Mother day whatsapp status Video
For more infomation >> Short Status On Mother | Mothers Quotes For Whatsapp Status - Duration: 0:31.
미국이 최첨단 기술을 쏟아부은 제럴드 포드급 항공모함의 특징 | Korean News - Duration: 6:29.
Cartoons about cars for children Cars Cartoon Colored Cars for boys - Duration: 11:43.
Come Home Soon
Impractical Jokers S 6 E 19 - Duration: 24:46.
Rodrigo Faro é recebido por multidão em Angola e se emociona com carinho dos fãs - Duration: 4:16.
Anitta é acusada de promover promiscuidade para crianças e rebate com resposta daquelas - Duration: 4:51.
Caminhada em casal! Ticiane Pinheiro e Cesar Tralli curtem juntos praia no RJ - Duration: 5:15.
Filho de Claudia Raia e Edson Celulari, Enzo faz tatuagem em homenagem ao pai que - Duration: 2:52.
Whindersson Nunes levanta a bandeira a favor do feminismo e enaltece luta das mulheres - Duration: 4:25.
Bean Boozled Challenge: Una Marea Di Fagioli Puzzolenti - Duration: 12:05.
國人沉默!中國艦載預警機為何不選運7,答案曝光,震撼了所有人 - Duration: 4:22.
[Eng] FGO - Caster Sieg My Room Lines Translation - Duration: 13:49.
For the moment being, this is a temporary contract
This is not my first experience fighting as a servant, but this is the first time I fight as myself...
I think I'm saying a lot of incomprehensible things, but I'm counting on you
Servant, Sieg
Use me as you wish
We should probably head to the quest any time now
I heard a hot-blooded servant is setting up a strike
I am sure that I am an attendant
However, this ill-mannered way of speaking does taint my saint graph
I'm sorry
Anything I need to do?
Is it okay if I do nothing?
Even then It's necessary to stay nearby
I see, attending is not a simple thing to do
(If you have Jeanne d'Arc) Oh... the Saint of Orleans is also here
It's just natural for her, isn't it?
She who can't stay put when humanity face a crisis
However, I don't think she'll remember me, I want to leave it that way
My current self have nothing but vague traces of memories for her too
Unless we meet one day in a different form - that will surely be the case
(If you have Astolfo) You're around after all, Rider!
I don't quite understand, your saint graph is smiling wryly just as usual
Alright, let's give our best shot together!
Surely the choices you previously made in the past is not to be forgiven so easily
But, I think your outcry for peace was at least genuine
So, lets fight together, I'll be glad to
(If you have Amakusa Shirou) Once, he was an existence that I had to defeat
However, now that he's an ally, I hold no grudges
Nevertheless, it's a complicated feeling, and I think Amakusa Shirou would also think the same way
(If you have Siegfried) I had never been able to converse much with you
But, it is no doubt that my current self and volition being as it is now, is all thanks to you
Thank you, Siegfried, I don't have words for you beyond that
Chiron eh?
The flow of time is ever so slightly more lenient this time
If possible, I have a lot of thing to ask...
Please wait for it
I've suddenly thought of a mountain of questions
Vigorously-spirited above all else
I wonder did you find the answer...
Is that so?
If so, why are you angry when i'm about to greet your father?
Things that I like, is it...
Ah that's it, the fact that I exist here like this
That alone is already a miracle
I think to desire anything more than that would perhaps be, too selfish
There's nothing that I dislike
I'll accept anything equally
The Holy Grail... eh
It is a bad thing, no matter how small it is, I want to carry it away to the other side
As such, I want you to keep it as far away as possible from me
Beyond that, I think it's perhaps best to not hand it over to that person, Amakusa Shirou
We're amidst an event
Let's fight
Master? What's wrong?
Is there something?
I'm a lifeless-sculpture-like kind of being
Is there's anything that's a secret, don't hold yourself back from telling me
It will never leave my mouth
Say, Master, if you have any trouble, you can talk to me
I'm not sure if I can be a strength useful for you, but I've been told that listening to a person's problem is good enough
Master, um...
Actually no, its nothing
I want you to forget about this... don't worry about it
Master, umm...
I'm glad that you befriended me
I've wanted to do the same but I don't know how to actually do it...
Actually no, as expected I want you to forget about this now, It's embarrassing
You? I see
This is something of a fancy
It's a bit of a thing like my power, but I'd be fortunate if it helps
Unfortunately, this form is not one that changes, it doesn't look like i will the second time i ascend either
It doesn't seem like this is something that have any meaning...
