: 3:03.
Valobashar Kobita | diary (Bangla) - Duration: 0:53.
Thanks for watching
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