Wait, no, it's a thing that you did for my sake, thank you
I thought I'll never be able to change for the better...
But this feeling called battle overwhelms me
Well then, this isn't so bad
For taking me so far...
I do not know what would be good enough that's more than just gratitude
Anyways master, thank you
This homunculus that's called me, is probably the happiest one in the world
My capabilities as a servant improved...
I did not expect this
I don't know to what extent I can fight with this body, but thinking too much about it won't help now!
Understood, I'll move into the battle
Straße Gehn (Logic Path/Open)
Additional support, prepare
I see
O Holy grail, answer my plea!
Let's Go!
O My Hero, grant me your powers!
In this instance!
Start transformation! The pilgrimage to the beyond
I am one who soar with the heavenly cup, one who became an impious dragon… torch everything!
Akafiloga Argrise 『The Incandescent Dragon Breath Scorching a Thousand Worlds』!
Endure it ... Ugh!!
Don't think about it too much...
After all, I'm merely a homunculus...
It's just like when I was born...
Scared, I am not...
This is thanks for the powers graced upon me by him
While I do feel rather cowardly, it's for master's sake...
Is master alright? If so everything's fine then
Der SCHWIERIGSTE Troll überhaupt! 😥 | Slain - Duration: 3:37.
Short Status On Mother | Mothers Quotes For Whatsapp Status - Duration: 0:31.
Mother day whatsapp status Video
Vice do BBB18, Kaysar está cobrando fortuna por presença vip; saiba o valor - Duration: 3:28.
How to remove stretch marks after pregnancy with home remedies - Duration: 2:21.
Cartoons about cars for children Cars Cartoon Colored Cars for boys - Duration: 11:43.
Come regolare la glicemia in modo naturale - Duration: 6:38.
Short Status On Mother | Mothers Quotes For Whatsapp Status - Duration: 0:31.
Mother day whatsapp status Video
미국이 최첨단 기술을 쏟아부은 제럴드 포드급 항공모함의 특징 | Korean News - Duration: 6:29.
Cartoons about cars for children Cars Cartoon Colored Cars for boys - Duration: 11:43.
How I Make Money Online
The 1 Bitcoin Show- BTC is for way more than coffee! Ripple, Bcash, ICOs, Ethereum, Decred - Duration: 24:31.
Hello everyone this is Adam Meister the bitcoin meister the disrupt meister
welcome to the one bitcoin show it all starts with one bitcoin people remember
today is May the 6th 2018 strong hand now your wealth in Bitcoin avoid the
buzzword peddlers bitcoin is not for victims conformity in the present is
invisibility in the future alright I just want to thank tea over in the super
chat whoo right before the show started send ten bucks he said thank you for
your continued efforts Adam well tea thank you and I'm glad I have a loyal
watcher like you out there and anyone in the chat who wants to ask a question you
could do a super chat I'll see your super chat just like teas if you're
doing this live alright now speaking about not live go to the archives link
to below you can watch this week in bitcoin it was amazing Zack ball Maximo
and Giuseppe were on and we talked a lot about on the ground action in Venezuela
oh my god what maximum revealed he's a brave dude man also I want to say watch
yesterday's beyond Bitcoin show where I talk about subject matters beyond
Bitcoin it a little bit of Bitcoin you'll get to see a salmon head oh yes a
salmon head which I have since eaten by the way but yes a salmon head appears on
yesterday's video golden hold alright so where we have here oh yeah also Tresor a
link to below get you some bit you one not proper grammar all right so Twitter
poll of mine from last week its final you guys would rather see 63% of you
said you'd rather the ripple ranked number three on coin
market cap than be cash which 37% of you said that was a little surprising to me
on one level but I just when I surf around the Twittersphere out there the
crypto Twitter related materials there is a lot of be cash talk out there you
know personally you guys are wasting a lot of your time talking about big cash
just just let it go let it go but it makes sense that you dislike it more
than Ripple I guess for me ripple is centralized it's it can be it's got a
great point of weakness it's a corporation it's not Bitcoin whatsoever
be cash at least was a copy of a Bitcoin okay well thank you for participating in
that poll at the end that Twitter poll it is linked below you guys love your
kyc coin ripple just joking beads like button by the way because Polonia X has
a press release out that I link to below it says starting on May 15th they're
gonna have consistent and competitive trading fees link to below you can check
that out yourselves they're getting all corporate on us but hey consistency in
trading fees that sounds pretty nice you don't want it to be random alright D
cred I haven't mentioned the word Meek read lately on this show I knew some of
you go crazy when I do that and I guess that's part of the reason I have to say
it every once in a while so some of you mad crazy decrypt fans for just like
typing D credit thousand times in the chat or in the comments or whatever you
choose to do but anyway D cred Pumped recently
because a Korean Exchange listed it and I bring this up because it reminds me of
the more bull market of days in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency when we used to talk
about Korean exchanges pumping all coins and we used to talk about D crash he's
hardly no one's been talking about deke red lately
so maybe this is a sign of things that come people for you impatient people who
need a bull market now well there you go there's some hope for you if you value
your Bitcoin and Fiat but again I value my wealth in Bitcoin one Bitcoin equals
one Bitcoin so you know it's $9,000 $10,000 doesn't make a difference to me
but I will say this this weekend there were periods of time where our o the
crypto currencies were pumping now now all of them are dumping as I do this
show but hey man it's cyclical as we say but there and there was a lot of being
cash talk on Twitter and he just reminded me of November 10th to 12th
which seems so long ago now when be cash was pumping like a madman back then I
went up to like over a 30% of a Bitcoin is he for one second it was like 40% of
a Bitcoin you remember that and all these weak hands were selling their
Bitcoin to get BK oh it was horrible you weak hands that sold your Bitcoin for be
cast as you thought be cast was going to be the real big oh my god
November 10th that's what I remember well I was in Israel
god bless the land of Israel so when I was in the Holy Land of Israel back back
then god bless it it just sticks out this memory I had Simon Dixon on the
show and the lot of you were worried but it's all cyclical and doesn't that sound
like it seems so long ago now does that happen
but yeah it was above this weekend felt similar to that at one point but hey and
so I said on yesterday's choice I wouldn't be surprised if it you know you
get your be cash 2.2 again that's just a way to get you know if you happen to an
own be cash still it's a great way to get more big coin when it gets over that
point to mark again or whatever you want to do about 20% of a big coin that means
everybody so yeah it's all cyclical but I will say this is Sal it's May 10th was
not even a half a year ago November 10th was I've been half a year ago now and it
just seems like a lifetime ago and
move fast in this crypto space I will say that and the other day I think it
wasn't my Thursday show I don't remember now I was talking I I mentioned the Fiat
price and how it was getting close to five digits and how I wondered if people
would party again on their on their channels but someone pointed this out to
me they said you should party when it's six digits and you know what that's what
we do here I'm not I'm not gonna celebrate when it said five digits again
we all have I'll mention Fiat again because again one big point equals one
Bitcoin but when it gets to six digits what party here that'll be a momentous
thing let's not let's not limit ourselves here to be happy about happy
about the five digits or an all-time high over 20k or something like that
no no no six digits we party like rock stars here okay
so who knows how long it will take hey but again if you're a long-term thinker
you're quite confident about the six digits and you're not impulsive you're
not rushing you're not a you're not too worried alright so the Swiss agency for
development and cooperation and the global knowledge partnership or
migration and development oh these bureaucratic agencies that like to make
long reports well they have a new report out that I linked to below migration and
remittances recent developments and outlook and here is a well first of all
I will say this at people if these people who work they report on people
using remittances all over the world all these immigrants are workers in
different countries sending it back home to their native countries their value
their wealth and all the high fees that they have to pay well if they actually
use Bitcoin they a few of these people would start to save some of that Bitcoin
they just wouldn't send it back to mom and dad and sister and brother they
would probably a few a few would start to save it so I really do hope and
because they don't have back accounts they don't have bank accounts these
people many of them so could get them into that if they start to use Bitcoin
as a remittance tool which they will soon enough
some will start to use it as a bank account too but let me read you the
quote from the report remittance costs the global average cost of sending
remittances has remained nearly stagnant standing at 7.1 percent in the first
quarter of 2018 more than twice the SDG target of 3 percent factors contributing
to high cost include de-risking measures taking by commercial banks and exclusive
partnerships between national post office systems and the single money
transfer operator these factors are constraining the introduction of cheaper
and more efficient technologies such as internet and smartphone apps and
blockchain in remittance services in two recent reports the Financial Stability
Board found that Bank still perceive the remittance sector as high risk and that
the closing of bank accounts continued into the first half of 2017 all right
that says a lot right there first of all that they even brought up blockchain
they know what's all the horizon these people making the report okay they know
but the target they think that 3% is a good deal for these people sending
remittances I'll tell you what once these people start using Bitcoin Bitcoin
will beat that to send 50 dollars won't cost a dollar 50 okay okay that's uh
that's three percent right there no that's up yes that's that's three
percent right there and it will be cheaper than that and so that it right
now it's seven percent for these people and it's you know they have all these
excuses the main excuse is that it is very
centralized that these companies can charge whatever they want to there's
there's no really good people aren't using the alternatives of Bitcoin and
other cryptocurrencies once they realize this once it becomes
easier to use cryptocurrencies these remittance companies and the deals that
Post Office has had with them and banks have with them if they'll go away I mean
Western Union will be a thing of the past I mean it'll exist in some form
just like a fax machine still exists today but people people email a lot more
than they do fax all right so let's talk about be cash real quick here I noticed
on Twitter that there's all these pictures of some be cash decorations on
cars like you paint the whole car to look like a be cash cards green coloring
and it's just plastered on a few of them clearly these dudes have some marketing
budget out there I'll say so I don't know what's up with the the cars painted
as be cash cars I do know that big has pumped to eighteen percent of a Bitcoin
why this is is it because of the in what partially because everything cyclical
but we're approaching there may fifteenth hard fork and there may 18th
conference in Asia I don't know maybe a lot of Asian people are excited about it
maybe people like to see their green colored cars on the road I'll just say
this they they clearly are proactive in their marketing of hate them or like
them or whatever you think of all right here is something that reminds me that
bitcoin should not be spent on coffee this is from Alistair Milne what is
nonsensical is trying to convince people to spend more than a small percent of
their tickets aboard a financial Noah's Ark the first truly sovereign wealth
with madam mathematically guaranteed scarcity bitcoin I I think that's great
it is Bitcoin is a ticket aboard a financial Noah's Ark if you were living
in the time of Noah know that that's how you say his name in Hebrew if you were
in the time of Noah would you and you had a ticket to go on they know his Ark
with him okay when you go out and just spend it on
zebra meat or something like that when you go out and like pay the pay the guy
to get you some spring water or would you save your ticket instead of giving
and give him your ticket for spring water right or would you save your
ticket to go and of course to go on Noah's frickin Ark why people I mean why
people want to spend their ticket on Noah's Ark on coffee are on ridiculous
ins be patient long-term thinking you want to survive for God's sakes people
all right now that like button I am tech ball on Twitter by the way follow me on
Twitter on steamin I am bitcoinmeister and here's a little bit of steam it news
for you people if you post don't steam it if you're a
content creator like I am i right now you're watching this video libel and
steam it because I post all my videos on steaming or you're watching it taped on
seen it but when you used to post something on Steam it it would
automatically up vote it for you you it would self upload it you would it would
take some of your steam power and uploaded okay upload your post
so immediately you'd earn 10 Steam dollars you shoot ten cents or one cent
or whatever in Steam dollars they don't do that anymore
so if you want to if you want to up vote your post you got to do it manually now
just want to put that out there I don't know why they change this they do that
sometimes they just randomly do things like that maybe there was a woman I
didn't get a warning no one told me again it's personal responsibility
though that's the new counterculture so it's up to me to upload my thing now not
rely on steam it to do it so I found that about it I'm not gonna say anything
on steam it I'm doing it myself that's what you guys do in life people
you learn you live you learn then you just move on roll with the punches and
you make life better from what you just learned and I hope all of you own steam
it can do that from what I just taught you so here is a tweet from the great
Liberty Brit Blitzkrieg Michael Krieger we spoke in Colorado
he lives in college it was great to meet him in person uh
bitcoin is an op out of a corrupt financial system your private keys under
your control means that money is no longer in the banking system it is a
powerful statement it's very inspirational there Michael thank you
very much for that awesome tweet of yours okay a dude from Poland who is in
motion he contacted me about this over Twitter and that's part of the reason I
am going to mention when I'm about to mention because it dudes in motion and I
link to this below so they're doing a crypto dividend of some point called um
is this thing probably being called what's it called smart cash what yes
smart cash holders get ten B Confidential's okay so they're they're
forking in the I don't know what they're doing okay obviously bitcoin is the rock
again like the guy is in motion he's telling me about this that's great but
it's called be confidential because they they want to make it into a they're
focusing on privacy and they're they admit that big point is the rock because
they're naming their Fork of schnapps smart cash be confidential but this is
just a reminder that there is a lot of interest in privacy coins out there when
people are going to go to these expense you know rebranding their smart cash is
be confidential but again there's going to come a day when there is going to be
a real life issue whether it being cryptocurrency
or in mainstream life or there is a major privacy issue something happens I
can't predict when this is going to happen but it's just a matter of time
before people really get paranoid about privacy for good reason and they already
should be I mean you should care about privacy and when that day happens there
are going to be some major pumpa jizz in the top two your privacy coins what's a
top two your privacy coin I'm not gonna get into that right now okay I mean
that's up to your interpretation you can say Manero - the ashes you see classic
be private whatever maybe uh maybe this thing probably not but be confidential
good luck and good luck to be confidential I guess I'm not but I just
again this is a reminder that bitcoin is not as great as in privacy as it could
be right now okay it will be people say lightning networks gonna help but that
people say all these things our privacy is gonna be the next big thing we see it
in a trending crypto dividends here anyway and going back to what I said
about Krieger you can watch our talks when we spoke in Denver on the world
Krypton Network you can also listen to the world Krypton Network podcast link
to below driver all right look I got a look I got that underneath there - I
really love this this whatever hoodie man this thing is like my best piece of
my it's it's my favorite thing to wear I don't know it's it keeps me warm it's
nice I like it all right here Ripple I said I'd talk about Ripple some more wow
this is now is taking long his videos gone long was I didn't realize I had
this here so if they some food lost $585 on Ripple and so now he's suing ripple
or it's a class-action lawsuit about against ripple you guys heard about it
it was announced a few days ago when you are a centralized target you're going to
have to deal with this though okay it's a huge weaknesses weakness of these
company or foundation based coins because ripple is a company and then
some have found that these are points of weaknesses when you can sue a foundation
when you can sue a company a lot you're 80 percenters don't give a darn about
this but in the long run this is going to be the downfall of a lot of these
altcoins okay if they're even really cryptocurrencies but but that's another
debate so this is a week format O'Doul people bought Ripple
price dropped and they lost money now they filed a class action against Ripple
I don't support this for what it's worth people should take some personal
responsibility and every once in every once in a while nobody forced them to
buy ripple amen amen so no I'm not for this suit either okay it's frivolous 585
dollars a guy come on personal responsibility people you
bought the darn thing you deal with it deal with it you shouldn't have I mean
people been warning you about these centralized points for a long time
live and learn move on go to or you you want to do but I don't I don't support
the lawsuit I'm not gonna I'm not a ripple fan at all but again it is a
point of weakness that they can be sued but take some personal responsibility
it's a new counterculture ain't it a new counterculture people hold your Bitcoin
strong hand okay Bruce Fenton I've never seen so many people invest so much money
and bad ideas as most I cos the only reason most still exists is because
bitcoin and other serious projects created a tide that lifts all boats the
time will eventually go back leaving a few winners in a sea of dead projects
okay the last tweet and this is the tweet of the day the picture of the day
and Rhett actually tweeted this out it was making fun of him it shows him all
cartoonish holding all these different bear crypto dividend forks of Bitcoin
that it keeps on doing it says for c'mon you know like Pokemon but for c'mon I
thought it's a Connie and check it on yourself it's linked to below hey at
least it do does a sense of humor he cannot put it out there but I I found it
to be a very a true very true cartoon there hang on one second I remembered
there was one other thing I might have had to say today
what is this truck did I read this here oh I forgot that somehow I forgot this
personal responsibility is new counter cool
your point here this is about aetherium and the 80 percenters do not care very
much about how there's been talk about etherium doing some more Forks and
recovering people's funds that were lost due to various issues surrounding
aetherium not in not necessarily not a fear a problem with aetherium but with
these we had the dow bailout just to bailout people with his foolish projects
involved with aetherium and some people like this a lot some people have no
personal personal responsibility they want to be bailed out oh I was tricked
into getting into this etherium project bail me out
no you weren't tricked you chose me when you you thought you're gonna make a lot
of money but so maybe this has been public the price of etherium because
there are more 80 percenters and 20 percenters there probably a lot of
people out there that want them to to have these fun recovery forks but here's
a comment or an article that was talking about this this is hilarious fun
recovery makes aetherium no different from regular banks and Ledger's with
central authority I trust bitcoin and litecoin because they will not consider
such nonsense there you go dudes I I don't believe in
bailouts either forking bailouts is in no you don't fork for a bailout here and
we had this with the Dow that's why if you're in classic even exist so but you
know what a fear it's all cyclical people who if aetherium does do these
bailout forks they'll be forgiven they'll be forgiven pit it might even
pump the price because again most people out there do not understand
centralization and having a dictator and the difference between Bitcoin and a
bank and a government whatever if you understand all that you're in the 20%
and you're gonna do very well you're not going to be impulsive you're not gonna
speculate become an off point rate or lose all your money and want to be
bailed out so anyway combat like button i'm adam
meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe to this
channel like this video share this video do check out the notes section below
I'll see you later I'll talk to you in the chat bye
Method that improve knee pain someone also don't teach. 大宮 整体 誰も教えてくれなかった膝痛の改善方法2018 - Duration: 6:51.
Hi my name is youhei ozaki. Thanks for watch this video. This video talk about method that improve knee pain someone also don't teach.
This method is born from my experience. My unknown cause knee pain didn't improve by some treatment.
For example injection,rehabilitation,acupuncture,massage. But,knee pain is improved by my noticed method.
That method is to pinching skin. I got healthy knee by that method.
That after,I did continue the study. So I discovered method that improve knee pain quickly more than last time. It is to rubbing bone.
This time,I tell that latest method. I recommend this self care at that before always feel pain.
If you feel pain when climb the stairs or walk,please do this self care soon. ①sit in chair
②make state that stretched the knee ③push the point that feel painful
If you feel the strong painful when push,there is stiff muscle that place. That place cell becoming weak already.
④Please rub bone of point that feel pain. Your blood flow is improve by that.
Your cell also improve by blood flow. If you leave alone stiff muscle,your cell keep pain.
But,this situation is disable in case of fracture etc. You did not do anything,but feel knee pain. This situation relate stiff muscle.
Almost people don't think that do soften the knee joint by massage. That is,this method is enable for almost people.
Person that don't feel knee pain is have soft knee. Knee softness can check by do pinching knee.
The knee skin is stretch a lot. There is margin into knee skin.
Case that have many moisture in knee is exception. To the knee dishes can move a lot is important.
Please do rub the protrusion of knee inside,knee outside. If you felt strong painful when rub bone,there is stiff muscle. Deep stiff muscle can't touch not yet.
I also feel the painful in knee inside. I recommend turn rubbing. Please move self care point little by little.
If you keep leave the painful point when pushed,your body become bad. It is become keep leave state that painful come out easily.
Originally,you had healthy. But,it changed by stiff muscle.
Your knee will be soft little by little. Please check softness of knee skin often.
There is even if to come out painful at next day. Because knee muscle that couldn't move is to can move. Your knee will get healthy some day after.
Please try it. Thanks for watch this video. See you!
遊戲驢子玩任天堂紙箱實驗室 Nintendo Labo 中文字幕cc - Duration: 3:36.
DIVINE 5 TOP 100 LION/VENGE BLUE SPAN DOTA 2 05/06/2018 DAILY STREAM 6AM PST - Duration: 11:03:06.
~"Explicación"/"Explanation"~ (Subtitulos en español/English subtitles) - Duration: 1:21.
You will be asking, "Why you are not uploading videos?".
The reason: There's a girl named Flor, that has the name "Nallely Kun" here in YT.
Well, she started cutting she's hair like me, but everybody was telling me why i cutted my hair like her.
Until that point everything was fine, i mean, that bothered me but even so, i didn't take much importance to that.
After she had a very annoying behavior, this time tried to ignore that completely, and it was. I ignored it.
Time passed, there were problems, but everything was "solved". Everything up to this point was fine.
Suddenly, i realized that she was trying to imitate my drawing styles. That really bothered me.
But still, as always, i let it pass.
And finally she ended up copying since my drawings until my feelings. (In plan how i felt about my appearance and my gender. (?)
So i decided to end that toxic "friendship", because I "warned" her once and she did not care about it.
And i just realized that she changed her name from "THE BOSS" to "Nallely Kun", only to be able to use my previous signature as of her own. (I mean, lmao, she doesn't know anything about honorifics, she lacks culture, lol. (?)
In addition, she drew my stickers and a drawing that my current girlfriend had given her and then she painted them as she wanted and she present some of them as works.
That's why i don't want to upload videos anymore. It's the first time i have "fear" (actually is disgust, lol.) that my drawings are stolen.
So i better block her and then she can't steal anything from me anymore.
Well. That was all. Bi.
Buhari lied to Trump about AK-47 wielding herdsmen - Gov. Ishaku - Duration: 2:16.
The governor of Taraba state, Darius Ishaku, has described President Muhammadu Buhari's claim that Fulani herdsmen don't move around with AK-47 rifles but sticks and machetes as false and misleading, Vanguard reports.
The president had made this claim during his bilateral meeting with the President of the United States, Donald Trump, in Washington DC, last week.
Governor Ishaku said: "It's absolutely wrong for the President to say herdsmen don't move around with guns. I mean, who then kills who? It couldn't have been imaginary that people have been killed with AK-47 in the farmers-herdsmen clashes.
"We simply have to stand up to the truth and do something to stop the killings.
"The current insecurity has put a lot of pressure on our health facilities much more than we anticipated. We already have between 100,000 to 150,000 persons displaced as a result of the clashes.
"Taraba was relatively peaceful before now, and unarguably the safest state in the Northeast. But today, we we are having our own share of the herdsmen problem and that has strained our health systems.
"Which means, we have to do more in the sector by injecting more funds and employing more doctors and specialists.
Meanwhile, we had reported that President Buhari revealed the content of the conversation between him and President Donald Trump of the US in New York.
The US president hosted select African heads of state on Wednesday, September 20, on the side-line of the United Nations General Assembly.
In a post on his official Facebook page, President Buhari revealed that they discussed the US' support for Nigeria especially in the area of corruption and terrorism.
Books / Betty Caterpillar - Duration: 21:09.
Vow of being together forever | Tanishq | Teej Film - Duration: 1:20.
Vow of being together forever | Tanishq | Teej Film
Vow of being together forever | Tanishq | Teej Film
Vow of being together forever | Tanishq | Teej Film
Vow of being together forever | Tanishq | Teej Film
Vow of being together forever | Tanishq | Teej Film
Vow of being together forever | Tanishq | Teej Film
Wakewolf ASL: Deaf furs who will go to BLFC? - Duration: 2:22.
Hello! I am Wakewolf!
Hello! ^_^
I want to discuss about three things.
First topic: ASL gif project.
Second topic: ASL and Silent Suiters at PineFurCon 2018
Third topic: Deaf furries who will go to BLFC?
I will announce who at the end of blog.
Let's keep it as surprise ^_^
Now, I am back to first topic: ASL Gif project.
I had decided after inspired from PineFurCon 2018.
They wanted me to continue. So, I did!
I actually uploaded two or three ASL gif so far.
I hope you guys enjoy them so far!
I will continue uploading in the future.
I talked to few suiters who want to be part of ASL Gif project.
I will put their names in video description.
I will appreciate that ASL gif project get involved with many different fursuiters.
I want you to be involve. I want more signing from you!
I'm overjoyed from it.
Move to second topic: ASL and Silent Suiters at PineFurCon 2018
I heard it went great!
Which inspired me to continue ASL Gif project.
I will interview with Grandpaw TechBurr.
Our interview will be on next blog video.
Third topic: Who will go to BiggestLittleFurCon 2018?
Guess who?
Xusho Wolf and Blue Wizard! They will go to BLFC this year!
Both is deaf and using ASL. Please come and say hello to them!
That's all for tonight!
Do not forget to support ASL Gif project by go to Patreon or subscribe this channel!
Hope you enjoy this video! Bye!
Episode 5 - Duration: 46:53.
Short Status On Mother | Mothers Quotes For Whatsapp Status - Duration: 0:31.
Mother day whatsapp status Video
I ❤ #javascript: The shortest alternative to reverse function in JS? - Duration: 2:51.
Could you reverse an array without resort to a native method Array.reverse()? What's
your shortest code? Can you think of the most efficient code? Let's clear it up.
[Music playing]
Hi, let's talk today about an alternative to Array reverse function in JavaScript. I'm
Anatol and you're watching the Good Parts of the FrontEnd development.
[Music playing]
For the first part of the initial task the conditions are:
Your code should be as short as possible You mustn't use Array.reverse() method
We can reverse an array in different ways.
For example, you can use "for" loop and get the following lines.
Or you can take a "while" loop.
Or even you can twist with "destructuring" operator.
At the very least you can suggest your own solution. Who knows maybe it can be even better?
Recalling XOR operation, take your chance to be a superhero!
Let's appeal to basics, to ECMAScript specification.
If compareFunction is not undefined, it should be a function that accepts two arguments x
and y and returns a negative value if x lower than y, zero if x = y, or a positive value
if x greater than y.
In that case if a return value is positive (or a positive number, but not equal zero)
the array will be reversed. That's exactly what we're looking for.
Therefore, the shortest code will look like the following.
It's only fifteen symbols not counting spaces. You can play around and try to make it even
The second part is really tricky. It depends on your hardware, environment, the moon phase,
etc. :) Nonetheless, I believe your "shortest" code won't be the "fastest" one ;)
To get the most efficient code you can check JSPerf website tests and detect what's the
most efficient approach for your environment.
In my case the native reverse() and sort() functions perform almost two times slower
than "while" and "for" loops. What's about the fastest code in your environment? Leave
your comments down below.
That's it. So easy.
[Music playing]
If you like this video give it "thumbs up", share it with your friends, subscribe to the
channel and watch other episodes.
Thanks for watching and dive deeper.
US Teacher Appreciation Week 2018 Google Doodle - Duration: 1:15.
Today the Search Engine Google is celebrating US Teacher Appreciation Week with Google Doodle
in United States.
Teacher Appreciation Week Begins from today May 7
Teacher Appreciation Week is a national holiday celebrated in United States of America which
takes place in the first full week of May.
This week aims to cast a special spotlight on educators who have and continue to dedicate
their lives to the intellectual and personal development of students across the nation.
Created in partnership with all 55 2018 US State Teachers of the Year, today's Doodle
explores the theme.
In the United States, National Teacher Appreciation Month takes place for the entire month of
May each year, but the majority of the festivities center around the first week of May, which
has officially been dubbed Teacher Appreciation Week.
In celebration of Teachers' Day, it is common for students and parents to bring teachers
Most schools close early.
Happy Teacher's day to the incredible educators who inspire the future change-makers of the
Thanks for Watching
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Queen Holly / The Tooth Fairy - Duration: 21:09.
ណូយ វ៉ាន់ណេត ជម្រើសពិសេស វ៉ុល១២, Noy Vanneth Best Collection Vol 12, Noy Vanneth Old Song Collection - Duration: 46:19.
Noy Vanneth Best Collection Vol 12, Noy Vanneth Old Song Collection
One Semester of German German Love Song - Learn German for Beginners A1/A2 #50 - Deutsch lernen - Duration: 1:43.
Hello, beautiful woman.
What is your name?
I am Hans. I am Hans.
Where do I find the restroom?
What time is it? What time is it?
I like the library.
I live in a house.
I have two bicycles.
Thank you and please.
How old are you?
One moment please.
It's the one semester of German German love song.
My mother is beautiful.
My cat is white.
Excuse me. I am sorry.
one, two, three, four and five
six, seven, eight, nine, ten
No remember how to say "eleven".
Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Sauerkraut and bratwursts.
It's the one semester of German German love song.
3 Rituals Couples Who Are Still Passionate About Each Other Do Daily - Duration: 2:00.
3 Rituals Couples Who Are Still Passionate About Each Other Do Daily
weddings bar and bat mitzvahs and funerals are rituals that make a slowdown and have deeper more profound life experiences they
help us celebrate the good times and heel for the bad times
the rituals I am about to discuss our best done on a daily or at least almost daily basis one
before you get started on your busy day cuddle in dead even if you have a baby who is crying
after you attend to the baby take 30 seconds to a minute or more
to touch and hold your partner
starting your day like this really sets the tone of your intimate relationship
to posit least a few times during your workday to text or call your partner to let them know that you are thinking of them
you can be humorous flirtatious or just plain interested in what is happening in your partner's world
then get back to work if need be
more five ways to save your sex life
when nothing seems to turn you on any more three
at a 10 minute feelings talk every day or evening
during these 10 minutes your focus is on each other's inner experience is rather than each others to do lest this is not a time to make plans
you can do that in the 11th minute if you really need to
these 10 minutes can be used to explore the pain that either person may be experiencing or the pleasant feelings as well
I have helped many couples develop and commit to these rituals that have transformed their relationship
even have also have been stuck for years or decades
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